siriannatan · 1 year
Heroes of Empires City part 2
Part 1
About other characters - Spoiler warning
Jimmy - local Sheriff, Lizzie's younger brother - has water-control powers but never uses them, when using them gets fins but with how rarely he uses them there are no signs of it - very good at his job - almost instantly figured Scott is Major only knowing him for one night and just having met Major - hates heroes because of a certain incident that landed Lizzie in a wheelchair - has two cats, likes them better than most people - hates that Scott is Major because Scott is pretty cute
Lizzie - mayoral candidate, very popular - wins the election later - actually, a retired hero from before the government legalised heroes - Ocean Queen - married to Joel (Stratos) and knows full well he's a hero, - supportive of the hero business -someone has to take care of the villains and magical monsters and other things that are beyond the police, - worried about Jimmy's safety all the time even if he can fully take care of himself
Katherine - President of the Empire City Hero Association - probably not paid enough to deal with her heroes antics - might think Shubble's cut but she's a professional so it had nothing to do with her being hired - even Stratos is a bit scared of her, even if she has no powers - cares and worries for her heroes excessively in a violent manner - especially when telling them off
Pearl - Katherine's new assistant - actually, Sausage's adoptive younger sister, has similar powers but they're a lot weaker than his so she didn't pass the entry exam - mostly the physical test - happy to help the heroes in any way she can, usually by making sure Katherine doesn't die from overworking herself and by cutting her caffeine intake - might like Amethyst a bit more than she probably should which results in flowers sprouting in her hair whenever she's nearby - a bit conflicted about liking this office worker from the tower - Gem (only Katherine really knows all heroes' civilian identities for safety reasons) she only sees her when she's leaving the tower, which is a shame
Pixl - works as a nurse at the biggest hospital in the City - dated Sausage before finding out he's a hero, was at all not offended Soos kept that a secret - did not mind it when Sausage adopted - often finds himself working alongside Sanctuary because of the limitations of his power
Xornoth - Scott's older twin brother, glad to be born with no powers, had a good time watching Scott figure his out, especially the flying part - freelance, programmer, and guitarist in an indie band - a bit worried about Scott's safety even if it was he that encouraged him, - doesn't leave their apartment much outside of band stuff - Oli's band - shocked Scott by getting a boyfriend first
Joey - Xor's boyfriend and the reason why Scott met Jimmy, not directly but still, - bartender at that one Bar Oli's band frequently plays at - Smithy - used to have a big crush on Katherine, and many of the heroes - most notably Sanctuary
Oli - frontman, leader and vocalist of the band Xor's in, changes the name of the band at least twice a month - the band would have flopped ages ago without Xornoth, - very obviously flirts with Eddie whenever he got a chance to
False - the owner of a steampunk-themed coffee shop Jimmy always gets his coffee at - one of the establishments with 'Hero seating' - Shubble's roommate and good friend
Potential SPOILERS
Eddie - Sausage and Pearl's adoptive father - the owner of the Smithy - finds Oli's advances amusing but nothing more - outside his bar works for HA's Equipment Department - totally didn't cry when Sausage introduced Hermes to him - thinks Pix could do much better than Sausage
Hermes - Sausage's adopted son - his parents were killed by his psycho grandmother who could not accept their divorce - Jimmy kind of saved him from the woman and solved the whole case with Scott shadowing him - thinks Scott is Jimmy's guardian angel - Jimmy is the coolest, much to Joel's dismay - loves it when he's left with Pix or Eddie - always stares at Pear with wide eyes and never talks to her - once told Amethyst his auntie likes her - can read minds and no one believed him at first but when he told Amethyst his auntie likes him Pearl got convinced about it and convinced Sausage to get him tested for powers - likes sheriff more than the heroes
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teencopandthesourwolf · 3 months
Teen Wolf movie 2
Do you think Tyler Hoechlin will be willing to return if a sequel is somehow greenlit? because it is my headcanon that since there was no physical body that Derek survives, and the fix it fics have been amazing because I think Sterek is almost canon; fans just have to bring him back from the dead and have Derek confess his feelings.
