joyffree · 6 months
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𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 by Jennifer Sucevic is LIVE on Apple, Nook, Kobo and Google NOW! 1-CLICK this new adult, hockey romance today!
All retailers:
Buy direct: https://jennifersucevicstore.com
It will go live on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited April 12th!!!
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Colby McNichols, otherwise known as the baby-faced assassin, is the left wing for the Western Wildcats hockey team. All he has to do is sign his name on the dotted line and he’ll play for the pros after his senior season. What I’ve heard from the girls on campus, who aren’t shy about spilling the tea, is that he’s totally earned his reputation.
And then some.
It’s just one of the reasons I choose to steer clear.
Trust me when I say that my life is complicated enough without getting tangled up with a player.
For reasons I can’t fathom, Colby has decided to insert himself in my life. Everywhere I go, there he is. Which makes holding him at a distance nearly impossible. He might be smoking hot but there’s zero point in starting something with this guy. Especially since I can’t be honest about who I am.
Unfortunately, a weekend spent in Vegas changes everything.
Turns out that our friends weren’t the only ones who tied the knot in Sin City.
I can only hope that what they say is true—what happens in Vegas stays there.
Because if it doesn’t…
I’m screwed.
And not in a good way.
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞: https://www.jennifersucevic.com
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stfuattclagg · 1 year
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HIS GOODPUCK CHARM : A hockey player x doctor romance
The air hung thick with the stench of alcohol and despair, a daily reminder that this was Ana’s reality- an endless, bitter cycle of broken days.
Beer bottles and lottery tickets were scattered across the floor like a haphazard mosaic around her drunken father’s armchair.
The familiar dark thoughts crept up again as she filled another trash bag, the litany of ways she could end her suffering for good. A fistful of the pills from the medicine cabinet or maybe a rope tied to one of the ceiling fan blades. She contemplated whether the rope would hold up or snap, causing her to fall with a snapping thud.
What a terrible way to die- not the hanging, but the fall.
Who would mourn for her if she died? Certainly not her father. Despite hoping, he loved her somewhere beneath the tangle of his addiction.
Her brother would miss her. He was only thirteen. She couldn’t leave him; even with their shattered family, it remained her responsibility to protect him. Someone had to hold on to the wreckage of their sad excuse for a life, much as she yearned at times to let it go. She stayed- existing, not living, and warding off the darkness as best she could.
“Shit. It’s morning.” Her father’s voice tore into her thoughts. “Why didn’t you wake me? I can’t be late. Have you seen my lucky socks?”
“Err… no.”
“I got some money and I know if I have those socks, I’ll win big,” he muttered to himself, annoyed as he looked back at her. “What are you doing today? Just being lazy at home?” he hissed.
“I was thinking of looking for a job today.” Her words came out like a stutter.
“What about that waitress job? At least that brought in some cash.”
She no longer felt comfortable serving drinks to middle-aged men, who never kept their hands to themselves. “I quit last week.”
“Stupid. You could have studied a real profession. Be a real doctor or nurse. That way I could see the benefits of you going to college, but what do we have to show for it? Nothing but debts and more debts.”
Of course, he blamed her schooling for their debts, never realizing it was his gambling that caused the problem. He conveniently forgot that Ana had paid for most of the tuition fees, including those of her brother Danny.
Besides, she was a real doctor. She just had to find a job that matched her degree as a physiotherapist, in order to alleviate their financial burden.
They probably would have been homeless too if they hadn't lived in her late grandmother’s house, which was why the house screamed of old age and in dire need of renovation.
With a deep sigh, Ana set to work. She grabbed a trash bag from the kitchen and began to pick up the empty bottles, wincing at the sound of clinking glass. The task was a familiar one - she had done it so many times before that it became almost automatic.
“I paid to feed you, clothe you and what do I get?” He bent down and fished out a small pair of socks from the bottom of his laundry basket. One of which had a large hole in the sole where his big toe poked through. “Bunch of college debts and a nuisance, that’s all you are. I was going to be a professional soccer player. I had the scholarship too, then your mother tells me she is pregnant. Puff. There goes my dream and now I have just you. At least Danny was a choice.”
Ana’s hands tightened into fists as her father spoke. Each word felt like a searing hot knife slicing through her, and the mix of sadness and anger he stirred in her grew so thick that it almost left her gasping for breath. She wished she could believe him when he said something nice, but years of experience had taught her otherwise. His words acted like arrows aimed straight at the center of her heart.
It’s said that the more often you hear something, the more likely it is to become true. He kept on telling her she was worthless and a bad luck—maybe he was right.
