#Hi yoli hi
kitsunefyuu · 27 days
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There is something deeply disturbing about Izuku Midoriya. This is something Katsuki has noticed since he was small how the other seemed wrong and with a mothers whose very existence oozed misery. It just unfortunate that he ended up being the target of the other's attention and he learns those eyes belong to something that truly doesn't see him. Yet the whole world seemed to bend to his whim. He refuses to show his fear. He isn't afraid, he's going to become a hero. ...But doesn't mean the other won't teach him what true fear is. Even if all Izuku wish is they could be friends once again.
A continuation of the Eldritch DFO horror series but in Bakugou's point of view and as you can see it gets... Fleshy.
@summonedbunny is the lovely artist of this piece~! Do enjoy just remember it can get quite horrifying... :3c
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Lol! Tough and callous is probably the best way to describe my interpretation because at first how I write him in stories he can seem sweet. But there an underlying wrongness as you pull back the curtain and see he still cruel at the same time. The good 'family' man and the monster that is AFO both do very much exist at the same time.
I loved watching criminal stories, gothic, and learning about psychology in my youth. So I've learned a lot about people who can have seemingly nice and normal happy families, but are literally butchering prostitutes on weekends. So when I saw AFO I just keyed in and knew he had that kind of dissonance.
He 'loves' his family but isn't exactly normal either. He could date, be sweet and play the part but also use that very nature of knowing how to pretend to be normal to manipulate. He KNOWS people so knows how to play the part because he wants what everyone else has. When I write him it is intended to be sympathetic but not in a oh look at this poor thing, but in a he literally believes the BS he speaks.
So he IS the nice regular guy Hisashi Midoriya that working hard over seas to provide for his family. But he is also the ruthless AFO, so a freak and just some guy. Perfectly balanced, a cognitive dissonance to any ordinary person but it makes sense to him.
Why can't he have both the normal life everyone else has and be a demon lord? Without regard to the fact he is basically allowing Izuku and Inko to believe a lie, when to him he didn't lie. He just doesn't feel a need to mention it since doesn't need another incident. It not like he's involving them in that, Izuku got himself involved when he didn't want that. That isn't HIS fault.
And I'm glad you enjoyed my interpretation it something I love exploring. Having him be relatable with normal wants yet also showing how horrific his actions can be as he sees nothing wrong in his behavior.
How else do you think a man like him could live and hide for so long if can't even pretend to play the part of a normal guy? It's great to explore.
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murmur-oftheflies · 4 months
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Soy and I might be fucking stupid
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kitsunesfandomtime · 11 months
His Escape from Hell - CH 4
Characters: Yoichi Shigaraki, Second One for all User, All for One (Hisashi Shigaraki), and Gigantomachia (As bodyguard)
Relationship: All for One & Yoichi, All for One & Machia, Minor Second User / Yoichi
Warnings: Possessive behavior
Summary: Sequel to Treasure Vault. Yoichi has escaped the vault with the help of these rebel forces but he is still suffering the trauma and effects of the vault. He refuses to let that stop him, one way or another even if no one on his side. He has a goal he wishes to achieve.
Yoichi hasn't been entirely honest.
Not even to himself after the years of discovering his brother's new role as a 'demon' of japan.
For all his bravado, his very refusal to submit to his brother's wishes. To look his brother in the eye and refuse what he desired.
It all came from a soft affection of a little brother who still remembers the man that Hisashi was. Just wishing they could just go back to what they had used to be when it was just the two of them surviving together. Uncaring about the atrocities just wishing for his brother to be good and no longer acting as the monster he wants everyone to see.
"Are you listening? He isn't a victim he's literally the perpetrator of many terrible atrocities," Kaiji speaks and honestly Yoichi knows he isn't doing himself any favors but in this moment...
He wants to be heard.
"Do you think I'm blind? I'm his brother don't treat me like I'm an idiot like he does," Yoichi speaks with all the stubbornness his brother always says he has. His tone is almost sharp as he gets to his feet to make it clear he isn't joking right now and for the other to just listen to him.
It did seem to ruffle Kaiji who was likely not used to being confronted like this by allies especially since Yoichi had been quite a mess when he arrived. That thought infuriated him knowing right now the other might still be seeing that broken man inside the vault. He didn't wish to be like that forever, Yoichi was tired of feeling like a victim and wanted the other to see him as an equal.
Thankfully instead of getting pissed at being talked to like that the other simply sighs. His hand making a motion to continue even if the other seemed to be holding his own head likely from a headache forming.
Yoichi will admit he was sheltered as his brother did everything to make sure he didn't have to experience the worst of life. But he wasn't blind regardless of the damn hallucinations that haunted his waking moments trying to deem him as such.
Normal people have limits, normal people always choose the good guys, those are the ones that are loved. Yoichi learned this at a young age trying to emulate them because they were what should be good.
That isn't how his brother worked. He knew how to act as if he cared and feign the kind of decorum people were comfortable with. Their parents made sure of that despite him being unable to understand the why he knew the how.
But to his brother it was something he abhorred seeing it more like shackles as those were traits their parents pushed onto him. Until they were no longer around to care for them then they became tools to survive. Suddenly it wasn't just about himself and his needs, Hisashi made Yoichi his meaning to live and Yoichi... Well he didn't return the sentiment.
They saw the world very differently and Yoichi will admit he never truly saw how his brother saw the world. Living peacefully at home living off the care of his brother until he realized the job his brother took.
He never tried to understand, until now and knows it might be to late.
"I wished to be a hero," he allows those words to hang in the air trying to find the words he failed to tell his brother. "But more then anything I had wanted to save my brother from continuing this path. However, I also know I don't have the strength to stop him without it there isn't even a chance he will listen nor did I understand him when I did have that chance."
As long as his brother continues to believe he is against the world then he won't ever listen to his weak and pathetic little brother. If he was stronger and could assure his brother in some way he wouldn't die then maybe his brother would stop.
If maybe promised something that actually had worth instead of simply playing up his own heroism could have made him see reason. But all he had were these two quirks that had become one and yet...
Yoichi stares at his hand knowing the stockpile was his brother's gift it had hurt terribly. They both had realized there was another quirk in there and when his brother tried to take it back, fearing it might cause brain damage Yoichi resisted and that was his gift.
Memories of it were foggy.
It is also when the hallucinations began to happen in that vault. His brother claiming a few times he has not done certain things that he thought was his brother gaslighting him.
An epiphany. Something had come with his brother.
He hadn't gone crazy. His brother unconsciously left an imprint on the stockpile.
"I..." Yoichi speaks softly as in this moment he finally realizes this wasn't a specter standing beside him. Only at his most stressed did his brother appear invading his senses like he was truly there despite knowing he wasn't. Aware yet the bastard wouldn't leave despite knowing better.
