#Higa chu
knister · 1 year
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incorrectpot · 1 year
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Look at the handsome bois
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Main masterlist
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Middle schooler teams:
Hyotei Academy
Higa Chu
St. Rudolph
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High Schoolers:
Byodoin Hoo
Kazuya Tokugawa
Shuji Tanegashima
Jusaburo Mori
Tsukimitsu Ochi
Jujiro Oni
Ryoga Echizen
Kanata Irie
Atsukyo Tono
Duke Watanabe
Ikuto Kimijima
Ryuji Omagari
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dilesxpressions · 3 months
Mandy Lau
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Mandy Lau. Psychology major. San Francisco, California
2. What’s your roman empire?
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
You make me happy.
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
I’d want it to be a rom-com but my life is lowkey boring so like a documentary lmao 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Go on a trip with my friends!
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
Hot Cheeto Puffs… mmm mm mmmm 
7. What are your bad habits?
I never hear my alarms and end up missing classes and midterms..
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Feels like we’re falling for the first time. This is exactly what it feels like. When I can’t go to sleep unless you’re lying next to me.
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Paris shouldn’t be a dream vacation. That place kinda ghetto lol
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
Hello, my name is Mandy Lau and I was the Pledge Master for Alpha Phi Omega - Iota Phi chapter, in the fall of 2023. During this term I had to step up and lead a group of lost pledges toward active brotherhood. My Children include Ada Lei, Andrew Chik, Angelica Anderson, Arra Vargas, Ashley Lee, Brandon Vu, Caitlin Chan, Cecilia Chu, Christian James Carino, Colby Huang, Damon Kwan, Emily Hu, Emily Woo, Eric Dong, James Lau, Jasmine Louie, Jenny Yee, Justin Koh, Kano Castleberry, Katelynn Phy, Kaylee Ong, Madison Nakano, Natalyn Tran, RaeAnn Garcia, Sean Vincent Batoon, Shelby Higa, Stanley Chan, Suah Lee, Tyson Park, Welton Czhang, and Zachary Leung. My Co, Ying Bettina Fong and I, held pledge meetings every week to teach these children about the three cardinal principles of Alpha Phi Omega: Leadership, Friendship, and service. The first week, they learned the purpose of Alpha Phi Omega: The purpose of Alpha Phi Omega shall be to assemble college students in a national service fraternity in the fellowship of principles derived from the Scout Oath and Law of the Boy Scouts of America; to develop leadership, to promote friendship and to provide service to humanity; and to further the freedom that is our national, educational, and intellectual heritage. The next week they learned the toast song: Here's to Alpha Phi Omega, Loyal Brothers we, True to self and to each other, firm in loyalty. Daily working, daily striving, ever more to be True to Alpha Phi Omega, our fraternity. Brothers clasp the hands of Brothers, strong the circle we, Ever mindful, ever serving all humanity. Now we raise our grateful voices, in our song to thee True to Alpha Phi Omega, may we always be. I was their mom… You should ask them how I stepped up to be a leader. :)
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eastownrp · 2 years
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Preparados para um final de semana com muito glamour, entretenimento, cinema e teatro? Já podem tirar o traje de gala do armário, esse final de semana promete boas ações, bons drinks e tudo o que há de bom no mundo cinematográfico e teatral.
Pensaram que só em New York existe um Met Gala? Mas é claro que não, em East Town também temos em versão canadense e de uma forma mais “modesta”... Bem, a Rihanna pode não se encontrar na lista de convidados pois o evento não é de uma grandiosidade como o original, mas teremos convidados especiais e tapete vermelho, tudo sob as ordens e organização de nossa ilustríssima, querida (e riquíssima também) Ko Moonyoung, a proprietária do Lido Cinema&Theater.
Confira a programação!
Met Gala:
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O Met Gala é um dos eventos mais importantes do mundo da moda e sua criação ocorreu em 1948, como uma forma de arrecadar dinheiro para o recém-fundado Costume Institute. Até hoje, um dos objetivos para a realização do evento é a arrecadação de fundos Metropolitan Museum of Art. Em East Town, seguindo a tradição, as arrecadações serão destinadas ao Museu da Imigração de East Town, que se encontra interditado pela falta de verbas e investimentos.
