#Hazel and Diego are fighting and Diego has the intent to kill but Five doesn’t care
nirby-wirby · 1 year
Five sitting there sipping on his margarita as Diego and Hazel fight is SO funny. He looks totally unimpressed and unbothered, even when Hazel looks at him like, “a little help??” He even winces when Hazel gets stabbed in the leg and goes, “That’s gotta hurt,” but does absolutely nothing to help. However, as soon as Diego bites Hazel’s ear he’s like, “I draw the line at biting.” Like????
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(but also like there's murder in here because it's still Umbrella Academy so...)
(BEWARE: mentions of abuse and harassment, murder, kidnapping, etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
(Ballet, Hip-Hop) Diego came to this school for Eudora, and he’s staying here for Eudora. She’s his beloved adopted sister, and the one who told him he should pursue his passions in hip-hop… and ballet, but Diego’s not interested in telling anyone that bit yet. He’s only gonna be here a year anyway, just long enough for Eudora to win her way onto the women’s US national soccer team and earn enough money for the both of them to live worry-free for the rest of their lives. He’s not planning on making friends… until one of the dancers in his ballet class trips into his chest and Diego starts questioning whether love at first sight is a thing.
(Ballet) Klaus is top of his class in ballet, which is the only reason they haven’t kicked him out yet. He’s addicted to some hard shit; he’s sold himself for money; he’s living with his abusive boyfriend who he hasn’t loved in three years because if he wasn’t he’d be homeless. He knows he’d be fine if he just told Five what was happening to him, because Five is a thirteen-year-old runaway genius living in a studio apartment big enough for three, but Klaus doesn’t know how to bring it up. He knows he’s a mess - he’s got serious PTSD, anxiety, and depression from his few months in the army where his boyfriend he actually loved was killed in front of him, and he’s got anorexia because he’s a ballerina so of course he does, and he’s probably suicidal if he thinks about it too hard. But he just doesn’t want to deal with it. At all. But then there’s Diego. Sweet, innocent, hero-like Diego. And Klaus loves him. Klaus doesn’t love anything, but, fuck - Klaus loves Diego.
(Ballet, Break Dance, Hip-Hop, Tango) Five is a killer. You can laugh, it’s okay - everybody does when he says that, as if it’s a joke. Five’s alright with that. He has more to lose from them finding out about his habits than he does from actually doing it. It’s not like he can get caught - he’s killed detectives and cops too, and he’s very good at covering his tracks. Next on his list is Klaus’ boyfriend, who’s a piece of shit. He’ll bring Klaus home with him, and keep him safe. Five may not be loyal to many, but those he is will die of nothing but natural causes. He has access to things you can only dream of. All of his dance classes double for training; dance is a good segway to fighting techniques. The only trouble is Diego, who Five loves, who Klaus loves, who is well and true and good… who looks far too much like that vigilante who travels around after hours saving Five’s victims before they’re done bleeding out.
(Flamenco, Hula, Hip-Hop) Allison is undercover, and ready to be done with this shit. She knows Five’s guilty, and knows he knows she knows he’s guilty, and knows that if he wanted her dead she would be by now. She’s worried about his intentions towards Diego, but Five seems to have instead set his sights on Klaus’ boyfriend, who Allison can’t honestly say she’ll be sad to see go. So Allison won’t be bringing Five in - at least not yet. Instead, she focuses her efforts on her dance classes, hanging out mostly with her best friends Klaus and Ray, the latter of whom she has a crush on. And she’d make a move, too, if it weren’t for that stupidly hot and kind himbo she keeps passing in the hallways and cursing at.
(Jock, Break Dance) Luther doesn’t fit in here. Everyone here is so fucking talented, and Luther just… isn’t. Break dancing is just a hobby to him, but dance seems like life or death to everybody else. He’s starting to think maybe he should just quit, but then he sees Allison in the hallways, and thinks maybe all the ridicule is worth it. Though his petty fights with that Diego kid are getting annoying… and there’s something unexplainably sinister about this school. Almost like it’s… he doesn’t know. Sometimes it’s almost like it’s not a school at all.
