#He's saving up for a ps5 :D
children-of-subcon · 2 years
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FINALLYY the ghost squad has been completed as well >:D I know that I’m a few days late to making it for November but in my defense I’ve been really busy and I got the main part of the ref done in November at least ;w;
I have waited so long to get to this guy... His first design was absolutely abysmal but I’m pretty happy with the final version! Oh gosh I’m gonna have to go back and edit every post I where he was hidden aren’t I o,_,o
ANYWAYS lore under the cut :DDD
The Tricky Merchant, also known as TM or just Timmy, is a notorious salesghost who mainly sells Magnets! Be careful when dealing with him, though... there’s always a 50% chance between him actually giving you the Magnet you asked for, or a completely useless one instead!
He can be found most anywhere, and as such, has quite a wide customer base! His best friends are Captor and Bowthreader, although at the moment he’s a bit closer to Bow. Still, he does hang around Cappy quite a bit, and has helped her with a couple of Magnets of her own :)
TM’s arms can be...rather wonky. He’s able to touch magical objects, but physical objects evade him. Usually this doesn’t bother him, though, since he can just levitate them instead! Too bad he can’t levitate himself u_u
He comes from the Twilight, a place for lost souls that have managed to get even more corrupted, even after death. With the help of someone else, he managed to escape– the glitches are a side effect.
Timmy loves “ligma” type jokes, and is ecstatic when he meets Prince because he’s stupid enough to fall for every single one of them ^^ Luckily, when Prince finally manages to catch on is when Duke comes around, so TM gets a new target :D !
Although not as frequently as Captor, TM does eat souls! Usually it’s those of annoying customers or people who try to get out of paying, though. Don’t try to scam the scammer, folks! Outside of these he probably gets them from animals.
Despite his upbeat and mischievous demeanor, Timmy has a deep-seated fear of being forgotten. It’s the reason that he goes around meeting so many people, and uses his rather...unconventional business practices. Yet, while he has many acquaintances, he doesn’t have many friends. Perhaps some certain aliens can help with that...
His theme would obviously use some motifs from the Badge Seller’s, as well as maybe the Main Theme and Spaceship Theme? I’m not sure if it would fit, but I think it could involve some nods to some of the music from Vanessa’s/Muriel’s Manor as well, since he originally was supposed to live there :D
Also, he claims to be a demon. He is not.
Alllright, that’s all for Tricky Merchant! Will I make another ref for December or just count this one? Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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pillowspace · 3 months
can you explain in stars and time to me? Is it a story you made or based on something? Is there a masterpost?
Nope, nothing I made! In Stars and Time is a turn-based RPG about its main protagonist Siffrin being trapped in a time loop!! :D Siffrin has to save the country by defeating the King and break the curse that's freezing people in time, alongside their companions Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie. But whenever he dies, he wakes back up in the meadow, and nobody else remembers what happened except for him. Then comes Loop, a star and the only other one to be aware of what Siffrin's experiencing.
It starts out nice then slowly turns into the saddest game I've ever had the honour of being emotionally crushed by, I had a REALLY good time playing it. Apparently the expected playtime is 20-30+ hours, but my first playthrough took 80 hours?? I didn't tend to take many shortcuts personally
Here's the trailer if you want to see:
(Note: you can look up the rest of the content warnings for more information if needed, but ISAT contains themes of death, mental illness, and violence)
The game is available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PS5. I have it for the Switch
As for a masterpost... sort of? Insertdisc5, the game's developer, has a pinned post. I have the links to my liveblogging in my profile bio, but those are filled with spoilers.
It's a nice game. I like it <3 a lot <3 a very not normal amount <3
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Overwhelmingly positive ^ as they should be ^
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carterashofficial · 11 months
I need to rant for a hot minute. Also, I would like advice from all the tumblr aunts and uncles and anyone who will give it.
So back in ye olde month of April, my boyfriend’s father moved in with us. For the purpose of this rant we’re calling him FIL.
FIL had gotten a job in our town and wanted to move out to be closer to his son, and move to a state that doesn’t have a real winter.
So mid-April I get the futon couch all made up with sheets and pillows and a blanket and the good quilt. I am under the impression this is going to last 2-3 weeks until FIL finds an apartment. Boyfriend was thinking a month. That’s fine, I can deal.
We get to June and I’m asking about apartments FIL has toured. It’s been 6 weeks. FIL has found some he likes but oof, the prices. So much more expensive out here compared to previous state.
Boyfriend informs me that his dad can’t afford an apartment downpayment until FIL gets the move-out reimbursement from New Job. Which takes 3 months. FIL has been living on my couch for half of that, might as well wait another 6 weeks until he gets the money and can finally move out.
Early July: my mother is asking when FIL is leaving. Boyfriend promises end of July. We do a pinky promise. I am starting to Not Enjoy having FIL live with us. It’s summer. It’s hot as hell. The electric bill is stupid high.
End of July: shit has hit the fan. FIL’s new job loses a lawsuit and to save money they lay off everyone who hasn’t been there a year. Including FIL. He still gets severance for 3 months and move-out reimbursement. I want to scream and put myself in the washing machine b/c again. It’s summer. It’s hot out and I can’t even sit on my couch to watch TV b/c FIL has the couch for his bed and is always playing something on the PS5. He deserves to have his own space even if he’s intruding into mine and his son’s.
August: FIL begins looking for new jobs. Gold star. Still taking up my entire living room. His comic books (that he keeps buying) are stacked up underneath my coffee tables. He has a seemingly endless supply of Diet Coke bottles. FIL is still getting paychecks for severance, but they stop if he gets a new job before severance runs out. I go with him and boyfriend to tour an apartment for him. Very nice. In his budget. Boyfriend decides to tell me after that his dad has filed bankruptcy a couple years ago and his credit is shit so he will probably not get the apartment.
Dead reader, if you’re thinking “why move across the county if you can’t get an apartment, where are you going to live?” Congrats. I had the same thought. I don’t even know what to do anymore.
September: four months now of FIL living on my couch. He is job searching. I have a little breakdown as a treat b/c as I’ve kept telling Boyfriend, this has gone on long enough and I want the apartment to go back to being our apartment, not our-and-his-dad’s apartment. I’ve now been told he will leave by end of September. He is applying for jobs out of state
October: FIL is still on the couch, and gets a job in his home state. Excellent. Yay. We’re happy. I’m told starting date is Nov 4. Scratch that, he got the month wrong. December 4th. But he said he will be gone by early November. Severance ended. He spends his days watching comic book auctions and playing baseball games on the PS5. I honestly have no idea if he’s washed the sheets. I don’t care. I don’t even want the futon anymore. I’m sure there’s crumbs stuck in the coffee table b/c this man eats sitting on the floor while watching his son’s laptop propped up on the coffee table.
