#His tail can constrict people and things so he's dangerous at either end of his body
cxpperhead · 1 year
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Copperhead is Solenoglyphous, meaning his fangs are retractable. Most of the time, they're neatly folded out of the way so that he doesn't bite himself (or anybody else he'd prefer not to harm) but all his fangs are incredibly sharp, his rear fangs being even thicker than the prominent strikers up front. Regarding his toxin, Copperhead's venom is unique, being highly acidic so even a spray can cause corrosive damage against unprotected eyes and flesh.
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
Shimmering Scales and Glittering Wings - HYUNJIN
I chose to put this one up now because Halloween is tomorrow and costumes are an essential part of Halloween >:) It also takes place in the same universe as Changbin’s drabble, though there’s only a mention of it here! Enjoy~
Unbeleafable prompt: costumes
Pairing: Hyunjin x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, mystic!au
Triggers: some cursing
Word Count: 1k
You and Hyunjin dress up as each other for Halloween. It makes for a very interesting event.
Unbeleafable Masterlist | Stray Kids Drabbles Masterlist
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“Let me get this straight.” You rub your forehead. “You want me to go to the Halloween party dressed up as… you?”
Hyunjin nods, eyes large and puppy-like across the table. “It’ll be fun!”
Normally, you might be inclined to agree. Even though your boyfriend doesn’t always have the best ideas, they usually end in stomachaches from laughing too hard. But right now, you can’t see the appeal of wearing Hyunjin’s clothes – most of which are too big for you – and entering a party full of people who will see, point, and laugh at the hoodie dragging down to your thighs. And you don’t think Hyunjin would have a fun time wearing your t-shirts or dresses that are really just too small.
“Why do you think it’d be fun to wear each other’s clothes?” you finally ask.
His eyebrows furrow. “What?”
“You wanted to dress up as each other, right?” You gesture at your shirt. “My clothes are too small for you. Your clothes are too big for me. Why is that fun? Except at home.”
“Noooooooo,” Hyunjin whines, bonking his head on the table. “No, no, no. I meant you dress up as a mermaid! And I dress up as a fae!”
“… Oh.”
That makes so much more sense.
Your boyfriend pouts (and it’s stupidly adorable – you want to kiss him but it’s not the time), playing with your fingers. “Y/N, I thought you were supposed to be the smart one of us two!”
“And I am. But given our respective levels of intelligence, being smarter than either one of us isn’t difficult.” Before Hyunjin can start pouting again at that backhanded insult, you return to the subject at hand. “Hyunjin, I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve never dressed up for Halloween.”
“Yeah, I do know.” He scowls. “I saw you show up to Changbin’s girlfriend’s party every year for three years wearing your regular clothes and insisting you dressed up as ‘yourself.’ Which is why I’m changing that this year by making you a costume!”
And what are you going to do to his pouting face? Say no? You say no to a lot of things Hyunjin suggests already, just because he’s so excited that he doesn’t always think about the possible dangers to whatever his idea is (he can’t function without water on his gills for more than a few hours, a fact that he alarmingly forgets all the time). This, by contrast, is relatively foolproof and safe. So you sigh and nod. “Sure, Jinnie.”
He cheers loudly enough that several of the café customers turn and stare.
. . . . .
So here you are, standing in front of the mirror in the outfit Hyunjin designed for you, attempting to pull the pieces of cloth into their proper places.
This costume feels weird. You can’t easily move your legs with the material hugging them close together, and even though you have your wings out (it’s Halloween, okay, people will just think you’re a fairy mermaid, which is cooler than a regular mermaid anyway), their movement still feels a bit constricted with the tight top around your chest.
It’s about as realistic as your fashion major mermaid boyfriend could make, though. The fabric sparkles like his own tail (it’s even the same color – pearly white). Little patches of glitter on your neck mimic the scales that shimmer on Hyunjin’s skin, and light makeup draws your eyes out a bit more.
The amount of effort Hyunjin put into this outfit is clear from the first look. It makes you wonder how much time he put into his – what does a “typical” dark fae look like, anyway?
“Hyunjin?” you call, poking your head out of your room. “Uh, are you ready?”
There’s a crash, a thump, then a muffled, “Give me a minute!” from the bathroom.
You snort, heading out to the living room. You wonder how he finally figured out the wings. Their shimmer is very hard to replicate, as he complained to you multiple times over the past few weeks.
Quick footsteps sound down the hall and then Hyunjin himself appears. “Ta-da!”
Your jaw fucking drops.
In a flowing shirt and black pants, dark makeup obscuring his features into an elusive mask, your boyfriend looks nothing like his usual self. He looks like a dark fae born out of the pits of the earth, wings fluttering behind him dangerously, alluringly, sparkling in the dim hall light.
Oh god, the fucking wings. You don’t know how he did it. They look almost exactly like yours, just a bit plasticky and artificial.
“Do I look good?” Hyunjin finally asks. His eyes, warm and deep, look a bit uncertain at your stunned silence. 
No amount of makeup could make those eyes truly deadly, you think, swallowing. But that’s fine by you. You’d like to keep your cheerful boyfriend the way he is now. You can handle the darkness.
“Yeah,” you finally breathe. “Yeah, you look… beautiful.”
Hyunjin breaks into a grin, a wide grin of pure happiness that brings a smile to your face as well. “So do you,” he says, pulling you up from the couch. His fingers, warm against your skin, send a shiver up your spine. Your own wings flutter happily. “I didn’t know I was this good of a designer, hmm?”
“Hey, stop fishing for compliments.” You laugh anyway, brushing a fallen strand of hair out of his face. “Ready to go?”
“Almost. I have rules for you first.” Hyunjin looks at you sternly. “No tricking people into giving you secrets, names, mother’s names, father’s names, siblings’ names, addresses, phone numbers, or anything that could possibly give you power over them, even if it’s strictly for entertainment purposes.”
You groan theatrically. “I can’t get drunk, Hyunjin, how the hell do you expect me to have any fun otherwise?”
“You can take videos of Eric when he gets wasted,” Hyunjin offers. “Or have a sleep-talking conversation with Felix when he inevitably passes out. I hear that’s very entertaining.” He smirks. “Also, I’m always there for you to have fun with.”
“Well, I suppose that’s true.” You pat his cheek. “But I’m only going to abide by your rules if you promise not to forget the fact that your gills will dry out after three hours, tops, and if I’m not there to dump water on your neck, you better do it yourself.”
“Deal!” Hyunjin sings, linking your elbow with his. “We’re going to be the best-looking couple at the party.”
You laugh, leaning up to peck his lips. “That, we will.”
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ofmagicandwolves · 4 years
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Short messy ficlet that my brain wouldn’t let go of today.
The summer before their second year of college, the pack returns to Beacon Hills. It’s a hot and sticky season, breeding reckless abandon and a feeling of carefreeness that your final youthful summer days should. Lydia offers the use of her family's lake house and no one argues. When Stiles arrives the door is still standing wide open and he can hear laughter coming from inside, It warms him in a way that few things have in recent years. 
Bags and luggage have been left in piles by the door and the only light is coming from down the hall in the kitchen and from the fading sunset shining through large living room windows. Erica tackles Stiles as soon as he steps into the room. And he laughs, the most genuine one that he can get to leave his heavy chest anyway.
“I missed you too, Catwoman.” he mumbles into her mane. 
The pack has been apart for a while so the scent marking happens in earnest. Stiles tries not to flinch away from any of the many groping hands that come his way but he’s not sure he succeeds. He thought it was a good idea, to get away from the chaos that surrounded their teenage years. To go to college, and learn, and experience, and grow. He thought that he would blossom under the freedom that Berkeley granted him but instead he just felt alone. Alone and afraid. He ached for his pack. The nightmares had only gotten worse since he moved into the dorms. Thankfully he had managed to get a single room. He’s not sure how he would have fared with a roommate that he woke multiple times a night with screams of terror. 
Hours later, the pack has piled together on the living room floor. It’s a mess of limbs and bedding and it's so warm that Stiles is struggling to breath a little bit. Maybe it’s not the warmth. Maybe it's the heavy way Scotts arm is pinning him across his chest. Or maybe it's how Issac is gripping his hand so tightly in his sleep that Stiles fingers are getting cold. Before he can work himself into a panic, there are hands grasping his ankles and sliding him out of the pack's grip and across the cool wooden floor. The action is so unexpected and silly that it surprises a laugh out of him as he looks up at his rescuer. Derek's eyes are shiny with his grin and he gently shakes Stiles’ foot where it's still in his hand before dropping it and helping him off the ground. The wolves grumble at being disturbed but rearrange themselves and fall back to sleep quickly.
“Come on.” he smiles, tipping his head towards the door.
And so Stiles goes. He’s never been good at refusing Derek anything, so he doesn't complain when the wolf stops to pick up his duffle bag from the floor on the way out, or when Derek grabs his hand to help him over a log and then doesn't let go. It’s a bittersweet thing, seeing Derek finally being comfortable with casual touch in a way that Stiles no longer can.
Down a short path from the lake house is a smaller cabin and when they step onto the porch, Chris Argent opens the door for them with a smile.
“He couldn’t sleep.” he says, pulling Stiles in for a hug.
“Said, he could feel your unease.”
Chris’ arms are firm around him and Stiles sags a bit into him, nodding against his shoulder. God, the man smelled good. Stiles knows that he should move, that this is probably a really inappropriately long hug, but he’s suddenly so tired and moving sounds like the worst thing in the world.
Chris makes an inquiring sound and then, there is another warm body pressed against his back. Derek's hands sliding down his arms where they wrap around his husband and covering Stiles hands with his own. They hold on to him, but it doesn't feel constrictive in the way he felt before. Now he feels like he's in a cocoon made of strong, protective, capable, warmth and, again unlike earlier that night, Stiles feels he can finally breathe.
Derek and Chris getting together had been a shock to pretty much everyone, but no one could deny how they cared for each other. They had both lost so much, it was good to see them happy. They deserved to finally be happy. Stiles would burn worlds to keep them this happy.
After they lost Allison, Stiles expected Chris to pack up and leave. Beacon Hills had never done anything for him except take and take and take. The same way it had taken everything from Derek. But then, the hunter had shown up at his house and instead of being met with the end of a rifle like he secretly hoped, Chris had held out his hand and asked Stiles if he wanted to train. Being human in the supernatural world was dangerous and as much as he hated that the kids were involved, The man thought it would be stupid not to teach them how to better protect themselves. Scott refused, saying he didn't need the help. The dazed look on his face and the way his eyes were always a little red around the irises now, said differently.
So Chris and Stiles trained alone at first, weeks went by and the others slowly started to join in. The three Hale betas dragged along Jackson, and Jackson brought Lydia, Lydia invited Kira, and Kira somehow roped in the Sheriff and Parish. Since almost everyone was already there, it was just easier to have pack nights after training. Reluctantly, Scott agrees.
When Derek started showing up to their sessions. Stiles was confused at first, Derek Hale willingly spending time with an Argent, odd. Then he noticed how well Derek knew his way around Chris’ space, never fumbling in the wrong cabinet for a glass. How he always handed Chris his plate first during meals. He notices the way the hunter quietly offers the wolf pieces of whatever snack he's having and the way Derek’s ears get pink when he accepts. Stiles has been head over tail for Derek for as long as he can remember but oddly he isn't jealous, he likes seeing Derek smile. Chris makes Derek smile and Stiles likes Chris. Maybe he likes Chris a little more than he should. But either way, he's happy for them. So it doesn’t surprise him, one pack night, when Chris gets up for a drink and presses a quick thoughtless kiss to Derek's lips.
Scott loses his shit. Screaming about how Allison would have been ashamed of her father for being with someone so much younger than him, someone who had murdered people. His eyes burned red as he battered Derek for “Making his way through the entire Argent family.”
“Would you have tried to get Allison next?”
Stiles watched in shock as Scott spat out hateful words, watched as Chris’ face shut down into a carefully composed mask, watched as the betas cowered under his aura. He watched. But then Scott took a step forward.
And Derek flinched.
That was it. Stiles doesn’t remember getting up. He doesn't remember his fist connecting with Scott’s already crooked jaw. He doesn't remember following Scott to the ground or pressing his hands against his long-time friends chest and feeling his magic pull.
He does remember the burning in his eyes as Scott’s Alpha spark snapped into him. He remembers the way Chris’ hands felt like lifelines as they picked him up off the ground. He remembers the way Derek crouched in front of him letting loose a truly terrifying snarl. He remembers the way Scott sighed in relief.
The Alpha spark was tainted. Stiles could feel the way it urged him on, whispered inside his head like the fox had. It was no wonder Scott had gone power crazed.
It had taken the rest of the summer for Scott to stop apologizing to everyone and longer for Stiles to get a handle on being a human Alpha. His spark worked constantly to purge the Alpha Spark of its darkness but it was a slow process. Using so much magic left him drained. With that, and so much of his energy being split between taking care of the pack from afar, his college work, and trying to ignore the whispers in his mind, the nightmares from the nogitsune soon returned with a vengeance.
Which left him where he was now, exhausted and sandwiched between his two favorite people.
“I’m sorry.” Stiles sighs into Chris’s shirt. Derek chest rumbles against him with a quiet growl. The spark shushes him gently and tangles their fingers together.
“Nothing to be sorry for, Alpha.” Chris speaks into his hair. “Let's get you to bed.”
They all three pile into the queen sized bed and wiggle and arrange until everyone is comfortable, like they've done this before. And maybe it should be weird, sharing a bed with a married couple that he’s pretty sure he's in love with, but it isn't. It’s the best night's sleep he’s gotten in over a year. Tucked under Derek's chin, Chris’s hand covering Stiles’ on the wolves chest.
The bed is empty but still warm when he wakes up the next morning. The door is cracked and Stiles has a direct line of sight to the kitchen where a yawning Derek, complete with messy bedhead and bare chest, stands in the early morning light sipping his coffee. Chris walks past in his sleep clothes whispering a quiet good morning and leaving a soft kiss on his shoulder. Derek gives a tiny smile as he repeats the sentiment back to his husband. And Stiles aches. He wants that. He wants morning kisses and packed lunches and board game nights that end in dish duty for a week. And he wants that with them.
The summer is full of pack bonding and junk food. Slowly, Stiles adjusts to being scented near constantly by every member of the pack. His dad even joins in occasionally, laughing as he messes up his son's hair. Stiles feels lighter each day.
Derek and Chris are always around and Stiles spends more nights than not in their bed. Derek makes smiley face pancakes for breakfast and comforts Stiles through his nightmares. Stiles learns that Derek wears glasses when he is reading and absentmindedly plays with Chris’ fingers when he’s watching tv. When he does the same with Stiles the first time, the spark freezes up but doesn't move away. The wolf doesn't even try to hide how pleased he is.
Chris teaches Stiles to fish. The only reason Stiles isn't complaining about how early he makes him get up is because the sun rise is beautiful on the water and he gets to see Chris’ toned forearms in action as he rows them out into the middle of the lake.
“Eww, it's slimy.” Stiles complains and pulls a face at the bait the hunter tries to hand him.
Chris rolls his eyes dramatically “Stiles. I've seen you put your entire hand inside a dead wendigo’s stomach with no hesitation, just to get Allie's favorite knife back. You can bait a hook.”
Stiles stops, then laughs openly, “You're not wrong.” He grins, “Issac calls it my “Pack Mom Override.” Any other time, I’m super squeamish and there would be no way I could stomach something gory or gross but as soon as it affects one of my pups, I'm all in.” Chris sighs dramatically and baits Stiles hook, but he doesn't think that he's mistaking the fond look in the older man's eyes.
The first time Chris kisses Stiles, it’s just as absentmindedly as he had kissed Derek just moments before. They’re finishing dinner, Chris giving his husband a soft peck as he takes his plate before grabbing Stiles empty one as well, The Alpha looks up to tell him that he’ll volunteer to do the dishes when Chris leans down and presses his lips lightly against his. The man is halfway through the kitchen before he realizes what he's done and turns around wide eyed to see Stiles’ shocked and Derek’s grinning faces. Stiles has never seen Christopher look more unsure of himself.
“Do it again.”  Stiles whispers. “If you meant it. Do it again.”
The plates shatter against the tile floors. Chris' hands are warm against his jaw as they cup his face and he kisses him soundly. Stiles can't stop the whine that crawls out of him when he pulls away or the deep moan when Derek’s hand tangles in his hair and his lips replace his husbands.
They’ll eventually clean up the broken glass but for right now, this is all he wants to do. When they pull away, Stiles’ eyes are deep red and he smiles. There are no whispers in his head. The Alpha Spark is mended.
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flightfoot · 4 years
Dragon Falls Ch. 9
Kagami was testing out her gliding ability when it happened.
Gliding didn’t require as much wing movement - and thus not as much aggravation of her injury - as fully flying did, so it was a good way to monitor her recovery. The valley she’d fallen into when she’d first hurt her wing was an ideal testing ground, what with the shortness of its cliffs.
The first time went pretty well, some slight discomfort as she opened and then after landing, folded her wings, but that was it. They held her up well in the air.
She didn’t really NEED to do a second test.
...It’d been a week since she was in the air. She was doing a second test.
Her muscles tensed.
She sprang into the air, unfurled her wings, enjoyed the wind rushing past her wings.
Raid the humans
Startled, she couldn’t keep her wings steady, causing her to roll over and crash.
Luckily she was able to avoid landing on a wing joint and injuring herself further.
But she had greater concerns.
There was no more waiting. No more delay.
Her friends had better be done with their contraption. 
The Queen had spoken, and Kagami’s people had no choice but to obey.
She gauged the position of the sun. 
They still had a couple hours until sundown, when the attack would likely occur.
Since her people’s minds were dulled by the Queen, she had to execute strategy FOR them. Attacking at night was advantageous most of the time, with humans’ pitiful night vision. But the Queen’s call to attack had to take into account travel time, so she often called to attack a few hours before night fell.
Rolling briefly in the dirt to dull her scales (as much as she prided herself on her presentation, camouflage was more important right now. She didn’t need the flash of sunlight on her scales to give her away), she raced off to Berk to warn the others.
Why did there have to be so many humans?!
Steps raced past.
She retreated into the shadow of a nearby house, hiding underneath some sort of wheeled contraption.
At least she was on the smaller end. If she’d been bigger this would have been far more difficult.
Giving the air a few sniffs, she raced off towards a certain house.
An awfully BIG house, as it happened. Bigger than any others she’d seen.
She shook herself, circling the building (well, as best she could without getting caught).
How to get inside? There weren’t any obvious entrances-
A rope hung down to the ground.
And above it-
An opening!
Far off the ground, and it’d be dangerous to try to fly through such a small opening anyway considering her wingspan (though if her wings were at full working capacity she could probably manage it, diving in and folding her wings at the last second).
But right now that wasn’t really an option.
She looked again at the rope.
Then a nearby tree.
Then back to the rope.
Taking the rope in her mouth, she wrapped it around the tree, forcing the end of it back through the loop to create a knot.
Or at least she HOPED it was a knot. Damn humans with their damn hands and their ability to easily manipulate objects.
Holding a breath, she tested the rope.
It bent a little under her weight, but held.
Carefully, using her wings for balance, she walked the tightrope to Adrien’s bedroom window.
Adrien unlocked the door to his home, closing it behind him.
It’d been a loooong day at Dragon Slaying training. He just wanted to lay down and collapse on his be-
What was that?
The rustling, banging noise came again.
Gripping his staff tightly, he inched closer, careful to duck behind cover.
More scrabbling.
More footsteps.
He tensed, rounded the corner-
“Adrien we have to prepare NOW!”
He stumbled backwards into some furniture, knocked over a chair, collapsing in a heap on the ground.
He stared at her, heart hammering. “Ka-kagami?!”
She nodded. “The Queen has called. The raid will start. We must prepare.”
The Queen called…?
He frowned. “Are you okay? If you heard that call, her voice…”
They hadn’t known how effective her control would be at such a distance. Nightmares of Kagami’s pupils shrinking, her speech, her mind being stolen from her once again kept invading his sleep.
She shook her head. “I could feel it, but it had little power. It was just words, little else.”
He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. 
A smirk slowly spread across his face. “Then let’s go free the others.”
“I haven’t gotten a chance to test it yet, though the prototypes worked well-”
Adrien nodded impatiently. “I guess we’ll have to test it now then. What better way than out on the field.”
“There are lots of better ways,” Max told him, adjusting his glasses. “But I see your point. We can’t afford to wait. Have you set up a way to retrieve the dragons?”
“Alix is doing her thing. She’s good at distracting people; hopefully she can redirect the rest of Berk away from what we’re doing. Alya, Kagami, and I will try to retrieve the dragons, keep them sedated until the Queen’s orders wear off.”
