#Hikawa Jinja
nakamorijuan · 9 months
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第37話 「めざせプリンセス!うさぎの珍特訓」
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dajkag · 1 year
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Jó, hát ma alapvetően nem szentélyeket látogatni indultam, de nyilván minden utamba esőbe betértem és természetesen ma sem bántam ezt meg. Az első a Hikawa Jinja volt, ami Akaszakában, egy hatalmas irodaházak melletti kis dombos utcán található. Azt is mondhatnám, hogy egy gyönyörű, tradicionális oázis az egyébként nagyon modern és nyugatias Tokió közepén. Itt véglegesen megállapítottam azt, hogy ha a szépségnek és kedvességnek lenne egy ilyen összevont zsinórmértéke, akkor az egyértelműen a miko (巫女) lenne. Egy átlagosan szép és kedves személy mondjuk 0,03 巫女.
Ide egyébként már csak azért is érdemes volt betérni, mert amint megkaptam a goshuint, konkrétan rögtön utána kezdődött egy sintó menyegző, aminek a bevonulási ceremóniáját néhány másik látogatóval együtt valóságos bűvöletben néztük végig.
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A Hikawa Jinja alatti utcában van egy másik kis eldugott szentély is, a Hisakuni Jinja, amiről sajnos semmit nem tudok. A szentély területe egy kis park és játszótér is egyben. Itt nincs iroda, viszont egy nagyon menő "mikoval" találkoztam, aki annyira el volt foglalva azzal, hogy galambokra vadásszon, hogy közben még meg is tudtam simogatni :'D
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Hazafelé sétálva pedig szintén teljesen véletlenül került az utamba a Mitake Jinja. Itt egy kicsit már félve csengettem be az irodába a goshuinért a hivatalos záróra után, az idős papnő azonban nagyon kedves volt. Szóval ide is megérte benézni, arról nem is beszélve, hogy mennyivel másabb, meghittebb és misztikusabb egy szentély hangulata sötétedés után.
A szentély területén található bagolyszobrok egyébként Ikebukuro bagylyai, és egy tradicionális bagolyformájú játékra, a susuki-mimizukura utalnak. Ikebukuro baglyainak legendája egy buddhista történet, mely szerint egy szegény kislány minden este meglátogatta a Kishimojin templomot annak érdekében, hogy beteg édesanyja gyógyulásáért imádkozzon. Az egyik ilyen alkalommal megjelent előtte Kishimojin istennő, akinek a sugallatára a lány elkezdett susuki-mimizuku figurákat készíteni és árulni, az így szerzett pénzből pedig hamarosan meg tudta vásárolni az anyja gyógyulásához szükséges, drága gyógyszereket. Ez a történet a helyi folklór alapvető részévé vált Ikebukuroban, olyannyira, hogy a városrész területén több helyen is találhatók bagolyábrázolások, például a vasútállomáson vagy épp ebben a szentélyben is.
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sakaki-jinja · 1 year
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tokidokitokyo · 2 months
Japanese Prefectures: Kantō - Saitama
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
埼 さき、さい、みさき、キ cape, spit, promontory
玉 たま、~だま、ギョク jewel, jade; ball
県 ケン prefecture
関東 かんとう Kanto, region consisting of Tokyo and surrounding prefectures
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Saitama City (さいたま市)
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Saitama is Tokyo's neighbor to the north. Much of southeastern Saitama is considered a suburb of Tokyo, but the western parts are mostly rural with mountainous forested areas, and include a castle town and the Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park. Saitama has historically been a fertile agricultural region and is currently the major food supplier for the metropolitan area of Greater Tokyo. Some of the first currency in Japan came from copper discovered in the Chichibu area in the 8th century. Saitama's central location has made it a historical hub for transportation to all parts of Eastern Japan, and the modern radial roads and railroad system are designed for ease of transportation to all parts of Japan. Saitama is also the backdrop to the famous Miyazaki Hayao (Studio Ghibli) film "My Neighbor Totoro."
