#Harry & Meghan: a Royal Wedding
the-empress-7 · 2 months
Empress don't forget that article about the ginger brat "reading the riot act" to the Waleses IN THEIR HOME even before the marriage while Rachel just watched with stony silence. Before the marriage. Pregnant Catherine, postpartum Catherine, a newborn, little children, a suicidal James Middleton, royal duties, the stupid wedding preparations and all those dramas the assholes were causing. I have no words!!
And yet, Catherine took flowers to Meghan and apologed for something that was never her fault. All Meghan did was throw the flowers in the trash and slam the door in her face.
Fuck Meghan Markle.
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
“People keep saying that it is a blood diamond but I think she chose the stone out of the collection left from Diana and had it turned into a pinky ring. If it was a blood diamond we would never see her wear it again...like those earrings. She is dumb but not stupid.”
Pinky ring was part of a set of 3 loose emerald cut diamonds she received as a wedding present. She sent them off to celeb jeweller of the moment, Lorraine Schwartz, and had them set. 1 diamond as the pinky ring and the other 2 are a pair of earrings she has worn on/off. They have a detachable black onyx backing (lion king premiere earrings).
The DM started asking questions of its provenance when it featured on the time cover and when she wore it on their wannabe royal visit/tour of NYC. She stopped wearing it (publicly) for a while after that but clearly it’s something she wears frequently - like the Saudi earrings, she doesn’t actually give a crap about provenance and diplomacy and now she’s technically a “private citizen” she doesn’t even have to pretend to remotely care about any of that anymore.
The Middle East, which consists of many countries...unlike the earrings which were a gift directly from MBS.
On her right hand is another, larger diamond pinky ring; as Page Six Style revealed in October, celebrity jeweler Lorraine Schwartz fashioned the piece out of a gift of diamonds that the couple received from the Middle East.
Multiple sources have confirmed to us that the gift initially arrived for Harry, but that the Duke of Sussex then gave it to his wife, who turned to Schwartz to rework them.
Also, with all do respect, there are a lot of details missing in this article.
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dreamofstarlight · 2 years
I just remembered what reigning royals wedding MC wore the other dress to. It was Princess Madeleine’s of Sweden wedding. Her dress was an icy blue (according to MC in a blog post about wedding etiquette (ironic), but the blog I linked below says it was white) that looked very white. But something I also forgot was that she had it custom made by Valentino and the wedding dress Madeleine wore was also Valentino. Which could just be a coincidence since Valentino works with MC a lot, but it just seems a bit too much.
Link: https://ufonomore.com/blog/2017/6/27/crown-princess-marie-chantal-at-princess-madeleines-wedding?format=amp
And another that mentions her blog post: https://royalcentral.co.uk/europe/greece/crown-princess-marie-chantal-of-greece-shares-wedding-etiquette-tips-125580/
With a dress that light the lighting really does effect how the color looks. Another example is Kate's dress at Harry and Meghan's wedding, it was a light yellow but because it was really bright and sunny that day it looked closer to an off-white. Also, it was the same style to the white dress she wore to Charlotte's christening. MC's dress does look light blue/silver. I feel like if you have to question if it's too close to white, it's probably too close. It's not like MC is strapped for cash and doesn't have brands like Valentino at her disposal.
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suzannemsabol · 6 years
It’s Friday and I have today and tomorrow left at #RT18. I’m not going to lie, I’m exhausted from all the interactions. This introvert hid most of the day yesterday to recover. I’m going to be honest with you. At some point, I was in my room writing, watching Say Yes To the Dress and getting all teary-eyed. I’m only mildly ashamed about that.
Since Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are getting married at an ungodly hour tomorrow, I thought it was a good time to revisit the craptastic Lifetime Original Movie, Harry & Meghan: A Royal Wedding.
I’m not joking, it was amazingly craptastic in both good ways (like when they suggested the Late Princess Diana was secretly watching over Harry in the guise of a male lion in Botswana. That’s right! You read that right.) and horrible, uncomfortable ways (like when they made Kate Middleton mildly racist and kinda bitchy).