But this also means that as he begins to remember a bit more that...
You wouldn't lock me away would you? Yoichi is the one with the power over these 'hallucinations'.
"My brother gave me a quirk before he locked me away but I already had one. I can feel his presence constantly and right now it not malice toward me but desperation," he stands up as he clenches his fist looking at the other. Then he stands up staring at his heroes expressions seeming to look back with his own resolve, "I know it's impossible. I know that in the end my brother would prefer a villain's death. Maybe even by your hands or someone elses hated by everyone but at the very least I want to be the one who keeps his humanity alive. This quirk at the least can be of use in finding him and maybe just maybe... It can do the impossible."
It was his code. Heroes always have a moral code and the many times his brother had wished for himself to be hated. To be feared so that he won't fear anything it only made Yoichi resolve harder to contradict it.
To look his brother in the eye and say he will save him even with blood on his hands not because he was naive. Not because he was foolish because even if his brother might end up dying he still wants to extend his hand. That even if for a brief moment might be able to see the brother who loved him underneath the monster he has become.
"I want to believe there are heroes who will do everything they can even to save villains," Yoichi speaks then gives Kaiji a gentle smile, "Because you gave me that chance despite knowing who my brother is. In a way you inspired me even if I might fail at least with you guys I can try."
Kaiji seemed to snap out of his stern demeanor those red eyes widening. Likely right now trying to do some rationalization at what Yoichi was declaring.
"That's hardly the same," Kaiji states as he gets up, "What exactly are you even saying? Regardless of your feelings you realize we will end up killing him, you and his situation are different. Despite knowing we will kill your brother you still want to join while refusing to do it yourself? You realize how insane you sound, don't you?"
Yoichi nods his head. Kaiji in this moment realized the other might be just as nut as his brother and yet...
"I can't believe I'm allowing you into the group still after this crazy nonesense," the rebel leader mutters more to himself with a heavy sigh. Yoichi's eyes brightened up as it seemed he got the other to understand his earnest feelings.
"We aren't telling a SOUL about this conversation and you better not get in the way either," he speaks firmly clearly trying to seem like a hardass. Which he was doing a terrible job since hearing all that and still accepting him into the group shows was a softie underneath. While also knowing every other vigilante is going to want Yoichi's head on a platter.
"I won't disappoint you!" Yoichi shouts with glee even as he can feel his brother's presence almost sneering. He will need to figure out how to use this but if this is part of his quirk then he will control it. He could use his brother against his brother.
It's just a matter of if the 'quirk' will cooperate with him and if he can't he needs to make sure he can't cause anymore problems.
To think you have lost your absolute mind.
His brother, or rather a vestige of him, speaks as Yoichi had gone to his room and 'meditated' to look within himself. Now he can truly see his brother or rather what his brother had left behind.
It was the perfect image of the man before he threw Yoichi into the vault still wearing his coat and his hair still a slight fluffy mess. Sitting in some throne chair that Yoichi knows belonged to him and a vault door behind.
You are setting yourself up for failure no one is going to care about you like I do and yet you are affiliating yourself with men who think you're a nutcase. Of course you are sprouting nonsense like saving a villain.
The man speaks but Yoichi isn't as bothered knowing this truly was his brother. Or a piece of him and he wonders if he was connected to his brother directly or not.
"Stop acting like you aren't my brother. I know you're him this is real and now that I'm aware of you I need to tell you that this is MY world," Yoichi speaks firmly and can see Hisashi tense as if aware of this fact yet acts unbothered.
Is it? Can't tell this just seems like the vault you left so would think it's mine.
The vestige speaks calmly upon this throne that looked so similar to the real life one. That All for One would sit in as did orders and acted as king, as well as when asked the thugs to capture Yoichi for him.
"Don't bullshit me. But guess I should be happy you keeping me company even as the annoying bastard of my imagination that I wanted to maul might have saved my sanity," he notes as he realizes he wasn't fully alone. That those 'hallucinations' actually had a source besides the waning mind of a mad man.
The young man across from him glares at him still trying to act intimidating and Yoichi wonders if his brother knows he left such a gift. Or it was only because of the stockpile quirk fusing with his power.
"This power... The gift you gave me against my wishes, I can't personally use it much," Yoichi admits as he looks at his brother knowing he can't talk to the real one. The real Hisashi would likely ignore his words but this one has to listen. "You refused to listen to me. You shoved me aside and berated me... Yet here you are for once trapped I would think you be happy to be stuck with me."
I'm not stuck here with you! You truly have gone mad if you think a hallucination is real.
Hisashi looked ruffled almost embarrassingly so because the illusion of power the other had was gone. If Yoichi wanted he could eliminate the other or at the least suppress him. Though he frowns as the other clearly couldn't give up his control.
The other was fighting back. Refusing to show weakness even to his brother with no one around. He was still scared.
"You don't have to pretend. Not even the real you can see you here I imagine," Yoichi notes but the other wouldn't relax. Those eyes stared at him intently as if expecting harm to him and in a sense he knew he couldn't keep him here.
If Yoichi can sense Hisashi with the vestige it also means if given the chance likely the vestige would communicate back. Thankfully he doubts his brother has a long range sensory but the risk is to great.
"...I wish you would just talk to me." Yoichi speaks softly knowing the other was just an imprint of his brother. Stuck in the space of where had been left behind even as the younger brother extends his hand, "Please, brother. I don't want to lock you away can we... Try to talk?"
"To the brother that will allow others to kill me the real me? Talking isn't an option and at this point you're just doing a performance," Hisashi sneers and Yoichi can't deny this. He didn't have the strength to prove anything and he moved his hands away as he guessed this was useless. "You're as fucked up as I am in these delusions."
"Language~" Yoichi teases watching the vestige get ruffled but he knows the other is serious. His eyes glance at the vault door and Hisashi tenses, "I don't want to kill you even if you aren't him. Maybe one day you will understand but-"
Suddenly there was a hand on him gripping his shoulder. Looking up startled he could see Hisashi's eyes glaring but almost pleading, "Don't you dare. You NEED me here to keep you safe, don't reject me."
Yoichi looks up at his brother with wide eyes. Memories of when they were young he recalled Hisashi's eyes used to be green but now looked like a void. Hanging on by a thread for humanity and he couldn't help but feel pity, "I love you. I always will brother, but you need to let me go now... Good bye."
There is something satisfying in being the one to close the vault on his older brother and thus the core of this quirk's very heart. In contrast to All for One this quirk was different, he wishes he could understand it. Pick out every detail and it was possible his brother could figure it out but it was too risky.
His brother was too stubborn. Refusing to bend fearing the unknown and the idea of being vulnerable but as the realm relaxed after its transition it felt calm. And for a moment he wondered...