Inspirado pelo grande legado da ex-editora-chefe da Vogue Diana Vreeland como "consultora especial" do Costume Institute, desde 1973, o Met Gala se tornou conhecido como um evento de luxo e sucesso de público.
O Costume Institute vem desenvolvendo narrativas que abordam sobre o estilo do país de origem dos imigrantes, bem como a herança que estes deixaram a seus descendentes, sob a perspectiva da moda contemporânea asiática e seu contexto histórico. Que tal um banho de dress-up, luxo e entretenimento em um lugar só?
Será um grande atrativo para quem aprecia moda e cinema. Além das narrativas e documentários, o evento contará com a presença de Jon M. Chu, Aleysa Young e Chloé Zhao, grandes nomes da indústria cinematográfica. Estilistas de renome, assim como suas criações em forma material, também comparecerão ao evento, portanto, não esqueçam de arrasar no look! E claro que não podem faltar os grandes Chefs para uma refeição deliciosa e sofisticada.
19h00: Palestra de Abertura com Chu, Young e Zhao: “A representatividade asiática no cinema e diálogos contemporâneos”;
20h00: Mesa Redonda com Choi Wooshik e Sandra Oh: “Perspectivas cênicas, o cinema híbrido e a multiculturalidade”;
21h00: Exibição do Curta Metragem “Saint Laurent 05 - A Night In Shanghai”, dirigido por Wing Shya, curadoria de Wong Kar-Wai;
22h00: Met Gala.
Cardápio do Met Gala:
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Chef Bae: renome na cozinha vegana e conhecida pelos seus coquetéis e canapés,  seu destaque é a substituição dos clássicos ovos cozidos, utilizando batatas yukon ao invés de qualquer produto animal. Os aperitivos contém bolos de arroz com couve e salsa de pepino, ceviche de coco e batata trufada.
Chef Higa: designada para servir o primeiro prato da noite e também o prato principal. Os destaques são Hamachi Fresco com azeitona e chili de Sichuan. Ela explica que o prato é uma bela mistura de culturas e etnias vibrantes de imigrantes que compõem o DNA da América hoje. 
Chef Somsri: suas especialidades são doces. Bolo de chocolate, em camadas com mousse de chocolate e cappuccino. Como explicado pela chef: “trabalhado na forma de uma xícara de chá, é uma homenagem ao código de vestimenta da noite de glamour dourado”.
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Aperol Spritz: O drink polêmico da noite, pois a Times uma vez o elegeu como o pior coquetel do mundo. "Mas você pode dar uma segunda chance a ele substituindo o espumante vagabundo por um da melhor qualidade, como o cava Don Roman”, conta Akio, bartender da Cabin Nakameguro. As uvas espanholas Macabeo, Parellada e Xarel-lo – usadas na elaboração dos cavas – e a presença do licor mudam tudo no nariz e na boca do spritz, tornando o que é o Plot Twist Spritz, uma versão adaptada do Aperol Spritz, que também estará disponível. Contém aperol, licor de flor de sabugueiro (Saint Germain) e cava. 
Fusion Margarita: Historiadores até brigam pela origem supostamente mexicana ou americana do drink, não deixa de ser um simbólico da família sour. Mas não há nada que Akio não possa fazer, dando um toque canadense e chinês na bebida. Contém tequila branca, licor de laranja triple sec, suco de limão, maple syrup e lapsang souchoung (chá preto chinês defumado).
Hyotan Martini: Batido, este Dry Martini batido traz o aroma herbáceo e o final sutilmente picante e mentolado vindo das folhas de shiso. Contém gin seco, folhas de shiso e vermute branco seco. 
Old Fashioned: O mais pedido. O mais querido. O mais clássico. O Old Fashioned é uma técnica de coquetelaria que é a própria definição do que é coquetel. Contém bourbon, açúcar, água e Angostura bitters. 
Também serão servidos água, refrigerantes e sucos.
