#Henshin Boom
magicaldogtoto · 1 year
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Remembering how insurance companies in Boom Studios’ Power Rangers comics suck.
Also, is that Gan-Q in the left corner???
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daniilzsn · 4 months
Lowkey the worst thing about watching tokusatsu is the fact that i get vocal stims from the henshins/morphs that I really can't repeat in public
Like wow I now have to manually force myself to not yell "BOOM! BOOM BOOM! BOOM BOOM BOOM!! BAKUAGE TIRE!! GO GO GO!!!" at the top of my lungs or else I'm gonna look like i belong in an insane asylum
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descendant-of-truth · 4 months
A Rudimentary Translation of: The Dark Mage, Schezo
(The video here is not mine, it's from the channel "The Madou Puyo Archivist." It's just here so you can follow along the translation with audio)
So, I was already considering doing something like this, since so many of these Puyo Drama CDs remain untranslated as far as I could find. But upon seeing this post from @douglasanondr, I ended up checking out this particular CD, and after deciding that it seemed doable, I got to work.
I'm definitely not fluent in Japanese yet, so some parts are missing with a summary of the general gist, and the phrasing isn't always the most accurate, but! This fandom needs all the translators it can get, so even if I'm not the "best" person for the job, I still wanted to contribute. I also included translator notes when applicable.
With the preamble out of the way, I hope you all enjoy it!
-The Dark Mage, Schezo-
Schezo: S-stop it! Don't lay a hand on him!
Witch: Aaaand… got it!
Schezo: Please, Witch! Stop!!
Witch: Now then, here we go! *cheerful effort sound*
Onion Pixie: *despair noises*
Witch: *giggles* I've gotten the magic skins from this big ol' onion!
Onion Pixie: *sad onion noises*
Schezo: O-Onion's skin…! YOU DEMON! VILLAINESS!!
Witch: What's the problem? I only took a single piece of it, it's fine!
Schezo: But he's so cute, don't you feel bad for him?!
Witch: …You…
Schezo: What?!
Witch: Somehow, it feels like you've grown soft.
Schezo: Huh?
Witch: Like, it feels as though even you're expression's gotten softer than before.
Schezo: Hmph! What nonsense are you speaking? I am the Dark Mage, Schezo. To say I'm soft--
Witch: Yeah, yeah. Well, it might just be a misunderstanding on my part. Now then, have a nice day!
Schezo: I've gotten soft, she says? Hmph! That can't be… but then again, it might be possible that I've been influenced by this place called Primp in some ways, lately. After all, it's peaceful and quiet here--
Amitie: Ah! It's Mr. Pervert! Heyoo~!
Sig: Pervert--!
Lidelle: H-hello!
Schezo: Who. are you. calling. A PERVERT?!
Amitie: Hahaha! Sorry, sorry! [something I can't make out] But honestly, what does "pervert" mean, anyway?
Sig: "Pervert…"
Sig: I'll explain! It is the process of a bug changing its shape, with the purpose of developing from a pupa into a proper insect.
Lidelle: So that's what it means…
Sig: Uh-huh.
Amitie: Impressive!
Schezo: Who are you talking about?!
Amitie: Hey, Mr. Pervert, when will you transform into one?
Schezo: I WON'T!
[Side note: this might be a play on the words "hentai" (pervert) and "henshin" (transform). Perhaps Sig got the second half of the words mixed up?]
Lidelle: Aah! I-I'm scared…
Amitie: Whoops, I guess we got him angry?
Schezo: Hmph! Do as you please! Farewell!
Schezo: The children here sure are carefree, and stupid, and full of it! [another thing I can't make out, he might be proclaiming himself a "stoic"] If I've gotten soft, then it's their fault! I need to look for a way back…!
*sounds of Raffina training*
Raffina: Not done yet! RAFFINA SPECIAL!
Schezo: Hey, you.
Raffina: KYAA!
Schezo: What are you doing?
Raffina: I-interrupting a lady's training, that's awfully rude of you!
Schezo: I see. Training, huh?
Raffina: Yes, pay attention! …If you would!
Schezo: But if you're training to be a mage, you shouldn't be practicing martial arts, but spells… hm?
Raffina: Shut up, if you please! That's my choice, isn't it?!
Schezo: I see, you're similar to Rulue, then.
Raffina: Huh?
Schezo: You're not very good at spells, so you use martial arts, isn't that right?
Raffina: H-how… how do you know about that?
Schezo: I understand power when I see it.
