#Heart Disease in Women
pregnancycounselors · 3 months
"Women's Heart Health: Risks, Symptoms, and Prevention Strategies"
"Discover the unique aspects of women's heart health, including common risks, symptoms, and effective prevention strategies. Learn how to prioritize cardiovascular well-being and reduce the risk of heart disease in women."
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Pregnancy Complications Could Mean Lifelong Heart Risks for Women
By Cara Murez  HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Feb. 2, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Major pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia and preterm birth, should be recognized as lifelong risk factors for women’s heart disease, new research suggests. Women who experience any of the five major pregnancy complications have an increased risk of ischemic heart disease up to 46 years after delivery, says the…
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pansydivided · 4 months
always makes me so upset that the concern about treating PCOS is always centered around how it makes people look less masculine, as if thats the main problem with PCOS. ive talked to trans men with PCOS (or suspect they have it) who are like "i don't need to treat it because it just gives me extra testosterone! i like looking manly" and its always so concerning because PCOS does have actual physical health concerns! even if you don't want to take estrogen as a treatment you still need to be seeing a gynecologist regularly, getting tested for insulin resistance (very very common with PCOS and can lead to diabetes if untreated) and making sure you're aware of your cancer risks and getting checked regularly (yes you will need to get a pap smear probably im sorry its better then cancer 😔 they're changing the recommendation from 21 to 25 so i can avoid it a little longer haha). not ovulating naturally (without birth control i mean) is considered a risk factor for uterine cancer, i know having a period sucks but you need to be doing it safely, if your body stops having periods without medication its not safe. its so infuriating that people's biggest concern about PCOS always seems to be "fat and hairy" and not heart disease risk, diabetes risk, insulin resistance, cancer risk and even just having cysts in your ovaries that can cause health issues if they get too big.
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kittykatkatelol · 24 days
no i'm not gay for karin you are trust- WAIT DONT TOUCH MY LADY , SHES A LITTLE INSANE BUT SHES MINE
/silly /hj
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colorisbyshe · 1 month
that paper saying 'yeah actually men don't leave women if they get sick... they only do that if it's heart disease' which is one of the top killers of... any gender is...
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raspberryzingaaa · 1 year
Thinking about going to World Most Boring Bible Study Ever. Idk yall. Idk. Idek.
#the number of times i have faked a call yo leave early. the number of times ive played solitaire on my phone. i got to the potty to kill tim#like! just answer questions its not that hard!!!!!!#you dont even need to be right just throw some spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks!#also group leaders stop reading questions from a script from your phone#ALSO PLEASE CAN WE STOP GOING THROUGH THE SAME VERSES WE GO THROUVH ON SUNDAYS#this is why we have a split in our life group/church crowdm just sayin#i just. i just miss doing bible studys with people who were way smarter than me#being a church kid in a college church is just 👁👄👁#i shpuldnt be dreading going to bible study!!!!!!#so its probably a me problem right?!#and also the group leaders have had to tell me to stfu more than once (politely. which was really annoying. dont pussyfoot around!!)#also our only bible study is also our ~only space for new comers~ so i get in trouble if i get too meaty in my excitements and theology#EHICH SHOJLDNT BE MY FAULT!!!!!!!#and YEAH it IS my fault that its my only spot where im spiritually feeding. but also there is a secret eomens group people mention that..#i guess im just excluded from? but also i know most of the women dont like me bc I have interminable Doesnt Shut Up Disease l#like i understand fhat yes it is a little my fault rhat me talking about deep theology makes them feel inadequate but also THAT SHOULDNT BE#guh. i also forgot my meds today so im a little bit more mulish and hard hearted#and i KNOW its a teachable moment amd God is usimg this to temper me or something else but im feelimg grumblr#and ill probably delete this later.#and i have to got to work ok bye
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robynochs · 2 years
New research out of Columbia University School of Nursing shows that bisexual women face increased risk of heart disease.
