#Himalayan rhubarb powder
mywildwater-blog · 5 years
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cgtablecloth · 4 years
There is so much to learn about Natural Dyes for textile
With the rise in consciousness about the environmental problems and health hazards related to synthetic dyes, use of natural dyes for textile and other applications is increasing. Natural dyes are colorants extracted from plants, minerals, invertebrates and are easy to use on clothing or other materials. They pose zero risk of allergies, toxic effects or pollution and lend a superior sensory experience to garments. Textile industries can benefit immensely from natural dyes, since they will reduce the cost of production and nullify the expense of chemical imports.
Natural vegetable dyes obtained from roots, flowers, fruits and leaves of plants and natural indigo dyes, constitute a major section of natural dyes. Textiles like cotton, wool, silk, linen, nylon, viscose, polyester, and acrylic are increasingly incorporating the use of herbal dyes or other organic dyes. Wool yarns are also often natural dyed and are very suitable for both hand and machine knitting. Natural dyed apparels are gentle on the skin, are comfortable to wear round the year and look distinct too. Sam Vegetable Colours, is one such natural dyes manufacturer in India.
Natural dyes – sources, colors and moreNatural dyes for textile are available in a number of colors and offer many benefits. Natural Indigo gives a deep blue color on wool, silk, cotton and such, and shows fastness after washing or exposure to light. The indigo plant is also known to have medicinal properties and is believed to counter many ailments.
Mallow is a natural dye acquired from the fruit rind of pomegranate. It gives yellow, khaki and gray colors and can change with change in pretreatment auxiliary during dyeing process. Any textile dyed with Mallow, has anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and astringent properties.
Bee, a brown dye from heart wood of Acacia Catechu, has anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and astringent properties, like Mallow. It is easy to apply on different textiles like cotton, wool or silk, and the color is fast. Rubia is a dye extracted from the roots and rhizomes of Madder and produces red, pink and orange hues. It also exhibits anti-microbial properties.
Nimbus is an insect dye obtained from Lac and gives red and violet colors. The dye is water soluble and can be transformed from violet to red and brown shades. Kareel is a greenish yellow dye from the fruit of Myrobolan and also gives khaki and gray colors. Myrobolan primarily grows in the Himalayas.
Insect is a natural dye acquired from rhizome of Himalayan Rhubarb and produces bright yellow and brown colors. The plant has medicinal values such as anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Insect is a conventional textile dye.
Flame dye is obtained from the evergreen plant Kamala or Red Kamala. It lends orange yellow or golden yellow colors to wool or silk. The dye is in powder form and the plant is known to have anti-allergic properties.
Care tips for natural dyes Textiles treated with natural dyes need care. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach during washing. Hard alkaline water or water containing iron can be harmful too. Always dry them in shade and store in cool, dark places in vacuum sealed bags, preferably. Acid spills or rust can damage natural dyed textiles too. Use gentle cycle for machine washes.
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paleorecipecookbook · 7 years
The Epic Guide to Seasonal Eating
Eating more fruits and veggies that are grown seasonally and locally is optimal. Conventional or out of season produce can be bland and lacking the best nutrients compared to produce that has been vine or tree ripened and picked during peak season. (1)
The best place to start your seasonal procurement is by checking out your local farmer’s market. Most people who are growing the food that they are selling are more than happy to share information about the flavors and benefits that eating seasonally can have on not only your taste buds but the environment and your local community.
What is Seasonal Eating?
Eating seasonally means that you are eating fruits and veggies at the same time of year that they are grown. When growing food organically and without pesticides, the health of the soil, as well as the climate, will dictate what grows.
Seasonal eating is not just a vogue or trendy concept. It is the way things used to be done before mega-markets carried anything and everything year-round. Eating what grows in season is as sustainable as it gets as a consumer. Creating more demand for seasonal food fare supports sustainable growing and harvest practices as well.
3 Benefits of Seasonal Eating
Seasonal eating is a new concept for some, but it is rooted in simplicity and sustainability.
1. Buying local is good for the environment
When you choose your fruits and veggies while they are in season, you have more options of purchasing from local producers. Seasonal eating is tastier, and more sustainable than eating foods out of season. (2) Try eating what your local farmers are growing.
Because roughage is more readily available locally, it doesn’t need to travel as far to get to your local grocer or farmer’s market which cuts down on your contribution to the carbon-footprint. Less motor travel equals less pollution.
2. Seasonal eating is tastier
When you eat seasonally, your fruits and veggies are at their peak freshness and flavor. The weather and the soil want to start fruiting apples in the late summer so that they are ripe and ready to eat in the fall. It’s natural.
