#Heavy Plant Machinery
ross-hori · 6 months
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I guess you're not going to lose these in the snow.
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kandidandi · 2 years
OH- my bad wrong bird-
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(Pink Galah right?? idk anything abt birds lol)
yes! thats a galah alright! beautiful birds!! i see these ones as well but they’re not as common as cockatoos, galahs usually appear around afternoon and like to snack on yummy worms hehehe
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The Burner of An Asphalt Mixing Plant Determines its Success.
If you are well versed with the machine you will know how important the burner. The asphalt plant burner is the component which determines the success or failure of the product.
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The coal and Oil dual purpose burners is a multi-fuel burner, which can use fuel oil alone, or coal alone. It is composed of the main burner, fuel valve group, pulverized coal supply system, and control system. The entire system has a one-key switching centralized control system, and there is no need to replace, add or remove any subsystems when switching the fuel types.
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The coal and oil dual purpose burners is a newly designed multi-purpose burner, which is widely used in asphalt mixing plants, drying, boilers and other industries.
Find More Video On:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ZOOMLINEAsphaltPlants
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@zoomlineasphaltplants
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lucasjack11 · 2 months
The Importance of Heavy Machinery Insurance in the Construction Industry
The construction industry depends on robust, reliable, efficient machines to complete complex jobs. This equipment, ranging from towering cranes to gigantic earthmovers, is the foundation of construction operations. However, enormous power brings great responsibility—and risks. This is where heavy machinery insurance comes into play, protecting companies from the unpredictable nature of construction activity.
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Understand Heavy Machinery Insurance
Heavy machinery insurance is specialized coverage that protects expensive construction equipment against damage, theft, and other risks. Contractors and construction businesses must secure valuable assets while minimizing financial loss and operational downtime.
The Need for Heavy Construction Equipment Insurance
The construction sector is loaded with risks. Heavy construction equipment insurance protects your machines against accidents, natural catastrophes, and vandalism. Without sufficient coverage, a single occurrence could result in significant financial losses, impeding project progress and profitability.
Types of equipment covered
Heavy construction equipment insurance often covers a wide range of machines, including but not limited to:
Dump trucks
Each machine represents a significant investment, making their protection an essential component of any construction business.
Benefits of Heavy Machinery Insurance
Financial Protection
One of heavy machinery insurance's most apparent advantages is financial protection. Replacing or repairing damaged machinery can be very expensive. NGI (National General Insurance) covers these charges with comprehensive insurance, allowing you to focus on your projects without worrying about finances.
Minimizing downtime
When machinery fails, it can drastically disrupt your project timeline. Insurance for heavy machinery frequently includes:
Provisions for rent reimbursement.
Ensure that you have easy access to replacement equipment.
Reduce downtime and keep your project on schedule.
Liability coverage
Accidents involving large machinery might result in huge liabilities. If your equipment causes property damage or injures someone, you may be held financially liable. Heavy machinery insurance typically includes liability coverage, which protects you from costly legal bills and compensation claims.
Heavy Transportation Insurance
Transporting heavy machinery from one location to another has its risks. Heavy transport insurance protects machinery in transit from accidents, theft, and damage. This ensures that your equipment arrives safely and ready to use upon delivery.
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Power Plant Insurance
Construction is not confined to structures and infrastructure. Power plants, whether using fossil fuels or renewable energy, necessitate a significant investment in machinery. Power plant insurance protects the specialized equipment employed in these facilities from mechanical breakdowns, natural disasters, and other operational hazards.
Wind power Insurance
Wind power plants are becoming more frequent as the world transitions to renewable energy. Wind power generation equipment, such as turbines and support structures, is highly specialized and expensive. Wind power insurance protects these critical components, facilitating the development of renewable energy projects and minimizing financial risk.
Choosing the Right Insurance Provider
Choosing the right insurance company is critical. NGI (National General Insurance) provides unique plans to meet the specific needs of the construction industry. When selecting an insurance company, examine their experience, reputation, and the breadth of their coverage options.
Customizable Coverage Options
Each construction project and its insurance needs are unique. A reputable insurance provider will provide customizable coverage options, allowing you to choose the most relevant protections for your business. This guarantees you don't pay for extra coverage while receiving adequate asset protection.
Claims Processing and Support
Having a helpful and efficient insurance provider can make a big difference in the case of a claim. NGI offers a quick claims process and excellent customer service, immediately ensuring you get the help you need. This can be critical in getting your operations back on track following an incident.
The Importance of Regular Policy Review
The construction sector is dynamic, with projects and machinery continually changing. You must check your insurance plans regularly to ensure they continue fulfilling your needs. Your coverage should evolve in tandem with your company's expansion and modifications in equipment inventory.
Heavy machinery insurance is essential for any successful construction enterprise. It provides critical financial protection, reduces downtime, and covers liability risks, ensuring that your operations run smoothly even when faced with unexpected problems. By selecting a reputable insurance company like NGI, you can protect your investments while focusing on what you do best—building the future. Ensure that your heavy construction equipment, transportation, power plants, and wind power projects are adequately insured, and you will pave the path for a safer, more efficient construction industry.
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rushmoregroups · 2 months
Earth Moving Spare Parts Manufacturers in Dubai: Powering Construction Excellence ~ RUSHMORE GROUP Dubai, a city synonymous with innovation and ambition, is continually evolving its skyline and infrastructure. As this ever-changing landscape takes shape, the demand for robust and reliable earth-moving machinery has never been higher. Behind these behemoths of construction are the unsung heroes: earth-moving spare parts manufacturers. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of these manufacturers in Dubai and understand how they play a pivotal role in shaping the city's skyline.
