#Harry chose to name his son after Snape because Ginny wanted Neville to be the godfather and Snape hated Neville
thegirlwhowrites642 · 6 months
An unpopular hinny opinion?
You know what's funny? I have like fifty different takes I could give you, but I'm going to go with something that's been living rent free in my head since I wrote Harry and Ginny's reunion.
I believe in the first months after the war, Harry wouldn't be particularly fond of Ginny's friendship with Neville, I believe he would be jealous (not because he would actually have anything to worry about of course). I don't think it's something that would ever become a problem, but if during those months someone had asked Harry if he wanted to hex Neville, he would've waited a second before saying "no".
But this opinion of mine is based on what?
Neville, like Luna, has always been closer to Ginny than Harry, this is not a mystery. I've always found very telling for example how in OotP, Neville and Luna get involved in the Ministry business because of Ginny, in contrast, Ron and Hermione get involved because of Harry. Harry goes because of Sirius, and Ginny underlines how she wants to go because of Sirius. It's a very significant moment that defines the dynamics we'll see again in DH.
Neville's closeness to Ginny is also remarked by Ginny being the one reminding James to say "hi" to Neville in the epilogue.
The thing is though: while Neville and Ginny are friends, they aren't close enough in the first six books to justify Neville being Albus' godfather. So, of course, the experience that would explain Neville being appointed that role is Neville and Ginny's year leading the rebellion at Hogwarts (also in the perspective that an epilogue should be justified by the previously told story). This means that Harry left Ginny and Neville's relationship before the hunt as a good friendship and came back to a much closer bond. From Harry's perspective, it's a bit like it happened in a second. In a way, to him, it's unjustified, and therefore on some level menacing.
Now, this is the premise, but there are other elements.
Neville had already been once a potential love interest for Ginny: when they went to the Yule Ball together. A date for Ginny that was carefully chosen by the author to not trigger any reviling feelings for Ginny in Harry. Neville at the time was someone Harry considered a loser, in no way a potential threat. And yet even back then, Harry's first worry, after he started dancing, was making sure Ginny was having a terrible time with Neville (lol). [I'm not saying Harry was in love with Ginny, but the first two books already establish a subconscious attraction towards Ginny]
After the war though, Neville is a war hero, and someone Harry has already recognised as valuable.
Plus, the idea that Neville was smart enough to ask Ginny to be his date goes to touch one of Harry's great regrets: not having noticed Ginny earlier.
With this am I saying that Harry doubts Ginny's love for him? No.
But the immediate post-war period is a very emotionally fragile one.
The simple fact that Neville and Ginny were involved in a dangerous situation together at Hogwarts is already potentially quite annoying to Harry. Not only is Harry used to being involved in anything dangerous that happens at Hogwarts, and not being part of this one thing would increase a sense of exclusion, but once Harry makes his peace with how in danger Ginny was during the war, the fact that Neville was there to protect her and he wasn't would annoy the hell out of him (he would also be grateful to Neville but that comes later). Harry's one priority in life is Ginny's safety and it's also a way in which he channels his love for her. I know it's a bit of a toxic male take, but I do think realistically Harry would live Neville's ability to be there for Ginny as a sort of "invasion of territory", protecting Ginny is his thing, during the war, it was the only way he had left to love her. The breakup is after all Harry's way of brainwashing himself into thinking that will keep Ginny safe.
Again, Harry would be aware that Ginny doesn't have romantic feelings for Neville, but sometimes a bit of jealousy can't be helped. Harry is possessive of Ginny, not in a toxic way, but let's put it this way: he's definitely on the spectrum's opposite side of a person who would want an open relationship.
I'm also quite sure that Ginny being someone any breathing creature drools after doesn't help to convince Harry Neville does not have feelings for her.
To summarise, the factors that would feed into Harry's jealousy would be a sense of inadequacy and a sense of exclusion from Ginny's life that he already displays in the sixth book. What originally started to trigger Harry's feelings for Ginny was the annoyance of not being a constant part of her life and the worry she was choosing someone else over him after years of subconsciously taking for granted she would never do that (any possible love interest of Ginny is never shown in a good romantic dynamic with Ginny until Dean, until Harry can be jealous because the story is ready for him to be).
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weasleylovers · 4 years
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Hey guys! I’m posting this for anyone who writes Fred Weasley imagines (Fred Weasley x reader)! I have a lot of ideas and since I’m not a writer, I’ll be posting them on here and ANYONE is welcome to take these ideas and write them. Please do! And tag me please, I want to read them!
- most of these will be after the war imagines and Fred lives because he shouldn’t have died! I said it! He shouldn’t of!