A booming craaaack ripped through the air.
Adrien and Max looked at each other, nodded, and wheeled the contraption out.
Fires burned, people yelled - but few right where they were. Alix did her job as a distraction well.
Taking aim, Adrien looked around, following the noises of the dragons.
It being dark out was a hindrance. He couldn’t see the dragons themselves well-
But he could see where they covered the stars. For where he could only see black.
Moving it from side to side, he looked carefully, gauged the trajectory-
And fired.
And a third time, a tell-tale thump-screech ringing out in each instance.
He winced. 
He hated doing this, potentially hurting them, but… well… it was even LESS safe for them to be caught by the other Berkians, or to be around the Queen.
At least, he hoped it was safer here.
For several more tense minutes, he and Max looked around, trying to spot more dragons.
But no more appeared. They were either out of range or already on the ground.
Gradually the noise started dying down. The raid was ending.
He just hoped the others had done their parts.
Slinking around the edges of the battles, Alya and Kagami tried to stay hidden.
Alix had been doing her best to keep the other Berkians attention away from the dragons falling from the sky, and for anyone else Kagami would assume that would be near impossible but… 
If anyone had told Alix that, she was pretty sure the girl would have flipped them off and then added in about three stunts along the way just to say ‘screw you’ to so-called “common sense” and “sanity”. 
Now she kinda wanted to tell her that just to see what absurdly impressive feats Alix could pull off…
She shook herself. No. Bad Kagami. She could egg Alix on later, when her people’s lives weren’t in jeopardy.
AFTER her people shook off their mind control, THEN they could try and see what kind of awesomeness they could pull off together. Especially with how her wings were healing. 
Once she could fly? All bets were off.
Though Alix wasn’t the one she most wanted to show the beauty of the skies…
A screech ripped through the air.
Kagami winced. She knew this wasn’t going to be pleasant, but it still clawed at her to hear one of her people in pain.
She’d heard it too many times over the years.
Alya looked at Kagami and nodded. Together they raced over to the first dragon.
Kagami stared at the downed dragon.
He was a little bigger than her, being closer to four and a half feet long at the torso, though with a shorter tail, only maybe two feet long. The shell-like, domed structure of his back made him look bigger than he was.
People, humans or dragons, usually knew better than to try and attack a dragon of his type from above. The modified scales may have been less flexible than regular ones, but they were a hell of a lot tougher, and it wasn’t exactly like dragon scales were easy to break through even under normal conditions.
Not that many people would want to attack Nino. Between his easy-going, but determined demeanour, how hard he worked to reach out to others, to help them, he’d befriended most dragons he’d had the opportunity to talk with.
But now?
Now Nino snarled, pupils constricted, showing no emotions more complex than anger and fear.
That part of him, of his self, had been stolen from him.
She bit back a growl. It wouldn’t do any good. The one she felt like attacking wasn’t here.
“Do you have it?” She asked Alya.
“I’ve got it right here,” she moved to pull it out of her bag.
Kagami rapidly backed up.
But it smelled so good, so nice…
Alya slowly approached Nino.
He snapped his teeth, hissing. 
But as she got closer and closer, the dragon nip held out in front of her like a talisman, his anger, his fear, his tension started dissipating.
His pupils widened slightly.
He leaned forward for a good sniff-
And gave a happy purring chirp before collapsing on the ground.
Kagami let out a sigh of relief, hearing Alya do the same.
Then looked at the situation and groaned.
“I’d really hoped we’d have to move a smaller dragon.”
Dragging Nino took some work, but at last they got him into the woods. They’d need to carry him further in of course, but that could wait until they had more time. Right now they were on a clock.
Kagami fidgeted. It’d been several minutes since the last dragon was shot down. They shouldn’t be able to move much, but if a Berkian stumbled across them…
She shook her head. ‘What ifs’ wouldn’t help. Best to just work as fast as possible.
“You remember where the other dragons fell?” Alya panted, looking like she’d rather lay down and nap for an hour than drag a dragon around.
“Assuming they haven’t moved, yes.” Yet another way in which excellent hearing was an advantage; she could easily pinpoint where even a distant sound came from.
Now if only that hearing acuity wasn’t being commandeered for mind control…
She turned around, leading the way to the nearer dragon-
And froze.
She could smell dragon - admittedly, that also helped with locating - but that wasn’t all.
Her eyes narrowed. “We have company. Human company.”
Alya shot up. “Where?!”
Kagami didn’t answer, electing to race off towards the dragon - and the humans - instead.
There wasn’t a moment to waste.
Four kids surrounded the dragon, holding their weapons uncertainly. 
A bit of tension left Kagami’s shoulders. The adults would probably have attacked already, but the kids? None of the people in Adrien’s class had ever killed, or even seriously injured a dragon before. And considering her experience with Adrien’s classmates so far…
“Back away from Juleka,” Kagami called out.
The four of them whipped around.
Their eyes widened.
“ALYA! LOOK OUT!” the short blond girl yelled.
Alya put up her hands. “Don’t worry, she isn’t a threat,” she told them. “And under normal circumstances, that dragon over there,” she pointed at Juleka, “wouldn’t be either.”
The four kids looked puzzled at that.
“She’s under mind control,” Kagami explained, “All the dragons who attacked Berk are. We’re working to incapacitate them long enough for the mind control to wear off, for my people to return to their senses.”
The kids stared.
Looked at Alya.
Then at Kagami.
And finally to Juleka, lying still, growling slightly.
The red-headed boy shrugged. “Okay.”
Kagami blinked. “Okay?” 
Admittedly it hadn’t been difficult to persuade any of the people she’d run into about the plight of her people, but that was still awfully quick.
“This dragon fell out of nowhere, the adults are nowhere to be seen, and now you, a talking dragon, are right here in front of us,” he explained. “At this point I’m ready to just go with it. I’ve been around Kim and Alix my whole life. This isn’t the strangest thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Kagami opened her mouth… then promptly shut it. Now was not the time.
“We need to get this Dragon nip close enough to Juleka for her to sniff. It’ll knock her out,” Alya told the blond girl.
The girl looked at Alya. Her lips thinned, pressing together into a straight line. “Not you.”
Alya blinked. “Excuse me?”
“You look exhausted. Let me do this.” Her tone brooked no argument.
Alya handed the Dragon nip over to the small girl. “Just… be careful Rose.”
Marching forward, Rose held the Dragon nip out in front of her, much like Alya had with Nino. Juleka growled, attempting to back up, seeming almost scared.
Rose’s expression softened. “It’s ok,” she murmured, “this’ll make you feel better. You don’t have to be scared or angry anymore.”
Kagami blinked. Was it her imagination, or did Juleka’s pupils actually widen slightly at that? And was she actually relaxing?
Juleka leaned forwards, her long neck straining to reach Rose. She sniffed delicately at the plant, relaxed completely- and passed out.
Rose stroked her head. Juleka purred in her sleep.
Kagami tore herself away from the (extremely adorable) sight. “Rose? We have to move her now.”
Ten minutes later, they’d hauled Juleka over to Nino. Unfortunately Juleka was even bigger than Nino, and a lot longer. Everyone (except herself of course) was sweating and panting by the time they were done.
“Are *gasp* all *wheeze* dragons that heavy?!” Nathaniel (she’d gotten to know all the kids names during the struggle to move Juleka) asked incredulously.
“No,” Kagami told him. “Some are much bigger.”
He groaned.
Kim grinned. Unlike Rose, Nathaniel, or Mylene, he didn’t even look winded. “I hope the next dragon’s larger,” he said excitedly. “Alix and I have a bet on who can move the heaviest thing we can find the furthest.”
Nathaniel shot Kim a dismayed look. “You can’t even move Juleka by yourself, how do you expect to move a bigger dragon without help?!”
“Well I’ll have exercised more and become stronger by then!” 
Nathaniel just shook his head.
A crashing sound interrupted their conversation.
Kagami sniffed, then tensed.
The sound came from the same direction as the last dragon.
She took off, the humans hurrying in her wake.
Great. Just GREAT.
It HAD to be Ivan.
Don’t get her wrong, Ivan was normally fine. Not the best at words, but a nice enough guy. He reminded her of herself sometimes; he struggled in social situations like she sometimes did.
Unfortunately, he was big.
Like REALLY big.
Juleka had been pretty long, with her measuring eight feet from nose to tail tip.
Ivan was ten feet long.
And unlike Juleka, most of that was torso.
“You HAD to wish for a bigger dragon!” Nathaniel groaned.
Kagami grimaced. They’d struggled enough transporting Nino and Juleka. Lugging Ivan over to the two of them in a timely fashion just wasn’t going to happen.
Ivan turned around.
The bolas they’d used with the other dragons had worked ok. But it was geared towards dragons more Kagami’s size, not Ivan’s.
Which meant that while it had been able to knock Ivan from the air, the rope hadn’t been able to wrap around him and constrict his movements to the extent that it had with the other two.
Which meant a pissed off very large dragon was lumbering around.
“Stay back!” Kagami hissed.
Unfortunately, Ivan heard her.
His eyes narrowed.
“Alya,” Kagami told her, keeping her tone as steady and neutral as possible, “Give me the Dragon Nip.”
Alya blanched. “But you know what it does to you!”
Kagami let out a breath. “I’m the only one who can take his attacks, and he’s less likely to attack me in the first place.”
Ivan stalked towards her.
“There’s no time!” she snapped.
Alya held the Dragon Nip out to her.
She took it in her mouth.
She felt like giggling. What’d she been worried about again?
Oh look at all her new friends gathered around here! Were they up to playing a game?
A large movement caught her attention. Ivan ran at her.
Oh how fun! A game of chase! She’d heard about this kind of thing, but had never gotten to play for herself. 
But where was the finish line.
A flash ran through her brain of Nino and Juleka sleeping in a heap nearby.
Ah yes! That’d be perfect!
She bounced off, Ivan hot in pursuit.
He couldn’t catch her of course, while he was big, he wasn’t particularly fast or agile - unlike her.
She actually had to stop a few times, wagging her tail, for Ivan to catch up before bouncing off again.
A few minutes later they reached the dragon pile.
“I win!” she mumbled as best she could without letting go of the plant in her mouth.
Why DID she have a plant in her mouth.
She was supposed to do something here, wasn’t she? 
Oh yeah, she needed to give him the plant! It was a nice consolation prize for losing the race.
Ivan ran over to her.
He must want to receive his prize!
She threw it into his mouth.
He swallowed it, stopping dead in his tracks.
Then keeled over, snoring.
Looking at the sleeping dragons, Kagami felt her own eyes drooping.
Climbing into the dragon pile, she curled up and let herself drift away.
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writing-the-end · 4 years
Exodus- Part 1
An Edolas Hermit AU story. 
Impulse has become public enemy no. 1 in Hermitland. Making the impossible escape from General Xisuma and his cohorts Doc and Cub, Impulse and his friends need to do the impossible- escape Hermitland, beyond the walled city. Where will they end up? Who will make it? 
How does Impulse become Edolas Impulse? 
I didn’t intend to make an 8 part story of how Impulse found his way to Edolas, how he came to become a part of the guild, but Red’s story is just too good to not tell it all! I’m very proud of this story, I hope you guys love it as well. 
Warning: This story includes general dark elements and language
“It’s only a matter of time before they find you, Impulse.” Tango whispers, watching as Zed presses the last of their medical cream against Impulse’s bruised neck. Impulse flinches at each touch, even though he knows he has no reason to. 
Impulse knows these are his friends. They saved his life, cut him free and fled through the underground tunnels together. But it hurts either way, and any sort of pressure around his neck makes his throat close up all over again, and the tears well at the corners of his eyes. A whisper in the back of his mind says this isn’t real, that he isn’t really alive. He’s still on the noose, and his mind is playing tricks with what he sees, the time he feels passing. Or that he's still in the rehab center, hallucinating it all after the effects of the shots that are forced into his veins. 
He has to quiet that voice, remind himself that it is real. His friends really did save him from the gallows. It’s been a week since they made their great escape, into the long forgotten tunnels of Hermitland. Tango and Zed only took short trips to the city above, just to get food from safehouses littered across the place. Impulse was public enemy number one, he wouldn’t be able to show his face above ground. Not unless he wanted to get captured again. 
In the week that he’s been hiding below ground, the red marks around his neck have turned into horrible black bruises. In a fractured mirror salvaged from an abandoned house, he can see where the noose constricted against his throat. It aches at all hours of the day, and in any reflection, he has to pause to look at the mottled skin. When he gulps, or eats, it stings like someone just struck him in his trachea. He struggles to sleep at night, both from the pain in his neck as well as the nightmares that haunt his dreams. 
“We need to leave.” Impulse breathes out, once Zed’s fingers are away from his neck. “We need to get out of Hermitland.” 
“Where will we go?” Zed questions, bouncing in his shoes at the thought of leaving. Excitement glitters in his eyes, the closest thing to sunshine Impulse has seen all week. 
“Anywhere we want. We’ll be free, we don’t have to listen to anyone. We can go anywhere, do anything.” Impulse sees Tango sit up, determination and hope filling tired eyes. 
“Do you really think we’ll be able to make it out there? How do we know what’s on the other side of the wall?” Tango wrings his hands, unable to not be skeptical about such idealistic beliefs.
“We’ve made it here for this long. Survived all the city had to throw at us, survived living off the grid down here. We’re three smart dudes, we’ll figure it out.” Impulse runs a hand through his hair. They have different skills, different pasts. Impulse knows how to make things last, when he doesn’t know what the future will hold. Zed sees uses for things no one else would think to make use of. And Tango has years and years of private schooling and work in the underground to understand what they’re dealing with. 
“We should leave sooner rather than later.” Tango concedes, a wispy smile starting to appear on his face. They’re really going to escape. “It’s only a matter of time before they find us.” 
“Let’s leave now!” Zed tosses the empty medicine tin over his shoulder, scrambling to his feet. 
Tango grabs Zed by the tail of the white button up shirt they all wear. “We need supplies if we’re going to leave. Food, water, tools.”
“I know that my family has some stone tools at our house.” Zed offers. “And we can get food as well. Pack up what we want to take with us.” 
“Can I come up with you guys?” Impulse wants to go to his apartment. Get his own things, his own clothes. Maybe even say goodbye to his family. He hasn’t been home in so long, not since he was captured by the guards. That was...well, he doesn’t know how long ago it was. He can’t remember how long he was in the rehab facility. 
Even Zed’s face loses the joy, both frowning at him. “It’s too dangerous, mate. They know what you look like. Everyone knows what you look like after the…” 
Zed doesn’t need to say it. Mentioning the public execution by name wasn’t necessary, they all knew what Zed was saying. Tango stands, brushing his black pants clean of the dust and dirt the underground carries. “Besides, the bruises would be a dead giveaway as well. You stay down here, we’ll be back soon enough.” 
Impulse watches Zedaph and Tango disappear down the dimly lit tunnels, wandering down the subway that was half built then forgotten. Leaving Impulse to his own devices, pacing nervously around the small cave they’ve claimed as theirs. His worries of them getting caught start morphing as time goes on. What if they’re wrong, and Cub does know who Zed and Tango are? What if they’re waiting to catch them when they can’t escape? What if they're walking right into a trap, and he can’t do anything from down here? What if Cub has been watching them all this time, and there’s cameras even in the underground? Impulse looks around, trying to find any sort of telltale hint of their little hideout being bugged. 
He peels back maps, careful not to smudge his sloppy handwriting. Handwriting from when they were looking for a break in the wall. He presses the corners of the map back up, noting the empty area surrounding Hermitland. Whoever made this map didn’t even bother to fill in what’s beyond the wall- it might as well be the void, or not exist at all. Hermitland is the entire universe, the entire life of everyone left in this world. 
He digs through chests, shaking bottles of redstone and flicking comparators. Nostalgia whispers across Impulse’s mind, remembering when he first met Zed and Tango. They were all first years in engineering school, having just passed their placement exams. Tango came from a well off family that had adopted him, Zed was a genius that won a competition, but Impulse just got lucky. Lucky to get a scholarship to become a redstone engineer. To help the people and the city. Back then, his idea of helping was developing better redstone lines, fixing old tech. Now, helping the city was freeing it from the corrupt hands that toy with them. Three friends, enjoying school and hassling over tests, turned into three rebels just trying to find their freedom. 
Impulse goes through everything, even their beds, leaving the room a torn up disaster in his wake. He doesn’t find anything, but that doesn’t stop him from feeling like he’s being watched. Cub knows everything. He knew things about Impulse that even Tango and Zed didn’t know. But there’s nothing Impulse can do- just sit, waiting and twiddling his thumbs. Hoping for his friends to return. 
“Do you think that’s enough food?” Tango whispers, looking at the bag full of apples, baked potatoes, and even some bundles of golden carrots. 
“Once we’re out of the city, we’ll be able to find food no problem.” Zed laughs, putting the stone axe into the bottom of his bag. Hidden in case curfew officers ask what they have. 
“How are you so sure it’s going to be lush and green beyond the wall? How do we know everything still isn’t fucked by the war?” Tango knows that Zed is a glass-half-full kind of guy, but even this surely must give him some pause. No one knows what’s beyond the wall. Not even the most knowledgeable rebels have ever even attempted to leave the city. That fear, that unknowing of what lies beyond. It could be nothing, it could be everything. 
And that’s all they needed, all Impulse and Zed had been banking on. That everything is just beyond the wall. Tango was less sure, but the more that the others would chatter and dream, they would spark hope in him as well. That there was something beyond the wall. His friends gave him the hope that no other member of the underground ever gave Tango. It will be better beyond the wall- it has to be. 
“All those years, and nothing grew back?” Zed giggles. “I know you’re from the inner city, Tango, but I worked in the farming industry. Plants are tricky little buggers. You can’t get them to stop growing when they really wanna. I’m sure there’s stuff out there.”
Tango shrugs the pack onto his shoulder, nodding towards the door. Towards the dark streets, distant figures scurrying towards home before getting in trouble with curfew officers. “Let’s get back. I want to be out of here before sunrise.” 
The pair walk onto the streets, blending in with the other citizens. It’s easier for Zed, he doesn’t look so different as Tango. Tango always gets stopped by officers, questioned as to why he’s out. Lucky for the both of them, their jobs as redstone engineers grants them a certain amount of wiggle room. They can just claim they’re going to a build site that needs emergency maintenance. They slip through the night, unnoticed among the other people on the streets. Exact same clothing, exact same demeanor. They shouldn’t be out past curfew. Zed stops in the middle of the street, scrabbling his fingers against Tango’s arm. “We need to go to Impulse’s house.” 
“What? Why?” That’s a stupid idea. If there’s anywhere they’ll most likely be seen, mostly likely get investigated, it’s Impulse’s apartment. It’s probably bugged to hell and back. Where they first thought to search for Impulse after his escape. 
“We both grabbed things from our homes...it’s only fair he has one thing from his childhood. I know exactly what to get too. Please, Tango. It’ll be quick. No one will notice. You can use that jammer of yours to keep Cub and his drones from seeing.” The two look up into the sky, beyond the dim street lights to see if any of the surveillance drones are listening in. 
Tango sighs. “It’s only a few blocks. Let’s go. But we need to be quick.” 
They take off down the street, creeping down alleys to avoid busy intersections or patrolling drones. Out of the luxurious upper class sector, into the blue-collar apartments and homes. Smaller, looming over one another. Some houses are in disrepair, but still housing families of people. 
And there’s Impulse’s apartment. One of many doors to a long line of apartments, but his is the only one with the door wide open. The hinges nearly off their bolts, thin wood slowly creaking in the wind. Zed pauses at the doorway, looking just to his left. Into the brush and bushes that surround the steps up to Impulse’s apartment.
“Zed?” Tango waves his hand across his friend’s blank stare. They shouldn’t be seen here. 
“I saw it happen, you know. I was here when they took him. Right there.” Zed points out where he hid in the foliage. “Impulse saw them coming, and shoved me out the window. Told me not to move no matter what. They tore the door open, and dragged him out by his hair. Kicking and Screaming, no sense of humanity towards him. I should’ve done something to stop them, but Impulse told me not to move. They disappeared into an unmarked vehicle, off towards Bastion Towers.” 
He takes shaking steps up to the door, each rise up the stairs weakening his knees. All the optimism in Zed is gone, shadowed by memories so much worse than dreams. He should have done something, anything, to stop them. To help his friend.