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machinerytransfersau · 2 months
Small Machinery Moving in NSW
Want to move your small machinery equipment? When you are in NSW, look no more than Machinery Transfers & Relocations as we can offer you safe and affordable solutions in this regard.
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arolesbianism · 9 months
Also in my current main oni playthrough I'm at 22 duplicants and my goal for the playthrough is to get all of them so I'm abt halfway there but god damn do I not have enough space for more of these fuckers I'm going to be able to shove some more into my two newest colonies on the two planetoids I've traveled to so far but one of them like Just got started so it's going to be a while before I'm confident in upscaling it, and the other one is mostly made up of radioactive biomes and salt water biomes with the only more livable biomes being at the very edges and the very bottom of the map, so while I do have a pretty stable base getting set up over there it's going to be pretty obnoxious getting the living space set up due to how little space I have in my current main base area and how far away the other forest biomes are from that. On the bright side I found the mysterious hermit home on the brand new planetoid so I at least don't have to worry abt him as much, although I'm gonna be real idk how I'm going to get food production up and running since there's like No dirt, and I don't rly want to have to send someone back up through the surface magma biome to pick up any dropped off supplies.
#rat rambles#the good news is that theres sleet weat on the newest one so once I get a lil more established thats smth I can start farming#theres also grub fruit and sweetles so Ill probably we farming those for a bit too#I say for a bit because while there is a sulfur gyser there its in the magma and I dont wanna fuck with that right now at least#if I was better at this game Id totally go for it but Im not so Ill take the cowards route#hopefully I can print some other seeds into that colony although Im not rly sure which plants Id want#I guess bristle blossoms wouldnt be bad? most of the planet is quite warm tho so idk#its mostly wasteland and chilly biomes Im pretty sure so not the best but could be worse#the main big big issue is going to be oxygen production and water#for now Im probably going to start moving ice to a warmer part of the map to melt it but after that idk#I guess I could just get the hermit and then bounce#honestly thats probably what Ill do since I really dont want to have to deal with the limited water#all my other colonies have infinite water sources already so I might as well focus living quarters there#my first colony is gonna stay limited tho since its the rly cold starting planetoid#Ive gotten my main base warm enough but I dont rly want to expand too much from there#mostly because the left of it is my sleet wheat farm and the right is where my cold slush guyser is#which I rly Should warm up more but Im going to be real I dont want to go too heavy on the forced warming#I want to leave myself with room to build more machinery without burning my base up basically#my other main planetoid is basically paradise for the dupes living there tho theyre doing great my chef even gets his own personal bedroom#I have a great farm set up and have way way more food than even ten more dupes could ever eat#I have been considering bringing in more dupes there but I wanna up my oxygen production more first#I finally ran out of algae and while I could theoretically produce more Ive slowly transferring to the water eating oxygen producer instead#I say slowly cause the process of getting the steam guiser on that plannet to be a decent water supply has been rough#its still not done since Im trying to get a steam turbine cooling loop set up on the other planet to utalize both the water and steam#but its been real hard given the lack of usable space in that colonu#my main problem is that I cant get the temperature to stay at a consistent level due to using heavy wiring#which is really frustrating since these things have so much power flowing through them I absolutely cannot afford to use normal wiring#like I could try to implement power tranformers into the design but Id really rather not since thatd mean taking up even more space#I might just get a insulated heavy wire connector mod or smth I rly cant be bothered after putting this much time into this project#oni posting
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headspace-hotel · 5 months
Nature is healing.
I burned the Meadow a couple weeks ago. At first it looked like nothing but charred ashes and dirt, with a few scorched green patches, and I was afraid I'd done something terrible. But then the sprouts emerged. Tender new leaves swarming the soil.
My brother and I were outside after dark the other day, to see if any lightning bugs would emerge yet. We had been working on digging the pond. That old soggy spot in the middle of the yard that we called "poor drainage," that always splattered mud over our legs when we ran across it as children—it isn't a failed lawn, and it never was.
Oh, we tried to fill in the mud puddles, even rented heavy machinery and graded the whole thing out, but the little wetland still remembered. God bless those indomitable puddles and wetlands and weeds, that in spite of our efforts to flatten out the differences that make each square meter of land unique from another, still declare themselves over and over to be what they are.
So we've been digging a hole. A wide, shallow hole, with an island in the middle.
And steadily, I've been transplanting in vegetation. At school there is a soggy field that sadly is mowed like any old field. The only pools where a frog could lay eggs are tire ruts. From this field I dig up big clumps of rushes and sedges, and nobody pays me any mind when I smuggle them home.
I pulled a little stick of shrubby willow from some cracked pavement near a creek, and planted it nearby. From a ditch on the side of the road beside a corn field, I dug up cattail rhizomes. Everywhere, tiny bits of wilderness, holding on.
I gathered up rotting logs small enough to carry and made a log pile beside the pond. At another corner is a rock pile. I planted some old branches upright in the ground to make a good place for birds and dragonflies to perch.
