#Batman is broody
puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Ah damn- lemme rewrite it then:
A bit ago I had a thought and I just wanted to know your opinion on it-
So, there’s two worlds; one, a typical Batman ‘verse with no powers and just a bunch of vigilantes. And two, a world where the batfamily is just flat out non-human Cryptids. Just a bunch of shadow demons who feed on fear and have not even a drop of humanity in them.
Now, here’s where the thought comes in: A Robin from the normal verse (Probably Jason or Tim since I adore both of ‘em) gets somehow shot into the Cryptid verse and now has to deal with a giant shadow demon in the shape of their dad cooing over them like they’re his kid.
Cryptid Batman is just... staring down at the costumed child (who is probably hurt, let's be honest it is the batfam) bemusedly for a solid few seconds. Just, takes a minute before registering the feeling of otherness around the kid- not like their otherness, but something other all the same. Goes from bemused to Gasp, a baby very quickly, even if he knows the kid is a human. Maybe that can be fixed- if they want to of course- but it's still a child and they're his child now.
Honestly if it's Tim he's probably a tiny bit concussed and trying not to fall asleep because uh, either he's hallucinating or there's some sort of eldritch shadow Batman crouched down cooing at him like a mama bird. Tries to get to the internet as soon as he can, to try and figure out what's going on. Very quickly realizes that he's either in another timeline, or a whole new world, which isn't exactly... great. Tim has had to deal with the most unhinged Batman, who just lost his son and is very much not mentally stable, and he is slightly panicking on what his Batman will do if he thinks he's dead or can't find him. Big cryptid Batman just gently holds because humans are so fragile, and this is baby so they're extra fragile.
If it's Jason, I'm almost tempted for it to be during or right after Ethiopia. A very much concussed and injured child who shadow Batman very gently scoops up and slightly panics while taking him to Alfred, because surely Alfred will know what to do? Maybe Jason wakes up still human, maybe he wakes up something... different. Either way he's a bit freaked out and confused to see Shadowy-Eldritch Batman (probably with the batkids koala-clinging to his back lol) staring unblinkingly down at him all excited he's awake and going to be okay.
Hell, maybe it's both of the boys and the dimension-yeeting has happened twice, first when Jason 'died' and then later with Tim. Who knows.
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exploringopensky · 28 days
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was reading Sherlock holmes and this popped into my head
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 28
Thomas stared down at Bruce-no- Danny as he led him by the hand toward what he had dubbed as his "Secret Lair" which was just an old fall out shelter in the woods that had been well hidden and forgotten about. The door to it was old and still buried under years of dirt and plant growth, requiring Danny to phase them into it which made Thomas wonder how his grandson had found it in the first place.
Inside was surprisingly high tech. "You have a secret lair filled with all this equipment but don't have any weapons or armor?" Thomas asked, making mental preparations to fix that.
Danny sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and explained his only allies were two other 14 year olds who were also untrained, unarmed, unarmored, and unsuper-powered which would explain why Danny was so excited to be working with an adult vigilante who at least knew what they were doing.
The kid didn't even mind when some of his more evil or harmful rogues "stopped showing up" thankfully no one would really question the reclusive Vlad Masters "going back to Wisconsin" only to never be seen again. No one saw much of him before coming to Amity Park, it made since he would become a hermit again once he had his fill of human interaction.
And if hes later found dead in his cheese castle? Well, the body had decomposed too much to really say what killed him. His will left everything to a Daniel James Fenton/Daniel James Masters which visibly infuriated Danny. Thomas mentally patted himself on the back. It was a good call to get rid of that one. The will was a surprise, though one that can only benefit Thomas in his crusade of protecting his grandson. Its not like he can return to a timeline that no longer exists anyway.
Unfortunately this doesn't stop the bats from hearing about "Batman" operating in a city in Illinois for the past few months...
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littlefankingdom · 3 months
I want Bruce to appear in My Adventures with Superman, but just once and just as Bruce Wayne. No Batman (even tho Batman does exist as Jimmy made a video about him), not a single hint, not a single line mentioning him, the dark knight does not appear or help. Nope, just Bruce Wayne being philanthropist playboy Bruce Wayne. And that's it.
