#Hl lorie
hurricane-leo · 6 months
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A new friend???
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nevver · 2 years
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Train in vain, Lori Nix + Kathleen Gerber
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lorriiraine · 2 months
Little life / fandom update
Pretty quiet here…. And I need to talk to you all.
I feel exhausted.
I don’t have motivation left to write or to edit. Or to take photos in HL. And the reason is just as stupid as it’s sad.
I won’t say any names nor detailed situation since I am so over this sick thing and don’t want to flame up the whole case again, for my own wellbeing.
Back in June something happened that shattered my trust. I got pushed between two sides I never wanted to be between in. I got asked for my opinions and got blamed for them. Chats were shared around, asking others for their opinion in combination with talking bad about them. Which is a very bitchy and toxic move, pulling more and more people into the situation and childish fight.
I trusted and it got shattered. I just wanted to stay in my tiny bubble, share my MCs and their stories, get to know other people MCs and wanted to be happy. But it all got smashed by the feeling that people want to crush you, stomp you out. If you think I’m overreacting, spent some hours in my head and with my thoughts. Walk in my shoes and you will see what I mean.
I don’t want to accept that my journey here is over so quickly. Also I don’t want to leave. But I feel like opening the game and creating content has became a burden to me right now. Also to write my fanfictions that I loved so so much.
I can’t stay in contact with friends, got myself completely into the shadows and disappeared from discord, TikTok and Instagram. And here I am also more like a shadow.
Around me was just hate, victim blaming and back-talking. And it affected me completely, made my bubble explode. I didn’t felt save anymore, just trusted my closest friends and got sceptical by everyone who contacted me in that period for the first time. I just wanted to have peace and got pulled between argumentations and problems I never wanted to be part of. Got blamed for my honest opinions that were wanted.
And here I am now. Feeling guilty for my own decisions and opinions to keep my mind free and safe from stupid shit.
I didn’t want to let people ruin my fandom bubble ever again and still it happened again. I didn’t want to let people get under my skin and still it happened again.
I love everyone I’ve met in the fandom so so much and I will not leave you all behind, nor will I stop with content forever. I just need some more time to relax and sort my thought.
And even that feels like a lie.
It started with the last fandom I was in the exact same way after my work got stolen and overpainted over and over again.
„Im just taking a break“ „I am still exhausted“ „I’ll come back soon“ and I never did.
So here a little sidenote for those who think to mess with other people life’s: not only you are struggling in real life. Others do too, maybe even worse as you, maybe not. So keep your toxic behaviour out of their life when they’re not part of your issues with something / someone. You can ruin their lives too. Also gaslighting is a bad habbit that will do more harm than help to you.
I WILL come back, I want to come back! To come back and post, to create and to laugh with you all again.
I have planned to recreate the Hogtober prompt list this year, seeing how my editing skills changed over the year. I WANT to tell Alistairs and Lorys stories! I want to share their life’s so so bad.
But right now it feels like I am not wanted anymore. No one told me that, no one shares openly hate against me but since I dissapeared for almost 2 months my sick brain made me thinking that no one even care about me, what I say or what I do. I am working on this.
Also my private life is a mess right now. I stay in bed most of the time, have more downs than ups and I am hating myself for this. I want to create, I want to be there. But I can’t.
I am so so sorry if someone of my lovely bbys got hurt by my lack of contact. I will always love you, hope you know that ♥️♥️
Keep an eye out here, on TikTok and Instagram to get any updates.
Stay safe out there, protect your bubble and passions as good as you can.
Lots of love,
Lory 🧡
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micro961 · 1 year
Il nuovo singolo di Gianluca Aiello, Paco6x, Loris Grimaldi
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"Ricordi" racconta di perdita, dolore emotivo e protezione delle emozioni. Parla di riflettere troppo sul passato che porta a perdere e ricevere colpi tremendi. L'anima è chiusa, i ricordi in tasca. Il tutto viene arricchito dalla voce di Sabba (vincitore 2017 di "The Winner is" su Canale 5) che riesce a far percepire vibes inesplorate a Gianluca Aiello. Il sound, curato da Paco6x (produttore del disco di platino “A verità” di Rocco Hunt) e Loris Grimaldi, è perfetto per i club estivi notturni
 Gianluca Aiello nasce a Napoli il 26/6/1992. Atleta e Artista, inizia la sua carriera come Artista nel 2013, studiando batteria e per-cussioni. Una serie di collaborazione tra l'anno 2014, 2015 come percussionista con vari gruppi Napoletani, in particolare segue in tour "Marcello Coleman", storica voce degli Almamegretta, per poi separarsi nell'anno successivo. Nel 2015 inizia un percorso come Artista solista, scrive e canta per se stesso, fonda un progetto chiamato 5.3, con l'alterego "Logan", escono 5 singoli, varie collabora-zioni, e concerti in giro per la Campania. Nel 2021 decide di iniziare un nuovo percorso artistico, il suo nome d'arte è il nome di battesimo, esce il suo primo singolo "Dentro" in collaborazione con Artist First, con la produzione di Vinz Turner, e il Dj Joe C.
 Loris Grimaldi Music producer classe 1993, nasce a Napoli, inizia la sua carriera musicale come tecnico del suono e arriva a collaborare a numerosi progetti im-portanti, uno dei quali pubblicati su Universal Music come fonico di missaggio in occasione del Disco “6.0” di Nino D’Angelo.
Vanta collaborazioni con diversi artisti, tra cui Vincenzo Bles, J-UNØ, e il suo stile si ispira maggiormente al genere Pop al quale si aggiungono influenze elettroniche.
