#High Return Commercial Projects
crazylittlejester · 6 months
The chain as things that happend at my highschool:
Wind and Hyrule eating a paper because Wild said it tasted spicy
Warriors accidentally intoxicating Legend
Twilight screaming the most stupid and dirty thing when the teacher was passing by
Warriors had a mental breakdown when he heard Legend and Four complain about the 9 projects for that day and he didn't even knew about them
Four taking a nap in his locker because it was the only place that wasn't noisy
Legend and Wind torturing Warriors with the worst jokes he ever heard while the teacher was talking about the next work
Anon there are tears in my eyes rn, I’d like to add a few things that happened when I was in high school too:
- Warriors doing a heel click and falling down the stairs and smacking into the landing perfectly on beat while Legend plays “another one bites the dust”
- Wild making a fake teeth whitening commercial and using clorax wipes as the fake product, saying his brand’s slogan would be “So blinding, you’ll see god!”
- Wind crawling out of the basement window and getting locked out because the teacher was annoyed he did this in the middle of class so the teacher walked over (while still teaching) and locked the window and shut the blinds so he couldn’t get back in
- Legend with tears in his eyes emailing his teacher for help on an essay just to receive a completely blank email in return
- Hyrule doing a jig on top of a lunch table and not getting in trouble, but Twilight gets in trouble for yelling at him to get off
- Four falling asleep in math class, waking up, telling the teacher he was doing the demo math problem wrong, and then being told by the teacher to go back to sleep
- Twilight getting detention for walking through the hall without a hall pass but when they show him the security footage of “what he did wrong”, you can see the hot pink hall pass in his hand (he still got detention)
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coochiequeens · 21 days
Even advocates of surrogacy should agree that regulations are needed
BY Samuel Burke August 16, 2024
In Europe, commercial surrogacy is largely banned and seen as a form of body commodification, similar to organ trafficking. Only a few countries permit highly regulated altruistic surrogacy, which limits reimbursement to just expenses and no additional compensation—resulting in limited participation. Demand for surrogacy, however, is soaring due to delayed childbearing, increasing medical challenges, and the growth of LGBTQ+ family-building. The surrogacy market, valued at $14 billion in 2022, is projected to skyrocket to $129 billion by 2032, according to Global Market Insights.
Currently, only a few European countries, such as Ukraine and Greece, permit commercial surrogacy. These nations operate in a legal gray area with minimal oversight, leading to a largely unregulated industry fraught with issues like trafficking women, falsified documents and sham embryo transfers.
Before the 2022 invasion, Ukraine was a global surrogacy hub estimated to have 2,000-2,500 surrogacy contracts annually. Despite the ongoing conflict, the industry continues, with some women still carrying pregnancies in war-torn Ukraine. Controversially, Ukrainian surrogates now leave their families behind and travel to places like Greece and Northern Cyprus (recognized only by Turkey) to complete pregnancies. The women often live with multiple surrogates in the same dwellings while they wait to give birth.
Advocates for reform argue that current practices neglect the welfare of surrogates. Wes Johnson-Ellis, co-founder of the U.K. non-profit My Surrogacy Journey (MSJ), asserts that surrogates should not have to leave their families to move to another country for the pregnancy to help others build theirs.
Pregnancy and birth are vulnerable times for surrogates. They need their support network and family close by to ensure they are fully supported,” Johnson-Ellis says.
MSJ frequently assists families who’ve faced trying circumstances with other agencies. One couple pursuing surrogacy in Cyprus believed their surrogate was Cypriot. However, she was actually from Eastern Europe and returned to her native country, where she gave birth prematurely according to Johnson-Ellis. Tragically, the baby did not survive.
“They are still fighting to have the baby’s body exhumed and sent back to their home country for a proper burial,” says Johnson-Ellis.
Last August, Greek authorities raided the Mediterranean Fertility Institute in Crete and arrested staff amid allegations of trafficking nearly 100 women from Eastern Europe to act as surrogates. Officials also accused the company of falsifying adoption papers for clients from countries where surrogacy is illegal. The institute is now closed and has not responded to inquiries about these allegations. Advocates for affected families, many from Australia, claim they paid for a surrogacy program that was never fulfilled.
The Republic of Georgia had also emerged as a popular surrogacy destination in Europe, but last year, the Georgian prime minister announced that commercial surrogacy would be restricted to Georgian citizens only. This has left the legality of programs in Georgia in limbo, affecting intended parents from around the world who had turned to the country for surrogacy.
Scandals and swiftly shifting surrogacy laws have sent intended parents in Europe scrambling to relocate their embryos to countries with more stable or established surrogacy frameworks, primarily in the Americas. 
The United States is the top destination for commercial surrogacy due to its well-established legal framework and advanced medical care. However, it is also the most expensive, with total costs for IVF and surrogacy—including medical, legal, and agency fees—averaging $190,000 to $230,000.
Those high costs have traditionally made Canada a more affordable surrogacy option, with costs for IVF and surrogacy averaging $60,000 to $100,000. Although commercial surrogacy is banned, Canadian law permits altruistic surrogacy, similar to the U.K., Denmark, and the Netherlands. This lower cost has dramatically increased demand, leading to average wait times of 10 to 18 months and driving hopeful parents to seek commercial surrogates in Latin America.
Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico are attracting intended parents as alternatives to Europe, with costs typically under $80,000. Mexico City, in particular, has become a popular choice due to its low costs and progressive surrogacy laws.
“Confidence in Mexico is shifting,” says Johnson-Ellis of My Surrogacy Journey, which has launched a service guiding families there. “Mexico actually has more guardrails and regulations in place than the U.S. and has even had the support of the Mexican Supreme Court since 2021.” He points to Mexico City’s practice of issuing pre-birth orders that recognize the intended parents as the legal parents and even list the surrogate as the gestational carrier, not the biological mother when she’s used donor eggs. 
The surrogacy boom in the Americas is coming at Europe’s expense. Advocates argue that Europe’s ban on commercial surrogacy limits access to services and, ironically, increases the exploitation and coercion of women.
“With a commercial model, everyone knows where they stand,” Johnson-Ellis says. “There’s no gray. It’s very black and white. And I think with surrogacy, you need black and white.”
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blueiscoool · 8 months
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Have Researchers Found Amelia Earhart’s Long-Lost Plane?
A new sonar image shows an airplane-shaped object resting on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, not far from where Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, went missing in 1937.
On July 2, 1937, pioneering pilot Amelia Earhart vanished somewhere over the Pacific Ocean near the end of her historic around-the-world flight. For decades, her mysterious disappearance has perplexed explorers, who have spent millions of dollars trying to find her missing Lockheed 10-E Electra plane.
Now, a possible new clue has emerged in the case: A sonar image captured during an expedition last fall shows an airplane-shaped object sitting on the ocean floor, not far from where experts believe Earhart likely crashed, reports the Wall Street Journal’s Nidhi Subbaraman.
The blurred object is far from definitive proof, but Dorothy Cochrane, an aeronautics curator at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, tells Smithsonian magazine it’s “an intriguing image” that warrants a second look.