i honestly cannot imagine a Teen Wolf Movie 2 being greenlit at this point—although, as stated in a previous recent ask, i am absolutely not any sort of authority when it comes to this.
as for hoechlin, i really don't know? i honestly don't read that much about the actors lives. like, i take my kids to cons and listen to the panels bc it's fun, and i enjoy saying hi at the signing tables etc (although that's becoming more of a rarity as many of the handlers have stopped letting you, unless you're paying for signatures/selfies etc, which i don't) but beyond that, i only really know what i see on here tbh. like, i don't necessarily seek stuff out, y'know? other than what projects they're working on next (but that's mostly dylan tbh!). so, i don't really know if he's talked about it or not?
but hey, who knows?
lol i might still be a little sore about this.
and yeah it's funny, but—for all his sins—jeff davis did kind of end up giving us canon sterek, in his own queer-yet-weird-ass-queerbaity way, didn't he? ever true to form, i guess; at least he's predicable!
as for the fix-it-fics, omg you are so right @scrumptiousbirdgardener, they are so wonderful!! ppl are so bloody talented, right? i've not (yet?) written one myself. i only tend to write oneshots—longer fic being my kryptonite—and i feel it would benefit from something a bit longer, imho, as there is SO much to fix. but maybe i'll try and expand on this wee drabble one day...
thanks for the ask!
cassidy xp
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wilbertgg · 4 months
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Wilbert dates that fox geek The only bit of context:
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drawn-on-phone · 23 days
New 40k Brain Rot: Clowns, Pirates, Witches, and Wraiths? Oh my!
Tyranids are kind of not giving the good brain juice right now. So we're going to try something else. And turns out that Eldar as a culture seem to use plurality as a basis for their being (in a fantastical way). So with that our wheels started spinning. And then we ran into the Harlequins and the Good Brain Juice(TM) returned.
So below the break is the LONG working draft of our new custom Craftworld full of Harlequins, Corsairs, Witches, and Necro-mechas!
Name: Xama-Bechareth
Meaning: Forgotten Spirits of the Wind; Forgotten Eldar who Died without Spirit Stones.
Patron Deity: Hoec, the Eldar God of Wandering and Webway.
--- History ----
Pre-Fall: It's original name lost to time, the Craftworld that would become Xama-Bechareth initial fortunes came from it prowess as an Eldar archeological and maintenance trade ship. Despite conquering it, the galaxy still held many buried secrets and discoveries for the Eldar. As such Xama turned its trade to uncovering these secrets: locating Necron Tomb worlds, searching for forgotten battles sites from the War in Heaven, and finding emerging xenos cultures, nothings was too small or too large for Xama to turns its attention to in the same spirit of discovery and exploration that underpinned their own worship of Hoec.
To accomplish this mission, Xama was an unusually small vessel for the usually planetoid size ships of other craftworlds. As the family crew's focused on wraithbone manipulation, Xama custom built/grew attachments / enclosures for their discoveries to attach to or tow back to the Eldar empire. And while these discoveries were their bread and butter, the family crew's biggest joy were the small stops along the way assisting any calls for helps they encountered.
Fall of the Eldar: Xama-Bechareth survived the birth of Slaanesh but only through the slow perversion of their original trade. Arriving too late to assist the other Craftworlds in their exodus of Eldar homeworlds, Xama was caught in Slaanesh's awakening destroying most of Xama's systems and population. Stuck orbiting the edge of the gravitational well of the newly opened Eye of Terror the craftworld began the slow process of slowboating around the hellscape of the Eye and using their skills to scavenging and or cannibalizing the hundreds of destroyed and abandoned Craftworlds and Eldar vessels.
In this time, even after his assumed death at the hands of Slaanesh, worship of Hoec never faltered. Seeing their predicament as a final challenge from their Patron, Xama took to earnest wandering the alien landscape of their once familiar empire. And over time, Xama mastered this hellscapes of death and psychoreactive horrors that once was home.
