heizuha-queen · 1 month
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Happy Hattori Day!!
Credit: susk_tkc
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heizuhaevents · 2 months
HeiZuha-Week 2024
August 5th until August 11th!
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Welcome to this year’s HeiZuha-Week, where we want to come together and create one or more special pieces about our favorite (to-be) couple!
You like the couple Kazuha and Heiji? Then you're at the right place!
As every year, the HeiZuha-Week will again include the Hattori-Day (August 10th)!
Around that time, our beloved Osakan Couple will return with a new case in the Japanese Manga-Series, so I decided on the theme
Reunion / Return
To give you some prompts, here’s the daily list!
Case Closure: Heiji returns to Osaka, after successfully solving a case in another city. Kazuha, who was worried during his abscence, waits for him. Ideas: dangerous case, lost case, dispute, argument, long-distance relationship
School Commitments: Because of commitments at school, Kazuha and Heiji haven’t had much time with each other. Finally, all commitments are over and they find a quiet moment. Ideas: school festival, tournaments, exams
Lost: Kazuha and/or Heiji get lost on a trip. After hours of searching, they find each other again. Ideas: Woods/Forest, dangerous case, big city, crowded place, snowstorm, school trip
Dangerous Situation: Kazuha/Heiji gets kidnapped/trapped in a dangerous situation (can be also funny dangerous, like accidentally trapped in the girl's changing room?) and the other has to come to the rescue! Will they be there in time? Ideas: kidnapping, accident, crash, trapped, captious situation
Old Friends: Years have passed and still no couple – even worse! They have lost sight of each other over the years (or maybe have fallen out?) ! Are they worried, the other half might have found a love? Ideas: Study abroad, working abroad, new old love, undercover mission, unsent letters, old memories, long-distance relationship
Another Life: In another life they find/found each other again. Will they recognize each other? Will things be different? Ideas: Isekai, Afterlife, Reincarnation, Past Lifes, Alternate Universes, timetravel/changing past
Returning Memories: May it be because of years passed or lost memory.. They remember old times and relive old feelings. What might their older self think about themselves? Ideas: Photos, lost memory, nostalgia
You can stick to the daily prompts or do an overall work for the whole week by using just the theme or combine different prompts as you like 🙂
It’s free for your interpretation but you can send an ask if you need some inspirational hints (^_^)
I hope for a lot of enjoyable creations!
More Info below the cut!
Some Guidelines
Use tag #HeiZuhaWeek2024 and/or #HeiZuhaWeek and tag this blog by using @heizuhaevents so I can find your entry(s)!
Post your work to the Ao3-Collection (if uploaded to Ao3)
You don't need to participate daily, just choose the topics you like or only use the overall theme to create a piece!
You're free to choose what you want to create! All kind of fanwork is appreciated, open to all creators of all skills! (^_^)
Follow this blog to not miss any of the creations or infos and updates on the event!
Spread the Word! (e.g. by reblogging this post) So we can gather a lot of participants to make this event a great experience! (^o^)/)
Have fun!
I'll reblog on this blog all creations. (^_~) Also after the event week.
(I'll reblog this announcement over the next weeks again as a reminder, but wanted to give enough time for everyone who's short on it!)
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 month
Prompt 4: Dangerous Situation
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coneedogawa · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hattori Heiji/Tooyama Kazuha, Hattori Heiji & Tooyama Kazuha Characters: Hattori Heiji, Tooyama Kazuha Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Arguments, Break Up Summary:
Heiji needs to leave to help Kudo fight the Black Org, Kazuha doesn't take it well.
Made for @heizuhaevents‘s Heizuha Week 2024 for the prompt "Case Closure" Hope y'all enjoy! 😊
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hazelestelle · 1 year
ignite the light
For Heizuha Week @heizuhaevents for the prompts "Festival", "Fireworks", and "Yukata".
Read on AO3
Kazuha was a little nervous. She and Heiji wanted to go to the summer festival together. Of course, that was nothing to be nervous about, they hung out all the time.
But this was the first time in a long time that she was wearing a kimono.
