jeng-shu · 2 months
Era, en cuanto a la hora que era, una hora que fue como un relámpago que apaga; y en efecto, apagó todo cuanto se atravesó; quiero decir todo, hasta el sol. ¿Lo que pasó? Sencillo. A causa de la disociación, la subjetivización a escudo y espada tan defendida, la confusión de informaciones, la represión psíquica colectiva, la evasión de los procesos de juicio tan importantes en la naturaleza, suprimida por cierto, y los colores de un mundo perdido en más formas que sentidos, aconteció que el .org, .doc .txt acabó con un punto aparte a toda la humanidad al verse como el autor sin rostro ni nombre que acabó con los hilos débiles que conducen al hombre en cortés (aunque hipócrita), conducta utilitarista con el fin de no mover demasiadamente violenta a su realidad para no causar inconvenientes dentro del gran colectivo. Era el anarquista perfecto... El gran hermano... aquello que ve todo y oye todo, era la sombra, era peor que el diablo... Era el maldito lenguaje de las sombras tomando lo que es suyo. En ese momento todos lo supimos... Supimos que la grosería, el vandalismo, el rechazo o la ilogicalidad dejarían de tener sentido en pocas horas... Ya todo era un hecho, verde como helecho, trabajo bien hecho. Se sabía, tal como en antaño, ante todos los ojos del mundo, que el sol seguía siendo calor, y que la sombra fue siempre el color. También se sabía en ese momento que el color quema, mucho quema el color, que el calor incluso se queda corto para el daño, para el dolor. Maldito color...
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Pienso en un milagro y solo puedo pensar en ti a mi lado; Pienso que si sería un milagro volver a despertar a tu lado, volver a sentir tu respiración al recostarme en tu pecho y dormirme en tus latidos; Que hermoso milagro sería para mí que me vuelvas a despertar con besos y caricias en el pelo; Milagro sería recuperar esa conexión y revivir ese amor que en algún lugar de nuestro ser esta guardado, ahí juntando polvo, en polvo de estrellas; Creer en los milagros y en las coincidencias creo que es lo mismo y las coincidencias no paran de traerte a mi vida de alguna u otra forma, algo que me recuerde a ti siempre aparece, con la brisa del otoño que está por aparecer y nos regala sus atardeceres color pastel que tanto te gusta fotografiar, con la tormenta a la noche que se cae el mundo y yo solo quiero estar en tus brazos, disfrutar de esas simplezas que tan presentes teníamos, todas esas casualidades te traen a mi lado y traen consigo mis ganas de estar a tu lado; Y me pregunto si algún milagro te podrá traer de nuevo, si te podrá traer en nuevos recuerdos por crear, que los recuerdos viejos me los sé de memoria, de tantas veces que volví por esas calles de recuerdos muertos, solo para volver a sentirte, me gustaría que sea un milagro con realidad, como aquel milagro de estar a tu lado, verte sonreír y poder abrazarte para que el mundo se detenga en ese instante, en el que solo sentimos nuestras respiraciones y latidos conectarse y parecer uno mismo; Le pido al cielo, al sol y a la luna por un milagro, por el milagro de volver a sentir tu amor y nuestra conexión… Mientras tanto agradezco que nuestros caminos en algún momento se cruzarán, porque ese fue el milagro, cruzarnos con lo grande que es el mundo, por una casualidad…terminamos siendo un milagro… Por eso agradezco a las casualidades que nos dieron una milagrosa historia y que milagrosas nuestras almas conectando y en conexión!
Por el milagro de nuestra historia y el milagro de coincidir.
Algo que escribí con lo que me dejó su último recuerdo y que no me da la valentía para enviar y porque amar también es soltar ❤️‍🩹
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joykjkx · 3 months
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What a curious image, it seems to be a board where some image or record of each event is shown. What meaning will it have? New Chapter available of 'Aunt Jenny's Stories and Tales'
Que curiosa imagen, parece ser un tablero donde se muestra alguna imagen o reguistro de cada evento ¿Qué significado tendrá? Nuevo Capítulo disponible de 'Hisotrias y Cuentos de la Tía Jenny'
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postguiltypleasures · 11 days
My Peak TV Journey *Betty la Fea La Historia Continua*
I need to say upfront, that I was really excited about this series, and I remain mostly satisfied. I look forward to the second season continuing (and wrapping up?) this story. I also finished watching the edited-for-Peacock version of the original.  I will say that the sequel is for people like me, people who think the original loses steam after the return from Cartagena. Also, while they can show Armando in touch with his emotions, they don’t show him having any idea how to act on them in a healthy manner. Despite this he and Betty accept that they’re still in love, generally better together so they get together without resolving Betty’s deep trust issues, or how Armando still needs to learn anger management and better communication skills. It’s amazing they lasted as long as they did.