 Paco6x, all’anagrafe Pasquale Cirillo, classe 1986, è un produttore musicale di Tor-re Annunziata, in provincia di Napoli. Si avvicina all’hip hop e al mondo del beat-making grazie all’influenza del fratello Nunzio, in arte Zagor M, writer molto cono-sciuto in zona e membro del gruppo DalBasso, gruppo storico di Torre Annunziata. In seguito, insieme a Valerio Nazo, fonda l’It’s Classic Studio, il quale, anche grazie a “It’s Classic Mixtape” vol. 1 e vol. 2, continua ad essere uno dei pezzi di storia dell’hip hop campano ancora attivi. Da qui in avanti sono tantissimi i prodotti rilas-ciati, e non mancano di certo riconoscimenti e certificazioni come il disco di platino per aver prodotto “A’ Verità”, brano di Rocco Hunt in partecipazione con Enzo Avi-tabile, nonché title track del secondo album dell’artista salernitano.
Orangle Srl - www.oranglerecords.com
It's Classic Studio – https://www.instagram.com/itsclassicstudio/.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/07XOQTC2IEP8nI0NPvmjtK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paco6x/?hl=it
Gianluca Aiello
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4NuVLlJhExXmojKanMF0bQ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gianlucaielloufficiale/
 Loris Grimaldi
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6JP0jzxqeEtJqHktArmWor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lorisgrimaldimusic/?hl=it
 l’altoparlante - comunicazione musicale
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medicinori · 2 years
“ i have a bad feeling about this, a /really/ bad feeling about this. ” - from alyx ! can be set in lori’s world if you dont know hl
from here!
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"You and me both." she says it quietly, shot gun pointed in between the small gap from their hiding place. of course this fucker's blocking their way out because it thought it was lunch time. guilt eats at them a little-- maybe if they'd been quicker on the draw, they could've actually prevented lunch-- but it's far too late for that now, so Lori pushes it down. something about it is just... too strange. too strategic. her gut's telling her another one's lurking around somewhere.
"... do you see controls for the sprinklers nearby? or a pipe? They don't like rain, it might fool it into running off."
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
HPHL Appreciation Week by @endlessly-cursed
Day 3: Favorite HL MCs
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Angelique Bellerose - @endlessly-cursed
One of two sisters for Odette! I adore her fc and can’t wait to develop the girls with you guys!
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Alethea Bellerose - @cursebreakerfarrier
The second sister for Odette! Once again I also adore her fc and can’t wait for them to grow together soon!
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Lorilyn Kumari - @lgvalenzuela
Val, my beloved. Had to include your girl Lori because Unni wouldn’t be complete without her💕 ily
I had a whole list of MCs but then I remembered that this is specifically HPHL only and now my list is so short oof! I have had a hphl mc since the very beginning over a year ago but yet I haven’t interacted with many people. I’d love to learn more about everyone else’s! Hmu I need more friends 🤡
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exquisiteduck · 4 years
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Episode 23 --- Now that the monster is out of commission, maybe time has come to end our story? I wouldn't bet on it... Check our newest strip, courtesy of Loris Maiolino, a.k.a. Kiool ! (His  Instagram profile: https://www.instagram.com/kioolasal/?hl=fr)
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whencallstheheart · 4 years
Warning: Heartland Spoilers
So this is sort of really random, but I’m curious. Idk if you follow Heartland at all or know what’s happening rn on that show but it’s a situation similar to Jack and Dan. I keep comparing the situations because they are so similar and keep finding HL is doing better than WCTH ever did with the situation. I could be wrong tho since I wasn’t around the. How HL is handling it is really impressing me and really shows how much they care about the fans.
I wasn’t in the fandom during S5, so I was just wondering how much damage control they did after Jack died and Dan left the show? Because just from what you guys talk about from that time, it’s just seems there were tons and tons of fans who just stopped watching and that there were really no explanations or damage controls after the episode aired, and that contributed to people leaving. I think I ever seeing one on Home and Family but that was it. Obviously people were gonna leave anyway cuz Jack and Elizabeth weren’t gonna be a thing but I didn’t know if there were any damage controls or interviews that went up after that episode aired that would have mitigated it. Obviously I could be wrong and there could have been more than what I think, but I was just wondering.
Just some examples of how HL is doing a good job include having the guy who plays the character that passes have a 10 min interview by himself explaining how he came to the decision and reminiscing and empathizing and really showing he didn’t come to the decision lightly and knew how hard it was for the fans. It was just an all around well executed and done idea. The next was having a 10 min interview posted with his co star and have her explain his decision and how it will affect the story and and how she respects it and is also empathizing and encouraging fans to continue to watch. They also posted an interview with multiple executive producers also explaining the whole process and decisions with Graham and how it played out in storylines as well. Also his co Star has been very vocal in social media and has empathized with fans that way along with other actors and actresses in the show as well.
Finally, and this surprised me the most, was that graham, the main guy whose character died, on his personal podcast, held 2 episodes both more than an hour long with his co Star talking about their times in heartland and how the couple they were on screen came to be and just lots of memories and stories and just a while love letter to the fans who loved the couple. And graham was also very involved in the lengthy process of how they were going to write him out of the show and was willing to prolong it to make it feasible.
Just from what you guys told me ablut dealing with Dan leaving, I just feel HL has dealt with this much better and that Graham did better than Dan ever did with the whole situation. But again I wasn’t around so WCTH could have done a good job, I just wasn’t there to see it.
Sorry that was super long but any thoughts?
I’m not caught up and actually had no idea that Graham left so that’s a surprise to me.  I’ve watched up to the first season that Kevin was on, I think.  Whatever that was.  I’m behind a couple seasons at least and don’t really plan to catch up.  
I have a lot of negative opinions about Dan.  Not so much how the show handled it necessarily.  I think they did the best they could given the situation Dan put them in.  There was damage control.  There was the video message from Dan, Erin, and Lori on the set of Home & Family where they were all crying after his final episode aired.  Brian would post things.  The cast would encourage people to still watch.  But the damage was done for a lot of people.  They loved Jack and Elizabeth and they didn’t want to watch the show if they weren’t going to see their favorite couple anymore.  Understandable.  