Everyone, post airing, was saying that the casting was amazing and that they couldn’t believe how much this woman looked like Meghan Markle. All I can ask is, have these people ever actually seen MM? That’s what I’m calling her now for efficiency’s sake. It took me most of the movie to figure out what bothered me about her and it finally struck me. It was like someone put another face over Eva Longoria and let her walk around.
You’re welcome! Unsee that one. It wasn’t only that she looked more like Eva Longoria than MM but her mannerisms and the way she spoke just ticked at the back of my head and that’s what really pushed it over the edge for me.
Then there was the way they portrayed Kate Middleton. Not only did they hint of racism but that she was some kind of ogre in their marriage and had William cowering in the corner. Seriously? I have to believe that Prince William has more backbone than what they gave him.
Okay, let’s get to the elephant. ahem, I mean lion in the room. I get that this is a lifetime movie, I really do, however – do you really expect me to believe that Diana is using a lion to direct her son’s life? Really? No, seriously, is this a trope you actually want me to buy into? Cause . . . no. That’s just stupid.
I thought maybe I would watch it again to get a better understanding before writing this blog but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. It was too much stupid to sit through a two and a half hour movie again.
In case you’re wondering, I won’t be watching the wedding. I’ll catch the highlights. That thing is on at 4am EST and I’m currently in Mountain time. Hells no! Although, I was up until after midnight last night, at that point, it’s just staying up instead of getting up so who knows.
There’s a Lion in Our Camp! It's Friday and I have today and tomorrow left at #RT18. I'm not going to lie, I'm exhausted from all the interactions.
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Duke and Duchess of Sussex
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crownprincesses · 7 years
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I: ‘What was it like to introduce Meghan to your father and brother?’
Prince Harry and his fiancèe Meghan Markle talking about the support from Harry’s family - especially from the Duchess of Cambridge - during their engagement interview. 
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formerlyroyal · 4 years
Why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are still using their royal monogram
"The reason behind this appears to be because Harry is the son of an heir apparent, in line with the announcement after his and Meghan's wedding."
After the couple's wedding in May 2018, a coat of arms was created for the Duchess and she was assigned a coronet. As explained in a statement from the royal household at the time: "A coronet has also been assigned to The Duchess of Sussex. It is the coronet laid down by a Royal Warrant of 1917 for the sons and daughters of the heir apparent. It is composed of two crosses patée, four fleurs-de-lys and two strawberry leaves."
The coronet used by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is the same as that of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, as both William and Harry are the sons of an heir apparent, Prince Charles.
Among the details of the Sussexes' agreement with the Queen and the royal family outlined in January were their HRH styles. While Harry and Meghan formally retain their HRH styles, they no longer actively use them. In a statement at the time, Her Majesty also said: "Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved members of my family."
As some Twitter users have pointed out, Sarah, Duchess of York and the late Diana, Princess of Wales, continued to use their coronets in their monograms after their divorces, despite actually losing their HRH style."
Super morons sent out PR piece defending their usage of the crown with their monogram. Those highlighted sections were taken directly from the article,  such snobbery! I'm fuming
Yep, I hear ya? They want all the perks for no work. A**holes.
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Burger King launches themed sandwich to honor Harry and Meghan's royal wedding
Burger King launches themed sandwich to honor Harry and Meghan's royal wedding
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Burger King has launched its own royal wedding-themed snack to tie in with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s nuptials on Saturday.
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The fast-food chain has released a new limited edition sandwich that inclu… Business
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Harry and Meghan's baby Archie christened at Windsor
 Published 06 July 2019 | BBC | Posted July 6, 2019 |
The son of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex has been christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury in a private ceremony.
Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor was baptised in front of close family and friends in the private chapel at Windsor Castle on Saturday.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended but were not thought to have their children with them.
The Queen did not attend due to a prior engagement.
Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were reported to have arrived at the ceremony by helicopter and Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, also attended.
A full list of the 25 guests has not been made public, but Lady Jane Fellowes and Lady Sarah McCorquodale - the sisters of Prince Harry's mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales - were pictured in an official photograph taken at the christening.
A Royal Communications spokesperson said: "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are overjoyed to share the happiness of this day, and would like to thank everyone around the world for their ongoing support.
