heizuhaevents · 1 year
HeiZuha-Week 2023
August 7th until August 13th!
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Welcome to this year’s HeiZuha-Week, where we want to come together and create one or more special pieces about our favorite (to-be) couple!
This year the HeiZuha-Week will again include the Hattori-Day (August 10th)!
You like the couple Kazuha and Heiji? Then you're at the right place!
The theme for this year’s Event is
Special Summer Holidays
And here are the daily themes:
8/7 : summer homework | melting | heat
8/8 : sports | club activity | being separated
8/9 : Beach | Water | Ice Cream | Warermelon | Sunset
8/10 : Hiking | mountains | Forrest | Ghost Hunt
8/11 : Camping | Star Gazing | Bug Hunt
8/12 : Thunderstorm | Rainy Days | Stay inside
8/13 : Festival | Fireworks | Yukata | Lost/stolen purse
You can stick to the daily prompts (combined or pick just one) or do an overall work for the whole week by using just the theme or combine different prompts as you like 🙂
It’s free for your interpretation but you can send an ask if you need some inspirational hints (^_^)
I hope for a lot of enjoyable creations!
More Infos below the cut!
Some Guidelines
Use tag #HeiZuhaWeek2023 and/or #HeiZuhaWeek and tag this blog by using @heizuhaevents so I can find your entry(s)!
You don't need to participate daily, just choose the topics you like or only use the overall theme to create a piece!
You're free to choose what you want to create! All kind of fanwork is appreciated, open to all creators of all skills! (^_^)
Follow this blog to not miss any of the creations or infos and updates on the event!
Spread the Word! (e.g. by reblogging this post) So we can gather a lot of participants to make this event a great experience! (^o^)/)
Have fun!
I'll reblog on this blog all creations. (^_~) Also after the event week.
(I'll reblog this announcement over the next weeks again as a reminder, but wanted to give enough time for everyone who's short on it!)
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heizuha-queen · 1 year
You're Safe with Me
This is for HeizuhaWeek Day 6 @heizuhaevents, the prompt Thunderstorm / Rainy Days / Stay Inside. I do plan on doing all the prompts, but unfortunately, I have been busy so I couldn't do them all on time like last year. Hopefully next year I can do them all on time.
Sometimes Heiji and Kazuha feel like they have the worst luck in the world. There's always something that goes wrong when they are trying to have fun, hang out, or even go on a trip. Whether it's murder, homework, exams, or even mother nature herself.
Kazuha has been looking forward to having a picnic with Heiji and spending time with him since he's been busy with cases. She even stayed up the night before preparing bento boxes for both of them and even searching for new and exciting drinks to make for the summer.
And everything was going well in the beginning. Heiji came and picked her up on time, they went to the park and spread the orange and white checkered picnic mattress, they were happily eating their bentos and enjoying each other's presence, until...
Drop, drop, drop...
The raindrops fell on their picnic mattress one after the other.
Kazuha's eyes widened, "What?! Is it actually raining? The weather app said it's going to be sunny today, what's happening?!"
Heiji dropped his bento onto the mattress with an annoyed expression, "Looks like we have to pack up quickly. The rain is just going to get worse." He stated as he pointed at the large grey cloud that was coming towards them.
Kazuha sighed in defeat and felt her chest tighten. She was beyond disappointed.
Just as Heiji mentioned, the rain got worse, and by the time they packed up all their things and reached Heiji's motorcycle, they were drenched.
To say that Heiji was worried is an understatement. He knew how the rain affected Kazuha. He basically had to drag her with him to the motorcycle from how tense and out of it she was.
He tied their picnic basket to the back of his motorcycle, then looked over to Kazuha. Her eyes were tightly shut and both her hands were covering her ears as her breathing quickened. He walked over to her and called her name as he placed a hand on her shoulder, "Kazuha, my house is closer to the park so we'll stay there for now. Hold on to me, okay?"
Kazuha slowly opened her eyes and just nodded.
When they arrived at Heiji's place, Heiji made sure to shut all the doors and windows, trying to minimize the noise as much as possible, as Kazuha took a bath in his bathroom. Although shutting the doors and windows helped, the noise was still there and it made him worried.
He decided to wait for Kazuha in his room after he finished taking a shower in case anything happened to her in the bathroom. He started reading one of the motorcycle magazines he had, but his mind was still thinking of her. Is she okay? Or is she panicking in silence and he just doesn't know it? Ugh, this was driving him crazy. The problem is that he can't just open the bathroom door and check on her, that would be disastrous.
He went up to the bathroom door and knocked, "Kazuha? Are you okay?"
He didn't hear anything. Oh no...
Something was definitely going on because Kazuha would answer immediately.
"Kazuha?" This time he called even louder, then pressed his ears against the door.
Again, he was met with silence. Or so he thought. When he listened closer he heard her soft hushed voice pleading, "Help me."
That was all he needed before he burst in.
She was sitting on the bathtub in a crouched position, her eyes closed and her hands tightly covering her ears as she kept repeating, "Help me."
The sight broke Heiji's heart. He knew she was reliving it. The moment when that bastard tased her, and took her in the shed. When everyone was looking for her in the rain but she couldn't say or do anything as the murderer strung her up in the spider mansion.
He gently pulled her up from the bathtub, making a conscious effort to not look anywhere but her face, grabbed the towel, and wrapped her in it.
He gently guided her to his bed since she still had her eyes closed, and sat her down next to him. At the moment, he wished he could stop the rain and make it vanish forever.
One of his hands was gently stroking her wet hair, while the other was around her waist to bring her closer to him.
"Kazuha, you're with me." He said, "I'm here, holding you. Nobody can hurt you."
He held her chin and directed her face towards his, "Look at me Kazuha." he said, his voice gentle but strong.
She slowly opens her eyes and looks at him with eyes full of fear. "Kazuha, it's me Heiji. Look at me, I'm here." Heiji repeats with a strong voice to ensure her of his presence.
He saw it in her eyes when she recognized him, snapping out of her horrifying flashbacks. He saw the way her eyes went from fearful and scared, to relieved. He saw when her eyes started filling up with tears.
He held her close to him, her head laying on his chest as he kept repeating to her, "It's okay Kazuha, you're safe with me."
Sometimes he blames himself for the dangers that he put Kazuha through. Kazuha used to love the rain, but now the sound of it takes her back to the spider mansion and her near-death experience. If he didn't find her as soon as he did, he would've found her -
His body shuddered. He didn't want to even think about it.
Right now, Kazuha is alive and breathing, and Heiji promised himself that he will protect her no matter what. For she is a part of his heart, a part of his soul, and he loves her a love so deep, and strong that it sets fire in his heart and awakens his soul.
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hazelestelle · 1 year
ignite the light
For Heizuha Week @heizuhaevents for the prompts "Festival", "Fireworks", and "Yukata".
Read on AO3
Kazuha was a little nervous. She and Heiji wanted to go to the summer festival together. Of course, that was nothing to be nervous about, they hung out all the time.
But this was the first time in a long time that she was wearing a kimono.
Her mum had been helping her all morning, and now she was wondering if it was really worth all the effort.
Heiji wasn’t the most traditional person. What if he thought it was stupid or that she looked ridiculous?
She resisted the urge to pick on the flower ornaments in her hair, instead checking her phone for the five hundredth time.
Distracted as she was, she didn’t notice Heiji until he was standing right in front of her.
“Hey”, he greeted, and she looked up, her own greeting getting stuck in her throat.
Heiji was wearing a yukata?
She blinked, her gaze sweeping over him, and she couldn’t help but blush.