I think where the situations differ is that Heartland had a lot more time.  The audience watched Ty and Amy grow up together and fall in love.  They got to see them get married and start a family.  We didn’t get that with WCTH.  Fans got to see them be married for like 2 seconds and then he was dead.  It’s less of a blow when there’s been this really fulfilling relationship to watch instead of what WCTH gave viewers, you know?  And I think it’s easier for fans to accept an actor’s decision to step away after being on a show for 14+ years or whatever it’s been for Graham.  We see that on Grey’s Anatomy and other long running shows.  They’ve put in their time and they want to move on and we can respect that even if we might miss their characters.
With Dan, it’s the respect piece that’s missing.  Fans felt really cheated by the situation.  In his most recent interview on the subject, he basically flat out said he didn’t want to be there and didn’t really even want or like the job from the start.  I find it really insulting especially after he had all these convenient reasons or excuses about why he needed to leave.  Maybe he did have a sick family member or whatever the situation was but it turns out that wasn’t the full truth or the actual reason for him wanting to be out.  He’d wanted out for multiple seasons and the audience could tell.  It didn’t seem like he was willing to participate in an ending that may have been more fitting or more accepted by the audience.  The show did the best they could with what they had, in my opinion.  They didn’t have a lot of options.
It sounds like Graham is being a lot more open and honest about his decision.  People appreciate transparency and that’s something that was lacking with WCTH/Dan. From what you’ve said, it’s clear that Graham has a lot of respect for the fans and it makes it an easier pill to swallow for a fan when you know that the actor genuinely cares.
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sciencespies · 4 years
From the moon to the Earth: How the Biden administration might reshape NASA
From the moon to the Earth: How the Biden administration might reshape NASA
NASA Deputy Administrator Jim Morhard had perhaps one of the more understated public reactions to the outcome of the presidential election.
“It’s quite a day for everybody, to say the least,” he said at the start of a presentation Nov. 7 to the Space Generation Advisory Council’s SpaceGen Summit, just three hours after a range of media projections, from The Associated Press to Fox News, declared Joe Biden the winner. He didn’t elaborate on that comment and dove into his previously scheduled talk about the agency’s activities.
Whether the outcome prompted elation or disappointment, the election of Joe Biden has left the space industry wondering what comes next. While Biden is a familiar figure in politics, after decades in the Senate and eight years as Barack Obama’s vice president, his views on space, and his plans for NASA, are far less clear.
The Biden campaign said almost nothing about space during the race for the White House, other than a couple statements congratulating NASA on the successful launch and return of the Demo-2 commercial crew mission this summer. “As president, I look forward to leading a bold space program that will continue to send astronaut heroes to expand our exploration and scientific frontiers through investments in research and technology to help millions of people here on Earth,” he said in one of those statements.
“One of the things that I found surprising is that the Biden campaign did not issue a space policy statement,” said John Logsdon, founder and former director of George Washington University’s Space Policy Institute. “So, we’re left with the Democratic Party platform said.”
That platform included one paragraph about space which Logsdon considered “very positive,” if not without much detail. The platform endorsed, in broad terms, much of what NASA was currently doing, from science and technology development to continued operation of the International Space Station and human space exploration.
Most in the space industry who read that passage took away two major changes a Biden administration would pursue. The platform mentions “strengthening” Earth observation programs at both NASA and NOAA “to better understand how climate change is impacting our home planet.” That fits into a broader interest in climate change, which is one of four priorities identified by the incoming Biden administration alongside COVID-19, economic recovery and racial equity.
“Managing the Earth’s ability to sustain human life and biodiversity will likely, in my view, dominate a civil space agenda for a Biden-Harris administration,” predicted Lori Garver, a former NASA deputy administrator during the Obama administration, during a Nov. 7 speech at the SpaceVision 2020 conference by Students for the Exploration and Development of Space.
Biden’s focus on climate change doesn’t bode well for putting NASA’s underfunded Human Landing System back on track for reaching the moon by 2024, a Trump mandate few took literally. Credit: NASA illustration
Exactly how that will be implemented remains unclear. One possibility would be to accelerate implementation of the Earth science decadal survey though additional funding. “NASA is a national asset, and if properly directed and incentivized, we can make meaningful contributions to sustaining humanity,” Garver said.
The other change is in human space exploration. While the platform stated the party supported “NASA’s work to return Americans to the moon and go beyond to Mars,” it made no mention of a date for doing so, in particular the 2024 date set by the Trump administration last year. That’s led to speculation that the Biden administration will, at the very least, slow down the Artemis program, perhaps freeing up money for Earth science and other priorities elsewhere in the agency.
“I don’t think Artemis will get canceled. I also don’t think it will get any more money than what it’s currently getting,” said Wendy Whitman Cobb, a professor at the U.S. Air Force School of Advanced Air and Space Studies whose research includes space policy.
A 2024 human lunar landing might be ruled out even before Biden is sworn in on Jan. 20. NASA’s fiscal year 2021 budget proposal requested $3.2 billion for the Human Landing System (HLS) program to develop the landers needed to transport astronauts to and from the surface of the moon. The House, though, provided only about $600 million for HLS in a spending bill it passed in July.
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, while publicly thanking the House for providing at least some money for HLS, lobbied the Senate for full funding to keep a 2024 landing on schedule. “Accelerating it to 2024 requires a $3.2 billion budget for 2021 for the Human Landing System, which is in the president’s budget request,” he told Senate appropriators in September.
Those appropriators released their draft spending bills Nov. 10, which will serve as the basis for negotiations with the House on a final version. For NASA, they provided $1 billion for the HLS program, more than the House but still far short of the budget request. In the report accompanying the bill, Senate appropriators noted the uncertainty surrounding the program “makes it difficult to analyze the future impacts that funding the accelerated Moon mission will have on NASA’s other important missions.”
The HLS funding was just one obstacle to a 2024 human landing identified in a report by NASA’s Office of Inspector General Nov. 12 that discussed the agency’s top challenges, also citing delays in the Space Launch System and Orion. It concluded that NASA “will be hard-pressed to land astronauts on the Moon by the end of 2024.”
“I don’t know anyone who thinks we’re going to get there by 2024,” Garver said. “No matter who won, this was going to be an impossible goal.”
