#He should change the lyrics to And Now You Don't Matter
vampiressmoney · 1 year
The way I can barely eat my ice cream cus I'm watching James in a hoodie, looking extra tall, reference the end of an ex-gf relationship, then ask Lars when "What's her name" ended by drawing the letter K on his hand for a hint and Lars says "June '92."
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poohsources · 7 months
🐝  *  ―  𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑷𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑨 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. ( all of these are taken from the song lyrics from the musical of the same name. feel free to change pronouns and adjust to your needs! )
❛  remember me once in a while — please promise me you'll try.  ❜ ❛  where in the world have you been hiding?  ❜ ❛  stories like this can't come true.  ❜ ❛  close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams.  ❜ ❛  and you'll live as you've never lived before.  ❜ ❛  let your darker side give in.  ❜ ❛  who was that shape in the shadows?  ❜ ❛  is this what you wanted to see?  ❜ ❛  now you cannot ever be free!  ❜ ❛  fear can turn to love, you'll learn to see.  ❜ ❛  i shall give you one last chance.  ❜ ❛  it's useless trying to appease me.  ❜ ❛  you're only saying this to please me.  ❜ ❛  if he knew the truth, he'd never, ever go.  ❜ ❛  it was an accident ... simply an accident.  ❜ ❛  why have you brought me here?  ❜ ❛  what you heard was a dream and nothing more.  ❜ ❛  i'm here, nothing can harm you.  ❜ ❛  i'm here with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you.  ❜ ❛  promise me that all you say is true, that's all i ask of you.  ❜ ❛  you're safe, no one will find you.  ❜ ❛  all i want is freedom, a world with no more night, and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me.  ❜ ❛  all our fears are in the past.  ❜ ❛  why is it secret? what have we to hide?  ❜ ❛  [name], what are you afraid of?  ❜ ❛  you were once my companion, you were all that mattered.  ❜ ❛  why can't the past just die?  ❜ ❛  don't make me do this. it scares me.  ❜ ❛  we'll be parted forever, he won't let me go.  ❜ ❛  am i to risk my life to win the chance to live?  ❜ ❛  do i have any choice?  ❜ ❛  i know i can't refuse, and yet i wish i could.  ❜ ❛  don't think that i don't care, but every hope and every prayer rests on you now.  ❜ ❛  you! why did you let this happen?  ❜ ❛  but can i trust you?  ❜ ❛  i love her! does that mean nothing?  ❜ ❛  the world showed no compassion to me!  ❜ ❛  did you think that i would harm her?  ❜ ❛  why should i make her pay for the sins which are yours?  ❜ ❛  this is the choice — this is the point of no return.  ❜
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cobragardens · 8 months
5 Good Omens Timefucks that Haunt Me
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Why is this here? Why is this line included? Is it just to add texture, to imply that larger world of corporate fascism of which Crowley and Aziraphale are subjects and victims and little worker bees? If so, why "They've started early" specifically? Why not "I wouldn't have expected that shrub to be the first to go" or "Aw, I liked that rock formation"?
Crawly doesn't make this comment in an offhand way: he sounds a bit taken aback and not thrilled that things have kicked off sooner than he anticipated. But it doesn't ultimately seem to make any difference to this scene, so why do we, the audience, need to know Hell started early?
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This one I'm not as confident will turn out to be significant, because iirc it appears in the book, which was a complete story when written, and because it serves a narrative purpose: it puts Agnes Nutter in charge of the situation, not her murderers. By backfooting Witchfinder Major Pulsifer, Agnes startles him enough she's able to walk past him without Pulsifer seizing her and discovering the extra 80 lbs of gunpowder and roofing nails in her skirts.
But. Agnes Nutter's sense of time is Nice and Accurate, and she notices the witchburning party are late and remarks on it to herself before she says anything to Pulsifer. So assuming a few minutes to position Agnes, tie her to the stake, and read the charges and conviction against her, Pulsifer and Agnes' neighbors are 12-15 minutes later than they should be. Why?
If the book answers this question, I don't recall; the show does not. And again, it seems to make no ultimate difference to this scene.
I'm not saying this was even purposely included in S1 as a timefuck. I am suggesting that as Gaiman seems to be fucking with time or timelines in this story, even if he and Pratchett didn't plan it like this when discussing the sequel, a retcon is hardly out of the question.
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As others have pointed out, Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5 is 45-55 minutes long. If you're listening to it on 78s instead of LPs because you are a CRAZY PERSON, it's going to take you more like 1 hour 5 minutes, because one side of a 78 holds, at most, 5 minutes of music, so every 5 minutes you have to get up and flip or switch the record.
Shostakovich wrote his 5th symphony in response to criticism in the state newspaper (possibly penned by Stalin himself) that his previous work didn't suck the Communist Party's dick hard enough--the kind of criticism that put him in danger of being sent to prison or killed. At the time it was first performed in 1937, Symphony No. 5 was considered a massive triumph, walking the line perfectly between Shostakovich's artistic standards and the Communist Party's demands of him.
The choice is symbolically significant, but it's a symphony, so whoever's censoring it isn't censoring lyrics or information. Again, why? Why is a 45-55-minute symphony only 21 minutes long? What did the time thief do with the 24-34 minutes?
Here's the rug that covers the portal to Heaven in Episode 1:
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Here's the rug in Ep. 2:
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Aziraphale does not change this rug for the party. We know this bc we see it in Episode 5 when Mrs Sandwich enters the bookshop and the party is in full swing:
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Now here's Aziraphale moving the circular rug to expose the portal to Heaven:
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But here's Crowley, putting the rug back:
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Why are there two different rugs?
Every end credits track has the first line of "Everyday" embedded in it But after the line from "Everyday," at the end of Episode 4, the theme skips twice like a vinyl record, and then is stopped by whoever controls the turntable and restarted, with several seconds of music having been skipped over.
This is not the first time it has mattered to a character in Good Omens what we in the audience see and hear. I argue here that God asks Aziraphale what he did with the flaming sword She gave him in order to show us the audience who Aziraphale is. God also addresses us the audience directly in S1, not only narrating about characters omnisciently but speaking to us about Herself in first person.
Now we evidently have a second character who has gone meta and is changing what we the audience experience of this story, and--indications are good--the story itself.
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goldsbitch · 3 months
Just don't talk---------
-and listen too.
p11 to Just don't talk
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. It's time to talk. Taking a spin on the whole fake dating.
mentions of Olivia Rodrigo lyrics - all rights belong to the respectable owners.
warnings: unprotected sex, squirting, minors DNI
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"You know those are not the actual lyrics, right?"
For a moment if felt nice to think she "pulled" someone like Lando. Bittersweet afterthought came just a second later.
Y/N did not go to the bathroom, in fact she sprinted over back to her hotel, sunglasses on and trying to avoid anyone stopping her. It must have been a record time in which she got back. Phone on silent do-not-disturb mode, apart from one one her best friends, back from her home town. Actively ignoring any resposibilities she was to attend to. Let her bloody PR team handle that for once. She could also be a diva for once. Always playing by their books, someone else's rules and thinking twice before opening any doors. Fuck that now.
She told her everything - only the best of friends give up their sleep for the heartbreak of others. Time zones were playing against them.
There they were, screaming Olivia Rodrigo lyrics out loud as if there was no tomorrow.
It felt good to get out of her system - she realized that she did not properly tell anyone, with all the feelings and complications involved in her recent fling with a racing driver. Fling. That's all it was ever to be.
The two screamed, danced and sang. One in a hotel room, the other in her own flat shared with a partner. Y/N was just a little bit jealous.
Lando stayed with the rest of the attendees of that forsaken meeting in silence, while they waited for Y/N to rejoin. As silence goes, this was one for the history books. He texted he few times, without any response. While he was worried, he had to get his own head in check first. When she did not return in about twenty minutes, they inevitably dissolved that meeting without rescheduling. But, since this gave Lando some time to think, he took a copy of the contract with him, cancelled all of the engagements of the day and immediately scheduled a call with his lawyers. He paid them enough for them to be available within thirty minutes.
He disclosed with them their situation fully - leaving out only the explicit details. Lando's lawyers have seen some thing with him over the years, this was a first one. As he did many times, he danced around the fact that he started to crush on this girl, which was making the whole conversation harder than needed. But, his team quickly came up with a clause to add should they go though with this - Recognition of Potential Emotional Development. It was all a bit bizarre, but Lando changed his mind from the initial shock he got. They were wrapped up in their own game anyway. He was getting weirdly excited by this.
Y/N ended their Facetime little party after an hour and kept herself locked up in the hotel room. No point in joining her team back for the rest of the day. It was all a little too much and far removed from racing - it was getting annoying. She was determined to get her emotion in check for the following days. It involved room service, some angsty tv show and phone on silent mode. So naturally, she missed Lando's text announcing that he is on his way to her room.
It felt like a strange deja vu. A knock on the door. He was the first one to cross her mind, like an intrusive thought you can't get rid off. She wanted it to be him knocking. And it was.
He let out a big sigh as he saw her open the door.
"Do you always ignore your phone when it matters the most?" he asked, fairly tired after the strange day they'd had.
She refused to answer his comment, simply stepped away to let him pass in her room.
"I was worried about you, you know?" he asked, not letting go as easily as she'd like to.
"Had to get out and clear my head. I'm not obligated to answer any calls or texts," she said in her defense, feeling like she was pushed into a corner.
Another sigh left Lando's lips. "Y/N, let's not go back this again. It's been a little mental for both of us, but we can't let it rule our life."
Was this when he was going to tell her that they should end their "whatever-this-is" affair? Y/N was getting mad - he could have at least wait after the race. There'd be a two week break where she could process all of this.
"Do we really need to do this now?" she asked, giving up on all hope.
Lando was firm on his stance, no more dancing around. "Yes, we do."
"Alright, let me get dressed," as it felt strange to talk like that only in her pyjama. Normally, Lando would drop a comment on how he did not want to hear these types of sentences ever again.
"Great, I'll wait in there," he said, pointing to the living room part of the suite.
The pseudo formal feeling Lando brought with him went out of the window pretty soon. He was nervous beyond belief and her overly-panicky mind was already five steps ahead, overcoming their relation before it even ended.