Inside Impulse’s apartment was a disaster. Drawers flung open and contents spilled out. The sparse furniture broken and scattered. It looks like a horde of monsters came through here. The truth isn’t that far off. It’s a small apartment, really just a living area and a branched off bedroom. For this part of the city, having it’s own bathroom is fancy. Impulse was proud of the hard work he did to get this place. And now it’s all destroyed. 
Zedaph knows exactly where it is. What he knows will be the one thing Impulse would take with him. And lucky for them, it wasn’t harmed. The clock had been knocked off the shelf it sat on, but the arms still clicked along at their steady, equal pace. The brass frame was dented, but it didn’t stop the intricate clockwork from continuing to run. Zed crouches down, picking up the redstone infused clock. 
“His first redstone project. That’s a brilliant idea, Zed.” Tango whispers, looking at the moon continue to rise against the black night sky. Impulse even painted stars onto it. “I remember when he showed us this. Our first time going out to lunch together, all three of us.” 
“Let’s get back to him. I’m sure he’s on the verge of a breakdown.” Zed carefully stows the precious, cobbled together clock into the pocket of his slacks. Just as they slipped out of the underground, they returned. 
None the wiser that they’ve been watched. 
Always watched.
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bangtan-gal · 5 years
Nightmares (m)
Seo Changbin x Fem!Reader
gang!au powers!au post-apocalypse!au  A/N: to those of you who read Minho’s story, I hint at what happened at the end here. To those of you who haven’t: you don’t have to read Minho’s story, but you are welcome to here! Warnings: swearing, angst, smut, fluff,  human sex trafficking mentioned, blood, suicidal thoughts, and actions, openly expressed depression, slightly toxic relationship Word Count: 12.2k
none of these express my views on Stray Kids. The characters created are simply for the plotline
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“Come on, go go go!” You shouted, no longer caring about staying quiet and sneaking out. You had lost the chance of going unnoticed long ago. The girls hurried past you, ragged clothes clinging to their bodies. Fear was pounding loudly in your ears, but the only thing that stopped you from showing it was the hope on all of their faces. You could practically hear the silent chant that filled the air, freedom. 
They were hot on your tail—the guards, the men, those monsters that thought that they could use other people as tools for money. There was no way you could save all of them.  For every ten that stepped out into the open air and raced into the night air, more relief would wash through you. You’d accepted it early on: you could only save so many and you wouldn’t take a single saved person for granted. 
It only took one brave step for others to join in on a cause.
“You can do it!” You brightly encouraged a girl as she collapsed beside you. “You’re so close.”
She stared up at you with dull eyes, but either way, she forced herself to her feet.  There was a helplessness in her face, but you could also see the fire that begged her to go on. She murmured a thank you before hurrying past. Your heart constricted.
The first gunshot was more terrifying than you’d expected it to be. The crowd was too thick for you to see who had taken the bullet if anyone had. But you didn’t have time to worry as the gunshots peppered the air one after another. You hated it, but you couldn’t help but scream along with them at every single shot. You forced your head to stay clear and calm down.
“Go! Let’s go!” You exclaimed. The girls were shocked out of their panic and the movement started again, but faster this time. They raced past you, grabbed each other’s hands and pulling them along. 
“You have to come to!” 
A young girl grabbed your hand and started dragging you along with her.
“Wa—but I can’t!” You argued, trying to pull against her. You had to make sure you got as many people out as possible. The girl was stronger than she looked, easily pulling you along with her. 
“Yes, you can!” She retorted.
You glanced over your shoulder, wondering if it was selfish of you to ditch your own rescue mission. Then you let out a soft exhale and ran along with the girl. The night air was warm, but the streets were completely empty. The girls disappeared quickly, ducking into alleyways, sprinting down streets, and stepping into little shops. The girl raced down the main road and you had no choice but to follow. 
“Where are you going?” You asked. She looked over at you, pausing mid-run. 
“I have a family,” she murmured. You nodded, pulling out of her hold. 
“So do I.”
She stared at you for a long time and then slowly, the confusion dissipated. She ducked her head, muttering an apology. 
“Sorry, you… I thought you were someone else,” she whispered. You watched her leave and then started to look around, making sure no one was watching. You sprinted down the road, hurrying back to your home. 
You’d have to wait for the results. 
On most mornings, you were woken up by your alarm screaming bloody murder at you. This morning, however, was different. You were woken up by someone shaking you and whisper shouting your name. Your eyes cracked open and you groaned when you saw Abi perched beside your bed. 
“What?” You groaned. 
“You have to come downstairs.”
She offered no explanation as to why before forcing you out of bed and dragging you down the stairs. It was early—early enough for the sun to still be rising. Everyone was gathered in the living room, nervously shifting as Noah angrily paced. You suddenly felt like you were being led to the slaughter. Something wasn’t right. 
“Y/N,” Noah hummed, eyes fixated on you. 
You stiffened. 
“You can’t stay here anymore,” he stared, arms crossing. You paled.
“What do you mean I can’t stay here anymore?” You asked, your voice becoming quieter. Noah’s eyes burned into you. Your throat was starting to close up. He grabbed his phone, tapping something onto it before turning it around to show to you. It was a picture of you—blurry, not perfect—but it was definitely you. You stepped closer, reading over it. It was a site that your team had used for years to look out for criminals and keep track of what the CEOs were doing. It was a website where the rich and powerful put pictures and rewards of people they wanted dead.
And you were currently the highest price.
“I let you do your little self-gratifying mission last night, assuming you’d be smart enough to not get caught. Yet what happened was even worse! Do you know just how screwed we are if they discover you live here?” He snapped. Your teeth worked angrily on your bottom lip. After all these years, they were just gonna throw you out. 
“I’m one of you,” you whispered. 
“And you’re putting us in danger.”
You glanced around, hoping that maybe someone else would come to your defense. None of them did. All of there eyes gravitated to the dirty carpet at your feet. Tears started to prick at the corners of your eyes, you knew you were as good as dead if you were alone. At least here you had some protection.
You didn’t argue anymore as you packed up your things and said a brief goodbye to everyone. Your heart was pounding angrily in your chest. Staring at the outside world felt different because suddenly you realized that it was going to be your home. 
You lasted a week without even being found. You had grown up in a life of crime, so you knew how to avoid those kinds of things. The only problem was that you weren’t sleeping properly and not eating enough food, you were bound to fall off your game someday. That day came quicker than you had hoped. 
For the past week, you had imagined what it would be like when they found you. It was ten times more terrifying than you thought. You were racing along the border of the Code District and District 9. Blood was dripping down your arm from the bullet that had grazed you and there was blood coming from your ear when he had smashed your head into the wall. A scream ripped from you as another gunshot tore through the air. 
You tripped, falling to your knees. You struggled to your feet, shooting a glance over your shoulder. He was right behind you—you didn’t have a chance. White flashed through your vision as he grabbed you and the two of you tumbled to the ground. You kicked and scratched at him, screaming the whole time. 
“You’ve been a really annoying one,” he growled, arms wrapping around your throat. You clawed at his hands, trying not to cry. You were losing strength as you started to unconsciously accept that this was the end. There was no escaping this. 
The wind picked up around you and you wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t for the way it started to howl in your ears. Your attacker noticed too, his grip loosening on you as he looked around in confusion. You took the chance, slamming your elbow as hard as you could into his ribs. He grunted and you slid from his grasp, rolling to your feet and racing away. It felt like the wind was propelling you forward. 
A strange feeling was pulsing through your gut and you quickly stopped running, looking around. You glanced back the way you came and watched as a young boy stepped up in front of the hitman. In any other situation, you would’ve hurried away, not caring about how it went down and only caring about your safety, but this time, something was different. The wind was still moving quickly, but it had changed directions. A blue flash of lightning lit up the whole sky. 
The boy who had saved you raised his arm and it felt like everything happened in slow motion. Another arc of light raced across the sky, heading towards him. Then you blinked and it was over just as fast as it started. Your attacker lay in a smoking heap at his feet and the boy was cursing. He fished something out of his pocket and you could only watch as he dialed a number.
“No… I-er I didn’t get any information,” he huffed, his voice echoing down the street. “He was after a victim and I completely forgot my mission.”
He paused, biting his lip.
“Yeah, I know. I understand, Chan.”
His gaze moved around and then he froze when it landed on you. He muttered something into the phone and then hung up, moving towards you. Alarms started to go off in your head. You raised your hands, mouth opening and closing desperately.
“I can make a deal with you!” You shouted, hands still raised in a terrible attempt to protect yourself. He stopped, merely feet away now, head tilting. “Y-you want information on the hitmen here? I-”
“I’m looking into the sex trafficking problem here, not that,” he interrupted you. 
You blinked. You had even more information on that.
“Wait—I know all about that—the inside information, the companies that run it, the people that work for them! Please, just listen to me. I’ll tell you everything if you can get me protection,” you cried, still taking steps away. He continued to stare at you.
“Who says I could offer you protection?” He queried. 
You swallowed loudly. 
“If you can do something like that, I would hope you could protect someone like me,” you said. He raised an eyebrow, contemplation flickering through his eyes.  Relief swept through you because even him just contemplating it was a small step towards survival.
“How do I know you actually have the information I need?” 
Your lips quirked. 
“You’ll just have to trust me.” He stepped towards you, holding out a hand. You hesitated for a small second before you took his hand. You were zapped the second you touched him. A grin pulled at his lips as he started to march away, dragging you along behind him. You followed behind willingly until you came to a car. Your eyes glanced over the city around you before you slid into the car. 
“I don’t like the odds, but I suppose a little trust won’t hurt,” he muttered.]
The drive was quiet and awkward. He barely spoke, his eyes focused solely on the road. He looked tense—you couldn’t blame him. If he worked under someone, he was placing all his chances on a complete stranger. Thankfully, you had your journal with you and in that journal was months worth of notes that you’d taken before your rescue mission. Along with that, you had plenty more stashed in your mind and access to the websites. You weren’t going to let him down.
You drove deeper into District 9. The district was a lot like yours—there was more country than city. Fewer people wandered around the streets, even though the streets were lit brightly. 
“What’s your name?” You asked softly, unable to handle the silence any longer.
“Seungmin,” he replied, not even glancing over at you.
“I’m Y/N,” you introduced yourself, ignoring his lack of interest. “I used to be apart of this… rebel group, I suppose you could call it. We did our best to make life fair for everyone and tried to topple the companies that tormented the less fortunate folk. I actually managed to get a few hundred girls out of captivity last week. If anything, you’re lucky you ran into me. I am probably the only outsider that knows this much about the whole situation.”
Seungmin’s eyebrows raised as you continued to talk. His lips started to quirk into a slightly amused, slightly annoyed smile. Then he looked over at you, eyes running over your face. 
“If you come from a rebel group, why weren’t they there to help you?” He asked. 
You frowned, glancing down at your fingers.
“I-I got caught last week and was put on a hitman list. They didn’t want me to put them in danger, so I had to go on my own,” you explained. “It was a smart move of course. They found me so fast… who knows what would have happened if they found me with them.”
He shook his head.
“No one should ever get left behind, no matter how big the problem.”
You shrugged, still staring at your hands that rested in your lap.
“What about you? What’s ‘your story?’” You queried, rolling your eyes at the last part. He shrugged.
“I’m part of a gang—I’m one of the youngest and this was my first solo mission. I’ve slightly messed up, but if you aren’t lying, then I may have scored major time.”
Only a bit of pressure in that statement. 
The rest of the drive continued in silence. Your eyes widened as you started to drive down a busy street that was lit up by a million different colored lights. People crowded the sidewalk and streets, all chatting animatedly and smiling. Cherry blossom trees hung over streets, the occasional pink petals falling to the ground. It was gorgeous. Seungmin turned onto a side street and then parked the car beside a huge glass building.
“You live here?” You asked, awe coursing through you at the beauty of the city.
“It’s nothing too special,” he said softly.
You were in such wonder at the marvel around you that you didn’t even mind the hundreds of stairs you had to climb to get to the living quarters. Seungmin was quiet the whole time, offering no explanation of this place. When you stepped into the entrance hall of the house, you were surprised. It was modern and sleek. The colors were mostly gray and white, with perfect little touches of color and decoration here and there. It screamed male—but in a classy way. 
“Wow,” you breathed as you walked past a light-up glass wall. 
“I thought you lived in a city,” he commented.
You snorted. “You clearly didn’t do your research on the Code District. Even though we have some of the biggest companies, we’re still poor. Believe me, not even CEOs have this nice of a getup.”
You jumped, stepping on Seungmin’s foot. A young man popped out from around a corner. He didn’t look too impressed to see the two of you standing there. When his stare landed on you, you suddenly felt unwelcome and no longer cared about just how nice the home was. His hair was blonde and curly, a contrast to the all black clothing he wore.
“You brought somebody back with you?” The man asked.
Seungmin nervously cleared his throat.
“She has information on the trafficking in the Code,” he replied stiffly. You watched the exchange cautiously, remembering Seungmin’s brief mention of being apart of a gang. And if what the boy was able to do didn’t give enough warning, the overwhelming feeling of power that was filling the room was definitely enough. These people were dangerous. They aren’t people you make sloppy deals with.
“Is that so?” He turned to you. “How much information?”
You found yourself momentarily speechless. Thankfully, Seungmin came to your rescue.
“Chan—she’s probably exhausted. She’s been running from hitmen for a week and just nearly died. It’s late too. Why don’t we let her sleep and then talk in the morning?” 
You watched the man carefully and your body relaxed when you saw the agreement flash through his dark eyes. Then he glanced over his shoulder, an uncertain frown covering his face. 
“We’re a full house right now, we don’t exactly have extra room right now,” he muttered. Seungmin shifted and started to play with the ends of his sleeves. You watched as the pair had a silent exchange and worry started to worm through your stomach. Something was going on here and it wasn’t good. Chan turned to you and tilted his head. “Put her in Changbin’s room.”
There was a brief pause.
“Wait, but isn’t Changbin here?” “Yes, but he’s also the only one who will be able to watch her for the next couple of days. Plus, he has the pull-out.”
Seungmin muttered a ‘yes sir’ and then motioned for you to follow him. You sent one more nervous glance Chan’s way and then hurried after the younger boy. Your eyes wandered along the walls as he lead you through the living room and down a hallway. There were pictures—plenty of them—but none of them seemed to be personal. They were just random paintings that went with the flow of the rest of the house. Suddenly, the place didn’t feel like a home, it just felt like some military barracks and the boys here were soldiers against their will. 
Seungmin paused in front of a frosted glass door and knocked on it, before slowly opening it. He stepped in and when you followed, you were greeted by an odd sight. Random objects were floating around the room—books, pencils, pictures, clothes. The lamp in the far corner was flickering and the light switch next to the door was moving up and down. The drawers of the nightstand were opening and closing and the curtains by the window were swaying back in forth. A rug on the floor kept rolling up and unrolling and there was a chair scooting across the floor. 
“What the actual fuck.”
You stared at it, barely able to comprehend what you were seeing. Then as you searched the room more, you found a loft bed in the far corner of the room. You could just barely see someone snuggled under the covers, tossing around wildly. Seungmin cursed under his breath and then told you to get back.
“Changbin!” He shouted and then marched across the room. Seungmin crawled up the ladder and then started smacking the person on the bed. It all happened so fast. He was tossed off the ladder and skidded across the floor, landing by the door. The floating books and clothes dropped to the floor, the curtains flopped against the window, the light turned off, the rug ending up being half-unrolled, some of the drawers were left open, and the chair finally sat still. The figure in the bed shot up, panting loudly. 
You awkwardly flicked the light switch up and blinked into the room as the light turned on and stayed on. Seungmin struggled to his feet, groaning. But your focus wasn’t on him, it was on the boy that sat in his bed. Even though there were at least twenty feet between you, you could see just how wide his eyes were. His hair was a mess and his skin was unnaturally pale. 
“Are you okay dude?” You asked.
Changbin stared at you, almost like you were the one who had just magically moved a bunch of things. 
“Who are you?” “Y/N.”
He shook his head, still blinking.
“Changbin, this is Y/N. She’s going to be staying with us for a while and while she’s here, you have to watch her,” Seungmin instructed. The pair of you stared at each other, trying to soak in exactly what was happening. As you continued to stare at Changbin, you started to notice other details. Number one: he was shirtless and was super muscle-y and he was lowkey hot. Number two: he was covered in bandages, scratches, and bruises. Number three: he wasn’t lowkey hot, he was just fucking gorgeous. 
He frowned. “Is this Chan’s way of making sure I stay bedridden?”
Objects started to float in the air again. 
“You need to rest and heal Changbin,” Seungmin argued back, obviously not bothered by the ominously spinning pencils. “You were badly injured.” “I’ve been stuck in this room for weeks, I should be back out there!”
Seungmin huffed, “complain about it to Chan, not me.”
And then he left, leaving you alone with the super handsome, but murderous looking dude. You cleared your throat, nervously side-stepping away from the pencils. Changbin watched your movements carefully for a few seconds, assessing you as he did. He seemed to deem you as not a threat because all the pencils dropped to the floor seconds later. With a loud huff, he laid back down, pulling the blanket over his head.
“The couch pulls out and there are blankets in the basket. Turn off the lights once it’s set up.”
You nodded and as quietly as you could, you walked towards his bed. The couch was underneath the loft bed and you carefully set up your bed and tossed the blankets on it. You turned the lights off and before you crawled into the makeshift bed, you pulled off your dirty shirt and jeans. You laid down, pulling the blanket up to your chin.
“Thanks, by the way,” you murmured into the darkness.
There was no reply, so you figured he was already asleep.
“Yeah… you’re welcome I guess.”
You would’ve slept longer if it hadn’t been for Changbin loudly clambering down the ladder and stomping into the bathroom. You groaned, pulling the blanket over your head in hopes of going to sleep, but the boy was extremely loud. After going to the bathroom, he moved throughout the room, opening drawers and doors and then loudly picking out clothes. You gave up and sat up, frowning at Changbin as he clunked throughout the room.
“Are you always this loud in the morning?” You asked.
He jumped slightly, eyes wide as he glanced over at you. The sunlight poured around him like a halo. As he turned slightly, you noticed that his eyes had a forest green tint to them. The two of you continued to stare at one another in silence. Finally, he cleared his throat.
“Ah… I kind of forgot you were here,” he muttered. His eyes quickly left yours and then his face burned bright red. He cleared his throat again, turning away and swallowing loudly. “D-do you need clothes?” You froze, remembering that you’d slept in just your undergarments. You pulled the blanket up to your chest, your face probably the same color as his. 
“That would be nice,” you stammered. He nodded, still unable to look at you and left the room. You took the time to breathe and try to relax the stutter in your heart. There was some loud talking and it sounded like something was thrown across the room. Footsteps stomped down the hallway and Changbin stormed back into the room, holding a pile of clothes. He dumped them on top of you, grumbling about somebody named Jisung and then disappeared back into the bathroom.
You took the time to quickly get dressed. There was a tall mirror leaning against the wall and when you looked at yourself, you flinched. Did you really look that bad? Dark circles were under your eyes, there was a bruise along your jaw and neck, and your hair was a complete mess. You frowned, running your thumb over the cut on your lip. You looked like a mess—why would they even take you seriously? “You look fine.”
You jumped and whirled around to face Changbin. His eyes momentarily darted past you to the mirror behind you and his eyes darkened when he stared at his own reflection. Then he looked back at you and a careful smile played across his face. 
“Believe me, no one here actually cares about looks,” he hummed, “now it’s time for Chan to explain to me why you’re staying with us.”
You followed him out of the room. It was early morning, the sun just barely peeking over the city. The house was quiet too, the only other person awake was Chan who sat in the kitchen, sipping on a mug. When the two of you entered, he sent a tired stare your way and then sighed. 
“I suppose we better set up a meeting,” he grumbled. 
“Are you sick?” Changbin asked. 
“No, I’m fine.”
Chan sneezed right after that and rubbed his nose.
“Why don’t I just take care of the meeting?” He offered. Chan opened his mouth, obviously about to disagree. Changbin cut in before the blonde could continue. “I’m your deputy Chan. My main job is to take care of things when you’re not around. You’re sick—take a nap and recuperate, let me handle this.”
It felt as if you were intruding on something as the two stared one another down. The feeling that started to vibrate in the air had been a feeling that you’d felt a million times and it never lead to anything good. Your hands started to nervously play with your sleeves, hoping that the two of them would come to an agreement and calm down. You’d seen what Changbin could do with his ability last night, you didn’t want to see what happened when he was actually controlling it. 
Chan agreed, begrudgingly. He made himself another cup of tea and then trudged past you to his room. Changbin relaxed after he left, pinching the bridge of his nose. Then he pressed a button on the wall and a ping started to go off throughout the house. You heard somebody shout from upstairs.
