#He's brooding over any violent or injured child he finds
puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Ah damn- lemme rewrite it then:
A bit ago I had a thought and I just wanted to know your opinion on it-
So, there’s two worlds; one, a typical Batman ‘verse with no powers and just a bunch of vigilantes. And two, a world where the batfamily is just flat out non-human Cryptids. Just a bunch of shadow demons who feed on fear and have not even a drop of humanity in them.
Now, here’s where the thought comes in: A Robin from the normal verse (Probably Jason or Tim since I adore both of ‘em) gets somehow shot into the Cryptid verse and now has to deal with a giant shadow demon in the shape of their dad cooing over them like they’re his kid.
Cryptid Batman is just... staring down at the costumed child (who is probably hurt, let's be honest it is the batfam) bemusedly for a solid few seconds. Just, takes a minute before registering the feeling of otherness around the kid- not like their otherness, but something other all the same. Goes from bemused to Gasp, a baby very quickly, even if he knows the kid is a human. Maybe that can be fixed- if they want to of course- but it's still a child and they're his child now.
Honestly if it's Tim he's probably a tiny bit concussed and trying not to fall asleep because uh, either he's hallucinating or there's some sort of eldritch shadow Batman crouched down cooing at him like a mama bird. Tries to get to the internet as soon as he can, to try and figure out what's going on. Very quickly realizes that he's either in another timeline, or a whole new world, which isn't exactly... great. Tim has had to deal with the most unhinged Batman, who just lost his son and is very much not mentally stable, and he is slightly panicking on what his Batman will do if he thinks he's dead or can't find him. Big cryptid Batman just gently holds because humans are so fragile, and this is baby so they're extra fragile.
If it's Jason, I'm almost tempted for it to be during or right after Ethiopia. A very much concussed and injured child who shadow Batman very gently scoops up and slightly panics while taking him to Alfred, because surely Alfred will know what to do? Maybe Jason wakes up still human, maybe he wakes up something... different. Either way he's a bit freaked out and confused to see Shadowy-Eldritch Batman (probably with the batkids koala-clinging to his back lol) staring unblinkingly down at him all excited he's awake and going to be okay.
Hell, maybe it's both of the boys and the dimension-yeeting has happened twice, first when Jason 'died' and then later with Tim. Who knows.
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alwaysanotherooc · 7 years
Estela and MC for the angst ask please!
Estelaaaa, my beautiful wife, she’s so precious. This turned out really long, so I put it under the cut. Enjoy! Ask me angsty q’s about Choices couples!
Do they have a lot of arguments? They bicker a lot, mostly about how violent to be with any threat to them or their friends. (Usually, very violent. Battle Girlfriends FTW) But when they really argue, it’s because MC accuses Estela of being cold and unfeeling, and Estela accuses MC of being a self-made martyr.
Who apologizes first, and in what way? They each take a day to completely get away from one another, and then feel so guilty they do the whole, dramatic running up to each other on the streets and talking over one another, apologizing profusely. Then they have makeup cuddles.
Who has more insecurities? Estela. She’s worried because of her upbringing that she’s not cut out to be in a healthy relationship and she’s worried MC will ‘wake up’ and dump her. 
Who gets more riled up? It’s a tie. It all depends on the situation. If it’s something about big business conspiracies or government war crimes, it’s Estela, but if it’s something that has to do with people getting hurt on a personal level, or being treated unfairly, it’s MC.
How do they hide their pain when they’re upset? Estela goes stone cold, rock solid, you can’t phase or shake her, she’s unflappable, but on the inside, she’s a mess of anxiety and hurt. MC explodes, they get defensive and will walk out, and then feel guilty.
Who tries to make up first? They both do it around the same time, they’re pretty in sync with that kind of stuff.
Would they hate-fuck if they were mad at one another? NO. Estela already finds it difficult to be vulnerable like that with someone, so when she’s already feeling insecure and slighted? No.
Do they hold grudges? They could both hold grudges with the best of them.
Is there something big that could potentially tear them apart if it was revealed? If MC, in an attempt to find out Rourke’s plan, defects to his side but doesn’t tell the others why.
If something already happened to tear them apart, what would make them come back together? It would take a LONG time to convince Estela to trust MC again, but it could happen.
What’s their favorite pastime when they’re upset? They like to curl around each other and watch Disney Junior to turn their brains off for a while. 
Who do they confide in when shit hits the fan (besides each other)? For MC it’s Diego, for Estela it is also Diego. (Diego is everyone’s favorite, IMO)
Is it hard for them to talk about their feelings openly with each other? OH HELL YES. Estela grew up never wanting to be vulnerable with anyone, and MC is used to hiding it if they’re not perfectly ok. But they’re trying their best.