- a imagine about Fred leaving the wizarding world after almost dying during the war and meeting a muggle (reader) at a bookstore. But plot twist, she turns out to be Hermione’s sister who don’t get along. Maybe they don’t get along because Hermione stoped talking to her once she became a witch and the reader being her big sister felt alone and sad. And maybe we see them rekindle their relationship. (After the war)
-being Cedric’s twin sister (or younger sister) and naming your first born boy after your late brother with Fred Weasley (after the war)
- one about Fred likening the reader but gets jealous when she’s with Cedric but he doesn’t know there really brother and sister. Twins. (During 5th or 6th year)
- Fred trying to do the Im breaking up with you because I’m not in love anymore. And you overhear him yell goerge so you get him back but doing the “I’m in love your Ron.” Joke. Jealous, crying Fred who begs you to give him another chance and he’ll treat you better then Ron. (During 5th or 6th year)
- doing the I kissed another girl prank, and reader crying a lot, but she knows it’s a joke cause Harry and Ron tell her and reader gets him back by saying, I cheated on you to prank. (During 5th or 6th year)
-  George getting a new girlfriend who still can’t tell  apart the twins and kisses Fred who is reads fiancé. And reader sees and thinks Fred doesn’t love her anymore so she leaves. But she doesn’t see Fred pushing off George’s girlfriend. And saying, he has a wife. And Fred looks for her and finds her crying somewhere. Cute ending where there happy. (After the war)
- or Fred dating Harry Potter twin sister who looks like lily. And is snapes favorite student and is always so nice to her and always protecting her. Maybe them walking around at night and Snape catches them but let’s them go because reader looks really excited and happy for the date. (During 5th or 6th year)
- another one could be muggle/Dursley/Harry’s cousin reader, but when Fred meets her he doesn’t know. And they fall in love. But when it’s time how will she react when she finds out Harry is Fred’s brother in law. And she wasn’t even invited to the wedding. Maybe Harry and reader where really close as children because she always protected him and treated him like a brother. And he forgots about her. Cute ending. (After the war)
- one about Fred being in love with the reader who is the Trio’s best friend since first year. And now there way older, the war is over and they feelings for each other are out. But Ron (who sees her like a sister, his twin sister because maybe they have the same birthday) is upset because if they were to break up, he would have to chose a side. And he loves them both, he doesn’t want them to get hurt. Happy cute ending tho! (After the war)
- something eles could he Fred having a son he doesn’t know about, but he gets sick and needs Fred’s blood, the reader needs to find Fred and ask for blood and tell him. Maybe you can fast forward a couple years where there a real family. And love each other deeply. (After the war)
- maybe on about reader and George secretly trying to date when Fred and Angeline are together. Back in hogwarts. But it doesn’t work out. And after the war it’s Ron’s birthday and they play truth or dare and Ron says, “remember when we caught reader and George kissing in the common room” or something like that. And Fred who’s the reader fiancé and Angeline who is George is girlfriend are both shocked and mad. But of course reader and George get upset to, and reader says, “well you two can’t say anything because you knew I liked Fred Angeline and you Fred can’t talk because I’m not...to upset you dated my best friend.” Both Fred and reader get  insecure but everything works out in the end because they were meant to be. Cute lovely ending (After the war)
-   (warning this one can be sad! Please don’t do unless you’re comfortable with the topic) your kids and Fred pulling a prank on you so you get them back by saying your done and your leaving without them. And tell them you never want to see them again. (Like walking out) and then all the kids crying and telling you they love you. Cute ending! (After the war)
- taking you kids to platform 9 3/4 and being really emotional to let them go but Fred tells you, I’ll be okay. Maybe them being afraid to let you go as well because they don’t want to be without you. Cute family moment. (After the war) 
- Fred and reader being married! And the reader is a couple months pregnant and they find an  abandon baby outside late while closing the shop. And they get attached to it and  adopt apout it. Happy ending! (After the war)
- reader being a single mother to a three year old son and dating Fred. And Fred is the perfect father to a son that isn’t his. Maybe you can fast forward some years where Fred officially adopts son as his own. And reader is so happy. (After the war)
- reader and Fred being married but a new  employee getting to close to Fred which upsets the reader and makes Fred uncomfortable. But she’s a good businesswoman so they don’t fire her. But things go to far when she threatens the reader and says Fred will be hers sooner or later. Fred and George overhear this and fire her  immediately and we see a overprotective and loving husband Fred take action! (After the war)