Raffina: Ah, is that so? Well, that's enough. Get going along to somewhere else. I need to continue my training. …Hey, wait!
Schezo: Hgk! What with this?! It's quite heavy…
Raffina: Don't just randomly try to pick up one of my dumbbells!
Schezo: Well, I'm somewhat interested in it. However, I think it's a little too heavy for a "lady"--
Raffina: It's not "a little too" anything! If I'm going to aim for the top of my school, then I'm going to need strong muscles!
Schezo: Hmm.
Raffina: Wh-what?
Schezo: Why do you work so hard for that?
Raffina: Huh?
Schezo: This "Primp" place is quiet and peaceful. You don't need to be strong to live here. Even the magic school's students are peaceful simpletons. I don't think it's necessary for you to go to so much trouble for it.
Raffina: I don't understand what you're babbling about!
Schezo: Like I said…
Raffina: I'm doing all of this to reach my ideal self. Whether it's peaceful or not, I don't care in the slightest! O~hohohoho!
Schezo: Ahh! I see… Heh. I get it now.
Raffina: Huh?
Schezo: It's nothing. I just think you have the right idea.
Raffina: Well, I'm not really sure what you mean, but alright. That aside, you mentioned the other students from the magic school earlier, right?
Schezo: That I did.
Raffina: They're… t-they're, they're sort of my friends, so I would rather you didn't make fun of them.
Schezo: Hm?
Raffina: It's true that they're awfully carefree, but at the same time… well, at least to some extent, they're working hard, too.
Schezo: Oh?
Raffina: That's why, I've decided that I'm going to shine the most out of all of them!
Schezo: Hm.
Raffina: So… um, so that's… hm? AAAH, I FOUND HIM!
Schezo: AAH, what's this, all of a sudden?!
Raffina: It's him, it's him! It's that guy I've been seeing that guy a lot around here lately!
Schezo: Hm? That's… Satan?!
Raffina: [can't quite make out what she says here, but basically she plans to challenge him to a Puyo Battle]
Schezo: Wait, no, he's--!
Raffina: Hold it! You there!
Satan: Hm? And the reason this person is interrupting the Demon King's lovely stroll would be…?
Raffina: You're pretty strong, aren't you? [Another thing I can't quite make out, she's making an offer of some kind but it doesn't immediately sound like it has the word "battle" in it]
Satan: Hmph. How interesting… to approach the great Satan, you must be strong yourself, no?
Raffina: *giggles*
Satan: I won't treat anyone who comes at me differently, even if they're a girl. Let's go!
Schezo: W-wait!
Raffina: O~hohoho! That's exactly how I want it!
*puyos go bloop bloop*
Satan: Ohh? It seems you're actually pretty good. However, it's too bad; nobody else can match the great Satan! Let's go, Catastrophe!
Raffina: H-he's fast! There's no way I can keep up! My chain isn't enough, it's going to collapse!
[I couldn't make out if she actually said "collapse" or not but it was the closest thing that made sense]
Schezo: Hm! Dunamis!
Raffina: Eh? I've… been protected?
Schezo: This battle… is on me.
Raffina: Don't underestimate me! Even without your help, I--!
Schezo: Don't get the wrong idea. This geezer is still too much for you.
Schezo: Besides…
Satan: Oh? The Dark Mage, huh? What's wrong? You've got a good expression on your face today.
Schezo: Besides! For some reason, I've suddenly felt like competing in battle.
Satan: HAHAHAHAHA! It's been a while since we've had a serious competition. Come at me, Schezo!
Schezo: I was thinking the same thing! Let's go, Satan!
Raffina: Urrgh, even though this was MY battle…!
Schezo: Just as Witch said, I may have gotten a little softer. But no matter where I go, no matter who I meet, it doesn't matter. I strive for my ideal, regardless of where I am. I'm the most spectacular Dark Mage, Schezo!