He looked good like this. He was usually so casual, and of course she had seen in him in his traditional kendo clothes countless times, but this was different.
“Hey, we match”, he commented, and she looked down on herself. Sure enough, the blue flowers on her kimono were the exact same colour as his yukata, and her heart fluttered excitedly.
“What a coincidence”, she replied, not wanting to assume and get her hopes up needlessly.
“Yeah.” He chuckled, a little nervous, and definitely blushing, and she smiled. That did get her hopes up, but she decided to let it go for now.
“Shall we?”, she asked instead, and he nodded.
They perused the stalls together, sharing takoyaki and then a taiyaki with chocolate filling. Heiji always complained that it was too sweet but he got it anyway because he knew that Kazuha didn’t like the traditional red bean ones.
He won her a little phone charm at one of the games that was definitely rigged, and he definitely cared a lot more about that than she did.
“Sorry I couldn’t get you a better price.” He sounded genuinely upset, and she shook her head.
“No, this is good.” She immediately fastened it on her phone to show that she meant it, but Heiji didn’t seem to believe her.
“You don’t have to do that. It’s a stupid price”, he insisted, and she shook her head again.
“You got it for me, so it’s not stupid.” She couldn’t look at him when she said that, sure that her face was beet red.
“Oh. Okay.”
When she dared to glance at him out of the corner of her eye, he was blushing just as furiously, and her heart skipped a beat.
They both didn’t say anything for a moment, then he cleared his throat.
“It’s almost time for the fireworks, so should we go find a good spot?”
She agreed, glad that the awkward moment was over.
They found a place in the crowd along the river. A lot of people were already there, but that was to be expected, and it wasn’t like she exactly minded standing close to Heiji.
Suddenly, she felt him take her hand, intertwining their fingers.
“So you don’t get lost in the crowd”, he mumbled. That didn’t even make sense, since they weren’t moving around anymore, but with the way he was blushing again and purposefully not looking at her, it was clear that that was just an excuse.
She smiled. “Okay.”
Watching the fireworks, holding his hand and wearing matching yukatas, she thought that there were definitely enough reasons to hope.
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year
Special Summer Vacation (1)
This is for the HeiZuha-Week on @heizuhaevents Day 1! I planned a continuing Fanfiction of short stories so hopefully you'll find a part each day (or I'll upload the missing parts later) ^_^
I'll upload everything also on Ao3 soon.
"Maaaan, how long do ya actually need for the tasks? Are ya going to write a doctoral thesis on it or what?" Heiji was lying across the tatami mats of his parents' house, bored and sweating, waiting for his best friend to finish her summer homework. He had checked off the assignments within the first few days after the school vacations began - so that he wouldn't have to worry about them for the rest of the vacations and would be free to do other things. But Kazuha had more trouble solving the assignments than the young high school detective, who rolled a little closer to the open sliding doors of the room they were sitting in at that minute.
They had chosen the room that overlooked the garden. It was the most pleasant because it had the best view into the beautifully manicured garden. A light breeze blew through the house because the sliding doors were also open in other rooms to create an airy climate. A small wind chime tinkled in the breeze in between while Kazuha sat bent over her notebook. Even the watermelons on the table in front of her were sweating in this heat.
"It’d go faster if a certain someone would help me here a little more!" Grimly she looked at her best friend, whose tank top had slipped and exposed more of his upper body than she actually wanted to see. Didn't this guy actually have any decency? Best childhood friends or not - sometimes she doubted whether he even perceived her as a woman, the way he always walked around in front of her. How was she supposed to concentrate on her tasks when she felt the heat in her cheeks all the time? What an idiot. "No, it's too hot for me right now…" "Then live with it!" "I could just go by myself!" "Go on then!" "But I don't wanna!" "Then don't complain!" "I can complain all I want if it's a fact, Ahou!" "I don't understand why I have to come along anyway, Ahou!"
A pair of turquoise eyes peered up at her over the edge of the table as Heiji made at least a small effort to look her in the eye. His eyebrows were drawn together grimly as he gave her an almost reproachful look. Kazuha could have melted again, although his look didn't seem very inviting. Why did this annoying guy actually look so forbidden good? But she did not let herself be taken in by it. Instead, she turned her head aside, playfully offended. "Hmph!" "Because ya have to. You'll like it." "I don't know what's so great about throwing on a stuffy motorcycle helmet in these temperatures…"
Heiji narrowed his eyes slightly, still peering over the edge of the table at Kazuha. Then he lay back down and crossed his arms behind his head in a huff. "Ya won't find out that way anyway." Kazuha turned her gaze back to him and frowned slightly. Lately, the guy was always making a secret out of everything and constantly beating around the bush. What to make of it, however, the brunette didn't know. She sighed slightly and turned her eyes back to her notes. "Can ya at least explain me the task here or will ya melt away if ya try?"
Heiji opened one eye scrutinizingly, then brought down a hand and pierced his ear thoughtfully with his little finger. "Could it be any friendlier?" "Who wants me to come with ya? I'm happy to just go home! At least I can do the things in peace…" "Still, ya could say 'please'!" A bit ponderously, the highschool detective sat up and bent over the table to look at her task. There ya go, Kazuha thought, and let him explain the task to her. When she understood the solution, she then also gave him a pretty smile. "Thank ya, Heiji!"
He reacted a little grumpily, perhaps a little embarrassed. But Kazuha already knew that he liked to cover up his embarrassment a little. She didn't hold it against him and continued to work diligently on her tasks while he lay down on the tatami floor again and waited for things to happen. Actually, it was strange that he was so patient. The trip must be really important to him.
It took a while longer, and while her pen scratched across the paper in silence, the wind made the wind chimes sound repeatedly, and the cicadas could be heard outside, Kazuha solved one task after another. But finally she was able to put down the pencil and stretched extensively in relief. "Done!" she announced delightedly. But when her eyes fell on her childhood friend, he had actually dozed off over the wait. Kazuha propped her chin in one hand and looked across the table at Heiji lying on the floor, sleeping peacefully there with his mouth slightly open.
Well, he was funny, wasn’t he? First he made such a fuss and now he just fell asleep. For a moment, she wondered if she should wake him up. But somehow he seemed so peaceful right now that it was almost a pity. She decided to savor the moment a little instead, if he didn't notice. She could still wake him up in half an hour or so. She tiptoed to one of the closets and took out a thin blanket so that he wouldn't catch a cold in his sleep. Then she went over to him and carefully put the blanket over his naked belly.
Comfortably, she lay down at his side and watched him sleep for a while. It was rare to have the opportunity to just look at him so intently up close without it becoming embarrassing. Surely he would think she was creepy too if he knew about this right now. But she didn't care right now, after all, she didn't do this all the time. However, her eyelids became increasingly heavy. Learning was also exhausting. In addition this heat… And then this idiot also wanted to go with motorcycle clothes. Kazuha rested her head on her forearms. This was suicide… Wherever he wanted to go.
When Shizuka wondered about the unusual silence in the house and a little later looked after the two teenagers, she found them lying side by side on the floor asleep. A smile came to her lips at this almost nostalgic image, as she had last seen such a scene in their childhood. So she did not miss the opportunity to capture this sight for eternity on photographic film, before she gently covered Kazuha with a light blanket and left them alone again.
To be continued...
Part 2
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heizuha-queen · 1 year
For the HeiZuhaWeek on @heizuhaevents Day 3!
If there’s anything Kazuha loved more than anything, it was the ocean. She loved looking at it during the day, sunset and even at night with the moon shining on it. She loved hearing the crashing waves and swimming in the ocean. She preferred the ocean to the swimming pool any day. It was her peace.