A few minutes later, you sat beside Changbin at a large table. Six other boys lounged in the chairs, all of them with messy hair and looking half asleep.  You sat still, watching them as they conversed quietly amongst themselves. The first thing you noticed was that they all had the same tattoo but in different colors. It looked to be a tiger of some sort. You also noted how they seemed to be much younger than you anticipated. When Seungmin mentioned he was one of the younger members, you expected the older ones to be in their late twenties, maybe even older. You didn’t expect them to be just a bunch of young adults and teenagers.
“Okay, everyone!” Changbin said, standing up. They all went silent immediately. “I’m not sure how much the rest of you know, but we have Y/N here. Apparently, she has information of some sort. So… she’s gonna talk I guess.” For a second in command, his leadership skills seemed to be a little rusty. The rest of them didn’t seem to mind. All of them turned to you and you nearly froze.
“You got this buddy.”
You frowned.
“Um… I’m Y/N. I’m from the Code District; Seungmin saved me last night from a hitman. I heard that he was looking for information on the sex trafficking in my district, so I offered my knowledge. A week ago, I lead a rescue mission to save girls from one of the companies that run it,” you started. You felt your confidence start to grow when you saw their interest grow. “The people I used to live with worked as undercover hitmen. I have access to the websites that CEOs use to contact criminals for help and I know all the companies that deal with gangs and whatnot. There’s a total of eight different trafficking systems in the Code District. 
“The two biggest ones run under Blue House Corporation and the fuel stock company. One thing I’ve noticed about it is that they have no specific ‘type’ of person that they take. If the person is just easy to grab without anyone noticing, they become a victim. From our estimates… there’s over a million women, men, and children in it. Most of the companies try to get a very large group before they start selling them and sending them out. I-that’s about it.”
You didn’t like the lack of response you were given. They all just rocked silently in their chairs, nodding. You fought the urge to continue to talk, knowing that you’d just start ranting. You didn’t know exactly who these people were, but they seemed professional. Now wasn’t the time to be an idiot.
“Seungmin said that you saw his ability and didn’t even react,” one of the boys pointed out. You stared at them, opening your mouth. They all looked extremely confused. Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Y… are you the only ones that you know of?” You asked softly. They all replied in slow nods. “I’ve met plenty of people like you where I come from. I-I don’t know where you people come from or what makes you what you are, but I’ve met at least ten others like you guys.”
They were all shocked into silence.
“There’s no way,” Changbin argued. His gaze was sharp as he stared you down.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, it could just be a district thing or something. I’m not an expert on the subject.”
To say you were surprised would be an understatement. You’d always heard that there were differences between districts, but never really believed it. Yet, even though District 9 and the Code District shared the same border for thousands of miles, these boys thought they were the only ones of their kind. In the Code District, no one would bat an eyelash at them, but maybe here, they were seen as weirdos. Did that mean that the districts like JYP, YG, and SM were actually nice districts with no crime? A flare of hope sparked in your chest. 
“Well,” another boy spoke up, “I guess that concludes that. I’m going back to bed.”
He got up and left and quickly after, most of them followed. Changbin stayed in his seat, still staring at you in complete confusion. Seungmin stayed for a few minutes, murmuring a soft ‘thank you’ to you before he left. You and Changbin sat alone in the room and you were unable to meet his stare. Was it really that shocking? Had they never met anyone else like that?
“How many others have you met?” 
You expected the question.
“Twelve,” you muttered, “although, I didn’t really meet the majority of them. It was more like they passed me on the street or I saw them do something from afar. The only reason I even remotely know of them was because my younger sister had abilities like that.”
Changbin tilted his head.
“Where is she now?” 
“JYP District. When we first came to the districts… life was really hard for us. There was a train going through the Code District once and I fought with all my heart to get her on that train just so she could have a happy life,” you explained. You rested your hand in your cheek, a soft sigh escaping you afterward. You hoped that she was okay. 
“Wait—what do you mean ‘came to the districts?’” He asked. He blinked rapidly, his eyes looking more green with every blink. 
“We lived with a group of people beyond the walls. Got picked up by a group of soldiers and taken to the Code District.”
He went silent. 
You pursed your lips.
“You… didn’t know about that either, did you?”
Changbin shook his head and then dryly laughed.  He ran a hand through his hair and started chewing on his lip. His face slowly relaxed and in his eyes, you could see that he was far away, swimming amongst his own thoughts. You found yourself admiring him. He was truthfully beautiful—the way the light slanted across his face showed the highlights of his face. His eyelashes were dark and framed his oddly colored eyes perfectly. For a guy, he had really full lips and they fit in well with his angular face. You smirked and then looked away. 
“What’s it like?” He queried. “Out there? I’ve always wanted to know.”
You closed your eyes and leaned back, struggling to conjure those memories. You’d been ten when you first came to the districts.
“Compared to the districts, it’s weird. It was tough out there sometimes, I’m not going to lie. The random storms and the lack of livestock were the hardest. But we made it work and honestly, from what I remember, it is better than any other place I’ve ever lived. It’s gorgeous out there—it’s so green. And the sunsets are to die for. There are these flowers that you can’t find anywhere here. I’ve never figured out why they took us from there; it was a perfectly liveable place. Who knows, maybe they want to keep the radioactive lie up,” you huffed. You opened your eyes, staring at the ceiling. 
“You mean… there are no radiation problems?” “No,” you whispered, suddenly starting to tear up, “I remember the day they took us, was the first day that I saw more than two animals in one place. It was a herd of deer… God, they were just beautiful.”
You could only imagine how many animals were out there now. You sat up in your chair and found yourself extremely close to Changbin. During your reminisce, he’d moved much closer to you and now your faces were barely inches away. You blinked, face starting to turn red. His gaze moved from your eyes to your lips and your mouth grew dry as he licked his own lips. It felt like it was all in slow motion as he started to lean closer, eyelashes fluttering across his cheekbones. 
Just as his lips brushed against yours, the door burst open. The two of you jumped apart, your heart racing.  A new boy stood in the doorway, a smirk on his face as he stared at the two of you. He raised an eyebrow at Changbin.
“Sorry, did I interrupt something?” He cooed.
Something like a growl came from Changbin. 
You would never admit it out loud, but it kind of turned you on. 
“Minho, I see you’re back,” Changbin replied coolly, adjusting himself in his chair. Minho tilted his head and then brushed his black hair out of his eyes, silver eyes flashing. 
“What? I’m not allowed to see my family every now and then?” 
You didn’t like the tension that filled the room. 
Changbin sighed, his gaze softening. 
A moment of silence followed.
“How are you?” He asked.
Minho shrugged. “I’m fine. She’s fine: she remembers something new every day.” 
Once again you felt like you were intruding on something that you shouldn’t be. Changbin nodded and Minho shifted stiffly. His eyes momentarily focused on you, curiosity burning in them before he looked back at Changbin.
“Where’s Chan?” “He’s sick in bed. Try not to stress him out too much.”
Minho nodded, sending one more glance your way before he left the room. You glanced over at Changbin, watching as his expression shifted. Then he stood up slowly, tucked his hands in his pockets, and turned to you. 
“Come on, you won’t wanna be here for the fight that’s about to ensue.”
Two days later, you sat with Chan in the living room. You were showing him through the hitmen website, trying to explain as best as you could how it worked. Your picture was no longer at the top, but it was still pretty high up there. You tried not to get your hopes up: you knew you would never truly be safe until your name was off that list. 
“How do you know which company ordered what?” He asked.
“The usernames—all the ones with stars are companies. You would think that they’d want to be inconspicuous, but they’re cases are more likely to be picked up so they started marking themselves. Skydodge is Blue House, honey bear is the rationing company, and the others I’m not too certain about to be entirely honest,” you explained. Chan nodded, scrolling through the website some more. After a few minutes, he cursed, leaning back against the couch.
“I always thought crime was unorganized,” he muttered. You raised an eyebrow at him. 
“From what I’ve picked up, your own gang commits crime, and you’re extremely organized,” you pointed out. He opened his mouth to argue, but you talked over him. “Believe me, if the crime world wasn’t organized, people wouldn’t get away with so much. Even psychopaths know how to cover their own trail.”
Chan frowned but seemed to agree with you nonetheless. He looked back at the website, eyes darkening as he studied it. Then he put the laptop away and stood up. You watched as he started to pace.
“So there are seven companies total that are in on it,” he huffed, “that-that is a lot more than I anticipated.”
“They’re not very fortified,” you stated, “we were able to get onto the site with ease and the break out wasn’t that hard. They don’t have anyone really watching them, they seem to think that they’re untouchable or something. I was able to break in alone.”
Chan nodded and bit his lip. Then he sat back down and looked at you. 
“I need to talk to you about Changbin,” he said. Your back stiffened and your eyes widened. You probably could’ve played stupid or something, but you were sure that Chan noticed how red your face got. Nothing had happened between you two after the almost-kiss, but there had been a lot of tension. It didn’t help that you slept in the same room and sometimes would softly talk to one another when neither of you could sleep. You had never really “fallen” for a boy before and you wouldn’t say you’d fallen for Changbin yet, but you’d also never taken a liking to someone so quickly. There was just something about him that dragged you towards him. 
“Look… I don’t really care all that much about what is going on between you two. I’ve tried to stop relationships from happening before and it only ended up very badly. But, I’m worried. Changbin… is delicate. The others constantly question why I made him my deputy; and truthfully, I do too sometimes,” Chan murmured. He tilted his head at you. “Out of all of us, Changbin’s abilities are the strongest, but the only problem is that he lacks control over them, especially when it comes to emotions. I’m afraid of him hurting you Y/N. But at the end of the day, I can’t tell him no because he won’t listen and I can’t tell you no because you’re not apart of Miroh. I just want you to know that if you go forward with whatever is happening between you two, I want you to be careful.”
You stared at Chan, your heart pulling a little at the truthful sincerity in his eyes. Then you replied confidently and from your answer, people would probably think you’d known Changbin for years instead of just a few days. But you were certain: Changbin wouldn’t hurt you. You had to trust him.
Chan nodded and then left you alone. You refused to let yourself rethink what you just said. The first thing you’d learned with your sister was that you had to trust her. It was harder if you didn’t trust her and the more faith you had in her, the faster she learned. You yawned and decided that you may as well go to sleep instead of worrying yourself over it.  You moved towards your room and stepped in.
 Changbin sat in a chair with Woojin bent over him with a pair of tweezers. He shrieked when Woojin pulled at the stitches in his collarbone. The boy didn’t look impressed, frowning at Changbin as he tried to wiggle away from the tweezers. He muttered a ‘you’re fine’ and then pulled out another. Changbin bit his lip, eye pinching shut. 
You walked over, trying not to laugh as he freaked out with every stitch that was pulled out. Woojin looked up at you and smiled, rolling his eyes at Changbin’s attitude. You grinned back at him and then crouched down beside him. You poked Changbin’s rib. His eyes fluttered open and he stared down at you. 
Woojin smiled to himself. “That was the last one.”
“Is it supposed to hurt that much?” Changbin whimpered, trying to look down at the new scar on his collarbone. Woojin shrugged.
“I’m not a doctor, Binnie, but I’m assuming it’s because it’s on your collarbone. Everything is sensitive there,” he huffed, picking up the stitches. Then he grumbled goodbye and left the room. You eyed the pink line on his skin and then look up at him. 
“It looks completely healed,” you commented. You didn’t mean to, but your hand reached up and your thumb ran over the scar tissue. He shivered under your touch and you pulled your hand back quickly. “You never told me how you got so beat up.” “I was helping an old friend of ours steal a shipment. They had some weird AI watching the packages and I wasn’t paying attention. I took a couple… hundred hits and was left to bleed out on the street. They found me a day later, barely alive,” he muttered. You opened your mouth and then closed it. Your hand carefully wrapped around his and you squeezed. You knew how near-death experiences felt and how it could easily destroy someone. You rested your head against his side, your thumb rubbing his hand.
“Sometimes—” his voice cracked and he sniffled. You stood up, wrapping your arms around his shoulder and resting your chin on top of his head. A soft cry fell from his lips and it struck your heart hard. “Sometimes I wish I had actually died that day.” Your eyes widened and he broke down after that. Your arms tightened around him as his sobs grew louder. Tears started to prick at the corners of your eyes and you buried your face in his hair. His body was shaking. He hiccupped, wiping away the tears and trying to compose himself. You leaned back, watching him. He couldn’t meet your stare.
“You’re the first person I’ve ever told,” he whispered, pressing his hand to his mouth. He finally looked at you. The green in his eyes was gone and they were just dark and empty. You cupped his face and wiped away the few stray tears. You kissed his forehead.
“It’s going to be okay, Changbin,” you mumbled, “it may take a while, but you’ll be okay sooner or later.”
Changbin nodded and then tilted his head up to look at you. You stared at one another for a few seconds before he pulled you down. Your lips connected—fully this time—and a sweet bliss brushed over you. He was gentle, only lightly pushing against you. His arms wound around your waist, pulling you down against him. The two of you broke apart for a few seconds as you adjusted yourself on his lap. You bit your lip, studying his face, looking for signs of hesitation or blankness. You didn’t want him to be kissing you so he could try to feel better about himself. You wanted him to be present. 
“Y/N, you don’t have to worry so much,” he murmured, pulling your face closer to his. “I want this: I promise.”
Then your lips crashed together again, but this time it wasn’t gentle and sweet. There was desperation building up between you two and it was beautiful. He grunted, his fingers skimming across your waist. You leaned further into him, whimpering when he nipped at your lip. His mouth pulled away from yours, only for him to start leaving a quick trail along your jawline. Changbin nipped at the top of your ear and you let out a soft sigh, pressing down against him. The action caused him to jolt and you then felt his hard-on pressing against your inner thigh. 
“Wait,” he gasped, pushing you away. “I-I can’t.”
You blinked, back straightening and your whole body stiffening at those words. Then you slowly got off of him and backed away. Mixed emotions were swirling through his eyes as he watched you move away.
“I’m sor—”
“No, Y/N, it’s not you. I really want to, believe me, but I…” he trailed off, uncertainty tainting his voice. “I don’t want to rush into it. I want to completely be with you when that happens.”
You nodded and ducked your head. It hurt, even though you knew this was more about the mental game he had to play with himself. You felt selfish for wishing he had just gone through with it.
“I understand,” you muttered. You took a deep breath. “I do.”   
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes before Changbin nervously stood up and cleared his throat. He muttered something under his breath and then went into the bathroom. Seconds later, you heard the shower turn on. You got ready for bed, pulling out the sofa and changing into sweatpants. You laid down, staring at the bottom of the loft bed for a while, wondering what you were going to do. You were falling for Changbin—and you weren’t going slowly. 
You drifted off to sleep before Changbin got out of the shower. But you didn’t sleep long. You were woken up by loud noise and jolted out of bed. The scene before you was familiar: it was the same as the night you first came here. The lights were flickering, books were flying, and random objects were floating. Changbin was mumbling something and tossing around. 
You carefully sat up, avoiding any pencils or books. Your lips pursed as you turned to Changbin. Every time the lights flicked on, you could see the way his eyebrows were scrunched and the sweat that was collecting in his hairline. You kept remembering how Seungmin had flown across the room when he’d woken Changbin up. Then with a deep breath, you steeled yourself and crawled up the ladder. Instead of trying to wake him up, you crawled into bed next to him. He didn’t react and thankfully you weren’t tossed about like a ragdoll.
“Hey,” you whispered, running your thumb over his cheek. “Changbin, wake up. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
You continued to murmur quiet statements into his ear until his tossing slowed down and his eyebrows relaxed. His eyes fluttered open, green eyes alight with confusion and underlying fear. When he saw you, he visibly relaxed. Everything was gently set down to its original place and after a few seconds, the light turned off.
“I woke you, didn’t it?” He groaned, “I am so s—”
“Don’t. It’s fine, honestly.”
You tucked yourself against him and rested your hand on top of his chest. His heart was hammering underneath your fingers. There was a static moment between you before his hand covered yours and squeezed. He was shaking.
“You were dreaming about it, weren’t you?” 
He hummed in agreement. 
“One of my abilities is that I can walk in other people’s dreams and change them. That ability used to stop me from having dreams of my own. But ever since the incident, all I have are those nightmares,” he muttered, his thumb rubbing your hand. His heart was still beating unnaturally fast. He went still and you could practically feel him thinking. “Y/N.”
“Hmm?” “I know you want to trust me… but you shouldn’t. I can barely control my own abilities and just overall I’m a broken person. I’ll ruin you,” he muttered. 
You shook your head.
“Changbin, I’m stronger than you think.”
The next breath he took was shaky.
“If you put your trust in me Y/N… your dreams will disappear,” he stammered. 
  A week passed and then that week turned into two. You became restless, staying inside the house all day and all night. The tension between you and Changbin wasn’t helping either. You knew he never meant to tease you, but it felt like every time you got worked up, a wall was suddenly thrown in front of you. You had no right to be mad at Changbin—you couldn’t even begin to fathom what he’d been through and you knew that he didn’t want to use you to help himself heal—but it was hard not to be. You’d stayed out on the couch in the living room some nights because you couldn’t take it anymore.
But all your nervous energy was released when Chan dragged you into his office in the morning and told you his plan. He wanted to go back to the Code District and deal with the whole problem. Originally, he was just going to take care of the company that was slowly moving into District 9. His change of plan excited you. It made you feel like you could say you were actually apart of something big. 
“Of course, you’ll be staying here with Changbin.”
“Are you serious?” You snapped, standing up. Although you were angry enough to hit the man, you clearly weren’t intimidating enough to relay that message. Instead of looking scared for his life, he just looked unimpressed. Almost as if you were an ant trying to stand up to a lion. “This is my mission!”
“Y/N, you did as much as you could,” he pointed out. 
“And I can do more!” You shrieked. 
He shook his head. “Y/N, it’s not like hundreds of us are going in there guns blazing and are willing to take a death count on our side. We want to get in and out with as little fatalities as possible. I’m not calling you weak—but you don’t have an ability that can save your ass if you absolutely need it and we can’t have someone guarding you in case your life is put in danger. My goal is to send two to every place and take care of it and leave.”
You opened your mouth, wishing you had a retort to that. But unfortunately Chan’s argument made a lot of sense and he was damn good with his words. Now you felt like you’d just be getting in the way. 
“Plus,” he huffed, “Changbin’s gonna be pissed that he’s getting left behind. You may as well stay here to make sure he doesn’t destroy something.”
You raised an eyebrow.
Chan raised his back.
“What? You think you can’t take care of him? You’re the only person I’ve seen tell him the truth and he doesn’t have a whole fit about it.”
For some reason, that statement made you blush. It warmed your heart to think that Changbin could actually listen to you with rationality. Then you sighed. You weren’t happy about staying behind, but Chan was right. You, unfortunately, did not have a supernatural ability on your side and Changbin was still recovering from his injuries.  
“When do you leave?” “We leave tomorrow morning,” he said, settling back down in his chair once he realized you were done fighting. “We’ll hopefully only be gone for two days. My goal is to scope out the place on the first day and take care of it all on the second.”
You nodded and adjusted yourself. Then you smiled at Chan before leaving the room. You were nervous. There was so much tension in the air and although you could tell this wasn’t the biggest thing they had done, it was obviously nerve-wracking them. They were all constantly pacing, muttering to one another, or biting their lips. 
You stepped back into the room, looking for Changbin. You found him sitting on the ground, quietly reading a book. Silence overcame you as you studied him. He looked serene: a gentle smile gracing his features, the worry was gone from his face, and he looked far away. Completely untouchable. 
You decided not to bother him and laid down on the couch. As you laid on your back, just staring straight up, you contemplated how many times you had stared at the bottom of the mattress and how many more times you would after this. The two weeks you had been here felt like months. But it would all be coming to an end soon. Your deal was up; the others were about to take down the trafficking system and you would have nothing else to offer them. Chan was right: you were just a human. You had seen a lot of terrible things in your life, gone through a lot of terrible things in your life, but those experiences didn’t give you the right to stay with these boys and weigh them down. The whole point of their crew was that they had abilities and they could do crazy, dangerous heroics without worrying about the consequences. 
“What are you thinking about?”
Your eyes blinked rapidly. Changbin was no longer sitting on the floor and instead, he leaned against the bedpost, studying you intensely. You didn’t realize how deep you had been in your thoughts. He tilted his head at you, hair falling along his browline, eyes deep with curiosity. Your brow furrowed.
“This was never meant to go on forever happily.”