And there are so many birds! Mourning doves, robins, cardinals and grackles come here in much bigger numbers, and many, many finches and sparrows. I always hear woodpeckers, even a Pileated Woodpecker here and there. A pair of bluebirds lives here. There are three tree swallows, a barn swallow also, tons of chickadees, and there's always six or seven blue jays screaming and making a commotion. And the goldfinches! Yesterday I watched three brilliant yellow males frolic among the tall dandelions. They would hover above the grass and then drop down. One landed on a dandelion stem and it flopped over. There are several bright orange birds too. I think a couple of them are orioles, but there's definitely also a Summer Tanager. There's a pair of Canada Geese that always fly by overhead around the same time in the evening. It's like their daily commute.
The other day, as I watched, I saw a Cooper's Hawk swoop down and carry off a robin. This was horrifying news for the robin individually, but great news for the ecosystem. The food chain can support more links now.
There are two garter snakes instead of one, both of them fat from being good at snaking. I wonder if there will be babies?
But the biggest change this year is the bugs. It's too early for the lightning bugs, but all the same the yard is full of life.
It's like remembering something I didn't know I forgot. Oh. This is how it's supposed to be. I can't glance in any direction without seeing the movement of bugs. Fat crickets and earwigs scuttle underneath my rock piles, wasps flit about and visit the pond's shore, an unbelievable variety of flies and bees visit the flowers, millipedes and centipedes hide under the logs. Butterflies, moths, and beetles big and small are everywhere.
I can't even describe it in terms of individual encounters; they're just everywhere, hopping and fluttering away with every step. There are so many kinds of ants. I sometimes stare really closely at the ground to watch the activities of the ants. Sometimes they are in long lines, with two lanes of ants going back and forth, touching antennae whenever two ants traveling in opposite directions meet. Sometimes I see ants fighting each other, as though ant war is happening. Sometimes the ants are carrying the curled-up bodies of dead ants—their fallen comrades?
My neighbor gave me all of their fallen leaves (twelve bags!) and it turns out that piling leaves on top of a rock and log pile in a wet area summons an unbelievable amount of snails.
I always heard of snails as pests, but I have learned better. Snails move calcium through the food chain. Birds eat snails and use the calcium in their shells to make egg shells. In this way, snails lead to baby birds. I never would have known this if I hadn't set out to learn about snails.
In the golden hour of evening, bugs drift across the sky like golden motes of dust, whirling and dancing together in the grand dramas of their tiny lives. I think about how complicated their worlds are. After interacting with bees and wasps so much for so long, I'm amazed by how intelligent and polite they are. Bumble bees will hover in front of me, swaying side to side, or circle slowly around me several times, clearly perceiving some kind of information...but what? It seems like bees and wasps can figure out if you are a threat, or if you are peaceful, and act accordingly.
I came to a realization about wasps: when they dart at your head so you hear them buzzing close by your ears, they're announcing their presence. The proper response is to freeze and duck down a bit. It seems like wasps can recognize if you're being polite; for what it's worth, I've never been stung by a wasp.
As night falls, bats emerge and start looping and darting around in the sky above. If the yard seems full of bugs in the day, it is nothing compared to the night.
I'm aware that what I'm about to describe, to an entomophobe, sounds like a horror movie: when i walk to the back yard, the trees are audibly crackling and whirring with the activity of insects. Beetles hover among the branches of the trees. When we look up at the sky, moths of all sizes are flying hither and thither across it. A large, very striking white moth flies past low to the ground.
Last year, seeing a moth against the darkening sky was only occasional. Now there's so many of them.
I consider it in my mind:
When roads and houses are built and land is turned over to various human uses, potentially hundreds of native plant species are extirpated from that small area. But all of the Eastern USA has been heavily altered and destroyed.
Some plants come back easily, like wild blackberry, daisy fleabane, and common violets. But many of them do not. Some plants need fire to sprout, some need Bison or large birds to spread them, some need humans to harvest and care for them, some live in habitats that are frequently treated with contempt, some cannot bear to be grazed by cattle, some are suffocated beneath invasive Tall Fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, honeysuckle or Bradford pears, and some don't like being mowed or bushhogged.
Look at the landscape...hundreds and hundreds of acres of suburbs, pastures, corn fields, pavement, mowed verges and edges of roads.
Yes, you see milkweed now and then, a few plants on the edge of the road, but when you consider the total area of space covered by milkweed, it is so little it is nearly negligible. Imagine how many milkweed plants could grow in a single acre that was caretaken for their prosperity—enough to equal fifty roadsides put together!
Then I consider how many bugs are specialists, that can only feed upon a particular plant. Every kind of plant has its own bugs. When plant diversity is replaced by Plant Sameness, the bug population decreases dramatically.
Plant sameness has taken over the world, and the insect apocalypse is a result.
But in this one small spot, nature is healing...
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NPK compound fertilizer granulator supporting device, fertilizer making machine, Granulation device.
Hello Everyone, welcome to our Zhejiang Tongli Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd Official Channel, In this video we will Introduce the supporting device of the granulator as well as the rotary drum cooler supporting device and rotary drum dryer supporting device and rotary drum coating machine supporting device.
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devonellington · 1 year
Tues. June 6, 2023: Stressful Weekend, Stressful Start to the Week
image courtesy of  Gerd Altmann via pixabay.com Tuesday, June 6, 2023 Waning Moon Pluto Retrograde Cloudy and cool I hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for our regular Tuesday natter. Today’s serial episode is from Legerdemain. Episode 91: Shelley and Daedalus on the Hunt Shelley gives her mom’s protégé field experience in Cellarton. Legerdemain Serial Link. Legerdemain…
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getodrools · 8 months
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IN WHICH, you spot a construction worker! toji who was working hard, and you think it'll be a good idea to bring some refreshments for him and his crew…
I 𝓲. I MDNI ୨୧ f! reader. hcs and pov. modern au. public sex: he fucks reader in his big machinery/at night. size difference. riding (for like one sentence). cervix fucking. belly bulge. creampie. | WC –> 0.8k+ est ! !