- Fred dating Draco Malfoy’s twin sister and Narcisa and Lucis accept it because they’ve never seen the reader so happy. Maybe we can see all the Weasley warm up to her and Draco who is the readers best friend not just her older twin brother warm up to Fred. (After the war)
- one about the reader being Fred’s best friend but when he gets with angelina and says, “she’s like a sister.”, she can’t take the pain and moves schools. Years later, they see her again but she’s changed in a good way. Maybe George is getting married to Angeline but Angeline can’t help but feel jealous who George acts with the reader (who he only sees as a sister) but it doesn’t look that way. And Fred was in love with her before she left, but thought she loved George so he got with Angeline which was dumb. and they find out there. Cute ending where they get together!  bonus where they end up getting married years later. (After the war)
- being the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy is revealed after the war and was a death Eater to protect her younger half brother. Plot twist is she saved Fred from the wall and Fred had a huge crush on her in hogwarts. Happy ending! (After the war)
- Fred liking an older reader, maybe she’s Charlie’s age and is friends with him. But things happen and they end up liking each other. And she’s worried about what his family will think cause she older. Fred loving her so much, and doesn’t care. (After the war)
- Fred telling his twin daughter how he meet their mother (the reader) and how he fall in love with her. A bedtime story. (After the war)
- being ginnys best friend and dating Fred without her knowing because you don’t want to upset her. Maybe she finds out after trying to set reader up with someone and Fred gets really jealous. (After the war)
-  pretending to be Charlie Weasley fake girlfriend for a family dinner so Molly will stop  setting him. But have a special connection with Fred, maybe things happen and Fred falls in love with her. And feels so bad because she’s his older brothers girlfriend but they both tell him it was a act and they kiss :))) that would be so cute! (After the war)
- being Fred’s ex-girlfriend after he breaks up with you to keep you safe. And you parents want you to get married and since you don’t have Fred, you agree to the arrangement wedding and Fred shows up and stops it. Asking for you to no choice him and that he’s still in love with you! Happy ending! (After the war)
- being Snape’s daughter and falling in love with Fred, maybe it’s your wedding day. But you dad died during the war and it hurts to think about him not walking you down the aisle. And being really emotion. Cute fluff ending with Fred telling you I’d be okay and that he loves you so much. Maybe even asking George to walk you down the aide for your father. (After the war)
- Fred Weasley imagine where he finds a cat animagus and he takes a liking in it. Maybe she’s hurt and he helps her, but she’s stuck somehow. And he’s with her all day, then later during dinner, she falls asleep on his lap, and suddenly she turns back into a person but she’s asleep in Fred’s lap, and everyone’s shocked to see who it is. it’s Draco Malfoy’s best friend who’s in slytherin. Maybe Fred’s always had a crush on her and she likes him back. (During 5th or 6th year)
-Fred Weasley imagine where the reader is a neville Longbottom older sister but she never went to Hogwards so after the war when the Weasley see Neville there all shocked to see he had a beautiful sister, they never knew about. (After the war)
- that’s it for now!
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mwokozi369 · 4 years
Things I would change if I could in the Harry Potter series:
Hermione gets together with Viktor Krum because honestly Viktor Krum was a great guy and he loved Hermione. In the Goblet of Fire in the Tri-Wizard Torment Hermione is said to be Viktor Krum’s most loved person and he saves her quickly. He honestly loved Hermione even though he comes from a very pure-blood loyal school and has all these things going for him but he choses to be somewhat humble and is a funny, great guy who Hermione deserves. Her a Muggle-Born and the famous Viktor Krum who comes from a school that doesn’t allow Muggle-Borns to attend and is the star of the school no-less would make it more powerful if they got together instead of her and Ron and Viktor is more her type unlike her and Ron which have no chemistry and JK Rowling even admitted they had no real chemistry and only got together because she wanted them to. Honestly Viktor Krum didn’t deserve to be pushed to the side like he was in the books. He truly loved and cared for Hermione and he’s overall a better man for Hermione than Ron. I would also love to see how it would affect everyone who is anti-Muggle seeing such a prominent, successful, and influential man like Viktor Krum with a Muggle-Born.
Harry and Ginny’s kids names:
Instead of naming your sons after two horrible people how about naming them after the men that loved you and wanted the best for you? Maybe like Hagrid, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black? And how about naming your daughter after you mother and Nymphadora Tonks who also cared for you?
