#Caliburn International
son1c · 2 months
so one of the satbk artifacts (?) (items of power?) (idk what to call them) (they have pieces of the spell i mentioned before engraved into them) that thistle is looking for is sonic's gauntlet. which he gets after turning him into a chimera BUT i just thought of another fun item to turn into an artifact and that would be caliburn. i think caliburn has been chilling in a stone since sonic left the world of satbk and you know it's the classic sword-in-the-stone situation. so once thistle finds it, he can't get it out of the stone, obviously, and he orders falin to try thinking, well, she's huge and strong, of course she'd be powerful enough to remove it. but nope! that's not how the magic works. it's still in the stone. merlina is standing there laughing internally (and maybe a little externally) (she's never been the best at hiding her true intentions). ofc eventually sonic would try it too and i just have this image in my mind of no one expecting it to actually work but then he easily pops it out with a comical sound effect and everyone (except for merlina) is just jaw to the floor like whaaaaat. but hey thistle got what he wanted. still. he's suspicious now...
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midnightshard06 · 5 months
STH Rarepair Week Day 2: Flowers / Love Letter
You can check it out on ao3 here if you prefer.
Summary: Sonic decides to stick around after the events of Sonic and the Black Knight. Partly to help the people effected by everything and partly to get closer to a certain knight. He's confident he can at the very least get Lancelot to loosen up around him, and perhaps his attempts at flirting won't be as lost on the other hedgehog as he thought.
Pairing: Sonic/Lancelot (SatBK)
Warnings: None to be had here
Word Count: ~2400 words
AN: Anxiety trying to get the best of me here cause this one feels... well potentially a controversial pick for this. I do very much consider this ship separate from sonadow (though still like, related of course), even if Lancelot is technically just that world's version of Shadow. Idk their dynamic just seems much different to me, and the ship on ao3 has less than 100 fics so *shrug*. Anyway this exists, and these two have taken up residence in my head rent free now.
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“King Sonic.” Lancelot bowed his head respectfully as he approached.
Sonic grinned. Well if it wasn’t his favorite knight approaching. Not that he’d admit that to the others. “I told you that you don’t have to be so formal with me Lance. At least not when we’re alone.”
"I- of course." Lancelot cleared his throat. "I've come to inform you that your presence has been requested."
Sonic sighed. "Ah of course. Never a moment of peace huh?"
"There is much to do after all that's happened." Lancelot nodded.
"Yeah. Just wish I could kick back a bit more. Especially if I get to spend time with certain people." Sonic winked at Lancelot before quickly tucking a red flower behind the other hedgehog's ear.
"Sire!?" Lancelot was clearly flustered, something that Sonic found endless amusement in. It was pretty easy to fluster the knight afterall, and he took plenty of advantage of that.
"It matches your eyes." Sonic explained before walking over to retrieve Caliburn. The sentient sword had thankfully stayed quiet throughout the exchange. "Now come along. You said someone needed me?"
Lancelot composed himself and, much to Sonic's continued amusement, left the flower in its place. "Ah yes. Allow me to escort you back to the castle." He turned and began to walk.
Before Lancelot could get too far Sonic rushed to meet him, grabbing his arm in the process. "Well if you're going to escort me do it properly." He grinned.
"If that's what you command." Lancelot nodded stiffly. Sonic would get him to come around. It would just take some time.
Sonic internally sighed as he did his best to listen to the concerns of the people that had come to his court. It’s not that he didn’t want to help the people, it’s just it could be pretty boring at times. At least he had faith that his knights would help fill him in later if needed. Something which seemed to annoy them at first, but they’d quickly grown used to.
Still, he did his best to listen or at least make it appear so. Not to brag, but he’d mastered the art of nodding when appropriate even if he had no idea what was going on. Finally though the day came to a close. He stretched as he got up from the throne, eyes quickly finding Lancelot in the room. The other hedgehog was already making his way towards Sonic, and he couldn’t help the smile that found its way onto his muzzle.
“Come to give me a summary of everything?” Sonic asked once Lancelot stopped in front of him.
“So long as that’s what you require.” Lancelot nodded.
“That would be wonderful, but let’s talk somewhere else. Already been cooped up in here way too long. Care to join me for a walk?” Sonic held out a hand. 
Lancelot hesitated and, much to Sonic’s internal disappointment, didn’t take his hand. Instead the knight of the round simply nodded. “If that’s what you prefer sire.”
Sonic kept his disappointment off his face as he did pay attention to Lancelot’s summary of what he felt were the most pressing issues. At least the walk was nice and now Sonic had a better idea of what needed to be addressed next. He selfishly made sure getting Lancelot to open up to him more was high on that list. Not that anyone but him needed to know that.
Sonic stared at the letter that sat innocently on his desk. It had just been there when he'd woken up that morning, so he had no idea where it had come from. Or perhaps more importantly who it was from.
"Well? Are you going to open it?" Caliburn spoke up from his position in the corner of the room. "It will not open itself."
Sonic didn't bother to hide his annoyed look, Caliburn was used to him by now anyway. "I was going to open it." He crossed his arms.
"Then why do you continue to stare at it? Much more of this and your absence will be felt." Caliburn retorted, sending Sonic an annoyed look of his own.
With a sigh Sonic picked up the letter, briefly admiring the nice wax seal that was used, and opened it. Inside was a letter, in small, neat handwriting. He skimmed it and felt himself freeze. He forced himself to slow down and read it properly. A love letter? He flipped the parchment over, disappointed to not find a single hint as to who had sent it. All he had to go off was the writing and the fact that whoever this was could get the letter directly to his room. After one last read he carefully placed the letter into his quills. Ok, he could think about this later. Even if the mystery of who'd sent such an elegantly written letter would bug him all day. It only took a bit more light prodding from Caliburn to get him moving after that.