November: hi, it’s the 3rd of November, and I was originally told that FIL would be leaving in the first week or two. Last night I asked what day he was leaving. “Oh, I was thinking a day or two after thanksgiving”. Aka after the 4th Thursday of November (nov. 23). Another MONTH. And this is holiday season when I go all out baking and cooking for the holidays. I can’t do it anymore. I want to feel at home in my apartment. I don’t want a 55 year old roommate, eating chips, sitting on my floor, while he watches comic book auctions without headphones (he doesn’t own any. I’ve asked. Multiple times)
He doesn’t cook. He buys 3 cases of sparkling water and puts them all in the fridge, which I then had to remove b/c there was no room for the groceries. The first month I had to remind him to clean up his empty Diet Coke bottles. FIL routinely falls asleep watching something on the laptop and when I get up in the morning, the laptop is still on, the front light is on, and sometimes so is the TV.
I’ve had it. Boyfriend is worried me telling his dad to get the fuck out is going to hurt his dad’s feelings or give him a mental break. FIL is incredibly sensitive and once cried when I implied that my parents didn’t like him. Boyfriend thinks his dad is fragile and that he needs to take care of his dad, because his dad doesn’t have anyone else. His dad has 3 brothers and Boyfriend has a sister. FIL is not alone.
Boyfriend is focusing so much on not hurting his dad’s feelings and taking care of him that I am just. I’m not supported. My needs are eclipsed by FIL’s.
So my plan is to send them both out for a guy’s day tomorrow and pack up my valuables and important stuff, and move in with my parents (who live 3 minutes away) until FIL is gone or Boyfriend has developed the ability to get his shit together.
I just. I’m done. FIL is a very nice person but he needs to get out of the apartment.
So I’m doing what I’m calling the nuclear option b/c talking and being nice isn’t going anywhere. The valuables and sentimental things are coming with me, and because I’m a petty bitch, so is the coffee table, the rug, and all but one of the pillows on the bed. Boyfriend will be left 1 bathroom towel. I’ve half a mind to take all the silverware too b/c it was a birthday present from my mom.
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So big news, I finally have a job!!! It took me 3+ months after graduation to find a job. I haven't started yet but the paperwork is in the process so that's good.
Also, I finished Cyberpunk 2077 yesterday. I played on my PS5 and I played a female V. I did all the side quests that I could find and I beat it in about 90ish hours. I decided to play it once it was mostly fixed due to the bugs and crashes at launch. I also bought the piggyback guidebook, but I did not look through it until after I beat the game. I would rate the game 9/10. I would recommend it to people who want to experience it or even those who played it at launch and were discouraged by the bugs. I will queue up some last posts and then edit my Cyberpunk screenshots to post around the time of the Phantom Liberty DLC release.
Thank you to everyone for all the support!!! I will be playing Final Fantasy XVI next (I tried the demo and it was amazing!! 😁🎮) If you want to read more about my Cyberpunk play-through, it will be down below to avoid any spoiled for people who still haven't played or beaten the game.
If you want to talk about Cyberpunk or other video games feel free to reach out. :D
-Cyberpunk 2077 spoilers below-
So like I said I played female V with female voice acting. I thought my V was fire. She was a badass punk with a good heart with a nomad background. I romanced Judy. When I saw her in the game trailers it was love at first sight.
For the ending, I went with Panam, once a nomad always a nomad. I also chose to save V and let Johnny go with Alt. I did not think the ending was going to hit me this hard but man Night City really did leave a mark. I loved how the city was, the NPC's and the side stories were amazing. I cried at the end when I realized that my time in Night City was up. Yes I know I could play the game again but the first time is special. I really liked Johnny. In my playthrough, he and V were friends (in my head at least). I also liked Takemura as a character even though he is an Arasaka kiss ass lol. In the epilogue credits, he told V to go to hell because Hanako died. Also in the Panam ending I did not expect Saul to get his face caved in like that. F*ck Smasher. I killed him for Johnny because I promised him I would do it.
I really liked the Kerry side missions. They were my favorite from all the romance side missions. They were fun and deep. I also really liked Kerry's guitar song that he plays on the yacht. After the mission, I went to YouTube to find it. How Kerry talked about living. I also liked Brendan the SCSM. I wish there was an ending to Brendan's story where he would not get reset. I also liked the psycofan gig by El Padre. I liked how it involved Johnny and Kerry. I feel like it made Night City more alive, idk.
My favorite apartment was the first one in the Megabuilding. I liked how you could change the appearance of it, also Nibbles was there lol. My favorite vehicles were the black Rayfield Caliburn and Jackie's Bike. (Yes, I liked that they were fast lol).
If you chooms (;D) wanna talk about a specific mission/ or part of the world feel free to message me. Thank you for reading and for your support. <3
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gtav-cheats-g9 · 2 years
gtav cheats trainer SDYK%
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Get comet vehicle – Get garbage truck – Get Buzzard helicopter – GTA 5 cheat codes for PC, Xbox, PlayStation using in-game cell phone ; Get drunk – ; Swim fast – ; Sprint fast – ; Max. GTA 5 Xbox cheat codes ; Invincibility: RIGHT, A, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RB, RIGHT, LEFT, A, Y ; Max Health and Armor: B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, RIGHT. The Xbox version of this list can be found here. This page is a guide that will show you both methods, including all the tested and verified codes, and you'll be unlocking invincibility, vehicles, weapons and more in no time. The cheats work with either Michael, Trevor or Franklin. Using these GTA 5 cheats will disable Trophies for your gaming session and you'll need to reload your last "clean" saved game or reset your console in order to bring them back. For this reason you should always save your progress before using any cheat code. Select the cheat that you want to activate by choosing it from our list below. We have all the ones included by Rockstar Games, so you're certain to find the one you want. You can enter Grand Theft Auto 5 cheats using either the digital pad d-pad and buttons on your controller or by using the in-game cell phone on the PS4 and PS5 only. Assuming you have selected the button combination method, press the buttons quickly in the correct order during gameplay not while in the pause menu. If you entered the button combo correctly you should see an on-screen message that the cheat code is now active. If not, try following the steps above again. Average: 4. Count: Be the first to rate this guide. Bigfoot Sasquatch Mode : Click here to read the instructions. The cheat is activated by eating a special Peyote plant. Hold the button to jump even higher. Enter 4x for increased effect, a 5th time will disable it. Enter 3x for increased effect, the 4th time will disable it. You must unlock it first by completing the "Duel" random event [ more info ]. You must unlock the sub first by completing the "Wildlife Photography Challenge" [ more info ]. Note, there is no other boat spawn cheat available in the game. You must unlock it first by completing the "Sea Plane" random event [ more info ]. Your weapon wheel after using the all weapons cheat. Rating Click on a star to rate this cheats guide:. Explosive melee cheat activated. Is there a GTA 5 money cheat? It is impossible to get unlimited money using any kind of cheat. Is there a list of cheats I can print? Download and print this PDF. Can you get a Lamborghini or tank using these cheats for GTA 5? No, there is no Lamborghini car in the game, and there is no cheat code to spawn the Rhino tank or the Invade and Persuade tank, which are available in GTA Online only. Can you spawn a jet using GTA 5 cheats? No, there is no cheat code to spawn a jet. The closest alternatives that you can spawn are the Dodo, Buzzard and Duster. Who made these GTA 5 cheats? They will not get you banned or anything else. I can't spawn one of the special vehicles above, what am I doing wrong? Double check that you have first unlocked the vehicle using the instructions in italics. Why can't I use my parachute after activating the Skyfall cheat code? We don't know why you can't use your parachute it's a known issue , but to survive the landing you should try to land head first into the ground or a wall. Cheats for the Xbox version of GTA 5 are here. Cheats for the PC can be found here. Yes, the use of any cheats in Grand Theft Auto 5 will automatically block any Achievements or Trophies from being earned. For this reason you need a clean save game to return to after you cheat session. Can I use cell phone numbers to enter cheats in GTA 5, instead of a button combo? The full list of cell phone cheats is here. Logan is our resident GTA 5 cheat code and guide expert, and has been a gamer ever since he could pick up a controller - over 30 years ago! You'll find him roaming the streets of Los Santos most often, though San Andreas gets bought out occasionally! Logan on Twitter. Forgot password?