While the incoming administration’s plans for NASA aren’t certain, it is working quickly on that transition. On Nov. 10, it announced the rosters of the agency review teams, or transition teams, that will fan out across the federal government to gather information to guide the new administration’s planning.
“The transition teams really come in to see how things are doing and make recommendations going forward,” said Garver, who led the NASA transition team for the incoming Obama administration in 2008.
The agency review team for NASA is filled with people who either used to work at the agency or who are otherwise very familiar with it. Leading the team is Ellen Stofan, a planetary scientist who served as NASA chief scientist during the Obama administration and is now director of the National Air and Space Museum. Waleed Abdalati, her predecessor as NASA chief scientist, is also on the team. He was co-chair of the most recent Earth science decadal survey.
Others have a range of NASA experience. Pam Melroy is a former NASA astronaut who flew on three shuttle missions and later worked at the FAA’s commercial space office and at DARPA. Dave Noble, Shannon Valley and David Weaver all held policy and communications posts at NASA during the Obama administration; Valley is also a climate scientist.
Bhavya Lal, a researcher at the Science and Technology Policy Institute, has studied a wide range of space-related topics for NASA and other government agencies. Jedidah Isler, an assistant professor at Dartmouth, hasn’t previously worked for NASA, but her research in astrophysics complements the scientific backgrounds of other members of the team.
When the team will be able to start work, though, isn’t clear. The Trump administration has been slow to recognize Biden’s win, and the head of the General Services Administration, which controls the resources for presidential transitions, has yet to release those resources to the Biden transition. NASA officials did not respond to questions Nov. 12 about whether it had started discussions with the agency review team or what guidance it had received from the White House about supporting the transition.
Another priority for the Biden transition is picking a new NASA administrator. Despite being confirmed on a close, party-line vote in the Senate in April 2018, Bridenstine had won over members of Congress on both sides of the aisle for his leadership of the agency. Some in the space community hoped that, even in the event of a Biden victory, Bridenstine could be kept on.
Bridenstine, though, plans to leave the agency at the end of the Trump administration, telling Aerospace Daily that he “would not be the right person” to lead the agency in a Biden administration. President-elect Biden’s NASA Transition Team The NASA administrator, he said, needed to have a “close relationship” with the White House, something that he, a former Republican congressman, lacked.
While the Biden transition has been quiet about its choice for a new administrator, there’s been plenty of speculation, dating back long before the election, about potential candidates for the job. That list is dominated by women, such as Melroy, the former astronaut on the transition team. Others include Wanda Austin, former president and chief executive of The Aerospace Corporation; Gretchen McClain, a former NASA official who later worked in industry and serves on the board of several companies, such as Booz Allen Hamilton; and Wanda Sigur, former vice president and general manager for civil space at Lockheed Martin.
Another possibility is Rep. Kendra Horn (D-Okla.), who lost her bid for a second term in November’s elections. Horn serves as chair of the House Science space subcommittee and has expressed skepticism about aspects of the Artemis program, including NASA’s ability to achieve a 2024 landing.
When a new administrator would take office isn’t clear, but experience suggests it may be months after inauguration day. The Obama administration did not nominate Charlie Bolden as administrator (and Garver as deputy administrator) until May 2009; the Senate confirmed them in July. Bridenstine, despite emerging as a top candidate for NASA administrator days after Trump won the 2016 election, was not nominated until early September of 2017.
Morhard, the current deputy administrator, will also likely be departing, something he quietly acknowledged in his SpaceGen Summit talk hours after Biden won. “Things are changing in the United States, we know that,” he said. “I’m certainly looking forward to the future and what comes next.”
This article originally appeared in the Nov. 16, 2020 issue of SpaceNews magazine.
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hurricane-leo · 6 months
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sxftrxchxe · 6 years
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AN-this is actually the backstory i have in mind like 90 percent of the time sksksks. please enjoy <3
SONG: none
WARNINGS: hints of past abuse. pregnancy?
FANDOM: it 2017
WORDS: 3420
SUMMARY: its just a pregnancy fluff fic
yn-your name
ln-last name
ec-eye color
hc-hair color
hl-hair length
The young girl skipped down the road happily avoiding the cracks and humming while her parents walked behind, heads on shoulder and hand in hand. They were always like that, a perfect example of a stereotypical family that only exists in movies. But for yn ln that was her reality since she was born.
"So you aren't nervous? Like even in the slightest?" She shook her head and stumbled as she almost stood on a particularly small crack, her small pastel pink bag nearly falling off.
"Nope you and Daddy said I was going to the the princess of the playground. Isn't that why I'm wearing this ugly ice cream dress? Cos princesses wear horrible stuff?" Her mother laughed and smiled lovingly at her daughter. yn's small pink cat bag hit her back with every hop and skip creating a rhythm she was determined to keep. Her dad gasped and she looked up to see the cream and blue building of Derry's kindergarten in front of her.
Other kids were hugging their parents and running through the blue gate and happily greeting friends. One small boy clung to his mothers and cried begging her to stay. yn giggled at how stupid he was being as her mom fixed her hair and muttered something under her breath. After a slightly aggressive tug and a sigh, she turned around to smile at her favourite people in the world.
"Good luck Sweetie. We love you okay?" Her mom leaned down and pulled her in for a hug. She hugged her back and giggled as her dad pulled a face from behind.
"And at twelve me and your father will be waiting here at the gate okay?" She nodded and pulled away to hug her dad's leg. He laughed and pat her back as his eyes wandered to someone driving by in a car. Another sob from behind her caused her to turn back around and skip into the playground leaving her parents to walk back home with their arms around each other's shoulders and tears falling down their faces.
The boy who had previously clung to his mams leg was now sitting just inside the gate with a pout on his face and tears in his eyes. yn gave him a small wave before her focus turned to three girls playing hopscotch while one sat by and watched. She looked a bit bored and caught yn watching her. She waved at her happily and yn almost skipped over to play until a happy scream came from the other side of the playground. Boys were chasing after girls while they screamed and laughed. Others were clinging to a climbing frame and pulling faces at each other as kids slid up and down a slide nearby. yn nearly exploded with excitement as she saw two empty swings near to the slide for her to sit on and make friends. She gave the bored ginger a last wave before turning to run to the other side.
