#Heal N Soothe Benefits
borathae · 2 months
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"Jimin has a hard time accepting that people don't want to hurt him. Something about you makes him ease up however and because of it, he asks you to cut his hair. You help him gladly of course."
Pairing: Jimin x f.Reader
Genre: slight Angst, Fluff, Hurt and Comfort
Warnings: Jimin has trauma, he's scared but she makes him feel at ease, like please give this man a hug, innocent skinship, also they're just friends currently but idkkk there is so much tension between them, god i'm going insane actually
Wordcount: 2.6k
a/n: i'm actually so sad :( also listen. the hug was inspired by the way Jimin hugs :( i fucking want a Mimi Hug no JOKE </3
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You are in the back garden, pruning the roses when someone suddenly steals the sunlight from you. It had once warmed your skin. The air feels chilly in the shadows all of a sudden.
You stop working, lifting your eyes at the person.
Jimin. Dressed in a long arm shirt and flowy pants, he walked through the grass barefoot and with his long hair tied back. The fabric of his shirt is striped in black and white. He is hiding his eyes behind a pair of dark sunglasses. 
“You’re in my sun”, you tease.
“The sun doesn’t belong to you”, he throws backs sassily.
“I’d still prefer it if I had sunlight.”
“Too bad. I’m here now.”
You scoff in amusement, straightening up by rolling your shoulders. Such bickering is normal between you and him and amuses you these days.
“Do you wanna help me?” you offer him your second pair of pruning scissors, which he declines with a shake of his head.
“I have a, uh, favour to ask of you.”
You are working on the rose as you talk to him. He watches your movements with his eyes just slightly zoned out. 
“What’s up?” 
“Okay so, don’t laugh at me, but I talked to Tae and he said that you’re really good at cutting hair.”
“Yeah, I am. Nobody in this family wants to trust me, but I’m so good at cutting hair, like so good.”
He scoffs in amusement, reaching out to play with a rose leaf mindlessly.
“Sure you are.”
“Mh-hm, I am. Why did you ask him?”
“It’s just, I was wondering, uh, if maybe you want to do my hair.”
You stop working, studying him in surprise. You didn’t expect such a request.
“Your hair?” you make sure
Jimin nods his head. 
“Sure, uh, yeah I can. Just...why me?”
“Because you’re good, I already told you. And because Tae can’t cut hair. He thinks that he can, but he is shit at it. Don’t tell him I said that.”
“I’m not better than a professional though. Wouldn’t a stylist be better than me?”
“No, uhm.” He shies away, touching his own neck in soothing. “I’m not ready to, uhm. It’s hard for me to have strangers touch me. I, I don’t know them and, and I… uhm, they could hurt me. Uhm, it’s hard, I guess.”
“Oh”, you realise, “gosh Jimin, I’m sorry that you feel this way. I understand your feelings and I’ll gladly cut your hair.”
“Thank you”, he whispers, “see you later then. In my wing. Bye.” 
And with that, he flees, keeping his head low in embarrassment. You know that it wasn’t easy for him to share his feelings right now. He is a lot like Yoongi in that regard. Although Jimin is definitely that way because he was never truly allowed to feel. In more sense than one. Not only was he forced to keep his emotions off, he was also punished for any show of emotion which didn’t benefit his abusers. Sharing his feelings equalled being hurt to him in his past. So of course he fled the second he did it. You are still so proud of him for sharing his feelings. It means that he is healing. 
You finish garden work and take a quick shower. Knowing Jimin, he meant the evening hours when he said “later” so you don’t feel too stressed about going to him. 
After the shower, you have early dinner with Yoongi and Jungkook where you tell them that you will cut Jimin’s hair later and they show their expected surprise. When you tell them his reasons however, they react with empathy. They leave for a hunt after dinner, needing their own vampiric meals. You kiss each of them on their lips and wish them a good hunt, then you make your way upstairs to Jimin’s wing. 
He always keeps his doors locked because he feels safer this way, resulting in you having to ring his doorbell.
All of you have doorbells installed, which makes it a lot easier to visit each other. It was Taehyung’s idea and Yoongi had to be the one to install them. He did it gladly, gloating about how easy it was once it was done.
Jimin opens the door after the first ring. He is in different clothes and judging by the slight pearls of sweat on his forehead, he has been dancing. 
“Is it a good time?” you ask him.
“Yes. Come in.”
You step out of your house shoes once inside, while Jimin locks the door.
“Were you dancing?”
“That’s nice. How’s the studio?”
“Good. I love the natural light in it.”
“It’s already dark though.”
“For you, yes. Not for me. The moonlight is better than sunlight”, he says and hurries past you, “wait in the living room. I need to shower.”
“Alright, will do.”
Jimin’s living room was once a guest bedroom. The one you stayed in during your first night at the estate to be more exact. Yes, That Night where Taehyung had actually planned on eating you before you, unknowingly, managed to change his mind. 
The room once smelled of oakwood and myrrh, but smells like orange blossoms and clean wood these days. The walls changed out of their outdated grey coat into a cherry red dress. White ceilings and a decorated voute seem to practically glow next to the red and the ivory curtains give even more lightness to the otherwise warm-coloured room. The furniture is antique, but in perfect condition and throughout the room, Jimin placed vases with fresh flowers. He isn’t afraid to show his sensitive side these days. It reflects in how delicate the decorations in his wing feel.
You lie down on his sofa. Its red pillows swaddle you, inviting you to close your eyes for a while. It is so comfortable here. 
You probably would have dozed off for a post-dinner nap if Jimin hadn’t woken you again. His steps are quiet normally, but the floorboards creaked under his weight as he walked to you.
You sit up, “I’m awake.”
“Sure”, Jimin says sarcastically, eyeing the deep dent you left in his throw pillow, “just so you know, that pillow is a hundred years old and the stitching is delicate.”
“Huh? Hm?” You look at the pillow, smoothing it out. “Sorry. Nothing happened, I swear.”
“Don’t sweat it. Can we start? I wanna get it over with”, he says and leaves the room again.
With a grieving heart – a nap sounded so good – you leave the comfortable couch to follow him. 
You find him in his bathroom, sitting by the powder table in only his towel. The silver scar on his back contrasts against his black tattoos. He is tracing the entrance point of the scar on his chest mindlessly, but lifts his eyes when he senses your presence. His hand lowers, the self-disgust disappearing from his eyes. He shifts in embarrassment, clearing his throat.
Knowing him, he wants you to ignore his scar. He can’t stand it when people mention it. It is already awful enough that he has to look at it each time he undresses. 
“Anything in particular you wanna get?” you ask him as you close in on him.
“Just shave it there and give it texture on top”, Jimin says, lifting up his hair to show you his neck.
“So undercut with some length on top?”
“Yeah. It’s hot and I need air.”
“Right? It’s so hot lately. This summer is insane”, you agree, picking up the shaver, “should we go with the setting you have on?” 
“Yes. But make sure the fade is good.”
“I will, don’t worry. Is it okay for me to touch you?” 
Jimin glances at you. Surprise and gratefulness. He can’t keep up eye contact, lowering his eyes at the table as he nods his head. 
With his consent, you touch his hair. You run your fingers through it, eyeing his hands. They ball to fists at the first contact, tightening with such strength that his knuckles pale. He is scared.
“Did you practice choreography?” you ask him in hopes of distracting him.
“No I.” He clears his tightened throat. “I guess I just danced.”
“That’s nice too. I’ll shave it to up there. Is that alright?”
Jimin inspects the point you show him and nods his head. You pick up the shaver and turn it on. Jimin moves his head away when you put it close to him, flinches and moves back again.
“Sorry”, he whispers, glancing at you in embarrassment.
“Don’t apologise. Did you change your mind?” 
“Alright. Want a break?”
He shakes his head silently.
“Alright. Just tell me if you need it”, you say and put the shaver against his neck.
Jimin is tense during the first couple of shaves, but relaxes soon when his traumatized mind realizes that you genuinely don’t want him harm. He even opens his fists and begins playing with his bracelets mindlessly. Only around his ears, a certain stiffness returns to him and his eyes ghost over the shaver fearfully. 
So you give him a break, soothing him by tracing his ears softly. 
“Gotta clean you up”, you tell him even though both of you know that this was just an excuse to mask the gesture of comfort you give him. If you didn’t mask it, Jimin would get way too embarrassed however. 
He is tense at first. His eyes switch between your hands, your face and the shaver you put aside. 
You reach the spot right behind his ear where the harder point of his shell blends into the softness of his lobe. You rub it slowly. Jimin’s lids flutter, his head sways back just once before he fixes it again.
Another rub of the same spot and Jimin’s head rolls back again, lids closing halfway as goosebumps cover his skin. Yet another rub and he breathes so deeply that his chest lifts and sinks visibly, eyes closing for just a second before he forces them open again.
He straightens up, glancing at you in embarrassment. You act oblivious for his sake, giving his shoulders an innocent rub.
“There we go. Now you’re clean. I’ll continue.”
“Yeah. Okay”, he whispers, staring at you in the reflection of the mirror. He can’t truly make sense of the emotions in his chest and what they mean. He also can’t stop them and so he stares.
Jimin doesn’t flinch away anymore when the shaver touches him. You can finish the shaving without any more obstacles. He even stays calm when you shave him around his other ear. Only for a split second his neck tensed up, but relaxed within a breath because he felt safe more than he does troubled in your presence. 
You place the shaver on the table and use a fluffy brush to sweep away any stray hair. The sensation sends shivers down his spine. He tries to cover them up as best as possible.
“Do you like the fade?” 
“Yes. It’s, uhm, it’s what I wanted”, he speaks quietly, looking at himself with sparkling eyes. He doesn’t even notice that he is gazing, too mesmerised his new look has him. 
“Nice. That’s good to hear. I’ll just do the texturing and then you’re done.”
“Yes. Thank you.”
His words are honest, bringing a smile to your lips.
“Of course.” You pick up the scissors, showing them to him. “I’ll use these.”
You give him time to observe the potential danger. He nods his head in consent. You begin. He doesn’t tense because you gave him the opportunity to prepare. 
“Your hair is fun to work with. You’ve got so much of it.”
“Thanks. It’s hot during summer.”
“I can imagine. Should I take some length too?”
“Yes, please.”
You can finish the cut with no obstacles, moving on to the last step instantly. You clean him and then style him with a light mousse. He lets you with gratefulness in his eyes. Truly, he can’t stop looking at you. It is as if something about you has him captured. You don’t notice his eyes on you because you take your job as his hair stylist way too seriously and are blind to anything but his hair.
“There we go. Now you’re done. How do you like it?” you ask, finally meeting his eyes. For but a moment, your breath hitches. He never looked at you like this before. “Uh..”
Jimin clears his throat and shifts his eyes away. The air is charged between you and him, but neither tries to talk about it.
You take a step back. Jimin looks at himself for a while. His expression is stoic and if you didn’t know him better, you would think that he hates the haircut. In the end however, a small smile hushes over his lips and he nods his head.
“I like it.” 
You smile proudly.
“I’m happy to hear that.”
He shimmies on the chair awkwardly, touching his new undercut.
“You can, uhm, leave now if you want to.”
“How about we clean up and then show Tae your new style?” you suggest because you know he doesn’t actually want you to leave, but thinks that you already want to.
“Yes. Okay.” He turns away to hide the giddy smile. “Do you think we can get him to watch a movie with us?”
“I think that he’ll be the one to suggest it.”
Jimin laughs. You laugh with him.
“Yeah, that actually sounds like him”, he agrees. 
“I bet he wants to watch one of his boring French movies.”
“They’re not boring, you just have no taste.”
You laugh, “no I do. His movies are like five hours long. That’s way too long.” 
“Don’t tell him that.”
“Oh honey, I do. He knows and teases me for it.” 
You and Jimin share laughter. Your eyes meet. The tension in the air is almost suffocating.
His smile drops. 
You stop laughing, feeling tight in your chest for but a second, “what’s wrong?” 
Jimin stands up and turns to you so he can close the distance.
You instinctively take a step back, but Jimin still pulls you close.
He hugs you. 
Jimin hugs as if he is overcome with adoration. Jimin hugs as if he needed the other for his survival. Jimin hugs as if he thanks the universe for the other’s presence. He doesn’t hug often, but when he does, it is spilling over with his honest adoration.
You didn’t expect it right now, but can’t deny that it melts you. He has one arm around your waist strongly and cradles the back of your head with his other hand, while his cheek rests on your shoulder with his face hidden in your neck. You can even see from the reflection in the mirror that he has his eyes closed. He hugs just like him. With his entire heart and soul. 
You hug him back with just as much tenderness, rubbing his back slowly. Goosebumps follow your touch. He melts into your embrace. 
“What’s that for?” you ask him quietly.
You chuckle, “do you like it that much?”
He nods his head and gives you a squeeze.
“Thank you”, he whispers. 
You know that he doesn’t only speak of the haircut. That he thanks you for giving him the space and time he needed to realise that the haircut won’t end in pain for him. You smile fondly, squeezing him back.
“Of course. You can always come to me for help.”
“I will.” He holds you so close and breathes your name. Nothing else follows. Just your name. Said with just as much heart and soul as his hug carries.
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silkscream · 9 months
once bitten, twice shy
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megumi fushiguro x reader
ੈ✩ wc: 3.1k (i cannot write anything under 2k to save my life)
ੈ✩ tags: emotionally constipated megumi, tsundere basically, friends to lovers, a lil angst, not actually unrequited love, pining, alcohol, typical yuuji nobara antics
ੈ✩ a/n: this is not xmas themed despite the title BUT it does end up taking place on satoru's birthday for plot reasons. megumi fushiguro your intimacy issues bewitch me mind body and soul.....
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megumi does not know what to do with his feelings.
he’s never been the type to be particularly in touch with them — he didn’t remember his parents enough to blame them for whatever avoidant attachment he’d accustomed himself to. or maybe, that was the exact cause of said attachment style. gojo taking him in when he was a child didn’t help either — the man also refused to be very vulnerable around him, merely acting as a benefactor and a nuisance at best.
and while he was closest to tsumiki, he’d still built up a wall around himself that she couldn’t get through, and she knew it. she couldn’t break through it in his pre-teen years, and certainly not his teenage years when he was taking out his aggression on his classmates. he would ignore her soothing words and resent her kindness. perhaps he’d taken after toji in that way. constantly fending for himself for the sake of survival. always convinced that he was doomed to be alone.
and then there was you.
he’d met you first at jujutsu tech before any of the other students could. after sparring with maki, he’d been dismissed to shoko’s office. he’d opened the door that september day and was immediately met with your wide eyes, your searing cursed energy. gojo had found another stray.
shoko had made him your first experiment and you excelled. his injuries were healed within minutes. if anything, he felt better than he had in months — after battling insomnia and panic attacks, he felt… calm. like his brain was cleansed and that he had nothing to stress about. (until the next time gojo had gotten on his nerves.)
your introduction to his class was nothing extravagant despite gojo’s theatrics. megumi couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you after that — during practice battles, lectures, or lunch. he was always hyperaware of your presence. he blamed it on your cursed energy.
he hates how enthusiastic yuuji is about you, how yuuji tells him about how he manages to get you alone even though you often keep to yourself, and how he thinks you’re so fucking pretty, and that you’d agreed to watch the human earthworm movies with him. (megumi had refused when yuuji asked.)
he stews in that anger quietly because he’d rather die than let anyone know. nobara knows better, of course. she teases him about it and brings up jealousy.
why should megumi ever be jealous of yuuji? the boy was a freak accident in human form, with no inherent technique. who fucking cares that he can make you laugh without any effort?
it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t. because you have no direct effect on megumi and you don’t distract him during school. he doesn’t cling onto the memory of your hands on his skin. he doesn’t wish for the feeling again. of course not.
he tells this to yuuji and nobara, too. there’s one day where nobara goes too far — she teases him about setting up a date, that you rave about him, that he’s definitely your type. megumi doesn’t believe a word of it, especially because you’re probably more comfortable with yuuji. he doesn’t care to date because it would hold him back. he’s too focused on his training, on being the best, because he’s determined to follow in gojo’s shadow even if he won’t admit it. he could be the second strongest. he could be the most reliable.
it comes out in all the wrong ways. he’s more irritable than usual, so he yells at nobara instead of seething in hushed tones. he rants about how he does’t need someone by his side, certainly not you, whose only benefit is to heal superficial injuries and not much else. how your combat skills are poor, how easily you get beat when you spar on the field. how compared to him, you’re weak, so you’re of no use.
unfortunately, you hear him. every thought on his mind that tumbles out of his stupid mouth, his tone spewing wrath. you know that megumi is a moody person, but you’d never think him to be mean.
you pretend you’re just passing by, but from the faces nobara and yuuji are making, megumi already senses your presence. the color drains from his face, cobalt eyes wide.
