#Hmmhmm who might be the crush?
banana-dwight · 2 years
You have a crush on someone in the Entity's Realm?
Also just to clarify, the Entity sees and knows everything. So no secret of yours might be safe
The sudden voice made Dwight flinch. A crush? Entity? Dwight is not sure where the voice came from.
Is he getting insane? He looks around.
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Dwight the absolutely not self aware guy is not sure what the voice meant with a crush.
He has a crush?
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ragewerthers · 5 years
Take My Hand
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Summary:  Kuroo has a song stuck in his head. Or to be more precise, Daichi seems to have a song stuck in his head and Kuroo finds himself absolutely addicted to it.  What does it mean?  And what could it lead to?
A/n: This is for Kurodai Mid-Birthday Week 2019! I went with the song inspired prompt and it took me almost til the end of the fic to figure out which song I wanted, haha!
It is ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love With You- by Elvis Presley’. It’s an oldie but a goodie! :D
You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21741760
Enjoy! :D
Word Count: 2227
“Hmm… hmmmm… hmmmmmmmm…,”
“Hmmhmm… hmmmhmmmm… hmmmmm…,”
Kuroo peeked his head around the corner of their shared apartment, glancing at his roommate who seemed to be lost in his own little world.  He had to bite back a smile as he saw the way the former Karasuno captain continued to hum from his spot in front of the kitchen counter.  Swaying back and forth as he mixed together something for dinner he seemed to have lost himself completely to a song in his head.
They had been living off campus for awhile now.   It had seemed like a good idea.  Both were still getting their feet under them and renting an apartment together and sharing expenses would definitely make things easier.  Not to mention they knew one another from high school and a friendship had definitely grown from their rivalry all those years ago.  Daichi was a bit more serious than Kuroo and helped to ground him a bit.  Kuroo was  bit more outgoing and helped to pull Sawamura from his shell.  Their cohabitation was definitely beneficial to both parties, but Kuroo did wish that he’d had an inkling of what was going to happen so he could’ve prepared himself a bit more.
In their time living together they had grown used to each others little idiosyncrasies.  This one in particular was one of Kuroo’s favorites not that he would ever say anything to Daichi.  If he did, the man might stop altogether.  There was just something so… endearing about catching the other man in these moments.  He never sang… always just a little hummed song and only when he thought he was alone or he got caught up in a task.
However, it was always the same song.
It had started just a few weeks into them living together.  Kuroo had been hidden away in his room attempting to get in some extra studying and before he’d known it the clock had read somewhere near one.  Groaning he’d leaned back from his small desk, feeling his spine pop pleasantly and had decided to head into the kitchen to find a snack.
That was the first time he’d heard it.
Making his way quietly down the hallway he’d heard a quiet mumbling.  No… not a mumble.  A rumble?  No.  They hadn’t quite fit the sound either.  As he drew closer to the little kitchen he’d noticed that a light had been left on and his brow furrowed.  Quietly he’d glanced around the corner and seen Sawamura standing over by their small stove.  He was stirring something in a saucepan that smelled suspiciously of chocolate, but what caught Kuroo’s attention more was that he finally registered the noise.
The man was humming.
It was quiet and soft, but a song nonetheless.
Kuroo felt something in his heart flutter as he heard it and he’d had to take a moment to find the breath he’d lost.  Why had it effecting him so?  He’d actually had to compose himself against the hallway wall before working up the nerve to make his entrance.  Not wanting to startle the other he’d taken a deep breath and made his footsteps a little louder as he entered into the kitchen.  As expected, the humming had instantly stopped, but Daichi didn’t look startled or embarrassed.  Actually he’d turned his head and given Kuroo a little smile, making Kuroo wonder if he’d even known he’d been doing it in the first place.
“So… couldn’t sleep either?” Daichi had asked, opening one of their cupboards and pulling out another mug.
“No… studying got away from me… a bit… by three hours,” Kuroo had answered honestly, scratching the back of his neck with a sheepish grin, still feeling the way his heart beat a little faster in his chest.