"So, Norris. What brings you here at this hour?" she asked with a hint sarcasm.
He chucked and observed for a moment, recalculating the angle from which to untangle this. In front of him sat slightly disheveled girl, someone who he wanted to know everything about. It seemed like she deliberately did not join him at the couch and opted for a chair nearby.
"It's been a little crazy lately."
"When was it not?"
"Touché, you're right."
He recalled something his mom used to tell him - it usually only takes 30 seconds to be brave, the rest is dealing with the aftermath.
"I've been thinking," he said and only then has Y/N noticed a folder with the devil contract which got her blood raging once again.
"A unique event, yes," she commented dryly.
"Come on. Stop it. I've thought about it and spoke to my lawyers."
"You did what?!"
"Hear me out, you muppet," another sigh and gestured to her to calm down before getting a wrong idea. "I think our little game of cat and mouse has gotten out of hand. I don't think we can go on like this before it blows up in our faces. It's better to control the narrative."
She shifted in her chair, sitting a little too far away from him on the couch. It felt uncomfortable. "So you want to end it?"
Lando was taken back. "Obviously not? Do you?"
She was quit to respond, fuck it now, right? "No, but I'm not the one who protested again the fake dating thing as if it was a request to walk into an open fire," she said defensively. She could not fathom how he could just run around this world, giving these mixed vibes all the time. And Lando was having the same kind of questions.
He stared her deeply in the eyes. His 30 seconds counting.
"Y/N. I think we're past the whole hatered thing. I really like you and it feels stupid to say it like that. But apparently, I need to say it in order for you to start believing me." He wanted to add few sentences about how he will leave her alone immediately if she didn't feel the same. But he didn't. Stopped avoiding.
Now it was her taken back. Stripped down to the core. Time to come forward, to herself and the gorgeous boy she wanted to devour.
"You once said no strings attached. I want strings attached. If we were to continue, I can't do something casual with you. I'm already beside that point," she said slowly, picking the right words in order to get point out.
He smiled. "Good. Feels nice being on the same page." She let out a smirk and a small laugh. The tension in the room gone and waves of relief washing them over.
"Do you realize we sound like high schoolers with a crush?" she commented with a noticeable ease.
"The truth is I believe not so far away from that." She made him feel all those feelings. Excitement. Butterflies. Healthy amount of nervousness. Because he cared. Because they both did.
"Can you come closer to me?" he asked, pointing at the blank space at the couch. More than wiling, she got up and sat next to him.
"Can I kiss you before I ask you to about the lawyers?" she pleaded, while he held her hand gently. He did not need any convincing. In fact, this was all he needed. He approached her face slowly, taking his time to take in the moment. And when he ultimately lock his lips with hers, it was like unlocking a whole new level in the game. Tender, vulnerable and soft. For her, it was like letting go of the biggest worry, she could finally let herself loose and be herself. With all the strings attached. He caressed her lips once more before they both reached for a short breath. He took a lock of her hair in his fingertips and played with it. She kept touching his hands, that were sending her all the way to hell.
"So, are we going with the whole dating thing?" she asked, mainly for confirmation.
"I hope so...It feels exciting to think about that," he said quietly, as if he just began to realize that.
"Yes, it does," she said, before she finally ended their moment of soft whispers and pulled back a bit. "So, the fuck you're talking about some lawyers shit. Are you planning on suing me?"
He laughed. "I find it funny that your mind went immediately towards that."
"Well you know, child of divorced parents, you never know," she said with a hint of sarcasm masking the true feeling of traumatic memories.
"Right, I understand," he said seriously and made a mental not to ask her about this another time. He longed to know absolutely everything. He shuffled to position himself in less of a slag off position. "So, I've been thinking. The whole "PR relationship thing" - at first I thought it was the worst idea known to human kind. I want to try it with you for real, not to dance like a puppy and not following my feelings," he said as her heart danced the happiest of dances. She nodded at him, letting him finish. Lando was surprised at how much she shifted towards listening instead of constantly jumping into his sentences. He was growing to like that. It was hard for him not to smile. "Right, stop giving me these looks, it's hard for me to get to the point," he said, smiles escaping left and right.
"Hard, you're saying?" she said cheekily. Oh, he was going to make her night really difficult later.
"Anyway, as I was saying. The whole PR thing will be an issue, or more like a thing to tackle together in the future anyway, so why not have some control over it."
She was trying to let this idea sink in. "So you're saying, like date for real and let people think it's for PR?"
He was happy that she appeared to be on the same page. "Exactly. Do whatever we want and just let them worry about our story. And at some point, when we see how this goes, we'll just say we managed to fall for each other because of them and it will a whole happy story for everyone. I feel like if we disclose now, we're robbing ourselves of precious time to get to know each other. What do you think?"
She thought about it for a moment - but her gut feeling was telling her to trust Lando. If she was to start dating him, it would be good to become a team. And he was around this stuff, better than she was. "I think what you're saying makes a lot of sense."
"Pardon? I did not quite catch what you're saying," he said, making fun of her.
"You idiot, you've heard me perfectly fine!" she responded, the corners of her mouth going up again.
"No, I did not, you're gonna have to come closer to say that," he winked at her and got dangerously close to her once again. "Closer, still far away," he said as he licked his lips before kissing her again. While having a way faster battle of tongues this time, she cupped his face as he gently pushed her down to lay on the couch they were sharing.
"There are few things to change in the contract," he said in between kisses, his voice getting characteristically high, as it always did when he was excited. "We need to add a Recognition of Potential Feeling clause, or whatever," he remarked as his mouth found her neck. "And few things regarding the physical aspect of the relation," he whispered to her neck, as she started to let out gentle moans.
"Physical aspects?" she let out suggestively. "Could you be more specific?"
His hands started to roam under her shirt. "I'm happy to show you everything that contract is banning us from doing. First point being not having any physical contact alone."
"Poor Oscar, he's gonna be mortified when he finds out he has to watch," she joked, as she began to touch his dick through his pants.
He bit her lower lip. "Do you like that? When people watch?"
"Depends. I want you all for myself."
"Oh, finally something we agree on. I'm going to be very territorial, you know? Let everyone know that this," he pointed at her torso, "this and this is mine," he said as his hand went in between her legs and lastly to her head. He looked her deeply in the eyes before speaking again. "I've fucked your body, but I feel like mind-fucking you is going to be fun."
Her eyes were wide open and she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. "Lando, show me everything this contract is prohibiting us to do."
It was like giving him three shots of espresso. He smirked, as he began to take off his shirt. "You're going to have to strip for me, honey." She more than happily obliged.
Lando observed like a hungry animal. She was finally his, fully. Her hands crept up his torso, lining his muscles all the way in.
"No touching here," he said as he roamed around her cleavage, "definitely not this," he continued as he kissed her nipple and let her grab his hair firmly. "Oh and most definitely not this," he ended with his hand reaching out all the way down and circled around her clit.
Blood rushed into her head and she arched herself on the sofa handle, giving him a sight to remember during lonely nights. Dim light hitting her body with shadows highlighting the curves. He watched, as his fingers made her lips turn into a smile. It was intoxicating. He flicked them like scissors, gently and watching his tempo. Then he took them out and licked them while maintaining eye contact.
"I want a taste of you," she said before thinking and gestured to come over to her face. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes, starting at the very tip and playing with it gently. She moved her hand up and down his shaft and started taking him in more and more.
Lando was never fan of slow sex. But her moves made him curious to see how far he can push her and himself. Her tongue and lips felt like a soft feather, making his now wet dick sensitive. He got shivers down his lower back, something he rarely did. It was like pleasure started flowing though his whole body. He reached out to hold her other hand and he began slowly moving his hips. He was sliding up and down her tongue as she wrapped her lips around without any plans of letting him go. He on the other hand slit out of her mouth completely, albeit reluctantly. He locked eyes with her and they both knew what was coming next. "I want to try something new this time," he whispered with a hint of excitement in his voice. She was more than happy to try new things with him, knowing all too well that he was perceptive enough to stop the moment she'd feel uncomfortable.
She expected a meriad of different things - but not him, sliding in as slow as possible. It was the sweetest form of torture. Her body, used to his deep hard thrusts was now tightly wrapped around his cock. Lando felt heavenly. Feeling every inch of her body that was around him more intensively than ever before. He kept his slow tempo she she arched her back again, providing him with his favorite view and an angle, that made his moves feel deeper now. Y/n never understood before this moment why some people really likes slow sex. There was tenderness, focus and a pelicular pleasure coming in longer waves. It was like slowing down made them more present. She felt wetter than she ever had with him. And soon enough, when her mind was somewhere high up in the sky, a clear warm liquid started coming out of her - and with every squirt an indescribable heat of pleasure coming around her lower belly. Her breathing became harder and harder, moans that she could not hold in for her life. Lando first felt warmth on his cock and then looked down as drop of her juices started hitting on his stomach. He watched with awe, not being able to get a girl into this position before. As he watched her drown in orgasms, he sped up just a tiny bit in order to get himself ready to finish once she was done. And when he inevitably did, he painted with him cum all over her bare chest.
If this was how it was going to be now, he is going to be a very happy man.
Y/N came down in few moments, her breath going at a normal speed now. He reached out for a box of tissue to get her cleaned up and kissed her once again.
"This was a nice sight," he said, again with his voice going up higher than usual.
She was taken back, this new incredible feeling of finally being "empty" taking over and mixing with a hint of shame as she the aftermath she left on the couch. Lando noticed when her face went red as she saw her stain.
"That's quite embarrassing," she said shyly. And that was not something that Lando would allow. He took his hand and pulled her chin up gently.
"Now, do not ever say that. Did it feel good?" he asked, genuinely curious.
She was gathering herself for a moment before finally admitting. "Oh, god, yes. Unreal."
He smiled proudly. "Good. Well then this is not the last time we're doing this. And also, this," he said pointing at the stain, "is not something a towel can't solve."
She bit her lips and let a smile escape her. If love was a sunbeam, her world was the brightest day in the middle of summer.
