#Have a great week!
got-ticket-to-ride · 8 months
do you plan on posting any lyrics related stuff?
Hi anon,
In light of recent discussions of the release of "a Mclennon romance in lyrics book", other historians constantly quoted saying "they were in love and married - in terms of music" and j&p fan girls doing their interpretations for free for years, getting their stuff repackaged...
I've just been taking personal notes of my thoughts.
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crazify · 10 months
It's my birthday on Friday, so I wanted to do something for all my friends and people I've met on here. For the next 5 days, I will be drawing a birthday party for anyone who wants to come to it! If you're interested, please comment or let me know in some way and give me details of a character you'd like to be represented as! Please keep in mind, my drawing skills are not fantastic, but I thought it would be a fun thing to do for everyone. Thank you, guys! :)
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blametheeditor · 7 months
The Expense Of Trust | Chapter 3
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Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of death and murder. Mentions of others being lesser than. Intent to kill. Death by anomaly. Dehumanization. Addressing someone as 'it'. Darker themes and tone.
Run Down: In the instant of a site-wide containment breach, there are only a few protocols available to follow. Know the right people, hope to be at the right place at the right time, and whatever you do, don't trust anything.
Scott can't seem to catch a break, but next week we torture Fritz
Scott’s first thought when Vincent instructed him to turn around was to prepare to run. 
Because up until that point, the living shadow hadn’t been helping in escaping the facility unless he was in immediate danger, and even then it’s been verbal directions while hiding in Scott’s own shadow despite having the capability of using a corporeal form. Meaning it was up to the containment specialist to do all of the leg work in carefully making his way toward an exit. 
Instead of an SCP rounding the corner, however, he was greeted with the sight of a small group of people lined along the wall of the hallway opposite of the one he had been making his way down. 
At first he was confused, managing to identify D-Class and medical personnel, the latter he actually recognizes as the kid who has checked over him monthly ever since he made the deal with Vincent. A tactile response officer, a researcher, and someone wearing a suit. And there is only one person in this entire facility who wears a full piece suit. 
The moment he realized it was David seemed to be the same moment the senior researcher recognized Scott.
He expected a lot of things. Annoyance due to their interactions always turning into arguments regarding wearing proper safety gear. Possibly even relief finding another person who hasn’t fallen victim to an anomaly. At the very worse indifference considering on the surface, Scott wouldn’t have much to contribute when it comes to escaping other than having each and every hallway memorized and therefore able to lead them to the exit. 
No, David suddenly looks horrified before turning around. Begins running in the opposite direction. 
Was the senior researcher leaving him behind? 
Scott tries to quench his anger, sending a glance over his shoulder to see if an anomaly snuck up behind him. Because the man couldn’t be that selfish and leave someone to die because they had arguments. 
There’s nothing. No sign of a single SCP. Honestly, Scott should’ve expected it given his track record. 
“They’re heading straight toward an anomaly,” Vincent pipes up. 
Wait. “What kind of anomaly?” 
“The bad kind,” is all that’s offered. 
Great. Wonderful. So either Scott can be the bigger person and warn them despite the clear want to leave him to survive on his own, or pretend he doesn’t have such vital information and simply continue toward the exit. 
Of course Vincent wouldn’t care which is chosen. The demon has made it blatantly clear he finds the morals most humans possess to be quite entertaining. Wouldn’t hang it over Scott’s head if he picks the second option because it’s just a matter of survival, simply revel in watching the guilt slowly consume the containment specialist from the inside out. 
God damn it. 
His shout is cut off as the ground vanishes from beneath his feet the moment he stepped forward to chase after them. He’s in freefall for a few seconds, unable to breathe, unable to scream, staring out into a pitch-black void. 
It feels like a lifetime has passed, and then the ground appears as if it was always there, Scott unable to stop his momentum. Forced to bring his hands up in the attempt to soften his collision with a wall that seemed to have materialized from thin air. 
It didn’t, he’s more or less used to Vincent’s way of ‘teleporting’ him from place to place, but he will never be an ‘expert’ at it. Not when he’s positive the demon purposefully throws him near objects just to see him trip or at the very least nearly break his nose. 