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The expedition was led by Tony Romeo, who is a former intelligence officer with the U.S. Air Force, a pilot and a commercial real estate investor from South Carolina. In 2021, he sold his real estate properties and spent $11 million to fund the trip, including buying high-tech equipment to aid in the search.
“This has been a story that’s always intrigued me, and all the things in my life kind of collided at the right moment,” Romeo tells Business Insider’s Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert and Rebecca Rommen. “I was getting out of real estate and looking for a new project, so even though I really started about 18 months ago, this was something I’ve been thinking and researching for a long time.”
Last September, a team from the exploration company Deep Sea Vision, which Romeo founded, departed from Tarawa, Kiribati, in the South Pacific aboard a research vessel. Working in 36-hour shifts, the 16-person crew used an underwater autonomous vehicle equipped with sonar to scour the sea floor, scanning roughly 5,200 total square miles.
About 90 days into the trip, the team was reviewing sonar images and noticed something unusual in the data from some 60 days prior. The mysterious object looked to be about the same shape and size as an aircraft, and it was identified roughly 100 miles from Howland Island, which is within the region where experts think Earhart’s plane went down. The object is around 16,400 feet below the water’s surface.
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By then, however, the crew had determined it was too late to return to the site for a closer look. The camera on the underwater vehicle was also broken, which meant they wouldn’t be able to see anything if they did circle back, reports the Post and Courier’s Tony Bartelme.
But Romeo is undeterred and hopes to revisit the area in the future.
“This is maybe the most exciting thing I’ll ever do in my life,” he tells the Wall Street Journal. “I feel like a 10-year-old going on a treasure hunt.”
In the meantime, the sonar image is not detailed enough for experts to draw any definitive conclusions.
“It definitely appears to be an aircraft of some sort,” David Jourdan, who has searched three times for Earhart’s missing plane and is the co-founder and president of the ocean exploration company Nauticos, tells the Post and Courier. “It has aircraft-like features. But sound is funny. It can mislead you. We can’t say it’s her plane until you put a camera on it.”
To truly identify the object, future missions would ideally capture detailed images that contain the registration number of the plane, says Cochrane. Or, at the very least, they might more clearly show the submerged object’s dimensions and shape to see if it matches the model of Earhart’s vehicle.
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“It really requires further research,” says Cochrane. “Finding something that’s really worth investigating further is step one. Verifying it’s the actual craft is step two. And step three becomes: Is it possible to recover this or not, or should it just be left where it is?”
At the time of her disappearance, Earhart was a global celebrity—speaking with the Wall Street Journal, Romeo likens her to Taylor Swift today. In June 1928, Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (as a passenger of pilots Wilmer Stultz and Lou Gordon), a feat that propelled her to international stardom.
Nearly four years later, in May 1932, she made history again by becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Later that year, she became the first woman to fly solo across North America and back. And in 1935, she became the first person, regardless of gender, to fly solo from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Oakland, California.
In the summer of 1936, the renowned pilot began to plan her most ambitious trip yet: a circumnavigation of the globe. On May 20, 1937, Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, departed from Oakland for the first leg of the trip. They flew nearly 22,000 miles, making stops in Miami, South America, Africa and India along their eastward route.
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By late June, they had made it to Lae, Papua New Guinea. After a few days’ rest, they departed for Howland Island, a small, uninhabited outcrop in the Pacific where a refueling station had been built for their journey. The U.S. Coast Guard had a vessel, the Itasca, stationed nearby to help with the landing.
Operators aboard the Itasca heard Earhart’s radio messages as she got closer and closer to the island. But eventually, they lost contact. Earhart and Noonan were never seen or heard from again.
The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard spent 16 days searching for the missing duo without success. About one and a half years later, on January 5, 1939, Earhart was declared dead.
Theories abound about her mysterious disappearance—some onlookers have speculated that she was a spy or that she was captured by a foreign military. But Cochrane believes the simplest explanation is the most plausible: that Earhart and Noonan ran out of fuel near Howland Island.
“She’s got to be around there somewhere,” she adds.
By Sarah Kuta.
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manybcdthings · 14 days
felix and bella's apartment
felix ranstrom and jakob ranstrom @ofwrxth
There was a comfortable and relaxed amusement between the brothers as they watched a documentary about Vitatech. Nevermind that it seemed more like a propaganda advert. But, the goal was to pause perfectly whenever Max made an appearance, take a shot. And also to take a shot whenever Max looked like Jakob...and by proxy, Felix. "Ah fuck, he did the fucking smirk. Your smirk. I don't do that." he quickly pointed out as the documentary paused, NexBot already registering the tone as a command and producing two shots from the kitchen, wheeling to the couch to serve them.
Downing his, Felix quickly realized that he and Jakob were sitting within a haze of smoke. He glanced to the time on the service droid, deciding it was probably best for Bella to not return home to a fog. "NexBot, make everything smell nicer." because his promise to stop smoking clearly went down the drain. What smell? "Uhh...Strawberries and cream." Fun fact: In the year 2007, there was a commercial for Starbust, a chewy treat packed full of sugar, where the theme song was called Berries and Cream, performed by a funny character. Would you like me to play it? "Sure. Why not."
And then the NexBot was off, projecting the old footage and joining with the dance, it's little arms doing the same movements in time with the song. Felix stifled a bemused laugh, lost in the absurdity of the moment and glancing to Jakob with a wide grin. "What the fuck. Did we accidentally get high?" but maybe they did, and Felix took a worried glance to what they were smoking. "Did you...Jakob have you drugged me?"
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rjzimmerman · 1 month
A Lot Was Riding on This Wind Farm. Then Giant Shards Washed Up in Nantucket. (Wall Street Journal)
This summer was supposed to be a breakout season for the faltering offshore wind business in the U.S. Instead it may be defined by an ill-timed break. 
A large project off the coast of Massachusetts, called Vineyard Wind, remains at a standstill following an accident that dropped a massive turbine blade into the ocean last month and washed chunks of debris onto Nantucket beaches.
The blade broke at the height of summer and at a pivotal moment for the U.S. offshore wind industry, which has struggled with rising costs, political opposition and a wave of canceled and renegotiated contracts. Efforts to launch the sector in the U.S. are considered key to President Biden’s climate aspirations but would be especially vulnerable if former President Donald Trump returns to office.
Of the many clean-energy incentives and policies approved by Congress or the Biden administration in recent years, offshore wind projects and electric vehicles have been singled out repeatedly by Trump with particular ire.
“We are going to make sure that ends on day one,” Trump said at a campaign event in May, talking about an offshore wind project in New Jersey. “I will write it out in an executive order.”
The project offshore Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard is among the largest planned wind farms in U.S. waters, with the capacity to deliver electricity to around 400,000 homes and businesses in Massachusetts. It was the first U.S. commercial offshore wind installation to start delivering grid power earlier this year and has more than a third of its turbines in place.
As chunks of debris washed ashore in Nantucket in mid-July, beaches closed for a day. The federal Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement halted construction of additional turbines along with power generation from the installed turbines. The agency said it had launched its own investigation into the incident. More debris later washed up on Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod beaches.
Turbine maker GE Vernova has blamed “insufficient bonding,” or glue, as the reason for the break. It said it was a manufacturing problem and there is no underlying design flaw that would affect other installed blades. The blade had been recently installed and the turbine was undergoing reliability tests.