It was the thing that got her to study harder during the exams, and finish her summer homework early with Heiji’s help of course. She just wanted to enjoy the beach days with Heiji without a worry in the world.
She kept bugging Heiji about it, and he finally promised her to take her to the beach. But according to him it wasn’t any beach, this one was going to be special.
Kazuha was curious as to what could possibly make it special, and was excited. She was restlessly waiting for him at home, her legs bouncing up and down as she was sitting down.
The moment her phone rang, she sprang outside and ran to his motorcycle with a huge cheerful smile on her face and eyes sparkling as she happily greeted Heiji.
He was thankful his helmet hid his face. Her cuteness got his heart thumping and his face blushing. This Ahou
The drive to the beach a bit longer than Kazuha expected, and every time she asked Heiji where they were going, he’d tell her to wait and see for herself. It irritated her a bit that he never answered her so she just stopped and focused on the road.
After some time they reached this hidden area, and the roads were quite rough and not easy to drive in. Thankfully, Heiji knew how to drive his motorcycle really well. But she still held on quite tightly and even closed her eyes, because she was was afraid she might fall off.
The motorcycle came to a stop, but Kazuha’s eyes were still closed shut, “Heiji did we arrive?”
Heiji chuckled, “Ahou, open your eyes and see for yourself.”
She did, and oh my. This was special.
The beach was surrounded my rock cut cliffs making it hidden from people’s view, and beautiful golden sand that met with the beautiful blue color of the sea.
“No one really comes to this beach since it’s quite hidden. I came across it once when I was driving around and got lost.”
Kazuha’s eyes were sparkling and she covered her mouth as she gasped from the beauty of this hidden beach. “Heiji this place is amazing! Why didn’t you take me here before!”
“Well, we got busy with school and exams. I thought I take you here after we were done with everything.”
Kazuha looked at him surprised by his thoughtfulness. “Who would’ve thought that Hattori Heiji was actually thoughtful.”
“Hey! How many times did I take you to places you wanted to go? We even went to Tokyo to see the Christmas lights together.”
“Yeah, but it never works out because there’s always a case.”
“Well, no one’s here. There won’t be any case this time.”
Kazuha smiled, “That’s true.”
Heiji untied the icebox that was in the back of his motorcycle and Kazuha went to set their blanket on the golden sand in a shaded area.
Kazuha was thankful Heiji told her to wear her swimsuit under her dress since there were no bathrooms around here. He also wore his swim shorts and just had to take off his shirt which didn’t fail to make Kazuha’s cheeks redden. I mean what could she do?! His kendo training definitely affected his physique in a good way. The way his abs would flex as he took his shirt off drove her crazy.
When Heiji looked her way, she cleared her throat and grabbed the bottle of sunscreen and started applying them on her legs. Unlike Heiji, Kazuha’s pale skin was sensitive to sun, so she had to apply sunscreen all over her body to make sure she doesn’t get burned.
After she finished her arms, legs, stomachs and chest, all she had left was her back. Kazuha hates wearing her sunglasses as she’s swimming, but also can barely open her eyes from the strong shining sun, so her back is usually facing it.
Usually her girl friends or her mother would apply it for her, but this time it was her and Heiji alone. And although it was embarrassing to ask him to do it for her, she had no choice.
“Umm, Heiji. Can you apply the sunscreen on my back?” Kazuha asked shyly as she held the sunscreen bottle.
“Uh, y-yeah. Sure.” Heiji said his ears reddening.
Kazuha untied the bikini string on her back, and held the front of her bikini and lied on her stomach to not expose herself.
Heiji felt the blood rush to his face, and he immediately held his nose afraid he might have a nose bleed and ruin the moment.
He then squirted some sunscreen out of the bottle and started spreading it on Kazuha’s back evenly.
Was she trying to drive him insane? He started feeling his body heat up as he rubbed the sunscreen into her incredibly soft smooth skin. It wasn’t enough that she wore a red bikini which showed off her sexy figure, but now she also asked him to rub in sunscreen as she laid on her stomach completely exposing her back for him. She was definitely trying to drive him insane.
After he was done, which took him longer than was needed, he tied the string back and immediately got up not waiting for Kazuha. He didn’t want her to see what this situation did for him.
He welcomed the cool water, and sat in it letting it cool his body as he tried to cool his thoughts.
“Mouuu Heiji, why didn’t you wait for me?” Kazuha whined.
“Just come in Aho, the water is nice and cool.”
“Don’t call me, Aho! You’re the Aho!”
She swam towards him and looked around. “It’s so weird. It’s almost like this is our own private beach.”
“Yeah.” Heiji said, “I never knew the beach could be this peaceful, usually they’re so crowded in the summer.”
“Hm.” Kazuha agreed and she floated on her back and closed her eyes letting the waves of the ocean take control, “I like this.”
Heiji did the same and spread his arms next to hers, “Hm. We should do this more often.” He said as he held her hand.
She squeezed his hands, “Yes we should.”
They swam for a while, and played all sort of water games like splashing each other, playing the shark and the fish, and seeing which person would stay underwater for longer.
After a while of swimming, they got tired and sat side by side on the blanket as they watched the sun go down. The sky changed from minute to minute. From orange yellow to flamboyant pink, the clouds painted with changing colours as the sun went down. The golden sun was already touching the surface of the ocean.
And although the sunset view was gorgeous, Kazuha couldn’t help but stare at Heiji’s beautiful side profile. The way the sunset reflected on Heiji’s face made her heart go faster. For some reason, Kazuha always associated Heiji with the sunset. Perhaps it was because of how the sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun, somehow reminded her of Heiji’s fiery passionate personality, and golden soft heart.
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year
Special Summer Vacation (5)
For the HeiZuhaWeek on @heizuhaevents Day 5!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
It had become dark in the mountains as they slowly moved away from the rock wall. Kazuha thought it was too creepy to stay there. Heiji, on the other hand, would have just set up camp there for the night. But his best friend claimed that she had seen a ghost there, and as he knew her, she would be nagging him about it all night. Therefore, they decided to take at least a little way back towards the valley, as long as the sun had not yet completely set.
Heiji had learned his lesson from past cases and this time he took camping equipment with him. That's why his luggage was so bulky and heavy. Kazuha had marveled at how well prepared he was, and Heiji's pride had grown even more. And due to the good preparation, he even had flashlights with him, which they could now make good use of to descend the mountain in the semi-darkness.
Nevertheless, at some point it happened that Kazuha tripped over a root. "Ouch!" escaped her as she landed ungently on the bottom of her pants. She grabbed her ankle and let the flashlight shine on the scrape she had sustained. Heiji came to her and knelt at her side to examine her injury as well. "Crap…" he commented, looking around. "We should find a rest area for the night now. It's just getting too dark." Now Kazuha had nothing against it. In the meantime they got far enough away from this creepy place and she felt at least a little safer.
After they had set up their camp for the night, Kazuha sat next to Heiji on a tree trunk and took a bite from a melon pan, while Heiji enjoyed an anpan. Both looked up at the starry sky. Without the light pollution, they were able to see a beautiful star-filled sky. For a moment they both fell silent and just looked up. "Oh, a shooting star!" Kazuha pointed up into the sky. Her eyes lit up with excitement. Heiji glanced at her from the side; he loved that gleam in her eyes when she was very happy about something. Only then did he look up into the sky as well. Kazuha next to him had her eyes closed and seemed to be following her superstitions, silently wishing for something. Heiji didn't believe in such things and anyway the moment was already over.