If his brother, this vestige of Hisashi, felt safe for once just being hidden away from the world?
He guesses he will have to figure out the quirk alone and keep the presence of his brother as it core a secret.
He wonders what Hisashi is doing. But maybe it's better he doesn't know, already sure his brother is losing who he is the longer they are apart.
He can't waver now.
"My lord, you need to rest," it was All for One's bodyguard at his side after a tremulous encounter with some rebels. None had the exact information they needed but in a sense it was a good thing as it was terrible.
The rebel that kidnapped Yoichi either didn't know he was his brother or had some misplaced kindness to not expose him. But it was frustrating knowing right now he had been fruitlessly working with those he despised. The government was yapping away at the public of how everything was in order.
Already trying to take their chance with this truce to try and push their own agenda unaware how it will only leave more room to exploit. His brother is just currently the priority.
"I'll rest when my brother is returned. I'm no stranger to long shifts," he finally answered with the flick of his wrist as if to shoo the other away. Not about to hear some spiel about how doesn't need his brother as Ujiko learned to shut his mouth didn't need the loyal bodyguard also pestering.
"My Lord," the man started as if to protest and Hisashi shoots a glare. This was enough to make the man shut up instantly. He can be replaced very easily so the audacity of him to question him at a time like this.
"Machia do you have any family?" He questioned staring intently at the man who had been over stepping his boundaries. Guessing should try to correct him before searching for a new one.
"No sir," he answers. Well that explains why this man was baffled by his insistence on regaining his little brother. So he should enlighten him.
"Families are messy. Frusterating, some are better to be cut off and left to burn," Hisashi speaks almost whimsically as he looks at the hole in his hands that marked him as a freak. "But some families, they will stick with you through thick and thin. Those that will hold onto their family could help them prosper and survive but I noticed in my comic books in contrast despite being 'good' heroes are always forced to sacrifice their family."
The wheels turned in the others head looking baffled clearly trying to understand what is being said as Hisashi stands up from his throne. The small humming noise he can feel is what tells him that his brother is alive.
"I abhorred that idea to my very core. What is the point of praise if it only from strangers people who don't truly know me. I'm selfish and refuse to give up the one family I have who does. Only he understands me," he speaks as he clenches his fist. As he continued his speech to the only ear that will listen to him, "I would destroy this whole damn country for him because I raised him since he was young. I have always protected him in this damned world and this organization was made to keep him safe. Do you understand, Machia? That you are asking me to get rid of the very reason for my existence?"
There was a fire in the man's voice with passion that never sees outside of moments dealing with his brother. In this moment Machia realizes that the other won't stop what he is doing but in a sense...
He wished he would look at him like the way he talked about his brother. Fire and life in his voice with determination to make it a reality already planning the how.
"I understand my lord. I'm so sorry for questioning you," his guard speaks bowing his head in repentance for his bluntness. Hisashi looks him over a bit and decides that maybe he won't replace him as he realizes the other could be an asset if he does more.
"Good... I think I just thought of a quirk I can give you besides your natural endurance," Hisashi muses with an almost cruel smile as he walks toward the man his hand glowing slightly as the bodyguard straightened up. "Would you accept my gift?"
Machia didn't say no even when it caused him agony it was only fair he accepted it after questioning him.
And Hisashi has to admit, loading off that dog quirk was for the best. It suited Machia well to sniff out the base, he wonders how much more he will need before he finds these rats. As Machia crumbles he returns to his throne to sit watching the scene as his mind wanders to his brother.
Where are you Yoichi? The longer you're away the more atrocities to these little rebels I will commit. You're alive I can feel you're alive, can you feel me in return?
I'll find you. And when I do I'll make sure to murder everyone around you in the worst way possible for daring to leave me. For making me go to such lengths to find you as you pretend to play hero.
Then you won't make that mistake again now will you, Yoichi?
He will reject as many chances to stop as it takes, until he has his brother safe in his arms. He has already done enough what is one more sin? One more nail on his coffin that has been decided for him since his birth?
His little brother can continue to play these games but eventually it will come to an end. Then he will understand.
He is the only thing he needs.
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cerealbishh · 2 months
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isabel and eli goofing off between takes of pearson 1x09... but mostly isabel
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art · 5 months
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Meet the Artist: @yoliedraws
Hi there! My name is Yolie, and I’m an artist born in the Philippines and raised in southern California! I work as a pixel artist for indie video games and always love drawing my favorite characters. I take a lot of inspiration from anime/manga, video games, and music! Music especially is something I feel like I always need to have while I’m drawing, and motivates me to keep creating. My fav games: Final Fantasy IX, Hades, Splatoon, Monster Hunter Rise My fav singers/bands: Remi Wolf, Muse, Marina, IDKHow
Nice to meet you, Yolie! Below are some of her pieces she has shared for you all.
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For more of Yolie's work, be sure to check out her Tumblr, @yoliedraws!
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miel-ji · 1 year
𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 <3
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A/N: hi hi! Welcome to my blog <3 I'm a new writer and I’m still trying to figure stuff out. But thank you to everyone who has shown my writing love! Feedback, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated. Don’t be afraid to interact with me or send requests. I’d love to hear from you guys!
<key: a= angst, f= fluff, s= smut> Bang Chan:
Nightmare {word count: 1.5k} a
・❥・Summary:  you were awoken by Chan because of a nightmare that you were having who tries to help you feel better and go back to sleep 
Waiting For You {word count: 1.6k} a
・❥・Summary: Chan is feeling overwhelmed, and you’re there to comfort him 
Lee Know:
Rosé {word count: 3.9k} f
・❥・Summary: Your boyfriend, Minho, texts you to come over to his place suddenly without giving you many details, only to pretend that you’re going on a really nice date
Started Off Right {word count: 2.3k} f
・❥・Summary: Changbin has been helping you honor your New Year’s resolution of going to the gym, turning your workout sessions into another opportunity for dates.
Don't Let Me Go {word count: 2k} f, a
・❥・Summary: You were finally able to see Hyunjin when you joined him on his tour, but he suddenly gets food poisoning to which you want nothing more than for him to feel better. 
It's My Problem {word count: 2.2k} a
・❥・Summary: You’ve been overworked and stressed from university, and it causes you to neglect the one thing in your life that eases your mind from it all 
Something Changed {word count: 5.7k} f, a
・❥・Summary: You’re going to your first ever party in university (partly because a certain barista invited you). You swear he’s been flirting with you, but maybe he’s just really friendly with everyone?
Sunshine {word count: 1.7k} f
・❥・Summary: It’s the first time that Jisung is coming over to your apartment to hang out… alone.
All I Ask {word count: 3k} f
・❥・Summary: Jisung had planned to go out on a date with you, but you both decided you’d have more fun together just staying in. 