The company hired an engineering firm to look at potential environmental impacts.
Offshore wind turbines are massive. The broken blade was around 351 feet long, taller than the Statue of Liberty.
Manufacturing giant turbine blades is both a high-tech and hands-on process. GE Vernova takes ultrasound images of each blade it makes, a few centimeters at a time, and now is combing through images of around 150 offshore blades.
A check of those images should have caught the problem with the blade at Vineyard Wind, but didn’t, Strazik said. GE Vernova this week said it also plans inspections of installed blades with remote-operated robots.
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MDZS summer vacation headcannons
...because it's so warm and sunny outside that it makes me think of the seaside
Warnings: some suggestive implications bc it's wangxian, ofc they're going to be horny
Under the cut because it got long
"Lan Zhan, we should go to beach some time soon!" Wei Ying says in passing as they're drinking their coffees one morning.
"Mn. We will."
Next day LWJ gives WWX a three-fingers-wide file with suggestions for destinations, hotels, fun things to do and reviews from several reputable websites.
It's color coded, laminated, with high quality pictures of rooms and amenities.
"We could have just looked online, Lan Zhan."
"You told me you prefer to read on paper and take notes rather than use a screen. If I can make it easier for you, I will."
It's all 5 star hotels with scenic views and luxury packages only. All the best for Wei Ying, no holds barred.
"Lan Zhan, why are there no prices in this file?"
"Prices do not matter, Wei Ying, I can afford anything for you."
What a man
There are also transportation options, all of them super fancy and customizable
"...a private jet?"
"It is a lot more convenient than commercial airlines, Wei Ying. Flights to our destination are overcrowded and at difficult times of the day for you to wake up at."
"You want to rent a private jet just so I don't have to wake up early?"
What a man x 2
(He also wants to rent the jet so he gets to comfortably join the mile high club with Wei Ying but that's a secret)
Once at the fancy resort, they become the talk of the town
Hotel staff loves them
They never tip below 100$, they're both nice and respectful and LWJ glares down entitled Karens whenever they're in his earshot at the restaurant/reception/pool etc. until they shut up
Amazing guests 10/10, staff at other hotels is envious not having had them as clients
The top Google search of the week in the area is "single Lan men"
Everyone knows the super rich and super nice couple living in the presidential suite must be protected at all costs (and spoiled rotten)
They get so much complimentary wine and chocolate that they pack some of it to bring home and gift it to friends and relatives
There's always fresh flower arrangements and various trinkets awaiting them after they return from the beach or from visiting the area
Speaking of
Going to the beach is the only time when WWX willing wakes up early
He likes watching the sunrise
They have such a big beach bag
What do they even carry in there, it's like 10kg
"Lan Zhan, how much sunscreen did you even pack?"
"5 bottles. There are also 2 bottles of tanning oil, 5 towels, three charges, a power bank, money, two changes of clothes... and two bottles of lube."
LWJ is very forward-thinking, you see
The hotel has a private beach and the private beach has a VIP area - LWJ rents it all out so he and WWX get some privacy to enjoy the sun, sand and sea (and the sex)
They rent one of those fancy beach beds with a canopy (like this one) because just laying a towel on the sand is boring
Cocktails. So many cocktails
Bar staff has so much fun making them because WWX obviously knows his way around alcohol so he suggests all sorts of fun mixes and ingredients, it's a whole thing
LWJ quietly sips his mocktails and watches in adoration
(No alcohol for him until later in the day because he gets super light headed in the sun after alcohol and becomes an un-Lan clumsy mess) totally not projecting lmao wdym
None of the fancy apparel stops WWX from building sand castles and collecting seashells to give to LWJ as courting gifts like a crow
"Lan Zhan, do you think I could catch some fish if I dive fast enough?"
"Lan Zhan, look! A crab! It looks like your uncle!"
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, I think there are dolphins a bit farther out, let's rent a boat so we go see them!"
They do rent a boat, a small yacht to be more exact
LWJ knows how to sail and WWX suddenly can't be bothered with anything but how good his husband looks doing it
(They end up, um, rocking the boat before they even get to see any marine life)
They also rent jet skis
They race each other and do all sorts of fancy tricks to show off
The rest of the beachgoers are bewitched watching them
(It's a whole mating dance for them but people just think they're super competitive or something)
"Hey Lan Zhan do you think we can go far enough so nobody can see us and you fuck me on this jet ski?"
"Wei Ying."
"What, it would be fun!"
(It was)
(Why are they so horny)
The whole time is basically spent fucking after doing various holiday activities
Buying souvenirs? Fucking in the hotel afterwards
Having dinner? Fucking in the restaurant bathroom if the room is too far out
Romantic sunset walking on the beach? Fucking against some rocks after it gets dark (because sand is annoying and gets in unsavory places)
They take so many pictures
WWX posts almost everything on his socials and it's annoying
(nobody dares say anything bc LWJ would doxx them)
They end up stumbling upon some beach party at some point and ofc WWX wants to join in
The hosts are nice and a bit drunk so they agree, LWJ buys everyone shots and the party stretches until the morning
(WWX enjoys dancing and teasing LWJ about it but LWJ gives him the "you'll pay for this when we get back home" look and he knows it's worth it)
"Lan Zhan, let's go swim, I've always wanted to do it in the dark!"
(They do it. Oh, they also swim)
Everyone back home gets a little gift/souvenir thing which translates into an extra 3 luggage bags for LWJ to carry
"We definitely need to do this again, I had so much fun!"
LWJ takes out his laptop immediately and WWX starts laughing.
"Not that soon, Lan Zhan!"
(It is that soon, they basically have a redo of their honeymoon. It's great)
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ikemen-translations · 7 months
Morganatic Idol Prologue 3/10
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MC: Ugh... I'm sleepy... I stayed up all night
(However, I managed to write the proposal by the deadline)
(All I have to do is submit this...!)
MC: Mori-san! I have created a proposal for a new commercial so please check it out
Mori: Oh, you made it too?
Mori flipped through the proposal I handed her
Mori: ... It's surprisingly well shaped
MC: Yes, I came up with my own idea to convey the charm of perfume to the fullest
MC: It's a big project that will be broadcast to the world but I would like to take on the challenge to improve my own abilities
Mori: ... that's right. Well, this time anyone can submit a project
Mori: But it's too late. It's better to submit it sooner rather than just before the deadline. All full-time employees did that
MC: I'm so sorry...
Mori: Well, that's fine. i'll submit this to the section manager
MC: Thank you!
(I put all my efforts into the proposal. I hope it goes well)
A few days have passed since then. There is a nervous and restless atmosphere within the company
(I wonder what happened to my project... I can't help but wonder... but for now I have no choice but to wait)
After the lunch break when I returned to the office, my team members were chatting in the corner of the room
FE1: I wonder whose project will be chosen?
FE2: It would be great if it was someone from our team. Maybe we could get closer to Exe
They were so absorbed talking that they didn't even notice my return
FE1: Come to think of it, MC-san also submitted a plan, right?
Mori: Yes, it was on the last minute
FE2: Is it because the Exes are the image characters after all?
FE3: I was so excited because I wanted to meet a super idol!
