#Hey brain thanks for all the ideas but also stfu pweese
karniss-bg3 · 10 months
Hello again. ) I'm still thinking about the dancing drider. Let's imagine that during another walk through the shadows, Kar'niss found a group of dead people. One of them had a gramophone - the technology of big cities. And a bag of records. Kar'niss takes the find with him and one day, when no one bothers him, he figures out how it works. He listens to music and remembers that he was once trained to dance and did it well. Now he is trying to repeat those movements again… And someone who likes him is surreptitiously watching him. What happens then? I hope it is an interesting idea) Thank you.
[Link to AO3 Mirror]
Another day, another patrol through the Shadowlands. Kar’niss was alone this day and at times he preferred it as such, allowing him moments where he could converse with his Queen uninterrupted. Rarely did the voices answer back which allowed him to prattle on about everything and nothing as his leisure. The drider marched through the darkness with moon lantern in hand only coming to pause when he noticed something strange on the road ahead. He approached to investigate coming to discover a fallen convoy of travelers who were likely unprepared for the horrors of these cursed lands. Bodies were strewn over the road alongside an overturned cart, the beast who had been pulling it long gone.
The drider skittered over to closely examine the carnage, lifting his lantern to better shed light on the situation. The bodies were in various states of ruin, cut up and slashed either by knife or by claw. The damage was too great to discern either possibility but one thing Kar’niss knew for certain was that they were dead. He grabbed the corpse of a gnome male by the collar to hoist them up and sniff in their direction. His nose crinkled with disappointment able to tell that their blood had long gone cold and wasn’t suitable for feasting. He’d snort while he casually tossed the cadaver aside letting it land where it would. He was prepared to abandon the grizzly but common sight and continue on his way. That is until he caught sight of something glimmering in his peripheral. He’d crane his head to peer down at a pile of abandoned items strewn across the dead earth until he spied a partially open box.
He reached out to push the lid open the rest of the way revealing a bizarre device tucked away within. A wide, brass funnel protruded from the top of the object, wide and rounded at the mouth. It was attached to a rosewood box with intricate gold symbols woven into the wood grain on all sides. He assumed it to be in a language he did not know. A round turn table sat at it’s center with a peculiar metal arm hovering inches from its surface, a narrow needle fastened to the arms end. Tucked in a separate bag were a series of black discs, all with little holes bored into their centers.
“What is this, Majesty?” Kar’niss said.
The drider leaned over to peer into the dark funnel to see if something was hidden inside. Perhaps this was an oddly shaped home for a fey creature like the one trapped in his lantern? He’d lower the light source down and speak directly to the entity within, a pixie known as Dolly Thrice.
“Little nuisance, what do you know of this strange item?” Kar’niss lowered the lantern closer to it so the fey inside might shed some insight.
“So the reject wants answers? This box is not for you, it’s for dancers,” said the small voice within.
Kar’niss squinted at the reply. “Dancers? What cryptic non-sense. Speak plain!”
“I can show you if you set me free. If you deny my wish then you can blow me!”
Kar’niss reared his head back and grit his teeth, an audible growl bubbling from his throat. “We will figure it out ourselves! Majesty will guide us, yes...yes She knows what to do.”
“Ha! A drider with a brain? A notion that is beyond insane. Do not come crying to Dolly Thrice when Ketheric puts your head in a vice. Amused I will be by golly bearing witness to your folly.”
His upper lip curled into an unimpressed sneer. Tempted as he was to toss the moon lantern away he also knew this was a gift from his Queen, his everything. He believed the pixie was there to test his loyalty and test him she did.
Kar’niss collected the box and bag with the black discs juggling them in one arm while the other kept hold of the lantern to light the way. He returned to Moonrise tower, a few guards seen patrolling the outer perimeter.
“The spider freak has returned,” said one guard.
“Hard to even look at,” replied another.
Kar’niss ignored their chiding, they were the Absolute’s chosen after all. He was accustomed to the snide remarks and filthy looks but it didn’t matter. He was safe in the knowledge that his Queen saw something worthy in him, the opinions of others held no weight by comparison. Kar’niss climbed up the interior walls and squeezed through holes in the ceiling, spiriting himself away to one of the more secluded locations to play with his new toy. He squeezed himself into an abandoned room, the area covered in a thin layer of dust and the air thick with the smell of mothballs and age. He’d clear off a small table where he placed the device, setting his lantern aside.