I don’t want to fight anyone over the quality of the series, but there are some things I have to defend. Namely the structural differences between the sequel and original. By structural, I mean mostly pacing, cast size, and how information is revealed. The differences between setting up a story that will most likely run through through hundreds of episodes more or less uninterrupted for over a year vs something that the two episode once a week, for a total of ten where continuation will be indefinite continuation is essentially a change of medium. The techniques and rules for storytelling change. The now. de-cannonized sequel spinoff Ecomoda is criticized for being too much of a sitcom when figuring out how to deal with this.  La Hisotria Continua is more like the original telenovela in tone and plot points, but it has to unfold differently than the original. (Also in being more like the original, it’s going to torture its main characters a new. If you can’t accept it, don’t watch and don’t comment.) In the original an early episode is dedicated to Betty and Nicholas reading a magazine covering an event Ecomoda had, with flashbacks to event, where we really get to know many of the major characters, what they are up to and then we watch what’s happening next. This season comes with the assumption that we are familiar with most of the characters, but we don’t really know what they’ve been up to, and most importantly, we don’t know how they relate to the new ones. Crucially, it isn’t laid out so we know what kind of danger Betty is walking into like in the original. Int the original the intrigue was “what will happen?” Here it’s more “what has happened?” This comes with mixed results. The first episode especially felt needlessly confusing. And even by the end of the season, there were things, like how and why Majo got involved with Ecomoda, that I wish had been clarified by then. However, there was a moment in the second episode made it more clear that they knew what they were doing. This starts with Betty telling Bertha and Sandra that she was not a good president of Ecomoda because she only made the rich richer. I took this as a sign that this was taking on the extreme classism in the original, how it was mostly treated as “that’s the way the world works” kind of way. 
The series opens at Don Roberto’s (Armando’s father) funeral. Armando’s relationship with his father was always  fucked up though the original series seemed to loose interest in the more negative aspects of his character as it went on. One of the messed up things about their relationship was how accommodating Roberto was to Daniel, so of his former business associates and Armando’s rivalry. The not too subtle subtext is that Roberto thought of Daniel as a more serious minded person for business and wished Armando was more like him, while also showing little to know interest in anything else about who Armando is as a person. He didn’t have much interest in who Daniel was as a person either. This all business approach helped him appear to be out of the fray, when he really very much was in it. In the new series, through  a video of his will, Roberto sets up a plan for Ecomoda that manipulates a reluctant Betty back while telling Armando how he once again failed as president.  No wonder after Roberto’s death Armando is haunted by visions of Roberto saying he should have spent more time in prison, and that he doesn’t deserve someone as wonderful as Betty. The latter statement is pretty ironic, given that Roberto treated Betty pretty coldly. Everyone ignores the fact that in the original series when they first met he refused to shake her hand. Roberto definitely deserves some of the blame for how Marcela became a lingering presence over Betty and Armando’s marriage, and Betty never feeling entirely welcome in the Mendoza family. And of course as we later learn, her fired Betty to appease Marcela, when that was bad for everyone.
Looking back after the season, I think Marcela might have been the character who most benefited from the changes in structure. The story was put into motion by her worst qualities, her anger, lack of curiosity, the ways she isolates herself. But she didn’t have enough air time to for these traits to become too tiresome and have us give up on her. And she is left in a position where she has to make some life changing decisions. We learn early on Marcela blames Betty for Daniel’s downfall. Betty was aware that something was wrong with the company financially, alerted the police and the investigation led to Daniel being arrested for money laundering and then being murdered in prison. But, for the plot of this series, the real issue is how aggressively Marcela only sees what she wants to see. Marcela seems to have natural blinders towards so much in life. She wants vengeance of getting rid of Betty and Armando and then taking over Ecomoda with Ignacio. But she is not paying attention to what Ignacio is doing. When she learns if a lot of it in the last episodes she’s appalled. But she mostly doesn’t want to. Her relationship with Ignacio is the inverse of how she treated Armando as a boyfriend, but reminiscent of how she never had interest in the running of Ecomoda, never check in on Armando and Mario’s business schemes and ignored how her brother sexually harassed her best friend. So her not checking in more on Nacho feels in character, but is part of the way she’s always been frustrating. After the reveal that Ignacio is her half brother, instead of her nephew as she believed, I began to wonder if it was a revelation to force her to change this aspect of her character? Does knowing her father had a second family make her aware that this isn’t just keeping her head high out of the muck? (Or whatever she says to herself.) She’s ignoring things that matter. It also made me think are we supposed to reassess her constant monitoring of Armando during their relationship as some kind of subconscious way of making up of all the ways she ignored the poor behavior of the men in her immediate family? For most of the season the relationship between Marcela and Nacho was treated as a mystery, much of the office assuming that he was her boyfriend, while fans knew he was a secret member of the Valencia family and having the full answer include how much Marcela doesn’t look at or explore things involving her familys interesting. I hope the next season follows up on this. Some of the follow up will involve Pascual, Nacho’s secret parter and Marcela’s new love interest. I’m not sure Pascual will actually be good for Marcela in the long run.  She needs to have her single minded desire to hurt Betty and Armando broken by other desires. And I don’t think she’s thought of wanting anything else for a while. But he gives mixed messages all the time. As a secret patter who express interest in becoming part of the high society fashion world. But in his first scene he says the line “Para mi papero y papito son los mismos nombres.”  Indicating he’s not that interested in changing his identity.  He has a couple of ugly divorces and says he wants to be fawned over by models, but he also is instantly smitten with Marcela and pursues her with the most blunt and crass language I can imagine.  He also has as little interest in remaking Ecomoda’s image as he does his own image, to Nacho’s presumed chagrin.
