#Health Care App Texas
homehealthpro · 10 months
How Medical Apps for Healthcare Professionals Improve Access and Connectivity
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Upgrade your medical practice with state-of-the-art Medical Apps for Healthcare Professionals designed to enhance access and connectivity in patient care. These innovative tools have been tailored to meet the unique needs of healthcare providers, ensuring seamless integration into your daily routines.
Key Features:
Enhanced Accessibility: Gain instant access to patient records, medical histories, and diagnostic information from anywhere, at any time. Break free from the confines of traditional office setups and provide efficient care on the go.
Real-time Collaboration: Foster improved communication and collaboration among healthcare teams. Discuss cases, share insights, and consult with specialists in real-time, promoting a more comprehensive approach to patient care.
Streamlined Scheduling: Optimize your time management with intuitive scheduling features. Ensure appointments, follow-ups, and procedures are organized efficiently, reducing wait times and enhancing patient satisfaction.
Secure Data Transmission: Rest easy knowing that patient data is encrypted and secure. These apps adhere to the highest standards of data protection, ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.
Integrated Telehealth Solutions: Embrace the future of healthcare by seamlessly integrating telehealth capabilities. Conduct virtual consultations, monitor patients remotely, and provide timely interventions, all through a user-friendly interface.
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intheorangebedroom · 2 years
Pleased to meet you
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The random HC edition!
Happy Frankie Friday, everyone!
I am very sorry this next chapter is taking so long. You can blame the fucking holidays that played with my mental health like it was a Kendama. It may not look like it, considering the length of this silly post, but I'm actively working on it.
As I've stated before, I have way too many HC about this story. Here are some, completely random, no one will care about. Enjoy!
[series masterlist]
(and please, why is his fucking belt UNBUCKLED)
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If you really want to know my Frankie, you can read this near extensive love letter, which was originally closer to a 10k ramble. Here's a few extra details (there are many more stored up in my sick brain).
Frankie will tell you that his favourite book is not The Master and Margarita. Don't believe him. That's a lie. Instead, he'll argue that it's In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote, All Quiet On The Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, a close second (which is a nod to myself about my next story). He also loves Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He used to read a lot more when he was in the Army, nowadays not so much, somehow.
His favourite movie genre is science-fiction, and his favourite movie of all time is Close Encounters of the Third Kind (can you guess why?) He also has a particular fondness for Solyaris, Sunshine and Monsters. And in a couple of years (PTMY is set in 2014-205) he will love Prospect (do I need to link that?). He also loves documentaries, especially the science ones.
His favourite bands are Jefferson Airplane (Grace Slick's voice does things to him) and, well, Fleetwood Mac, which is a sort of fandom consensus for P boys that they all like FM, right? His favourite song is Dusty Springfield's Windmills Of Your Mind, which he never told the boys because they would give him hell. It reminds him of his mother.
Izzy would like him to be more in touch, culturally speaking, with his Argentinian roots. But it's a very complicated topic for him. Argentinian cuisine is, however, by far his favourite (he loves good meat).
Frankie has a thorough, obsessive mind. When he gets into something, anything, he wants to know everything about it, understand how it works, break it down and rebuild it entirely, and he will spend months, sometimes years, fixated on the same book/movie/object/painting... woman.
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Benny has never been much of a reader. But he's a music connoisseur with eclectic tastes. He's always looking to discover new music, and his favourite app is Radiooooo. Please don't talk to him about CDs, he will hurt you, vinyls are the only way to listen to music if it's not live. He has far too many favourite bands to list (and even I don't know most of them, they're too obscure).
His favourite movie genre is HORROR (capitalised because when he tells someone, it is always excitedly, and in a very loud voice) and his favourite movie is The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (close second: An American Werewolf in London). I have it down to his favourite scene, in case you're wondering just how crazy I am.
Don't let the golden retriever demeanour fool you, he's a very sharp, insightful movie watcher, he can break down any given scene for you and he has a passion for makeshift special effects.
He'll eat quite literally anything, especially if it has eggs or cheese in it (he's actually a very good cook, but you don't want to clean after him), but his favourite dish is his mother's mac & cheese, because he's cute like that.
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A word on my Will. He's a very refined, educated, sensitive man. A man of cold logic and rich inner world, complex thoughts and curated emotions. Will is an iceberg. We only see 10% of him. There is this original wound in his childhood only Ben knows about (it's a family thing), but one day in the near future he will tell Reader. He's a dreamer, and a romantic, as well as a very practical man, which in his unique case is not mutually exclusive. He and Reader are very alike and insanely close, I cannot stress that enough.
He enrolled after 9/11 because he thought it was his duty and he sincerely believed he was going to make a difference. He crashed so hard when he realised what was what. Still, he soldiered on, pun intended, because he had committed himself to the job. He is, as he himself puts it, a warrior, but he would have made a damn fine architect or artist.
When Jean left him, she broke his heart. It didn't make him bitter, however, on the contrary, he developed more empathy (which might come in handy... 👀). He is the only one who acknowledges the traumas they all went through and sought treatment for it.
He's not too big on movies, but his favourite is Citizen Kane (which Reader ADORES. I have so many HC about her, because I suck at reader's insert and she's a complete OFC without a name and a writer with the courage to formally declare her such). He likes classic rock and Debussy and trusts his little brother to make him discover new sounds.
ETA: His favourite novel is Anna Karenina.
Seriously? I've never loved a man so much while being not remotely attracted to them.
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I'll be honest here, Santi is a bit of a mystery to me, and I spend just as much time trying to decipher him as I spend imagining Frankie's or the Millers' childhood (don't worry, I will spare you. For now).
We know what kind of music he listens to. Music for motivation, if you ask me. It's less about the tune itself than setting the mood in which he needs to be.
I believe he likes food. Good food. He will not, unlike Benny, eat anything, very far from it. His job is his life. But he does like to travel for leisure. Also, total lack of imagination on my behalf, here, but he's from Guatemala.