Her mum had been helping her all morning, and now she was wondering if it was really worth all the effort.
Heiji wasn’t the most traditional person. What if he thought it was stupid or that she looked ridiculous?
She resisted the urge to pick on the flower ornaments in her hair, instead checking her phone for the five hundredth time.
Distracted as she was, she didn’t notice Heiji until he was standing right in front of her.
“Hey”, he greeted, and she looked up, her own greeting getting stuck in her throat.
Heiji was wearing a yukata?
She blinked, her gaze sweeping over him, and she couldn’t help but blush.
He looked good like this. He was usually so casual, and of course she had seen in him in his traditional kendo clothes countless times, but this was different.
“Hey, we match”, he commented, and she looked down on herself. Sure enough, the blue flowers on her kimono were the exact same colour as his yukata, and her heart fluttered excitedly.
“What a coincidence”, she replied, not wanting to assume and get her hopes up needlessly.
“Yeah.” He chuckled, a little nervous, and definitely blushing, and she smiled. That did get her hopes up, but she decided to let it go for now.
“Shall we?”, she asked instead, and he nodded.
They perused the stalls together, sharing takoyaki and then a taiyaki with chocolate filling. Heiji always complained that it was too sweet but he got it anyway because he knew that Kazuha didn’t like the traditional red bean ones.
He won her a little phone charm at one of the games that was definitely rigged, and he definitely cared a lot more about that than she did.
“Sorry I couldn’t get you a better price.” He sounded genuinely upset, and she shook her head.
“No, this is good.” She immediately fastened it on her phone to show that she meant it, but Heiji didn’t seem to believe her.
“You don’t have to do that. It’s a stupid price”, he insisted, and she shook her head again.
“You got it for me, so it’s not stupid.” She couldn’t look at him when she said that, sure that her face was beet red.
“Oh. Okay.”
When she dared to glance at him out of the corner of her eye, he was blushing just as furiously, and her heart skipped a beat.
They both didn’t say anything for a moment, then he cleared his throat.
“It’s almost time for the fireworks, so should we go find a good spot?”
She agreed, glad that the awkward moment was over.
They found a place in the crowd along the river. A lot of people were already there, but that was to be expected, and it wasn’t like she exactly minded standing close to Heiji.
Suddenly, she felt him take her hand, intertwining their fingers.
“So you don’t get lost in the crowd”, he mumbled. That didn’t even make sense, since they weren’t moving around anymore, but with the way he was blushing again and purposefully not looking at her, it was clear that that was just an excuse.
She smiled. “Okay.”
Watching the fireworks, holding his hand and wearing matching yukatas, she thought that there were definitely enough reasons to hope.
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konfuchsius · 1 year
Heizuhaweek 1
I read the other storys from @heizuhaevents Day 1 and kinda had the urge to reverse the 'who helps whom' thing. 👀 xD
So just a little thing:
"You're sidetracking again!" complained Kazuha as she squinted at Heiji's notepad, where he was writing - or rather should be writing - his art homework. Instead, there was another one of his sketches emblazoned there. She couldn't see what exactly he had drawn, though, because he quickly turned the notepad away from her.
"I'm not!" he claimed stubbornly. Kazuha narrowed her eyes. Had his cheeks turned slightly red, or was she just imagining it? Maybe it was from the heat, they'd been stuck in this stuffy room for far too long anyway. That was also the reason why she was getting so impatient.
"You're supposed to be analyzing the picture, not scribbling something." They could have been at the beach by now, jumping into the waves, but no, the dear gentleman just wasn't getting off the ground. Pretty ironic considering that he was usually the one urging them to finish their homework quickly so they could go somewhere. Heiji might be good at quite a few subjects, but art wasn't one of them, at least not the writing part. On the other hand, he was actually pretty good at drawing, but that was precisely the problem. He preferred to draw instead of getting the essay done.
"I am not doodling, and besides, it's not my fault that this assignment is so stupid," Heiji grumbled. "I have no idea what's so special about a few strokes on an otherwise white canvas." And just making something up went against his honor as a detective.