Slowly but surely refugees were found and in their rescue so to was Xama. These new hands slowly rebuilt the craftworld piece by hard fought piece until finally the ship was able to escape into the Webway. However after a millennia of salvage Xama's original form has shifted into a glorified twisted rhizomic lump of inter-connected flotillas connected by wraithbone tendrils.
Once in the Webway, Xama encounter the shattered remains of the Eldar empire, both the Aeldari of their former sibling craftworlds and the hedonistic Drukhari. The spirit of Hoec, the Path of the Outcast as the Aeldari called it now, still strongly rooted in the culture of Xama and upon each encounter Xama slowly dislodged its nodes of survivors into the hands of their kin. Each group leaving according to their own will free to choose the life and path they alone desire. Slowly, overtime, Xama regained it original form, but in doing so felt lesser for the kin lost. Finally, after securing their the final group from the ship, Xama took off again.
Claiming they would return to their skills of records keeping and ruin delving to again salvage and recover the lost of Eldar culture, Xama was never seen after that. Though no one knows for sure, it is assumed that the ship either got lost to the Webway in honor of their patron deity or was destroyed on their mission in realspace. Either way, despite its deeds Xama's name was lost, just another lost piece of Eldar history.
Post-Fall: Recently though, some claim Xama-Bechareth has returned. But those who have encountered the ship describe it in a hushed whisper of a haunting. Once more the ship is misshapen into a lumpy cluster of wraithbone nodules. Appears like mist out of the webway only to slips away form both mind and space soon afterward leaving little proof it was ever there the craftworld supposedly trades in Eldar salvage, bodies, and information. Tells of the ship have spread across the universe from the heart of Commorragh to Exodite world.
Those who claimed to have not only encountered but resided within Xama-Bechareth tell tales which are impossible to align only furthering the mysterious nature of the supposed craftworld. For the Aeldari those from the Path of the Outcasts (Ranger or Corsairs alike) speak of their time aboard in reverent tones as a haven that they chose to leave for the sake of others. While other Paths seems to recall disparate moments of existence but no more lasting details between these moments of clarity. Those Drukhari who depart the Craftworld appear more tenacious and battle hardened, but their need to drink from the suffering has notably lessened. When questioned, all the Dark Kin describe is the memories of constant carnage of terror akin to the most violent of Real-Space Raids.
The result of these all these half-recalled tales mean that the view of Xama-Blechareth among the upper nobility of both the Craftworlds and Drukhari is one of deep mistrust and apprehension. Most vocally, if spoken about, as little more than a glorified Corsair Fleet masquerading as a Craftworld scavenging the bones of the dead, filling its belly with the refuse, only to regurgitates its flotsam and jetsam to any port of call willing to take them.
Still there is still one more side to recent haunting by Xama-Blechareth. That of the Harlequins, the only individuals to speak coherently of Xama-Blechareth but whose very nature make their words suspect. According to the Harlequins, Cegorach himself delivered to Xama-Bechareth the last will of Hoec: A divide gift, sanctuary is provided to all the Eldari people (Aeldari, Corsairs, Drukhari, Harlequins, and Exodites) who desire to wander. Should any member of the craftworld dedicate itself to an any purpose other than exploration and wanderlust, they will be released from the safety of the sanctuary. They who do not leave, like those who would interfere with the Craftworld's discursive path, must deal with the Great Harlequin himself.
In the most recent era, tales of Xama-Bechareth have increased as a result of the rise of the Ynnari Death Cult. While the obfuscating mist of what exactly the Craftworld is remains, Ynnari individuals claim that while the main arm of the cult searches for Crone worlds for mythical weapons, Xama-Bechareth's acts as a courier and archivist for the less militarily inclined members of the cult. Often appearing in moments of great need to offer transport, knowledge of the lost and forgotten relics of the Eldar race, or merely to slaughter those imperiling the cults actions. .