When she finished her wish, he looked back at her. "What did ya wish for?" Kazuha looked at him a little indignantly. "Well listen! Ya can't tell, or it won't come true!" The high school detective frowned a little. "Maybe someone can make it come true, though, if they know about it!" As long as wishes were not revealed to anyone, no one could help fulfill them. A very simple principle. Kazuha blushed and turned her eyes away from him in a huff. "I'm not going to tell ya my wish!" Grimly, Heiji shoved his chin forward. Surely she was too embarrassed because she just wanted new shoes or something. Maybe also that he went with her to this stupid new movie, with which she annoyed him all the time. Yes, for sure it was because of the movie! His eyes narrowed suspiciously. But he would not let himself be kicked to the curb; she should go in with someone else. Straining, he took a breath and looked up at the sky again. But then he blinked. Wait a minute….
Someone else? Possibly she got the idea to ask a boy. From class, the kendo club, or… even worse… Kunisue! His eyebrow twitched slightly and he stuffed the rest of the bread between his teeth before turning to her. "Okay, I'll grant ya yer wish!" he then announced firmly, looking at her seriously. "Uh, huh?!" Kazuha looked at him with wide eyes and red cheeks. "Well, the one to the shooting star!" "B-but ya don't even know what I wished for!!!" "Who cares, I can guess!" "O-okay?" "Of course, it's been so obvious lately!" Kazuha seemed to get even redder and let out a funny squeak. Hah, he had seen right through her! Triumphantly, a smile settled on his lips. "Heh! You're amazed, aren't ya?" She put her hands in front of her face. "W-was it really that obvious?!" "Of course, Ahou! You didn’t even get off my back and besieged me with it!" Once again she made the strange squeaking sound. Heiji frowned a little at that. Her reaction was already a bit exaggerated for the fact that he had seen through her desire for this movie. But well… "So, when do ya want to?" Kazuha looked up from her hands, puzzled. "Want to?" "I might have to get something." "Ge-hiaaaaah?! Heiji, you perv!!!" Kazuha pushed him off of her, causing him to fall from the tree trunk, dumbfounded, and lie there for a moment with his eyes widened towards the sky. "Huh?" He sat up angrily and rubbed the back of his head. "Are ya goin’ nuts?!" "Y-you're talking so much nonsense all of a sudden!!!" Kazuha had gotten up from the log and was looking at him, upset. Heiji blinked slightly and looked at her in confusion. "Huh? Am I not supposed to buy the tickets first?" "T-tickets?" "Well, for the movie!" "M-movie? Ya… were talking about a movie?" "Of course, what else would we be talking about, Ahou?" Again Kazuha only squeaked, also insulted him as Ahou and fled into the tent. Somewhat irritated, Heiji rubbed the back of his head again. So it hadn't been the movie…?
To be continued...
Part 6
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hazelestelle · 1 year
watermelon sunset
A little something for Heizuha Week over @heizuhaevents, for the prompts "Beach", "Watermelon", and "Sunset".
Read on AO3
The summer holidays had just started, and since it was way too warm for anything else, Heiji and Kazuha had met up with Ran and Conan at the beach.
Now, Heiji and Conan were sitting in the sand, discussing something that Kazuha wouldn’t even pretend to be interested in.
She and Ran were standing at the waterline, the waves washing around their feet, but Kazuha couldn’t really enjoy it.
She had bought a new bikini just for this occasion, but it seemed like Heiji didn’t even notice.
A little frustrated, she sighed. Maybe it was stupid to think that he would say something, but in the past weeks, it had seemed like he would. But that was probably just wishful thinking after all.
“Hey!” Ran gently touched her arm. “Your bikini is really cute.”
It was an obvious attempt at trying to cheer her up, and Kazuha tried to smile.
“Thanks. At least someone noticed.”
To her surprise, Ran grinned.
“I don’t think I’m the only one who noticed.”
She inclined her head towards where Heiji and Conan were sitting, and when Kazuha looked over, Heiji looked away quickly, his face a little red.
Kazuha’s heart skipped a beat. Had he been watching her? But no, that was her wishful thinking again, wasn’t it?
“That… that doesn’t mean anything!”, she replied weakly, feeling her face heat up.
“Doesn’t it?” Ran’s grin turned sly. “You know, apparently the sunset is really beautiful from the hill up there. Why don’t you ask him to meet you there later?”
“What? I can’t do that!” She was sure that she was beet red by now. Just the thought of being so bold made her heart almost beat out of her chest.
Ran laughed. “Okay, fine, then I’ll ask if we all want to go, but unfortunately, Conan and I won’t make it.”
Kazuha nodded slowly. It might work. Of course there was a chance that Heiji would notice that it was a set up, but maybe he wouldn’t mind and even go along with it, so that they could spend some time together? Maybe he would even like the romantic atmosphere?
She tried to not get ahead of herself, but the more she thought about it, the more she liked Ran’s plan.
That evening, she was waiting on the hill just as planned, and just as nervous as she had expected. Of course she knew that Ran and Conan wouldn’t show up, but Heiji also wasn’t there yet.
What if he thought that watching the sunset was stupid? What if he wouldn’t show up at all and she had made a fool out of herself?
Just when she thought of giving up and heading back to their hotel, Heiji came into view, looking a little stressed.
“Hi, sorry I’m late!”
He handed her a pink take away cup with a matching pink straw, and Kazuha blinked, not sure what to make of this, but taking the cup reflexively.
Heiji grinned. “It’s that new watermelon smoothie thing you wanted to try. You’ve been talking about it all day. The line was really long, so I hope it’s worth it.”
“Oh.” Kazuha looked at the cup again, and sure enough, it was from that shop she had seen online. “I didn’t think you were paying attention.”
“I always pay attention to you.” He said that quietly, like he wasn’t sure if he wanted her to hear that, not looking at her. He was definitely blushing, and her heart took an excited leap.
“Thank you.”
She took a sip of the drink, but in reality she didn’t even care if it tasted good. Heiji had gone out of his way to get it for her, and that was what made it special.
The sun started to set then, bathing everything in a golden light, and Kazuha was mesmerized. Ran had been right, this was amazing.
“Beautiful”, she whispered, not wanting to disturb the moment.
“Yeah”, Heiji agreed, and when she looked up at him, he was already looking at her, and the tenderness in his eyes took her breath away.
He reached out slowly, cupping her cheek, and she swallowed, suddenly nervous again.
“Can I?”
When she nodded, he leaned in and kissed her softly, and Kazuha was sure that her heart was going to burst from happiness. This was everything she had ever wished for and more, and it was finally coming true.
She wrapped her arms around him, watermelon drink completely forgotten, and he pulled her even closer, deepening the kiss. She made an embarrassing little noise at that, but it didn’t matter, not when Heiji was kissing her like this.
When he pulled back, he was grinning.
“You taste like watermelon.”
“Oh my God!” She hid her face in her hands, sure that she was blushing furiously again.
He took her into his arms, placing a soft kiss on her head.
“Sorry, was that too much?”
He sounded unsure now, and she couldn’t have that, couldn’t have him thinking that she regretted this.
She shook her head, face still hidden.
They just stood there for a moment, enjoying the realisation that their feelings weren’t one-sided after all, until Heiji noted “You dropped the drink.”
Kazuha stepped back a little to look at him. “And who’s fault is that?”
“Yours, for being so cute”, he replied smoothly, and before she could come up with an answer to that, he was kissing her again, and she forgot what she even wanted to complain about.
This was way better than any drink could ever be anyway.