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gta 5 newest cheats free T8GY&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Get comet vehicle – Get garbage truck – Get Buzzard helicopter – GTA 5 cheat codes and phone numbers ; : CIRCLE, L1, TRIANGLE, R2, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE, RIGHT, SQUARE, L1, L1, L1; Xbox One / Xbox Series X: B, LB. GTA 5 cheats for PS5, PS4 and PS3 including invincibility, weapons (RPG, assault, shotgun, etc), explosive ammo, vehicle spawns & more. The Xbox version of this list can be found here. This page is a guide that will show you both methods, including all the tested and verified codes, and you'll be unlocking invincibility, vehicles, weapons and more in no time. The cheats work with either Michael, Trevor or Franklin. Using these GTA 5 cheats will disable Trophies for your gaming session and you'll need to reload your last "clean" saved game or reset your console in order to bring them back. For this reason you should always save your progress before using any cheat code. Select the cheat that you want to activate by choosing it from our list below. We have all the ones included by Rockstar Games, so you're certain to find the one you want. You can enter Grand Theft Auto 5 cheats using either the digital pad d-pad and buttons on your controller or by using the in-game cell phone on the PS4 and PS5 only. Assuming you have selected the button combination method, press the buttons quickly in the correct order during gameplay not while in the pause menu. If you entered the button combo correctly you should see an on-screen message that the cheat code is now active. If not, try following the steps above again. Average: 4. Count: Be the first to rate this guide. Bigfoot Sasquatch Mode : Click here to read the instructions. The cheat is activated by eating a special Peyote plant. Hold the button to jump even higher. Enter 4x for increased effect, a 5th time will disable it. Enter 3x for increased effect, the 4th time will disable it. You must unlock it first by completing the "Duel" random event [ more info ]. You must unlock the sub first by completing the "Wildlife Photography Challenge" [ more info ]. Note, there is no other boat spawn cheat available in the game. You must unlock it first by completing the "Sea Plane" random event [ more info ]. Your weapon wheel after using the all weapons cheat. Rating Click on a star to rate this cheats guide:. Explosive melee cheat activated. Is there a GTA 5 money cheat? It is impossible to get unlimited money using any kind of cheat. Is there a list of cheats I can print? Download and print this PDF. Can you get a Lamborghini or tank using these cheats for GTA 5? No, there is no Lamborghini car in the game, and there is no cheat code to spawn the Rhino tank or the Invade and Persuade tank, which are available in GTA Online only. Can you spawn a jet using GTA 5 cheats? No, there is no cheat code to spawn a jet. The closest alternatives that you can spawn are the Dodo, Buzzard and Duster. Who made these GTA 5 cheats? They will not get you banned or anything else. I can't spawn one of the special vehicles above, what am I doing wrong? Double check that you have first unlocked the vehicle using the instructions in italics. Why can't I use my parachute after activating the Skyfall cheat code? We don't know why you can't use your parachute it's a known issue , but to survive the landing you should try to land head first into the ground or a wall. Cheats for the Xbox version of GTA 5 are here. Cheats for the PC can be found here. Yes, the use of any cheats in Grand Theft Auto 5 will automatically block any Achievements or Trophies from being earned. For this reason you need a clean save game to return to after you cheat session. Can I use cell phone numbers to enter cheats in GTA 5, instead of a button combo? The full list of cell phone cheats is here. Logan is our resident GTA 5 cheat code and guide expert, and has been a gamer ever since he could pick up a controller - over 30 years ago! You'll find him roaming the streets of Los Santos most often, though San Andreas gets bought out occasionally! Logan on Twitter. Forgot password?
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gta4-cheats-jh · 2 years
gta4 cheats work 9PWS&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Max Health & Armor: Dial Raise Wanted Level: Dial Spawn Annihilator Helicopter: Dial GTA 4 cheat codes on PS3, PS4 and PS5 · Banshee: · Change weather: · Feltzer: · Weapons 1: GTA 4 Cheats · Max Health & Armor: · Max Health, Armor and Ammo: · Weapons 1: · Weapons 2: · Remove Wanted Level. This is because they entered via the in-game cell phone. Find out the process and grab the full list of cheats below. Read on to find out how to use cheats in GTA 4. Since cheats disable Achievements and Trophies in GTA 4, you'll need to make sure you have a save point to return to once you're done using them. Save your game before using the codes. Rockstar Games included many different cheats in Grand Theft Auto 4, each with different effects. Select the one you want to use from our list. You need to access Niko's phone in order to activate these GTA 4 cheats. Press UP on your d-pad or keyboard, which lets you use the phone. In order to activate the cheat, dial the relevant code as if you were calling a number in-game. To bring up the dial pad of your cell phone you need to press UP once more. Having followed this guide and entered the cheat code number correctly, you should get a notification that the cheat is now active. It will also be saved under a new "Cheats" menu in your phone for quicker access in the future. Average: 4. Count: Be the first to rate this guide. Change Weather : Dial Each time you activate the cheat it cycles through: stormy, clear, overcast, foggy and sunny weather. Max Health, Armor and Ammo : Dial In addition to full health and armor, Niko also gets all his ammo replenished. Raise Wanted Level : Dial Increases your wanted level by one star each time you use the cheat. Remove Wanted Level : Dial Your wanted level is completely removed zero stars. Spawn Banshee : Dial Spawns the Banshee sports car. Spawn Cognoscenti : Dial Spawns the Cognoscenti sedan. Spawn Comet : Dial Spawns the Comet sports car. Spawn Buffalo : Dial Spawns the Buffalo sports car. Spawn Sanchez : Dial Spawns the Sanchez dirtbike. Spawn Burrito : Dial Spawns the Burrito van. Spawn Hakuchou : Dial Spawns the Hakuchou motorbike. Spawn Hexer : Dial Spawns the Hexer chopper motorbike. Spawn Innovation : Dial Spawns the Innovation cruiser motorcycle. Spawn Slamvan : Dial Spawns the Slamvan low-rider car. Explosive Sniper Rounds : Dial Rounds fired from your sniper rifle will explode on impact. Super Punch : Dial Your melee punch ability is significantly increased. Spawn Akuma : Dial Spawns the Akuma fast motorbike. Spawn Buzzard : Dial Spawns the Buzzard attack helicopter. Spawn Floater : Dial Spawns the Floater luxury boat. Spawn Parachute : Dial Spawns a parachute for Niko. Spawn Vader : Dial Spawns the Vader motorbike. Niko having fun with the weapons cheat code. Rating Click on a star to rate this cheats guide:. What is the money cheat in GTA 4? There is no money cheat in Grand Theft Auto 4. Can you get a Lamborghini in GTA 4? There is no cheat code to spawn the Infernus, but Brucie will give one to you as a gift during the game's story. Can I save my GTA 4 cheats? The first time you enter a cheat code it will be saved under a new "Cheats" menu at the bottom of your existing cell phone menu. You can then simply go there for quicker cheat access later on. What is the cheat to spawn a tank in GTA 4? You can spawn one by dialling It's been an obsession since! He's also gets his GTA 5 time in, of course. Find Matt on Twitter. Forgot password?