There had been no more letters since the first, but Sonic had yet to figure out who sent it. Which was frustrating but he had plenty of distractions. Although he'd been skeptical of his new role at first he found himself settling into it. Well some aspects anyway. He still fought, typically verbally but not always, with his knights for his ability to come and go as he pleased. That particular conversation usually ended with Sonic bolting from the castle and Lancelot being sent to retrieve him. It wasn't so bad though, at least he got some alone time with the other hedgehog that way. Speaking of…
"You'd like me to what?" Sonic stared blankly at Lancelot, still trying to process what he'd just been asked.
Lancelot averted his face. "I'd… like you to accompany me when I go to visit my mother tomorrow. If you find it agreeable."
Slowly a smile spread across Sonic's muzzle. "Oh!" He ignored Caliburn's mild complaints about brushing off his duties. "I'd love to. It's been a while since I saw her." 
"Thank you for indulging me sire. I'm sure she'll be delighted to see you." Lancelot nodded.
"Will you be bringing Galahad with you too?" Sonic tilted his head. He honestly really liked the younger hedgehog, even if him and Lancelot's familial ties still threw Sonic off. Though it warmed his heart to see the two of them together and see how much they clearly cared for each other.
"I planned to yes. He's told me recently he'd like to see her again soon." Lancelot stiffened. "That is… alright yes?"
"More than alright Lance." Sonic's grin widened. "He's a good kid."
Lancelot subtly puffed his chest out in pride, and Sonic barely held back a laugh. It was certainly something to see Lancelot play the part of proud father, but he liked to see it. "He will make a fine knight once he is old enough."
"You know I would be happy to knight him now. He's shown he's able to handle himself." Sonic put a hand on Lancelot's arm.
Lancelot shook his head. "He would not appreciate the shortcut. He wishes to earn his knighthood as I did before him."
"Alright." Sonic held up his hands. "In that case I look forward to doing it properly once he's ready."
"Thank you sire. I have no doubt he would be delighted to hear that." Lancelot seemed to relax a little after Sonic pulled his hand away.
"Well." Sonic clapped his hands together. "Until tomorrow then my knight?"
"Until then my king." Lancelot bowed before hurrying away. Sonic frowned at his retreating back. Well that could have gone better, but it also could have gone worse. He sighed and let a smile slip back onto his face. Tomorrow should be good at least. He decidedly ignored the metaphorical hole the love letter was burning in his quills.
"Ah Sir Sonic. How lovely it is to see you again." Nimue went for a hug, one which Sonic returned with only mild hesitation. It was hard to mentally separate her from Amy sometimes.
"Good to see you too." Sonic chuckled as the two broke apart. 
"Mother." Lancelot hissed. "He is the king, you cannot just embrace him like that."
Her sharp gaze turned to her son. "Well, if it isn't my family. Finally deemed me worthy of your presence?" Nimue shot Lancelot and Galahad a sly smile. Sonic hid his amusement behind his hand.
Lancelot flushed, far easier to tell right now since the knight had his visor up. "I've been busy mother. You know this." Galahad simply looked between the two, a nervous frown on his face.
"I jest Lancelot." Nimue laughed. "Come and greet me properly as the king has already done." Lancelot somewhat reluctantly moved forward and gave his mother a hug. Sonic couldn't help the brief laugh that escaped him. Galahad joining him a moment after. "Don't think you will escape the same fate. Come here Galahad." She held her arms out once she released a now very flustered Lancelot, who's visor was now flipped down. Weird.
Unlike his father Galahad happily fell into the embrace of his grandma. By the time they let go of each other Lancelot had flipped his visor back up. "It's good to see you." Galahad smiled.
Nimue's smile widened. "Any day I get to see you or your father is a pleasant one. Now." She looked out over the group. "Shall we head inside? I've prepared tea."
"Lead the way, oh lady of the lake." Sonic grinned and gestured for her to go ahead of him.
With a smile she began to lead them back to her home. "Lancelot? Care to walk with me?" 
Said hedgehog glanced between his mother and Sonic before nodding. "Of course mother."
The two hurried ahead some and Sonic let them be. They were family after all and she saw Lancelot a lot less often than he did. "So." Galahad spoke up. It made Sonic happy to know the younger hedgehog wasn't worried about talking to him casually. "When are you and my father going to…" He gestured widely. "You know…"
Sonic rose a brow. He did not know actually. "I'm not sure what you're talking about kid."
"Oh. Really?" Galahad looked confused. "Father told me he'd finally managed to say something to you. I thought… well I don't mean to assume of course…" Suddenly the younger hedgehog was rather nervous.
As the two walked, and Galahad endured a mild breakdown of some sort, Sonic thought and slowly put pieces together. The letter stuffed in his quills felt heavy with the weight of his own realization. That's why the handwriting had seemed so familiar. He stopped in his tracks and carefully pulled the letter out. "Oh." Was all he could manage as he looked between the letter and its previously unknown author.
"Are you alright?" Galahad had stopped too. 
"I'm good yeah." Sonic slowly nodded. "I just put some things together is all." He pat Galahad on the head, careful to avoid his helmet. "I think I need to go have a chat with Lancelot. Keep your grandma company for me ok?"
"Yes sir!" Galahad nodded, smiling.
"Yo Lance!" Sonic called ahead, letter still gripped in one hand. The black hedgehog turned around, confused before an odd look fell over his face. That was probably due to Sonic waving the letter. "Can we have a quick chat?"
With a quick excuse to his mother he rushed to Sonic's side. Galahad was next to his grandma in the next moment. Nimue gave them a knowing smile and waved them off. "What did you wish to discuss sire?" Lancelot had flipped down his visor again, but Sonic could tell the other wasn't looking at him.