“i’m — i’m sorry, i didn’t mean —“
“it’s okay, fushiguro,” you say softly. even after that shitshow, you’re still fucking smiling. it puts a sinking feeling in megumi’s stomach.
“ah, i got an extra pack of mochi and thought you guys would like it.”
you hand over a small bag and megumi takes it wordlessly.
“that’s so sweet,” yuuji beams, attempting to deflect. “hey, i was just looking for you. do you happen to have those jujutsu history notes? kugisaki spilled a soda on mine.”
“you knocked it over!” nobara protests.
“you put it on top of my stuff!”
you take your notebook out of your bag and hand it to yuuji graciously, avoiding megumi’s gaze and making up an excuse to see all of them later.
apparently, “later” means a week after. megumi sees you in class, and while he attempts to walk you to the dining hall or invite you to hang out, you bolt out the door before catching anyone’s attention. he has to find out how you are from fucking yuuji, who somehow gets to see you around the dorms every other day.
“i think she just likes to keep to herself, s’all,” yuuji says. he can sense megumi’s anxiety just from being in the same room as him.
“but you see her all the time.”
“she’s been tutoring me a little. and we just like the same movies and stuff.”
yuuji shrugs casually. his nonchalance makes megumi’s blood boil, because of course he’s the one who gets to occupy all of your time. of course you’re probably most comfortable with him. he knows he shouldn’t be seething at the thought of you two together — it isn’t his right. but his jealousy is starting to get the best of him lately.
“are you guys together?” he blurts out.
“no?” yuuji furrows his brows. “if anything, i feel like nobara might be trying to make a move since she’s way nicer to her than she is to us. except i’m pretty sure she and maki have been going out lately.”
“dude, keep up!”
and when yuuji accuses of megumi having a crush again, the same way nobara did all those weeks ago before he made a fucking fool of himself, megumi shuts it down with a grimace and a blush. he’s merely concerned about your wellbeing is what it is. that’s what he’s able to muster up to yuuji, of course, who absolutely isn’t buying it based on his shit-eating grin.
it’s annoying, especially because yuuji can make you feel more comfortable, comfortable enough to hang with the whole trio, and the pink-haired bastard has to meddle like a little troll. bumping the two of you into each other like you’re in middle school. somehow, it worsens everything. not your dynamic, but megumi’s self-consciousness.
he was already so extremely aware of you, but now he’s convinced that some angel above has tied the red string between you both extra tight. megumi looks for you in every crowd, awaits your arrival every day in the classroom and at lunch, and it’s starting to feel pathetic — the lightness in his chest whenever you’re even so much as ten feet away. his heart even beats faster at the anticipation of your text in the group chat, for fuck’s sake.
and then there’s gojo’s birthday party, a surprise orchestrated by the four of you, despite megumi’s reluctance. you’re particularly more radiant than usual. maybe it’s the lighting. maybe it’s the dress you have on.
despite the amount of shots he’s been forced to take in the past hour (three), megumi is still sober enough to feel anxious around you. though, he thinks he might be drunk enough to be lost in your image, fixating on your collarbone and the way your hair falls in your face as you laugh at one of gojo’s stupid jokes. it’s when the two of you lock eyes that megumi feels out of it, because you smile at him. you fucking smile.
if the warmth of the liquor wasn’t currently raising heated blood to his head, he’d deny the sparks that came from the mere sight of your smile, but he was hopeless. you’re mesmerizing. dizzying. he doesn’t know what to do with his face, not when his cheeks are flushing red and his motor skills are slowing down. fuck, maybe he was a lightweight like gojo after all.
he’s clearly out of touch with reality, because the moment fades as soon as it comes. perhaps it wasn’t a moment at all. he watches you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, your mouth moving slowly as you mingle with other classmates. he’s fucking fixated on your mouth — your lipstick tonight is a blush red with a shiny gloss reflecting light. megumi has only dreamed of what your lips would taste like once or twice. no more than that. he swears on it.
there’s brief eye contact between the two of you again for half a second. there’s a coy smile on your face as always before you slip out the back door of the house.
there are so many bottles around the place that no one will notice megumi taking an entire bottle of champagne for himself. he scowls at the taste, of sickeningly sweet pears — courtesy of gojo, probably. his head swims and thinks of you.
his momentary peace is rudely interrupted by the sound of nobara’s voice in his ear, asking for you.
“ijichi’s setting up karaoke!”
“there is no way in hell that i’m—”
“i don’t care what you do, emo, but i need her to do a duet!”
megumi heaves a sigh, making his way to the backyard where he finds you sitting on a tree stump. even with the dim fairy lights, he probably would’ve missed you if not for the cherried end of your cigarette.
“fushiguro-kun,” you nod at him.
“megumi,” he rasps. “just… megumi is fine.”
“oh, i get special privileges now? how come?”
there’s no mirth in your tone. you’re teasing him. he doesn’t answer your question.
(the mere act of you teasing him becomes an intimacy in itself — he had never thought that you would be comfortable enough to talk to him in jest. you’d maintained your distance from him fairly well.)
“didn’t know you smoked.”
“only when i drink,” you shrug. “ieiri-san doesn’t make much of an effort to hide her cigarettes, either. don’t tell on me, though.”
“wouldn’t dream of it.”
he doesn’t know where to look. luckily, you’re not looking at him, so he can settle his gaze on your mouth nursing the cigarette. plump. glossy under the moonlight.
megumi is not used to wanting. he had never asked gojo for anything during his adolescence, and refused any gesture of kindness from anyone. he was convinced since childhood that there was no point in desire because disappointment would be on the other end of it either way.
he’d like to be a monk about it. he could control himself and focus on his studies. never spare you a glance again that isn’t platonic. and then a cool december wind blows past the two of you, and he smells your amber perfume.
and when he turns his head, you’re looking at him, eyes bright.
“so… not enjoying the party?”
“i’m not really one for parties.”
“me neither,” you shrug. “that’s why i like to do my little ritual of escaping.”
“we have that in common.”
you hum, a noncommittal noise. you take another drag of your cigarette, which disintegrates slowly.
“what a pair, the two of us.”
megumi can’t pick up any sarcasm from your voice, though he assumes it. it makes his stomach drop even though the statement is harmless. the two of you. together. it makes endless futures bloom in his mind. maybe it’s the prosecco, but it almost makes him want to vomit. to think that he was even good enough to be beside you in your future.
you curse quietly when you pull your phone out of your jacket pocket to check the time, realizing it’s dead. megumi gives you a once-over. the jacket you’re wearing is all too familiar. like him, you’re not one to wear very many colors. but this jacket is bright red, varsity style, and oversized on you.
“is that itadori’s jacket?” megumi stammers.
“oh, yeah. i didn’t realize how cold it would be tonight.”
“why?” you give him a curious smile.
“nothing,” he coughs. “are… you two…”
you laugh and it’s like a song to him.
“i think he might be my best friend, s’all. why? you jealous?”
he looks at you again, head-on, your eyes still bright. brighter than fluorescents. there’s something in your irises that is meant to provoke him, but he’s dispensed of his usual cautious nature after he takes another gulp from the bottle.
“more than you can imagine,” he huffs.
“’m not repeating that.”
“what, you’re not saying you’re like, into me, are you?” you exasperate.
megumi remains silent, cheeks flushed. he thinks that if his head could heat up any more, he’d end up with a migraine.
you breathe the tiniest gasp. if it wasn’t for how close megumi was to you, he wouldn’t have noticed.
“i kind of thought you hated me, you know,” you admit.
“i could never hate you. i don’t think anyone could.”
“you don’t have to pretend,” you sigh. he didn’t notice until now that your cigarette was finished, discarded onto the dirt with your boot to crush it into ash. “i— beyond the politeness, i get it. that i’m not your type or whatever. you don’t even have to be friends with me, fushiguro-kun.”
“megumi,” he emphasizes.
“i’m not pretending. i… i really fucking like you,” he slurs. “it kind of scares me how much.”
“you’re drunk.”
“i am. i know you heard me say all that shit to kugisaki and itadori, but it’s because they put me on the spot and i was nervous. i don’t know how to… deal with feelings. honestly, if i wasn’t even a little drunk right now, i’d probably have left the party with my tail in between my legs and avoided you for the next fucking week, and you don’t deserve that. you deserve… everything.”
“even you?”
when did you get so close to him? if he sauntered just a few inches in your direction, he could touch your noses together. he can smell your perfume so deeply.
“it’s the other way around,” megumi breathes. “i don’t deserve you. not anything close to you.”
“what if i want you regardless?” your voice is just above a whisper. a prayer, a hymn. a wish to be blown out.
megumi swallows the lump in his throat. he blinks at you, dark indigo luminescent. the world slows down. he may owe it to the liquor and the wine, but he assumes it’s just your presence. your scent, the softness of your hair in between his fingers, your soft breaths.
“what do you want, megumi-kun?”
he remembers something gojo said. that to be a jujutsu sorcerer, he has to be selfish. he’s not sure if that philosophy applies to the situation at hand, but he’d be damned if he let you crawl into bed tonight without knowing how he truly felt about you. so, uncharacteristically, he takes a leap forward.
he unwinds the tension in his body and presses his lips to yours. it’s soft, chaste, innocent. something like a pause. he’s afraid to touch you, but you’ve already reeled him in with arms thrown around his shoulders, fingertips touching the softness of his black hair.
you bump your nose with his, shyly, and he kisses you open-mouthed. tongue in your mouth, meshing the taste of tobacco and prickly pear. the vanilla chapstick that he’d put on before he followed you out to the backyard.
he has one hand caressing your jaw and the other on your shoulder, thumb brushing over your collarbone in a way that makes your entire body shiver. you’re embarrassed at the pool of desire in between your legs.
megumi has never let himself be full of wanting, but at the moment, his veins are surging with it. it’s like a drug to him — your warmth, your scent, the saccharine taste of your mouth. your flesh is so soft, so pliable, from the way you dip towards the cavern of his lanky body, pressed against him chest to chest. letting his hand dig into the fat of your hip. fingertips grazing the skin underneath your shirt.
maybe it’s the liquor, but he’s feeling experimental — he tucks your bottom lip in between his teeth. pulls your hair ever so slightly. you mewl into his mouth quietly and he thinks that he’s never felt anything better than this. you’re wrapped up in all of him. you can quite literally feel the heat on his cheeks and both of you realize how aroused he is, his bulge prodding your thigh.
“fuck,” he whispers into your mouth, and he pulls away. only a few inches are separating you as he takes a moment to breathe. his eyes are blown out wide, black stretching across dark blue. both of you are stunned, panting, and the tension is more palpable than ever.
a rustling of grass makes both of you jump. when he turns, he sees yuuji and nobara staring with wide eyes.
“you owe me 7,000 yen,” yuuji deadpans to nobara.
“seriously, fushiguro? i didn’t think you had it in you!”
“i always had faith in you, fushiguro!” yuuji chimes.
while you giggle, megumi growls under his breath at the new intrusions of dumb and dumber.
“i personally thought you were way out of his league,” nobara tells you.
“eat shit.” megumi seethes with arms crossed, and despite his wrath, he resembles more of an angry kitten to you than any potential threat.
“sheesh, don’t summon a shikigami on them, megumi,” you tease with a pleased grin.
“i—” he stumbles over his words in frustration, grimacing. “what do the two of you want, anyway?”
“gojo-sensei got ijichi to sing doja cat.”
“oh, i’ve gotta see this,” you snort, grabbing megumi by the hand as you begin to usher the crew back inside. his heart leaps at the feeling of your fingers intertwined with his.
despite his inhibitions, megumi’s decided that he could get used to this.
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sundrop-writes · 16 days
Eager Little Puppy
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Isaac Lahey x Gender Neutral Reader
You offer to help Isaac relax. He agrees, thinking that you have something entirely different in mind. But when he finds out what you have planned, he really can't bring himself to mind.
(Or - you fuck Isaac's brains out to help him relax.)
Isaac Lahey x GN!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut/PWP.
Word Count: 2,700
Teen Wolf Masterlist | AO3 Link
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: this is primarily a smut fic; the reader character is completely gender neutral - there is no mention of the reader's genitals and no description of what kind of genitals the reader has, and the only pronouns used to refer to the reader are you/yours; use of Y/N; most of the fic focuses on Isaac and acts the reader performs on him; there is dom/sub dynamics - the reader is more dominant and Isaac is more submissive; there is a slight passing mention of Isaac's abusive past (and how it makes him stressed out, so he is eager to use sex and submission as a way to relax and ease his mind); marking kink (the reader giving Isaac love bites and hickies); anal fingering - Isaac receiving (mention of Isaac being an anal virgin before this); oral - Isaac receiving; praise kink (reader praises Isaac and he loves it) - the reader calls Isaac 'good boy', 'pretty', and 'puppy'; lots of dirty talk; use of a dildo on Isaac (anally); passing mention of blood (the reader licks Isaac so hard that he bleeds and then licks it); Reader swallows Isaac's cum - I think that's it?
A/N: Just another random fic I wrote while on hiatus because I can't get enough of my baby Isaac, and I feel like he would love being called by the nickname Puppy (and that is now forever what I refer to him as in my head). He just looks like such a puppy lmao. He has big puppy dog eyes, he's constantly looking to others (like Scott, Erica, and Derek) for guidance and validation, he's eager to follow even though he's strong and could be a leader. He is an eager little puppy lapdog and I love him so fucking much. I just wanna pet his hair like a sweet little puppy and praise him and also fuck his brains out. Hence, this fic. Anyway, if you're a fellow Isaac lover, I hope you enjoy this fic!!
When you had suggested ‘relaxing’, Isaac thought you meant taking a bubble bath, some candles, aromatherapy.
Perhaps reading a book curled up in bed with some gentle music playing in the background. You seemed like the type of person to enjoy those things. He had no clue what relaxation even was - it’s not like he had a lot of time to relax, going straight from his father’s house of horrors to Pack life with Derek, nearly being killed every other week. 
Of course, that was exactly why you had suggested this. 
You and Isaac had been friends for a while, flirting back and forth for even longer, and fooling around for only a few short weeks. He knew that you cared about him a lot, and he was grateful that you actually thought about these things. That you actually considered the toll that stress took on him. 
He just had no clue what he was getting himself into when he agreed to a ‘relaxing’ evening with you. 
He certainly hadn’t been expecting this. 
Being laid out on your bed, completely naked while you were still mostly clothed, the lights delightfully soothing and dim, the covers so soft against his skin while you took him on the ride of his life. His body was covered in your spit and teeth marks, sharp suction spots where you had latched on and made him moan. Unfortunately the marks were already healing, making you regretful and even more determined to make him remember you by the distinction of your touch alone. 
Still, you dug your teeth in, providing the perfect little bite of pain to go with the pleasure, especially now as your fingers well-lubed fucked up inside of him - making your impression in his previously untouched hole for the first time. You pushed your fingers deep inside of him, fucking him with precise, certain movements while your mouth worked on his cock. 
He felt like his mind was slowly melting between his ears, every single known thought escaping him - but he had a distinct feeling that’s exactly what you had wanted. Because now he couldn’t worry, he couldn’t stress, he couldn’t even spend a single moment thinking about anything that had been plaguing his mind for the past few months. He couldn’t even be insecure about the whorish moans he was letting out or the way he was angling his hips toward you, silently begging for more. 
This was entirely relaxing. 
You moaned around his dick, encouraging him - causing him to let out another loud moan. 
It made you smile internally, feeling that in the way his body gave in to you, the way his needy hole flexed around your fingers, opening up to you but clenching slightly - telling you how badly he wanted more, needed more, even without words. 
You pulled off his cock with a wet pop, causing him to let out a shuddering moan of disappointment as the now spit-slick sensitive organ was exposed to the cool air. His dick fell against his stomach, smearing precum against the smooth, porcelain skin there while you eased another finger into his greedy hole. Now, fucking three of your fingers in and out of him, something that made Isaac part his thighs and wiggle his hips down into your touch, of course - desperate for more, even unconsciously. 
“That’s it - such a good boy for me.” You purred, grinning down at him. 
He was so pretty like this. 
His face dropped back against the fluffiness of your pillow, his eyes fluttering closed and his mouth gaped open as he let out the prettiest soft sounds. His lips were swollen and spit-glossed from where you had kissed him, something that made him breathless and wrecked. His nipples were puffy and swollen from where you had bitten and worked them, making him so frenzied and frantic, his stomach heaving with little breaths, desperate to get air into his lungs as you continually punched it out of him by fucking your fingers up into him. 