"They feel so fortunate to have enjoyed this special moment with family and Archie's godparents."
What do we know about Archie's christening?
The royal couple opted to exclude the press and the public from the day and chose not to reveal the names of Archie's godparents
Instead of having press photographers, fashion photographer Chris Allerton - who took their wedding photos - captured the special moment, with two pictures released to the public and posted on the couple's Instagram account.
Mr Allerton said he was "honoured" to take the official photographs and "be part of such a joyous occasion".
Prince Harry and Meghan did follow some royal traditions, however.
Archie wore a handmade replica of the royal christening robe which was made for Queen Victoria's eldest daughter.
The robe, which has been worn by royal infants on the occasion of their christening for the last 11 years, was made by Angela Kelly, dressmaker to the Queen.
The ornate Lily Font, commissioned by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert for the baptism of their first child Victoria, Princess Royal, in 1841, was also used - as was water from the River Jordan.
Members of the St George's Chapel Choir performed at the ceremony.
Those hoping for more than a glimpse of the royal christening today will have been disappointed.
There was no television coverage, nor have press photographers been invited.
Normally a list of godparents would be released, but this time, says the palace, in keeping with the wishes of those chosen by Harry and Meghan, their names will be kept private.
It all points to a very different royal event, part of the continuing desire by the Duke and Duchess to raise their son Archie out of the spotlight.
Coming so swiftly after the revelation that almost £2.5m of taxpayers' money was spent renovating a property for Harry and Meghan - it has led to questions about visibility.
The previous understandings about public access to royal events appear to have been abandoned by a couple determined to do things their own way.
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One Week of Sparkle Madness...
Geez, I duck out for one measly week expecting to miss a mediocre engagement and it turns out I missed out on a ton of drama. I’m pretty obsessive about this blog, so here’s  a list of every I missed.
First, the godawful pink trench coat she wore to the Mandela exhibit. It’s as if the pre-wedding bathrobe style and the post-wedding Givenchy pink had a fug baby. At first I thought this was a recycle, but noooooooo. Apparently, she has two of these atrocities.
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We now have a good handle on Meghan’s “style,” so I can start dong Joe Bob Briggs ratings on these appearances. One fembot nipple, one messy bun, one bathrobe fug, plus putrid pink, slut strands, Birks merching, and tentacle hands. That’s a 7.0 on the Markle awfulness scale.
It’s also a 10 pointer on the merching scale because Jessica got press out of it.
People heroically tried to spin this as a “rewear from her own closet,” but the brand thanked Jess personally on their Insta, so the cat was pretty much out of the bag already.
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Then daddy went back to the press (he had a Sun interview on the Sunday before my hiatus) because he knew Meghan wouldn’t call him for his birthday.
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The Daily Mail then republished a ton of Tig pics from one of Meghan’s old trips.
Then Samantha chimed in on Twitter.
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People Magazine photoshopped her black dress as blue. Dior must be livid right now. They specifically sent out a press release saying the dress was black.
This is now the second time that her clothes have been photoshopped. KP had to do it to get her fugly baby poop dress to blend in on the christening pics. This is now routine for her. You know you’re bad at picking outfits when everyone keeps having to photoshop the color of your clothes.
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Then a Meghan “friend” (*cough* rhymes with Meghan *cough*) went to the DM to say that Daddy’s heart attack was fracked. No shit, Sherlock. We all knew that.
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Now I find those “all made up” an “if he were truly sick Meghan would have made an effort to visit him” statements really interesting because Meghan 100% validated Thomas’ heart attack with her infamous  “always cared for my father” statement.
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The one who got a lot of sympathy out of the heart attack was actually Meghan,  not Tom. Now the question is whether Thomas is smart enough to disclose that Meghan asked him to fake the heart attack.
Meghan has done zip-oh on the charity front so People recycled her 4-yr-old Ice Bucket Challenge to brush up her charity credentials. FOUR YEARS AGO.
Paul Burrell (of all people!) is upset that the palace can’t contain the Thomas situation. He appeared on Channel 5 telling Meghan to talk to her dad and shut this down. 
This woman is making Paul Burrell sound sane, for Pete’s sake.