"I think you know." Sonic let a relaxed smile settle onto his face. The last thing he wanted Lancelot to believe was that he was in trouble. Unfortunately the other hedgehog remained quiet. That was fine, he could talk for a bit. "I didn't know who this was from when I first got it. Not until just now actually, when me and Galahad were talking."
"He told you?" Lancelot seemed upset, fists clenching at his sides.
Sonic held up a hand and cut off whatever that was. Lancelot turned away. "He only implied. Which helped me figure it out." He carefully unfolded the letter between them. "You should have signed it you know."
"I'm afraid my cowardice got the best of me after finishing it." Lancelot looked away. "To pour my heart out for the king and then ascribe that to myself felt far too daunting at the time."
"But you still gave it to me. Gave me a headache trying to figure out who wrote it." Sonic teased, tucking the letter away. It felt far more precious now that he knew who'd written it.
"I apologize for any agony I caused you sire." Lancelot dipped his head low.
Sonic sighed before gently pushing the other hedgehog's head back up to look at him. With his other hand he flipped up the visor. "You're fine Lance. Honest." He smiled, something softer and more genuine than he typically plastered on his face. "I'm just glad to know my flirting hasn't been completely lost on you."
Lancelot hesitantly linked their hands together. "And this is… alright? I'm allowed to show my loyalty to you in more ways than one?"
Sonic pulled the hedgehog into a tight hug. He was glad he'd decided to leave Caliburn behind today. No doubt he'd ruin the moment. "What I am doesn't matter. There's no way I'm going to let what other people think dictate how I live my life."
As the two broke apart Sonic was pleased to see a small smile on Lancelot's face. "Then allow me make myself clear. I love you si- Sonic."
Sonic squeezed Lancelot's hand. "I love you too Lancelot. Now as much as I'd like to spend some more alone time together we shouldn't keep your mom waiting."
"A wise course of action." Lancelot's face was grave. Though his attention was drawn elsewhere for a moment and he let go of Sonic's hand to grab something on the side of the road. Before Sonic could properly register it Lancelot was tucking something behind Sonic's ear. "It… matches your eyes." 
Sonic grinned as he reached up and felt the flower Lancelot had tucked behind his ear. He grabbed his hand again and started walking. Maybe this whole king business wouldn't be so bad with Lancelot at his side.
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dopplerdora · 11 months
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People are talking about Heaven's Feel again.
Don't get me wrong, I likes the movies but... they could have been so much more.
Part of the problem is that as a story Heaven's Feel is ment to come after you do Fate and Bladeworks. The prior routes frame Heaven's Feel in a way that show the "point".
By the climax of Heaven's Feel Shirou's "team" has more power than in either other Route. Shirou has Archer Arm, Rin has the Jewel Sword and hasn't needed to use her Chrest to make a Pass for Shirou, Rider isn't Saber but she has Infinite Energy from Sakura, they even have Illya on their side. All this power, power and knowledge that could shake the world of Magi like never before honestly. All that power... and it doesn't mean a damn thing.
Because Power can't help Sakura, no amount of Power can help the one person they want to help. This isn't Fate; Shirou can't just project Caliburn, make a promise, and go be a hero. This isn't Bladeworks; Shirou can't just keep moving with his ideal, show his resolve through combat, and learn how to move forward. Rin can't just Blast the threat away with raw power. This is Heaven's Feel; Shirou's idea is worse than nothing because the "enemy" is his Family. Rin has the ultimate weapon for blasting away her problems... but the problem is her little sister. The world will end, to end thing Somebody Has To Die. Gilgamesh dies but that makes things worse, Zouken dies but that doesn't fix anything, and deleting Saber doesn't actually fix the problem. Because ether problem is years of torture and abuse, you can't fix something like that by punching the monster after the fact.
Heaven's Feel isn't about power, this is problematic because the movie didn't get that memo when animating it. The fights are beautiful, this doesn't in any way help the story telling outside of Rin's fight with Sakura which is more about Rin's internal conflict anyway. It hurts the story because the fighting takes up so much time that some of the characters don't get to show their parts properly... Also its way more Shirou than anybody else, this is a problem because Heaven's Feel has somewhere between Three and Five protagonists and Shirou is only one of them. That said if I go into how sombody in charge seems to hate woman as characters and seems to... think badly of sexual abuse survivors I would probably be here all day and also fail because it would start going into misogyny in Japanese culture and a bunch of other things.
To digress Heaven's Feel is a beautiful, painful, amazing story. The Heaven's Feel movie isn't bad but I feel like is didn't really read the assignment and tried to make an action flick.
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kumazone · 1 year
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FIRE - King Caliburn
King was once the head of the most prominent warband of the fire faction's territory. Fearsome and ruthless to enemies, he gained a terrifying reputation, despite the fact that he was always good to his troops. This warband eventually expanded, including people from all elemental factions, as a group of freedom fighters.
However, after a particularly tragic siege on the Apotheosis Plutocracy, most of his allies were captured and sealed away. What was left of the freedom fighters disbanded. The defeat left King particularly jaded and traumatized, and he swore to never lead another group into battle again.
After the group disbanded, King went into hiding and took up blacksmithing. With his command of fire, he is able to forge at extremely high and precise temperatures. He is also capable of using a long-forgotten technique to re-forge another chimera’s soul weapon, allowing him to modify their body, personality, and even memories. He holds the secret to this ability close to his chest, as it could be extremely dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands.
Due to his past failures and trauma, he has grown private and abrasive… A subconscious attempt to not let himself grow attached to people again. Deep down, however, he still holds a spark of rebellion, and won’t outright refuse a call for help from a new resistance effort. He may hesitate to join the battle himself, as he fears a repeat of his prior failure, but he will (with some convincing) assist with forging a new venture with Abzu.
Soul Weapon: Greatsword "Volcanic Guillotine"
A gargantuan sword made of superheated obsidian, he seems to use it more defensively than for chopping.