His long, thick cock gently bobbed against his stomach, leading down to a nest of blond hair that covered his heavy balls, smeared wet with the lube that you were fucking him with. 
Somehow - even in such a sinful state, he looked so damn angelic. 
He was severely enjoying the thickness and the rhythm of your three fingers, you could only imagine how much he would like what you had for him next. 
“Such a pretty thing, aren’t you?” You couldn’t contain the praise, not when he was this good, not when you felt the affection swelling up inside of you. He let out a loud, rattling moan at this, and you knew that you had struck gold. “Such a pretty boy. You like it when I remind you how fucking good you are, huh?” 
“Please,” Isaac choked out, his throat clearly dry and strangled from all the moaning he had been doing. “Please - more.” 
You locked eyes with him, and saw nothing but glassy, empty headed pleasure swimming there. And while his needy body flexed tightly around your fingers, you knew exactly what he was begging for - like a fish on dry land gulping desperately, you knew exactly what he was struggling for. 
More of your praise. Something he likely didn’t even know he had wanted before this, now lighting his body on fire. Now something he was desperate for more of - something he would likely need to survive from now on. 
“You want more, pretty boy?” 
You teased him, gently skimming your thumb along the underside of his cock, tracing a thick vein that made his muscles jolt. He nodded his head frantically, breathing thickly again, his eyes falling shut as his head fell back once again, eagerly waiting for you to comply. 
“Yeah? You’re gonna get everything you want. Cause you’re such a pretty boy - you deserve it all. Such a good boy, such an eager little puppy-” 
The nickname was something you had teased him with before. When you had found out that Derek had turned him, you insisted that if Derek and Scott were well-trained, full-blown wolves, then Erica, Boyd, and Isaac were just ‘puppies’. Newbies. It was something meant to taunt him, belittle him. But you had always seen the spark in his eyes when you said it. 
And now, feeling the way his hole clenched around your touch, feeling his hips fuck down against you, seeing the little pulse that shifted his cock as a bit of precum leaked out - you had known that you were right. 
Isaac was just an eager puppy waiting to be fucked. 
“Please, please!” He gasped out, whipping his eyes open and looking down the length of his body at you. “Hnng, I need it!” 
He wasn’t even entirely sure what he was begging for - it was pure static between his ears, a senseless TV signal that only became slightly clear when your voice cut through the snow. 
“Hey, shhh, it’s okay, puppy.” You said, smoothing your free hand across his stomach, purposefully avoiding any contact with his cock. “I’ve got you.” 
He reached out and grabbed your wrist, and your chest swelled with just how sweet he was - how loving and affectionate, even when he was clearly desperate to be fucked. 
“Such a sweet boy,” You continued to praise him, petting that hand across his torso, reaching to gently flick his nipple, exhausting more moans from him as you did this. “Such a sweet little puppy, aren’t you? Just an eager little thing desperate to be fucked, huh?” 
Isaac’s moan in response turned into a little howl of disappointment as you pulled your fingers out of him completely. You were almost hurt by the way his lip quivered and his brows furrowed - you would have been more upset if you didn’t know that you had something better in store for him. 
“Y/N-” He began to argue, his voice absolutely sour, but you cut him off.��
“I’ve got you.” You told him firmly, leaning in and kissing across his chest, ending this by laying a kiss on his mouth, causing your clothed body to roughly brush against his cock for a moment - which made him whine. “I’m gonna take good care of you, puppy.” 
He let out another guttural moan at these words, and watched with wide, curious eyes as you reached to your nightstand. His eyes widened when your hand came back with a cock - a six inch, bright blue, veined dildo. He felt a slight twist of anxious intimidation in his stomach at the thought of taking the object inside of him, but it was quickly washed out by pure need when his hole clenched around nothing and he realized how terribly empty he felt now that your fingers were gone. 
“Do you trust me?” You asked, reaching for the lube that you had dropped on the bed beside him earlier, slicking up the cock with more than a healthy amount. 
“Yes.” Isaac told you honestly. 
“Good.” You grinned at him. “Cause this is gonna be so good for you, baby.” 
You then put it between his thighs, using one hand to tease the tip of the lubed up dildo along his slightly gaped hole while you reached your other hand, still very wet with lube, to his cock. You took a good grip on him and began slowly jerking him off while you eased the first few inches of the cock into him. 
Isaac let out a loud moan, tossing his head back, his thighs tensing as he was already overwhelmed with pleasure. It was just a hint of what was to come, but it was so good to be stretched open around something so thick, something that filled him up so well. 
It was just a slight burn in his muscles as his body ached to accommodate something thicker and wider than your fingers - but there was a feeling, something deep in his stomach that was aching and curious for more. His cock was slowly warming up with pleasure as you touched him, turning his brain into even more of a soup as he gripped at the sheets beneath him and prayed that this feeling would never have to stop. 
“More!” He cried out, angling his hips further into your touch. 
“Such a greedy puppy, aren’t you?” You cooed, your voice edging on mocking as you sped up the pace of your hand on his cock, easing more of the dildo into him, indulging in the beautiful sounds he let out. “Just can’t have your pretty hole filled fast enough, can you?” 
Isaac let out a moan in agreement, and you pushed forward until the last of the cock was finally inside of him, leaving him furled around the base and gripping it tightly, echoing out a pretty gasp as he was fully filled. 
The six inch dildo wasn’t huge, but it was the biggest (and only) cock he had ever taken inside of him, so it made him feel absolutely full. It made him feel like he was being split open in the best way possible. It made his mind melt right down to liquid butter, made his cock pulse with pleasure in your hand. Isaac felt a sense of bitter cruelty when you closed your grip around the base, making his dick throb harder and ache. 
“Good?” You asked, clearly meaning to check on his well being.  
Isaac wanted to voice a complaint about you not making him cum fast enough, but he knew that wasn’t what you were asking about. 
“S-so good.” He choked out, trying to angle his hips back and fuck himself on the cock. 
“Good.” You replied, a wicked grin forming across your lips. “Now you’re gonna get exactly what you need. You’re gonna get your dumb little puppy brains fucked out,” 
Isaac didn’t even have a moment to question these words before you were pulling the dildo out of him slightly and fucking it back into him as hard as you could muster. This started a brutal, rough pace of hammering the toy between his thighs, not even giving him a moment to feel empty before he was full again - something that would have been painful if not for his incredible healing abilities and the pain tolerance that came with it. No, this wasn’t painful - this was just bliss. 
Pure, mindless bliss at your hands, having his hole fucked at such an intense pace - something he always needed but never knew to ask for. 
And then, your mouth was on his cock again. 
He let out a purely inhuman sound, a deep growl that dissolved into a whine like the puppy you accused him of being when you took him down to the base all in one go, smothering his cock in the impossible sauna wet heat of your mouth in seconds. 
You only relented your pace of fucking the fake cock into him for a moment to concentrate on not gagging on his impressive seven inch thickness, giving a few hard gulps around the tip of his cock as it settled in the back of your throat. Something that drove him absolutely insane between the pressure of your throat on his dick, smothering him in wet heat, and the feeling of the fake cock fucking into his asshole, filling him up so good, wetness smearing between his thighs, making him feel so perfectly raw as you continually fucked him. 
You pulled off his cock and replaced your mouth with your hand, kissing along his hip, digging your teeth in and leaving another harsh bite that would heal too soon for his liking. Isaac had a passing thought about getting a tattoo of your teeth marks on his skin, but it was drowned out by you licking up the bit of blood that sprouted there before you began talking again, your voice a bit more rough than before from having his cock nestled so tightly in your throat. 
“You like getting fucked and filled, puppy?” 
You purred against his skin, your voice full of spit, so perfectly syrupy. Isaac didn’t have a moment to even contemplate answering, not with the barrage of sensations overwhelming him, quickly drawing him closer to his orgasm. 
“You like having your pretty cock sucked while your needy little hole is filled up? Hmm? Are you gonna cum like this? Are you gonna cum from being fucked like the needy little puppy that you are?” 
One of these days, that nickname was going to kill him. 
“Please, Y/N, please!” He chanted out, his breath barely making it back into his lungs every time the force of you fucking the dildo into him forced a sharp moan out from between his lips. “Please, ‘m gonna cum, please lemme cum, please-!” 
Him asking for permission to cum was the thing that truly drove you insane. 
“Cum for me, puppy.” You told him, reaching to sweep the tip of his cock back into your mouth, eager to taste him. 
You continued to fuck him hard through it, creating a beautifully sloppy sound in the room as the thick plastic toy destroyed him, fucking into his needy hole utterly relentlessly. It was only a moment later that he came, his shaking thighs stiffening and his back arching off the bed. 
You were barely able to hold him down as he shoved more of his cock into your mouth, shooting thick spurts of cum across your tongue and down your throat, so perfectly driven mad by all the sensations you had delivered to him. You sucked him through it, not stopping until you were satisfied that you had every single last drop of his release. 
When it was over, you popped off his cock, and he was still panting, desperate to catch his breath when you eased the dildo out of him - causing a gentle moan from him - now slightly disappointed at the feeling of being empty and wondering if he would ever be the same again without that fullness inside of him. You put it aside to be taken care of later and crawled up Isaac’s body, draping yourself over him to capture his mouth - causing an odd delight to him as he tasted himself on your tongue. 
“Well,” Isaac sighed against your lips. “That is one hell of a way to relax.” 
You couldn’t help but to laugh at this.
A/N: Please keep in mind, this is a oneshot, and there will not be a follow up or a 'Part 2'. So if you are going to comment, please comment about the body of the material that has been written.
I would love to write more about Isaac in the future, and I do have another smut fic for him in my drafts, so if you're an Isaac lover, definitely follow me and look out for that. And go to my Teen Wolf masterlist for more non-smutty stuff about him that is currently there. But for now, this is a singular, closed off story and there will not be a follow up to it. I hope you have enjoyed it if you have read this far, and thank you so much for reading!
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averageallogene · 1 year
Gorou ditches you at the wedding alter after Kokomi convinces him to elope with her.
Thank the Archons Kazuha/Heizou is there to save the day.
Gorou ♡⊹˚ For a brighter future (SFW)
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fem. reader (3rd person) ; angst. cw for cheating.
5k words.
notes. This hurt a little to write but I suppose it’s only fair since it’s an angsty request </3. I do hope it is to your liking!~ Enjoy! ✧˖°
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Life in Watatsumi Island wasn’t easy. The soils weren’t fertile, supplies were hard to come by, nevermind the conflict with the Shogunate that had still left gashing wounds to heal. Nevertheless and despite it all, the inhabitants were overall content with what they had, thanking the leadership of their Divine Priestess for everything finally beginning to turn out better after a gruesome war.
Even so, there remained a lingering fear in the air. Many soldiers refused to lay down their weapons still, continuously dawning their armor as everyone did everything they could to rebuild their home anew. There was an overall sense of suffocation in the air, its hold loose enough to at least let the islanders breathe. Life slowly got back to normal as Kokomi did everything she could to negotiate with the Shogunate for the benefit of Watatsumi, her troops slowly turning a new leaf as some sought new jobs to take.
“Your condition’s improved,” A soothing voice beamed, smiling at the soldier before noting down his progress. The man looked up to their chief medic, or more precisely the best equivalent they’d been able to get during times of war, a hopeful gleam and a sigh of relief escaping him. “Perhaps two more weeks and you’ll be able to begin your new job.”
“Thank you, Doctor [F/N]!” He’d roared, still too accustomed to exclaim each sentence like the soldiers would do at camp. 
“Please, it’s nothing.” The young woman smiled, before soon enough dismissing him. Just as he left her tent, he turned around with a wide smile.
“Oh - And, congratulations to you and General Gorou!” He saluted her, before leaving hastily.
[F/N] couldn’t help but smile, cheeks burning with a bright shade of red. Her fingers tapped the pen to her clipboard eagerly, heart pitter pattering as she thought back on the countdown ‘til the big day. She’d still find herself reminiscing back to the day she’d proposed to him, tearful gaze as she wrapped his bandages, pouring her heart out for him.
“Promise me you’ll be back!” She’d wept, Gorou’s ears lowering softly as he took his hand in hers.
“[F/N]... I promise you. I’d never ever leave you alone.” His words flowed with confidence, prompting her to look up at him as she sniffed her stuffy nose.
“Then promise me you’ll get back, and you’ll marry me once this war is over.” [F/N] had stuttered out, watching as his face suddenly burst with color. His hold on her hand had faltered, yet ultimately, under a trembling tone, he’d promised her.
She still would laugh occasionally, shaking her head as she sighed quietly. Goodness, she would’ve much rather had proposed in a more romantic setting, yet the overflowing emotions had made other plans. In the end though, they had indeed waited for the war to be over, Gorou returning to Watatsumi Island. Resting was necessary first and foremost, and after the fact, [F/N] had begun making preparations for their wedding, consulting with her beloved whenever he had time.
She was positively ecstatic, and even though she could most definitely notice the nervous gleam on her boyfriend’s face, he’d reassured her over and over he’d be fine. Gorou had always been a little more antsy when it came to more intimate subjects, yet [F/N] respected and loved him all the same. 
She’d already sent out the invitations for their friends and family to come attend the ceremony, and amongst them was one of their closest mutual friends, Kaedehara Kazuha. He was due to reach land any day now, just in time for the wedding to take place under the blessing of their Divine Priestess, who, to [F/N], appeared happy for them.
Just as she wrapped up for the day, the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard, the cloth being moved to the side before a familiar voice called out.
“Hello, [F/N]. I hope I’m not intruding?” Kazuha called out with a warm smile, watching as the woman turned around to greet him with joy.
“Kazuha! You made it!” She quickly approached him, the friends enveloping in a tight embrace as they swayed to one side, then the other. They laughed in unison for a moment, retreating from the hug before she glanced at him with palpable happiness. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been doing great, thank you.” He nodded politely, a hand resting on her shoulder. “Thank you for the invite, I wouldn’t miss the ceremony for nothing.”
“Oh, please. We couldn’t not invite you nor the rest of the crew!” [F/N] beamed in response, inviting him to take a quick stroll throughout the beautiful Watatsumi landscape that surrounded her working station.
“How have you been? And Gorou, as well?” He quizzed, smiling as he glanced around, basking in the ethereal beauty of the island.
“We’ve been doing great. The injured soldiers have been recovering well, and Gorou’s been talking about some possible jobs he’s been considering on taking after retiring as a general - speaking of which… I still haven’t seen him today. He’s been rather busy…”
“There’s still a lot he must do, I presume?” Kazuha innocently assumed, watching as the man’s girlfriend nodded her head with confidence. “Even if peace has been achieved, him and Lady Sangonomiya are certainly still wrapping everything up to ensure the security of Watatsumi Island.”
“Mhm. I deeply admire them both.” The woman sighed with a content smile, watching as the nearest village to them bustled with activity, people actively putting their best effort as they worked their day away. “We’re lucky to have them here in Watatsumi Island.”
Kazuha nodded, smiling still. “How have the preparations for the wedding been going?”
“Oh,” Her shoulders tensed slightly, a dust of pink decorating her cheeks. “Mostly well. Gorou has been a little hesitant with making any mutual decisions, but he’s been ensuring me he’ll be content with whatever choices I make.”
“Nervous, mhm?” He’d chuckled, shaking his head slightly. He’d offered his friend a kind expression, a friendly pat on her back to accompany it. “If you need any assistance, I’m here to aid.”
“Kazuha, there’s no need-” Her eyes widened in surprise. “Though, of course, I deeply appreciate it! I just don’t want to burden our guests with boring wedding preparations.”
“Please, it’s not a burden.” He shook his head vigorously, palm placing against his chest as he bowed his head. “I simply wish to offer my support to two friends whom I cherish a lot.”
“Ah,” [F/N] couldn’t help but smile, chest beaming with joy. Kazuha was just precious. “Thank you, truly!"
It felt like a relief to have a friend helping with whatever last minute preparations were needed, and Kazuha offered insight [F/N] hadn't even considered when thinking by herself. The days were counting down quickly, and despite both being utterly busy, she sought her soon-to-be-husband every night, hoping to spend some time with him under the stars. He seemed more bashful than what was to be expected of the otherwise professional general, yet under the immense love and hopes [F/N] carried, she could only view him through rose tinted glasses.
"Tomorrow’s the day,” She’d breathed out, a smile accompanying the deep blush that adorned her pretty cheeks. She shyly held his hand, fingers playing with his ones as they remained together, walking slowly across the fields of their Island. “How are you feeling?”