He and Frankie met first, at the very beginning of their military careers, but Frankie became very close with Will and even more so with Benny when they met later on. Santi and Frankie have a deeply rooted yet looser bond. They can go for months without talking to each other, but will very naturally pick up where they left off. Benny is Frankie's best friend. For now, at least.
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Name one person who cares. Not me.
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Now ok, I hear you, you're screaming at your screen "did I just read a shittone of useless stuff I never asked for in the first place???" And please, mind you, I'm sparing you the HC on Izzy, Rosie and Yovanna. I'd just like you to know that Izzy's bi.
So to atone for that, I will tell you how the PTMY boys fuck.
Frankie fucks with a vengeance. It's an outlet. A necessity.
However, nothing will happen until he's got his partner's explicit consent. Another consensus about Frankie, he is very respectful of women. It's in his nature, and Izzy did a very good job educating her little brother as a feminist.
His first kiss was Brionna (you better believe he got the girl he wanted. And she never regretted having him as her first kiss either) and his first time was with one of his sister's friends, Selena. He was a scrawny 15-year-old, however already very... charming, and... motivated. She was 19 and slightly condescending at first, like “ok, you cute, I'll take your virginity.” Let me tell you, she was in for quite a surprise. She certainly didn't expect him to make her come. This hard. Twice.
Like I said, obsessive and thorough... When he started being into girls, he downright studied the subject so he could master it and be the best. Not competitively, though. He's too selfless. He's a very tactile, sensory person. He needs to taste, inhale, touch. When he cares, his hands are on his partner, always.
Oh and Izzy got super pissed at him for fucking her friend.
Yes, his favorite meal is 🐱 and yes, he will make his partner come multiple times before he does anything else, but when he's done with that, he will turn them over and fuck into them at a punishing pace. That's why, in the darkest period of his life, he favoured intercourses with professionals. Who he also treats with the utmost respect. Over the years, 🐱 eating has become a quest. He's always and forever looking for your taste. And as he does, he'd rather not see his partner's face, so he can forget he most likely will never taste you again...
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But it wasn't always like that. In college, he was literally drowning in 🐱, as word quickly got out of his prowess. And he was exceptionally soft on Pilar, the Mexican girl, the only woman he really ever had a relationship with, and boy, did he break her heart when he left. He had no intention of hurting her, and he tried his best to be gentle, but he felt like staying with her was being dishonest.
And of course, there's you.
Ok, one more for the road, because it makes me sweat.
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Benny's quick (compared to the other ones) but deadly efficient. He's got stamina. He's playful. Sex with him is simple, and fun, and good. Very good. He will make his partner feel soooo good about themselves and their body. He's talkative (likes to let them know what's on the menu before he starts), and he'll be into whatever they're into. He. Is. Game. Toys? Alright! You wanna be tied up? Why not! You want him tied up? Let's go!
Oh and he's a tits man. And he likes ALL of them. Any shape any size any colour.
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Ah. Will. Will would rather be in love. But, you know. You can't always be. This said, no matter the circumstances, he will be entirely cued in to his partner, careful to please and to pleasure. Completely selfless as well. Also great stamina. Guess it runs in the family. But when he's in love? Phewwwww... When he's in love, his moves belong in a museum. It is ✨art✨
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Santi is in for the performance. He's a showman. Which at times gets in the way of the result, despite him being a very good partner. Yovanna exposed him, on this one, though. Saw right through the bs and told him as much. And thus made him a much better lover...
I mean. Look at him strut... 🙄😏
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Has a micropenis.
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Alright, that's it! Are you still alive? Thank you for reading!
Trying my best to have chapter 13 ready by next Friday.
Taglist (thank you 💕): @elegantduckturtle @mashomasho @lola766 @flowersandpotplantsandsunshine @nicolethered @littleone65 @bands-tv-movies-is-me @the-rambling-nerd @saintbedelia @pedrostories @trickstersp8 @all-the-way-down-here @deadmantis @hbc8 @princessdjarin @harriedandharassed @girlofchaos
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pandemichub · 1 year
Please be aware, data not being collected does not mean there is no data. Reach out to your local representatives to push HARD for continued funding of waste water monitoring. It is the most reliable, and an incredibly vital resource. Without information about viral trends, it becomes quite uncertain how to proceed for the average person and for communities.
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I posted an article awhile back about waste water monitoring finding quite potentially being in a precarious position. Furthermore this would lead to outbreaks and the general public being unawares and run afoul of horrible outcomes.
The work of aggregating and collating of data is being left to individuals, which is not only horrifying, unethical and well out of step with science based methods and guidance, but highly unusual given data is kept and provided for other illnesses, especially ones as severe and concerning as covid-19 (SARs CoV 2).
For the time being, I personally will be assuming transmission is moderate to high in addition to my sources. In the absence or great reduction of data and reports, greater estimations and assessment of made, and when only observations, assumed. Be as safe as you can everyone 💝 - Admin
Please be aware of what may no longer be offered, operating or an out of pocket cost. Masks, tests (all types), vaccines, remote options, COVID-19 tracking apps. Also be mindful of any local or nationwide level policies, proposals, news or trends that cite mask and other NPI removals, bans, stigma or efforts towards criminalization.
For the time being, the following resources remains invaluable:
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It has come to my attention the person whose account is Laughter In Light has falsely claimed a prominent disability advocate encouraged or engaged in doxxing and slander with no demonstrable proof which has led to great harm. Laughter in light has provided some very helpful information throughout the pandemic. It is also important to be aware, critical and hold people into account for their actions, ideologies, commentary/statements and or stances. There are many other wonderful sources to inform oneself and stay up to date. - Admin
Provides regular updates on infectious diseases news
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Sadly they don't have a website or any links I know of. Their Twitter is public however and can be viewed even without an account.