Its heat level grows as his internal temperature does, growing more powerful as his feelings boil to the surface.
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood
It's 2020, and the most ambitious drilling project in history has reached deeper beneath the Earth's crust than man has ever gone before — but now the ground itself is fighting back. The Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in a tiny mining village, and find themselves plunged into a battle against a deadly danger from a bygone age.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Night Terrors
The Eleventh Doctor receives a distress call, bringing him, Amy Pond and Rory Williams to Earth. George is a young boy terrorised by the monsters in his cupboard. Are they imaginary, or are they real?
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe
Christmas Eve, 1938. Madge Arwell comes to the aid of an injured Spaceman Angel, the Eleventh Doctor, who promises to repay her kindness – all she has to do is make a wish. Three years later, Madge escapes war-torn London with her two children for a dilapidated house in Dorset. Crippled with grief at the news her husband has been lost over the English Channel, she wishes to give her children the best Christmas ever. The Arwells are greeted by the Doctor, who acts as their madcap caretaker. However, a mysterious Christmas gift from him leads them into a wintry, magical world. Madge must learn how to be braver than she ever thought possible... and that wishes can come true.
its trash, but its my trash. for the longest time series 7 was the only one I had on dvd, and we were on holiday one year so I couldn’t watch it on iplayer like I usually would. I was 10, I was deep in the trenches at that age, Doctor Who was literally the only thing I ever watched, I watched that DVD multiple times, and this was the first episode on it, it’s almost as much a part of me as series 1 at this point because I have such strong memories and nostalgia for watching it. I mean, and this is no word of a lie, I haven’t pronounced majority correctly in my head for about 10 years (and think god it hasn’t affected my actual speech), no, madge arwell has imprinted herself on my internal vocabulary, I think madge-arwellity. (anonymous)
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
In 2367, the Indian Space Agency is on high alert as an unidentified spaceship hurtles towards the Earth. The Eleventh Doctor assembles a team to investigate, including the legendary Queen Nefertiti, a big game hunter named Riddell, Amy, Rory... and Rory's father, Brian. Materialising aboard the mystery ship, they're surprised to find it populated by dinosaurs. With time running out before the ship is blasted out of the sky, the Doctor must confront a vicious criminal named Solomon, as the lives of his companions and the dinosaurs hang in the balance...
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
A Town Called Mercy
Missing Mexico by 200 miles, the Eleventh Doctor ends up in Mercy, Nevada, where something's not quite right... The locals are hostile to strangers, and a border of stone and wood surrounds the town. As the Doctor soon finds out, a gunslinger is behind this, and not just an ordinary one.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Clara and the Eleventh Doctor arrive at the haunted Caliburn House, set alone on a desolate moor. Within its walls, a ghost-hunting professor and a gifted empathic psychic are searching for the Witch of the Well. Her apparition appears throughout the history of the building, but is she really a ghost? And what is chasing her?
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Doctor's TARDIS is captured by brothers running a salvage company in space. In the process, Clara gets lost inside the time machine. To save her, the Eleventh Doctor promises the brothers they can have the TARDIS if they'll help search for his missing companion. They agree, only to find that what lies at the centre of the TARDIS can kill them all.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The Crimson Horror
In 1893, the Eleventh Doctor's old friends, Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax find an optogram of the Doctor on a victim of the mysterious "crimson horror". They head for Yorkshire, where Jenny infiltrates Mrs Winifred Gillyflower's community of Sweetville to find what has happened to him.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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judging from these last few eps, the finale of Gwitch cour 2 is looking to be very solidly okay. like, maybe not the best but also far from the worst.
i mean. these last few episodes felt pretty rushed to me, and it’s clear they’re trying to speedrun the plot in the remaining timeframe (like. Jeturk bros’ Sudden Flashback Scene in ep 23 was clearly an attempt to evoke emotions in a slightly hamfisted way, and imo they should’ve hinted at Caliburn’s existence way before its actual introduction). but while i wish there was more showing and less telling, the narrative and character arcs have consistent internal logic, which is crucial to having a decent story.
of course, there’s still the final episode to consider—and the finale could either maintain the level of quality, do really good and elevate the anime to godtier levels, or go catastrophically wrong. judging by the quality of the second half of cour 2, i’m optimistic of it staying its course and giving us a perfectly decent ending. (besides, who knows if this is the definitive end of Gwitch’s universe and characters? imo there’s definitely enough material of the setting for another season, so maybe they’ve got more in store for us.)
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darknessawaits28 · 5 months
Get your head in the game Choomba- Cyberpunk 2077 Pt. 1
*Phone ringing*
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"V here."
"Hey V, it's River, wanted to ask if you was free?"
"At the moment...yeah I'm free....what's up?" V smiled as she drove her cotton candy colored Caliburn down the freeway at 120 miles per hour.
"Uh...wanted to invite you over for dinner at Joss's....if you can make it?"
"Huh, dinner, that sounds interesting."
"Yeah...we'll be waiting...hope to see you."
"I'll be there River, no need to pout."
River laughed on the other side of the phone call before hanging up and getting himself ready; aka showering, putting on some nice cologne and clothes for V.
As V continued to drive, Johnny magically appeared next to her, glaring daggers at her. "What now Johnny?"
"Nothing, I just am laughing internally because you don't seem to notice what is going to happen next" Johnny gagged a bit, knowing for a fact that V was going to fuck River tonight.
"Excuse me, what happens to my body is my choice Johnny, you're just a passenger" V grumbled as she changed lanes to head to the Red Peaks' Trailer Park.
"You sure about that?" Johnny smirked as he lifted his right hand, forcing V to do the same with her right hand.
"Fuck Johnny, stop it, I'm driving at high speeds, you wanna kill us both!" V shouted worriedly as she held the wheel with her left hand.
"Pull up by Kendall park" Johnny ordered.