(Choreographer, Contemporary) Ben is one of the school’s choreographers, though he’s still a student. He knows everything about everyone, and uses that power carefully. This school is going to fucking hell, what with all the criminals scheming under its roof, but none of them are Ben’s first concern, loathe as he is to admit it. No no, Ben is worried about Klaus. His best friend, Klaus. His beloved brother Klaus. His abused, sick, sad, scared, suicidal brother. God. Here’s the thing - Ben will do anything to save Klaus. Anything. Even, he knows with some sort of horrible inevitable certainty, die.
(Violinist) Vanya plays violin for the dance students to perform to. Her teacher Leonard is harassing her and she’s probably gonna end up his invisible victim one of these days, since nobody seems to care about her here. Except for Sissy, the student volunteer secretary who’s attending a normal college across the way. She and Vanya are in love, and they’ve moved in together and Sissy proposed to Vanya last week and Vanya thinks they’re maybe gonna be happy together forever. And then Five, Vanya’s only sort-of friend, climbs through her window at two in the morning covered in blood, passing out with only the words, Sorry. It’s not mine. Vanya screams, and it’s all downhill from there.
(Tango, Waltz, Ballroom) Ray is undercover with Allison, but she seems uninterested in bringing Five to justice. Not that Ray minds - she’s a pretty good judge of character, and Ray trusts her with his life, even if she seems to be hellbent on letting a serial killer go free. Ray’s also found an oddly fulfilling friendship with Klaus, and vows to make sure he gets his happy ending with Diego. But then he finds Ben’s bloody and beaten body in the second floor bathroom after class one day and thinks, Oh. Shit.
(Ballet, Break Dance, Tango) Lila is in the know. The Handler wants someone to combat Five, who went rogue on her a year ago and only sticks around this stupid school to keep an eye on Klaus. Lila, meanwhile, is looking for a way out - Five’s not an option. He’s too sticky. But Eudora, that soccer star at the school across the street, her best friend Diego’s sister… Eudora’s a way out. (And she’s really fucking pretty too, but that’s unrelated.)
(Jock, Hip-Hop) Eudora has this weird feeling about the school she sent Diego too. If she’s being honest, she sent him there because she knows about his vigilante-ism and thought it’d give him something else to do. But when Eudora comes to visit him (and yes, maybe Lila with the eyeliner and pretty skin), she instead finds her brother’s crush tied up in the basement and screaming. And then there’s a gunshot. And then there’s nothing.
(Ballet I Guess) Dolores is the statue formally known as the “Little Dancer of Fourteen Years”. She’s at the museum right near the dance school, and Five visits her nearly every day, talking to her about any and everything. Sometimes Klaus comes with him, or Diego. Five doesn’t know why she’s important - she just is.
(Orchestra & Flamenco Teacher) Leonard is the creepy and perverted orchestra and flamenco teacher. Allison hates him on sight, but loves dancing, and can’t leave. Vanya doesn’t trust him, and he seems hellbent on treating her inappropriately, and Allison wants to fucking throttle him. But she’s sure Five will take care of it. He’s good like that.
(Ballroom Teacher) Hazel teaches ballroom dancing, and has been married to Agnes for almost twenty years now. His best friend and partner is Cha-Cha, and they both secretly work for the Handler, having been given their orders to dismantle Five. They know they’ll have to make him come to them, so they take Five’s favorite person: Klaus. It’s really such a shame that Ben boy found out what was going on and confronted them - he was far too polite to die.
(Break Dance & Hip-Hop Teacher) Cha-Cha probably wants to leave the Umbrella Academy, if she’s really honest with herself. She wants to… I don’t know, buy a boat and fuck off forever. Leave all this stupid shit behind. But now she’s got Ben’s blood on her hands and she can’t undo that, she can’t, and there’s - there’s Eudora, sweet, brave, innocent Eudora, bleeding out on the basement floor while Klaus screams. And Cha-Cha knows Diego - she’s just dug her own grave twice over.
(Ballet & Hula Teacher) Agnes is, on the contrary to most people’s expectations, not an oblivious idiot. She knows exactly what’s going on in her school. She also knows her students can handle themselves.