Como o próprio nome contempla, o Lido Cinema&Theater não só comporta o cinema, como também o maior teatro da cidade e palco de inúmeras apresentações de teatro, dança e música. Sendo assim, um bom espetáculo não poderia faltar durante esse final de semana planejado especialmente pela equipe do Lido. Três principais peças serão apresentadas e são as seguintes:
(*)14h00 - 16h00: “The Scent of Autumn: Korean Art Song & Opera Aria” - O ato 1 apresenta famosas árias de ópera e canções de dueto, enquanto o ato 2 apresenta as queridinhas do momento, canções coreanas recentemente renomadas.
(*)17h00 - 19h00: “Shosagoto” - uma categoria do Kabuki, tradicional teatro japonês que incorpora elementos de dança clássica. 
20h00-22h00: “Grease” - apresentação da peça adaptada, com participação dos inscritos. 
Mesmo para convidados, o preço do ingresso costuma ser mais salgado do que as águas de Momoiro Beach, entretanto…
A Prefeitura de Toronto patrocinou o evento, o que diminuiu uma quantia do valor bruto;
Estudantes e professores podem pagar meia-entrada;
Artistas de East Town e Toronto que atuam com Moda e Cinema possuem benefícios e descontos;
A organização do evento aceita que qualquer pessoa se candidate a trabalhar como voluntário para custear o ingresso.
Todo o ônus da arrecadação será destinado à reconstrução do Museu da Imigração de East Town, que se encontra interditado pela falta de verbas e investimentos.
Notas da Prefeitura:
(*) Nestas peças de teatro, considerem artistas NPC.
Ufa! Muito texto, Easters? As instruções para inscrição se encontram nesse comunicado da Brit e vocês podem se inscrever nesse formulário. 
Lembrando que a inscrição vai até sábado às 17h00. O horário de inscrição foi alterado, divulgaremos o resultado mais cedo do que o previsto, que era 20h00. Todas as instruções estão no post linkado.
Os personagens não precisam estar online na hora da peça de teatro, mas é necessário que aqueles que vão se inscrever desenvolvam algo. Seja selfparas, seja plots em grupo, povs em grupo, vídeos, comentários na timeline… Enfim, usem a criatividade! Algo deverá ser desenvolvido, nem que seja apenas através de tweets. Incentivamos e muito os selfparas, mas sabemos que alguns podem ter dificuldades.
Sobre os papéis, será realizado sorteio.
O discord será liberado a quem quiser participar da festa do Met Gala. 
Os personagens podem livremente escolher como irão participar e pagar os ingressos.
Qualquer dúvida, é só entrar em contato conosco. Um bom jogo!
Por último e não menos importante, agradecemos a personagem Ko Moonyoung (@pxtriccr) que sugeriu o evento e fez um brainstorming gigantesco com a moderação para que tudo isso fosse possível. 
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artbookdap · 2 years
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May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. Open it wide up with 'Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network,' edited by @mistermisterchen and published by @primaryinfo ⁠ ⁠ This anthology gathers writings, documentation and ephemera from Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network, a collective based in New York from 1990 to 2001, which was formed to provide a support structure for Asian American artists, writers and curators to stimulate visibility and critical discourse for their work. Edited by curator Howie Chen, the book gathers archival material from the group’s wide-ranging activities, which included producing exhibitions and forums to social change advocacy surrounding institutional racism, the politics of representation, Western imperialism, the AIDS crisis and violence against Asian Americans. Godzilla created a social space for diasporic Asian artists and art professionals, including members Tomie Arai, Karin Higa, Byron Kim, Paul Pfeiffer, Eugenie Tsai, Lynne Yamamoto and Alice Yang, among others.⁠ ⁠ Founded by artists Ken Chu, Bing Lee and Margo Machida in New York and eventually expanding into a national network, Godzilla’s aim was to “function as a support group interested in social change through art, bringing together art and advocacy” and “to contribute to changing the limited ways Asian Pacific Americans participate and are represented in broad social context—in the artworld and beyond.” This comprehensive chronicle of Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network assembles art projects, critical writing, correspondences, exhibition and meeting documentation, media clippings and other archival ephemera to convey the political and cultural stakes of the time.⁠ ⁠ Read more via linkinbio.⁠ ⁠ #godzilla #geetadayal #howiechen #primaryinformation #godzillaasianamericanartsnetwork #art #artandactivism #contemporaryart #artcollectives #artorganizations #protest #artandprotest #newbooks #arthistory #bookreviews #artreviews @ellalosangeles https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd6ZFMgJ3oe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sandreeen · 3 years
Discovered the song Ya-Ki-Ni-Ku lately sung by Tanishi, Kabaji and Chinen thanks to Tenirabi, and it’s hilarious listening to Tanishi just name all sorts of meat and say he wants Seconds! Seconds! Seconds! as Kabaji goes Usu! Usu! Usu! Usu! Usu! in the background😂
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whitesnowfoxy · 6 years
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
...so I made a fancast for some of the OPM characters
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Actors’ names and an explanation under the cut. 