Maybe name them:
Lily Nymphadora Potter
Hagrid Remus Potter
Alastor(Or Cedric) Sirius Potter
I just feel like the people who died for you and cared, protected, and loved you should be the ones you name your kids after instead of a man who hated the sight of you and abused you along with a man that used you and “raised you as a pig for slaughter?” Or if you don’t think Alastor Moody has a big enough role in Harry’s life to name his son after him then maybe name him Cedric, a boy who died so young and was a strong, hardworking, and loyal friend who could have betrayed Harry or used him but didn’t.
More insight in the future:
I honestly would loved more insight in the life of the main characters after being all grown up. I’m not including The Cursed Child but it did prove some of my head cannons right like Hermione becoming the youngest minister and I might hate it but the author said it’s cannon, sadly. I just would love to read more about Harry and the other main characters’ lives after the series and how they are dealing with everything, like if any had PTSD. I also would love to see Harry with Teddy Lupin and trying to be a good Godfather. Teddy lost both his parents at such a young age just like Harry did. I feel like Harry would see himself in Teddy and would love to read more on their relationship. Remus Lupin was one of James Potter’s closest friends and helped Harry so much in the series and I would honestly love to see Harry try and be like Sirius and even get torn up about his Godfather’s death all that time ago.
Also I would love to read about Luna’s life after the books and her adventures but that’s probably just me because I love Luna and she’s like the only Ravenclaw we have as a protagonist and as a Ravenclaw she’s all I have to read involving my house. Maybe we can also get to read more about the other character’s lives in the future like Neville’s life in the future.
More insight in the past:
I honestly would love to read about Lord Voldemort’s time in school, Dumbledore’s life, the founders of Hogwart’s strories, and especially more on Lily Potter’s, Snape’s and Marauders stories.
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
My Harry Potter headcanons
Harry Potter is Bi 
Harry’s scar was growing every year. Grows from a tiny lightning bolt, to a storm overtaking his face. Only after Voldemort is defeated does it recede to just his forehead.
Hermione is Autistic
Sirius Black is pan and in love with Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin is Demiromantic and in love with Sirius Black
Tonks is nonbinary and pan and in love with Tulip Karasu
Charlie Weasley is Asexual
Luna Lovegood is Asexual
Bill Weasley is Bisexual and in a poly relationship with Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum
Severus Snape is Trans
In Year 4 Harry was an absolute Bi disaster and was crushing on Cedric and Cho and asked both of them out at the same time
Harry has hit on every Weasley sibling just to fuck with Ron
America has two major Wizarding Schools. Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and The Salem Institute of Extraordinary Magic. I chose what we all thought would be the American Wizarding School because it would be important and honestly better than cultural appropriating a culture without their permission and not allowing Indigenous Tribes to found Ilvermorny. The Salem Witches Institute is important because it will show that what happened in Salem can never happen again. An Intersectional Academy for Witches and Wizards everywhere. Taught to defend themselves, taught never to be defenseless, taught to fight and taught that what happened in Salem can never happen again. First it was known as The Salem Witches Institute, but became The Salem Institute Of Extraordinary Magic over time and accepted Wizards into their school. 
Ilvermorny was founded by Native Americans. It was their school and culture. It wasn’t until the European settlers invaded and raided  Ilvermorny and erased the Native Americans and stole everything and made  Ilvermorny their own. Basically history was written by the victors. It wasn’t till the late 1980′s that this was brought to light and the real history was made public.(Fuck your cultural appropriative ass JK)
The Hogwarts Founders are witchcraft and wizardry masters from all around the world. Godric Gryffindor is African, Salazar Slytherin is Muslim, Rowena Ravenclaw is Chinese and Helga Hufflepuff is French Indian. To erase their diverse founders image from history, a bunch of racist headmasters used magic to keep the illusion that the founders were white. It wasn’t until the late 90′s where the truth was finally revealed.
Salazar Slytherin didn’t want muggle-born kids to come to Hogwarts because It was in a period of time during which muggles were,  murdering anyone they suspecting of having magical abilities.  And when Professor Binns talks about it, what he specifically says is that Salazar “[believed] them to be untrustworthy.”  Which it’s easy to interpret as, “they might give us away to their muggle families and get us and all of our students killed.”And if you look at it that way, it’s not hard to imagine that the Chamber of Secrets was actually built as a defense for the school – maybe arguably a misguided one, but still a defense – the same way the enchanted statues are.  And that the original intent of it and Salazar’s requirements for sorting were twisted over the centuries, becoming less of an effort to protect the school from a group who, at the time, were potential threats to them, and more of a powertrip, especially once the magical community separated itself from the muggle community.I mean, Binns does also specify that the bit about “purging the school of people unworthy of practicing magic” is part of the legend and not the factual history of the school.  And it was Riddle/Voldemort who first used the basilisk.