US Weekly got the scoop on Meghan’s US tour and the cover asks whether her dad is on the tour list.
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They then disclosed that she will take a solo US vacay (they love their solo trips these two) to visit “family and friends.” The question again is, is her dad on the list?
The “solo trip,” in any case, did not include a solo visit to dear old dad. Thomas celebrated his birthday alone at McDonalds. Well, almost alone. The paps were there too.
Kudos to the DM for the epic headline “Fancy a McRoyale?” Brilliant job.
CDAN thinks there’s something fishy about that US trip.
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More Meghan sources are talking to the DM. Meghan “lives in fear” and Doria is the one telling her to ignore it and focus on her new life.
But according to US Weekly, the palace is keeping her from approaching her father.
Meghan is supposedly getting a THIRD insanely expensive couture black tux and Harry hates the idea. The Stella tux would join the McQueen tux and the Givenchy tux in Meghan’s rapidly growing designer tux collection. 
KP actually denied this to The Sun.
Meghan’s future sister-in-law got arrested for assault.
And Sam is back on Good Morning Britain babbling. 
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There have also been a lot of low-level “diva behavior,” “not getting along with Kate,” and “miserable at the palace” stories. The KP interns have been busy bees about them, as there are several Gossip Cop debunkings out there.
There you go. That’s one week of Markle coverage. ONE WEEK. I’m exhausted and I wasn’t even here for it. Cheesus, her family gave TWO television interviews this week. They even had an arrest.
These guys are not going away. They are also overshadowing pretty much everything the Sussexes are doing.  Harry in the Netherlands doing an AIDS conference with pretty much zero coverage and Samanta is speaking with Good Morning America. Says it all.
This is such a circus. It was only one week and we had two interviews from her family, a Twitter rant, a leak from a Meghan friend, a denial from KP, a drug rumor on CDAN, a family arrest...It was ONE WEEK!!!!! 
(I’m not counting Thomas’ first Sun interview, which was printed the Sunday before my blog hiatus.)
In contrast, Will and Kate received the “new to us” picture of George for his fifth birthday with zero drama. The Cambridges are apparently on a Mustique holiday with the Middletons because, you know, they actually get along with Kate’s family.  Oh, and Kate dropped George off at school hours after giving birth, No biggie.
Right now theres a sharp contrast between the Cambridges and the Sussexes. One couple has a perfect family life and the other is a complete mess. Oh, I almost forgot, we also got an article about Harry’s mental breakdown and Meghan’s motherliness.
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jerseydeanne · 6 years
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The world loves Meghan Markle, but there is only one Meghan Markle to go around, and, as of late, she hasn’t been going around much. Aside from attending the wedding of an old chum of Prince Harry’s, the Duchess of Sussex has kept a pretty low profile all month. While there have been some reports that staying out of the public eye may be a strategic reaction to the drama and paid-interview nonsense her father continues to spew, it also happens to be August. There’s just not a lot a going on. Indeed, the entire British monarchy has been keeping pretty quiet this month, which isn’t a surprise. Queen Elizabeth II herself traditionally takes most of the entire month off to spend time at Balmoral, the Crown’s Scottish estate.
So, Markle has likely been taking time to relax as well after her whirlwind year, but, as it turns out, the Markle-obsessed press is still hot on her trail. They’re just not sure exactly where she is.
Rumors of a solo trip back to North America have been percolating for some time, so it didn’t seem that surprising when the British website Royal Central “exclusively” reported that Markle was flying back to Toronto on a commercial aircraft this weekend sans her new husband (Markle lived in Toronto while she was still on Suits and has close friends there). Several other outlets ran the rumor, but then several other royal reporters for better-known outlets claimed that not only was Markle not in Canada, she has no plans to go there anytime soon.
“Reports that HRH The #DuchessofSussex #MeghanMarkle is in Canada are inaccurate. She is not currently in Toronto.” - by Carolyn Durand (twitter.com)
So much for all of that then. But if not in Canada, where is the duchess?
Well, Us Weekly has come along to report that Markle not only spent the weekend with Harry but that the two were actually relaxing in Lake Como, Italy, along with George and Amal Clooney, of all people.