Marcela also had surprisingly little interaction Patricia, which did affect a lot of the show. It’s an interesting way showing of how people have changed and stayed the same. During the first episode I hated Bertha and Sandra’s jokes about Patricia’s husband. They were gross and agist.  (Later meeting him at the quinceñera flash back made Patricia’s relationship  seem like elder abuse. But, I kind of like that Patricia’s in a relationship that she wants to be known, but doesn’t want to bring attention to. It’s a change of pace from the original where she was single, desperate and frequently saying how she could have a boyfriend whenever she wanted. The change seems like an appropriate response to Daniel regularly offering to pimp her out to his friends. I also like that she was promoted to Gutierrez’s position as a way to show everything being different but similar. Patricia was always about bossing around el cuartel. Gutierrez also seemed to think of his job as chiding people back into looking busy whenever. The change in position a good reason for Bertha and Sandra’s renewed hatred for Patricia a fits with the ways Gutierrez was awful. Bertha’s obsession with “chisme” might actually make her good at the job, She can make people feel seen and heard and communicate between workers and executives. People could feel more motivated to work when they understand more of what is going on in the company. But it doesn’t fit with the intense classism that rules Ecomoda. It would be a view of the position completely alien to Gutierrez.  
As I was saying earlier, whatever is going on with Majo, Mario and Armando seems more needlessly confusing than intriguing. Why is Armando friendly with Majo again after her kiss at the end of the first episode causes such disruption? Those scenes with the them at the club were weird. I don’t for a second believe she’s an alternate love interest, but why should I care? As the season went on I find myself more intrigued by the lack of scenes between Majo and Mario. He talks her up whenever he’s alone with Armando and even expected her to have a conjugal visit with him in prison. Yet she never talks about him, and they never talk directly to each other. I’ve come to think of her as not so much wanting Armando, as wanting Armando to want a divorce because that what Mario, her secret real employer wants. But this is based on absence, rather than what’s on screen. For what does Mario want control over Armando? And why is he still so bad at vetting potential business alliances? I hate the character of Mario, but the season could have improved by filling in some gaps about what he’s up to.
Betty’s alternate love interest, Esteban, isn’t a better defined character than Majo, but at least he’s not supposed to have created some kind of bond with the main characters off screen in the time between series’s.  He’s a better alternative love interest than Michel in that he’s a better listener and has more in common with Betty. But he’s still too boring to compete with Armando.
As someone who always thought Armando didn’t show up enough what he learned, of that he necessarily knew how to be, I kind of loved events on the third and fourth episodes as revisiting things in the original series, including punch Esteban like he punched Nicolas in the original for being a perceived romantic rival. While that was a new low originally, it didn’t motivate Armando to change his behavior. If anything, the original series suggests that violently lashing out is fine when you’re lashing out at the right people as demonstrated by him later punching Mario. His attempt to change includes joining a group therapy with Freddy. This leads to revisiting Armando in drag, only this time to better understand Betty’s point of view, not simply be emasculated for the failures of his toxic masculinity and homophobia as in the original. In some ways I felt for him more in this series than I did in the original. He just seemed so lost, but also not putting himself at the center of everything as he did in the original.  Betty briefly made him VP of Finances, a roll to which he is not suited, but doing so gives him the time to confess to his misdeeds on his own time, I found myself wishing that they made Armando majoring in something more mechanical a bigger part of his character. Then I could say “that’s what he’s good at.” But he seems otherwise most interested in maintaining vendor and supplier relations which seems closer to Marcela’s specialty. Being at Ecomoda is bad for him as a person. During the flashback to the fight while Betty left him he says he sacrificed his social circle for their relationship. There is a truth to this. Mario’s ability to slip back into his life is a sight of how real it feels. But the bigger truth is that between the hours he spent at Ecomoda, and the class rigidity of the institution, he never had the opportunity to make new friendships. This is poignantly present in his scenes with Freddy, where we see how hard it is to accept Freddy as a friend. 
All this talk about how social hierarchies having ruinous effect on personal it’s time to do a brief, segue about the uses of “usted” and “tú” in both series, with the caveat that I am neither a native Spanish speaker nor a Colombian nor someone who’s ever been to Colombia. I know I’m missing a lot of cultural context. I have heard that Colombia uses usted more than other Spanish speaking countries. Still, the use in the original seemed extreme. It helped illustrate the ingrained classicism of the original. Betty and Armando reverting to “usted”  even en a flashback to happier times, after beginning to use “tú” near the end of the original is a bad sign. It adds opportunity to misunderstand one another and hints that they haven’t quite gotten over the class divide after years of marriage. In the original it sometimes seems like one has to be upper class to deign tutear. The Cuartel, Betty’s parents within their relationship with each other and with Betty, as well as Betty with Nicolás all use “usted” with each other despite being personally close. In contrast to this Patricia’s use of tú comes off as impudent,  and Nicolás only uses tú when trying to impress Patricia by pretending to have more money than he’s worth. This language barrier, in the original Betty sees herself as an extension of Armando who always had to prove herself. (This is common amongst Ecomoda employees, see Berta’s reluctance to share Gutierrez’s home phone number while he was sexually harassing Aura Maria and Sandra’s self flagellation after lying to Mario.) By the new series Betty strongly associates more with the employees of Ecomoda than any of its owners. Which explains her return to “usted,” and Mila’s regular use of “tú” as a sign of how hard it is for them to get each other. The continuation seems pretty aware that this emphasis on formality was a not great set up for life.
