#He had them in the first film and the legend of the boneknapper
sure-i-exist · 2 years
I miss Snotlouts freckles
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oseytorvan · 2 years
"A destroyed house is not the reason": why did Astrid Hofferson leave the Dragon Riders team?
Warning: Good command of English has never been my strong point :(
Some were confused by Astrid's behavior in "Team Astrid". Before the release of this series, it seemed that fires and the destruction of houses for Berk's Vikings were commonplace. After all, they have been waging a war against dragons for a long time, and this caused real chaos in the village!
Yes, then came peaceful times, but do not get your hopes up – the dragons remained dragons. In TV shows and movies, we have been shown many times that since then they have not acquired grace and good manners. However, so are the Vikings themselves. 
At the beginning of the first film, Hiccup says that all the huts in the village are new, as they constantly had to be rebuilt after the attacks of dragons. So, for the Vikings, this is a familiar thing – it wouldn't be difficult for them to build a new hut. Then why did Astrid Hofferson, who has a genuine Viking mentality, get so excited about a house that has been destroyed many times? Why did she decide to leave the team of riders? I have a couple of thoughts on this.
In order to understand this, I propose to plunge into Astrid's childhood. Unfortunately, we know almost nothing about her parents. But thanks to the deleted scene, we know that Astrid got the battle axe from her mother. Also, in another deleted scene, Astrid is seen hugging her father before he sails off in search of the Dragon's Nest with other Vikings. From this we can conclude that Astrid's parents were warriors. 
"Is this some kind of joke for you? Our parents' war is about to become ours. Find out whose side you're on" (Astrid)
This suggests that Mr. and Mrs. Hofferson were very busy people – they had to defend the village from dragons (mother) and sail away on long business trips in search of a Nest (father). And, since Astrid was the only child in the family, no one else could take care of the safety of the home during the attacks. (Among Astrid's mentioned relatives there is also an aunt, Uncle Finn, grandmother and grandfather, but they were probably involved in protecting Berk from dragons like all adults. In addition, Astrid's aunt and uncle most likely had their own families and homes that also needed protection).
Thus, we can conclude that the care of the house from an early age fell on Astrid's shoulders. By "caring" I mean extinguishing fires and repair. We all remember how deftly she wielded a hammer in "Gift of the Night Fury":
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Do not forget that before becoming a warrior, Astrid worked in a fire brigade with other teenagers. She continued to help the tribesmen in extinguishing fires even after the end of the war with the dragons, as shown in "Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon". 
The Hoffersons' house was razed to the ground, burned to the ground by Dagur's men, and it's great luck that Astrid's parents went to the yak races. They lost a roof over their heads and they could have lost their lives. It's not that it's easy to fix, but that it shouldn't have happened at all. Since childhood, Astrid had been accustomed to the fact that protecting the house was her duty, and she believed that by flying away from the island, she had framed her parents.
One more detail – initially Astrid organized Dragon Riders' Auxiliary NOT because she understood that she could not do all the work alone. This reason was just a cover. Astrid was strict with her students not because she was a "domineering coach" and not because they were worthless. She planned to deliberately stretch out their training so that the Hofferson house would be under her watchful eye for as long as possible. And only in the end did she realize that the A-team could really be trusted, that she would not be able to "be in charge" for the rest of her days.
One of the most important advantages of Astrid Hofferson is her amazing sense of duty. She is ready to make many sacrifices for the sake of her family and what is dear to her. Despite the fact that over time Astrid learned to trust people and became less ruthless to herself, she will forever remain the first defender of the Hofferson house and its main mistress.
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httyd2014 · 6 years
Character Review of HTTYD 3
This is Part 1 of a two part movie review of How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. Next up is the plot review. 
As of March 3, I've seen it four times. The first was the February 2 early showing, the second and third were on opening weekend in a regular AMC theater, and the fourth was in IMAX yesterday, which, like, I'm bothered by the fact that this third movie in the franchise only has limited IMAX screenings whereas the first two were released in all IMAX theaters, and released in 3D to boot. But anyway, character review:  (Also, spoilers abound, so only read this if you've seen it already)
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He was at his BEST. That speech he gives to the Vikings in the great hall after Grimmel burns his house down gets more chilling and chilling with each viewing. Years ago when Dean Deblois was dropping hints over what to expect in the sequel, I got the impression that the arch of the trilogy would end with Hiccup's coronation as Chief at the end of the third. Instead, not only is he thrust into the role early thanks to Stoick's heartbreaking death, but we get to see him grow and struggle in the role of Chief, and I thought that character arch was pulled off sensationally. Although he takes after his mother's idealism in his attempts to save all innocent dragons from the hostile Trappers, he also embraces his father's lesson from the sequel that his first duty is to protect his people from harm and danger. His speech in the great hall encapsulates that beautifully with one powerful line after another. 
