#Hifive universe
suworkbook · 5 years
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Somewhere under the ocean Pearl is shuddering and she doesn’t know why. 
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itssamxchina · 7 years
Team Edge moments 6
*Kevin plays a guessing game with joey/jfred*
Kevin: you ready? *grabs Jfred' s hand and puts it on his head* okay
Jfred: *touches his head* do I have to find out what it is... Oh My Gosh *jumps away, Kevin is smiling* Was that a freaking animal dude?!
Kevin: *Jfred is hugging himself* you have to guess what it is.
Jfred: dude, hold up is this going to bite me?
Kevin: Just feel, just feel, it's not going to bite you just feel Okay? *grabs Jfred's hand again and puts it on his head*
Jfred: *feels his head and jumps away laughing when Kevin twitches* what dawg? *Kevin is laughing* you brought an animal to work?
Kevin: what's your guess?
Jfred: *Hispanic accent* Chupacabra
Kevin: *mimics* El Chupacabra, no I'm pretty sure this one was born and raised in the U.S
Jfred: I don't know like a broom
Kevin: like a broom
Jfred: yeah is it like a broom?
Kevin: take off your goggles *Jfred lifts his goggles and Kevin shows his head*
*both start laughing*
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littlemssam · 4 years
New Small Mods & Mod Updates
New small Mods: 
More Plopsy Objects (Knitting) - Added Plopsy Options to the following Objects (so far): At Woodworking Table crafted Instruments; At Robotics Workstation crafted Utili-Bots, Chatter Bots, RC Quadcopter.  XML Injector needed to work!
Stereo Deco Slots (Random) - A Mod i made for myself a while ago but i thought why not publish it too *shrug*. Added Deco Slots to some Stereos so when you shrink them they fit on small Deco Slots. Stereos i edited: Tower of Power Floor Speakers (Base Game), Slick Beats by DJ Sudoku (Spa Day), HiFive High Fidelity Stereo and the Blast from the Glass Floor Speakers (City Living)
Mod Updates: 
Faster Run To University Class (University) - Reworked Mod since EA changed some timing of an interaction where my Buff got added. 
Livestream For Everyone (Random) - Influende points added only once at the end, only Sims with the Tech Guru or Social Media Career will Livestream autonomously. 
Auto Brush Teeth (Random) - Added Addons "Disable Toggle Options" which prevents the "Allow/Disallow Brush Teeth" Interactions to be added ingame & "Disabled Brush Teeth Sinks Will Allow Wash Dishes Only" Sims will only wash Dishes in Sinks where the Brush Teeth is disabled via my Interaction. If you allow Brush Teeth in Bathrooms but disallow in Kitchen they will only use the Kitchen Sink(s) to wash dishes then.
Random Small Mods
Small Tweak regarding Addon "No Outfit changing". Dogs will only change into their "Athletic" Outfit when it is freezing or cold Outside.
Kids can go for a Walk with Dogs
Compatibility Update for my "Kids can walk Dogs" Addon No Outfit Changing.
Go for a Walk with Cats
Since EA fixed the Diploma Error the Diploma Fix is obsolete!
Tweaked "Death NPC Weather Fix"
Random Bug Fixes 
Don't download these Updates if you have the Legacy Edition!
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teal-deer · 7 years
vaultedthewall replied to your post : ah yes, all my friends have all changed their URLs...
Never change url to maintain brand recognition squad.
we are nothing if not god damned consistent /hifive
literaryreference replied to your post:
ah yes, all my friends have all changed their URLs...
Especially when they change their URLs and icons at the same time, and then I’m just like “who are you and why are you on my dash? Did I follow someone by accident on mobile again?”
yeah protip: if I unfollow or even block you, it's probably not because I hate you, but because I am an idiot and I forgot that I actually know who you are. like how am I to know that gaysexlapiz is the same person as xXDongLover69Xx or whatever the heck kids are calling themselves these days? i’m too old for this. back in MY day we chose ONE interbuttz handle and we stuck with it, unlessn. some jackass had already taken it, in which case we used a predictable backup. get off my lawn. blarg.  like several of my friends recently changed both their URLs and their icons (and a few just changed URLs OR just changed icons) and I’m like “who the fuck is everyone. where the fuck am i. did i end up in an alternate universe again. what’s going on. ????????????????????????
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raven-black102 · 7 years
Gunner Gomez One-shots
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(Y/n)’s POV It was beautiful outside. The sun was barely raising as I sat down on the beach alone with no one to join me. The cold wind blow on my exposed skin making me slightly smile as I placed my head between my knees.
I closed my eyes as I let the wind blow my hair and the sunlight hit my face making them go warm. I opened my eyes again as I heard someone coming this way making me look behind me to see a very good looking man.
I look at him up and down noticing his very muscular, black Justin Bieber hairstyle but comb back slightly. He has glasses on that makes him look like he has mesmerizing eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked away from him to the ocean.