-The End-
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goldeaglefire1 · 2 months
so it's probably waaaaaaay too early to make a Gavv OC, however: I was thinking of what the secondary could potentially be like and this idea stuck in my head and even though I'm sure the secondary will probably be nothing like this I felt the need to sketch my idea out
anyway: Kamen Rider Juze! (more details under read more)
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so this isn't going to be based on lore since we know. basically jack shit but the way I figure it whenever there's aliens there's also the government sniffing around trying to figure out what the hell is going on
after a period of monster fights going down across Japan the government decides "we're going to handle this ourselves" and manages to replicate Gavv's "belt"/organ and Gochizos artificially. the only problem is the only way for a human to use them is to effectively turn them into a cyborg which. can be something of a hard sell as you can probably imagine
the solution they come up with? get an influencer to undergo the treatment and steam their fights against the forces of evil in the hopes of getting enough people to sign up that they can handle the monster thing themselves
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enter: Musha Ara, real name unknown, who the government realizes a bit too late is maybe the worst person they could have asked to go through with this. not because she's not successful or anything; she's not only incredibly popular, but picks up the Juze system incredibly well...she'd be great if not for the massive swaths of collateral damage she leaves behind
Ara's primary motivation in all this, above all else, is the thrill of a good fight. she's not necessarily opposed to saving people or anything, but she really doesn't think to prioritize people over the monster, or minimizing the danger the monster poses, or even her own safety, for that matter. and GOD help you if you try to boss her around, because she is every bit the rebellious rock star Juze is modeled after
as you can see the cybernetic additions to Ara show that, much like Shouma, her biology is far from normal...well, now, anyway. she might not have her belt literally growing out of her stomach but she DOES have a big ass electric outlet in her stomach for the belt to connect to, among other things
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the Henshin Belt Juze uses artifical Gochizos, all of which are distinct from regular Gochizos in how they don't have eyes and are themed around beverages. the one Juze uses for her default transformation is Frank Energy
among Musha Ara's cybernetic modifications is a reservoir of liquid nanobots inside her body; whenever she transforms into Juze, this liquid explodes out of her, grabs all the nearby metal, and promptly shapes it into the proper Juze armor before magnetizing it to Ara. this is why it's so jagged and asymmetrical compared to the more smooth and natural-looking Gavv
these liquid nanobots are also the source of Juze's combat prowess, able to cannibalize her surroundings for quick battlefield repairs, makeshift weapons, and also just serving as a quick and easy substitute for acid. this is also the source of most of Juze's aforementioned collateral damage issues
Juze also has a guitar axe-gun weapon, but I do not have the energy to draw that right now, so
just for fun, here's what Juze's transformation sounds like: DRINK. Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! Gokungokun! GoKA-BOOM! Frank Energy! BIRI!
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 5 months
If you want another prompt 362 (forgot you wanted weird numbers) with Power Rangers RPM and Boonboomger, I gotta know how they'll react to Boondorio
"Where ARE we?" Mira asked, letting go of Boondorio. From behind her, Taiya did the same, as did Genba and Ishiro. Jou, it seemed, had escaped the blast that had gotten the rest of them and sent them to...wherever they were.
<Who are you?> asked a new voice, in English. Mira looked and found a short man with curly hair pointing an axe at them.
<Why, we're the Boonboomgers, who are you?> Genba replied.
<How do I know you're not part of Venjix? Your buddy there looks really suspicious!>
<Woah there, I'm not a part of this 'Venjix', I'm from space!> Boondorio protested.
Mira poked Ishiro. "Chasshiro, what are they saying?"
"He thinks we're part of Venjix, no I do not know who that is."
A bunch of grunts that sort of looked like Nejiretta came out of nowhere.
"BOONBOOMCHANGE!" The four of them yelled as they ran towards the threat, the curly-haired guy yelling something as well and henshining into a green suit.
<Hey Ziggy, who are your friends?> asked a new voice, someone in a black suit that came in punching and swinging.
<You know, I have no idea. Tire people, it looks like? And their robot friend?>
One fight later, they were following Ziggy and Dillon back to a garage, where a "Dr. K" "should be able to help". Genba had given Dillon a lollipop when it became clear that the man in all black wanted one, something that had made Genba give one of those lazy grins and Ziggy pout.
"Boom-chan, you speak English?" Mira asked as they walked.
"Oh, sure, I speak most Earth languages!"
<We bring friends, they mean no harm!> Ziggy announced when they got to the Garage.
<Oh!> <Who?> <Are> <You?>
<We're the Boonboomgers, we need to get back to Japan, 2024> Ishiro said, looking a little bewildered, then annoyed that he looked bewildered.
<You're> <from> <the> <past?>
<To us, it's the present> Genba replied.
<That's> <true!>
<Who's this? Let me guess, we need Dr. K.>
<Got it in one, Fearless Leader!>
Mira wasn't sure what happened, but all of a sudden they were back in Japan, Jou and Shirabe fussing over them.