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year
Special Summer Vacation (2)
For the HeiZuhaWeek on @heizuhaevents Day 2!
Part 1
Heiji was annoyed. He had come up with an ideal plan at the beginning of the vacations: First, they finished all their school homework for summer. Then he wanted to go with Kazuha to the Minoh Falls, a nice place for a confession. It was not even laid out as big as the Big Ben, because his plan went much further!
Because: After the confession in front of the refreshing waterfalls with a beautiful backdrop, they could have fully enjoyed the entire vacations as a lovebirds. All the free time until the next term began! But in the end it turned out differently. Although Kazuha had finished her tasks, they had both fallen asleep and had not made it to the waterfalls.
The days after that he had been busy with a case elsewhere and the following week Kazuha went to a training camp with her aikido club for a few days and was not available for him. After that, he would be away with his kendo team for a few days as well. His big romantic plan was really not under a good star.
He thoughtfully spun around in circles on his desk chair in front of his laptop and had been thinking about a backup plan in his room for hours. Dinner would be served soon, and he almost wasted the whole day writing a stupid, meaningless list of ideas. And that didn't even get him closer to his goal!
If it went on like this, he would spend the whole vacation trying to get a confession together. Maybe he really should just slap her his words upside the head. That's how frustrated he was by now! Grimly, he grabbed his cell phone to call her directly. He would just say it into her ear on the phone and then hang up. Then she would think about it all the time at her training camp. Yes… no… Heiji tussled his hair slightly. He didn't want to mess up her training camp thinking about that call either! Then she would possibly be really mad at him in the end and the start into a couple's life during the vacations would have failed even more.
Heiji took a heavy breath and was about to put the cell phone away again when it began to ring in his hand. He almost threw it against the wall, startled. Fortunately, however, he only dropped it on the desk with a slight yelp. And the name on the display wasn't really helpful after what he had just been thinking about.
Why did the stupid cow call now anyway?!
For a moment, he looked grimly at the display and shoved his chin forward. If he answered it directly, it would look like he was just waiting for her call after all and would be bored without her. But he wasn't. He probably could have done a thousand other things today! In his head, he counted for a moment how many times it rang, then answered the call and busied himself, typing on the laptop with his free hand and opening at least one news page. "Yeah, what's up?" he sounded as busy as possible.
"Ah, am I interrupting?"
He clicked on a news article and quickly closed an auto-playing video of the post. Inwardly, he breathed a slight sigh of relief; after all, that would have revealed that he wasn't being productive at all right now, but was just randomly browsing the news portal.
"No, that's all right. Is yer training over for today?" "Yes, we've already had supper and a fresh bath!" He heard the rustling of a towel, probably she was drying her hair at the same time. "I just wanted to listen if ya were still alive." "Why not?" "Well, after all, with ya, ya never know what kind of trouble you're going to get into without yer big sister!" Heiji's eyebrow twitched slightly. "Big sister, my ass." "After all, I'm a month older!" "But that doesn't count." "Why not?" "If ya were my sister, then we couldn't'-" He broke off and bit his lower lip lightly. He almost really did blurt something out. "Not what?"
Of course she had to hear that of all things! Heiji snorted. "Never mind." "Huh? I'd like to know, though." "Then we couldn't be just a month apart!" he said quickly to save himself. That was also somehow the truth.
At the other end, he could almost hear Kazuha rolling her eyes. But she deserved it, if she always called herself a big sister. For a moment, there was silence on the phone. Heiji turned the mouse wheel up and down a bit and looked half-eyed at the written list on the edge of the screen. Could he still invite her to anything on the day of her return?
"When are ya coming back?" he then asked as casually as possible to break the silence. "Tomorrow afternoon. Yer club leaves the next day, right? As far as I know, ya want to use the same rooms here." "Yeah… But Wednesday we could still meet for a good portion of okonomiyaki." He simply had to pack up his things beforehand to the point that he wouldn't have much to do that evening. "Sounds good! Will ya pick me up at school?" "Hah? Ya want me to play chauffeur, too?" he asked, playfully indignant with a smirk on his lips. "Ya can come by foot," Kazuha replied dryly, but then laughed lightly. "But then it'll just take all the longer to get to the restaurant."
Heiji scratched his chin lightly and smirked slightly. "Might as well let ya run behind me. You're good at training now! And haven’t ya told me it’s too hot to put on a helmet?" "Geez, Heiji!" his best friend scolded with a laugh, eliciting a chuckle from him. "Okay, okay!"
He could hear the buzz of voices in the background. Presumably she would soon have to return to the others or even go to bed. His gaze briefly went to the clock. Surely his mother would soon call for dinner as well. "Then I'll see ya tomorrow." "Yeah, don't forget it though!" "Huh? Forget what?" "Heiji!!! Don’cha dare-!" With a chuckle, he said goodbye and put the cell phone aside.
To be continued...
Part 3
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year
Special Summer Vacation (7)
For the HeiZuhaWeek on @heizuhaevents Day 7!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
It was one of those street festivals that took place in Japan in the summer. The girls loved to dress up in their best yukatas just for these festivals and stroll through the stands with friends or even their crushes to watch the big fireworks at the end.
Right through this bunch of couples and giggling girls, a 17-year-old high school detective was dragged by his best friend, wearing his baseball cap backwards on his head and a summery shirt. The brunette, who was holding him by the wrist so as not to lose him in the scrum, was dressed in a beautiful yellow kimono with pink patterns and an equally pink obi. She wore her hair today not in a sporty ponytail, but in an elaborate upswept hairstyle.
She kept almost tripping over her sandals, which she just wasn't used to. And a small stubborn strand had been finding its way onto her cheek all evening, only to be once again relegated to its place behind her left ear with a fleeting wave of her hand. Just like now, when they came to a stop in front of a stand where one could fish small balloons out of the water with a fishing rod. "Look, Heiji, let's do this!" A pair of emerald eyes looked at him enthusiastically. The addressed one scowled a little. "We're getting too old for this. It's no longer a challenge!" He could see directly how the face of his best friend darkened. "Shall I remind the adult who kept me waiting for three hours yesterday?" "It's yer own fault if ya don't remind me sooner!" "Jeez, Heiji! I called ya an hour before!!!" "A lot can happen in an hour!" For example, a murder. "Besides, I didn't answer the phone!" "Yes, you've had already noticed that you've forgotten me!" Heiji didn't want to take this lying down, but a clearing of the throat abruptly stopped the argument between the two sandpit friends and they looked over to the source. The stand owner, including the current customers, apparently felt disturbed by the two brawlers and made it clear to them with their looks that they were no longer wanted here. Wonderful, so he would at least escape this stupid game!
With cheeks flushed with embarrassment, the two high school students walked on, strolling along the other booths that offered everything from food to gift items to mini-games.
Heiji finally raised his arm and glanced at his wristwatch. In half an hour, the fireworks would already begin. By then, they should have secured good seats. Without further ado, he stopped at a stand selling fresh takoyaki balls. Kazuha stopped next to him. "What's the point now, Heiji?" she whined. Heiji looked at her a bit miffed. "Ya think I want to starve while ya eat yer way through at my expense? So tell me if ya want some too, or just wait." "Ahou! Of course I want some too!", she murmured a little more reservedly.
So Heiji bought two portions of the delicious squid balls from the man and passed one directly to his friend. Silently they walked side by side, while after extensive blowing one takoyaki ball after the other found its way into their mouths. From time to time, they stopped briefly at one of the stalls, but there was not nearly enough time to take a closer look at all of them.
