#His covenant
wiirocku · 7 months
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Deuteronomy 7:9 (NLT) - Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps His covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands.
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petrowriting · 3 months
the revelation that claudia’s rebirth was such a twisted and horrible moment, with louis dragging her like she was a thing, a stranger who neither of them knew but he kept saying over and over “our daughter, our beautiful little daughter” to lestat, really solidified the way she was never the main character of her own story. she was always an accessory to some or the other of louis’ whims: his guilt, his loneliness, his conflict of being a killer, his rocky relationship with lestat. there was love there, love from both her fathers, but it was never enough. lestat saw her too much as a wretched mirror held up to his own self, and louis was always too steeped in his own feelings to care enough about hers. claudia’s story truly was the greatest tragedy in this tale, treated horribly by every man around her, even her fathers, relentlessly exploited and brutally ignored, always second and never first. the only one who loved her the way she deserved to be loved was madeleine, and the moment she truly had her, her happiness was torn from her. and just before she died, she got to see someone actually choose her in her entirety, not for what she can be but for who she is, and it still wasn’t enough. she still burned alive in the sunlight. the love was there, but it wasn’t enough to save her.
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ultrapoppet · 1 month
People act like Armand must've done some crazy mind altering shit to Louis to manipulate him but be for fucking real you don't need mind powers to manipulate Louis. A 6 year old could manipulate him. This is a guy who was in a relationship with Lestat for decades before he asked him if he murdered his brother. He only asked him about his maker because of Claudia. He probably still doesn't know who Akasha is. Armand straight up told him I know you murdered Lestat and the coven wants you gone and he said nah. Claudia told him Armand choked her and he said nah. He can read minds and missed an entire coven planning his death. Literally all it took for him to spare Armand was him saying they made me do it 🥺 and he said ok 😃👍. He met with Lestat and didn't ask a single question before embarking on the genius revenge plan of getting into a committed relationship with his daughter's murderer.
This man is alive because of pretty privilege and pretty privilege alone I don't know what to tell you.
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kuzuyamii · 3 months
people are missing out on the fact that Armand is clinically insane. like that is a human brain that was forced to live for 500 years. he was trafficked, stuck in cults, abused beyond imagination. he man isn't just toxic, he's lost it
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sheerakk · 1 year
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s-o-a-p-ing · 2 years
Friday, 2/3/23
"And this is My covenant with them, that I will take away their sins.”   ~ Romans 11:27
This is His covenant with me - HE will take away my sins...
I just have to "give" them to Him...
...and stop collecting and "hoarding" them...
...confess disobedience...
Live thankfully unburdened by, in, and for Him...
(referencing verses 29 and 36...)
Gracious, giving Heavenly Father God - I am grateful for all the gifts You have given than can never be taken away - and confess to living up to Your call to obedience - the call that remains despite my thoughts, words and actions... I acknowledge everything comes from You and only exists because of Your Power and for Your glory... May Your Holy Spirit continue to remind and lead me back to obedience in the same way Jesus sought and lived Your will instead of His own... In His Name, and for Your eternal and expanding glory and worship and praise...
Blessed by Him to be gratefully and joyfully yours...
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platoapproved · 2 months
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— And he hadn't told me. — I did, once. He didn't hear it.
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egophiliac · 3 months
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limpwristssavelives · 4 months
the way i had to pause my tv in shock when louis said “besides one incident it was a happy time” about his time in paris where his DAUGHTER WAS MURDERED???
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claudiaeparvier · 3 months
Watching Louis descend into rage filled madness while plotting the demise of the coven, seeing him enter the theatre and soaking it with gasoline while the troupe slept, him reclaiming Claudia’s dress and her journals, his rage igniting the room, getting to listen to the coven scream as they’re burned to death or hacked apart or both, Eglee and Celeste caught completely by surprise and exploding in flames on their bikes, Louis baiting Santiago and not just cutting his head off (which I hope he felt every agonizing second of) but kicking it away like a fucking soccer ball
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wyvernquill · 19 days
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The part of Daniel that was only very recently mortal is shitting his pants at the speed with which Armand winds their way in-between various cars, thinking of burning wrecks and metal in uncomfortable places - but the part of him that’s always been an adrenaline junkie and only got worse with immortality whoops in delight at another sharp turn, and even dares to take his hand off of Armand’s barely-there waist on occasion to flip off any driver cursing them out.
A quick illustration for ch.7 of my fic True Love (and other lies)! I just couldn't get the image of them on a Vespa out of my head.
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galaghiel · 3 months
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more vampire au ft. tubbo
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iwtv-az-hours · 4 months
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Assad Zaman at the ATX TV Festival, 30.May 2024
source getty images
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littleragondin · 1 month
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Two hundred years since you were allowed vanity,
two hundred years, since you were made beautiful.
(Refs under the cut)
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the-crooked-library · 2 months
what I learned from season 2 of IWTV is that a distressingly large amount of people cannot tell the difference between a consensual BDSM dynamic and assault/abuse, nor do they know anything about how kink actually works
it’s not unhealthy for Armand to be submissive or delve into maître/slave kink dynamics. in fact it’s something people do to explore and get past their traumas all the time irl. additionally, he is like five times older and more powerful than Louis, he wasn’t being forced to do anything, nor could Louis ever actually force him. the kink was probably the healthiest aspect of their relationship, what fucked them over was a jumble of commitment issues, a lack of trust, and eventual murder - which is something that would cause problems in any relationship ever, no matter how vanilla.
the Point of the tragedy is that they were on the precipice of something happy, but Louis hesitated for too long and Armand couldn’t recognize when he was loved, and the kink had nothing to do with it, for fuck’s sake. Louis wasn’t abusive and it’s not bad or wrong for Armand to want to be a sub -
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platoapproved · 2 months
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I was supposed to be luring him in, but the opposite was happening.
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