#Healthcare App for Agencies TX
homehealthpro · 10 months
Key Considerations in Mobile Apps for Medical Professionals
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With the digitalization of everything, the healthcare industry is not far behind. The role of mobile apps for medical agencies has evolved into a crucial aspect of efficient service. The integration of technology not only streamlines processes but also enhances the overall quality of care. As professionals and agencies embrace the digital era, the selection of the right mobile app becomes paramount. There are some essential factors that medical professionals and agencies should consider when evaluating mobile apps to ensure they align seamlessly with demands.
The ever-expanding realm of Mobile Apps for Medical Professionals is marked by diverse features and functionalities, each catering to specific needs within the healthcare ecosystem. One pivotal aspect to consider is the ability of the app to accept every referral at all times. With an extensive database of clinicians, a reliable application ensures that professionals never miss a referral due to staffing limitations. This broadens the geographic coverage, allowing for unlimited access to qualified clinicians whenever and wherever the patient requires assistance.
Competitive rates stand as another significant criterion in the evaluation of apps for medical agencies. The absence of overhead costs associated with traditional brick-and-mortar staffing agencies allows for lower rates, translating to cost savings passed on to professionals. This not only benefits individual practitioners but also contributes to more efficient resource allocation within healthcare agencies.
Ensuring the quality of clinicians is imperative in healthcare, and mobile apps have responded to this need with a clinician quality rating system. This system provides transparency, offering insights into the proficiency of clinicians based on ratings from both the agency and the patients they have served. This feature alleviates concerns about utilizing unproven clinicians, enabling medical professionals to make informed decisions that align with the delivery of high-quality care and positive patient outcomes.
As the industry continues to diversify, having specialty clinicians at your disposal becomes a game-changer. A robust app should provide easy access to a pool of specialized clinicians, ensuring that staffing agencies can promptly match specific skill sets to patient needs. This ensures a more personalized and effective approach to care delivery, ultimately benefiting both medical professionals and the patients they serve.
In the fast-paced world of healthcare, the demand for instant access to current credentials is non-negotiable. The best Mobile Apps for Medical Professionals guarantee this access by automatically inactivating clinicians with expired credentials. This feature not only eliminates concerns about working with outdated credentials but also provides an instant solution, crucial when facing unexpected audits or urgent staffing needs. By prioritizing these factors, professionals and agencies can embrace technology as a powerful ally in delivering optimal patient care in the modern landscape.
0 notes
antiporn-activist · 5 years
Not my work, found on Facebook
“So I decided to do a little research into the $750/day figure I’d heard a private company was charging the US government per each detained migrant child. I wanted to, with my own eyes and brain, 1. verify this figure was accurate; 2. verify it was indeed a private company instead of a non-profit charging this, if true, as both have managed these detention centers (not that it really matters, ultimately, but stay with me); 3. try to figure out where this per diem sum — more than my monthly mortgage — was going, if not to even buy these tortured children toothbrushes and soap, which are about the cheapest basic necessities on the market, and which no individual has to replace every day.
$750/person A DAY should cover a lot of necessities, right? Right. So where the hell is all this money going? This can’t be true...
Well here’s what I found:
1. Yes, it’s a private company called Comprehensive Health Services (a subsidiary of Caliburn International). CHS operates the largest child migrant detention center, which is in FL and was already getting horrible press — especially from local FL papers — last year. But that didn’t matter, because CHS recently opened up a few more child prisons in TX, as it snagged a new government contract, despite many documented concerns about conditions there.
2. $750/day per child is an accurate sum of CHS’s CLAIMED operating costs, and what our federal tax dollars are paying for. A sum that was agreed to upon award of the contract. In fact, it was actually on the record as $775 last summer.
3. So where is this money going, you wonder, if not to soap and toothbrushes? Yeah, I did too, and it was quite easy to dig up. CHS, via Caliburn, is controlled by the private equity firm DC Capital Partners. For those of you who don’t know how private equity firms work, look it up, or ask me in the comments.
4. While I would not be able to find out vested shareholders in the DCCP portfolio, we do not have to assume they’re making some nice returns on these CHS operations and government contracts that line their pockets instead of covering even basic human needs for children. That’s clear, because why would a private company keep their costs down so low that they completely disregard humanity, even though they say they’re experts in “healthcare?”
5. While I can’t name for you the private investors getting rich off of this humanitarian crisis, I can name for you members of the advisory board of DCCP, which approves everything in the portfolio.
First up: Trump’s former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, who was named to the board LAST MONTH, and photographed riding a golf cart into a CHS child prison. So with his own eyes, he saw the conditions there. And he was cool with it all, because hey, there’s money to be made for his rich investor friends, and maybe even himself! Who knows! Can’t say for sure, so feel free to reasonably assume what you wish. I’m just stating facts here.
Coincidentally, prior to joining Trump in the WH, he was also a paid lobbyist for DCCP. Hmmmm...
6. So next up on the DCCP board: Richard L. Armitage, former U.S. deputy secretary of state; Michael Corbin; former ambassador to the United Arab Emirates; Michael V. Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security Agency; Donald M. Kerr Jr., former deputy director of science and technology at the CIA; Anthony C. Zinni, former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command and former U.S. Envoy to the Middle East; and Stephen F. Loftus, former director of the Office of the Budget for the United States Navy.
Are y’all seeing any patterns here?
7. Michael Hayden, last June, said on the record he sees “commonality” between Nazi Germany’s separation of children at concentration camps and the Trump administration policy that is forcing children to be separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"I know we’re not Nazi Germany, alright. But there is a commonality there, and a fear on my part ... We have standards we have to live up to,” Hayden told CNN’s “New Day.”
It appears he left those standards at the boardroom door, along with many other individuals that dance with greed and corruption on the line of the private and public sectors COMPLETELY UNCHECKED.
8. Last month, the same month Kelly got his new gig, the government awarded CHS a brand new, hush-hush contract worth $341 million, even though there had been tons of pressure to close it due to its conditions.
9. Just two months before this, in March, CHS/Caliburn cancelled its IPO after registering with the SEC to sell $100m public shares. The CEO cited “market forces,” yet made it clear the company was thriving and growing.
I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusions about all of this, or do more research. And I’ll post a ton of sources in the comments for those who actually think this administration is “draining the swamp,” or who want to debate the semantics of whether these ”centers” can reasonably be called child concentration camps or not without offending some non-brown people.
And for those of you who think children don’t deserve the most basic human rights because they’re not American: There’s a special place in hell for you, and I imagine hell to be a whole lot like this situation.
For those of you who are cool lining the pockets of private citizens in DC with YOUR tax dollars while dirty, hungry, sick children live imprisoned and stacked in cages without even a dime of your money going to pay for soap and toothbrushes for these kids like it was supposed to: I’m ashamed to share this country with you as legal citizens, and I think you’re disgustingly dumb. We failed you, too, but at least you got to go to school when you were a kid, and didn’t spend childhood dying in a cage.
