#Hello everybody hope you're all having a good weekend! <3
oculusxcaro · 1 year
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Khare is an obligate carnivore. Due to the nature of her mutated physiology, organic matter is essential to maintaining her health and genetic stability, preventing her from mutating further. If she cannot ingest biological material on a regular basis, her body will start turning on itself, the mutation taking what it needs from it's own host instead of that of other lifeforms.
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loveandmurders · 2 years
Hi honey. How are you? I hope your week is going great.
If possible, I would like to request something. Bo x Fem Reader? Maybe before Ambrose was left alone she was the typical girl destined to be Prom Queen, only she was dating Bo Sinclair and now she's back to support her ex-boyfriend/boyfriend in her murderous business?
Feel free to ignore this if it's too annoying or specific or anything. Illy, stay safe.
Hello love, I'm doing good thanks, hope you're well too <3
Thank you very much for this request! I haven't had the occasion to write for Bo and reader as a couple before, so I was quite excited about this! Hopefully you'll enjoy <3
Also female reader, with no description (not even for the outfit)
Warnings: mentions of murders, morally grey/psycho reader, sexual innuendos, one or two strong words.
You were at your parents house for the weekend. It was nice to be with them from time to time, and it allowed you to reconnect with your childhood. You were laying on your bed, looking through the album photos your mother so patiently made. You had laughed at how she dressed you when you were a baby, but now you were humming in approval as you looked at your prom dresses. You remembered one night in particular. It was your last year of high school, and you were wearing such a pretty green dress. You had been the Prom Queen that night and you had felt so proud and happy then. But the most important event of that night was the slow dance you had with Bo Sinclair. He was your partner for the party, which was logical because he was your boyfriend at the time. 
He was the first man you ever loved, and you gave him your first kiss and your first time. You never regretted it, because no matter how rough and rude he could be to others, he had always been gentle with you. Of course you had argued more than once, but he would always give you a chocolate box to apologise. You knew his brothers were behind it; Lester told you once that Bo was nicer after he had spent a whole afternoon with you. You remembered Vincent too, and more than once you had stood up for him. You never let anyone speak bad about him, not even Bo. Vincent liked you for that and made you little drawings quite often. You tried to stay away from Bo’s parents though, and Bo prefered it that way too. Actually, he prefered to keep you all to himself when he could. His hands would then be roaming your body. It wasn’t necessarily sexual, he just enjoyed to touch you. The boy was clearly possessive but you always felt safe with him. Your parents weren’t too happy with this relationship but Bo kept you safe. 
When you arrived in Ambrose, you were a new girl and people weren’t too nice with you because you were a stranger in a small town in which everyone knew everybody. But Bo was quick to stick to you and to protect you. He continued like that, and he became even more protective once you started to date. No one would ever dare touch you or say something rude to you. Actually, Bo helped you a lot with your confidence, and you would forever be thankful for that. Of course, it wasn’t always nice and pretty with him, and you had to deal with his anger issues, but you both loved each other very much. 
You sighed as you watched a photo of him and you had to admit you really regretted having broken up with him. But at that time, Ambrose was slowly being deserted as there was no more gold in the mines, and your parents wanted you to go to college. After a year of distant relationship, you understood it wouldn’t work out because Bo was getting badly jealous. When you put an end to your relationship, you had discovered a very vulnerable side of Bo, before he exploded in anger. You ran away even though you knew he wouldn’t hurt you, but better be safe than sorry. 
You had always thought about this event with an aching heart. You wished things had been different because, still now, you were missing him. You had never met another man like him in your life; a man who would make you feel safe and wanted, and who would do anything for you. What you loved the most about him was that he was ready to burn the whole town to the ground if anyone ever hurt you. His intensity and his passion were quite something that were wakening your own. You had never felt more yourself than when you were with him, because he wouldn’t judge you or change you. He loved you the way you were, and made it quite clear even if he wasn’t always good with words. His constant touch when you were in private or in public, always reminded you he loved you, no matter what your mother could say. She had always warned you that he would cheat on you or hurt you at some point, but Bo was loyal. He considered you as his fiancée. You were almost certain that he was planning on proposing to you before you broke up. He was a family man, and he would never betray his people.