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harufallinwonderland · 6 months
My yuusona (but I ain’t A artist so I have to rely on gacha life) and I prob made this to long cause I never shut up
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“A guy from A diffrent world and A precure while after A fight that ended in A lost he was transported into the world of twisted wonderland with A weird rabbit creature and A pink jewel currently waiting for said jewel to reawaken to get home”
Name: Haru Totori /Cure Rajin
Age: 17-18
Height: 5’10
Henshin transformation item: blinding light ring and booming light compact
Henshin transformation line: “A strong storm leading way for A beautiful rainbow I’M CURE RAJIN”
Best class; Potionology
Favorite food: Strawberry shortcake
Least fav food: chocolate
Details as Haru: Obessed with Magical girl media and was hyped to be A precure, is forced to go to classes if not he would hold himself up with the rabbit and the jewel, despite his more sassy and cocky tone he has A natural heroic mode that activates when someone is ever in danger (has nearly got into A fight with Malleus because he thought he was going to hurt someone), finds the savanaclaw students cute and can never take them seriously.
Details as A cure: able to fly (nearly floated into space during his first fight as A cure), has lighting powers and he main tatic when he wants the enemy at A distance, he tends to transform whenever he feel like and can switch in and out in milliseconds,has held up A whole building before.
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
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"Oh my swirls! When I'm in the city, it's nothing but surprises, every day!"—Komasan, Yo-kai Watch Blasters"Humans are... Humans are... They're very warm! And goodbyes are sad!"—Komasan while fighting Zazel, Yo-kai Watch Blasters
"Oh my! What a lovely face you have. Let's be friends and never part."—Blizzaria, Yo-kai Watch 2
"I'm just a passing-through Kamen Rider. Remember that! (通りすがりの仮面ライダーだ。覚えとけ!, Tōrisugari no Kamen Raidā da. Oboe toke!)"―Tsukasa's answer when asked who he is
Legend Items:
"Kaigan! Decade! (Decadriver activation noises) Yomikomu Card! Kao ga Barcode! (KamenRide: Decade transformation noises)"―Transformation announcement with Ghost Driver
"Barcode Warrior Decade! (Decadriver activation and standby noise)"―Activation announcement
"Gachan! Level Up! Destroyer! Sekai no Hakaisha! Barcode Warrior!(Decadriver opening/closing noise)(Dangerous Zombie-styled song)"―Level 2 announcement
"(Digital beeping accompanied by cards being blown away) D-D-D-Decade!"―Activation announcement
"KamenRide! The Rider who transforms into various Kamen Riders is...Decade! (カメンライド!様々な仮面ライダーに変身するライダーは…ディケイドだ!, KamenRaido! Samazamana Kamen Raidā ni henshin suru Raidā wa…Dikeido da!)"―Secondary activation announcement
"(Right-hand Ridewatch's announcement)! Armor Time! (Upbeat rock music) KamenRide! Wow! Decade! Decade! Decade! (KamenRide: Decade transformation noises)"―Transformation announcement in the Ziku-Driver's right-hand slot
"Progrise! De-De-De-Decade! Delete the world! KamenRiding Decade! Destroyer of worlds."―Transformation announcement with the Hiden Zero-One Driver
"Shotrise! KamenRiding Decade! Destroyer of worlds."―Transformation announcement with the A.I.M.S. Shotriser
"Forcerise! KamenRiding Decade! Destroyer of worlds. Break down."―Transformation announcement with the MetsubouJinrai Forceriser
"Decade Sekai Ryokouki!"―Activation announcement
"A myth that completely destroys the world of a certain passing through traveler."―Story announcement
"Megalodon!"―Activation announcement
"Buddy Up! Dive boom boom! Ready, go! Splash! Megalodon! Just a passing through hu-hu-hu-hunter!"―Transformation announcement
"My name is Takeshi Hongo, a warrior who is fighting for the freedom of all humans in the world!"―Takeshi's words to Kouta Kazuraba when they first meet
Legend items:
"Let's Go Ichi Gou! (Typhoon warble to deep-pitched flashing sound)"―Activation announcement
"Gachan! Level Up! Rider Punch! Rider Kick! Rider, Rider, Action Go! (Mighty Action X-styled song and Typhoon activation noise)"―Level 2 announcement
"(Digital beeping) 1!"―Activation announcement
"Hajimari no Kamen Rider 1gou!"―Activation announcement
"A certain man runs through a fight against evil for the sake of freedom and peace."―Story announcement
"Batta! (バッタ!)"―Activation announcement
"Buddy Up! It's a legend! The first grasshopper! Top grasshopper! Hopper approaching! Transform!"―Transformation announcement with the Revice Driver
"Now, it's time for the highlight."―Geats' pre-battle catchphrase
"Secret Power! Zenkaizer!"―Zenkaizer's Roll Call
Legend Items:
"45 Ban!"―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle in the Geartlinger
"Yo! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Zenkaiger!"―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the DonBlaster
"Babang! Babang! Babang! Babang! Ba-Ba-Ba-Bang! Zenkaiger! Hey yo! Kikai Sentai!"―Activation announcement in the DonBlaster
Here is the last art post of the year with some familiar faces like Komasan, Blizzaria/Yuki, and Decade from my first fanfic, Ichigo from my first art post and Zenkaizer as my first non-red ranger with Kamen Rider Geats being my first non-redrawn Kamen Rider that is in color. I'm probably going to make an announcement later today. See you next year.