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gta 5 newest cheats 100% working ZE9+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Get comet vehicle – Get garbage truck – Get Buzzard helicopter – GTA 5 cheat codes and phone numbers ; : CIRCLE, L1, TRIANGLE, R2, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE, RIGHT, SQUARE, L1, L1, L1; Xbox One / Xbox Series X: B, LB. GTA 5 cheats for PS5, PS4 and PS3 including invincibility, weapons (RPG, assault, shotgun, etc), explosive ammo, vehicle spawns & more. The Xbox version of this list can be found here. This page is a guide that will show you both methods, including all the tested and verified codes, and you'll be unlocking invincibility, vehicles, weapons and more in no time. The cheats work with either Michael, Trevor or Franklin. Using these GTA 5 cheats will disable Trophies for your gaming session and you'll need to reload your last "clean" saved game or reset your console in order to bring them back. For this reason you should always save your progress before using any cheat code. Select the cheat that you want to activate by choosing it from our list below. We have all the ones included by Rockstar Games, so you're certain to find the one you want. You can enter Grand Theft Auto 5 cheats using either the digital pad d-pad and buttons on your controller or by using the in-game cell phone on the PS4 and PS5 only. Assuming you have selected the button combination method, press the buttons quickly in the correct order during gameplay not while in the pause menu. If you entered the button combo correctly you should see an on-screen message that the cheat code is now active. If not, try following the steps above again. Average: 4. Count: Be the first to rate this guide. Bigfoot Sasquatch Mode : Click here to read the instructions. The cheat is activated by eating a special Peyote plant. Hold the button to jump even higher. Enter 4x for increased effect, a 5th time will disable it. Enter 3x for increased effect, the 4th time will disable it. You must unlock it first by completing the "Duel" random event [ more info ]. You must unlock the sub first by completing the "Wildlife Photography Challenge" [ more info ]. Note, there is no other boat spawn cheat available in the game. You must unlock it first by completing the "Sea Plane" random event [ more info ]. Your weapon wheel after using the all weapons cheat. Rating Click on a star to rate this cheats guide:. Explosive melee cheat activated. Is there a GTA 5 money cheat? It is impossible to get unlimited money using any kind of cheat. Is there a list of cheats I can print? Download and print this PDF. Can you get a Lamborghini or tank using these cheats for GTA 5? No, there is no Lamborghini car in the game, and there is no cheat code to spawn the Rhino tank or the Invade and Persuade tank, which are available in GTA Online only. Can you spawn a jet using GTA 5 cheats? No, there is no cheat code to spawn a jet. The closest alternatives that you can spawn are the Dodo, Buzzard and Duster. Who made these GTA 5 cheats? They will not get you banned or anything else. I can't spawn one of the special vehicles above, what am I doing wrong? Double check that you have first unlocked the vehicle using the instructions in italics. Why can't I use my parachute after activating the Skyfall cheat code? We don't know why you can't use your parachute it's a known issue , but to survive the landing you should try to land head first into the ground or a wall. Cheats for the Xbox version of GTA 5 are here. Cheats for the PC can be found here. Yes, the use of any cheats in Grand Theft Auto 5 will automatically block any Achievements or Trophies from being earned. For this reason you need a clean save game to return to after you cheat session. Can I use cell phone numbers to enter cheats in GTA 5, instead of a button combo? The full list of cell phone cheats is here. Logan is our resident GTA 5 cheat code and guide expert, and has been a gamer ever since he could pick up a controller - over 30 years ago! You'll find him roaming the streets of Los Santos most often, though San Andreas gets bought out occasionally! Logan on Twitter. Forgot password?
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lesbian-birdhouse · 4 years
hey hello , welcome to my blog :)
what up , im niko , im 17 , and i never fuckin learned how to read
> i mainly go by niko , but alex / anon is cool too :D
> my pronouns are he / they , im 17 , and im 🇵🇭 !!
> i dont post a lot but i do reblog a lot . enjoy the shuffle of things i like !
> inbox and dms are always open if youd like to talk about things we both like :)
> ill make a proper list of things i like eventually i swear
below is tag and side blog navigation !
tag navigation ;
> will update whenever i make new tags !
#birbpost is actual posts of mine
#niko does art?? is self explanatory
#birb fav is also self explanatory
#birb save is important stuff or for future use
#birb board is stuff i think is neat for future use / inspiration
#birb nest is stuff i think is neat to show friends and Laugh
#og post ive only seen in screenshots is posts that have / feel like they have 10k+ notes
#op used call out is quizzes ive taken / plan on taking !
#@ leo is a tag for my girlfriend :)
#microwave ingredients is inspiration and similar stuff for my ocs
#birb beats is music and audio i think are neat
#childrens hospitals and color theory :) , #instead of brain there is the ps5 , #the november of 2020 , #sans sweeped the queen , and #chocolate man back at it again are collections of jokes and stuff i find particularly funny
side blog navigation ;
> im very bad at being active on these so dont expect stuff on these blogs
> @catboy-grian-rights ; blog i made as a joke // not active
> @stream-dramaturgy ; i just wanted the url // not active
> @timekeepersupremacy ; cookie run side blog // semi active
> @chromasai ; i plan on using it but // not active yet
> @tondemo-wonderhoy ; project sekai side blog // not active yet
> @taiyoukei-dramaturgy ; saving the url for possible main blog revamp // not active
> @sinu-han ; i just wanted the url // not active
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bearpillowmonster · 4 years
ReIgnited: Spyro 1 Review
The games I wish I grew up with.
"Oh, so you didn't have a PS1?" Oh no, I did, just didn't have any games for it. I've always loved the mascot of Spyro (Crash too) and I can't really think of anybody else who thinks otherwise, whether it's the game or just appreciation for the character in some form or another and Enter the Dragonfly was my first (not even kidding) and it is considered one of the worst, I only played it that once then returned it because it felt stupid to me.
I didn't fall out of it with Spyro though, I always intended to give it another chance but it just got farther and farther. Then Skylanders came out and would you believe it? I was into it. It's not a whole lot of Spyro (but the game itself and voice of Spyro were good) I just consider it a different game. Since then, I've tried A New Beginning, and it was fun at times but still not the experience I wanted and I do plan on continuing the Legend of Spyro but in the mean time...