Who grieves more when the other is away? I’ll be honest, MC. Estela is used to the whole ‘Lone Wolf’ crap, so she misses MC when she’s off doing her thing but it can drive MC up the freaking wall.
Who misses the other more, or really thinks about them more? MC thinks about Estela all the time when she’s off on her own, Estela’s focusing on what’s in front of her so she can get back to MC.
Do either of them have a special item (an article of clothing, a necklace, a book) that they use when they miss the other? Estela probably has a necklace tucked underneath her top that MC gave her, and when she can afford to do it, she’ll take it out and rub it between her fingers for strength. MC probably has one of Estela’s hoodies that they hold onto so they can sleep through the night without her.
Who cries more? MC. Estela doesn’t like showing emotions, even though she can’t help it sometimes.
Do either of them have the other’s stuff lying around their house? Not until they actually live together, mainly because it makes Estela feel freaked out when she wakes up in the middle of the night and there’s things in her safe space that are not hers and therefore she doesn’t remember.
Do they tease each other while in a fight (whether it be with themselves or just general teasing)? They’re not big on teasing, as Estela’s really straightforward and MC notices whenever Jake teases her about something her initial reaction is that he’s being serious, and so MC doesn’t want to damage their relationship. But occasionally, when they’re in bed late at night and feeling safe in each other’s arms, MC will lightly tease her about something, and it makes Estela feel like more of a part of their relationship.
Do either of them have any vices? Not really, unless you count Estela’s four different martial arts classes as a vice.
What’s the thing they miss most about each other? Estela misses the way MC makes her laugh. MC misses the way Estela makes them feel like they can do anything.
What’s their go-to breakup/angst song? For MC it’s ‘Love the Way You Lie’ by Eminem and for Estela it’s ‘Apologize’ by Timbaland.
Who’s more jealous? MC, definitely, because Estela’s so not used to thinking of someone as being a staying part of her life that it’s never a reaction for her when someone flirts with MC.
Who is the first to forgive? When it comes to one another, they’re pretty even but when it comes to literally anything else, MC is better about forgiving by FAR.
What’s the one deal breaker for either of them (lack of communication, fear of commitment, etc)? Lack of communication, by far. Estela struggles with it a lot, and MC does in their own way too.
Who would take longer to let go? Estela, by far.
Which is more afraid of confrontation? Neither one of them is afraid to be confrontational, they survived Murder Island, they can survive anything.
Who’s the first to distance themselves (if either)? Estela.
Who’s more patient? Estela, she’s a hunter. MC is very impatient.
Who’s the first to blame themselves? MC, they’re very self-sacrificing.
Who’s more likely to do something out of spite? Estela. She once, when she was mad, gave MC a glass full of ice and said “Wait” when they said they wanted water.
Who would be the first to say they hate the other? Neither one of them would ever say that to the other, no matter how angry they were.
Who worries more? Estela. She knows how dangerous the world is, and she knows that MC is basically totally unprepared for any of it, Murder Island survivor or not.
What scent reminds them of the other? MC smells like peppermint, and Estela smells like cinnamon.
Do they have any regrets (regarding the other, or just in general)? Estela regrets waiting and taking her time with MC, she craves each and every single moment with MC.
Who’s quicker to walk away if a situation gets heated? MC.
Who is more prone to anger? They can both be hotheaded, but Estela.
Who cries more in an argument? Neither of them cries during the argument.
Does it take a lot for it to get to the point of yelling? Yes, neither of them is super sensitive.
Who sleeps on the couch after an argument? MC is the one who leaves the apartment and goes to stay with Diego, but neither of them can sleep very well without each other.
Who’s more likely to protect the other? They are both super protective, it becomes like a competition. (Think: Bucky and Steve in Captain America: CIvil War.)
If one of them gets injured, who worries more? Estela, because MC is a sweet summer child who needs to always be happy and healthy.
Who would be more afraid of the other’s death/harm? MC has actually seen Estela die multiple times (dreams/visions/idols) so MC.
Who ends up yelling first? MC, Estela just gets a really cold kind of anger.
Who would be more likely to save who? (See 41)
Who stays up at night brooding? Estela. She worries so much about MC she can’t sleep sometimes, and it’s especially bad after they’ve fought.
Who has more dreams/nightmares about the other? MC has a lot of nightmares about Estela being hurt. Estela sometimes dreams of the island, the ones that feel like memories.
Who comforts who after a bad dream/event? They both are there for each other, no matter what, no matter if they’re hundreds of miles away and in the middle of a huge fight.
Do they think about each other a lot? MC almost never stops thinking about Estela. And if Estela’s not in the middle of a dangerous situation, it’s the same for her.
If one of them were to come back after a long time, who would come to who? Estela would come back to MC, and it’d be angsty as hell and there would be so many tears, but yeah, it’d go well.
WOW! That was long, omg. This was so much fun though! Thank you!
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