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Give incredible analysis and updates on SARS CoV-2! Excellent medical and scientific communicator!
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Stella has been amazing since the beginning and continues to be. Definitely worth following! Check out their link tree! They're also on Tiktok!
If anyone has any international resources for updates and tracking, please add it via reblog and I'll definitely share! - Admin
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scaryspears · 4 months
Baby Reindeer Review + Rant
So I watched Baby Reindeer. I'm going to be honest, I wasn't interested at first, but it gained a lot of attention by Tiktokers. I don't have my own Netflix account, so when my mum travelled and I had access to her TV, I took a chance while I could. 7 episodes, 20-30 minutes each. 
I feel like the suspense was ruined since I knew it was a stalker situation, but I guess I was patient enough to see what would happen. I heard people talking about how Martha was scary, or how they found Baby Reindeer to be a horror, and I must admit that it wasn't the same case for me. When I think of horror I think of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Ichi the Killer. If we're going to argue about realistic situations when I'm going to throw in Audition 1999, a film about a man ignoring red flags and suffering the consequences of chasing after a woman he had no business chasing. Perhaps I have tainted my mind of so many disgusting images that I didn't register that I was watching a horror.
Speaking of ignoring red flags, I understood that Donnie was a victim, and I understand that trauma can affect how a person views the world and how they may navigate certain situations. I know Richard Gadd was sort of confronting himself when retelling that story, and how it's to investigate his psychology. But I also understood that he was an idiot.
A part of me genuinely thought his gender had something to do with it. How men will see a situation vs how women will see a situation. The Man vs Bear situation influenced that thought process of mine. But the episode that opens up about him being groomed and taken advantage of cancelled that out. Maybe he kept underestimating Martha because he sees a poor little woman who needs help.
Martha is a dangerous person, yet he entertained her, sort of. It was clear that he wanted to set boundaries, but didn't know how to, especially if her feelings were going to be hurt. Somehow Martha found her way around it, and when he did set a boundary for sure she started lashing out. She became worse, and yet somehow he was still able to hold sympathy for her. I think that sympathy is forgiveness, but not the kind that demands you to run with caution, the kind that convinces you to give one more chance.
One act of kindness was punished. Is punished. While I can relate, a vengeful part of me scolds him instead. Martha attacked Teri. I hated how Martha was made out to be someone to sympathise with. She threatened and hurt people, and is shown to be a bit of a racist and maybe a homophone, meaning she's an overall unpleasant person. I don't care if she has mental health problems, that doesn't make her innocent or someone I should sympathise with. Do you know what's also mental health? A 36 year old man stabbing a 14 year old boy to death in Hainault. That actually happened.
As soon as a mentally unwell individual starts harming people it's wraps. Donnie contacted the police, but didn't tell the police about Teri. He went along with his dead-end-job coworkers about not reporting what Martha did at the bar to the police because it would be bad for business. The same coworkers who looked through his email and sent that inappropriate message to Martha, making things worse for Donnie. He willingly associated himself with bad people, and willingly put himself through sticky situations. Also, faking who he is on a dating app? Scary. Yes, Donnie is a victim, but he's a massive idiot. Like people who continue to let others suck the life out of them even though they know they shouldn't. Dogs returning to vomit.
I didn't psychoanalyse him while watching the show, but now that I think about his actions, he's just as bad a person. Yes, he told off Martha after she attacked Teri, but it shouldn't have ever gotten that far in the first place. Richard Gadd was honest about not being a 'woe is me' character, and how his younger self made many dumb decisions. I also know that info on stalking was quite limited at the time, such as the fact that giving them attention makes things worse. Donnie saw her at the bus stop, spacing out, and instead of leaving her there to suffer he got her home. But even that act of kindness, Martha still contacted his family to send threats. She didn't stop being a horrible person. No good deed goes unpunished with people like this. No matter what way it is framed, Martha is not a poor little misunderstood creature, she's a monster.
Conclusion: Baby Reindeer, while an entertaining watch, just made me angry. It makes me think of people who are naive and are forced to learn the hard way. No matter how many times they learn, the lesson doesn't hit.
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chromorbid · 9 months
venting, cw for medical + TMI + menses-related bs
I always felt lucky that I didn't have the same problems as other people with PCOS. my periods were normal except when they weren't. The pain only lasted a couple days or so. the amount of time I spent bleeding was average, even though it was a lot. but I couldn't function in my daily life, and every time I had my period was like I was taking so many steps backwards in my mental health recovery. I didn't want to have more cysts develop and burst either, rendering me unable to function for weeks. I needed it to end.
cue the magic of the minipill. sure my acne got way worse, but at least I wasn't bleeding anymore. at least I wasn't in pain anymore. I even managed to achieve a somewhat more normal body weight, when I always had trouble getting above 100 before. thank fucking god for planned parenthood California, who gave me a years supply for free every checkup without insurance. there was some trial and error with other medications afterwards, and I had to keep track of what triggered my period when I wasn't supposed to be having it. quack doctors who didn't know what they were prescribing, usually. sometimes stress triggers it. sometimes drinking alcohol triggers it. the wrong dairy product. wheat.
I moved to Texas and didn't have a refill ready--the local PP prescribed a different brand, and it cost $112 for six months' worth. it didn't do its job like the other one, but they didn't have my original brand. I found that the one I used to take could be acquired through the PP Direct app, but it's $75 for 3 months' worth. so I've been taking that.
I had a lifestyle change when I moved out of my parents' place. I'm asexual, but still have a sex drive and bought some celebratory sex toys (and have friends who are cool and gifted me stuff too). it turns out that when I use them regularly--you know, that way many people with vaginas do?--that apparently is enough to trigger my period.