Kazuha rolled her eyes and settled down next to him to help him out a bit, otherwise they'd never be able to leave. "The horizontals and verticals bring stability to the image, while the diagonals add dynamism," she explained as Heiji hastily turned the pages. He must be really embarrassed by his scribbles, she thought. She would have liked to catch a glimpse of it.
Now, after only a blank sheet was visible, Heiji was back to his old self and wrinkled his nose. "You can really write that crap down for every picture. Why should we repeat ourselves a thousand times?"
"If this 'crap' is just repetitive, why don't you just write it down the same as last time and you'd finally be done?" retorted Kazuha. "I'm going to die in the heat!"
"I'm hurrying," Heiji growled. No talking back, at least; the heat had to be getting to him, too. Kazuha sighed and pushed the door open a bit.
"I'll get us some ice and then I'll help you." She too could think better with a cool head.
Since the whole thing wasn't an offer but just a communication about their next steps, Heiji didn't thank her, he didn't have to. They both kept it that way, and when he helped Kazuha with her math again, he didn't expect it from her either.
Indeed, the ice not only helped against the heat, but also soothed his nerves so that he was less reluctant to do the art assignment. Maybe it was Kazuha's proximity too, but all that mattered was that things were moving faster and soon they would finally be able to jump into cool water at the beach.
What do you think did he draw?
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heizuha-queen · 1 month
This is the fourth prompt for Heizuha Week 2024. The prompt is a dangerous situation: kidnapping, accident, crash, trapped, captious situation, but I decided to take it in a funnier approach. @heizuhaevents
This was the worst situation possible. Kazuha was trapped in a small closet, surrounded by cleaning supplies, and pressed up against Heiji.
Not only did she absolutely detest small places, but she was stuck with the loudest most annoying yapper in this universe who didn't make this god-awful situation better.
"Oh God, when is someone going to notice that we are stuck here?!" Heiji exclaimed, not that anyone would notice with the loud music blasting outside and teenagers dancing like there's no tomorrow.
Kazuha rolled her eyes for the thousandth time, "Heiji, how many times are you going to ask that before the answer reaches your thick skull?!"
She moved stiffly as she repositioned her body to seek a more comfortable position amidst the tight quarters, pressing even closer against him in the confined space, eliciting a groan from him.
"Can you not do that, Ahou?!" Heiji yelled as he looked up at the ceiling trying to avoid her gaze.
It was enough that he could feel her whole body on his, her head on his chest, her breasts pressed up against him, one of her legs between his.
"Shut up, what would you do in my place?! It's so uncomfortable." Kazuha snapped back.
"Ya think?!"
'I will never forgive you, Kudo! How could you forget me like that?'
"You're the one that put us in this situation, I just wanted to bring the mop because someone spilled juice in the kitchen. No one told you to follow me." Kazuha said.
"Ahou, I only followed you to ask if you were okay, then someone pushed me in the closet, and before I could do something the door was locked."
"Wait what?"
"Yeah, I know. Why would someone do something so stupid? Maybe they were jealous because I'm the life of the party and practically the hottest guy here."
"No, you idiot. You wanted to ask if I'm okay? Why?"
Heiji sighed and looked down to meet her gaze. Well, maybe he shouldn't have done that. Looking at her cute face as she stared up at him with her chin pressed against his chest made his heart beat faster and his cheeks burn.
"Umm, y-you weren't there," Heiji stammered, a note of nervousness creeping into his voice. "I looked around and you weren't partying with us, so I got worried."
Kazuha's cheeks visibly flushed, 'He noticed.'
"I just wasn't feeling it to be honest." She said, "I feel a bit tired."
"You should've just said so, Aho! We could've done something else."
"I know, but I also missed Ran-chan and Sonoko-chan, so when I heard Sonoko-chan was hosting a party I wanted to come too."
"Ahou," He said half-heartedly.
"You're the Ahou."
Before he could say anything, he felt his body fall backward as someone opened the door in a swift motion and hit the ground with Kazuha on top of him.
Kazuha could hear the men in the party whistling and "ooohing" at the scene, making Kazuha push herself up immediately from embarrassment.
