#Hazbin hotel ep 6 spoilers
maggieqp · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel EP 5-6, My Live Notes
SPOILERS (obviously)
-ALASTOR GOING FERAL AHH -THE SONGS OMG -alastor is also under the control of another demon???? -THE CHARLIE LUCIFER DUET IM CRYING I LOVE THEM -I dont think alastor is a good guy at all he def has ulterior motives -AGAIN ALASTOR GOING FERAL I LOVE WHEN THEY DRAW HIM LIKE THAT -husk being terrified by alastor like when he was shaking my poor bby -angel subtle character development -the fact Lucifer tried the same thing as Charlie makes me so sad AND HIS RELIGIOUS TRAUMA OMG -I also don’t think Lilith is a good person either -CHERRY BOMB AHHH I MISSED HER -the difference in amount of ppl in hell and heaven is crazy bc it’s almost impossible to get it -also Adam is lowkey designed to look like a demon imo -THE PPL IN HEAVEN DONT KNOW ABT THE EXTERMINATIONS OMG -OH MY GOD OH MY GOD VAGGIE WORKED FOR HEAVEN -WHAT -WHAT -WHAT NO WAY WHAT WHAT WHAT -what this is crazy -I hate Adam -the way they don’t even know what it takes to get into heaven and he just pulled it out of his ass -WATERBOARING?? WHY IS HE DOING THAT TO ANGEL -I love cherry but she doesn’t need to pressure him into converting back to his old ways -this is bad -the way the angels act so ungodly is telling -i love nifty -ANGIE -Val showing up no no no -also his accent change is also very telling he’s manipulative -ANGEL STANDING UP FOR HIMSELF OH -nonononono -no my baby my baby no no no I want to hug him I love him my baby -YES NIFTY MESS HIM UP -Angels character development I love him -oh my god they rlly don’t know how someone gets to heaven -oh my god -A SONG A BALLAD -AHHHH -ITS NOT FAIR SARAH!!!! -SING IT CHARLIE!!! -this song omg -ADAM EXPOSING HIMSELF AHH -they better not expose vaggie -NO NO NO I HATE U ADAM SHUT UP -NAKAKWKWMABED HSJEJWJSJWJEJEJEHEHEJNSKXNCBDJSNSBDNS NONONONO -no… -NO WHAT DONT SAY THAT
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cyncerity · 8 months
major spoilers for Episode Six under the cut
where I believe Vaggie’s hatred/distrust of men came from
So Vaggie is not only a fallen angel, but a fallen exterminator. She has shown to be very militaristic and harsh, because that’s how she was brought up. But the question is, brought up by who?
Well, i think it’s pretty clear that she and all the other exterminators (who i believe are all women? i can’t remember) were trained/raised by Adam. A misogynistic, arrogant, and frankly downright stupid freak of an angel. And if they’re all women, that means that before hell, Adam was literally the only man she’d ever known.
He’s the only one who recognized Vaggie under the mask. He’s the only one besides Sera that knows about the exterminations. He always has an exterminator by his side. It just makes sense.
He says that Vaggie was one of his best, meaning that he probably gave her special attention that she didn’t want. He also literally named her after the word vagina. Lastly, he was there when her wings and eye were ripped out and, despite her probably being one of his favorites, did nothing to help her.
So yeah, if Adam was the only man I knew and he treated me the way he’s been shown to treat people in this show so far, id have a strong distrust of men, too.
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chaoticace2005 · 1 year
This new Helluva Boss also confirmed the thing that many of the fandom already suspected- which is that Asmodeus would END Valentino if in the same room as him. Like Ozzie is specifically against love potions and any kind of force used with lust- he says it should be enjoyable for all parties. Lust with force isn’t lust- it’s aggression and assault.
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fuck you sera for not being angry at adam but being angry at charlie for doing the same exact thing
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lockdown-bard · 8 months
Nice call back to Hell is Forever in Charlie and Emily's duet!
So, Heaven is corrupt, what else is new hey?
