#Herbal Dentist
makowo · 19 days
praying that this strange and mysterious pain in one part of my throat that is just far enough back that i cant see the spot when i look in the mirror is absolutely nothing 🙏
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 years
Self Care Challenge
Pick one at random: * Eat a piece of fruit * Eat a vegetable * Take a shower * Brush your teeth * Write down 5 things you're grateful for * Pay one bill * Make a doctor's appointment, a dentist's appointment, or a therapist's appointment * Soak your feet * Walk for 15 minutes * Go outside * Put your phone down for 10 minutes * Unfollow or mute 5 accounts * Take your meds * Meditate for 5 minutes (you can use a guided meditation if you need/want to) * Stretch * Call or text a supportive family member or friend * Take a nap * Tell someone (nicely) "no." * Put some money into a savings account or a jar, even if it's only a small amount * Do your nails, or get your nails done professionally * Brush or comb your hair * Cancel one subscription or free trial * Put on some lotion * Wash your face * Do one load of laundry * Wash 3 dishes, or put a load of dishes in the dishwasher * Drink one glass of water * Drink some green or herbal tea * Write or draw in a journal for 20 minutes. If you need ideas, feed "journal prompts" into the search engine of your choice. * Put on a pair of cute socks * Read a book of your choice for 20 minutes * Take a bubble bath * Diffuse an essential oil, burn some incense, light a scented candle or warm up a wax melter * Say one nice thing about yourself * Take 10 deep breaths * Pet your cat or dog. If you don't have one, a stuffed animal will do just fine. * Unfollow your ex, even if you don't unfriend them * Sort through your clothes, and donate anything you don't wear anymore * Remove any utensils, plates, cups, bowls, etc. from your bedroom or coffee table * Tidy up one corner of your room * Delete your ex's phone number * Clean out your inbox * Write yourself a nice letter, using good stationery * Pick up trash in your room for 10 minutes * Cook your favorite food * Turn off your phone for 30 minutes * Turn off the TV for one hour
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lussiane333 · 1 year
Slashers or their S/O with a cavity or a toothache. Like how would they help/deal with it? (I’m getting my wisdom teeth out later this week and I’m hoping for some comfort/fluff from the slashers)
I hope everything will go well for you 🖤
Slashers and toothache.
RZ! Michael Myers
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I mean let's be real. Considering he ate a dog and from a trash, we know his teeth cannot be perfectly healthy.
But! After you took him under your wing his hygiene has upgraded! (thank god)
Michael has a big (if not otherworldly) pain tolerance
Toothache is just damn annoying and the pain goes straight into his head
He hates it..
He would brush it aggressively thinking it's going to help
If it did, perfect.
Now if it didn't...
You wouldn't know about it at first
If he's that comfortable around you to not wear a mask you're going to see him frowning, moving his tongue a lot
When you ask him what's wrong he's just going to ignore you, don't even try
You noticed your bathroom cabinet with pills a little.. messy.. like a lot, nothing is in it's place
Now you know that something is bothering him and decide to take care of it yourself. He's going to be such a bitch about it, what are you thinking touching his face like that? He doesn't need your help, it's going to go away on it's own!
But Michael wants your care, just don't be so obvious about it.. He wants it especially when falling asleep, he won't sleep without your touch and warmness
You made him soft food, fruit and vegetable smoothies for the rest of the week, along with some pills and.. tada! It really did go away on it's own somehow
He's thankful, Michael didn't even think about the possibilities if it didn't go away, maybe like getting used to it..
Art the Clown
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Insists on ripping it out for you.
Why not?! It's going to be free and he's gonna have so much fun!
He just kinda looks at you when you're cursing in pain
He doesn't remember hurting it that much, come on you must be overreacting..
He wonders what would hurt you more, this toothache or stabbing you right into the guts
When you cuddle him he will rock you in his arms and place his warm palm on your cheek
Art will try to make you laugh in everyway, he knows he can't tickle you now, that would make it worse (He really really wants to tickle you..)
So, Art is going to dance, make funny faces or just grin at you just to make you feel better
He will make you herbal tea with some painkilling drops
Please just don't cry anymore, he feels like he's unable to help
He suggest you taking that removed tooth back with you so he can make a necklace or a lucky charm for himself!
Art will welcome you with a warm soup when you come back home
If you bring him the tooth, his crazy little heart is beating with happiness, and his eyes have that significant sparkle in them
Carefully kisses your cheeks and caresses them
If you want to sleep for the rest of the day, that's fine, he will try to make you stay at home with him for the rest of the week, what if it's going to hurt again??
He enjoys this time with you when you're extra sensitive about something, it makes him feel somehow more important
Jason Voorhees
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He just wants to hold you, would that make you feel better?
Jason is going to do anything he can just to ease your pain, at least a little
He doesn't really know how tho, he has no pills you could take
Later on, you decided to visit a dentist and get your tooth removed
Poor you.. What have they done to you..