V rolled her eyes as she got control back in her right arm and turned into the wrong exit, heading to this so called park. As she pulled into the parking lot, she parked her car, glaring angrily at Johnny. "You could've seriously killed us you fuck head!"
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"Relax, you're a good driver, I wouldn't have done that if you weren't" Johnny snickered, pulling off his glasses and putting them on the dashboard.
"Okay...so now what?" V sighed, hoping that this was quick because she had to get to River's place soon.
"V....I just.....ugh....I don't....whatever....".
"Come on, spill" V chuckled, crossing her arms as she waited for the whole pep talk he was going to give her.
"I just...after all this time we've been together V.....I'm starting to fall for you....more and more." "I mean not just because of your clusterfuck of hormones you have...but because you're such a great friend to me" Johnny admitted.
V, taken aback by his response, sat there in silence, trying to figure out what the fuck to say. "Johnny I....-" she gulped. "How would this even work?" "Not trying to be a bitch in this moment but you're just a relic in my brain, how can we be together?"
Johnny nodded, giving her a side smirk, "I used to know a girl that would always brag that she can copy engram's and clone them into a body." "We could see if she's still alive or find someone that can do that."
"Johnny, seriously, now you tell me this, after all this time of you being in my fucking brain!"
"Hey, hey, hey, they're not gonna actually fix you up and take the relic out of your slot, but they can like slice a part of the relic and make a copy of my signature." "I think the copy can last up to two weeks but that's it."
V groaned angrily as she rubbed her temples, trying to figure out what should she do next. "Fuck, let me go to River's at least, have some dinner, and then we bounce; sound good?"
"He's gonna try and fuck you V, I saw it in his eyes" Johnny chuckled, grabbing his shades and putting them back on.
"I mean he is hotter than the Sahara desert" V bite her bottom lip in a sexy manner, causing Johnny to take control of her right hand and make her slap herself.
"What the fuck, Johnny!?" V jumped slightly, Johnny beginning to laugh hysterically.
V simply rolled her eyes and put her car in reverse and headed out of the parking lot to the trailer park where River asked to meet her.
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The UWELL CALIBURN GK2 POD KIT, features an internal 690mAh battery and has a maximum 18W output. Made from zinc-alloy, its chassis is certainly durable. The UWELL CALIBURN GK2 POD KIT has been designed for portability, as well as delivering flavor and adequate vapor. It has a capacity foe e-liquid or e-juice of 2ML and works with nicotine salts or freebase mixtures. The GK2 functions with a draw-activated firing mechanism, this allows for button free operation. The new Caliburn also has LED indicator lights and it utilizes haptic feedback Highly intuitive the UWELL CALIBURN GK2 POD KIT makes for a fantastic travel vape if you are on the go. The UWELL CALIBURN GK2 is compatible with new G2 pods, 0.8ohm meshed coil and a G2 1.2ohm mesh coil. Features: Inhale Activated 690mAh Battery MTL Pod Fixed Power Output 2ML Refillable Pods USB-C Charging Compatible with G2 Caliburn Pods Size: 72.2 x 46.6 x 16.3 mm Weight: 45.2 g Capacity: 2.0 ml Max Power: 18 W Battery: 690 mAh It Includes: 1x Uwell Caliburn GK2 Device 1x Uwell Caliburn G2 POD Mesh 1.2ohm(Pre-installed) 1x Uwell Caliburn G2 POD Mesh 0.8ohm 1x Type-C Charge Cable 1x User Manual & Warranty Info
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alaniliu · 1 month
Top 10 Vape Products to Kick Off 2024
If you’re looking to explore the top vape products to start 2024, here’s a curated list of the most promising options available. Whether you’re new to vaping or an experienced vaper seeking new experiences, this guide covers a variety of devices and flavors that cater to diverse preferences and needs.
1. Smok Novo 4 Mini
Starting strong, the Smok Novo 4 Mini is ideal for those who prioritize portability without compromising on performance. With an 800mAh battery and a 2ml pod capacity, this device offers a perfect balance of convenience and capability. It features an adjustable airflow system that allows users to customize their vaping experience from tight MTL (mouth-to-lung) draws to more open DL (direct lung) hits.
2. Vaporesso Luxe XR
The Vaporesso Luxe XR is a versatile pod system with an innovative design. It supports both a 0.4 ohm and a 0.8 ohm pod, catering to different vaping preferences. The device includes a 1500mAh battery, ensuring that it lasts through the day for most users. Its AXON chip provides a consistent performance and includes features like pulse mode, which enhances flavor with each puff.
3. GeekVape Aegis Boost Plus
The GeekVape Aegis Boost Plus stands out for its rugged durability. Waterproof, dustproof, and shockproof, this device is built to withstand tough conditions, making it an excellent choice for vapers who are often outdoors. It also offers a versatile range of power adjustments up to 40W, and its large 5.5ml pod ensures you can vape longer without refilling.
4. Uwell Caliburn G2
Uwell’s Caliburn G2 is noted for its flavor enhancement capabilities. It features precise airflow control and a vibration interaction feature, making it user-friendly, especially for beginners. The device employs Pro-FOCS flavor testing technology, ensuring that each draw maximizes the e-liquid’s taste.
5. Elf Bar BC5000
As a disposable option, the Elf Bar BC5000 is extremely popular among vapers who prefer convenience over customization. It offers a wide range of flavors and has a significant e-liquid capacity of 13ml, which can deliver up to 5000 puffs, outperforming many other disposables in longevity.
6. Voopoo Drag X Plus
The Voopoo Drag X Plus is a powerful pod mod that can go up to 100W. It features the new GENE.FAN 2.0 chip, which provides a fast firing speed and a stable output. Its smart mode automatically recognizes the coil inserted, adjusting the power to prevent burns and extend coil life.