You sighed again. It has been so many years now. You even finished university. But you never had the strength to call him and Bo was too proud to look after you. You wished he had though. After high school, you remembered he had bought a little garage in Ambrose to work there as a mechanic. Actually the phone number of it was written on the last page of the album. You weren’t too sure what you were doing but you took your phone and you dialled the number. You were pretty certain the number didn’t exist anymore but your heart was beating quickly inside your chest. After a little while, a southern accented voice answered you and you were glad you were laying on your bed or your legs would have never been able to carry you.
“Hmm, hi. I’m sorry to bother you, I was just trying an old phone number… Is that Ambrose’s garage?” you asked and you could tell the man at the other side of the line was quite confused.
“How did ya get that number?” he finally asked and you took your courage in both your hands before asking back:
“Bo, is that you?”. The man didn’t answer for a few seconds before asking as well:
“Yes.” you just said because you were grinning like an idiot. You couldn’t believe the man was still in Ambrose, and working in that garage, but you were so happy he did. You had missed him so much, and even though you didn’t expect Bo to still be the same person as before, you needed him back in your life, at least for a proper and softer closure.
“Didn’t recognise your voice, but recognised the way ya said my name” he commented and you heard him pull a chair to sit down on it.
“I can’t believe the number still works!” you said
“No one uses it anymore, can’t believe ya still have it” he replied
“Are you working? Maybe I’m bothering you?”
“Ya never bothered me, love” he said and you swore this man still had the power to make you blush. You were happy he couldn’t see your face at that moment. The nickname he so often used woken up butterflies in the pit of your stomach, and you realised you were playing a very dangerous game with your own heart. But it was worth it.
“I was looking through photos of our last high school prom… And apparently I have written this number down and I thought I could give it a try.” you explained
“Ah yeah. Little Prom Queen I had in my arms back then” he commented “Still have your crown layin’ somewhere around” he replied and you could tell you weren’t the only one who missed that period of your life.
“Do you?” you chuckled “Never thought you were a hoarder” you gently teased and you heard him smiling.
“Couldn’t get rid of somethin’ ya gave me” he simply said but you knew there was a lot more emotions behind it than Bo wanted you to believe.
“I still have your grandma’s bracelet. Whenever I need extra luck, I put it on” you replied to let him know you still cared about him as well.
“‘M glad. It was suitin’ ya well.” he said before pausing for a few instants “Maybe ya could come to Ambrose for dinner if ya ain’t too far away?” he offered and there was hope in his voice.
“Count on me” you said without hesitation. “See you tonight then!” you added before hanging on. 
You stayed like that, laying on your bed for a little while. You couldn’t believe you were about to see Bo tonight! You were getting very excited now and when you finally got up, it was in order to find the right outfit. You wanted the man to be blown away the second he would see you. It was important to you; despite all the years that went by. You found the perfect outfit, an outfit in which you felt sexy and attractive, and comfortable at the same time. 
You had a nice shower and decided to pamper yourself to feel even better for this first meeting. You took care of your hair and face as well before dressing up. You checked one last time and went upstairs. Your mother greeted you with a bright smile and told you how pretty you looked. But she quickly understood there was something going on, and she tried to know with whom you were having a date. You tried to argue it wasn’t a date, but she didn’t believe you, and you started to realise that indeed you were about to have a date with Bo Sinclair. She finally let you go but reminded you to be careful. You told her you weren’t sure you would be back tonight and she tried to not worry about you. You were a big girl and you had always been able to take care of yourself. 
You climbed into your car and drove to Ambrose. It felt so strange to be back there but it was like coming home. Ambrose was the place that held the most of your happy memories. You met a truck as you were driving and you were pretty sure you knew the man but you weren’t certain who he was. He stopped his truck to ask you if you were lost or anything.
“Oh no, I know the roads. I grew up in Ambrose” you said.
“Y/N! Bo said ya were comin’! Damn, ya lookin’ good!” Lester exclaimed.
“Lester! You grew up so much, I wasn’t sure it was you” you chuckled, trying to not blush at the compliment coming your way. “Am I coming too early? We didn’t agree on an hour?” you asked. You didn’t want to intrude but Lester shook his head.
“Bo was cookin’ last time I saw him, and tellin’ Vincent to not bother the two of ya” he sent you a knowing look and you did blush this time.
“Still so mean to his twin” you pouted to pretend you didn’t understand the allusion. “Should go then, it was nice seeing you.” you smiled
“Hopefully we’ll see ya around more often. Ya put Bo in a good mood… As it used to be” he told you and you smiled even more. You waved him goodbye and continued your journey. 