“Well… lucky for you that I made a bit too much cocoa to help with my own sleeplessness.  Here… I’ll pour you a cup as well.”
The warm feeling that infiltrated Kuroo’s chest upon hearing the soft humming only grew at the gesture.  He’d happily accepted the drink and they’d spent another half hour chatting in the kitchen before they’d finally called it an evening when Daichi had almost nodded off at their kitchen table.
After that one evening, there had been a few more instances of Kuroo being caught off guard by that humming and each time his heart felt like it was going to flutter out of his chest.
It was around the fifth time that he realized that perhaps… possibly… he may be harboring a bit of a flame for the other man.  There was no denying that when they were younger he’d had a crush on the guy.  Who didn’t?!  Or to be more specific… who couldn’t?  He was strong, smart, charming… you’d have to be an idiot to not have had a crush on one Sawamura Daichi.  However, Kuroo had simply pushed back his feelings.  It was supposed to have been a highschool crush, nothing more.  They were all getting ready to start their university careers and who would have time for something trivial like that?  He’d been completely content to just continue a friendship nothing more.
Then he’d had to hear that soft, gentle humming that made his heart flutter, his stomach feel like there were butterflies inside and his knees feel like jelly… and now all those old feelings came rushing back like a tsunami.
And that had only been the start of his troubles.  Ever since the realization had struck he’d found himself falling harder and harder for the man with each passing day.  Did Daichi even realize what he was doing to him?!
Probably not.  But every teasing comment, every home cooked meal, every time they shared a moment together only seemed to make the fondness in his heart grow for the former captain.
So… here he was, standing in the hallway, listening to Daichi humming that same song like always, his heart beating a mile a minute and savoring every second.  He would happily stand there and listen to this song over and over again and to be fair… hadn’t he already been doing that?  The only thing that ever bothered him… was that he had yet to be able to figure out what the song was.
How many times had he secretly heard it now?  Fifteen?  Fifty?  Maybe somewhere in the middle, but each time he would go through the list of songs he knew and not once was he ever able to come up with the right tune or melody to match.
He’d even gone so far as to ask Bokuto and Kenma for help, but he himself had never really been able to carry a tune.  When he’d tried to hum the song or sing it a bit, he’d gotten two different reactions.
Kenma had asked if he was being serious or if he was trying to purposefully sing off key.
Bokuto had laughed so hard he had literally cried, claiming that Kuroo sounded exactly like a cat yowling in an alleyway.
Needless to say he’d given up asking others for help after that.
Still, there was something kind of thrilling about it.  A little mystery that Kuroo hoped to one day figure out or… that maybe one day Daichi would be willing to confide in him?  But honestly, what were the chances of that?  He didn’t know that Kuroo was harboring these feelings.  Daichi probably had no idea that he hoped to one day have more than this friendship, but
“Wise men say… only fools rush in… But I can’t help… falling in love… with… you,”
Kuroo’s smile faltered as he heard the humming shift into Daichi’s smooth voice, though the other still kept his words soft.  In an instant, the former Nekoma captains entire world focused completely onto that melody.  
“Shall I stay?  Would it be a sin?  If I can’t help… falling in love… with… you.”
The words were so gentle that it made Kuroo’s heart ache as he listened to it.  This was far more… personal than when he’d simply heard the melody hummed along in Daichi’s timbre.  This… this was a song the man honestly felt.
But for who? 
“Like a river flows, surely to the sea… darling so it goes… some things are meant to be.”
With every word, Kuroo found himself drawn more and more to Daichi.  He needed to know just who was it that was making this… amazing man sing so openly from the heart?  There was no way a song like this just gets stuck in a person’s head for weeks without there being a catalyst for it.
“Take my hand… take my whole life too.  For I… can’t… help… falling in love… with… K-KUROO?!”