@scopeiguess @leclercsluv @sulliamour @starmanv @riverxsq @eviethetheatrefreak @chonkybonky @bicchaan @saachiep81 @chezmardybum @a-beaverhausen @tbsloneely @iamkaku 
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ressjeon · 1 year
endearing | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: you're just worried when your loud housemate suddenly goes quiet after serenading you for hours
rating: pg13 | word count: 1.3k
genre/au: housemates!au, romance?, fluff (lmao who's this), they're just fRiEnDs 🤭
warnings/content: just alcohol consumption, they're sweet ig 🥰
a/n: yk i’m supposed to be on break (literally on midterm season) but here we are. also i haven’t written a purely SFW drabble for a very long time so please bear with me i just love him sm. huge thank you to my phone's voice feature lol, i'd never finished this in a few hours with how slow i usually am.
companion song: more than friends by becky g 💖
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You’re scrolling through your phone when you notice that the whole house has suddenly turned quiet.
You couldn’t be that you’re fixated on your phone that you didn’t notice your housemate has ended his karaoke session because you swear the living room was still loud just a few minutes ago. Jungkook, one of your housemates, has been singing his heart out since past 1 AM today. Not that you mind it really, because you’re a night owl, just like him. You love it when he does his live streams because he usually does karaoke sessions in each of them no matter what he was doing at first.
Jungkook’s one of the popular students on your campus and has a huge following on his IG account, which he uses mainly for everything, no matter how random they are. He deletes his pictures often though when he feels like changing his feed. You’re hoping that he just archived them because he’s quite talented at photography. However, he does frequent lives on IG in return since people tune in when he goes live anyway, filled with comments from either his group of friends or his admirers.
It’s been a while since you heard Jungkook singing. He has a very beautiful voice that even though he doesn’t remember the lyrics for most of the songs that he sang, he still sounded so good to anyone who’s listening. Your other housemates are still not back from their reading week vacation, giving Jungkook the only time when he could be as loud as he can in the house without disturbing anybody. He’s aware that you stay up like him and listen to him when he’s singing, relieved that out of your housemates, it’s you who remained with him. Both of you are the only ones who didn’t go anywhere because of your packed schedules.
Tonight, as diverse as his playlist is, you still feel like he’s serenading you with most of his song choices. Those songs are on your playlist too, which he knew since you’ve shared each other’s links before. So now you’re going to let yourself be deluded, humming along to the songs while you’re getting your tasks done. When the music stopped, you thought he was just taking breaks, so you didn’t think much of it. Jungkook usually creates small noises after he’s done, cleaning up the living room and kitchen before going back to his room.
But it’s suddenly quiet. Did he fall asleep already? Should you check, but then why would you? Jungkook sleeps anywhere at any time unlike you, but you’ve always been paranoid. The lazy part of you wants to close your eyes and fall asleep already, but the other part wants to go down and check. It’s just normal right just in case? Besides, it’s also part of your responsibility as a housemate.
It’s the least you could do for Jungkook because he took care of you many times when you come home drunk from house parties at 5 AM. He even took as much as helping you by being there while you let everything out, offering you a glass of water and making sure you remove your makeup before tucking you into your bed after. He cooks you noodle soup in the morning too in case you get hangovers, which you thankfully don't but your heart somersaults every time with how thoughtful he is.
So despite how comfy your bed is right now, you forced yourself to get up and pushed away your comforter before going down to the living room to check.
And your guts were right because you see Jungkook sleeping soundly on his stomach by the couch with a lighted-scented candle on the table in front of him. The light from the candle allows you to see his handsome face clearly, with flushed cheeks and slightly puckered lips as he sleeps in his arms. He looks adorable, wearing a black crewneck in sweater paws, obscuring his colourful sleeve from your eyes. His cute snores crack a small smile on your face as you approach his sleeping figure, carefully taking the remote from his hands. Sure, he’s a deep sleeper, but you didn’t want to wake him up because it’s already 4 AM and you’re a bit sleepy too.
You then turn off the TV and unplugged the mood lamp that he designed for one of his classes. It’s so pretty, and he brings it out in the living room once in a while, especially when he’s doing his live streams. You also just noticed the half-filled beer mug on the table, taking it with you to the kitchen where you’ve put it back on the ref before deciding to look for spare blankets for him. You couldn’t find any though, so you just opted for his room, which is surprisingly wide open.
Jungkook stays in the room on the first floor, so he frequents the living room when he’s not gaming or doing schoolwork. Entering his room, you grabbed his blanket at once, fighting the urge to nuzzle it, given how good Jungkook usually smells when you hug him. You went back to the living room and put the blanket over him, pushing away a strand of his hair from his closed eyes before tucking it behind his ears. His hair had gotten longer and curly, so fluffy too that you’d been expressing how you love this look on him. Jungkook smiles when you do, letting you ruffle his hair more.
He stirs a bit, causing you to go rigid and worried that you woke him up. You don’t move until you were sure that he’s fully sleeping. And though he might not hear it, you still wish him a quiet good night before eyeing the candle. You love the smell of it but for safety reasons, you blow out and retreat upstairs to your room.
The footsteps padding in the hallway woke you up from your deep slumber, being the sensitive sleeper you are. You’re wondering how Jungkook’s awake at this hour and why he’s up here, reluctantly rising from your bed before opening the door. There you watch him scurrying back to the stairs wrapped in his blankets looking like a deer caught in the headlights when he hears you.
“Jungkook? why are you awake? do you need something? it’s still early” you asked him sleepily while rubbing your eyes.
“um, i woke up and i-uh” he couldn’t look you in the eye, the nervousness evident in his voice. “you can’t sleep?” you yawn, yearning to go back to your comfy bed but you just wanna talk to him more. 
Jungkook shakes his head. “i just wanna say thank you for earlier and uh-sorry for waking you up” he grins apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck.
“oh Kook, that’s nothing compared to what you’ve done more for me” you smile at him, truly grateful for his existence in your life. Hold, you’re sleep deprived to be having these thoughts right now but Jungkook just looks so endearing in your eyes despite how sleepy you still are. 
Damn, you really should sleep more.
He’s oddly looking at you fondly so you mimic him, both of you waiting who will back down first. Jungkook looks like he wants to say something more, tongue poking around his lip ring with that doe eyes of his. You smile at him, urging him to continue. He’s back to being shy around you these days for some reason but you don’t wanna pry, just want him to be comfortable as much as possible. 
“i’m still sleepy so i’m going back to my room” you can see him retracting so you approach him, a knowing smile already plastered on your face. “do you wanna cuddle? i think we’ll fit in my bed” his nervous eyes were replaced with excitement, following you to your room.
You didn’t even get to lie down on your bed properly when he tackles you, spurring a hearty giggle out of you with him matching you. “what?” he hugs you right away, mumbling something against your skin as he snuggles his head on the crook of your neck. Your hands automatically card through his luscious hair until you hear his breathing slow down, and his cute snores occurring once again. 
Guess you’ll never know what all these are for until he wakes.
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e/n: i'm testing many things from this so hope it's wholesome enough lmao (i tried). have a lovely week everyone!
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annymation · 6 months
I changed the song “I’m A Star” to fit with my rewrite of Wish
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Soooo yeah… I don’t have any song writing background so please be nice 😅
But I’m pretty proud of how it turned out. Think of it as “You Never Had A Friend Like Me” kind of song but sang by Star Boy from the concept art to Asha, explaining to her he’s there to help her out, but he can’t exactly make her wishes come true just with the snap of his fingers, because her wishes can only come true through her own actions
Hope you like it!
Lyrics in orange are said by Star ⭐️
Lyrics in purple are said by Asha 💜
The song has the same rythm as the original, but I recommend listening to the demo when comparing
I’m A Star (rewritten)
[Verse 1]
Have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers?
Or blow dandelions in the wind? Asking them to better your chances
Why throw a coin down a well? Knowing well that's no spell?
Things passed down generationally, to you (yes, I hear)
And to some unbelievers those are simply fallacies
But have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers?
Well, you don't have to look too hard
I'm here for all your question marks
If you're tryna figure out just who you are
Don't look far
In the sky, and your front yard
In your heart and in the scars
If you really wanna know just who you are
You're a star…
[Verse 2]
What! You just said YOU'RE a star! Uh-huh
Well, yeah, but you're up to par
Cause' while I do bring that sweet magic intervention
Only you can reach your own desti-nation!
See I'm more of that lil voice that suggests
Whenever you don't know how to handle all your quests
So even though I can't do the work for you
I can sure always help
You get it through!
[Verse 3]
A wish is a dream that comes from your heart
See, I’ve dropped in just to do my part
With my magic I'll make that dream go just as planned
But I'm sure that by now you already understand:
My wish coming true, depends on me?
For you don't have to look too hard
It's all around and not too far
If you're tryna figure out just who you are
You're a star
Do you know you're a work of art?
Even in the deepest dark
If you really wanna know just who you are
I'm a star!
[Verse 4]
Some say that's just too ordinary
Like us stars just ain't necessary
Cause’ I’m no genie legendary
Granting wishes one, two and three
Well friend, just between you and me
I think I'm more fun cause, you see
I'm here to guide and make you believe
YOU can write your origin story!
You don't have to look too hard
It's all around and not too far
If you tryna figure out just who you are
You're a star
No matter where you end or start
We're both each other's counterparts
If you really wanna know just who you are
I'm a star (Wooh)
Ooh, I'm a star
Watch out world here you are (Hey, hey)
You know who's lookin' sharp? (Who?)
Me, I'm a star! (Wooh)
Oh, you're a star
Watch out world here you are! (Hey, hey)
You know who's lookin' sharp? (Who?)
You! You're a star
Ha-ha-ha, wooh
Yes, wooh
Ah-ha-ha, ho-ho
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I had a lot of fun experimenting with this song! Please do send suggestions on how to improve it if you have any. Also I’m curious, if we had gotten Star Boy, who do you think should voice him?
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cardibgans · 1 year
SMILES AND LOOKS | eddie roundtree
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. ˖࣪ ⚝ cute (none warning)
. ˖࣪ ⚝ eddie roundtree x fem!oc
. ˖࣪ ⚝ 965 words . .
Y/N: Well, how I met Eddie... It's kind of funny.
EDDIE: She was still working as a waitress in a restaurant that we all went to frequently.
Y/N: And he never looked away from me, sometimes it was a little weird, because he never took any action. Until I started talking to him and found out that he had just moved to LA and was in a band.