“U-Uh,” He’d breathed out sharply, blue gaze averting hers as he looked into the horizon. His hand hesitated to find her own, to his side his girlfriend waiting patiently for his response. 
“Nervous?” His fiancé quietly responded for him, watching as his tail and ears lowered in what she had assumed was vulnerability.
“I-I suppose that’s normal?” Gorou answered in a trembling tone, heart clenching as he felt her hold his hand tighter, squeezing him in a reassuring manner.
“Of course it is!” [F/N] responded, bringing herself closer before hugging him from his side. “I too am a little nervous… It’s a very important day, after all. But I’m sure everything will go well.”
“Mhm…” He’d nodded, eyes still out to the sea. It wasn’t long before they retired for the night, the following day beginning bright and early.
[F/N] had the help of friends preparing for the ceremony, the garbs proving a little difficult to get rightfully assorted. To a general and a medical assistant, such things were rather confusing to understand, and as such, a few of her closest female friends were quick to jump in and help making sure everything was rightfully prepared.
“No, no, this layer is under here-” An older woman was heard saying, taking the lead while [F/N] had her makeup applied and hair done.
She couldn’t be happier. As she watched herself through the mirror, she could feel her heart racing, eyes gazing back at herself as the echoing sound of the waves could be heard not far. Her mind wandered back to a particular event, not long after the war had ceased. She remembered taking a stroll through the pearly sands with Gorou, hands held together as their arms swayed softly, with rhythm. They held their shoes with their other hands, chatting and laughing before coming to a stop on a deserted spot and placing them to the side. Their feet were washed with the soothing waves as the cool waters brushed against them, the two gazing out into the horizon as they spoke of their hopes and dreams.
“I can’t believe we’ve won…” He’d confided in her, voice going more quiet as she offered him a reassuring squeeze. “I can’t believe I’m back in one piece, while so many…”
“Gorou… They would’ve wanted you to carry on.” [F/N] spoke softly, watching as he took a deep breath before nodding. Quietly, she passed him a few flowers, offering him a quiet and reassuring smile before he held her closer.
“Thank you.” He’d sighed softly, the two turning to the sea before praying together. “To a brighter future for Watatsumi Island.”
“Yes, for a brighter future.” She’d repeated, the two of them then taking a moment for their silent wishes. 
“For a bright future with you, my Gorou.” She thought to herself, the pair throwing their flowers to the calming sea.
“You look radiant!” The welcomed voice to Kazuha beamed as he cut her off from her daydream. His face quickly shifted to confusion though, as the women urged him to leave them to prepare the bride.
“No, it’s okay!” She laughed with great joy, welcoming him inside. Turning in her seat, he took his hands in hers, smiling back before promising her helpers he wouldn’t be long.
“I just wanted to give you my sincerest congratulations one more time,” He proclaimed, his soul beaming with happiness simply to see his friend so happy. “May your marriage be blessed, and may the wind guide you both to happiness.”
“Thank you, Kazuha. We both deeply thank you.” [F/N] smiled, tearing up with emotions before having one of her friends frantically clean the corners of her eyes.
“Ah, no crying now! I just applied the eyeshadow, too!” She retorted lightheartedly, the bride chuckling quietly before murmuring excuses. 
The room remained in high spirits for the entirety of the morning, [F/N] soon being fully prepared as her side of the wedding party remained oblivious to what was to come. Kazuha helped her and the rest of the party in bringing everything else needed to the shrine, where the ceremony was expected to take place. The bride was kept securely out of her groom’s sight, wishing to surprise him with her appearance as the ceremony was set to begin. Her legs couldn’t remain still, the woman clearly giddy to see her beloved as she finally tied the knot with him. Her hands grasped the shiromuku she wore, quietly nipping at her lower lip as Kazuha offered to remain close until the time came.
The sun was high before time had finally arrived, [F/N] waiting patiently to be signaled that the ceremony would begin with her arrival. She waited, and waited, time moved on, yet she patiently told herself delays were bound to occur. Many women who’d been married before her warned her of so, how schedules for weddings were very difficult to pull off without any bumps, so she didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. Her eyes were curiously gazing around, watching from afar the guests that waited as well, idly chatting away as even Beidou and her crew sat amongst the crowd. 
It wasn’t until a soldier approached them, more precisely approached Kazuha, that an alarm rang inside her head. The samurai approached the young man after excusing himself from her side, the bride watching as they turned their backs on her before discussing something in private. [F/N] watched closely, Kazuha remaining calm in his body language before looking at the man with an indecipherable expression. He curtly nodded before they were left alone again, returning to his friend’s side as he cleared his throat.
“What’s the matter? Is everything alright?” [F/N] inquired softly, her head tilting slightly before watching him nod his head.
“Yes, no need to worry,” Kazuha focused his hardest to pull his calm demeanor off, waving over one of her friends that had helped her prepare for her wedding. “I only need to leave for a moment, they need me to help with something else. I’ll be back shortly, yes?”
“Oh, alright,” He watched with a clenching heart as she smiled his way. “Don’t take too long! The ceremony should begin at any moment.”
“Right,” He breathed out, and before anything else was said, he was gone, leaving the two women to converse while he was away.
As soon as [F/N] was out of his sight, Kazuha’s expression shifted to both horror and confusion. He could hardly believe the soldier when he’d hurried told him, how nobody could find the groom on his damned wedding day. In honesty, the wandering samurai stood currently more worried for his friend than anything, his will to believe in his friends until the very end keeping him moving as he joined with the others.
“I’m here,” He’d breathed out, the men gazing at him with just as worried expressions. “No one has seen Gorou, is that true?”
“W-We’re afraid so,” One man stuttered out, fingers running through his dark hair as they all looked at one another. “Last we heard, he was finishing getting ready in his montsuki… He requested he needed a minute, a-and we obliged- You know, thinking he just needed a breather!”
“Of course, it’s none of your fault,” Kazuha reassured the men, trying to remain level headed on amidst the confusion. “Still, this isn’t like him. We need to find him, and ensure he’s safe before [F/N] hears of this. Last thing we want is to stress her out more than she already is.”
“Right!” The men were quick to reply, soon scattering before searching all across the vicinity, and even further beyond into the island. 
Some even went as far as going further south, closing in on Gorou’s personal quarters in their search of him. Kazuha aided in the search of course, discreetly requesting Beidou and the other members of the crew to distract [F/N] while they sorted everything out. Even though his hope for his friend shone brightly, something in the pit of his stomach told him this was very wrong. Something wasn’t right, the wind blew to his ear. He could feel his heartbeat increasing as he moved swiftly, dedicating his search near the main shrine in hopes of spotting his friend.
“Lady Sangonomiya?! Goodness, Lady Sangonomiya, where have you gone!” He heard one of the shrine maidens shout out, his eyes gluing on the figure before approaching. Kazuha could watch as other maidens gathered around the older woman, all with horror written on their faces as she held a crumpled piece of paper in her hand. 
“What’s the matter?” Kazuha’s voice could be heard, his gaze narrowing ever so slightly as he watched the women jump in unison upon realizing his arrival. “Did Lady Sangonomiya hide somewhere?” 
“L-Lord Kaedehara,” One of the shrine maidens murmured, the long sleeves hiding her nervous expression as she was quickly ordered to hush. It didn’t go unnoticed by him, however, who reached their side with an equally worried expression. 
“Kazuha is alright,” He quickly corrected, before searching for answers with the women. “[F/N] has told me she has a little hideout where she often spends some time alone, have you searched in there?”
“We have searched everywhere,” The older woman sighed in defeat, her head shaking as her tone trembled with both anger and disappointment. “We cannot find the Divine Priestess, and-”
“She’s missing too?” He breathed out, his heart growing heavier as he subconsciously pieced everything together.
“Oh no- He knows-” Someone behind the maidens facing him squeaked, his head rapidly turning in her direction before she cowered away in horror.
“Know what?” Kazuha quickly questioned, his normally warm gaze narrowing before turning to the elder maiden. 
Seeing no reason to attempt to fix the chaos that had ensued, the woman’s expression faltered, Kazuha’s following with sheer surprise as he waited for a verbal explanation. The shrine maidens murmured to one another, words of disbelief rippling through the air as they all voiced their discontentment with the outcome. 
“Lord Kaedehara,” her eyebrows furrowed as she finally ceased to attempt hiding the letter she held in her hand. The woman carefully passed it to him, watching as he moved slowly to take it in his grasp. “I… I’m most regretful to give you this, yet… We found this in Lady Sangonomiya’s quarters not long ago this morning.”
Kazuha carefully flipped the letter open, the delicate penmanship being a clue of its authenticity. His gaze scanned through the words Kokomi had written, expression shifting as his heart churned in horror to what he read. His mind attempted to process what was before him, all the while the women discussed in a hushed hurry just how they were supposed to go on from there.
“To whoever finds this letter, me and Gorou have decided to elope. Looking for us is futile, for whenever this is found amidst my personal headquarters, we’ve long gone. I regret for you all to have to find out like this, and to you all, I sincerely apologize. To [F/N], I apologize even more, yet neither of us can deny the love we feel for one another. For all that we’ve been through, we’ve come to terms that we do not wish to solely remain as friends, but what we feel transcends beyond that. I hope you may all learn to forgive us for this selfish act, but the heart wants what it wants.
Yours truly, your Divine Priestess
Sangonomiya Kokomi”
What had he just read, Kazuha repeatedly thought to himself. He couldn’t hide his disbelief, never having even entertained the thought of either of them being able to stab their friend on her back. His heart clenched for [F/N], the way she’d voiced her admiration for them both crossing back in his mind. [F/N]... His head turned around to look at them, trying to come back to earth to quickly deal with the situation.
“Are we absolutely sure you’ve looked everywhere for Lady Sangonomiya?” He inquired, his grip on the letter tightening to a point where his hand slightly trembled.
“Y-Yes, we haven’t yet found her nor General Gorou.”
“We must leave for the island’s harbor- We may yet still be able to catch them before they flee.” He frantically explained to them, the maidens hastily nodding their heads before trying to successfully deal with the situation. 
The women dispatched some of Gorou’s soldiers, hastily explaining the situation to them before they were off to the small harbor they had built on their island. Panic was rapidly building up, disbelief and even disgust for their general’s actions spreading through the soldiers that attempted to find them both before it was too late.
Kazuha himself joined the search, wishing to bring them to reason before everything crumbled to pieces. All he could think about was his worry for [F/N], who for all he knew, still waited for her fiancé by the altar. As he passed by the front of the shrine, his eyes crossed with Beidou’s, who quickly deduced something was deeply wrong. His mind panicked, not for the Captain of his ship knowing, but for not seeing [F/N] by her side. 
“What’s happening out there, Kazuha?” Beidou had asked him, arms folding across her chest as her face frowned in worry. 
“It’s a horrible mess,” He’d confessed, fingers resting against his temple as he looked around. “Where’s [F/N]? Did she leave your side?”
“She was growing worried for General Gorou, it was becoming harder to keep her anchored to her spot.” She reasoned, head shaking from side to side as she continued. “Then, we heard some shrine maidens pass by, murmuring about their Priestess being missing too. What’s that all about?”
Kazuha bit the inside of his cheek, his head spinning with worry as he cursed their predicament. It wouldn’t take long for gossip to flow back to [F/N], her finding out the tragic truth in the absolutely worst way possible. As he fumbled with his sleeve to take out the letter he still held, he sighed heavily to Beidou.
“Do you know which way she went?” He hastily inquired, presenting her the crumbled letter.
“That way, I believe.” Beidou pointed to the way where they’d come from before reaching the ceremonial sight, hesitantly taking the piece of paper.
“This should give you a brief idea of what is happening. Please, do your best to contain the gossip, I promise I’ll make it up to you for this ordeal.” He sighed before he was gone with the wind, his feet carrying him swiftly through the soil of the island.
His heart was beating wildly in his chest, breathing rapidly as he looked every possible way for the sight of [F/N]. His mind raced with all possible scenarios, hoping he wouldn’t be too late to still shield her from finding out in a terrible manner. Kazuha found himself cursing repeatedly, trying to find any possible reasoning as to why Gorou would ever think of betraying his lover in such a bitter fashion. 
His feet came to a halt as he reached the small village in which [F/N] resided, the sight of her elegantly dressed figure appearing in the distance as she looked around. He found himself sighing in temporary relief, her expression appearing far too calm for someone who would’ve found out what had transpired earlier that morning.
“[F/N]!” He’d beckoned her, watching as she turned around with a worried expression. To her side were two women, her closest confidants as they helped her search on her own whilst ensuring her bridal gown remained undirtied.
“Kazuha! Have you seen Gorou anywhere?” She hastily reached his side, the samurai taking her hands in his. Her glimmering gaze jumped around still, his heart clenching within his ribcage as it broke in her name. “I’ve heard he’s been gone for a while… Surely he’s just trying to gather his thoughts, but I’m getting worried…”
“[F/N], I…” He found his words choking him, unsure of how to even tackle the situation. The way she eyed him nearly broke him, the thought of having to break the news to her sounding far too cruel. Yet all the same, his friend deserved to know the truth, bringing him to an awkward position. The otherwise eloquent poet found himself in a stalemate, unsure on how to voice himself for once. 
“If I find either of them they’re dead meat!” A sudden roar could be heard, Kazuha flinching quietly as he watched [F/N] turn her gaze to where the voices could be heard.
In the distance Beidou could be seen, hastily making her way to where the Crux had been anchored for the time being. Her men followed right behind her, an aura of pure anger emanating from them as everything seemed to come to a standstill.
“Kazuha?... What’s happening?” [F/N]’s voice lowered, seeking answers on the face of her close friend.
He took a breath in, eyes closing for a mere moment. “[F/N]... I can’t believe I’ll have to be the one to break the news to you, but-”
“Is Gorou alright?!” She cut him off, her voice trembling as her grip on his hands tightened.
Kazuha’s heart finally broke for her, her worry for him no longer being justified. For all he cared, his friend’s getaway ship could sink at that very moment, for he no longer viewed him as the valiant general he once thought he was. He nodded his head, gazing to the girls that remained by their side before quietly telling them to give them a moment alone.
“As far as we’re aware he’s alright, but… Here, let’s take a seat okay?” He calmly suggested, bringing her to the side before they sat together on the steps that led to their humble house. Kazuha continued to hold her hands, looking to the ground for a solid moment before finally coming out with it. “[F/N], I’m so sorry. But the truth is, we believe that Gorou and Lady Sangonomiya have… Ran away, and eloped together.”
Kazuha’s experiences in his rather rough life couldn’t have ever prepared him for the way he watched his friend break in front of him. Her expression, at first starting calm yet worried, slowly warped to confusion, disbelief, then finally hitting hard with all the sorrow and anguish.
“W…What?” She’d let out in a trembling voice, the tears rapidly building up in her eyes. “S-Surely you’re kidding… Right? This has to be a big misunderstanding… Right?”
The way Kazuha eyed her quietly was enough of an answer for her. His usually warm smile was replaced with an empathetic frown, his calloused thumbs stroking the back of her hands as she slowly let go of his hands. 
“No… N-No, no I simply can’t believe that, surely there’s another explanation for this… Right Kazuha? Right?... He…” Kazuha’s hands slowly reached for her face, stroking her cheeks as his thumbs wiped her tears away. “He would never… They’d never?...”
“I’m so sorry, [F/N]... I really am sorry…” He quietly murmured, his forehead resting against her own as he hushed her softly, her hands gripping against his wrists as they remained there.
“How… How did you find out? Why did they do this?... Why…” [F/N] was downright sobbing at that point, her tears overflowing his attempts to hold them back, running down her reddened cheeks as they dripped down to her until then immaculate shiromuku. 
“Lady Sangonomiya left a letter in her quarters explaining their absence.” He explained with a soothing tone, eyebrows furrowed in pain as she lowered her head, hiccuping in anguish.
“How could they do this!...” [F/N] muttered, her anger coming out choked amidst her sobs as her voice cracked. Her words came out slurred amidst her sobs, Kazuha gently rocking her from side to side as he hushed her calmly. “I trusted them! I thought that… That he loved me… How could he…”
Her friends were rushing back with panic in their eyes, having too heard of the terrible news. Their hands held their kimonos slightly up so they could run, yet when they found the two of them on the set of stairs, the two women stopped moving. They shared a glance with Kazuha, the man quietly asking for them to remain back. It was too late, and [F/N] had finally come to learn of the bitter truth of her once-to-be-husband. 