7. Innokin Kroma-Z
The Innokin Kroma-Z is a pod mod system that easily switches between MTL and RDL vaping. It has an internal 3000mAh battery, providing ample power for day-long vaping. Its external 510 adapter turns it into a mod, offering versatility with the use of different tanks.
8. Freemax Marvos T 80W
This is a straightforward, user-friendly pod mod with a single button interface and a clear display. The Freemax Marvos T 80W offers an adjustable power range and utilizes MS Mesh coils, known for their flavor accuracy and cloud production.
9. Lost Vape Orion Mini
The Lost Vape Orion Mini is designed for those who appreciate the aesthetics of their device as much as performance. It uses a Quest chip to provide consistent output and features an elegant design with high-quality materials.
10. Juul 2 Pod System
After facing regulatory challenges, Juul has made a comeback with the Juul 2 Pod System, designed to meet stricter standards. It features a new set of flavors and a closed system to control usage, aiming at a safer and more regulated vaping experience.
As vaping technology continues to evolve, these products represent the cutting-edge for 2024, offering users a wide range of features and options tailored to enhance their vaping experience. Whether you value flavor, durability, or convenience, there’s a device on this list that’s sure to meet your needs as you kick off the new year.
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vapehk1 · 11 months
Uwell Caliburn Bar B6000 Disposable 6000 Puffs Review: Portable,Little and Convenient Disposable
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Uwell has recently unveiled its new creation, the CALIBURN BAR B6000, in its enduring quest to offer an enriched vaping experience. Having gotten my hands on this gadget last week, I've had ample time to explore its offerings. The Caliburn Bar B6000 is a compact and portable disposable device that boasts a staggering 6000 puffs, aiming to cater to modern vapers' craving for a convenient, yet potent vaping tool. This review is dedicated to unraveling the various facets of the Caliburn Bar B6000, shedding light on its design, performance, and user-centric features. https://files.myuwell.com/gabriel/caliburn-bar-b6000/video/video.mp4 Features & Specifications  - Net Weight: 70(g) - Size: 73mm x 48mm x 18mm - NO Maintenance and NO Refilling - (5%) 50MG Salt Nic - Intense Throat Hit Production - Pre-Filled - Estimated Puff Count: 6000 puffs - Liquid Capacity: 12mL - Internal 600mAh Battery - Pre-Charged - Pre-Installed 1.2Ω Caliburn Mesh Coil - Pro-FOCS Flavor Adjustment Technology - E-Liquid and Battery Indicator Lights - Auto-firing Mechanism - MTL Vaping - Very Compact, Portable, Lightweight, and Remarkably Easy to Operate - Captivating Box Shaped Design - Wide Plastic Ergonomic Mouthpiece - 15 Flavors - Rechargeable via Type-C Charge Port Design & Build The first glance at the Caliburn Bar B6000 reveals a futuristic cyberpunk pattern encased in a glossy, colorful translucent shell that is both eye-catching and stylish. Despite its petite size, the device sits comfortably in the palm, and its lightweight nature makes it a breeze to carry around, epitomizing portability. Battery Life & Charging Empowered by a built-in 600mAh battery, the Caliburn Bar B6000 is engineered to endure extended vaping sessions. The inclusion of a Type-C charging port is a nod to modernity, although being a disposable, recharging isn’t part of the usual user experience. Ease of Use Ease of operation is a hallmark of the Caliburn Bar B6000. The draw-activated firing mechanism paves the way for a button-free vaping experience, making it especially welcoming for beginners. The absence of complicated settings emphasizes its user-friendly demeanor, allowing for a straightforward vaping journey. https://youtu.be/iVi9O9Rh6_0 E-Liquid Capacity The device comes with a pre-filled 12ml e-liquid reservoir, ensuring a hearty supply for up to 6000 puffs. This generous offering, combined with a choice of 15 gourmet flavors, provides a versatile vaping experience catering to a broad spectrum of taste preferences. Flavor & Vapor Production Uwell’s Pro-FOCS flavor technology, along with the advanced mesh coil performance inherited from the Caliburn series, underpins the remarkable flavor profile and satisfying vapor production of the Caliburn Bar B6000. The array of flavors, ranging from the refreshing cool mint to the exotic dragon fruit berry, ensures a palette for every taste preference. Pros: - Chic, modern design that’s both compact and portable. - Generous pre-filled e-liquid capacity with up to 6000 puffs. - User-friendly draw-activated mechanism. - Exceptional flavor and vapor production with a diverse flavor variety. - Dependable battery life with a modern Type-C charging port. Cons: - As a disposable device, it may pose environmental concerns for eco-conscious vapers. Final Thoughts: The Uwell Caliburn Bar B6000 encapsulates the essence of a modern disposable vape device - portable, stylish, and adept at delivering a gratifying vaping experience. Its simplicity of operation, coupled with a vast flavor variety and robust battery life, makes it a commendable choice for those seeking a hassle-free vaping adventure on the go. Whether you are a veteran vaper or a newcomer, the Caliburn Bar B6000 is a convenient companion promising a satisfying and delightful vaping escapade. Where to buy Uwell Caliburn Bar B6000  Read the full article
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vapedubai19 · 2 years
The Caliburn X device vape kit has a modern, fashionable design. Because it’s simple to use and provides an MTL (Mouth To Lung) inhalation, this is a fantastic option for novice vapers. With an internal battery capacity of 850mAh, you can go longer between charges. Each kit comes with a Caliburn X device refillable pod with a mesh coil already installed and a spare for improved flavor. Quick…
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candy--heart · 5 years
By  Emily Price
So I decided to do a little research into the $750/day figure I’d heard a private company was charging the US government per each detained migrant child. I wanted to, with my own eyes and brain, 1. verify this figure was accurate; 2. verify it was indeed a private company instead of a non-profit charging this, if true, as both have managed these detention centers (not that it really matters, ultimately, but stay with me); 3. try to figure out where this per diem sum — more than my monthly mortgage — was going, if not to even buy these tortured children toothbrushes and soap, which are about the cheapest basic necessities on the market, and which no individual has to replace every day.