Scott’s fairly certain he earned a slight concussion this round, but this time he manages to stay on his feet. Looks around the room before spotting the open door. Racing out in the hopes he managed to stop David in time, only to immediately feel hands grab his shoulders before an arm is secured around his neck. 
He feels panic flood his heart as a hand is placed on his forehead, begins to struggle with all his might. Praying he isn’t killed all because he was trying to save their lives. “I’m not an anomaly!” 
"He’s n-n-not!” 
“He’s not, but he’s marked.” 
Scott doesn’t know when he closed his eyes, but once he realizes he opens them to be greeted with David staring down at him with a grim expression. Stares as the taller man pushes someone behind him. 
The worst part however is the sight of some kind of mist creeping around the corner heading straight toward them. 
“Behind you!” 
The arm that had been slowly restricting his throat releases him. But before he can process why, hand is on his back to shove him away from the oncoming threat. “Move.” 
Scott doesn’t need to be told twice, obediently running back toward the spot he had originally been. Only slows down for a second in order to meet Jeremy in the eye. The one familiar face he doesn’t have a bad past with. “Follow me.” 
He’s unable to wait for the kid to give a response, sprinting down the opposite hallway and making a swift left to continue on his path toward an exit. 
Vincent’s directions aren’t questioned. He still has a hard time trusting the demon, but with Scott’s life currently on the line he has no room to argue. And this time, he can’t help having a little bit of faith at the sight of a security door only a few yards away. 
He barely manages to in time, skidding to a halt right before stepping out into the hallway parallel to the one he’s currently in. Gasps for air as his legs tremble from the exertion and terror. Remembers he’s not alone and whirls around to see Jeremy’s about a few feet behind him, able to slow down without any trouble. Followed by the D-Class, the officer- they all followed him. Even David. 
“V-Vince?” Scott begins, hoping he’ll get a little more information on what’s stopping them from reaching the security door. It’s right there. As soon as they get through it they’re essentially home free. 
“There’s something waiting in the hallway,” the demon begins. “As soon as you step out it’ll grab you.” 
“God damn it.” 
“Right or left?” the officer asks as he walks closer, grabbing a small disk from his belt. Meaning he heard Vincent’s explanation. And is willing to give the disembodied voice the benefit of the doubt. 
Vincent hums. “Directly above, actually.” 
The man nods once. Presses one side of the disk before throwing it out into the hallway. “Brace yourself.” 
Scott didn’t know who was being addressed, but within the fraction of a second, something drops from the ceiling and disappearing once more the device gone. A moment later it sounds as if something exploded right before he feels the displacement of air. 
“Thirty seconds.” 
He’s at the security door in five. Swipes his key in one. Holds it open as he counts everyone making it through before slamming it shut with four to spare. 
“Scott,” David growls lowly in between labored breaths. “You better explain yourself.” 
“Well aren’t you a hypocrite,” Vincent begins as his shadow stretches onto the wall beside Scott. He then steps out of it to form a familiar purple man. One who’s grinning from ear to ear. “I also seem to recall it’s none of your business.” 
“It is my business when I’m apparently dealing with a demon!” 
“Oh so we’re making deals, now.” 
“Vince,” Scott hisses to try and reel the living shadow back in, even if it might be completely fruitless. 
He almost misses the officer doing the same thing to David. Though instead of flashing a condescending smile, the taller man backs down. “How do names work?” 
Vincent’s smile suddenly vanishes. “You’re a hunter who knows what he’s doing.” 
“And it seems your only weapon is ambiguity.” 
That earns a low whistle. “I can see how you managed to get someone like him under your thumb. You’re safe with your first. Last is pushing it.” 
“I’m James,” the officers introduces, locking eyes with Scott most likely looking just as lost as he feels. “Thank you for helping us.” 
“Of course. I’m Scott, this is Vince-” 
A hand is suddenly covers his mouth before he can finish the living shadow’s name, leaving him stunned as Vincent gives a dark chuckle before removing his hand. “No need to overshare, Scotty.” 
“We're going to trust this?” David demands as he gestures toward the scene in front of him. Honestly, Scott can’t even be upset. Not when it’s abundantly clear he knows nothing about the demon he made a contract with. 
“At least I have a rulebook,” Vincent shrugs. “I’m much more concerned with the half-breed.” 