She’d been left at the altar, a fate no bride ever wished to experience.
“He’s horrible! He’s… D-Despicable! I hate him!” [F/N] sobbed louder, her nose puffy as she sniffled against Kazuha’s warm embrace. He was still attempting to dry her tears, his hands offering her a droplet of comfort amidst the sea of sorrows she felt.
“He is.” The samurai agreed with her, his own tone low as he urged her to let it all out. “He’s the absolute worst, undeserving of you, [F/N]...”
“How could he betray me like this! HOW COULD HE!” [F/N] finally screamed it out, finding solace in his arms as he held her tightly. His hand came to rest atop her head, stroking through her elaborately done hair as he continued to rock them gently. Kazuha’s chin rested against her, biting his tongue before he would say even worse things about his previous friend. Instead, he hushed her softly, providing the needed comfort as his gaze wandered into the distance.
What was supposed to be the happiest day of her life quickly turned into possibly one of the worst. No longer did Watatsumi Island feel like home for [F/N], no longer did the once beautiful scenery feel like where she belonged. The home she once shared with her beloved now felt disgusting, her love for it turning into desire to watch it burn. No longer was their house filled with laughter, it now drowned with a sea of tears as she hastily gathered every important item she owned. Every picture of them was broken, the shiromuku she’d worn on their supposed wedding day was sealed back into a box and thrown to a corner. 
For a few days the Crux had remained in Watatsumi by Kazuha’s request, both offering [F/N] their condolences and remaining on the lookout for either of the bastards that had caused her broken heart. Everything seemed to move in a blur, days becoming dull in the otherwise picturesque island… Thankfully, amidst the heartbreak, a beacon of light manifested itself in Kazuha, remaining by her side for as long as she needed to think of what to do next. He remained there, palm on her back, suggesting ideas for what to do next. [F/N] couldn’t thank enough for his presence, for he helped her gradually come to terms with her new reality.
And as the Crux fleet finally raised their anchor from the harbor, [F/N] gazed back one final time. She’d made up her mind, she was no longer at home in a place where she’d been betrayed by the two people she admired the most. As the ship finally began to sail, her hair blew in the wind, tears threatening to fall once more before she wiped them away. Nearby remained Kazuha, her gaze glued to her back as he silently offered his support in whatever decision she decided to make. In her hand, a lonesome flower blew with the breeze, her gentle grasp letting it fall before inevitably falling to the sea.
“For a brighter future… On my own.”
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sagstelliums · 1 year
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(Top to bottom) advice from crystals
Pile 1
I see that malachite, garnet, and chrysoprase has a message for you. Garnet wants to let u know that if things look rough or things look like it will never get better it’s a sign of change and a rebirth is coming, do what you can to soothe yourself and stay grounded. Take these obstacles as a lesson, See where the pain comes from and see what you can do in ur situation. keep fighting and stay persistent. Chrysoprase wants to let you know that it’s okay to feel pessimistic sometimes but beware of letting your emotions control ur actions, learn how to deal with ur emotions in a healthy way and transmute ur anger/pain. Malachite wants you to focus on healing past trauma especially in your childhood, let go of whatever doesn’t serve you and be open to change. Signs- Scorpio, Sagittarius, libra. Initials- P, C, T, V, F, K, J
Pile 2
I see you have messages from Angelite , green fluorite, and dumortierite. Angelite wants you to know that there are powerful sources that u can’t see and you should connect with them as they try to connect with u, listen to your intuition and try meditation or something that brings u peace/grounds you. Green flourite wants you to accept the things that you can’t control and be more open minded, do things that make you happy or find a new hobby. Dumortierite wants you to work on ur patience and self discipline, try to find something that benefits you and brings u joy. Signs- Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio. initials- V, Y, I, P
Pile 3
I see that you have messages from Smoky quart, sodalite, rose quartz, and turquoise. Smoky quartz wants you to know that you can’t ignore things and push them to the back of ur subconscious, your subconscious may be trying to tell you that u need to handle something instead of putting it off. Listen to ur intuition and do some shadow work, sodalite wants you to connect to ur spirituality and intuition more. Continue to ground yourself as you ascend, rose quartz wants you to be more compassionate to yourself and others. Turquoise wants you to focus on balancing your feminine and masculine energy,find the courage to get out tough situations and don’t make excuses for yourself. Signs- Leo, Aquarius, Taurus. Initials- Y, T, Q, F, P, N, E, A, I
Pile 4
I see that blue howlite, citrine, and amethyst have a message for u. I see that amethyst wants u to pay attention more to ur feminine side, focus on healing and letting go of fears. Blue howlite wants you to know that you have what it takes to be successful but u gotta be confident and ambitious, citrine wants you to control ur temper and learn how to handle tough situations. Signs- Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo. Initials- M, E, O, C, I
Personal readings always available, please watch my 18+ pick a card reading on YouTube
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 2 years
Younger Gods: Epilogue 1 (The Storm God's Name)
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18+ Smut! With FEELINGS!
Younger Gods Master List
Morpheus x female!reader (this one specifically mentions female parts, so I've marked it female as opposed to fem)
Summary: Dream finally finds his name for the little storm god.
A/N: Several people asked for this while I was working on it, so cheers! Epilogue requests are still open.
Epilogue 1: The Storm God's Name
She’d been home for a week, with her rain and her wind and her tea.
Not that she wanted for tea in the Dreaming. After she woke, once she’d calmed - There was something around her neck – Taliesin sprang into action. He went to the kitchens personally, just to make her first cuppa after her ordeal with his own two hands.
He’d needed to do something.
And he’d needed an excuse to leave her alone with Dream.
Hot tears flooded her eyes, and she’d whimpered as they rolled in scalding lines down her cheeks. Embarrassed, but still too terrified to stop them, she laid helpless under Dream’s discerning eyes, trying to piece together the fractured end of her memories.
They hadn’t discussed what they shared as she slept. Not the whispers. Not the kiss.
But as he explained what happened after she lost consciousness on the beach, told her of the thorn that kept Alberich’s ghost tethered to her flesh and soul, he held her hands. He cleaned away the tears with long, slow strokes of cool fingers, and he hovered near as he soothed her through lingering caresses over her hair.
The promise held. The intent – though deferred by her mangled neck and flagging energy – remained.
Her recovery took two full months, and Taliesin rarely left her side for longer than it took to make a cup of tea. The Dream Lord only left when his duties called him away, and the relief in his eyes each time he returned to find her in the same state as he left her told her more than words ever could.
Every brush of knuckles, each lingering look assured her she hadn’t imagined the shift in their relationship. He cared for her like someone who already belonged to him, a lover, even though they’d only kissed once. In a dream at the edge of consciousness. He murmured praise and comfort when Taliesin changed her bandages and cared for her wounds. He gave her wounded looks if she so much as hesitated to eat. He simply kept her company, sitting at her side when fatigue weighed heavy, when she had nothing to say but didn’t want to be alone.
Eventually, the damage healed. She walked and talked and ran again, and when the bandages came off for the final time, he allowed her to leave. She had her own realm to attend to, and she was sure it had all gone brittle and dry without the rain.
Dream took her home with Taliesin in a whirl of sand, like phantom arms that cradled her safe and close on the trip between worlds. She was almost disappointed when they arrived outside her cottage.
But, before he left again, she dared reach for his hand first. Quickly, sprinting past her fears before they had time to persuade her she’d misinterpreted his care, that this was a border he’d not invited her to cross.
And instead of pulling away or throwing her off, he turned his hand in hers, palm to palm, and laced their fingers together.
“What is it?” He asked so softly, like he still had her blood crusted under his nails. Loss came too near for him to readily forget, and she wondered if the two months of cautious, continuous touches hadn’t been for her benefit alone. They’d both needed time to recover.
Perhaps, he still needed more.
She looked at their entwined hands. Felt his grip. His skin on hers. It was alright, she decided. He could have all the time in the world. She’d hold onto this, even in memory, while she waited.
“You have a key.”
The word pooled like honey, and was it her imagination, or did his voice drop a little lower when he answered? She chanced a glance at his eyes – deep and dark, fixed on her, daring her to swim a little closer and be consumed. Gulping, she found she couldn’t look away, and she blinked – a little dazed – when he smirked at her reaction.
She still had things she very much wanted to say, though.
“Use it. When you can.” His thumb swept up her inner wrist, and she lost her train of thought for a moment. “Please.”
Using their linked hands, he urged her a step closer. If they lost any more space, more than hands would touch. Maybe that was the point, and when he leaned down to whisper in her ear, his unruly hair tickled her cheek.
“Wait for me.”
He barely pulled back, watching her, hungry for her answer. But his breath had rolled down her neck, and he remained close enough to smell – sandalwood and cedar, ripe pomegranates and orchids, a thousand things she couldn’t name. Only imagine.
It left her tongue-tied, and she could only nod. She would wait forever so long as she had his assurance he’d return. Forever and a day, even. It would be worth it.
He’d kissed her knuckles with that smirk and then disappeared to the Dreaming.
Inside, hands full of cups and kettle over a freshly laid fire, Taliesin asked, “Did he kiss you goodbye?”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Speaking of fucking, you two should make plans to christen that bed you never sleep in.”
She threw the first thing in reach – a metal travel mug she liked to take on her longer walks – and it pinged off the wall by his head. A near miss. It only encouraged him, and they spent the better part of the first night turning the living space into a warzone rather than settling back in.
Despite that, the bard kept her company for three more days, checking and triple checking she was settled and comfortable. By the time he stepped off to the waking world – “Even I have affairs to consider every now and again. I’ll stop in and be a bother in a month or two” – her world had regrown. Fresh leaves on the trees, new moss creeping over the stone wall, and thunder in the distance.
It was quiet, though, on her own.
On the seventh day, officially a week into her wait for Dream to return, she took the old hang drum Taliesin once brought to keep them entertained for a long winter and set it outside. She needed a voice other than her own.
The turtle-shaped instrument sang under the rain.
A random melody hummed through the metal, each note rippling over the next as precipitation struck the drum, overlapping like rings in a pond. It glittering with rounded droplets clinging to the places they fell, reflecting the overcast sky. Rainfall pattered in the background. On the roof, over the stone walkway, into the grass. A full orchestra for her to enjoy.
She sat in the open doorway to listen. To breathe in the fresh air, kept dry by a precious few inches of overhanging roof.
She couldn’t see which divots the water struck, and it made the song a mystery. Something apart from her. It could’ve been alive. A magic she didn’t control or create. Hypnotizing. Just the ticket for a lonely afternoon.
As she sat appreciating her new musical friend, the hang drum, the lock rattled in the door behind her. She jumped to her feet, just inside, clearing the way as it swung shut and sealed the magical link connecting her cottage to whatever door in whatever world the key-user came from. She could still hear the soft reverberations of the song outside through the windows, but the space behind the door when quiet as the key turned.
It was too early for Taliesin’s return. Hope and excitement fluttered in her heart. In her belly.
Hinges creaked, and a pale hand appeared, resting on the latch. Framed in her doorway, Dream looked like… well… a dream. In the moment before he stepped through and closed the door, she could see a glimpse of his realm, and their two worlds merged. Only for a heartbeat, but she liked the idea of it, that they were so close. Only a room away, without the void and long roads between.
She realized she’d let the silence sit a little too long, just staring up into his bright eyes, lost to her thoughts. Heat swept up her neck, and she looked down, chewing her lip. Her embarrassment couldn’t kill her blooming smile, though.
“Hello.” His voice turned each syllable golden sweet, reaching deep to strike sparks over ready fuel. He stepped a little further into the room. She hadn’t left the place she jumped to when the door swung shut, and that one little step brought him very close indeed.
His polished black boots gleamed, inches away from her bare toes. If she didn’t look up now, she might never find the courage, so she threw back her head, lifting her chin. So she could see him. So he could see her.
He cocked his head, eyeing her like a raven with something shiny left unattended. The smirk crept back, rising to his eyes, shifting his entire posture as the hang drum played through the growing rain. It wasn’t a tune to dance to, barely a tune at all, but it tugged at her soul, and she imagined Dream could see it floating in her eyes, unmoored and reaching.
His stars glowed in reply.
“I still have no name by which to call you.” He spoke softly, the edge of self-satisfied amusement at what he could do to her without brushing a hair on her head overshowed by a deeper, gentler interest.
The intensity left her heart a fluttering mess, and her smile flickered wide, unsteady but hopeful.
“Are you asking for one?”
Somehow, he moved closer.
She sidled back, a little overwhelmed by her fizzing feelings and the heat sneaking its way through her core. Instinct and habit drove the move, but when he followed her, eyes darkening, she realized she’d started a game.
“That isn’t how it works.”
As if he didn’t know, as if he hadn’t heard the name his own raven gave her, he raised his eyebrows.
Shaking her head, she caught a giggle halfway up her throat. Was she supposed to laugh? Would he be offended? She continued the teasing exchange, with word and deed as she moved backwards, deeper into the cottage.
Her back met a wall, and jolting clarity shot through her glee like lightning. Even as her body turned warm, as her dawning hunger tried to drive logic from her remaining thoughts, she recognized all the conversations they hadn’t shared.
She didn’t know how to ask him. If he wanted what she wanted. If this was real and good or a fantasy that could destroy her. She thought she knew, but she also spent years thinking herself free of the collar. Maybe she was weak and needy, but only he could tell her, and she desperately needed reassurance beyond a beautiful dream in the wake of a brush with death.
While she tried keeping her tone light, flirtatious, her vulnerability crept over the words like a whisper. “You have to give me one.”
Closing all the distance she’d put between them, having followed her across the room with wildly different intent than the last time he’d cornered her alone like this, Dream took a deep breath and lifted his hand. It settled along her jaw, holding it up so she wouldn’t bow to temptation and study their feet again.
“Then I must think carefully.” The faintest pressure guided her face to the side, then back again, like he’d find the right name written in freckles or baby hairs along her skin. Or maybe, the hunger in his eyes suggested, he was looking for the best place to begin his meal. She was sure he felt her trembling, and she hoped he knew it wasn’t from fear.
“I confess, I’ve considered many in the past days, but – I know what name I must call you.” He inched nearer and nearer as he spoke, until his breath whispered over her lips. His eyes moved from her mouth to her eyes and back again, face bent in concentration. Here was something important, a line he couldn’t step back from once crossed. Terrible, beautiful, and binding.
His thumb swept up her cheek, an echo of his care during her recovery, of the promise without words.
The time had come for those words. Or – at least – one.
He hovered near enough to kiss, the void between them as thin as the boundaries between their worlds. With both hands on her face, keeping her close, on the verge of pulling her closer, he gave her a name.
She surged forward to meet him in their second kiss, and like he’d been waiting for her permission, his hands moved from her face, slipping over her arms and under her ribs. His broad grip curled around her waist. Holding her like something of his. With equal measures of care and possessiveness, he brought her flush with his chest, so all she could see when she looked up was his face, his endless eyes twinkling above her when she broke away to breathe. Each breath pushed her chest against his, and the flowing heat within curled, burning hotter as it stole the air she’d just reclaimed.
He only gave her a moment before demanding more. His lips glided over hers, shaping to match, moving to find new angles, inventive ways to coax her into a sigh to he could slip his tongue past her guard. Not that her guard was up, exactly, but he had the benefit of experience, and he wielded it well, introducing new depths and sensations before she had a hope of recovering from the last.
Clearly, he planned on making her his beloved in both word and deed that day.
His steady hands guided her back as he continued his mission to kiss her senseless. He did such a good job, she didn’t realize they’d entered her bedroom until he broke away to close the door. She didn’t have a chance to miss his touch – he grabbed her like the parting burned him.
Her hands fluttered over his shoulders, his chest, up his neck to his hair. Finally, one palm caressed his cheek, and he broke the kiss again to press his lips against her fingers. One arm curled around her back, hand splayed between her shoulder blades, trying to hold as much of her as he could. It reminded her of the night in the chime woods, when he’d tried to comfort her in the storm. This time, though, there was no caution, no hesitation in his touch. It wasn’t an offering of support, but a demand for more.
Looking down at her through his lashes, he translated the demand from touch to language.
“May I have you?” He kissed her palm. “Beloved.”
She worried for a second that she couldn’t speak, that she’d lost the ability somewhere between the front door and her room. But she licked her lips – he eyed the motion with interest – and managed an answer.
“Yes. If I may have you.”
A third kiss to her open hand, and he took a half-step back. His nimble fingers worked down to the hem of her bulky sweater, and lifted it up, over her head, encouraging her to lift her arms so he could take it off in a single, swift move. Goosebumps raced down her arms, and she remembered she wasn’t wearing a bra under her camisole as her nipples took sharp and sudden objection at the change in temperature.