Jason doesn't leave the cabin, even if you insist it's fine, no it isn't, he's staying with you
He knows and sees that you're better after few days, he's so glad
He kinda wonders how it felt when they removed your tooth, I mean he has never done that.. Did it hurt a lot? You're brave for that..
If it's nice and warm outside, he would like to take you out for a walk around the lake if you'd like
He would collect some flowers for you, and give you a masked kiss on your cheek
Please tell him how they removed your tooth, what and how they did it, he wants to know
Jason hopes that no one will try to ruin your day together, he can go to kill mode within a second, but he even thought about letting them get away if they appeared all of sudden
He would, for you, he doesn't want to leave your side
When it got a little darker you were already walking back, Jason held you closely next to him
Fortunately, no one tresspassed and you had a great day, it really felt good to go out like this
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ask-alf-oddworld · 3 hours
Alf, I like the idea of tea, but I hate the taste of bitter so much it's nearly painful. Got any tips for making tea less bitter for someone who'd like to drink more of it but just can't stand bitter tastes, Mr. Tea Master?
If your tea is bitter, you’re probably not used to it. You also might be brewing it longer than you’d like. Different teas have different brewing times. There’s also A LOT of different types of tea. You’d probably be good with some kind of black tea, since with those you can add milk and sugar. You’d probably get on well with darjeeling (has a more delicate taste, goes well with desserts like cake) or chai (milky and has spices). Add a tiny bit of milk and whatever amount of sugar that suits you (just don’t send me your dentist bills if you like a lot of the stuff). If you are more interested in herbal tea, you can always add a little bit of honey or maybe sugar, but do NOT add milk. You’ll ruin it, it’ll taste bad, and worst of all, you’ll upset me. Good luck on your tea journey!
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eden-regained · 7 months
Dolores. A Fairytale. - Chapter 1 - "The Morning routines and other very ordinary rotes for very ordinary knights" (C:tD!AU)
(TW hints of abuse. I didn't like my first chapter 1 draft at all and decided to start from scratch. There's first hints in here as to what Arts and Realms Dolores practices)
Let me tell you, toothpaste is quite the thing.
It's meant for plain old oral hygiene, usually it tastes like an almost obnoxiusly chemical imitation of mint or, more rarely, like almost nothing at all, and that's a shame, really, for toothpaste can fool you into thinking that, sometimes, it's a mystical ingredient to a long forgotten potion, like coagulated unicorn blood, sparkling dark red. Other times it's striped in bright greens or cyan and pointing the little blot upon your toothbrush towards the light makes them glow ever so faintly.
And at other-other times, it may resemble colorless craft glue. I remember that many a year ago when I was a girl, I hated that barely-opaque toothpaste type as it could conjure up that thought in me, the grizzly mental image of a perfectly sealed shut mouth unable to make a sound no matter how hard it tried.
Yes, wouldn't it just be horrible to never be able to scream, for no soul around to hear the muffled whimpers trying to pry themselves free from that poor, abused orifice in hopes of anyone to realize they've been called to action, "Someone save her, a maiden in grave danger!" Lord, how I had wanted to scream and cry until my throat was so wounded it would spill blood like a fountain, dark red and glittering maiden's blood.
And, at last, toothpaste can look and smell like an herbal tincture. Some remedies and glue are quite similar in that they're both supposed to "patch up" something, be it paper, wood or severed skin. They also, wouldn't you know it, both taste horrible (like toothpaste) It should be noted, though, that Betaisadona is quite pathetic at making a table leg stick to its top, likewise you should not smear actual glue on your wounds. Then again, modern medicine may have a few tricks up its sleeve that I, a wayward fairy, could not have imagined with my education frozen in time from all the decades I've spent near-immortal in freeholds where no self-respecting Nocker would've touched a bottle of gorilla glue with a ten-foot pole.
For now, toothpaste would have to suffice. Last night I'd fought a horned dragon Chimera which had attempted to do unsavory things to a helpless little thing in her sleep, and as unbelieveable as that may sound, it did manage to leave me with some cavernous slashes all over my torso which, while chimerical in nature, still hurt, and even a knight as experienced as myself does not enjoy the ache. I'm no Siegfried and yet that dragon could very well been a Fáfnir, with fiery breath and fiery loins.
So I, the toothpaste obsessed, silly dollar-store-Sigfried, smear nearly the whole tube all over my bare, no longer clad in rose-gold Voile chest and abdomen, invoking Heather Balm with all my might and lo and behold! The glamourous tincture is working its magic and, almost like a fata morgana, the wounds begin to flicker more and more, they waver and fade like a trick of the light until suddenly they just disappear, leaving clean, unscarred skin in their place. Mostly unscarred.