“The Clooneys had personally invited Meghan and Harry to their home at the beginning of the summer with an open invitation,” reports their source. “George and Amal were so happy to host Meghan and Harry. Harry and George have a special bond and friendship.”
The report continues that the royal couple landed in Italy last Thursday and then spent three days with the International Human Rights lawyer and her show-business husband.
This is not completely unbelievable. The Clooneys did, after all, make the tightly controlled guest list to the royal wedding last May. One would only assume that there is some sort of actual friendship there. Aside from Harry and George’s “special bond and friendship,” there’s also reports that Amal has helped Markle ease into life in the British spotlight.
English royals vacationing with Hollywood celebs and other VIPs is not actually unheard of. Princess Beatrice of York jetted off to Jordan this spring with a celebrity contingent that included Karlie Kloss, Elle Goulding, and Misha Nonoo.
Of course, at the rate this is going, it could turn out that Markle just spent the weekend at home cleaning out her closet or something. **** The last paragraph is beautiful!
Source: wmagazine.com https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wmagazine.com/story/meghan-markle-toronto-trip-george-clooney-italy-home/amp
Don’t believe any of it, Markle love to play this game! MM did this to us in December 2016. It’s exhausting while she sits back laughing with a friend watching you go nuts. MM gets off on that. I was not going to play the game this time. Started off with Dad, now this, don��t play the game.   
Thank you, Heaven,🌹🌹🌹🌹
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olivieblake · 6 years
so apparently prince harry’s bestfriend got married during meghan’s bday and now all i can think of is nottgrass getting married in TCG bec dracodore bromance and the story spans 8 yrs right and that’s like their whole lives and omg i’m just so excited???? i’ve basically replaced the british royals with the TCG royals like wow you’re taking over my life olivie
I KNOW meghan and I both spent our birthdays at weddings for other people (mine was actually an elopement ceremony which is much more intimate but I wore jeans so, she wins I guess) so the duchess is welcome to join me for brunch at any time given how much we obviously have in common
and lol 8 years yes THEIR ENTIRE LIVES you’re so right. I’m pretty amped actually. we’ll hit fast forward at a few points, but yeah, we’re in for a bit of time. thank you for your life I love it, it’s just what I wanted!
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Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
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crownprincesses · 7 years
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William & Catherine 2010 || Harry & Meghan 2017
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formerlyroyal · 4 years
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will ‘never get privacy they crave’
"Meghan Misunderstood is set to be released in November and promises to “set the record straight on the most talked about, unfairly vilified and misrepresented woman in the world”.
Promotional material for the book says Meghan had an “extraordinarily accomplished life” before she met Prince Harry.
It describes their royal wedding as a “joyful occasion”, and adds: “Theirs was a story that the screenwriters of Hollywood – where Meghan had made her name – could scarcely have imagined.”
But it says the “rom-com fantasy” turned into a “disturbing drama”.
The promotional material adds that the author “pulls no punches as he reveals the remarkable and powerful story of this self-made, intelligent American woman with a strong social conscience who has made such an impact on our lives”.