When your food has to travel far distances, it is usually being picked before it has ripened. When the food arrives at its destination, it typically needs to be artificially ripened in a hot house, which leads to fibrous, bland, and often rotten fruits and vegetables. (3)
3. Seasonal eating doesn’t have to be all or nothing
Having fresh, and not frozen, berries on the shelf of your local grocery store in the middle of winter is more of a luxury than a natural occurrence. Because of importing and exporting as well as pesticides, monoculture, and conventional farming practices, we can virtually shop for any vegetable or fruit any time of year that we want! We are absolutely a convenience nation.
If you were to only eat what is in season, this would throw a wrench in your current lifestyle and become a full-time job to procure only seasonal items for every single meal. The idea is not to make our lives more difficult, but to make better choices. You can add in bits of seasonal eating with normal grocery shopping habits to find a happy balance. You don’t need to stop eating avocados, for example, because they don’t grow locally. Just try incorporating more local produce into your day-to-day diet when it is actually growing.
What’s Growing & When
Vegetables are classed as either ‘warm’ or ‘cool’ season vegetables. (4) Depending on the climate of where you live, fruits and veggies my come into your farmer’s market scene at slightly different times. This seasonal eating guide will help you keep a look out for what is coming into peak season during the autumn, winter, spring, and summer!
Fall Produce: September, October, November
The beginning of the cozy season comes with the fall. Lots of sturdier squash start to show themselves as well as more roots and tree fruits. Time to start in on the soups and roasts for your meal preparations with these amazing ingredients:
Kabocha squash
Delicata squash
Broccoli rabe
Brussels sprouts
Celery root
Sweet potatoes
Try these recipes: Savory Pumpkin Soup, Roasted Beets with Balsamic Glaze, Brussels Sprout and Apple Salad
Winter: December, January, February
Depending on where you live, if the colder months do not have deep frosts you may still be able to buy fresh locally-grown food. Hearty varieties of greens, roots, and sturdy squash can often face the cold naturally. Cold frames and greenhouses may offer your veggies a little more protection against the cold.
Now is the time to break into your jams, pickles, ferments, and frozen berry supply! Roasting, soups, stews, casseroles, and other warming dishes really make this cold season something to look forward to. The foods most commonly in season during this time are:
Sweet Potatoes
Horseradish (sweetest in the winter months!)
Pomegranate (grown in Arizona and California)
Citrus (grown in Florida, Texas, and Arizona and sweetest in the winter)
Try these recipes: Warm Roasted Sweet Potato and Kale Salad, Creamy Bacon and Parsnip Soup
Spring: March, April, May
Spring produce is a welcomed celebration after the cold season! Many foraged items come into play like dandelion greens and mushrooms, as well as special short-season items like ramps, or wild leeks. Reintroducing cooking methods like blanching, steaming, and light sauté is very spring appropriate. Spring seasonal foods include:
Salad greens
Dandelion greens
Try these recipes: Asparagus with Mushrooms and Hazelnuts, Rhubarb Sorbet, Arugula and Leek Frittata
Summer Produce: June, July, August
Summer is like hitting the motherlode of fresh fruits, berries, melons, and vegetables! Summer climates can certainly vary depending on where you live, but wherever you are, this is your peak season.
Fresh and raw preparations are the best way to go for these warm months. Think lots of whole fruits and vegetables for on the go, leafy and fresh salads, thinly sliced raw vegetables, and lightly sautéed or marinated dishes! Summer seasonal foods include:
Chili peppers
Sweet peppers
Stone fruits
Summer squash
Winter squash (actually a warm season squash but gets its name because they store well through the cold season)
Salad greens
Try these recipes: Beets and Berries Smoothie, Smoked Salmon Cucumber Bites, Avocado Salsa
4 Ways to Prep Your Food for Winter
As the weather changes, so does what’s growing. Part of eating seasonally is learning how to properly store your foods for the winter! Provisioning up by learning some tried and true storing methods while in the blooming and producing seasons will make for a tasty winter when you can reap your storing rewards and will keep you entertained with variety during the cold seasons.
1. Dry herbs
Drying fresh herbs is easy! Gather herbs into bundles and tie with string, invert, and hang until fully dry. My favorite herbs to dry are oregano, marjoram, and lavender. You can use the dried oregano and marjoram in savory coconut-cream sauces, or a more traditional tomato and garlic ragout sauce for zucchini noodles.