(First Dean, Tango Teacher) The Handler thinks she’s got all her secrets well under wraps. No one knows how many bodies she’s buried, how many students she’s killed… she’s safe from everyone but Five, the little bitch. And she thinks this up until the moment Klaus walks through her office door with a gun in his hand and the smiling ghost of Ben beside him, and realizes, Oh shit.
(Second Dean, Waltz Teacher) Reginald gives no fucks. He’s only teaching here because Pogo says it would be good for him. Granted Reginald thinks Pogo is a bit of an annoying wussy, but nonetheless he’s here. Teaching “secret” assassins how to dance. What a fucking joke.
(Counselor) Grace is everybody’s favorite person. When the school finally falls, she’s the one they all go home to. She only wishes they could learn how to dance without weapons beneath their skirts.
This turned out way darker than I intended and I am not sorry.
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vanveronicango · 4 years
if you don't mind me asking, what aspects of s2 did you dislike? bc for me, although i liked it a lot better than s1 (mainly for the increased focus on sibling dynamic scenes). i also kind of realized that it had kind of a Lot going on, that although i appreciated, didn't get enough equal attention? idk
i agree that the dynamic scenes this season were pretty great. we got some great interactions between characters that didn’t have much last season (personal fave being klaus/allison/vanya and every individual combo in that trio). 
i personally love reading other peoples’ opinions on shows/movies, even if they don’t match my own, because a lot of the time they open my eyes to some stuff i haven’t seen, and i love to see work affecting others the same way it does me, even if it has a different outcome. 
so, i know  i said i wouldn’t, but since you asked, under the cut i’m going list out some of the stuff i wasn’t a huge fan of, and some of the stuff i really liked. 
(edit warning: this shit is LONG. but please don’t take this as me absolutely hating the season - I didn’t. there was some genuinely enjoyable stuff. but, in my opinion, it didn’t have the spark and intent that s1 did. it wasn’t the caliber of the season i fell in love with. i think it’s still rewatchable though, unlike a certain godawful season of a certain hit netflix show...... coughstrangerthings3cough)
1. not enough characterization/development in most of the characters (this will be the longest point, so I’ll get it out of the way first) - for one, the siblings - save maybe vanya & allison - really... did not develop much this season, and weren’t explored as heavily as in the first season. hell, even in vanya and allison’s cases, i still think s1 did a better job at delving into their characters and psyche, even though they still had a bit of it in s2. but especially in the other siblings cases, i feel like SO MUCH of this season leaned into trivial things the fans liked, that it either (at least) took time away from or (at worst) was an active detriment to the characters’ development and plots. they said oh you like banter? we’ll give you unnecessary arguing and jokes that go on for 20 minutes too long when we could be delving deeper into these interesting situations we saw on the surface. here’s some fart jokes and forgettable music when we could be seeing more of how these characters are coping with the literal end of the world/being sent back in time/facing the prospect of never seeing their families again. 
in s1, we got luther’s immense internal struggles in living up to his “name” and only existing to please his father... diego finding his relationships through his jaded nature towards his siblings and himself, and grappling with feelings of inferiority... allison’s coping with the effects her powers have had on her life, and trying to become someone without rumoring everything into existence, which is a new feeling altogether that she isn’t quite sure how to cope with... klaus going through intense development as a simultaneously self-obsessed and self-destructive drug addict that gets thrown into a gruesome war for a year, only to watch the person he loves most die, grappling with his ptsd from war & his abusive childhood, and discovering new powers... five coming back home after decades of solitude and then being used as a weapon, trying to reestablish himself within the group while dealing with an eating feeling that he doesn’t belong in his body or in this group.... vanya, oh vanya, with her depression, anxiety, feelings of loneliness and betrayal, feeling invisible and utterly ordinary, gripping to whoever makes her feel special (and dealing with that fallout) before suddenly being slammed with unbelievably powerful abilities that she can’t control.