Mila starts the season very angry with her mother and ends angry with her father. While taking notes I surmised that all the hurtful things Mila said to Betty early on showed a fear of understanding what happened between her parents. She knew it was too potentially painful. She chose to support Armando because she thought he wanted to reconnect in a way Betty didn’t. This fear is completely founded, and when she does find out about her parents history, the reason her mother quickly abandoned trust in her father, she switches allegiance. Though this happens right around the time Betty is starting to consciously realize that her reaction 
Early in the season Betty says something about needing to break vicious cycles. She’s right about that need,  but her technique of just cutting off all contact is by now her own contribution vicious cycle, and therefore counter productive. She would have known more about what she was walking into returning to Ecomoda if she opened those emails. Also, while she definitely had the right to be angry with Armando about how his failed negotiations with Roberto and Marcela affected her, and the way she was cut out of them, it would have been better for all if after a couple of days of cooling down they decided to meet for counseling. The extended radio silence was just bad for everyone. Also I would like more detail on what Betty and Nicolas were up to in their time away from Ecomoda. I am under the impression that Doña Julia was ill and died during that time period, so Betty spent a lot of time with her mother during her last days and shut off any contact Armando tried to make simultaneously. But what else? What was she thinking about as possible futures? Nicolas is even more of a blank slate. All I know is that Mila has apparently t been telling I’m for yeas that the amount of hair gel he uses makes him look older than necessary. She is right, see any picture of Mario Duarte out of character. 
While I wish more detail was given to Betty’s life away from Ecomoda, I like pretty much everything about how she acts after she returns. As I said before, I like how explicitly she relates to non share holding staff instead of favoring the actionistas. This includes her room ring Freddy and demoting Mario. I hope there is more follow up on that next season. More concerning this season’s plot, I like that Betty got the heads up about financial shenanigans from Hugo. It was unexpected, but in character for both. Also it reflects poorly on Marcela, who could have gotten answers to what Armando was doing if she just talked to Hugo like an equal. 
I don’t know anything about the Colombian’ legal system. So I can’t say anything about how realistically or not Armando turning himself and Gutierrez in between the episodes. The important thing is how it plays in comparison to his downward spiral after Betty exposed the Terramoda scheme in the original. Which is that he’s more willing to take responsibility for his actions, go public and not pick fights. Betty also has changed since then, demonstrated by going to visit him in jail and talk. Then they have sex in a scene reminiscent of their first time in the original, only with some roll reversal. This is emotionally confusing for Betty. In someways exactly why she justified cutting him off with no contact. On the other hand she gets to speak to someone who cares about the real emotional turmoil affecting her and learns more about Ecomoda’s quagmire. 
Another aspect recently revealed aspect of Betty I would like to see more of is the things that led Betty to tell her father that he wasn’t a great husband. He wasn’t, but it was something that couldn’t be articulated outside of some face making Doña Julia did, and the way she and her mother hid things from him. It fits with a theme of the series of saying things they couldn’t say in the original. Hermès’ dogmatism is in conflict with Betty’s journey of becoming more of a humanist. 
I’m now going to wrap this up by writing about the new generation followed by some thoughts on finish the original series in a more complete way than ever before.
Other than Mila, Ignacio is the best defined of the new characters. Viewers were quick to say he has the Daniel Valencia role of the original. After all he is someone aligned with Marcela acting antagonistically towards Betty and Armando. And while this series played with that assumption, the two characters are most interesting in their differences. Ignacio is charming while Daniel was aggressively not. To the extent Daniel had a charm, it’s based on the idea that he’s saying to your face what other people say behind your back. As a guy setting up a mass surveillance program through Ecomoda, Ignacio not going to pretend that he’s the one person telling the truth to your face. But he sincerely does like Mila, even though the circumstance means he’s betrayed her before anything started between them. At the end of this season I found myself wishing that there was more time spent on Jeff and Carmen so that the love quadrangle that Mila and Ignacio are with them felt juicier. It’s got long running soap potential. 
Finishing the original while watching this has brought back some of the dread that I had going into the last section of the novela. Much of the post Cartagena plot feels like the show is spinning its wheels before deciding how to hastily rush to the finish line. Contributing to this feeling is the over reliance on flashbacks. The scenes involving Betty’s return to Ecomoda are particularly bad with this, and they didn’t even cut them from the Peacock edits. (These would have been some of the first edits if I were supervising it.) This section drops  various subplots, including Inesita’s estranged husband coming home to die, which real does make the way the series doesn’t know what to do stand out. Theresa are some high points likeel desfile del Cuartel. But that is also supposedly the resolution of the Sofia/Jenny plot, and it’s not satisfying as such. I get that the cast and crew were exhausted, and some of them had signed contracts to work with other tv networks lessening their availability. But on a level of pure drama, these plots points are simply inexcusable. Also dropping the cuartel’s pilots makes them worse friends. They suddenly only have gossiping about Betty going on and no respect for boundaries or treating her like an actual person, instead of the lead in a telenovela. Equally inexcusable is how because Armando now is conscious of his feelings for Betty, the fact that so much of the way it’s shown involves violating her boundaries by stalking her on meetings he wasn’t invited to and secretly steeling and reading her diary, is why I can’t be too angry at Betty for dropping him the way she did.