EDDIE: Who can blame me? Have you guys looked at Y/N?
Y/N: That was right before I was working as a songwriter for the new band Teddy was creating.
EDDIE: But one day I decided to try my luck.
It was the hottest day Los Angeles had seen in years. And as it turned out, all the Californians were on the beaches to cool off. On the other hand, the Six were in the coffee shop next to the record label where they were supposed to be writing songs at that very moment, but it was too hot to think about anything.
── Here are the lemonades. ── The waitress in the vibrant blue and yellow apron took the glasses off the tray and left them on the table in front of her for all six friends.
── Thank you, Y/N. ── Eddie smiled. Of course they had talked several times, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it was funny when Y/N catches him looking at her.
── What are you guys doing today? ── S/N asked as he was tucking the huge metal tray under his arm.
── We don't know yet. ── Camila replied, shaking the straw in her glass.
── We should be working on a song, but in this heat it's almost impossible. ── Graham said.
── I'm going to have to agree. ── She gave a low laugh. ── Don't worry, folks. Soon a melody and some cool lyrics will appear for you.
── Hey. Don't you want to go to the beach with us after your shift? ── Eddie asked.
── Sure! That would be great. ── The blonde gave a big smile.
── Right!
EDDIE: It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't a real date, but it was a good start, right?
Y/N: What he didn't know was that I had a little crush on him at that time.
EDDIE: Wait, she said that?
After the end of his workday, which on weekends was shortened to after noon, Y/N was already heading down to the beach. His house was not that far from there, so it was easy to leave to change and not take so long to do so.
Karen was the first to see Y/N, he waved for her to see them and she returned the greeting. Camila pulled Eddie close to her and before the woman could reach her, she managed to whisper in his ear.
── You better act today.
EDDIE: It sounded like a threat to me... But what matters is that in the end I got the girl. Thanks, Camila, for the little push.
Y/N: Cam has always been there to take care of everyone.
After a few beers and cigarettes, Eddie and Y/N were left alone by their Roundtree band mates. Just the two of them enjoying the beach breeze hitting their faces and hair.
── And that's how he ended up with the hotel bathroom. ── Y/N gave a loud laugh. Eddie should be telling about their idiocy on The Dunne Brothers tour. ── It was good while it lasted.
── I'm sorry about that, Ed. ──── He shook his head and took the last sip of his beer.
── On the bright side, I never would have met him if the band had worked out. ── The level of alcohol in Eddie's veins was having an effect on his behavior and his attitude.
Y/N smiled watching Eddie gazing at the sunset. She gave him a slight nudge with her arm. Roundtree looked at her with a smile on his face.
── What? ── He asked, confused. Now she was looking at him in that strange way.
EDDIE: I could only think of one thing.... "Who's looking in a strange way now?"
INTERVIEWER: Is that where you knew you loved him?
Y/N: I knew the first time I saw him… Despite the strange looks we were giving each other.
EDDIE: That is still the case today, as incredible as it seems.
── Nothing. Just let it go. ── Y/N turned her gaze to the sea. But Eddie asked with his eyes that she say something. ── Thank you for inviting me, Eddie. I really needed that. ── She smiles again, looking at his face.
── God, stop doing that. ── Eddie brushes his hair back, receiving a confused look from the woman beside him. ── Every time you smile at me like that, my mind locks up and I don't know what to say. ── Y/N felt her heart racing so fast she couldn't hear anything but him. She let out a low laugh and moved closer to him.
── So you don't want me to smile closer to you? ── She whispered, looking into Eddie's eyes and then into his mouth.
── Please don't. ── He answered in a whisper, before he glued his lips to hers.
EDDIE: I kissed her. And if it were only up to me, we'd be married the next day.
Y/N: Eddie is exaggerating. He still took a long time to propose and even longer to get engaged.
EDDIE: What can I do? I wanted to keep her with me as long as possible. And it worked.
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kaythefloppa · 3 months
Wild Kratts - Our Blue and Green World: Part 1: Review [Spoilers]
Welp, here it is, the Wild Kratts TV movie (not to be confused with the feature film they've been teasing us with since 2021). There's been a lot of hype around this special and season, especially with how much the latter was being hyped up during the hiatus. Let's see if the blue and green bros were able to deliver: Spoilers under the cut
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Well, this is certainly an attention grabber!
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This entire live action intro is shot and edited like an animated Wild Kratts episode, it's glorious.
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Woah, intro change!
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They said the thing! They said the thing!
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Lmao I don't think they do it very often, but using animals/nature in their insults is very creative.
Also, whooping crane episode when?
This entire song is mercifully short. Like most character sung songs in Wild Kratts, it's not good, but this at least is clever in its lyrics and its visuals. It feels like a Disney reference at best and I am content with that. I also ADORED seeing the Draco and Walrus Suit return again. It's arguably the best musical number in the series. No, that is not saying a lot.
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When I first saw the clip, I thought that they were going somewhere with this, like they'd activate Peacock Powers at the end when they recognized the compatibility and blue and green. But nope. Wasted potential is an understatement.
Also, where the fuck are they right now? In a previous shot there was Target the Chameleon, implying that they've been to Madagascar, but that is an Indian peafowl, and as far as I'm concerned, they don't live in Madagascar. Were they just having an off-day? These animals have little to nothing to do with the plot when they really shouldn't have, so I don't see why they couldn't have just shown a projector image or something.
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Remember when I joked about the Wild Pony Power Suit returning in S7.... fuck you Apollo.
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Man, they are eating it up with the animation here. It's hard to tell with screengrabs but man, is it fluid.
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The first half of this episode is mixed. While it feels like the brothers are incredibly stubborn, it also does make sense for them to be this fixated on their favorites. So I can totally buy this. It could've been insufferable to watch, but it wasn't.
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As if YOU haven't spied on them since the first time your dorito-headed ass showed up on screen
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Did you find that funny? Because not only do they do a similar joke like that later on, but they follow through on that joke in the most unexpected way you will shit your pants when you first ingest it.
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Oh my god if they make a Creature Power Suit off of that bird, I will take back any diss I've made, that is so beautiful.
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Good to know that Aviva put the button near the chest and not near the back.
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Maybe it's just me but this is kinda pushing it. Chris is literally getting his organs crushed, I think that should matter more than A) being right or B) trying to get 2 people to stop fighting.
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I'm loving the callback and what this leads up to but ew, all this does is remind me about how ugly bright the color pallatte in S6. Really glad they fixed it in S7.
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This episode finds really unique ways of showing how the two different biomes are interconnected. It's like Rainforest Stew's (very brilliantly handled) message only to a larger degree. Kids can learn a lot from this.
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I fucking love this episode, man.
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Honestly, the way they write Paisley in the first half of the episode is very in-line with her character. Most shows that do what this episode does has them be out-of-character as a set-up, but here, she's just roasting the fuck out of Zach. Once again, recontextualized entirely in the climax.
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Also, INDRIS!!!!! :D
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I was frankly expecting this to horribly backfire but spoilers, it doesn't. This actually winds up working. Common Aviva W.
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To be continued.... will the blue and green rivalry end? Will one prove superior over another? And will they be able to stop Zach and Paisley and save the planet earth? And will this change the adventures of the Wild Kratts team forever? Stay tuned for part 2!
The live action segments.
The animation of the earth's model.
The musical number not being ass.
Paisely's catty behavior.
The Anaconda Suit.
The inventive ways they show how the stability of the Earth is complex. There are a lot of ways it functions and thus a lot of ways it needs to survive
The comedy.
The villains do not do anything until the second half of this episode. In fact, they're left completely in the backdrop. I expected them to make their prescence known and for Aviva to invent the discs to get them together for the SAKE of fighting the villains. But no. It makes the stakes feel hollow, which is the opposite of what they should be gunning for in an hour long special that they hype the shit out of.
It was an "okay" set-up. It did live up to some of the hype it had, but not all of it. Honestly if it wasn't for the second half of this episode, this movie would be mediocre or slightly above average, but no. They do pick themselves off the ground and... they do jump the shark. But we'll get to that next time
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heeseung-min · 1 year
That's what his friends called him whenever you are with him. They saw how he was took for granted by you. But, he denied it harshly when they said he should not interact with you anymore. That it is unhealthy at this point to be with you.
You love him, you said it everyday and he knew you were saying the truth.
You will not lying to him.
"Heeseung, come on. We have proof that she is cheating. Look, Jungwon caught this."
Heeseung stared at the clear picture of you and Yeonjun were kissing. He felt hurt. He didn't want to accept this. The photo must been edited. No way you will do this to him. You said you love him.
"No, this...this probably other girl. Probably Jungwon got mistaken."
"FOR FUCK SAKE!! Goddamn it, Heeseung. How long are you gonna denied this??! The picture is fucking clear yet you wanted to act blind? She doesn't love you!!! She's cheat-"
Heeseung only saw red around him. He punched his bestfriend, Jay few times until the male is too weak to stop him. He felt betrayed that Heeseung care more on you than him.
"She loves me. She will not leave me and I will not leave her."
You were cooking two pack of ramen. Today has been the most tiring day and you need lot of foods. It could be more fun if you can eat your mum's cooking. Living alone sometimes has disadvantage.
You turned off the stove at the same time you heard knock from the door. Quickly, you walked to open it while wondering who will be on your door at midnight.
His existence quite shocked you but what's more shocking was his clothes stained with blood. The strong iron smell made you uneasy and want to puke.
"What are you-"
"It's not true, right?"
He stepped closer and you stepped back from him. This sight of him terrified you so much. You yelped when he suddenly cupped your cheeks with his bloodied hands.
"You only love me, right? You only love and not someone else and totally not Yeonjun, right?"
"Heeseung, what are you doing? What happened to you?"
He now changed his position to kneel in front of you holding your legs so you can't run.
"I went to Yeonjun and asked him because I knew you will not betray me but- but he kept provoking me. He kept saying I should left you because I am not worth it to you. He is such an asshole so I don't have a choice but to kill him. I know you are not cheating on me with that bastard."
He rested his head on your thighs while you went speechless on what he said just now. You looked to your left there was a vase. Quite big and enough to knock person out. But, instead of taking it and smash Heeseung's head, you peeled away yourself from Heeseung and hugged him closer.
"You love me. I knew it you love me not him."
