#Hermes kids
basically-a-god · 2 months
Magic Anon Starter (For Any Child of Hermes!)
*Robin sat up with a yawn, giving you a sleepy wave. When you said something to her though, she gave you a confused look.* What?
@notfuckingshortening @itsprobablydean @wivesandwallets @the-better-castellan @madson-of-hermes-notluke and any other Hermes kids!
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devils-little-sista · 19 days
Enjoy me rambling and asking questions about the titan army and the spies and the Hermes kids.
Yall ever realize that it’s possible Luke has never met Travis and Connor Stoll. Because Luke left right after The Lightning Thief. And in The Sea of Monsters one year later is when Travis and Connor are introduced as the new Hermes kids. And then in The Titans Curse not even a year later Travis and Connor are already the counselors somehow? When the Hermes cabin is supposed to be one of the biggest cabins with the most kids even in the off seasons? I’m willing to bet Luke kept recruiting older Hermes and unclaimed kids throughout the series. He kept emptying out that cabin to the point where a couple of 11-13 year old newbies who had barely any idea of what’s going on had to be the counselors. Not that there were that many campers to counsel. Not until the battle of the labyrinth at least. Also Chris Rodrigues is a few years older than them but when he came back to camp he was never the counselor he let Travis and Connor keep running things even into The Last Olympian and after. Very possible that Travis and Connor have never met Luke and the most they know about him is stories from Chris and Annabeth and Percy and older campers who stayed loyal to camp because most of the Titan Army kids were killed by the gods during or right after Battle of Manhattan or exiled into isolation. Pretty sure the only Titan army kid that went back to camp was Chris. And that wasn’t even really his choice the dude went insane in the labyrinth and got lost and Clarrise found him and brought him there. Chris didn’t choose to stay at camp he was pretty much forced to. (At least forced at first. He may have stayed just for Clarrise). Chris probably knew Silena was the spy for the TA. Chris was Luke’s right hand man he definitely knew a lot more than he was letting on. (It’s possible he has some memory problems from going insane tho). I’m just thinking about the Hermes kids a lot these days. Do you think Chris ever tried or wanted to go back to the titans army? Do you think he missed his friends there? Do you think he tried to recruit Travis and Connor? Do you think he’s the one that was communicating back and forth with Silena and Luke? Chris is the one that recruited Silena? But Silena says she met Luke before. Did Chris introduce her to him? Maybe Silena and Chris in cahoots with this whole thing? Maybe Clarrise seeing Silena and Chris sneaking around or whispering to each other and getting understandably jealous that her boyfriend is sneaking around with her best friend. But then the battles start and they have bigger problems than petty teenage dating drama for a few days. Then Chris finally comes clean to her and tells her he was working with Silena as a spy and that’s why hey seemed suspicious. Would Clarrise break up with him? Would Clarrise rat him out to the camp and/or the gods? Or would she stay quiet and break up. Or maybe stay with him and forgive. Yall remember how when the ares cabin stayed at camp in the beginning because of the stupid chariot and Chris stayed at camp with her at camp? Even when all the other Hermes kids went to battle. Was Chris afraid to face his old titan army friends in battle? Or was it about doing damage control with Clarrise trying to convince her there’s nothing romantic between him and Silena? Man I got questions and I need answers. There’s so much potential for lore here. Do you think Silena and Chris ever felt so guilty they almost caved and told Clarrise or Beckendorf or Chiron MrD. Or someone else. How did they cope with that.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 2 months
you know how in DC, Tamaraneans kiss people and then automatically get their language? child of hermes power. not all of them but maybe like. julia kissed paolo and suddenly she speaks Portuguese, you know?
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lidiaissunlit · 3 months
children of hermes headcanons⚕️
a/n: hellooooo first post hope all is going well with you and i hope you enjoy the headcannons
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⚕️constantly breaking into other cabins to take knick-knacks
🪽and the knick-knacks they steal from other campers are their TROPHIES
🐍older kids using their abilities to help the younger ones go to sleep
⚕️kids accidentally teleporting to spots they cant get out of
🪽their cabin ironically is in charge of the lost and found
🐍maps of places they've been, and want to go
⚕️creating their own languages in secret
🪽hermes kids LOVE drama
🐍super close as siblings, they fit together like puzzle pieces
⚕️experts at getting and hiding contraband (electronics, snacks, etc)
🪽they talk so much shit ab their father, but if any other cabin talks badly about him, its a fight
🐍the cabin that breaks the rules the most but somehow gets away with all of it
⚕️often doing helpful little tasks around the camp
🪽as much damage as they do with their pranks, they do just as much good to help the camp
🐍mostly bc theyre bored though
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thedemigodsguide · 4 months
hey um someone stole my guitar (looks at the stoll brothers), but i really need it back so um could you maybe get the message out or help me find it?
Hey, everyone! As you can see, Darcy's guitar has been stolen! Please keep an eye out for it!
She suspects the Stoll brothers had something to do with it, but we can't be certain. I'll certainly check around the cabin, see if it's there.