Changbin’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth, but the only sound that came out was a harsh exhale. You pursed your lips. You were talking about your staying here, but… the thing between you and Changbin: was that supposed to end any better? Maybe if you had come into his life earlier or later or in another lifetime, things would be different, but the timing was so off. You were trying to fix your past by keeping it as far away from you and Changbin was plagued by nightmares from his own experiences. Could the two of you really make it work? You were putting all your trust in him, but it felt like he couldn’t do the same for you.
You refused to try and explain yourself, choosing to keep your mouth shut. It was selfish and rude, but for once you wanted Changbin to talk and try to sort things out. Your plan didn’t seem to go as expected. He also stayed silent, but he was talking differently. There was a storm in his eyes and you saw pencils start to aggressively roll across his desk from the corner of your eye. The curtains started to flap loudly and the walls themselves seemed to be shaking. The room was vibrating—not just from the movements, but from the dark energy that was rolling off of Changbin in waves. 
“No, Y/N. It’s fine. I’m fine. Whatever, who cares. I-goddamnit.” His voice was shaking as he struggled to get himself across to you. Your heart sped up but it felt like it stopped at the same time. You flinched when the bathroom door slammed shut and the window flew open. He pinched his eyes shut, fists curling tightly, and his exhale was loud. Slowly, everything righted itself. “Whatever.”
He paused.
“I really don’t want to hurt you Y/N. Believe me… but the problem is that I—I…” 
You breathed in, forcing yourself to calm down.
“You’re not sure if you can stop yourself,” you muttered. 
Saying it yourself hurt more than if you’d heard it from him. Your hands curled around your shirt and you bit your lip, forcing yourself not to cry in front of him. Then you stood up, your eyes meeting his and then you stormed past him. You slammed the door shut behind you—you wanted to trust Changbin, you wanted to stay—but you needed time to process everything that was happening around you. And unfortunately, you couldn’t do that in the same room as him.
You liked to pride yourself as a person who didn’t break your promises, but you broke your promise to Chan. You stayed that night, sleeping soundly on the living room couch, but once they left, you did too. Something deep inside you was screaming for you to turn back and stay with him—he needed you. 
You needed him. 
But for some reason, the idea of staying in that small house for one minute longer sickened you. Part of you feared that you were afraid of Changbin. You had all rights to, didn’t you? Who knows what would’ve happened in that room if he lost control? You might not have an eye right now. 
Unfortunately, you momentarily forgot you were in a foreign city that you had only seen briefly. It wasn’t nearly as crowded and loud as where you lived in the Code District, but it was still overwhelming to try and figure out a place you didn’t know. Thankfully, people were nice and very willing to give you directions. It took you nearly three hours, but you found a nice motel and had just enough cash to check-in for two nights to give yourself time to sort yourself out. 
As you sat in the eerily quiet room, just staring at the extremely old wallpaper, you wished you had an exact idea of what you wanted. Sitting in a dusty, creaky motel room was not the best place to question your life decisions. Did you want to stay with Changbin? Yes. But were you extremely worried for the minimally possible future for you two? Also yes. Running away was the easier option and you tried to portray yourself as brave, smart, and heroic, you always took the easier route. You could’ve kept your sister with you, but instead of going through the struggle of taking care of her, you sent her off on a train that only held a small sliver of hope. 
But the thought of your sister distracted you and you happily accepted it. You picked up the phone on the nightstand, holding your breath as you dialed the number you had burned into your memory. It rang three times before the person answered.
You perked up slightly.
“Hey, Jinja, it’s Y/N,” you exclaimed, forcing your voice to keep a cheerful tone. You didn’t need to be worrying her.
“Y/N!” Her voice was so loud that you had to hold the phone a few inches away from your ear. “I haven’t heard from you in so long. Oh my gosh, I have so much to tell you, you don’t even know!”
The small sliver of hope that had filled that train hadn’t been false. Your younger sister, Jinja, had ended up in JYP and under good care. She was adopted by an older couple, who, from what you’d heard, really doted on her. She went to a very good school, was fed regularly and well, and was living the happy life of the elites. It truly warmed your heart.
“Hey…” she trailed off for a few seconds, “sis?” “Yeah?” “T-there’s this really cute girl in my class. She’s super nice ya know and the other night, we kind of went on a date,” she whispered. You smiled at that one, wishing that you could actually be there with her. Dressing up your little sister for her first date, being there to hear the enthusiastic retelling of the night until the first rays of morning showed. But you gave that all up so that she could live happily. 
You didn’t realize that you were crying until she asked if anything was wrong.
“I’m fine,” you muttered, wiping your face, “I just miss you. That’s all.”
“I miss you a lot. All the time,” she whispered. The silence stretched out on the line. “I love you.”
“Yeah, I love you too.”
You rubbed your nose and wiped away the rest of your tears.
“Bye Jinja.”
For a while you sat there, staring at the phone. Then you carefully set it back in its holder and curled up on the bed. Your hands folded over your heart and you bit your lip. What you wouldn’t give to see her in person and truly know that your past decisions weren’t all mistakes. The tears came again, but this time, there was no one there to help stop them. 
You somehow slept well that night, but waking up in the morning was hard. You had no motivation. Laying in bed all day and just crying this time away seemed like the best thing you could do. You stayed tucked beneath the blankets, staring sadly at the wall. 
It was late afternoon before anything happened. There was a soft knock at your door, which you promptly ignored. But the person wasn’t giving up and the knock became more persistent. You were stubborn though and the chances of you actually getting up were slim. 
“Y/N, I know you’re in there.”
Changbin. You weren’t really all that surprised that he found you. It was hard to say if you were surprised that he actually showed up. But even though your heart desperately reached out, you couldn’t find it in yourself to open the door. 
The door burst open and you barely looked over your shoulder to watch as Changbin marched into your room. He froze when he saw you: tear-stained cheeks, messy hair, and the fetal position you were in.  The understanding in his eyes made it hurt so much more. Pity would’ve been easier to handle.
“Oh god, baby…” he whispered. He closed the door softly and then crawled into bed beside you. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you against him. You didn’t fight him, but you just laid limp in his arms. “Y/N, I swear to god, I won’t let myself hurt you.”
You sniffled and even though you’d cried so much in the past twenty-four hours, you had more in you. This time it was different. You weren’t alone to scream your insecurities out into the world. 
“Talk to me,” he breathed, “I’ve always been the one talking. I know there’s something… please.” 
His voice cracked at the end and you turned to fully face him. Your hand curled into his shirt. You pressed your face against his shoulder, unable to look him in the eye. 
“I don’t even know what’s wrong,” you muttered. “I-I miss my sister. And I’m scared. I’m scared of the future… of what’s going to happen to me and between us. I’ve never felt this way for someone else, but I don’t know how to handle it. I feel like we ran into each other at the worst time.”
Changbin tilted your chin up with his finger. His lips pressed to yours slowly. You pulled back from the kiss immediately, frowning at him. You didn’t want kisses or cuddles, you wanted Changbin to confirm it with words. 
“Changbin, you need to talk to me.”
He sighed. “Y/N, I think you’re wrong—we ran into each other at just the right time. I know it’s been rough and there have been lots of struggles between us. It’s been really rocky, but I think that if we ran into each other at any other time, we would never become something to one another.”
You laughed bitterly.
“What? Are you saying that it’s our brokenness that lead us to one another?” You scoffed. He shook his head, a small smile tilting his lips.
“We’ve been open to one another the whole time. We met under really interesting circumstances—you walking in on me having a nightmare. I’m not gonna lie, it’s that first statement that you said to me that had me catching interest in you,” he explained. Your lips started to curl into a delicate smile.
“I called you a dude,” you said, a nervous giggle bubbling up. He snorted out a laugh. 
“I was thinking more of you asking me if I was okay—no one had asked me that for weeks…” he trailed off, “and if they did, none of them genuinely meant it.”
You watched him, your mind racing back to that night. Although you had thrown in a ‘dude’ to make the statement less serious, you had been truthfully concerned. You had recognized it for what it was the second you saw it. You were constantly plagued by nightmares and you used to let them control you. You knew what it felt like to be unable to escape your fears because even though nightmares weren’t real, they still tugged at the darkest corners of your mind.  
“A-are you okay?” You asked warily. He smiled at you.
“Maybe not completely, but with you, I feel perfect.” You grinned. “I’m in the same boat.”
His lips pressed against yours again and this time you didn’t pull away. You pushed back against him, entangling your fingers in his hair. He tasted like candies of some sort. He pinned you beneath him, straddling your hips and quickly deepening the kiss. His lips were soft, a contrast to the hard press of his mouth. 
Changbin pulled back, his forehead resting against yours. The two of you panted, eyes focused on one another. He pecked your lips one more time and then to the corner of your lips. Then he made a trail to your jawline and along the edge. You whimpered, rolling your hips into his as he nipped at a soft spot below your ear. His hips pressed against yours in response and both of you let out breaths at the friction between it.
“I don’t want to rush you into anything,” you breathed.
“I’m here Y/N. I’m ready.”
Your lips attacked his again and from there, everything seemed to move fast. Both of your shirts were tossed off, your bra was quickly unclasped. Changbin started to trail a line of kisses between your breasts, down your stomach, and teasingly along your waistband. He slowly tugged down your sweatpants. His mouth moved along the edges of your panties and up and down your inner thighs. He glanced up, meeting your heated stare as he hooked his fingers into your underwear and pulled them down. You sat up on your elbows, nervously licking your lips. 
When his lips pressed to your core, you shivered, legs tightening around his shoulders. Then he started his assault. His tongue licked up your slit slowly, gently teasing you. Then he pushed deeper into you, his thumb covering your clit and rolling circles on it. You moaned, throwing your head back as his tongue start to push into your entrance. Your hands found their way his hair, pulling desperately at the strands. 
One finger slid slowly into your core and you whined, body arching in a silent beg. He wasted no time, adding two more fingers, his mouth sucking on your clit, aiding you towards your nearing orgasm. You whimpered, body scrunching up as it overcame you. Changbin assaulted you for a few seconds later before he pulled back, nose and chin glistening with your slick. He crawled over top of you, kissing your forehead.
“You good?” He asked quietly. You nodded, then slowly your hand traveled down his stomach and over the crotch of his jeans. He grunted, rutting his hard-on into your hand. 
“You don’t have to worry about overwhelming me and play nice guy,” you murmured. You unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper. You helped him shimmy out of his jeans and he knelt over you in just his boxers. It was truly a gorgeous sight: slivers of sunlight were coming in from around the curtains, framing him. His hair was a mess, his eyes were shining, the green in them more noticeable. The tiger tattoo sat low on his abdomen, the dark green contrasting his light skin. 
“You promise you’re fine?” He asked.
You nodded, a blush spreading over your cheeks at his caring.
“Yes, Binnie.” A smile ghosted over his lips as he tugged down his boxers quickly. He adjusted himself between your legs, his body vibrating with nerves. One of his hands pushed your thighs apart while the other carefully pulled on his cock. He met your stare for a few brief seconds before he started to push into your entrance. Your body shivered at the slow intrusion. He slid all the way into you and then hovered over you. His arms boxed you in and he pressed a kiss to your lips.
Then in one fluid movement, he pulled his hips back and snapped them back against yours. A low moan fell from your lips and that noise only encouraged him. His pace quickly picked up, his cock thrusting deep into your car, and his hips slapping loudly against yours. The bed started to shake beneath you. 
“Fuck,” you whimpered as he hit a particularly deep spot. You arched your back into his touch and when he thrusted again, he hit the same spot, but with more vigor. His head dropped down to your shoulder, resting there and his breath panted against your skin. Your thigh hook over his waist, giving him better access. 
“Y/N,” he stammered, “I-ah fuck-I’m—”
His hips stuttered as he came. He held still for a few moments, struggling to catch his breath. Then he carefully pulled out, his cum spilling out and he collapsed beside you. Changbin’s fingers danced along your skin and then pressed against your skin, rubbing the bundle gently, pushing you into your second orgasm. 
The two of you laid together quietly, Changbin’s head resting on your shoulder and your fingers intertwined on your stomach. You played with his hair, staring at the ceiling. It was no longer the dirty bottom of a mattress. 
“Hey,” he breathed after a few minutes, “have you ever thought about going back over the wall?”
“A few times. But… I don’t know if I could leave my sister like that,” you murmured. He nodded in understanding. “Do you wanna go?”
“I’ve always wondered what it’s like out there and after you explained it, I’ve become even more curious. I guess I just want to see it,” he said. You looked at him and started to frown in thought. Your sister had an amazing life and it would definitely hurt both of you to never talk about… but yet she was strong and could grow on her own. 
It was a possibility. 
A few months later 
You shook from the cold as you pressed the phone against your ear. It was cold as you waited for your sister to pick up. Changbin lay in bed, watching you with an encouraging smile. 
“Y/N?” “Hey!” You exclaimed and then laughed. Your nerves were starting to take over. “How are you?” “I’m good, what about you?” You glanced over at Changbin, smiling.
“I’m really good,” you hummed. The two of you were silent as you tried to mull over your thoughts. “Jinja, can I ask you something?” “Hit me.”
You pursed your lips. “I know you miss me a lot and believe me, I really miss you too and I know the phone calls aren’t enough… but I’ve been given an opportunity to do something. If you’re not okay with it, it’s fine, I’ll just stay he—”
“You met someone, didn’t you?” She asked, her voice giddy. “Y/N, you’re my older sister. I can’t stop you from doing anything and it’s not like I want to. I’ve lived a happy life here and I’ll continue to be happy. If this opportunity means you can be happy, then I want you to take it.”
Your mouth fell open slightly. You always remembered your sister as the young little crybaby, but hearing her talk to you like this, you could almost imagine her as a grown woman. She wasn’t a child anymore—she didn’t need her big sister hanging over her like a shoulder for eternity. She hadn’t needed you for a while. 
“Where are you going?” “Over the wall… back home,” you whispered. “With, a guy that I met.”
“You must really love him,” she cooed. You chuckled, looking at Changbin once more. He grinned at you. 
“Yeah, I really do…” you trailed off and cleared your throat. “Then I guess this is goodbye?” “Not permanently, Y/N. Some day I’ll join you with the girl of my dreams.” You laughed. 
“Well, see you then.”
You hung up, placing the phone on the desk. Changbin watched you with raised eyebrows. You felt like you were walking on clouds as you moved towards the bed and sat down beside him. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you kissed him sweetly. 
“Let’s go.”
In time, the trip was long, but it felt short. You and Changbin talked the whole time as you rode the train to the only place you could leave the districts. As you pulled up into the small town, your heart started to race. The two of you held hands as you lead him through the streets towards the cracked wall. People milled about, not even paying the wall any mind. The reason the cracks were never filled was because the higher authority never found out about it. 
“You ready?” You asked. 
“If I’m with you, I am.”
You strut across the grass and squeezed through the cracks. You maneuvered your way down the stones and then waded through the long grass. The two of you crested the second hill in silence, your smile growing wider as you neared the top. Changbin went silent beside you, staring at the long expanse of green grass with the few pink and yellow flowers dotted in the field. A forest was off in the distance and as you squinted, you could even see a few animals. 
“Wow,” he breathed. You smiled wider, squeezing his hand. 
“No more nightmares,” you whispered to him.
He nodded in agreement.
“No more nightmares.”
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dorkyungsoowrites · 5 years
Ambivalence Ch. 4
Pairings: Kyungsoo x You
Genre: Smut/Angst | Room No.7 AU
Warnings: Dom/Sub play, breathplay, degradation kink, use of safeword
Word Count: 3.2k
Description: If either way was ruin, why would you choose to be alone?
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | The Ending |
Everything in your chest was screaming not to take his hand. An uncomfortable dread filled the spaces between your ribs; certain that this was one of those moments people talk about. The fork in the road. One path completely unknown, and the other, surrounded by the unknown tucked beside an anchor. One was far more selfish than the other. He'd be dragged in if you stayed, you were sure of it. Something awful and life-altering waited outside his apartment walls. You wanted to remain sheltered, but then the danger would only break in. You could read it in his palm like one of those psychics; Taejung would drown.
"Go get my cigarettes," he drawled. Then like a spell, you obeyed. You got the pack and a lighter from his discarded jeans and returned to him. His hand was still outstretched. You set the rectangle in his hand and his fingers curled quickly, catching yours in his grip. It squished the cardboard between, and he tugged you closer. You fell where you were guided; knees on either side of his hips. Then he kissed you. Passion without the roughness from before. It was pleading without words, and when he did speak, it was quiet. No more than a whisper against your lips.
"Whether you're lying or not," he said. "You're still just a princess...which means you're a good girl."
"And if you found out I was a bad girl?"
The corner of his mouth twitched up in a suppressed smile. "Then I'd have so many more things I'd want to do with you. To you." His mouth went to your jaw and left a kiss with a small hum, free hand caressing your skin, and some of the tightness left our chest. "Do you enjoy torturing me by filling my head with all these ideas?"
"Maybe a little," you grinned. Taejung chuckled, and you pulled your head back to see his face. You only caught the tail-end, his smile fading, but that small showing of happiness was all you needed apparently. The stone of dread that had weighed on your chest was suddenly gone, and your inhibitions were assuaged for the time being. Something about Taejung's presence gave you peace even when you knew there should be a tempest warding you away.
"Crack the window open." He gestured to the tiny window next to his bed. You obeyed, understanding as his eyes followed you and his hand slipped from yours, then slid to the floor and got between his legs, looking up at him expectantly. He was already half hard again, precum beading at the tip of his cock.
Before he could give you the command you took the slightly crumpled pack from him, got out a cigarette and held it between your lips while lighting it. He wet his lips watching you. You set the rest of the pack and lighter to the side, inhaled, then exhaled slowly. The smoke floated out of your mouth in a thick cloud. The corner of Taejung's mouth quirked up before taking the cigarette from your lips and doing the same, blowing towards the cracked window next to him. The freezing air from outside drifted in and made you shiver. Taejung took another leisurely drag and gestured down with his head with an almost silent,
"Go ahead." You hesitated, but wrapped your fingers around the base of his cock and put your lips around the head. Your tongue licked up the bit of precum that had leaked out then swirled around, eliciting a quiet groan. He was growing stiffer in your hold. You peeked up at him through your eyelashes. Smoke puffed across your face. You fought back the urge to pull away and instead took him in further. "That's it, pet," he praised. "Go nice and slow. You have until I finish this to get used to having my whole cock down your throat before I fuck it." You hollowed your cheeks and bobbed slowly, taking more of him in each time. "You look like such a pretty whore right now." 
He could've simply called you pretty, but the demeaning nickname was keeping that safe distance between you. You weren't together. Both of you knew that. To be honest it was starting to grow on you. Taejung's whore. It meant he used you. It meant he fucked you. It meant he wanted you. Glancing up through your eyelashes you watched his eyes gleam at the sight of you between his legs. Longing and needing more of you.
Another drag. You could hear the subtle pop when his lips came apart. His head tilted back, a small plume of smoke rising to the ceiling. Without looking his arm extended over the edge of the bed beside you. Cigarette between his middle and ring finger, his thumb flicked the loose ash off the end, flecks of grey and white going to the floor. He leaned back on one hand while he inhaled the smoke again. That time he met your gaze. The tips embers glowed brightly. You took him all the way to his base, hitting the back of your throat, and made a swallowing motion so it constricted around him. The cigarette left his lips, and he smirked down at you.
"You have no idea how turned on I get when I see you enjoying my cock. You want me to cum in your mouth, don't you?" You moaned around him and continued your ministrations. His cock twitched, Taejung hissing above you. "Fucking hell. You may get your wish sooner if you keep that up. You really are a cumslut. Fucking pathetic." 
You raised off of him to catch your breath, hand stroking him in absence of your mouth. You kissed his thigh, second hand coming up to cup his balls. You trailed fleeting presses of lips up to the underside of his dick. 
"You like my cock, pet?" he asked in a low voice. You traced the sides of his length with your lips before completely enveloping him in your mouth again. "Hands behind your back, slut." 
Gazing up as you obeyed, he stamped out the finished cigarette on the wall and tossed the bud out the window. His free hand lovingly pushed your hair back before cupping your face. 
"Relax your throat." 
You breathed deeply through your nose as his hand threaded through your hair. Then he was directing your movements, roughly thrusting up into your mouth. You gagged slightly despite your efforts, but he didn't stop. He moaned loudly.
"Fuck. Choke on my cock, baby. You take it so well. I've never enjoyed fucking someone so much. You've been so good I'll give you what you want. You want my cum, isn't that right?" 
You moaned as an answer, tears escaping your eyes when you pinched them shut. You could barely breathe, jaw burning. 