But his hands didn’t return to lift the second hem. They rested on her neck. Over her scarf.
She stiffened, but his hands stayed soft, waiting for permission as he peered into her eyes. He knew what he was doing. He understood the pain and discomfort hiding under the fabric. One of her few lingering fears.
“May I?”
She could say no. She even considered it. But she knew why he was asking, and it wasn’t to humiliate her, to dig up new secrets to gawk and laugh over. Hadn’t he seen her scars already? He’d helped Taliesin with her bandages often enough.
She’d seen him literally naked and afraid in the chariot. That was a special kind of vulnerability he hadn’t volunteered, but he’d accepted what she’d seen. Accepted her. And now he wanted to be the safe harbor for her own fears. He wanted to have her. All of her. Even this.
This time, she really couldn’t find her words. She took his hand and tentatively guided it to one end of the scarf, showing him where to begin, and softly nodded her consent.
He accepted her permission with all the gravity it was owed, tenderly lifting the mask she hid behind one loop at a time. He pulled it over her head, unspooling it carefully so it didn’t drag over her sensitive scars. Inch by inch, he revealed the grisly horror the collar had made of her neck. On a deep, personal level, it represented every bad thing to ever happen in her life. On a shallow, but just as personal level, she knew it was ugly, and she really, really didn’t want to be ugly in his eyes.
When the tail end finally fell away from her skin, her hands turned to fists, resisting the urge to cover what he’d revealed. She missed her sweater sleeves.
He soothed the urge on her behalf. When he swooped in, she expected a kiss, but he slipped past her mouth, under her jaw, to the whorls and bumps of flesh torn, healed, and torn again too many times to count. His lips brushed over the mess.
It felt wonderful, like a burst of sun on a cloudy winter day, and she gasped, seizing the lapels of his coat as she melted into him.
Smiling against her skin, he pressed firmer, open-mouthed kisses from chin to ear, lavishing every mark he could reach with equal attention. He held her to him by the hips, squeezing, running the tips of his fingers along the narrow strip of skin between jeans and top.
She only realized he’d hiked her cami up to her chest when his knuckles dragged along the outer curve of her breast. The tiniest moan escaped, and Dream lifted his head so she could actually see his smirk this time.
The camisole came off. His hands returned. They settled on her back, and she escaped the chill inside his embrace, though she couldn’t help noticing how many clothes he still had on as his fingertips wandered in growing circles.
They were moving again, and this time she could guess where. As they approached the bed, his lips worked over her naked shoulder, dropping little kisses and licks while his hands swooped along her sides. With every step, they came closer to their goal.
Her knees folded when she hit the side of the bed, but Dream caught her, hands close enough to shift and support her head and neck as he lowered her.
Galaxies swirled in his eyes as he followed.
He balanced with one hand planted on the covers beside her head. The other slipped from her back to drag over her stomach. It made her aware of her breathing, the pull of her diaphragm, the rise and fall of her chest.
Watching his fingers’ progress as they moved, pausing to explore every curve and dip on their aimless journey, he hummed, thoughtful, like he was still rational enough to consider his options. Then again, he wasn’t the one sprawled half-naked under one of the most beautiful entities to draw breath.
With her heart lodged in her throat, she whispered, reaching out to return his touch – somewhere, anywhere. “Dream.”
He hesitated, only for a beat, but she pushed herself onto her elbows to chase the thought behind it.
“is there another name I should call you?” Following his example, she kissed his neck, just under his ear. “What do you want to hear?”
A single, great shudder rolled down his spine, and he pressed her back into the mattress with his lips tracing her collarbone. A careful study, he didn’t miss a thing, not a bit of skin or her catch of breath when his teeth scraped a delicate nerve.
“Morpheus. Call me Morpheus, Beloved.”
He sat back to shuck off his coat – finally – and set to work on her jeans. She didn’t really have time to help, and he pressed a kiss just below her belly button, encouraging her to remain still as he pulled both remaining layers off in a fluid tug.
Bare and desperate to have him close again, she held out her hands, beckoning. Nearly begging.
All dark, smug elegance, he tugged his shirt over his head and crawled over her, caging her so she felt less exposed but twice as vulnerable. A kiss set the blaze inside roaring, like gasoline on a bonfire, and she sank her fingers into his shockingly soft hair to keep his lips dancing with hers. She arced against him, against silky moonlight skin, and felt the last of her caution dripping away. Her doubts and concerns melted like ice. He saw all of her. Desired all of her. She ached for him, and nothing else really mattered.
As if he could feel her growing confidence in the permission she’d already given him, his hands grew bolder, holding her fast and hunting for places that made her twitch and groan into his kiss.
She’d become the hang drum. He became the rain, teaching her to sing with every touch.
He palmed a breast, and her gasp broke their lip lock, so he moved down her neck, soothing the old hurts with tingling flame, gliding down her collarbone, along her sternum, until he captured her other nipple in his mouth.
She writhed, all instinct and sensation as he teased her, working her tender flesh with a firm hold. His tongue flicked over her peak, and her back bowed off the bed. Wherever her breath had gone, she was pretty sure it was never coming back. But that was alright. She could live without it. So long as he didn’t stop.
His free hand settled on a knee, urging her clamped thighs apart. Something else she’d done without realizing. But she trusted him. She wanted him, and when she let her legs fall open, the cool air on her naked sex sent heat spiraling through her core.
When he actually touched her, stroking ever-so-softly through her folds, her chest seized, and she gaped at the ceiling, breathless.
Dream’s mouth left her, kissing life back into her slack mouth before he whispered, “Breathe, Beloved.”
It took a minute, but she managed, though he didn’t stop, and his inquisitive fingers nearly pushed the air from her lungs all over again when he found her clit. She knew what lightning felt like, had carried it in her blood and bone when she came to find him in the chariot. His fingertips sent similar shocks all the way to her fingers and toes as he played with her.
He huffed a little laugh, practically glowing with mirth as he peered at her through his lashes. Sly, like he knew a secret. One long digit caressed her entrance, summoning more white hot bolts to lance under her skin.
“I see it is raining here, too.”
Groaning, she demanded another kiss, crossing the short distance that felt like miles to reach his lips. If he was going to taunt her, he could put his mouth to better use. But he was still smiling, even as he bent to her request. Between each press, as he gave her space to breathe, he mused.
“What sounds will you make, I wonder?”
As if she wasn’t making plenty already. His thumb circled her sensitive nub, soothing even as he forced her higher, stoking the flame to new heights.
“Will there be a tempest? Will you summon thunder when I pull your first release from you?”
Just the thought had her shuddering. Would she come apart like this, on his hand? He plucked her to pieces to easily, drive all thought of what she was supposed to do in this situation from her mind, of how to answer his teasing questions, how to return the sparks dancing in her veins.
Rain lashed against the window, not quite a storm, but building to one, and when he slipped that curious finger past her entrance, she was sure he was right. Her soul stirred the clouds outside, bursting with passion and joy as her Dream Lord explored her. He pushed deep, and she grabbed his shoulders, desperately trying to ground herself as the finger withdrew, petting her from the inside out, looking for the spot that would have her seeing stars.
His slow pace encouraged her to grind against him, to move in time with his wrist. Another second finger pushed inside, and her garbled moan brought his kisses to her neck, like he could capture the next sound before it reached her mouth.
The maelstrom inside pulsed, winding like the arms of a hurricane around a bright, perfect center.
It felt like panic, only warmer, a rush towards rather than a flight from.
A curl of his fingers summoned her end, and she shattered in the sweetest way. This time she didn’t have to beg for a kiss. He devoured her, digits still buried, stroking through each clenching aftershock as she came back to herself. His free hand stroked her face, and when they broke apart, it remained, smoothing away a few stray hairs as she beamed into his endless eyes.
And lost herself all over again.
She felt warm, and safe, and happy. And if she let herself stop and think she may actually cry about it.
“Beloved,” he purred. “You are exquisite.”
Tracing his high cheekbones, his kiss-flushed lips, his dark brows, she whispered, “So are you.”
Nuzzling close, foreheads touching, he pulled his fingers free. While she trembled at the loss, he quickly shed the rest of his clothes and maneuvered between her legs, covering her, sheltering her, giving her every inch of skin from shoulder to hip. His protection and his vulnerability pressed to her own.
They rested for a moment, listening to distant, satisfied thunder. It carried no threat, only the contentment of a great, invisible beast in the storm. Not that she was sated. Not yet. Not until she’d had him and knew she’d given him at least as much light and pleasure as he’d already offered.
He let her breathe as he rained kisses on her temples, her cheeks, the spot between her eyebrows, and when she was ready to continue, she only had to catch his wandering lips.
“Please.” She gave him another peck, shifting her head to a new angle, eager to find all the ways they fit together. “Morpheus.”
Instead of taking her word as a sign to grab her by the hips and chase his own high, both hands found her face again, and he peered down at her with the weight of all dreams in his expression. He looked at her like he’d found the most wonderful thing, and it was so beautiful it broke his heart. The way she felt when she realized her feelings, when she was sure he’d never reciprocate.
He wasn’t one to apologize. He wasn’t a creature to beg. And she hadn’t asked. She could, but she hadn’t. Maybe someday he’d grow the right phrase at the right time, but she’d already forgiven him, and he’d atoned in other ways.
But a flicker of fear swam through the awe in his eyes, like she’d suddenly remember a few good reasons to throw him off and run. Like she’d melt away in the rain. Disappear forever.
Like he didn’t already hold her heart.
Maybe he didn’t know.
She wanted his wicked smirk back. She wanted him to know.
Settling her hands over his, where they still cradled her face, she reminded him. “You have me.”
New galaxies burst to life in his eyes.
He pulled his hands away, turning so he could press their hands together, palm-to-palm, on either side of her head.
“I… let me show you.”
His hands spread wide, urging her fingers apart so his own could slide between, locking them fast as he rolled his hips, pushing inside.
Her heart – the one he’d so unassumingly stolen – stuttered, and he groaned, burying his face in her neck as he bowed over her. She clung to him, hands on his back, legs locked around his waist. She wanted to hold him, keep the feel of him in her and around her. She would do anything prolong that moment, the ultimate certainty that for the next breath they began and ended in a singular whole.
When he moved, she whimpered, kissing along his shoulder as muscles rippled under the skin there.
It was no longer a dance.
The tide had taken them.
Each thrust tangled with the intrinsic cycle of the moon and sea. Terrors of the deep reaching over and over towards the land, full of things unsaid and promises kept in whispers. Sunlight on undulating waves, washing through twined spirits on the cusp of oblivion.
The thunder of breakers crashing up high cliffs.
When she came apart again, she thought she could drown. Morpheus tumbled over the edge after her, mumbling praises in her ear as she held him in every possible way, buoying her from the heady dark of orgasmic bliss. Every good thing she felt pleased him in turn, and his after-glow illuminated her like the sun.
Gradually, they became two bodies again, but only just. He pulled her close, worshiping her as she recovered with tender strokes over her back, her sides, her neck. It was like he’d only be satisfied he hadn’t lost a part of her in the heat of the moment if he could touch it, soothe it. And when he was sure she was all together, he made her all his, pressed so tight to his chest she wondered if their heartbeats would synchronize.
He kissed the top of her head, and his voice carried through her like the waves of the ocean they’d just crossed.
Curled in his arms, she had no interest in resisting the invitation.
She fell asleep, the easiest rest of her life, and her Dream met her there.
Epilogue 2
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mika-writes-fanfics · 2 years
Healing Touch
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Dabi x Fem!Reader fan fiction
Synopsis: You encounter an injured Shigaraki and offer your healing quirk to his aid. Little did you know, healers were hard to come by in the underground and Shigaraki takes a liking to your skills. To further his cause, he kidnaps you and holds you captive under the watch of the LOV. You play the role of the LOV's little healer while you think of a way to escape. Unbeknownst to you, the pyromaniac with a cold heart begins to melt in your presence. Your compassion and wit draw him in, all the while he swears it's only curiosity he feels toward you. But when your touch heals his burns and your personality soothes his anguish, Dabi begins to wonder, what exactly is he feeling for you? And why the hell does he feel so torn up when you slip away?
Author's Note:  I live for tsundere, inexperienced, pining Dabi. Mans is emotionally constipated, touch starved, and super unfamiliar with love but I adore him for it. BNHA smash showed us that he's super dense and has 0 rizz.
Warnings/Tags: Stockholm syndrome, eventual smut, kidnapping, female/afab reader, healing quirk, canon typical violence, threats, arson, minor character deaths, death, injury, blood, suggestive for a second
Abbreviation Guide: Y/n (your name), e/c (eye color), f/c (favorite color)
Word Count: 1K
Chapter Four: You're A Witch
It’s the next day and he finds himself in your room again. You’re in the process of healing the burns left over from yesterday. He seems to be in his own world, but so are you.  The silence between the two of you isn’t awkward. Somehow, it's comfortable. It makes the process of healing him calming.
You enthralled him, infuriatingly enough. You were just such a strange person to him, he couldn’t understand why you treated everyone around him like a person, especially him. Even despite your situation, as a captive, you treated most of the league as people. He couldn’t decide if you were dense for putting up with it, intelligent for being obedient, or if you simply pitied them. Whatever it was, he couldn’t deny that he benefited from your presence. Your quirk starved off a lot of his burns and the thought of your cold, healing hands all over him after a shitty mission was enough to let the thought of you pitying him slide. 
Speaking of your hands, he hates how weak your touch makes him. Your feather-light touches are cruel to him. He sees himself as a bastard creation, a seething villain who craves only revenge, but you touch him as if he’s made of glass. Gentleness is something he was never granted, especially not growing up. It’s strange, foreign even, but not entirely unwelcome. He just can’t figure out why it frustrates him so much.
You notice some of his staples are out of place and the burns are spread much farther than usual. He must have gotten into quite the tussle yesterday. You never ask how he gets some of the injuries unrelated to his quirk, not wanting to know the details. You choose blissful ignorance. It’s easier to survive if you just ignore the nature of their activities. 
There’s some raw skin and loose staples on his face. Your cool hands grace his cheeks as you murmur a soft apology, warning him of the discomfort to come. You reaffix his staples into place. He’s so used to the action that it fails to incite a wince. He closes his eyes as your palms cup his face. The telltale coldness of your quirk soothes his skin and rebuilds the damage his quirk inflicted. You catch onto how relaxed and serene he looks in this moment. He seems to enjoy the sensation of your quirk, unlike most others. 
You retract your hands once his skin has smoothed over. There’s an urge to release a light laugh upon noticing his slightly disappointed expression. “No need to be disappointed, we’re not done yet,” you tease. 
From where you are, you’re able to discern a light pink flush on his cheekbones. He averts his eyes from you and responds with a ‘tch’. You let out the chuckle you were holding back. Your laughter sounds airy and musical to him, even if it’s slightly at his expense at this moment. The realization makes him burn in a way that’s unfamiliar to him. 
You shift your focus to the burns on his palms. Your quirk begins to wash over that skin. The relief he feels at your contact is immediate. But your icy skin doesn’t quell the warmth he feels. You’re so close to him and he’s suddenly so aware of it. He can make out every tiny scar you’ve endured, every soft curve to your face, every dimension of color in your e/c eyes. He’s staring but nothing could bring him to look away. Internally, he cringes at his next thought. You’re beautiful to him.
You continue your work, guiding your hands up his wrist and carefully gliding over his staples. It’s tortuous, how slowly your hands rake up his arms. You don’t notice how his breath hitches, something he’s thankful for. He’d hate the questioning that would come from your inquisitive eyes. What you do notice, however, are the burns along his collarbones. It’s hard to see the extent of the wounds with his shirt in the way. You break the silence with a request, “I can heal the burns on your chest, but your shirt is sorta in the way. Do you mind taking it off or pulling it to the side?”
Dabi complies, taking off his white v-neck shirt and discarding it next to him. He feels vulnerable in front of you, a feeling that was once long forgotten to him. You are such a witch for being able to stir such buried emotions in him. Your eyes drinking in his form drive him out of his sulking. He knows your gaze right now is clinical, but he can’t help but feel flustered that you’re seeing so much of him.
If his heartbeat wasn’t erratic before, it certainly is now. Cold fingers trace over the burns on his collarbone. His breath hitches at the contact. The sensation of your touch sends goosebumps down his body. As your hands trace closer to his neck, he stiffens. It’s an attempt to suppress the shiver your touch elicits. He finds it strange. His body feels hotter than normal so it’s not the temperature of your hands making him feel this way. Rather, just your touch alone sends shudders down his spine. What is this magic you’ve cursed him with?