"Aren't you just a fine doctor?" I ask myself, short of striking a gallant salute when I remember that, no, Dolores S. may be a decent chirurgeon but also that she's most certainly a terrible dentist; I embarrassingly haven't actually gotten around to brushing my teeth yet. Not just a knight but a jester, too, it seems.
A half-nude jester with faded-pink hair standing in her dingy studio apartment, covered in gluey balm, more akin to a madman than to fairy nobility. I should hasten, my guitar won't play itself, lyrics need a voice to give them life, and what is a street musician without their daily penny or two?
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32rabbitteeth · 1 year
If vampires and werewolves were real there’d be like
Mommy blogs about preventing mats in your pup’s fur
Herbal vampirism “cures” just by rubbing a drop of garlic oil into your skin for a month but it’s really just giving you a chemical burn
Reminders on EVERYONE’S phone for a full moon
Kids mixing blood with whatever drink they can get their hands on (ie Monster Energy/Vodka)
Werewolves making sure to keep an extra pair of clothes on them just in case
The Great Vampire / Dentist War of 2012
More businesses open throughout the night
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fr-thrice · 1 year
suddenly remembers that doctors exist. oh fuck my clan needs a dentist and an optometrist and a physical therapist etc. braith mostly just makes herbal remedies she can't do everything alone. what else would be helpful in a 100+ dragon clan...
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sueske · 2 years
For how the naruto characters smell like :
Kakashi + Kiba= like wet dogs.
Jiriya= perfume, sugar and all things nice cuz he hangs around ladies.
Tsunade= smells like alchohol and every drink there is. ( maybe cigarettes as well)
Shikamaru = smells like smoke (due to the cigarretes.)
Ino= she always smells like she wears rich perfume ( this is because she works in a flower shop)
Choji = food ( kinda obvious), but its a really welcoming smell like when you bake cookies, or make cake mixture or coffee in the morning or when your mom/dad makes your favourite food all combined into one.
Suigetsu = pool water
Kurenai = i was gunna say flowers but because she has a kid she probably smells like nappies, milk and that really nice baby smell evry newborn has.
Juugo = smells like a mix of every animal since they come to him like magnets. Smells like the woods as well.
Kabuto = smells like the smell you smell when you enter a hospital or dentist ( like antiseptic, bleach, pills, maybe toothpaste), or when you mop the floor.
Orochimaru = cant decide whether he smells like kabuto, sour (cuz of the snakes) or perfume. He probably smells like herbal teas and stuff as well.
Garaa = dirt. ( no offense) he lives in a desert and carries a ton of sand w him.
Gai + lee = Minty toothpaste, these a reason their teeth are blinding white.
Neji = herbals teas as well.
Itachi = smells like chickens and fried eggs, along w sweet and sour smells. ( what else am i suppose to think after that OVA)
Kisame = snells like fish at the market ( along w pool water)
Sai = smells like pages of a new book along with paints.
Deidara = smoke ( blowing things up all the time he cant smell of anything else), he also smells of play dough.
Konan = smells like makeup ( actually, i dont know of make up has a smell, ive not worn any but if it has a smell...)
Karin = i have an idea that i dont wanna say.
Tenten + Pain = smells like metal and iron. ( this is cuz she tends to carry god knows how much wepons everywhere she gos). As for pain, he wears alota percings.
Yea thats all can think of, i feel like i left someone out... and im sorry it thats waaaayyyy too obvious but i cant imagine them smelling like anything else. Ive already sent what sasuke and naruto smell like. Im curious to know what you think everyones smell are.
For how the naruto characters smell like :
Kakashi + Kiba= like wet dog
Yes but they also have sensitive noses no? Are they desensitised to the smell of wet dog? also they use smell to track so I'd assume they're hyper aware of it and try to mask their own smells??? idk am I thinking too much about this rn yeah probs moving on
wait also didn't naruto say that kakashi had that 'old man' smell? :))
Jiriya= perfume, sugar and all things nice cuz he hangs around ladies.
and like frog smell.
Tsunade= smells like alchohol and every drink there is. ( maybe cigarettes as well)
yep but she tries to mask it with copious amounts of body spray
Shikamaru = smells like smoke (due to the cigarretes.)
Ino= she always smells like she wears rich perfume ( this is because she works in a flower shop)
yes floral
Choji = food ( kinda obvious), but its a really welcoming smell like when you bake cookies, or make cake mixture or coffee in the morning or when your mom/dad makes your favourite food all combined into one.
Suigetsu = pool water
Kurenai = i was gunna say flowers but because she has a kid she probably smells like nappies, milk and that really nice baby smell evry newborn has.
Juugo = smells like a mix of every animal since they come to him like magnets. Smells like the woods as well.
Kabuto = smells like the smell you smell when you enter a hospital or dentist ( like antiseptic, bleach, pills, maybe toothpaste), or when you mop the floor.
antiseptic yes
Orochimaru = cant decide whether he smells like kabuto, sour (cuz of the snakes) or perfume. He probably smells like herbal teas and stuff as well.
idk if orochimaru even still has a smell after all those experiments but I can definitely see the smell of herbal medicines clinging to him
Garaa = dirt. ( no offense) he lives in a desert and carries a ton of sand w him.