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット Kawagoe - 川越
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The Edo-period castle town of Kawagoe is also known as Ko-edo (小江戸 or "Little Edo") because of its many traditional buildings dating from the Edo period. The streets have been maintained as-is since the Edo period (1603-1867). The weekends are the most popular times for visitors to gather here and experience the atmosphere, shops, and popular seasonal events. In the third week of October, the Kawagoe Festival is held with a parade of traditional ornate floats and a musical competition.
The Warehouse District is lined with old earthen storehouses, which are unique two-story buildings that have remained unchanged since the days when the city was a major transportation and commerce hub for Eastern Japan. The Toki no Kane, or "Bell of Time," has marked time for the town for centuries, and continues to ring four times daily. Candy Street is a street lined with stores where traditional Japanese sweets are made in the old-fashioned way.
For more recent history, the Taisho-Roman Street has old, retro western-style buildings from the Taisho and Showa areas. There are also no overhead power lines, which makes this a popular spot to shoot many Japanese period films set in these eras.
There are severable notable temples and shrines in Kawagoe, especially Kitain Temple, which was built over 1,000 years ago. This temple has 538 stone statues of Buddha, each with its own face and unique posture. No two statues look alike, and the popular belief is that there is a statue to resemble any visitor to the temple. Kawagoe Hikawa-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine dating back to the 6th century that boasts a torii shrine gate that is 15 metres tall. Kawagoe Kumano-jinja Shrine has fortunes, lucky charms, and also boasts the "stepping health road," which is a path to walk barefoot to stimulate the acupuncture points on the soles of your feet for health benefits.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理 Miso Potato - 味噌ポテト
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Miso Potato (source)
Famous in the Chichibu region of Saitama, miso potatoes are a well-known winter treat in the area. This dish is similar to a baked potato covered in sweet miso sauce and is traditionally from the rural areas in the mountainous part of the prefecture. It is now a popular street stall snack that combines the sweet and savoury miso flavours with the earthy baked potato texture.
Saitama Dialect・Saitama-ben・埼玉弁
1. むじっけー mujikkee cute
むじっけー猫だね。 (mujikkee neko da ne)
Standard Japanese: かわいい猫だね。 (kawaii neko da ne)
English: What a cute cat.
2. ああみぃ aahmii no good, can't do it (also, ああみ, aahmi)
ごめん、明日ああみぃ。 (gomen, ashita aahmii)
Standard Japanese: ごめん、明日行けない。 (gomen, ashita ikenai) or ごめん、明日はダメ。 (gomen, ashita wa dame)
English: Sorry, I can't go tomorrow. or Sorry, tomorrow is no good.
3. かみぎっちょ gamigiccho lizard
庭のすみっこにかまぎっちょがいたで。 (niwa no sumikko ni kamagiccho ga itade)
Standard Japanese: 庭の隅にとかげがいたよ。 (niwa no sumi ni tokage ga ita yo)
English: There was a lizard in the corner of the garden.
4. うちゃる ucharu to throw away
そこにうちゃるなよ。 (soko ni ucharu na yo)
Standard Japanese: そこに捨てるなよ。 (soko ni suteru na yo)
English: Don't throw that away there.
5. こわい ~kowai hard
このおせんべいこわい。 (kono osenbei kowai)
Standard Japanese: このおせんべい硬い。 (kono senbei katai)
English: This senbei is hard.
*Note: senbei is a Japanese rice cracker
6. えらい erai a lot
今日はえらい食べるな。 (kyou wa erai taberu na)
Standard Japanese: 今日はたくさん食べるな。 (kyou wa takusan taberu na)
English: Don't eat a lot today.
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fairygeek777 · 4 months
Events after The galaxy cauldron as I head cannon them:
Mamoru proposes to Usagi after a couple weeks
The two decide to get married after she graduates high school
Mamoru does spend a year in America at Harvard, visits Usagi in Japan every chance he's able, calls, writes y'know everything he obviously would do.
Rei and Mina start dating
Makoto and Asanuma start dating
Usagi and the girls graduate high school the year after Mamoru comes back from his studies abroad.
