#Hi Fi Rush Roquefort
sketchydoof · 1 month
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Yeah, we get it Roquefort
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xannador · 2 years
In Chai’s own words; What a fight!
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I mean, if your game doesn’t let me fight a giant mecha werewolf with a guitar inside Scrooge McDuck’s vault, then honestly what’s even the point?
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schellis · 25 days
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so ive fully obtained the hi-fi rush brainrot so yall can get some misc sketches / studies to figure out how people look like
(i definitely do not has a bias towards kale what are you talking about)
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lagomorphin · 9 days
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i have discovered photo mode in hi fi rush. beautiful things are afoot
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margoshvets · 1 year
Oh no.
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lizardsarecute · 10 months
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morning warmups with the corporate furry lol
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saturns-cryptid · 2 months
was someone going to tell me that roquefort is a type of cheese or was i just supposed to learn this through a cheese wrapping video
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Ngl wasn’t expecting the werewolf GILF
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mannycalaveracafe · 2 years
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AWWW, such cuteness! My rage is weakend!
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weirdoartist21 · 1 year
I sure most know this but I noticed no one mentioned anything about it
So as we know Peppermint is 23 and Kale is about 38(Probably the best number we got according to the creator) 38-23 is well 15 so Kale was 15 when his sister was born. And as we know Peppermint has been clearly the favorite child since literally she would have been the one to take over if she never had left. Now imagine being in Kale's situation, you most likely want to be like your mom and take over then you get a sister suddenly. Then that chance of ever taking over your mom's company becomes slim, despite you are the oldest and usually in history or that the oldest is the one to get the 'throne' The youngest kid only would ever become heir to the throne if A the oldest one is unable to do it do to death or sickness or B they turn the title down and leave. But the only one that could fit this would be A but Roxanne would have clearly used Vandelay to heal her son upright if he did get truly sick which I theorize he got into the same accident as Peppermint that made her lose her leg or he got badly sick like Roquefort maybe that's why he let him join Vandelay cause he knew how it felt to be so sick that your body is failing you. Yet the description for Kale Boss looks said the keyword 'upgrade'. So either Kale never had the robot body before and decided now was his chance to actually live then suffer or he had a robot body but it wasn't cut out to him either he did need a better one for his health or he just wanted to feel stronger. The key thing is that Peppermint does mention Kale is always used by people but he would be an adult by the time Peppermint could even remember the earliest thing in her childhood. So not sure how she would have known who Kale was if clearly, she wasn't there for his life. I may be sounding crazy but I'm sure I would be real upset if my younger sibling suddenly became the favorite and took a dream of running my family company in seconds. I know Kale was a teen when Peppermint was born and babies need a lot of attention but we all remember how hard and struggling being a teen was. But I can say Kale is a bad person, I mean he mind-controlled his own mom to get what he wanted and tried to kill Chai many times and gave zero care when his coworker turned into fireworks/a pancake. But as we know people aren't born bad, they grow bad without the right help.
Anyway welcome to my ted talk sorry for my rambling
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hifirushimagines · 2 years
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Here's some Yandere Vandelay Bosses in the meantime, while I write for the upcoming asks
Edit; I forgot Zanzo's beard
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@doomfisthero (Screenshotting because adding things to submissions instead of asks is finicky as hell)
Thanks! 8D
I have a feeling he'd work better as an "assistant" character, i.e. being called in for specific level obstructions and for combo-attacks. The whole gaggle of misfits would become even more misfit-ey, considering that he was one of the "real" big-bad heads compared to, say, Korsica, and probably wouldn't be used to the whole "synchronization" thing rofl.
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xannador · 1 year
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thesmallmeggles · 1 year
Character Surnames
Because I'm a naming nerd, I decided to give family names to the characters who don't have canonical ones. If/When I share any fics you'll be seeing these names used. You're also free to snag these for your own projects 🙂
🎸Chai Gibson 🎸
Taken from the Gibson guitar manufacturer - Chai's scrap guitar is the "Flying V" model. Straightforward.
Scottish origin. Gibson means "son of the bright pledge"
💻 Macaron Ejiofor 💻
Pronounced "edge-ee-o-for"
West African/Igbo origin. (I felt like giving Macaron an African surname because why not?) Ejiofor means "one who acts in good faith". (If that doesn't fit Mac...) Knowledge of the actor Chiwetel Ejiofor didn't influence my choice.
⚡ Rekka Accardi ⚡
Italian origin (in respect to Randy Savage who she was inspired by in some aspects). Accardi means "hard edge", accurate to her in game personality.
🍍 Zanzo Motozawa 🍍
Japanese origin. Motozawa depending the most commonly used kanji means "base, origin" + "swamp, marsh". I picked this name because Zanzo is close to the Japanese word for "optical illusion".
I chose Fukuzawa for his family name originally, but changed it after rediscovering something funny in my D&D character planning doc. Consonant swapping Samson gives Zanzom, Zanzo M. (The foreshadowing... If you can call it that. 😄)
🌪️ Korsica Faulkner-Wallace 🌪️
Scottish origin (because majority seems to view her as Scottish). Faulkner means "falconer" (wind association) and Wallace means "foreigner" (the fact she's different from the other Department Heads).
I liked both surnames so much, I gave Korsica the double barreled treatment. Possible blended family situation with her.
🍹Mimosa Desrosiers 🍹
Pronounced "des-roh-see-ay", I believe. French origin (whether or not Mimosa is any amount of Hi-Fi Rush equivalent French is up for debate. It's possible she changed her surname to aid her career goals). Desrosiers means "from the rose bushes".
🌹 Bed of roses association ftw. 🌹
🐺 Roquefort St. John 🐺
Pronounced "sin-jin"
English origin, it originates from a place named after Saint John. John means "YAHWEH is gracious".
I got this surname from randomly generated results (Fantasy Name Generators' Australian Names to be specific) and settled on it for the vibes rather than the meaning.
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goldentrashpanda101 · 4 months
New crack ship idea unlocked
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margoshvets · 5 months
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If you look closely you can find a third Roquefort here.
A little doodle based on the comment I got on Twitter:
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