The spell was immediately broken as Kuroo realized that he hadn’t just been drawn to Daichi’s words on an emotional level.  Apparently, much like a bed-headed moth to a flame, he’d made his way from his spot in the hallway to stand directly behind Daichi… managing to scare the hell out of the man and almost getting a wooden spoon to the face.
“Do I have to get a bell for you?!  Oh my heart….,” Daichi panted, clutching his chest and trying to get his breath back.  “Wh-what… are you doing sneaking up on me like that?”
Kuroo felt his ears heating up as he realized that he really, really didn’t have a good enough reason to be there.  His original reason for even being in the hallway to begin with was completely lost to him so his mouth decided to try and help as his brain slowly short circuited.
“Who are you singing about?” he asked quietly, his brain finally kicking in to remind him that his mouth said stupid, stupid things when left to its own devices.
Daichi’s entire face turned a slightly unhealthy shade of crimson and he cleared his throat.  “Oh… I… it was… I heard it on the radio today,” he said with a shrug, turning back to the food he’d been working on.
However, Kuroo found he really couldn’t let this go.  Not now.
“If you just heard it today, Sa’amura… then why have you been humming it for weeks?” he asked, stepping a little closer to the man, enough to see that the crimson color was now moving to his ears.
“No I haven’t.”
“Yes you have.”
“Prove it.”
“What are you, five?”
“What are you, five?”
Kuroo actually snorted as his own question was mimicked back at him in a very non-Daichi way.  Apparently he’d already had an effect on the man from them living together… and he was starting to wonder if perhaps in more ways than he’d dared to hope if the blush was anything to go by.
“Actually.  I can prove it,” he said with a wider smile, watching as Daichi turned to him with a narrowed expression.
“Is that right?” he asked, folding his arms over his broad chest and all but daring Kuroo to continue.
This only made Kuroo  grin and he nodded.  “I can prove it because I’ve been trying to figure out what this song is for just as long.  Since I first heard you humming it when making cocoa.  I’ve asked Kenma… hell I’ve even asked Bo!  I can name each and every time I’ve heard it because… each time it has always made me stop… and made my heart feel like it was going to flutter out of my chest,” he admitted, watching the way Daichi’s eyes widened before he quickly ducked his head to look at the floor.
Kuroo’s own expression softened and he stepped closer, carefully reaching forward and taking Daichi’s hand in his.
“Y-You don’t have to… you don’t… if you don’t feel the same I understand… I…,” Daichi seemed to be floundering for words now, as if his darkest secret was finally being exposed and Kuroo would take it and crush it in his hands before him.
Kuroo couldn’t take that.  Couldn’t take seeing and hearing that worry and fear and knew he had to make sure Daichi understood… really understood.
“T-Take… my hand.  Take my whole life too…,” he began, his words slow and careful and the notes a little offkey.  “For I… can’t… help.  Falling in love… with… you.”
Daichi’s eyes instantly glanced up as he sang, his eyes wide as if trying to decide if this was real or not.  But just as Kuroo was beginning to wonder if he’d misstepped he watched as a smile began to spread over Daichi’s face and the shorter man brought his free hand up to stifle a laugh.
It was Kuroo’s turn to feel his cheeks going red and he cleared his throat.  “S-Sorry.  I… I’m not very good at singing.  Ask Bo!  He almost passed out he laughed so hard when I tried to get his help figuring it ou-,”  His words were cut off as soft lips pressed against his own.
He remained frozen in that moment as Daichi leaned back, a warm smile on his face that Kuroo vowed he’d always work to keep there.
“I don’t know what Bo’s talking about,” Daichi murmured softly, giving Kuroo’s fingers a soft squeeze in his own as the former Nekoma captain realized that this man held his heart utterly and completely.  “You sounded perfect to me.”
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firesoulstuff · 6 years
35+112 from the recent list cc please?
Our Little Future
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12378978/chapters/33550002
“It’s ok, it’s ok baby. It’salright, it’s alright…” Sara keeps going on with her tear-coated words as shesits curled up in the med bay chair, the baby cuddled and screaming against herchest.
