#Hideaki and Kazuichi
semitransparent-glob · 8 months
not sure how to word this but im just curious about kazuyas design and character? :0 i was wondering why and in what ways her character was inspired by nagito, and other characters' inspiration from other canon characters, not in a bad way at all its just interesting to me in how canon dr does this as well and the function and purpose it serves in implications and expectations it creates for the characters. its really fun to me :3
also i really like your ocs, their designs, talents, personalities, etc is all really cool !!
thank u!!! kazuya is prob the most obviously based off of a canon dr character but he's not the only one, and in fact i made a lil chart a while ago for who is based off of what canon dr character, whether it be for personality or design
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Kazuya was the first dr oc i made and i had a clear idea in my head of what i wanted them to be. Me and some friends were talking about how it would be awesome if komaeda was a lesbian instead and i said hey, what if i just make an oc exactly like that. But as much as he is a direct inspiration from nagito i try to keep him a bit different (or at least i hope i do).
But kazuya also has an in-universe reason for his connection to nagito :^3c. This cast is kinda like the v3 cast in that they are fictional characters with implanted memories, but unlike v3 they got to design and create the characters they play themselves, even if they didn't know that's what was going to happen at the time. So for kazuya, before he got his memories wiped he was a huge komaeda fan and wanted to be just like him lol, so that's why he made his own character like that
i could go into a lot more detail for the other charas on the chart but i'm gonna try and keep it relatively brief and put it under a readmore
starting from the left column and going down, Emiko was kinda passively inspired by komaru, but they ended up very similar in some ways. Their designs are similar and they have similar types of confidence issues that lead to inaction. Also they are both in love with girls who are terrible (said lovingly).
Haruka's design was based somewhat on byakuya's, and i sometimes even joke and call him 'femme byakuya'. But also his snobbishness is a trait i stole from him as well. But, like celeste, his air of sophistication is all a lie to make it seem like he's not just some guy.
skipping kazuya
For ayumi i kinda just stole leon's motive and his thing where he wants to be something other than what he's actually talented at. For ayumi its that she wants to be a philosopher. Also she is the first killer.
Chou's is pretty simple i just took the mask design element more than anything else
and for the right column, Hideaki shares in toko and byakuya's idea that no one can be trusted and that cooperation will not work in monokuma's killing game. Hideaki is also an author like toko and his demeanor is similar to her's as well, but perhaps not as extreme
Rokurou is like gonta in that they are the muscle charas but they have ultimates in STEM rather than a sport like you'd expect. And rokurou is like mikan in that he is a nervous wreck
Junichi was very directly inspired by kirumi, because i love the concept of an ultimate maid, and i think butlers are cool. I wanted to make a character that was what i thought kirumi was going to be when i first played the game. Basically, i wanted a chara who was depended upon too much, and snapped as a result, but in a much more selfish way than kirumi. His motive for murder is very much inspired by celeste (he also wants to be rich and live in a mansion) and he is the ch 3 killer who kills two people.
Once again i borrowed byakuya's snobbishness for kimiko's character. I put the imposter on there as well because kimiko kinda becomes a bit of a leader in ch 1, keeping everyone together and working towards a goal (in her own bossy way) until she becomes the first victim, much like the imposter.
Lastly, ryuuji is a lot like mondo in his mannerisms, but like kazuichi he cracks easily and is a huge wuss.
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rxll-the-dxce · 5 years
Still felt like this guy got cold, even with the cape and hat. Kazuichi doesn't bother asking Hideaki about it anymore. "You're shivering like crazy, dude." he muttered, out of concern rather than any kind of annoyance as he stepped away for a moment, grabbing a blanket he'd gotten into the habit of keeping around for him. He drapes it over his shoulders, giving a moment of hesitation before he takes his freezing hands into his own. "Any better?"
The Hanzo were predisposed to feeling cold, it ran through the family. That was very much one of the reasons why all of their uniforms would be designed with thick layers and thermal inlays. But even then, it wouldn’t be enough when it got particularly cold. Hideaki often wondered if he was more sensitive to the cold than his siblings - possibly thanks to all the nights in cold cells and drawers he’d spent in childhood. 
His hands instinctively gripped for the blanket as it was wrapped around him, smiling gratefully at his boyfriend and leaning closer to him. It would ease the shivering somewhat, though he still twitched just slightly (almost barely noticeable now when it was Kazuichi who touched him at least) when he felt his hands taken. Kazuichi was warm, and Hideaki found himself drawn to that. 