1. As mentioned upon writing this, I originally posted my sources at the beginning of the comments thread at time of publishing -- before it became a large discussion. For your convenience and further reading, I am now moving my sources here + some extra homework for everyone to do (no particular order):
The people have spoken, so hope that helps you all wrap your minds around this in a more complete and credible way. Thank you to all who have participated in civil dialogue and shared this post. Let's keep it constructive, as we do not need to be even more destructive than the current situation.
2. THE POST IS ALREADY PUBLIC + SHAREABLE. Please do not ask me if you can share it -- I made it public, which is why you can see it. You should be able to share the original version. If you can't, refresh your app, run your updates or make sure you aren't still viewing a friend's protected share of the original itself. There is no possible way I can instruct all individuals on how to share it -- but I appreciate all of you who are moved by these words, and want to raise awareness about this distressing situation.
3. Your concern has given me hope. Do your homework. Look into your group investment portfolios, pensions, etc. Know where your money is invested. Call your legislators. Do anything but freak out to the point of being unproductive and histrionic. DO ANYTHING BUT BE AWFUL TO EACH OTHER.
Thank you. We are in this together.
From the Facebook page of Emily Price.
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bespangeled · 5 years
Child Prison Profits
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So I decided to do a little research into the $750/day figure I’d heard a private company was charging the US government per each detained migrant child. I wanted to, with my own eyes and brain,
1. verify this figure was accurate
2. verify it was indeed a private company instead of a non-profit charging this, if true, as both have managed these detention centers (not that it really matters, ultimately, but stay with me);
3. try to figure out where this per diem sum — more than my monthly mortgage — was going, if not to even buy these tortured children toothbrushes and soap, which are about the cheapest basic necessities on the market, and which no individual has to replace every day.
$750/person A DAY should cover a lot of necessities, right? Right. So where the hell is all this money going? This can’t be true...
Well here’s what I found:
1. Yes, it’s a private company called Comprehensive Health Services (a subsidiary of Caliburn International). CHS operates the largest child migrant detention center, which is in FL and was already getting horrible press — especially from local FL papers — last year. But that didn’t matter, because CHS recently opened up a few more child prisons in TX, as it snagged a new government contract, despite many documented concerns about conditions there.
2. $750/day per child is an accurate sum of CHS’s CLAIMED operating costs, and what our federal tax dollars are paying for. A sum that was agreed to upon award of the contract. In fact, it was actually on the record as $775 last summer.
3. So where is this money going, you wonder, if not to soap and toothbrushes? Yeah, I did too, and it was quite easy to dig up. CHS, via Caliburn, is controlled by the private equity firm DC Capital Partners. For those of you who don’t know how private equity firms work, look it up, or ask me in the comments.
4. While I would not be able to find out vested shareholders in the DCCP portfolio, we do not have to assume they’re making some nice returns on these CHS operations and government contracts that line their pockets instead of covering even basic human needs for children. That’s clear, because why would a private company keep their costs down so low that they completely disregard humanity, even though they say they’re experts in “healthcare?”
5. While I can’t name for you the private investors getting rich off of this humanitarian crisis, I can name for you members of the advisory board of DCCP, which approves everything in the portfolio.
First up: Trump’s former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, who was named to the board LAST MONTH, and photographed riding a golf cart into a CHS child prison. So with his own eyes, he saw the conditions there. And he was cool with it all, because hey, there’s money to be made for his rich investor friends, and maybe even himself! Who knows! Can’t say for sure, so feel free to reasonably assume what you wish. I’m just stating facts here.
Coincidentally, prior to joining Trump in the WH, he was also a paid lobbyist for DCCP. Hmmmm...
6. So next up on the DCCP board: Richard L. Armitage, former U.S. deputy secretary of state; Michael Corbin; former ambassador to the United Arab Emirates; Michael V. Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security Agency; Donald M. Kerr Jr., former deputy director of science and technology at the CIA; Anthony C. Zinni, former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command and former U.S. Envoy to the Middle East; and Stephen F. Loftus, former director of the Office of the Budget for the United States Navy.
Are y’all seeing any patterns here?
7. Michael Hayden, last June, said on the record he sees “commonality” between Nazi Germany’s separation of children at concentration camps and the Trump administration policy that is forcing children to be separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"I know we’re not Nazi Germany, alright. But there is a commonality there, and a fear on my part ... We have standards we have to live up to,” Hayden told CNN’s “New Day.”
It appears he left those standards at the boardroom door, along with many other individuals that dance with greed and corruption on the line of the private and public sectors COMPLETELY UNCHECKED.
8. Last month, the same month Kelly got his new gig, the government awarded CHS a brand new, hush-hush contract worth $341 million, even though there had been tons of pressure to close it due to its conditions.
9. Just two months before this, in March, CHS/Caliburn cancelled its IPO after registering with the SEC to sell $100m public shares. The CEO cited “market forces,” yet made it clear the company was thriving and growing.
I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusions about all of this, or do more research. And I’ll post a ton of sources in the comments for those who actually think this administration is “draining the swamp,” or who want to debate the semantics of whether these ”centers” can reasonably be called child concentration camps or not without offending some non-brown people.
And for those of you who think children don’t deserve the most basic human rights because they’re not American: There’s a special place in hell for you, and I imagine hell to be a whole lot like this situation.
For those of you who are cool lining the pockets of private citizens in DC with YOUR tax dollars while dirty, hungry, sick children live imprisoned and stacked in cages without even a dime of your money going to pay for soap and toothbrushes for these kids like it was supposed to: I’m ashamed to share this country with you as legal citizens, and I think you’re disgustingly dumb. We failed you, too, but at least you got to go to school when you were a kid, and didn’t spend childhood dying in a cage.
1. As mentioned upon writing this, I originally posted my sources at the beginning of the comments thread at time of publishing -- before it became a large discussion. For your convenience and further reading, I am now moving my sources here + some extra homework for everyone to do (no particular order):
https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/CLBR:US https://www.miamiherald.com/…/immigra…/article229744049.html https://www.cbsnews.com/…/john-kelly-joins-board-of-calibu…/ https://news.littlesis.org/…/wall-street-banks-former-def…/… https://thehill.com/…/392727-hayden-sees-commonality-betwee… https://www.npr.org/…/florida-shelter-is-scrutinized-for-th… https://www.nytimes.com/…/migrant-shelters-border-crossing.… https://heavy.com/news/2019/05/caliburn-international/… https://www.thedailybeast.com/doj-is-investigating-whether-… https://thebaffler.com/…/retirement-brought-to-you-by-priso… https://www.floridatoday.com/…/cape-canaveral-de…/717375002/ https://www.chsmedical.com/compliance
The people have spoken, so hope that helps you all wrap your minds around this in a more complete and credible way. Thank you to all who have participated in civil dialogue and shared this post. Let's keep it constructive, as we do not need to be even more destructive than the current situation.
2. THE POST IS ALREADY PUBLIC + SHAREABLE. Please do not ask me if you can share it -- I made it public, which is why you can see it. You should be able to share the original version. If you can't, refresh your app, run your updates or make sure you aren't still viewing a friend's protected share of the original itself. There is no possible way I can instruct all individuals on how to share it -- but I appreciate all of you who are moved by these words, and want to raise awareness about this distressing situation.