She looks over at him with panic inher eyes as she speaks, and it matches his own, the reality sinking in thatthere’s nothing they can do here.
24Hours Earlier
Too many questions, not enoughanswers; that’s what Leonard thinks about this whole situation.
It all started with a sketchysounding distress signal in the middle of the night, Rip claims there was nomessage but he doesn’t buy that. Then there was responding to that distresssignal in which Rip refused to let any of them set foot off the ship, and thento top it all off he had come back on board holding a baby of all things.
No, none of this was sitting wellwith Leonard at all.
It isn’t helping that Rip hascalled both himself and Sara into his office. He doesn’t know what on earth theCaptain could want them for; especially not when he clearly has something elsehe needs to be dealing with.
If the look on Sara’s face as theymarch down the hall side by side is anything to go by then he would be willingto bet money that she’s every bit as confused and suspicious as he is.
When they enter the office Riplooks…well, awful. He has bags under his bloodshot eyes and his hair is more ofa mess than usual, but at least the mystery baby he’d brought on board a fewhours ago is sleeping soundly. Granted, it’s on a blanket on the floor in thecorner but it isn’t like Rip would be stupid enough to step on it.
“I have to go on a mission.” TheEnglishman all but blurts out, thus it isn’t exactly a shock that it only addsto the confusion.
“Ok…” Leonard drawls, “Who are youtaking with you?”
“No one, Mr. Snart.”
“Yeah…” Sara drawls out, “That’snot a good idea.”
Rip sighs, like this is theabsolute last conversation that he ever wants to have, but he goes on talkinganyway.
“While I would normally agree withthat statement Ms. Lance, it is a worse idea that any of you accompany me.”
“Hmmhmm,” Sara hums disbelievingly,“And why might that be?”
“And does it have anything to dowith that?” He can’t refrain from asking anymore, not when there is a babygurgling over in the corner as it starts to wake up.
Hunter glances over at it and hishead falls only to be barely caught by his fingers, his thumb and his indexfinger massaging at his nose.
“I am wiping both your bloody mindsafter this,” he mutters.
“Excuse me?” Len asks, hand flyingto his holstered gun.
“You’re not doing anything to ourminds.” Sara tells him sternly and Leonard is fairly certain that if it weren’tfor the already waking baby in the corner Hunter would be screaming right aboutnow.
“Yes I am, Ms. Lance.” He stillmanages to snap while somehow keeping his voice down. “Because the timeline ischanging, quickly, and it will change even more drastically if you rememberanything that I am about to tell you.”
“You’re not making sense Rip,” Lendrawls and when he suddenly he finds himself on the receiving end of Rip’sglare he steps back just a bit.
“I know Mr. Snart, I know. Just… Ohbloody hell, I’m not sure what to make of the current state of the timelineanyway.” He grumbles, partially to himself and partially to… either them or theceiling, Len isn’t exactly sure which. Then he sighs, like he has finally had amoment of clarity in the midst of all this madness, and he looks directly atthe two of them. “It’s a long story, but, about the baby… It’s yours.”
Hunter is looking at them, both ofthem, and Leonard feels like all the oxygen has just been sucked from hislungs. His brain isn’t processing the words, not correctly anyway. It’s hisbaby? But why is Hunter looking at Sara? Why does she look just as stunned ashe feels? Surely she would know about any baby of hers.
A part of his head does rememberwords such has “timeline” and “future” but before he can get to those thesquealing cry of an infant interrupts the tension and suddenly his eyes aresnapped to the corner.
His body goes ridged, his sensesparalyzed by the sound; which is ridiculous. At least Sara doesn’t seem to havereacted any better, as it’s Hunter who has to go pick up the wailing child andbounce it into content, before he deposits it into Sara’s arms and she stumblesawkwardly when taking over.
It’s in that moment, where Sara isholding their apparent child, that Leonard finally gets his voice to work.
“How?” He demands, and Rip huffs.