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“Much b-better,” he stammered. Shifting his body a little closer to the source of the warmth on instinct. “Th-Thank you, Kazuichi-kun... Wh-Where would I be without you...”
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
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{ Starting the url specific tag drops ! Call to be part of the party is over here if we’ve interacted before !  
Please note some of these may take a while because I’m not great with tags on the fly -} 
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liersymphcny-a · 5 years
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Goddamnit. She’s not angry, just disappointed.
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mechagym-a · 5 years
@rxll-the-dxce ( Kazuichi and Hideaki ) ll Liked for a starter
🔧 - Geez, he’d do anything right about now to get rid of this paranoia crawling under his skin. Despite the fact that he’d planning on staying at Hope’s Peak over the summer from just about the moment he was sent here to ditch his old man, he was starting to have seconds thoughts about this whole thing. Not because he wanted anything to do with with the bastard if he could help it, but because he kept having this idea in the back of his mind that he was going to get dragged back to the bike shop once it really hit him that his son wasn’t coming home to help him out. 
He was thankful the building was mostly empty at this point, at least...even if it was vaguely creepy...but an acceptable type of creepy, all things considered. At least he didn’t have to start turning his head at every little sound, and no one was going to get mad at him for carrying his favorite wrench around for comfort. 
At least, he thought he was the only student left over the summer. This morning, however, he’d heard something strange coming from the library. It...it had to be his old man, right? Probably finding some thick dictionary or whatever to hit him over the head with...! 
It’s with trembling hands that he stood at door frame, hesitantly peeking over to see-
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“H-hey! Wait a minute! You’re not that bastard after all, what the hell?!” he didn’t even think about the words coming out of his mouth, pointing at the other student accusingly as he raised his voice in something akin to anger ( god, he couldn’t really tell with these past few days-!)  
“What the hell are you doing sneaking around here for?!! You scared the hell out of me!” 
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hisazuki · 7 years
Can mangaka draw a manga about their life story or it always a story about their own characters that it doesn't have to do anything about the mangaka ? Somebody I know want to read manga she is wondering if it like autobiographic novels about the author which she dislikes and as far as I know manga are just about fictional characters and sometimes based on real story with some difference I haven't seen mangaka draw full manga about themself
And yet it exists! There are probably many of them and the ones I know of or heard of are:
- some kinds of travel reports where the mangaka visits or comes to live in a new country and writes about the cultural differences (see Jean-Paul Nishi’s works about living in France or Akino Kondo’s New York Chronicles)
- some stories about work or simply lifestyle (see Moyoco Anno’s Kantoku Fuyuki Todoki about her married life with husband Hideaki Anno, or Masami Kurumada’s Indigo Period about his childhood, Osamu Tezuka’s Mako to Rumi to Chii, Riichi Kasai’s work about being a mangaka assistant)
- biographies of other people (Mea Sakisaka’s Aya Ueto Monogatari, Mizuki Shigeru’s Hitler, The Life of Steve Jobs written by a collective)
- some stories about a special moment in their life (Kazuichi Hanazawa’s Jimusho no Mae about how he went to jail, Hideo Azuma’s Shissou Niki about how he quit his job and became homeless, Sugisaku’s Neko Naka Yondemo Konai about his life with cats and losing them, Kentarou Ueno’s Sayounara mo iwazu ni about the death of his wife… there’s one about the mangaka discovering her sexuality and her life as a lesbian but I can’t remember the title…)
As for other, “regular” series, I think mangaka artists include a part of themselves in every story they make, even if you can’t see it or know it because they’re used for characters.
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rxll-the-dxce · 5 years
✋ ( To Hideaki from Kazuichi - obvs. )
Kiss Symbols
✋ – a kiss on the hand - @heart-ruled
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On instinct, Hideaki’s body flinched hearing the sudden crack of bones against wood as Kazuichi’s hand had smacked painfully into the underside of the table. Completely unintentional, and Hideaki knew that, but still it sounded painful. Now over his scare, Hideaki’s worried eyes glanced over to his boyfriend, seeing him jolt back and hold his knuckles in pain. 
It looked like it hurt, and Hideaki was no stranger to pain himself to recognise it, and because of it he let the multitude of muttered curses out of Kazuichi’s mouth slide. Instead, he brought himself over, kneeling beside him. 
“L-Let.. Let me...” Hideaki offered, reaching out in a bold move for the nervous young strategist. 