in s2... yes, we get lesbian!vanya who becomes truer to herself, and - through intense struggle - finds a way to harness her abilities so she isn’t so out of control and can finally feel extraordinary herself. but much of the latter was given up for a vast majority of the season bc she literally didn’t know who she was (there was a positive in that though, which i’ll list in my positives list), and so we lost a LOT of potential coping and learning time, which easily could have mingled with her sissy storyline! allison’s storyline i actually dug, i don’t have too much gripe with it except that i wish her throat injury didn’t just kind of magically heal, and they could’ve addressed it more. the end of ben’s story was interesting, but still lacked depth imo. as for the other siblings.... it all just felt like a TON of jokes that were funny at first, but quickly became stale and had me wishing they would take the story a bit deeper. that said, a lot of the gags, jokes, and quips were great, but they could’ve been incorporated WAY more intelligently, and allowed for characterization at the same time. loads and loads of banter, not being balanced with poignancy like s1 did very well.
we could have seen luther’s descent into the criminal underworld, and why he felt the draw and obligation to go that route. a more detailed look at klaus’ beginnings and relationship with the cult, his motivations (which s2 kept super shallow), more of diego’s life inside the asylum and even beforehand. but no, we got five and old five farting.
2. the music - man, the s1 soundtrack was iconic, was it not? effortlessly cool scene/music combos, countless iconic music moments, brilliantly and thoughtfully done. this season felt like they said “music? oh ok throw music EVERYWHERE” and it was just. not. good. instead of music that intertwined with each scene like it was a character itself, amplifying the tone and adding a new layer (like in s1), the music this season was mostly just distracting, forgettable, and felt like they were this close to just making a bunch of music videos. i even found myself hating a couple of their choices (the rest i just kinda... forgot). i did like the vanya/allison/klaus dance scene, but other than that.... eugh.
3. the handler - I HATE. HATE HATE HATE. when shows/movie franchises do shit like make a big deal of killing off a villain or lead and then just being like “hehe jk uwu” and bringing them back with some totally bs reason that they lived. a metal plate? really? and she magically awoke... how long after? not to mention how unbelievably lazy and lame it is. they could’ve done so much more with carmichael and the swedes, but they had to bring back... the villain we already had? don’t get me wrong, i LOVEEE kate walsh, but come on. it’s season 2. give us something fresh.
4. the swedes - in s1, cha cha and hazel had personalities, wants, desires that were all explored. we knew their motivations, their doubts, their fears. we liked to watch them. then the writers threw in the swedes... who were completely devoid of any and all characterization (they could’ve gone in my #1 point too heyo), personality, backstory, anything. it was so painful that when each one died, it was clear that we were supposed to feel something for the others, but did any of you really feel anything? no. because we didn’t know these characters at all. they were walking guns, pretty much. nothing substantial.
5. ben & klaus - being someone who loves these two characters so, so much (hellloooo, my old url?), this one breaks my heart. i was so unbelievably disappointed with them this season. all either of them were was horrible to the other. in klaus’ case, he just decided to keep ben’s presence a secret, not even telling the group ben loved them, or that he was there. he called him his ghost bitch, he used him as a personal pet, he lacked sympathy or compassion. we saw a glimmer of hope when he allowed ben to possess him, but that’s where ben’s issues start. seriously, possessing your brother past his breaking point, fighting him out of his own bodily autonomy, until he is in a state of complete exhaution? then saying he “regrets nothing”? and then the show playing it off as ~comedy~ bc that’s almost all they cared about this season... no... there was nothing in their relationship this season that compared to last’s. no moments of tough brotherly love, where ben tries to help klaus through his drug/alcohol desires or ptsd flashbacks, no moments of teamwork (besides the brief moments of consenting possession before that was ruined), no tender moments between brothers in general. all just REALLY FUCKING LOUD “comedy”, anger, resentment, bickering, and cruelty, all played for laughs. not about it son
6. “we’re not blood related!” - and, once again, getting played for laughs... for a show that became uncomfortably self-aware with trivial fan desires (but not the deeper stuff...), they sure do lack a lot of common sense of realizing what we don’t want
7. hazel (& agnes) - they went through the trouble of saving hazel and agnes just to have agnes die off-screen before the season started, and for hazel to die five minutes into his only appearance? lame. lame lame lame.
8. plot pace - i don’t really recall any moments in s1 that i thought “this scene doesn’t need to be here”, “this is moving so slowly”, or “this is being really rushed”. there was plenty of all three of those in s2. s1 was constant, everything was either towards the main goal or was filled with private and fascinating character moments. i love just watching characters live and do their thing if it’s done properly... but those scenes this season really weren’t very entertaining (save one or two), didn’t really seem to serve a purpose or hold weight, and didn’t give us any character insight.