He stumbled out of the house. From his expression, he could very well be gone for days or weeks. Silently, she prayed for the latter.
A text message appeared on her phone screen. She squinted at it, not quite believing what she was reading. She read it again–this time out loud–and a wave of hope filled her.
Congratulations, you are hired.
This was a job she had applied for months ago. They wanted her. If her memory served her right, she bombed the interview. She had stuttered and forgotten most of her answers.
Great. This was a sign that her luck was turning around. She checked the time for the interview, two hours from now. Christ. It was on the other side of town and, considering, she didn’t have enough cash to spare for a taxi. It was wise to leave earlier.
She sped through the cleaning, got dressed, and was out the door.
Checking the address one more time, she glanced at the building.
It was a training center for the most popular hockey team. The Crestmont Giants.
The building loomed ahead, its glass windows reflecting the bright sunlight on a dazzling display. From the outside, it appeared almost fierce with its sleek modern design and heavy metal doors that seemed to suggest a place of intense physical exertion.
She moved further through the hallway until she found an ice rink. It was filled with fluorescent lights flickering above the ice, casting a pale blue glow over the entire space. There was a group of players practicing their shots, sending pucks flying into the net with precision and power.
The rink was bustling with activity, but one player caught her attention immediately. He was tall and big, with an intense expression on his face as he skated back and forth with incredible speed and agility.
Ana watched as the player 24 received a pass and fired a shot. His movements were mesmerizing but intimidating.
She was captivated by his skill and athleticism, though a shiver of fear ran down her spine at the thought of working closely with someone like him.
Suddenly, the coach’s voice cut through the air, loud and urgent. “Hey, take it easy.”
The player didn’t seem to hear him at first, so focused on his practice session, causing the coach to yell out again, even louder this time. “I said calm down, Kuznetsov, dammit!”
This time, the player slowed down his movements, taking a few deep breaths to steady himself.
“Kuznetsov.” She mouthed the name. Even though she was not really a big fan of hockey, she knew who Luka Kuznetsov was. Everyone knew.
He skated over to the boards with heavy breaths, his chest heaving with exertion, where the coach was standing. With a grunt, he removed his helmet, revealing a sweaty mess of hair and a face flushed with effort. They seemed to be talking when his gaze lifted up to her, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity that was almost frightening.
“I said no fucking visitors.”
Ana could not move, her feet rooted to the spot by the sheer force of his presence.
The coach turned around.
“I’m here for an interview. I got a text.” She reached for her phone.
Luka’s face tilted, sizing her up.
Before she said another word, the powdered-haired man came forward. “Coach Steve. Hi. You must be Ana.”
“Yeah. Hello.”
He turned, “Kuznetsov, be respectful. She is the physiotherapist we hired, can't have you scare her like the last one?”
“Last one?”
“Oh, never mind that.” The coach waved his hand dismissively. “Do you have your CV here?”
They walked ahead, leaving the ice rink as she handed him the paper. “Err… this is my first job since I graduated last year and I know you would like to have someone with experience, but I assure you—”
“You got the job. I’m not in the position to look for another.” He shifted in his stand, pulling on his trousers as he added, “We might do a trial but just make sure you do a good job.”
“Hey you,” he called out, shoving his helmet at one of the gym staff.
“Her name is Ana.” The couch snapped, before turning to her, “right?”
She nodded.
“Whatever. Let’s see what you got.”
For a second, she was cut off guard. What did he want from her? An obvious look on the coach reminded her.
“Oh right. Do you have any special needs, any joint pains perhaps?” her voice was soft and hesitant, as she stumbled over her words.
He said nothing but continued his walk ahead, pushing through a blue door to a private room.
The coach nudged his head, and she scurried out, thanking the coach one more time.
The office was a bright, airy space with white walls and large windows letting in plenty of natural light. The floor was made of a soft, padded material that’s easy on the feet. The room was furnished with a comfortable massage table covered with a clean white sheet, a few chairs, and a desk with a computer on it. She took a break from admiring what could be her office to find Luka undressing.
He peeled off his shirt, the sinewy ridges of his muscles flexed. She struggled to keep her eyes from wandering over him but couldn’t help but marvel at how toned, chiseled, and strikingly handsome he was.
“Is this okay for you?”
Ana jolted back to reality and swallowed hard. “No problem. Whatever you feel comfortable with.” her gaze dropped down to her fidgeting hands.
She silently prayed that he hadn’t noticed her ogling him like a love-struck schoolgirl.