This time around I was aware of how often real life designer Bettina Spitz had her name dropped and showed up on screen. Didn’t even realize I was missing that before. 
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orbesargentina · 4 months
Google es un motor de búsqueda que organiza y clasifica una vasta cantidad de información accesible en la web. Fundado en 1998 por Larry Page y Sergey Brin, este gigante tecnológico ha revolucionado la manera en que la información es buscada y recuperada por usuarios de todo el mundo.
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spookyrules · 7 months
espero que hayas entrado aqui esperando dibujos, fanart y una hisotria propia
nada muchas gracias y estare subiendo cosas
me llamo spooky y soy un artista Argentino
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lainfanteriaradio · 1 year
"Reporte Turístico"
Este lunes en Reporte Turístico descubre un presioco destino que alberga las simientes de la hisotria patriótica de República Dominicana. Museo Casa Duarte un lugar que debes visitar en famila. La Infantería Radio Este espacio es patrocinado por Martha Infante a nombre de su libro “Sin Maquillaje” una historia fascinante con un final inesperado. Si lo adquieres nos estas ayudando a seguir…
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agujeroazulposts · 1 year
El otro dia fui a comprar ropa interior, ya sabiendo que los talles q venden fomentan los desordenes alimenticios, le digo a la vendedora
- me traes esta prenda pero en el talle más grande q tengas?
- esa te va a andar, (me dice), nosotras solemos ver a nuestro cuerpo más grande de lo q son".
Puede ser, pienso, pero lo q no quiero
Ese boxer me iba a entrar en el cuerpo,si, pero sim dejar q corra bien mi sangre.
Si fuera yankee lo llamaría "síndrome de la ropa ajustada", pero no quiero hacer de un problema político una patología individual.
Sabemos q desde hace banda la ropa para mujeres es una garcha, desde los antiguos corset a los tacos, a la ropa sin bolsillos, a la remera toda cruzada q si me muevo un poquito se me desarma, por lo q estoy casa 4 minutos estirando desde atras, y levantando la manguita de la derecha. Estos "tiempos antiguos" De los q hablo me refiero a las pelis esas q vi, de reinas y no se q, es una hisotria de los ricos y de los eurpeos.
Pero bueno en fin, parte de la historia esa nos quedó a nosotros, y no precisamente la riqueza.
Volviendo a lo q estaba, esos zapatos tipo ladrillo q no le dejan a mi pie encurvarse mientras camino, a ese short tan cortito q cada vez q me paro lo acomodo, xq dos centimetros arriba no da, pero dos abajo es lo justo.
Pero yo vine a hablar de la ropa ajustada, no de toda la otra ropa de mierda. Bueno, además de todo eso, q a veces una va dejando ciertas prácticas tortuosas y se pone unas buenas zapas, hay otras más sutiles de sortear, y me refiero a esas calzas q de ajustadas moldean mi cuerpo con una forma q no tiene, de esas bombachas que se meten entre mi piel dejándome pliegues, de esos jeans q parecen bien a primera vista en el espejo pero q no puedo esperar a quitarmelos cuando me baje media pizza.
Vine a hablar de esa, de esa otra maldición q tenemos q desatar aquellas que elejimos o q se nos impuso la femineidad. Una más sutil q el zapato q deja callos.
Es una q te hace creer q tenes un malestar en la panza, q algo te cayó mal, pero no era eso, era q no podías respirar bien hermana. Era q bajo esos trapos tus organos estan luchando por el espacio, tus piernas por moverse sin restricciones, tus mente queriendo dejar el pensamiento "se me saldrá una teta si salto"?
Me atormenta pensar todo el movimiento, la comodidad, la inseguridad, q la ropa genero en mi y genera en tantas. Me alivia la libertad q siento tan solo cambiando al lado "masculino" de la tienda.
El otro día encontré (después de muuucha busqueda) una calza de ciclismo para vulva, le digo a la vendedora "el talle más grande q tengas", me trae un XL, me pruebo y me apretaba un poco la pierna, dudo si comprar o no, recorri tantos locales q solo tenían este tipo de ropa para penes, porque los porta pene si son buenos ciclistas, no?
Resulta q para ser buena, también hay q tener menos de 64 kg, como yo. "La tela va ceder un poco" me dice la vendedora.
Estoy pedaleando, la panza contraida, la respiración hasta el pecho.
¿cuantas veces más me va a atrapar la maldita ropa incómoda?
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clearrdark · 5 years
ya no se que hacer con esto, creo que pienso mucho las cosas, me lastimo pensando que estoy sola, que nadie me valora como me gustaría, que nadie conoce en verdad a alguien o a mi en este punto, abra alguien que se sienta vacía, a pesar de tener a muchas personas al lado?.Creo que el sentirte reemplazado por tus propios amigos es algo que no es bonito de sentir, no es bonito crearse imágenes en tu cabeza de que las personas ya no te cuentan sus cosas como antes, sino a alguien mas, que te pongas a pensar que estas ahí, por si nadie los escucha, ser la ultima opción, pedir algo, ultima opción.