Hiccup is truly the leader of his people by the end of this movie, and not only that, but at least from my perspective, he's also imminently relatable. He genuinely struggles with himself and questions whether he's capable of doing what needs to be done as Grimmel and the legion of Trappers advance on New Berk. That lack of internal belief he carried around inside him as a scrawny 15 year old boy before he shot down the Night Fury is still there, six years later, as a handsome 21 year old chief. His internal struggle really showed his humanity, and in my opinion, it was Hiccup's journey that drove this third movie more than any other character, including Toothless. Which brings me to our beloved Night Fury:
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Ok, so I must confess, I wasn't totally satisfied with how his character was portrayed. What made Toothless so amazingly endearing in the first one was how he struck such a PERFECT balance between being this fierce, ferocious beast on one hand, and being this adorable little puppy dog on the other hand. For the most part, he kept that balance in the sequel, particularly at the end when he challenges Drago's Bewildabeast and becomes the new Alpha of all dragons. In this one, however, I honestly didn't get the sense that Toothless truly was the "Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself" like the Viking legends said Night Furies were. Even during the above scene in the clouds where he does the Lightning Bolt thing and goes into stealth mode, it felt more like a cheap trick to impress Luna than a symbol of how utterly deadly he can be, and sure enough, he only uses it that one time to get those four Deathgrippers off his back. To me, all those puppy dog moments - of which there are MANY in this one - are less adorable because they aren't contrasted with enough moments of genuine fierceness. Simply put: I liked Toothless a lot more in the first and second movies than in the third one. 
That being said - and I'm going to repeat this in the plot review - the flaws in his character are made up for by the ending. He does the most human thing we've EVER seen him do when he literally gives Hiccup a big bear hug as they say good by. I put my hand over my mouth to control my emotions when I saw that! And then during the final scene where Hiccup visits him after 5 or 6 years, Toothless does a very animal like thing by failing to recognize Hiccup at first, which, as a big fan of the Jurassic World movies, reminded me of how the velociraptor Blue didn't recognize Owen after not seeing him for a year, thus putting Owen in a dangerous situation. But then as soon as Hiccup does the Forbidden Friendship thing, BOOM, Toothless's eyes widen like the sea, and he embraces his dear friend that he can't see every day anymore. To me, that was totally in character of who Toothless is as both a deadly Night Fury, but also the best friend a human could ask for. 
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I'm gonna say this straight up: If Captain Marvel, or Star Wars, or Ghostbusters, or whoever, is going for the narrative of Strong, Female, Characters that do Strong, Female, Things, they already have an archetype that everyone loves, and her name is Astrid Hofferson. She is the true embodiment of a strong, female character, and I thought everything that made HTTYD fans love her in the first one was on display again in the third one. I was worried about this too, because in the trailers, it looked like Deblois might have been relying too heavily on the mythos of the first one, specifically the talk on the cliff, which from the trailers looked copied and pasted into the third one. However, it came off SO much better on film than it looked in the trailer, including one of my favorite lines from the entire franchise:
"But you know what? I am the person I am today because of you. And I have watched you doubt yourself every day ever since."
Astrid does what a good woman is supposed to do for her man: Be there for him when he falls down, comfort him with kind words, and remind him of who he is and what he can do. And she does all that in addition to being the warrior princess that Tuffnut correctly described her as. She fulfills the old saying, "behind every great man, stands a great woman." The talk on the cliff in this one is JUST AS GOOD as the same talk in the first one. It didn't come off as contrived or forced like I thought it would. Another favorite part of mine was during Hiccup's speech where she throws her axe on the table and demands that the Vikings hear out his plan to abandon Berk. She does that despite explicitly disagreeing with that plan earlier, which means that she was willing to stand by her man and her Chief even though she herself wasn't enthusiastic about the plan at first. Overall, I felt that the Hiccstrid relationship drove this story almost as much as the friendship between Hiccup and Toothless, and it did it without devolving into cliched romance.
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She was good...at least when she had actual time onscreen (more on that in the plot review). I LOVED how she developed a relationship of sorts with her future daughter-in-law by encouraging Astrid to comfort Hiccup when he was doubting himself. I remember thinking to myself in the theater, "wow, Hiccup has two incredible women in his life! What a gift." I also liked how she automatically became an authority figure on Berk despite being gone for 20 years. She basically plays the role of General by scouting out Grimmel's advances towards New Berk and by bailing out Hiccup and the gang when Grimmel outfoxes Hiccup by trapping him on his ship. Between Valka, Eret, Astrid, and Gobber, it's really cool to see how Hiccup has a good leadership council behind him. 
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Believe me, his character is SO much cooler if you've seen Game of Thrones. I can't emphasize enough how Kit Herrington's personality comes alive in Eret. In this one, my only complaint is that I wish we saw him more in combat fighting along side Gobber and Valka, although even as an adviser to Hiccup, he plays the role really well. A part of me wishes he gave Hiccup and Stoick more of a challenge when he was working for Drago in the 2nd one, because his knowledge of the world outside Berk is impressive, not to mention he's a natural leader, as he demonstrates during the speech in the great hall when he augments Hiccup's points. Whatever goofball traits he had in the sequel are gone in this one, and I liked that. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about...