3. Your concern has given me hope. Do your homework. Look into your group investment portfolios, pensions, etc. Know where your money is invested. Call your legislators. Do anything but freak out to the point of being unproductive and histrionic. DO ANYTHING BUT BE AWFUL TO EACH OTHER.
Thank you. We are in this together.
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ladyninasayers-ish · 5 years
So I decided to do a little research into the $750/day figure I’d heard a private company was charging the US government per each detained migrant child. I wanted to, with my own eyes and brain, 1. verify this figure was accurate; 2. verify it was indeed a private company instead of a non-profit charging this, if true, as both have managed these detention centers (not that it really matters, ultimately, but stay with me); 3. try to figure out where this per diem sum — more than my monthly mortgage — was going, if not to even buy these tortured children toothbrushes and soap, which are about the cheapest basic necessities on the market, and which no individual has to replace every day.
$750/person A DAY should cover a lot of necessities, right? Right. So where the hell is all this money going? This can’t be true...
Well here’s what I found:
1. Yes, it’s a private company called Comprehensive Health Services (a subsidiary of Caliburn International). CHS operates the largest child migrant detention center, which is in FL and was already getting horrible press — especially from local FL papers — last year. But that didn’t matter, because CHS recently opened up a few more child prisons in TX, as it snagged a new government contract, despite many documented concerns about conditions there.
2. $750/day per child is an accurate sum of CHS’s CLAIMED operating costs, and what our federal tax dollars are paying for. A sum that was agreed to upon award of the contract. In fact, it was actually on the record as $775 last summer.
3. So where is this money going, you wonder, if not to soap and toothbrushes? Yeah, I did too, and it was quite easy to dig up. CHS, via Caliburn, is controlled by the private equity firm DC Capital Partners. For those of you who don’t know how private equity firms work, look it up, or ask me in the comments.
4. While I would not be able to find out vested shareholders in the DCCP portfolio, we do not have to assume they’re making some nice returns on these CHS operations and government contracts that line their pockets instead of covering even basic human needs for children. That’s clear, because why would a private company keep their costs down so low that they completely disregard humanity, even though they say they’re experts in “healthcare?”
5. While I can’t name for you the private investors getting rich off of this humanitarian crisis, I can name for you members of the advisory board of DCCP, which approves everything in the portfolio.
First up: Trump’s former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, who was named to the board LAST MONTH, and photographed riding a golf cart into a CHS child prison. So with his own eyes, he saw the conditions there. And he was cool with it all, because hey, there’s money to be made for his rich investor friends, and maybe even himself! Who knows! Can’t say for sure, so feel free to reasonably assume what you wish. I’m just stating facts here.
Coincidentally, prior to joining Trump in the WH, he was also a paid lobbyist for DCCP. Hmmmm...
6. So next up on the DCCP board: Richard L. Armitage, former U.S. deputy secretary of state; Michael Corbin; former ambassador to the United Arab Emirates; Michael V. Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security Agency; Donald M. Kerr Jr., former deputy director of science and technology at the CIA; Anthony C. Zinni, former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command and former U.S. Envoy to the Middle East; and Stephen F. Loftus, former director of the Office of the Budget for the United States Navy.
Are y’all seeing any patterns here?
7. Michael Hayden, last June, said on the record he sees “commonality” between Nazi Germany’s separation of children at concentration camps and the Trump administration policy that is forcing children to be separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"I know we’re not Nazi Germany, alright. But there is a commonality there, and a fear on my part ... We have standards we have to live up to,” Hayden told CNN’s “New Day.”
It appears he left those standards at the boardroom door, along with many other individuals that dance with greed and corruption on the line of the private and public sectors COMPLETELY UNCHECKED.
8. Last month, the same month Kelly got his new gig, the government awarded CHS a brand new, hush-hush contract worth $341 million, even though there had been tons of pressure to close it due to its conditions.
9. Just two months before this, in March, CHS/Caliburn cancelled its IPO after registering with the SEC to sell $100m public shares. The CEO cited “market forces,” yet made it clear the company was thriving and growing.
I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusions about all of this, or do more research. And I’ll post a ton of sources in the comments for those who actually think this administration is “draining the swamp,” or who want to debate the semantics of whether these ”centers” can reasonably be called child concentration camps or not without offending some non-brown people.
And for those of you who think children don’t deserve the most basic human rights because they’re not American: There’s a special place in hell for you, and I imagine hell to be a whole lot like this situation.
For those of you who are cool lining the pockets of private citizens in DC with YOUR tax dollars while dirty, hungry, sick children live imprisoned and stacked in cages without even a dime of your money going to pay for soap and toothbrushes for these kids like it was supposed to: I’m ashamed to share this country with you as legal citizens, and I think you’re disgustingly dumb. We failed you, too, but at least you got to go to school when you were a kid, and didn’t spend childhood dying in a cage.
1. As mentioned upon writing this, I originally posted my sources at the beginning of the comments thread at time of publishing -- before it became a large discussion. For your convenience and further reading, I am now moving my sources here + some extra homework for everyone to do (no particular order):
The people have spoken, so hope that helps you all wrap your minds around this in a more complete and credible way. Thank you to all who have participated in civil dialogue and shared this post. Let's keep it constructive, as we do not need to be even more destructive than the current situation.
2. THE POST IS ALREADY PUBLIC + SHAREABLE. Please do not ask me if you can share it -- I made it public, which is why you can see it. You should be able to share the original version. If you can't, refresh your app, run your updates or make sure you aren't still viewing a friend's protected share of the original itself. There is no possible way I can instruct all individuals on how to share it -- but I appreciate all of you who are moved by these words, and want to raise awareness about this distressing situation.
3. Your concern has given me hope. Do your homework. Look into your group investment portfolios, pensions, etc. Know where your money is invested. Call your legislators. Do anything but freak out to the point of being unproductive and histrionic. DO ANYTHING BUT BE AWFUL TO EACH OTHER.
Thank you. We are in this together.
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candy--heart · 5 years
By  Emily Price
So I decided to do a little research into the $750/day figure I’d heard a private company was charging the US government per each detained migrant child. I wanted to, with my own eyes and brain, 1. verify this figure was accurate; 2. verify it was indeed a private company instead of a non-profit charging this, if true, as both have managed these detention centers (not that it really matters, ultimately, but stay with me); 3. try to figure out where this per diem sum — more than my monthly mortgage — was going, if not to even buy these tortured children toothbrushes and soap, which are about the cheapest basic necessities on the market, and which no individual has to replace every day.
$750/person A DAY should cover a lot of necessities, right? Right. So where the hell is all this money going? This can’t be true...
Well here’s what I found:
1. Yes, it’s a private company called Comprehensive Health Services (a subsidiary of Caliburn International). CHS operates the largest child migrant detention center, which is in FL and was already getting horrible press — especially from local FL papers — last year. But that didn’t matter, because CHS recently opened up a few more child prisons in TX, as it snagged a new government contract, despite many documented concerns about conditions there.
2. $750/day per child is an accurate sum of CHS’s CLAIMED operating costs, and what our federal tax dollars are paying for. A sum that was agreed to upon award of the contract. In fact, it was actually on the record as $775 last summer.