"Here you are! We've been looking for you!" Ran exclaimed, running to hug Kazuha as Shinichi helped Heiji up and patted him on the back.
"Come on, we're going to play truth or dare, Sonoko-chan is waiting for us," Shinichi said, already walking towards the living room.
"No." Heiji stood in place and declared with a grave and menacing voice, "I have a case to solve."
Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked back at Heiji confused, except for Kazuha who already knew where this was going and slapped her forehead in exasperation.
Heiji looked at them with eyes that could kill, "I need to find the culprit that pushed me into the closet and trapped me there."
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heizuha-queen · 2 months
I'm Back
This is the first prompt for Heizuha Week, Case Closure! @heizuhaevents
It's been almost a year since she last saw him, heard his voice, and touched him. Nearly a year since he suddenly disappeared into thin air, out of nowhere. No warning, no messages, no letters, no calls. Just like that.
People presumed he was dead, but his family refused to hold a funeral without finding him first.
Yet there he was, right in front of her, grinning like nothing happened like she hadn't waited for him for almost a year. Like she didn't cry over him and worry for months.
She looked at him shocked. His head was bandaged and the blood could be seen through it, he was wearing a cast on his left arm, and his face was so badly bruised.
Oh, this idiot. He looked like he escaped death yet was still grinning, looking happy to see her.
All of her anger disappeared and she felt her tears falling down. She threw herself at him and hugged him hard ignoring his hiss of pain, and sobbed.
Heiji wrapped his right arm around her and said, "I'm back, Kazuha. I'm finally back. You don't know how much I've missed you."
Her sobbing became louder, and she was gasping for breath. All the emotions she felt from the past months poured out of her. All the pain, anxiety, and sadness.
Heiji's eyes saddened and he tightened his grip around her pulling her closer, ignoring the pain it caused his body.
After a few minutes, Kazuha pulled away from him, her crying quieting down. She looked at him with sad eyes but smiled at him. She was relieved to see that he was alive and right in front of her, but she had so many questions. What happened? Why did he disappear? Who did this to him? Why was he gone for so long?
As if reading her mind, he said, "I know you have many questions, and I promise I'll answer all of them. Let's go inside."
She placed a cup of tea on the table in front of him, then sat next to him on the couch. She was thankful her parents were traveling so she could have some privacy with Heiji.
She still couldn't believe that he was right there, next to her, alive. Injured, and looked like hell, but alive.
"Wha- I- What the fuck, Heiji?" Kazuha's brain was spinning, she didn't know where to start with her questions.
"Where should I start?" Heiji chuckled, also not knowing where to start with his answers.
"Why the hell did you disappear?" Kazuha asked, her eyes brimming with tears, frustration clear in her voice. She tried not to get angry, not to get mad, and to be thankful that he was there, but it was impossible.
Heiji's eyes softened as he looked at her pained expression, "I had a case to solve, and it wasn't an easy one. It was dangerous."
Kazuha looked at his injuries, "Well, no shit Sherlock." She said sarcastically, then continued, "Why didn't you call us? Ask your dad for help? Why didn't you at least let us know you're alive!"
"I couldn't, just contacting you would've put you in danger," Heiji said, then sighed, "The people I was dealing with Kazuha, they're not the typical criminals we deal with, they would kill you and my family in a heartbeat."
He grabbed the cup of tea and took a sip, welcoming the warmth. Kazuha just looked at him in silence, waiting for him to continue.
"I wanted to keep you safe, away from all the danger. I don't know what I would've done if I lost you, Aho." His voice trembled at the last sentence.
Kazuha's tears fell again, and she felt a lump in her throat, a painful tightness that made her want to scream. She yelled, "Well, what about us, Heiji?! We want you to be safe too! What do you think I would've done if I lost you?! The past months were HELL! Each day the pain became worse and worse! Why would you involve yourself in something so dangerous?! Why would you do that to the people you care about?!"
"BECAUSE!" He shouted his anger rising, then took a deep breath, "Because, I wanted to help someone I care about Kazuha. Kudo is my best friend, and this organization was after him. Do you think I'll just sit down and do nothing?! Of course not, Aho! I helped him take them down and I'll do it again if I have to."