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Ugh. The teens could have disappeared entirely and it wouldn't have effected the plot at all (Grimmel would have found New Berk eventually. Ruffnut's stupidity simply allowed him to find it faster). There was absolutely no character development from any of them, and in Snotlout's case, he outright devolved. The primary reason I didn't think HTTYD 3 was an A+ movie is because the teens would not shut the hell up. I did NOT find most of their lines or antics funny, I found them distracting and annoying. These characters reached their apex in Gift of the Night Fury, and they never got better after that. 
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Is Gobber. Good man, good leader, kind of paranoid. His shining moment in this franchise remains his eulogy during Stoick's funeral. In this one, you could tell that Deblois didn't really have anywhere to go with his character, so he added a subplot with the constantly appearing Hob Gobblers, which to me was what Legend of the Boneknapper should have looked like. One thing I do wish is that we saw one quick appearance of the Trolls alongside the Hob Gobblers on New Berk, as that would have been an amusing validation of his line to Stoick from the first one.
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He gets two WONDERFUL flashbacks with Little Hiccup.* But, there's one error that was made during those flashbacks, and I apologize in advance to everyone who has already pointed it out: Stoick's beard should have looked scruffier and redder like it does in the first one when he's younger, as opposed to straight with grey spots like in the second when he's older. His beard is straight with grey spots during the flashbacks. Assuming that wasn't an oversight by Dreamworks, I'm guessing they did it that way because it was easier to animate. Which is understandable, but still, I'm a stickler for consistency. (The missing tree branch in front of Hiccup's face in the first one still jars me every time I see it).
*My gods, every animation studio from Dreamworks to Disney to Pixar has MASTERED the art of creating adorable children. It never ceases to amaze me
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Ok, WOW, I loved him as a villain! He was everything Drago Bludvist wasn't: Cunning, crafty, smart, and above all, relatable. Grimmel is what Hiccup possibly WOULD have become if he stuck his knife into the downed Night Fury. Both of them are cerebral, and both of them play this delightful mind game where they try to anticipate each other's moves and countermoves, which Grimmel wins more often than not. As Gobber said to Hiccup, "one day, you're going to pick a fight you can't win." If Drago made Hiccup pay for his idealism by costing him his fathers life, than Grimmel makes Hiccup pay by costing him his Dragon-Human utopia. Grimmel's actions cause Hiccup to eventually accept the painful truth that humans living with dragons every day is not possible without resorting to war and death to keep that utopia a reality. When a villain can change things like that, then you have a damn good villain, and not just a guy who gets in the way periodically like Alvin and Dagur from the TV show. 
Additionally, I thought Grimmel was so much more personable than Drago. His talk to Hiccup in the house evoked the same feelings in me as the talk between Evelyn Deavor and Elastigirl in Incredibles 2, which is to say, I was relating to what BOTH of them were saying to each other. It was like the Light and Dark sides that exist inside all of us were speaking to each other. Whereas Drago was just pure evil and brute force, Grimmel was genuinely compelling and interesting. I would have liked Deblois to take a different story arch with this third film than just throwing another disposable villain in the mix, but as it is, Grimmel was a worthy character. 
In Summary
Hiccup and Astrid were spectacular, Toothless was very good but could have been better, Valka, Eret, and Gobber played their roles well, and Grimmel was an excellent bad guy. The only downside was the Teens. If their comic relief was cut, or if they were actual characters, this could have been an A+ movie from start to finish as opposed to A+ at the end and at specific parts in between (like the speech and the talks on the cliff).  
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“How to Train Your Dragon”  Series
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How to Train Your Dragon. I’ll be perfectly honest, I could probably write at least five pages on the subject because there is so much to talk about. But I’ll try to keep this relatively short and sweet. So, we’re all familiar with the movies; two of them have been released and the conclusion to the trilogy is set to release February 22, 2019 (at least in America). But the books, though lesser-known, are crafted brilliantly as well. Not to mention all the short films (technically five, but also technically four, I’ll explain) and spin-off series ( Riders of Berk, Defenders of Berk, and Race to the Edge). But for now, I’ll stick with the books and spin-offs.