I expected that it would probably be the way my period usually is while on this medication: light and spotty, maybe a little bit of cramping here and there. but for the second month, that apparently is not the case. I've never had this much period pain in my LIFE. it can only be compared to my first cyst burst in 2011. I thought I had appendicitis, and if that was the case I probably would have died from it because I sat in urgent care for two and a half fucking hours in agony. the pain eventually went down while there and I learned the appointment alone without insurance was going to cost $180 we didn't have. I gave up and left, gambling with my own life. fortunately all it did was leave me unable to walk for two weeks. I didn't get Actual Appendicitis until 2020. so now I know for sure that what's happening now isn't that.
so. this fucking sucks. I've been in pain for an entire week. I haven't had this much fresh blood leave my body since before i started taking this pill 9 years ago. I'm pretty sure it's made me anemic again. and I cannot FUCKING function without three times the suggested dose of ibuprofen and a heating pad. and I cannot see a doctor until the New Year. I've had the pain hit me so badly I felt like I was gonna faint several times. there's a Christmas party everyone is attending soon tonight and I don't think I can even get up to dress myself.
it's like I'm being punished for getting more comfortable with my body. how is anybody supposed to have a sex life this way? would the other functions of the minipill fail if I was sexually active with other people? fucking Christ.
even though I live in Virginia now, I can't get an appointment with PP. they don't take my insurance. I don't know what to fucking do anymore.
edit oh yeah, I wonder how bad this would be if I WASN'T taking the minipill....... probably worse????? jfc.
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delta-altair · 2 years
Feeling particularly unhinged atm because I just sent out a job app yesterday that I'd been working on for a month (academia is fucking wild y'all) but just like.
There is in fact a difference in scope when it comes to certain kinds of harm. This is one thing that kills me about the internet today, 'harm' has been distilled down to one single magnitude, which is absurd.
A large-ish company like Rooster Teeth systematically stealing wages from their employees, including paying people 20k in TEXAS in the mid-10s and then giving them 'increases' to 40k, refusing to pay people for over 400 hours of OT work, never compensating in-house voice talent 'because you already work here', not paying contract workers, threatening to re-cast people because they won't accept dogshit pay....I could go on, it's all on twitter. But forcing people to work for terrible pay will have HORRIFYING physical consequences. People can't pay for food, or housing, or (ESPECIALLY IN THE US OH MY GOD) health care...being deprived of rightfully earned pay can literally cause physical, lasting harm to people as a consequence, *on top of* mental harm from feeling like you are not valued, harassment from asking to be properly compensated, etc. And then this is on top for absolutely horrific work hours and crunch that WE ALL KNOW is happening in the animation dept, if not elsewhere in the company. Crunch in the industry is bad all over but it has been proven to be notoriously bad at RT.
And then ON TOP of that we also know that RT did absolutely nothing when several employees at multiple times (Mica, Kdin, etc) brought huge issues of harassment, discrimination, and bullying to the attention of HR. And NOTHING was done. We know it's still bad there.
All of that...because a COMPANY like RoosterTeeth has huge power over its employees...all of that is worse than any one individual person being a bully, or saying something terrible. But people have this absolutely wild idea that everything bad is like, somehow the same?? So yeah this is why individual members of AH apologizing to Kdin about specific incidents isn't what this is about. And also why (by the timing, 10000% RT burner accounts by the way) bad things that Kdin has said isn't what this is about. Both are bad, both DO NOT MATTER RIGHT NOW because RT has harmed WAY more people WAY worse. But it's sooooo much easier to pretend like you're somehow 'doing something' by making tweets on the internet, and it's way easier to tweet at people who *might* read your comment than at a corp that definitely won't.
Anyway, this was the last gust that blew away the cobwebs in the room in my brain that used to be for RT/AH/RWBY stuff. The company is terrible and I'll be honest the way the majority of fans act is irritating too. Thanks for some good video memories and for, in the most backwards way, re-starting my personal writing. Bye RT, hope the wage theft lawsuits hurt!
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careworksblog · 4 months
Navigating Alzheimer's Caregiving in Houston, TX: A Compassionate Guide
Alzheimer’s disease affects millions of families worldwide, and Houston, TX, is no exception. Caregivers for Alzheimer’s patients face unique challenges, balancing their own lives with the demanding needs of their loved ones. This blog delves into the essential aspects of Alzheimer’s caregiving in Houston, highlighting local resources, support systems, and tips for providing compassionate and effective care.
The Challenges of Alzheimer’s Caregiving
Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s is a demanding and often overwhelming responsibility. The disease progresses through various stages, each presenting new challenges:
Early Stage: Mild memory loss, confusion, and changes in personality.
Middle Stage: Increased memory loss, difficulty with daily activities, and behavioral changes.
Late Stage: Severe cognitive decline, loss of physical abilities, and full-time care needs.
Caregivers must navigate these stages while managing their own emotional, physical, and financial well-being. The constant demands can lead to burnout, stress, and isolation.
Support Systems and Resources in Houston
Fortunately, Houston offers a robust network of support for Alzheimer’s caregivers. From professional care services to community support groups, here are some key resources available:
1. Alzheimer’s Association Houston & Southeast Texas Chapter
Support Groups: Regular meetings where caregivers can share experiences and receive emotional support.
Educational Programs: Workshops and seminars on caregiving strategies, disease progression, and more.
24/7 Helpline: A hotline offering information and support around the clock (800-272-3900).
2. Respite Care Services
Adult Day Care Centers: Facilities like Amazing Place and BakerRipley offer day programs to engage patients in activities, providing caregivers with a break.
In-Home Respite Care: Services such as Visiting Angels and Home Instead provide professional caregivers who can come to the home, allowing primary caregivers some relief.
3. Medical and Therapeutic Services
Memory Care Clinics: Institutions like the Houston Methodist Neurological Institute offer specialized care for Alzheimer’s patients, including diagnosis, treatment, and management plans.
Occupational Therapy: Services aimed at helping patients maintain daily living skills and independence.