Are there any particular identifies that will help it stand out? Is it in a case with your name on it? Does it have any unique markings in the wood or inlays? What brand is it?
Anyways, I and everyone else will help search for it!
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justaneedle · 14 days
Luke and all the demigod kids of Hermes can be compared to the winds.
You all remember it, right?
Hermes looked surprised. “Very clever. I never thought of that. But its intended use is a bit more dramatic. Uncap it, and you will release the winds from the four corners of the earth to speed you on your way. Not now! And please, when the time comes, only unscrew the lid a tiny bit. The winds are a bit like me — always restless. Should all four escape at once… ah, but I’m sure you’ll be careful. And now my second gift. George?”
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Cabin Inspector
Octavian is in charge of monthly cabin inspections and takes pride in confiscating forbidden items. He once chased Luke and Travis for twenty minutes as they tossed a bag of special editon doritos back and forth to each other to keep the "camp buzzkill" from taking them
(the Hermes kids give him hell every month)
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Magic Anon Starter (Open; Hermes Cabin only please)
ooc: Finally found the post :D I'm evil. May be a bit of a stretch but rules are a suggestion, right? Feel free to interact whenever, whether that be right now or two weeks from now!!
Sounds of crashing at two in the morning bring you into the main room, where a boy of medium height stands still in the darkness. Turning on the lights, you see that it's Maddox standing there. Maddox. Standing. His wheelchair is seemingly what had fallen over, behind the couch and partially broken.
"Oh, hi." He waves nervously.
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jankwritten · 2 years
pjo au where everything is the same except the hermes kids are running a crypto scheme out of cabin 11 and scamming mortals. they occasionally employ the athena and hephaestus kids for help.
the only reason dionysus doesn't stop them is because he thinks it's funny
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blkanniechase · 1 year
everyone always talks about hermes kids and how theyre all good thiefs but i think they have ANOTHER ability!!! I think theyre all like… directionally superior and just know everything about roads and such. like a hermes kid is just never getting lost.
Random camper : “Hey can you set the GPS for-”
Conner stoll : “First of all, I am offended.”
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basically-a-god · 3 months
Hi Robin.
I made you cookies.
thank you.. uh, these aren’t poisonous right?
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pjocharacterdesign · 2 years
I say you did Alabaster, perhaps the other TA doods like Ethan or Chris?
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Chris! One of my favorite underappreciated guys. I like to think about his design in terms of complimenting/contrasting Clarisse since she's the main character he interacts with, so I lean into him being generally softer shapes than her but a similar sort of build/haircut/also having notable scars. His scars also kinda parallel Luke's, so that's fun.
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takeustothelakes · 2 years
my opinions about pjo cause i’ve been wanting to do this for a while!
some people really only like nico cause he’s gay and written as actively depressed, something gen z romanticizes.
campers are a lot more scared of percy than nico once it gets out that percy can bloodbend. doesn’t matter if he’s a nice dude, scare him and you could possibly die.
leo is actually a lot more dangerous than you think. yes, he’s a jokester but he has like NO control over his powers. a camper could be joking with him but he gets too excited and some part of his body bursts into flames.
people are cautious around piper cause she can literally make them do whatever she wants. and there’s no doubt some of them are traumatized so i don’t think she would be the most popular aphrodite kid. popular, sure, but not what rick makes it out to be in tlh.
apollo kids are a lot more powerful than people/gods give them credit for.
the apollo, hermes, and dionysus campers often have meetings to prank the entire camp.
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the-wolf-of-ares · 2 months
Ugh, fucking Hermes is pretending to not be Hermes again. @totally-not-hermes . Why are you like this
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Imagine Being in the Hermes Cabin forever waiting to get claimed  and then getting claimed by hermes.
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thedemigodsguide · 5 months
Yo, I’m a new Aphrodite Kid. I was walking past the Hephaestus cabin, and I heard an explosion. Should I be concerned?
Hey, welcome to camp! I’m Kalypso Fyre, but everyone calls me Kally. I’m the daughter of Clio, the Muse of History. I don’t know if you’ve met your head counselor, Piper, yet, but she’s totally cool.
Explosions from the Hephaestus and Hermes cabins are pretty typical. Usually it’s testing some product. Ever since Leo showed up, stuff hasn’t really exploded because of malfunctions. It’s a huge relief, because those Hephaestus kid were getting hurt left and right before then.
Every once in a while, someone will poke their head in to make sure no one needs medical attention, but there’s usually no need to worry. Just try to stay away when they’re testing stuff (they usually put up a sign).
It’s the Hermes cabin that you need to watch out for. Usually when an explosion happens there, it’s because they’re testing a new prank or the viability of a prank item (glitter bombs are pretty common). If you see or hear an explosion from the Hermes kids, you better watch your back, because there’s probably gonna be a prank in the next few days.
Anyways, thanks for dropping in! Hope to see you around, kid! If you or any of your friends have a question for anyone, feel free to ask!
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