I've loved these two episodes but I can't help but worry that Amazon may have fucked up by only making the season 8 episodes 22 minutes long each, when the story is intriguing and could be explored at a slower pace while still being entertaining :(
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fellatitledthemf · 8 months
Rivals to lovers fr
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sir pentious getting gang banged XD
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daftaiyo · 8 months
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I can't
All the time evil twins were talking I was imagining them as those guys from trolls I love them
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corujalesbica · 8 months
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New mission: helping gf with make up
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Ok yeah the last scene we still haven't seen from the huskerdust twitter trailer is from ep 6
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theweirdoinurhouse · 8 months
Ok so I have a lot of thoughts about Hazbin Hotel episode 6
spoilers below if you haven't seen it!!!
So along with getting Angel sticking up for himself, funny Nifty Shanagins ™, and the banger lyric of "If hell is forever than Heaven must be a lie", we also got some Vaggie lore.
Like yeah. We all love seeing Angel sticking up to the stupid Moth dude and whatever, BUT THIS!? Not only was Vaggie an angel, but an EXTERMINATOR!!!
And this has raised some thoughts and minor-not-should-be-taken-seriously theories.
One: Are human souls that have entered Heaven allowed to become exterminators? That after being so good in their life they get into Heaven, they just get a job that ha them going down an killing other humans? Like yes they're dead and made horrible choices, but every soul started somewhere. In Heaven or Hell.
If Heaven could excuse their angels killing thousands of people, just because they need to "protect" Heaven or something, then why don't they think a demon could become good? Because clearly the exterminators don't care about the demons. And I doubt Vaggie was the only exterminator that had been alive. So Heaven don't care that their "pure" souls are killing with no remorse, but think it's impossible for a demon to turn good?
I mean some cases in Hell make sense. Ms. Mallberry or whatever her name was in Helluva Boss (can't tell if I spelled that right.) Her husband/boyfriend (can't remember which it was) was having sex with another woman. So she tried to kill the woman. She was angry. People act out when experiencing strong emotions. Doesn't mean you should try to kill someone! But why she did what she did makes sense.
But Heaven doesn't care. I mean, they don't even know how a soul gets into Heaven!
Summary: Vaggie's lore is so interesting, and I want to see more of it. I love Angel, trust me, but Vaggie's story has so much potential and more lore inside of it. I want to see more about her.
And don't get me started on Husk's story! I NEED MORE ABOUT HIM!
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vivacia-18 · 8 months
Hazbin hotel ep 5 & 6 rambles
Ooooohhh, if we didn't know Allistor was friends or something with Lilith before, we sure do now, because our boy has beef with Lucifer, omfg X'DDD
(and Lucifer! poor bastard didn't even get to be in his baby girls life when he and Lilith split (he and Lilith split!? gah!) and Charli doesn't even know? No wonder the man is depression incarnate. At least he and Charli got an epic duet to make up for some lost time <3 Also love that he's literally a short king X'D)
And HOOBOY did shit ever go down in Heaven!!! Charli and Emily's duet, section there, fucking awesome hot damn.
Hnng, poor Vaggie and Charli are not gonna have a good time with that reveal though, my poor girls TT^TT
But shit watching Angel be THE BEST mom friend ever AND talking back to Valentino was amazing - I hope he gets to know he just officially checked all of Heaven's boxes that night, boy deserves vindication like that.
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lebknees · 8 months
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Oh yeah
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Oh yeah
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This is so fucking kinky
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peachpopfizz · 8 months
yk the first couple of episode drops were a bit ehh to me but like.. these two just hit Right. maybe bc i knew what to expect pacing/story wise now? either way, they're def my faves so far, especially ep 5. that's my Favorite favorite :]
spoilers for both eps under the cut, mostly just me blabberin abt what i liked (warning: its alotta alastor)
for ep 5, at first i thought charlastors/radiobelles were winning (and while i don't ship it myself, i was happy for em) but then the realization of 'wait wait wait this isn't romo at all, alastors tryna be a FATHER FIGURE?!' hit instead and i went WILD bc thats 1000% my preferred dynamic for charlie and al. so uh.. yippee dadlastors, sorry charlastors..? gsjahafdaj
also the "Ha! Fuck you." im normal im normal im NORMAL im SOOOO FUCKIN NORMAL (IM CRAZY IM VRAZY I CRAZY IM CRASTY IM FUCKI)
mimzy!! (mimzie??) her intro was abrupt, but she seems like a doll, and her hug with al was real cute. tho i do think she needed that metaphorical kick in the ass abt al's thoughts when it comes to her leeching off his strength for protection. about that..