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I have a soft spot for platformers so when Reignited was announced, it was right up my alley...so what stopped me? Well, I heard the complaint that it's a collect-a-thon and that it might not have aged well for fans that haven't played and enjoyed the originals. That shot my expectations in the water then I saw some speed-running and it made me want to give it a try so here I am, finally trying this game out for size. I'll split it up game by game though and look at them on a modern level since it's technically a modern game now.
I love the little pitter-patter of his feet while he's dashing and the little prance he does when you jump and dash at the same time. Make sure you use the D-Pad while you dash though because for some reason, the control stick just doesn't cut tight turns, like at all.
This game adds cool little flips and flaps to the loading screens and I get that it's a redone PS1 game but there's a lot of them, luckily they aren't too long  (I imagine having a PS5 may help a lot in that department). I appreciate the transitions from zone to zone as well with that little flip he does before landing. And I don't know who's idea it was to have an installation after the Artisanal area but it's really stupid because apparently there was a demo from preordering it that was just that area and you could upgrade to the full game after that point but I don't see why they didn't just make it a separate file for the people who aren't upgrading from a demo. Now if you're thinking that I played this right after downloading, the answer is no, I didn't. I downloaded it days prior and it was well past finished when I arrived, not to mention I got it digitally, I doubt it's like that on Switch but unfortunately it is for PS4.
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I like how the barriers are stone pillars with gems in them which activate a forcefield to keep you from going out of bounds. I love little gameplay explanations like that. I also like the level design, including the hub worlds. There are a lot of things that I miss about older games but a lot of things that I don't. I believe I've seen some people bring this up but the dialogues for the rescued dragons are pretty bland at times, I love seeing just how different each one looks versus just the cookie cutter ones of the original but they'll often just say "I'd like to chat but I have to go." or just a small throwaway line. I know that there are too many to really do much with and how the original game had that dialogue but just a little thing I feel they could've changed if they wanted.
Now that I have more of a grasp on the game, I can say that I enjoy more than I thought I would. I don't get bored just walking around, all the landscapes are different, I love the atmosphere, I like collecting and actually feel compelled to 100% every level, the "aging" problem I originally had before I bought it is gone, I feel like just watching gameplay doesn't cut it, you have to give it your own shot.
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Now there are normal stages, boss stages, and flight stages. Flight stages are easily my least favorite, good luck trying to get me to "All-in-One" those because they have a time limit. I expected a simple little game out of it but I got a lot more meat than I expected. I feel like you can just dash through it if you want (which makes for good speedrunning) but I felt compelled to collect, felt compelled to save the dragons, you only need a certain minimum but I almost don't care, I searched every nook and cranny. Boss stages are barely even recognizable as that, they're a breeze for the most part but I like them and I don't feel like it subtracts from the experience not having bosses the way other games would because it's not necessarily combat focused like the latter-day Spyro games.
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Now the one boss that I hate is Gnorc and it's for that same reason, he's not a boss, you chase him around. It's not even that I dislike that though, what bugs me is the level because first you have to chase one of those egg thieves because it has a key, you use that key to unlock another door to another egg thief with another key, chase them then use the key to unlock Gnorc. Why is this so terrible? Because if you die on the Gnorc level, you have to start all over and chase those egg thieves again and you do get used to it but it's annoying as heck, give me a checkpoint! There's challenging and then there's annoying, that's annoying, just leave Gnorc on his own because you basically have to memorize the course so you know every which way to go or else you die and when you die, you lose a life and you only have so many in this game. I went the whole thing easily having around 10 lives on hand but this level made me break out the 99 lives cheat because this was the last level! I'm not going back to farm for lives when I'm in Gnorc's realm doing the same level over and over again, trial and error. I felt that for some of the jumps you have to make with the boost pad like in Tree Tops. 
Overall it's a nice precursor for Insomniac, I didn't know Spyro did those news sessions like Ratchet and Clank, it's a nice game overall but it left me wanting just a bit more out of it which is why there are 3 in the trilogy that I suppose would build on that as well as a new Spyro probably on the way that should deliver on that even further.
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pixelpoppers · 5 years
Backward compatibility would make moving to the PS5 much easier
PlayStation wants to move its established community from PS4 to PS5 quickly. Here's PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan, as quoted by gamesindustry.biz:
These are gamers who are networked and sticky and engaged and passionate about PlayStation to an extent that we've not seen in previous generations. As we move towards the next-generation in 2020, one of our tasks -- probably our main task -- is to take that community and transition it from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5, and at a scale and pace that we've never delivered on before.
He goes on to talk about how impressive the PS5 is, and how easy it is to develop for, and how great its games will be, as well as how PlayStation itself is improving its internal organization. But I was really hoping he'd talk a bit about how the transition will be made appealing to the existing community. To me, the obvious thing is to make the PS5 not be a hard break from the existing PS4 ecosystem.
When the PS4 came out, I was very disappointed to learn it wouldn't have any backward compatibility. I'm sure this saved money during development, and of course it meant that old games could be sold to us again as "classics" or via PlayStation Now or whatever, but it still seemed like a mistake. It meant that the PS4 wasn't just an upgrade to the PS3, the way the PS3 had (originally) been to the PS2 and the way the PS2 had been to the PS1. For the first time, a new PlayStation console came with an entire separate ecosystem. Its value wasn't enhanced by your existing investment in games and the community. It wouldn't replace your existing console. It was more analogous to buying a Nintendo or Xbox console to supplement your existing console. And in that case, suddenly it's a lot less obvious that you shouldn't just buy one of those instead.
It was a while before I bought a PS4, and longer before I was confident I'd been correct to do so (and my PS3 is still hooked up next to it). If the PS5 wants me to be more confident that I should move over to it quickly, it should at least play every PS4 game, disc and download alike. Similar compatibility for games for older PlayStation consoles would be even better, and while I personally don't do much online play, cross-play with gamers on at least PS4 seems like it would help too. There are rumors (supported by a patent) that the PS5 will in fact be backward-compatible (though perhaps not for the unusually-architected PS3) but it's unclear yet whether this is true and whether it would mean we could reuse our old discs and downloads. Guess we'll still just have to wait and see.
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
I'm glad to hear you're doing okay! c: The volcano is fun, making lots of firey friends (there's a creature taming aspect to the game, which is great!). And! You can name them once you make friends with them (going to name one Ignis, hahaha). Oooo, I'm excited to hear they have a movie in the works, I am definitely marking it down on my 'Movies to See' list! I know they have Ni No Kuni II available on Steam, here's hoping they release Ni No Kuni on a platform you can play!