Newt Scamander created the Werewolf Registry in a way to introduce laws that would protect and help werewolves, but the Ministry twisted it into its own bigoted laws.  It’d make Newt likeable without having to ignore the whole Werewolf Registry thing, and it’d be another chance to show just how fucking awful the Ministry is. Doing that would make Newt’s likeability skyrocket, instead of what we’ve got right now, which is him being very likeable, but the shadow of what happens is something you have to ignore in order to like him.
The Knights Of Walpurgis were the only ones who Voldemort considered to be his true friends, the rest of the Death Eaters were just followers to him.
Lily had a witch squad with Marlene McKinnon,  Mary MacDonald,  Dorcas Meadowes, Molly Prewett and Alice Lightwood
Because of Snape and Lily’s close friendship, Lily developed feelings for Snape, but when he called her a mudblood and seeing him with the Slytherins who would become Death Eaters, all Lily felt for Snape was disgust
When James and Lily started dating and Lily became friends with The Marauders, Lily became a registered Animagus to help Remus. Lily’s Animagus is a Doe and her Marauder name is Fawna
Walburga and Orion were abusive towards Sirius and Regulus
Harry celebrates Father’s Day by celebrating with Hagrid and celebrates Mother’s day by celebrating with The Weasleys for Molly and honoring Professor McGonagall
Lucius and Narcissa were loving parents towards Draco. Despite what the Draco stans do to demonize them just to woobify Draco
Despite JK’s claims, Draco does have happy enough memories to produce a patronus. He grew up in a stable home with loving parents. Draco’s patronus is a Thestral. 
Pansy Parkinson’s patronus is a King Cobra and Blasie Zabini’s patronus is a Fox
During Snape’s Legilimency lessons with Harry, Snape saw how abusive the Dursleys were towards him and it gave Snape flashbacks to how Tobias treated him and both Snape and McGonagall protested to Dumbledore about how fucked up it is that Harry has to live in an abusive house.
After Cornelius Fudge was dismissed from office, he was tried for the murder of Barty Crouch Jr 
Sirius Black was convicted without a trial and a proper investigation was just cruel and unfair. His fellow OOTP members who became Aurors who knew him best were not allowed to investigate Sirius. They knew Sirius was not capable of doing what he did but were silenced. The Ministry needed a scapegoat and Dumbledore did not want Sirius to raise Harry. Dumbledore gave second chances to people who he could use.  He gave Snape a chance because Snape was of use to him. He used Harry because Harry was the key to defeating Voldemort and for the greater good. Dumbledore randomly helped Remus when he was a boy by going out of his way to let Remus come to Hogwarts and Remus himself once admitted that he will forever be grateful to Dumbledore and Remus was a member of the Order. Dumbledore sends Remus to live with werewolves and try to convince them to join the Order. Dumbledore manipulated Remus for the greater good. Dumbledore had no use for Sirius. Dumbledore could have spoken up and fought on behalf of Sirius, Wizengamot but he didn’t and Sirius was forced to be in Azkaban for 12 years. Dumbledore manipulated Sirius’ death. He didn’t have a use for Sirius, didn’t care for him and  having Harry go live with Sirius at 12 Grimmauld Place would take away the protection spell placed upon The Dursleys which went against Dumbledore’s plans, so I fully believe Albus manipulated Sirius’ death so Harry would stay with the Dursleys.
The Fudge administration was investigated for corruption and the unjust imprisonment of Sirius Black
Neville acknowledging that, while Snape was most definitely more consistently awful, McGonagall was actually pretty goddamn terrible to him in third year with the whole "You don't deserve unrestricted access to your bed when a murderer was loose on Hogwarts grounds" punishment for a mistake, and McGonagall owning up to that and apologizing.
When Sirius returned to 12 Grimmauld Place and was confronted by the portrait of Walburga and told him she can finally say she is “proud of him” for being convicted of betraying The Potters and killing the Muggles and Sirius has never been so disgusted in his entire life  
Dumbledore was raising Harry to be an Obscurus
When Harry, Ron and Hermione came back to Hogwarts looking for the Horcruxes. Hermione apologized to Cho and Marietta and undid the jinx.
After the Battle Of Hogwarts, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione went to Godric Hollow to fix up The Potter cottage together. Harry and Ginny live at Godric’s Hollow with their children and they are one big happy family.
After sometime of self-reflection Draco and Pansy do end up together, but realize the way they acted in Hogwarts was awful and eventually make amends to everyone. First they break away and distanced themselves from their families. Draco and Pansy reaches out seek to make amends with everyone involved with the DA. So one day as they gather at Hogsmeade, they properly apologize for everything. It takes some time, but eventually they are forgiven. Draco  even got that handshake with Harry! Draco and Pansy raise their son Scorpius together and raises him right and never to be prejudiced. They are healers together.