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pulaasul · 1 year
Riders in Kombat - Fruit vs. Thunder 2 - MK X Kamen Rider
Earth’s Kamen Riders were all leading their respective lives as they saw fit after a year of fighting enemies on a weekly or daily basis, when strange creatures began appearing and attacking indiscriminately.
or Mortal Kombat karakters fight Kamen Riders.
A/N: A self-indulgent idea that sprung from the question of “Who wins in a fight, Raiden, god of Thunder or Kamen Rider Gaim?”
Special shoutout to @dangerouscommiesubversive for answering some anons who asked about Mortal Kombat vs Kamen Rider related questions (its my cousin, the other user of this blog).
A/N: This chapter is also uploaded to honor the 10th anniversary of Kamen Rider Gaim.
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"Kouta-san," Micchy greeted.
"Aquarius boy." Oren greeted as well. "Good thing you're here, Monsieur Walnut and my boy were captured by some creepy old man."
"Zack and Hideyasu were?"
"Along with my older brother," Micchy stated somberly. "They stayed behind to get the people evacuated with the help of other Kamen Riders."
"How could I forget my Melon prince?! They also took my Melon prince."
"I'm afraid they're trying to reach for the forbidden fruit."
"No, this is unlike the Helheim forest invasion, this is different," Kouta shook his head. "Just before Takatora and the others were captured, I heard the man say that they'd like to study the fruits that allowed us to transform."
"I had gleaned on that," Oren nodded. "That's why you're here isn't it?"
"That and to give you this."
Kouta handed a few Helheim fruits to Micchy and Oren, all of which turned into lockseeds for them to use, high-ranking ones at that.
"Vile creature!" Thunder boomed as lightning struck the pavement before the armored Riders. "You dare taint Earthrealm with vile fruits?! That is unforgivable!"
"And what? Just leave them unable to defend themselves from your incursion?!" Koura demanded. "I don't know if you noticed but this isn't your Earthrealm or whatever."
"Aquarius Boy, you can understand English?" Oren raised an eyebrow.
"He's speaking in English?" Kouta turned to the Durian Rider. "All I hear is Japanese."
"Kouta-san, you might have gained the ability to understand any language after everything." Micchy suggested.
"That makes sense," Oren nodded.
"I see you have corrupted those Earthrealmers, I have no choice but to send you to the Netherrealm."
"Kiwami Arms!"
"Budou Arms!"
"King Durian Arms!"
All three Riders were able to transform before the lightning that was summoned by the newcomer hit them. As the smoke dissipated, Kouta had a melon-themed shield in front while Oren and Micchy wore armor that shared similarities to that of Kouta's.
"I see there's no hope for the two of you."
"Micchy, Old man, let's do this!"
Bravo and Ryugen surrounded Raiden on two different sides as Gaim stared at the thunder god head-on. A few moments of staring at the man with lightning powers ensued before he charged at the silver-armored man with his staff in hand.
Gaim parried the strike with his saber as an orange-themed sword materialized in his hand and attempted to slash the thunder god with it.
Ryugen pulled the lever on his gun and shot multiple enlarged grapes at his flying opponent, all of which were dodged gracefully in the air.
Bravo followed up the younger man's attack, jumped into the air, and attempted to slash the self-proclaimed thunder god with both of his swords.
Raiden expertly parried the attack and delivered an attack himself, slamming Oren to a nearby car and denting it.
Micchy rushed to the older man's aid, who was groaning in pain.
"Don't worry about me, boy, you need to defeat that man." Oren managed to state.
"No, Micchy, you guard the old man, I will deal with this thunder god person," Kouta ordered. "We can't have the both of you get captured."