There are 12 books in the How to Train your Dragon series. The first book, of course named How to Train Your Dragon, begins the adventures of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, the Hope and Heir of Stoick the Vast, Chief of the Hairy Hooligans, Oh Hear His Name and Tremble, Ugh, Ugh (yes, that is the Chief’s whole title), a small, noodley boy of eleven (technically 2.75 years of age, because he was born on February 29. But what do I know?) and he has to complete his First Task of becoming a viking: Get your Dragon. He ends up with this tiny Common or Garden-sized dragon which he appropriately names “Toothless”, because the dragon had no teeth (but very sharp gums, which come in handy in saving the day and getting in trouble throughout the series). The first six books (How to Train Your Dragon, How to Be a Pirate, How to Speak Dragonese, How to Cheat a Dragon’s Curse, How to Twist a Dragon’s Tale, and A Hero’s Guide to Deadly Dragons) are light-hearted and interesting enough, the seventh book (How to Ride a Dragon’s Storm) acts as a bridge between the first six and last five, but then the last five books (How to Break a Dragon’s Heart, How to Steal a Dragon’s Sword, How to Seize a Dragon’s Jewel, How to Betray a Dragon’s Hero, and How to Fight A Dragon’s Fury) is where the plot gets darker, more serious, and a whole lot more interesting. Little tidbits from the first six books, begin playing important role from book eight onward. I think the best of these books is that they are written as memoirs by Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, with prologues and epilogues at the beginning and end of each book, although the actual story is written in third person point of view.
Where to begin with the cinematic series. As aforementioned, there are technically five and technically four short films. I guess it’s your preference, but I’m saying that there are four. These shorts (The Book of Dragons, The Gift of the Night Fury, The Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon, The Dawn of the Dragon Racers, and, technically, Racing for the Gold) are just little glimpses of everyday life on the Isle of Berk, one-shots, if you will. So The Book of Dragons is Hiccup, Astrid, Gobber, and Fishlegs making corrections to the Book of Dragons and then they go into how the Book came to be, explaining the different classes of dragons and their abilities. 
The Gift of the Night Fury is the set at the first Snoggletog (the winter holiday that the Vikings celebrate) with dragons. Everything’s all fine and dandy until all the dragons, with the exception of Toothless (since he can’t fly on his own anymore), suddenly fly off in a mass migration and it’s a mystery where the all go until Hiccup finds out why they all up and leave. 
In The Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon, Gobber tries to track down and finish off the dragon that’s been chasing him down pretty much his whole life. Unfortunately for Gobber, the entire village believes that the dragon is just a myth. Gobber manages to rope Hiccup and the gang into finding the Boneknapper and end it. 
Dawn of the Dragon Racers explains how Dragon Racing (as featured in the beginning and end of How to Train Your Dragon 2) became such a popular sport on Berk. At first, Berk had a Regatta, an annual boat race as traditional as Snoggletog. Hiccup is left as Acting Chief while his father goes off for supplies in preparation for the Regatta. The teens are asked to round up the sheep that have scattered all over the island and it turns into a game which the village loves more than the Regatta and demand that Dragon Racing replace Boat Racing. 
Now comes the explanation for Racing for the Gold’s technicality. This could be more classified as a one-shot, or rather, a series of one-shots, than an actual short story. It’s just a little run-down of what Viking Olympics would be. Events included are the Bobsled, the Ski Jump, the Snowboard, the Speed Skating, and the Medal Ceremony. Each segment is about thirty seconds long, so put together, total run-time is about two minutes and thirty seconds. So Racing for the Gold is officially classified as a short film, but it’s really more of a series of one-shots.
In short, the entire How to Train Your Dragon franchise is a mind-blowing masterpiece and it’s not just the films. It’s everything that came before and everything that comes after. I’ll be sad once the cinematic trilogy is ended, but it’s the message of friendship and adventure that really matter throughout the books, the movies, and the series that really matter.
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allywrites360 · 6 years
1. Which movie is your favorite?
Definitely the second one; although that is subject to change after Friday! Though the first one is amazing, you can’t beat the emotional intensity of the second one. I was brought to tears several times throughout the film, and completely blown away by the voice acting. That’s not even mentioning the amazing animation quality and writing.
2. Who is your favorite dragon rider?
Astrid Hofferson, one hundred percent. I completely love how strong she is, both mentally and physically. She’s such an amazing role model for young girls; and everyone to be honest. I also love her witty sense of humour, and I find her the most relatable out of all the dragon riders.
3. Who is your favorite dragon character?
Okay, unpopular opinion but I don’treallycareaboutthedragonsallthatmuch, Don’t get me wrong; they’re adorable, but I watch it for the plot and amazing characters and bonds. If I had to choose though, probably Hookfang. His relationship with Snotlout is hilarious.
4. Which dragon species os your favorite?
Definitely the deadly nadder. I love sharp class dragons, what with their second line of defence and all. I also think that their bird-like qualities are adorable. They’re fast and agile, though not to the extent that strike class is, yet another reason I like them.
5. Which villain is your favorite?
I don’t know, but if I had to pick probably Dagur. He’s one of the only ones to get a redemption arc, though I would have appreciated some more backstory on him. He seems to me like a lonely kid who lost his way, never truly wanting to be evil. I also like his relationship with Heather; which can be summed up in his line “Well, when you only care about yourself, life is simple. Your actions are clear, consequences... (laughs) Who cares? But when that changes...”. He really did have a change of character when Heather showed up, which I guess makes him more of an anti-hero than a villain.