Gai + lee = Minty toothpaste, these a reason their teeth are blinding white.
Neji = herbals teas as well.
yes, and like fresh linen... a calm smell
Itachi = smells like chickens and fried eggs, along w sweet and sour smells. ( what else am i suppose to think after that OVA)
I'm actually stumped with itachi idk
Kisame = snells like fish at the market ( along w pool water)
Sai = smells like pages of a new book along with paints.
Deidara = smoke ( blowing things up all the time he cant smell of anything else), he also smells of play dough.
play dough 😭
Konan = smells like makeup ( actually, i dont know of make up has a smell, ive not worn any but if it has a smell...)
like a powdery scent?
Karin = i have an idea that i dont wanna say.
....maybe like jasmine
Tenten + Pain = smells like metal and iron. ( this is cuz she tends to carry god knows how much wepons everywhere she gos). As for pain, he wears alota percings.
Yea thats all can think of, i feel like i left someone out... and im sorry it thats waaaayyyy too obvious but i cant imagine them smelling like anything else. Ive already sent what sasuke and naruto smell like. Im curious to know what you think everyones smell are.
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firespirited · 9 months
X-ray went well. I asked to talk to whomever would be interpreting my x-rays because it's a 6 month waiting list for a dentist. She couldn't help me directly but she did say my next step could be via my doctor not a dentist,
wisdom tooth removal is done by a stomatologue who'd also evaluate my swollen tongue and try to find out if it's related. It's 4 hours away to the closest one. 😭 Really having to weigh the cost benefit analysis of getting them removed, wondering how much the teeth pain is causing neck nerve inflammation and how much is cervical nerve just hurting into the jaw. Did my wisdom teeth getting infected cause the neck injury or just coincide with the neck finally meeting breaking point?
I just want to get better and there are a lot of unknowns and nobody seems willing to say how long I'll be unable to use the shoulders. Don't you just wish the answers were simple and fast, even if the cure might really hurt ?
Taxi lady was quiet on the way there, on the way back I just started explaining about why I'd had my teeth x-rayed which led to her giving me migraine advice (heat patches and herbal cream work for her and I was mentally filed that under well meaning but there are levels of migraines and I'm way above that while still being way *way* below other migraines) that somehow segued into dog chat then she mentioned she had chickens and my voice ended up finishing this sentence up an octave despite trying to sound chill: "oh you Have CHICkens?"
She's going to find out if two chicks are born to her broody gal tonight as it's been 21 days!!!
I started my period and came out with a big red spot on my chin and a smaller one on the tip of my nose because of course. Nah actually it's just the spots, the period is because I messed with my day length on Monday and Tuesday to make that first appointment fit my meds which meant a two hour delay for the minipill and it's a med that's flexible for some not others, I know someone who gets her period if she's so much as 5 minutes late!
As I came through the door my foot hurt a little and now it's very painful to walk on. Not swollen just shockingly loud painwise for an unswollen foot that seems to rotate ok. I know I was bracing using my feet in the car to avoid using my neck. I can walk on my toes but something is very angry in the heel. Not as angry as my neck right now but not walkable either. Really hope that is gone after a night's sleep. Could be a cramp that got hit. Very painful and thankfully temporary.
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big-barn-bed · 1 year
honey, shampoo, and peaches!
honey - favorite term of endearment?
I will literally melt into a puddle when anyone uses any term of endearment towards me. I went to the dentist last week and the hygienist lowered the angle of the chair for me to climb in and said ‘there you go sweetie’ and I’ve been blushing ever since.
shampoo - favorite scent?
Oooh for candles/perfume/soap my favorite is citrus (specifically grapefruit) and anything herbal/earthy. But nothing beats the smell of clean laundry ⛅️
peaches - do you have a skincare routine?
I use the first aid beauty face cleanser and ultra repair cream, and if I’m going outside I’ll use the Trader Joe’s facial sunscreen! I’m not super regimented about it though🥲
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siennadraws · 1 year
Do your ocs have a favorite food? 👀 And if so, what do they all like?
Hi Dean!!
Mmh I'll be honest, I'm nothing close to a foodie, but I know what kind of flavours they like!
Keshet has a sweet tooth, from pastries to dates, she's just obsessed. She doesn't get sick of it and doesn't need to drink some water to clean her palate. Her nannies definitely had to make some boundaries on food, and take her to the dentist, when she was a toddler.
Terys likes herbal tastes, she loves roots and vegetables, also tea. She also likes fish- her clan traveled next to water sources, so more often than not they ate fish.