All I Ever Wanted {word count: 6.6k} f, a
・❥・Summary: Your roommate Felix has the idea to take his best friends on a beach trip. You instantly agree, loving the idea and you quickly plan it all. 
Now You Do {word count: 1.9k} f, a
・❥・Summary: You feel ready to confront your fear of the ocean, so your boyfriend, Felix, helps you take the next steps. 
Wanted It Forever {word count: 2k} a
・❥・Summary: After a fight unresolved, you’re left to wonder if there is even a relationship anymore to salvage
I Promise You This {word count: 9.3k} f, a
・❥・Summary: Jeongin and you were always a perfect match, but that didn’t matter when nothing worked in your favor. You tried to accept that over your years of friendship, but what happens when nothing is in the way anymore
Taking Care of Drunk!Skz {word count: 6.9k} f
・❥・Summary: You weren’t able to go out with him that night, but good thing because when he gets home, it’s up to you to take care of him. 
Skz Taking Care of Drunk!You {word count: 7k} f
・❥・Summary: He wasn’t able to go out with you that night, but good thing because when you get home, it’s up to him to take care of you.
Time stamps: { 12:01 am } { 8:16 pm }
𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘦:
Name- Yoli
Bday- 14/09/00
Mbti- intj 
Bias- ot8
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dearweirdme · 2 months
I think what that yoli did is irreversible now. Regardless if it's edited or real, tkkrs are the butt of the joke now. Jkkrs are camping in that post now, and making fun of tkkrs. Not that I mind it, but it's just annoying that a tkkr is the one who did that. It could've been a jkkr or an OT7, but a petty tkkr? That was so childish! It doesn't change anything about tkk's relationship, but jokers will forever use that moment as a gotcha moment against tkkrs. I'm pretty sure yoli is not even a tkkr. When I saw that pic, though, I felt like I've seen that photo before. Just can't remember where. Anyway, what's done is done. Even if JK posted those photos in his IG, it doesn't matter now. Jokers pulled out jkk's photos similar to those as well to dispel how those aint special coz jkk have those, too.
Hi anon!
Who cares what Jkkrs think, say, and do?! They are always annoying. They are always wrong. So why would it matter what they do now?
I think if you ignore that side of fandom you’ll find not much has changed at all.
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wheredoesthegoodgo · 8 months
my friend convinced me to watch the ultimatum: queer love and now I can’t stop imagining a bkdk au. where izuku shows up with todoroki who gave an ultimatum because he proposed months ago and has patiently been waiting for izuku to decide so he can Cherish him. katsuki of course is there with kirishima who also thinks its time for them to get married, he like, wants kids and all that shit with his main man, which katsuki also technically wants but isn’t sure he deserves kirishima.
but now low and behold bkdk both show up to this weird ass reality thing and see each other after like ten years (which the producers totally knew and of course wanted to start drama).
and izuku’s just Shook(tm) and katsuki’s just high key stressed that fucking deku is here. kirishima was amused until he realizes this is the so-called nerd that was bakugo’s gay awakening tween childhood friend/victim and then he stays amused while also trying to be supportive like “maybe apologizing is what you need to make peace with yourself and feel ready for marriage”
and then after their ‘break-ups’ they end up on dates. obviously bakugo’s dates are with icy hot (who is perfectly pleasant but bakugo decides he hates him anyway) and deku. and with deku it starts off awkward and then turns into arguing w ust and then their last date together melts into a heavy apology where bakugo’s explaining “I realized I’d rather be reading all might comics with you than talking about girls or to girls and it was harder to accept than I realized” and “we knew each other for so long I figured you already knew and I was paranoid you were going to say something or do something and that you were looking down on me, pitying me because of it”
to which of course izuku’s like “no I was just kind of oblivious to my own feelings I’m sorry you felt that” and “I forgave you a long time ago but honestly not sure I ever felt there was something to forgive cause I could tell you were going through something”
and suddenly they both feels so much lighter but at the same time its HEAVY between them like What Could Have Been and there’s Something There
but the date wraps up and before ya know its its the time to choose who they are going to “marry” for a week.
Bakugo chooses Deku.
and he reasons fuck, no one knows him like this nerd even if it’s been a decade since they talked. if anyone is going to help him figure his shit out its going to be this man.
Izuku of course accepts. absolutely reverential about being chosen. after all he and todoroki talked it out and both agreed they were going to fully commit to this, so its totally okay he’s 100% invested in being kaachan’s husband for a week.
cut to bkdk having an absolutely xander/yoli of a lovefest week x1000. just meshing perfectly together, and after their first kiss all bets are off and they absolutely sleep together (bakugo definitely gets off on being better in bed than todoroki) (who is absolutely adequate izuku just has a higher libido and more kinks ok) (this definitely came up on their date together much to izuku’s mortification of saying so on camera and bakugo has been thinking about it since) and bakugo is like…all in. he loves kirishima but they’ve been growing apart and he’s all in with deku like fuck. meanwhile deka is also head over heels but having the occasional existential crisis about todoroki. who is perfect and deserves all the love.
and so bkdk end up married and grossly in love; todoroki decides nothing will piss off his dad more than getting engaged to a guy he hasn’t known for more than a week and ends up engaged inasa; kirishima either gets with kaminari or back with mina idk
Tl;dr bkdk love all around #lovewins
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ideavian · 3 months
4 for the rain world ask game!
Wasn't sure which ask game you're referring to so I'll do both eheheh
4. Favourite iterator?
Gotta go with pebbles honestly aldkdk he's sad and pathetic and I like that in a man. Also I think it's super cool to see how he declines over the campaigns, from his arrogance with the earlier slugcats to the way he can barely speak with Saint. It's very tragic and I have a soft spot for characters who are the author of their own downfall. But more importantly I came across the video Go Go Ghost Ship by Yoli Mieta on youtube, which was so powerful and such a brilliant way to tell Pebbles' story and it fundamentally rewired my brain structure. Pls go watch it.
4. When iterators were more connected, did your iterator like to socialize on public broadcasts? Or did they tend to keep to their own group?
EE was built on a very isolated island so he had bad wifi </3 He didn't have much of a local group and preferred to keep to himself anyway, since he looked down on other iterators a little for pursuing the triple affirmative. If he was less terminally offline he would probably be fairly active in forums about Ancient art and block anyone who brings up Sliver of Straw.
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dreamyfrill · 5 months
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🇬🇧 Hi! Welcome to my blog. Let me introduce my self.