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joykjkx · 4 months
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What is this!? 5 new chapters of the Book 'Aunt Jenny's Stories and Tales' have been released!! They are now available, you can go to Wattpad to read them and what stories will be presented on this occasion, see you soon!
¡¿Que es esto!? ¡¡se han lanzado 5 capítulos nuevos del Libro 'Historias y Cuentos de la Tía Jenny'!! ya estan disponibles, puedes ir a wattpad para leerlas y que hisotrias se presentarán en esta ocación, nos vemos pronto!
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historysisco · 6 years
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Working as a bartender, you often hear some whoppers coming from customers. Now, I can’t say the stories aren’t true but as one of my regulars likes to say “The bartender hears it all since the music faces away from the bar.” Its true, we do tend to hear it all, for good or bad. So this whopper was said the other day while I was bartending at Finns Corner (660 Washington Avenue, Corner of Bergen Street, Brooklyn NY.)
An older gentleman was talking to one of our regulars when he says “My great-grandfather invented the hot dog.” Now the regular looked up from his beer and said “Your great-grandfather was Nathan?” To which the gentleman answered “No, my great-grandfather fired Nathan. His name was Charles Feltman.” Obviously, he was looked at with skepticism and bullshit was called. the gentleman simply answered “Why would I like about being related to Charles Feltman.” I thought that was a reasonable answer.. I was asked what I thought about it and I just shrugged since I really don’t know much about the subject, but it piqued my curiosity. So who was Charles Feltman. 
Charles Feltman (November 8, 1841 – September 20, 1910) was born in Germany and emigrated to the United States in 1856. He worked as a pie salesman via his pushcart at Coney Island. One of the items that he also sold was a sausage that Feltman had called a Frankfurter. Being a baker, Feltman came up with a bun that customers could hold the sausage in without having to use either utensils or plates. By 1871, Feltman had made enough money to rent a plot a land that would eventually become his empire. According to the Coney Island History Project website for Charles Feltman:
by the early 1900s covered a full city block and consisted of nine restaurants, a roller coaster, a carousel, a ballroom, an outdoor movie theater, a hotel, a beer garden, a bathhouse, a pavilion, a Tyrolean village, two enormous bars, and a maple garden. By the 1920s Feltman's Ocean Pavilion was serving five million customers a year and was billed as the world's largest restaurant.
So how does Nathan of Nathan’s fit into this story? Nathan Handwerker was an employee of Feltman who in 1916 left (or was fired as per the storyteller at the bar) and opened his own restaurant where he sold his sausages for five cents. Feltman sold his for ten cents. Now here is where the story gets convoluted. 
Charles Feltman passed away on September 20, 1910 so he couldn’t have been the one to fire Nathan (as per the storyteller at the bar) but Feltman’s son and godson, both named Charles Feltman ran the business after the elder Feltman’s death in 1910. Maybe one of those two are the great-grandfather that the gentleman at the bar refers to, neither one of which are credited with inventing the hot dog. But what do I know, I’m only the bartender who hears it all because the music is facing away from the bar 😉 To finish off the Feltman story.
According to the Brooklyn Eagle Newspaper of April 29, 1946, the Feltman family sold the entire operation. The restaurant would stay in business at Coney Island until 1954. The Astroland amusement park would be built on the land of the former Feltman restaurant empire at Coney Island. 
Recently the Feltman hot dog has made a comeback at Coney Island. According to the article Before Nathan’s there was Feltman’s: The history of the Coney Island hot dog by Dana Schultz from the 6sqft website dated July 3, 2018, Coney Island historian Michael Quinn brought back the Feltman name and similarly to Feltman himself, started selling the hot dogs via a pop-up and eventually raised enough funds to open up a Feltman’s on West 10th and Surf Avenue which is on the original Feltman’s location. We’ll see how this location does in today’s Coney Island. 
I recommend that you check out the aforementioned article by Schultz for some views of what the Feltman restaurants looked like. 
Anyhoo, let’s see what other whoppers of a story I come across in the next few shifts at the bar. 
Peace ✌
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sainttiago · 2 years
Chuva do Tempo
O templo se fechava sobre o vilarejo e os pássaros buscavam por algum lugar seguro para passarem a chuva. Ninguém podia imaginar que aquela chuva seria diferente de todas as outras que já houveram antes.
Nuvens carregadas acinzentadas se formavam no céu sobre nossas cabeças. Em casa as pessoas se acomodavam e resguardavam, enquanto do lado de fora o tempo ia se fechando completamente.
Os cães colhiam os rabos entre as pernas e também buscavam por algum abrigo para passar a chuva. E o temporal sobre nós se formava. O horizonte se fechava e o céu escurecia. Todos em casa sob o frio do dia. Olhavam da janela o céu se fechando sobre o vilarejo. Não se esperava o que veria acontecer quando começasse a chover. Que o tempo se perderia e se encontraria no futuro. Pelo menos sobre nossos corpos.
Um misterioso arco-íris havia se formado em forma circular no céu, naquela manhã fria como de costume. Acordamos com aquele círculo colorido sobre nossas cabeças sem imaginar o que estava por vim. Mas ninguém imaginou que poderia acontecesse caso houvesse de chover naquele dia. Então continuamos com nossas vidas, como normalmente fazíamos. E a sim foi aquela manhã fria como costumava ser no vilarejo.