“Hrm.” Kar’niss lowered himself to inspect the device and the discs that came with it. He picked up one of the records and examined it, peeking through the hole at it’s center. He’d then bite into it as if it were a thin sandwich, his expression immediately turning sour from the unfavorable taste. He’d stick his tongue out and shake his head with disgust before placing the disc down onto the table.
“Of course a mindless beast would think it’s edible. Are you sure your intelligence is credible?” Dolly Thrice chided from within her glass prison.
“Shut up!” Kar’niss snarled, his legs clicking at the ground in aggravation. He sucked in a shaken breath as his hand rubbed along the back of his neck, his pedipalps trembling against his torso. “We are smart, we can figure it out.”
While he was put off by the nosy pixie close by he was determined to unlock the secrets of the item one way or another. His gaze caught sight of the golden crank attached to the side of the box. He recognized similar mechanisms on music boxes or gate lifts. His clawed hands grabbed the handle and turned the arm slowly winding it up. When he released the arm he noticed it began to turn on it’s own and so did the circular table at the center of the box. He bit his lower lip as the cogs in his mind whirled with thought trying to put pieces together. He retrieved another record and turned it over in his hands, his eyes darting from the disc to the turn table taking note that both were roughly the same size. That and there was a protruding piece of metal at the center of the turn table that looked to fit the hole in the disc.
“Is this right, my Queen? Yes, we think it must be.”
He placed the record down onto the protruding nub which secured it in place. Sure enough it began to spin in place, powered by the mechanisms within. Kar’niss’ lips curled into a self-satisfied smile, his chest puffing out to signify pride in his discovery. The celebration was short lived, morphing into renewed confusion. What purpose did a spinning disc serve? He scratched his head and eyeballed every part of the gadget until he rediscovered the arm. It hovered above the record as if waiting to make contact, itching to be united. With some hesitation he applied pressure to the lever until the needle beneath made contact. At first all he could hear was strange popping sound coming from the brass cone on top which made his head tip curiously.
“I do not understand,” Kar’niss said.
Before the drider could check to make sure he did it right the loud boom of music erupted from the cone. The unexpected noise put Kar’niss in a panic, the drider quick to back away against a nearby wall and lift up his front legs into a defensive stance which exposed his underbelly, the back four remaining firmly planted on the ground. His heart pounded in his chest, his hand clinging to the hilt of his sword over his shoulder, all of his eyes wide and on alert. His reaction caused Dolly Thrice to howl with laughter within her cage, finding the entire thing ridiculous. The music continued to play a calming waltz melody, a tune that echoed throughout the room he was in. After his breathing grew steady he’d lower his front legs and frown, maintaining distance but curious all the same.
“What sort of magic is this?” Kar’niss asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“The drider does not know? My, he really is slow,” Dolly Thrice chirped. “Four bards offended a wizard most cruel and he would not be made a fool. A choice he did give if the musicians wished to live. Be shrunk down and forever enslaved to the box or curse their loved ones with the deadly pox? To spare the ones they cherished so they promised to put on a show. In this wooden prison they must stay, performing for their master night and day!”
Kar’niss squinted when she offered the sorrowful explanation. He carefully approached the gramophone and looked it up and down, his gaze scrutinizing. “There are...people in here?” Kar’niss tapped the side of the device with a claw, expecting to hear cries for help or some other response by doing so. Of course nothing of the sort happened and it only increased his confusion further. He didn’t understand that the pixie was having fun at his expense.
Now that the initial shock had passed it gave Kar’niss a moment to focus on the song being played. While it wasn’t a melody he was accustomed to it did remind him of days gone by. He was often tasked to dance for the Matrons at feasts and other ceremonious events. The women admired him for his beauty and how well he moved, a man that had more grace than any would assume now. His body began to sway without him realizing it, those long legs swinging on their joints to carry his over-sized body this way and that. He didn’t understand why it mesmerized him so but the song did well to drown out the voices in his mind which were always vying for his attention. This was a rare moment of focus for him and it did well to relax the normally alert creature.
The music had filtered out into the hallway, catching the attention of Tav who was walking by. It was unusual to hear music in the tower, especially such a robust theme most were incapable of playing. They approached the door and gently turned the handle, pushing the door open a crack to peek inside. To their surprise they saw Kar’niss swaying to the beat, his eyes locked on the peculiar device where the sound came from. They watched while Kar’niss surrendered his body to the music, his movements growing more animated the higher his confidence climbed. Tav kept themselves hidden from view, unable to resist watching the rare performance.