"Captured?" Raiden frowned.
"Yosh, from now on, this is my stage!" Kouta declared. "You're going down."
"Let's see you try, vile creature!"
Gaim started by materializing a red mechanical bow that he immediately fired at the thunder god.
Raiden was momentarily stunned at the new weapon the creature materialized that he was hit by the incoming arrow that the peculiar bow summoned. He shook his head as he dodged the subsequent attacks from the said bow and charged at his opponent, this time intending to destroy his opponent.
Raiden fired a bolt of lightning, which was dodged by his enemy, and teleported behind the armored warrior and threw him in the air.
The thunder god punched Kouta's gut and sent him hurtling upwards before he was slammed back down to the ground via the strike Raiden did with the staff.
Kouta immediately stood up and flipped backwards and dodged the coming staff that Raiden threw at him. He materialized a grape-themed gun and fired multiple grapes at the flying opponent, jumped towards the god and slashed him with a banana-themed spear.
As soon as the thunder god was slashed, Gaim immediately grabbed hold of his opponent's collar and faced him to the incoming grape-themed bullets that he had fired earlier before he slammed Raiden to the street.
Raiden teleported behind Kouta and grabbed his opponent by the neck and electrocuted him before throwing the armored warrior upwards.
Kouta managed to get his bearings and materialized a pair of Walnut-themed boxing gloves before they glowed fiery yellow and fired the spikes on his gloves towards his enemy. The gloves caught on fire which Gaim used to punch the thunder god right in the chest, slamming him to a nearby truck.
Raiden teleported away from Gaim and sent a couple of electric balls, which were blocked by a watermelon-themed shield. Kouta knelt and fired the gun that was attached to the shield.
Raiden blocked all the bullets by spinning his staff in front of him; however, this was the distraction Kouta needed.
Gaim jumped in the air and flicked the mini sword on his belt like he had done many times before.
"Kiwami Squash!"
Gaim just kicked Raiden in the chest, sent him flying towards the wall of a crumbling building, and brought the entire building down on him.
Kouta looked towards his fellow Armored Riders.
"Do you know where they're being held?" Kouta undid his transformation before approaching his allies.
"Sadly, no." Oren shook his head.
"I tried following them, but the presence of those sharp-teethed people hindered me," Micchy sighed. "Their bones are their weapons and they can cut through anything, I wanted to risk it, but Oren-san prevented me."
"You're saying, this is like when the Helheim forest was invading Earth?" Oren diverted the topic.
"Notice those yellow lines?"
"Yellow lines?"
"You can't see them?" Kouta pointed at a nearby intact building.
"Must be another one of your abilities, Kouta-san."
"Maybe," Kouta frowned. "We don't have a clue where they're being held and from the looks of things, the longer they're under enemy hands, they have less chances of surviving."
"Kouta-san!" Someone yelled from the air.
"Ghost?" Kouta questioned as a man in white armor landed beside him. "What are you doing here, Takeru?"
"I encountered Haruto-san after I made eye contact with one of those sharp-teethed people. "From the memories I managed to glance on, I saw three people who are connected to you in their memories."
"That must be Takatora, Zack, and Hideyasu!" Kouta exclaimed. "Did you see where they took them?"
"Yeah," Takeru nodded. "Haruto-san is already at the entrance waiting for us." He explained. "It's a portal to Himeji castle in Osaka."
Kouta was in a dilemma. On one hand, he didn't want to leave both Oren and Micchy in the open, vulnerable to the enemies.
On the other hand, he wanted to rescue Takatora, Zack, and Hideyasu as fast as possible. Who knows what that madman was going to do with them, especially when he had heard that old man order one of these monster-like men to capture the armored riders earlier.
"Tomari." Kouta acknowledged.
"Go," The police officer beckoned for the Rider-turned-god to proceed. "Takeru has already informed me. Date and Gotou were tasked to gather Kisaragi and his club mates,"
"They'll be safe with Tomari-san, Kouta-san." Takeru assured.
"What are you waiting for, Aquarius boy?! Go already!"
"We'll be fine, Kouta-san," Micchy assured his friend. "If anything else, I can still fight and defend ourselves."
"If you're sure," Kouta nodded. "Takeru, let's go."
Both Gaim and Ghost rose to the air and flew towards their destination.
"And he can just transform into Gaim immediately." Tomari shook his head. "Takeru forgot to undo his transformation too; Emu's not going to like that."
"Considering circumstances, I think that gamer doctor's going to have to let this slide." Oren offered.