NOTE. this is a repost from my old blog !! :p
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⟡ | CONSTRUCTION WORKER! TOJI who hears a gentle voice calling out in his field; a soft call of, “any fresh lemonade, gentleman? you've all been working mighty hard.” and the delicate tone enveloping through each ear and strumming through his bones fluttered at his heart…
⟡ | CONSTRUCTION WORKER! TOJI who connects the sweet voice to a pretty face – jumping down from his heavy machinery and jogging over through trenches to greet himself; though dusted hands and muddy boots make your nose crinkle, you smile happily watching the exhausted men kindly take a cold glass of freshly made lemonade—especially one in particular…
⟡ | CONSTRUCTION WORKER! TOJI who lingers closely, waiting for the rest of his men say their thanks and get back to work—waiting for the chance to spark up some small talk with you...
⟡ | CONSTRUCTION WORKER! TOJI who mostly flirts. trying hard to see that pretty smile of yours spark up as he acted like flexing his muscles and stretching in the middle of a convo wasn't going to make your breathing hitch, ogling at fine muscles stacked and sweating, almost like a glazed donut…
⟡ | CONSTRUCTION WORKER! TOJI who just couldn't stop complimenting you until you were wrapped around his finger. the slick bastard knowing every way to make women more than impressed and shy out – using that grime and muck on his thick muscles as a distraction—even flaunting on about how much he has to work under the beaming sun, especially in such big equipment. but being blessed by such a kind soul truly makes his day refreshingly better…
⟡ | CONSTRUCTION WORKER! TOJI who notices the flush on your face as he points around what he works on and what heavy things he could carry around so effortlessly. though, the battered look in your eyes twinkling up at his machinery swarmed vigorous thoughts into his head, leading to making a sneaky, little promise to bring you up into it later that night—promising to teach you and let you ride it...
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“oh! fuck!—” the wet rhythmic sounds of your hips bouncing against his was the only noise echoing off from heavy machinery in toji’s work field – and the pornographic squelch your pussy sucks him in at each tender roll, toji could've sworn he was still “working”; loud fleeting moans replacing the machinery, sweat dribbling down the nape of his neck to his chest as if the sun was still beaming down on him, and trying hard to keep up with your little needs like his ordering boss.
your knees dig into the buckle to the excavator till toji planted firm and barred hands to your sides. taking your body with ease and rolling you over onto your back a yelp dribbles out when playful hands land on the fogging windows as the other pulls his neck in, legs even spread wide and crossing over the dash and around the working man's waist.
being in such a small and tight position—being folded like some paper, creates an obvious belly bulge from toji’s thick cock barreling into your sopping cunt. it was prominent too. how it moves deeply with each snap of his hips – his flush tip even jabbing at your perk cervix.
“fuck-- i feel it—ah! s’ so d-deep.” the strong clutch you have on his forearms was enough to leave the skin red with an imprint, but toji didn't mind. the filthy man fancied this more than the lingering scrapes from fallen debris.
“yeah, right here? feel it-- right there.” that slick bastard.
you try hard to swallow the lump in your throat, feeling toji press a callused hand to your tummy—hard too, enough force to feel himself fucking you raw.
the foreign feel made the sauntering man audibly groan out, head to dip low between the sweet curvature of your neck; the sensation of his length stuffing you full ‘till his cock throbbed in your tight walls made toji’s muddy boots kick back into the leather seat.
settling himself to jackhammer even deeper.
your nails rake into his broad back—leaving raw trails of red lying in their wake as spews of babbles of improper sentences fall from your drool-filled mouth. incoherent, but toji could tell you were screaming for your high. and he swallows up your moans as he hits that soft spot till you shook beneath him—’till you spill over sloppy tongue kisses against his sharp jaw and milk a creamy ring around the base of his cock.
toji twitches inside of you. spongy walls spasm around him – practically sucking him in deeper that forces toji to press the rest of his heavy weight on top of you; pushing you further into the cushions of the earth-moving vehicle as he let out a final moan before snapping his hips hard into yours.
the vicious sound of the final clash; of skin-to-skin contact being rivaled by the feral snarls and bellows you both mewl out as he spurts ribbons of warm mess inside of you…
you both suck in deep breaths of air through teeth – trying rigidly to suck your souls back in through playful tongues twirling together.
with teeth almost clashing as you both let out a chuckle. you couldn't believe what you just did with a filthy man, and in his very own machinery in the middle of the night like some sneaky teens…
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
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𝟹 𝙰𝙼
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↳ eddie x fem!reader
↳ summary: just some sweet little smut between you and eddie before he goes to work
↳ A/n: wrote this awhile ago & I thought maybe I’d turn it into a series but nah, enjoy 😉
↳ warnings: smut 18+ only, smut with a plot. p in v, oral.
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the soft whirring noises from his nose wake you before his alarm does. 
  Swing shift at the plant had Eddie’s sleep schedule completely out of whack. Some nights he’d be falling asleep at the table during supper, long curls bobbing as his head jerked forward. 
  There were days where you’d find him snoring, splayed out on his back on the thick rug on the floor of the baby’s room. Toy blocks in his hands, trying to be the dad he promised himself he would be. A dad he didn’t have. 