"So take it and show me how much you enjoy it," Taejung growled. "It won't be long before a single inch of you hasn't been covered in my cum. I'll fuck you every day until that happens. And you'll love every minute of it, won't you, you fucking worthless cunt?" Taejung thrust a few more times before his breathing grew more shallow. "A-almost. Fuck. So close. Moan again for me." You did, and he stilled, hot liquid spilling on your tongue. His hand left your hair, and you didn't stop until you were sure you had milked everything from him. You carefully pulled off so nothing spilled, tilted your head up to meet his burning gaze, and opened your mouth. He nodded, satisfied with your showing. "You can swallow now." The unique flavor lingered after going down your throat, but it was a taste you enjoyed. "Lay down on the bed and spread your legs for me." 
Eagerly, you listened and got in position. Taejung went to his knees between your legs, palms gliding up your thighs, staring at your glistening center. 
"Just what I thought," he smirked to himself. "You're pussy is dripping wet. Do you think I should give it a taste?" 
You nodded and writhed under his hold. 
He chuckled darkly. "What a desperate, pathetic cunt." His head dipped down, and you gasped sharply as his tongue flattened and licked the length of your slit. Taejung paused to savor your juices, moaning. "But oh so delicious." A small teasing lick that made you quiver. "This cunt is mine. Say it."
"You own my cunt," you answered airily.
"And what can I do with it?"
"Anything you want."
"That's right. It's too bad it's on such a disgusting bitch like you. I bet you could have men worshiping this pretty cunt if you weren't mine. Fuck it's so beautiful." Taejung spread your folds with his thumbs to open you up further. "All tight and pink, and always wet for me. So fucking wet." He teased around your entrance with his tongue. "So fucking perfect. I love your pussy, princess." Taejung pressed a sloppy kiss to your center before capturing your clit with his lips and making you call out. He didn't stay long, tongue dipping back down to your entrance and pushing past. The teasing continued. Once he had lapped up some of your arousal he retreated again, mouth and chin glistening. His hand came down and made you jolt when it connected with your clit, gasping. He pinched the sensitive bud roughly and you whimpered, writhing on the sheets. "Stay fucking still," he warned. "Or I'll make sure you stop moving the rest of the night."
You shut your eyes and concentrated on controlling yourself. His mouth replaced his fingers, lightly flicking your clit before flattening his tongue. You moaned out his name as euphoria rippled up your spine. Taejung stopped touching you altogether suddenly, and you looked over in time to see his open palm swing at your inner thigh. It stung and left a red imprint.
"What did I say about talking without permission?" Another hard slap on the opposite thigh. "Disobedient, worthless whore." His hands grabbed you and flipped you over, smacking your ass twice as hard. Tears pricked your eyes, core throbbing with the need for more. "You're getting off on this, aren't you?" Two more hits. "I should just toss you back in the street where you belong. What do you say now?"
"T-thank you," you choked out. You rose to your knees shakily, presenting your ass to him so he could see your need. "You're so good to me, Taejung. Please keep punishing your cunt."
A deep growl that almost sounded like a purr reverberated in the tiny apartment. He put his hands on the globes of your ass, fingers flexing. "I have a better idea. Have you ever had someone fuck your ass?"
“No," you answered nervously.
"Stay exactly where you are." Out of the corner of your vision you saw Taejung go to his desk and retrieve a small bottle of lube. Your heart rate leapt up into dangerous territory. Were you prepared to do this? Should you use the safeword? But you wanted the pain and the domination Taejung had been giving you. This was just another part of that. Ultimately when he stood beside the bed and popped off the cap, the sound sent a spark of panic through your heart, and you rolled over, sitting up against the wall with your knees pulled up.
"Mercy." You repeated it several times. "Mercy. Mercy. Please. I'm sorry." You hid your face in your hands. "I'm so sorry. Mercy." The mattress dipped beside you, and his arms came around you, kissing the top of your head.
"It's okay. It's okay, princess," he cooed gently. All the edge was gone. His mellow voice calmed you minutely. "Don't be sorry. Are you okay? Did I hurt you too much? Are you in pain anywhere?"
You shook your head.
"Was it the last punishment? Is that the limit? Because I'm totally okay with not doing any ass play. It was just a suggestion. You always have a choice."
"I-I thought I could, b-but--"
Taejung shushed you and pried your hands from your face then peppered sweet kisses on your skin. "I'm glad you didn't force yourself into something you wouldn't enjoy," he assured. Taejung called your name softly; your real name. "That's what the safeword is there for. We've stopped and I'll take care of you. It's okay. Just relax. Can I pick you up?" You nodded. Taejung lifted you bridal style and transported you to the bathroom, setting you on the sink counter while he got a towel and turned on the shower. He cupped your jaw and kissed you slowly, lovingly. You tangled your fingers in his short hair. Your center still ached to be touched. Taejung trailed his lips down your jaw to your neck. Hands supporting you, he urged your legs around his waist and carried you into the shower. The hot water splashed on both of your sides, your back hitting icy tile.
"Taejung," you moaned quietly. "I still want to cum."
"I don't want to push you," he mumbled back. "You don't have to do this."
"I want it. I want you. Please."
"Fuck, princess. You really are amazing." He lined himself up and pushed his hard member inside you carefully. His mouth continued marking your neck, rocking his body into yours over and over at a moderate pace. "Does this feel okay?"
"Oh fuck yes," you answered, head thrown back. "Don't stop, please."
"Is this speed good then? Do you want me to go faster?"
"A little faster. You teased me a lot."
Taejung smiled against your skin and listened. He moved his mouth to the other side of your neck, nipping and licking, having to take more breaks as his breathing became more labored.
"That's perfect," you encouraged. The sound of wet skin hitting skin and panting echoed off the tile. His hands held you tighter to keep you up, digging in to your hips and backside.
"I'm so sorry for making you use the safeword so soon. I promise to be a better dom. We'll talk through our limits, okay? Are you okay with that? Do you still want to continue with me?"
"I don't think I could leave," you replied, holding back a smile. "You're too good at fucking me. I could fuck you all day."
"You know the perfect words to make me..." he breathed into your ear, strained from the exertion. He paused to take a few fuller breaths. "You act like a perfect sub. I hate that."
"I hate you more."
"Fucking bitch."
"Your bitch."
"That's right. Only mine. Say my name."
His head lifted, eyes overbearing and overflowing with something you couldn't quite determine. And his voice dipped lower. "Say it like you love me."
You put on a silkier voice and repeated his name reverently.
The color seemed to snap into place in his irises, sharp and somehow unfocused. Then his face fell to your chest. "Fucking hell. You're so easy. Cum for me, princess. I'm so close to losing it inside you."
"Then do it," you replied, shocking him. The twist in your gut was rising. "I'm on the pill. Treat me like the filthy fucking whore I am. You have no idea how badly I want it, Tae. Fill up my greedy fucking pussy. Fuck me. Fuck me until I pass out."
"Fuck, are you sure?"
"Fuck me," you begged. Taejung snapped his hips harder, faster. You were just on the edge, nails digging crescents into his shoulders and back. His groaning and grunting grew louder.
"Take it then," he gritted. Then breathlessly, a sound almost like a whine tapering at the end, muffled along your skin. "Fuck take it."
The pressure spread and burst free, clinging to Taejung while you shook and moaned. He followed after you, thrusting deep inside of you and stilling. He left a few sloppy, open-mouthed kisses on your neck, chest heaving with uneven breaths. 
"Keep your legs spread. I'm gonna set you down." You nodded. He gingerly pulled out from you and supported you when your feet hit the floor. He reached a hand between your legs, running his fingers up your folds. When he came back they were covered with a mixture of your releases. You took his hand and licked his fingers clean while he watched on in fascination. "You like that?" You hummed, sucking his middle finger clean. He twisted his wrist to hold your jaw. "I'm so proud of you, pet. So proud to call you mine." His lips pressed to yours briefly. Your heart fluttered at the praise. You had craved his approval. Now you had it. "Let me take care of you so we can rest, okay princess?" You nodded.
Taejung held you close, supporting most of your weight while he cleaned the both of you off. You snuck a few kisses in to his amusement. He was kind and gentle drying you and dressing you in a borrowed sweatshirt. More so than you had ever observed from him. It was a nice surprise. It made you believe he wasn't just using you for your body. That maybe there was something more than hatred for you in his words.
Afterward he pulled on a pair of boxers, shut the window from earlier, and helped you under the sheets on his bed. Taejung pulled your back to his chest, curling himself into a question mark around you. His hand sought yours and laced your fingers together on your stomach. His breath tickled the back of your neck.
"Tae?" you whispered timidly. He hummed to acknowledge he was listening. "For the record, I think you're a great dom. I really appreciate that you listened to me. I trust you."
His face nuzzled closer. "Careful what you say princess," he mumbled tiredly. "I might start to think you like me."
You huffed out a weak laugh. "As if I could ever fall for someone as apathetic as you."
"Maybe I'm just misunderstood."
"Or maybe you're just an asshole."
"Also for the record, in the future, nothing goes up my ass, and no blood."
"Those are easy rules to follow. No other parameters?"
"I'll try anything else at least once. You?"
"Also no blood or other uncommon body fluids, no cross-dressing, and I learn as little about you as possible. Your name and phone number are enough."
"As in it's only meant for a toilet."
"Agreed. Forgot that was a thing. How strict are you on being the dom?"
"You're mine. If I say you're not allowed to do something, even if I'm not around, you'll obey. I control everything about your sexual life. Are you okay with that?"
"Without knowing anything about you? Sounds exciting."
He said your name again. "I need to hear a yes. This is serious."
"Yes, I agree."
"Good. If I want to try something new that's a bit more intense I'll run it by you first. Any other requests?"
"Yeah actually. The nickname 'pet'; you won't actually expect me to act like a cat or something, will you?"
"No. Maybe a collar in the future, but again, I'll run the idea by you first."
"Then that's it. Thank you for bothering to ask."
"I should have asked sooner, but you're welcome. Also, master is okay, but never call me daddy. I remember you asking earlier."
"Yes master," you replied, smiling to yourself.
Taejung moaned pleasantly and squeezed you closer once. "That's my good girl." Lips brushed the nape of your neck. A little shiver rippled down your spine at the light touch. "Get some sleep, princess. You worked hard to earn it."
"Thank you. Sweet dreams, Tae."
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inviouswriting · 4 years
Something I am still on the fence in pairing is a mild au for Kiya and Aymeric including Estinien into their relationship. Specially after Kiya is going through a lot of the Dragoon training with him. I do see a little bit of a possible romance between all three of them. Aymeric to make Kiya happy, Kiya to make both happy, and Estinien still retains his freedom without being tied in marriage with them.
So I’m going to write and see how this develops.
This is full smut.
We have Estinien x Kiya.
then Aymeric x Kiya x Estinien.
Kiya has been on many training expeditions with Estinien in her quests to learn the lance. He is a patient teacher with her, and he enjoyed her as a student to learn from him. Albeit at some points she had to learn from Alberic too, but she had grown well in learning, even surprising him when she knocked him down for a change. 
Even now she was mastering the deeper parts of her training in the same way he did with the dragons. Seeing her with the swirl of energy around her, she is mesmerizing in the power even after she manages to tap deeper into using Nastrond. When she lands her blow on him and he is knocked over he only stares at her with a newfound proudness. 
If she wasn’t married to his best friend he would have claimed her hand moons ago. Back when she had saved him, but by then she had bonded with Aymeric enough to develop a very deep love with him that he himself knows would be broken by a slip of trust on either side. 
Estinien shakes his head free of thoughts, taking Kiya’s offered hand, he admired her donning the drachen armor more than the one he wears. Probably easier to move around for her. Though the moment their training concluded and the aether swirl of power subsided. She changes from the armor to adventuring clothing. 
It is one of the first times he sees one of the expressions she keeps to herself. The strain of her roles, she had come to him after returning from The First, after nearly losing her mind to becoming a sin eater. She had nightmares that plagued her worse, even Aymeric had stayed up at night with her as she screamed in terror the first few months after coming back.
Asking her to give it up is foolish, even he knows better than to utter that to her. She can’t. But the mass people do not see what he or Aymeric see. Or even some of the close friends in the Scions. The pain in her eyes, from countless losses, horrors witnessed even at the risk of her own life absorbing so much aetherical light. She had spoke about it brief with him, Aymeric told him more.
“You feeling alright?” Estinien questions her, he earns a worn out smile. A practiced one. The morning she had confided in him, fears and worries. 
“Do you not get tired of it all?” He questioned her, just to try and see what response he’d get.
“I am tired of it all every day. I just want to sit down and actually pursue my married life.. but if I don’t. They’ll just ask someone else, put them in danger, subject them to horrors untold all for the sake of feeding into an adventurers thirst.” Kiya hugged her knees to herself, something she does when the pressure is too much and she was about to crack under it. 
Estinien sees just how much her travel to The First weighs on her mind. She did not have anyone to lean on. Except G’raha or Urianger from time to time. She was otherwise alone in a world that cared less of whether she lived or died. She could have died and not a single person in her home now would ever know of her demise. They’d expect her to just come back. Hopes to be had, quests to be ran, all waiting without knowing their warrior of light became a monster or perished.
There is a sadness in Kiya’s eyes, and when he realizes more of how much the world puts their problems onto just one person to solve. He almost wishes he could sprint back to Ishgard and drag Aymeric off to find some place to give them peace. All three of them. Doing so was selfish with the Empire still around, specially in Zenos.
Kiya gets up and wanders to her belongings for things to clean herself off with from the training. Another pained look to her eyes, and a hint of a blush. 
Estinien spoke to Aymeric before he and Kiya left on their latest training excursion. A proposition was granted to him, if he would want to be part of them. He and Kiya, with Aymeric. He told him he’d think about it, he gave an answer in agreeing to it a day later.
Aymeric knew before either of them did, and it was a solution for him in settling down with anyone. He had given him the idea and permission he needed for an event that even he was unprepared for,
Heat. Aymeric had warned Estinien that Kiya was close to a cycle, and normally he would go with them if he knew his beloved was close to tend to her needs. He couldn’t get out of matters in Ishgard, and shortly after the peak of Nastrond with Kiya she hits it afterwards.
She fidgets uncomfortable, tugging at her collar or looking dazed during a few training moments. When she went to bathe in a river, he had followed close behind to  stand watch in case.
The sound of water was reassuring in her cleansing herself, but she stayed a bit longer. Till he can hear her, pained whines and pleas for Aymeric. Estinien walked away from so close to the river and found that blasted linkpearl. He had to be sure of something before he did anything.
“Aymeric. She’s in heat.” Estinien keeps his voice low, even as he hears Kiya’s increase. Aymeric closes his eyes on the other end of the link, and knows all too well, she could ride it out till she came back to him, or be left to deal with it. It pains her and he hates her suffering more.
“Are you seeking permission to help her?” Aymeric had already given Estinien permission to take care of Kiya. His guess is the dragoon is ensuring he is serious about it than a passing of words.
“Aye. And does she know about it?” 
“Of course she does.” Estinien can almost see the grin he knows is there. He even scoffs a bit at being the last one clued in.
“Very well, I’ll take care of her then. Any special requests?” Estinien feels a rush in his spine.
“Without being too selfish, don’t release inside her. Me and her are still trying to have a child after all. Oh, before I forget. She is a scratcher.” Aymeric does make that request.
“Aye, I wouldn’t do that.” Aymeric only smiles more to himself, granted he wanted to be there with them the first time. He shakes his head knowing his beloved would never betray him that way. She had confided in him about her growing feelings towards Estinien. Instead of being jealous or constricting in staying monogamous he embraced her and agreed to allow the dragoon in with them.
The linkpearl connection was shut down, and Estinien shakes his head while cursing both of them under his breath. Now with confirmed permission from the man himself. Estinien approaches Kiya, he had shed his own clothing by this point.
The sight that greets him would make most men hard, Kiya on her hands and knees with a hand pleasing herself. Her face pressed into her arm as she moans pained whimpers into it. 
Her moans had a mix of Aymeric’s name, but to Estinien’s surprise his name is murmured underneath in some moments. He approaches and strokes a hand down the middle of her back. This startles her, and Kiya shoots upright and turns to glare at him thinking it could have been someone else. 
Kiya keeps covers herself little with her arms, and Estinien looks over her. Understanding exactly why Aymeric is insatiable with her. Curved in the right spots, heated green eyes wide in shock at him being there.
“How long were you there?” She questions, and scoots back a little reaching her hand that was toying with her to the water. Estinien catches that hand and brings it up to his lips to test a taste of her. 
“I just spoke with Aymeric.” He informs her, and sees her fidget more at the mention of Aymeric. 
“You have something you want to tell me?” He continues and cleans her fingers off, finding her taste enjoyable. Kiya bites her bottom lip. He is gentle in how he presses kiss on her hand and down her arm to her shoulder. To draw confessions out of her.
“I want you...” He is gentle and tender, a rare side she gets to experience. 
“Want me how? Aymeric tells me you have feelings for me along side him. This true?” Kiya feels the tickle of white hair against her chest when he presses full kisses along her neck trailing them up her jawline, then back down to her collarbone. 
“I do.” Kiya feels mortified in having to admit it this way. But the soft kisses on her neck trail along the front of her neck then up to her lips pressing a chaste kiss on them, testing his limits. She returns it, and looks away sheepish.
“No wonder Aymeric fell in love with you so fast.” Estinien cups her face in his hands and places a full kiss on her, a first between them. He would want to spend more time teasing her, he figured he would be invited into bed with her and Aymeric soon together.
For now he tends to her the way her husband would. Kiya’s mind is swimming hot, even as she witnesses the dragoon be tender with her. That demeanor changes to the one she is familiar with, his hands moving to cup her breasts and give a squeeze at their fullness in his palms. Or how a stray hand moves behind her to tug at her tail stroking it enjoying the feel of fur under his fingertips.
Kiya squeezes her thighs together but has her legs coaxed apart by Estinien’s wandering hands. He ghosts them down till he feels wet heat at her thighs. Kiya stares up at him, and he regards her with a patient look as his fingers touch her curious. She jolts up feeling the way his fingers are much different to Aymeric’s, a little fuller but just as long.
Estinien feels how hot she is, and vaguely wonders how Aymeric handles it, he then shakes his head, he handles it the way he is handling her now. To sate her lust. He pushes two of his fingers into her, not worried of hurting her with her being with his friend. He presses deep into her, curling his fingers and pumps them into her, listening to sighed pleasure underneath him. 
He arranges them after he feels himself straining for pleasure. Estinien angles her hips back and pushes the miqo’te onto her back as he raises her legs up to fit well in between them. 
Kiya feels a rush of anxiety as what was about to happen between them will change their relationship permanently. That was already changed the moment she approached Aymeric with her feelings.
“Second thoughts?” Estinien holds himself before he pushes into her, he feels her radiate heat off her body, more so at her core.
“No, no second thoughts. Just nervous.” 
“Nervous should be reserved for a virgin. You my dear, are clearly not one.” He teases her, and she laughs a bit, he also sees the fire return in her eyes.
“You are right, I am not one.” A shared smile, and Estinien shakes his head once more as he pushes into her. She is hotter than he expected her to be. He wastes little time on the push in, and thrusts. He listens to her mewls and her hands go to his back. She holds onto him as he pushes hard into her.
Estinien then feels what Aymeric warned him about, her nails raking his back when he hits a particular spot she enjoyed. This one he wonders how Aymeric isn’t more scarred up from her scratching. 
“Ah, damn you! I like to keep my skin on myself.” He grabs her hands and pins them above her head as he becomes relentless in his movements. He lowers his head to kiss her, she returns the kiss and eyes him for pinning her hands down.
“Don’t claw.” Estinien says, and she nods. Kiya puts her hands down next to her and digs her nails into the ground instead ripping grass and dirt from its home. He’s glad he made her grip the ground, if she grabbed him like that he would be missing more than just having a few lines down it.
He soon gets an idea, and pulls from her core and rearranges her on her hands and knees again. 
“Tell me, you’ve done anal with Aymeric?” He questions as he dips his fingers into her core then trails them to her ass to press his fingers into her to prep her. 
“Ah, yes! Many times.” Kiya’s face burns at the question.
“Alright then. Good to know, so I don’t have to worry hurting you.” He wanted to release his seed in her, but he made a promise not to, but her ass was a different story for him. There he didn’t worry about getting her pregnant.
Kiya feels him tug his fingers free from her and replaces them with himself. He pushes into her and revels at how she feels tight here even with their mutual lover.
Estinien coaxes her legs further apart and tugs her tail to the side as he stretches her. He waits long enough for her to adjust before he resumes his unrelenting pace from earlier.