Luna and Neville end up together(this is my canon, so shut up) they fall in love shortly after the Battle Of Hogwarts. Neville teaches Herbology. Luna is a Magizoologist. They have two kids. Alice and Lysander
Harry and Ginny had a 4th child. Ruby Molly Weasley, named after Hagrid and Molly
After the war. Hagrid goes back to Hogwarts and finally finishes his education. Harry takes him to Diagon Alley to return the favor.
After the war, Harry turns 12 Grimmauld Place  into a children’s home for Hogwarts students who can’t or shouldn’t or don’t want to go back home for the summer or holidays. And Harry renames it the R.J. Lupin House Inspiration
When their time at the Ministry was finished. The Big Seven returned to Hogwarts as Professors. Harry became the Professor Defense Against The Dark Arts, Ron would be the Charms Professor, Hermione would become the Transfiguration professor, Neville would remain as Herbology Professor, Luna would be the Care For Magical Creatures Professor, Ginny would be the Flying Instructor, and Draco would be the Potions Master
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aurora077 · 5 years
Harry Potter and the OMG Hermione is not ugly chapter 6
Chapter 6
Minerva McGonagall was concerned. Lately the inhabitants of Hogwarts were acting strangely. Ronald Weasley was eating most meals by himself now. And though his appetite was as healthy as ever, he’d started to look forlorn. Often she’d see him turn to say something to one of his friends then morosely return to eating his food when he realised they weren’t next to him. Said friends were also acting out of the ordinary. In class, Potter was doing remarkably well. Of course she was pleased, but he’d not seemed quite like himself.  He would participate more in class now, but would surreptitiously look towards his female best friend, as if to gauge her reaction. As for the third member of their trio, her work was impeccable as usual, but she seemed quieter and more withdrawn. She’d shoot Potter glances in class that looked as if she were...pining. Strangely enough, she wasn’t the only one shooting him those looks. A certain Slytherin seemed to share the feeling. Though Hermione’s were tempered with something akin to heartbreak, while his glances contained more confusion.  
Her thoughts turned to Severus, who was currently hiccoughing next to her. She’d never known the man to indulge himself in drink but it seemed lately he’d been increasingly (and quite worryingly) under the influence. If that wasn’t bad enough, sometimes she’d see Potter leaving his office, looking subdued. He’d had less to say about Potter recently as well, and usually, Severus would have had fifty complaints by midday. She was well and truly flabbergasted. Something was clearly going on, but what???
“Something wrong professor?” he said, and she startled so badly her glasses went askew. He was quick to apologise.
“No, it’s not your fault Longbottom, I should have been more alert,” came the reply, as she straightened her glasses, “Was there something you needed?”  
Neville had noticed that Professor McGonagall looked worried lately. He was even more concerned now that the normally astute professor did not even realise he was next to her, and it seemed she had not registered his question.
He had in fact only wanted to ask her if she’d seen Hermione, who’d been partnered with him for an assignment in transfiguration, but upon noticing the professor’s demeanour he chose to forego that enquiry.  
“No, it’s nothing. Forgive me professor, but, you don’t seem yourself this evening. Are you sure everything is okay?” he asked.  
She sighed, resigned, “Well I am fine at any rate Longbottom. However I don’t suppose you could enlighten me as to what’s going on with your peers? I can’t have been the only one to notice the alarming change in behaviour surely?”
Clearly she couldn’t figure out what was going on on her own so what was the harm in asking Neville? He was far more intelligent than people gave him credit for. If only the boy were encouraged rather than insulted, he may have thrived. But Augusta Longbottom was living in the past and wishing a son where a grandson was. Sometimes she feared the damage done to the boy’s self-esteem and by extension, magical capabilities, was irreparable.
“Oh! Well you haven’t been the only one to notice, but it’s actually funny how easily it could be solved if they just plucked up some Gryffindor courage and admitted that they like each other,” he said, happy to be of help rather than a hindrance for once. “Harry and Hermione I mean”, he clarified, upon seeing the questioning look on her face. He spotted Hermione sneaking into the hall. “If that’s all professor, I’ll be on my way then!” he said, and dashed off to catch up with her.
Potter and Granger? Well...that certainly explained a lot.