3. So where is this money going, you wonder, if not to soap and toothbrushes? Yeah, I did too, and it was quite easy to dig up. CHS, via Caliburn, is controlled by the private equity firm DC Capital Partners. For those of you who don’t know how private equity firms work, look it up, or ask me in the comments.
4. While I would not be able to find out vested shareholders in the DCCP portfolio, we do not have to assume they’re making some nice returns on these CHS operations and government contracts that line their pockets instead of covering even basic human needs for children. That’s clear, because why would a private company keep their costs down so low that they completely disregard humanity, even though they say they’re experts in “healthcare?”
5. While I can’t name for you the private investors getting rich off of this humanitarian crisis, I can name for you members of the advisory board of DCCP, which approves everything in the portfolio.
First up: Trump’s former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, who was named to the board LAST MONTH, and photographed riding a golf cart into a CHS child prison. So with his own eyes, he saw the conditions there. And he was cool with it all, because hey, there’s money to be made for his rich investor friends, and maybe even himself! Who knows! Can’t say for sure, so feel free to reasonably assume what you wish. I’m just stating facts here.
Coincidentally, prior to joining Trump in the WH, he was also a paid lobbyist for DCCP. Hmmmm...
6. So next up on the DCCP board: Richard L. Armitage, former U.S. deputy secretary of state; Michael Corbin; former ambassador to the United Arab Emirates; Michael V. Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security Agency; Donald M. Kerr Jr., former deputy director of science and technology at the CIA; Anthony C. Zinni, former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command and former U.S. Envoy to the Middle East; and Stephen F. Loftus, former director of the Office of the Budget for the United States Navy.
Are y’all seeing any patterns here?
7. Michael Hayden, last June, said on the record he sees “commonality” between Nazi Germany’s separation of children at concentration camps and the Trump administration policy that is forcing children to be separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"I know we’re not Nazi Germany, alright. But there is a commonality there, and a fear on my part ... We have standards we have to live up to,” Hayden told CNN’s “New Day.”
It appears he left those standards at the boardroom door, along with many other individuals that dance with greed and corruption on the line of the private and public sectors COMPLETELY UNCHECKED.
8. Last month, the same month Kelly got his new gig, the government awarded CHS a brand new, hush-hush contract worth $341 million, even though there had been tons of pressure to close it due to its conditions.
9. Just two months before this, in March, CHS/Caliburn cancelled its IPO after registering with the SEC to sell $100m public shares. The CEO cited “market forces,” yet made it clear the company was thriving and growing.
I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusions about all of this, or do more research. And I’ll post a ton of sources in the comments for those who actually think this administration is “draining the swamp,” or who want to debate the semantics of whether these ”centers” can reasonably be called child concentration camps or not without offending some non-brown people.
And for those of you who think children don’t deserve the most basic human rights because they’re not American: There’s a special place in hell for you, and I imagine hell to be a whole lot like this situation.
For those of you who are cool lining the pockets of private citizens in DC with YOUR tax dollars while dirty, hungry, sick children live imprisoned and stacked in cages without even a dime of your money going to pay for soap and toothbrushes for these kids like it was supposed to: I’m ashamed to share this country with you as legal citizens, and I think you’re disgustingly dumb. We failed you, too, but at least you got to go to school when you were a kid, and didn’t spend childhood dying in a cage.
1. As mentioned upon writing this, I originally posted my sources at the beginning of the comments thread at time of publishing -- before it became a large discussion. For your convenience and further reading, I am now moving my sources here + some extra homework for everyone to do (no particular order):
https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/CLBR:US https://www.miamiherald.com/…/immigra…/article229744049.html https://www.cbsnews.com/…/john-kelly-joins-board-of-calibu…/ https://news.littlesis.org/…/wall-street-banks-former-def…/… https://thehill.com/…/392727-hayden-sees-commonality-betwee… https://www.npr.org/…/florida-shelter-is-scrutinized-for-th… https://www.nytimes.com/…/migrant-shelters-border-crossing.… https://heavy.com/news/2019/05/caliburn-international/… https://www.thedailybeast.com/doj-is-investigating-whether-… https://thebaffler.com/…/retirement-brought-to-you-by-priso… https://www.floridatoday.com/…/cape-canaveral-de…/717375002/ https://www.chsmedical.com/compliance
The people have spoken, so hope that helps you all wrap your minds around this in a more complete and credible way. Thank you to all who have participated in civil dialogue and shared this post. Let's keep it constructive, as we do not need to be even more destructive than the current situation.
2. THE POST IS ALREADY PUBLIC + SHAREABLE. Please do not ask me if you can share it -- I made it public, which is why you can see it. You should be able to share the original version. If you can't, refresh your app, run your updates or make sure you aren't still viewing a friend's protected share of the original itself. There is no possible way I can instruct all individuals on how to share it -- but I appreciate all of you who are moved by these words, and want to raise awareness about this distressing situation.
3. Your concern has given me hope. Do your homework. Look into your group investment portfolios, pensions, etc. Know where your money is invested. Call your legislators. Do anything but freak out to the point of being unproductive and histrionic. DO ANYTHING BUT BE AWFUL TO EACH OTHER.
Thank you. We are in this together..
By  Emily Price
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napoleoninrags · 5 years
Worth a read for better understanding of the child detention centers and the profiteers behind them. I truly appreciate the research and documentation.
So I decided to do a little research into the $750/day figure I’d heard a private company was charging the US government per each detained migrant child. I wanted to, with my own eyes and brain, 1. verify this figure was accurate; 2. verify it was indeed a private company instead of a non-profit charging this, if true, as both have managed these detention centers (not that it really matters, ultimately, but stay with me); 3. try to figure out where this per diem sum — more than my monthly mortgage — was going, if not to even buy these tortured children toothbrushes and soap, which are about the cheapest basic necessities on the market, and which no individual has to replace every day.
$750/person A DAY should cover a lot of necessities, right? Right. So where the hell is all this money going? This can’t be true...
Well here’s what I found:
1. Yes, it’s a private company called Comprehensive Health Services (a subsidiary of Caliburn International). CHS operates the largest child migrant detention center, which is in FL and was already getting horrible press — especially from local FL papers — last year. But that didn’t matter, because CHS recently opened up a few more child prisons in TX, as it snagged a new government contract, despite many documented concerns about conditions there.
2. $750/day per child is an accurate sum of CHS’s CLAIMED operating costs, and what our federal tax dollars are paying for. A sum that was agreed to upon award of the contract. In fact, it was actually on the record as $775 last summer.
3. So where is this money going, you wonder, if not to soap and toothbrushes? Yeah, I did too, and it was quite easy to dig up. CHS, via Caliburn, is controlled by the private equity firm DC Capital Partners. For those of you who don’t know how private equity firms work, look it up, or ask me in the comments.
4. While I would not be able to find out vested shareholders in the DCCP portfolio, we do not have to assume they’re making some nice returns on these CHS operations and government contracts that line their pockets instead of covering even basic human needs for children. That’s clear, because why would a private company keep their costs down so low that they completely disregard humanity, even though they say they’re experts in “healthcare?”