Laïs tends to like her food on the milder side. Bread, apples, those kinds of soothing flavors.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What genre was the last song you listened to? Who provided the vocals? Can’t remember what song it was but it’s K-pop and it was BTS.
Is there a certain song you've been listening to a lot lately? Amygdala, Agust D. Fave track off the new album, even though I haven’t rewatched the music video since.
Who was the last person you congratulated or said "well done" to? What for? My teammates at work for powering through this deck we’ve had to work on and are scheduled to present this Monday.
Is there something everyone is talking about at the moment that you have no interest in? Anything about Taylor Swift; the news of her dating Matty Healy being the most recent news I’ve been hearing about.
What was the last show you watched an episode of? Seventeen’s One Fine Day -  13 Castaway Boys. I'm two episodes in and it’s been hilarious so far. Definitely harder to keep track of 13 members this time around hahaha but it’s a good watch nonetheless!
^And which character in that show do you relate to, or identify with most? I haven’t found a member I super relate to just yet but I do tend to look out for scenes with Vernon as he’s probably the closest to being my bias (if I had to have one for the group). The extroverts are also a delight to watch - from the episodes I’ve seen so far, that would be Cheol, Jeonghan, and Seungkwan.
Do you have any medical appointments coming up anytime soon? Does it count if I’m going to the dentist later to get my braces readjusted? Hahaha other than that I don’t have anything scheduled any time soon.
What was the last book you read, and what did you enjoy about it? I haven’t read anything recently. But speaking of books, I did place a preorder for what will apparently be BTS’ memoir which’ll be released on ARMY Day. That ought to bring me back to reading.
Do you say 'I love you' to anyone daily? Just the dogs.
Do you know of any celebrities that share your birthday? The late Elizabeth II is always the first one who comes to mind.
Do you have any accounts for social platforms that you no longer use? Yup, Snapchat is the main one.
How did you come up with your username for Bzoink? I never made an account for Bzoink even though I used to hang out there all the time hahaha.
Do you own any clothes with an image of an animal on them? Hmm, I don’t think so.
Look around the room - can you see anything that's yellow? Right now, no.
Do you know anyone named Vanessa? Tell me a little bit about this person. Hans’ sister-in-law. Idk anything about her other than the fact that she grew up and is currently living in Hong Kong.
What was the last movie that you saw for the first time? Decision to Leave. ^And what did you think of it? Plot wasn’t for me so I stopped watching halfway through. Cinematography is out of this world though, super beautiful. Who was the last person that asked to borrow something of yours? My mom.
^What was it? My TV. Transferred it downstairs last Sunday for a family reunion in case anyone wanted to watch something.
Do you ever drink any fruit or herbal teas? What kind(s) do you like? I don’t drink either.
Have you ever watched any of the Hammer horror films? No.
Have you heard anyone singing today, or has anyone sang in your presence? Other than myself, no.
What time will it be 2 hours from now? 5:07 AM holy shit I have to sleep lmao.
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dynamicclinic123 · 2 years
New Teeth Denture Liner Lets You Keep Smiling
As you probable realize, those who are dentists inform us they "exercise" dentistry. According to my dictionary, to exercise is to "exercise for proficiency." In different phrases, for the most component dentists are nevertheless learning and attempting their satisfactory to get their dental paintings proper. Generally, they do tremendous paintings. But with regards to fake enamel Teeth Dentures In Dubai seemingly there may be still tons room for development.
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Here are some statistics which could hobby you regarding the records of dentures. Sets of dentures were discovered courting from the early century, however they in all likelihood existed even before that point. Some were carved from bone or ivory, or made of tooth from useless or living donors. Those dentures must had been uncomfortable and prone to rot after prolonged use. The first porcelain dentures have been made round the first who had formerly been an assistant to Described his denture as:" a composition for the cause of making of synthetic enamel. Either unmarried or double or in rows, or in entire sets with springs for fastening or affixing the identical in a extra easy and helpful way than any observed. Thus, they will be worn for any length of time and therefore greater perfectly resembled the natural enamel." He started promoting his dentures in with most of his porcelain paste supplied by way . Single tooth in porcelain have been then made, beginning around Later, dentures were manufactured from vulcanite and then, inside the century, acrylic resin and different plastics have become quite popular. Then in the course of a survey is changed into predicted that of folks who had been years vintage had no natural teeth in any respect. Later, round this figure had dropped to handiest..
Years in the past, my mother and my father had very smooth teeth. Eventually, both of my dad and mom had to have Teeth Dentures made to update their badly decayed herbal teeth. As a baby, I bear in mind seeing both Mother and Dad attain into their wallet; take out their dentures earlier than a meal and slyly the positioned them in their mouths so they may chew their food. Back then, I did no longer apprehend why they did not hold the fake teeth in their mouths all of the time. I idea their smiles appeared a whole lot higher with tooth than with out.