Slowly they reached the destination of their today's excursion, a small dike at a canal. The fireworks would take place above the canal, so they would have a good view of the show from here. They looked for a free spot and lined up next to each other with a tense look towards the sky. "Actually, it's the same fireworks every year…" "But it's become a tradition, hasn't it?" "It could also become a tradition that I eat Takoyaki every day!" "Man, you're a big chunk." "Better than kitschy." "If ya eat so many takoyaki, you'll soon like a black octopus yourself!" Kazuha puffed out her cheeks and made him imagine what he would look like then. "Bl-black octopus?!" At first Heiji wanted to retort something quick-witted, but he already had to suppress a laugh. "You'd be a much more authentic octopus!" he snorted, whereupon she began to laugh as well.
Suddenly there was a bang in the sky and everyone's eyes - including those of the two sandpit friends - lifted to the sky. The starting signal for the fireworks had been given.
At first there was just a bit of preliminary banter, as you might expect, it was pretty much the same as every year. But for his best friend, the high school detective would continue this silly tradition every year. Until she got tired of it. Of course, he would never admit that though!
Heiji continued to watch the lights in the sky, but at some point he squinted out of the corner of his eye at Kazuha next to him. Her gaze was fixed on the sky, and each flash of light created a play of colors on her face that was also reflected in her eyes. A slight glow of red settled on the student detective's cheeks. How he would love to just tell her what was bothering him all the time, what he always wanted to tell her. But it never worked out and it annoyed him that he couldn't even say it.
Briefly, his eyes closed and when he opened them again, they were again directed to the sky, where the fireworks slowly picked up speed towards their climax. The noise was so great that one would not even understand his own word. Perhaps this was the reason why his lips began to move by themselves. He didn't even hear himself what exactly he was saying, it wasn't always just friendly, yet exactly what he thought of the brunette next to him.
All the things he found annoying about her, that he would love to shoot her to the moon because of them, and all the things he liked about her so much that he would sorely miss them if she was no longer by his side.
Gently, the back of his hand collided with that of his best friend next to him, a light touch that sent a slight jolt of electricity through him, causing him to pull his hand back and scratch his neck in embarrassment.
Unnoticed by him and his still-running monologue, muted by the fireworks, Kazuha's green eyes abruptly turned to him as she felt the back of his hand against hers. Like fireworks, it had passed through her, a shallow touch, as if he were taking her hand. But he had withdrawn his hand and disappointment spread through her, as her expectation had been a different one - an unlikely, yet desirable one.
To her surprise, however, she could see his lips moving, but she did not understand a word. Did he want her to understand his words? Perhaps she should point out to that fool that he could not be understood through the fireworks.
The light from the fireworks colored his face in a variety of colors, but apparently the student detective wasn't really paying attention to it. He was far too busy with his monologue. A circumstance that made Kazuha look a little skeptical, when suddenly the fireworks fell silent for a moment - a dramaturgical pause. "…and all I want to do all this time is just tell you that I love you!" his voice cut through the pause in the fireworks before a bang ended the pause again.
And like a shock at this bang, two pairs of eyes widened in shock at once. Kazuha stared stunned at Heiji at her side, cheeks flushed and burning with heat. Had he really just said that!? But he continued to stare up at the fireworks, not giving them a glance. Nevertheless, his eyes, like hers, were dilated with surprise….
Silence reigned between them.
Except for a few mumbled words, nothing more had come out of the high school student's mouth. Only enough that they managed not to get lost on their way down from the summer festival.
He was too embarrassed by the situation. His cheeks still burned with shame and he hadn't even turned his gaze to the brunette at his side since this mishap had happened to him. Just when he didn't expect her to hear! What kind of a crazy world was this, where he was straining to make her the perfect confession of love and just when he didn't plan it, it all comes out?!
Kazuha had not spoken to him about it either, perhaps she had not heard anything or even thought that it had not come from him. Or maybe she thought he had said something else. His head was smoking with jumbled thoughts, unable to put them into any meaningful context. His mood was at a low point right now anyway, and he would be happy if he could just let this evening end chilled in front of the TV.
The farther they got from the festival, the quieter the music and voices became, and the more silence pushed its way to the forefront, interspersed with the clacking sounds of Kazuha's sandals and his shuffling sneaker steps.
The girl in the kimono next to Heiji was busy with her own world of thoughts during the continuing silence. Had she really heard that earlier? Had Heiji really said those words? Were they meant for her?
They had hardly spoken a word to each other since the situation, and he didn't even look at her. Just like he was known to do when he was miffed. But much more than that, he seemed embarrassed. She didn't understand the world anymore, it had been the words she had always hoped, dreamed of, from him and now there was such a strange silence between them.
It didn't suit them at all, but at the same time, maybe they both didn't know how to deal with the situation. It certainly wasn't any better if she didn't react to it at all now.
Maybe he was even waiting for a reaction from her.
Nevertheless, she did not know yet for sure whether it had been really meant for her ears and she decided to approach simply cautiously. It was convenient for her that he had only one hand in his pocket and the other hung loosely next to his body, while he walked next to her.
Very slowly and tentatively, she reached for his hand. A tingling sensation gripped the sensitive skin of her palm as she clasped his hand with hers. With reddened cheeks, she didn't even dare look up at him to observe the reaction.
But the answer came even so, nonverbally, as his fingers intertwined with hers after a moment's hesitation. Kazuha raised her eyes to her best friend, but he had pulled his cap into his face. Only vaguely could a dark red glow be seen on his ears, which extended to his face. An understanding smile settled on her lips as she whispered, "Me too, Heiji…"
That was a busy week! I wasn't taking it too seriously to finish a piece for every day... But I had so much fun!
This last story was lying around unfinished for years and I decided, it would now fit perfectly into this week!
I hope you had fun!
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year
Special Summer Vacation (3)
For the HeiZuhaWeek on @heizuhaevents Day 3!
Part 1 Part 2
The sun was high in the sky and the beach was crowded with people longing to cool off. So were the two high school students from Osaka, who entered the beach in swim wear. "Heh, we should’ve been here significantly earlier." Heiji surveyed the crowd and strained to find a free spot for their blanket and parasol, both of which he carried under his arm. "Just ‘cause a certain gentleman at the station had ta solve another case!" "I can't help if it literally falls at my feet! Am I supposed to climb over the corpse as if I can't see it?" "Of course not…yet that's why we missed the train!" With a quick sideways glance at his best friend, Heiji went ahead to a free spot he had spotted before it could be occupied again. Finally they could spread out the blanket and set up the umbrella for a little shade.
It didn't look like a relaxing day at the beach with all the noise, but they didn't want to let it spoil their mood and plunged straight into the waves to cool off. In the cool water, the uncomfortable heat was then quickly forgotten and a water battle in the waves ensued between them. At some point, the many other people who populated the beach were forgotten and they simply enjoyed the time together and in the water.
Back on the beach, Heiji put a towel around his shoulders and Kazuha dried off, then put on a thin jacket that protected her skin from the sun. "Do ya want to go get some ice cream? I saw they have soft ice cream over there." Kazuha pointed in the direction of the beach bar and Heiji followed her pointing with his gaze. "Doesn't sound wrong." But no sooner had they turned toward the beach bar than a scream could be heard in the other direction. Kazuha could almost guess what that meant when she saw Heiji's head jerk directly in that direction. It disappointed her a little, but she also knew that somehow he couldn't help it. "I'll go ahead and get the ice cream," she then announced and went ahead. She didn't look back at Heiji, but she knew that he would ponder for a moment at most before investigating the matter of the scream. But there might be a human life in danger, so she just let him do it while she got in line at the bar - which wasn't exactly short given the amount of people on the beach. She suspected that she would either stand here until he was done, or go meet him with the ice cream then.