and one more thing b4 i move onto ep 6, i've already seen some ppl comparing what al did to husk in the hall to angel and val's dynamic, and while i do agree the two are both trapped in unsavory deals (loser, baby literally confirms this) i don't think al's ANYWHERE near as bad as val. was what he did fucked up? oh, yes, definitely. but it really?? shouldn't be surprising??? al's in hell ‘n has all this status for a reason, so i was really just waitin for a moment like that to happen. however, it didn't do any lasting damage. at least i really wouldn't say so. most it did was scare the shit out of husk for a minute, nowhere close to what val does to angel on the daily (see: episode 6). tho im willing to admit i might be lookin thru rose colored glasses bc i love al as a character. my opinion might change when/if the actual conditions of al and husks deal are revealed, but as of rn, i think al acted as he did there bc husk attacked a reeeally sensitive subject. he would've just been the petty bitch he always is if husk said like.. anythin else. oh and uhh yeah im abt 85% sure he and lilith have SOMETHING goin on. idk who the hell else would be powerful enough to have alastor on a leash
..oh yeah, lastly, lucifer was cool :] silly silly guy (with lotsa trauma) that hit me right in the daddy issues. funny tho, i rlly dont have much to say abt the guy despite the ep literally being focused on him. his song with charile was spectacular though, i need to listen to it on its own immediately
okokok, episode 6, finally, hopefully shorter than the mess of text above
first off. vaggie = fallen angel theorists, i would like to bow down and apologize for ever doubting you. i was one of the skeptics, i really was, but the show did it in a way that (albeit rushed, but what hasn't been so far?, thaaanks, 8-episode limit..) made it seem believable, with assdam calling her out for it..
but putting adam aside, uh, lute?? maam?? holy fuck, step on me??? please???? i mean uh. sick character design yk ahah ^^
whats her name.. emily? the younger seraphim girl, i liked her, she was a cutie. she really did just seem like heavens version of charlie. and the older seraphim woman i (expectedly) have mixed feelings abt. i feel like all would've be great it adam got outta her damn ear cause she might've actually be down to try the hotel with em gone.. angel was doing so well
speaking of angel, ANGEL!! oh lookit that character development, charlie's gonna be so fuckn proud!!! also, CHERRI!!!! saw someone else say cherris the devil on angels shoulder while husks the (heh) angel, and i have to say i agree. they both want the best for him, they just have different ways of goin about it.
unsurprisingly, fuck Valentino. although i did notice he was wearing a dress today, so. (through gritted teeth) slay.
thiiink that's all i gotta say for today?? besides the fact that next week is gonna be agonizing, ofc :] buckle up ppl we might get a genuine, emotional chaggie fight come next thursday
..oh yeah!! molly!!! we briefly saw molly!!!! i hope youre absolutely thriving girl, you deserve no less <3
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angrycloudloud · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel spoilers episode 6...
Okay, i like Emily, she IS the counterpart of Charlie in Heaven.
But, fuck yeah!!! Angel being a good friend with Nifty, and...like... in general. He may be a mess, but he is trying so hard that he made angels doubt if he was worthy of salvation. I'm so proud of him. And Husker was just there being his support... aww~ my baby losers~
And i fucking hate Adam more and more every second... But in a "i love that i hate that jerk Adam guy" kind of way. It was low how he outed Vaggie, It felt almost like a jerk outing a lesbian but in a twisted way, It was painful to watch even when i already was spoiled ABOUT IT.
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