As you could have guessed, I just certainly have smooth tooth. Now, my time has come to have dentures of my very own. Therefore, I have gained a primary hand information of the issues my parents had with their dentures. In brief, I've observed it hurts to maintain dentures for your mouth all of the time. Why? Because, after a months or so, denture wearers find their fake tooth no longer match well. False tooth can sooner or later: wobble, get free, fly from your mouth all of sudden, move clickety-clack, rub gums uncooked and commonly feel uncomfortable. So, for most of the people - out they arrive till wanted.
My dentist explained to me why this happens. He stated it is because, after the extraction of natural teeth, our gums step by step reduce. As they cut back the acrylic denture that once match so properly, gets free. As extra time is going via, the looser the denture will become. My dentist counseled I have my yr old free denture re-lined with a thicker layer of acrylic to correct the problem. I did that when. I won't do it again. Why, as it just costs an excessive amount of money and time.
I tend to be creative and inventive. So, after several months of look at of my free denture problem and many experiments with a selection of substances and compounds, I in the end found out a easy strategy to the problem.
Now, with my new denture liner package (patent pending), in just a few minutes everyone can positioned an continually smooth, usually flexible liner in his or her denture and there is no want to visit a dentist.
This new do-it-yourself denture liner solves the trouble once and for all. Benefits consist of: low value, clean to put in, no blending of compounds and the liner is quite long lasting. In brief, now all denture wearers may have false teeth which are extra secure and higher fitting then ever before. Today, denture wearers can avoid the embarrassment of being seen in public while not having their dentures in their mouths. In addition, eating meals without demanding about free or hurting Teeth Dentures may be a situation denture wearers do not must consider any extra. And high-quality of all, they are able to once more give absolutely everyone they meet one in every of their lovely smiles.
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homecatalog · 2 years
10 Home Remedies for a Tooth Abscess
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An enamel abscess can occur from infections that advance internal the tooth. Bacteria can enter the enamel when it’s chipped, broken, or decaying. Once the microorganism attains the core of the teeth and the teeth turns into infected, pus accumulates in the tooth. The pus in the teeth swells and outcomes in a toothache. If now not treated, the contamination ought to unfold to the gums and bone of the mouth.
1) A teeth abscess ought to be handled with the aid of a dentist, however some domestic treatments can relieve the pain triggered via the infection. The following domestic redress can be utilized alongside with prescribed treatments. Rinsing your mouth with salt water is an handy and low cost alternative for transient remedy of your abscessed tooth. It can additionally promote wound recovery and wholesome gums.
To use this remedy:
· Mix half of teaspoon of everyday desk salt with half of cup of heat faucet water.
· Rinse your mouth with the salt water. Try to swish it round interior your mouth for at least two minutes.
· Spit the water out.
· Repeat up to three instances per day.
2) Baking soda is any other cheap choice for treating an abscessed tooth. You may additionally even already have some in your kitchen cabinet. Baking soda is fantastic for casting off plaque in the mouth. It also has antibacterial properties.
To use this remedy:
· Mix half of tablespoon of baking soda with half cup of water and a pinch of salt.
· Swish the combination in your mouth for up to 5 minutes.
· Spit out, and repeat till you’ve completed the mixture.
· You can repeat this up to two instances per day.
3) Oregano oil is an imperative oil that can be bought in a fitness food shop or drugstore. You can additionally locate it online. Oregano oil is an antibacterial and antioxidant. It may also assist minimize the swelling and ache of an abscessed tooth. Be positive to dilute any quintessential oil with a provider oil to stop similarly irritation. Here’s how to select a service oil.
To use this remedy:
· Mix a few drops of oregano quintessential oil to 1 ounce of a service oil.
· Apply a few drops of this combination to a cotton ball or swab.
· Hold the cotton ball on the contaminated place for two to three minutes.
· Remove the cotton ball or swab. Leave the combination on for at least 10 minutes, then rinse.
· Repeat up to three instances per day.
4) A bloodless compress will assist decrease ache and swelling.
To use this remedy:
· Place ice cubes in a dry towel.
· Hold the compress in opposition to your skin close to the affected area.
· The compress can be used for 15-minute intervals.
· This may additionally be repeated more than one times per day.
5) Fenugreek has antibacterial residences and a lengthy record of use as a domestic remedy for recuperation wounds and decreasing inflammation. It can also be on hand in the spice aisle of your grocery store or online.
To use this remedy:
· Make a fenugreek tea by way of heating 1 cup of water in a saucepan and stirring in 1 teaspoon of floor fenugreek.
· Allow the combination to cool.
· Apply a small quantity to the affected place the use of a cotton ball.
· Repeat up to three instances per day.
6) Clove oil has been used in view that historical instances as a herbal toothache remedy. It may additionally have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s reachable in many grocery shops as nicely as online. It comes in diluted varieties as nicely as the very targeted clove necessary oil. If the use of the indispensable oil form, keep in mind to dilute it (3 to 5 drops of integral oil in an ounce of a provider oil).