"Overall, the authors found, bisexual women were about half as likely to have a high heart health score (in the 80-100 range) versus a low score (0-49) compared to heterosexual women...Bisexual women are the sexual identity group most likely to live in poverty, and they are more likely to delay health care due to financial issues and to have difficulty finding a health care provider, Caceres and his colleagues note."
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tamacathers · 1 year
Raising Awareness of Coronary (heart) Microvascular Disorders - under diagnosed heart pain cause.
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jungleboy-cruise · 1 year
Bad news lads.... i didn't like the Barbie movie.
I'm gonna rant about my take in the tags please don't send me messages for why I'm wrong this was my personal take away if you don't like it and it makes you mad please just block me.
#my heart is broken#i was so excited so hype i thought i was gonna love it#i thought all the reports being like ''they says they hate men'' were anti feminist reactions#but no this movie is misandrist as fuck#the moral really is ''oh well men rule the real world so women deserve to rule this world and the kens can fuck off and get over it''#when the kens were literally never oppressors#even when they got patriarchy its presented as a disease they caught not as genuinely having power and using it against a vulnerable group#the kens don't get a happy ending the barbies dont have Anything change except one of them is gone now cause she decided she wanted a pussy#barbie spoilers#weird barbie was fun#we didn't get enough of the discontinued barbies#they tried to half ass a conclusion for ken by setting him free of his romantic pining and giving him permission to just be ken but like#he's still homeless#he's still unskilled#he still lives in a world where he isn't accepted anywhere and is hated everywhere just because he's a ken#''actually inequality is good when we do it but we should be kinda nice to them too so they don't try to revolt again i guess''#i really liked the aesthetic i really liked the acting i really really love the inclusion of the real stuff#as in the Barbie things like the outfits by name and the specific barbies from specific lines#this movie was fine if you want to turn your brain off and watch someting pink its great#i did enjoy myself#i will be getting it and watching it again#again please don't send me anything explaining why you disagree#this is only so i could get my thoughts out there so i can hopefully think about them less#but i dont want a discussion people are allowed to disagree
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thecaduceusclay · 2 years
while im thinking about daniel’s career i also wanna say, it seems like he’s done some pretty significant work about ACT UP considering the images used at the beginning of ep. 1 and the fact that he has a book and at least one article about the aids crisis. (the big silence = death stuff is all ACT UP)
in our world the biggest resource on ACT UP is the oral history project (alongside the documentary United in Anger and the book Let the Record Show). despite ACT UP being a *major* part of the history of the aids crisis we have so little published about it. i took a class last semester where a good half was focused on reading Let the Record Show and let me tell you, the lack of sources on it really hits different
and i just think its super cool that this implies theres at least a little bit more out there about them in this universe. that daniel molloy got to publish some of those stories we didnt get to hear in our world cause the people who could tell them died. and like idk...im getting emotional thinking about daniel being part of that history we’re missing
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valentinepills · 1 year
A Miracle for World PH Day 2023
TRIGGER Warning: Mention of Miscarriage in this post and unflattering photos of myself.
in December of 2019, I noticed a significant difference in my health. Shortness of Breath, even when walking a short distance, heart palpitations, cough & wheezing, chest pain and occasional nose bleeds. Untreated Anxiety and Depression associated with my Bipolar Disorder, Uncontrolled Diabetes and Intermittent Asthma were believed to be the cause of these symptoms despite my growing concerns. Each year my symptoms worsened. In February 2022, it had gotten so bad that I could not walk from my bedroom to my kitchen without feeling like I had just ran a marathon. My pulmonologist agreed that my condition was rapidly worsening and begged me to give a CPAP another try. I was also switched to the highest dosage of Advair and regular use of my emergency inhaler. My PCP told me to get my A1C down and consider weight loss surgery to expedite my weight loss journey. I was determined to do everything they advised, this way I could prove to them that something more serious was occurring. At this time, I had already quit smoking and began lowering my A1C.