But when it was finally her turn and she returned to the beach with the ice cream…. she could not discover him anywhere. Kazuha looked around searchingly, two waffle cones with soft ice cream crowns in her hand. But neither could she see a crowd of people about a possible murder case or something similar, nor her best friend. Somewhat thoughtfully, she took a bite from the ice cream in her right hand. Then she went first to her place with the blanket and the parasol. But there was no sign of him there either. She looked around in all directions to see if he might have come running back to their place somewhere, then she went in the direction from which the scream had come before. Of course, she could have just waited on the blanket, but possibly the ice would have melted until Mister Detective showed himself.
She walked for a while through the crowd of people on the beach, but neither did she see anything near a possible crime scene, nor was anyone talking about such an incident. And the further she walked across the beach and turned back to look again in the other direction, the more uncertain she became. Did he have his cell phone with him? Probably just as little as she just did. It was hard to take it with you in your bathing suit. Maybe she should go to the locker where she had left her cell phone? But what good would it do her if he didn't have his? At most, if she was lucky and he had the same idea. Kazuha thoughtfully ate the rest of her ice cream before it completely melted. Then she also began to eat the meager bit of ice cream in her other hand. Almost defiantly. What an idiot. Why hadn't he gone straight to the beach bar when he was done - with whatever he was doing now?
Frustrated, Kazuha watched after a few hours how the beach slowly emptied. The sun had begun to set and slowly it was even a little cool. No trace from Heiji and his ice cream she had eaten in the meantime itself. Slowly she shuffled back to her place to at least pack up her things until he would come back. Then she heard someone calling her name. "Kazuha!" She turned and looked at her best friend, who came running across the beach and paused somewhat breathlessly by her. Kazuha's eyebrows drew together. "Well, done with yer case? Then we can go back home!" "What kind of case? There hadn’t been any!" Heiji grumbled back in a huff. "What do ya mean, there was none? Someone did scream!" Heiji snorted lightly. "Not every scream means 'murder'!" She was really paranoid, wasn't she? One case a day was really enough. Kazuha blinked slightly. No case? But where… She frowned a little. "But then where have ya been all this time?!" In her head, whole scenarios were already playing out, how he had pleasured himself elsewhere - possibly with other women. "I could ask ya the same thing!", Heiji returned the argument, causing a perplexed look on his girlfriend's face. "Me? Well, at the beach bar. I got us ice cream!" "But I couldn't find ya there. I helped someone here find the way to the station and then I couldn't find ya anymore. I just spent hours looking for ya!"
Kazuha's gaze widened as she understood. And Heiji seemed to understand now, too, because he looked at her with a similar look. They had apparently been walking past each other in the crowd the whole time. Her mistake had been that they had not simply waited at her blanket, but had sought each other out. They both began to laugh at this silly realization. Then Heiji turned his gaze to the sunset. "Well… Are we going to stay until the sun goes down?" "Yeah… otherwise we wouldn't have anything left of our beach day." They settled comfortably on the blanket and looked out at the sea, towards the sunset reflected in the water.
It was a quiet moment and really beautiful. The play of colors on the water and the warm light that settled on everything was like something out of one of her romantic love movies. How she wished she could have sat here with him as a couple and seen this. But they were just friends. „Kazuha…“ Goosebumps spread across her skin at the soft sound of his voice. She turned her face to Heiji, who still had his eyes fixed on the sunset in front of him and his towel wrapped warming around his shoulders. The warm light made him look even more attractive than he already was in her eyes. „I really wanted to stay with ya until sunset,“ he admitted then, turning his gaze over to her. His cheeks had reddened a bit - or was she just imagining it because of the light of the setting sun? Still, it made her breath catch for a moment when their eyes met. „R-Really…?“ she brought out a little irritated and breathless. Was this really happening? Heiji’s eyelids lowered slightly, making his gaze seem even softer. „Yes, I wanted to take the moment to-“ A scream rang out. Mark-shocking. And this time it left no doubt that something really bad had happened. Both high school students turned their eyes around in the direction of the source. For a moment nothing seemed to happen, then Kazuha turned her gaze back to Heiji, who had a slightly resigned look on his face. „Don’t ya want to go?“ Heiji sighed strained and rose from his seat. „Yeah… Well… Guess, ya can get ready to go back.“
To be continued...
Part 4
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year
Special Summer Vacation (6)
For the HeiZuhaWeek on @heizuhaevents Day 6!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
They were on their way back from the mountains and had almost arrived at Kazuha’s home when the storm started. The warning had come in on their cell phone earlier: A typhoon was approaching. Not a good outcome to a trip when one had just been camping. But luckily Heiji was able to keep the machine steady for the last few meters. At the front door, Kazuha jumped off and quickly opened the gate to the driveway so Heiji could park his green Kawasaki. Then they took refuge from the rain and wind inside the house.
They breathed a sigh of relief when they were save. Both were soaking wet and shivering from the cold. „What a bummer…“, Heiji commented, pulling his shirt off his chest a bit because it was already stuck there from moisture. Kazuha quickly got some towels and handed him one of them. At least they could both dry their exposed skin a bit that way. Heiji thoughtfully stepped up to the window and looked out into the storm. „Nah… I’m not going anywhere else for now.“ „I wouldn’t let ya either in this weather!“ commented Kazuha sternly, and Heiji grimaced at her. She returned that with a stuck out tongue. Then she pulled out her cell phone and checked to see if she had any messages from her parents. „Hmm… Shoot, Dad decided to spend the night at the office, and my mom is still stuck at yours.“ „Well, can’t help it. Let’s just make ourselves comfortable here.“ Heiji looked around and ran his hand through his wet hair. Best they took a bath right away and then-. His thought faltered when he looked to Kazuha and she was looking at him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. „Huh?“ Quickly, his best friend averted her eyes. „N-nothing! I’ll go get bathwater ready!“ she quickly announced and ran into the bathroom.
Heiji looked after her a little wryly, but then he pulled off his soaking wet shirt, which stuck uncomfortably to his skin, and hung it neatly over the back of a chair to dry. Hearing footsteps in the hallway, he looked toward the door. „Can ya maybe lend me something to wear? From yer father or so?“ „Yes, I will-HEIJI!!!“ she cried out as she stood in the doorway and saw him standing there half-naked in the living room. She slapped her hands in front of her face. „Don’t casually take yer clothes off!!!“ Especially not after he made such ambiguous statements just the day before! Even if they had turned out to be a misunderstanding, they still stirred Kazuha up! Just the thought of hearing such things from him! „Huh?!“ The addressed raised an eyebrow critically. „Ya act as if it’s the first time ya’ve seen me like this. I’m not naked!“ Nevertheless, now he was blushing too, simply because she was making a fuss about it. As if she hadn’t seen him like this often enough. Kazuha made a grim sound and then ran up the stairs to get something from her father to wear. But then she decided otherwise and pulled out the ‘pink oversize hoodie’ joker. Add to that a pair of her dad’s sweatpants and the outfit was perfect. Perfect for punishing him.
„The water’s ready, go to the bathroom already!“ she called down the stairs, picking out another towel. Then she went back down and handed it to him in the bathroom through a gap in the door. „You’re serious?!“ he exclaimed, Kazuha chuckled. „That stupid sweater again?! Did ya stash that one away just for me or what?!“ „Come on, that’s the only one of my sweaters that fits ya! Don’t make such a fuss! No one can see.“ „Stupid cow!“ „Idiot!“ With a hum on her lips, she turned away and went into the living room to get his shirt and throw it in the washing machine. She herself then took off her wet clothes as well and slipped into a jogging suit for now, then threw the wet clothes into the washing machine.