Ana tried to ignore the heat that spread through her body as she began the therapy session. She slipped on a pair of gloves. Despite her obvious nervousness, Ana tried her best to appear confident and professional, or this could be the last day she ever worked here. She straightened her back, stood by the cot.
“Do you have a particular concern?”
“Just give me a little of everything.”
He collapsed onto the treatment table, winced as Ana began to massage his sore muscles.
“Wow, do you grate cheese on this thing?” She said, feeling his abs in an attempt to lighten the mood.
Luka’s face remained stern and unsmiling, his brow was furrowed, his lips pressed tightly together. There was no sign he thought her joke was funny.
She muttered an apology, clearing her throat. “Sorry. I say simple jokes when I’m nervous”
Well, this was going super great.
He groaned as she dug into the knots in his shoulders. She was determined to pass this interview or test or whatever it was, but every time their eyes met, she felt a warmth spreading through her body that she couldn’t ignore.
Ana tried to focus her attention on the sound of the blades on the ice, with its reverberations bouncing off the walls, periodically interrupted by shouts from Luka’s teammates.
It was hard with Luka’s eyes fixed on her actions. She couldn’t focus with his watchful stare. Finally, she moved to his legs, determined to get rid of the stiffness in his knees. She gently bent his leg and began massaging the thigh, working her way up towards his groin area.
Before she could think twice about it, Ana’s hand had slipped up Luka’s thigh and grabbed hold of his balls. She felt a wave of shock wash over her. “Oh, shoot.” She exclaimed. “I’m so sorry.”
“What the hell?” He frowned, sitting up. “You know, one rule of this job is being professional.” His voice hinted of anger.
“I’m so- sorry. I- i was distracted. It was not intentional.”
“I could sue for sexual abuse and misconduct.”
“Please. I promise–
He picked up his gears and clothes, walking out of the office, not bothering with the rest of her words.
Yep. Her shitty luck was at play again. She laid her head against the wall, banging her head. “Why can’t you do anything right?”
After a few moments, the coach pushed his head into the office. “You okay in there?”
“Yeah. umm...” her face cradled on her jaw, “I think I may have blown it.” she confessed, there was no use in hiding it.
“Really?” The coach looked confused, “that wasn’t what he said.”
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Hook 'Em Hard by Cathryn Fox is now available!
https://geni.us/HookEmHard Available on All Platforms
Maeve Carter, Boston Bucks’ team physiotherapist, is the definition of beautiful. As a former model, her stunning looks have defined her—just ask the paparazzi or the stalker who made her life miserable. But I see more. Want more. And she can never know that.
You see, she’s my oldest teammate's daughter, and I can’t touch that with a ten-foot hockey stick. Until a single mistake puts her in my bed, turning everything upside down.
You know what they say about the best laid plans—pun intended.
I should walk away. I need to walk away. Except now that I have her where I’ve always wanted her, I’m hooked…hard.
But then we have to fake a relationship to appease my meddling mother. Only problem is, I don’t want to fake it anymore.
What do you think I should do about that?
Start the entire standalone hockey series now! https://www.bangbrothersbooks.com/
Meet the Bang Brothers—five hot hockey-playing brothers who are allergic to commitment.
The brothers are about to face off against their newly-retired mother…who suddenly has plenty of time to play matchmaker. Add in their baby sister and some secret dating, a single dad, an accidental pregnancy, a marriage of convenience, and a wrong bed—or two—and these siblings are not going to know what hit them!
Bang Brothers Hockey Series Titles:
ALL AVAILABLE NOW! Book 1: Lace ’em Up by Elise Faber Book 2: Show ’em How by Jami Davenport Book 3: Hit ’em Hard by Kat Mizera Book 4: Lock ’em Down by Gina Azzi Book 5: Light ’em Up by Kelly Jamieson
Book 6: Hook ’em Hard by Cathryn Fox
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bossladykei · 7 months
Boarded (Nashville Grizzlies #4 ) by Carly Marie
This was also good can’t wait until the next book comes out .. Book Review: ***Spoilers here and there*** I definitely enjoyed this book and felt like Collin was the right fit for Jett and could tell that regardless of Jett ADHD he can do more than what people thought he could do. I was glad to see that because regardless of what’s going on with someone you should never doubt what they could…
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lvrhughes · 1 year
what if I just 😃🔫
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i hate booktok
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cocktailsfairytales · 7 months
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𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 by Jennifer Sucevic is releasing on all retailers on April 1st and in Kindle Unlimited April 12th!!! Preorder this new adult, hockey romance today!