... My heart made a disgusting sound at the words I heard
FE1: There's no way a project created by a temporary employee with no experience would be selected, Eiko
Mori: Yeah, no matter how hard she try she can't beat us
MC: ...
(No, I didn't try my best because an idol was involved)
I grasp my palms tightly
(... But I have to be patient. It's true that I have no experience and these people and I are in very different positions)
I notice that the full-time girls looked down on me because I was a temporary worker
(It can't be helped...)
Even though I knew it in my head, I was filled with regret
(Let's get some air outside)
I quietly left the office to freshen up
Manager: Hey, Mori-kun!
Mori: Chief? What's wrong?
Manager: Your department's project will be used in the competition! It's a great honot to be chosen out of all the companies!
Manager: Look, this is it. It's the project you submitted just before the deadline
Mori: It's...!
Chief: The presentation will be giving soon. Please brush up on this project by then. Can you do it?
Mori: ...
FE1: Hey, hey, that plan...
Mori: Yes! Let's work together as a team!
Manager: You said it! Now, I'm going to go right away and report to the chief that you will be in charge
Mori: ...
FE1: That plan is.. MC's...
Mori: ... Our team submitted it, so it's our plan
Mori: It's impossible for a kid with no exprience to do such a big job. Isn't that right?
FE1: Oh, that's right
FE2: Yes, she is inexperienced after all
Mori: That's it. Come on, let's get to work. It's going to be busy!
A few days later. That day, the office was hectic since the morning
I was told only that we had a visitor and was sent shopping without any explanation
MC: Haa... I finally finished... It's heavy
I'm exhausted from carrying so many coffee pots and boxes of sweets
(Teito Hotel's high-class tea and sweets set and the cafe's most expensive hot coffee)
(Even though the company already has things for guests, why bother to prepare new ones? I wonder if there will be any special people coming today)
MC: Anyway, I have to get back to the office soon... Whaat!?
Suddenly, someone bumped into me from the side. My body staggered and I almost fell.
MC: Kyaa...!
I closed my eyes unconsciously
But... before I could fall to the ground, strong arms grabbed me
(... who?)
When I opened my eyes in fear...
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Xeno: ...
What was in front of me were cold, emotionless eyes...
He has an overwhelming presence that cannot be mistaken
Exe Creed Xeno is staring at me
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justforbooks · 8 months
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The director and producer Norman Jewison, who has died aged 97, had a career dedicated for the most part to making films that, while entertaining, included socio-political content. His visual flair, especially in the use of colour, spot-on casting and intelligent use of music, enabled him to raise sometimes thin stories into highly watchable films.
He hit the high spot critically and commercially with In the Heat of the Night (1967), which starred Sidney Poitier as a northern US city police detective temporarily held up in a small southern town and Rod Steiger as the local sheriff confronted with the murder of a wealthy industrialist. The detective mystery plot was perhaps mainly the vehicle for an enactment of racial prejudices and hostilities culminating in a grudging respect on both sides, but it worked well. The final scene, much of it improvised, in which the two men indulge in something approaching a personal conversation, was both moving and revealing.
The film won five Academy awards – for best picture, best adapted screenplay, best editing, best sound and, for Steiger, best actor – and gave Jewison the first of his three best director nominations; the others were for Fiddler on the Roof, his 1971 adaptation of the Broadway musical, and the romantic comedy Moonstruck (1987). In 1999 Jewison was the winner of the Irving G Thalberg memorial award from the academy for “a consistently high quality of motion picture production”.
The son of Dorothy (nee Weaver) and Percy Jewison, he was born and brought up in Toronto, Ontario, where his father ran a shop and post office. Educated at the Malvern Collegiate Institute, a Toronto high school, Jewison studied the piano and music theory at the Royal Conservatory in the city, and served in the Canadian navy during the second world war. On discharge, he went to the University of Toronto, paying his way by working at a variety of jobs, including driving a taxi and occasional acting.
After graduating with a bachelor of arts degree, in 1950 he set off with $140 on a tramp steamer to the UK, where he landed a job with the BBC, acting and writing scripts. On his return to Canada two years later, he joined the rapidly expanding television industry, producing and directing variety shows for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Jewison was spotted by the William Morris talent agency and invited to New York, where he signed with CBS and was given the unenviable task of rescuing the once successful show Your Hit Parade, which was by then displaying signs of terminal decline. He revamped the entire production and took it back to the top of the ratings. He directed episodes of the variety show Big Party and The Andy Williams Show, and specials for Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Harry Belafonte, Jackie Gleason and Danny Kaye.
On the Belafonte special, Jewison had white chains dangling above the stage, an image that displeased many southern TV stations, which refused to screen the show. This was the first indication of his stance on racism.
Success brought him to the notice of Tony Curtis, who had his own production company at Universal, and Jewison began a three-year contract with 40 Pounds of Trouble (1962), starring Curtis. This was followed by the likable but light Doris Day comedies The Thrill of It All (1963), Send Me No Flowers (1964) and The Art of Love (1965).
In 1965 he got out of his contract to make the first film of his choice, MGM’s The Cincinnati Kid, starring Steve McQueen (the Kid) and Edward G Robinson (the Man) and centring on a professional poker game between the old master and the young challenger. He took over the project from Sam Peckinpah, tore up the original script by Paddy Chayefsky and Ring Lardner, and commissioned Terry Southern, the result getting him noticed as a more than competent studio director.
In 1966 he made the beguiling but commercially unsuccessful comedy The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, about a Russian submarine stranded off the coast of Cape Cod. This was at the height of the cold war and gained him a reputation for being a “Canadian pinko”, although it was nominated for a best picture Oscar.
In the Heat of the Night was followed by The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) in which McQueen and Faye Dunaway played thief and insurance investigator respectively and engaged in a chess game that evolved into one of the longest onscreen kisses, as the camera swirls around and around above their heads. The theme song, The Windmills of Your Mind, was a hit and the film a success.
Fiddler on the Roof, with a silk stocking placed by Jewison across the camera lens to provide an earth-toned quality, won Oscars for cinematography, music and sound, and a nomination for Chaim Topol in his signature role of Tevye.
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973), his adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s rock opera, and Rollerball (1975), starring James Caan, were followed by F.I.S.T. (1978), a tale of union corruption starring Sylvester Stallone as an idealistic young organiser who sells out, and And Justice for All (1979), starring Al Pacino, a deeply ironic portrayal of the legal world.
A Soldier’s Story (1985), based on the Pulitzer prize-winning play and including an early performance from Denzel Washington, dealt with black soldiers who risked their lives “in defence of a republic which didn’t even guarantee them their rights”, and some of whom had internalised the white man’s vision of them.
Moonstruck, a somewhat daft love story but a tremendous box office success and for the most part a critical one, won the Silver Bear and best director for Jewison at the Berlin film festival and was nominated for six Oscars, winning for best screenplay, best actress for Cher and best supporting actress for Olympia Dukakis.
Then came Other People’s Money (1991), a caustic and amusing comedy on the new world of corporate finance and takeovers, in which Danny DeVito played a money hungry vulture, made largely in response to Reagan’s era of deregulation, and The Hurricane (1999) in which Jewison again worked with Washington, who played the real life boxer Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, falsely convicted of a triple murder and imprisoned for years before the conviction was quashed. The latter film aroused controversy over its alleged manipulation of some facts and, despite its undoubted qualities, this fracas probably contributed to it being commercially disappointing.