You drove to the Sinclairs’ house and parked in front of it. You just had the time to get out of the car that the front door was being opened by Bo. You both stopped and looked at each other with desire. Bo had definitively become the handsome man you knew he would become, and from the way he watched you, you became his dream girl, like he knew you would. He gave you his signature smirk as he walked to you. You smiled back at him.
“Looking good, Sinclair” you greeted him as you enjoyed the dark suit he was wearing. He was looking like a very fine demon… the devil himself actually. You always knew he was putting the “sin” in “Sinclair” anyways.
“And ya’re hot as a two-dollar pistol, love” he flirted back right away. You gave him a kiss on the cheek as you couldn’t express how happy you were.
“I met Lester, he said you were cooking” you said
“Yeah, the food’s all good. Come” he placed his hand on the small of your back, as he used to do, and guided you inside his house. 
You looked around. It really hadn’t changed a lot since his parents died, but you didn’t mind. It had its charm. Bo pulled you a chair and you sat at the table. He placed the food on the middle of the table before serving you. He was really doing everything right you thought, as you couldn’t stop from devouring him with your eyes. He noticed it, which flattered his ego, but truth to be told, he was looking at you the same way. The connection you used to have between the two of you was clearly still there. It had waited for you, and with all the years apart, it was burning with even more passion than before.
“I’m glad you ain’t mad at me for the way we broke up” you said
“Ya broke up” he reminded you before humming “‘s true I was quite upset with ya” he admitted “but ‘m glad ya called” he said. “Did ya finish school?”
“Yeah, I’m about to start working now, I just need to find a job.” you replied
“And it could be in Ambrose?” he asked with hope
“Well I’m not sure there is any kind of job for me here.” you said with a gentle smile. You were wondering how Bo and his brothers could still live here.
“I can find you something” he said with assurance
“Why would you do that?” you arched an eyebrow.
“For ya to come back home” he replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You started to eat and praised him for the food before adding:
“You’re talking as if you’re eager to resume our relationship as if it never stopped”
“I am. Was about to propose to ya back then”. He said. You arched an eyebrow and he quickly added before he could scare you off “I mean, we can wait to get married”. You looked at him in disbelief before laughing. He frowned, not sure how to interpret your laugh, and not taking it too kindly. You placed your hand on his and softly apologised.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just no one ever wanted to marry me except you. And it blows my mind that you still want that, even after everything. I mean what if I’m not the girl you fell in love with? We both grew up.”
“I fucked around with girls after ya, but I never felt what I felt for ya. We both changed, of course, but only to get back together”
“Are you talking to me about fate now?”
“’m serious 'bout it. Why did ya call me then? Why did ya doll up for me?”
“Alright, Sinclair, you won, what’s the job you’re offering me then?”
Bo paused and watched you for a while, as if he was having an inner debate.
“Look, could have a job for ya but I need to trust ya for that. And ya'd have to get ready to live here” he said and you frowned. You could tell when Bo was up to no good.
“What’s going on in there, Bo? I thought the town was empty; it doesn’t even exist on a map anymore. And yet, I heard the bell of the church and I saw people at their windows.”
He stared at you for a little longer again before leaning into his seat.
“Do ya remember when we accidentally killed that guy who was botherin’ Lester and we found Vinny to turn the dead asshole into a wax sculpture so we could hide the body in front of everyone? It’s what we do here, with unlucky tourists. We get their money and they become the attraction. I fix cars too of course, but we mostly live from this.”
You stared at him for an instant, hoping he was kidding, but he was deadly serious. You had wanted to forget about this story, but you were still dreaming about it. You hated yourself to not be terrified by this event. In fact, you had enjoyed the adrenaline rushing through your veins and how close to Bo you felt that day. Bo particularly remembered how passionately you made love to him after that. It was then he knew you were the one to him. Instead of running away from him, you had been thrilled.
“The cops…”
“They don’t even fuckin’ know this town exists” he cut you before you could argue back.
“I don’t want to kill” you finally said and you wondered if Bo was going to let you go after everything he just revealed to you. He shushed you and brought your hand to his lips.
“Never said ya’d have to. Wouldn’t put ya into such danger, ya should know it by now. But ya’re so angelic lookin’ still, ya could lure people into my traps so easily” he purred as he leaned toward you, your hand still in his.