5. While I can’t name for you the private investors getting rich off of this humanitarian crisis, I can name for you members of the advisory board of DCCP, which approves everything in the portfolio.
First up: Trump’s former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, who was named to the board LAST MONTH, and photographed riding a golf cart into a CHS child prison. So with his own eyes, he saw the conditions there. And he was cool with it all, because hey, there’s money to be made for his rich investor friends, and maybe even himself! Who knows! Can’t say for sure, so feel free to reasonably assume what you wish. I’m just stating facts here.
Coincidentally, prior to joining Trump in the WH, he was also a paid lobbyist for DCCP. Hmmmm...
6. So next up on the DCCP board: Richard L. Armitage, former U.S. deputy secretary of state; Michael Corbin; former ambassador to the United Arab Emirates; Michael V. Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security Agency; Donald M. Kerr Jr., former deputy director of science and technology at the CIA; Anthony C. Zinni, former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command and former U.S. Envoy to the Middle East; and Stephen F. Loftus, former director of the Office of the Budget for the United States Navy.
Are y’all seeing any patterns here?
7. Michael Hayden, last June, said on the record he sees “commonality” between Nazi Germany’s separation of children at concentration camps and the Trump administration policy that is forcing children to be separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"I know we’re not Nazi Germany, alright. But there is a commonality there, and a fear on my part ... We have standards we have to live up to,” Hayden told CNN’s “New Day.”
It appears he left those standards at the boardroom door, along with many other individuals that dance with greed and corruption on the line of the private and public sectors COMPLETELY UNCHECKED.
8. Last month, the same month Kelly got his new gig, the government awarded CHS a brand new, hush-hush contract worth $341 million, even though there had been tons of pressure to close it due to its conditions.
9. Just two months before this, in March, CHS/Caliburn cancelled its IPO after registering with the SEC to sell $100m public shares. The CEO cited “market forces,” yet made it clear the company was thriving and growing.
I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusions about all of this, or do more research. And I’ll post a ton of sources in the comments for those who actually think this administration is “draining the swamp,” or who want to debate the semantics of whether these ”centers” can reasonably be called child concentration camps or not without offending some non-brown people.
And for those of you who think children don’t deserve the most basic human rights because they’re not American: There’s a special place in hell for you, and I imagine hell to be a whole lot like this situation.
For those of you who are cool lining the pockets of private citizens in DC with YOUR tax dollars while dirty, hungry, sick children live imprisoned and stacked in cages without even a dime of your money going to pay for soap and toothbrushes for these kids like it was supposed to: I’m ashamed to share this country with you as legal citizens, and I think you’re disgustingly dumb. We failed you, too, but at least you got to go to school when you were a kid, and didn’t spend childhood dying in a cage.
1. As mentioned upon writing this, I originally posted my sources at the beginning of the comments thread at time of publishing -- before it became a large discussion. For your convenience and further reading, I am now moving my sources here + some extra homework for everyone to do (no particular order):
The people have spoken, so hope that helps you all wrap your minds around this in a more complete and credible way. Thank you to all who have participated in civil dialogue and shared this post. Let's keep it constructive, as we do not need to be even more destructive than the current situation.
2. THE POST IS ALREADY PUBLIC + SHAREABLE. Please do not ask me if you can share it -- I made it public, which is why you can see it. You should be able to share the original version. If you can't, refresh your app, run your updates or make sure you aren't still viewing a friend's protected share of the original itself. There is no possible way I can instruct all individuals on how to share it -- but I appreciate all of you who are moved by these words, and want to raise awareness about this distressing situation.
3. Your concern has given me hope. Do your homework. Look into your group investment portfolios, pensions, etc. Know where your money is invested. Call your legislators. Do anything but freak out to the point of being unproductive and histrionic. DO ANYTHING BUT BE AWFUL TO EACH OTHER.
Thank you. We are in this together.
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walknstar1-blog · 4 years
Small Business Insurance Texas
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Texas (Tx) Business Insurance
Do your workers use their very own vehicles to perform deliveries, make sales visits, choose up provides, or run errands for your corporation? If your employees are using their personal vehicles to carry out work-related tasks every single day, they probably must be covered by commercial coverage. Do you have a sales pressure to which you present a car allowance for the enterprise use of personal automobiles? If you’re giving your staff money for driving bills, these vehicles will in all probability qualify for commercial coverage. If you assume it’s time to cancel your business insurance coverage policy at your current provider, there a couple of steps you’ll have to take to verify nothing unhealthy happens in the course of.
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Our skilled small business insurance Texas coverage brokers will take the time to study your corporation. We’ll listen to your plans for the future and your current issues.
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In this infographic, we'll give you information on General Liability, Workers' Compensation, and the rest of the army. Even if you're on a tight price range, make sure you have the appropriate mixture of insurances to stonewall potential liabilities. Next, we focused on some of the greater insurance coverage corporations and eliminated corporations which might be simply insurance coverage brokers, which work with companies to seek out them one of the best coverage and charges for his or her needs. To decide the most effective business legal responsibility and workers' compensation insurance coverage firms, we started with a list of two dozen providers.
New analysis from Chubb reveals the significance of cyber legal responsibility insurance. According to the new report, the variety of ransomware assaults in 2019 has already surpassed all of these for 2018. Overall, malware claims with Chubb, which include ransomware, have risen to 18% of all cyber claims in 2019. Additionally, Chubb stories that ransomware has accounted for 23% of its cyber claims for smaller companies in 2019.
You’ll have the entire data you need to make an informed decision on the most effective insurance plan particular to your business. At Bedrock Insurance, we provide many various enterprise insurance coverage choices to protect your dream. With our vary of insurance companies, we can make sure that your small business operates effectively while preserving your overhead prices low. Each state comes with its own risks, nevertheless, and Texas isn't any exception. Accidents, natural disasters and lawsuits lie around every nook, no matter what industry a enterprise is in.
Main Source: USA Business Insurance
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thecabstand · 5 years
Coronavirus (COVID-19) – @TfLTPH Update: Further advice for taxi and private hire licensees
This Notice replaces TPH Notice 02-20 (published 19 February 2020) and has been issued in response to a number of announcements made by the Government regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We understand that these are challenging and uncertain times for everyone, including taxi and private hire licensees. Transport for London (TfL) staff are doing everything they can to maintain transport services and we appreciate everything the taxi and private hire industries are contributing to keeping London moving.
We are working hard to maintain our licensing function with a priority placed on licence renewals and our ability to act on intelligence to ensure the safety of the travelling public. 
During this time we will be working with a reduced number of staff, so we would ask that you only contact us if it is essential. On 16 March 2020, the Government announced a series of measures to continue its efforts to delay the spread of Coronavirus and Public Health England also updated its advice.
The key changes are as follows:
• Revised guidance for households with possible Coronavirus infection:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance.
• Social gatherings and crowded places should be avoided. This includes
pubs, clubs and theatres.
• Pregnant women, people over the age of 70 and those with certain health conditions should consider this advice particularly important.
• People in at-risk groups (as above) will be asked within days to stay home for several weeks.