9. klaus - the reason he’s listed specifically even after i mentioned him in the first point, was because of how personally saddened i was by his “arc”, if you could call it that. i know, him being my favorite (along with vanya) in s1 isn’t an original thought. but the writers, directors, and robert created a character so entertaining, charming, layered, and multi-faceted that it was hard not to fall in love with him. for all his goofiness, he then got a shit ton of characterization and development in the war, in dave, in his ptsd and discovering his power. his poignant moments were so powerful because of how different it was from his typical outward appearance. and fuck if he didn’t develop! this season, klaus felt... shallow. the cult stuff had no depth, no real reason to be there at all (the show really wouldn’t be much different without it, besides it being how five and allison found klaus), and it was kind of a throwaway point anyway, just another tool to get - shocker - more laughs. those touching, serious klaus scenes were completely absent in s2... he was just the ~quirky~ and/or ~high/drunk~ guy. there was literally no depth to his character at all this season. yeah, he crawled from behind the desk in e9.... and what else? nothing. robert did all he could this season, but something tells me even he was probably disappointed by just how one-dimensional klaus was. he was really no different at the end than he was at the beginning of the season, which is a no-no. 
10. klave - this is kind of an expansion of #9, but i was so disappointed by it that it needed its own spot. the only stuff that was supposed to be serious in klaus’ story - the klaus/dave stuff - was really not good. the moment the shopkeeper said “david?” in the store, i literally gasped bc i was so excited... but that was the last of any excitement i felt for the two, which, if you know me, is BONKERS considering how much i adore s1 klave. but this new young actor had ZERO chemistry with robert (fuck if rob wasn’t trying, though. it looked painful for him, but this guy really was just not well casted) (cody and rob were phenomenal together and had a fraction of the screentime this new actor had), and klaus being 30 and this actor/character being a kid was just... weird to watch. plus... so many white actors look the same, they really couldn’t find someone who looked like cody ray thompson? c’mon now ...... also, was there any point to it? at all? dave just wound up going anyway and there was literally no differences made in that situation. i think the writers thought they were catering to the audience by adding dave, but you need actors with chemistry (cody! cody!!!) and a good plot to do so.
11. s1 fallout - there really was none. that’s it. you’d think there’d be more after the explosions in the relationships of these siblings, but everything was just kind of glossed over.
12. sparrow academy - mostly here because... does this mean 7 more characters? meaning MORE time taken away from our og siblings, who already (mostly) didn’t develop well this season? i’m not gonna lie, i’m worried/
1. the chestnuts - i absolutely loved ray, loved allison, and loved their and their group’s work this season. the issue of race is so important all the time, but in the 60′s the tensions were so high and it would’ve been a joke if the show hadn’t addressed it or just kind of went with little racist remarks. these two had some of the most touching scenes of the season, and the sit-in scenes/every police scene had me incredibly anxious. that was well done, imo. which is proof that they still know how to do a good storyline, which makes me even more upset that the show was overall lacking that this season. i’m also so glad they didn’t go the “oh sry ray i still love luther’ route bc i literally don’t know if i would’ve kept watching. ANYWAYS im gonna miss ray sm :(
2. vanya & sissy - lesbian!vanya is all i want and more. vanya/sissy was all i want and more. these two, much like the chestnuts, breathed so much life into an often-dull season. so in love!!! vanya connecting with harlan even in just the most human ways!!! sissy finally standing up to carl (and carl d*ing god bless).... little found family oh my GOD!!! super devastated that sissy didn’t come back to the future with vanya, but because of harlan’s ending, something tells me we haven’t seen the last of them. oh and i am so conflicted about vanya’s amnesia, bc while i think so much more development could’ve happened without it, i also don’t think a lot of what happened with her and sissy could have happened, at least as quickly, if vanya was bogged down by guilt, anger, and lingering feelings of self-hatred and anxiety.