Vi pessoas envelhecendo várias décadas através do vidro da janela. E isso foi muito assustador. Sempre que o céu ameaçava chover era a hora de todos se recolherem em suas casas. E até mesmo a evitar goteiras dentro de casa, pôs qualquer gota de água podia envelhecer qualquer parte do corpo que água daquela chuva tocasse.
– Mamãe, mamãe... estou com medo mamãe! – disse uma pequena garotinha a sua a mãe enquanto se mantinha segura sob o cobertor, sobre sua cama.
– Vai ficar tudo bem querida é só não nós molhamos – respondeu a mãe enquanto olhara através da janela aquele tempo chuvoso; e procurando compreender o que estava acontecendo.
Nesse no momento no meio da tarde foi quando havia começado a chover e quem estava sob a chuva, sem esperar o que viria acontecer, sofreu os maiores efeitos da misteriosa chuva do tempo. Vi Pedro sair de casa nós seus 25 anos, mas quando voltou... Voltou para casa com a aparência de um senhor de 90 anos. Ele viveu apenas mais 2 anos mesmo sem ter deixado filhos e muito menos netos. E a sim eu vi a morte de meu amigo.
Chuva do tempo adiantou os anos dos que foram molhados de forma tão assustadora quanto misteriosa também. Aquele temporal do tempo levou algum tempo sobre as nossas casas. E aguardávamos ansiosamente dentro de casa o momento em que parasse de chover. E o medo de ser molhado por qualquer chuva que viesse acontecer se pendurou por toda a vida dos moradores. Mas era somente nós temporais de inverno durante o ano. E não só envelhecia as pessoas molhadas, mais alguns objetos também quando eram molhados pela chuva. Com objeto de ferro que logo enferrujavam quando molhado pela chuva do tempo.
Durou alguns meses a chuva e os trovões naquele inverno misterioso. Alguns resolveram fugir durante alguns momentos de estiada e a sim fez o jovem John. Disse que foi encontrado morto como um velho ancião completamente envelhecido.
– Eu vou embora... Vou aproveitar que a chuva deu uma estiada.
– Filho o céu ainda está escuro.
– Nem tanto mãe. Eu vou pra outro lugar bem longe. A senhora devia vim comigo.
John pegou um carro para sair do vilarejo, mas o carro acabou sofrendo um acidente e John acabou sendo lançado para fora do carro. E a última coisa que seus olhos viram foi a chuva a cair do céu e molhar todo o seu rosto. “Meu Deus, não!” foi a última coisa que ele falou enquanto envelhecia até a morte sob a chuva.
“A misteriosa chuva do tempo o que ela queria nós dizer?” Era o que eu me perguntava enquanto olhava para uma parte envelhecido do meu braço, molhado pela chuva. Olhava para o céu através da janela enquanto chovia fortemente. O que aconteceu foi misterioso e assustador ao mesmo tempo. Era como se o tempo resolvesse correr de forma muito rápida para alguns. Vi diante dos meus olhos adultos envelhecerem e crianças molhadas ficarem adultas.
A chuva do tempo se tornou um grande toque de recolher nos anos seguintes. Sempre que chovia todos se abrigavam rapidamente dentro de suas casas. Mas algo triste ocorria as vezes, alguns decidiam usar a chuva para deixarem esse mundo. Abriam os braços sob a fria chuva enquanto envelheciam até o fim de suas vidas. Acreditando que a chuva era sinal de algo divino e que aqueles que se deixasse se molhar até o fim iria para um bom lugar. Bem era o que eles acreditavam e por isso que fizeram. Como a filha de Jack, Caroline, que sofria de depressão.
– Pai me solta! Deixe me ir! – gritava a garota querendo ser molhada pela chuva.
– Não! Não vou deixar você ir, nem que eu precise trancar você – gritara o pai desesperado sem saber o que fazer.
Mas bastou um descuido para a garota correr em direção a chuva. Ela amava muito pai, mas não aguentou a falta que a mãe fazia. Jack era viúvo e só teve uma filha. Enquanto parou e olhou para trás ela disse adeus ao pai:
– Pai adeus! Eu te amo eu sinto muito.
Enquanto isso Jack não aguentou e correu, mesmo envelhecendo sob o efeito da chuva. Ele correu até sua filha e com ela nos braços suas vidas se extinguiram enquanto ele dizia que a amava desde quando ela havia nascido. E tudo sob o misterioso céu nublado.
“O que era aquilo e o que está acontecendo” Era o que nós todos nós perguntávamos naquele exato momento em que aconteceu pela primeira vez o estranho fenômeno. Em várias parte do mundo o mesmo fenômeno aconteceu também. Enquanto olhávamos o tempo sendo passado sob a misteriosa e fria chuva, ficamos sem saber o que era aquilo ou do por quer estava acontecendo. Muitos na hora da chuva entraram desesperados em suas casas ou correram em direção algum teto. Quando presenciaram os efeitos da chuva sobre as coisas. E também batendo de forma desesperada na primeira porta que encontravam enquanto envelheciam sob os efeitos da chuva misteriosa.