You didn’t answer for an instant, even though you knew what your heart wanted, like Bo did.
“If you fuck me good enough, I might say yes” you smirked as lunacy swirled into your eyes and Bo only grinned back at you before winking.
“Finish your food and ‘m gona remind ya what ya’ve missed for years, love”
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alpacaparkaseok · 1 year
Hello hello B!!
Popping in to ask 1. How are you?! and 2. To pick your brain about How to Sell Sunshine. A TikTok has inspired me to MAYBE write a mafia fic about SKZ (because I am seeing them on Sunday and the brain rot is real), and now I have questions on how you wrote your masterpiece.
1. How did you decide who mc would end up with?
2. How in the world did you figure out all the mafia stuff AND keep it sfw? I am simply baffled and overwhelmed 😂
3. Did you plot out everything generally or chapter by chapter (member by member)?
I stand in awe of your genius, that is all.
Delacy!! I'm doing great! Just enjoying seeing the sun again and the snow finally starting to melt!
How are you?? Hope you're doing wonderful!
Ok I saw that "maybe" thrown in there but I'm just ignoring that while I celebrate because I'd read the crap out of a SKZ mafia fic and ALSO that sounds like you're going to have the best weekend ever seeing them!!! Send them my loveeeee 😭
Ok ok ok I'm gonna try to answer these as coherently as possible because I'm a total pantser when it comes to this kinda stuff lol
I had a top three I think going into it, but it was easier for me to decide who wasn't going to be endgame. Like, Joon was automatically off the table due to his history that I really liked and wanted to develop. Having him form a romantic relationship with mc seemed contradictory. (although this didn't stop me from playing around with their dynamic lol)
As the story progressed, I looked at their character development and how I wanted that character to be by the end of the series. it was actually really difficult, because there were a couple of good options, but I also think that's nice because then it isn't this blatant choice. It really comes down to mc and who she feels like understands her the best.
Just adding this: I feel like it's ok if mc makes a decision that also maybe goes against the grain a bit (not saying that HTSS mc did, but just in general...although maybe she did a bit haha), as long as she has a legitimate reason for making that choice. It doesn't have to make perfect sense to the other suitors, but it has to feel right to her. Just like it real life lol. Sometimes we make decisions that make other people look at us funny, but we know why we're doing it.
2. HA this is actually a great questions, because it's hard. There's a lot of other mafia fics out there both in the fanfic world and in other mediums, and not very many of them are sfw. Mainly it was just a personal choice that I made long before, but I also put more weight on the plot than the other stuff. Sure, we deal with blood and gore but we can't find the point of it all if it's off camera drowning in blood. Also, I have no issue throwing in a spicy scene here or there, but the art of implication is powerful and something I respect. None of my characters got far enough to sleep with each other or anything, because I'm a big fan of slow burn. But I'm also a big fan of sexual tension exploding with a single caress and whispered confession. I'd hate for that to go out of style lol
3. The plot! Going into this, I knew everybody's "role", as in, Hobi is a hitman and Tae's a getaway driver, etc. From there I built up their character's a bit more, and honestly those first chapters where we're meeting them one by one, that was just me trying to figure crap out. It wasn't until I was coming up on the Gala chapter and people were getting shot (keeping it vague in case someone reads this that hasn't gotten to that point haha) that I realized I wasn't ready to have this crew say goodbye just yet. They had a higher, more criminal purpose to fulfill. 😂
Once I got to chapter 6, I mapped out a bit more of the overarching plot. But it was fairly vague and really just came to light as I wrote the chapters. I knew how I wanted it to end, but getting there was all on mc & friends. I just had them figure it out lol
I can lightly plot, but I really depend on the characters/members. Getting to know them through character sheets or just writing blurbs that never see the light are usually how that works for me. So it was super general as far as plot goes, and it uncovered itself bit by bit until I knew the ending and how long I needed to get there.
I hope that this makes any semblance of sense! Really truly just had fun with it. And fell in love with this particular cast of characters along the way.
Happy writing! And I can't wait to see what you come up with if you end up writing it! Have sososososo much fun with SKZ!!
tell lee know i'd probably do something illegal for him if he wanted
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Hey there, Sketchy fans! It's a new week here on AoTA, and that means its time for...