"Yes, I love you so much, Heeseung."
The smell of iron is not bothering you anymore as he snuggled himself on your neck seeking for comfort.
"Don't leave me. I will do anything for you. Just please don't leave me."
People can call him sidekick or anything they want. Heeseung doesn't care about that. What matters is you and him together.
"Alright, Heeseung. I will not leave you anymore."
After all, he is sidekick that worships you.
Ohooo hehe okay did you guys notice the bite me lyrics🤭😂 I hope you guys enjoy this. Please give lots of love😼😼I will do my best to help you enjoy the story
Taglist: @cyberpinkx @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount
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lickthecowhappy · 6 months
The three songs in the Small Back Room represent the three seasons
I want to talk about the three songs that play in The Small Back Room. They seem specific and I have thoughts on them but I would love to read more opinions. At the moment, I have two main theories about the choices and their sequence. There is probably more to it than I see but I’ll focus on just one here. I also think that threes are more important that we realize and the fact that there are three instances of the audience hearing music in the shop is significant. I also think it’s interesting that Aziraphale heard two songs and Crowley one, and which they each heard.
The three songs that we hear in The Small Back Room are:
You Don’t Own Me by Lesley Gore from the album Lesley Gore Sings Of Mixed-Up Hearts (This plays in episode 1 when Aziraphale goes to see Maggie about the “ugrent” matter.)
You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me by Dusty Springfield from the album You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me (This plays when Aziraphale goes into the shop to ask about the song Jim was singing. Maggie is “not crying” about being rejected by Nina.)
Comin’ In On A Wing And A Prayer (published in 1943) (This song is playing when Crowley goes to make sure Maggie is on her way to the Whickber Street traders and shopkeepers monthly meeting.)
For this analysis I will assume they represent the themes of Seasons 1-3, and that they are chronological.
You don't own me I'm not just one of your many toys
You Don’t Own Me represents the abandoning of their sides. It’s a song intended to say “I’ll go along with you as far as I can but don’t try to tie me down.” The lyrics are a declaration that the listener doesn’t hold any ownership over the singer, the singer has full autonomy and won’t accept any attempt to be changed or restrained. This tracks with season 1. It’s heard by Aziraphale very early in s2e1, before Jim even shows up. Aziraphale and Crowley go along with their sides in season 1 but ultimately choose their own autonomy (what’s right) at the risk of destruction.
When I said I needed you You said you would always stay It wasn't me who changed but you and now you've gone away Don't you see that now you've gone And I'm left here on my own That I have to follow you and beg you to come home
You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me represents separation and the absence of commitment. The song details that the singer is in love with the listener who has seemed to change their mind and abandoned them. The singer insists that the listener need not make a verbal declaration of love but just to be accessible. It is heard when Maggie is “not crying” over Nina and their uncomfortable feelings, and while Aziraphale is trying to uncover (unbeknownst to him) another romance. This is consistent with the results of season 2. Aziraphale has seemingly abandoned their side after Crowley’s request to remain close at hand. A romance that has been, up until now, mutually unspoken but mutually felt.
Comin' in on a wing and a prayer Comin' in on a wing and a prayer With our one motor gone We can still carry on Comin' in on a wing and a prayer
Comin’ In On A Wing And A Prayer represents reliance on hope in a desperate situation. This song is the origin of the common idiom meaning exactly that. “Things look bleak, but we have a chance.” Our plane is crippled but we’re all alive, we’ve achieved our goal, and we might yet land safely. It is heard when Crowley reminds Maggie of the meeting, and I think that it is significant that it’s the only one he hears and the only one Aziraphale doesn’t hear. If this song represents season 3, one driving force is out of commission; non-responsive. But there are still other forces at work and the listener should keep faith.
But what if these songs are all present as emotional manipulation?
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m1ssunderstanding · 6 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Two
Paul and Ringo cabaret duo au NOW!
Their collective bitter humor about the fan mag. I think George probably appreciates Paul getting into this sort of shit with him. Even if it is only on a surface-level. A reminder that the Beatles fame journey (something that's been hellish at times for George, enough to give him PTSD and other issues for the rest of his life) has not left Paul unscathed. That Paul actually does have feelings, however buried they may be.
Could even be that the appreciation comes out in the form of "I think your beard suits you. Man." Does the tacked-on 'man' mean a sort of "no homo" type qualifier? Or is it just an added endearment. I know we don't think of George as particularly inhibited, but it was the sixties. And of course Paul loves the compliment and has no idea what to do with it.
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Can you all please thank Mal as he hands you your tea next time? Not that hard, guys.
Ringo's voice is so sexy. And I love how supportive Paul and George are of this very stupid song. If either of them had written it, they'd tear it to shreds, but it's Ringo, so we laugh along and enthuse about the sentiments behind the lyrics.
The communal bitching about EMI's treatment of them. As they should.
Oh goodness, it's the "Paul has an embarrassing crush" moment from that iconic post of @jeremy-hillary-boob He totally does and you should say it. "I never used to know what it meant". It's giving "girl pretends not to know how to hold her golf club so the hot guy will touch her".
I have a theory that some of their covers ~matter~ and "What do you want to make those eyes at me for?" Is the first one for me.
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Okay this look right here that John is giving Paul? Not to, like, out myself as never having experienced pure love except from my own child or anything, but the only other place I've ever seen that look is on my one-year-old's face when I come get him from his nap. So ... "A lovely little baby, John was"
"If this boy dies, you're gonna cop it." Peak older brother behavior. He's joking, but he's also deadly serious.
In love with John trying to sing out of his range. He's trying so hard, you guys.
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"Everybody had a hard year. 'well, I'm not sure, actually. Put [good year]." Same, John. Isn't it always that way? Hard. And good. He's such a genius lyricist. He just captures the human condition with such specificity.
Lol at Paul correcting John on the key of his own song (yeah, yeah, gimme some truth is secretly a colab but it's still a John song)
When they put a piano in front of Paul and John's instantly like "uh-oh, red-alert my beautiful boyfriend might not get captured perfectly from every angle" vs a year and a half later when he's bitching about Paul having too much screen-time in Let it Be. Well, you were part of the problem, babe.
I love George's way of teaching his songs. Whereas Paul was shouting key changes and counts between phrases, and John doesn't even bother to give any of that information, George is just softly singing "E, to F sharp minor. E to A." Beautiful. John and Paul, take notes.
Wonder if I'll get through a day without calling Paul a whore. Probably not.
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John being instantly self-effacing after suggesting that genius little let's enhancement. "My mind can blow those clouds away" is actually much more original and thought-provoking, but John just makes fun of himself. Like. Just own it. You're John fucking Lennon!
The George/Paul convo (George talking, Paul hardly flinching) is so painful actually. Because from the outside, Paul's avoidance looks so condescending and unfeeling, but avoidance feels much more like 'Shit fuck shit dodge the fight, go around, don't react, don't engage, don't start something' and i really feel for both of them.
Let John do Help for gosh sakes!
"Not bad though. Good try, that. Johnny."
The part where Paul is looking just so exhausted, and he's actually letting it show, and then he sees the camera on him and hurries and tries to do a cheeky little Beatles head-shake and smile. But then he's really just too tired (and high) and he looks away and rubs his eyes. It was like watching an old circus bear. Those poor things.
And of course John's head snapping up like a little gopher when Paul says his name
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Pushing the Barrier Part 3 (Eddie X Reader) 
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A/N: Like you guys I am extremely invested in their story. My brain has been all over the place so please excuse any grammatical errors. Holiday seasons are always harder for me. I love you guys and your thoughts on this story. I read them all <3
Warnings: I don't want reveal too much and spoil things but still got stripper Eddie here. He does talk and break down in great detail his trauma and the things he deals with. :(. Word Count: 3967
You slipped out of his apartment early in the morning while Eddie was still sleeping. You couldn’t sleep at all. The entire cab ride to your apartment you thought about last night. Everything about Eddie and the way he made you feel was amazing. That look in his eyes and the tone in his voice though remained front and center in your brain. 
“I’m waiting for you.”
No matter what, you would end up hurting him. Hell, you were hurting him now. You were married to someone else. Your last name was someone elses. You did not belong to Eddie. Yes, your husband was an asshole but he was a good man once, right? Why else did you marry him?
“Excuse me, can you take me here instead please?”
You gave the cab driver the address as he swiveled around. 
When you walk into your husband’s office, his head is buried in paperwork. His eyes flick up towards you as you enter but he doesn’t move to greet you. 
“Must have had a good time last night. You didn’t come home.”
“I stayed with a friend.” He answered with a sarcastic hm. “What did you expect? You yelled at me and said I looked like a whore.” Your husband exhaled as he leaned back in his gigantic chair. “Honestly, I’m surprised you even noticed I didn’t come home. You’re never there.”
“Here we go again. Look—”
You raise your hand to silence him. “Please. I… I’m your wife. I miss you, honey. Don’t you miss me when you’re here?” His eyes softened as he watched you speak. “Do you remember our first date? We stayed out all night walking around the city and just talked till the sun came up.” You both chuckle at the memory. “I miss that. I miss how we used to be. I’m so sick of being alone.”
You husband rose and walked to your side of his desk, leaning down on his knees to get to your level. “I miss you to, baby. I know I’ve been really busy here. I’m trying to make it to where soon I won’t have to work so hard. I promise I’ll do better, sweetheart.” 
Eddie flashed in your head at the name and you tried to shake the image. You craned your neck, planting your lips on his. “Ok, I trust you. I love you.”
“I love you to, baby.”
“Hello?” You answer the phone and are surprised when Mira’s lyrical voice comes through. 
“Hey mama. It’s been a couple of weeks since you’ve come by. Is everything ok?”
“Yes? Do you do this check up with everyone who stops showing up?” You try to keep your voice low so your husband doesn’t wonder who you’re talking to. It was a Saturday and to your surprise he was actually trying to make good on his promise. You two had been watching television when the phone rang. 
“No, baby. I actually have a favor to ask. Can you come by and see Eddie?”
Your heart dropped to your stomach. “Wha…I…um…”
“I don’t ask questions. I told you; we pride ourselves on privacy so I don’t know what happened between you two but since you stopped showing up his entire attitude has changed. He’s a lot more feisty than normal. I actually had to give out a refund for a client experience and send him home the other day. He’s a good man but if this keeps up I may have to fire him.”