Cautiously he took the injured hand into his own. Inspecting it, and feeling a rush of relief that it was not too badly bruised and there were not cuts to the skin. Kazuichi’s hands already went through so much on a daily basis anyways, what with all the tinkering and things he did, it was good to know this accident hadn’t added to it. 
“I’ll m-make it better, a-alright?” a nervous laugh. What was coming over him? 
It was a nice feeling, and since they were alone Hideaki allowed himself a moment of sentiment, of feeling. He lifted that hand gently to his lips, close enough to place a gentle kiss to Kazuichi’s knuckles. That would cure it, at least if the things he’d read in books told him anything. 
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@rxll-the-dxce​ ll Pretend I wrote this on Hideaki’s actual Birthday
🔧 -He didn’t want to wake him up - and Kazuichi knew it’d be impossible if he even tried. Hideaki pretty much went full out comatose anytime he passed out, so much so that the mechanic had been able to finish his birthday present that night without any worry he’d wake up to see it. Just wouldn’t happen - not with him. 
He didn’t mind the fact that the other boy had fallen asleep in his room, not even his bed - since Kazuichi himself more than often ended up passing out on his desk in the middle of the night, if anything. It was really just a relief to have him here to begin with. With his soulmate back, he certainly had a clearer mind to work on this project for him. 
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He doesn’t say anything as he put the old, repaired music box of ‘Swan’s Lake’s’ famous theme at the bedside, wrapped in one of the clearer rags he could find with a note attached to it; simply reading “Happy Birthday”. 
‘Could’ve gone and wrapped it properly but...he really didn’t want to leave his room right now. 
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
Exhausted, browbeaten, and tattered, Hideaki barely seems able to hold himself up as his hand grips the doorhandle to Kazuichi’s room. He debates if he should knock, not wanting to scare the fragile mechanic, or simply walk in for better surprise. But eventually he gives in to the former, thinking that he should act how he would expect to be treated in return (and he knows better than anyone else that he does not take well to sudden surprises ).
With a small breath, mostly to gather himself, Hideaki raises his hand. Knocking once, twice, three times on the painted wood to announce his return. Would Kazuichi even expect it to be him? Would he even.. want it to be him? Even as a talented strategist, someone who could and should know all eventualities in plans, Hideaki felt he could not be sure. Still, he had a little hope left - as much as it was possible for him to have given the months of hell he’d been through. 
Yet, as he slowly took the doorknob in his scarred hand again, turning it a little to open the door. Hideaki truly, truly wanted to believe he was remembered here. Anxiety was cruel to make him doubt, but he had strong faith in Kazuichi for this. So, quietly, he opened the door and spoke. 
“Ka-Kazuichi-kun?” it was a rush of delight and worry at saying that name again. But it felt so good to feel it on his lips. 
“I’m Home.”
🔧 - There was that crushing thought those first few days of just why something like this had to happen. Everything before then had been perfect -right? Or just about as perfect as Kazuichi could ever remember having it been. He’d finally started to get used to the feeling of safety that came with Hope’s Peak, surrounded by friends he  felt wouldn’t just throw him to the wolves at every turn.  He’d also changed. Becoming someone gentler than he was once was, more level-headed and happier. It was no exaggeration to say he owed a great deal of that to the boy that had been so cruelly snatched away. 
He was in a blind panic at first, even after he’d just stood there uselessly as the army came to take his soul mate away. He thought he’d been gone for good - unconscionable even by Miu when he’d spent the rest of the day an emotional, sobbing wreck. 
Of course, Hideaki did call...eventually. Must have a been a few hours after the fact, but it sure felt like an entirety. Though it did give him the confirmation that his soul mate was alive - it was one of only a few times he’d ever get that confirmation; hearing his spirit dwindle away every time. Sounding more nervous, frightened. God knew what was happening to him out there....and try as he might to function normally, he just couldn’t find himself to. Suffocating on this undeserved sense of guilt for letting him get taken away from here, his sensitive heart made sure he’d succumb to emotional breakdowns, crying himself to sleep - feeling as though trying to forget about what Hideaki was going through would somehow make things worse. Still, he refused to let himself succumb to that feeling of emptiness he knew wanted to follow; holding onto that hope that he would come back. He’d occupy his mind with his projects, going through the process of constructing music boxes and other various items by hand from scratch to have something for when he came back.
He didn’t think much of the three knocks on the door when they happened - thinking it was probably Vivian or Hajime trying to coax him into eating with the others instead of staying held up in his room. He couldn’t really have prepared himself for who it was - and tears filled the brim of his eyes, starting to spill over almost immediately as a wave of relief unlike anything he’d ever felt before washed over him.