[ FAQ :: Sketchy Record ]
:: Lead Artist ::
Loor :: They / Them :: @solesurvivorpaigeargot :: Ko-fi
:: Supporting Artists ::
Halk :: They / Them :: @tarberrymentats :: Ko-fi :: Commissions :: Shop Bex :: They / Them :: @bexatomarama :: Ko-fi :: Commissions :: Linktree Kal :: They / Them :: @fanthings :: Ko-fi :: Ao3 Blossom :: She / Her :: @theartofblossoming :: Ko-fi + Commissions :: Twitch Sunflower :: He / They :: @actualsunflower :: Paypal :: Commissions
:: Mods ::
Noct :: She / Her :: @hope-of-the-wasteland
HOLY HELLO, everybody!
Before we dive in this week, I'm gonna put a reminder; even if you're a long time participant with us, please always read the prompt thoroughly. We really appreciate it, thanks.
Loor here, once again leading this lovely crew of people to get into some sketchy goodness! And like many people on this website, me and this crew got a soft spot in our hearts for Spooky Season-- and I'm not just talking about Halloween. It seems that around this time of year I always learn about some new fun tradition, so for our first prompt of October? We're gonna play with one of mine: Face Painting!
This week, we will be focusing on the faces of requested Fallout characters, and then adding some festive face paint!
Read the guidelines below if you'd like to join in!
To send a VALID Sketchy Saturday Request, please send the following information as an ASK to our ASKBOX [ @artistsoftheapocalypse ]
The CHARACTER you'd like sketched up ---- All Fallout characters welcome ---- Ghoul? Cool! ---- Super Mutant? Super neat! ---- Sentient Deathclaw? Boss!! ---- Failed Enclave FEV Arachnid experiment left forgotten for a century? FUCK YEAH. ---- YES THAT MEANS OCS SHOW THEM TO US
The desired MOOD of the composition ---- This should be very general, like goofy, scary, bubbly, or mischievous ---- Maximum three adjectives, [ descriptive words ] please.
One of the FACE PAINT PALETTES from the selection below ---- Not sure which one you want? Send in 'Dealer's Choice!' And the artist will choose for you ---- Please, do not request specific patterns or designs. That will be left up to our artists.
IF YOU SEND IN AN OC!!! ---- Send in your request ask FIRST ---- THEN send your character's reference information to @solesurvivorpaigeargot , via their Tumblr IM, please. ---- If you've sent in a given OC before, YOU DO NOT NEED TO SEND THEIR REFERENCE INFO TO US AGAIN!
Hokay? Hokay, let's see what we've got for face paints!
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SO! To recap!
-Character [ One ] -Mood [ Up to three Adjectives ] -Palette [ One or Dealer's Choice ]
That's it!
As always, please be kind and respectful with asks sent to the blog, as they will be seen by our entire team. Please take the time to proofread your ask, as information scattered across multiple asks makes more work for us. Please consider donating to our hardworking volunteers, as they have made the continuation and growth of this event possible. All their stuff is linked above <3
Thank you so much, and we look forward to sketching with you this weekend!
This prompt was scheduled to post at 8:00 PM, US Pacific Time, on September 30th, 2021.
We are currently taking requests.
Requests will close on October 1st, 2021 at 6:00 PM, US Pacific Time
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astras-world · 5 years
Rich kid! Peter Stark Au
Warning: Smut, swearing, jewelry fetish (?), dom! Peter parker slight bdsm (bondage) orgasm denial, over stimulation, bullying
Requested: No. Please do send in requests.
Pairing: Peter Stark x Reader
Summary: Peter gets fed up with the bullying then reveals a fantasy.
(Also why is this scene so hot? Like??? It's illegal to look hot that much okay Tom?)
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Peter would never be one to show off his wealth, he was humble, a trait his father was proud of yet confused by.
All his life Peter had every thing he could ever want and need and Tony made sure he was well loved as well and yet Peter didn't like showing off or even making it known that he was rich but there would be times when Tony knew the Kid felt a little more confident than other days it usually happens when something good happens like when the two of you started dating, the next day Peter wore a limited editon Gucci jacket he was aware of the stares and he loved it.
Peter usually doesn't splurge but whenever he gets the chance to give you something he would always go all out.