4. Legal and Financial Planning
Elder Law Attorneys: Professionals who can assist with legal issues like power of attorney, guardianship, and estate planning.
Financial Advisors: Experts who can help manage the financial burden of long-term care, including navigating insurance and benefits.
Tips for Effective Caregiving
Here are some practical tips to help caregivers manage their responsibilities more effectively:
1. Educate Yourself
Understanding Alzheimer’s disease can help caregivers anticipate changes and manage symptoms more effectively. Resources like the Alzheimer’s Association website and local libraries offer valuable information.
2. Build a Support Network
Don’t hesitate to reach out to family, friends, and support groups. Sharing the caregiving load can provide much-needed relief and prevent burnout.
3. Prioritize Self-Care
Caregivers must take care of their own health to be effective. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are crucial. Consider joining local caregiver wellness programs.
4. Create a Safe and Comfortable Environment
Adapting the home environment to minimize hazards and create a soothing atmosphere can improve the quality of life for both the patient and caregiver. Simple modifications like removing tripping hazards and using labels can make a big difference.
5. Use Technology
Tools like GPS tracking devices, medication reminders, and communication apps can help manage daily tasks and ensure patient safety.
6. Plan for the Future
Early planning for future care needs, including legal and financial arrangements, can alleviate stress down the line.
Inspirational Stories from Houston
Sharing stories of local caregivers can provide inspiration and hope. For instance, the story of Maria, a Houston resident caring for her mother, highlights the power of community support. Maria joined a local support group and found solace in connecting with others facing similar challenges. With the help of respite care services, she has been able to balance her job and caregiving responsibilities more effectively.
Alzheimer’s caregiving in Houston, TX, is a journey filled with challenges, but also with opportunities for profound connections and personal growth. By leveraging local resources, building a strong support network, and prioritizing self-care, caregivers can provide the best possible care for their loved ones while maintaining their own well-being. Remember, you are not alone—Houston’s vibrant community and extensive support systems are here to help you every step of the way.
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tocitynews · 4 months
Texas Health Department Appoints Anti-Abortion OB-GYN To Maternal Mortality Committee –Associated Press reporting
Skop, who has worked as an OB-GYN for over three decades, is vice president and director of medical affairs for the Charlotte Lozier Institute, an anti-abortion research group. Skop will be the committee’s rural representative.
Skop has said medical associations are not giving doctors the proper guidance on the matter. She has also shared more controversial views, saying during a congressional hearing in 2021 that rape or incest victims as young as 9 or 10 could carry pregnancies to term.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which says abortion is “inherently tied to maternal health,” said in a statement that members of the Texas committee should be “unbiased, free of conflicts of interest and focused on the appropriate standards of care.” The organization noted that bias against abortion has already led to “compromised” analyses, citing a research articles co-authored by Skop and others affiliated with the Charlotte Lozier Institute.
Earlier this year a medical journal retracted studies supported by the Charlotte Lozier Institute claiming to show harms of the abortion pill mifepristone, citing conflicts of interests by the authors and flaws in their research. Two of the studies were cited in a pivotal Texas court ruling that has threatened access to the drug.
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fluidrevivalusa · 5 months
Enhancing Health and Wellness: Personalized Therapy in Austin
In the bustling city of Austin, Texas, where the vibrant culture merges with the serene beauty of nature, a groundbreaking approach to healthcare is taking root: personalized therapy. As the demand for individualized care continues to rise, Austin emerges as a frontrunner in offering tailored therapeutic interventions to meet diverse needs and preferences.
Personalized therapy, also known as precision medicine or personalized medicine, is a holistic approach to healthcare that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person. This approach contrasts with the traditional one-size-fits-all model, recognizing that what works for one individual may not work for another.
At the heart of personalized therapy in Austin is the idea that each person is unique, and their health and wellness journey should reflect that uniqueness. Whether someone is struggling with mental health issues, chronic pain, relationship problems, or simply seeking personal growth, personalized therapy offers a customized roadmap towards healing and self-discovery.
One of the key features of personalized therapy in Austin is the emphasis on collaboration between the therapist and the client. Therapists work closely with clients to understand their specific needs, preferences, and goals, co-creating treatment plans that are tailored to address their individual challenges and strengths.
Austin's diverse and dynamic community provides a rich tapestry of therapeutic modalities to choose from, ensuring that individuals can find the approach that resonates most with them. From traditional talk therapy to more experiential modalities such as art therapy, music therapy, and wilderness therapy, there is something for everyone seeking personalized care in Austin.
Moreover, the tech-savvy culture of Austin has paved the way for innovative approaches to personalized therapy. Teletherapy, virtual reality therapy, and mobile apps designed to support mental health and well-being are becoming increasingly popular options for those seeking convenient and accessible care.
In addition to its focus on individualized treatment, personalized therapy in Austin also recognizes the importance of addressing the underlying factors contributing to health and wellness. Therapists may explore various aspects of a person's life, including diet, exercise, sleep, stress levels, and social support networks, to develop a comprehensive understanding of their overall well-being.
Furthermore, Austin's holistic approach to health extends beyond the therapist's office, with an abundance of wellness-focused activities and resources available throughout the city. From yoga studios and meditation centers to organic markets and outdoor recreation spaces, Austin offers a supportive environment for individuals looking to prioritize their health and wellness.
As personalized therapy continues to gain momentum in Austin, the city is poised to become a hub for cutting-edge advancements in mental qhealth and wellness. By embracing the principles of individuality, collaboration, innovation, and holistic care, Austin is setting a new standard for personalized therapy that prioritizes the unique needs and preferences of each individual on their journey towards health and healing.
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homehealthpro · 7 months
The Role of iPhone Apps for Healthcare Professionals in Home Healthcare Scheduling
In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, home healthcare agencies face unique staffing challenges that demand innovative solutions. One such solution that has been gaining traction is the integration of scheduling apps. These technological marvels are transforming the way agencies connect with clinicians, ensuring timely and efficient patient care. Let's delve into the world of domestic healthcare scheduling apps and explore how they are addressing staffing challenges head-on.