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someguyingotham · 2 months
OMG YALL i just saw batman leave wayne manner super sneakily… do you think him and bruce wayne are like… an item?? 🫢
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brionysea · 4 months
obsessed with dick and cass not getting along because they're the best suited to be the next batman if they have to, except only dick has to, because cass wants to
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bkwrm523 · 2 years
World’s Greatest Detective
Title: World’s Greatest Detective Rating: Explicit Pairing: Bruce Wayne/reader Word Count: 2519 Warnings: Sex in the batsuit, oral.... playful interrogation? Summary: You’re hiding something from Bruce, and he’s going to find out what.  One way or another. Author’s Note: As usual, this is in no particular universe.
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In your defense, it had been Clark Kent’s idea.
Apparently, the whole thing had spawned during a conversation with Lois.  You weren’t sure exactly how it’d gone; probably Clark expressing a desire to do something to cheer up Bruce.  Not that Bruce was unusually unhappy; he was just like that.  In any case, Clark had suggested it, and either Lois hadn’t been able to talk him out of it, or Clark had shown such puppy like enthusiasm and excitement about it, that she simply hadn’t had the heart to point out the flaws in his plan.
So now here you were.  Part of a collection of your boyfriend Bruce Wayne’s friends and family.  Planning a surprise birthday party for him.  A surprise party for someone who was often called the world’s greatest detective.
You were doomed.
So, you weren’t particularly surprised one night when Bruce started to poke at you.  It was late, Bruce had finished patrol, and you, he, and Alfred were finishing up.  Putting things away, going over files, cleaning armor, the usual sort of things that needed to be tied up before you three could call yourselves done for the night.  Bruce had taken off his cowl, but kept the rest of the armor on for the moment as he went over files in the computer.
“You’re hiding something from me.”  Bruce broke the silence.  Alfred was on the other side of the cave.  Within shouting distance, but not the low conversational tone Bruce was using.  You were next to him, entering your share of the night’s information into another terminal next to him.  Bruce was using his Batman voice, the one that made you shiver.
“Bruce, are you arguing with the files again.”  You asked him without looking up, feigning misunderstanding.
“I’m talking to you.”  He replied sternly.  “Do you think I don’t know when you’re lying to me?”  It was the usual Batman voice, but there was something...
“Wait.”  You replied, pausing what you were doing to give him a surprised and amused look.  “Are you using your interrogation voice on me?”
“Answer the question.”
“What did I do?!”  You feigned confusion and amusement, not actual offense.  No need to turn the conversation ugly.  Bruce stared at you for a long moment, then hit a comms button.
“Alfred.”  Bruce said.
“Yes, Master Bruce?”
“Are you about done over there?  I’d like some time alone with Y/n.” “Just about,” Alfred replied, setting down what he was holding, with a faint smirk that you could just see from where you sat.  He turned and walked to the exit.  “Do try to keep the noise down, sir.”
And then he was gone.  You couldn’t help but feel excitement and dread in the pitt of your stomach.
You stood from your chair, aimlessly straightening the papers in front of you.  “I think I’m gonna go to bed, too.  It’s getting-”
“Stop.”  Bruce interrupted you.  You froze, unable to disobey.  Your eyes were fixed on the desk, too nervous to look up and see his expression.  You heard him move around, stand, and the slow footfalls over to you.
“Look at me.”  Bruce’s voice was firm and menacing, but soft.  You obeyed.
He’d put his cowl back on.  And turned the voice changer on.  Fuck.  He rested his hands on the desk on either side of you, caging you in, and leaned in until he was inches away.
“What aren’t you telling me.”  Batman growled at you.  Your breath caught, and for a moment you couldn’t speak.  Any other criminal might wet themselves in this situation.  You, on the other hand, were unbearably turned on.
“I, uh.”  Coherent words was a bit too much to ask under the circumstances.
“Tell me what you know.”  Batman growled again.
“I... there’s...”
“Tell me what this is about, and I’ll kiss you until you’re limp and weak.”