"You're right." Tomari nodded. "Kureshima, help Alfonzo at the back of the car."
As soon as the people in the general area had left, Raiden got up, shrugging away the debris that had fallen on him earlier.
Raiden had been right, this was another situation similar to when Dark Kahn happened. The one he had been fighting earlier was one of those urban legend heroes called Kamen Riders. It was unfortunate that Takeda, alongside everyone he knew on Earthrealm had disappeared.
They mentioned about his friends being captured.
"This bears investigating."
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you can really tell kamen rider started a henshin boom bc like look at all the shit they got ishinomori to make in the next two years. so fucking much
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tenn-o-s · 1 year
it's interesting how it feels like Warframe fandom overlaps so much more with transformers and other game fandoms when I feel like the DNA for a lot of it pulls right from Henshin media... DE give us a blast rework and make a frame who does all sorts of Super Sentai gimmicky attacks with big booms
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ask-cloverfield · 1 year
do you know if bio boosted armor guyver is related to kamen rider? They have a lot of similarities
Guyver is a series I keep meaning to get into but haven’t gotten around to yet so I’m not exactly the best source
But Kamen Rider did kind of cement and popularize the Transforming Hero genre tropes and whatnot and since Guyver is a darker take on that Genre, it bears several similarities to the series that laid the foundation for those tropes
So while they aren’t officially related they do share some DNA
Also it came out in 1985 after the big Henshin Boom was winding down massively after a legion of samey shows came out and people were getting sick of the genre which matches when deconstructions and/or grittier takes like that usually come out
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thehiddenfolders · 2 years
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Героические иконы-Камен Райдер
Камен Райдер ( яп . 仮 面 ラ イ ダ ー シ リ ー ズ , Хепберн : Камен Райда Ширизу , переводится как «Серия всадников в маске»), также известный как «Всадник в маске» , - это японская медиа-франшиза, состоящая из телевизионных программ токусацу, фильмов и манги, созданных мангакой. Сётаро Исиномори. В СМИ Kamen Rider обычно фигурирует супергерой на мотоцикле с мотивом насекомых, который борется с суперзлодеями, часто известными как кайдзин (怪人, загадочные люди).
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mahou-furbies · 2 years
Now caught up with Sleepless Domain
Sleepless Domain has been a part of this blog since the very beginning; I created the blog in August 2016 and my first Sleepless Domain fanart is from September 2016, when I had read everything that was out so far. But after that I just somehow never touched it again, and have been saying I’ll get back to it for years. Since magical girl webcomics are apparently a boom here at Mahou-furbies now, it was finally a good time to catch up.
(this will spoil the twist in the beginning)
Even back when I first read this, the beginning had a very strong hook for me. That is, the pink leader in the colour-coded magical girl team is way more powerful than the others and also a little bossy, which causes friction in the team. If you've been following me for any meaningful lenght of time, you've probably noticed that complaining about spotlight-stealing pink heroines is a well-documented hobby of mine, and so is playing with tropes associated with said pink girls, so rest assured I was very into this. Now that I think of it, Sleepless Domain may even be the first instance of me seeing a story do this.
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However at the end of the prologue the team other than the pink and blue girls gets killed and the pink one loses her powers, and it is revealed that the blue girl Undine is the real main character. And the actual story is also very interesting, but I remember being all "noooo I wanted to read about the dysfunctional team instead!" when I first read it. Looking at the dates the webcomic was barely out of the prologue back then so that was probably the reason I never managed to continue reading; it's not that I didn't care about Undine, but at that time I had to re-calibrate my expectations so much that it was difficult to get back on track especially with webcomics only releasing a page at a time.
That's it on my expectations, let's move to what the story is actually about. The premise is that at nighttime monsters appear, citizens hide in their homes behind a magical barrier, and magical girls patrol around to take out the monsters. In civilian life magical girls are celebrities and have managers and merch and such. Undine learns that the incident that killed her team wasn't just a random monster and that instead there was some kind of sinister purpose behind it, and starts investigating.
On the more character side of things we have Undine and the pink girl Tessa, who both struggle with survivor's guilt. Undine finds companionship with a popular and straightforward magical girl Heartful Punch and her training club, and while she faces setbacks, she also eventually manages to have healthy communication with her friends who look out for her. There were delightfully many instances where avoidable drama started brewing, but then the characters sat down and talked it out. Still I also like it how it's not just one heart-to-heart pep talk, and instead Undine needs and gets reassurance through the story. Meanwhile the de-powered Tessa transfers to a normie school and says she's ok, but in a great use of visual comic book storytelling we see her panels become all fractured.