You can use this treatment in quite a few ways:
· Apply the diluted oil to the affected location through putting a few drops on a cotton ball or swab.
· You can additionally make a clove oil mouthwash by setting a few drops of the oil into a small glass of water.
· Clove oil can also be used up to three instances per day.
7) Thyme oil is every other robust crucial oil that might also kill parasites, battle bacteria, and decrease swelling. You can locate it at many grocery shops and online. Be certain to dilute it with a service oil earlier than use.
You can use this treatment in numerous ways:
· Diluted thyme oil can be utilized to the affected place with a cotton ball or swab.
· You can additionally make a mouthwash by means of including a few drops of diluted thyme oil to a small glass of water.
· Use the thyme oil up to three instances per day.
8) Hydrogen peroxide is a first-rate treatment for hostilities a bacterial infection. It can additionally assist minimize plaque and bleeding gums.
To use this remedy:
· Mix equal components three percentage hydrogen peroxide with water.
· Swish the answer round in your mouth, then spit. Make positive no longer to swallow any of the solution.
· Hydrogen peroxide may also be used more than one instances per day.
9) Oil pulling is some other historic skill of oral hygiene that’s been used to deal with mouth ailments. It’s believed that oil pulling eliminates toxins from the enamel and gums. Limited research advocate that oil pulling can also be a precise remedy for bleeding gums, awful breath, and decreasing bacteria. However, there’s now not ample scientific proof to verify whether or not it’s high-quality for use in oral health.
Good oils for oil pulling include:
A. raw coconut oil
B. sesame oil
C. olive oil
D. Oil pulling is encouraged in the morning on an empty stomach.
To use this remedy:
· Take 1 tablespoon of your chosen oil into your mouth.
· Vigorously swish the oil round via your tooth for up to 20 minutes.
· Don’t swallow the oil. Spit the oil out in a rubbish can — no longer your sink — to keep away from clogged pipes.
10) Garlic is every other herbal treatment with an historic record of many really helpful therapeutic uses, along with as a ache supervisor and microorganism killer.
To use this remedy:
· Make a paste by means of crushing a sparkling clove of garlic.
· Rub the paste on the contaminated area.
· This can be repeated a couple of times per day.
An abscessed enamel is serious contamination that should unfold to other components of the face and eyes if left untreated. If you have a tooth abscess, see a physician without delay and a dentist as quickly as possible. The domestic redress listed above is supposed as complementary redress to the ones prescribed by a doctor. You may additionally want on-the-spot antibiotics and dental care.
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dentalucg · 3 days
 How to Choose the Right Toothpaste for Your Dental Needs
Choosing the right toothpaste might seem like a simple task, but with shelves filled with various options promising different benefits, it can quickly become overwhelming. Your choice of toothpaste should align with your specific dental needs and preferences to ensure optimal oral health. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the toothpaste aisle and make an informed decision.
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1. Consider Your Dental Concerns
First and foremost, identify any specific dental concerns you have. Are you prone to cavities? Do you have sensitive teeth? Are you looking to whiten your teeth? Different toothpastes are formulated to address these various issues. Here are some common types:
Fluoride Toothpaste: Most toothpastes contain fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay by strengthening enamel. This is a good choice for general oral health maintenance.
Desensitizing Toothpaste: If you have sensitive teeth that react to hot, cold, or sweet foods, consider a toothpaste designed to reduce sensitivity. These typically contain ingredients like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride.
Whitening Toothpaste: These toothpastes often contain mild abrasives or chemicals like hydrogen peroxide to help remove surface stains and brighten your smile.
Anti-Cavity Toothpaste: For those prone to cavities, look for toothpastes that specifically mention cavity protection.
Natural Toothpaste: If you prefer natural ingredients or have allergies or sensitivities to certain chemicals, opt for toothpastes labeled as natural or organic. These often contain ingredients like baking soda, herbal extracts, or essential oils.
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2. Check the Fluoride Content
Fluoride is crucial for preventing tooth decay and strengthening enamel. Most toothpastes contain fluoride, but some natural or organic options may not. Ensure the toothpaste you choose contains fluoride unless your dentist recommends otherwise.
3. Assess Additional Ingredients
Apart from fluoride, toothpastes may contain other beneficial ingredients such as:
Antibacterial agents like triclosan or zinc citrate, which help reduce plaque and gum disease.
Calcium compounds to aid in remineralizing enamel.
Abrasive agents to help mechanically remove plaque and stains. These should be mild to avoid damaging enamel over time.
4. Consider Flavor and Texture
Toothpaste comes in various flavors and textures, from traditional mint to fruity or herbal options. Choose a flavor you enjoy to make brushing a pleasant experience. Texture-wise, some people prefer gels over pastes, or vice versa. The choice is largely personal preference.