To my surprise, June 30, 2022 it was confirmed that I was pregnant. It shocked me because a couple years ago in 2020 I suffered a miscarriage at 16 weeks. I was advised to consider birth control because my body could not hold a fetus. Well... they were wrong about that one! The doctor confirmed a healthy fetus made it’s way and there was a heartbeat. It was a miracle and I knew God had other plans for me. I prayed every day and every night, thanking my heavenly Father and thy Earthly Mother for all the blessings they bestowed upon me; also asking for guidance, clarity and strength to lead me in the right direction.
I began to communicate with my Perinatologist more as I learned to trust her. During an appointment in September 2022, I opened up and told her,
Doctor, something is wrong with me and I need someone to listen to me. I can’t do my seated exercise anymore and that concerns me. I can’t even walk in place but for 4 minutes, then I have to stop and lay down. I think something is wrong with my heart. I’ve been having these issues before I was pregnant. Please help me. I want to live.
She asked me had I seen a cardiologist. I explained to her that after an urgent care visit in May I was put on a heart monitor for a few weeks but no results were communicated to me. She fought to get my referral to a cardiology approved. My visit with the cardiologist in October is when I was told, I have Pulmonary Hypertension. An ultrasound of my heart confirmed that I had heart disease and heart failure.
My breath was too short for a sigh of relief. The weight on my chest applied pressure instead of being lifted. I was in my third trimester of pregnancy, when a right heart catheterization confirmed my diagnosis in November 2022. Then, the cardiology team with my healthcare provider advised for my care to be transferred to out-of-network team that can provide the care that I needed. I had gained over 40lbs in fluid due to heart failure and my new health team was confident that we could reverse it before labor.
My mother was in fear that she would lose her only daughter. I was in fear that I would never get to hold my daughter. My love was afraid that he would lose me and be alone. My father was scared and speechless. Everything made sense in these moments and everything mattered. It mattered who was there and who wasn't. It mattered where I was and where I was going. It mattered how and why.
3 weeks away from my due date, a team of 20+ assembled in the cardiac care unit to bring Zenobia in to the world. My father waited at home by the phone, my mother waited alone in the labor & delivery room and my love was by my side as they tilted me back and began to operate. After 4 hours of pre-op and 45 minutes of surgery, it was a success. My daughter was born, healthy and strong. Doctors, Nurses and many people stopped by to visit me when I left ICU, curious to meet the miracle baby and her parents. A nurse who was not in my station came to visit and said, 
"I hope you don't mind that I came to visit. Although I'm not your nurse, I was on call when the entire floor heard that you were being transferred to the cardiac operating room. Every nurse gathered and we prayed for you. Everyone is celebrating you, a miracle." 
My eyes filled with tears and joy. Other doctors and their students came to visit and were glad to see me. Another nurse encouraged me to tell my story and document my journey because it will inspire others. The doctors that worked directly with my care and surgery were impressed, proud and says that I'm their model story.
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That was almost 4 months ago in January 2023 but also when my journey began. My team was honest with me, that labor and delivery was the least of their concern. Surviving postpartum, preparing for cardiac therapy and rehabilitation was top priority. I would be lying if I said it is easy. Most days I am sad. Learning to adjust to my new way of life has been challenging and difficult to accept. I promised myself to do all that I can to live, to change and to never give up. Meeting people who have PH and joining the association has been a great help to me and how I learned of World Pulmonary Hypertension Day on May 5, 2023. 
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One thing I have learned since giving birth with Pulmonary Hypertension is how much time and creating memories mean to me. Also, how important it is to talk about how you’re feeling no matter how that looks for you or how it makes anyone else feel. It’s easy to look down and frown when you’re faced with this challenge. Make the conscious decision today, right now to look up and forward. Be good to yourself and your body. When you need to rest, do so and don’t feel bad for not being able to push through on bad days. You’re a survivor, a PHighter.
I have so much to look forward to. Raising my daughter, therapies and rehabilitation and none of it will be easy but I give praise to the Most High for this blessing. Thank you Lord for blessing every hand that was laid upon me. Thank you for hearing my prayers. Thank you for every person who prayed for me. Thank you for those who have been there and rooting for me. Thank you for giving me the strength and bravery to share what you have done for me and what you will continue to do. Thank you to everyone following me, befriending me and joining me. I got you. Let’s live, let’s fight for a cure.