  And earlier tonight when he came home with grease lined under his fingernails, exhaust from the heavy machinery freckling his face, he let out a deafening yawn. 
  “Gotta be back in at 4,” he said after hugging you tight and tickling your sides. His soft lips pressed to the crown of your head. 
  You crane your neck to meet his lips and nod at him. The bags under his eyes were prominent tonight. Instead of going to bed early like you had suggested, after supper he spent the evening curled up in his recliner, rocking the baby to sleep while he read story after story. 
  This is why you loved him so much. 
  Both of you had come from broken homes, and when you wound up pregnant senior year, the odds were not in your favor. 
  But Eddie stepped up. You both finished high school early. Earning diplomas in December and he immediately started working at the plant with Wayne. Long hours for a decent paycheck. He was determined to not fail.
  When the neighbors next to Wayne’s trailer moved out after a death in the family in Texas left them millionaires, Wayne marched into the landlord’s office and put a down payment on the trailer. 
  $250 later the trailer was home. Eddie danced with you under flickering lights as he held you from behind, pressing kisses into your neck. Promising you a good life. His thick hands on your growing belly, rubbing it softly. 
  Auntie Robin and Uncle Steve helped on the weekends to clean the smoke stained walls and provide the latest gossip from Hawkins High. 
  Chrissy Cunningham? Caught blowing Mr. Higgins in his car during first period. 
  Steve had a date with Nancy Wheeler tonight. 
  Dustin took over as DM for Eddie and was doing really well. 
  You smiled through Robin’s fast paced words and when her and Steve left that night Eddie asked if you missed highschool, hanging his head in sorrow at fucking things up for you. 
  Not a chance when I have you. The promise splayed thick on your smile, sweet against his neck. 
  When the spring flowers bloomed in May, you had the baby right after Eddie’s birthday. 
  The best birthday present ever. 
  He had said with tears in his eyes, you knew he would be the best dad, he spent his lunch breaks reading books on parenting. He saved every dime from his paychecks— determined to make enough so you wouldn’t have to work. 
  He was a good man, the best dad you could ever imagine. And he deserves the world. 
  So tonight when the alarm went off at 3 o’clock, you turned it off before he could wake. Tip-toeing past the baby’s room and into the kitchen to make some coffee. 
  Scooping two heaps of the off brand coffee into the white paper filter you press the on button and watch as the brewed coffee gently tinks into the glass pot. 
  Painted toes skip over the creaks in the floor and back to your bedroom, where the man who made all of your dreams come true laid to rest, bare chested with two names inked over his heart, yours and the baby’s. 
  His arms were curled over his head and his snores were light. Untucking the sheet from its place under the mattress you crawl beneath it careful to not knee anywhere on Eddie.
  Up paled legs sat a pair of blue checkered boxers, the button undone from moving around during the night. And beneath them the delicious treat you were after, soft but still fairly large and thick, nestled with a pinked sack and a dusting of curls. 
  Trailing your nails along the waistband of the patterned blues, you work them down his hips with ease. Tired from already working 55 hours this week, Eddie doesn’t stir. 
  His cock springs out with a thud against his thigh, asleep like it’s owner, but enormous in size. 
  Dribbling a line of spit from your puckered lips you let it flow over his pink mushroom head like you were icing a cake, spreading it around with your thumb, rubbing the slit deep. A few jerks from your spit covered hand and Eddie moans in his sleep. His thick cock at full alert, veins on display for your lips to suckle. 
  You run your tongue from his sack up the shaft and around the peak. Kitten licks at first then long broad stripes. When you take his head into your mouth and swirl your tongue like you’re tasting a popsicle, Eddie finally wakes. A moaning grunt and then immediate panic. You pull the covers off your head and wipe your mouth while smiling wildly. 
  “Babe? Wh—what’s going on?” Eddie says sleepily, his hair askew and eyes still blinking from the sandman’s sleep. 
  “Shhh..” you shush, looking into his eyes and taking him whole into your throat in one swift gulp. 
  He moans and bucks his hips up into your face. 
  “Fuck,” he groans, his breathing erratic and breaking as you swallow him further, hands working double time in a twisting upward motion. Your spit running down to his balls. 
  You release him with a slow slide, gasping for breath as he holds your hair in his fists. 
  His eyes were squeezed tight and open immediately when you lick his slit, hungry for the salty seed. 
  “Bend over,” Eddie grunts, “now.” 
  Throwing the blankets off of you both and standing fast. He grabs your vibrator from the nightstand and clicks it to the on position, giving it to your waiting hand between your bent legs, your face smashed into the mattress. 
  He hikes the sleep shirt up your hips and sucks in a breath when he finds you soaked with no panties on. Glistening from the street lamp shining through the thin curtains, a feast for the taking. 
  “Jesus Christ,” he says, slapping his hands hard against the plush of your doughy ass, “my perfect fucking girl.” 
You whine when the vibration hits your clit, humming along into the mattress to soften your expecting screams. 
  Eddie’s thick head slips through your folds and you moan deep. Mirroring his own as you wiggle your hips for more.
  Burying himself inside your gummy walls you suck him in tight. A cozy wet hug around his dick.  
  “I swear to God this pussy was made for me,” he groans into the open air, pistoning his hips deeper and smacking against the fat of your ass.
  When a drop of spit hits the button and his thumb runs circles around it you squeal in pleasure. Puckering around his thumb, giving him a small kiss and begging him to go deeper. 
  He moans and mutters under his breath. Fucking into you harder. 