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“H...hideaki-kun...”His voice shook just as badly as the rest of his body did as he looked up to the taller boy, surprised he managed to form words at all with everything that was going through his head right now. He wanted to hold onto him and never let him go again, but he pulled back back his hand with a twitch just in time. 
“Can I....can I give you a hug...?” 
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
Press F to pay respects to Kazuichi's love life
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🔧 “I-is it really that hopeless…?”
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
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🔧 “I wonder when Hideaki’s going to come back from the war...”
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
“One day, he won’t need you anymore.”
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously! ll Accepting
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🔧 - Why did hearing that hurt? Kazuo’s hand grasped at his chest as his imagination filled in the blanks of the statement. His arm pulled uncomfortably at his own sleeve.
Yeah….he supposed one day, Kazuichi wouldn’t need him around anymore. As much as he did to try and redirect his father’s anger and rage towards him instead of his brother, there would probably be a day where he wouldn’t need that anymore. He’d move out or something. He’d get them to a better place than this hell of a house. 
But what then -? It wasn’t as though Kazuo really made any friends - not like his brother had any reason to stick around him when he was barely home to begin with. He doesn’t that part to go away. He didn’t want to lose him.
“….God, I’m  s-so selfish…” 
( @worldofultimates )
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@cestmoilastar ( Claudine ) ll Makoto SC ( No longer Accepting )
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🍀 “Uh- you’re Saijou-san...right?” The boy asked the actress hesitantly, poking and scratching at the side of his cheek in his nervousness. He has the script she’d left behind at his school in his left hand, while gazing back at the picture in his phone in his right that the pink-haired mechanic had provided him.
“Souda’s kind of....busy at the moment, so he asked me to come give this back to you. He said his boyfriend really needed him for something...it sounded pretty serious.”
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
You are going to find love someday... Someday can also be after your death so who knows!
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🔧 “Nah, dude, you don’t get it’s not….not like that.”  There’s a light blush forming over his cheeks, but he seemed serious about it for once. “I’d say that ‘finding’ love’s the easy part, but even that’s not true…it took me a while to figure stuff out, it’s….keeping it that’s the hard part, you know? 
“Like…that’s not some chick coming onto me because I look like a punk…I could have have had plenty of that. Now I realize why I always chickened out on it…’cause…that’s not love, ya know? It’s…well, I don’t know what it is, but I wasn’t looking for a relationship that wouldn’t last a month. Real love it’s…different, right? It’s all about someone who wont leave, someone who you’re meant to spend your life with…”
A deep sigh.
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“Nah….I think the other greyface was right…I’m hopeless for that. I’m gonna manage to fuck things up somehow. I always do.”
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
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{ One of two sketches i wanted to do today  
ft. Kazuichi drooling in his sleep }
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heart-ruled-moved · 5 years
@rxll-the-dxce ( Hideaki ) ll I have no self Conrtol
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🔧 - “Hideaki, HIDEAKI! Come on buddy, wake up!” Though the mechanic had been extremely hesitant about raising his voice to a shout around his friend ( given the disaster the first time they had met ), he felt as though he had little choice with the bus driver practically drilling holes through him with that stare. 
“G-geez  you’re not dead, are you?” He tried shaking him, biting his lip as it still gets no response from him. Dammit! How could things turn out like this?! He had told Hideaki that be might be a little out of it after the quantity of anti-nausea medication he had to take for a trip like this...but he’d never thought ahead to what would happen if they both fell asleep on the ride....
They’d missed the hotel the school had assigned them to on this school trip by quite a few blocks by the time time Kazuichi had shaken himself from his stupor. This wasn’t good at all....who thought a funded trip to a war tech museum would be so complicated?!
Ugh. He knew how sensitive Hideaki was about the....touching thing sometimes when he wasn’t ready for it, so the only solution left was less than ideal. Yet...they just couldn’t stay here. The driver had already made that pretty damn clear.
“Sorry about this” He mumbled, as if his friend could somehow here him “But I don’t got any other choice...”
It’s in a less than graceful manner that Kazuichi managed to begin carrying him out of here, lifting up his body and  holding him across his shoulders. Fireman’s carry was the only thing he could manage....he wasn’t that strong with his arms. 
“Please stay asleep” he prayed as he begun to walk. If he had to do this, he’ rather his friend just sleep though it....he had a bad feeling about what might happen otherwise. 
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