My name is Yolanda, but you can call me Yoli. I’m from Spain and I currently live in Madrid. My brithday is on 30 april, so my star sign is taurus. My favourite animal is the jellyfish, my favourite season is spring and my favourite colour is pink. I studied x-ray technique but in a future I would like to study to become a dealer, nursing and medicine. So nice to meet you! And I hope you enjoy my blog. 🎀
🇪🇸 ¡Hola! Sean bienvenidos a mi blog. Dejad que me presente. Mi nombre es Yolanda, pero me pueden llamar Yoli. Soy de España y actualmente estoy viviendo en Madrid. Mi cumpleaños es el 30 de abril, así que soy tauro. Mi animal favorito es la medusa, mi estación favorita es la primavera y mi color favorito es el rosa. Estudie para ser técnico de rayos x pero me gustaría estudiar para ser crupier, enfermería y medicina ¡Así que encantada de conocerte! Espero que te guste mi blog. 🎀
୧ ‧₊˚ ฅ՞•ﻌ<՞ฅ ⋅ ☆ ~ -`♡´-
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kitsunefyuu · 11 days
Shoto is the only one with a legit plan to save his villain and successfully succeeded. He's a little extra crispy but I'm proud of my icyhot boy saving his villain successfully. Even if Dabi will be cursing the hell out of him.
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palidoozy-art · 2 years
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Random drawing dump of stuff I’ve been working on for the D&D campaign.
First is updated pictures for the PCs, since they changed their characters drasticaclly, as well as -- Arialoth’s player has switched her out for Yoli permanently. So now Yoli is part of the group as they head back into Twilight Woods, and she has been given an appropriate portrait.
The second is because: since this game is completely text based and uses portraits, I am 100% going to switch out Serafim/The Twilight Lord’s portrait at opportune times to one of these incredibly subtle variations and then switch it back. He’s evil and is body horror incarnate, he’s allowed to do this. Also I will give myself any excuse to draw body horror.
The last are: Ellerian’s epic design, a sketch of the collector, and then the boss tokens (as well as some updated PC tokens).
I am secretly hoping the party rolls a 20 on encounter checks because they have a small chance of Serafim/The Twilight Lord showing up in his human form (none of them know what he looks like) and eating all their rations.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
Gryffindor: Hazel Levesque, Piper McLean, Thalia Grace, Clarisse La Rue, Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, Thomas Jefferson Jr., Halfborn Gunderson, Mallory Keen
Gryffindor’s main traits are bravery (obviously), being headstrong, poor impulse control, team players. Hazel? She prevented the apocalypse by killing a giant, her mother, and herself, single-handedly putting Gaea to sleep again. Piper is the girl who told The Daughter Of Athena to ignore her brain and just feel. Thalia was literally immortalized for her bravery on Half-Blood Hill. Clarisse fought the drakon in the Battle of Manhattan and kicked its ass by herself. Reyna’s mother is the goddess of strength and bravery, and she has the ability to share that through her troops. TJ physically cannot say no to a challenge. Halfborn wins brawls with two axes and no shirt. Mallory armed and blew up a fucking car bomb because some stranger pushed her to. This group is the definition of YOLO… I guess except for TJ, Halfborn, and Mallory. They’re more like ‘YOLI’- you only live infinitely.
Hufflepuff: Nico di Angelo, Will Solace, Frank Zhang, Magnus Chase
Puff People traits- kindness and patience, balance and mediation. But they also take those who don’t fit into any other house. That’s my main reason for Nico; it’s like his whole character. Will and Magnus are both healers exasperated by their friends and chaotic partners almost dying all the time. Frank is a shapeshifter with crazy diverse lineage, meaning he doesn’t quite fit anywhere as well. This group is needed to be the mediums of their groups.
Ravenclaw: Annabeth Chase, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Samirah Al-Abbas
Before you come at me for stereotyping Annabeth as an Athena kid = Ravenclaw, Ravenclaws are witty, quick thinkers, and as logical as possible. That’s literally her. This is the girl who came up with, on the spot with a broken leg, to trap Arachne with her own webs. Rachel is The Prophet of the Greeks, and she acts the part. Sam has the best work/school/religion/life balance I’ve ever seen in my life, and she’s nailing all of it. These girls are the brains of every operation and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Slytherin: Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Calypso, Leo Valdez, Alex Fierro
MY PEOPLE- Us Slytherins are cunning and ambitious, duh, but also loyal to a fault and would kill for our family, blood or not. Percy is easily a Slytherin- loyalty is literally his fatal flaw. Jason is interesting, but I wanted to put him here because his actual life goal is getting his orange and purple friends to get along. Calypso would have been a major factor in Percy and Annabeth’s deaths in Tartarus because of that curse she threw at him; that girl holds a grudge. Leo Valdez is the most stubborn egotistical asshole we all love to see, and his sarcasm is one of the best things about him (Percy too). Alex… I really shouldn’t have to explain. They’re like the most Slytherin Slytherin ever.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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kitsunesfandomtime · 11 months
His Escape From Hell - Ch 3
Characters: Yoichi Shigaraki, Second One for all User, Third One for all user, All for One (Hisashi Shigaraki), Original Characters
Relationship: All for One & Yoichi, Minor Second User / Yoichi
Warnings: Hallucination, Distrust, Acts of Violence
Summary: Sequel to Treasure Vault. Yoichi has escaped the vault with the help of these rebel forces but he is still suffering the trauma and effects of the vault. He refuses to let that stop him, one way or another even if no one on his side. He has a goal he wishes to achieve.
Among the vigilantes there was a stir.
It was bound to become an issue the moment some of their men figured out who Yoichi was. It started with whispers, hush words, no actual confirmation because no one truly knows this fact. They are desperate for a scapegoat to fulfill their desires for closure as the man they wish to strike at is too far to take down. Though what was not expected were the drastic changes that occurred to speed up the duress.
Because it seems while many could have sympathy none could be alarmed with what was happening around Japan. Along with the knowledge of the very trigger living among those that could be trusted with this fact.
"I didn't know we were flirting with DEATH here," a young woman shouts usually a calm and collected lady who was a valuable member. A spy who knew how to charm and dazzle even the most hard headed fool. Her hair was a bright purple as flowers seemed to blossom from her hair. A trait she only showed when agitated and something she had kept hidden despite her odd colors until it happened.
She had lost her family in the crossfires and became disillusioned with society with a burning hatred for All for One. "I know you guys can be softies but why the hell would you try to pretend you didn't make us an even bigger target then the government!? He isn't some RANDOM ass refugee he is that monster's brother!"
Gearshift wasn't at all surprised by this as his second in command, Fa Jin, was clearly trying to get her to calm down.
"Iris, we know this is very risky but we can't just throw him out into the streets you didn't see the state he was in. Also you're sprouting again," Fa Jin points out knowing that if she doesn't stop now there's going to be enough for a bouquet if not a whole garden.
The rebel leader watched as she very quickly tries to yank the flowers out of her hair. Annoyance is clear on her face as she takes a sharp breath trying to regain her composure. Her hand moving to press her index and thumb to the bridge of her nose.