  The vibrator is working overtime on your swollen clit as Eddie bucks harder into you, his cock thick and hard jutting deep into your aching hole. You scream out as your legs start to shake and Eddie begins to twitch inside of you. 
  Before you can both come, he flips you over and scoots you both up on the bed. Your legs wrap around his hips and he dives into your lips. Kissing them sweet then harsh, the same way he kissed you for the very first time when you were both thirteen. 
  You were sitting on the handlebars of his bike, your bare legs wrapped around his black jean styled waist, the studs of his belt making indents in your calves. He was standing on the gravel, the bike balanced in his strong hands. Dust circling around you after he skidded to a stop around the curve of the trailer park road. Your lips teasing him for far too long that summer. 
  His hips thrust into yours and his lips moves down your neck, the sweet spot above your beauty mark acting as an ‘x’ for pirates treasure. 
  His hair tickles your skin and you hold his head in your hand and press him further into your neck. When your walls tighten and you whine out he cums hard too, filling you up full. 
  He presses sweet i love you kisses into your collarbones and licks a path up the curve of your chin. Devouring every ounce of your skin he can. 
  “Mrs. Munson,” he teases, lips grinning goofy, “I must have been a good husband to deserve such scandalous behavior at 3 AM.”
  You tickle his under arm and wiggle your way from beneath him, “Mrs. Munson?” you question, an eyebrow quirked into your disheveled hair. “Since when are we married?” 
  Eddie stretches on his back and fumbles into his drawer, wrestling the wrapper off a blue raspberry ring pop. He holds it up to you like a prized possession, “a placeholder for when the layaway is done being paid off at JCPENNEY’s.” 
  You giggle like a child and hold your out hand.Eddie threads the ring on your finger and licks the diamond shaped sucker. 
  “You keep waking me up like that we’re gonna have a whole litter of Munson’s running around, and besides,” he says, kissing up your arm and biting your shoulder, “I kinda like you,” 
  Kissing him deep you giggle. 
  “I kinda like you too.” 
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strawberrystepmom · 9 months
senku x f!reader. senku and reader are both 25, reader has a hair that can be tucked behind her ear. wc 1.5k
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You aren’t sure what time it is. The sun has been set for long enough that you know it is well into nighttime, stars twinkling right outside of your window. The oil lamp in your home is still lit and you sit next to Senku on the floor, pages and pages of plans he has drawn in front of the two of you. He has spent most of the evening and night explaining his plans to you, each of them a bigger and bolder leap than the last. Usually you’d be listening to him raptly and you have done so for most of the evening but right now you feel a little…sleepy.
You keep catching yourself shutting your eyes and fluttering them open, the smooth and mellow sound of the scientist’s voice doing little to prevent your relaxation and comfort. Maybe you listen to him too much, wrapping his knowledge around you like a warm blanket, letting it keep you believing in the world the two of you desire for the people you care about. This is your usual evening routine, anyway.
He walks you to your home once dinner is done and the two of you talk all through the night. Neither of you sleeps easily; this is the first thing you learned about each other all those months ago. Racing minds with big plans rarely rest but the lead up into the summer has been grueling, planting and assisting with the late spring births of the horses and one of the cows.
It’s nothing personal against him. Tonight, you’re just sleepy.
“We would need to do some significant clearing of the forest around 38 kilometers away from here for this one, so we will need to build machinery first.”
Humming your response your eyes fall shut again and Senku chuckles when he turns to look at you. Your arms are folded over your chest and your eyes are shut so tightly it has to be painful. Exhaustion seeps from you and he moves closer in your direction, sliding across the floor until your hip touches his. The touch startles you awake and you smile when your eyes pop open and see him glancing at you fondly.
“Hey,” he mutters quietly. “You tired?”
You shake your head stubbornly and he smirks, watching you make a show out of straightening your slumped posture. Sighing, you smile again and wipe your thumbs over your eyes to keep them from closing again immediately.
“You said clearing the forest a ways out, right? We could probably do that now if we went with larger groups of people for shorter amounts of time, it would just take all summer.”
He nods, humming himself and scribbling your notes down on the plans he created for whatever he wants to build there. You can tell he’s writing because you hear his own handcrafted pen nib scribbling over the scratchy paper the settlement has been using ever since yourself and your friend, the doctor, started taking the time to make it.
It’s a reservoir, you remember and your eyes fly open with a gasp. Senku looks up at you and furrows his eyebrows, still scribbling away without even looking. Rather than show his concern, he turns it into a joke so he can gauge how exhausted you really are by how hard you laugh.
“You like the idea that much?”
Giggles bubble out of you uncontrollably and he cannot help but chuckle along at a few of them. It’s official, you are deliriously sleepy, laughing over nothing.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed…” your friend (although the blurry edges of friendship and lover seem more and more smudged every day) starts to rise to his feet but you grab his hand and stop him, pulling him back down to the ground beside you gently.
“No, I’m fine and I’m listening. Keep explaining.”
You have shown him this isn’t true but who is he to deny a willing audience? Settling back down, he begins talking about his second summer project which are technological improvements for the grain bins and corn silos to keep them climate controlled. Humming your interest every few words, your eyes feel heavy again and you no longer fight them, slumping forward. You just need to rest your eyes.
“Minor changes may help us keep larger quantities fresher for lon…”
Senku cuts himself off when he looks over at you. He dares to reach out, brushing a strand of hair that has fallen over your face behind your ear. This far the motion hasn’t startled you so he presses further, brushing the cold tips of his fingers against the shell of your ear. This startles you enough that your eyes open again and he feels the skin beneath his fingertips heat as you realize he’s touching you.