His first gift to you was 3 months after you started dating, he'd gotten you a diamond ring and you stared at him in shock
'Peter, I love you with all my heart but I really don't think we're ready for that" you say nervously
"What?" He looks at you confused then looks at the ring again and realization dawns on his face and he laughs
"oh baby, I'm not proposing" he chuckles slipping the ring on your ring finger
"Not yet at least. This is a promise ring" He smiles at you.
"A promise ring? Peter this must have cost you millions how much even is this?" you were scared to even find out the numbers behind the expensive ring sitting on your finger
"Babe, don't worry about it, this is nothing. I only want the best for my girl." He smiles at you and as much as you want to melt right there you were still concerned about him spending so much money on you.
"Baby, really it's no problem, please just accept it?"
After that the gifts seem to only go up in price from dresses to shoes and bags and the only time he gave you a gift that was below thousands of dollars was a photo album that he put together of his favorite pictures of you since he loved to take pictures and he made a scrapbook out of it and gifted it to you on your birthday.
Today was one of the days when Peter felt a little confident, you knew because he used his favorite Balenciaga shoes and you can smell his favorite Valentino fragrance on him. He greeted you with a kiss as he walked up to you a smile never leaving his face
"Well hello sunshine, what's got you in such a good mood?" You greeted smiling widely at him
"Nothing, I just finally finished the project I was working on down at the lab" He answers smiling even wider than earlier
He always felt a little more confident whenever he finishes a project, he feels accomplished and thus trigger his 'Stark!' side.
"Well congratulations, tiger. I'm very happy for you." you said smiling brightly at him
He takes your hand in his and your knuckles before walking you to your class. He waves as you go in and heads to his class
You meet again later at lunch where you eat with him, ned and mj at your usual spot. You were all discussing plans of going to Peter's place for a movie night in the coming weekend when Flash walks up to your table
"Sup Penis?" He says with a smirk
"What do you want, Flash?" Peter replies flatly
"Well I just wanted to say hello to lovely (y/n) over here" He says eyeing you.
"Well you've said it, can you go now?" You ask sharply
"No need to get riled up princess, hey give me a call when Penis over here can't satisfy you anymore" He says teasingly
"No thanks, I'm sure a chipmunk could satisfy me better that you can ever satisfy any girl on this planet' You smiled fakely
"What the fuck did you sa-" Flash grabs your arm and Peter immediately grabs his arm and twists it
"Grab my girl again and you won't have an arm next time" Peter says darkly
"Whatever, Penis. Everybody knows your 'Balenciaga' shoes are fake anyway." Flash pulls his arm away and huffs in irritaion
"You mean like all your 'designer clothes?" Peter fires back quickly. "impressive though maybe next time cut off the tag that says poshmark, yeah?" He says with a hint of amusement
Flash gets flustered by the remark and stomps away.
"God, when will he ever leave us alone?" you say rolling your eyes.
You continue the rest of the day without any more interruptions but Peter seems a little off ever since the encounter in the cafeteria so you when you get to his place like you usually do you decide to drag him up his room and confront him
"okay what's up?" you ask as you lock the door to his room and sit down next to him on his bed
"it's nothing babe, just tired" he smiles a forced smile at you and he knew you weren't convinced.
"Peter? Honest answer?" You ask once again raising your eyebrows at him
"I just... thought about what Flash said earlier." he admits
"Which one?" you ask
"The one where I uhm- don't satisfy you" He answers slowly and his face flushed of embarrassment his eyes not meeting yours as he was obviously shy about the subject.
Peter was always shy around talking about sex but he listened to what you said you liked and tried to implement it to your sex life as much as he could, he never really told you any fantasies or fetishes and kinks. He was incredibly shy when during your first time but he was amazing.
"Aw baby," you laugh at him amused making his face flushed more "you've done nothing but satisfy me both on and off the bed, okay? You always do." you say sincerely cupping his face with your hand and making him look up at you.
"What I'm more worried about is if I'm satisfying you" you say
"What? Of course you do, baby." He says looking up at you confused
"Well you never really tell me what you like, what turns you on and such" you say shrugging
"Well, you turn me on baby, everything you do turns me on" He says holding your face and swiping gently on your cheek.
"So no fetishes, kinks, fantasies?" you ask
"Well.." he leads on
"so there is! Mr. Peter Stark has a kink!" you chuckle throwing your hands up in success "What is it babe?" you ask smiling
"it's weird really, it's fine if we don't do it, it's okay, we don't have to" Peter rambles.