In the early 1990s, Jewison had begun preparations for a film on the life of Malcolm X, and had secured Washington to play the title role, when Spike Lee gave his strongly expressed opinion that only a black film-maker could make this story. The two met, and Jewison handed over the film to Lee.
Jewison’s last film, The Statement (2003), starred Michael Caine as a Nazi war criminal on the run. He was also producer for films including The Landlord (1970), The Dogs of War (1980), Iceman (1984) and The January Man (1989).
He had returned to Canada in 1978, living on a ranch north of Toronto with his wife Dixie, whom he had married in 1953. There he reared Hereford cattle, grew tulips and produced his own-label maple syrup. In 1988 he founded the Canadian Centre for Advanced Film Studies, now known as the Canadian Film Centre, in Toronto.
He was a confirmed liberal, a man of integrity who turned in his coveted green card in protest at the Vietnam war and saw film not only as entertainment but also as a conduit for raising serious issues.
Dixie (Margaret Dixon) died in 2004. In 2010 he married Lynne St David, who survives him, as do two sons, Kevin and Michael, and a daughter, Jennifer, from his first marriage.
🔔 Norman Frederick Jewison, film director, producer and screenwriter, born 21 July 1926; died 20 January 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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prismaticstreams · 1 year
How to balance all your interests when you have multiple passions?
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I’ve been pondering how to balance all my different passions, interests, and side hustles, as I’m the kind of person who tends to love variety and easily gets excited about new projects. It’s often the completion part that I struggle with! This is a fairly common conundrum for certain personality types, and can also be related to conditions like ADHD. It can be really hard to know how to streamline and simplify things to make it more manageable and less chaotic.
Chronic illness can be a factor here too, as I often start a new project in a high energy period, but then may not have the physical energy to easily complete it. It can be hard to know how to handle this sometimes, as I can’t predict how I’ll feel from day to day or week to week. Sometimes I just have to let something go for a while, and accept that I will come back to it later. I also accept that there’s some projects I will abandon, and I don’t see it as a major problem as long as there’s no financial investment.
So how do you handle this tendency? 
I personally find it’s best to embrace it, and find ways to work around it rather than trying to pigeonhole myself into only one project, passion or interest at a time. However, if you’re trying to make money, earn an income or build a business - and you need to pay the bills with it to survive - then you will probably need to narrow down to one thing at a time for work. You can still allow yourself freedom to explore in your free time, though.
For example, I love borrowing a wide range of books from the library, and reading about a bunch of different topics at once. Switching from one book to another works for me and I find it stimulating. The great thing is that the books all get returned to the library, so they don't create long-term clutter. I also enjoy writing blog posts about a range of different topics, rather than sticking to one particular subject.
Same goes for my art - I have one style that I sell commercially, and then do whatever I want in the rest of my spare time as it captures my fancy. I find creating different IG/Tumblr accounts for particular art styles/niches works well. If it becomes popular and sells it's a cool bonus, but I don't worry too much about it making money. Digital art is great because it doesn't take up storage space, so I'm shifting from doing large pieces on canvas to doing more digital art.
Having said all that, I do have a bunch of blogs and Tumblr accounts floating around on the internet that I've forgotten about and largely abandoned. Same with old creative projects in storage. But it's okay, because I enjoyed exploring that idea/hobby/style for a brief period of time. Sometimes I go back and integrate creative stuff from the past into my current projects (for example, taking an old blog post and updating it for my current blog).
It can become a problem if you waste a lot of money on hobbies you forget about or business ideas that never get off the ground, so I’d recommend finding ways to avoid spending too much money to begin with. Ideally, it’s best to spend no money and find free activities, but obviously this is not always possible. My post about Decluttering My Fantasy Self may be relevant if this is you.
If you're multipassionate, I don't think there's one right or wrong way to manage your interests and hobbies. Some people like to focus intensely on one hobby at a time, then move on to something else. Others enjoy moving between different interests simultaneously to keep them stimulated. I've done both at different times in my life. Emilie Wapnick has a great book about this called How to Be Everything which is more focused on career, but you can apply the same principles to hobbies and side hustles as well.
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
Reformed Valentine's Day Grinch, Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson always hated Valentine's Day. As a kid it simply meant an afternoon of arts and crafts, fashioning innocent and platonic cards for classmates. Everyone was happy and included and Eddie would always take a card home for his mother who hugged him tight in thanks.
But as he entered high school, Valentine's Day became like a status symbol. It was all about who had a date with who. Who got the best and most flowers. And he always found himself in an insufferable Home Ec. class, hearing all about the grand romantic gestures of jocks like Steve Harrington.
"This is a nightmare," Robin Buckley had whispered to him one day as she plopped down on the stool next to him at a half-operational sewing machine.
The rest of their classmates were chirping about their Valentine's Day plans, gossiping about the dozen roses Nancy Wheller had received during first period.
"I just need today to be over," he groaned in return, discarding his stupid patchwork project for a t-shirt he was designing for Corroded Coffin.
By this point, Eddie knew himself better. He knew he wouldn't receive anything and he'd die before he dared send something to anyone else. And by the end of the day he'd go home feeling more like a freak than he already did. He'd go home to Wayne, who was equally grumpy and they'd watch tv and grumble at all the mushy and gooey commercials.
By Valentine's Day 1987, Eddie finds himself on the receiving end of some very different complaints from Robin Buckley. And finds himself dating King Giver of Roses, Steve Harrington.
When Robin spots Eddie as he waltzes into Family Video on the 13th, she stops in her tracks and leans forward over the counter.
"You better give him a good Valentine's Day, Munson," she threatens with a warning finger.
"Relax, Buckley, I've got it sorted," he laughs.
"Nope," she protests, shaking her head non-stop as she speaks. "You have to do everything he wants. He's got it all planned out. Just go with it because I'm not interested in hearing his complaints if it goes wrong."
She slumps back in her chair as Steve walks in from the back room, shucking on his Member's Only jacket, beaming.
"Bye," he sings to his best friend with a shit-eating grin. He leans down and kisses her on the cheek before practically skipping out from behind the counter.
"What's got you so happy?" Eddie teases, fluttering his eyelashes with feigned innocence.
Steve shrugs. "Just excited for tomorrow."
Robin groans and hangs her head in her hands.
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"Doing anything with Steve today?" Wayne not-so-subtlely asks the following morning at breakfast.
"Yes, he's got it all planned out," Eddie replies, rolling his eyes.
It's far too early in the morning but Steve insisted he be up and ready to be picked up.
"Did you get him a card, at least?" Wayne asks, pursing his lips like he's getting ready to give Eddie a lecture based on how he responds.
"Yes!" he shoots back, confused as to how he let his uncle become some sort of third wheel in his relationship.
He's saved by a knock at the door.
Eddie Munson's Valentine's Day with Steve Harrington is perfect.
Steve leads him to a pretty patch of forest at the back of his house, a bright spot that has plenty of sunshine, a place that Eddie didn't think existed in the darkened and secluded Loch Nora. He lays out a blanket with a picnic he'd made (and probably woken up way to early to put together).