6. Movies or shows?
Ahhh okay, that’s a tough question. Though Httyd 2 is my favourite piece from this franchise, I have to say shows, simply for the fact of character development within the secondary characters. If you haven’t seen Rtte, I highly recommend watching it. It’s such a surreal experience to witness the characters growth over time, not to mention their bond maturing. It adds a whole new layer of depth to the show, which makes it that much more amazing.
Definitely Rtte, after season two that is. Rob and Dob tend to have a very two dimensional view of the characters, having them act one way the entire show. They also don’t tend to strengthen the bond between the characters, or develop it in any way. Yes, I do bring up their bond a lot. It’s definitely aimed at a much younger audience, so I view it as something entertaining to watch as a filler, as opposed to something I can emotionally connect with.
8. Which Jónsi credits song was your favorite?
Omg Together From Afar had me in tears! That is the best one by far. “You are the reason to go on livin'” is my favourite part of the song, it really showcases Hiccup’s fears of being without Toothless. Which I’m assuming will be a main plot line of the third film. Like I said, haven’t seen it yet.
9. Which score was your favorite?
To be honest, I’ve only listened to part of the second and third films’ scores. I will say that I absolutely adore the score from the first film, and it basically got me through exam week. It’s obviously the most iconic one, what with ‘This is Berk’ and ‘Forbidden Friendship’. I have to listen to the others before I can say for sure though.
10. Favorite song from the 1st score?
It’s a tie between ‘Romantic Flight’ and ‘Forbidden Friendship’. Yes, I know I picked the two most popular tracks, but you say basic, I say iconic. Romantic Flight is so surreal to me, I can almost see myself in the sky with Hiccup and Astrid when I listen to it, and experience none of the other songs quite achieved. Forbidden Friendship on the other hand completely sums up the movie. It always makes me fall in love with the franchise all over again.
11. Favorite song from the 2nd score?
The only one I can recall is ‘Dragon Racing’, though I may be biased because of how often I watch Rtte.
12. Favorite song from the 3rd score?
So far, the only one I’ve allowed myself to listen to is ‘Together From Afar’, though I have no doubt that John Powell will top all of his other work in this film.
13. Favorite moment from the 1st movie?
You know that moment, right before they battle the Red Death? The one where all of the future dragon riders are together in the arena, ready to fight by Hiccup’s side; for dragons; for the very first time? It still sends chills down my spine from how amazing it was. I can’t even describe it, but it was the turning point in not only Hiccup’s life, but the entire franchise. They all knew each other growing up, but that was the first moment their bond was truly forged. Can you spell character development? It was a tie between this and ‘For Everything Else’, but you guys probably don’t want to read an essay about that; you already know how amazing it is.
14. Favorite moment from the 2nd movie?
My favourite moment in the entire franchise is at the beginning of this movie. The scene where Hiccup and Astrid are talking and working on the map. Not only was it super romantic, it really highlighted their personalities, and the development that had occurred since the first film. It also set the tone of maturity for the film, as well as foreshadowed some character development which had yet to come. The very character development which I hope will continue into the third film.
15. Favorite moment from the 3rd movie?
Haven’t seen it yet, though I feel like it might be the Hiccstrid wedding.
16. Toothless or Light Fury?
Again, haven’t seen the movie yet, but I doubt they’ll be able to create the same connection to the Light Fury as they have with Toothless. Not to mention that I read she’s the cause of many of the problems in then third movie.
17. Hiccstrid or NightLight?
Okay, not even a question - Hiccstrid. They have such an amazing dynamic, and are one of the most relatable couples I’ve ever seen. I could go on for days about how amazing they are, but I’m sure you already know. They have a history together, something that can’t be created in one movie’s film length.
18. Fly with Toothless or fight alongside Hiccup?
I have to  choose fight alongside Hiccup. After all he’s been through, and with the threat of having to let go of Toothless, he need all the support he can get. He needs to know, more than anything, that people will still stand by him without his dragon. I mean, I probably wouldn’t be much help in a fight, but I’d still try.
19. Own any merch? If so which things?
So far, other than DVD’s, the only piece of mercy I own is a Httyd 3 poster. It’s just the standard one, with Hiccup standing between the Light Fury and Toothless, but I love it nonetheless. I hope to get more though when it all is released after the third movie.
20. Which have you seen/read:
HTTYD 1 -Yes!
HTTYD 2 -Yes!
HTTYD 3 -Not Yet!
Riders/Defenders of Berk -Mostly!
Race to the Edge -Yes!
Live Spectacular -Where Can I Watch It?
Gift of the Night Fury -Yes!
Book of Dragons. -Yes!
Legend of the Boneknapper -Yes!
Dawn of the Dragon Racers -Yes!
ROB Comics -You Mean the Graphic Novels? Yes!