Public Health England is the lead agency and is providing regularly updated information to the public on Coronavirus, including the current situation in the UK and information about the virus and its symptoms. You can access the most up-to-date information here and here.
What this means for you
As outlined above, the revised guidance for households with possible Coronavirus infection, including self-isolation is provided here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance.
It is essential that all licensees follow the advice from Public Health England. To continue to work as a taxi or private hire driver or leave the house when you have been advised not to would put you and those you come into contact with at risk.
All licensees are required to inform us of a material change to their medical status and this would include testing positive for Coronavirus. For the safety of licensees and the general public it will be necessary for us to temporarily suspend the licence of any driver that tests positive for Coronavirus. However, no action will be required by licensees to have their licence reinstated once this isolation period has ended and they can return to normal activities.
Preventative Measures
The Government is clear that the single most important thing each of us can do is continue to follow basic hygiene advice. This hygiene advice, on protecting yourself and preventing the spread of the disease, has not changed. It is important that you:
• Cough or sneeze into a tissue or the crook of your elbow
• Wash your hands regularly or, if you are unable to, use hand sanitiser
• Practice good hygiene
• If you feel unwell, stay at home and contact the NHS online by visiting https://111.nhs.uk/service/covid-19
This information can be viewed here.
Public Health England continue to urge everyone to wash their hands regularly throughout the day: after using the toilet, before eating and when arriving at work or home. It is believed that the virus can be passed on through contaminated surfaces, which is why washing hands is so important.
We continue to follow the guidance of Public Health England and advise all licensees, including taxi and private hire drivers, to follow these simple and sensible steps at all times to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
We also encourage licensees to take simple measures, such as regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces in vehicles, e.g. door handles, window controls and seat belts, regularly with sanitising wipes or spray to get rid of germs. We would also advise washing hands or using sanitising gel after handling cash. Taxi drivers should also regularly clean card payment devices. Licensees who share a taxi or private hire vehicle should regularly clean the steering wheel and instruments.
Contact details
All licensees are required to ensure the contact details (email and telephone) provided to Transport for London (Taxi and Private Hire) are up to date. This enables us to provide you with important regulatory information. In light of the current circumstances, we urge all taxi and private hire drivers, taxi and private hire vehicle owners and private hire operators to check we have the most up to date contact details. Please email any updated contact details – with your driver licence number in the subject heading – to [email protected]
We would expect all private hire operators to fully cooperate with any enquiries they may receive from Public Health England or any other relevant agencies and ask that TfL is informed of details of any drivers that have tested positive for Coronavirus. We would also ask that taxi app providers and radio circuits also take a similar approach to informing TfL.
4 Health, wellbeing and financial circumstances
As the licensing authority and regulator for London's taxi and private hire services, we take the health and wellbeing of licensees seriously. We recognise these are challenging and unsettling times.
If you are struggling with mental health issues, please seek medical help from the wide range of help and support services that are provided by appropriately trained healthcare professionals. We want licensees to feel empowered to seek professional support when necessary, for both their physical and mental health and we have created a licensee health and wellbeing webpage to raise awareness of some of the services, guidance and support that is available. 
This includes the Money Advice Trust, a national charity helping people across the UK to tackle their debts and manage their money with confidence. It offers free, independent and confidential advice on personal debt and Business Debtline, the UK's only free dedicated debt advice service for people who are self-employed and other small business owners.
Other resources are available to find out about financial support that the Government is offering, including: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/support-for-those-affected-by-covid-19 and https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/covid-19-support-for-businesses
In recognition of the current situation, the London Electric Vehicle Company (LEVC) has announced that a three-month finance payment holiday initiative has been agreed by LEVC and Black Horse (finance). TX drivers on any existing Black Horse finance contract can register their interest for a three-month suspension of repayments by completing their details at: www.levc.com/payment-holiday.
Knowledge of London and Topographical testing
As a sensible precaution, in response to Government guidance, we are reviewing arrangements for undertaking these assessments. Applicants who have a booking may be contacted by us in the coming days to cancel the appointment.
Again, as a sensible precaution in response to Government guidance, we have written to all private hire vehicle operators that offer ridesharing services and advise that, in the current circumstances, these services should be suspended. We have now received confirmation from these operators that ridesharing services have been suspended.
Further updates
While the above advice is current at the time of writing, please regularly check the Public Health England, Government and NHS websites for updated information.
We continue to liaise with trade representatives and large PHV operators and will provide further information to licensees, in the form of TPH Notices, as and when appropriate.
Graham Robinson
Interim General Manager
Taxi and Private Hire
Transport for London
19 March 2020
For previous Notices and additional licensing information, please visit tfl.gov.uk/tph
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Posted by najir11islam on 2019-10-30 20:47:06
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billyniicholss · 4 years
Reduced on color copies print near me in San Angelo TX
Affordable Color Copy Printing – How to Choose the Best Managed Print Services Agency?
If you want to have the price reduced on color copies print near me in San Angelo TX. Yet get high-end print quality, you can choose to hire Managed Print Services (MPS). These are fast becoming a buzzword for many IT and corporate ventures. This gave that most enterprises look for ways to cut down on their printing expenses.
Managed Print Services is growing a lot for both small and big businesses. In the last decade, the copier & print industries have witnessed huge growth. With the help of these services, one can reduce overall printing expenses, improve efficiency, boost productivity and reduce burdens on in-house staff.
How are Managed Printing Services Useful?
When you have to deal with all your printing projects. You have to either get in touch with some external printing store or have some in-house printing equipment or hire a managed print services provider.
It is not cost-efficient to contact an outside printing store. There might be a few cases when you might require some urgent printing assistance and the store might either be closed or unable to offer quick services that can satisfy your needs. Such problems might impede your workflow or even put a stop to some important business deals, activities or agreements.
Even if you have your own printing machinery and equipment at your office. It might be useful only to handle a small number of print jobs. You also need to have one or more staff to take care of the printing job or even hire new staff for the same.
Managed print services are much better and cost-effective solutions in comparison. These are 3rd party agencies that will work for you exclusively and have the necessary printing equipment to deal with your work. You can save money and also be assured of reliable assistance from them.
location for San Angelo TX and nearby states
How to Select the Best Managed Printing Services Company?
Here are some things to look for when you are in search of a managed color copies print services provider.
Fully Integrated Services
It is extremely important for you to consider whether the reduced on color copies print near me in San Angelo TX company offers. Fully integrated services to its customers. A Managed Print Services Company offers integrated services. Customers and offers office software and equipment to go along with it.
They also incorporate all the important aspects of the process of print management. Such as multifunction printers, copiers, printer maintenance, audits of printing and all kinds of print management aspects.
You can also get consumable replacements. If the managed services agency offers fully integrated services, your agency can save both money and time. It can be a one-stop resource for all your print management requirements.
Expert service technicians
Find out whether the company has superior service technicians.
Each time that you have a copier or printer stops working, it interrupts your paper workflow, and you will end up losing money.
When you choose a superior managed print agency, it is important that your service technicians are professionally trained and certified and have the capacity to detect and repair your office equipment problems fast.