Genos: Wang Yibo-I feel like this one’s self explanatory.
Saitama: Ryan Higa/John Harlan Kim-both are goofy and kind of unassuming
Fubuki: Miki Hamano/Chloe Bailey-Listen. Miki Hamano is so pretty. She recently starred in The Weeknd’s Blinding Lights music video. Chloe’s gorgeous. I feel like Chloe x Halle have an air of grace/elegance to them that would work well for the Psychic sisters.
Tatsumaki: Leah Lewis/Halle Bailey-Leah was recently Ellie Chu in The Half of It. Halle is actually the younger sister, but she’d make a great Tatsu imo!
Amai Mask: Manny Jacinto-The idea of Manny Jacinto playing a murderous pop idol/model is top tier. He also kind of looks like webcomic Amai imo.)
Garou: Xiao Zhan-I recently found out about him through Untamed (which I still need to get around to watching). His character in that seems to have extremely chaotic energy that works for Garou.
Zombieman: Dev Patel/Manish Dayal-This one is solely for me. They’re both gorgeous and they’ve got a kind of mellow energy that I think works well for Zombieman.
Child Emperor: Ian Chen-He’s baby.
Flashy Flash: Nils Kuiper Verberne-He’s a model and MUA that I’ve been following the work of for a while. He’s elegant as all hell and his hair is to die for.
Metal Bat: Donny Pangilinan-He looks young (which for MB is important bc he’s 17), and he’s expressive which is important bc...MB sure does contort his face.
Zenko: Ella Jay Basco-I adore her. 
King: Aldis Hodge-Ok hear me out. Aldis Hodge 100% looks like someone people would assume is a badass based solely on his looks. But my first introduction to him was Alec Hardison from Leverage, who was a nerd extraordinaire. He does a great job playing sweet characters that are also the only person in the room with a reasonable fear of death.
Atomic Samurai: Daniel Dae Kim/Ian Anthony Dale-They both look like they could kick my ass.
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tenipurigoods · 4 years
School Support Digital Album
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The Prince of Tennis II ~Seigaku Fight Oh!!~
Price: 1500 yen Artists: Seigaku All Stars Release Date: July 2, 2020 Tracklist:  1. JUMP by Momoshiro Takeshi 2. Ai ga Ippai by Kikumaru Eiji 3. Ano Basho Made by Kawamura Takashi 4. Michi by Inui Sadaharu 5. Sekai wa Kawaru by Kaidoh Kaoru 6. Te wo Tsunaide by Oishi Syuichirou 7.Ryusen no Michiyuki by Fuji Syuusuke 8. Fight to the End by Echizen Ryoma 9. Decide by Tezuka Kunimitsu 10. We Love Seigaku ~Arigatou wo Komete~ by Seigaku All Stars
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The Prince of Tennis II ~Katsu no wa Hyotei!!~
Price: 1500 yen Artists: Hyotei All Stars Release Date: July 9, 2020 Tracklist: 1. Kakumei e no Prelude by Atobe Keigo 2. Da•Da•Da by Mukahi Gakuto 3. Go Way by Hiyoshi Wakashi 4. Contrail by Ootori Choutarou 5. Kimi to no Kyori wo Hakasete by Taki Haginosuke 6. Gin no Ken by Oshitari Yuushi 7. Never Surrender by Kabaji Munehiro 8. ALive by Shishido Ryo 9. Against the Wind by Akutagawa Jirou 10. Charm Point wa Naki Hokuro ~Hyotei All Stars Version~ by Hyotei All Stars
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The Prince of Tennis II ~Joushou Rikkaidai!!~
Price: 1500 yen Artists: Rikkai All Stars Release Date: July 16, 2020 Tracklist: 1. Daroi? by Marui Bunta 2. Time has Come by Kirihara Akaya 3. Meteor Drive by Niou Masaharu 4. GARURU! by Kuwahara Jackal 5. Laser Beam ~Ultra Violet Version~ by Yagyuu Hiroshi 6. Master Plan by Yanagi Renji 7. Kokushoku no Aura by Sanada Genichirou 8. Shuu by Yukimura Seiichi 9. Summer High! by Rikkai Young Kan 10. Roman Ranman by Goukan Kenran