It's nice, despite the seclusion. He knows Steve is showing off and at peak confidence when he's in his flirting-slash-wooing mode. They don't dwell on the isolation though. There's just an awkward pause when they go over what the kids are going and Steve jokes that it gives him a day off chauffeuring the dweebs around.
Eddie lets Steve take the lead most of the day. He even allows for an (admittedly very romantic in its sappiness) slow dance to lame pop ballads in Steve's living room where he'd cleared aside some furniture.
"You okay, precious?" he asks when he feels Steve's nails digging into the back of his shirt as they sway.
Steve mumbles an incoherent answer, giving the faintest nod. Eddie drops it for the rest of 'Time After Time' but then he hears Steve sniffle.
He pries himself away, just enough to cup Steve's face in his hands and yep, he is crying. Valentine's Day wasn't supposed to be heartbreaking but, looking into Steve's reddening puppy dog eyes, it is.
Eddie tsks and rubs his thumbs under his eyes.
"Don't cry, Steve."
"I really love you," he chokes out before giving a heaving sob.
"Hey, hey, hey!" he says, searching for eye contact, waiting until Steve reluctantly looks up all red-cheeked and embarrassed. "I love you too."
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foxnangelseo · 3 months
Investment Options in India: Diversify Your Portfolio in 2024
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Diversification is a fundamental principle of investing, essential for managing risk and optimizing returns. In 2024, as investors navigate an ever-changing economic landscape, diversifying their portfolios becomes even more critical. India, with its vibrant economy, diverse markets, and growth potential, offers a plethora of investment options for both domestic and international investors. In this comprehensive guide, we explore various investment avenues in India in 2024, from traditional options like stocks and real estate to emerging opportunities in startups and alternative assets.
1. Equities: Investing in the Stock Market
Investing in equities remains one of the most popular ways to participate in India's economic growth story. The Indian stock market, represented by indices such as the Nifty 50 and Sensex, offers ample opportunities for investors to capitalize on the country's booming sectors and emerging companies.
- Blue-Chip Stocks: Invest in established companies with a proven track record of performance and stability.
- Mid and Small-Cap Stocks: Explore growth opportunities by investing in mid and small-cap companies with high growth potential.
- Sectoral Funds: Diversify your portfolio by investing in sector-specific mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) targeting industries such as technology, healthcare, and finance.
2. Mutual Funds: Professional Fund Management
Mutual funds provide an excellent avenue for investors to access a diversified portfolio managed by professional fund managers. In India, mutual funds offer a range of options catering to different risk profiles and investment objectives.
- Equity Funds: Invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, including large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap companies.
- Debt Funds: Generate stable returns by investing in fixed-income securities such as government bonds, corporate bonds, and treasury bills.
- Hybrid Funds: Combine the benefits of equity and debt investments to achieve a balanced risk-return profile.
- Index Funds and ETFs: Track benchmark indices like the Nifty 50 and Sensex at a lower cost compared to actively managed funds.
3. Real Estate: Tangible Assets for Long-Term Growth
Real estate continues to be a popular investment option in India, offering the dual benefits of capital appreciation and rental income. While traditional residential and commercial properties remain attractive, investors can also explore alternative avenues such as real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate crowdfunding platforms.
- Residential Properties: Invest in apartments, villas, or plots of land in prime locations with high demand and potential for appreciation.
- Commercial Properties: Generate rental income by investing in office spaces, retail outlets, warehouses, and industrial properties.
- REITs: Gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of income-generating real estate assets without the hassle of direct ownership.
- Real Estate Crowdfunding: Participate in real estate projects through online platforms, pooling funds with other investors to access lucrative opportunities.
4. Startups and Venture Capital: Betting on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
India's startup ecosystem has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, fueled by a wave of innovation, entrepreneurial talent, and supportive government policies. Investing in startups and venture capital funds allows investors to participate in this dynamic ecosystem and potentially earn high returns.
- Angel Investing: Provide early-stage funding to promising startups in exchange for equity ownership, betting on their growth potential.
- Venture Capital Funds: Invest in professionally managed funds that provide capital to startups and emerging companies in exchange for equity stakes.
- Startup Accelerators and Incubators: Partner with organizations that support early-stage startups through mentorship, networking, and access to resources.
5. Alternative Assets: Diversification Beyond Traditional Investments
In addition to stocks, bonds, and real estate, investors can diversify their portfolios further by allocating capital to alternative assets. These assets offer unique risk-return profiles and can act as a hedge against market volatility.
- Gold and Precious Metals: Hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations by investing in physical gold, gold ETFs, or gold savings funds.
- Commodities: Gain exposure to commodities such as crude oil, natural gas, metals, and agricultural products through commodity futures and exchange-traded funds.
- Cryptocurrencies: Explore the emerging asset class of digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others, which offer the potential for high returns but come with higher volatility and risk.
Diversifying your investment portfolio is essential for mitigating risk, maximizing returns, and achieving long-term financial goals. In 2024, India offers a myriad of investment options across various asset classes, catering to the preferences and risk profiles of different investors.
Whether you prefer the stability of blue-chip stocks, the growth potential of startups, or the tangible assets of real estate, India provides ample opportunities to diversify your portfolio and capitalize on the country's economic growth story. By carefully assessing your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon, you can construct a well-diversified portfolio that withstands market fluctuations and delivers sustainable returns in the years to come.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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impulsenova · 2 months
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On the east coast of the United States lies the “Throne of the Atlantic”, Titan City. Founded in 1914, Titan City remains a beacon for safety for superhumans and their ilk as it has the highest number of superhumans living in city limits than anywhere else in the US. 
It’s a destination for art, culture, and sports as hundreds of thousands travel throughout the year to Titan City to experience its majesty firsthand. But all of this attention and widespread acclaim doesn’t come without its controversies.
Due to its high percentage of superhumans, crime and violence is rampant throughout Titan City. Much more than what a standard metropolitan police force can handle. To combat this, the city’s government put together a group of six powerful, brave, and capable superhumans to protect the city and its inhabitants.
Becky Lynch - The Man - Becky is a remarkable close combat specialist, as she is the leader of the group and seen as the public face of the Titans. Her abilities include lightning fast reflexes and pinpoint accuracy. As much as its indispensable for taking down bad guys in Titan City, it also helps during darts night at O'Shaughnessy’s, Becky’s favorite bar.
Seth Rollins - The Architect - A self titled "Visionary", Seth’s telepathic abilities allow him to see into other people’s minds, and even influence weaker-willed individual's actions, along with low level telekinesis. He butts heads with the group quite often, but knows when to put aside his ego for the good of the city ... usually.
Bianca BelAir - The EST - Gifted with enormous strength and durability, Bianca is seen as the “brick wall” of the group. She can easily take down giants and her speed is quite underestimated. She is often seen as a co-leader with Becky, as the two of them use their different experiences to take down bad guys in Titan City.
Naomi - The Glow - Naomi returned to Titan City to find her missing husband, and the clues leading straight to his family. She is able to project a shield around her that literally makes her glow. Enamored by Titan City fashion and culture, you can find her amongst the city’s shopping malls and commercial districts.