In case you are not sure whether the technicians are certified or not, you should ask about that. With certified technicians, you can save on repair expenses over the long term and there will be no losses in terms of productivity or finances due to non-functional or poorly functional equipment.
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Newest printing software and print technology solutions
Also, find out whether the reduced on color copies print near me in San Angelo TX agency uses the newest printing software apps and latest printing technologies. In many cases, there is much more to these types of agencies that you might know about. You have to ask the right questions to find out whether the company would be able to know your business requirements. Provide your workers with unique ways to work in a more effective manner. Going beyond simple print management services.
Many of these agencies use state of the art resources and tools to supervise print flow. These companies can offer you the required services, maintenance and supplies before malfunctioning equipment components or low toner take down your office equipment.
In case a potential managed color copies printing agency uses Print Audit 6 or other states of the art print software tools, you can depend on maintaining the proper flow of documents.
Track record
You have to also check whether the managed print services provider. Has a successful track record and earns positive testimonials and feedbacks. In many cases, you can find such testimonials in the review section or on their website pages. You would want to ensure that the agency has affordable rates, dependable office products, outstanding customer services, and on-time assistance. With a company having a proven and successful track record, you can get over long term productivity issues. Both short and long term financial duress for your business.
You have to also ensure that the agency can provide you with all the options that you need. Every business is different and the demands and needs tend to vary as well. Before you choose a Managed Service Provider. You have to find out whether it offers different types of solutions on the basis of your specific business and industrial needs.
For instance, many important documents and papers containing confidential medical data are printed in the Healthcare Industry. If you are looking for a Managed Service Provider for your healthcare center or hospital. You would like to make sure that it has outstanding security options that make sure the documents are secure and safe. The more customizable and varied the solutions are the more efficient and effective your managed print services are going to be.
Before you choose a Managed Color Copies Print Services provider, you have to ask many questions. An expert agency can offer you a full insight into your present fleet of printers. How to manage a proper print flow environment and offer cost-efficient solutions to you to optimize your existing fleet. Efficient reduced on color copies print near me in San Angelo TX managed print services are able to reduce printing expenses by over 30%. Ensure the smooth flow of the document and boost your office productivity.
San Angelo TX- Low Cost on color copies print near me
Fun List of Things about San Angelo TX
1.Top Auction Spot For Sheep and Goat- Producers livestock is the nations largest auction spot for sheep and goats. It is additionally ranks in the top 5 for livestock and cattle.
2.Ranked 7th In Forbes Magazine in 2012- Forbes ranked San Angelo as certainly one of the “Best Cities for Jobs” in 2012. This is supported by the wool that is large mohair industry and has recently seen a increase utilizing the oil industry growing in the surrounding areas.
3.Earnest Tubb- Tubb resided and worked in San Angelo for several years and had a music that is daily on local radio before he became a Country Music Hall of Fame Artist.
4.Elmer Kelton- Western novelist Elmer Kelton lived in San Angelo from 1926-2009
5.Education- San Angelo was looked at by the Texas State Legislature as the home that is first Texas Tech University
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Reduced on color copies print near me in San Angelo TX posted first on https://www.55printing.com
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qliqsoft · 5 years
QliqSOFT Puts Safety in the Hands of Home Health and Hospice Nurses with New Care Delivery Tracking and Reporting App
New post-acute visit management app provides real-time business-enhancing delivery-data and instant distress notification for hospice and home healthcare agencies
  Dallas, TX – November 4, 2019
  QliqSOFT, an industry leader in secure, HIPAA-compliant clinical communication solutions, is unveiling its home health nurse distress notification-enabled mobile care-delivery app, Visit Path, at the 2019 National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Conference, this week. 
  Visit Path is a care delivery resource management app designed to provide hospice and post-acute business administration with data that improves business and patient outcomes. Additionally, Visit Path puts safety in the hands of the home health nurse. Visit Path provides a quick, discreet means of notifying staff should a nurse need urgent assistance during a visit or while en route.
  “This app is a good solution for hospice and home healthcare agencies that want more insight into their care delivery data to reduce costs and improve their business outcomes,” says QliqSOFT Founder and CEO Krishna Kurapati. “Additionally, the distress notification provides safety and security for nurses while visiting homes and if they should run into trouble while in transit between visits.”
  “We wanted to provide hospice and home healthcare agencies with a product that gives them real-time knowledge of completed patient visits activity to help them better manage their field staff,” Krishna also said. The Visit Path web-based administrator’s dashboard integrates with GPS-enabled smart devices to ensure patient care delivery is optimized, on time and recorded. This, along with the ability to manage unscheduled and after-hours visits, improves patient and home health nurse satisfaction, patient outcomes, billing accuracy and a digital record that prevents ensures government reimbursements are never penalized.
  As a real-time, GPS-enabled care management delivery solution, Visit Path verifies where and when a hospice or home health field nurse is on duty, begins service for a client, when they complete service and when they are off duty. This verification of service is the basis for accurate, compliant billing. The administrator’s dashboard is a window into ROI.
  With a focus on home health, hospice, and other post-acute verticals, QliqSOFT is excited to share the news of Visit Path to coincide with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s (NHPCO) annual Interdisciplinary Conference. More information about Visit Path can be found at www.qliqsoft.com/visitpath.
  About QliqSOFT, Inc.
  With its unique cloud pass-thru architecture, QliqSOFT’s Secure Texting, On-Call Scheduling, Patient Communication, and Clinical Collaboration solutions are trusted by over 1,000 Hospitals, Home Health, and Hospice Organizations to deliver HIPAA-compliant, reliable, and real-time communication between doctors, nurses, caregivers, and patients. To learn more, visit www.qliqsoft.com.
  Media Contact: Ben Henson | Dir of Marketing | c: 770-688-4689 | e: [email protected]
The post QliqSOFT Puts Safety in the Hands of Home Health and Hospice Nurses with New Care Delivery Tracking and Reporting App appeared first on QliqSOFT.
from QliqSOFT https://ift.tt/2oK9w0B
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reynard61 · 5 years
Post by Sheila C. at “Love, Joy, Feminism” about who benefits from privately-owned immigrant detention centers.
Okay, here is a copy of the Facebook post: So I decided to do a little research into the $750/day figure I’d heard a private company was charging the US government per each detained migrant child. I wanted to, with my own eyes and brain, 1. verify this figure was accurate; 2. verify it was indeed a private company instead of a non-profit charging this, if true, as both have managed these detention centers (not that it really matters, ultimately, but stay with me); 3. try to figure out where this per diem sum — more than my monthly mortgage — was going, if not to even buy these tortured children toothbrushes and soap, which are about the cheapest basic necessities on the market, and which no individual has to replace every day.
$750/person A DAY should cover a lot of necessities, right? Right. So where the hell is all this money going? This can’t be true...
Well here’s what I found:
1. Yes, it’s a private company called Comprehensive Health Services (a subsidiary of Caliburn International). CHS operates the largest child migrant detention center, which is in FL and was already getting horrible press — especially from local FL papers — last year. But that didn’t matter, because CHS recently opened up a few more child prisons in TX, as it snagged a new government contract, despite many documented concerns about conditions there.