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The Prince of Tennis II ~Higa Chu Haide!!~
Price: 1500 yen Artists: Higa All Stars Release Date: July 23, 2020 Tracklist: 1. Hi-side by Chinen Hiroshi 2. Blue Hole ~Yume no Tochuu~ by Shiranui Tomoya 3. Chura Umi Power da ne by Hirakoba Rin 4. Cosmos by Tanishi Kei 5. Jinjin by Kite Eishirou 6. Ashita e no Kibou by Aragaki Koichi 7. Namida sou sou by Kai Yuujirou 8. CHU-BA FIGHTER by Higa All Stars
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The Prince of Tennis II ~Don Don Dododon Shitenhouji!!~
Price: 1500 yen Artists: Shitenhouji All Stars Release Date: July 30, 2020 Tracklist: 1. Wild by Tooyama Kintarou 2. Age of Aquarius by Koishikawa Kenjirou 3. Ai no Memory ~Lovers the Game~ by Konjiki Koharu 4. Brilliant Brain by Chitose Senri 5. Oxidized Silver ~Ibushi Gin~ by Ishida Gin 6. Nobody Can Stop by Oshitari Kenya 7. Koishun ~Ko•i•ma•ba•ta•ki~ by Hitouji Yuuji 8. Get Sparks by Zaizen Hikaru 9. Like bored days by Shiraishi Kuranosuke 10. Naniwa Souran Bushi by Shitenhouji All Stars
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jaychenuwmaccount · 2 years
Multimedia Journal Entry 2
Crazy Rich Asians are based around the young family. The young family is a wealthy Chinese descendant living in Singapore. The main two characters are Rachel Chu and Nick Young. Both Rachel and Nick are in a relationship. The Challenge from these two characters is mainly class. Because of Nick’s family’s wealth, Rachel is treated as an outsider. Rachel didn’t inherit wealth from her parents but rather worked her way up to become an economics professor. Furthermore, there is also a divide between cultures within the show. This becomes apparent when Rachel meets Nick’s Family. I think this is somewhat like the article Black? White? Asian? More young Americans Choose All of the Above. According to the article “some sociologists say that grouping all multiracial people together glosses over differences in circumstance between someone who is, black and Latino, and someone who is Asian and White (among interracial couples, white-Asian pairing tends to be better educated and have higher income”. In this show that is very apparent. There is a lot of themes within the movie that show mixed races of Asians.     
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I think this move generates conversation regarding race, ethnicity, and cultural diversity would be the emulation of whiteness within Asian Culture. There was one scene in the movie when Rachel was meeting her friend’s family home in Singapore. Her friend’s parents bragged about how the living room was “inspired by the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles” in a brass manager. Of course, the living room was lavish but in poor taste.  This relates to what Dr. Jay talked about in his article “What is Multiculturalism”. He states, “Specifically, Proponents argue that the content of classes in history, literature, social studies, and other areas reflect what came to be called a “Eurocentric” and male bias. Another conversation This movie generates would be differences in culture. In one scene, both Rachel and her mom are preparing to meet Nick’s family by shopping for clothes. Rachel was talking about the possibility of marrying Nick and her mother thought it was a silly idea. There was a quote from Rachels's mom which was, “Your face is Chinese, you speak Chinese, But here and here... You’re different”. Her mother says that her mindset is rather American than Chinese.      