Lavender is delicious when mixed into grass-fed butter or ghee and used as a compound butter on your protein pancakes and muffins. Dried lavender is also delicious when pulsed together with other dried herbs to create spice rubs for lamb, chicken, and fish. Try pulsing dried lavender, oregano, thyme, white pepper, and a little Himalayan salt together and sprinkle over salmon or your fish of choice.
2. Freeze fruits
Freezing berries and cherries is the best way to enjoy your Paleo breakfast and pre- or post-workout shakes throughout the non-berry-bearing season.
My favorite smoothie to enjoy after a workout, and even for dessert, is dark sweet frozen cherries, half a banana, raw cacao powder, Brazil nuts, a handful of fresh or dried mint leaves, and a touch of grade B maple syrup. Add the ingredients to a high powered blender along with your favorite nut milk and protein powder, and you have yourself a delicious superfood shake or dessert!
3. Pickle veggies
My favorite pickles are a mix of cauliflower, fennel, and beet! Simmer two parts apple cider vinegar to one part water and honey/maple syrup, and add lots of fresh garlic, herbs, peppercorns, and hot peppers. Pour over your veggies and proceed to ‘jar.’ Your pickles will turn pink from the beet, and you may not be able to wait until winter to enjoy them.
4. Ferment just about anything
Sauerkraut is one of the most recognizable ferments on the market. There are lots of trendy varieties and brands on the shelves of your local grocer these days, but go ahead and try your hand at making your own. My favorite combo to whip up is Napa cabbage, red cabbage, dill, horseradish, and garlic. Shred ingredients, salt, and massage well to release the natural juices from your cabbage. Pack tightly into a jar, pressing down so the natural liquid line is well above the veggies. Cover with a cheesecloth and a rubber band and continue to press and pack down every day. Taste as you go. It is ready to jar, can, or eat when the taste is right for you.
Storing Your Foods for the Cold Season
There are many ways to stow away your harvest bounty for the winter, as well as kitchen methods to help you preserve the warm season abundance properly. Here are some ways to help you turn your kitchen, cellar, freezer, and pantry into a seasonal eater’s dream, and the best produce for the job.
Root Cellar
Only store produce that is in the best shape in a root cellar, or any dry and cool storage space. When fruits and vegetables are bruised, cut into, or damaged, they will spoil quicker. (5)
Longer storage life:
Winter squash
Sweet potatoes
Shorter storage life:
Brussel sprouts
When freezing items for storage it is best to lay out clean, dry, and chopped (if necessary) items out on a parchment or freezer paper-lined sheet pan. Be sure that your berries, peaches, etc. are not touching. Freeze 4-8 hours, or overnight, then simply transfer your now-frozen items into freezer bags. Better yet, use a vacuum packer.
Best items to freeze:
Stone fruits
Chanterelle (cooked first)
Morels (cooked first)
By dehydrating your fruits and veggies, you are removing the water content from the item, therefore extending its shelf life. (6) You can make crunchy snacks by slicing and seasoning produce first before dehydrating, or simply dehydrate items to reconstitute later for a recipe!
Best foods to dehydrate:
Jarring & Canning
There are a number of ways to jar and can your foods. A popular at-home method is a water bath. The more fresh and tasty the food is when it’s picked, the more delicious the jarred or canned product. You can essentially jar/can anything, but when preserving alkaline and acidic foods together you must use a high pressure canning method to ensure safe storage and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. (7)
When jarring most fruits without adding sugar, be aware that your fruit may turn a little mushy or lose color, but also, know that you reap the benefits of not adding unnecessary sugar. (8)
Pickling is a tasty way of preserving savory goods before storing. Salt and vinegar added to items like carrots and asparagus make for great snacks or wintery salad toppers during the cooler season.
Best foods for pickling:
Chard stems
Sweet potatoes
In the days prior to refrigerators, mankind used to heavily rely on fermentation to store their food through the winter. (9) This method of food storage nurtures the healthy bacteria growth of your veggies. Incorporating ferments into your diet may also be beneficial for optimal gut health. (10)
Fermented foods often taste of vinegar, but there is no vinegar actually added in the process. Popular fermented dishes include kimchis and krauts.
Best foods to ferment:
Daikon radish
Vegetable and fruit juices
Coconut milk, for a probiotic kefir drink
Bottom Line
Eating seasonally is not only delicious, it’s fun! Try new and unique varieties of fruits and vegetables and experiment with different, tried and true sustainable cooking and preserving methods, so that you may feed your health year round.