3. sibling dynamics - okay, this one is a contradiction, kinda sorta. i know i said the ben/klaus relationship was horrid. and i didn’t dig absolutely everything with all the siblings.... but they had some REALLY strong stuff this season. i know i’ve already mentioned it multiple times, but vanya/allison/klaus was everything to me this season. i knew i wanted klaus/vanya stuff happening, but adding allison to the mix gave it a whole new layer and they all just worked SO. DAMN. WELL. i just kind of wish it was vanya with her memories getting that bonding time, because i feel like the trio really could’ve gone in with how they all related to each other, their struggles, etc. but still, just some Happy Time was much appreciated. in addition to them, i really did dig a lot of almost every sibling dynamic this season. not every relationship got the attention it deserved, but it wasn’t too bad, it would be really hard to get all of that into 10 eps. plus, the fact that almost all of them grew so much closer was everyyyything. it’s odd, because good dynamics usually come with good development but uh..... nvm im keepin this section positive
4. the humor - another kind of contradiction, maybe. for some of the humor, i thought it went too long, was extremely heavy-handed, often took away from the plot, and some of it even degraded certain characters and situations (see examples throughout my points above). however, the stuff that didn’t fall into these categories was so, so good. some favorites: olga foroga, “think of batman, then aim lower”, “you look like antonio banderas with that hair” “thanks man”, i’m t h e  d a d d y  h e r e, “not everyone here likes you” “sounds ridiculous but go on”, klaus’ little pop culture quips to his cult, “being smart doesn’t make you interesting” “neither does that beard”, klaus calling ben to manifest and ben being like ”...nah”... there are plenty more, but these were the first i could think of in 60 seconds off the top of my head. some of it really was laugh out loud funny, which can be hard to do, especially consistently. if only they didn’t lean into it so damn hard, and put in WAY too much heavy-handed humor that it dampened the experience
5. old five - although i don’t love all of the stuff in the five/old five scenes, old five’s actor was fantastic! he got aidan’s mannerisms down really, really well. it’s always cool to see actors do that kind of thing when they play a character at a different age, or a character’s sibling, etc.
6. time period bigotry - i’m really, really glad they didn’t gloss over the intense racism and homophobia of the era. it was mostly brought up with allison, vanya, and klaus, and all three actors did a great job in their respective roles when expressing their reactions to the hatred. the scenes were really hard to watch, but well done.
7. pogo/grace/reggie - don’t get me wrong, i still hate reggie with a burning passion. but i actually found his scenes with these two really interesting, and it gave us great insight as to why pogo was always so loyal to reggie, and how grace was more than just a face on a robot to hargreeves. (which actually makes lack of development in our mains even more infuriating... they clearly knew to put some in there, where is it for the rest of the sibs who got nothing this season!!!)
alright, i’m gonna stop here. i’m sure i can think of more for each section, but i’ve been thinking this out and typing for an hour (holy shit) and it’s 2am and i need sleep xoxo
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cogentranting · 4 years
I just want to know so much more about the nature and limits of the Hargreeves’ powers. 
How strong really is Luther? sometimes it seems like legit super strength and sometimes it just seems like 6′5″ guy with gorilla arms strength. 
How much can Diego control projectiles? Could he completely reverse it’s direction? Is it limited to one turn in the air or could he make it zigzag and follow people around too? At one point in season 1 he distinctly makes a knife hover in mid air for a moment before he grabs it and throws it-- is his power really just a limited telekinesis? Is it inherently limited or has he just relied so much on his actual combat skills that he hasn’t pushed himself with his power? Does Diego have his holding his breath power in the show? Has he just not mentioned/used it yet or does he not know about it yet? Would that power mean it’s impossible to strangle him? 
Does Allison HAVE to use the “I heard a rumor” phrase or is that more of a helpful tool for her own sake to focus the power? If it DOES have to be that, how did she find out that phrase? Can she rumor multiple people at once? Can she rumor over the phone? Is the outcome more subject to her intent or the actual words (for instance if she rumors vanya “you think you’re just ordinary” and intends only for vanya to believe she doesn’t have powers will that be the only thing it influences or will vanya be forced to believe herself ordinary in every way because of the ambiguity of the statement?) Does it affect everyone with the same strength? 