After they were both freshly bathed and warmed up, Kazuha made them each a bowl of instant ramen and they cuddled up on the sofa in front of the TV. Smacking their lips contentedly, they watched a comedy movie - they couldn’t agree on anything else. But there was one thing Kazuha couldn’t let go of. She swallowed some noodles. „Hey, Heiji… do ya actually see me as a woman?“ „Huh?“ He continued to look at the screen and frowned. „Sure, since ya are one.“ „Nah… that’s not what I mean…“ She sighed softly, blushing a bit as she stirred around in her ramen. But she was also too embarrassed to define it further. Especially while her best friend sat next to her in a neon pink sweater, literally glowing. „Haahh… never mind.“
The high school detective glanced at her unnoticed out of the corner of his eye and pulled a few noodles slurping into his mouth while his cheeks turned red.
To be continued...
[Pink sweater based on an old idea of @fuchstastisch (^_~]
Part 7
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 year
Special Summer Vacation (4)
For the HeiZuhaWeek on @heizuhaevents Day 4!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
It was a relatively chill day in the mountains, while the two teenagers struggled up the mountain with their luggage to the nature reserve, where Heiji had a new case. More or less, because actually he just could not restrain his curiosity again.
A few days earlier, while waiting for the train home after their visit to the beach, the high school detective had overheard a conversation from a couple of local residents. They were saying that there had been an unusually high number of incidents involving deaths on the nearby mountain in the nature reserve recently. They didn't know if they were actually accidents or if something was dwelling on the mountainside and possibly cursing the people. Yes - people believed in a curse.
However, not Heiji. He had decided to find the truth behind these rumors and solve what was really causing so many people to find their death there. Kazuha wasn't so sure it really wasn't a curse, yet she had come with Heiji to watch over him as a big sister. She was afraid that he might be the next victim to this curse. Kazuha had to think of the conversation they had had less than an hour ago at the foot of the mountain with an old man who lived there. He believed that recent events had angered the mountain god. Some time ago, a child had been murdered in the mountains and the innocent spilled blood had contaminated the ground. Moreover, the murderer had not yet been found. All the victims had not been local people, but tourists who were probably doing some kind of (paranormal or hobby-criminological) investigation because of the murder case. Of course, the nose of the student detective immediately sensed a new case. But Kazuha also didn't want to cross the path of a murderer hidden in the mountains. Whether it was the mountain god or the murderer - both frightened her.
Goosebumps ran down her spine as she looked to the side and observed the forest while she continued to climb up the mountain path after Heiji. They clearly shouldn't have come here alone. Surely this was far too dangerous - even if, according to the old man, the forest had already been combed and no one had been found. Who knew which secret corners could be overseen? After all, only three days ago another dead body was discovered on the slope!
"H-Heiji!" She tried to keep up with his stoic pace, but her uncertain sideways glances caused her to fall farther and farther behind, and by now he was already a good distance ahead. Fortunately, though, he stopped and looked back at her until she caught up. For a moment she caught her breath. "How far is it to that place?" "About two hundred meters in elevation." His gaze went up the trail. "Supposedly they all died in about the same place, so I think we'll find it there, too." "Y-ya mean the mountain god?" Heiji gave her a wry look. "No, more like the real reason for their death." "The killer?" The student detective did not answer, but turned his gaze back up the mountain. "We'll see…. But something seems to be waiting for us there." Kazuha followed his gaze and shuddered. Perhaps it was the child's vengeful spirit after all, as the paranormal investigators believed? She couldn't think about the thought for long, as Heiji continued on his way and she followed him on her heels to not fall behind again.
After a few hours, they finally arrived at the foot of a steep rock face. Kazuha and Heiji looked up the rock. The sun had already passed its zenith and it had become noticeably darker. "This might be the place where the people fell down," Heiji explained, starting to look around at the ground for any hints. The earth was noticeably churned up, probably from the rescue efforts and the fall of the last victim three days ago. Kazuha wondered if they had fallen while trying to climb up the wall? She took a closer look at the rock face. There were no signs of attached climbing devices, so there seemed to be another way up.
While Heiji looked around intently, apparently searching for a rise, Kazuha also looked around. But a movement in the corner of her eye made her look up and her gaze lifted to the ledge from which the people had presumably fallen to their deaths. Something was blowing there… something… white. Kazuha cried out and grabbed Heiji's arm, who then also jolted out of his concentration and let out a scream. But then he snapped at her, "Ahou, what’cha doing?!" "Th-there was something up there!!!" Kazuha pointed up and Heiji looked up there too. You could still see the fabric blowing in the wind. He narrowed his eyes a little skeptically while his best friend still pressed tightly against his arm. "I-is that a ghost? From the girl… for sure?" "Nonsense… It doesn't move at all… except in the wind."
They stood like that for a moment, watching the piece of cloth, then Heiji looked down at Kazuha. "Do ya still need the arm?" Oh, she was still holding him like that! She immediately blushed and let go of his arm, turning away in shame. Heiji, on the other hand, seemed to have a new goal already, without caring further about the embarrassing moment. He had found a way up and climbed over some rocks. Kazuha rather just watched him and waited… one could never know if a ghost was waiting there. But Heiji waved soon after the piece of cloth, which seemed to be caught between the rocks. For safety's sake, he had only touched it with a handkerchief and packed it away neatly while he continued to look around up there.
There was not much room here, actually not a place where one would want to climb around voluntarily. He also preferred to stay where he still had a safe footing and from there just looked around for now. Kazuha could observe him well from below, because he wasn’t able to go far away from the edge of the rock. She let her eyes wander over the rocks. "Ah, I think I see something!" announced Heiji then and began to shimmy along the rock wall. "P-please be careful!", Kazuha called to him uncertainly from below. She watched as he continued to shimmy along and then bent his knees slightly and extended his arm for something. "Here's… an opening in the rock or something…" Uncertainly Kazuha stepped from one leg to the other. Heiji pulled something out and threw it straight down to free his hands for climbing again. Kazuha ran to the small package and knelt in front of it to examine it without touching. Someone seemed to have hidden it there….
Shortly after, Heiji had already returned to her side and took a cloth out of his pocket to carefully open the package. A small line drawing of some kind and a key were revealed. "Apparently our killer has had a hidden treasure…" announced Heiji. "A treasure?" "Yes…" Heiji looked at the drawing for a moment. "I was expecting something like this when I heard that all the victims were not from around here. Maybe the eventual killer was one of the victims or will come back again, and the other people investigating this place were treasure hunters who knew about the loot or paranormal investigators…. If the killer was among them, he was going to get this back, but underestimated the danger of the rock wall. Or got scared of something…" Kazuha had to think of the cloth. Could the man have mistaken it for the spirit of his victim? "Then he murdered the girl for witnessing him hiding this thing here?" "Maybe… If you're hiding something that deep in the mountains, you certainly don't want any nosy witnesses." Heiji carefully wrapped up the found treasure. „Anyway… We need to take back these evidence and wait for further investigation.“ Perhaps the girl had already taken revenge for her own death after all. Kazuha looked up, and in the glow of the setting sun, it was as if she saw a blurry figure on the ledge for a moment. She rubbed her eyes lightly and blinked, but could see nothing when she looked there again.
To be continued...
Part 5
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