O tempo foi passando e enquanto chovia todos se mantinha dentro de suas casas. Um considerável número de pessoas foi reduzido ao redor do planeta. E a tarde se aproximava-se do fim naquele dia, mas ainda continuava chovendo. As vezes parava e fica apenas chuviscando. E alguns tinha que sair e aproveitava para fazer isso, com uma capa de chuva, guarda-chuva ou sombrinha.
Bem já era então noite sobre o vilarejo, hora que todos se preparavam-se para jantar. Eu não sei, mas parece que os animais não eram afetados pelos efeitos da chuva. Pôs meus dois gatos estavam na rua e voltaram como se nada tivesse acontecido. Sem nenhuma alteração em seus corpos.
– Querido o jantar está pronto – foi o que disse minha esposa.
– Ok meu amor – respondi enquanto colocava nossa filha mais nova para dormir.
Eu tinha escrito tudo que aconteceu naquele dia e estudado sobre aquilo. Por isso eu tinha deixado molhar uma pequena parte do meu braço. Então naquele dia depois de jantar com minha esposa e com minhas duas filhas.
– Pai será que um dia isso irá passar? – me pergunto minha filha mais velha naquele jantar.
– A chuva com certeza sim querida, mas ela deve voltar no próximo inverno, no mesma época ou período de inverno – foi o que respondi.
E aquilo foi um fenômeno que durou vários invernos. Sempre que chovia usávamos algum objeto de metal sob a chuva para vemos que sofreria de algum processo degastaste como enferrujar por exemplo. E sempre enferrujava menos ou mais, mas sempre enferrujava rapidamente quando colocávamos objetos de metal de baixo da chuva.
Tempos depois de jatamos fomos dormir e ainda chovia muito. Na madrugada voltou a trovejar bastante.
– Pai me conta uma história... Eu não estou conseguindo dormir – disse minha filha de 8 anos.
– Está bem querida eu vou contar uma história pra ver se você consegue dormir – disse eu naquele momento no quarto delas. A outra tinha 12 anos e dormia no mesmo quarto com a irmã mais nova.
Então passei um bom tempo contando uma história de fantasia para minhas filhas, já que até a maior prestava bastante atenção na história. E lá fora continuava a chover bastante. Enquanto eu continuava com a história. E era uma história de uma princesa e de um guerreiro.
– Pai eu gostei muito da história – disse a maior.
Enquanto isso a madrugada e a se passando e lá fora ainda continuava a chover. Era o último dia de inverno. Então notei que as meninas já haviam adormecido e então levantei e deixei elas dormindo no quarto. E a chuva caiu fortemente durante toda madrugada. E eu fui dormir depois que as meninas pegaram no sono. E então acordei ao lado de minha esposa em uma manhã muito bonita. O sol estava radiante adentrando casa através das janelas e vidros. Nunca vimos uma manha tão bonita quanto aquela. Fomos todos para o lado de fora observar aquela manha tão bela. E Aquela chuva tinha se passado, mas o fenômeno passou sempre a ocorrer no mesmo período que ocorreu antes. – Tiago Amaral
(Conto inspirado na Chuva Temporal do game Death Stranding)
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ago-biado · 7 years
La vida es un constante abrir y cerrar de historias.
BLUE... (xxx)
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cristina-m-s · 2 years
"Tú y yo como en una canción" by Joana Arteaga
“Tú y yo como en una canción” by Joana Arteaga
Título: Tú y yo como en una canción Autor: Joana Arteaga Editorial: Autopublicado/ Amazon Publicación: noviembre 2018 Soporte: Digital Sabes esos libros que cuando los finalizas te dejan un poso de dulzura, pero de la buena. Así es como me he quedado al finalizar Tú y yo como en una canción de Joana; llena de dulzura, de esperanza, de creer en la vida y convencida que todo nos pasa por algo, para…
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soyletrascg · 6 years
Te seguiré eligiendo aunque no estés.
Te elegí porque entendías todo lo que no contaba,
y porque a pesar de eso, sabías cómo quedarte.
 Porque sabías que lo importante siempre se queda
flotando en la habitación y en el deseo
porque las palabras, a veces no alcanzan...
no son suficiente, o sobran.
 Porque entendías que no éramos como los demás,
y por eso tuvimos que inventarnos reglas propias.
 Porque sabemos que ser diferente cuesta,
pero no sabemos ser de otra manera. 
y nos aceptamos como somos, sin juzgarnos y admirándonos. 
 Por eso, nunca le contaremos a nadie cómo nos conocimos.
Porque nadie entendería nunca que somos como somos.
 Porque las palabras sobran cuando me miras como me miras.
 Pero no importa, porque voy a quedarme contigo pase lo que pase.
Porque sé que lo que callas va a doler.
Porque sé que hay cosas que hay que guardarse.
 Porque siempre es así,
lo que nunca llega a pronunciarse
es lo que desvela todo,
la esencia, lo que cuenta,
lo que hay que quedarse.
Porque te buscaré entre las olas, 
para encontrarte y después tenerte entre mis labios.
Porque estaré esperando volver a estar contigo.
Porque ya te vas, 
Porque siempre advertiste que lo harías
y yo siempre advertí que te dejaría ir.
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