$750/person A DAY should cover a lot of necessities, right? Right. So where the hell is all this money going? This can’t be true...
Well here’s what I found:
1. Yes, it’s a private company called Comprehensive Health Services (a subsidiary of Caliburn International). CHS operates the largest child migrant detention center, which is in FL and was already getting horrible press — especially from local FL papers — last year. But that didn’t matter, because CHS recently opened up a few more child prisons in TX, as it snagged a new government contract, despite many documented concerns about conditions there.
2. $750/day per child is an accurate sum of CHS’s CLAIMED operating costs, and what our federal tax dollars are paying for. A sum that was agreed to upon award of the contract. In fact, it was actually on the record as $775 last summer.
3. So where is this money going, you wonder, if not to soap and toothbrushes? Yeah, I did too, and it was quite easy to dig up. CHS, via Caliburn, is controlled by the private equity firm DC Capital Partners. For those of you who don’t know how private equity firms work, look it up, or ask me in the comments.
4. While I would not be able to find out vested shareholders in the DCCP portfolio, we do not have to assume they’re making some nice returns on these CHS operations and government contracts that line their pockets instead of covering even basic human needs for children. That’s clear, because why would a private company keep their costs down so low that they completely disregard humanity, even though they say they’re experts in “healthcare?”
5. While I can’t name for you the private investors getting rich off of this humanitarian crisis, I can name for you members of the advisory board of DCCP, which approves everything in the portfolio.
First up: Trump’s former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, who was named to the board LAST MONTH, and photographed riding a golf cart into a CHS child prison. So with his own eyes, he saw the conditions there. And he was cool with it all, because hey, there’s money to be made for his rich investor friends, and maybe even himself! Who knows! Can’t say for sure, so feel free to reasonably assume what you wish. I’m just stating facts here.
Coincidentally, prior to joining Trump in the WH, he was also a paid lobbyist for DCCP. Hmmmm...
6. So next up on the DCCP board: Richard L. Armitage, former U.S. deputy secretary of state; Michael Corbin; former ambassador to the United Arab Emirates; Michael V. Hayden, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security Agency; Donald M. Kerr Jr., former deputy director of science and technology at the CIA; Anthony C. Zinni, former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command and former U.S. Envoy to the Middle East; and Stephen F. Loftus, former director of the Office of the Budget for the United States Navy.
Are y’all seeing any patterns here?
7. Michael Hayden, last June, said on the record he sees “commonality” between Nazi Germany’s separation of children at concentration camps and the Trump administration policy that is forcing children to be separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"I know we’re not Nazi Germany, alright. But there is a commonality there, and a fear on my part ... We have standards we have to live up to,” Hayden told CNN’s “New Day.”
It appears he left those standards at the boardroom door, along with many other individuals that dance with greed and corruption on the line of the private and public sectors COMPLETELY UNCHECKED.
8. Last month, the same month Kelly got his new gig, the government awarded CHS a brand new, hush-hush contract worth $341 million, even though there had been tons of pressure to close it due to its conditions.
9. Just two months before this, in March, CHS/Caliburn cancelled its IPO after registering with the SEC to sell $100m public shares. The CEO cited “market forces,” yet made it clear the company was thriving and growing.
I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusions about all of this, or do more research. And I’ll post a ton of sources in the comments for those who actually think this administration is “draining the swamp,” or who want to debate the semantics of whether these ”centers” can reasonably be called child concentration camps or not without offending some non-brown people.
And for those of you who think children don’t deserve the most basic human rights because they’re not American: There’s a special place in hell for you, and I imagine hell to be a whole lot like this situation.
For those of you who are cool lining the pockets of private citizens in DC with YOUR tax dollars while dirty, hungry, sick children live imprisoned and stacked in cages without even a dime of your money going to pay for soap and toothbrushes for these kids like it was supposed to: I’m ashamed to share this country with you as legal citizens, and I think you’re disgustingly dumb. We failed you, too, but at least you got to go to school when you were a kid, and didn’t spend childhood dying in a cage.
1. As mentioned upon writing this, I originally posted my sources at the beginning of the comments thread at time of publishing -- before it became a large discussion. For your convenience and further reading, I am now moving my sources here + some extra homework for everyone to do (no particular order):
https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/CLBR:US https://www.miamiherald.com/…/immigra…/article229744049.html https://www.cbsnews.com/…/john-kelly-joins-board-of-calibu…/ https://news.littlesis.org/…/wall-street-banks-former-def…/… https://thehill.com/…/392727-hayden-sees-commonality-betwee… https://www.npr.org/…/florida-shelter-is-scrutinized-for-th… https://www.nytimes.com/…/migrant-shelters-border-crossing.… https://heavy.com/news/2019/05/caliburn-international/… https://www.thedailybeast.com/doj-is-investigating-whether-… https://thebaffler.com/…/retirement-brought-to-you-by-priso… https://www.floridatoday.com/…/cape-canaveral-de…/717375002/ https://www.chsmedical.com/compliance
The people have spoken, so hope that helps you all wrap your minds around this in a more complete and credible way. Thank you to all who have participated in civil dialogue and shared this post. Let's keep it constructive, as we do not need to be even more destructive than the current situation.
2. THE POST IS ALREADY PUBLIC + SHAREABLE. Please do not ask me if you can share it -- I made it public, which is why you can see it. You should be able to share the original version. If you can't, refresh your app, run your updates or make sure you aren't still viewing a friend's protected share of the original itself. There is no possible way I can instruct all individuals on how to share it -- but I appreciate all of you who are moved by these words, and want to raise awareness about this distressing situation.
