#Hetalia Greenland
qhimberly · 3 months
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Random sketches I had of Greenland and Iceland growing up. Don’t look for historical context of this one I just wanted to draw something cute. Second picture is Iceland and Greenland thinking that if they wear the same clothes they could confuse Norway because they think they’re twins.
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megumar · 1 year
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DAMN... Hima really dropped a design of Greenland on an OBSCURE MERCH of all things and then didn't elaborate further huh.....
(i feel like there aren't any clear reference of this speculated design of them available so i decided to edit this myself)
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martizta · 1 year
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It is time for an addional island in the Atlantic ocean! Welcome Jan Mayen everyone, his name is Stian Haas!
Included is my friend's Greenland OC! (Nora Kohler)
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do you and iceland just vibe with greenland?
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Faroe: If by vibe you mean be around constantly? Then yes. Malik is the middle sibling, and the only one who is still “Danish territory.” He’s spends a lot of time with Denmark, and lately has convinced Eríkur and I to come over more often.
Greenland: He misses you two you know. You should spend time with him.
Faroe: I’ve seen better days, I’m good with the few dinners we have.
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herringdod · 2 years
Don't you love when your "friend" break into your house and tries to kick you out but they are too drunk to do so.
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2022 2020
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This would probably be my third post on Greenland?
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emilthe1diot · 4 months
Fandom: Hetalia
Title: Cupid’s Chokehold
Writer: donnerpasstourismboard
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53325850/chapters/134958772
Status: Complete
Main Characters: Greenland, Macau
Description: After their brothers announce their relationship to the world, Greenland and Macau have the desire to stir up gossip even more than their families by fake dating.
In retrospect, they should've known it wouldn't have gone smoothly.
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circlique · 11 months
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Hey hetalia tag, it's been a while! I kept saying I would do it so I finally did: I opened a redbubble shop! So if you want, you can go on there and see what hetalia stuff I have to offer. It's mostly stickers and buttons but a few are available as prints too. I tried to include some characters who don't get a lot of merch (like the ever-elusive Greenland and Mongolia!) to give people with rare faves a chance to finally have something of them.
Please let me know if there's existing art of mine you'd like to see turned into stickers and buttons or whatever! I appreciate your support.
>>> Redbubble Shop <<<
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these-weirdnations · 4 months
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^^^ Southern Europe ^^^ vvv Northern Europe vvv
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There’s so many blonde people 😭 but I did it!! 18 more heads! Gonna finish up on Europe then move to the other continents, wish me luck!
First and Previous One
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ifindus · 3 months
oh! also, can I request Norway hanging out with greenland, Faroe Island and Iceland? Idk why but I feel like they would be a 'squad'👁️
North Athlantic Squad??? Fishing Squad??
At least we know what they'd talk about 🐟
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peonycats · 4 months
just took a look at the aph greenland tag on ao3
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
Hello there! I don't know if the inbox is open but could I request the Nordics (separate) with a darling (romantic) who just keeps questioning why they chose them of all people as they continue to try and leave them? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
matthias honestly see's his darlings insecurity as fishing for compliments - normally he would shower them in verbal affection, especially if asked, but assuming that this is just after getting caught trying to escape, he's a bit pissed. "i don't know, i could probably find someone better couldn't i" yes this little shit is using his darlings moment of self consciousness as manipulative ammunition.
his darling is probably crushed at his words, matthias feels a bit bad seeing how their face falls, but it's for the best. if things go as planned, his darling will start to put more effort into the 'relationship', and stops trying to escape.
or his darling could completely shy away from him after hearing his words, smart decision, darling, if he see's how dejected they are, matthias is going to feel really bad.
he didn't mean it, min elskede!, he was just in a bad mood, it's like when you're feeling insecure and try to up and leave!. please forgive him.
it's best not to drag this out any further, and take the apology and pampering, lest matthias starts to think his darling is attempting to manipulate him, and believe me, you do not want to entirely loose his trust.