When Klaus went on missions as a kid... what did he even do? He doesn’t seem to have Allison and Diego’s hand to hand combat skills and his power doesn’t really lend itself to missions... then again maybe he was good at fighting and just lost the skills through disuse and drug abuse. Is Ben stuck with Klaus or does he choose to follow him? Reginald is in a sort of afterlife-y place but Ben and Hazel and Cha-Cha’s victims seem to be stuck as ghosts in the real world-- is this because of the nature of their deaths? A personal choice? Because Reginald is some sort of alien? Will Ben ever get to move on? When he’s more in control of his power, can Klaus control which ghosts manifest (like could he summon Reginald out of the afterlife to talk to him against Reginald’s will) or is just whatever ghosts choose to talk to him? Does Pogo have a soul and Klaus talk to him? Why do other ghosts have the injuries that killed them but not Ben? 
Is it easier for Five to go forward in time than backward? Does he have a limit to how often he can jump? Does it take a lot of effort? How did he even know he could time travel? Could he theoretically achieve a mastery of his power on such a level that he could throw his consciousness into his body at other ages the way he accidentally ended up in his thirteen year old body? How far can he teleport through space? Does he have Nightcrawler-esque limitations about knowing the space he’s teleporting to? 
Does Ben have full control over the monsters or does he just sort of unleash them? When he died, did they die too? Are there different ones? Does he control which one comes through? Can they come through more fully than just like reaching tentacles through into this dimension? Is he aware of them when he’s not using them? Does it hurt? It seems like Ben was the Hulk of the team-- doesn’t necessarily like to use his power but he’s the big gun they call in when they really need it-- if he was as powerful as he seemed, how did he get killed? Could overreaching with his power hurt him? 
Why does Vanya glow? Her power mostly seems to be converting sound into energy-- how did she change the weather with that? How dependent is she on sound? She blew up the cell at the Academy using just her own heartbeat or something like that-- does the actual volume matter or is it more about connection to the sound? Had she been expecting it could she have channeled the sound of Allison’s gun shot into an attack? Does the nature of the sound she’s using effect how much control she has or how much power? Or both? Is it something that’s inherently hard to control and likely to push her over the edge, or is it just hard to control because it’s linked to her emotions and (initially) young children aren’t good at controlling their emotions and (later) Vanya’s bad at controlling her emotions because she’d been sedated for practically her whole life and wasn’t used to feeling adult emotions at full force? What up with her eyes?
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I’m super bored so I figured I make a master post thing of all my fic WIPs mainly to help organise my thought and hopefully motivate me to write more, but also just in case people a curious as to what’s knocking about in my noggin
Klaus and Dave spend their first winter together after Vietnam. The snow reminds Klaus of all the winters he spent on the street but Dave is there to make him feel better
Conversation between Allison and Klaus about what he meant when he said ‘confessing my love to a young gay man who doesn’t know he’s gay’ and ‘carrying the touch for a soldier who doesn’t know I exist yet’
Sort of character study - Dave exploring all of Klaus’s scars & tattoos while they’re in Saigon
Klaus and Dave are neighbors and start leaving post-it notes for each other
Sequel to ‘I’m not dead just floating’ - Klaus coming to terms with Dave being alive; lots of fluff including them getting to go on their first proper date; Diego finding out his brother is screwing his ex’s best friend 
2nd sequel to INDJF that’s just emotional smut
Multi-chapter fics:
Rewrite of ‘home is where the heart is’
I haven’t updated this fic in over a year & I wanna redo it in line with S2
Basically Dave lives and Klaus stays. They move into a place in upstate New York, end up adopting 2 kids (Libby & Benji) and basically live in domestic bliss
Sissy is a single mum who lives nearby. Her and Klaus are BFFs. She babysits their kids, Klaus and Dave babysit Harlan & it’s very wholesome
When the rest of siblings time travel after S1 they end scattered across New York in the early 70s. Most of the plot point remains the same - Allison meets Ray who’s a civil rights lawyer/activist; Luther gets involved with the mafia; Diego gets sectioned for going on about how he’s going to time travel and save JFK; Vanya meets sissy & moves in with her
Klaus has a few near misses where he almost finds his siblings (i.e. Dave is reading the article about Diego getting arrest & Klaus jokes about it sounding like his brother. Sissy mentions Vanya living with her/looking for her family - Dave suggest it might Klaus sister but he shuts its down bc how did Vanya time travel??)