----- End -----
So we have a lot more about this craftworld we wrote, but wanted to not dump all of it in one post. If people are interested we have a breakdown of each tabletop faction on board Xama-Bechareth as well as the true nature of the craftworld.
So if this was interesting and you enjoyed it please let me know (and specifically what you want next)? I'm dealing with a bunch of burnout now so having a creative project is helpful for the ol' mental health.
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ritikakukreti · 10 months
From Classroom to Command Centre: Become an Elite Upstream Supply Chain Analyst with an Online MBA in Oil and Gas Management
Amidst the sprawling landscape of the oil and gas sector, the upstream supply chain stands as a critical linchpin. As economies increasingly rely on the seamless exploration and extraction of oil, the role of an Upstream Supply Chain Analyst emerges as one of unparalleled significance. If the upstream domain is the beating heart of the oil industry, then these analysts are its pulse readers. But how does one earn this distinction? The answer lies in the power of a specialized Master of Business Administration, more specifically, an Online MBA in Oil and Gas Management.
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padfootprongslet · 2 years
i feel like this ruined hoec/hlin for me.
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thecrownisagift · 4 years
I didn’t realize how much I missed Teen Wolf, the actors, and the stories. Like the show had such a large influence on my teen years and now here I am watching a pre-taped Zoom reunion crying, laughing, wanting to shitpost, and just pretending that everything in the world was okay. Those characters and actors literally felt like my friends growing up, its insane!
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padaleckigallery · 3 years
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#jaredpadalecki #jarpad #jensenackles #supernatural #spnfamily #spn https://www.instagram.com/p/CNh9nN-HOEc/?igshid=1p5s2nl8zw8a5
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Did you watch the Teen Wolf reunion. Dylan was *chef’s kiss😘*. Like there was a question where they asked who had more shirtless scenes and I’m pretty sure Dylan said Hoec did. But everyone talked over and said that Ryan had more. Plus he said that Jeff sent MULTIPLE characters off to London. And that he just left Kira with the skin walkers. And Tyler was kinda annoying. And Arden was just sweet the entire time. Holland was great too. It was great even though we did also have to listen to Jeff
DW: I’ve been at the day job all morning tiday, and I also have no interest, lol.
I’m glad the cast is doing well, but the few nuggets of fun info I’m sure were given out aren’t worth sitting through listening to Jeff Davis.., or Posey. I’m sure if he came out as any inanimate household objects, someone will let me know.
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bhadpodcast · 4 years
Did anyone notice Dylan eating during the reunion. Like he couldn’t care less about what was going he was just hungry. I’m pretty sure Holland notice too cause she was laughing a bit. But he was just munching away at whatever Hoec’s made for him.
Yup! We talked about it on the podcast, so cute!
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djteck · 3 years
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[PT II] swipe —-> w/ @onlyyomyy (at Teck Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNs1ov-hOEC/?igshid=cov3bgnua83i
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siriannatan · 1 year
Heroes Of Empire City
Part 2
About the Heroes:
Scott 'Major' /called 'Pigeon' by Jimmy/ - ice powers, has a bit of trouble controlling them, even if he has high cold resistance overuse of his powers carries the danger of hypothermia - his powers give him wings, can hide them but it does leave a big sigil on his back, and change his appearance a lot so he does not really need a mask - hero Major is cold, calm and collected and distant - Scott is a massive flirt, not too social, kinda very gay and distraught by his lack of a boyfriend - protective of his older twin brother but does trust him to make good decisions - it might have been his brother that convinced him to become a hero
fWhip 'Tinkerer' /or 'Hot Stuff' by Scott when no one's listening/ - fire powers, very destructive, he mostly relies on his inventions and gadgets - designs most of the support gear the Agency's heroes carry on them - a lot more confident and out-spoken as a hero, and quite snappy - fWhip prefers to stay indoors and tends to hide behind Gem or any friend he's with when faced with having to talk to people - will throw hands if anyone insults Gem in his earshot