Kazuha was about to scream at him and curse his stupid best friend, but seeing the way he winced in pain when leaned down to put back his cup of tea on the table, Kazuha's anger vanished.
Seeing him so vulnerable, so injured, in pain, reminded her that things could've been worse. He's alive. He's alive and was right here with her, and that's all that mattered. Life was too short for her to hold a grudge against him. But she promised herself to give this Kudo Shinichi an earful.
"Oh Heiji, I'm just so happy you're here now," Kazuha sobbed, her tears still not stopping.
Heiji grinned, and patted her on the head, "God, you're such a crybaby."
Kazuha lightly pushed his chest, causing him to groan in pain. He obviously exaggerated it, proven by his mischievous smirk before he pulled her closer to him.
She laid her head on his shoulders, something he missed a lot, "I'm happy I'm here too. Back with you, aho."
She snuggled closer to him, closing her eyes and relaxing against him.
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heizuha-queen · 1 month
Yay! Third day of Heizuha Week 2024! This is based on the third prompt Lost @heizuhaevents. I hope you enjoy it!
Kazuha walked on a narrow path surrounded by tall trees. The forest was eerily quiet, except for leaves crunching under her feet. She looked around, eyeing the forest warily her body tense and ready for combat.
The sun was setting, and the silhouettes of trees stood out against the colorful sky, their branches reaching toward the fading light. Although the view was serene and peaceful, it was far from what Kazuha felt.
The sun was going down, and the night was coming soon and she was going to be left alone in the dark, in a forest, with no phone, flashlight, food, shelter, or Heiji.
Where was this ahou? They were supposed to be in the cabin together, cuddling and eating smores. He told her, he going to get some wood to make a fire in the fireplace, but he didn't return for a long time, worrying Kazuha. She left the cabin and ran into the forest in a panic, forgetting to bring her phone in case anything happened.
Kazuha kept walking, hoping to find him soon. As the night arrived, the weather became colder, the frigid wind whistling through the trees and beating upon Kazuha's red face, her breath appearing a small misty cloud. She closed her coat and tightened her scarf to stay warm.
It felt endless, no matter how much she walked, she still felt lost. On top of all that, neither Heiji nor the cabin were in sight.
The fear and hopelessness started to seep in, and the spooky forest and howling wind were not helping.
She sat on the ground, leaning against a large tree with her knees pressed towards her chest. Tears welled up in her eyes, fear overwhelming her. She silently cried, scared the animals or dark spirits in the forest might hear her and attack her.
Oh, God. What was she going to do? She had no way to communicate with anyone. No flashlight to see her surroundings. No food or shelter in the biting cold. Was she going to die here? What's happening with Heiji? Is he okay? Is he safe?
She whimpered, holding her knees closer to her chest, and rocked back and forth to comfort herself.
Her eyes widened and she sat up straight when she heard his distant voice. 'Heiji!'
She jumped up and followed his voice as he kept screaming her name. She ran when she saw a light, probably his flashlight. He was here! He was here! He found her!
As soon as she saw him, she started bawling, no longer caring if the dark spirits and animals heard her. She was safe now, she was with Heiji.
"Ahou!" Heiji screamed as he ran to her. He patted her body and examined her with worried and panicked eyes asking if she got hurt. She shook her head and Heiji released a sigh of relief.
As Heiji's arms spread wide, welcoming her in, she immediately entered them. He pulled her in nice and tight, kissing the top of her head, and squeezing her. Kazuha's breath was taken away, not from the squeeze but from the realization that his arms were finally around her.
"I was so worried, aho." His words were meant to be scolding but were anything but, "I looked everywhere for you."
Kazuha buried her face against his chest, enjoying his warmth, "I was worried when you took so long. I came looking for you."
"Idiot. Next time that happens just wait for me in the cabin, and if I don't come back by nighttime, call the authorities. One lost teenager is better than two." Heiji said, then let go of her.
Kazuha frowned, already missing his warmth.
Heiji chuckled and patted her head, "Come on, let's go back to the cabin."