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I think besides the plot of the movie this shows acceptance of Asian culture within Mainstream media. Most of the case is Asian or Mixed race Asians. It is one of the few movies in Mainstream American Media that accurately shows how Asian society is diverse. This is like Reading analysis #8. As stated in the “Godzilla” article, “it takes a heterogeneous approach to artistic practice that defies the notions that there is such a thing as “Asian American art”. I think the same logic applies to depictions in media and culture in general.  
Professor Gregory, Jay. What is Multiculturalism? University of Wisconsin –Milwaukee. 2011.    
“Crazy Rich Asians.” Prime video, uploaded 2018, Watch Crazy Rich Asians | Prime Video (amazon.com)
Susan Saulny. Black? White? Asian? More young Americans Choose All of the Above. The New York Times. (2011).  
Karin Higa. ORIGIN MYTHS: A SHORT AND INCOMPLETE HISTORY OF GODZILLA. One way or another Asian American Art Now. (2008).  
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zeepuri · 7 years
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Higa chu~ 
It’s like one of those chain letters, except whoever breaks the chain of smooches gets fed goya
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incorrectpot · 1 year
Kite: I gave my word and a Higa player almost never goes back on their word sometimes. (Source ALF)
But he does
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abegaitor-blog · 7 years
•July 8,2017// Saturday•
Sooooo here, kaninang umaga Wala naman akong ginawa but I did clean the house *a little bit* Ayun, haaaay i don't know why pero sad pa din ako kasi naman si thyraaaaa jusq pu 🤦🏻‍♀️ ayun nanuod pala kami nila ate ng resident evil yung final chu chu, gaguuuu sumakit brain cells ko kasi naman may zombies tanginuh my hart and lungs are soooooo 3ggered, after non umalis na si ate then I changed the sheets of my bed, I took a shower then humiga higa c acoe like I always do 🤣, super common ng araw ko today hahahaha, nag usap Kami ni Abigail saglit, supeeeeeer miss ko na misis ko 🤣🤣 hay, super na talaga yaw q na!!! Then after non Ayun inantay ko lang si mama na tawagin ako kasi may kainan sa bahay ng friend niya🤰🏻 HAHAHAHA Kakauwi ko lang pala 😁 5:38
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artbookdap · 2 years
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People are talking about 'Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network,' the new release edited by @mistermisterchen and published by @primaryinfo ⁠ ⁠ So here's a sampling of just a few spreads from this epic 448-page compendium of writings, art and ephemera on the ’90s New York collective that fostered a social space for diasporic Asian artists.⁠ ⁠ This anthology gathers writings, documentation and ephemera from 'Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network,' a collective based in NYC from 1990 to 2001, which was formed to provide a support structure for Asian American artists, writers and curators to stimulate visibility and critical discourse for their work. Edited by curator Howie Chen, the book gathers archival material from the group’s wide-ranging activities, which included producing exhibitions and forums to social change advocacy surrounding institutional racism, the politics of representation, Western imperialism, the AIDS crisis and violence against Asian Americans. Godzilla created a social space for diasporic Asian artists and art professionals, including members Tomie Arai, Karin Higa, Byron Kim, Paul Pfeiffer, Eugenie Tsai, Lynne Yamamoto and Alice Yang, among others.⁠ ⁠ Founded by artists Ken Chu, Bing Lee and Margo Machida in New York and eventually expanding into a national network, Godzilla’s aim was to “function as a support group interested in social change through art, bringing together art and advocacy” and “to contribute to changing the limited ways Asian Pacific Americans participate and are represented in broad social context—in the artworld and beyond.” This comprehensive chronicle of Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network assembles art projects, critical writing, correspondences, exhibition and meeting documentation, media clippings and other archival ephemera to convey the political and cultural stakes of the time.⁠ ⁠ Get it at your favorite local independent bookstore! More via linkinbio.⁠ ⁠ #godzilla #geetadayal #howiechen #primaryinformation #godzillaasianamericanartsnetwork #art #artandactivism #contemporaryart #artcollectives #artorganizations #protest #artandprotest #newbooks #arthistory #bookreviews #artreviews @ellalosangeles https://www.instagram.com/p/CW6otlzJB7o/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sandreeen · 4 years
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Megane Party, Megane Party~ Oshareshita keredo (Megane☆Seven) (Shintenhouji and Higa-chu aren’t in Chinapuri so I went with other megane boys👓)
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