Unfortunately, she turned right into someone else and fell to the ground landing on her knee and crying out in pain. The boy by the gate gasped loudly and gagged as he noticed the small trickle of blood coming out of her knee. Her eyes began to fill with tears before someone hand was stuck in her view and she looked up.
"I'm sorry I thought I was late cos I can't tell time and I guess I didn't see you oops. Are you okay? Your leg is red and disgusting now." The voice came from the person who she ran into which turned out to be a scrawny young boy with big brown eyes and dark messy hair. He was wearing an oversized blue button up lazily thrown over a cream t shirt, the same color as yn's shoes. She took his hand and he pulled her up almost dropping her to the floor again when she sneezed.
"Sorry, I'm allergic to grass. My mom calls it hay fever but I don't. And I guess a little blood never hurt anyone." yn flashed the boy a toothy grin which he returned. The boy at the gate gagged again and yn heard the girls from hopscotch teasing him before the girl who was watching them told them to be quiet.
"What's your name?"
"Oh, I'm yn ln. What's yours?" He shook her hand he was already holding which confused yn so much she stopped smiling.
"I'm Richie. Richie Tozier." She smiled again and let go of his hand and wiped her own on her ice cream patterned dress just in case he had the cooties her dad told her about.
"Chee Toaster?" He laughed and shook his head causing his curls to bounce. She shook her head back and crossed her arms. He looked pleasantly surprised when she replied in her cute childish voice.
"No, I'm calling you Chee. Now, do you want to swing on the swings?" He nodded and the slightly aggressive way they met was forgotten as they linked arms and ran across the playground. The swing set was in the shade behind an oak tree beside the slide but no one was on the slide anymore. Still, they kept running until they landed by the swing set and quickly hopped on kicking their legs to go higher and higher. They easily making friends like most five-year-olds do.
yn Tozier found out she was pregnant at twenty two. Married, happy and long forgotten were the horrors of her past meaning she was overjoyed.
In fact her only problem was how to tell her husband in the most flamboyant way. After all the Toziers weren't known to do things normally. Richie proposed on their graduation day in front of the whole school whilst everyone sobbed after all.
So on March 7th 1998, her husbands twenty second birthday, she decided to execute her plan that was boiling in her head for months.
First she called up her long time best friend and practically sister Beverly Marsh and told her the news. After much squealing between the two, yn explained her plan and Beverly agreed saying they had to do it.
Three squealed phone calls and two where she sobbed with Bill and Eddie the plan was ready. All she had to do now was wait. Which in itself was hard since her bump was beginning to show. Richie asked why she was no longer wearing her favorite skirts or t shirts in favor for her oversized sweaters and tracksuit bottoms receiving panicked and random responses most of the time.
"Hey nn? Why aren't you wearing your skirts anymore? It's literally thirty two degrees out?"
"I'm allergic to the material."
"You're allergic...to the material?"
"Yup. But only for a few months ha ha oops okay bye I have to go to work."
Richie was getting suspicious. She was dodging many question instead giving him food and taking more private calls than any kindergarten teacher should ever take. One time he found her crying on the floor surrounded by tissues saying something like "am I just like her?" When Richie asked who she had quickly stood up and wiped her eyes saying she had to go to work even though it was eleven pm at night. yn was never the best at lying. So on the night before his birthday he sat her down on the couch and asked the question burning at the back of his head for weeks.
"Are you cheating on me?" When yn's eyes widened and she didn't answer instead staring back with saucer eyes and a mouth wide open Richie presumed his assumptions were correct. He sighed and stood up running his hands through his forever messy hair. Lori started to stutter trying to think of an excuse but none came to mind.
"You know what? It's fine, I'm fine. I knew this would happen since you're so much better than me anyway I just thought seventeen years would have meant something you know?"
"Rich it's no-"
"No! No! It's fine just let me finish I mean kindergarten wow has it actually been seventeen years? How haven't you changed?"
"Chee look at m-"
"No yn you look at m-"
"I'm Pregnant!" yn yelled standing up off their small couch and clamping her hand over her mouth like she just said the worst thing ever. Richie stopped and looked at the girl who had tried to wear one of her old skirts and t shirts to try and throw him off. If he squinted in the light he could just about make about the small bump growing on her stomach.
yn felt her eyes begin to tear up at Richie's shocked expression. Maybe she was wrong maybe he didn't want kids and just wanted the Hollywood life he was working on. Maybe he would leave her alone with their child to bring them up like her own mom. Maybe she was right about her assumptions that she was just like her.
However after twenty seconds of silence Richie scooped the girl up bridal style and spun her around the room screaming. yn began to giggle and cling on to his T-shirt so she wouldn't fall. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she did so glad her husband wasn't actually kissed and more just shocked.
He eventually put her down after a cute peck on the lips you usually wouldn't see from Richie who was ever the passionate. Once yn had two feet planted firmly to the ground he dashed to ring his closest friend Stan and tell him the news. yn didn't bother telling him she already told everyone instead happy she could take the skirt uncomfortable rubbing against her growing stomach that contained a child. Her child. Their child.
Seven Months Later
Beverly wiped the sweat off her brow with a wet towel her boyfriend Ben had brought along. Ben was tapping the uncomfortable hospital waiting room seats and glancing at the hall for the nurse every so often. Eddie sat on her other side muttering about the dangers of pregnancy whilst also sneaking hopeful glances down the bleached corridor. Bill was across from him leaning forward with his hands over his mouth and leg bouncing. If anyone he had been most excited and Beverly hoped they would be just as excited once the baby came. Stan was rubbing Bills back and checking his watch, having to leave in two hours. yn had already been in labor for six hours so he had a pretty good chance but there was still that twinge of worry telling him he'd miss everything. Mike was on Bills left staring straightforward and breathing heavily. No one had spoken a word in a half an hour, tired and impatient.