Gem 'Amethyst' - crystal control, usually creates amethyst dragons to fight by her side, and flies on a crystal broom, if she creates too many constructs her head hurts and she gets ravenous- fWhip's older sister (twin?), will not hesitate to smack him if he misbehaves - a lot quieter and more distant as a hero than civilian - will punch you if you talk badly about her brother - thinks Katherine's assistant Pear is pretty cute, especially the flowers that often pop up in her hair
Sausage 'Sanctuary' - can control plants, can't just make them out of nowhere, can heal and detect wounds but it is dangerous to use on not super-powered individuals, - can't use his healing on himself but luckily he's dating Pixl who is a nurse - his personality barely changes as a hero, often jokes that's why Sanctuary is his favourite hero 'we're just so similar, how can I not' - very popular with children. Every holiday season a new Sanctuary toy is launched with all proceeds going to charity
Joel 'Stratos' - No1 hero of the Empires City - can summon and control thunder, overuse will cause him considerable headaches and might even change the weather, often causes power outages, - husband of the number one mayoral candidate Lizzie - a lot noisier and more boisterous as a hero -as Jimmy's relative he's banned from working with the police more than necessary - always floats a bit as a hero to look taller - similar to Scott does not need a mask, his powers change his appearance when active
Shelby 'Shrub' - a new hero just like Scott - mushroom based powers, can make them appear about anywhere and release spores with different effects - fWhip made special filters so she can fight alongside other heroes without having to worry about hurting them - lacks confidence, looks up to Sanctuary, - maybe a future mentor? - might have a big crush on the Agency's president - Katherine
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teencopandthesourwolf · 11 months
yeah so my brother was over tonight and after we'd had a heart-to-heart and a gossip i stuck TEEN WOLF on—which he is aware of and knows it's one of my shows, but has never actually watched himself—just for a bit of background bc it was there in my 'continue watching' as i'm never really not watching it lol.
ANYWAYS we continued chattering through it for a while (the majority of eps 1&2) but then he started sporadically paying it more and more attention, till he was eventually commenting and asking me questions etc.
here are some of the veritable golden nuggets he dropped:
“well, that coach fella's my new bestie.”
“the hammy lad with the face (jackson) is giving me such biff from back to the future vibes.”
“why is clark kent (he knows hoech from superman & lois) being an autistic male model with serious pmt?”
(still taking about hoec) “oh, bloody hell, he's actually really good looking, isn't he?!”
"the sfx in this are so fuckin bad they actually double back to being terrific.”
“so, are we, like, supposed to not give a shit about the main guy then, or what?”
(more scott talk) “although i do actually kind of want to hug him—but i feel that's somehow unrelated to his character.”
“pretending to do back flips off a roof is cool af i don't care what anybody says.”
(about k*te argent) “hoho, she's gonna turn out to be a massive cunt, isn't she?”
“this is fucking brilliant, they (the wolf transformations) look like were!fonzies!”
“jesus, we're like, 3 eps in and there's already what looks to be the beginnings of quite intricate character arcs? this show should honestly not be this intriguing, wtf.”
(commentary on the acting chops) “oh, wow, so the one that's playing scott is pretending to be scott... while the one playing stiles just IS stiles!”
(scene at the start of magic bullet where stiles is talking to scott about derek):
stiles: okay, sorry, no more talk about alphas or derek; especially derek—who still scares me.
my brother: yeah, that's because he quite clearly makes your willy hard, mate.
also my brother: OH, SHIT! THAT'S STEREK, RIGHT?! well, it's no fucking wonder that that's a thing.
so yeah my hope is now obviously that he'll go home and get obsessed and spank the entire 6 seasons in 4 days and become one of our most prolific fanfic writers.
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ohhoechyasss · 4 years
Oh Hoec Yass
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whatsanartpocalae · 4 years
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I realized that all my hOeC’s are monster fucker bottoms so I decided to design a monster top for them. 
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lynneravenne · 5 years
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A new forever 🌹 #poetry (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQ_35-hoec/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lauajr1u6vac
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