"Baby, it's fine. tell me please?" you say pouting.
"fine its uh- umh- it's more of a fantasy I guess?" he stutters as he starts and you hum telling him to continue
"uhm I wanna fuck you while you're wearing diamonds and heels and nothing else." he says shyly expecting you to reject the idea
This shocks you a bit but then you remember all the times he's given you diamond accessories and how happy he was but also nervous when you wear them, it turned him on seeing you wear expensive things he buys you.
"uhm- well I don't exactly have your gifts on me right now?" you say still a little shocked.
"wait, your want to do it?" he asks surprised
"well yeah, it actually sounds really hot amd I'd love to do it with you but i don't have your gifts on me right now." you say
"uhm- well there's an uhm box in my closet filled with those kind of things if you really want?" he says nervously, your breath hitches
"you keep a box full of diamonds in case i agree with your fantasy?" you ask
"Well, kinda? I was planning on giving you those things anyway but uhm you found out" he says swallowing nervously.
"okay, let me get changed and-" you start but Peter cuts you off, "actually uhm, can I- can I do it?" Peter asks shyly a tone of hopefulness in his voice
"do what?" you ask confused
"Can I uhm- put it on you?" he requests his face heating up and you can't help but smile at how cute he looks
"okay babe, do what you want with me" you say smiling and stand up.
Peter starts to undress you as soon as he hears your approval his hands fumbling with your shirt, you lift your hands to let him take it off revealing your belly button peircing. Next was your pants, he unbuttones your jeans and slides the zipper down he slips it off your body leaving your underwear, he takes off your bra next leaving you practically naked. He steps back and stares at you
"you look beautiful baby." he leans in and kisses you on the lips "I'll get the things go sit on the bed" he says and goes to his walk in closet,
he's gone for a couple of minutes before returning with a big box he opens it and everything sparkles in your eyes. Every piece looks amazingly beautiful and crazy expensive. He reaches for the shoes first.
He kneels in front of you and slips the heels on your feet leaving kisses as he does next he pulled out two thick diamond bracelets and clasps it around both of your wrists followed by several thin diamond rings slipping them through your fingers he kisses the back of your hand after. He pulls out a thick diamond chocker and kisses your neck before clasping it around your neck and then the final piece is a diamond chain bra, it covers nothing but it's surprisingly more comfortable than you thought it would be.
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He steps back to look at his handy work he gulps visibly "fuck baby girl, you look better than I thought you would." he says breathless
You feel shy all of a sudden, you weren't used to having billions of dollars in your body but you certainly loved Peter's reaction to it.
"Go lie down baby girl" Peter instructs and you comply you lie down flatly in the bed looking at the mirror on the top of his bedroom and you see how sexy you look with all of Peter's jewels on and you gasp slightly at the sight.
Peter notices your reaction. "You look perfect don't you, baby?" you look back at him and he's putting on his web shooters "Why are you wearing those? You asked him confused
"you'll find out soon, love" he smiles gently at you. "Karen, do not disturb protocol, please" He orderes to the AI
"Do not disturb protocol enabled." Karen replies
Peter walks up to you and lies on top of you using his arms to lift him up away from your face so he doesn't crush you. He then kisses you hungrily you kiss him back with the same force, one of his hands go down between you two and plays with your clit through the fabric of your underwear.
You gasp lightly at the contact. He stops kissing you and put your hands up above your head and shoots webs making your hand stick to the head board
"As much as I love your hands, I wanna be in control tonight love" He says lust clear in his eyes, be takes off your underwear and he kisses you again an continues to play with you clit
"So wet, love" Peter comments pulling away from your lips
"All for you" you sigh as the pressure inside you builds up as he plays with you. He pulls away from your lips and licks one thing of your nipples that were sticking out from the bra, he pushes a single digit inside you and you arch your back in pleasure
"Baby please," you whine wanting more than his fingers. "Be patient, love" He replies pushing another digit in and curling his fingers in a 'come here' motion you gasp in delight as he finger fucks you and you feel yourself so close to your orgasm
"Baby, I'm close fuck" you pant and he pulls his fingers out in an instant "Peter, what?" you asked him in outrage, Peter never denied you of your orgasm cause he loves the face you make when you do. He stands up and slips a sleeping mask over your eyes and slips your underwear back on.