LA Knight - Movie star turned superhero, Knight is the most prolific of the group. He leans into his rough and tumble demeanor as a brawler both as a hero and his action movie roles. During the little off time he has, he prefers to spend it either asleep or playing with his dog – usually it means asleep next to his dog.
Jey Uso - He’s the newest of the group, defecting from his manipulative family. Jey also inherited his family’s ability to channel his power into kinetic pulses and blasts. Although short tempered and impulsive, Jey is also fun loving and jovial, enjoying his new life out from under the thumb of his cousin, Roman.
Together, they are aptly called the “Titans”, sworn to protect the city and its citizens at all costs. As any group of heroes however, their work is cut out for them. The city is covered in corruption, mostly stemming from a family led crime organization. In addition, there’s petty super criminals, weird gangs/cults, and supernatural forces. Fortunately, the Titans have help in the form of vigilante heroes, rival squads, and even the CEO of a mysterious new tech company.
As a citizen, living in Titan City is a tricky situation. Constant action and attacks means rent and mortgage prices are much lower than national average, but you might have half of your house blown up on a Sunday afternoon with no warning. You’re certainly on your toes.
At least there’s never a dull moment living here.
Episode List
Prologue (Feat. Cody Rhodes)
1: Opening Act
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proppulse · 2 months
Investing in Bangalore’s Future: New Properties at KIADB Aerospace Park
🚀 Discover the Top New Launch Properties in Bangalore: Uncover KIADB Aerospace Park Investment Opportunities 🌟
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Welcome to the future of real estate investment in Bangalore! 🌆 If you’re on the lookout for high-potential property opportunities, you’ve come to the right place. The KIADB Aerospace Park is transforming the cityscape and creating waves in the property market. Here's why you should be paying attention! The bustling cityscape of Bangalore, where opportunities are growing rapidly.
🌐 The KIADB Aerospace Park: A Hub of Innovation
Located strategically near Kempegowda International Airport, the KIADB Aerospace Park is set to be Bangalore’s aerospace and defense powerhouse. This cutting-edge industrial park is more than just a cluster of buildings—it's a vision for the future. With world-class infrastructure and a focus on aerospace and defense industries, this area is poised for substantial growth. Visual representation of the KIADB Aerospace Park, showcasing its scale and potential.
💡 Why Invest Around KIADB Aerospace Park?
Prime Location: Situated close to key transportation hubs, the Aerospace Park offers unparalleled connectivity. Perfect for businesses and residents alike!
Economic Surge: The park is expected to attract numerous high-profile companies, which will boost local employment and demand for real estate.
Attractive Rental Yields: With a growing workforce and business presence, properties in this area are likely to provide excellent rental returns.
Capital Appreciation: As the Aerospace Park develops, property values in the surrounding areas are projected to rise, making it a savvy investment choice.
🏢 Spotlight on New Launch Properties
1. Aero Heights: This residential gem offers modern living spaces with top-notch amenities. Enjoy the perfect blend of luxury and convenience just a stone’s throw from the Aerospace Park. Contemporary residential buildings offering modern amenities.
2. Skyline Business Center: Ideal for commercial ventures, this center provides sophisticated office spaces tailored for aerospace and defense enterprises. State-of-the-art office spaces perfect for businesses.
3. Park View Residences: Experience upscale living with facilities like a clubhouse and landscaped gardens, designed for both families and professionals. Luxurious residential interiors offering a high-quality living experience.
🔮 The Future Looks Bright
The KIADB Aerospace Park is just the beginning. As infrastructure continues to expand, the area will likely see even more development. Investing now means positioning yourself ahead of the curve. Future developments will include green spaces and recreational areas.
📈 Why You Should Act Now
With Bangalore's real estate market thriving and the KIADB Aerospace Park promising to be a major economic driver, there’s no better time to explore investment opportunities. Whether you’re looking for residential comfort or commercial potential, the new properties in this region offer something for every investor.
Ready to make a move? Dive into the world of Bangalore’s booming property market and discover the amazing opportunities awaiting you near the KIADB Aerospace Park!
✨ Stay tuned for more updates on the latest in real estate trends and investment tips by proppulse.ai!
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The Ultimate Investment: Why Dubai’s Luxury Properties are a Must-Buy
Dubai’s luxury property market offers exceptional investment opportunities for those seeking high returns and long-term value. The city's vibrant economy, strategic location, and world-class infrastructure make it an attractive destination for real estate investors. This comprehensive guide explores why investing in luxury properties in Dubai is a must for savvy investors and provides essential insights into making a successful investment.
For more information on Dubai's real estate market, visit Dubai Real Estate.
High Returns on Investment
Appreciation: Luxury properties in Dubai have shown significant appreciation over the years, providing high returns on investment. The city’s continuous development and growth attract global investors, driving up property values. Historical data shows that prime locations like Palm Jumeirah and Downtown Dubai have experienced substantial price increases, making them ideal for investment.
Rental Yields: Dubai's luxury rental market is robust, offering attractive rental yields for property owners. With a high demand for upscale rental properties from expatriates and tourists, investors can achieve steady rental income. Areas such as Dubai Marina and Jumeirah Beach Residence are particularly popular for luxury rentals.
Market Stability: Dubai's real estate market is known for its stability and resilience, making it a safe investment choice. Despite global economic fluctuations, Dubai’s market has maintained steady growth due to its diversified economy and strong regulatory framework. This stability attracts both local and international investors looking for secure investments.
For more investment options, check out Buy Property in Dubai.
Favorable Tax Environment
No Property Tax: Dubai does not levy property tax, making it an attractive destination for property investors. This absence of recurring taxes on property ownership significantly reduces the cost of holding real estate in Dubai, enhancing overall returns.
No Capital Gains Tax: Investors in Dubai benefit from the absence of capital gains tax, allowing them to maximize their profits. When selling a property, investors can retain the entire gain from the appreciation, making it an ideal environment for property flipping and long-term investments.
No Income Tax: Rental income in Dubai is not subject to income tax, enhancing the overall return on investment. This tax-free income policy attracts investors from countries with high tax rates, providing a lucrative opportunity to earn passive income from rental properties.
For mortgage services, visit Best Mortgage Services.
Strong Economic Growth
Economic Diversification: Dubai’s economy is diverse and not solely reliant on oil, with strong sectors such as tourism, finance, and trade. This diversification ensures economic stability and growth, supporting the real estate market. The continuous influx of expatriates and businesses drives demand for both residential and commercial properties.
Infrastructure Development: Continuous infrastructure development, including new transport links, commercial hubs, and entertainment facilities, boosts property values. Projects like the Dubai Metro expansion, new shopping malls, and business districts enhance the attractiveness of nearby properties, leading to higher appreciation rates.
Tourism Boom: Dubai is a global tourism hotspot, driving demand for luxury properties among both short-term visitors and long-term residents. The city's appeal as a premier tourist destination ensures a constant demand for high-end accommodations, benefiting property investors.
For property management services, visit Rent Your Property in Dubai.
Prime Locations for Luxury Properties
Palm Jumeirah: Known for its exclusive villas and private beach access, Palm Jumeirah is a top choice for luxury property buyers. The iconic palm-shaped island offers breathtaking views, high-end amenities, and a prestigious address, making it one of the most sought-after locations in Dubai.