“No! Mira, don’t do that.”
“He’s working a short shift today. I don’t have anyone booked for him and I won’t even charge you for this little counseling session. Just please, get his mind right.”
You sigh as you hang up the phone. 
“Who was that?”, your husband asks as you head back towards him. 
“One of my friends needing a pick me up. Her boyfriend broke up with her.”
“Oh no. Well, baby, you should go check on her. Bring some of the hard stuff.”, he points toward your liquor cabinet. 
You climb into his lap and kiss him on the forehead making him chuckle. “I’ll be right back.”
You feel extremely nervous as you open the door to Eddie’s room. When your eyes land on him your heart breaks in half. While he still looks handsome in his jeans and Metallica shirt, his eyes look worn as if he hasn’t slept in days. His head was leaning against his fingers as they pressed into his temple. He stared into his own reflection angrily. 
“Hey Eddie.”
His eyes widened as he quickly got to his feet and marched toward the glass in front of him. 
“Turn this fucking thing off NOW.” When you don’t respond or do what he asks he slams his palm into the glass causing you to jump. “You snuck out of my apartment. No note or anyway to reach you. You disappear for two weeks. I think I earned the right to see your face. Unless you’re too much of a fucking coward.”
He laughs to himself as he sits back down. “God damn, Sweetheart. What the fuck was I thinking? I guess we both had each other pegged wrong, huh? I thought you were different but, nope, you’re just like everyone else. I’m surprised you didn’t leave some money on my nightstand before you left.”
“Eddie, please. That’s not what this was.”
“Then what was it!?”
“I really do care about you but I owe it to the man I married to try.”
“Y/N, what the fuck are you talking about? He doesn’t give a fuck about you. With everything you’ve told me what makes you think this time is going to be any different?!”
“Eddie, you don’t know me or my relationship! He was a good man once and he really has been trying.”
“Oh yeah? Then why are you back here with me?”
“Because Mira told me that she was going to fire you if you didn’t get your shit together!”
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Eddie, you can’t afford to lose this job.”
His eyes angrily turned towards the front of the cube. “You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to pretend like you care about my well-being. Just get the fuck out of here and go back to your ‘blissful’ marriage.”
You flick the switch, turning off the two-way mirror and meet his fury filled stare. “I’m doing this because I care, Eddie.”
“Naw, baby. You’re doing this because you care about you. I should have known better. Selfish just like everyone else who enters my life.”
“I don’t want you to wait for me.” His head turns abruptly at your words. “I can’t have you waiting for me. It’s not fair to you.” You hug your arms around you. “You deserve to be with someone who puts you first.”
“So do you…” He sighs before you notice his eyes light up with an idea. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do.”
“Can you grab Mira for me?”
Without question you leave the room, grabbing Mira, and bringing her to Eddie. You wait outside in the hallway as the talk. After a few minutes she exits, smiling. 
“Man is crafty; I’ll give him that. This way my dear.” She takes your hand in hers and leads you towards the back of the building but instead of going out the back door, you two pass it looping around to another hallway. Mira digs in her pocket for a set of keys and opens the door in front of her gesturing you inside. “If at any point you feel uncomfortable, you can just open the door and leave. It’s only locked to keep people out, not in.”
When you step inside the lights above you automatically turn on. You glance around taking note of the familiar throne chair and the guitar leaning next to it. Taking a seat, you look in front of you and are met with only your reflection. 
“It’s a bit odd at first, I know.” You glance above you at the sound of Eddie’s voice. “I have to admit, I’ve never been on this side before. It’s kind of empowering.” You smile softly as you stand up and move towards the front of the glass. 
“I thought maybe it might help a bit to put you in my shoes. In the corner there is my jacket. You can put it on if you want to.”
You do put on his leather jacket, inhaling the smell of his cologne. 
“Go ahead, Princess. Take a seat.” Doing as he asks, you sit in the throne again, gazing at your image in the mirror. “Now, picture this. You’re a 20 something year old man from a small town in Indiana. You left your friends and uncle, the only family you care about, behind to move to New York to make something of yourself.”
“What about my parents? Where are they?”
His silence is tearing you apart. You would give anything to just be able to see his face. 
“Your parents don’t talk to you anymore. Your dad is an abusive dickhead who’s in prison for pretty much the rest of his life and your mom surrendered you over to your uncle when you were a kid because she didn’t want to deal with you.”
A tear escaped your eye and you quickly wiped it away. You suddenly hear a soft knock on the glass in front of you and your eyes move towards the sound. 
“You’d been struggling to make ends meet so you do some research and find Mira’s place here. You start doing this gig for strangers and 98% of them you can’t see. Some of them are extremely dirty.” His tone changes to much more gruff, authoritative one. “Take off your pants.”
You look up at the glass, your eyes searching frantically for him. Eddie’s voice comes through a bit more sternly. “I said take off your pants.” You do as your told, rising off the chair and pushing off your jeans, kicking them to the side. 
“Good girl. Keep the shirt and jacket on. You look fucking sexy like that.” You felt your pussy start to drip at his words but something still felt off. It wasn’t the Eddie you had come to know. He wasn’t in front of you with that soft voice, telling you how beautiful you are. This really felt like someone else behind a window that only wanted one thing. 
“Spread your legs open. Atta girl. Move your panties to the side so I can see that pretty cunt.” You did as he asked as his heavy breathing echoed into the cube
“Eddie, please tell me what you’re doing over there.”
“Oh no, Princess. You don’t get to ask me questions. I tell you what to do. Come here, babe. Crawl to the front on your hands and knees for me.” You hear the sound of his grunts as you move towards him. You place your palm against the glass and you can’t see it but he does the same. 
A string of expletives including words like “slut” and “whore” leave his mouth as he pants. You suddenly hear his breathing slow and then nothing but silence. 
You feel yourself start to panic. “Eddie?” You smack the glass. “Eddie, are you still there?!”
“Now, imagine,” you breathe a sigh of relief as he continues in his soft Eddie tone. “One night, this beautiful voice comes through. She just wants to talk to you about things. Mostly about how her husband abandons her at night to fall asleep alone. Sometimes he doesn’t come home and one night when she was feeling particularly beautiful, he told her she looked a whore.”
You feel the anger slowly rise into your chest as your bottom lip begins to tremble. He knocks again a little further to your left so you shuffle towards it, knocking back. 
“This beautiful voice finally allows you to see her face, taste her lips, feel her body. She falls asleep in your bed but then the next morning you wake up and she’s gone. You could try calling her but you don’t have her phone number and Mira won’t give it to you because ‘we pride ourselves on privacy’,” he mimics her voice. “You can’t go to her apartment because you don’t know where she lives. The only place you’ve ever seen her is in there,” Eddie points to the glass, “and at a restaurant. Every day for the next two weeks you check in that restaurant thinking she may show up but she doesn’t. You play your gig at the bar she saw you at praying she may show up looking for you but nope.”
“You sit in that glass confinement for two…weeks… waiting,” Eddie flips the switch and his upset eyes meet your sad ones. “Then she finally shows up and says she owes it to her husband to try because she cares about you.” He tilts his head, watching your face.
“Eddie, I’m… I’m so sorry.”
“Why do you stay with him?”
You shrug as the tears start to fall. “He’s my husband. I—”
“Don’t say that again. Don’t say you owe him. You owe him shit especially with how he treats you. Do you honestly believe he’ll change? You need to leave him.”
 “Would you?! What if the tables were turned?” You stand up and tower over him. “What if I told you this bothered me? You being naked and jacking off in front of people made me angry? What if I said I couldn’t be with someone who does something like this? What if I said ‘Eddie, it’s me or this’? What would you do?” Eddie glares up at you as you yell through the glass and you don’t even wait for an answer. 
“Yeah. That’s what I fucking thought. So don’t you dare stand there and tell me what to do with my life!” You watch was he turns with clenched fists and exits the room slamming the door. “Oh, that’s nice. AND I’M THE FUCKING COWARD!” You scream after him as you repeatedly slam the barrier in front of you.
The door behinds you suddenly opens as Eddie flies through it until he’s in front of you. His hand reaches out to grip your chin, making you look directly at him. 
“I would choose you. I would choose you every fucking time. No questions asked.” His hand released you but his body remained where it was. “If you want to go play house with your husband go ahead. That’s not going to stop me from waiting for you.”
Your jaw tightens as you swallow and Eddie sees it. “Oh yeah? And how many girls have you said that to? How many times have you sat in here and said something that to someone you’re attracted to?”
His face visibly flinches as his chest rises and falls heavily.
“I’m not going to stand here and pretend like I’ve never found other women I’ve seen in here attractive. The ones that have actually allowed me to see them. You, Y/N, are the only person I’ve actually ran after when they walked out of this room. You are the only woman ever since I moved here that I’ve invited to see me play with my band. YOU are the only person on this fucking planet that I would stick around for even though I know I’m her second choice.”
“Eddie, fuck! It’s things like that. You deserve better than being someone ‘second choice’.”
“And so do you. Look, whether it’s work or…something else that man is always putting you second. No matter how you choose to defend it.”
Eddie reaches his hand out to gently caress your cheek with his thumb. “Y/N, you were just gone.”, his voice comes out barely above a whisper. You tackled your arms around his waist and his arms came down around you, pressing you against him. “If you want to try with your husband, I respect that. I don’t agree with it but I respect it. Just… please don’t disappear again.”
You left Eddie that day with a mutual agreement of remaining friends. You even exchanged phone numbers with him and on days you were home alone you called him, telling him about your day and vice versa. 
One day you invited him to your school to have lunch with you. Eddie marveled at you from outside your classroom door. You looked so cute sitting on your desk swinging your legs as you talked to the glass. When you glanced towards the door and saw him, you eagerly waived him in. 
“Who’s that?” a girl near the front row giggled as he came in.
“Guys, this is my friend Eddie. Eddie, these are my pain in the butt freshman.” They laughed at you as he gave them a small wave. “Go ahead and sit down. The periods almost over.”, you whisper to him. 
You continue with your lesson on the book in your hand and after a few minutes a bell chimes. “Please, for the love of God, keep up with your reading. On Monday, we’re going to talk about your next project, okay?! Have a good weekend!”