Kar’niss lifted his arms above his head and curled his hips in time with the way of his body, his front two legs tapping the ground in time to the beat while the rest remained planted in place. His pedipalps lifted one at a time, curling outward one after the other as if they were walking on air. The bulky arachnid abdomen wiggled side to side, the muscles on his torso tensing beneath the chitin armor while putting them to use. His legs carried him into motion, stepping forward then back time and time again, even bold enough to turn his entire body in place. His arms swayed in an arc from his chest then back in. Tav smiled to themselves, feeling a sense of relief that perhaps Kar’niss wasn’t as lost as previously assumed. It gave them hope and encouraged them not to give up on him just yet. One would be forgiven for thinking Kar’niss was under the effect of a charm spell, lost in the rare moment of self-indulgent joy.
Such distractions would prove to be Kar’niss’ undoing. Lost as he was to the tune he didn’t pay mind to his surroundings, nor the many obstacles in his path. Upon spinning around for the second time one of his legs slipped into the open slot at the back of a wooden chair, catching him mid-step. Now tangled and in the process of circular momentum he didn’t have time to stop himself. His legs curled and staggered, the room turning upside down as the drider crashed onto his side, the chair splintering apart beneath the full bulk of his body. Kar’niss cried out from both fear and a bit of pain, the shards of wood cutting into him and his leg twisted in a way that was uncomfortable. Thankfully it did not break. Tav gasped at the sight and pushed into the room even though it revealed they had been spying on him.
“Kar’niss, are you alright?!” Tav rushed to his side and hurriedly yanked what wood pieces they could from beneath him.
Dolly Thrice squealed with laughter at the sight of the poor drider. “Eight legs better than two? Not when it comes to you!”
Tav shot the lantern a dirty glare. “It’s not funny, Dolly. Leave him be.”
Kar’niss hissed in pain and embarrassment, his legs kicking out in an effort to right himself. “Don’t touch us! Go away, GO AWAY!” Kar’niss roared as he pushed Tav off, barely managing to get himself upright.
Tav backed off and held up their hands in a defensive manner. “It’s alright, Kar’niss. I’m just trying to help you. It was an accident, that’s all.”
The drider limped toward a corner and clumsily climbed the wall, his back leg still sore but intact. He’d retreat to the dark spot and curl in on himself, not wanting to be seen by anyone. Tav frowned, glancing over their shoulder at the device just as the song came to an end. They approached and looked at it quietly, not wanting to leave Kar’niss alone even if he argued otherwise. Tav was ready to reach out and touch the equipment until the drider interjected from his corner.
“No! The bards are sleeping now,” he grumbled.
Tav’s brow lofted. “Bards?”
Kar’niss inched forward until his face was partially exposed by the dim light in the room. “The little nuisance told us of the bards inside the box.”
Tav squinted and exhaled a deep, exhausted breath. “Did she?” They wandered over and picked up the moon lantern, speaking directly to its host. “You shouldn’t tease Kar’niss like that, much less fill his head with non-sense.”
“Easy for the tall one to say. They don’t have to sit in this lantern all day."
“I know. But he is just as much a victim as you. Give me time, I’ll work it out.” Tav placed the torch back in its corner and turned to approach the humiliated drider glued to the wall. “Everything is alright. Please come down.”
Kar’niss shook his head and retreated back into his corner. “No.”
Tav hummed and planted their hands on their hips taking a moment to contemplate. They’d turn and began clearing a space in the room, pushing furniture aside and any other obstacles that likely didn’t favor spider legs. They clapped dust free from their hands once finished, returning to Kar’niss who kept a curious eye on things.
“There, plenty of space for you now.” Tav extended a hand in his direction, fingers outstretched. “If you come down I’ll even tell you what the device really is.”
He eyeballed the hand reaching for him, his hair dangling freely over his shoulder. After he thought the offer through he crept forward and clapped his hand into Tav’s own. The adventurer walked backward to lead Kar’niss down off the wall and back onto solid ground, smiling at him.
“What is it?” Kar’niss asked. Tav let go of his hand and returned to the location of the player. “It’s called a gramophone. It’s a relatively new invention and one only nobles can really afford at the minute. These discs are called records because they record sound or voices which the gramophone can play back. The song you were listening to is referred to as a waltz.”
“Wah-ults?” Kar’niss cocked his head to one side, the sound of the word on his tongue strange to him.
“Waltz, yes. It’s a kind of dance mostly popular in noble circles, although it is gaining traction across the classes. I can show you if you’d like,” Tav said.
The drider shook his head and shrank visibly. “N-No, we are too clumsy.”