Kiya feels a big difference, and buries her face into her arms to let sigh after sighed moan escape. Estinien enjoys it more, and even sneaks a hand underneath her to slip his fingers into her and pumps her as he thrusts into her. 
“There we go, there we go. You feel amazing. I bet you also feel that way too.” He presses his front to her back and listens to the way she pleads for him. Kiya pants out and feels Estinien lift her to fit in his lap and thrusts his fingers into her deeper while his thrusts are made harder. 
“Just think of how both myself and Aymeric are going to be thorough at home. Have a cock in both sides. I wonder how your husband will help me please you.” He speaks into her ears, enough to feel the way she clenches on his fingers and drives herself down harder onto him. 
Estinien kisses her shoulder and next as he draws her into a frenzied mess. Kiya peaks in a way that leaves her panting and shuddering in moans. A few more dirty phrases muttered into her ears leaving her blushing and flustered all the more. Estinien pushes deep and spills himself. He waits a moment while he has her seated on him if she requires more. Or would be calm enough to get her home to enjoy Aymeric along side with him.
“Think you’ll be good for the trek home?” Estinien asks when he sees her senses return.
“I believe so.” Estinien pulls from her and helps clean her off as well as dress her in her clothing. She feels an ache subsided and replaced with another soreness. 
By the time they arrive back to Ishgard, Aymeric was waiting for them outside his home. Kiya looks away sheepish and feeling guilty. Aymeric only smiles to her, and moves to stand in front of her. She raises her gaze to his, and feels the warmth behind his blue eyes.
“I take you had fun then?” He smooths his hands on her shoulders, and looks over to Estinien.
“I missed you with us though. Would have been even more fun if you were there.” Kiya says and looks at Estinien as he walks up to both of them.
“Why don’t we go inside and make up for that? Hm?” Aymeric offers, and both of them agree to it. Kiya feels that ache return, one normally filled by Aymeric, and once they were inside the room. Aymeric closes and locks it. He had excused most of the staff, anyone that would gossip from what was about to take place.
The moment he has his wife, Aymeric leans in and kisses her full, guiding her backwards onto their bed. Estinien leans against the wall for now and watches the two. Kiya grips Aymeric with a fierceness he himself felt in how she clung to him. Aymeric is already pulling her clothing off, and gazes over to Estinien.
“You just feel like watching or would you like to participate?” Estinien sees Kiya on the receiving end of Aymeric’s fingers pushing into her, hardly waiting already know she is still soaked from her heat and earlier.
Aymeric moves to the side to allow Estinien a spot to tease. He takes up behind her, lifting her up as he tugs his own pants down. Aymeric works to rid the dragoon of the rest of the clothing.
Kiya is overwhelmed by both men, and yelps out when Estinien resumes from earlier, pushing himself into her ass with next to no worry of hurting her. Aymeric steps back to watch both of them, seeing the frenzied look in his wife’s eyes and pleading him for relief. While he himself pushes into her slit hissing at how hot she is this round.
Kiya loses her senses all over again, she clings tight to Aymeric as he joins Estinien in uneven thrusts. Every pull back the white haired man does, Aymeric pushes into her, and every drawback of Amyeric’s hips Estinien is pushing forward.
Estinien grips her breasts and even lifts them for Aymeric to kiss and tug at a nipple with his teeth gently. Estinien pinches the other one and rolls it between his fingers.
Aymeric sees how his beloved absolutely loses herself in pleasure. So much his own thighs are drenched in her juices from how wet she has gotten from their combined thrusts and ministrations. Estinien sneaks a hand in between Aymeric and Kiya to roll her clit between his fingers. This causes Kiya to arch between them both and rock her hips forward onto both of them harder.
Estinien pushes Kiya forward and helps shove Aymeric to the floor. Man in question looks at them both then sees how Estinien situates himself behind Kiya. 
“Now love, let’s show him what you are really capable of with those hips of yours.” Estinien guides Kiya down, and she in her frenzied state rocks down on both men. She rides them both, Estinien helping rock her hips down comfortably while Aymeric watches in amazement at how Kiya stares at him in full hunger in her green eyes. 
Kiya braces her hands on Aymeric’s chest and rolls down sinking the entire length inside her. Estinien draws back on the thrust he makes when she does this, then pushes in when she raises her hips up.
“Ah! Please! This is torture on me!” Kiya pants out, Estinien returns his fingers to her clit and rubs it while Aymeric’s hips buck up into Kiya wildly. She feels tugs on her breasts as Aymeric’s hands find them and palms both then tugs at her nipples till she leans forward to him.
Aymeric kisses her deep and she whines into the kiss, a full loud cry is torn from her, and Aymeric feels a gush of fluid hit his lap as she cums hard in her orgasm. Aymeric is next burying himself deep into his beloved and giving her his seed. His and Estinien’s hands at her waist to push her down as far as she can go.
Estinien pulls from Kiya and lets his out on her back then sits back to admire the two. How Kiya seeks Aymeric’s kiss in her need. Estinien leans over the top and joins them in their kiss. Pressing at the corner of her lips and is granted in. 
Kiya feels light in her blissed out state of mind. She sighs into the kisses she gets from both of them.
“How many more rounds do you think she can go?” Estinien questions Aymeric.
“Hmm... normally she can go for maybe three before she is worn out like this. After a bath we can try to get her to do more?” Aymeric answers, Kiya looks to him, then to Estinien. She is in for a very long night with both of them.
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whatzaoverwatch · 7 years
Anything can happen in the Woods (PART 1)
Heyyy it’s a scenario no one asked for but I felt like writing huzzah. All a part of a dream I had and yes, it’s kinda sort of a self-insert so please forgive my trash. Gee guess what kinda AU I am running here you’ll neeeeeever guess (I also blame @zarcake-writes for making the best damn werewolf AU trilogy out there seriously go read that shit). I’ll only continue if people want me to *shrug* I hope so. Next
Note: Female Pronouns
The empty path the fog continues to burden the waves of trees that surround the road. The crunching of leaves beneath your shoes is the only sound in the murk of the abandoned surrounding. Adjusting your hood and shifting the basket in your hand into the pit of the elbow, you furrow your brows on the direction you walked towards. It felt more like an eternity just to get to one location. The road got creepier the more you followed it. But your goal was to be made certain. There was someone you had to see and by God you were set on it. Speaking of the goal, you moved along the dirt road while communicating to the target of your destination.
“Tell me why again is your place in the middle of the woods?” A scoff could be heard on the other end of the line followed by a croaky voice.
“Because a writer needs isolation in order to work.” Quirking an eyebrow, you hum in sarcastic belief.
Your friend was a writer, an ambitious one. She would do anything to find her muse. But she was stubborn as you when it came to your missions. But you could see there was more of a reason why she decided to leave her own home to reside in these woods.
“So it has nothing to do with the huntsman that lives in these woods? You know the one with the accent you can’t stop gawking at in town?”
You could hear her flustered nature from the other side. He was a new face in town, just about showed up when our so called “disappearances” began to unfold in town.
“N-No! Besides he says he’s only here to handle the wolf problem,” You roll your eyes, since when was a dead town like theirs ever a place of interest for a wolf problem? “Speaking of which you should’ve stayed at home, you didn’t have to come over. I don’t want to find out by word that you suddenly went missing just because you came to visit me.”
“Nonsense who else am I supposed to give my baked goods to? You are my favourite customer,” You could feel her concern on the other side of the phone. She was your best friend after all, was more of a sister to you than your own flesh and blood, “I’ll be fine no damn beast is going to take me down not while I have anything to say about it. You are sick and alone and I’m not going to leave you hanging by yourself. If anything I should be worried abou-“
Suddenly the crackling of sound echoed in the device. Halting your words, the fuzzing static began to grow from the phone. Not now, you thought.
“Hello...hellooooo?” You can hear her try to speak out only by bits and pieces.
“I can hear you clearly. Fuck I think I’m losing...” nothing but static and a sudden beep disconnecting the phone is heard. You looked down to see no bars on the reception. Clicking your teeth in irritation, “Fucking piece of shit...”
Shoving the phone in the basket with the goods, you continue to walk the path. Just as you began to question the reliance of technology, a sudden howl could be heard in the distance. Looking over your shoulder, you saw nothing around, not even a deer in sight. Strange, ever since you entered the woods, you hadn’t seen a single bit of wildlife. In fact, It almost felt as if someone was watching you.
Picking up the pace, you shook your head in disbelief. There was no monster in these woods, as the huntsman had previously claimed. Besides, you have a friend who is living in these woods and you don’t hear her claim of anything. She was priority and nothing...a twig snapped. You halt in your step looking around you once more. Nothing in sight, but the feeling of being watched was still there. Thinking it was all in your head, You turn to your path of destination to suddenly see a figure in front of you. You assumed it to be just someone else tracking in these woods, or an animal. But as the figure moved closer, it became larger. Almost like a predator, bigger than a bear no doubt.
Widening your eyes, you halt your cries of fear seeing a beast standing in your path. A wolf sleek in black fur almost mimicking the shadows beneath it. Teeth sharp and white with eyes as red as blood. Everything about them just had a wave of death dripping from its aura. Marks and scars could be seen within the fur was spotted while it stepped closer. You felt the urge to run, to scream for help, but what use was that? You were alone in these woods and here in front of you was the monster everyone warned about. Judging by its stance, you were set out to be its next prey.
The beast stared for the longest time. Its snout perked, taking a whiff of the autumn air before growling deeply. Suddenly before you could think it would attack, a sly smirk appeared on its lips. Its tail wagged in curiosity.
“What have we here?” The beasts voice was gravelly and deep holding both an intimidating but nightmarish wonder. Judging by the tone, the creature was definitely male, “What’s a little girl like you doing out in the woods?”
Swallowing hard, you kept a fearless stance to the creature. Part of you wanted to say, but you knew better. Telling this beast where your best friend lived was just giving him another victim to feed.
“N-Nothing…just taking a walk.” You manage to speak out with a hint of fear in your tone. The beast could easily pick that up, his head tilted with a wider grin.
“Really? You know, they say that these woods are filled with dangerous creatures,” He growled taking a step forward with a chuckle, “Which makes me wonder: why would an innocent fool like yourself wander the woods all by herself? With such…decadent sweets in her hold.”
Gripping the basket in your hand, cursing to yourself at how the freshly baked scent possibly drove him to your location. You stepped back, keeping a hold of the hood that you wore that draped over your head and shoulders.
“Look I want no trouble, if you want some of the treats go ahead.” Thinking that bribery would spare your life, you hoped that would at least be a proper deal to free you. But your hopes were crashed by a demonic laugh by the monster.
“Now if I was to eat any of those, what would your poor friend get from the remainder?” Feeling your heart race and your breath becoming shallow, the creature hummed and started to pace around your stilled body, “Don’t think I overheard your little conversation, you are here to visit that girl in the small cottage. Such a noble act to go out of your way to tend to her sickened side. Perhaps you would like some company on your way there. I’ll be honoured to take you there myself.”
 Just as you feared, you didn’t want her to get involved in this. Furrowing your brows, you stepped away from him with a hardened glare. Debating in your mind to fight or run. He could see the conflict in your eyes and just brought himself closer with a sneer. The grin never leaving. Those red eyes locked on you as if you were the only thing around. Leaning into your ear he hummed with a whisper.
“What do you plan to do? Try to stray me off of her path? I’ll just scent you out till I find her. Planning on walking away, try to go back to her another time? That is just going to delay the inevitable. Even if you don’t plan on returning, I can easily look for her myself. What’s a poor girl to do? Either way, you have set up her fate the minute you set foot in these woods.”
Curling your hands into fists, you looked over your shoulder to him, feeling his breath coat your shoulder. He had really planned this so you wouldn’t escape. You were ensnared in this constricted trap.
“Stay away from her…” You manage to hiss out in displeasure. Feeling his tail brush up against your side he huffs. The softness of the fur didn’t help the fear that tingled down your spine.
“You think it will be that easy? I don’t think so. What do you have to offer besides baked treats that will keep me away?” Narrowing his eyes he awaits for your response. Only one thing in your mind you knew could subdue this beast. You knew your friend would not allow it, but it was her life on the line and you would do anything.
“Myself…” he moved around to face you again in curiosity as you pressed on, “My life for hers. I will do anything, if you don’t kill her.”
The beast was silent for a moment, his crimson stare still planted on you. You felt your body quaking as he stood there. What was he thinking? You couldn’t even imagine as all you wanted to do was keep your friend safe. The silence was cute by a sudden gruff of his voice.
“What makes you think I won’t go after her after I am done with you? Do you believe I will keep my word?” You looked at him dead in the eyes, pleading that he wouldn’t. But something in his stance showed that your friend was no longer of interest. He shook his head with a sneer, “You really are a foolish brave girl aren’t you?”
Just as you looked at him, you felt your body ache and grow heavy. Soon your breath was becoming difficult to control. Your knees gave out as you clenched your chest letting out desperate gasps of air. Exhaustion drifted over your as you watched the creature loom over top of you. His figure being the last thing you see before you slowly pass out. His voice deeply whispering in your ears as you collapse into the crisp leaves.
“You better hope you understand what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
To be continued
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donttellstiles · 4 years
The Killer
Previous chapter --- Next chapter to come
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''Hey, I can't seem to find them'' Allison speaks into the phone once she picks it up. I continue to glance around, the lights from the pool reflecting off the walls.
''Okay, gimme a second, we'll be right there'' Allison hangs up her phone. I turn around waiting for her to speak. Allison's phone chimes again.
''Stiles?'' She asked questioningly.
''I'm in the school looking for you, why weren't you at my place?'' Allison speaks with worry and slight anger.
''On the first floor... The swimming pools? Okay, okay I'm coming'' Allison hangs up her phone, racing past me.
''We need to head to the lobby'' Was all she says before turning around to leave. She begins jogging actually.
''Ally, wait!'' I trail behind her, matching her pace. We leave the pools and make our way out the doors, up the stairs and down the hallway. I stop in front of the trophy case, looking at my reflection in the glass.
The doors quickly burst open, Scott and Stiles appearing.
''Why did you come? What're you doing here?'' Scott asks, slightly out of breath. Allison looks at him in confusion, pulling out her phone. I glance behind Scott, who I was scowling at, and notice Stiles behind him, his eye widening once he sees me.
''Wait, why are you here too?'' Stiles asks, stepping forward. Scott and Allison were to heated in their conversation to notice. I point towards my sister with an expectant look.
''My sister came here looking for Scott, I wasn't going to let her wonder the school alone now was I?'' I spoke sarcastically, earning an eye roll from him.
''Did you drive here?'' Stiles asked Allison, completely ignoring my comment. Allison turns to face him and frowns.
''Jackson did'' Scott and Stiles eyes widen.
''Jackson's here too?'' Scott worries, grabbing his head.
''And Lydia, what's going on? Who sent this text?'' I folded my arms over my chest, my eyes darting around before Allison's phone ringing hung in the air once again.
''Where are you?'' Allison speaks just as the double doors in front of us where slammed open. I jumped slightly, the unexpected loud sound surprising me. Lydia comes marching in, Jackson on her tail. Her heels clicked on the ground as she popped her phone back in her purse.
''Finally, can we go now?'' She asks. We all look to her before a loud thud was heard from above us. We all glanced up in fright. Scott and Stiles just looked to each other, knowing this wasn't going to end well.
Scott grabs Allison hand, looking at Stiles worriedly. I stand still, my feet feeling like their glued to the ground. I was beginning to shake with fear, not liking the sounds of something moving from above.
''Run!'' Scott calls, the other beginning to run after him. I was the last one to move my feet, stumbling a little in the process. I could hear the roof give way from behind, the ceiling colliding harshly on the ground with a loud thud. I could hear a menacing growl from behind, the sound alone helping me pick up my pace.
Stiles pulled Scott's shirt into the direction of the double doors. Once everyone was in, Scott, Allison, Lydia and Jackson began stacking stuff against the door, a loud growl emitting from not to far away. I place my hands on my knees, bending over to stop my head from spinning. My chest was constricting painfully, my ears ringing.
''Help me get this in front of the door'' Scott calls out, Jackson and Allison immediately helping. Lydia stacked whatever she could as well. I glanced up, seeing Stiles over by the windows.
The windows.
I frowned to myself, gripping the back of my neck.
''Scott, wait not here'' Stiles says. I walked over to the nearest table and lent against it, gripping it so tightly my knuckles began turning white.
''What was that? Scott, what was that?'' Allison's words were echoing in the air around me, repeating over and over again. I forced my eyes closed, trying to steady my heart rate.
''What came out of the ceiling?'' Lydia asks terrified. The room began spinning once again. My breathing was coming out labored and uneven.
''The chairs, stack the chairs'' Scott ordered, Lydia and Allison doing that while Jackson helped him move a vending machine in front of the door. Stiles eyes darted from the group and towards Avery who was bent over the desk shaking.
''Guys stop!'' He called out but no one was hearing him. He walked over to Avery, placing a hand around her wrist trying to pull her away. She didn't budge. He used some more strength, prying her hands away from the table. She stumbled backwards but he caught her, spinning her around in his arms.
''Just keep breathing'' He spoke softly, his eyes now focusing on the group that was still ignoring him. While Avery shook in his arms he spoke up.
''Guys?'' He called out. They still kept going.
''Stiles talking'' He tried to add a bit of humor to lighten the mood, but mainly for Avery.
''Can we hang on one second, please?'' He almost begged, seeing the chairs get stacked almost to the top. I evened out my breathing, holding Stiles shirt in my hands so tightly that it almost ripped.
Stiles sighed to himself, glancing down at Avery and towards the group. He swiftly put a hand over her head, covering her ear seeing as the other was against him and screamed out.
''Hello!'' I felt the shout vibrate from Stiles chest. The warmth radiating from his body was helping with my panic attack. My heart rate had slowed down enough for me to breathe more normally. I lent away quickly, watching as everyone spun around, fear and tears in a few of their eyes. Stiles let Avery go without even thinking about, his attention now on everyone else.
''Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now, what should we do about the 20-foot wall of windows?'' Stiles asked, using his arms to gesture towards them. Everyone looked at them fearfully, not realizing they were there bar Avery.
''Can somebody please explain to me what the hell is going on because I am freaking out here'' Allison fearfully calls out to the room, tears now beginning to pool in her eyes. She pulls on Scott, his eyes seeming distant.
''Scott?'' She asks, Scott pulling away from her and walking over to Stiles. He bends over the desk Avery was just on, biting his lip. He glances at Stiles in fear, not knowing what to do or say to anyone.
''Somebody killed the janitor'' Stiles speaks up, his voice dropping with his words. Everyone looks at him in fear, eyes darting around the room for possible signs of the killer. I stand up right, holding myself while biting my lip, not liking the words I was currently hearing. I was currently living a horror movie.
''What?'' Lydia asks, not believing him.
''Yeah, the janitor's dead'' Stiles says, walking towards Lydia, Allison and Jackson.
''What's he talking about? Is this a joke?'' Allison asks, perplexed.
''It doesn't sound funny, Allison'' I spoke up, my voice wavering a little. Allison just looks to me in fear and slight anger.
''Now is not the time for sarcasm, Avery'' She snaps. She immediately regrets it though but doesn't say anything, her fear ruling her.
''What, who killed him?'' Jackson asks, glancing between Scott and Stiles.
''No, no, no, no this was supposed to be over. The mountain lion killed...''
''Don't you get it? there wasn't a mountain lion...'' Jackson finishes, holding Lydia to him.
''Who was it?!'' Allison shouts aloud, aimed towards Scott. I gulp and walk over towards her, placing an arm around her waist. She wrapped an arm back, appreciating the hug from her younger sister in this very moment.
''What does he want?'' She asks what everyone is thinking. The air grows thick with tension, everyone's anxiety and fear filling the classroom.
''Scott!'' Allison shouts, hoping to get his attention to tell her what was going on. She was shaking more then Avery was.
I tried to hold her closer, trying to ease some of her fear as well as my own.
''I don't know'' Scott stammers out, pushing back from the table he was leaning against. I furrowed my eyebrows, not believing either one of them. I could feel anger begin to boil inside of me, replacing my fear slowly.
''I just... if we go out there, he's going to kill us''
''Us, he's going to kill us?'' Lydia pipes up, not liking that their lives were in more danger than what they had thought. I held Al tighter, hearing her soft sobs.
''Who?'' She sobbed out, the heartbreaking look fleeting across Scott's face. My anger was bubbling just beneath the surface, not wanting to be trapped in here a minute longer.
''It's Derek. It's Derek Hale'' Scott concludes, gulping. Stiles looks at him with a frown before facing the group once again. He begins walking backwards towards Scott seeing as he could see everyone conversing with each other in shock.