Downtown Dubai: Featuring the iconic Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall, Downtown Dubai offers luxurious apartments with stunning city views. This vibrant area is the heart of Dubai, providing residents with a dynamic urban lifestyle and easy access to top attractions.
Emirates Hills: Often referred to as the "Beverly Hills of Dubai," Emirates Hills offers spacious villas in a gated community with lush green landscapes. This exclusive neighborhood is known for its privacy, security, and luxurious living environment, attracting high-net-worth individuals.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Property in Dubai.
Key Features of Dubai’s Luxury Properties
Architectural Excellence: Dubai’s luxury properties are known for their stunning architecture and innovative designs. Many properties feature state-of-the-art technology, smart home systems, and premium finishes, providing a high standard of living.
World-Class Amenities: High-end properties come with a range of amenities including private pools, spas, gyms, concierge services, and private beach access. These features enhance the appeal of luxury properties and provide residents with a resort-like living experience.
Prime Locations: Luxury properties are often located in prime areas that offer breathtaking views, easy access to top attractions, and a prestigious address. These locations include waterfront communities, downtown areas, and exclusive residential neighborhoods.
Tips for Investing in Luxury Properties in Dubai
Research the Market: Conduct thorough research on the property market and specific areas you are interested in. Understanding market trends, property values, and future developments can help you make informed investment decisions.
Seek Legal Advice: Engage a legal advisor to understand the buying process, taxes, and legal requirements. Ensuring compliance with local regulations and understanding your rights as an investor is crucial for a smooth transaction.
Financial Planning: Plan your finances and get pre-approved for a mortgage if necessary. Consider the long-term investment potential and rental yields to assess the financial viability of your investment.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Ahmed, who invested in a luxury villa on Palm Jumeirah. By conducting thorough research and working with a reputable real estate agent, Ahmed was able to secure a property with a high rental yield and significant appreciation potential. His investment strategy included leveraging the favorable tax environment and focusing on a prime location, resulting in substantial returns.
Future Trends in Dubai’s Luxury Real Estate Market
Sustainability: There is an increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly properties. Developers are incorporating green building practices and energy-efficient systems to attract environmentally conscious buyers.
Technology: Smart homes with advanced technology for security, entertainment, and home management are becoming more popular. Features such as automated lighting, climate control, and security systems enhance the living experience and appeal to tech-savvy buyers.
Customization: Buyers are looking for properties that offer customization options to suit their personal tastes and preferences. This trend includes flexible floor plans, bespoke interiors, and personalized amenities.
Dubai’s luxury real estate market offers unparalleled opportunities for investors seeking elegance and sophistication. By understanding the market, researching prime locations, and planning your finances, you can make a successful investment in Dubai’s luxury properties. For more resources and expert advice, visit Dubai Real Estate.
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What to Look for When Buying Residential Properties in Dubai
Buying residential properties in Dubai requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure you make a wise investment. This blog outlines what to look for when buying residential properties in Dubai.
For more information on real estate, visit Dubai Real Estate.
Proximity to Amenities: Choose a location that offers easy access to essential amenities such as schools, healthcare facilities, shopping malls, and public transportation. Proximity to these amenities enhances the property's value and convenience.
Future Development Plans: Research future development plans in the area, including infrastructure projects, commercial developments, and recreational facilities. Areas with planned developments often experience appreciation in property values.
Neighborhood Safety: Ensure the neighborhood is safe and secure. Check crime rates and the presence of security measures such as gated communities and surveillance systems.
For property purchase options, explore Invest in Dubai Real Estate.
Property Condition
Structural Integrity: Inspect the property for any structural issues, such as cracks, leaks, or foundation problems. A property in good structural condition requires less maintenance and ensures a longer lifespan.
Interior and Exterior Finishes: Evaluate the quality of the interior and exterior finishes, including flooring, walls, roofing, and fixtures. High-quality finishes enhance the property's appeal and durability.
Age of the Property: Consider the age of the property. Newer properties may require less maintenance, while older properties might have historical charm but could need renovations.
For mortgage services, consider Mortgage Company in UAE.
Developer Reputation
Track Record: Research the developer's track record and reputation in the market. Established developers with a history of delivering high-quality projects on time are usually a safer choice.
Customer Reviews: Look for customer reviews and testimonials from previous buyers. Positive feedback and satisfied customers indicate the developer's reliability and commitment to quality.
Completed Projects: Visit completed projects by the developer to assess their construction quality, design, and overall appeal. This provides insights into what you can expect from the property you are considering.
For rental property management, visit Rent Your Property in Dubai.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Title Deed Verification: Ensure the property has a clear title and is free from any legal disputes or encumbrances. The DLD provides title deed verification services to help buyers confirm the property's legal status.
Sales Agreement: Review the sales agreement carefully and seek legal advice if needed. Ensure all terms and conditions are clearly outlined, including the price, payment schedule, and any additional costs.
Permits and Approvals: Verify that the property has all the necessary permits and approvals from relevant authorities. This includes building permits, occupancy certificates, and compliance with zoning regulations.
For property sales, visit sell your house.
Investment Potential
Rental Yield: Research the potential rental yield of the property. High rental yields indicate strong demand and profitability for rental properties. Areas with high rental demand, such as those near business districts or tourist attractions, tend to offer better returns.
Capital Appreciation: Consider the potential for capital appreciation. Properties in areas with ongoing infrastructure development, economic growth, and high demand are more likely to appreciate in value over time.
Market Trends: Stay informed about market trends and economic indicators that impact property values. This includes factors such as interest rates, inflation, and government policies affecting the real estate sector.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of James, an investor who successfully bought a residential property in Jumeirah Village Circle. James conducted thorough research, inspected the property's condition, and chose a reputable developer. By following the guidelines outlined in this blog, James secured a high-yield investment and has seen significant appreciation in property value.
Future Trends in Dubai Real Estate
Sustainable Developments: There is a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable properties in Dubai. Developers are increasingly incorporating green building practices and energy-efficient features into their projects.
Smart Homes: The adoption of smart home technology is on the rise. Properties equipped with advanced security systems, automated lighting, and climate control are becoming more popular.
Mixed-Use Communities: Integrated communities that offer a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational facilities are gaining popularity. These developments provide residents with a convenient and holistic living experience.
When buying residential properties in Dubai, it is essential to consider factors such as location, property condition, developer reputation, legal compliance, and investment potential. By paying attention to these aspects, you can make a well-informed decision and secure a valuable investment. For more resources and expert advice, visit Dubai Real Estate.
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robertvilleneuve · 2 years
Lucrative Commercial Real Estate Property Investments For 2023.
Properties with a Massive Number of Tenants Properties that can bring in the highest return on investments are usually those with the most tenants. These commercial real estate properties can take into account multifamily projects, office space, student housing, self-storage facilities, and mixed-use buildings. The math is relatively simple; the more tenants on a property, the more income can be gathered. Furthermore, as long as investors have done their due diligence and chosen property in high-demand areas, vacancy rates will stay low, thus reducing the risks of lost profit - Robert Villeneuve West Nipissing.
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