I smiled softly again as the only thing you can hear was the waves on the ocean as they come towards the surface of the sand. In the corner of my eyes I saw the man I was looking at seating next to me.
“Have you ever seen the sunrise like this beautiful with the perfect scenario?” I asked the man softly not once looking at him. The sky turned into a very nice gold and pink with a little bit of blue. “Not really. It’s my first time waking up this early.” The man said making me look at him.
I looked at him closely. He looks like someone I know on YouTube. He looks like that guy GunGomz.
“I’m Gunner by the way.” He said looking at me then to the sandy ground. “I’m (Y/n), I love your videos.” I told him as I felt my cheeks heat up again. “You watch my video?” He asked me slightly surprised.
“Yeah, they always make me smile whenever I feel alone.” I told looking back at the sunrise. “What about your parents?” He asked scooting a little closer to me. “I have none. My mom left me and my brother when I was a month old and my dad shot himself in the head when I was 5.” I told as if it was no big deal.
“Must have been hard on you.” He said softly making me look at him. “That was nothing more painful than the death of my older brother.” I mumbled feeling something wet rolled down my cheeks.
“So who are you with now?” He asked me. I quickly whipped the tears away before looking at him. “Right now my grandmother lives with me.” I said looking at him in the eyes. Our eyes connect as I felt time slowed down around us.
I chuckled softly as I heard my wolf Luther barking this way. “Sorry.” I said looking at him in the eyes again. We pulled away from each other away as I looked behind us to see a blob of black fur running us.
“What is that?” Gunner asked me as I started to laugh lightly. “My wolf Luther. Never likes it when I’m away from him too long.” I smiled as he slowed down when he got closer to us. “Hey Luther!” I smiled as I turned myself around to have Luther hit me down.
“No! Luther stop!” I giggled as I heard Gunner laugh. I sat up and looked at him to see his beautiful smile. “Luther this is Gunner Gomez. Gunner this is my wolf Luther.” I introduced them making Gunner gently pet Luther making my eyes slightly widen.
Luther doesn’t like to be petted or touch what so ever unless it’s my Grandma, but he can careless who you are. “Seem Luther likes you.” I said smiling at Gunner as Luther sat down. “Why you say that?” He asked me making me chuckled.
“He hates being touched by anyone unless it’s me or my Grandma.” I said shrugging my shoulder. We just send the whole morning talking and playing with Luther. Gunner made a short video and let me be in it for awhile.
Later on I got to meet Matthias, J-Fred, Bryan, Kevin, Connor, and Mike. They were really funny people to hang out with and we played Volleyball. “(Y/n), you wouldn’t mind on being in one Edge game Challenge?” Gunner asked me shyly.
I smiled softly at him as Luther sat next to me. “I don’t mind.” I said then looked down as Luther petting his head. “Luther go stay with Rose for a while make sure she’s ok… Come to me if something happens ok.” I told him making him bark and run toward my place.
“Come on.” Gunner said grabbing my hand and taking me to the guys. “What is up you guys where are here at the beach with Gunner and a very special guest (Y/n) (L/n). Say hi (Y/n).” Matthias told me making me shyly smile and wave at the camera.
“She a bit camera shy.” Gunner said as he stood next to me. “Oh, really?” Bryan asked me as I waved my hand so-so. “Don’t worry pretend that it’s just another person watching us.” Gunner whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.
Me and Gunner were in a team as Matthias and Bryan were in another and Joey and Kevin was in there own group. “So what the name of your team?” Joey asked us. “Team (Yours and Gunner ship name).” I said softly making everyone laugh as I saw Gunner laughing too making me giggle softly.
“Me and Bryan well be team Mattyan.” Matt said then started laughing. “Me and Kevin well be team KevFred.” Joey said. “So how this games goes is that we are going to have a leg race but there is a twist.” Matthias said a bit to evil like.
“We are going to throw water balloons at the team that running, and they have to make it all the way over there and the one with the less amount of time win the challenge.” Bryan said looking at Connor who was showing the obstacles course. “We got this Gunner.” I told him softly making him smile at me.
“We have to work together to beat them.” Gunner whispered as they have to decide who goes first. “How fast can you run?” I asked him looking at him in the eyes. “Fast enough why…” He slightly trailed off as he looks at me in the eyes.
“We can book it if we get last turn.” I whispered as I saw him looked down my lips. I looked at his then back to his beautiful brown eyes that sparked in the sun. “Hey Lovebird stop trying to kiss each other and get over here!” I heard Matthias yelled making me move away from Gunner.
I bit the inside my cheeks as I felt them heat up. We both go back into the camera view as we all tried to see who goes first. I smirked slightly as me and Gunner go last giving us some time to see how they did.
Time Skip
It was fun playing with they guys. Me and Gunner won but still got a lot of water balloon hit us. “Hey (Y/n) can I talk with you for a minute?” Matthias asked me. I nodded as they end the recording. I glanced at Gunner who was helping Bryan, Joey, Connor, Kevin, and Mike put some of the gears away.