''Nice one there, throwing Derek under the bus like that'' Stiles comments in annoyance.
''It doesn't matter if he's dead''
''Yeah, Scott... if'' Stiles argued back, walking forward again clearing his throat regaining everyone's attention.
''He's in here with us...'' Scott begins, a tremor to his voice.
''And if we don't get out now... he's going to kill us, too''
Everyone took a few moments to let it sink in. I couldn't believe it was Derek Hale, the Derek Hale we helped when he got... well I didn't even know. He seemed murderous but I never thought he actually was. Seeming evil and being evil were two completely different things. I choked on my breath, feeling disgusted that I was ever in contact with him.
I stepped away from Ally and wrapped my arms around myself again, the anger growing stronger and stronger. I hadn't felt anger like this ever, I almost wanted to reach out and strangle Derek myself for murdering people... but at the same time, run for my freaking life.
''We should call the cops'' Jackson speaks up, reaching for his phone in his jean pocket.
''No'' Stiles omits.
''What do you mean, 'no'?'' Jackson thought he was being ridiculous.
''I mean no, you wanna hear it in Spanish? Noh'' Jackson takes a step forward, looking pissed at Stiles remark. Stiles visibly shrinks back, shaking his head.
''Look, Derek killed three people, okay? We don't know what he's armed with''
''You're dad is armed with an entire sheriff department, call him'' Jackson pointed out as if it was a no-brainer. Stiles gulped nervously, not wanting to get his dad hurt or involved in any of the supernatural. Why the hell were Scott and Stiles still acting so weird about this? Call the cops so we can be rescued!
''I'm calling'' Lydia speaks up, already having dialed the number. Stiles went to get the phone but Jackson pushed him back. I shook my head at the two teenagers and glanced around the room, wanting to leave.
''Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School. We're trapped and we need you too...'' Lydia stops talking, glancing down in confusion. Everyone waits expectantly.
''But...'' She furrow her eyebrows, not believing what she was hearing. Allison steps forward towards her close friend, wondering what was going on.
''She hung up on me'' Lydia says after she pulls the phone away from her ear.
''They hung up on you?'' Allison asks in a disbelieving tone. Lydia spins around with unshed tears in her eyes.
''She said they got a tip, warning them that there are going to be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I called again that they're gonna trace it and have me arrested'' Lydia speaks quickly, rushing her words out.
''Then call again'' I state in annoyance, as if it was so obvious.
''They won't trace it, they'll send someone out to your house before they send anyone here'' Stiles speaks up with a frown, looking at Lydia then to Avery.
''What the, what, what is this?'' Allison asks, still not getting what was going on.
''Why does Derek want to kill us? Why is he killing anyone?'' That was the million dollar question. I leave the group momentarily and walk over towards the other door, seeing out into the hallway. Nothing. Maybe he had left?
''Why's everyone looking at me?'' Scott asks frantically. I look outside one last time, still seeing no signs of movement. I was not going to stay here and get torn apart or killed or whatever was hunting us. My mind went back to the footprints and what looked like paw prints early before. It wasn't just someone inside, there was an animal in here too.
''But we are alive it could have killed us already?'' I missed out on what they were saying but heard Scott whisper to Stiles seeing as they were only a few feet away from me, unaware I was here next to the door.
''It's like it's cornering us or something'' It? The call Derek it?
''So what, he wants to eat us all at the same time?'' Eat us? Derek is a cannibal? Things were getting more and more confusing by the second. I stayed silent, hoping they wouldn't notice me as I eavesdropped on their conversation.
''No! Derek said it want's revenge'' Scott whispers back. They must also be talking about the animal, it was the only logical explanation.
''Against who?'' Stiles asked, not completely getting what was happening either.
''Allison's family?'' My heart dropped at the mention of our family. What did we have to do with this?
''Maybe that's what the text was about... but if it was sent to Allison why not Avery too?'' I got a feeling they both knew something about my family that I didn't. I bit my lip, wanting to hear more, my mind now occupied on what they were saying besides the things that were wanting to kill us and possibly eat us.
''Someone had to send it'' Stiles reasoned.
''Okay, assheads. New plan. Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim, are we good with that?'' Everyone nods, agreeing with Jackson. I don't bother moving, still trying to figure out what I had just heard. I finally step away from the door and over towards Scott and Stiles. Scott turns to me and his eyes widen, not realizing I was there. I narrow my eyes at him, my hands still over my chest.
''He's right'' Scott says, now turning to face a panicking Stiles. I watch as they silently communicate with their eyes, Stiles becoming more and more stressed out.
''Tell him the truth if you have to, just call him'' Stiles glares at Scott.
''I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive'' Scott's eyes widen, pointing his head back towards me. Stiles eyes widen slightly.
''I was by the door the entire time, I heard everything'' Scott and Stiles didn't know what to say.
''We were.. uhhh-''
''Save it, deal with it later, for now let's just... get out of here'' I urged.
''Alright, gimme the phone'' Jackson came up towards Stiles from behind. Stiles turned around, his hand punching Jackson right in the face. I put my hand over my mouth in shock, half thrilled yet half angry too.
''Jackson! Hey, are you okay?'' Allison rushed over to him, giving Stiles a disgusted look. I smirked to myself but quickly got rid of it, walking forward to help Jackson too. Stiles watches the three of them angrily before whipping out his phone, calling his dad.
''Dad, hey, it's me... and it's your voicemail. Look I need you to call me back now. Like, right now-'' A loud thud came from the front doors. We are spun around to see the door shift open slightly, the things in front holding the door for now. I gasp along with everyone else, my hands falling to my sides.
''We're at the school, okay? We're at the school'' Stiles hangs up, pocketing his phone.
''Oh god, oh my god!'' Lydia shrieks from behind Jackson, watching the bolts pop out of the door. I gulp nervously, stepping back slowly as my heart rate accelerates.
''The kitchen, the door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell'' Stiles speaks.
''Which only goes up!'' Scott counters. The banging continues, whatever it was on the other side desperate to come in.
''Up is better than here'' Stiles mumbled more to himself then to the others. We all quickly spun around and fled out the other door, down the hallway and down the stairs into the kitchen, taking the stairwell up to the next level.
We all race down the hallway, trying different doors to try and find one that's unlocked.
''Here'' I call out, pushing mine wide open letting everyone in. Scott shut the door as quietly as he could behind him, ushering everyone to be quiet and away from the door. He placed a chair under the door knob.
Everyone began panting, trying to slow down their breathing. My back was firmly against the wall, my eyes to the left to see the door. Footprints echoed in the hallway, loud breathing and growling heard from just outside the door. I closed my eyes and counted softly to myself, regulating my heart beat.
The sound then began growing distant and distant. Everyone seemed to let out a huge sigh of relief before panicking once again.
''Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?''
''Five if someone squeezes on someone's lap'' I looked at him incredulously.
''Five? We barely squeezed in the back'' I say referring to Allison and I.
''It doesn't matter, there's no getting out without drawing a lot of attention...'' Stiles pointed out.
''What about this?'' Scott asks, getting all of our attention towards a door.
''This takes us to the fire escape which will have us down in the parking lot in like, seconds''
''Yeah, except the janitor has the key'' Stiles points out, everyone groaning a little. Whiles Stiles and Scott continued a hushed conversation, my mind began reeling with possible ideas. My eyes dart around the room, noticing we were in the science block. An idea clicked. I pushed myself off of the wall and walked around the teacher's long bench, peeking into his cabinet looking for what I needed.
''What are you doing?'' Stiles asks. Everyone leans forward, Lydia following my eyes and nodding in understanding.
''There's everything in here for a self-igniting molotov cocktail'' I smiled to myself proudly, double checking with my eyes that all the ingredients were there.
''What are we going to do? Throw acid on him?'' Stiles asks sarcastically, not getting where I was going with this. I turned to face un-amused.
''You're a genius, aren't you? A self-igniting molotov cocktail, easiest shit to make'' I speak up, eyeing Stiles before returning my attention to the cabinet.
''She's right, everything's there'' Lydia voices earning a weird look from Jackson.
''What? I read it somewhere'' She fakes dumb, twirling her a hair a little. I just roll my eyes and focused back on the locked cabinet.
''Well we aren't getting in without a key so...'' Jackson walks up and throws his jacket covered arm through the glass, the screen shattering in seconds.
''Or we could do that''
''Jackson, hand the sulfuric acid'' Lydia commands, pouring my ingredients in as I shook the beaker. Jackson looks confused for a moment before doing as she says, handing her the acid. She adds it in and I finish mixing it all together, add the cork on top. I hand it over to Scott and smile.
''As soon as the glass smashes it'll burn'' Scott just smiles and nods, thanking me. I smile and nod back, walking back over to the counter as my sister approaches him with tears and fear in her eyes. I tune out their conversation, not wanting to hear the pain in my sister's tone.
''Lock it behind me'' Scott says before being pulled back by Allison, a kiss planted on his lips. I glanced away. Scott turns around slowly and leaves the classroom. Jackson walks over and locks it, walking over to Allison to wrap an arm around her to comfort her.
I stay behind the bench, my hands splayed out, gripping the edge.
''Jackson you handed me the sulfuric acid, right?'' Lydia asks, glancing at the two bottle on the counter. I glance down as well, eyeing them.
''I've done everything you've asked tonight'' He grits out, his arm growing tighter around Allison. I eye him suspiciously, not liking what was going on between them.
''Yeah, I'm sure you did'' Both Lydia and I glanced down, neither one of us believing Jackson but for two completely different reasons
A massive growl echoes through out the school, reaching us. We all covered our ears, Jackson falling onto the ground in pain. I glance down to him in confusion, Allison and Lydia fussing around him.
''No, no I'm fine'' Jackson says after the girls helped him up.
''You don't sound fine Jackson'' I pointed out, just a moments ago his screams were lingering in the air. He scowls at me but shrugs the girls off of him.
''I said I'm fine'' I eye him but don't say any more.
''What's on the back of your neck?'' Stiles asks, reaching out. Jackson quickly smacks his hand away, growing worried. Stiles eyes narrow, just seeing the tip of what looked like a scratch. I marched over and grabbed the back of his neck, Jackson wincing.
''Avery!'' Allison calls out. I ignore her and stare at the wound.
''This looks fresh'' I comment, letting him go. He stumbles away from me slightly, looking at me with anger in his eyes.
''It's been there a few days'' He says, dropping the topic. I look over towards Stiles, seeing the same expression on his face that was on mine. Disbelief.
''He should have been back by now'' Allison cries, looking at her phone. I snap out of my thoughts and walk over towards her.
A click from the door was heard. We all turned our heads towards the door, seeing a shadow.
''Scott?'' Allison asks, racing forward. She grabs the door handle and starts throttling it, trying to unlock it.
''Scott!'' She yells, not able to get the door open.
''Where's he going?'' Lydia asks what everyone was thinking. Allison keeps going, banging on the door this time.
''Stop!'' I call out, hearing something in the distance.
''Guys stop! Do you hear that?'' Allison stops banging and everyone turns around, soon hearing it too.
''Sirens'' Jackson spoke up in relief.
Soon police cars and ambulance were swarming in. Dads car was not too far away, Him and mum jumping out to greet Allison and I.
''We were so worried'' Mum stressed hugging Allison tight. I smile at them and hugged dad, letting out a huge sigh of relief. We were safe now, that was all that mattered.
''Are you okay?'' Dad asked, pulling away and glancing down towards me. I smile and loop up at him, nodding. Though he still frowned, seeming to look over my face again.
''Are you sure?'' Mum turned to him and scowled for an unknown reason. He sighed and smiled, hugging me once more while I grew confused.
''I'm so glad you both are safe'' Dad says, hearing Allison sob into mum's chest from beside us. I place my hand on Allison's shoulder and smile.
''Why don't you two go wait in the car'' Dad says, letting mum usher us both to the car. Once we were in she went after dad too who was talking to the sheriff.
''I'll be right back'' Allison sniffles from beside me, noticing Scott in the distance. I call out for her but she had already slammed the door shut. I look out the rear-view mirror, watching mum and dad talk to the police while Scott walks over to Allison. Stiles stood close to his dad now, his arms over his chest. Sheriff turned to him and said something, Stiles moving away from them. He looked up and noticed me sitting in the car. He looked around himself before walking over. I wanted to lock the door, wind the window up so I wouldn't have to face him but didn't.
''Hey'' He said.
''Hey'' I responded back, my eyes forward.
''H-how are you?'' I face him with a frown. I reached for the door handle and began open the door, Stiles tripping backwards. I stepped down and stared at him.
''How am I, are you serious?'' I grit, trying to keep my voice down. Stiles gulps, scratching the back of his nervously.
''I want an explanation, for everything'' I crossed my arms over my chest. Stiles looks left to right, not meeting my eye.
''I can't''
''Can't or won't?'' Stiles looks back at me again, sighing.
''It's too complicated'' I scoff.
''Yeah, you've said that before'' Stiles begins to grow irritated. He stuff his hands in his pockets and leans forward, the open passenger door shading them slightly from everyone else.
''Why are you always mad at me? I've done nothing-'' Stiles begins to raise his voice. I leaped forward and placed my hand over his mouth, silencing him. He stares at me oddly, glancing down at my hand.
''Are you girls ready to...go'' Dad speaks out, pausing once he notices Stiles. I let go just before he sees, Stiles shutting up. He smiles nervously towards him, Dad sending a glare his way.
''I'll see you tomorrow at school'' Stiles says before fleeing quickly. I turn to dad and sigh, frowning. He eyes me down, not liking that Stiles was near his daughter.
''Where's Allison?'' He asks, glancing to the back to see it empty. Allison bounds behind, tears in her eyes as she hurriedly whips them away. She sends us a false smile before hoping in the background. I follow her into the back seat, closing the door behind us. Mum comes up and hops in the passenger seat as dad hops in the driver, turning over the engine. He eyes me in the rear-view mirror but doesn't say anything. Instead he puts the car in gear and drives away from the school.
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imeowwyouu-blog · 4 years
Aggression in Cats
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Aggression is that the second commonest feline behavior problem seen by animal behaviorists. Although cat aggression is usually taken less seriously than dog aggression—perhaps because cats are smaller and don’t pursue people to bite them—aggressive cats are often formidable. they need five potential weapons (their teeth and every one four clawed paws) compared to a dogs’ sole weapon of his or her mouth. Cats can bite and inflict severe lacerations, which are painful and may easily become infected. they will also cause cat scratch fever, a usually benign but potentially serious communicable disease that causes flu-like symptoms. Fights between cats rarely end in fatalities, but they will cause infections and end in considerable veterinary expenses for cat parents. Aggressive cats are often risky to possess reception and may pose a true danger to family and visitors.
What Is Aggression? Aggression is threatening or harmful behavior directed toward an individual , another cat or other animals. Virtually all wild animals display aggression to protect their territories, defend their offspring and protect themselves if attacked. Aggression refers to a good sort of complex behaviors that occur for various reasons under various circumstances. In pet cats, aggressive behavior can range from cats who hiss and avoid the target of their aggression to cats who attack.
Understanding Cat visual communication
Understanding what cats are communicating through their visual communication is important for cat parents. It enables them to more accurately “read” their cats and understand their feelings and motivations for doing what they are doing . It also helps them respond more effectively to behavior issues like aggression.
Body language is formed from cats’ body postures, facial expressions, and therefore the position and carriage of certain body parts, like ears, tail and even whiskers. Cat visual communication is more subtle than dog visual communication and may be harder for people to interpret. Knowing the essential postures and what they mean can help cat parents affect problems more effectively and luxuriate in their cat’s company more fully because they will understand a standard language.
Threats and aggression are often either offensive or defensive. An offensively aggressive cat tries to form himself look bigger and more intimidating, whereas a defensively aggressive cat adopts a self-protective posture and tries to form himself look smaller. the subsequent are typical postures seen in feline aggression. A rule of thumb is to not touch, plan to reassure, or punish cats showing these postures!
Offensive postures include:
A stiff, straight-legged upright stance Stiffened rear legs, with the buttocks raised and therefore the back sloped downward toward the top Tail is stiff and lowered or held straight right down to the bottom Direct stare Upright ears, with the backs rotated slightly forward Piloerection (hackles up), including fur on the tail Constricted pupils Directly facing opponent, possibly moving toward him Might be growling, howling or yowling Defensive postures include:
Crouching Head tucked in Tail curved round the body and tucked in Eyes wide open with pupils partially or fully dilated Ears flattened sideways or backward on the top Piloerection (hackles up) In an anxious cat, whiskers could be retracted. during a fearful cat, whiskers might pan out and forward to assess distance between himself and therefore the danger Turning sideways to the opponent, not straight on Open-mouthed hissing or spitting Might deliver quick strikes with front paws, claws out Overt aggression, whether defensive or offensive, includes:
Swatting, striking with paws Biting Fighting Growling, shrieking Scratching Preparing for an all-out attack by rolling onto side or back and exposing all weapons: teeth and claws In this position, your cat might plan to grab your hand and convey it to his mouth to bite it Classification of Aggressive Behavior If your cat has been aggressive within the past otherwise you suspect he could become aggressive, take time to guage the situations that got him upset. Who did he aggress toward? When and where did it happen? What was happening during the half-hour approximately leading up to the incident? What was close to happen to your cat? Determining the answers to those questions can clarify the circumstances that trigger your cat’s aggressive reaction and supply insight into why he’s behaving this manner . you would like to know the explanation for your cat’s aggression and his motivation for it before you'll help him.
Keep in mind that variety of medical conditions can cause or contribute to your cat’s aggression, including toxoplasmosis, hyperthyroidism, epilepsy, abscesses, arthritis, dental disease, rabies, trauma, and sensory decline or cognitive dysfunction in older cats. the primary step in resolving your cat’s aggression problem is to possess an entire veterinary exam to assess his physical health.
Aggressive behavior problems in cats are often classified in several ways. an honest thanks to understand why your cat is aggressive is to believe the function or purpose of the aggression. If you think about all the explanations why cats behave aggressively, you'll determine what motivates your cat to try to to so and identify what he might gain from his behavior.
Between Cats
The most obvious and simply understood sort of aggression between cats occurs between unneutered males. As males reach adulthood, they often begin to challenge one another for access to mates and territory. felines who roam will get into threatening stand-offs and actual fights. They sit or stand stiffly, their hackles up, and stare at one another . Their ears are swiveled backward, and that they often growl, hiss and howl loudly. One cat might eventually slowly leave, or one or both of them might attack.
Aggression between household cats is more subtle and sophisticated than the conflicts between two outdoor toms. It are often so subtle, in fact, that cat parents don’t notice it. The aggressor cat postures, and therefore the recipient makes himself look smaller and should break free to avoid the aggressor. The aggression can occur between females or between females and males. It are often associated with physical size and activity (large cats often intimidate smaller or less active cats), to a scarcity of pleasant social experiences with other cats, to an accidentally learned association between the opposite cat and something unpleasant (like fireworks or thunder), or to an easy personality clash. Please see our article, Aggression Between Cats in Your Household, for more information about this problem.
Fearful or Defensive Fear aggression can occur when a cat perceives a threat, and it escalates if he can’t escape. The more threatening the person, animal, object or sound seems to the cat, the more heightened his fear reaction are going to be . Typical body postures related to fearful or defensive aggression are a mixture of defensive signals (such as crouching, flattening the ears, tucking the tail, leaning away or rolling onto the side, and pupil dilation) and aggressive signals (such as hissing and spitting, piloerection, growling, swatting, biting and scratching). Aggressive signals are especially likely to be displayed if a cat can’t escape the thing he fears. Often the simplest thanks to affect a defensively aggressive cat is to easily avoid him until he calms down.
Animals of the many species strive to expel or exclude other individuals from their territory, and cats are not any exception. Both male and feminine cats are territorial, but males may defend larger territories than females. Cats’ territorial aggression is typically directly toward other cats, but it are often directed toward dogs and other people , too. A cat can show territorial aggression toward some relations and not others and toward some cats but not others. Cats mark their turf by patrolling, chin rubbing and urine spraying. they'll stalk, chase and ambush a targeted intruder while displaying offensive body postures, including hissing, swatting and growling. Some cats take a slow and steady approach in their stalking, while others immediately and aggressively chase . A cat’s perceived territory might be the whole house or a part of it, the yard, the block or the neighborhood.
Some of the foremost common situations that trigger territoriality are:
A kitten within the household reaches sexual maturity A new cat is introduced into the family and household Major changes are made within the cat’s family or environment (for example, moving or someone moving in) Stray or roaming cats within the neighborhood enter a cat’s territory
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