Kazuha nodded and held his arm as they headed back to their cabin, where they cuddled and finally had their smores as they enjoyed the warmth of the fireplace.
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heizuha-queen · 1 month
I Miss You
This is for the fifth prompt Old Friends for Heizuha Week 2024 @heizuhaevents
Kazuha shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her legs bouncing nervously as he intensely stared at her across the dinner table. It's been 3 years since she last saw him and spoke with him. She tried avoiding eye contact with him, not wanting to look at his eyes knowing the emotions that would wash over her if she did.
It took her so long to get over him and the massive heart-wrenching pain of their break up. She was not even sure if she was fully over him, she didn't think that she would ever stop loving Heiji.
When he confessed to her in their second year in high school she was the happiest girl in the world, knowing that the person she loved reciprocated her feelings and made an effort to confess to her in the best way possible making her feel like a princess.
They started dating after that, and although they kept bickering with each other like they usually did, they made it up for each other with kisses. They were happy, and everyone talked about how they would end up married and have kids, even their own parents.
Kazuha was in bliss until she found out Heiji would be traveling to university. He was accepted at the University of Cambridge, which was one of the best for criminology. Although she was extremely happy and proud of him, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken. He was going to be away from her for 4 years. Yes, he was going to visit on holidays but that was not the same as being with her in Japan. She knew in her heart that something was going to change between them.
At first, everything went well. They frequently called each other and every holiday he would visit, and sometimes she would. But as time passed, things got slowly bad, then worse. They would have a lot of fights that were caused by misunderstandings, not to mention that communication was their strongest suit at the time. It got worse and worse until one day they broke it off. That was three years ago.
Now, both of them were 24-year-olds having dinner with the family, Kazuha was trying not to look at him, and Heiji not looking away.
She didn't expect him to be here. Kazuha often had dinner with the Hattoris throughout the years, but Heiji stayed and worked abroad after he finished university for two years so she didn't expect him to be here. Back to his hometown, back to her.
Kazuha couldn't handle Heiji's gaze anymore and excused herself to the bathroom. As she got up, she glanced at him and immediately regretted it.
A wave of grief and sadness crashed through her, suffocating her, when she saw him. She hurried to the bathroom unable to hold back her tears anymore.
"Kazuha!" She heard him yell after her, but she ignored it closing the bathroom door behind her.
She stared at her pitiful reflection wanting to break the mirror in front of her. It took her so long to get back to the dating scene after breaking up with Heiji, it took her so long until she felt she was over him. But just one look at his face brought back all the feelings she had for him. All the love, sadness, anger, and longing.
She felt her throat sting as she held in her sobs. She didn't want anyone to hear her cry. She was no longer a teenager, she was an adult now. She was supposed to be composed, calm, and collected but was a mess.
She heard a knock on the bathroom door, making her panic and wipe away her tears.
The door opened, and there he was. Looking at her with his concerned blue eyes, asking her if she was okay.
He grew up to be a handsome man, she realized. All his baby features were gone, his eyes sharp, shoulders wide, his jaw strong, and so tall she had to look up to see him.
Kazuha curtly replied, "I'm fine," and walked past him.
Heiji grabbed her hand, and pulled her closer to him, "I know you were crying," he said, his voice gruff.
Kazuha flinched when she felt his touch. Did he know how much she missed it? Missed him? She tried pulling her hand away from his, but couldn't. His grip on her was as strong as steel. He was not going to let her go, not anymore.
If anything, her trying to get away from him, made him pull her closer to him. She felt his arms surrounding her and pulling her into a tight hug. He kissed the top of her head and deeply inhaled her scent. "God, Kazuha you don't know how much I miss you."
No. Absolutely, not. He was not going to do this to her.
She pushed him away, this time succeeding. "Stop it, Heiji. You can't just come back here after three years of no contact and say that. Just leave me alone."
"You want me to leave you alone?"
Kazuha looked up at him, shocked. He looked at her, confident in his words and determined.
"What?" Kazuha asked, taken aback.
"I said you are a liar. You don't want me to leave you alone." He said, his eyes intense with want and longing.