Scott feels like he was left behind somewhere. He doesn’t know where exactly, and to be entirely truthfully he might even want to know. But considering someone was able to wrangle Vincent within just a few seconds, he wants to stay on good terms with James. If that means somehow fixing his and David’s relationship in one way or another, then he will do it, no matter what it takes. 
The only issue is the fact Vincent seems dead set on trying to anger everyone. Including Jeremy who attempts to glare at the demon. “H-H-His name is M-Mike.” 
Scott doesn’t want to know why Vincent suddenly looks very excited. “This is going to be fun.” 
“James,” David all but pleads. 
“They both saved our lives,” is all the officer says. 
That is the last straw for Scott. The realization that the only reason why someone is staying on his side is because a favor is owed. “Vince. Do me a favor and shut up.” 
“Did I go too far?” the demon stage whispers with a smug smile. 
“You know you did!” Scott exclaims. Uncaring if the others are watching and listening. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t intentionally antagonize.” 
“What for?” Vincent asks. It almost feels like a slap in the face from how genuine it is. As if the living shadow can’t find any reason not to be. 
“You know what, forget it.” 
“Did the fact I’m a demon just slip your mind?” 
“Did you claiming we’re friends slip yours?” 
Vincent suddenly barks out a laugh. “Did you honestly think I meant that?” 
Scott stares up at the demon for a moment. Memorizing the sneer and the sheer joy at the fact he managed to trick the containment specialist. 
Someone who bent over backward for the anomaly to make the research teams back off after they managed to get under Vincent’s skin. Pulled several strings in order to get a table placed inside the demon’s containment room so he could protect himself within reason. Genuinely enjoyed answering questions about ‘odd human mannerisms’ when the living shadow escaped containment for the sole purpose to bother Scott. 
Looking back on it, he should’ve realized he was just being used. It’s nothing new. Just meant he was an idiot for thinking a shadow demon would be any different. 
Well two could play at that game. 
He refuses to acknowledge Vincent’s sneer quickly vanishing as it’s replaced with a look of regret. “Scotty-” 
Scott brushes past James and David in order to lead the way down the smaller corridors on this side of the security door. Tunnels normally meant for maintenance that should be empty of most SCP’s. And for any that managed to slip through the cracks, Vincent will easily be able to sense them before they get to close. Something he’ll have to announce or else Scott gets killed considering he’s first in line. 
“Scotty, wait.” 
He doesn’t acknowledge Vincent running to catch up with him, the living shadow opting to keep a form he’s commented on being less superior. For what reason, Scott doesn’t care enough to think about. 
“I’m sorry, that was uncalled for,” Vincent murmurs as he falls in step with the shorter. 
“No, you’re right,” Scott shrugs. “You’re just a demon who doesn’t possess any feelings.” 
“Look, I know you’re angry-” 
“How do you know what anger is?” 
“Hey,” the demon growls. “Stop being pretty.” 
Scott glances up to see if Vincent was intentionally botching the saying, not wanting to be tricked. But there’s a genuine scowl aimed toward him. No hint of a smirk. “It’s petty.” 
Vincent opens his mouth with a glare before hesitating, seeming to realize what was said. “What did I say?” 
“Pretty can be an amplifier or a compliment.” 
“Stop being pretty petty.” 
Scott hates himself for wanting to smile at how confidently the sentence was spoken. “Close enough.” 
“I think of you as a friend,” Vincent grumbles, as if he’s unsure how to feel about such a confession. “I offered a deal instead of killing you for a reason. I really do enjoy throwing you across rooms.” 
Scott gives a look. “Not what you’re supposed to enjoy in a friendship.” 
“But then I would be lying if I said anything else!” 
He whirls on the demon in order to properly chew him out, yelling when Vincent sinks into his shadow with a laugh. “Asshole!” 
“Are you two done?” David snaps from the back of the line. One that has James at the front who stopped a few feet away when Scott did. Following by Mike, Jeremy, and the assistant researcher he had completely forgotten about. A bit unsure where the kid has been this entire time. “I’d prefer to get out of this place before whatever the hell is kept in the basement finally realizes it can escape containment.” 