"Oh sure, you guys are suddenly super heroes now when it comes to the ONE guy that is likely going to be the death of us," she hisses and Gearshift can admit that it likely seemed suicidal to take in this one. There have been many times they have taken lives but this was different.
"So we should just kill everyone that happens to have once been affiliated with All for One? Have we stooped that low?" Gearshift questions with an almost cold demeanor watching her tense a bit. Her red eyes looked at him with anger at saying such things but someone needed to. They needed to draw a line.
"That's not- Look. I'm not saying kill him or something, but clearly by taking him in something has gone very wrong," she speaks as she takes out something from her bag. Dropping a stack of papers and photos making sure to spread it out to show exactly what needed to be seen.
"I saw the bastard suddenly buddying up with some government officials at a bar. We also have intel that he stopped casually mass murdering and is having his men take ours alive. I shudder to know why. SOMETHING is going on and this all happened after you took HIM in," she points out. As it was a drastic change everything wasn't at all like All for One at all and the two actually glanced at each other.
"We would have been fine if it seemed like he didn't care about the guy but clearly it was enough to become a completely different person," she reiterates. They all had assumed that All for One wouldn't give a shit about Yoichi. After finding Yoichi in the state he was in many would have assumed he wouldn't care if he died.
"It definitely seems like a trigger," Fa Jin noted as they can't claim it's a coincidence. As the man who was once was prancing about all kind's of evil and debauchery was now changing from swaths of evil to truly showing a terrifying level of intelligence.
Though they have no idea what the man could possibly be doing working with the government or taking their men in. It was disturbing to think of what such a twisted person was thinking.
"It mean's he's taking us seriously and is trying to make sure no one interferes," Gearshift finally spoke up. His eyes narrowed thinking carefully knowing there was no going back as they were always going to end up in conflict with him. Though to think could so drastically change his mindset...
Another of the members that came to them finally began to speak up. A demure mouse like quirked fellow, Reigan, who is always their ear to the wall. Unlike Iris who talked to those that are above he listened to those in the streets, "If we use him as bait then we could have the advantage..."
Impossible to even consider.
"We took a risk once with negotiations with all he wanted was for us to submit like I said. It's why we went with planting a bug on him and it how we got all our weapon cache," Gearshifts speaks firmly knowing the man likely thinks if he plays too boldly his brother will die. Thus why is playing coy it wasn't a threat just yet, "We aren't giving up the only thing we have that will give him pause nor are we using him. He's our ally that's final, and make sure to keep this knowledge to only us."
It would be a disaster if more people learned who he is as Yoichi hasn't exactly told them any good information to help convince others that he is on their side. They only accept it because they think he's an AFO refugee that changed his ways rather then someone of that importance.
There is likely a much deeper issue between the brothers despite Yoichi seeming earnest. But even still having good faith is in limited supply and there are many who might want to settle for hurting All for One's brother.
People can't help but misdirect their anger at the closest thing.
Despite the small group not seeming content with his answer they did leave them be. Fa Jin waited until they were gone and the door closed to give them privacy he loudly groans. As this honestly was a mess.
"I'm sorry since when did the mass murdering psychopath decid teaming up with the GOVERNMENT was worth it!? And I'm horrified to imagine what he is doing to our men in this very moment," he speaks as while stayed calm this honestly was not the expected result. Their men were willing to die for their cause not whatever THIS is.
"Regardless, we already chosen this path and eventually he was going to see us as a threat. We just didn't anticipate him working with those he hated the most," he admits. If they had killed Yoichi then he imagines they would have gotten the erratic and more violent outburst they expected.
It was a premeditated strategy to take advantage of a man who pretends to have no weakness. Many had lost their families to him and it only natural they learned the hypocrite was hiding his own they would attack. To destabilize him as he learns of the grief that he has inflicted on so many others.
However, they had expected some spoiled brat living in luxury not someone trapped in a jail cell looking like he wished for death. They may have killed but they had no intentions of murdering those in need of help.
"Hey leader focus," Fa Jin speaks up firmly with a snap of his finger to make Gearshift straighten up. "We probably can't leave him alone though he's recovering he's basically a twig and easy target. Especially if he wants to train who knows who might just jump to association even with no confirmed identity."
Right. They said he was allowed to train with the rebels however if the other members were to learn not only that they did obtain All For One's brother but that he's here not as a hostage but recruit. It will not end well even if they explain having Yoichi dead would be worse then him staying alive.
"I'll keep a personal eye on him," Gearshift knows no one would try anything with him around. "He's still seems to be suffering nightmares and jumping at shadows. Might do him good not to be left alone anyway at least for a little while."
A snort escaped his second in command the way the other was grinning seemed almost mischievous, "Wow, he's getting special treatment? Maybe we have gone soft if our leader willing to do babysitting duty."
This earned him a harsh punch in the arm. "OW! Why!? It was a joke and that actually hurt you, bastard!"
He didn't even entertain a response as he knows why though he did enjoy the reaction. It's something you can only do with someone you trust.
"I'll go meet with him now then," Gearshift is assuming the other was fine with this arrangement. It was just until they are sure Yoichi can fend for himself and right now he should be getting checked by the doctor to see what he can do.
Yoichi hated check ups.
It reminded him of the many doctors visits he had to do when he was young. Constant prodding and all the adults always had these worried expressions as if he would die any second.
Though he is more then aware this doctor is completely voluntary because of his condition its only with gritted teeth he can even tolerate any touch.
"Your blood pressure is still quite high but you finally gained enough weight that some light workout could do you some good now," the doctor noted. Yoichi can't even look at the man's face still rubbing the arm the pressure band had been on.
"There are other concerning factors tho-" As the doctor was about to talk about the condition he already knew Yoichi cuts him off.
"I don't care. Just let me be cleared so I can be useful," Yoichi speaks firmly as honestly despite initially being rattled he was starting to get comfortable again. The leaders may be a bit cautious about giving their names but if he can just show them-
The doctor sighs interrupting Yoichi's thoughts as the man takes off his glasses and looks at him intently.
"I'll give you the clear if you promise to pace yourself. We can't have you dropping dead because you pushed yourself too far," he speaks firmly. "I'm someone that swore an oath to help people its why I'm risking my life throwing my lot with them. Not to slap a bandaid and claim you're fine with a open wound even if you can't see it yourself."
Yoichi almost wants to snap that he doesn't give a crap about some stupid oath the other made. He has already been told enough about what he can and can't do his teeth clenched tight to will himself not to speak. He hates being a burden unable to do anything when people are getting hurt.
"So what I'm hearing is he's available to start some training?" A voice emerges behind him and Yoichi jumps to his feet with a start. Just in time to see Gearshift standing at the door entrance. Does he just always lean against doorframes to look cool?