Klaus finds Vanya first, but have no idea about that the apocalypse or that their siblings are
Ben gets stuck with another sibling (probably Vanya or Diego) he rips Klaus a new one when they reunite for not wanting to find the rest of their siblings
I don’t really have much of plot details settled but there’s the usual shinanigans of commission and FBI shit. They don’t find Reggie bc someone suggests maybe telling him about the umbrella academy might screw the timeline
I have a few ending including
Super happy ending no ones hurt, Klaus and Dave either stay or go to 2019 but everyone ends on good terms 
Dave get shot again, they all go back the future. It’s a close call but Grace is able to save him. Five gives Klaus the briefcase & the option to stay or go back to the 70′s
Super sad ending of Klaus going back to 2019 to help on the promise he can then go back to 1970′s once apocalypse is stopped but something happens and he gets stranded. He has to deal with the consequences of abandoning Dave and his kids. (Maybe Klaus end up meeting his now-grownup kids. They grew up on stories from Dave about how their dad was a superhero who had to leave to save the world, but hold a lot of resentment against Klaus)
Russian doll AU
This one is actually on AO3 but on an indefinite hiatus
No powers AU - Klaus gets stuck in time loop of constantly dying on his birthday.  He meets Dave who is also stuck in the loop and they team up to try and solve it
Commission AU
Handler finds Klaus after Dave dies but before he leaves Vietnam. She offers him a deal - work for the commission & they’ll save Dave. Klaus and Dave become partners in the commission
The handler sends them to 2019 and manipulates them to help trigger the apocalypse
She basically pits Klaus and Vanya against the others with the intention of getting the Umbrella Academy to kill Dave & triggering Klaus to start the apocalypse 
After a fight with the sparrows the briefcase gets damaged & Klaus ends up in an alternate timeline where Dave wasn’t killed the two of them settled down together.
The longer he stays the more memories he accumulates from this timelines version of himself & the more he forgets about the original timeline (to the point where he convinces himself it’s all just a reoccurring dream)
He runs into Lila who has been hopping across timelines to avoid the sparrows and the umbrellas. She figures out that Klaus is in the wrong timeline but Klaus just brushes her off
The rest of the umbrella academy eventually find him & Klaus has to choose between his siblings and Dave
Vanya & Klaus role-swap AU
Pretty self explanatory set up - Vanya was a full member of the umbrella academy, Klaus grew up thinking the ghost were just hallucinations
Klaus and Dave (ex-soldier) are already in an established relationship
When five turns up in 2019 he has dog tags instead of an eyeball but they’re too damaged to read the full name/ID number
After he gets kidnapped he gets shot by hazel & cha-cha. After he dies he speaks to Reggie before coming back to life
Patch and Dave save him. No one dies or time travels. Klaus finally has a conversation with Ben and tell Dave about his powers
More shinanigans and basically the apocalypse happens when Dave is shot which triggers klaus’ powers
Could also lead into a sequel following season 2 where Dave ends up in Dallas. Klaus has no memory and his only clue is Dave’s dog tags. Dave also has no clue what’s going bc he was unconscious/bleeding out and just wakes up in a hospital in the 1960s
Actor AU
Hargreeves siblings are ex-child stars who all took fame differently and are spread across the spectrum of ‘continued successful career and avoided major scandal’ (Allison) and ‘developed an addiction as a teenager and completely fell off the rails’ (Klaus)
As kids they all stared in a show about the umbrella academy and all reunite to film a gritty reboot (aka things are super meta)
Dave is cast as in a minor role of Klaus’ love interest and they basically end up falling in love on set as well
S1 fix-it
Klaus brings Dave back to the future after he gets shot
The briefcase screws up and they end up in 2018. Basically an excuse for Klaus and Dave to go on a road trip without dealing with the apocalypse
Probably some comical shinanigans involving Klaus and Dave trying to avoid the past versions of Klaus/the rest of the siblings (could get angsty when they find past Klaus and see what an absolutely mess he used to be)
Ben knows and is just kinda done with Klaus shit
0 notes