2. $750/day per child is an accurate sum of CHS’s CLAIMED operating costs, and what our federal tax dollars are paying for. A sum that was agreed to upon award of the contract. In fact, it was actually on the record as $775 last summer.
3. So where is this money going, you wonder, if not to soap and toothbrushes? Yeah, I did too, and it was quite easy to dig up. CHS, via Caliburn, is controlled by the private equity firm DC Capital Partners. For those of you who don’t know how private equity firms work, look it up, or ask me in the comments.
4. While I would not be able to find out vested shareholders in the DCCP portfolio, we do not have to assume they’re making some nice returns on these CHS operations and government contracts that line their pockets instead of covering even basic human needs for children. That’s clear, because why would a private company keep their costs down so low that they completely disregard humanity, even though they say they’re experts in “healthcare?”
5. While I can’t name for you the private investors getting rich off of this humanitarian crisis, I can name for you members of the advisory board of DCCP, which approves everything in the portfolio.
First up: Trump’s former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, who was named to the board LAST MONTH, and photographed riding a golf cart into a CHS child prison. So with his own eyes, he saw the conditions there. And he was cool with it all, because hey, there’s money to be made for his rich investor friends, and maybe even himself! Who knows! Can’t say for sure, so feel free to reasonably assume what you wish. I’m just stating facts here.
Coincidentally, prior to joining Trump in the WH, he was also a paid lobbyist for DCCP. Hmmmm...
6. So next up on the DCCP board: Richard L. Armitage, former U.S. deputy secretary of state; Michael Corbin; former ambassador to the United Arab Emirates; Michael V. Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security Agency; Donald M. Kerr Jr., former deputy director of science and technology at the CIA; Anthony C. Zinni, former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command and former U.S. Envoy to the Middle East; and Stephen F. Loftus, former director of the Office of the Budget for the United States Navy.
Are y’all seeing any patterns here?
7. Michael Hayden, last June, said on the record he sees “commonality” between Nazi Germany’s separation of children at concentration camps and the Trump administration policy that is forcing children to be separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"I know we’re not Nazi Germany, alright. But there is a commonality there, and a fear on my part ... We have standards we have to live up to,” Hayden told CNN’s “New Day.”
It appears he left those standards at the boardroom door, along with many other individuals that dance with greed and corruption on the line of the private and public sectors COMPLETELY UNCHECKED.
8. Last month, the same month Kelly got his new gig, the government awarded CHS a brand new, hush-hush contract worth $341 million, even though there had been tons of pressure to close it due to its conditions.
9. Just two months before this, in March, CHS/Caliburn cancelled its IPO after registering with the SEC to sell $100m public shares. The CEO cited “market forces,” yet made it clear the company was thriving and growing.
I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusions about all of this, or do more research. And I’ll post a ton of sources in the comments for those who actually think this administration is “draining the swamp,” or who want to debate the semantics of whether these ”centers” can reasonably be called child concentration camps or not without offending some non-brown people.
And for those of you who think children don’t deserve the most basic human rights because they’re not American: There’s a special place in hell for you, and I imagine hell to be a whole lot like this situation.
For those of you who are cool lining the pockets of private citizens in DC with YOUR tax dollars while dirty, hungry, sick children live imprisoned and stacked in cages without even a dime of your money going to pay for soap and toothbrushes for these kids like it was supposed to: I’m ashamed to share this country with you as legal citizens, and I think you’re disgustingly dumb. We failed you, too, but at least you got to go to school when you were a kid, and didn’t spend childhood dying in a cage.
1. As mentioned upon writing this, I originally posted my sources at the beginning of the comments thread at time of publishing -- before it became a large discussion. For your convenience and further reading, I am now moving my sources here + some extra homework for everyone to do (no particular order):
https://www.bloomberg.com/p... https://www.miamiherald.com... https://www.cbsnews.com/new... https://news.littlesis.org/... https://thehill.com/latino/... https://www.npr.org/2019/02... https://www.nytimes.com/201... https://heavy.com/news/2019... https://www.thedailybeast.c... https://thebaffler.com/late... https://www.floridatoday.co... https://www.chsmedical.com/...
The people have spoken, so hope that helps you all wrap your minds around this in a more complete and credible way. Thank you to all who have participated in civil dialogue and shared this post. Let's keep it constructive, as we do not need to be even more destructive than the current situation.
2. THE POST IS ALREADY PUBLIC + SHAREABLE. Please do not ask me if you can share it -- I made it public, which is why you can see it. You should be able to share the original version. If you can't, refresh your app, run your updates or make sure you aren't still viewing a friend's protected share of the original itself. There is no possible way I can instruct all individuals on how to share it -- but I appreciate all of you who are moved by these words, and want to raise awareness about this distressing situation.
3. Your concern has given me hope. Do your homework. Look into your group investment portfolios, pensions, etc. Know where your money is invested. Call your legislators. Do anything but freak out to the point of being unproductive and histrionic. DO ANYTHING BUT BE AWFUL TO EACH OTHER.
Thank you. We are in this together.
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Design Team
Peggy Rodriguez
Since Dr. Rodriguez is a psychologist, her area of expertise will be coming up with what works to help kids in their social-emotional development. Her role will be helping me with ideas for content for the app.
Dr. Peggy Rodriguez has been a school psychologist in Glendale since 1994 working with students from age 3 through 8th grade. She is also a licensed psychologist in the state of Wisconsin. Dr. Rodriguez earned her BA, MS - Clinical Psychology, and PhD in Counseling Psychology from Marquette University. She has also taught School Psychology and Behavior Therapy at Marquette University. In addition, Dr. Rodriguez is a consulting Psychologist in Rockford, Illinois for developmentally disabled adults.
Tracy Apps
Tracy will be helping me with the UI and UX part of my app development.
Tracy has been creating the web for over 20 years, and solving user experience challenges well before the term “UX” was the big thing. She currently owns and operates tracy apps design, a full-service creative agency based in Milwaukee, WI. Tracy’s client list is just as eclectic as she is, ranging from large corporations like Kohl’s and GE Healthcare to colleges, to nonprofits, small businesses… and even a fiddler. She has spoken at over a dozen conferences across the continent about design, UX, and social media. Many times her approach is non-traditional, but always focused on pushing design and user experience to higher levels. She ties her own bowties, and could probably deadlift you.
Eileen Blanchard
She will be helping me come up with ideas for the parent and teacher side of the app.
Mrs. Blanchard began her career as a first grade teacher in the inner city of San Antonio, TX. From there she spent two years teaching in a rural community in upstate New York as a resource teacher for grades K5-12. Most recently she worked as a Pre-school Para for 6 years. She is currently teaching first grade at Parkway Elementary, a position she has held for the past two years. From her diverse range of experience she has learned the importance of treating each student as an individual and believing that all students are capable of being successful. She enjoys being part of the growth of each individual student. Mrs. Blanchard wants every student’s educational experience to be one where they can express themselves and feel comfortable with who they are. She wants each student to love learning in a safe, caring, and loving environment. Mrs. Blanchard provides an equal opportunity learning atmosphere for all students to become the best they can be.
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homehealthpro · 1 year
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