“Looks like theres no more burns. You’re all fixed up,” you conclude. You pack up the medical supplies and stow them away while Dabi redresses himself. Your fingers feel incredibly stiff and cold. You’re toeing a dangerous line with your quirk. “Hey, would you mind telling the others I’ve reached my limit for today? It’ll be awhile until I’ve warmed back up.”
“There’s no need. Crusty hasn’t assigned any missions for today,” he dismisses. You quirk your brow up at the nickname.
“Crusty? You sure do love your boss,” you joke. You give him a sly smile. He’s not sure why he wishes to see you like that more often. He fights those thoughts of his. The rational side screams at him to stay focused, to stick to his life’s mission. You are becoming a distraction. Your voice breaks him out of his internal struggle. “Well I’m gonna go use up all the hot water. Consider it a bill for my services.”
“Cold water never bothered me, go ahead.”
Dabi leaves your room, allowing you the privacy to gather your clothes and fetch a towel before showering. You make your way to the bathroom with your clothes, a towel, and all your hygiene products. The bathroom is rather small, but it’s certainly better than nothing. You shed your clothes and tuck them away, before turning the shower knob all the way to hot. It’s unfortunate how your quirk worked out, as you’re much more tolerant to heat than you are the cold. Whenever you use your quirk too much, you end up showering with water so hot it nearly makes you dizzy. You test the temperature by putting your hand under the water stream, feeling if it’s to your liking. With the water sufficiently warmed, you don’t hesitate to climb in. The shower does wonders to relax your skin. Your skin that was once raised with goosebumps and mottled with purpling skin smooths over and evens in tone. You do the rest of your routine, but you can’t help but think about your situation. 
When Shigaraki explained the ‘agreement’, if it can even be called that, you were dreading having to touch and heal criminals. The mere notion appalled you, especially with how touch reliant your quirk is. So far, the arrangement isn’t nearly as bad as you feared. You’ve really only had to heal Dabi. Speaking of him, there’s something enigmatic about him. He’s so distant from the rest of the league. His eyes are cold yet his quirk is hot, he’s almost like a walking contradiction. 
Like you. 
You halt at the thought. Do you two really have that much in common? If you really stop to think about it, the two of you are just two people with mismatched yet complementary quirks. Your personalities don’t seem to fit what the overarching society dictates. People with fire quirks are supposed to be fiery, hot-headed, and heat-resistant. Healing quirk users are supposed to be sweet, genuine, and usually resistant to damage. Yet, the two of you go through life combatting those ideas. Your sarcasm isn’t telling of a nurturing personality. His cold, analytical approach to life doesn’t match the social scripts for fire users. 
You feel that the water temperature isn’t as scalding anymore. You’ve been lost in thought for too long. The room is filled with thick steam. It’s time to step out. It’s time to get your mind off of him.
Link to AO3
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How to Remove Arm Hair Permanently
Unwanted arm hair can be a nuisance for many, affecting confidence and comfort. Thankfully, there are effective methods to achieve smooth, hair-free arms permanently. In this guide, I will explain how you can remove arm hair permanently using the most advanced techniques available.
Understanding Permanent Arm Hair Removal
Permanent arm hair removal involves techniques that target hair follicles to prevent future hair growth. The most popular and effective method is laser hair removal. This procedure uses concentrated light to destroy hair follicles, resulting in permanent hair reduction.
Steps to Remove Arm Hair Permanently
Step 1: Consultation with a Dermatologist
The first step towards permanent arm hair removal is consulting with a dermatologist. A professional evaluation will help determine the best course of treatment based on your skin type and hair texture.
Step 2: Preparing for the Procedure
Preparation is crucial for a successful laser hair removal session. Here are some essential tips:
Avoid Sun Exposure: Stay out of the sun for at least six weeks before treatment. Sun exposure can make the skin more sensitive and prone to adverse reactions during and after the procedure.
Shave the Area: Shave your arms 24 hours before the procedure to allow the laser to target hair follicles more effectively. This also reduces the risk of burns on the surface of the skin.
Avoid Other Hair Removal Methods: Refrain from waxing or plucking as these can interfere with the laser treatment.In order for the laser to target hair properly, these treatments eliminate the hair from the root.
Step 3: The Laser Hair Removal Process
During the laser hair removal session, a specialized laser device is used to target and destroy hair follicles. Here's what to expect:
Application of Cooling Gel: A cooling gel is applied to the treatment area to protect your skin and enhance the laser's effectiveness.
Laser Treatment: The laser is directed at the hair follicles. You might feel slight discomfort, but it is generally tolerable. A common description of the feeling is that of a rubber band cracking against the skin.
Post-Treatment Care: After the treatment, you can have some redness and swelling, but these should go away in a few hours.
Step 4: Post-Treatment Care
Appropriate post-treatment guarantees optimal outcomes and reduces possible negative effects.
Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect your arms from direct sunlight to prevent skin irritation. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher if you need to go outdoors.
Use Mild Skincare Products: Avoid using harsh chemicals on the treated area. To lower the chance of irritation, choose soft, fragrance-free items.
Moisturize Regularly: Keep your skin hydrated to promote healing. Use a soothing lotion or aloe vera gel to calm the skin.
Step 5: Multiple Sessions
Achieving permanent arm hair removal requires multiple sessions. Most individuals need 6-8 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. This allows the laser to target hair in different growth stages effectively.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal for Arm Hair
Choosing laser hair removal for permanent arm hair removal offers several advantages:
Precision: Targets hair follicles without damaging surrounding skin.
Speed:In a split second, a single laser pulse can cure several hairs at once.
Long-Term Results: Provides lasting hair reduction, significantly reducing the need for ongoing maintenance.
Common Concerns About Laser Hair Removal
Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?
In general, laser hair removal is safe when done by a dermatologist with training. The procedure has been extensively studied and is approved by health authorities for safe use. Side effects are usually minimal and temporary, such as redness and swelling.
Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
The discomfort associated with laser hair removal is often compared to the snap of a rubber band against the skin. Most people tolerate the procedure well, and many clinics offer numbing creams or cooling devices to enhance comfort during treatment.
What Are the Costs Involved?
The size of the treatment area and the number of sessions needed determine how much laser hair removal will cost. Although it could appear pricey at first, the long-term advantages and savings on other hair removal expenses make it an investment well worth it.
Alternatives to Laser Hair Removal
While laser hair removal is the most effective method for permanent arm hair removal, there are other options you might consider:
Electrolysis is another permanent hair removal method that involves inserting a fine needle into the hair follicle and applying an electric current to destroy it. This method is effective but can be time-consuming as each hair follicle is treated individually.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
IPL uses broad-spectrum light to target hair follicles, similar to laser hair removal. It is less precise than laser treatment but can be effective for some people.There are IPL equipment for use at home as well.
Preparing for Your Laser Hair Removal Appointment
To ensure the best results and minimize any risks, here are additional tips to prepare for your laser hair removal appointment:
Discuss Medical History: Inform your dermatologist about any medical conditions, medications, or previous skin treatments. Certain medications and conditions can affect your skin's reaction to the laser.
Avoid Tanning: Tanned skin can increase the risk of side effects and make the treatment less effective.Prior to your session, stay away from self-tanners and tanning beds for at least two weeks.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin hydrated and may improve the treatment's effectiveness.
Aftercare Tips for Optimal Results
After your laser hair removal session, follow these aftercare tips to ensure the best results and minimize any potential side effects:
Apply Cool Compresses: If you experience redness or swelling, apply cool compresses to the treated area to soothe the skin.
Avoid Hot Showers and Baths: Hot water can irritate the treated skin. Opt for lukewarm showers and avoid hot tubs and saunas for at least 48 hours.
Exfoliate Gently: After a few days, gently exfoliate the treated area to help remove dead hair follicles. Use a soft cloth or mild exfoliating scrub.
What to Expect in the Long Term
Laser hair removal offers long-term hair reduction, but it is essential to understand what to expect over time:
Maintenance Sessions: While most people experience significant hair reduction, maintenance sessions may be needed once or twice a year to keep the area hair-free.
Hair Regrowth: Some hair may regrow over time, but it will likely be finer and lighter. Regular maintenance sessions can address any regrowth.
Choosing the Right Dermatologist
Selecting a qualified and experienced dermatologist is crucial for achieving the best results with laser hair removal. Consider the following factors when choosing a dermatologist:
Credentials: Ensure the dermatologist is board-certified and has specialized training in laser hair removal.
Experience: Look for a dermatologist with extensive experience in performing laser hair removal, particularly on arms.
Reviews and Testimonials: Check reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge their satisfaction with the treatment and results.
Permanent arm hair removal is achievable with the right approach and professional guidance. Laser hair removal stands out as the most effective method, providing lasting results and boosting confidence. If you're ready to embrace smooth, hair-free arms, book your appointment now and take the first step towards a confident new you.
By following these steps and choosing the right professional services, you can achieve the smooth, hair-free arms you've always wanted. With proper care and maintenance, the results of laser hair removal can be long-lasting, giving you the confidence to show off your arms without worry.
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lanleenn · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Abalone 925 Sterling Silver Necklace.
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orientalgroupposts · 2 months
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Five Benefits of Argan Oil
Skin hydration
Anti-aging properties
Hair repair
Acne Treatment
Acne Treatment
 Five Ways to Use Argan Oil Successfully
Hair Care:
Nourishing Hair Mask: Mix argan oil with honey and an egg for a hydrating hair mask. Apply to your hair, leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse. Anti-Frizz Serum: Apply a few drops of argan oil to damp or dry hair to reduce frizz and add shine. Skin Care:
Facial Moisturizer: Use argan oil as a natural moisturizer for the face. It is ideal for dry skin and helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Night Serum: Mix argan oil with a few drops of lavender essential oil for a soothing and regenerating night serum. Nail Care:
Cuticle Treatment: Massage a few drops of argan oil onto your cuticles to soften and nourish them. This also strengthens the nails and prevents breakage.
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Essential Fatty Acids:
Linoleic Acid (Omega-6): Helps maintain skin hydration, improves elasticity, and reduces inflammation.
Oleic Acid (Omega-9): Deeply nourishes the skin, promotes cell regeneration, and improves suppleness.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol):
A powerful antioxidant that protects the skin against free radical damage, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and scars, and promotes healing.
Natural antioxidants that protect the skin against oxidative stress and UV damage, improve skin elasticity, and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Plant Sterols (Phytosterols):
Help maintain the skin barrier, reduce inflammation, and promote skin repair and regeneration.
A natural emollient that hydrates the skin, improves elasticity, and protects against environmental damage.
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In the arid regions of southwestern Morocco, Berber w
omen have long used the fruits of the argan tree (Argania spinosa) to extract a precious oil. The harvesting and production methods have remained practically unchanged for generations. The fruits of the argan tree are first hand-harvested and then sun-dried. The nuts are then manually cracked open to extract the kernels, which are cold-pressed to obtain pure and natural oil. Argan oil was initially used locally for its medicinal and cosmetic properties. However, over time, its exceptional benefits have gained international attention. Today, argan oil is prized worldwide for its hydrating, antioxidant, and regenerative properties, and it is incorporated into many high-end beauty products.
The argan tree is endemic to Morocco and plays a crucial role in combating desertification. The growing demand for argan oil has encouraged sustainable agricultural practices, contributing to the protection of this iconic tree and its ecosystem.
Every drop of argan oil is the result of laborious work and expertise passed down from generation to generation. Used to enhance the skin, strengthen hair, or enrich dishes, this precious oil continues to captivate and enchant, bearing witness to a rich tradition and unique cultural heritage.
Thus, argan oil is more than just a beauty product; it tells a story of tradition, resilience, and deep connection with nature. 
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Informations sur BioProGreen 
 BioPro Vert
 N°200 Lot Al Massar, ZI Sidi Ghanem, Route de Safi, 40 000 Marrakech, 
 Tél. : +212 524 335 449 
 Portable : +212 600 604 387  (Whatsapp / Viber) 
 Télécopieur : +212 524 457 961 
 Site Web : www.bioprogreen.com 
 Courriel : [email protected] 
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wellnesschrist · 3 months
Finding Your Oasis The Best Christchurch Wellness Centres
 In today's fast-paced world, wellness centres have become sanctuaries for those seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, and holistic health. Christchurch, known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, is home to several exceptional wellness centres. This blog will guide you through some of the best Christchurch wellness centres, offering a range of services from spa treatments to holistic healing.
The Rise of Wellness Centres
Wellness centres have surged in popularity as people increasingly prioritize self-care and holistic health. These centres offer a variety of services, including massages, facials, yoga, meditation, and alternative therapies. In Christchurch, wellness centres blend the serene natural beauty of the region with top-notch wellness services, creating perfect retreats for both locals and visitors.
Top Christchurch Wellness Centres
1. Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa
Hanmer Springs is a renowned destination for relaxation and wellness. Located a short drive from Christchurch, this wellness centre offers a range of thermal pools, spa treatments, and wellness packages. The natural thermal waters are rich in minerals, providing therapeutic benefits for the body and mind. Whether you’re looking for a soothing soak or a revitalizing massage, Hanmer Springs has it all.
2. Champs-Elysées Day Spa
Situated in the heart of Christchurch, Champs-Elysées Day Spa offers an exquisite escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. This luxury spa provides a wide range of treatments, including massages, facials, body wraps, and beauty services. The tranquil ambiance and professional staff ensure a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Champs-Elysées is the perfect place to pamper yourself and unwind.
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3. Health & Wellbeing Christchurch
For those seeking a holistic approach to wellness, Health & Wellbeing Christchurch is an excellent choice. This centre offers a variety of services, including acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutritional counseling, and fitness classes. The team of experienced practitioners focuses on enhancing overall health and well-being through personalized care. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain or looking to improve your lifestyle, Health & Wellbeing Christchurch provides comprehensive support.
4. Stillpoint Osteopathy & Massage
Stillpoint Osteopathy & Massage is a haven for those in need of pain relief and relaxation. Specializing in osteopathic treatments and therapeutic massages, this wellness centre helps clients achieve optimal health and well-being. The skilled therapists tailor treatments to individual needs, ensuring effective and lasting results. Stillpoint is ideal for anyone seeking to alleviate physical discomfort and improve overall wellness.
Benefits of Visiting a Wellness Centre
Visiting a wellness centre offers numerous benefits beyond mere relaxation. Regular treatments can improve physical health, reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and boost overall well-being. Wellness centres provide a peaceful environment where individuals can disconnect from daily stressors and focus on self-care. The professional staff ensures that each visit is tailored to meet specific health and wellness goals.
Tips for Choosing the Right Wellness Centre
Selecting the right wellness centre is crucial to ensuring a positive experience. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:
Research: Look for reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality of services.
Services: Ensure the centre offers the specific treatments or therapies you’re interested in.
Credentials: Check the qualifications and experience of the staff.
Ambiance: Visit the centre to see if the environment is clean, welcoming, and conducive to relaxation.
Packages: Inquire about wellness packages or membership options for better value.
Christchurch is home to some of the finest wellness centres, each offering unique services to cater to diverse health and wellness needs. Whether you're looking for a luxurious spa experience or holistic health treatments, these wellness centres provide the perfect escape. Prioritizing your well-being is essential, and visiting a wellness centre in Christchurch is a great way to rejuvenate your body and mind. So, take the first step towards better health and discover the oasis of relaxation waiting for you in Christchurch.
By exploring the best Christchurch wellness centres, you can find the perfect place to unwind, rejuvenate, and achieve holistic health. Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity, and these wellness centres offer the ideal environment to nurture your well-being.
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budgetmeds · 7 months
Elevate Your Health with BudgetMeds: Your Trusted Online Pharmacy in India
In the bustling streets of Ahmedabad, India, a revolutionary approach to healthcare emerges with BudgetMeds, your premier online pharmacy. In an era where health consciousness is at its peak, BudgetMeds stands out by offering a wide array of medicines and health products, ensuring holistic well-being is just a click away.
The Comprehensive Catalogue of BudgetMeds
Cold & Flu Relief:
Bid farewell to the discomfort of cold and flu symptoms with Budget Meds' wide array of Cold & Flu Medicines. Our collection features trusted remedies such as cough syrup, tablets, and nasal drops, crafted to alleviate cough, congestion, sore throat, and other common ailments linked with seasonal illnesses. At Budget Meds, discover high-quality solutions at pocket-friendly prices, guaranteeing relief is readily accessible.