Suddenly there was a yell of excitement from down the hallways, causing them all to sit up. Richie busted out the room yn was in with a nurse yelling at him saying he had to wait a minute before he said anything. Beverly stood up, now aware of her eye filling with tears as he ran towards their group making other patients jolt awake.
"It's a girl! I gave birth to a girl! That was some work lemme tell you, my hand is so sore!" No one bothered to correct Richie instead yelling and pulling each other into celebratory hugs. He looked a mix of exhausted and the happiest Beverly had ever seen him as he threw his arms around a sobbing Bill.
"What's her name?" Eddie asked once the group calmed down just enough for them to hear each other clearly. Richie's eyes widened and he ran back to the room where the nurse was still yelling. Beverly would have face palmed at the fact he forgot to name his own daughter if it wasn't for the fact he had his own daughter. She was an aunt! Sort of not really but still!!!
Ben pulled her in for a hug and she was made aware of the many tears on both her boyfriends and best friends faces. She wiped at her own before smiling at her best friends and pushing her copper curls back. They pulled each other into a group hug until there was another whoop from down the hall that caused them all to pull apart and grip on each other's shoulders.
"Harmony-Rose middle name Georgia! And last name motherfucking Tozier! Get your asses down here!"
"Sir no we can't allow that right now-"
"Come On!"
"Sir you're wife needs rest-"
"Bring The Bitches Down! They Need To Meet The Newest Loser!"
The nurse gave an exasperated sigh before mumbling an okay. The door opened slowly as if saying they could come in. After more excited yells and tears that received both looks of admiration and eye rolls from the other patients they ran down the hall, Stan nearly running into a tray of needles and screaming in agony instead of pride.
Bill got in first before Beverly squeezed past Eddie. She nearly cried again once she saw her best friend sitting up in the hospital bed her hair messed up and eyes tired holding a small bundle of blankets. Richie was sitting in a chair beside her leaning onto the bed so he could both see his daughter and hold his wife's hand.
yn smiled tiredly at the six surrounding her bed before turning the bundle towards them so they could see their new shared child. The little girl blinked back at them with big ec eyes like her mom and slight black hair like her dad. Beverly felt Ben and Bill both squeeze her hand only one letting out a small sob as Harmony Rose was handed towards him.
"Here Billy your new niece and goddaughter. I hope you like her middle name it's for the both of us." Bill nodded and took the baby in his arms once the nurse showed him how to. He sat on the bed and waved down at his goddaughter with wet eyes slightly shaking as yn apologized to the other five boys about him being godfather. Richie said he considered them all top daddies before receiving a tired slap from his wife.
Beverly had handed the baby next learning she was the godmother and aunt of the now sleeping baby in her arms. yn rubbed her back as she rocked her slightly promising she would be the coolest aunt ever.
Ben was next explaining how he already bought tons of clothes for both gender and had them in the trunk of his car telling Beverly to remind them to get them before they left.
Then it was Eddie who happily took the girl and rocked her. He decided she was both the cleanest and dirtiest thing he ever held before getting a snicker from both mother and father and complaints for calling her thing from the others.
Mike begged to be next and sat down beside yn, talking to the other girl who's eyes were now opening again. He told her how he would have her both the most polite and ripped girl in her kindergarten receiving a quiet whoop from the group afraid to do their usual loud chanting in case she cried.
Stan was last and he cried again once the girl wrapped her hand around his finger and cooed which made the whole group gasp never having heard such an innocent noise before. Once he had wiped his eyes and apologized to Harmony Rose for the bad manners he went to hand her back to yn only to find both her and Richie asleep. Hands intertwined of course. They usually were. They both looked completely exhausted and so happy no one wanted to wake them up.
So instead with permission from the nurse Ben lay the girl in the cot provided by the hospital and Eddie rocked her to sleep saying he was good at that. Apparently he was because after only three minutes of rocking and whispered hushes Harmony-Rose was out cold.
The six remaining awake losers sat on the floor legs crossed and smiles on their faces. Heads were leaning in heads and hands were on hands. Beverly and Ben even had their linked crossed a slight promise to have their own kids when they were ready whenever that was. The nurse came back in to send them all out but took pity on the happy kids
"You know she's going to be moved to a room shared with three other new mothers tomorrow. I don't know how all seven of you will fit in at the same time." She spoke in a hushed voice taking blankets from the floor to send to the washing room. No one moved and Beverly spoke.
"Seven? Nah there's eight of us." She smiled at the yn who looked ten years older in front of her. Still she had the same smile on her face that she always had and her gown was covered in stickers showing Beverly she had matured, not changed. Richie even looked older, bags under his eyes that usually looked so young. Her eyes slid over to the cot containing her new goddaughter and she smiled wider. "Nine. There's nine of us."
"Nine. You all seem so close so it will be hard to split up to see yn and Harmony-Rose." Beverly finally noticed her friends all sleeping around her the only one mildly awake being Mike who was also blinking asleep. She shook her head before leaning onto Eddie muttering slightly in his sleep beside her.
"We'll figure something out. Always do."
5 years later....
yn held onto her daughters hand as she skipped down the road between her two parents humming. She had a small galaxy bag on her back that hit off her back with every jump reminding yn of herself. Unlike her however thick curls held back with only a small purple clip bounced around her face and tickled her nose. In fact aside from her piercing ec eyes and thumb biting the girl was one hundred percent Richies. From her hair to loud personality tendency to make a mess and annoy Eddie. Even the faces she pulled sometimes reminded yn of her husband.
"Here we are Rosie. Are you ready?" Harmony Rose let go of both of her parents hands and shrugged before turning to run in the gate. If yn didnt gently take her wrist and pull her back she would have left without a second glance. Richie smiled at his favorite people as yn scooped the girl into her arms and went over the rules.
"And no running into annoying boys okay? And if you do run away. Nothing good ever comes from it." Harmony Rose nodded wiggling to get out of her moms glance. Richie scoffed and threw his arm around his wife's waist.
