#Hektor FGO
raliciel · 5 months
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Sir Hektor the Excellent, the fantastic, the absolute, the number one, the holy, the wonderful, the great, the greater, the greatest, the awesome, the outstanding, the most wonderful, the hero, the pure, the best, the good, the goodest, the one and only, the special, the baddest, the first, the outstanding. the miracle
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re-re-redline · 2 months
Avenging Troy
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14 hours and 48 minutes, let’s go!! Honestly, the fact that this didn’t take nearly as long as Mehmed’s 1st ascension (≈27 hours) either means that I’m getting better at pain-ting or this piece wasn’t as intense in the detail department. Regardless, I am very proud of this! I suck at drawing profiles, so perfecting it this time around was certainly a major personal victory for me. Now, enough about me patting myself on the back. Let’s get into the behind the scenes for this piece.
The context—or perhaps what this piece IS may be a better way of phrasing—is Mehmed II doing exactly what the title of the piece says, avenging Troy. The top picture is Hector’s duel against Achilles in front of the Trojan gates. His pose is that of his NP, Durindana. The bottom picture is of Mehmed II striking a similar pose to Hector, but instead of calc’ing the angle of a spear it’s the super-awesome-big-fucking-cannon. Pretty cool concept right? Mehmed, 10 years post-conquering of Constantinople, going to what’s left of Troy and saying that he ‘avenged the Trojans’ is a thing that has some evidence to it actually happening (or so I’m told), so it’d be pretty cool for Mehmed to strike the same (or similar) pose as Hector during one of his campaigns as a homage to Hector since the Iliad was one of his favorite books in life.
There’s just one teeny-tiny problem. I originally drew this up with the intention of it being during the Siege of Constantinople because my dumb ass thought he said that RIGHT AFTER he got Constantinople, hence the very specific BFC in the back there. I only figured out my mistake when I was finished and showing it off to my pops who then promptly asked me “Huh? When did he say that?” And then he corrected me and I was in shambles.
Now. I can make the case that, since Durindana was Hector’s most powerful weapon and the BFC was Mehmed’s most powerful weapon, it’d make sense as an artistic parallel to have Mehmed with his BFC instead of some regular cannon and it’s just more iconic that way. It doesn’t have to make sense because of artistic liberties! Which is a neato way of making a positive outta this but…eh. That minor hole will always remain no matter how it is justified.
On to something else more light, you may have noticed that Hector’s section is significantly less detailed than Mehmed’s. It’s completely lineless, no lineart was had in that entire section. Just fills and clipping layers, baby! The reason for this is because Hector is a character in a book, therefore I thought he should be drawn as though he IS in a book. If that makes sense. His arm is a tube, the Trojan gate looks like a cardboard stand and he has no eyes—typical storybook vibes, I’d say. Plus you could also interpret this as Mehmed imagining what Hector’s final moments were as an ‘in-universe’ explanation for why it looks that way.
On the other hand, Mehmed’s section is much, MUCH more detailed. Just look at those lines! The reason for their existence is because I based Mehmed’s outfit on a painting of him walking through into Constantinople (because that’s what his section was originally about) but I couldn’t quite make out the details of his armor was. In hindsight this was probably denial. So, I searched up what Ottoman armor looked like and mother of god it was mostly chainmail. I wanted to throw myself out of a window. Drawing that many circles and shading that many circles would have been a maddening experience, so I got creative and this was the result. Not bad if I do say so myself. His helmet was another thing that made me want to throw myself out of a window. Mehmed II’s helmet is sick as fuck to look at and I bet wearing it gives you a major buff in the style department, but drawing it? Nope. Nope, I am not doing that. There is way too many specifics going there with the inscribed prayers and awesome ornate design, I could never draw that with the helm being this small in the picture. So I opted for a line texture on the green parts instead.
On his greaves? brace? and back plates there is a strange texture. At this point I ran out of ideas on how to fill up the space to make it look cool, so I drew the bog-standard vertical lines but this time I took an eraser with a specific shape (Procreate havers, look at Textures and it’ll be the first one you see) and erased it, leaving behind the specific shape in the negative. I thought that leaving it textureless would be lame, so I put that in.