The post The Epic Guide to Seasonal Eating appeared first on Paleo Plan.
Source: http://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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teesturtle · 4 years
1596671800Official Foo Fighters 25th anniversary 1995 2020 signatures shirt
1596671800Official Foo Fighters 25th anniversary 1995 2020 signatures shirt
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sherristockman · 8 years
Try This Guilt-Free, Antioxidant-Rich Apple Crumble Recipe Today Dr. Mercola Recipe by Dr. Mercola Apple crumble is usually served during festive occasions, but its origin is far from cheerful, as the dish became popular in the U.K. during World War I when people made the most out of the strict rationing of various foods. Flour, butter and sugar were substituted for pastry and mixed with different fruits such as apples, blackberries and/or rhubarb, paving the way for the crumble that people love today.[1] This Health-Boosting Apple Crumble Recipe adds a healthy twist to this well-known dessert. Healthy spices and the mild sweetness of coconut oil create a flavorful fruity feast. Whether you have a spoonful or two of this apple crumble, you can be sure that there won’t be any drastic consequences to your health. Ingredients: For the filling 4 organic green apples, thinly sliced Juice of 1/2 lemon 1 tsp. of ground cinnamon 1 pinch of nutmeg For the topping 1 1/2 cups almond meal or Dr. Mercola’s coconut flour 1/4 cup grass-fed butter or Dr. Mercola’s organic coconut oil, softened 1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon Pinch of Dr. Mercola’s Himalayan salt Pinch of nutmeg 1 Tbsp. of grass-fed butter or coconut oil, to grease the pan Procedure: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine the filling ingredients in a bowl and mix well. In a separate bowl, mix the ingredients for the topping until completely incorporated, and set aside. Grease the bottom and sides of a 9x9-inch baking dish. Place the apples in the dish and cover evenly with the topping. Cover and bake for 20 minutes. Remove cover and bake for an additional 25 minutes. The dish is done when the apples are soft and the topping browns. Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 45 to 50 minutes This Health-Boosting Apple Crumble Recipe Is a Delight for Everyone Unlike apple pie, apple crumble requires less technical skill since there are no pie crusts or lattice details to think about. The dish is quite easy to make, and even your kids can help prepare this dessert, provided that parental guidance is present, of course. Moreover, apple crumble is versatile, since it can be used as a topping for grass-fed yogurt or parfaits, or eaten on its own as a dessert or healthy snack. Apples Are Packed With Antioxidants That Are Great for Your Health With the variety of colors, textures and flavors apples have to offer, it’s not a surprise that these fruits are the second most popular fruit in the U.S.[2] Apart from being delicious, crunchy and juicy, the health benefits that you can get from eating apples are timeless. Apples are rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin A, which serves as a powerful antioxidant that assists in fighting infections and scavenging inflammatory free radicals. However, most of the fruit’s antioxidant content is found in the peel, so make sure to leave it on when eating apples or using it in your recipes. Meanwhile, vitamin C in apples enhances immune system function and slows down aging, and B vitamins thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2) and pyridoxine (B6) work in tandem to release powerful enzymes that boost metabolism and other important bodily functions. On the other hand, nutrients like iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and potassium were shown to contribute to apples’ abilities in controlling heart rate and blood pressure levels, while fiber was linked to helping prevent LDL or bad cholesterol absorption. Lastly, studies have shown apples’ potential in decreasing risk for conditions such as:[3],[4],[5],[6] Neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease Stroke Type 2 diabetes Cancer Heart disease Unfortunately, most commercially sold apples are contaminated with harmful pesticides. In fact, the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) 2016 Dirty Dozen list ranked apples as the second most pesticide-contaminated fruit. In order to reap the health benefits of these fruits, make sure you purchase organic and GMO-free apples. If you only have access to conventionally grown apples, briefly soak them first in a solution of 10 percent vinegar and 90 percent water to help eliminate some of the pesticides and bacteria. Furthermore, apples are high in fructose, with a medium-sized apple containing a whopping 9.5 grams. Eating too many apples can lead your body’s fructose levels into overdrive, so always eat apples in moderation. Why You Should Be a Fan of Coconut Flour Coconut oil’s benefits have been emphasized time and time again, but it seems coconut flour will soon follow suit. This type of flour is made from fresh coconut meat after it’s pressed to create coconut milk