You smile as they murmur goodbyes before speeding out of the room. 
“You good at this stuff.” Eddie grins as he grabs the book from your hands. You take the food out of the bag he brought, crossing your legs on your desk as you dig in. “The Great Gatsby. Did we have to read this in school?”
“Well, I’m not sure about Indiana but here it is part of their freshman curriculum. Have you read it?”, Eddie shakes his head as he places the book on the desk. “It’s about a man named Gatsby who loves a woman named Daisy. She’s married to this rich aristocrat guy so Gatsby spends his life trying to become rich enough for her. Her cousin moves in next door to him so he uses him to his advantage.”
“Oof. Sounds complicated as hell.” He laughs as he starts eating his own food. “Tell me more. I like hearing you talk about it.” You flash him a questioning look. “The way you talk about the material, you get more animated. If I was their age and you were my teacher, I may actually have read the book.” Eddie smiles as you laugh at him. “What happens in the end?”
“It doesn’t end happily. Long story short, Daisy stays with her husband and Gatsby dies.”
You both avoid eye contact as you pick at your plate. “So, um, how’s work been? Better?”
Eddie chuckles. “Mira didn’t fire me if that’s what you’re asking. Yeah, everything’s gone back to normal, I guess. What about your husband? Still being good?”
You scrunch your nose at his word choice. “Yeah. I mean, there have been a few nights he’s stayed late at work but it’s not as bad as before. He actually took me out to this really nice restaurant the other night.” You dare to sneak a peek at him as you talk. Eddie continues looking down at his food, nodding his head. 
Reaching towards him, you tenderly place your hand on his arm. “Thank you.”
He gently grazes your fingers with his own, almost as if he’s afraid to touch you too much. “Not a problem, Princess.”
“Honey, you alright?” Your husband taps your arm. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry I just zoned out for a bit.” You laugh at yourself as you shake your head. 
The phone on the wall rings and he leans back to answer it. His eyes flick towards you before he makes a small mhmm noise and pulls the phone from his lips. “It’s my boss. I’m going to take it in the other room. Would you mind hanging this one up for me?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Thanks, sweetheart.” He doesn’t see your face cringe at the name as he kisses your forehead before jogging down the hallway. “Ok! I got it!”
“Ok!” You don’t know what possessed you in that moment but instead of hanging up the phone, you put it up to your ear covering the mouthpiece with your hand. 
“I can’t, baby. Not tonight. I already told you. I’m on thin ice with my wife.”
“Don’t you baby me. I thought you said you loved me!”
“I do, Sarah. I do but—”
“But you love her more!”
*sigh* “Look, don’t move, okay? I’ll be right there.”
You hang up the phone and thirty seconds later your husband rounds the corner. “Honey, I’m so sorry. They need me to come down for a few hours to work on this project. I shouldn’t be there to long.”
You stare at him with wide eyes as your brain runs a mile a minute. “You should go. Definitely don’t want to keep your boss waiting.”
The moment Eddie opens his front door your lips are on his as you jump into his arms.
“Whoa! Sweetheart…hang on…a minute.” He barely gets the words out as you keep trying to keep his mouth on yours. “Please…Jesus H. Christ.” 
He somehow manages to tear you off him, placing your feet on the floor. Eddie’s long fingers brush your hair back and out of your eyes. They were extremely worn and heavy from crying. The whiskey on your breath hung around you like a storm cloud. “What happened, Princess?”
You reach towards him attempting to run your hands along his bare chest but he catches them in midair to hold them in his own. “Talk later. Fuck me now.”
“Okay, that would be the alcohol.” You swayed drunkenly in his grasp. Rolling your eyes, you pull away from him and throw yourself down on his bed. You reach for him with little grabby hands. “I’ll make you deal. You take a nap and then when you wake up, we’ll revisit this conversation, ok?
You giggle, nodding your head as your heavy eyelids start to droop. Eddie sits on the edge of his mattress beside you, delicately removing your shoes and socks. “I’m going to take off your pants to make you more comfortable, ok? This is not a sexy invitation.” He smiles and you nod again.
After he completes his task, he maneuvers your body so you’re under the covers. “Should I call your husband and let him know you’re here? I can say your friend is with you and I’m her boyfriend or something.”
With your eyes still closed, you scoff as you turn your head towards the sound of his voice. “Fuck him. He won’t even be home. He’s with Sarah.” You giggle but Eddie notices your bottom lip shake as your voice cracks. 
He blinks into the void as his mind pieces together the little information he has in front of him. “Oh Princess. I’m so sorry.”
You were silent so he assumed you had fallen asleep. He rose with the intention of sleeping on the couch when your hand flew out in his direction. “Eddie… please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll just be on the couch right over there.”
You shook your head, pulling at his arm. “Please. I’ll fucking break the glass if I have to.”
It took him a moment to understand what your drunk mind was trying to convey. “Y/N, there’s no glass here.” Eddie crawls into the bed beside you and you immediately press your small frame to his side as your head falls to his chest. He reaches for your hands and intertwines his fingers with yours. “No barrier. I’m right here, Sweetheart. I’ll be right next to you when you wake up.” ###################
@Munsonsuccubus @samunson83
@tayhar811 @bibieddiesgf
@maximus2354 @nevermore66
@ajkamins @dollalicia
@secretdryrose @staandupanndscream
@tlclick73 @bebe0701
@silooney @other-world-s
@kiyastrf94 @alottanothing
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
wait.. i’m literally on here or weibo almost 24/7 ( as you can tell lol ) but I feel like i missed something. i’m seeing clowning related to xz’s photos and how it looks like he is a groom and it’s a wedding photoshoot. the place is also famous for wedding shoots ( allegedly, idk. i’m not from there ) so turtles are imagining again. lol. freakin coincidence that wyb’s GRA photoshoot was done at a wedding shop. plus the “wedding outfits” for weibo night. which is all clowning and galaxy braining.🌌
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now, we’re joking around, like where’s yibo? he should be taking photos with his partner.
then i see comments that there is this one song WYB recently listened to. meaning, as recent as when XZ flew to singapore which is called 超人不会飞 (superman can’t fly) by Jay Chou. i know WYB and everyone else is a big fan of Jay Chou but the clowning comes from the timing of when he listened to it. let me get to that first.
here is the song if you wanna listen to it. 🎶
turtles are interpreting it as WYB longing to “fly” to where XZ is and be with him but he can’t because of all his work commitments. he wants to take a breather. thinking about what his life is and the constraints, and at times like this, when they spent days in Beijing, but now they have to be apart, it affects him even more.
however when i read the lyrics, it could also be because he can relate to what jay chou is singing about. here’s the english translation i found here. i have bolded the ones i felt like WYB relates too. literally no need for explanation. just read it. It fits with his status in life so much that it’s almost scary.
ma ma shuo heng duo shi bie tai ji jiao
Mum said one should not be too fussy over most matters
只是使命感找到了我 我睡不着
zhi shi shi ming gan zhao dao le wo wo shui bu zhao
But my sense of mission found me and i can't sleep over it
ru guo shuo ma ren yao you diao ji qiao
If scolding someone requires some skills
我会加点旋律你会觉得 超屌
wo hui jia diao xuan lu ni hui jue de chao diao
I will add a tune and you will feel it's very cool (diao)
wo de qiang bu hui zhuang dan yao (dan yao)
My gun is not loaded with ammunition
suo yi fang xin bu hui you ren dao (ren dao)
So don't worry, nobody will collapse
我拍青蜂侠不需要替身 因为自信是我绘画的颜料
wo pai qing feng xia bu xu yao ti sheng yin wei zi xin shi wo hui hua de yan liao
I don't need a double for The Green Hornet because confidence is the coloring for my painting
wo zuo heng duo shi bei hou de yi yi yuan bi ni men xiang xiang
The meaning behind the things I did is far beyond your imagination
pai le dian shi ju wei le you qing yu shi nian qian de meng xiang
Filming a tv drama is for friendship and a dream 10 years ago
shou shi lv zai gao ye nan kang heng wo de wei da li xiang
No matter how high the rating is, it can't match my noble ideal
yin wei wo de ren sheng wo xu zai duo yi bi na jiang xiang
Because my life do not need another award
wo bu zhi dao he shi bian cheng le se hui de na bang yang
I don't know when I have become a society's role model
bei gou zai pai bu neng bi zhong zhi yao da qi de mo yang (zen yang)
Can't show the paparazzi the finger and have to put on a magnanimous front
wo chang de ge ci yao you dian wen hua
The lyrics I sing must have some degree of literacy
yin wei sui shi hui bei dan jiao cai
Because it might become teaching material anytime
CNN neng bu neng deng ying wen hao yi dian zai fang
Can CNN interview me when my English gets a little better
shi dai za zhi feng mian neng bu neng chong pai
Can i reshoot the Time magazine cover
sui shi sui di zhu yi xin xiang
I must take care of my image at all times
yao kong zhi yin shi bu ran jiu gen du sha fu ren la xiang de wo bu xiang (ben lai jiu bu xiang)
I must control my diet or i won't look like the "me" in Madame Tussauds (it doesn't look like me in the first place)
hao lai wu de zhong guo xi yuan di shang you heng duo shou yin jiao yin
There are many handprints and footprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre
he shi cai neng kan jian wo de zhang
When will mine be seen there?