"And what makes you say that, Hattori Heiji?! I've been able to live without you for three years, you don't think I can do more?!" Kazuha screamed at him, her temper getting ahold of her.
"I haven't!" Heiji yelled back, "I haven't been able to live without you, Kazuha!"
Kazuha was taken aback by his sudden honesty, and how much she related to it. She has no idea he felt the same way. She always thought he moved on pretty quickly and lived the life he always dreamed of and that she was the only one in pain. The only one that felt that something was missing in her life, a suffocating loneliness.
"Heiji, I-" Kazuha didn't know what to say, it was too late for them.
"Kazuha, the past three years were hell. I tried moving on and meeting new people. I even drowned myself in work, thinking that solving cases would bring me happiness and fill the emptiness in my life,"
"I was wrong. You give my life meaning, 'Zuha. There's no happiness without you. Give me a second chance, let me prove to you that I've changed."
She didn't know whether to cry or be happy. Heiji was never good at saying romantic things, so she knew these words were coming right from his heart, and she could feel his sincerity with every word he said.
"But why now?" Kazuha asked, frustrated, "Why did you wait till now to come back?"
"Because I was scared that we would get hurt again, and at one point I thought maybe we weren't meant to be," Heiji answered, looking to the side, unable to look her in the eyes already feeling exposed and vulnerable.
"And what makes you think this time will be different?" Kazuha asked bitterly.
"Because we're no longer teenagers, Kazuha. We can learn from our past mistakes. We can talk to each other and work it through." Heiji said, desperation in his voice. He walked towards Kazuha held both her hands and looked her in the eye, "I know we can do this Kazuha. You are the one. You are the only one I envision a future with."
She can already tell that he did. Back then Heiji would never be this vulnerable and honest about his feelings with her. He matured, and she could tell that he wanted to make an effort and win her back.
"Heiji, I'm scared," Kazuha said, her voice cracking and eyes brimming with tears, "I don't want to get hurt again. The first time was already bad enough."
Heiji smiled and touched her cheek, "I know, I'm scared too. But my confidence in us surpasses that fear by a lot. Will you at least go out to dinner with me?"
How could she deny him when he was looking at her like that? Did he know just how much she missed his smile?
"Fine, I'll go to dinner with you." She replied, smiling back.
Anyone from the outside looking in would say she was stupid, but she didn't care. This felt right, in her heart, she knew this was right. For the first time in a long time, her heart felt full and her soul complete.
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heizuha-queen · 2 months
This is for the second prompt of Heizuha Week! The prompt is about school commitments @heizuhaevents
Heiji gazed softly at Kazuha as she laid her head on his chest, drawing small circles with her fingers. Heiji smiled, as he played with her silky black hair, running his fingers through them. Oh, how much he missed this, missed her.
Kazuha looked up at him with gorgeous emerald eyes and smiled back at him, making his heart skip a beat.
Whenever he saw her smile, he felt like the luckiest guy in the world. How was he able to win her over? He'll never know, but he didn't care because she was right here with him, in his arms, so whatever he was doing must be working.
He leaned down, eyes slowly closing, his lips nearing her soft ones...
"Heiji! Wake up! You'll be late for school!"
Heiji opened his eyes and groaned in disappointment. His mother was shaking his body, trying to wake him up. He squinted at the bright sunlight coming through his window.
It was all a dream. So annoying.
"Oh, Heiji. Stop being a baby. Plus, you should be happy, today is your last day!" Shizuka said by his bedroom door, "I expect you to be ready in 15 minutes, I don't want you skipping breakfast."
Heiji was wide awake now. It IS the last day. The last exam, and he and Kazuha will be free and meet each other. Finally, something he can be excited about.
It's been a hectic week and he hadn't seen her for so long because of school exams. They didn't have time to call. Although studying didn't take much time for Heiji, he didn't want to be selfish and interrupt her studying.
Heiji got dressed with a smile on his face, already excited to be done with this day to spend time with his girl.
After finishing his exam, he walked out of class, a light spring in his step, elated to end his day.