5. Consult with Your Dentist
Ultimately, your dentist knows your dental health best. If you’re unsure which toothpaste is right for you, consult with your dentist or dental hygienist. They can recommend a toothpaste tailored to your specific dental needs, taking into account any existing conditions or concerns.
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Selecting the right toothpaste involves considering your dental needs, checking for fluoride content, assessing additional ingredients, and choosing a flavor and texture that you like. By making an informed choice, you can maintain good oral hygiene and contribute to your overall dental health. Remember, regular brushing and flossing, along with routine dental check-ups, are key to a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.
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richmondfamily · 5 days
The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants in Richmond
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A situation like absent tooth could also be quite uncomfortable; the state no longer simply affects your appearance when you smile, but also any easy feeding and communication. Luckily, dental implants in Richmond present an advanced treatment plan for placing deficient teeth. But as with most medical plans, it is critical for consumers to determine the benefits against the risks before settling for the plan. This is a blog created by Richmond Family Dental the premier dental implants provider in Richmond, which will go a long way in introducing and explaining the benefits as well as the drawbacks that are associated with the use of dental implants so that you can make an informed decision about it.
Dental Implants Richmond: Advantages
Dental implants offer a plethora of blessings that pass past simply replacing lacking enamel. Here's a better have a look at the reasons why many humans in Richmond pick implants:
Unmatched Longevity and Durability: Made with the bio-compatible metal titanium, dental implants are made to last up to the end of a man’s life if due care and attention are placed on them. By comparison, compared to dentures or bridges which often need replacement every few years, implants offer the kind of investment that will definitely be worth the long term returns.
Preserve Bone Health: After tooth loss, the following bone underneath deteriorates due to the fact that it does no longer receive enough stimulation it required from chewing. Dental implants imitate herbal enamel root, giving signals to the jawbone and thereby halting the procedures of bone loss. This kind of assists preserve the facial structure and do not allow some people to have a sunken look like someone with no teeth.
A Natural Look and Feel: Dental implants are custom-designed to seamlessly combo along with your surrounding enamel in terms of coloration, shape, and length. They characteristic much like herbal tooth, permitting you to eat, communicate, and smile with self belief without demanding approximately slippage or soreness.
Improved Confidence and Self-Esteem: Sometimes it’s possible to really feel a lack of self-confidence, particularly when it comes to laughing or talking to other individuals due to a missing tooth. Dental implants restore every aspect of your smile so that you can begin to smile cheerfully and as freely as you desire.
Enhanced Oral Health: Unlike bridges, which require altering healthful tooth, implants don't have an effect on surrounding enamel. This promotes better general oral health and reduces the risk of future dental troubles.
Convenience and Comfort: Dental implants remove the need for messy adhesives and the capacity embarrassment of dentures slipping. They are a permanent solution that lets in you to enjoy your favorite ingredients without fear.
Improved Overall Health: Dental implants may make contributions to your normal health with the aid of allowing you to devour a wider variety of nutritious meals which could have been tough to chunk with lacking tooth.
Considering Cosmetic Dentist Richmond for the Perfect Smile
While dental implants provide numerous useful benefits, they also play a substantial role in cosmetic dentistry. If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Richmond to reap a wonderful smile, implants are an super choice. They address various beauty concerns associated with lacking tooth, such as:
Gaps and spaces in your smile
Uneven smile line
Facial sagging due to bone loss
Through the location of implants that provide full healing of the smile, an professional in the location of beauty dentistry in Richmond can extensively beautify the beauty of facial look and improve confidence.
Weighing the Options: Considering the Downsides of Dental Implants
While dental implants provide a multitude of advantages, it is essential to re-owned the capacity drawbacks nicely:
Surgical Procedure:Placing dental implants involves surgical treatment, that may reason a few pain and require a healing period.
Cost: Dental implants are normally greater steeply-priced upfront as compared to dentures or bridges. However, their lengthy-time period sturdiness makes them a value-powerful choice in the long run.
Eligibility: Not all people is a suitable candidate for dental implants. Factors like jawbone health and underlying scientific situations can impact eligibility. A session with a qualified dentist is crucial to decide in case you're a good candidate.
Healing Time: Following implant placement, there is a recuperation length wherein you can enjoy some swelling and soreness. Temporary restorations can be used throughout this time to keep capability.
Making an Informed Choice with Richmond Family Dental
Dental implants in Richmond offer a life-converting solution for changing lacking enamel. They provide severa benefits in phrases of aesthetics, capability, and standard fitness. However, the decision to pursue implants should be made after cautious consideration of both the benefits and drawbacks.
At Richmond Family Dental, our crew of skilled dentists can guide you through the system of evaluating your candidacy for dental implants in Richmond. We'll offer a complete session, cope with your issues, and explore all available options that will help you achieve a healthful and assured smile.
Contact Richmond Family Dental today to schedule a consultation and talk if dental implants are the right desire for you.
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