“You-your birthday.  It’s about your birthday.”  You couldn’t look away from his eyes, any more than you could not answer him.  Bruce moved immediately.
Both his arms lifted from the table and wrapped around you.  One of them low on your back, the other cupping the back of your skull and holding you in place as his lips landed on yours and ravaged you.  You clung to him, arms gripping wherever they could reach, and sunk into him, able to do nothing more than submit to his passionate kiss.  His tongue was in your mouth, and you whined a little, stimulated at how helpless you felt in his arms.  He growled, and one leg pushed yours apart, slotting his hips between your legs until you could feel his suit’s codpiece pressing against you.  Your hands clenched on fistfuls of his suit and you moaned as he ground the codpiece into you.  His arms and the desk were all that was holding you up.
By the time he released you to slump back against the desk, you were dizzy.  Just as limp and weak as he’d promised.  His grip on you loosened, but his arms didn’t leave you.  The arm on top moved from your head down to the back of your shoulders.
“What are you planning for my birthday.”  Batman demanded.  His voice was still a rough growl, but it was softer after the demanding kiss.
“B- Batman, please.”  You whined, unable to focus beyond the memory of his lips on you.
“Please, what.”
“Touch me.”
“Tell me what you’re planning, and I will.”
“Fuck.”  You avoided his eyes.  You couldn’t turn him down.  “It... a surprise party, I-”  he didn’t wait for you to elaborate, before he went for your neck.  You gave a startled yelp as he ravaged your skin, right where he knew you were most sensitive.  Your head dropped forward onto his shoulder, panting at the overwhelming stimulation.
He ground his codpiece into you, again and again, making you moan and babble into his shoulder.  Time stopped functioning, and all you were aware of was the orgasm approaching.  You clawed at the back of his suit, trying to leave scratches on skin that wasn’t exposed at the moment, cried his name in an attempt to warn him, but no other words would come.  His stubble and teeth scraped your sensitive skin, pushing you closer to the edge until you tumbled over it, screaming his name.  He kept grinding into you, pushing you higher until you finally collapsed in his arms.
Batman held you for a moment, just letting you go limp and try to recover before he continued his interrogation.
“Good girls get orgasms.”  Batman murmured in your ear.  You thought you’d need longer after that last orgasm, but hearing him say that in the Batman voice with the voice changer on?  You were suddenly very ready to go again.  His arms tightened around you, and he lifted you until you were sitting on the desk.  Your shirt was swiftly pulled off.  He leaned in, arms going around you to reach for the catch on your bra.  The feeling of his armored hands on your bare skin made you shiver.  When you felt his lips touch your neck again you gave a startled yelp, and he gave a dark chuckle before frying your brain again.  You dropped your head onto his shoulder, and your hands clenched at his armor.  Your thighs clenched tightly around his hips, clinging to him instinctively.  One of his hands detoured from your bra clasp to trail lightly up your spine.  You yelped and squirmed in his arms, drawing another dark chuckle.
He took pity on you after a moment, unlatching your bra and tossing it aside.  And then... he pulled away from you, startling you.  You leaned back a little, watching him curiously.  He reached into a belt pouch, and pulled out a zip tie.  Your breath caught and your eyes went huge.  He smirked at you, easily reading your arousal at his move.  He pulled your hands behind your back, and tied them in place.  The zip tie was loose, though; just tight enough to hold your hands there, but loose enoguh that you’d be able to pull them free with a little determined wiggling.
Batman put one hand on your shoulder, and gently pushed you down until you were lying on your back, your legs hanging down in the air.  He bent over you, resting one arm on the desk to support his weight, and attacked your nipple with lips and teeth and tongue.  His free hand tweaked the remaining nipple.  You squirmed and writhed on the table, instinctively trying to escape, but he’d left you nowhere to go.  The sight alone of his cowl bent over your breasts was enough to make you whine for him.