“When I took you all from thetimeline I did so because you were inconsequential.” He says, starting withwhat they all already know. “Upon Savage’s defeat I intended to return you tothe moment I took you from, but as you’re both aware, things changed. Withthose changes the timeline began changing as well, and one of those changes isour little friend here.”
By now Len can’t help but to peerover Sara’s shoulder for a look at the baby nestled in her arms. He has toadmit, it’s young but it does hold some resemblance to them both. It’spractically bald, the little hair it does have a nearly invisible blonde, andit’s fair skin matches Sara’s almost perfectly. It’s blue eyes remind him ofthe ones he sees in the mirror, just more confirmation that this is real.
“Why is she here?” Sara asks andfor a second Len wants to ask how she’s so sure the baby is a girl, but thenthe more that he looks at it’s facial features he starts to see it; plus it iswearing a onesie decorated with pink and purple butterflies.
“Because, Ms. Lance, that distresssignal we received was from your future selves. Someone is after them, a formerassassin for the Time Masters. They needed to send their daughter somewhere hewould never think to look for her-”
“So they sent a message to a pastversion of the Waverider.” Len finishes for him, and The Captain nods.
“Looking for anything in thetemporal zone can be like searching for a needle in a haystack, and if theassassin can’t find you until years from now, we know he won’t find you here.”
“Where are you going?” Sara asks,and to that Rip smirks.
“To help you.”
After Rip leaves the two of themstand in the office for an immeasurable amount of time, until the baby startsfussing, and then they numbly make their way back to his room solely becauseit’s closer than hers.
Sara starts heading for his bed,the spot she normally claims for herself whenever they’re in her, but then shemakes an awkward turn for his desk chair. Things between them are still new,still a little unclear since The Oculus, and now, suddenly, the baby squirmingon her lap…
It’s a bit much.
“Our future selves sure have a sicksense of humor.” He says and Sara snorts.
“I’ll say,” She agrees, “You wouldthink sending your kid back in time to your past selves would be dangerous.”
“Yeah,” he huffs in agreement, “Youwould think.”
It’s at that moment that the babymoves on from fussing to full out crying, startling them both.
Sara stands up and begins bouncingher gently, trying to calm her, while Leonard wracks his brain for what to do.It’s been a long time since he’s last taken care of a baby so young, but heremembers that whenever Lisa would get like this it was usually one of twothings, her diaper or her stomach.
Sara’s already ahead of him,checking the diaper but she shakes her head.
“I’ll go to the galley, maybeGideon can make her a bottle.” He says, excusing himself.
Luckily Gideon is able to help and,even luckier, he doesn’t run into anyone on his journey there or back. When hegets back to the room Sara is still pacing in circles while the baby screamson. There’s no discussion about it as she takes the bottle from him and settlesherself down on his bed, if a bit awkwardly because of what she’s holding. Theyboth exhale when the baby quiets, suddenly occupied with its food, and theawkwardness returns.
“What do you think her name is?”Sara asks, breaking the silence, and Len sighs as he takes a seat beside her.
“Don’t know, it’s not like we’veever talked about what we would name a kid.”
Sara nods in agreement, but scoffs“Well we can’t keep calling her baby.” She remarks and he hums in agreement,but he says nothing.
He’s mesmerized by the sight beforehim. Sara, sitting with a baby cradled in her arms, their baby, and feeding hera bottle. He knows that they’re a long way off from this, by a lot. But, still,he can’t deny that it look kind of appealing.
They don’t tell the others who thebaby is. Hell, they aren’t even surewho the baby is, and they do decide to continue calling her “baby”, “kid”, orvarious other little pet names for as long as she’s in their care. Maybe theywould’ve talked about a name if they had realized Hunter wasn’t going to beback for this long. It’s been hours, so many that the ship is now well into itsnight cycle and the two of them are laying on his bed with the baby sandwichedin-between them.