He stopped at Kazuha's class and leaned against the door, his bag slung over his shoulder as he looked at her and smiled,
She was talking to her friends, saying goodbye to them, and hugging them before walking over to her boyfriend.
"Well, ya certainly look happy," Kazuha said, smiling back at him.
"Well, of course, I am, idiot," Heiji replied. He stood straight, wrapped his arm around her waist, and pulled her closer. "Ya don't know how much I've missed ya."
Kazuha's face turned red, and she lightly punched him in the chest, "Heiji!" She warned. She looked around at her classmates who were staring at the Osakan couple and snickering, "Ya can't do that here."
"Then, let's get out of here." He said as he took his arms off her waist and held her hand to drag her to his motorcycle.
Once they reached his home, they both went up to his room, dropped their school bags, and began kissing each other right away.
He kissed her fervently, like a man who had been trekking across a desert for days on end. He hadn't seen or touched her for a whole week, and he just wanted to melt into her embrace like there was no tomorrow.
He could tell she felt the same when she pressed her lips harder against his, running her fingers through his hair and pulling him closer to her.
His hands glided on Kazuha's body, over her curves, sending shivers down her spine. She gave him a teasing bite on his lips. Without hesitation, he licked her bottom lip and slipped his tongue into her mouth. Running his tongue over hers, he delighted at the whimpers she gave out.
Finally, she's with him, in his embrace. Finally, he's seeing her, touching her, kissing her, holding her.
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 month
Next chapter for HeiZuhaWeek! @heizuhaevents
Prompt was "Old Friends"
I'll write the last two during the upcoming week ^_^
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 month
New Chapter “Lost” for HeiZuhaWeek! @heizuhaevents
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elfchensdcartblog · 1 month
School Commitments
For the second prompt of HeiZuhaWeek! @heizuhaevents
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elfchensdcartblog · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hattori Heiji/Tooyama Kazuha, Hattori Heiji & Tooyama Kazuha Characters: Hattori Heiji, Tooyama Kazuha Summary:
A collection of short stories, that I wrote during HeiZuhaWeek 2024. The overall theme was Reunion/Return and I use the daily prompt as chapter title.
Enjoy ❤️
for @heizuhaevents Prompt 1: Case Closure ❤️
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heizuhaevents · 1 year
HeiZuha-Week 2023
August 7th until August 13th!
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Welcome to this year’s HeiZuha-Week, where we want to come together and create one or more special pieces about our favorite (to-be) couple!
This year the HeiZuha-Week will again include the Hattori-Day (August 10th)!
You like the couple Kazuha and Heiji? Then you're at the right place!
The theme for this year’s Event is
Special Summer Holidays
And here are the daily themes:
8/7 : summer homework | melting | heat
8/8 : sports | club activity | being separated
8/9 : Beach | Water | Ice Cream | Warermelon | Sunset
8/10 : Hiking | mountains | Forrest | Ghost Hunt
8/11 : Camping | Star Gazing | Bug Hunt
8/12 : Thunderstorm | Rainy Days | Stay inside
8/13 : Festival | Fireworks | Yukata | Lost/stolen purse
You can stick to the daily prompts (combined or pick just one) or do an overall work for the whole week by using just the theme or combine different prompts as you like 🙂
It’s free for your interpretation but you can send an ask if you need some inspirational hints (^_^)
I hope for a lot of enjoyable creations!
More Infos below the cut!
Some Guidelines
Use tag #HeiZuhaWeek2023 and/or #HeiZuhaWeek and tag this blog by using @heizuhaevents so I can find your entry(s)!
You don't need to participate daily, just choose the topics you like or only use the overall theme to create a piece!
You're free to choose what you want to create! All kind of fanwork is appreciated, open to all creators of all skills! (^_^)
Follow this blog to not miss any of the creations or infos and updates on the event!
Spread the Word! (e.g. by reblogging this post) So we can gather a lot of participants to make this event a great experience! (^o^)/)
Have fun!
I'll reblog on this blog all creations. (^_~) Also after the event week.
(I'll reblog this announcement over the next weeks again as a reminder, but wanted to give enough time for everyone who's short on it!)
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