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Home healthcare scheduling apps for iPhone users work by providing a centralized platform that connects domestic healthcare agencies with clinicians. Through intuitive interfaces, these specialized iPhone Apps for Healthcare Professionals, offer real-time visibility into clinician availability, enabling agencies to efficiently match the right clinician with the right patient based on skills, qualifications, and patient needs. Clinicians can update their availability, accept or decline assignments, and communicate with agencies seamlessly through the app.
How Scheduling Apps Revolutionize Staffing in Home Healthcare?
The Staffing Conundrum
Home healthcare agencies face staffing challenges like last-minute cancellations and emergencies, disrupting patient care. Scheduling apps bring order and streamline the staffing process to address these issues.
Real-Time Visibility
One of the key features is real-time visibility into clinician availability. Agencies can easily view the schedules of their clinicians and identify gaps or potential staffing issues. This foresight allows them to proactively manage their workforce, reducing the likelihood of last-minute scheduling crises.
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Flexibility for Clinicians
These apps empower clinicians with greater control over their schedules. They can update their availability, request time off, or accept new assignments through the app. This enhances job satisfaction as well as reduces the likelihood of burnout, contributing to a more resilient and reliable workforce.
In the realm of domestic healthcare, where every moment counts, scheduling iPhone Apps for Healthcare Professionals emerges as a beacon of efficiency. These apps are transforming the way agencies manage their staffing needs. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, embracing technological solutions like scheduling apps becomes imperative for ensuring the seamless delivery of patient-centric care in the comfort of their homes.
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whosavailable · 6 months
Find Animal Care Experts Houston TX for Veterinary Support
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Do you need advice or answers associated with your pet's health, behavior, or nutrition then you need to find a veterinarian. Of course, you can pet experts in Texas but their services could be overpriced so what should you do to find animal care experts Houston TX? The best option you have right now is finding animal care experts online but where will you start and where you will finish? As you can see it is not an easy task therefore download the latest Whos Available app which gives you 24/7 online access to find veterinaries and pet care experts. Here you can ask questions, attach photos, and obtain expert advice on different pet-related topics. The app also helps you to locate animal care experts Houston TX and it becomes a convenient way to check out veterinary professionals closest to your locations.  Do not worry you can also find emergency vet support services using this app so download the app today. For more :
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innonurse · 8 months
Study: AI app equals established mental health questionnaires in assessing depression
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- By InnoNurse Staff -
According to researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, a new mental health evaluation powered by artificial intelligence is equally effective at measuring depressive symptoms as the "gold standard" questionnaires now widely used in health care.
The new technology has the potential to alleviate the national lack of mental health workers.
Read more at University of Texas at Austin/Medical Xpress
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simublade1 · 9 months
How AI Can Be Beneficial to Healthcare Mobile Apps?
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The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare mobile apps, including those developed by healthcare mobile app development companies in Texas, is revolutionizing the medical industry. This innovative merger offers numerous benefits, enhancing both patient care and healthcare management. In this article, we'll explore how AI contributes positively to healthcare mobile apps, focusing on personalized patient care, diagnostic accuracy, administrative efficiency, and continuous patient monitoring. This integration is particularly significant in regions like Texas, where technology-driven healthcare solutions are increasingly sought after.
Personalized Patient Care
One of the most significant advantages of AI in healthcare apps is the ability to offer personalized care to patients. AI algorithms can analyze a patient's medical history, lifestyle choices, and genetic information to provide customized health recommendations and treatment plans. For example, an AI-powered mobile app can suggest a specific diet plan for a diabetic patient based on their blood sugar levels and eating habits. This personalized approach not only improves patient outcomes but also enhances patient engagement and satisfaction.
2. Diagnostic Accuracy
AI algorithms, particularly those based on machine learning, have shown remarkable accuracy in diagnosing diseases from medical imaging. By analyzing thousands of images, AI can detect patterns that may be invisible to the human eye. For instance, AI can assist radiologists in identifying early signs of diseases such as cancer, thus enabling early intervention. This not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces the workload on healthcare professionals.
3. Administrative Efficiency
Healthcare mobile apps equipped with AI can significantly streamline administrative tasks. AI can automate appointment scheduling, patient data entry, billing, and insurance claims processing. By automating routine tasks, this technology minimizes the likelihood of human errors and enables healthcare professionals to allocate more time and attention to direct patient care. Additionally, AI can analyze operational data to identify areas for improvement, thus increasing the overall efficiency of healthcare services.
4. Continuous Patient Monitoring
AI-powered healthcare apps can provide continuous monitoring of patients, especially those with chronic conditions. Wearable devices connected to these apps can track vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and glucose levels in real-time. AI algorithms can then analyze this data to detect any anomalies or potential health risks, alerting both the patient and their healthcare provider. This continuous monitoring can prevent emergencies and hospital readmissions.
5. Enhanced Drug Development
AI in healthcare apps accelerates drug discovery and development. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI can predict how different drug compounds will behave and how likely they are to be effective against certain diseases. This reduces the time and cost associated with drug development, ultimately leading to faster introduction of new medications.
6. Mental Health Support
Mental health apps leveraging AI offer therapeutic interventions, mood tracking, and personalized mental health assistance. These apps use chatbots to provide immediate counseling support and can help in managing conditions like depression and anxiety. The AI systems learn from user interactions to provide better support and can even identify patterns that may indicate a decline in mental health, prompting timely intervention.
7. Training and Education
AI in healthcare apps plays a crucial role in training medical professionals. Using virtual simulations powered by AI, medical students and professionals can practice complex procedures in a risk-free environment. This not only enhances their skills but also prepares them for a variety of clinical scenarios.