and once most of the oil is extracted. This dried meat is then grated, with the finished product having a fine and powder-like texture. Coconut flour can be used as a substitute to wheat- and grain-based flours in recipes, and delivers a mild and sweet coconut flavor and rich texture. I recommend using coconut flour for flour-based dishes since there is added nutrition you can get from it. With 48 percent dietary fiber, coconut flour contains the highest percentage of dietary fiber out of the various flours available today. As such, it is very ideal for those suffering from insulin resistance or diabetes, since it won’t trigger spikes in blood sugar. Plus, coconut flour is also a good source of both protein and healthy fats, and is very low in carbohydrates (even lower than some vegetables). When adding coconut flour into recipes, remember this general rule: You can replace up to 20 percent of the flour in the recipe with coconut flour, alongside an equal amount of liquid, without sacrificing the flavor or texture of the finished product. If you’re completely substituting with coconut flour, keep in mind that you’ll need less coconut flour than grain-based flour. For example, if a recipe calls for a cup of grain-based flour, use one-quarter to one-third of coconut flour instead. Mixing an organic, pastured egg per ounce of coconut flour is advisable too, since this takes the place of gluten and helps bind the mixture well. Raw honey, hemp powder, chia seeds or ground flax seeds (1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds in 3 tablespoons of water can be substituted for an egg) could also be used in case you don’t have eggs at home. The high-fiber content causes the coconut flour to act like a sponge, and if you substitute the required flour in a recipe with 100 percent coconut flour, this can change the outcome of your dish. Count on Cinnamon for a Flavor and Health Boost What makes this apple crumble extra delicious is the blend of spices that enhances the fruit’s flavor, like cinnamon. This warm-hued spice is sold either in stick or powder form, and is popular because of its distinct fragrance and flavor. However, most people are unaware that this well-loved spice also yields positive effects on the body. Minerals such as calcium, fiber and manganese are present in cinnamon, and this spice offers antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that all potentially play a role in: Boosting antioxidant defenses Enhancing cognitive function Refining brain health Assisting with weight loss Helping treat sore throat and/or coughs Preventing conditions like heart disease[7] and colon and liver cancers[8],[9] Relieving ADHD symptoms[10],[11] Helping diabetes patients by lowering blood sugar levels, improving insulin sensitivity and slowing down the stomach’s emptying time to decrease sharp blood sugar rises after a meal
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cawamedia · 8 years
Daisy Beauty Awards är en skönhetsutmärkelse som har delats ut sedan 2012. Daisy Beauty Awards delas ut av tidningen Daisy Beauty. Daisy Beautys medarbetare utser finalister i samråd med 48 externa bloggare och med viss input från sajtens många produktrecensioner och från facebookgruppen Friends of Daisy Beauty. Fem finalister i tolv olika kategorier utses.
Totalt 58 bloggare testar sedan de 60 finalistprodukterna (bloggjuryn kompletteras av galans projektledare, Daisy Beauty-redaktörern Katarina Muhr, och Daisy Beautys grundare Sam Bergenstråhle). Juryns poäng avgör därefter vinnarna i Daisy Beauty Awards, vinnarna koras på en gala i februari 2017. Endast en medlem i varje jurygrupp kommer från Daisy Beauty, övriga fyra jurymedlemmar bloggar på andra ställen.
Daisy Beauty Awards delas ut till kosmetika som har lanserats eller relanserats föregående år. Vi har hittills varje år delat ut tolv olika priser, och vilka de tolv priserna har varit har ändrats år från år. Den enda av årets priser som har varit med alla år är ”Årets läppis”, även om kategorin då hetter ”Årets läppgunk”. Nya kategorier för i år är Årets ansiktsmask och Årets rengöring, samt att vi har delat på förra årets Årets frans-/brynprodukt till två kategorier: Årets ögonfransprodukt (jag sitter själv i den juryn!) och Årets ögonbrynsprodukt. Allt för att hänga med i trenderna, förstås!
Jag förstår att du är nyfiken på vilka de olika finalistprodukter är! Tänk på att alla dessa produkter har röstas fram som värdiga finalister av blogg- och magasinssvängens bästa beautytyckare i hård konkurrens med hundratals andra produkter. Förra året klagade många jurymedlemmar på att det var svårt att hitta något annat än vinnare i det fantastiska finalistfältet, det kommer inte att bli lättare i år…
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Årets “Daisy Beauty awards 2017″den 16 Februari, 2016 i fint arrangemang på Norra Latin (City Conference Center) av Wonderland Events.
Daisy Beauty Awards 2017 Daisy Beauty Awards är en skönhetsutmärkelse som har delats ut sedan 2012. Daisy Beauty Awards delas ut av tidningen…
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teesturtle · 4 years
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