Original books -Working on it!
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hollywoodages-blog · 7 years
America Ferrera Height Weight Measurements
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America Ferrera Biography
America Georgine Ferrera born April 18, 1984 is an American on-screen character. Conceived in Los Angeles, California, to Honduran guardians, Ferrera built up an enthusiasm for acting at a youthful age performing in a few phase creations at her school. She influenced her element to film make a big appearance in 2002 with the comic drama dramatization Real Women Have Curves, winning applause for her execution. Ferrera is the beneficiary of various honors including an Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award among others. Ferrera collected unobtrusive achievement right off the bat in her profession with parts in films like the Disney unique Gotta Kick It Up! (2002) and the dramatization The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005); the last earned her the Imagen Award Best Actress and her first selection at the ALMA Awards. She wandered into TV parts and handled the main part on the ABC comic drama show Ugly Betty (2006– 2010). Ferrera gathered basic praise for playing the hero of the arrangement Betty Suarez, and won the Best Actress Awards at different honor services in 2007 including the Golden Globe Awards, the Screen Actors Guild Awards, and the Primetime Emmy Award, the first for a Latin lady in the class. Ferrera’s other outstanding film parts incorporate the dramatization The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008), the show The Dry Land (2010), the lighthearted comedy Our Family Wedding (2010), and the wrongdoing dramatization End of Watch (2012). She gave the voice of Astrid Hofferson in the How to Train Your Dragon establishment. She co-delivers and stars in the NBC parody arrangement Superstore (2015– present). Ferrera collected wide acknowledgment for Ugly Betty and her resulting parts and has been named as a “good example” for the youthful Hispanic ladies attributable to her accomplishments in media outlets. Time magazine named her one of the 100 most persuasive individuals on the planet in 2007. Ferrera, the most youthful of six kids, was conceived in Los Angeles, California. Her folks, América Griselda Ayes and Carlos Gregorio Ferrera, were initially from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and emigrated to the United States in the mid-1970s. Her mom filled in as the executive of the housekeeping staff for one of the Hilton Hotels, and focused on the significance of advanced education. When she was 7, her folks separated and her dad came back to Honduras. Ferrera was alienated from her dad when he kicked the bucket there in 2010. Ferrera was brought up in the Woodland Hills segment of Los Angeles, where she went to Calabash Street Elementary School, George Ellery Hale Middle School and El Camino Real High School. From the time she was seven years of age, when she handled a little part in a school creation of Hamlet and afterward at age 10, the part as the Artful Dodger in Oliver!, Ferrera realized that she needed to be an entertainer. Her first play was Romeo and Juliet, and albeit just in the third grade, she went to the middle school and tried out and got the part of the Apothecary.[9] She acted in school plays and group theater in Los Angeles all through her childhood, however with little assistance from her mom, who demanded that she seek after different interests since she was concerned her girl would not be dealt with decently. Ferrera hated her first name as a tyke and passed by her center name, “Georgine”, until the point when she started acting professionally. While at El Camino High School, she took acting lessons at 15 years old and could pay for them by tending to tables and looking after children. She entered University of Southern California (USC) on a presidential grant, twofold studying theater and global relations. She finished her four year certification in global relations in May 2013, ten years after she began. Ferrera initially met performing artist, chief, and author Ryan Piers Williams when he cast her in an understudy film at USC. The couple ended up occupied with June 2010, and wedded on June 27, 2011. On December 31, 2017 Ferrera and Williams declared that they are expecting their first kid. See America Ferrera Height Weight & Husband Name much more.
America Ferrera Personal Info.
Full Name: America Georgine Ferrera
Nick Name: Georgina
Family Members: Carlos Gregorio Ferrera (Father) América Griselda Ayes (Mother)
Education: America Ferrera began her essential training at Calabash Street Elementary School. In the wake of finishing her rudimentary training, she got selected in George Ellery Hale Middle School. From that point forward, she began learning at El Camino Real High School in Woodland locale close Los Angeles. There, she took acting classes to redesign her aptitudes. Post graduation, she got affirmation at the University of Southern California. After just about 10 years from going along with, she moved on from college with twofold noteworthy in theater and global relations in 2013.
Date of Birth: 18th April, 1984
Birthplace: Los Angeles, Caliifornia USA
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Her religious views are unknown
Ethnicity: Multiracial
Nationality: American
Profession: Television producer, Film producer, Voice Actor, Television producer
Measurements: 37-29-38 in or 94-74-96.5 cm
Bra Size: 34C
Height: 5′ 1″ (155 cm)
Weight: 130lbs (59 kg)
Eye Color: Brown – Dark
Hair Color: Black
Dress Size: 12
Shoe Size: 6.5
Boyfriend/Dating History: Ryan Piers Williams (2003-Present) – America Ferrera began dating chief and on-screen character Ryan Williams in 2003 after he had thrown her in an understudy film at the University of South Carolina. In the wake of dating for around 7 years, they got occupied with June 2010. On June 27, 2011, they got hitched in a personal function in Chappaqua in upstate New York in Ferrera’s co-star and companion Vanessa Williams’ home.