Then, abruptly, he stopped.  And stood.  Batman turned his attention away from you for a moment, unclasped both gloves, and set them down to the side.  You didn’t see exactly where.  His now bare hands went to your pants, making you shiver again when his skin brushed yours so close to your pussy.  He undid your pants, pulling pants and underwear off, discarding them.  Then he grabbed the nearby chair, pulled it over, and sat down.  Right between your parted legs.  Your throat was suddenly dry at the sight of him, still in the cowl, between your legs.  His eyes met yours.  You felt like his prey, and you didn’t mind a bit.  
“Good girls get orgasms.”  Batman reminded you.  He broke your gaze then, looking down at your wet and waiting pussy.  Then he leaned in, and devoured you.
One arm went across your hips, pinning you down and his thumb dropped down to tease your clit.  The other hand reached up your body to toy with one breast as his tongue thrust inside you.
His tongue found your gspot, rubbing against it and making your eyes roll back in your head and you thrashed on the table.  He ate you out like you were his favorite meal, like he never wanted to come up for air.  You squeaked and squirmed and whined his name, but there was no escaping.  Batman groaned into your pussy, and you felt the vibrations stimulating you and moaned helplessly.  Your hands struggled against the binds, but you weren’t escaping.  You shook in his grip, and felt an orgasm rapidly approaching.  You cried his name, gave broken pleas, but he never let up.  You screamed, your senses overwhelmed, and jerked in his grip.  You vision went white and time stopped, until he finally let you down.
It was a few moments before you came back to yourself.  Bruce was leaning over you, still cowled.  His face was clean, you suspected he’d wiped it off or something.  His arms were planted on either side of you, and he was gently nuzzling your face, waiting for you to come back.
“Batman,” you murmured, no real intention following the word.  You’d simply uttered his name out of a desire to hear it.  He smiled a little and kissed you, long and gentle with slowly growing desire.  The kiss continued into a long makeout, your hands struggling a little without result behind your back in a desire to touch him.  He ground his pelvis into you, gently at first, until he lit another fire in you and had you squirming and whining for more.  
He finally broke from your lips, letting you gasp for breath, and stood.  Your eyes followed him as his hands went to his belt.  You watched, breathless with anticipation as he removed just the crotch from his suit, a bit of his upper thigh plating coming with it.  He pushed down the pants of his underarmor suit, just enough to reveal his cock, huge and erect and weeping for you.  Your lips parted, your breathing coming hard with desire.  Bruce leaned back over you, planting his arms on the desk, moving until just the tip of his cock poked your eager pussy.
“One last question.”  Batman growled.  You’d honestly forgotten about the voice changer until right then.  You groaned and dropped your head back to the table in exhasperation.
“Batman, please-” you whined, but he didn’t wait for you to finish.
“Who was involved.  In my birthday surprise.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I won’t fuck you until you tell me.”  Batman growled, his voice low and tense with need.  But you knew better than to hope he’d break.
“Goddamnit.”  you swore.  Bruce’s hips swivled against you, rubbing his cock against you just enough to remind you how it’d feel to have him buried inside you.  You tried to keep your mouth shut, but damnit he felt good, and you wanted more.  Needed more.
“All right all right!”  You screamed, unable to resist any longer.  “Clark, it was Clark’s id-” he didn’t let you finish before he plunged into you.  
Slowly, letting your pussy adjust to his immense girth.  You screamed his name and arched your back under him, unable to focus beyond the feeling of his cock filling you more and more, inch by inch.  He finally bottomed out, and buried his face in your neck while he waited for you to adjust, giving little nips and licks occasionally.  When you adjusted, you tried to wrap your legs around his hips, but your muscles felt sore and dead, and you couldn’t make them move.
“Move,” you gasped.  “Please!”
Batman growled again, and obeyed.
One of his planted arms moved to your shoulders, holding you in place for his powerful thrusts to rock the desk.  His teeth sunk into your neck, and you wanted more than anything to wrap your arms around him, to grasp the ears on his cowl, but your hands were still bound behind you.  You tried to squirm, to arch into him, but you could barely think beyond the feeling of his thick cock pounding you beyond reasonable thought.  You two had fucked with him partly in the suit before, but something about him keeping the cowl and voice changer on to interrogate you drove you wild.