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Learn About Heart Disease in Women
Heart disease is often associated with men, but it poses a significant threat to women's health as well. At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we believe in empowering women through knowledge about heart disease, its unique aspects, and how to prevent it effectively.
Welcome to the informative blog post by Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, where we will delve into the crucial topic of heart disease in women. Our aim is to provide you with comprehensive insights into the risk factors, symptoms, preventive measures, and common misconceptions surrounding this condition. Let's equip ourselves with essential knowledge to safeguard and enhance women's heart health.
Risk Factors:
At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we understand that awareness is the first step towards prevention. The risk factors for heart disease in women include:
Age: Advancing age, especially after menopause, increases the risk of heart disease in women.
Family History: A family history of heart disease can elevate the risk for an individual.
High Blood Pressure: Hypertension can strain the heart and contribute to heart disease.
High Cholesterol Levels: Elevated cholesterol levels can lead to the formation of plaque in arteries.
Diabetes: Women with diabetes are at higher risk of developing heart disease.
Unhealthy Lifestyle: Poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk.
Prompt recognition of symptoms can lead to early detection and timely treatment. At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we urge women to be vigilant about the following warning signs:
Chest Discomfort: This could manifest as a feeling of pressure, squeezing, or fullness.
Shortness of Breath: Women may experience breathlessness even during light physical activity.
Fatigue: Unexplained fatigue and weakness could indicate heart issues.
Pain in Neck, Jaw, or Back: Discomfort or pain in these areas might be a symptom.
Nausea or Indigestion: Unusual stomach pain or indigestion could be related to heart problems.
Sleep Disturbances: Women with heart disease may have trouble sleeping.
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Preventive Measures:
Access Health Care Physicians, LLC emphasizes the importance of proactive measures to prevent heart disease. We recommend the following essential steps:
Regular Exercise: Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week.
Heart-Healthy Diet: Adopt a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats while limiting salt, sugar, and saturated/trans fats.
Quit Smoking: If you smoke, seek support to quit as smoking greatly increases heart disease risk.
Manage Stress: Practice stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation, or hobbies.
Monitor Blood Pressure and Cholesterol: Regular check-ups and managing these levels are crucial.
Limit Alcohol: If you consume alcohol, do so in moderation.
Can young women get heart disease? Yes, young women can develop heart disease, especially if other risk factors are present.
Are the symptoms of heart disease in women different from those in men? Yes, women may experience atypical symptoms like nausea and jaw pain, making it essential to be aware of gender-specific signs.
Is heart disease preventable? While not entirely preventable, adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.
Does menopause increase heart disease risk? Yes, hormonal changes during menopause can contribute to an increased risk of heart disease in women.
At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we are committed to promoting women's heart health through education and awareness. Heart disease affects women differently, and knowing the risk factors and symptoms is crucial for early detection and prevention. By adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle and seeking regular medical check-ups, women can take charge of their heart health and lead fulfilling lives. Let's work together to create a healthier future for all women. Remember, your heart matters, and we are here to support you every step of the way.
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toodetectiveobject · 2 years
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healthauthentic · 3 days
First Aid for Chest Pain | Heart Attack Precautions | Dr. Bharadwaz | Dr. Ranjith Kumar Konduru | Health Information
Learn essential first aid tips for chest pain and heart attack emergencies in this quick guide. Understanding how to act fast can save lives. Discover the signs of a heart attack, what to do immediately, and when to seek medical help. Equip yourself with vital knowledge to handle these critical situations with confidence. Watch the full video to stay prepared and protect your loved ones during sudden chest pain or heart-related emergencies.
Dr. Bharadwaz | Health & Fitness | Homeopathy, Medicine & Surgery | Clinical Research
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pregnancycounselors · 28 days
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Learn about women heart health, including risk factors, symptoms, and prevention strategies to safeguard your heart from diseases effectively.