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Overall this is yet another really strong magical girl webcomic and I recommend you to check it out (unless you think Madoka ruined the genre, then this is not for you). The art is really good, the worldbuilding gives a fascinating take on magical girls, the main story is compelling and there's a ton of good character stuff and of course I'm a sucker for a magical girl school with various magical outfit designs (also the henshin are drawn really well). Undine is a sweetie and it's easy to root for her, and I can always get behind the main character having a blue colour scheme. Still HP for best character, though I'm most interested in Tessa's story.
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remember that big boom of fan animes and magical girl henshins back in the 2000s, them early youtube years
lets do that again
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luna-di-fuoco · 3 years
today has been a blessing from madokami herself
first i got eliza and corbeau back to back (literally, eliza’s henshin came up, then BOOM, corbeau’s immediately followed)
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then, since i got up to 50 rolls, the new cost for 3* girls in mitama’s shop, i snagged lapine
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truly amazing luck
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Then: Minific of the rest of team Saber joining the battle against Master Logos suddenly with their swords restored
The three swordsmen fell, panting as their transformations shattered from the last blow they had taken. Gritting their teeth, the trio struggled to sit up as Master Logos and his two lieutenants loomed over them, with the head of the Swords smiling sinisterly and triumphantly. 
“Your struggle is nothing but a futile endeavor,” said Master Logos, sounding amused, but his smirk quickly fell away as he eyed the three Seiken in the swordsmen’s hands and the Wonder Ride Books in their belts. “Take their Wonder Ride Books and swords and get rid of them,” he ordered to Sabela and Durendal.
“Yes, sir,” Durandal replied obediently, moving forward with his blade drawn. His sister hesitated for a moment, but nonetheless joined him soon after to disarm Touma, Rintaro and Kento, who all glared in defiance despite their injuries. 
But before they could close the distance between their master and their victims, gunfire rang out, hitting both across their armored chests, causing both to fall back a little, dropping to a crouch. 
Touma’s eyes widened, and he looked at his partners who were just as surprised as he was. “What...”
Reika, after hissing in slight pain from the attack, activated her smoke form, rushing towards the prone trio for an attack. As she approached, a sudden gust of green wind waylaid her, twisting her around in a tornado that forced her to drop her intangible form mid-air. As she fell back down to earth, the twister doubled back, slashing at her with fast, hard-hitting gales.
Ryouga stood from his cover position as his sibling landed with a pain grunt, growling as he raised his trident and looked around for the threat- only to notice the sound of the earth cracking and fissuring under his feet. By the time he looked down, it was too late, and the ground opened up underneath him and exploded, dust and dirt flying alongside him. 
“Hope we’re not too late for the party!” said a loud, booming and familiar voice that filled Touma, Rintaro and Kento with relief. Tetsuo smirked as he twirled Suzune, in its gun mode, his eyes wild with excitement as whenever he used Bremen no Rockband.
They turned and grinned as they saw Ren and Ryo, their blades also unsheathed, alongside Yuri, who nodded at the three as he arrived.  
“Ogami-san... Daishinji-san... Ren...” Rintaro gasped as they were pulled to their feet. “Everyone...”
“So... it actually worked...” Kento gasped as his father-figure helped him to his feet.
“Like a charm!” said the ninja cheerfully, showing off his twin swords Hayate, which no longer had the black taint running down the blade.  
Ryo hefted Gekido onto his shoulder with a triumphant smile. “You really shouldn’t have left your base unguarded,” he taunted. “Who knew everything we needed to get our power back was all there...?”
Ryouga growled. “These three drew us out on purpose...” he hissed as he and Reika got back onto their feet and went to his side, ready to defend him from their opponents. 
“So the Seiken can be unsealed...?” Reika wondered under her breath, confused. “Then why didn’t Master...” Ryouga hushed her before she could finish her thought.
“You...” Master Logos’ eyes darkened, glaring at the swordsmen of the Northern Base. “Well, no matter. We’ll simply take them again.”  Master Logos muttered, almost to himself. 
He snapped his fingers and Kurayami appeared in his hand, its aura flaring in response to its wielder. He immediately transformed into Calibur, still flanked by his two lieutenants.
The seven swordsmen glared at the depraved Master of the guild, Wonder Ride Books at the ready for their transformation.
“Master Logos...” Touma said with determination. “The ones deciding the ending of this story... will be us!” 
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