"Technically yes, but it will have to be a very light work out. His bones lost quite a bit of density honestly it's amazing he isn't worst then he is from the starvation and isolation," the doctor notes as he goes on his computer not seeming interested in arguing anymore. Yoichi wished he had that kind of influence everyone just seems to listen to the man without a thought. Just like everyone listened to Hisashi.
No, don't think about him not now.
But he ain't looking a gift horse in the mouth if that means he can do something willing to accept this help. He can already feel his brother hovering behind him as if to ask why he accepts this man's help but not his own brother's. Ignore it he isn't real.
"If that's all then Yoichi lets get you some work out attire," Gearshift was quick to cut to the chase and Yoichi was quick to stand up. It was kind of exciting that he was going to work with the very hero that saved his life. They really did bond quite a bit last night though the other's demeanor today seemed a bit different.
Now that he thinks about it despite them talking about things like comics and all that he never got the others name. At this point he must be trusted enough to at least get that much. So likely he just forgot.
"Hey," Yoichi was quick to walk to Gearshift's side straightening himself up as he walked with him. Noticing some odd looks from some of the rebels who seemed to be on edge. He tries to ignore them they weren't important.
"You know my name but you never gave me yours. So what is it?" Yoichi points out as he moves in just a hint closer as they walk together. Able to easily ignore the vigilantes looks as they walked to the supply closet.
"You must be in a better mood if this chatty today," the leader noted but it was said in a much more amusing tone. Clearly enjoying the fact wasn't a shaky and paranoid mess. Though he has himself to thank for that since he did his hardest to make sure Yoichi was comfortable.
"Are you avoiding the question?" Yoichi reiterates with a small smile though the others expression turns away as he goes to grab some clothing from the closet.
"It's not really all that important if anything your brother probably already knows it by now," Gearshifts noted making Yoichi tense just a hint at the mention of his brother knowing it. A part of him was about to ask then why he kept it secret only for the other to continue, "Call me Kaiji."
Yoichi decided maybe it wasn't worth it to question the others caution unsure if that is the others real name or just throwing him a bone. After all, Yoichi still can't bring himself to fully sell out his own brothers identities.
"Kaiji... That's an odd name," Yoichi muses earning a baffled look from the rebel leader who clearly wants to ask what he means. But he snatches the uniform from the others hand once he has grabbed it with a cheerful chime in his voice. "Let's get to training, my hero."
They both decided in that moment that it was probably best not to ask for the things in their minds.
Unfortunately, hidden truths can't keep you safe forever.
Though he had been training with Gearshift he very quickly realized this was 'special' treatment. As others had a much more intense regime under the second in command, whose names he still hasn't received. It was easy to ignore the occasional odd looks thankfully. It was something he learned when he used to not be a prisoner of his brother. Hold your head high and act like you belong.
However, he never suspected the hatred they would feel for him until he left to explore outside the base and ended up being seen by a vigilante.
"So he DOES exist! And here I thought the man recused was a ghost story," It was a loud voice before suddenly someone stepped in front of him blocking his path. Yoichi doesn't look up just letting out a sigh wondering what he wanted as the man continued, "The hell kind of quirk you have to make our leader protect your scrawny ass?"
Yoichi isn't exactly sure why it was such a big deal to this guy but knew better then to show fear. Even if was a bit startled at this man coming out of no where to bother him. Already feeling himself getting defensive even if was honestly just trying to mediate.
"Does it matter? I'm part of the rebels like you are I mean no harm," he speaks as if has no idea about his own affiliation with All for One. Even he wasn't so stupid as to think every one of the Vigilantes would be alright with him. Though he's sure the other doesn't know who he is.
"Do you think I'm stupid?" Turns out some people don't need to know who you are to make assumptions about you.
He's going to kill you.
Those words suddenly snapped him out of his defense as he looked up at the man finally. A large scar was over the man's expression twisted into a sneer and a special kind of hatred.
He did not have time to correct his mistake. Only able to let out a harsh wheeze when he was slammed hard against the wall.
"You look a lot like that bastard," the man sneered proving that despite never revealing himself the other had suspicion. Burns was all over the side of this man's head crawling to his arm burnt and still looking mishappen, "Are you looking down on me? All for One burned half my face and left me alive as a warning, telling me to crawl back here. And yet they are keeping you here rent free!"
Did you really think the rebels would all think you're a victim like those soft touched leaders? Oh poor foolish Yoichi...
His brother was there. Just watching him as if wanting Yoichi to beg to be saved but he isn't there. He knows he isn't, and even as he can feel his gaze on him he tries to ignore him. His own hands grasping at this man's grip as he can see his assailant about to rev up another punch.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Don't apologize to others, you haven't done a thing.
SHUT UP. Yoichi curses in his own head as he shuts his eyes already expecting the punch able to see the man just about too. Only to feel the hold on his shirt being yanked off making him fall on his ass. Making him hiss in pain as he wondered what had just happened.
"F-Fa Jin! It's not what it looked like-!" It took a minute but Yoichi looked up just in time to see the second in command stepping between him. Able to just barely see the man was holding the guys arm in a frankly painful looking manner.
"So it didn't look like you were about to misdirect your anger on a fellow refugee of All for One? Because we haven't got the big man?" He speaks with sarcasm clearly not buying what was said as he shoves the man away. Making sure to emphasize his words, "Look we are all on edge but taking it out on him because he's an easy target isn't going to make it better only more difficult. We still have a chance just trust that."
Once again Yoichi needed someone else to save him, some hero he is.
As the man grits his teeth he turns to look at Yoichi clearly still wanting to do more but eventually knowing it wasn't worth it. Wondering since when did his brother start maiming people so personally as a threat. Knowing he usually just killed his enemies with a power or made other people 'do it' for him while claiming has no control.
Has his brother gotten worse?
It's only to be expected when you abandon someone. What's the point in caring now?
His brother's voice sounded almost like his own. Was there actually something he should have done before he left? What is happening now that he is gone? Was his brother truly gone? It's so hard to breath
"Yo, Yoichi snap out of it! You're hyperventalating!" A voice snaps him out as he feels hands on his shoulder forcing him to stare up at the second in command. Whose grip wasn't as tight as expected clearly just trying to get him to focus. "Breathe or if needed maybe stand up."
It was clear the other had no idea how to handle whatever the hell was happening to Yoichi.
"What... What is happening with my brother?" His voice was weak as he tries to get his breathing under control. Concern and worry clear on his face wanting to know exactly what other atrocities his brother has committed. He can't pretend he needs to know what is happening.
There is a flash of guilt on the man's face as he rubs the back of his neck. His eyes looking away clearly realizing he couldn't keep this secret.