Haruka proposes to Michiru but promises Usagi they won't get married until after she is queen.
In the year leading up to Mamo and Usa's wedding, The couple starts living together in Mamoru's apartment, Usagi is busy planning, Mina gets her start as an idol at a recording studio, Ami takes advanced classes in summer to prepare for Medical school, Makoto saves money from her job at the Florist. Rei volunteers around town with Setsuna and Hotaru while managing the shrine, Mamoru moves up from residency in the hospital he works.
When Usagi reaches the age of 21, the beginnings of Crystal Tokyo occur (dont ask me specifics) so preparations are made for her and Mamoru's Coronation to take place on her wedding day. (Explanation for Usa wearing NQS crown at the wedding)
Usagi and Mamoru are Married and crowned Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion in October of 2000 (fitting) at the ages of 22 and 25
Small Lady is born on June 30th 2001. Long life and unaging is granted to every adult in Crystal Tokyo.
Haruka and Michiru are soon married, Rei becomes the head Preistess at Hikawa Jinja, Ami becomes a world renowned doctor, Makoto finds a husband (maybe Asanuma maybe not) and opens a very popular florist and bakery in one, Mina travels the world on tour and becomes the number one Japanese Idol in the world, Setsuna receives awards for her discoveries in Astrophysics (or whatever it is that she studied) also advocates against the declaration that Pluto is not a planet and wins because of her renown. Hotaru becomes very well known for her talents as a violinist and studies composition in her young adult years.
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pudgy-planets · 1 month
Mood is the SmoonVerse.
Remember to never break anything when visiting the Hikawa Jinja unless you want to be crushed by elephantine priestess thighs.
Or turned into a blimp by one of her talismans.
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tulip-doll · 1 year
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Shirokane Hikawa-jinja Shrine 🎃🐱
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japonpedia · 10 months
Santuario Hikawa de Kawagoe
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tokyoshrine · 11 months
Japan that no one knows. Don't kill them
Sakurada Shrine   3 2 17 Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo Near Roppongi Hills
This shrine is located near Roppongi Hills, a building that symbolizes the city.
From the anecdote of Minamoto no Yoritomo, it seems as if cherry trees have been planted to connect with the people of the past. Upon entering the shrine grounds, it is very quiet. The events of the Heian period seem to come back to life today. A small Inari-san sits to the right of the main shrine and I almost overlooked it. This is also an important deity. I hope you will visit and like this comfortable shrine.
Sakurada Shrine Neighborhood 1 minute on foot Roppongi Hills  2 minutes on foot Jyodo Sect. 7 minutes on foot Izumo Taisha Tokyo Branch Shrine 10 minutes on foot Asahi Shrine 11 minutes on foot Tatsudo Shinmyougu Tenzo-jinja Shrine 13 minutes on foot Juban Inari Shrine (Minato Shichifukujin Houshin Houshin) 14 minutes on foot Haseji Temple (Azabu Dai-kannon) 14 minutes on foot Azabu Hikawa Shrine 15 minutes on foot Hiroo Inari Shrine (Hiroo Inari Shrine) 17 minutes on foot Nogi Shrine 19 minutes on foot Akasaka Hikawa Shrine 19 minutes on foot Zempukuji Temple 20 minutes on foot Hisakuni Shrine (Minato Shichifukujin Hotei Shrine) 21 minutes on foot Motojinmyogu Shrine (Tenzo Shrine) 24 minutes on foot Iikura Kumano Shrine (Ebisu, one of the seven gods of good fortune in Minato) 24 minutes on foot Kokugakuin University Temple 25 minutes on foot Nishikubo Hachiman Shrine 25 minutes on foot Shibuya Hikawa Shrine 25 minutes on foot Akiba Shrine (Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku) 26 minutes on foot to Jodoshu Shinkoin Temple 29 minutes on foot Thatsuki Inari Shrine
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kanpaijapon · 1 year
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Kawagoe Hikawa-jinja - Le sanctuaire pour l’harmonie familiale
Kawagoe Hikawa-jinja est un sanctuaire shinto situé dans le centre-ville de Kawagoe, au cœur de la préfecture de Saitama au Japon. Les fidèles s'y pressent en nombre pour remercier les couples de divinités consacrés dans cette enceinte et bénéficier ainsi de relations familiales et conjugales épanouies.