Scott glances around the corridor. Staring when he spots a door almost to his immediate left. The door he was looking for, actually, because on the other side is a direct path to an exit out of the facility. 
Vincent’s warning came too late as the door swings open. 
He was expecting a horrific Eldritch being by how panicked the living shadow sounded. Yet all he sees is a young boy no older than ten years old standing about a yard away. Holding nothing but a plush golden bear. With a blade of shadow as long as he is tall racing forward to slice him cleanly in half. 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Anomalies and Incident Reports
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beyourownanchor6 · 1 month
Yeah I thinj supergirl being on a separate universe really messed things up. I liked it when after Crisis On Infinite Earths they brought her inti earth prime. But by then the shows were ending, and because of covid the endings weren't even satisfying. But as a stand alone show Supergirl was one of my favorites, even with the plot holes.
Oh I actually disagree there, I think the CWDCTV universe was better than the MCU in that you could just watch parts of it and jump in at any time without needing previous knowledge of the franchise. Like I slowly dropped the shows one at a time and it still didn't impact my enjoyment of the shows/movies I wanted to watch. Meanwhile my bff wanted to watch Wandavision and asked me what else he needed to know to understand Wandavision and when I told him all the movies he had to watch, sometime just for a like 5 minutes of Wanda backstory, he asked me what he had to watch to understand those and we kept going like that and basically reverse engineering "you need to watch most of the MCU." Like he had to watch Guardians to understand their part in Infinity War, and he had to watch Infinity War to understand how Wanda lost Vision. Like it was a lot of backtracking just to understand one tv show, ya know? And like, i haven't watched most of the Thor movies, i watched one captain america movie, i didn't watch the antman movies... so a lot of stuff in the big crossover events goes over my head. Like i was watching The Marvels and at the end Kamala goes after Some Girl to start a team that I *think* will be the young avengers, and I don't know who that girl is because i didn't watch Hawkeye. I'm gonna watch thunderbolts but i already know that a lot of the backstory will go over my head cause I didn't watch Hawkeye or Black Widow.
Yeah we do. And oh, I loved it too, even if it made me very angry. It wasn't triggering or anything. But i hated how they closed Justin's arc (no spoilers in case you haven't finished it yet). And that's what my bff says! Lol me to, i've had the hots for mr. Bates since i was a teen. And yeeeees i loved Bates Motel. I shipped Norman and Dylan (i was freshly coming out of supernatural's Wincest, and hey, at least these two are only half brothers). Yeah since that last message i've thought about it more and i'm excited. The best part will be managing my diet. I'll eat so much ramen jesus christ.
Yeah, it's gonna be weird to have daredevil without foggy. Nice, glad you like punisher. He definitely is hot. And lol same.
I used beans with my mom and she understood it better! So thanks!
Oh yay for a trip, but sorry you got sunburned! Do you have moisturizer? Living in brazil i get terrible sunburns on the summer (not even like at the beach or anything. Just leaving the house to do errands is enough to get sunburned) and applying moisturizer to the sun burns always helps. My week was cool. I hooe yours was too!
rambling under the cut 😎
yea i don't remember what went on with most of those shows at the end bc i left lol. and i think arrow finished before the pandemic and was still a shitty ending lmao. well it was going downhill before that but, lol
ohhh i meant just more in the story/plot lines that marvel is better. and they always seem to have a bigger budget or something lol. idk dc movies always seem ehhh in comparison, at least to me lol. i also never really got that into most of the dc characters, so that could be a lot of it. i like some of the movies, just overall i think marvel is better. but definitely agree marvel is hard to just watch one thing randomly bc they all go together 😅 i took a couple years off a while back and had to catch up on a lot. i still haven't seen a lot of the shows and a couple of movies, but i've seen enough to understand the general plot. i usually just say whatever and go along with it if i missed something/don't understand 😆 i really enjoyed hawkeye! personally i thought black widow was ehh and unnecessary for the most part
oh yea, i hate that too 😭 that felt so unnecessary for multiple reasons. idk if you watched sons of anarchy, but i loved seeing ryan hurst again! i don't even remember his character or most of the plot of bates motel, but i did enjoy it lol. also love vera farmiga. lots of good actors in there. and of course max thieriot. he plays in that show fire country now, idk if you've heard of/watched that but it's really good! i think you'd like it if you love 911
i saw a really bad quality video of a trailer for the new daredevil and i saw foggy and the punisher in it! i definitely am more excited for that now lol
oh that's awesome! glad she understood beans 😊
thanks, and i do! i ordered one that has aloe in it too and that seems to be helping. i look less like a tomato today than i have the last couple days, so there's that 😆 hope you're having a good week so far!