Your overworked pussy didn’t last long before you were coming again, and you last consious thought before pleasure overtook you was to feel him coming inside you, and then everything went black.
You awoke in Bruce’s cot in the batcave.  Cleaned up, and changed into one of Bruce’s spare button down shirts and boxers.  You were lying on your side, snuggled into Bruce’s bare chest as he drew patterns on your back.  He’d changed too, stripped down to nothing but his underwear.  You made a small moan, alerting him that you were awake, and he looked down at you.
“Are you all right?”  Bruce asked, concern creasing his forehead.
“Better than all right, after that.”  You smiled up at him, soothing his worry that he’d hurt you.  He smiled back at you.
“I look forward to you explaining this to Clark.”  Bruce told you, looking smug.  Your cheeks heated in embaressment, and you looked away from Bruce’s gaze.
“Oh no, I’m not telling him shit.  You’re just gonna have to explain how you found out.”
“We’ll see.”
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kartsie · 2 years
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Going back through art I never finished/posted and finding some gems
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abagofmagictrix · 4 days
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They would be friends
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spacedace · 1 year
When I say I want a Broody Batman, I don't mean Broody as in "Byronic Hero" I mean Broody as in "Hen aggressively fluffed up over a clutch of eggs/chicks willing to fight god to protect them"
I want Batman to stand up and a dozen little legs to be spotted from beneath his hammer space logic of a cape.
I want someone to get to close to one of his little chicks and start making that demonic angry chicken noise.
I want him to sit in one spot and refuse to move come hell or high water because he's gotta make sure all his little ones are warm and safe from predators.
I want each bat-adoption to be there because Alfred slipped an orphaned child in need of a good home/parent under the cape like a farmer shoving day-old chicks under a hen that went Broody and is slowly starving herself to death trying to hatch unfertalized eggs.
No more of this standing on the ledge of a building with lowered head looking sad in the rain bad parent Brooding Batman. Only aggressively protective and good parent Batman.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 240
You know what I think could be a really interesting premise?
Liminal-as-fuck Batfamily (and maybe all of Gotham itself) who aren't part of the Justice League. Like I am saying full on cryptid batfam who terrorize the criminals of Gotham and aren't well known outside of the city besides rumours.
And now throw in the Phantom team, either via Sam or Ellie or otherwise bringing the anti-ecto acts to their attention. I'm saying feral ghostly children barely being held back by Alfred from destroying the GIW buildings with their bare hands. Yes, that includes Bruce and Kate.
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arlathvhenan · 2 months
Solas is just a Batman with no Alfred
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shihoerusu · 2 years
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I had to draw this.
.based on a incorrect quote by @oceanview15
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littlefankingdom · 11 days
Good news everyone: the cis straight guys, that would let Bruce smash, want baby Dick Grayson in the movies as much as us! Saw one of them saying he will burn down the theater if the next Batman's movie doesn't start with the Graysons dying.
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carpthecarp · 1 month
Jason Todd is such an interesting and complex character, he’s not good but he’s not bad. He was a good kid who was in a tough position and used violence as a means to save himself and others. And then he became a troubled man who went through the unimaginable and came out alive, a man who was ok with using brutal methods to get justice. His actions led to innocent people being harmed and caused chaos, which isn’t excusable, but it does make sense why he was that way. Jason Todd is so interesting because he’s such a scared character. As much as he acts tough and as strong as he is, like every other Batman vigilante, he’s afraid. He’s afraid of his past, of the warehouse, the pit, himself. He’s a “violent” man who’s just a scared boy trying to do his best to help others. He’s not a villain or a bad person, he’s lost and trying to redeem himself (he does). When done right, he’s one of the most interesting DC characters to write about, especially considering what he represents. He’s a robin, in fact he’s the robin directly after THE boy wonder. He’s Batman’s light, the golden boy. But he’s so different from the robin that came before him. Bruce feared that Dick would grow up to be like him. Bruce feared that Jason would grow up to be a ruthless killer. Jason is a good kid who was stuck in a bad situation, and when he finally got a way out, it was taken from him again.
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dnangelic · 2 months
dark in my brain is rlly not that Brooding
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