“I don’t think you are, not at all. You were doing really well before you got into a fight with the chair. Now that there is space you should be fine. It’s a fairly simple dance to do.” Tav approached the gramophone and moved the needle back to the beginning of the record. They wound up the crank until it could budge no further, letting it go so the music kicked back in. They’d return to Kar’niss who was wound tighter than a spring, terrified of making another mistake especially in front of Tav. But they were not as worried, taking his hand into their own. “Now you place your hand on my hip, like this. One of my hands goes on your shoulder and the other takes your hand into mine.” Tav did exactly as instructed, stepping in closer so their hips rested between his pedipalps.
Kar’niss’ breath hitched in his throat with how close they were, closer than he was used to being with anyone who didn’t become a meal. His rounded abdomen trembled with nerves and his palms sweat, far more vulnerable than he cared to be. He trusted Tav more than he was willing to admit and he was interested in this dance they spoke of. The least he could do was give it a chance. Tav nodded and waited for the proper beat to step to the side, leading Kar’niss at first so he could get used to the rhythm.
“One, two, three. One, two, three,” Tav counted off.
Kar’niss followed along, stumbling at first as the movements were tricky with this body. Tav counting along with the steps did aid him in following, the pair dancing together from one side of the room to the next. They spun around together, the sound of Tav’s footsteps mingled with the steady clicking of Kar’niss’ pointed legs. He kept his body lowered enough to where Tav didn’t strain maintaining their hold, the pair soon finding a rhythm that worked for them both. The more he shook off his nerves the more he realized he was having fun, a concept foreign to him. He watched Tav who was smiling back at him, the duo gliding across the floor as if it were a ballroom and they were center stage. Kar’niss’ steps were wide but carefully taken while Tav kept their movements short and easy to follow. Once they were certain he had a grasp on the dance moves Tav leaned back, releasing his shoulder and maintaining the grasp on his hand, in order to spin around in place and return to their former position. Kar’niss’ eyes went wide with some surprise at how fluid the movement was, impressed.
Tav leaned in and rested their head against his shoulder, nestling their face against his neck. The drider felt a swelling in his chest, blood rushing to his face which caused a rosy hue to blossom over the normally pale surface. The hand planted on Tav’s waist opted to wander, his palm sliding around the small of their back so his arm could tug them in closer, securing them against his body. His pedipalps followed suit, fastening around the curve of their backside to hold tight. In that single moment of bliss the pair left Moonrise and the Shadow curse behind. No one else existed save for themselves, locked in a romantic embrace where they might savor the company of one another. This was their time, their moment, it belonged to no one else.
Like all good things this, too, was fated to end. The melody began to slow down, reaching its final notes to signify the finale. The duo slowed their movements to match and soon came to a stop, silence falling over the darkened room they stood in. Tav leaned back and looked into Kar’niss’ eyes, a gaze that was returned in kind by the drider. They reached up to caress the side of his face with their fingertips, feeling over the scars and the uneven surface of the chitin lining his jaw. Both felt the tension rising between them, the normally reclusive drider finding the courage to lean in closer to Tav, bridging the gap between their lips. Tav’s eyes fluttered shut, their trembled lips growing painfully close to touching.
“Dolly Dolly Dolly wishes they would stop. I cannot bear to watch this slop!” Dolly Thrice called out from her cage. “If unholy sins you want to commit at least first toss this pixie into a pit.”
Kar’niss jolted from the sudden lecture, jerking away from Tav with a frown etched on his face. Tav winced and side eyed the moon lantern. They knew Kar’niss valued the damn thing but frankly they were coming to terms with the idea of making it disappear, permanently.
“Thanks Dolly. You always know how to enhance a mood,” Tav sighed.
The drider wrinkled his nose and released Tav from his grip, his legs shifting beneath him with anxious energy. “It is alright, we have wasted too much time here. Majesty calls, we must fulfill Her bidding.” He stepped away from Tav and retrieved the annoying but useful lantern, skittering toward a hole in the ceiling so he might retreat to the top of the tower. Tav looked on and crossed their arms, disappointed that he was departing but they also knew better than to push their luck. “As you wish. Perhaps...we might do this again sometime.”
Kar’niss paused at the opening, taking a moment to glance over his shoulder at his companion. “Perhaps.” He pressed his lips together and tipped his chin up. “Thank you for teaching us this...wall-utz.” From there he squeezed his way through the opening and disappeared from sight.
Tav stood back, reaching out apply a glancing touch to the side of the gramophone. They smiled and leaned back against the table.
“You’re welcome, Kar’niss.”
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