Known For: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Ugly Betty (TV Series).
Active Year: 2002 (present)
Instagram Films
Year Title 2002 Real Women Have Curves 2004 Darkness Minus Twelve 2005 How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer 2005 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2005 Lords of Dogtown 2005 3:52 2006 Steel City 2007 Muertas 2007 Towards Darkness (Hacia la oscuridad) 2007 Under the Same Moon 2008 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 2008 Tinker Bell 2010 The Dry Land 2010 Our Family Wedding 2010 How to Train Your Dragon 2010 Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon 2011 Book of Dragons 2011 Gift of the Night Fury 2012 It’s a Disaster 2012 End of Watch 2012 Half the Sky 2014 César Chávez 2014 X/Y 2014 How to Train Your Dragon 2 2014 Dawn of the Dragon Racers 2016 Special Correspondents 2019 How to Train Your Dragon 3
Year Title 2002–08, 2010–11 Independent Lens 2002 Touched by an Angel 2002 Gotta Kick It Up! 2004 Plainsong 2004 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2006–10 Ugly Betty 2011–13 The Good Wife 2011 Handy Manny 2012–2018 DreamWorks Dragons 2014 Years of Living Dangerously 2015–present Superstore 2017 Curb Your Enthusiasm
See Also: Rose Byrne Body Measurements
Search Terms: America Ferrera Height Weight
America Ferrera And Husband. America Ferrera Blonde Hair. America Ferrera Bio. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Brother. America Ferrera Born. America Ferrera Birth Chart. America Ferrera College. America Ferrera Dad. America Ferrera Dated Who. America Ferrera Height WeightAmerica Ferrera Education. America Ferrera Family. America Ferrera Facebook. America Ferrera Films. America Ferrera Father. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Hair. America Ferrera Husband. America Ferrera Movies. America Ferrera Married To. America Ferrera Movies List. America Ferrera Mother. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera New Show. America Ferrera New Hair. America Ferrera Nickname. America Ferrera Parents. America Ferrera Personality. America Ferrera Real Name. America Ferrera Relationship. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Show. America Ferrera Twitter. America Ferrera Tv Show. America Ferrera Tv. America Ferrera Wiki. America Ferrera Zodiac. America Ferrera Height Weight
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hollywoodages-blog · 7 years
America Ferrera Height Weight Measurements
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America Ferrera Height Weight Measurements
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America Ferrera Biography
America Georgine Ferrera born April 18, 1984 is an American on-screen character. Conceived in Los Angeles, California, to Honduran guardians, Ferrera built up an enthusiasm for acting at a youthful age performing in a few phase creations at her school. She influenced her element to film make a big appearance in 2002 with the comic drama dramatization Real Women Have Curves, winning applause for her execution. Ferrera is the beneficiary of various honors including an Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award among others. Ferrera collected unobtrusive achievement right off the bat in her profession with parts in films like the Disney unique Gotta Kick It Up! (2002) and the dramatization The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005); the last earned her the Imagen Award Best Actress and her first selection at the ALMA Awards. She wandered into TV parts and handled the main part on the ABC comic drama show Ugly Betty (2006– 2010). Ferrera gathered basic praise for playing the hero of the arrangement Betty Suarez, and won the Best Actress Awards at different honor services in 2007 including the Golden Globe Awards, the Screen Actors Guild Awards, and the Primetime Emmy Award, the first for a Latin lady in the class. Ferrera’s other outstanding film parts incorporate the dramatization The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008), the show The Dry Land (2010), the lighthearted comedy Our Family Wedding (2010), and the wrongdoing dramatization End of Watch (2012). She gave the voice of Astrid Hofferson in the How to Train Your Dragon establishment. She co-delivers and stars in the NBC parody arrangement Superstore (2015– present). Ferrera collected wide acknowledgment for Ugly Betty and her resulting parts and has been named as a “good example” for the youthful Hispanic ladies attributable to her accomplishments in media outlets. Time magazine named her one of the 100 most persuasive individuals on the planet in 2007. Ferrera, the most youthful of six kids, was conceived in Los Angeles, California. Her folks, América Griselda Ayes and Carlos Gregorio Ferrera, were initially from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and emigrated to the United States in the mid-1970s. Her mom filled in as the executive of the housekeeping staff for one of the Hilton Hotels, and focused on the significance of advanced education. When she was 7, her folks separated and her dad came back to Honduras. Ferrera was alienated from her dad when he kicked the bucket there in 2010. Ferrera was brought up in the Woodland Hills segment of Los Angeles, where she went to Calabash Street Elementary School, George Ellery Hale Middle School and El Camino Real High School. From the time she was seven years of age, when she handled a little part in a school creation of Hamlet and afterward at age 10, the part as the Artful Dodger in Oliver!, Ferrera realized that she needed to be an entertainer. Her first play was Romeo and Juliet, and albeit just in the third grade, she went to the middle school and tried out and got the part of the Apothecary.[9] She acted in school plays and group theater in Los Angeles all through her childhood, however with little assistance from her mom, who demanded that she seek after different interests since she was concerned her girl would not be dealt with decently. Ferrera hated her first name as a tyke and passed by her center name, “Georgine”, until the point when she started acting professionally. While at El Camino High School, she took acting lessons at 15 years old and could pay for them by tending to tables and looking after children. She entered University of Southern California (USC) on a presidential grant, twofold studying theater and global relations. She finished her four year certification in global relations in May 2013, ten years after she began. Ferrera initially met performing artist, chief, and author Ryan Piers Williams when he cast her in an understudy film at USC. The couple ended up occupied with June 2010, and wedded on June 27, 2011. On December 31, 2017 Ferrera and Williams declared that they are expecting their first kid. See America Ferrera Height Weight & Husband Name much more.