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Vitamins and Supplements
Budget Meds offers a diverse range of vitamin capsules, tablets, and syrups to support overall health. Whether enhancing bone health, improving joint function, or boosting energy levels, we have you covered. From Bone kind Syrup for bone strength to Calcigen D3 Capsule for strong bones and teeth, and Calcitas-D 500 Tab for bone density and strength, our lineup has essential nutrients for your needs. Additionally, Go-Joint 500 Tablet supports joint health and flexibility, while Hb Fol-Z Capsule aids in healthy red blood cell production and energy levels.
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Anti-Infective Solutions
Budget Meds provides a comprehensive range of anti-infective capsules, tablets, creams, and powders to combat infections and restore health. Our diverse selection includes: Azivista 250mg Tablet, a potent antibiotic for various bacterial infections; Beclotas-N 15Gm Cream, formulated to soothe and heal skin infections; Canditas Powder, ideal for treating fungal infections like candidiasis; Ciprodac 250 Tablet and Ciprodac 500 Tablet, effective against urinary tract and respiratory infections; Intaderm OC Cream, an antiseptic and antifungal cream for skin infections; and Moxinta 500 Capsule, a broad-spectrum antibiotic for bacterial infections, providing relief and aiding recovery.
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Skin Care Products
Budget Meds offers a diverse range of skincare products, including powder, cream, soap, bathing bars, facewash, capsules, and tablets, all at affordable prices. Our selection includes Acnedac Foaming Face Wash for acne-prone skin, Calacare 50Ml soothing cream, Canditas Powder for fungal infections, Intas Neem Soap with antibacterial properties, Pearldew A.b Sanitizing Soap for germ protection, Pearldew Anti-Scar Cream for scar reduction, and Pearldew Argan Oil Exfoliating Bathing Bar for gentle exfoliation and skin rejuvenation.
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Diabetic Care
Budget Meds understands the importance of effective diabetic management, offering a comprehensive range of diabetic tablets, syrups, and capsules. From Metformin to Glimipride, our tablets are meticulously formulated for precise blood sugar regulation, available in immediate-release to extended-release options. Our diabetic syrups provide hassle-free administration and sustained support with potent ingredients, while our capsules deliver targeted benefits for enhanced insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. With trusted brands and tailored formulations, Budget Meds ensures optimal blood sugar levels, promoting stability and balance for diabetic individuals.
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Ulcers And Acid Reflux
Budget Meds provides a variety of effective medications to alleviate discomfort from ulcers and acid reflux, offering capsules, tablets, and syrups for relief and healing. Explore our selection, including Eldeom for fast relief from heartburn and indigestion, Gel Mps Syrup for soothing relief from acid reflux and esophageal irritation, and Gel MPS Tablet Mint for quick acidity relief on-the-go. Additionally, Intacid-Fast offers rapid acidity and heartburn relief in lemon, orange, and jeera flavors, while Livveda 100Ml Syp neutralizes stomach acid to relieve symptoms of acid reflux and ulcers. Pantosec 40mg Tablet reduces stomach acid production for long-lasting relief, and Pantosec-D Tablet combines Pantoprazole and Domperidone to address acid reflux symptoms like bloating and nausea. Lastly, Ranloc 150mg Tablet treats ulcers by reducing stomach acid production, aiding healing and preventing further irritation.
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In recognizing the essence of affordable healthcare, BudgetMeds bridges the gap between quality and cost. Sourced from reputable pharmaceutical companies and WHO-approved facilities, our products are a testament to our commitment to excellence without the heavy price tag.
The User Experience at BudgetMeds
Navigating through our extensive catalogue is a breeze, thanks to our user-friendly interface. Secure transactions and stringent privacy policies ensure that your journey with us is not just beneficial but safe.
Why Choose BudgetMeds? At BudgetMeds, your health is our priority. Our dedication to your well-being is reflected in our exceptional service and the quality of our products. Choose us for an unmatched online pharmacy experience where your health needs are met with excellence and affordability. BudgetMeds redefines healthcare in India, offering an online platform that is not just a pharmacy but a partner in your journey towards a healthier life. Embrace a new era of health and wellness with BudgetMeds, where quality healthcare is accessible to all.
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reignmedispa · 7 months
Discover Blissful Rejuvenation: Registered Massage Therapist and Thai Massage Oasis
In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility and rejuvenation is paramount for maintaining a balanced lifestyle. If you seek to improve your general health, the knowledge of a certified massage therapist and the traditional Thai massage practice may have remarkable effects. Fortunately, these sanctuaries of serenity are closer than you think, with blissful havens awaiting your discovery. 
Unwind Your Cares: The Healing Touch of a Registered Massage Therapist
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, stress often manifests in our bodies as tension, aches, and pains. A registered massage therapist possesses the skill and knowledge to alleviate these discomforts, restoring harmony to both body and mind. They can personalize each session to fit your needs, utilizing a combination of education, therapeutic techniques, and a thorough understanding of anatomy.
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Embrace Tranquility: The Timeless Wisdom of Thai Massage
In ancient Thailand, Thai massage is a holistic practice that integrates yoga, acupressure, and energy work elements. This centuries-old tradition focuses on restoring the body's natural balance and promoting inner peace. Unlike traditional massage modalities, Thai massage is fully clothed on a comfortable floor mat, allowing for more significant movement and flexibility. 
Discover Your Oasis: Where to Find Your Nearest Sanctuary of Wellness
In your quest for rejuvenation, convenience plays a pivotal role. Fortunately, the sanctuary you seek may be closer than you realize. Searching for a registered massage therapist and Thai massage near me, uncover a treasure trove of tranquil retreats awaiting your arrival. From cozy wellness studios to luxurious spas, these havens offer myriad therapeutic treatments to soothe your body, mind, and soul. 
Beyond the Ordinary, Towards the Extraordinary:
While traditional massage techniques offer immense benefits, why not elevate your experience to extraordinary heights? Many massage therapists incorporate additional modalities such as aromatherapy, hot stone massage, or reflexology, amplifying the healing effects and leaving you utterly blissful. Furthermore, some establishments offer unique twists on traditional Thai massage near me, such as herbal compress therapy or guided meditation, further enhancing your journey toward holistic well-being. 
Nourish Your Soul: The Profound Impact of Self-Care
In a world that often prioritizes productivity over self-care, it's crucial to remember the profound importance of nurturing your well-being. Scheduling frequent sessions with a certified massage therapist or indulging in the rejuvenating benefits of Thai massage isn't just a luxury; it's a fundamental act of self-love and self-care.
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As you embark on your journey to wellness, let reignmedispa.com be your guiding light. With a team of skilled registered massage therapists and a dedication to providing unparalleled experiences, we invite you to discover the transformative power of therapeutic touch. Located conveniently near you, our sanctuary awaits, ready to envelop you in a cocoon of serenity and rejuvenation. Visit their platform today.
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ultraheaterusa · 8 months
SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On Reviews 2024, All Details & Buy In United States (USA)
SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On stands out as a testament to the power of natural ingredients in addressing the common issue of pain.
➢➣ SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On United State(USA) – Order Now From Official Website With Discounted Price
➢ Product Name — SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On USA
➢ Category — SolarMax
➢ Results — 30 Days
➢ Benefits — Fast Absorption
➢ Side Effects — No Major Side Effects
➢ Rating — ★★★★★
➢ Where to Buy Online — Click And Visit Official Website In USA
In a world where the demands of modern life often lead to stress and physical discomfort, finding natural and effective ways to alleviate pain has become a priority for many. N-Labs SolarMax Pain Relief emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a unique blend of natural ingredients designed to provide soothing relief from various forms of discomfort. In this article, we will delve into the workings, ingredients, benefits, usage guidelines, and user reviews of SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On, providing a comprehensive overview of this innovative pain relief solution.
➢➢Visit N-Labs SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On USA (United States) Official Website & Get Now
SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On is crafted with a focus on harnessing the natural healing properties of its key ingredients. The roll-on is designed to provide targeted relief by combining fast-acting compounds that work synergistically to address pain at its source. The formulation is absorbed quickly into the skin, allowing for rapid relief without the need for oral consumption or waiting for traditional creams to be absorbed.
One of the primary mechanisms behind SolarMax's effectiveness is its ability to penetrate the skin and reach deep into the affected area. The roll-on format ensures precise application, allowing users to target specific areas with ease. The active ingredients work on multiple levels, helping to reduce inflammation, soothe nerve endings, and promote overall relaxation of the affected muscles or joints.
N-Labs SolarMax Pain Relief prides itself on a carefully curated selection of natural ingredients, each chosen for its unique pain-relieving properties. Some of the key ingredients include:
CBD (Cannabidiol): Known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, CBD has gained popularity for its potential to alleviate pain without the psychoactive effects associated with THC.
Menthol: A well-known natural analgesic, menthol provides a cooling sensation that helps to numb and
relieve pain. It also has a vasodilator effect, improving blood flow to the affected area.
Arnica Montana Extract: Derived from the arnica flower, this extract is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is commonly used to alleviate pain and reduce swelling.
Camphor: With its mild anesthetic and numbing properties, camphor contributes to the roll-on's pain-relieving effects. It also enhances blood circulation, promoting faster healing.
Aloe Vera: Recognized for its soothing properties, aloe vera helps calm irritated skin and contributes to the overall skin-conditioning aspect of the roll-on.
Peppermint Oil: Known for its refreshing and cooling properties, peppermint oil complements the menthol, creating a pleasant sensory experience while helping to alleviate pain.
➢➢Visit N-Labs SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On USA (United States) Official Website & Get Now
N-Labs SolarMax Pain Relief offers a multitude of benefits, making it a popular choice among individuals seeking natural pain relief:
Natural and Non-Toxic: SolarMax is free from harsh chemicals and toxins, making it a safe and natural alternative to many over-the-counter pain relief options.
Targeted Relief: The roll-on format allows users to target specific areas with precision, delivering relief where it's needed most.
Fast Absorption: The formulation is designed for rapid absorption, ensuring that users experience quick relief without a greasy or sticky residue.
Versatile Application: SolarMax is suitable for various types of pain, including muscle soreness, joint discomfort, and general aches.
Soothing Sensation: The combination of menthol, camphor, and peppermint oil creates a soothing, cooling sensation that enhances the overall pain-relieving experience.
How to Use:
Using SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On is a straightforward process:
Clean the Area: Ensure the skin is clean and dry before application.
Apply the Roll-On: Roll the applicator over the affected area, applying gentle pressure. Repeat as necessary, but avoid excessive use.
Massage if Desired: If applicable, gently massage the area to enhance absorption.
Allow to Dry: Let the product dry for a few minutes before covering the area with clothing.
It's recommended to start with a small amount and monitor the response, adjusting the quantity based on personal preferences and the severity of the discomfort.
User's Reviews:
User reviews of N-Labs SolarMax Pain Relief consistently highlight its effectiveness and natural approach to pain relief. Many users appreciate the convenience of the roll-on applicator, allowing them to apply the product without mess or hassle. Positive testimonials often mention the rapid relief experienced and the pleasant, cooling sensation upon application. Additionally, users frequently praise the product's versatility, noting its efficacy in addressing various types of pain.
Official Website:
For those interested in exploring the benefits of SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On, the official website serves as a valuable resource. Here, users can find detailed information about the product, its ingredients, and the science behind its formulation. The website may also offer promotions, customer testimonials, and a secure platform for purchasing the roll-on.
➢➢Visit N-Labs SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On USA (United States) Official Website & Get Now
SolarMax Pain Relief Roll-On stands out as a testament to the power of natural ingredients in addressing the common issue of pain. With its carefully selected blend of CBD, menthol, arnica, and other botanical extracts, this roll-on provides a holistic approach to pain relief. Whether targeting muscle soreness, joint discomfort, or general aches, SolarMax offers users a fast-acting, non-toxic, and versatile solution. The positive user reviews and the commitment to transparency through the official website contribute to the product's credibility. In the quest for effective, natural pain relief, N-Labs SolarMax Pain Relief emerges as a beacon of hope for those seeking a holistic and soothing solution.
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getthebutters · 11 months
Long N Soft 💇 Hair Food Serum - Growth / Retention
All-in-one multi-nutrient supplement for scalp, hair, & roots. Provides perfect nutrition to grow healthier hair from strong roots to smooth ends. Packed with vitamin c, a, iron, magnesium, potassium, & calcium.
Liquid Gold: Hair Growth & Anti-loss Serum is a all-in-one multi-nutrient supplement for scalp, hair, & roots. Provides perfect nutrition to grow healthier hair from strong roots to smooth ends. Packed with vitamin c, a, iron, magnesium, potassium, & calcium.
 A plant is only as healthy as its soil. Your hair is only as healthy as your scalp.
Helps with these common problems:
Thinning, flat, crunchy, or brittle strands
Traction & androgenic alopecia
Male & female pattern baldness
Dandruff & other scalp dermatitis issues
Excess hair shedding
Protects from heat damage
Friction damage
 Good for about 2 years from receiving - oil will get cloudy when oxidizing. Keep out of direct sunlight and heat for maximum shelf life. 
2oz Bottle
Suggested usage: Apply 2x weekly to the scalp and massage through. Don't wash out. Can be used at night, with heat, as a hot oil treatment or added to your favorite conditioner. If it's too heavy, follow up with a dry shampoo or mix with The Butters' conditioners. The latter technique increases volume and the oily look on 
 Ingredients: Castor, avocado, hempseed, sweet almond, basil, grape seed, rosemary, jojoba, pomegranate, vitamin e oils
Works great as a hot oil treatment
Reduces DHT production
Helps lower cortisol
Anti-oxidant rich
Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibiotic properties
Features basil from my home garden
Castor oil - has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties to fight scalp infections and their symptoms: bald patches, itchy scalp, flakes, thinning, follicle shut down. Seals split ends and smooths hair follicles. Penetrates deeper into both skin, scalp, and hair follicles carrying any nutrients it's infused with. Thickens, plumps stands, resulting in brighter, shinier, more vibrant hair color - natural and colored. Nutrient rich: high in vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and omega-6 and -9 beneficial fatty acids. Unusually high ricinoleic acid ratio makes it incredibly beneficial to skin and hair.
Rosemary - Lowers DHT (dihyroxytestosterone) improving hair growth and prostate health. Balances androgen and estrogen in the body. When applied over the scalp rosemary essential oil helps stimulate hair growth, slows graying, and can be used to treat dandruff and dry scalp. One of the best known natural ingredients for hair growth. I'm proves hair's ability to resist traction damage and hair shedding.
Hempseed Oil - Hempseed oil comes from the seed of the cannabis plant. It's high in CBD, but has virtually no THC. Therefore it does maintain many of its medicinal properties but won't get you "high." Hempseed oil is a rich and balanced source of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) & vitamin e. Scientifically proven to treat dermatitis.  This is due to it's antimicrobial, conditioning, and immune system support properties. Hempseed oil does not clog pores. Hempseed oil moisturizes the scalp and hair, promotes hair growth, strengthens hair to prevent breakage, & treats dandruff/flakiness.
 Jojoba - Very similar to the natural oil or sebum humans create. It's molecularly a liquid wax and helps create a seal over tissues. Some of the most notable benefits of jojoba oil include its ability to moisturize the hair, prevent hair loss, reduce inflammation, prevent acne, soothe sunburn and psoriasis, rejuvenate the skin, eliminate dandruff, fight free radical damage, boost the immune system and speed up the healing process. Jojoba oil is rich in iodine, which fights harmful bacteria growth that leads to breakouts. The antioxidants present in jojoba oil soothe fine lines, wrinkles and naturally slow down other signs of aging. Jojoba oil contains beneficial ingredients, including vitamin E, vitamin B complex - High in B5, silicon, chromium, copper and zinc. It has a very high percentage of iodine at 82 percent, which gives jojoba oil its power to heal. It contains three fatty acids: erucic (13.6 percent), gadoleic (71.3 percent) and oleic (11.2 percent).
Pomegranate Seed Oil - Rich in: vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium, punicic acid, an omega-5 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid, polyphenols. Pomegranates also contain hundreds of different bioactive compounds, including ellagic acid, ellagitannins, punicic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, anthocyanins, estrogenic flavonols and flavones, which appear to be the most therapeutically beneficial pomegranate components.
Grapeseed Oil - packed with polyphenols, vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aging, antimicrobial, supports adaptogenic activity (promotes homeostasis and lower stress), helps acne & dermatitis, reduces age spots, heals /prevents sun burn, varicose veins, rheumatoid arthritis, bruising, PMS symptoms, moisture & conditioning to hair, skin, and nails.
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lanleenn · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Abalone 925 Sterling Silver Necklace.
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