“We aren’t going to roll over andcrush her!” Sara exclaims in a whisper through the tense quiet. The bed isn’tlarge, yet they’ve left an amble amount of space for the kid, probably morethan necessary, and neither of them has moved an inch since going to bed.
“While I’m sure you’re right, Istill don’t think I’m going to sleep.” He whispers back.
“Yeah, me either.” She says beforefinally rolling on her side.
Her eyes don’t go straight to him,but instead to the baby, then to him, and then back to the baby.
“What are you thinking?” He asksand she shrugs, eyes still glued to the baby.
“After the league… I gave up anyideas had about ever being a mom. Then after the pit I didn’t even think Icould.”
He stays quiet for a minute, aboutto ask what she thinks about all that now, when she suddenly props herself upon her elbow.
“Len,” she says, alarmed, stilllooming over the kid. He looks, nearly falling off the bed when he shifts, andhe sees it.
There’s blood dripping out of thebaby’s nose, and her face is all scrunched up.
“She’s bleeding,” he blurtsstupidly, “Why are you bleeding?”
He doesn’t know why he asks the baby that, because itisn’t like she can answer him, but it’s as if she’s trying because suddenlyshe’s screaming louder than she ever was earlier and this time he does fall offthe bed.
By the time he picks himself upSara already has the baby in her arms and with nothing more than a glance ateach other they take off towards the med bay.
“Gideon!” Leonard all but roars atthe ceiling when they arrive, Sara clamoring into one of the seats andmurmuring words of comfort into the baby’s ear. “Something’s wrong with ourdaughter!”
“Actually Mr. Snart, my files haveno record of a child between yourself and Miss Lance.” The AI replies, calm asever.
“This isn’t time for the knowingtoo much about our futures crap, Gideon. We-”
“Len!” Sara cuts him off and hewhirls around, half expecting the situation to suddenly be worse.
Judging by Sara’s wide andterrified eyes, he’s confident that it is.
“He’s going after me,” she says,and he must look confused, which he is, because she clarifies. “The assassin.”
“Isn’t that where-”
“Not that me,” she warns him, “Theonly version of me he would stand half a chance at getting, nine monthspregnant me.”
He feels his blood run cold.
“Hunter!” He hisses, his handfingers flying to comm but there’s nothing but static on the other end.“Hunter! Hunter!”
“Leonard!” Sara snaps, bringing hisattention to her. “He can’t hear you.”
“We have to do something!” Hesnarls desperately, “We can’t just-”
“We won’t!” She interrupts,refusing to let him finish that sentence, tears coating her eyes. “Gideon, whatare the last records you have of me in the timeline?”“I must advise against telling you too much about-”
“Gideon!” They both snap and the AIcomplies, so Len gets Mick over the comms and gives him the location, leavinghim and Sara with nothing to do but hope.
“It’s ok, it’s ok baby. It’salright, it’s alright…” Sara keeps going on with her tear-coated words as shesits curled up in the med bay chair, the baby cuddled and screaming against herchest.
She looks over at him with panic inher eyes as she speaks, and it matches his own, the reality sinking in thatthere’s nothing they can do here.
“Well the good news is your futureremains in tact,” Rip says, standing along with Leonard and Sara outside of thejump ship.
“Thanks to Mick and Ray,” Sarareminds him while Len, hesitantly, hands him the baby to bring back to her owntime.
“Yes,” Rip admits, “Anyway, amnesiapills are on my desk, I expect you to have taken them by the time I return.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Len brushes offand Rip frowns but disappears into the jump ship.
“So?” Sara asks once the jump shiplaunches, “Are we taking those pills?”
He thinks about it for a second,carefully, and then turns to face her. “I hope she comes along.” He says,earning a raised eyebrow from the blonde. “But, maybe it’ll be best if we don’tsee it coming.”
She nods, “Fair enough,” she says,stepping closer and her arms winding up around his neck. “Mick needed to go afew years into the future to save her, and me, so looks like we’ve got time.”
“Good,” he says through a smirk, “BecauseMick’s already wiped his memory.”
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