America Ferrera Personal Info.
Full Name: America Georgine Ferrera
Nick Name: Georgina
Family Members: Carlos Gregorio Ferrera (Father) América Griselda Ayes (Mother)
Education: America Ferrera began her essential training at Calabash Street Elementary School. In the wake of finishing her rudimentary training, she got selected in George Ellery Hale Middle School. From that point forward, she began learning at El Camino Real High School in Woodland locale close Los Angeles. There, she took acting classes to redesign her aptitudes. Post graduation, she got affirmation at the University of Southern California. After just about 10 years from going along with, she moved on from college with twofold noteworthy in theater and global relations in 2013.
Date of Birth: 18th April, 1984
Birthplace: Los Angeles, Caliifornia USA
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Her religious views are unknown
Ethnicity: Multiracial
Nationality: American
Profession: Television producer, Film producer, Voice Actor, Television producer
Measurements: 37-29-38 in or 94-74-96.5 cm
Bra Size: 34C
Height: 5′ 1″ (155 cm)
Weight: 130lbs (59 kg)
Eye Color: Brown – Dark
Hair Color: Black
Dress Size: 12
Shoe Size: 6.5
Boyfriend/Dating History: Ryan Piers Williams (2003-Present) – America Ferrera began dating chief and on-screen character Ryan Williams in 2003 after he had thrown her in an understudy film at the University of South Carolina. In the wake of dating for around 7 years, they got occupied with June 2010. On June 27, 2011, they got hitched in a personal function in Chappaqua in upstate New York in Ferrera’s co-star and companion Vanessa Williams’ home.
Known For: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Ugly Betty (TV Series).
Active Year: 2002 (present)
Instagram Films
Year Title 2002 Real Women Have Curves 2004 Darkness Minus Twelve 2005 How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer 2005 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2005 Lords of Dogtown 2005 3:52 2006 Steel City 2007 Muertas 2007 Towards Darkness (Hacia la oscuridad) 2007 Under the Same Moon 2008 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 2008 Tinker Bell 2010 The Dry Land 2010 Our Family Wedding 2010 How to Train Your Dragon 2010 Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon 2011 Book of Dragons 2011 Gift of the Night Fury 2012 It’s a Disaster 2012 End of Watch 2012 Half the Sky 2014 César Chávez 2014 X/Y 2014 How to Train Your Dragon 2 2014 Dawn of the Dragon Racers 2016 Special Correspondents 2019 How to Train Your Dragon 3
Year Title 2002–08, 2010–11 Independent Lens 2002 Touched by an Angel 2002 Gotta Kick It Up! 2004 Plainsong 2004 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2006–10 Ugly Betty 2011–13 The Good Wife 2011 Handy Manny 2012–2018 DreamWorks Dragons 2014 Years of Living Dangerously 2015–present Superstore 2017 Curb Your Enthusiasm
See Also: Rose Byrne Body Measurements
Search Terms: America Ferrera Height Weight
America Ferrera And Husband. America Ferrera Blonde Hair. America Ferrera Bio. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Brother. America Ferrera Born. America Ferrera Birth Chart. America Ferrera College. America Ferrera Dad. America Ferrera Dated Who. America Ferrera Height WeightAmerica Ferrera Education. America Ferrera Family. America Ferrera Facebook. America Ferrera Films. America Ferrera Father. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Hair. America Ferrera Husband. America Ferrera Movies. America Ferrera Married To. America Ferrera Movies List. America Ferrera Mother. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera New Show. America Ferrera New Hair. America Ferrera Nickname. America Ferrera Parents. America Ferrera Personality. America Ferrera Real Name. America Ferrera Relationship. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Show. America Ferrera Twitter. America Ferrera Tv Show. America Ferrera Tv. America Ferrera Wiki. America Ferrera Zodiac. America Ferrera Height Weight
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