Lire la suite sur Kanpai.fr
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matryokeshi · 3 years
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18 August 2021. Wind chimes (fuurin) in Kawagoe Hikawa Jinja, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
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todayintokyo · 6 years
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Early-morning sunlight at Hikawa Jinja in Akasaka
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sakaki-jinja · 1 year
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dulich365org · 3 years
4 địa điểm du lịch Saitama (Nhật Bản) đẹp tuyệt
4 địa điểm du lịch Saitama (Nhật Bản) đẹp tuyệt
4 địa điểm du lịch Saitama nổi tiếng hấp dẫn này chắc chắn sẽ là list du lịch tuyệt vời khi bạn đặt chân đến Nhật Bản để có nhiều bức ảnh chất lừ đấy! (more…)
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pudgy-planets · 1 year
Sijo got RJ's family various candies and pricey bodywash stuff and as for the lad himself, Sijo got him some new more fitting clothing, some cute panties and a spa day booked!
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“I really don’t deserve all of this Sijo… Everyone else does, obviously, but this feel like… extra splurging for my sake. I-I appreciate it though, even if my gifts aren’t as… expensive.”
Clothing, fitting undergarments, complimented with a lavish spa trip? Poor lad isn’t sure how to react… Especially since it’s from the scion herself.
Sheepishly, the raven hands off a neatly wrapped and color present box. Every single one of his younger siblings had a part in the final product’s glamours appearance. Something nice and heartfelt for their “Big Sis” figure.
What exactly was inside its contents? A little gift from every Hino-Aino heir! And their parents.
A decorative sun in a tempered glass globe that radiated heat courtesy of Maseru.
One gorgeous chain-link necklace adorned with fiery stones and the symbols of Mars and Venus from Rukia.
An extra large spool of gilded, glistening silk made from pure, condensed light particles. Made from Makino’s Incandescent Marionettion.
A magenta colored laserdisc filled with recordings of 80’s and 90’s Japanese city funk, covered and remastered by the musically inclined Rinako.
A pair of extremely elastic and comfortable sweatpants that light up similarly to a neon sign. It’s dotted in kanji and brands found around Tokyo. Constructed by the engineer, Mido… She’s assured her elder brother they won’t catch fire. Neon’s a noble gas after all, it’s stable enough-
108 fruits from the Mokurenji tree in the underworld dried and woven together into a splendid rosary. Each with a different symbol and meaning. A token of good fortune and favor from the Head Priestess in training, Mei.
A cute looking sketchbook filled with Ryoko’s intricate, detailed, and vibrant drawings of various mythological beasts. Compiled from each sketch she drew all 365 days of the year. There’s even an adorable message at the end for Sijo’s eyes and Sijo’s alone.
Rei has made Sijo her own custom-sized Hikawa Jinja shrine robes tailored to her size and a collection of various good luck charms and flowers. There’s an even a jar filled with the soot of the Great Fire which has burned for thousands of years.
Minako’s gift… heavily contrasts Rei’s tamer one. Two bottles of an expensive and exclusive champagne, fresh strawberries dipped in a sweet white chocolate, and… lingerie from upcoming catalogs unreleased to the public. Wink wink~
Finally… RJ’s gift. One he clasps quietly into Sijo’s soft hands… A replica of the same ring Rei proposed to Minako with at the end of high school.
When the duo tied the knot nearly 20+ years ago. That same passionate bond which birthed him and his siblings with no signs of fizzling out. Whilst it may not fit around her fingers… It’s a testament to show just how much Sijo means to him. And how she’s changed his life for the better and is eternally grateful for it.
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“Thank you… Thank you for being apart of my life, Ishikawa Sijo. I love you. Merry Christmas.”
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tonr · 2 years
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At Shirokane Hikawa Jinja Shrine
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