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You know WHAT, I’m seriously considering getting a PS3. Not just Ni No Kuni, but FFXIII make me want it, AND DAMMIT EVERYTHING ABOUT NNK SOUNDS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! I’m SO HAPPY to know you’re making lots of firey friends THEY MUST BE ADORBS, and that the volcano is fun!!! I guess you’ve made it past it by this time? If not, that’s fine too! The game is supposed to be enjoyed so you take your time! Still, how has it been going? FUN AS ALWAYS I ASSUME :D
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, YES, I heard about the movie!! I was a bit puzzled when I first watched the trailer because it was like ?? these are either new characters for the movie or characters I never saw (because I only saw like 3 parts of a gameplay, not to the end), and it was like awman I thought it would be like a movie following the game’s story ;A; BUT IT OKIE, if I want the game’s story we have the game, so whatever new story the movie offers will be GREAT!!! 
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, sadly no Steam either ;A; THAT’S WHY I’M CONSIDERING SO MUCH GETTING A PS3, I just fear it won’t be that much of a good purchase because it ALWAYS happens to me that when I get a console, they release a new one better that can read it LMAO. Like, for example, when I finally got my DSi, they release the 3DS which can read DS anyway and I WAS LIKE HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
And of course I got my own PS4 last year and NOW they’re half-hinting us to PS5. HA HA :’) 
So I fear I save up, buy my PS3, they release PS5 and come with a miraculous announcement of “IT CAN READ EVERY PS GAME E V E R RELEASED” and here I am sitting with my second-hand ps3 crYING. XD
But Imma think about it!! GOSH, there’s just so many games to find and play akjlsdfakjgdda, what I’d give for a miraculous console that read every game of every company WOULDN’T THAT BE NEAT? And also time to play them LMAO ;w;
BUT ANYWAYS IRIDAE, THAT’S IT FROM ME FOR NOW, HOW HAVE YOU BEEN YOU WONDERFUL FELLA??? Thank you for waiting until I replied, I know it took me a while!! ;A;
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heejakewon-moved · 3 years
i got myself confused and meant vapoursynth but that's my fault lmao 😅 i've got photoshop saved though💜
heavy duty laptops and pcs are super expensive, it's insane. i got my current laptop on a black friday sale (it's like a day/week where companies sell their stuff at discounted prices), my laptop was super cheap and then after the sale ended and it went back up to full price I was like JESUS it was so expensive o.o
I want a ps5 but omg I CAN'T GET ONE ANYWHERE. :(((
i was SHOOK when i saw his red hair, i wasn't expecting it but it was a good shook 😅
I DO. I HAVE A CAT AND A KITTEN. AND YOU HAVE 7 CATS???? kshzizhzh NAMES PLS???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤❤❤❤
SORRY I JUST SAW THIS ASK HSJHS I'VE BEEN AWAY FROM TUMBLR LAST WEEK >.< i actually don’t use vs hdjfhjd all i use is ps cc lol anyways, ikr i've been browsing through laptops the other day to buy a new one for myself bc my birthday and christmas is coming but like ??!??!?!? i was like nvm ;-; all the good ones are so expensive. glad you got yours on sale! that must've been big amount saved, at least.
my first born ( they are my children hnsndjhjs ) is rusty (male). rusty used to have a wife named frosty but frosty died from an american bulldog attack :(. anyways, the second born is oreo (male), i found him on the roof of our house when i was d*pressed that was last year just a few days before my birthday. he was a lost cat. we waited for someone to claim him since he must be only from nearby but no one did so like i just decided to take care of him. the third is nala (female). nala is a daughter of rusty and my cousin's cat given to me as a kitty share! and then nala has two kitties now, 2 males, i just call them boop and beep haha. boop and beep were supposed to not have a name bc they were going to be adopted (i don't like naming pets when they'll be adopted bc i'll get too attached hsjdhd) but i had to name them eventually and so sudden (thus, 'boop and beep' i didn't really think. i just called them whatever slipped out from my mouth the day i had to finally name them hahaha) because we decided they'll stay due to them having health problems when they were smaller. that's five persian cats now. the two other cats are cleo (mom cat) and mia (daughter kitty) (females) they're stray cats. cleo was also from the roof hgfhgf she was so small when we found her stuck up there so we saved her and took care of her. she grew and got pregnant by another stray cat and gave birth to mia (and miu who got adopted by a fam friend!) + bonus, a big stray cat named booky. he's my mom's cat but like yeah we have 8 cats in the house all in all. we also have lots of dogs hffhg
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feymorgaina · 3 years
Q: When did you start streaming and why?
A: My first stream was on December 11, 2019, the same day I signed up on Twitch. It was a short test stream from my PlayStation 4.
The PlayStation 4 always had this "Broadcast" feature. At the time I first got the PlayStation 4, I had other in real life pursuits (if you've been on my blog since those days, you'll know that was taekwondo. I'd still like to get back to taekwondo, but we'll see). By December 2019, however, I had moved to a different country (big life change, I know, but one I very much looked forward to) and after spending just over two years mostly at home studying Dutch (yes, I moved to the Netherlands), I felt ready to try something different. I've been on the internet for years (pre-Facebook and pre-MySpace) and have always been interested in and willing to try new forms of social media. Broadcasting (a.k.a. "streaming") was different and I felt it was time to try something a bit more interactive (albeit, more public too) than just blogging, Tweeting, using mobile apps, and whatever else I used in the past (I had stopped using Facebook by this time, though I've started using it again mostly to help promote my Twitch channel).
There I was one day just taking a break from studying so much. From about a year before moving and for two years after moving, I barely touched the PS4. I needed a break and there were games I had on the backlog (I still have a backlog :) ) and there was that "Broadcast" feature still staring at me. I set up my Twitch account that day and once I figured out how to link the PlayStation to my Twitch channel, I did a short test stream. It was for about half an hour. The stream was never saved though (I didn't know I needed to turn that option on) and which game I first streamed will for now remain a mystery for my Twitch viewers (although you can find the stats online for that stream, it streamed to the wrong category accidentally - it's a PlayStation 4 thing).
Q: Why did you continue to stream?
A: It's like what it says on the About... part of my Twitch channel. "Watch me do the things I love and more", but also "Streaming is sharing; 'sharing is caring'". This is just who I am, I like to share the things I like and love. It's like that when I go out to eat dinner with people. I want to order them the food I like and love 'cause I want to share it. Although, there's also this perspective: if the person doesn't like the same food, that's fine with me too. That just means there's more of the stuff I love just for me. ;)
I also figured Twitch's interactive chatting could be a great way for me to practice Dutch (and other languages). Again, if you've been a reader of my blog for a while now, you'd know I've been learning Dutch for a while since before I moved to the Netherlands. After about a month or so on Twitch, I checked and found out there was a Duolingo category. I've been wanting to make language learning videos for a while now, but I didn't want to just make YouTube videos. Recording myself practicing speaking Dutch is a good way for me to judge how I'm doing and I could just do that by recording videos and uploading to YouTube, however, the big appeal for me about doing a Twitch stream is the interactive chatting for the languages. My chat is a multilingual chat even if some days my brain goes on cooldown and I can't even Engl-ish. :D
Of course, I like to meet people on Twitch. Twitch is social media, and that's what I like about social media. I've met some good people on there already. If I really feel a rapport with some people, it'd be nice to meet them in real life. Maybe even have a gaming night where we can sit, chill, be ourselves (not our Twitch selves, I mean), and have fun (maybe even practice talking in different languages too).