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pose4photoml · 11 months
so how did you like the playlist?!?!?!
btw i was studying for my college admissions exam, im planning to major in either mechanical engineering, astrophysics or aerospace engineering depending on where i get in but astrophysics is definitely the dream SO we're math besties!!!!
Hi~ I am liking what I have heard so far. I haven’t made it all the way through yet. Busy weekend! I was listening to it on the way home last night and caught myself singing along. Isn’t it interesting how we can remember song lyrics but can’t always recall why we walked in to a room some days. I enjoy the mixture of artists and hopefully today at work (if people leave me alone) 😉 I will be able to get through it all. Thanks again for taking the time to make this playlist for me.
Math besties - I love that, most people look at me crazy when I tell them I like math. I’m excited for you and will keep my fingers crossed that you do well on exams. Your job choices sound fun. If you don’t mind maybe you can let me know once you get your results!!
My current job has changed some since Covid hit a few years now, in fact my boss changed my job title without even telling me. I asked her about it when I saw it on our company website and she said well you’ve taken on more responsibilities and I just felt it should be changed. It was a nice surprise and I enjoy it (mostly when in the office alone) some coworkers can be a tad annoying 😉
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hyunjinz · 1 year
happy birthday lovely have a wonderful time on ur special day 💛😚✨️🥂💫 - euphhorias
awww thank you liv, i appreciate it! 🥹🥹💕 @euphhorias
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bievanbuckley · 1 year
You are an amazing person and will achive great things in live. 🩷✨
I wish you a nice sunday evening/morning/afternoon 🌻🌺🌸
🥺🥺🥺🥺 anon, you deserve the world!!!!!!!!
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expelliarmus · 4 months
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fruitycircus · 3 months
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i love you mario rpgs 🫶
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transgendz · 2 months
In the past threeish days my phone has been stolen, my roommate got a flat in our only form of transportation, and my other roommate got an infection in a minor skin-deep leg injury that is currently serious enough to have him struggling to walk. We may need to take him to the ER soon. Additionally, due to bad timing in needing to submit documents with work, I need to complete a two factor authentication to continue working.
I need to replace my phone before I lose my job. My phone hadn't been paid off, and I am totally at a loss at the ungodly cost of it. I am the main supporter for both of my disabled roommates. I cannot lose this job.
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Please buy my art? @theartistrans Dm me for proof or details, and I'll put details in the tags
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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A fierce duel commences!
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4 MINUTES (2024) GREAT & TYME I Yin & Yang ☯︎
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cowardlycowboys · 11 months
I could never do no nut november because unfortunately I love fucking myself too much
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froggtogs · 10 days
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clothing practice ft. wind
(sketch+just lineart under the cut bc i think they have more energy)
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cuddlebugmonster · 9 months
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I present to you Luna Mikey ! From my apocalyptic AU Butterfly Effect !
This has been a little side project that i have been wanting to draw for so long !!!
Whenever i would see others draw peepaw apocalyptic Mikey, they would usually associate his magic with butterflies, materializing them for Casey or just in general
I wanted to play with that concept and make my own ! So yeah ! Born from love and in 2hours with AJR Inertia blasting on loop, this sketch and now full blown mystic warrior was born !
I have a whole story i would love to make, i already have the ending fully ready in my head.
When I was making this design i didn’t initially think about a specific butterfly, but when I drew the dread tails and it made me think of the Luna moth ! So I got curious and did some research, and HOLY SHIT i have never been so happy with results in my life !
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YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT THIS DOESN’T JUST SCREAM MIKEY !! it’s so perfect ! It fits so perfectly ! I swear I’m not crazy !!! It’s just AH ! It JUST.MAKES.SENSE !
I rest my case
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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I heard that Corey Dorris sang Show Stopping Number at Innit- so I present: Corey!Hidgens
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