"No if you run into a quiet girl run away. Don't ask her name it's a trap." yn elbowed Richie and gently let Harmony-Rose back down. She blinked back at her parents elbowing each other like kids before sighing and skipping through the gate. She waved back at her parents and took a quick scan of the area eyes lighting up at the sight of an empty swing set.
A young girl clung to her moms leg and cried as her mom tried to calmly get her off. A small group of girls skipped together one looking slightly more bored than the others. A group of boys and girls ran each other in a extreme version of tag. A young boy with blonde parted hair was sent to the ground as Harmony-Rose turned and ran into him. yn smiled as Harmony-Rose helped him up, a small smile on her face.
"Weird isn't it?" She asked once the initial weirdness wore off. Richie shrugged and pulled her closer not taking his eyes off his daughter running off to the swing with the boy in her hand.
"Nah I think it would be weirder if she didn't get a soppy love story." yn smiled and put her hand up to touch her husbands arm. She drew circles on it softly a feeling of peace washing over her.
"Let's hope her life is less chaotic and more soppy then." Richie nodded and the trees behind them rustled sending a gust of wind to blow yn's ice cream patterned dress around her legs. Her cream shoes on her feet seemed to remind her of something she couldn't quite place the hair clip holding her hl hc hair back also seeming rather reminiscent.
"So we're bringing him over for dinner?"'
"Oh yeah. And Mike just texted me saying him and Stan will drop by later so he's already meeting two of her uncles." yn's fingers curled up against the blue button up Richie decided to wear that day and she smiled.
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tinyqueensatoko · 6 years
Satoko's 2018-2019 programs
SP: Song for the Little Sparrow by Patricia Kaas (choreo by Lori Nichol)
FS: Invierno Porteno by Astor Piazzolla (choreo by Tom Dickson)
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builuongcaoson-blog · 6 years
BRAVO ICO — A working payment application introduces Blockchain!
Today I would like to tell you about a project that exists in the market of microtransactions for several years and is actively increasing momentum. This project is called BRAVO , and it will be discussed today.
Probably each of us faced a situation when an acquaintance, a friend or a relative asks to throw him some money for various needs by money transfer. Of course, you can use a bank transfer, but as practice shows, transfers are long, and money is needed now. In addition, not every bank has a convenient and fast-running mobile application for online banking.
Not only that, sometimes we want no one to know about our transaction. There are different life situations. But I think everyone will agree that by transferring money through the bank, we automatically subscribe to the fact that the bank and the state will see our transactions. How and where we spent the money and to whom they were sent.
The launch of the project, called Bravo, will solve all these problems.
About Bravo
BRAVO started in 2014 and set out to revolutionise the tipping and anonymous payment industry with their seamless mobile payment application. In 2017, BRAVO was featured on ABC’s SharkTank and got a deal with Mark Cuban & Lori Greiner.
Since then, they have gained a significant amount of traction with tens of thousands of users and millions of dollars worth in transactions. BRAVOs plan to achieve global impact and grow outside of the United States is in the process of being realised, and even more so with the implementation of Blockchain and tokenization technologies to allow anonymous, secure and seamless transactions around the world; with minimal fees.
BRAVO has a solution developed: Proven traction with Fiat version available since 2015 in the USA market. In 2019 BRAVO will release an update to pay with our cryptocurrency (BVO Token) allowing for instant, secure and anonymous payments worldwide BRAVO built and runs on it’s own blockchain platform.
BRAVO is one of very few ICOs in the world that actually has: An existing business solution developed. In contrast, less than 9% of the ICO’s come from established businesses and almost half do not have a product developed before their ICO campaign began.
BRAVO (and BVO token) is a well-balanced combination of blockchain technology and user experience that is ready for large-scale adoption as a cryptocurrency platform with a real use-case that truly serves the mass market.
BRAVO’s key features
Anonymous fiat or crypto payments seamlessly in seconds powered by a scalable hybrid blockchain.
Find users nearby with geolocation or search directly by username or private code.
Hybrid blockchain allows alternating from traditional blockchain to anonymous blockchain on-demand with Incognito payments protocol for additional security.
BVO token solution capable of any type of payment including tipping, micro-payments and macro-payments.
Funds and payments are recorded (deposited) on user’s BRAVO account immediately (low latency) after transaction. Transactions recorded on the BRAVO blockchain cannot be altered or tampered.
Simple account authentication and recovery protocol to ensure full control and access to tokens and funds 100% of the time.
Funds can be attached to a private message via our in-app messenger.
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You can easily find the application in the AppStore and GooglePlay or you can go here to download the application right away and fit your phone: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bravotipping.bravo&hl=en IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bravo-tip-or-pay/id939732629
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Team Bravo
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Bravo Parters
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Road Map
Take a moment to see Bravo’s road map: https://bvo.trybravo.com/assets/BRAVO-Roadmap-v1.pdf
Road mapclear and clear, which makes me believe in the project.
Token info
Token: BVO Platform: Ethereum Type: ERC20 Price in ICO: 0.1000 USD
ICO Private Main-Sale Phase 145%Phase 235% ICO Public Main-Sale Phase 1: 20% Phase 2: 15% Phase 3: 5% Phase 4: 0%
Investment info
Accepting: ETH, BTC, Fiat Distributed in ICO: 50% Soft cap: 10000000 USD Hard cap: 34700000 USD
Overall rating
This is my own assessment of the project:
- Liked the team leaders and their experience in the payment domain. - Very strong and established project. - Love the idea taking existing project on Blockchain and provide crypto payment. We need projects like this to mainstream Blockchain adoption. - Solid whitepaper with sufficient information for investors. - Great social media presence. - Two concerns: 1. There are already plenty of projects does exactly same but the market is huge so this may do well. 2. 35m hardcap is too much for established project and taking it on Blockchain shouldn’t cost that much.