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lukas wonders the exact same thing sometimes. he really tried to shake his obsession, it's not like he wants to be so attached to his darling but he is.
he doesn't answer his darling initially, too busy enchanting the basement to keep them from trying to escape again. this likely puts his already distressed darling on the edge, and might lead them to think he's decided to dispose of them when he doesn't come and visit for the next week.
the darlings words linger in lukas's mind; if he hadn't already kidnapped them, he might have tried to distance himself from them and focus on his responsibilities as a big brother and a country (to no avail), but he can't risk his darling going off and telling everyone about what he had done, so, in that week he decides to put his darling out of their misery.
finally, after a week, he re-emerges into the basement, with a tray of food in his hands, his darling is soiled and starving at this point, so they don't fight back when he hand feeds them the love potion infused fiskesuppe.
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tino's heart just about breaks upon hearing his darlings words - it all makes sense now! his darling does love him, they just struggle with insecurities, that he clearly desperately needs to address.
so, if his darling doesn't like physical affection, verbal affection or being smothered, they just made the stupidest decision of their life; tino now dedicates his days to boosting his darlings self esteem. best to go along with his self love boot cam, he'll forget all previous grievances.
but assuming 10 hours of standing naked in front of a mirror complimenting themselves just creeps them out, and they still want to escape from tino's clutches; they once again try to leave when the chance presents itself.
finland goes absolutely insane, no one can calm him down when he realises his darling isn't home when he returns from the latest world meeting - after all he did for them? were they even being sincere or was it all another ploy to escape?! throw all previous trust out the window, once he gets his darling back he's going full tiger mum.
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"who made you think this" berwalds instantly ready to throw hands, start a war, go viking mode. it's simply incomprehensible to him that his darling doesn't adore themselves as much as he adores them.
it must be someone's elses poisonous words corrupting his darling self image, probably denmark, or maybe prussia, germany and austria, or it could be-
if berwald hadn't kidnapped his darling yet, expect to wake up in his house the next morning - clearly his darling is being horridly abused by the people they surround themselves with to think that they aren't worthy of love.
whilst he wasn't planning on pursuing a romantic relationship with his darling, and was content in his position as their guardian angel, if it's what he thinks they need, he'll do whatever he must to ensure their wellbeing.
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here we have the angsty teenager, who immediately takes it as his darling mocking him. fine! be that way, he didn't even like them that much to begin with (lies). once he realises how immature he's being, he panics.
did he just ruin his entire relationship with his darling over his own insecurity? emil screams into his pillow when it occurs to him that his darling was being sincere. even if they weren't, he couldn't stay away from them for that long. if he wasn't already stalking them, he's picked up the habit now: they hate him so how else is he to get his fill of them?.
after a few months of being estranged, emil works up the courage to make amends. but it isn't the same, his beloved is on edge, they don't trust him like they used to. it drives him to absolute insanity loosing the closeness he once had with his darling.
he doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat, he just follows and watches them in a desperate attempt to get close to them again.
eventually, his brothers get concerned, lukas can't stand to see his baby brother so distressed, so he does what all good brothers do and puts icelands darling under a love potion. to emils horror. at first he thinks they've come around, but is quick to become suspicious of the sudden affection he's receiving.
emil will demand lukas undo the love potion, when his darling is back to their senses he's so embarrassed, he stutters apologies, as the door opens.
norway walks in with a suitcase, "here's all their stuff" "WHAT"
isn't norway a great big brother kidnapping icelands darling for him.
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way to reinforce kunuk's belief that he and his darling are soulmates, reader. just when he thinks his darling can't get any more perfect for him, they say this. it's kinda disturbing to see the heart eyes he gives them as they pour out their heart to him, probably sobbing too.
he immediately counters with his own belief that he isn't good enough for his darling, but he loves them so much that he's gotten past that to bring them together (kidnap them).
if anything his darling made him more attached to them, he goes from being attached at the hip with them to being their conjoined twin; if kunuk wasn't open with them before, he sure as hell is now. if he was, all boundries between him and his darling fade at this point.
kunuk also uses his darlings insecurity as a way to isolate them from others; no one understands them like he does, as no one understands him as they do, so what's the point of going to america's birthday bash when he and his darling could stay home and cuddle?
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marraiwa · 1 year
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too lazy to draw
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shinningraes · 2 months
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edeluette · 3 months
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✌️war refuge selfie
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simple-persica · 1 year
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A sketch of the North America trio from the Discord
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umahumahumah · 10 months
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greenland exists and his ghost haunts your dreams oooooo 👻 👻
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