She craves attention not privacy! And " made such an impact on our lives"..? 🤔
Gawd, why is she writing so many books? This is bizarre.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
OK, February 10
Cover: At Home With New Mom Cameron Diaz and the Story Behind the Name Raddix 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- In Paris for Haute Couture Week Kaia Gerber closed Givenchy’s show in a wedding gown and matching veil 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Happy and healthy and hard at work Demi Lovato is all set for her return to the spotlight 
Page 6: Varsity Blues Bombshells -- an explosive documentary about the college admissions scam sheds new light on the scandal that rocked Hollywood 
Page 8: Tarek El Moussa’s daughter Taylor is pushing him to propose to Heather Rae Young, Kate Hudson’s gearing up to spill her diet and workout secrets in a tell-all, amid reports that Fox is in preliminary talks for a revival of 24 Kiefer Sutherland will only do it for $60 million for one season 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet  -- Screen Actors Guild awards -- Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Lupita Nyong’o 
Page 11: Lili Reinhart, Michelle Williams 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Clemence Poesy vs. Thandie Newton 
Page 13: Gwyneth Paltrow vs. Jasmine Tookes 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Duchess Kate Middleton at Ely & Caerau Children’s Centre 
Page 15: Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton, as part of the Greenpeace Campaign Gustaf Skarsgard and Marion Cotillard trekked to Trinity Island
Page 16: SAG Awards -- Jane Lynch, Jamie Foxx and daughter Corinne, Reese Witherspoon and Meryl Streep
Page 17: The cast of Stranger Things -- Cara Buono and Finn Wolfhard and Noah Schnapp and Millie Bobby Brown and Priah Ferguson and Gaten Matarazzo, Helena Bonham Carter, Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro 
Page 18: The stars of A Soldier’s Play -- Jerry O’Connell and David Alan Grier and Nnamdi Asomugha and Blair Underwood, Liv Tyler, Candace Cameron Bure shows off her latest children’s book on GMA 
Page 20: Brody Jenner at the opening of S Bar, Matthew McConaughey meets some of the child stars of Cirque du Soleil’s Beatles show Love, Jennie Garth
Page 21: Dolitte costars Harry Collett and Robert Downey Jr. autograph a vibrant statue
Page 22: Karolina Kurkova at Sean Penn’s annual Core gala, Channing Tatum amped up in the crowd at the Magic Mike Live premiere in Berlin, Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda filled in as guest hosts on Ellen with their Grace and Frankie costars Sam Waterston and Martin Sheen as guests 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Britney Spears’ stunning villa 
Page 26: Channing Tatum and Charlize Theron dating 
Page 27: Liam Hemsworth’s loves ones are happy to see him put the drama with ex-wife Miley Cyrus in the past but they’re equally concerned that his new romance with Gabriella Brooks is just a distraction for his heartache and he should just be single for a while but he’s not listening, Chris Pratt’s time-consuming new project The Tomorrow War has put a damper on his marriage to Katherine Schwarzenegger, after nine months of dating Florence Pugh and Zach Braff have decided to live together
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Page 28: Hours after photos were published of Jesse Metcalfe cozying up to multiple women it was announced that he and his partner of 13 years Cara Santana had called it quits, it’s been two months since Justin Timberlake was caught holding hands with Alisha Wainwright but Jessica Biel is still reeling over his actions, Baby Boom -- Ashley Graham and Justin Ervin, DJ Khaled and Nicole Tuck, Christina Milian and Matt Pokora, Bar Refaeli and Adi Ezra 
Page 29: Now that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have relinquished their royal duties Meghan is taking advantage of their newfound freedom by revamping Harry’s look so he looks the part of a Hollywood husband 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Cameron Diaz’s baby joy 
Page 34: Pink Comes Clean -- the pop star is opening up about fame, family and those early-aughts feuds 
Page 38: 10 most Epic Super Bowl Halftime Shows of all time
Page 42: Nicole Scherzinger’s body secrets -- she dishes on overcoming her insecurities and adopting a healthy approach to fitness 
Page 46: Style Week -- How Charlize Theron’s hairstylist Adir Abergel got the $15,500 Tiffany bracelet down the part of her hair for the SAG Awards 
Page 49: Color of the Year -- Classic Blue -- Jordana Brewster 
Page 50: Style -- Romantic ruffles and soft colors and feminine florals -- Sophie Turner 
Page 52: Game On -- Maria Menounos and Ciara 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A -- Jade Catta-Preta 
Page 58: Buzz -- Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s touchy reunion at the SAG Awards sent these celebs into a frenzy -- Brittany Cartwright, Rumer Willis, Ellie Kemper, Jerry O’Connell, Hilary Duff, Jamie Lynn Spears 
Page 60: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Kelly Ripa quit drinking around the time Ryan Seacrest became her cohost, Rihanna rebounding with A$AP Rocky and Drake, NeNe Leakes is quitting RHOA, Pamela Anderson and Jon Peters secretly wed in Malibu, Jamie Foxx’s parents divorced 25 years ago but they both live with him, Sound Bites -- Ken Jeong, Sarah Hyland, Emilia Clarke, Claire Danes 
Page 62: Aquarius -- Harry Styles 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Joshua Jackson
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