“Oh dear,” she said to herself, “I think I see where this is going.” McGonagall had always had a soft spot in her heart for the two of them, but she had to admit that Potter wasn’t the most observant bloke in the world. She was also well aware that the young witch had some deeply hidden insecurities. Add in teenaged hormones, a limited capacity to express their feelings, and the avoidance dance they’d been doing and you had one perfect recipe for disaster. (Oh and let’s not forget about the evil megalomaniac bent on destroying Potter who was indubitably floating around somewhere doing whatever dark lords did in their spare time)
She hoped they found their inner Gryffindor soon. (Preferably sometime before Lord Moldyshorts tried something...)
A loud hiccough from Severus brought her back to the present, reminding her that while she solved one problem, she still wasn’t anywhere close to figuring out the other.
She hoped he sorted out his issues soon though because he smelled like he did the tango with a skunk. Sitting next to him was enough to put her off her food...for the next month.
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Severus did not in fact resolve his problem as quickly as she’d hoped. She caught him one afternoon belligerently accosting Potter and Ginny Weasley.
“Severus what in Merlin’s name is going on here!” she exclaimed, aghast. Then the smell hit her. Of course he was under the influence again. Though she wasn’t quite sure it was alcohol he was imbibing. It seemed he was not to be left unsupervised with a room full of potions ingredients while he was in this state. “You are in a lot of trouble mister,” she said, as if talking to a child; he was acting like one after all. “Come along now, to the headmaster we go.”
She turned to the shaken students, “Are you okay Potter, Weasley?”
They nodded absentmindedly, both too confused to really process what she was asking.
“Well I’ll just be taking Professor Snape here to see the headmaster....and possibly Madame Pomfrey. Go back to the common room now, it’s almost curfew,” she said, and departed.
She would have been upset to know she missed the most crucial part of the proceedings.
“You! You stole her from me you...you idiotic pancake!” Snape sputtered, stumbling towards them and grabbing Harry with one hand while waggling the fingers of the other accusingly in his face. It would have been more intimidating had he not somehow been wearing one of Dobby’s tea cosies on said hand.
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“What!?? You like Hermione too???” Harry cried, horrified, squirming away from Snape. Harry was in no mood to appreciate the humour of the situation because he was too busy taking in the accusation itself.
Hermione, who had been taking a bathroom break while doing her project with Neville, was vacillating between indignation that Snape would comport himself in that manner, especially towards a student, and amusement at his choice of insult. However, when she heard Harry’s exclamation, she felt her heart skip a beat. Surely, she could not have heard what she thought she just heard. She didn’t even realise she was backing away until she hit a wall. It shook her out of her stupor and she ran off, without anyone ever noticing she had been there in the first place.
While she was having her internal crisis, Snape was still accusing Harry of stealing his girl.
“Hermowho?” he blinked, then snarled, “Don’t try that with me Potter! You won’t confund me today! You know full well I mean Lily!”
He turned loving eyes on Ginny and he suddenly lost his aggressiveness.
“Oh my sweet Lily-flower,” he groaned, taking her hands and sinking down to the floor, “What do you see in this plague sore? Is it the porcupine hair?”
Then suddenly, he grabbed Harry again. “My hair can look like that too!” he cried, shaking him but also looking deeply into Lily’s (...Harry’s) eyes. This all made perfect sense to him in his state of mind.
Harry was frozen in place. He had simply gone looking for Hermione, intending to tell her his feelings once and for all. Ginny had accompanied him for motivational support. (Aka she was going to hide behind a bookshelf and stick his legs in place if he decided to chicken out and make for the hills.) He had in no way anticipated the way his evening would go however. This certainly was not in the realm of anything he could have ever imagined.
Hermione had definitely been avoiding him and that really hurt to think about. He could only conclude that somehow she knew of his feelings and thought he was a total creep. Then he thought that Hermione would never be that cruel so surely she must be avoiding him because she didn’t know how to let him down without hurting his feelings. After realising that he was in no way equipped to handle this newfound dilemma alone, he had gone to Neville to ask his advice once more. It was, after all, a comment from Neville that had him in this lovelorn situation to begin with. Neville had insisted they include Ginny in the discussion as Ginny would have more insight into Hermione than he would.
Ginny had basically told him he needed to Gryffindor-up and admit it to her because she was quite sure Hermione felt the same. When asked how she knew she just laughed and said woman’s intuition. Whatever that was.
So here they were, being attacked by Snape on the way to the Library, where Neville had gone to finish his project with Hermione and hopefully stall her there long enough for Harry to get there and announce his feelings.
Except of course Hermione never made it back to the library. And Snape seemed to think that Harry and Ginny were in fact Harry’s parents, James and Lily.