As for that lovely cannon in the back, it wasn’t that hard to draw. I just had one hell of a time looking for clear crisp images of the pattern on the cannon for reference. Really, the most time consuming aspect of drawing the cannon was painting it. My dumb ass colored it as one whole thing instead of breaking it into pieces, which led me to have to erase a bunch of shit. Thank goodness I thought of using the selection lasso when I did or this would have taken WAY longer.
Last post, I said that this would be a trial run for Mehmed’s hypothetical 3rd ascension. It’s based off the aforementioned painting and I figured that Mehmed would need actual battle attire (y’know, armor) since his 1st and 2nd don’t exactly scream “I conquered Constantinople and almost got Europe” now do they? I like how I did the armor for this piece, but as an ascension it feels lacking. Like it needs MORE but I’m not sure what to add. A cool cape? A cool light halo? Or should I just say fuck it and make it a mech? <-Never drawn one before. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened in FGO, but it feels cheap! It should make sense but also look as bombastic and awesome as the man himself! So, if anyone has suggestions, please let me know.
During me fiddling around with the finished picture, I thought it would be cool to make Hector’s section desaturated to make it look like a flashback. But I found that it didn’t look as good. Even an orange hue for sepia vibes didn’t make the idea any better so it was scrapped.
Annnnd them’s my thoughts as well as the making of this piece. This had been gnawing at me ever since I learned that Mehmed said what he said and that Iliad was one of his favorite books. it’s such a cool thing, y’know? When if Mehmed comes to Grand Order, I really hope that his NP has him doing the pose as a call back to Hector. Would it make sense? Probably not. Do I care? Nah! I’d just be jumping for joy that Mehmed was in the game in the first place. Lasagna better make him one of the best buster archers to have ever lived, I hecking swear—!
Anywho, under this red line (ha-ha) are the individual pictures for Hector and Mehmed’s sections as well as a bonus black and white version of the sultan. It doesn’t jive with what I was going for, but it has a cool vibe to it that I just couldn’t let sleep. Plus it shows off my linework, so that is a plus. I hope you enjoy these and the piece itself. Oh, and I hope you have a good one!
—Redline, over and out.
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grainofrhiice · 6 months
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tuesday- obtain hector.
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• sends him to final ascension
•grails him a couple times
•completes rank up quest + interlude
•servant bond lvl 5
mind you it’s been less than a week since i got him
yes he is the main reason i joined fate grand order
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Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
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Left - FGO
Right - Red-figured volute-krater 490BC-460BC
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puspa-san · 12 days
We already have Hektor and Gudao moments in Turas Realta. Now we have Hektor and Gudako moments in Penthesilea's interlude manga. It's quite funny since they have to keep up with Penthesilea's antics
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Also... Serious moment between them.
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
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i forgot but last year I made some lazy edits of Fate and Hades because I think it's bullshit that Hektor wasn't there. Maybe he'll show up in Hades II with Chiron and Circe too lol
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yee-art · 2 years
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Odysseus caught in 4k moment (Awkward)
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lemonadehtwooh · 9 months
Just hear me out. The contrast between Hektor in The Iliad and Hektor in FGO. In The Iliad, his family begs for him to rest but he doesn't. He doesn't rest because he can't, he just needs to protect everyone, he needs to protect the family that's begging him to rest.
But in FGO he just wants a laid-back, carefree life. He complains and acts like his agility stat isn't A tier. So, I interpret this as him respecting the wishes of his family, even if it's after his, and his family's, death. He gets a chance at a new life, one where he's actually able to rest, to take it easy
Idk so anyway I think they should make him a Rider version so he can have a horsie. Hektor is #1 Horse Girl <3
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raliciel · 1 year
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It's nightime no one will ever see my post
Gijinka below again TwT
some are untranslated tho
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I like Black Hoshipon so much she(?)’s like that one villain who act so cool but also brainless like the rest of the cast I like her 
she did give me fate series Xu Fu vibe tho...
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Makoton in mental breakdown while doing laundry (B/W).
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son and funny
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dailyarturiartfgo · 1 year
Can I request a Hektor and Paris doing cute sibling things together?
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They need their wholesome discussion after what happened to the city of Troy
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grainofrhiice · 6 months
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i need him
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ineedmorequartz · 2 months
Look at my Hektor. I am really glad to have maxed him out. Easily in my top three favorite servants.
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nawimess · 10 months
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Hector is the description of a man made for a love story but born into a tale of war
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