8. Limitations and Ethical Considerations
While AI brings numerous benefits, there are also limitations and ethical concerns. Data privacy and security are paramount, as healthcare apps deal with sensitive patient information. Ensuring the security of this data and using it ethically is crucial. Furthermore, the reliance on AI should not undermine the importance of human judgment in healthcare decisions.
9. Future Prospects
The future of AI in healthcare mobile apps looks promising, with continuous advancements in technology. As AI algorithms become more sophisticated, we can expect more accurate diagnostics, personalized treatments, and efficient healthcare management. The integration of AI with other emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and genomics could further transform healthcare delivery.
AI's integration into healthcare mobile apps, including AI app development services in Texas, represents a significant advancement in the medical field. It brings enhanced diagnostic accuracy, personalized patient care, administrative efficiency, and continuous monitoring. These advancements, developed by companies specializing in AI app development, are pivotal in transforming healthcare delivery. However, it's crucial to maintain a balance between technological progress and ethical considerations, especially concerning data security, to ensure the responsible use of AI.
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 10 months
7 ways to improve your car’s safety while taking a road trip
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Ready for a road trip? Awesome! But before you start dreaming about all those scenic routes along beautiful states like Texas and fun stops, let's talk safety. It's super important to make sure your ride is as ready for the adventure as you are. We're going to run through some essential tips to get your car in top shape and keep you safe out there on the open road. Think of it as your pre-trip safety checklist – a little effort before you hit the road can make all the difference for a smooth and enjoyable trip. Let’s get your car road trip ready!   Regular Maintenance Checks Before you hit the road, giving your car a thorough health check is crucial. Start with the basics: ensure your brakes are responsive, your tires have adequate tread and are properly inflated, and your engine oil and coolant levels are where they should be. Don’t forget to check your car's battery, lights, and windshield wipers too. Addressing these key aspects can prevent breakdowns and accidents, making your journey smoother and safer. Regular maintenance is not just about vehicle care; it's about peace of mind, knowing your car won’t let you down as you embark on your adventure. Emergency Kit Essentials A well-stocked car emergency kit is your best friend on the road, ready for whatever comes your way. Essentials include a first-aid kit, a flashlight with extra batteries, a multi-tool, and emergency flares or reflectors. Don’t forget essentials like water bottles, non-perishable snacks, and a blanket. In case of car trouble, include jumper cables, tire sealant, and a basic toolkit. Having a charged power bank for your phone is also a smart addition. These items ensure you’re prepared for various scenarios, from minor inconveniences to more urgent situations, making your road trip safer and more stress-free. Utilizing Safety Features and Technology Modern vehicles come equipped with a range of safety features and technology designed to make your journey safer. Make the most of these innovations. Features like lane departure warnings alert you if you’re veering off course, while adaptive cruise control helps maintain a safe distance from the car ahead. Backup cameras and parking sensors can prevent accidents during reverse movements. Familiarize yourself with your vehicle’s safety features before your trip. Additionally, consider using apps that alert you to traffic conditions, speed cameras, and more. Leveraging these technologies can greatly enhance your safety and confidence on the road. The Role of Car Accident Attorneys No one plans for an accident, but knowing your legal options in the aftermath is crucial. In the unfortunate event of a car accident, having knowledgeable attorneys can make a significant difference. Car Accident Attorneys in Houston specialize in navigating the complexities of auto accident cases. They can guide you through insurance claims, help you understand your rights, and ensure you receive fair compensation for damages and injuries. Being aware of such resources provides peace of mind. It ensures that should the unexpected happen, you have expert legal support to rely on for protecting your interests and rights. Understanding and Adhering to Traffic Laws Adhering to traffic laws isn't just about avoiding fines; it's a fundamental aspect of road safety, especially on a road trip. Familiarize yourself with the driving laws of the areas you'll be traveling through, as they can vary. Always wear your seatbelt, adhere to speed limits, and be mindful of signs and signals. Avoid distractions like using your phone while driving. Stay alert to changing road conditions and other drivers. Safe driving practices not only protect you and your passengers but also ensure the safety of others on the road, making for a responsible and enjoyable journey. Staying Informed About Weather and Routes Before you set off, take a moment to check the weather forecast and plan your route. Being aware of potential weather conditions helps you prepare for challenges like rain, snow, or extreme heat. Utilize GPS navigation and road condition apps to stay updated on the best routes and avoid road closures or heavy traffic. These tools can also help you find alternative paths if you encounter unexpected road conditions. Staying informed and flexible with your travel plans allows you to navigate more safely and efficiently, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable road trip experience. Rest and Fatigue Management Long drives can be exhausting, and driver fatigue is a major safety hazard. Managing rest and avoiding fatigue is therefore essential for a safe road trip. Plan for regular breaks – ideally every two hours – to stretch, rest your eyes, and rejuvenate. If possible, rotate driving responsibilities with other passengers to share the load. Make sure to get a good night’s sleep before embarking on your journey, and avoid driving during times when you would normally be asleep. Staying hydrated and eating light meals can also help maintain alertness. Remember, a well-rested driver is a safe driver. Wrapping Up To sum up, enhancing car safety on a road trip is all about preparation, awareness, and smart use of technology. Regular maintenance checks, understanding traffic laws, and managing Read the full article
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pranay-234 · 11 months
Patient Safety and Risk Management Software Market to See Huge Growth, Profitable Business and Industry Forecast 2023-2032
Patient safety is a fundamental concern in the healthcare industry, and as technology continues to advance, so does the role of software solutions in ensuring it. The Patient Safety and Risk Management Software market is experiencing rapid growth and transformation, driven by a multitude of factors. In this article, we delve into the current trends and future insights into this dynamic market.
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Current Trends in Patient Safety and Risk Management Software:
Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI): The integration of AI and machine learning algorithms is a significant trend. These technologies are being used to analyze vast amounts of patient data, identify potential risks, and suggest preventive measures, enhancing patient safety.