Official website: https://bvo.trybravo.com/ WhitePaper: https://bvo.trybravo.com/BRAVO_Whitepaper_V1.pdf Bitcointalk forum: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4863013.0 ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4863013.0 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bravo_Pay Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bravopay/ Telegram: https://t.me/BRAVOPay Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bravo_pay/
My Bitcointalk username: builuongcaoson My Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1911474 ETH wallet: 0x7e0Edd128c39eD0297F117F0DF0a0eA6364d85E2
I remind you that investments in cryptocurrency carry certain risks that must be considered!
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Black Hair History & Significance
The legacy of Black Hair began in Africa, where there is not one single type of hair because it ranges from different textures, hairstyles from curls to locs. As Ayana Byrd and Lori Tharps (2014) put it “The one constant Africans share when it comes to hair is the social and cultural significance to each beautiful strand” [Ayana Byrd, Lori Tharps (2014) Hair Story Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America[e-book] 2nd edition , St. Martin’s Publishing Group. Available through: https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/Hair_Story/iYhEAwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0&kptab=overview [Accessed 15 May 2022].
In the early 15th century black hair was a tool to carry messages in most west African countries. An example of this would be, the Wolf, Mende, Mandingo and Yoruba were some of the tribes of people who filled slave ships to the “New World”, where hair for these tribes was a language in itself which allowed them to speak to each other. This was because hairstyles were used to indicate a person’s identity, marital status, age, religion, ethnic origin, wealth and their social rank within the community. Furthermore, during pre-colonial African societies there was a hairstyle for everyone or occasion, whether you were a soldier going off to war or a mother about to give birth. The picture below shows an image of a hairstyle which is “A portrait of a lady belonging to the Baggara people a tripe in the region between Lake Chad and Southern Kordofan in Sudan. In Baggara culture clothing, jewellery and hair are an indication of a woman’s wealth and status in society” by @In.Hair.intance on Instagram.
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Hairstyling today is significant because it was and still is a way in which family and friends bond together an example of this can be, a hair salon or a mother doing their child’s hair which can be seen in the images below. Black hair is significant because it’s a legacy that still continues today with different hairstyles being worn and new ones being developed or modernized. This is important because hair in black culture is something very dear to black women especially as a way to express creativity and culture everywhere we go.
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Black Hair is important to me as a young Black women because it’s something I use to be creative and express my culture with no words. My own hair and culture offers me a lot of flexibility to be very creative. An example of this would be, my last braided hairstyle with purple beads (shown below). This is significant because the reason why I chose to do this hairstyle was because of my childhood, where my mum would add colourful beads to my hair and this was a staple hairstyle for me and other black girls growing up. This is important for this project because I am able to show my own use of the different hairstyles I have done, also show the rich history behind the importance of black hair before and today.
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whencallstheheart · 4 years
kvanbooven said: Yeah i guess that would make sense since HL has been around longer and has pretty much fulfilled his character. Graham loved being on the show until he decided to not be anymore, but even then I think it was he’s for him. I appreciate that given with what happened with Dan, even if it’s just for the fandom in general because I didn’t really care about Dan/Jack or Graham/Ty either way so it didn’t matter to me but I know to others it did
I’m sure it softened the blow and probably helped to retain viewers who might have been upset.  Maybe they even learned from what WCTH did since they have similar audiences.  In hindsight, I’m sure there’s things TPTB wished they would have done differently.  It was a scary situation.  The show easily could’ve ended as a result.  Like Lori, he could have cost a lot of people their jobs.  
When Jack was killed off, it broke people.  The reaction was truly insane.  They did what they could to soften the blow but there wasn’t much they could do.  They built a passionate fanbase and then crushed it and expected people to be okay.  It was bad.  But his death didn’t come as a surprise.  Dan was barely around.  The writing was on the wall but people didn’t want to read it.  The whole thing was really messy and that didn’t help matters either.  It sounds like Heartland put more thought and effort into it.  It was more of a joint effort than what we got.  Graham wanted to work with them whereas Dan had already checked out.  They had to bring in a new showrunner to try and clean up the mess he’d created by leaving.  I’m sure it was a nightmare for everyone involved but Heartland managed to avoid that.  
Thankfully, everything worked out okay.  The show is better than ever now.  I’m sure Heartland will continue to thrive as well.  It actually makes me more interested to continue watching now since I want to see what direction things go in.  
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Finding more inspo & refining postcards
Reconfiguring the layout and the post cards. Making conscious decisions, finding more research and inspiration online and through physical books. 
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The top right postcard, I decided to reject because I already have a more impactful illustration from Evie Grace which is the Masks or Jellyfish on the top left. 
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Including 2 new postcards of circular packaging and design Seedlip on the top left and on the bottom right the method of risograph which is something that I want to look further into in my future practice.
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Deciding not to include the orange as it doesn’t fit the aesthetic, I want to produce authentic and organic design aligning with my personal values.
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Rejecting the bottom right, it just wasn’t working for me. I like the context of the brand and how the brand represents their organic and ethical production, however I felt i could use a better image to portray this message. 
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riso graph from https://www.loricamarata.com/#/great-dane-furniture/
I came across it on pinterest which I then found Loris website. Risograph is a method that I want to explore in future.
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LUX coffee packaging. 
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Lori Camarta.
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Seedlip. Another postcard option 
Communication arts Interactive Annual (2021).Environment. [Physical Book] Image Retrieved from Seedlip. https://www.instagram.com/seedlipdrinks/?hl=en
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Communication arts Interactive Annual (2021).Environment. [Physical Book] Image Retrieved from Seedlip. https://www.instagram.com/seedlipdrinks/?hl=en
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Seedlip - a different angle
Communication arts Interactive Annual (2021).Environment. [Physical Book] Image Retrieved from Seedlip. https://www.instagram.com/seedlipdrinks/?hl=en
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Native Soda. I cam across this image during the creative process of another brief for image making. I was drawn to the modern collage look and feel. A surprise came later finding out that Native Soda 
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Sunny Design Studio. A commission, and personal illustration is something that I am currently doing which I love. Sunny Design Studio i found on instagram, this aesthetic and the natural use of twine in the packaging is something which I would like to incorporate into my own design studio. 
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Cold press Los Angeles
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