如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇
ru guo chao ren hui fei na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
chang ge yao na zui jia nan ge shou
(You) must get best male singer award as a singer
pai dian yin ye bu neng zhi na ge zui jia xin ren
A newcomer award is not enough if you act
ni bu can jia ban jiang dian li jiu shi mei li mao
Not attending award ceremonies is considered rude
ni qu can jia jiu shi dai biao ni heng zai hu
And if you do, it means you are over-concerned about it
de jia shi ni gan dong luo lei (luo lei) ren jia jiu hui jue de ni kuang zhang zuo zuo
When you won an award and teared, people will think you are fake and exaggerating
ni mei biao qing bie ren jiu hui shuo tai xiao zhang
When you have no expression, others will say you are too arrogant
如果你天生这个表情 那些人甚至会怪你妈妈(妈妈)
ru guo ni tian sheng zhe ge biao qing na xie ren sheng zhi hui guai ni ma ma (ma ma)
And if you are born with that expression, they will even blame your mum
结果最后是别人在得奖 你也要给予充分的掌声与微笑
jie guo zui hou shi bie ren zai de jiang ni ye yao ge yu chong fen de zhang sheng yu wei xiao
In the end someone else gets the award, you also have to give ample applause and smile
开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高
kai de che bu neng tai hao zhu de lou bu neng tai gao
The car you drive can't be too luxurious nor can you live too high up
我到底是一个创作歌手 还是好人好事代表
wo dao di shi yi ge chuang zuo ge shou hai shi hao ren hao shi dai biao
Am I a singer-songwriter or a representative of good men and good deeds?
zhuan ji yi chu jiu bi xu shi guan jun
My album must be ranked top once released
pai le dian yin jiu bi xu yao da mai
My movie must sell well
zhi neng shuo dan chao ren zhen de hao nan
I can only say, being a Superman is difficult
ru guo chao ren hui fei (chao ren hui fei) na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie (ti yi ti xie)
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei (di qiu hao lei) sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui (wo hai shi hui)
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
I don’t think there is anything wrong with how cpfs are relating this to cpn cause that’s just how it is. But sometimes, there are other reasons why they do what they do.
SO MY CONFUSION COMES FROM HOW THE HELL DO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT HE RECENTLY LISTENED TO. I can’t seem to dig up how or maybe it’s something we don’t talk about. I have never experienced this kind of tidbit related to them before so I wanna know the source. Or is this like the gaming cpn where certain people know and they will not divulge the boy’s account for privacy? if anyone knows, feel free to comment. If i find out in the future, I will share.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
May I propose: ex boyfriends au. Neil and Andrew go back in time per usual, but they arrive together at the beginning of Neil's recruitment to palmetto. They agree that for now, they should keep it low key and not change much in fear of making the future worse. But, they come to find out that repeating your life exactly the same way is BORING. So, they decide to spice it up a bit. In order to explain their familiarity to the foxes, they create this awfully dramatic backstory full of twists and betrayals, where neil met Andrew while he was with Cass and then Andrew did something to land them both in Juvie, and maybe in juvie they betrayed each other or smthn. All of its fake but the foxes eat it up. Neil and Andrew even incorporate song lyrics that haven't been made into fake arguments that they have for fun (strawberry ice cream in Malibu don't act like we didn't do that shit too) and the foxes fully believe that they're ex boyfriends. But even they can't fully hide the affection they have for each other and when that bleeds through the fixes think they're witnessing the best second chance trope when in reality they're just fucking around
This is such a funny concept.
I am going to add one thing though. In this AU Neil and Andrew made it all the way to their 90s. They went to sleep in their bed old, in love, and happy together. They've both been getting more and more tired lately, they know what's coming. They've seen it with their friends. It's fine, whatever the next step is they're going to go together. If one leaves a little early, well they've had years to get patient while waiting for the other to catch up.
They pass together and their great grand nephew (Kevin's) finds them the next morning (he'd been staying with them to help with a few things. They're holding hands.
They find themselves in the immediate aftermath of Andrew having driven an Exy racquet into Neil's stomach. There's a moment where Andrew truly panics because "OH FUCK, WHAT IF I RUPTURED HIS COLOSTOMY BAG?" and then oh he never really forgot how Neil looked (Neil had been the one that needed the reminders about things) but seeing his husband at 18 with brown hair, wire thin frame, and brown eyes? It throws him off even if he'd know Neil no matter what hair color or eye color.
Kevin comes up and it's been almost 10 years since he'd died but he's there young, no liver spots, and with a 2 on his face again.
They have long been able to talk to one another without a single word. Now that Andrew's face has full range of motion again (partial stroke 3 years before) it's even easier.
"So this is where you ran off to?" Andrew demands.
"Oh, like I had a choice after what you pulled!" Neil shoots back.
Cue two old fucks who are now in the prime of their life bodies and when they lost a lot of their mobility with age the thing they had most loved to do was fuck with their numerous grand nieces and nephews (I am stating right here that every fox who has a kid FULLY views Andreil as uncles so it does not matter if there is a blood relation).
Neil and Andrew rarely need to lie about the shit they've gotten up to, it just hasn't happened yet. They only make it like 2 weeks MAX pretending like they're mad at one another. They've slept in the same bed holding hands for 70 years. They don't do well when they're separated and Andrew is on that god awful medication but this time they know the medical expert who can argue about how BAD this whole shit show is and they know the lawyer to hire. Neil might dip heavily into his stash money but they know more than enough to make that cash back.
Andrew off his meds almost a whole year early via an outpatient treatment.
Still they keep referencing some insane past. "I'll say sorry for getting us thrown in Juvie when YOU apologize for lighting the car on fire in the first place!" he huffs.
"Then I guess we're at a standstill."
These arguments are had while they are absolutely all over one another because a bunch of parts of theirs just WORK again and that's super fun for both of them. They seem like Seth & Allison 2.0 with 8x the history but Neil makes Andrew act like a human and not a monster so they're all very invested in the relationship working out.
This past is also NEVER elaborated on but they never fuck up the fabrication of it either. Andrew because his perfect memory and Neil because even decades later he is a super tier liar.
They're having fun, it's sort of like being back with all their grand nieces and nephews except it's all of their friends (+Seth). The Original Foxes were long used to Neil & Andrew's shit so it was impossible to mess with them like this.
They're going to have a blast.
Edit: Thanks @the-inner-musings-of-a-worm for the fun idea once again!
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promptling · 3 months
THIS IS . . . LAUFEY. ft. lyrics from the artist's "this is" playlist on spotify.
it always goes like this.
i'm so naive to think you loved me for me.
guess you're still growing up.
were you surprised by me when you took me home?
i can't even tell who you want to know.
you must have felt so damn deceived when you made up a version of me that you thought you'd love.
i am not your aphrodite.
you took me for a fool.
you stole my youth.
i'm not your fucking goddess.
don't you dare look at me that way.
she's so perfect.
i loved you from the start.
what's a girl to do?
this can't be right.
i've never had a shoulder to cry on.
everybody's falling in love and i'm falling behind.
all i've had is coffee and leftover pie.
i should stop.
one day, i will stop falling in love with you.
i'm just trying to understand what i am to you.
i don't mean to cry.
no matter how long i resist temptation, i will always lose.
i've done the math.
there's no solution.
we'll never last.
it's kind of weird.
can i say that?
i'm scared of flies.
i'm scared of guys.
i wish you love.
i set you free.
i'm reclaiming what's mine.
this city is way too small.
i'm taking back my life.
it's like a game of monopoly.
i wish that you were here right now.
what have you done to me?
i'll just sleep until i fall dead.
i've lost all sensibility.
i'm shaking.
i want to run away with you.
i'd like to sleep in till two on a sunday.
maybe i'm just old fashioned.
i want a love like i've seen in the movies.
i hate you when you're talking.
i love you so much that i settled for less.
you were my everything.
honestly, life has been much better since i spoke to you last.
it's come to my attention that i don't show enough of what i think.
it's only when i drink, i open up.
i'm sorry i made fun of it.
it's not your fault it looks like shit.
you're my best friend in the world.
some things never change.
a universe without you would be thoroughly mundane.
i've made my rounds.
i'm giving up.
i wish it would slow down.
prettiest girl that i know.
how can i compete with her?
i can be a little much.
i don't want to go to sleep yet.
i don't know where to look.
i know i sound stupid, i do.
that's what love will do to you.
he looked so serious.
do you like museums?
at one point, i just stopped listening.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 7 months
Fluffy one shot, Eddie is a total goner for you, like sappy as shit.
Lyrics are Underneath the tree by Kelly Clarkson.
Tonight, I'm gonna hold you close, Make sure that you know. I was lost before you.
You're fast asleep in Eddie's arms and he marvels at how much his life has changed since meeting you.
The holiday season was in full swing in Hawkins and a major snow storm had hit the town but Eddie couldn't bring himself to care.
He had you with him and that's all he needed. It had been a year since you came into his life, last Christmas to be exact and he had been on cloud nine ever since.
Eddie wasn't always the biggest fan of Christmas. Sure, Uncle Wayne made it fun, they got a little tree and exchanged a present or two and Eddie made his famous hot chocolate.
But at this time of year Eddie always felt a little bit lost.
Christmas was cold and grey. Another holiday. Alone to celebrate.
It's just Christmas wasn't something he went crazy for. He was much more of a Halloween lover. That was Eddie's most wonderful time of the year.
Then as cliche as it was (especially to his usual cynical self) everything changed when he met you.
You and Eddie met when he was at the record store last year trying to search for an old Christmas vinyl that Uncle Wayne had his eye on.
He was just about to give up when he heard your voice asking him if he needed any help.
But then, one day, everything changed. You're all I need, Underneath the tree.
All it took was one look and Eddie was a goner.
After a shitty year post the defeat of Vecna and the destruction of the Upside Down, healing from almost dying courtesy of those fucking demo bats Eddie was aching for something good, something happy.
Most people looked at him like he was a murderer even though Hopper got all the charges dropped, the town would never believe the murders that plagued the town in March were the work of an actual monster.
To them Eddie would always be the monster.
It didn't matter what they thought because the people he cared for, his friends, Wayne, they knew the truth.
When Eddie met you there was no judgement in your eyes, just warmth and you genuinely wanting to help him.
You're here where you should be. Snow is falling as the carolers sing. It just wasn't the same. Alone on Christmas day
Meeting you, falling in love with you, it was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Presents, what a beautiful sight. Don't mean a thing if you ain't holding me tight.
Now Christmas was his favourite time of the year, your infectious energy for this time of year, the way you would sing along to carols and the amount of times he caught you dancing along to some of them made Eddie love you even more.
He even baked Christmas cookies this year, adorable ones that had some of the Hellfire boys *Mike and Gareth* tease the shit out of him for, but he was proud as punch at what he made.
He is so lost in thought that he doesn't resize that you've woken up until he feels your soft lips against his.
"It's midnight. Happy Christmas eve love" he smiles as you cuddle back on his chest.
Yeah, as long as you're here then Eddie doesn't need presents or superficial shit.
Just you.
You're all that I need, Underneath the tree
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