3. Your concern has given me hope. Do your homework. Look into your group investment portfolios, pensions, etc. Know where your money is invested. Call your legislators. Do anything but freak out to the point of being unproductive and histrionic. DO ANYTHING BUT BE AWFUL TO EACH OTHER.
Thank you. We are in this together..
By  Emily Price
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midnightfunk · 5 years
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futurefind · 2 years
//Sometimes I think about making sliding scale of in universe explanations/magic systems-ing for Sa’s sword but then I just                                                                     nah 🥱
It’s simply an In Universe mysterious mechanics dual-elemental sword w physical buffs (& slight appearance changes) that has fixed ‘levels’, whose elements change upon user, and— as inexplicable as everything about it is— extra inexplicably can only be used by certain individuals, presumably via ‘choosing’ its wielders itself
It’s just... not meant to be known, thematically, both as a legacy object/connection from Sasume to her mother, and as a much needed and ‘unnatural/inhuman’ source of power, protection, and safety rather than as a piece of understandable/dissectible piece of magic system
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gwydionmisha · 5 years
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chuchiotaku · 3 years
I'M BAACK!! Sorry if I didn't sent you an ask yesterday, but... ehm... let's say collage pretended my company the whole day...
First off, Awwww! Harry really wants to have his best friend at his side for everything, doesn't he? Feels like he's reaching levels of obsessities of sixth year's Draco great debacle (that, back then, Ron didn't believed in too! I love this callback) and I agree with Neville, Ron does REALLY need to boost his self worth and how others sees him. It shouldn't have gave him the Deluminator, but a good therapist.
"Harry will eventualy realize that he was far from reliable or irreplaceable. Just like Harry had in his first life. Just like how everyone else will" ....wow you really wanted to punch me that hard in my guts didn't you? (But suuuuuuure, you're totally replaceble, just wait until next vision to see it.)
HUI SCENES ARE AMAZINGGGG!!!! A distinction between Caliburn and Excalibur!? GÀE BOLG?? VIJAYA??? ACTUAL INTERNATIONAL MYTHS AND FOLKLORE WELL PUT IN THE STORY??? I LOVE YOU I- Ok better if I calm myself down now but Hui who are you!?? You have surrounded this goblin with so much mistery that I wish an entire book about him. He looks so calm and lovable, but I fear what he'll be able to do of you take his bad side.
Yggdrasil's scene was... I never felt so much magic in a HP fanfic before, with literally the same wonder and beauty Harry felt the first time he saw magic. The intimacy of the chosing was great, and even the woods!! The differents ways each wood called Ron was... wow... Fleur's lullabye (the sweet call of his far away home), the bells (how his actions will forever change this world) and the chorus (The souls of the lost ones entrusting him with overwritting destiny). I think the wand will be a mixture of the three wands, or the last two. Also what kind of wood is that last one?? I searched all kinda of honeysuckles and I couldn't find anything! (Except that now I know lots more about the Lonicera's genre thank to you) but... it's elder, isn't it? I know it's gonna be elder! I'm so excited to see Ron's reaction to it! And who is that misteryous client? Hui, you'll never stop to amaze me.
Ron's birthday??? Like, FINALLY?!? We saw only one time his birthday in the original timeline and that was only because he got poisoned. (Wow JK, you really know how to write good friendships...😒) It was so good to see how the brother's organized a surprise party, really feeling that familiar love we really needed! I can't wait to see his gifts too! (If you'll write about them, of course😅)
About Hagrid's dragon problem... I don't think they could have handled better! Poor Hagrid, but don't worry this is for the greater good. And poor Neville too!
Also THAT DRAGON' AFFINITY HOLY FUUU- That came out of nowhere! It's so... increadible!! The dragons riders??? Who are them!?? What story!!?? What happened during the war? What was Neville refering to!?? Essence of family??? I- I... wow. You're amazing. I wonder how it'll come back in the story.. I wonder if... *wink* it'll end with... *wink* ... a dragon's garrison? *wink wink* I love this many questions you make me think of, how much I want to know MORE about the world, never change.
I'm surprised that the rescue team didn't had Charlie in it, but I'm sure there's a good reason why he couldn't come. Always good seeing more people added to the story! More nationalities! Yes! (I wonder if one day an italian wizard will pop up, i can count on one hand the number of them that I've seen them in HP's fanfics). And Draco getting scolded is always good.
...and yeah the team got caught too. Ops. Oh well you can't always win. I can't wait for the next chapter, I'm really, really really hyped!
Hey there! It's been a while! :D
I'm sorry for the very late reply. RL has kept me busy, among other things. I haven't been online in a long time for something not work related. Also, I needed some time off.
Anyway, I did drop a lot of good bits during Hatch and Flight, yes? I laid some groundwork for several plot elements that will come back later rather than sooner (like the wand, the Prewett legacy). I loved how you interpreted the wand wood scene! You even added things I haven't considered, which really made my day when I read this post! I'm so floored with all the thought you put in TBA!
So there will be other nationalities popping up in TBA, but not so much (hoping to have at least one from each continent except Antarctica because you know, no one lives there). I don't want to add international characters for the sake of it, but because they have something to do with the plot moving forward. Imhothep, for example, has Egyptian roots. Sue (a canon character) is half-Chinese. Wonder who else will show up?
The Prewett family legacy I came up with came from several sources of inspiration, one of which was a fanfic with a werewolf!Ron that I can't remember the title of right now. But again, it will be a while before that comes up. I'm excited to write it down though.
And Charlie wasn't part of the rescue team because he also wasn't in canon and I didn't feel the need to change it. I had the half-mind to, but since they already saw each other during the Holidays, it felt unnecessary.
Thank you again for your kind words and your love for TBA. I'm working on the next chapter so I hope you'll stay tuned for it. It's kinda long overdue, but I hope you'll like it anyway.
Cheers and stay safe! 😁🥰😁
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