“Cold fingers.”
Your sleepy remark makes the man chuckle again and he brushes his thumb down the remainder of your ear lobe, feeling hardened cartilage and soft skin and long closed holes where earrings once resided.
“Let’s go to bed.”
You perk up slightly at the suggestion that he’ll be joining you. It would be far from the first time the two of you have shared this intimacy, falling asleep in shared space before either of you were aware of the other's feelings. Well, Senku was aware of your feelings at least considering that you’re pretty bad at hiding them. For a moment you worry you’ve overestimated his want to be around you and you pout, looking up at his now standing form and the hand he’s holding out to help you up.
“Will you stay?”
He nods, wiggling his fingers to make sure you know to grab his hand before standing. Tired legs are wobbly ones and it finally strikes him as funny that this is the moment you’re vulnerable enough to ask for what you want from him. Not the nights you’ve cried while talking about how much you miss your family or when you were sick with fever that made you babble half awake for days on end in the wintertime.
“Good,” you mutter while grabbing his hand. Your head swims with even the simplest touches from him and it makes you feel incredibly immature and silly, more of a girl pining so hard even a glance makes her giddy than the grown woman you are. He helps you over to the small area you sleep in, grateful you’re already in your pajamas, and helps you into the heap of furs and blankets.
Rolling into the mess of blankets, you pat the space next to you and he laughs at your eagerness to be this close to him, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it over his head. You are too sleepy to stay alert but your eyes, heavy as they are, simply cannot shut fully when he is half clothed standing this close to you. He unfastens his belt and lets it fall to the floor, keeping his pants on and crawling into the pile beside you.
“If you aren’t sleepy, you can keep talkin’.”
Your voice is thin and more of a mumble than it is anything else but Senku laughs, rolling over to face you and tucking the same unruly hair that keeps sticking out back behind your ear so he can look at your face. Your eyes are shut far more gently than they were moments ago and your mouth is relaxed and suddenly he realizes that your face is illuminated a little too brightly for likely the wee hours of the night…damn it he left the lamp on across the room.
He isn’t particularly sleepy anyway and he sighs, using his light touch on your head as a means to guide you in his direction, stopping just short of pressing his lips against your hairline. This wouldn’t be the first time he kissed you, the other time was during a far less chaste and aphrodisiac fueled scenario the two of you mutually agreed to never mention again after it happened, but he stops himself.
Senku has considered every mathematical possibility. Every scenario, every tried and true and tested theory, every last trail he could possibly chase in his own overflowing brain to figure out how he ended up in a situation he could ever be this close to you. It was improbable before petrification and probably close to impossible after it yet it happened.
He closes the small gap between your hair and his lips and kisses you so gently all your face does is twitch in response, sleep finally winning over your willingness to listen to your very good friend explain his thought processes until dawn.
Quickly rolling out of bed, he scurries across the floor as fast as he can to shut the lamp off and heads back into the warmth of the space next to you. You shift and smack your lips together, eyes closed and brows twisting.
He gently brushes your arm with his index and middle fingers, lying on his side and watching you get settled back in.
“Right here, don’t worry about it.”
The assurance is enough for you to relax and he watches you return to sleep, smiling wistfully and considering how he could do this every night. He doesn’t want to consider the possibility of forever, knowing how quickly people one cares about can be ripped away in the new world, but it’s something to at least entertain while your breath comes in soft puffs at his side.
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How to assemble and install the super mobile drum mix asphalt mixing plant?
This video shows how an ZOOMLINE super mobile drum mix asphalt mixing plant works.
Super mobile drum mix asphalt mixing equipment is optimized and redesigned based on our stationary continuous asphalt mixing plant and semi-mobile continuous asphalt mixing plants. Super mobile-type drum mix asphalt mixing plant realizes the high integration of asphalt plant, and one transport trailer can realize all the functional requirements of the asphalt mixing station (filling, drying, mixing, storage of finished products, operation), which meets the user's requirements for fast installation, fast transition, and rapid production. The convenience of fast transportation, no foundation required and rapid recommissioning greatly saves the costs and improves the construction efficiency.
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flor4de4amor · 5 months
may we please PLEASE PLEASE please get more aviator!abby???? she’s so yummy & i need her so bad..
welll if you wannttttt ofcccc!! this is totallyyy not based off of today’s events. if only i had abby around </3
click for palestine | don’t buy tlou | read b4 engaging
the toilet is broken and it's been ruining your fucking day. the stupid handle is too loose and you're determined to fix it yourself. it's far too embarrassing to ask the other wives on base to use their toilet. word spreads far too fast. everyone's gonna think abby doesn't care for you. and that is far from true! she cares about you so much, you think you're gonna suffocate in her love.
which is part of the reason you wanna fix this stupid waste of space in your bathroom. abby takes care of you everyday, and she works hard and long all day. it wouldn't be fair for her to come home to a broken toilet. (sometimes she sits there doing buisness, while playing wordle, and keeping conversation with you as you shower. you'd hate to break routine.) but you've been knelt over twisting screws, fiddling with pliers, and banging your head against the wall for the past few hours. for a matter of fact, youtube is not helpful! in fact, when abby gets home, you're informing her of a the anderson housewide youtube ban. stupid fucking site. waste of space on the web. killed away at your day with useless hacks anyway.