Real-time Monitoring and Alerts: Modern patient safety software offers real-time monitoring and alert systems. These tools can instantly detect irregularities in patient data, alerting healthcare providers to potential risks or adverse events, allowing for quicker interventions.
Mobile and Cloud Solutions: Mobile apps and cloud-based platforms are becoming increasingly popular. They allow healthcare professionals to access patient safety data and risk management tools from anywhere, streamlining workflows and improving patient care.
Data Security and Privacy: With the rise in digital health records and patient data being stored electronically, data security and privacy are paramount. Patient safety software now incorporates robust security features to protect sensitive patient information.
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭:
Integration of RLDatix with Contracts (May 2019): In May 2019, RLDatix entered into a strategic agreement with Contracts, expanding its footprint in the compliance space, risk management, and governance. This partnership has allowed RLDatix to enhance its offerings, providing a wider range of solutions to clients and further strengthening its position in the patient safety and risk management software market.
Verge Health's Partnership with Texas Hospital Association (February 2019): Verge Health established a pivotal partnership with the Texas Hospital Association in February 2019. This collaboration has empowered the Texas Hospital Association to efficiently manage and provide enhanced services in patient safety and risk management software. The partnership aims to drive innovation in healthcare services and improve patient safety outcomes.
Riskonnect Inc.'s ClearSight 19.0 Integration (June 2019): In June 2019, Riskonnect Inc. introduced ClearSight 19.0, an innovative addition to its integrated risk management platform. This launch demonstrated the commitment to staying at the forefront of the industry by offering advanced risk management solutions. The integration of ClearSight 19.0 provided organizations with cutting-edge tools to manage risks and enhance patient safety.
𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐰 : https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/patient-safety-and-risk-management-software-market/purchase-options
Future Insights into the Market:
Predictive Analytics for Proactive Care: Patient safety and risk management software will increasingly rely on predictive analytics. These systems will not only identify current issues but also forecast potential risks, enabling proactive care and interventions.
Interoperability: In the future, the interoperability of different software systems will become crucial. Seamless data sharing between various healthcare applications will enhance the ability to manage patient safety and risk effectively.
Patient Engagement: Patient safety is not solely the responsibility of healthcare providers. Patient engagement will play a more significant role in the future, with patients actively participating in their own safety. Software solutions will help educate and empower patients to take proactive measures.
Global Expansion: As healthcare standards improve in emerging markets, the demand for patient safety and risk management software will grow. Market expansion beyond developed countries presents significant growth opportunities.
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭? 𝐈𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 : https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/7443
The Patient Safety and Risk Management Software market is on a trajectory of continuous evolution. Current trends emphasize the integration of cutting-edge technologies, while future insights highlight the shift toward predictive analytics, enhanced interoperability, increased patient engagement, and global expansion.
The ultimate goal is to ensure the highest levels of patient safety while reducing risks and errors in healthcare. As the industry continues to embrace innovation, we can expect patient safety and risk management software to play an increasingly vital role in the healthcare ecosystem. This market's growth is not only a testament to technological advancements but also a commitment to improving patient care and safety worldwide.
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Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Wilmington, Delaware. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
Pawan Kumar, the CEO of Allied Market Research, is leading the organization toward providing high-quality data and insights. We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry.
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
A dad of two from Texas is celebrating a 100-pound weight loss that he says was inspired by a photo of him taken by his wife.The photo showed Jamie Wooldridge, of Southlake, Texas, sleeping while sitting on a pew inside a church."The photo was not flattering at all," Wooldridge told "Good Morning America." "It was like, OK, I need to do something about this."After seeing that photo of himself and recognizing that his overall health -- including his cholesterol and blood pressure levels -- was suffering, Wooldridge started a weight loss journey that he said helped him lose 100 pounds within six months.His first step towards weight loss was to begin counting the calories he consumed using an app on his phone."I was shocked to see that I was probably consuming 4,000 to 5,000 calories a day," he said. "It was humbling."MORE: Morning exercisers tend to have healthier habits, which can help with weight loss, study findsWooldridge said he figured out that for his age and activity level he should be consuming around 3,300 calories per day to maintain his weight. He said he began eating around 1,000 calories less than that, around 2,200 calories per day, in order to lose weight.He said he cut down his calories without cutting out his favorite foods, like pizza, explaining, "If I'm going to have pizza, well I'm just going to budget that into my calorie allotment for the day." (Experts advise those looking to make major changes to their diet to consult with a medical professional.)Wooldridge also decreased his processed sugar intake and cooked with an air fryer to lower the fat content in some of his favorite foods, like French fries.He said he learned to plan ahead so that he could stay consistent with his eating even while celebrating things like birthdays or eating meals at restaurants."Every month there’s going to be something," he said. "There's so many tools out there that can help you be successful."When it came to getting active, Wooldridge said he continued his daily habit of walking several miles, and gradually increased the intensity to running.His advice to sticking with diet and exercise goals, he said, is to "make your resolution your routine."Dr. Veronica R. Johnson, an obesity medicine physician and assistant professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, emphasized that anyone making significant changes to their diet should consult with a health care provider.Johnson, who did not treat Wooldridge, said that while most people may not lose such a significant amount of weight in a short timeframe, any weight lost can improve a person's health.MORE: Brothers complete remarkable weight transformation to win $150K bet"It's sometimes not as easy for patients to lose weight using lifestyle alone," Johnson told "GMA." "So, if you really want to get to an overall, healthy weight and you're struggling, seeking out a health care professional to help you on your journey is really important."In addition to talking with a health care provider, an online resource for people looking to make healthy changes is MyPlate.gov, a U.S. Department of Agriculture website that offers tools like a calculator to determine your daily caloric needs.Dad loses 100 pounds in 6 months after seeing photo of himself sleeping in church originally appeared on goodmorningamerica.com
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