He simply smiles at you and stands up "I think that's enough for now, baby" he says walking towards his bathroom
"What?? Peter you can't be serious? At least get me out of here! I swear to god Peter Stark if you leave me like this you're not allowed to touch me for the rest of the year!" you shout at him as he enters the bathroom
He looks back at you and smiles "I'll take my chances, love" he winks and closes the door. You let out a frustrated growl cause you can't even touch yourself and as much as you pull at your wrist, the web won't come off.
You silently curse Peter in your head while glaring at the bathroom door when you suddenly feel vibrations coming from your underwear then you hear the shower start to run.
"Peter Stark, you little shit" you mutter unbelievably. You feel the intensity increasing and you can't help but whimper helplessly.
Within minutes you're trembling from the violent orgasm that hit you and you had an inkling feeling that it wouldn't be you're last
By the time that you heard Peter got out of the bathroom you were a whimpering mess after your third orgasm tears were streaming down your face
"Peter, please" you begged. Peter lifted the sleeping mask off your face and immediately an apoligetic look us written all over his face "shh baby, I got you. I'm sorry, love." He apologized over and over as he slipped the underwear off you and desolved the web in your arms
"I'm sorry baby," he says holding you close to him "I took it too far, I'm sorry, baby" he whispered
"hey, it's okay, Peter. I like this side of you" You explain your voice soft
"but I took it too far" He whispers in your ear
"I could've asked you to stop it, I liked it, Peter. But I'd like it better if you'd fuck me." you say against his neck
"you sure, babe?" He asked, a concerned look on his face
"Please, Peter. I need to feel you inside me" you beg quietly
And just like that a fire sparked in his eyes spreading your legs apart and before you could process it, Peter is thrusting himself inside you. You moan out loud and arch your back from the sudden pleasure spreading throughout your body, you hear him silently curse and he began slowly thrusting in and out of you
The slow pace was familiar to the both of you and while you usually didn't mind it you need more of him
"Faster, Peter" you whimper between moans. Peter obeyed your requests and quickened the pace, your head hitting against his headboard and left you a moaning mess, scratching his back.
One of his hands went to your clit, increasing the pleasure you've been feeling nearly sending you over the edge
"Fuck Peter, I'm coming" you moan "Hold it for me, baby" he says breathlessly his thrusts becoming sloppy
"Baby, please I need to cum, please let me cum" you whine against his skin "wait for me baby" he commands softly continuing to drive you insane till he feels himself coming close
"okay, love cum for me" as if on queue, you tremble against him as he thrusts into you riding out your high and he comes inside you filling you to the brim.
He lies down panting beside you, holding you close to him and kissing your forehead.
"Thank you, baby." he mutters against your head. You look up to him confusion on your face "What for, bub?" you ask him
"For letting me do this with you." he kisses you in the lips. You hum in approval
"it's nothing, baby. I enjoyed it. Didn't know you had this side of you though" you chuckle against his lips and sending him a wink
"Well I couldn't let you have all the fun, now can I princess?" He laughs.
"Fair point" you smile to him
"Let me take care of you, princess he says standing up and removing the jewelry from your body and picking you up towards the bathroom.
Safe to say that wasn't the last time that you saw that side of Peter Stark
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zephyrvos · 7 years
Hello hello my lovely friend! Con!!! That's so cool!!! I really hope you're enjoying yourself, you deserve this~ I was thinking about you today, because there was this "tag your friends, who's the cinnamon roll" thing and I was like "oh yea. You're def the cinnamon roll, no doubt about it" and idk it just made me think of you :D have a good weekend!-J
It was so good!! I met Anna and Zoie and Rachel and Emmanuelle??? It was super short but they’re all even more gorgeous in person, and they had such fun chemistry on their panel, it was just so fun to be there to witness. Emmanuelle making scissoring jokes and everybody joking about Anna’s promiscuity and Zoie was losing her voice but that just made her sound really hot. Also Rachel did a Reign panel with Adelaide Kane and I fell in love??? Whoops guess who’s developed a thing for Australians? :P But she was beautiful and tiny and cute and dorky and also really passionately feminist and just...wow. She and Rachel went as Tina Belcher and Chewbacca on the last day and the picture is really too adorable for words. Ahh okay I’ll stop rambling about it now.
Also like, I aspire to be ‘looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll’, so I’m glad I’ve at least got the second part down
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