Once we got in a pretty far distance Matthias stopped to look at me. “So (Y/n), I was wondering if you want to work with us at Hifive Universe?” Matthias asked me making me look like he has two heads. “A-are you serious?” I asked slightly stuttering.
“Yeah, you seem like you enjoyed play games with us and it was your idea to play that game. So what do you say?” He asked making me smile at him. “I’d love to.” I said hugging him making him chuckled as he hugs me back.
“Ok here’s my number and I’ll send you the address to the office and I think Gunner wouldn’t mind helping you get there either.” He added winking at me before going back to the guys. I stood where I was as I looked out in the ocean.
I can barely hear footsteps running this way making me turned around to see Gunner running this way with a big smile on his face. I smiled back at him as he grabbed me in a hug spinning me around.
“Gunner!” I squealed clinging onto him a bit as we both started to laugh. He gently put me down as me looked at me in the eyes. “Easy there Gunner.” I teased making him blush but he still have that beautiful smiled I love so much.
“I’ll pick you up and take you to the office if you want.” He mumbled as he placed my forehead on his. I just realized how close we were as my arms wrapped around his neck and his was around me waist.
“I’d like that.” I breathed out looking at his pink plump lips. I looked back at him in the eyes as I felt his hot breathe tingle my lips. “God you’re so beautiful.” He breathed out making me chuckled slightly.
“No I’m not…” I said placing my head in the curve of his neck. His build up chest vibrated as he laughed a bit before pulling me away a bit. He grabbed my chin making me look at him as I felt everything around us slow down.
“(Y/n) you’re the beautiful girl I’ve ever met on the inside and out.” He said leaning in a little closer to me. “And you’re the most handsome looking guy with a very goofy personality I’ve ever met.” I said slightly smiling at him.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked me as our lips barely touched. I gently placed my lips on his as I felt sparks flying everywhere around us. Time felt like it was slowing down as I moved my hands up his dark brown hair.
He title his head deepening the kiss as his arms wrapped tightly around me waist as if I was going to disappear once he lets go of me. We pulled away as I place my forehead on his. Claps and cheers were heard making me giggled as Gunner chuckled.
I looked to the side to see Joey, Bryan, Kevin, Connor, and Mike clapping and cheering at us as Matthias was taking picture. “Save that for later.” Matthias said before laughing. I giggled and looking back at Gunner. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked as we pulled away from each other.
“Yeah, oh here my number.” He said grabbing my phone and playing his number. “Hey Matthias can you send me the picture?” I asked him softly making him laugh. “Sure thing we’ll see you tomorrow (Y/n).” He said as they all hugged and said good-bye to me before they leave.
I looked back at the ocean to see the ocean view. I slightly smiled as the wind blow on my (S/c) skin. My smile widen slightly as I felt strong arms wrapped around me as I closed my eyes leaning my head on his chest. I felt him lightly kissing down my neck as he moves his hands to my hips.
“Don’t you have to go with them?” I asked him softly. “I drove here alone so I’m good.” He said in my ear sending shivers down my spine. “But don’t you have some stuff to do?” I asked turning my head to look at him.
“If I must.” He said softly pecking my lips. I giggled lightly as I looked at him in the eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He told me. “I’ll text you went to pick me up.” I told him. In the corner of my eye I saw my Grandma looking at us.
“Okay I’ll see tomorrow.” He put on a goofy smile before running off to his car. I bit my bottom lips as I felt my cheeks heat up when I walked towards my place. 
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zaxpearson · 6 years
TGP 2/10/19 Are gaming journalist paid to manipulate conflicts? Topic 1. It's been a long held belief that major game companies are paying "journalist" to make articles that call consumers and hobbiest self-righteous or implying that were as a while being petty if they do not purchase titles after the game companies refuse to answer consumer questions relating to any kind of conflict over there product, such as but not limited to illegal child gambling implementation, pay to win and chipping up the end of games to sell it later as dlc.   Topic 2. EA claims there under performing after constantly selling upwards of 6 million copies on almost call their titles,  Do you think that this statement is a lie or a manipulation tactic to possibly get die hard fans to indulge in purchasing more DLC and other related things from their company? Or do you feel like there may be another reason why they constantly make this claim even though they are one of the highest grossing businesses in the world Topic 3: Has anyone noticed that Netflix has yet to cancel punisher do you guys think that Marvel may have decided to restrict Netflix to only being able to create shows that will have a rated R or did they just forget to take out old yeller?  Topic 4 Although his body may have left this world his legacy is not stand Lieber also known as Stan Lee can no longer provide cameos to the superhero movie world, are there any long time legends or possible people you think would make a decent replacement as far as cameos go in the Marvel cinematic universe? Journey by Jay Hifive & Broken Elegance https://soundcloud.com/brokenelegance Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/eTtyZDU6WZQ
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