Harry shuddered in disgust. He had had a small crush on Ginny in the past, but he was so glad he was over it. Especially now that Snape had planted that image in his mind. Harry had enough problems; he truly didn’t need an oedipal complex on his best mate’s sister to complicate matters.
He was never so grateful in his life to see Professor McGonagall. Thank Merlin she interrupted Snape when she did. He really didn’t want to know what would have happened next.
Both Harry and Ginny stared at their retreating backs with a sense of relief.
Ginny turned to him, “What. Just. Happened.”
Harry just made a pained sound.
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abby-phay · 4 years
HP Headcanon
As Ginny and Harry discussed the name of their second son, they came up with so many different people they might name their son after. They agreed two Fred’s might be too much. Cedric was one they considered, but eventually moved on from. They decided to save Remus and Tonks as options for Teddy’s future children. Ginny wanted to go back to considering Cedric, but Harry instigated on Albus Severus Potter, murmuring something about righting his dad’s wrong. Ginny kept her mouth shut about everything that had happened her sixth year.
Two years later, Neville and Hannah are by for a visit. They’re all watching the two boys play as Ginny cradles Lily in her arms.
“Snape? Really?” Neville shook his head. “Out of all the people, you chose Snape as your sons namesake?”
“Well he was a hero,” Harry explained. “He was working as a double agent for Dumbledore the entire time. Even Dumbledore’s death was all planed out by him. He may not have been the nicest person, but I can at least undo all the years my father bullied him by recognizing his good deeds and naming my son after him.”
“May not have been the nicest person?” Neville repeated. “Harry, Snape was a monster. He spent every day my entire seven years at that school making me miserable. He tried to poison my toad just because I messed up in class. Do you remember third year when Professor Lupin was showing us the Boggart and Snape stepped out of the wardrobe? Not the dementors, not a giant dragon, not even Beletrix Leatrange herself. And that was before we knew he was a death eater. Do you know what kind of fear you have to instill in a student to be their biggest fear?”
Harry took in all of this information quietly before speaking softly. “I didn’t realize,” was all he could muster.
After Neville and Hannah has left, Ginny has to comfort a distraught Harry in the kitchen. “How could I not have known? How could I have not realized?”
“It’s easier to be blind sometimes,” Ginny shrugged. “I know you just wanted to believe there was more good in the world.”
Flash forward a few years and Albus is asking about his name. Harry tells him of all of the great deeds Dumbledore achieved, slowly realizing as he spoke exactly how sick and twisted his schemes were. But hire do you explain to a child he was named after an enabler and a racist child abuser? You don’t.
So of course when Albus is afraid to be sorted into Slytherin, Harry struggles to find a good Slytherin Role Model, as he did not personally know any. He digs himself a deeper hole and brings up his namesake again, comforting his son’s worries.
After being sorted into Slytherin, Albus is determined to become like Severus Snape, one of the bravest men his dad has ever known. He decides to do some research of this man’s heroic deeds in the library. For the first few months, he wears his name on his sleeve as bravely as he knows how.
But there are whispers. Rumors of Snape’s unspeakable deeds still circled around Hogwarts. Soon enough, they made their way to the ears of the boy proudly spouting his name.
Albus couldn’t believe his ears. “No way,” he told the first student. “That can’t be true,” he scoffed at the second. But by the third time, he started to believe them.
He took this new information to the only Professor he knew that could possibly clear up this confusion: Professor Longbottom (or Uncle Neville behind closed doors.)
Unfortunately, Neville only confirmed his terrors. The rumors were true. Snape was not a namesake to be proud of.
Devastated, Albus stopped writing home. How could his father lie to him? How could he have been named after someone so horrible? The silent treatment lasted all the way to Christmas Holiday.
Christmas Eve, Harry finally pulled Albus aside. When the letters stopped coming, they had just assumed he was too busy to write. But this cold shoulder was too much.
“How could you lie to me?” Albus finally screamed at his father. “How could you name me after such a horrible man and never tell me?”
Harry broke. He explained the whole thing: the wrong he thought he was righting, the realization after it was too late, the unwillingness to crush the dreams of the excited boy.
“How am I ever supposed to hold my head up proudly ever again when I know who I’m named after?”
“Because your name is a reminder,” Harry told his son, holding him closely. “People grow and change. Severus Snape never did. He never realized that his way of thinking was wrong. You know better, and you can do better. It’s never too late to realize your mistakes and fix them. That is truly the bravest thing you can do.”
Sometimes you don’t realize a situation is abusive until someone points it out. Once Harry realized his mistake, he did his best by his son.
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