Q: Twitch is a monetization platform. Aren't you also trying to make money on there?
A: I think everyone would love to make money just doing the things they like and love. So, sure. Of course, I'm trying to make some money on Twitch as well, but it's not my biggest motivating factor for streaming on Twitch. I just like getting on Twitch and feeling like maybe I'm making a small difference somehow. Maybe someone sees me on there when they're having a bad day and it makes them feel better. Or maybe just knowing that there's always something to watch will make someone feel better about life. Who knows? All I know is the not knowing who I'll meet on Twitch is what keeps me going.
I guess that's easy for me to say. I'm at a point in my life where not everything is great but things feel relatively stable although my residence situation isn't permanent and I no longer have fuzzy-headed "meownsters" (a.k.a. cats) running around (they both died after we moved here; and yes, I brought my cats with me when I moved - I'd never leave them behind). As I mentioned earlier, I would love to get back to taekwondo again and I did do some taekwondo training streams on Twitch. Sadly, I need a bigger living space than I currently have or I need to rent space or buy some other space I could use. Nate, my boyfriend and common-law partner, has been very supportive of my die-hard "work to live" not "live to work" personality. In the past, I worked to make ends meet and tried to "live to work". It wasn't a great life, although I was trying my best. I even had a job as a law clerk which I loved but circumstances out of my control and my boss' control changed that. I felt like life was really trying to tell me something. I was doing things wrong. Not that it's wrong for people to work. It was wrong for me - that whole "rat race". This was about the time I met Nate. After that, he supported my decision (in fact, he encouraged it) to just focus on my taekwondo training. Without his help, I'm not sure I would've been able to continue with the training because of the training fees. Now I'm on Twitch and it feels natural to me (the sharing part, I mean, I don't think I'm the most entertaining or interactive person on Twitch - I'm more of a "get things done" person than "super chatty all the time" person) like I should've been doing something like this all along. It would eventually be nice to make some money on there so I could contribute to the living expenses Nate and I have. Although with Nate, I know this isn't necessary, it's just how I feel about it.
Q: You mentioned games (it's Twitch, so obviously), languages, and taekwondo. What else do you stream on Twitch? And do you have plans for other content?
A: I've also done a few cooking streams. I've been a bit busy looking for a new home to move to, but when I get a chance to I'll try to do another cooking stream sometime. Before the coronavirus lockdowns happened, I intended to do streams outside in the city. I moved to Amsterdam and it really is a great city. It's one of my cities now. :D I'm originally from Toronto, Canada and I've been to New York City before which just felt like a bigger version of Toronto so I felt at home there in a way. Amsterdam is a bit different than both, but in a way I like and need - needed. I love this city so far. So it's one of my cities - those cities being Toronto, Amsterdam, and New York City. Don't mess with any of my cities. I'll send my NinjaBots after you. (Just jokes from my Twitch channel.) Anyway, yes. I plan to do streams out in the city. I'm not sure how that's going to work. We'll see. I'm just not confident we're not heading into The Corona Years - Year 3.
Q: What's your streaming philosophy? How do you view Twitch as a social media platform?
A: This is what I said on my Twitter: "A Twitch stream is the equivalent of an open house party in real life where the channel is the streamer's Twitch home. As streamers, we need to remember that like an open house party, the streams are public and we should conduct ourselves accordingly. (1/2)" (https://twitter.com/feyMorgaina/status/1427760936446840832) "(2/2) Viewers should also remember that when visiting someone's Twitch channel (home), you should obey the rules of that channel and always keep in mind that you may be removed from the premises (timed out) and deemed persona non grata (banned)!" (https://twitter.com/feyMorgaina/status/1427761130257195018). That basically sums up how I view Twitch. I also keep that in mind when I visit other Twitch channels.
As for my streaming philosophy, it's always been simple. I'm awake, I'm dressed, I'm doing something interesting (well, interesting to me) that I want to share, let's turn on the mic and camera. Though at first for the games, I didn't really want to use a camera (Nate convinced me to try it) and sometimes I still don't use a camera. I have days when I'm tired and feeling lazy, but I still want to hammer through more of a game. It's just much easier for me to concentrate on the game if I'm relaxed and not worried about how I look on camera. In keeping with that philosophy of being "awake and dressed, let's turn on the mic and camera", it also means that I like to be able to stream from wherever whenever. I stream from a variety of devices/machines including my mobile phone, Chromebook, the PS4, and the PS5. I feel that if I rely only on my one laptop or that one PC tower to stream, then I'm going to have days where I'm not going to stream 'cause I have to go set up on that laptop or PC tower.
Q: Is that why your streams look... simple?
A: If you mean that I don't have tons of overlays and sound alerts and such... yes, that is why. I like the simple layout and simple setup. For my language streams, it was starting to take a half hour to get set up. It really cuts into the productive time and not necessarily worth it (in my opinion). My streams are about me and the content. Anything else is just distraction, and I want my viewers to watch the content I'm putting out. The content I'm sharing is stuff I like and want to share and it's part of who I am. For those paying attention and those who are perceptive, they'll see that that's me on there (with or without the camera and mic on - I mostly have the mic on, but late at night I might not) and hopefully they can appreciate that. Plus, I think there's room on Twitch for just being yourself. No gimmicks. Just me and whatever I happen to be doing. When I'm streaming, I'm sharing part of my life. It's real not made up. I am who I am.
This is also why I don't use any special filters on my mic. I have a pop filter attached to the mic, that's it. I like my streams sounding full of life, even if it means those loud European sirens (they are seriously loud, tons louder than in Toronto) and motorists with loud engines are heard on stream (though I have on occasion just muted the mic temporarily). Also, if I stream from my phone while outside I can't do much about filtering the sound. It's going to sound much different than if I was at home with special filters on. For some kind of consistency, I figure let's just leave it alone. Like I said, I'm sharing my life, loud sirens and loud engines included. :D
Q: Do you have issues with privacy? How are you handling that?
A: feyMorgaina is my internet personality and has been for years. Sure, I have my private moments. Things I feel don't need to be shared onstream or even online, but I'm generally a fairly open person even in real life. Though in some real life situations, I may be more reserved. It depends - usually on the people I'm meeting. It's always felt much easier to be more outgoing on the internet. If you're wondering about my real identity, well... luckily, no one's tried to dox me yet. I mostly have to be careful not to dox myself. :D But yes, privacy was something I thought about carefully before deciding to stream. I think if you're real smart, you can probably find me in real life, but I think the average person isn't going to go to that much trouble. I'm certainly not popular enough. Plus, I did mention taekwondo training, right? ;)
Q: What do you do when you're not streaming?
A: Lately, it's been trying to find a new home. Otherwise, I spend time with Nate or just chill and do things I don't stream like read this book I've had on the backburner for ages, watch a movie or TV show, listen to some music. I recently cut my stream schedule back by one day. I've pretty much kept a five days a week stream schedule from the beginning, but now I need a bit of a break. I've been thinking of getting back into blogging again or maybe sitting down and actually working on a short story. When it comes to writing fiction, I get ideas for big stories, like a whole universe/world, but I think I should try something smaller just to see if I can focus enough to do it. I've had an idea for a long time of writing a bunch of short stories for a compilation. Perhaps I just need to sit down and do it already.