"Guess it was bound to become apparent especially if serious about helping us," he mutters. Standing up he holds out his hand for Yoichi to take and Yoichi stares at it memories of his brother and the second holding out that hand merged in his mind. But he swallows it as he takes it.
"Please, I need to know."
Even if he might not like the answer.
The pictures of his brother were like staring at a stranger. The smile with a hint of joy and the coat he wore with such joy was gone. He recognized that suit when his brother worked in a company, day in and day out. Went from orphans on the street to forging documents to find a good decent job that he despised. Miserable, tired, almost broke every day before finally he changed suddenly.
Yoichi isn't sure when his brother started his criminal activity only that he began to smile and declare he was free. And the weird coincidence that the company he worked for eventually seemed to have mysteriously caught on fire...
A suit that seemed to hold him in place, his hair had been cut short, shaking hands with the very government he despised with a smile that was hollow. The death tolls were no longer massive instead it seemed as if he was absorbing them. As if somehow is able to convince the rebels he captures to sell them out.
But it was Hisashi's eyes that he focused on.
There was no joy. It was the same eyes he'd seen after his brother worked a job he despised from the bottom of his heart. Yet plastered on with a smile that might as well be baring his teeth mistaken as cordial.
"We were planning to tell you since it does involve you," they had gotten Kaiji here for this meeting. The tension with the rebels was becoming palatable. So they had no intention of hiding but they didn't expect how quickly it would become a problem.
"Do you have any idea what he is doing? He went from never wanting to deal with the government to now being seen making deals and having beer with them like it a afternoon buisiness drink," Fa Jin was once again asking for Yoichi to tell them something. Anything about his brother as now it was becoming something serious and they are still in the dark.
Yoichi clenches his fist as he grabs one of the pictures into his hand shaking just a bit as he tries to match the picture he was seeing with the brother in his head. But he knew his brother was always capable of it and he had always called him out on it. That he didn't have to go the death and destruction route but now it seemed he was listening.
"Ha..." A small broken laugh escaped Yoichi as he looked at the picture, "...He's treating it like a serious buisiness now planning to expand and make sure the rebels are killed off or converted to put pressure on you guys. He's doing this so you guys will be forced to betray, throw me out or use me as a bargaining chip."
It was cruel. Because the worst part of this... Yoichi has no way of trusting that they could actually keep him around.
"So you're telling me. The guy who threw you in a vault, starved you, and mentally tortured you- Is that willing to work with his worse enemies to get you?"
If Yoichi is honest he's just more surprised at how quickly his brother changed in that short time frame. He hates the way his brother looks knowing his brother hated being the businessman even if he was great at it. He had been happy despite being a nut case despite Yoichi not wishing to admit it but this, this was terrifyingly wrong.
"You do realize that means by joining us you will have the biggest target on your head right?" They were worried about him, "We can train you but if he plans a specific assault and we are unprepared we might not be able to protect you-"
Yoichi had to cut him off as if he needed to defend his honor. Did they think he was scared of his brother!? Because he sure as hell isn't, "I don't care! I refuse to submit to that bastard like some dog with my tail between my legs!"
It was about to escalate. Fa Jin's face turned red with frustration as if Yoichi wasn't really understanding the risks he was about to take. Only for Kaiji to finally step in by just standing up making them both look at him.
"Sanzou that's enough leave us for a minute," it was unexpected when Yoichi heard an actual name instead of the man's quirk. His green eyes widened as he looked at 'Sanzou' the expression of concern on the man's face said it all. Kaiji was going to say something Yoichi wasn't going to like.
"Kaiji. I know you like him you don't have to ruin that. I am ok with being the bad guy you don't-" he speaks as if Yoichi was being interrogated. One that needed to be handled with a good cop and bad cop manner.
"Go." It seemed the leader was done being soft toward him.
Sanzou looked between Yoichi then at Kaiji clearly unsure about leaving but after a few moments. He groans looking almost frustrated.
"Fine. Whatever you handle this but reel in yourself!" he shouts before leaving glancing back for a second only to receive a glare from Kaiji. Yoichi suddenly felt a strong sense of dread as he tenses himself up for what is to come.
"Yoichi, what I'm about to ask you will likely seem cruel but it something we need to know if going to let you join," The others red eyes stared him down making Yoichi feel so small as he lets the silence hang in the air. Yoichi refuses to back down straightening himself up to meet the others gaze. He wasn't a victim.
He can handle this.
"Will you be capable of killing All for One?" And yet those words still hit him like he had been shoved under cold water. It was like this light air of brief joy Yoichi had obtained came crumbling down. Those red eyes staring intently into his own as it asks these questions that they likely knew.
That Yoichi has already answered once even as the voice in his head exclaimed him a liar.
"No," those words hung heavily in the air as Yoichi stared him down, "I want to save him because he isn't a monster yet I still have a chance."
And Yoichi knows he is a fool for it. Able to see his heroes expression shift to something else and he knew...
"There is no saving that man, no one has that kind of power."
That his desires were not for reality.
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endlesstwanted · 5 months
My fill for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt #233 — imperfect sign (and a fandom I never though I'd write for!) AO3 LINK!
Fandom: La que se avecina (Spanish TV Show)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Yolanda Morcillo/Óscar Serra
Tags: Missing Scene, Character Study, Marriage Proposal, Implied canon cheating
Summary: Yoli reflects on if she should marry Óscar just because she likes the proposal ring.
Wordcount: 300
Also created for @multifandom-flash, round 3 card #2001 — Tough Love
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Yoli thinks that in the history of the world people have gotten married for less than a nice ring.
The nice ring on her left hand, to be fair, is also a cute one. Three thousand euros on the web when Lola made a search.
To her surprise, Lola hasn’t said anything yet. Yoli moved in with her with the agreement to keep it a ‘singles’ place’. No relationships and no attachments. Dudes around only with an hour warning. That’s why she chose to be ‘the someone else’ for Óscar, a neighbour with his own bed nearby.
So once she’s said ‘yes’ to the guy that had kneeled at their door first thing in the morning, Yoli expects Lola to say something. Then she thinks the actress is just living for the narrative and the drama within the situation.
Will Yoli marry him? She definitely wants to design her wedding dress. Does she want to marry him? That would kill all the fun of messing around with him. Giving her mom some good news? Yoli isn’t really up to that, now that they’re fed up with each other. And what about Óscar’s girlfriend? The poor girl is going to be heartbroken when she finds out her prince charming has proposed to the girl next door. To the ‘someone else’, because Yoli insisted on keeping their relationship that way.
The most important question, the only relevant one, is if Yoli is in love with Óscar. Or if, at least, she likes him. That’d way, she’d have a better reason to marry him other than him choosing a decent ring.
Yoli’s asking him to come and telling him she doesn’t think the wedding is a good idea.
That, on a comedy show, would give them at least two episodes more of plot.
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