you're so caught up on cursing at the tablet, your cat pawing at your toes, the stupid fucking toilet, and don't forget swearing the wind, that you don't hear abby's heavy footsteps. you normally greet her at the door with plenty of love. whenever you're not waiting for her, it normally means trouble. means that she better make your stiff couch, real comfortable tonight. and no, she cannot steal any souvenirs from your normally shared bed. she must make do with some throw pillows and a teensy tiny blanket.
you think that you've almost got the issue sorted out when she catches you redhanded. her arms snake around your waist from behind causing you to drop your tools and squeal. your cat screeching at the commotion. abby clicks her tongue at the grey streaked animal. bane of her existence. you thrash in her arms for a minute, until she kisses your cheeks and you're able to inhale her scent. "relax pretty, it's just me."
you huff, and turn around facing her sweet face. "you're an asshole." you don't mean it. but, she's just made you almost shit your pants while your toilet is totally broken. fair reaction, if you may say so yourself.
"you don't mean that," she smiles. her thumb goes to wipe sweat off your forehead. "what's going on here that you're wielding serious machinery?" she eyes the discarded plier and screwdriver.
you slide up to the sink, settling your spine against the cool faucet. your cat following in suite, jumping up into your lap, effortlessly. you coax, him, in your laps, scratching behind his ears, while speaking to your wife. "toilet's fucking broken." you groan, "i've spent all day trying to fix it." abby eyes the loud video playing in the counter of the bathroom corner. she goes to shut off the tablet, sensing your agitation.
"why didn't you call me? or a plumber?" her hands rub your thighs gently, trying to soothe you.
"despite what the haters say," you laugh softly to yourself, "i can do things."
she looks you up and down with a look of doubt in her eye, "i know you can." she plants a sweet kiss on your lips to reassure you before planting the real stuff. she pulls away stroking your cheek, "just not this type of stuff."
you roll your eyes and scoff. "ok well, a girl can try."
she smiles, "yeah lets, not anymore." she smiles and leans away slightly, eyeing the damage you've done to the commode. you pinch her bicep for her sly comment. she grunt in a pained response. her hands grip your wrist, not too tight, she'd never hurt you. "listen here girly," she threatens emptily, before releasing your wrist. her fingers tickle at your sides with carefree joy.
"is it fixable?" you ask. you feel awful.
that cocky smile of hers finds its way to her dopey face. "for the average joe? meh," she shrugs her shoulders. "for me?" she boasts, "definitely fixable, pretty. don't worry." she plants another kiss on you. when she pulls away, abby wipes her hands on the sides of her uniform khakis. she kneels to the base of the toilet, and assess the damage closer. "i think i found the problem baby."
"what is it?" you stroke the feline in your lap.
"you've been using all the wrong tools hon," she remarks offhanded while digging around blindly for her toolbar that's got her initials monogrammed onto the front.
"you're a tool," you say under your breathe.
"heard that!" abby says from down below. she chuckles softly, but doesn't let you hear.
"love you baby!" you reply back, a smile fixed to your lips.
"suck it, anderson," she grunts back while tightening a bolt or something. whatever the hell she was doing down there.
"maybe later," you laugh sweetly.
"sounds good to me," abby replies rather quick.
"shut up and fix the toilet anderson!" you say in a fit of giggles.
"yes ma'am," your cornball of a wife replies, while making a complicated task look easy. she's impossible to hate, and so easy to love.
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rushmoregroups · 2 months
A Guide to Earth Moving Spare Parts Manufacturers in Dubai
Dubai, known for its modern architecture, luxury shopping, and vibrant nightlife, is also a thriving hub for the construction industry. At the heart of this industry lies a robust network of earth-moving spare parts manufacturers and suppliers. These companies play a crucial role in ensuring that construction and infrastructure projects run smoothly by providing essential components for heavy machinery. In this article, we'll explore some of the key players in this sector, the range of products they offer, and the factors that make Dubai a significant center for earth-moving spare parts.
Importance of Earth Moving Spare Parts
Earth-moving equipment, such as excavators, bulldozers, loaders, and cranes, are essential for construction projects, mining operations, and other industrial activities. These machines require regular maintenance and replacement of parts to operate efficiently and safely. High-quality spare parts extend the life of equipment, minimise downtime, and enhance productivity.
Why Dubai?
Dubai's strategic location, world-class infrastructure, and business-friendly environment make it an ideal hub for the earth-moving spare parts industry. The city's connectivity to major global markets enables manufacturers and suppliers to efficiently import raw materials and export finished products. Additionally, Dubai's diverse workforce and advanced logistics capabilities contribute to the sector's growth and success.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Supplier
When selecting a supplier for earth-moving spare parts in Dubai, consider the following factors:
Product Quality: Ensure that the supplier offers high-quality, genuine parts that meet industry standards.
Range of Products: Choose a supplier with a comprehensive inventory to meet all your equipment needs.
Reliability: Look for a supplier with a reputation for reliability and timely delivery.
Customer Support: Opt for companies that provide excellent customer service and technical support.
Pricing: Compare prices from different suppliers to ensure competitive rates without compromising on quality.
The earth-moving spare parts industry in Dubai is a vital component of the region's construction and industrial sectors. With a range of reliable manufacturers and suppliers, companies can easily access the components they need to keep their machinery running smoothly. As Dubai continues to grow and develop, the demand for high-quality spare parts is expected to rise, further cementing the city's position as a key player in the global market.
Call:    (+971)45776444
Website: https://www.rushmore.ae/
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