This pretend interview was written by Your Local Twitch Streamer, feyMorgaina. Check out her entity-, human-, and LGBT/QIA+ friendly Twitch channel at https://www.twitch.tv/feymorgaina. (Yes, it's "she/her" 'cause they are the pronouns she's used to and even if she's felt "boyish" in the past and did "boy things" as a kid when she should've been doing "girl things" and didn't feel "girlish" at times, she's never considered herself to be "he/him". "They/them" is acceptable if you don't know feyMorgaina uses "she/her", for example, when she pops into one of your language learning streams and says "Hi" in the language you're learning. Also, she grew up with LGBT+; hence, the LGBT/QIA+. If there's any real difference, she doesn't really know 'cause she thought the + included others with similar experiences and of similar open-mindedness; however the meaning of the + doesn't seem to be generally agreed on anyway, but it doesn't matter as she's always been entity-friendly and let's just go from there. Okay, entity? :) )
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phooll123 · 6 years
What Sony’s PlayStation 4 ‘end-of-life’ means for PSVR and PSVR 2
Above: PlayStation VR from Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Image Credit: Sony
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When Sony executive John Tsuyoshi Kodera told investors this week that the PlayStation 4 is entering the “final phase of its life cycle,” there were two ways to parse the news. You could disbelieve it — it’s a mistake, an overstatement, or likely to change — or assume that Sony was dead serious and already planning for the PlayStation 5. Sony later clarified that Kodera was referring to a three-year transition from PS4 to PS5, but the damage was done: Developers and consumers alike are going to spend the next three years thinking not about what’s here but what’s coming next.
Kodera’s statement has huge ramifications for the next version of PSVR. Technically, Sony could release an all-new headset tomorrow for the PS4 and continue to support it for the PS5. By historic standards, that would be unusual. Each new console generation typically makes changes to everything — I/O ports, internals, etc. — so the PS5 might well have different connectors and system architectures from the PS4. Would Sony spend the time and money to make a PS4 version of PSVR 2 right now, knowing that it might need to update the accessory again for PS5?
There’s one reason to think the answer is “yes.”
Years ago, Sony hired Mark Cerny to lead PS4 architecture development, and after the platform’s wild success with developers and customers, reports suggest that he’s taking a similar role for the PS5. Unlike his predecessor, Ken Kutaragi, who treated every new PlayStation generation as a fresh start, Cerny appeared to be laying a foundation for Sony to make smooth generational transitions. If Sony keeps the PS5’s architecture basically the same as the PS4 Pro’s, but with new generation-worthy CPU and GPU upgrades, it could preserve software and accessory compatibility.
Above: Mark Cerny led architecture design for the PS4 and is likely doing the same for PS5.
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In the past, Sony has generally enabled PlayStations to offer some backward compatibility via extra chips or emulation — the PS4 was an exception. But directly building upon the PS4 platform’s I/O and software would enable a PSVR 2 headset to work on both hardware generations — just like PSVR did for the PS4 and PS4 Pro — and start building up a base of users sooner rather than later.
While an all-new PS5 platform isn’t hard to imagine, it strikes me as the profoundly wrong move for Sony to make right now. Kodera’s comments on the PS4’s supposed demise hit just as God of War was named the strongest initial seller of any PlayStation exclusive in history. That happened precisely because Sony has a gigantic PS4 user base spread across entry- and Pro-level consoles, numbers that would take years for an all-new successor platform to match.
There’s only one reason a Sony executive would start discussing the death of a thriving platform right now: to let investors know that Sony is going to ramp up PS5 hardware R&D spending in the near future, while cutting down PS4 hardware efforts. Unfortunately, that candor will likely damage PS4 sales somewhat and frighten developers away from spending their time on PS4 games. The consequence will be that some upcoming titles will get pulled from an established platform with 80 million users in favor of a future platform that may reach only 10 million early adopters in year one. Chasing PS5 rather than PS4 customers will certainly hurt such games’ eventual sales.
Industry research firm SuperData isn’t concerned about PS4 hardware or software sales, at least for the time being. “Until details of the PS5 are public, sales for PS4 should continue to be strong,” said the company’s Joost van Dreunen. “It is the top dog in the console market and we’re looking at a strong release slate in the console market for the foreseeable future: the recently released God of War (which sold 5MM units in its first month), Take-Two’s upcoming Red Dead Redemption 2, and the new Spider-Man game are likely to help drive hardware sales, too. Especially in combination with discounts to reel in price-conscious consumers, we are not yet at the end of the line for the PS4.”
My biggest concern is that Sony is at a crossroads with PSVR and doesn’t fully appreciate how important its next move is — both for consumers and the VR industry as a whole. The company said that while PSVR is selling well, the VR market as a whole isn’t growing as much as had been expected. As such, the company is apparently going to be extra careful about its next moves with VR. But Sony isn’t responsible for the pricing, development, or marketing errors of the rest of the VR market; it needs to focus on making its own products compelling, period.
Above: The PSVR sitting alongside a considerably more expensive HTC Vive.
Image Credit: Jeffrey Grubb/GamesBeat
It strikes me as obvious that the PSVR’s relative success results from its affordable price and compatibility with an increasingly popular platform. At a time when HTC is focusing on super-expensive headsets and some VR developers are refocusing on games and accessories for location-based VR centers, Sony is at a mass-market pricing sweet spot. It sells $200-$300 VR bundles that deliver a better experience than the standalone Oculus Go or Lenovo Mirage Solo at similar price points, assuming you already own a PlayStation 4 console. Lots of people do.
That said, SuperData doesn’t view the current PSVR as a clear hit. “With a little over 2 million units sold the PSVR has not been the success it had hoped,” van Dreunen told us, “despite having the largest console install base. To chase a losing hand would be unwise and, more importantly, go against its recently announced second realization, namely that Sony is going to be focusing more on digitally distributed content. Under the new leadership of CEO Kenichiro Yoshida, Sony bought an additional 60% stake in EMI Music Publishing just this week and revealed its plans to focus on subscription revenue from online gaming and streaming music and video. It is not immediately apparent how a PSVR 2 would fit into that strategy.”
Rather than staying stagnant or retreating from its current position, I believe that boldness will win Sony an even bigger share of the growing VR market. This is precisely the time to release an even better, stronger PSVR 2 at a mainstream price point, as that — rather than a decent $200 Oculus Go or basically unaffordable $700 Vive Pro — will actually keep moving the market forward. Waiting three or more years to debut PSVR 2 solely for the PS5, when people will already need to lay out several hundred dollars for a new console, would be a deeply wrong-headed move. If the PSVR 1 is like the first-generation iPod, it’s just waiting for the right refinements and pricing to take off like a rocket.
I’ll admit to being a little selfish here. I can’t wait that long to see what Sony and its developers do with next-generation VR screens, controllers, and games. If they move quickly enough with PSVR 2, PSVR fans probably won’t switch to a competing option.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2IPwHeB
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