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heartcareconsultants · 2 months
The Unexpected Ways Comprehensive Cardiology Philadelphia Can Improve Your Life
Your heart would not take a rest while watching your loved ones battle with heart problems, leaving you full of worry and confusion. Such situations are more common than one might think. The best part is that Comprehensive Cardiology offers services that do more than just treat heart conditions; they greatly impact one’s general quality of life. Let us understand how.
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Enhancing Your Daily Energy Levels
You may not be aware of it but your energy levels are directly linked to the health of your heart. During efficient contractions by the heart muscles, the effective pumping of blood ensures that there is enough oxygen supply to all organs and cells. This means increased stamina and less tiredness throughout the day. Just imagine waking up rejuvenated and keeping that energy maintained from morning till night.
Reducing Stress and Anxiety
Mental health is related to heart health. Continuous worrying about your heart can bring about substantial levels of stress and anxiety. Comprehensive cardiology offers you full examinations and personalized treatment strategies.
Being aware that your heart is in safe hands will help release this constant worry which will then enable you to concentrate on life itself rather than fearing it. Moreover, the decrease in these pressures may benefit other cardiac disease risk factors such as blood pressure.
Personalized Health Strategies
Every person’s heart is different; what works for one might not work for another. Personalized care is a priority in comprehensive cardiology. This way, your cardiologist will consider specific medical history, lifestyle factors even genetic aspects. This assures you that advice and treatment are unique to you and can lead to better health outcomes.
Promoting a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle
A significant portion of cardiology focuses on teaching patients to live with a healthy heart. It’s not just about avoiding fast food or taking your meds. These are more extensive lifestyle changes that have lasting effects.
Recommendations made by the cardiologists may include l proper dietary plans exercise routines among other stress management steps which will be supported accordingly during the process of healing. You do not just improve the health of your heart but also your overall life.
Preventive Care: Catching Problems Early
Comprehensive cardiology shows individual care. It means that your cardiologist will look at your unique health history, lifestyle, and even genetic factors. Another advantage of Comprehensive Cardiology Consultants Philadelphia is its emphasis on preventive care. Regular checkups and screenings can uncover potential problems before they escalate into major issues.
This enables early intervention, thereby preventing more serious health complications later in life. In this way, it helps you stay healthy longer and keeps you away from invasive procedures or prolonged treatments in the future.
Advanced Diagnostic Tools
Modern heart doctors use top tools to check your heart's health in great detail. From heart scans to tests that see how your heart works when you move, these tools give deep looks into your heart that weren't possible before. With these tech tools, your heart doctor can spot issues right on and make better plans to treat them. This means you get the best care for your unique heart problem.
Improving Quality of Life for Chronic Patients
An important part of cardiology involves teaching people how to lead healthy lives for their hearts. This is not only about avoiding fast food and taking medications as prescribed. The issue is with all important lifestyle changes which can be permanent. Dietary alterations, exercises, or stress management techniques are some of the things that your cardiologist can guide you through. These changes improve your entire well-being.
Emotional and Psychological Support
For people living with heart problems all the time, deep heart care can truly change lives. It's not only about keeping symptoms in check but also about making your whole life better. By keeping a close watch, helping you manage your meds, and giving tips on how to live healthier, your heart doctor can help you live your best life.
Facilitating Better Sleep
Bad heart health can mess up how well you sleep. Problems like sleep apnea are often tied to heart trouble. By taking care of these root problems with a heart doctor’s help, you can sleep better. Good sleep means you’re healthier, have more energy, and can handle daily stress better. Sleep is key to a happy, healthy life.
Encouraging Regular Physical Activity
Moving your body is key to a healthy heart, but it's important to know which activities are right and safe for you. Your heart doctor can suggest the best kind of exercise based on how fit you are and your health issues. It might also be something easy like walking.
Final Words
Taking good care of your heart isn't just about avoiding heart disease; it's about making your whole life better. From more energy to feeling supported, the good things it brings are huge and important. Don't wait until you're scared by a health problem to care for your heart. Begin now, and make the move toward a healthier, brighter life. Drop by heartcareconsultants.com to find out more and book your visit. Your heart and your life need the best care they can get.
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