Buy direct: https://jennifersucevicstore.com
All retailers:
Links in bio @jennifersucevicauthor
Add to Goodreads:
Colby McNichols, otherwise known as the baby-faced assassin, is the left wing for the Western Wildcats hockey team. All he has to do is sign his name on the dotted line and he’ll play for the pros after his senior season. What I’ve heard from the girls on campus, who aren’t shy about spilling the tea, is that he’s totally earned his reputation.
And then some.
It’s just one of the reasons I choose to steer clear.
Trust me when I say that my life is complicated enough without getting tangled up with a player.
For reasons I can’t fathom, Colby has decided to insert himself in my life. Everywhere I go, there he is. Which makes holding him at a distance nearly impossible. He might be smoking hot but there’s zero point in starting something with this guy. Especially since I can’t be honest about who I am.
Unfortunately, a weekend spent in Vegas changes everything.
Turns out that our friends weren’t the only ones who tied the knot in Sin City.
I can only hope that what they say is true—what happens in Vegas stays there.
Because if it doesn’t…
I’m screwed.
And not in a good way.
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞: https://www.jennifersucevic.com
𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐮𝐩: https://forms.gle/LmXSLNJSHf8fXnSeA
#NeverSayNever #Preorder #HockeyRomance #SportsRomanceBooks #JenniferSucevic #HockeyBook #bookstagram #NewAdultRomance #KindleUnlimitedRomance #KindleRomance #SmutBooks #BookBoyfriend #BookBoyfriends #RomanceBooks #bookish #smut #SpicyRomanceBooks#wordsmithpublicity
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trevorzegrizz · 2 years
@stopsign94 for moyle or estapa pleasee
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wrathofthestag · 6 years
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Look what just came in the mail.
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bennsam · 5 years
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If you’re planning on giving your kids a tablet, iPad or Kindle, then why not load it up with #freebooks #hockeywars 1-4 are free on #amazon for the next 3 days! #hockeybooks #booksabouthockey #hockey #icehockey #ebook #kindle #booksforkids #booksof2019 #kidsbooks #childrensbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B6dGWBFAPwp/?igshid=1jaepqobvffqm
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As my hubs will tell you, I’m always a little late to the party. But, the kind souls at @ktliterary sent me a much anticipated book, MICHIGAN VS. THE BOYS, so I decided to jump aboard the #slapshotreadathon. - 🏒. Synopsis: When a determined girl is confronted with the culture of toxic masculinity, it's time to even the score. - 📚. Michigan Manning lives for hockey, and this is her year to shine. That is, until she gets some crushing news: budget cuts will keep the girls' hockey team off the ice this year. - 📚. If she wants colleges to notice her, Michigan has to find a way to play. Luckily, there's still one team left in town ... - 📚. The boys' team isn't exactly welcoming, but Michigan's prepared to prove herself. She plays some of the best hockey of her life, in fact, all while putting up with changing in the broom closet, constant trash talk and ?harmless? pranks that always seem to target her. - 📚. But once hazing crosses the line into assault, Michigan must weigh the consequences of speaking up --- even if it means putting her future on the line. - 🏒. A determined girl?!? Hockey?!? I really didn’t need to read further to be interested. Most of you know that for years, when we lived in the Bay Area, hubs and I were San Jose Sharks season ticket holders. I used to call it marriage therapy. Seeing a live hockey game is truly fun, and it’s something I wish we could do more often. - 🏒. I promise to give you a full review of the book as soon as I finish it. But, for now, the kiddos are on Fall Break, I have an excellent book to read and hockey season has started! Here’s to Fall! - 🏒. 🏒. 🏒. #readathon #bookstagram #bookreview #ktliterary #michiganvstheboys #yabooks #ireadya #kidscanpress #carriesallen #booklr #fallbreak #hockeybooks #tbr #currentlyreading #beartown #hockey https://www.instagram.com/p/B3SaxdwgGoa/?igshid=g1xqs0xfwpnh
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joyffree · 2 years
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🎧 𝔸𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟, 𝔸𝕦𝕕𝕚𝕠𝕓𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕤! 🎧
𝓢𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓢𝓾𝓰𝓪𝓻 by S.J. Tilly is LIVE in audio and it's whispersynced! Welcome to the glorious world of Zach and Izzy!
One-click yours today!
US ➜ https://amzn.to/3TAr9Jw
UK ➜ https://amzn.to/3spPy8K
Audible ➜ https://adbl.co/3Duae5z
Performed by Aubrey Vincent & Tor Thom!
My friends have convinced me: no more hockey players.
With a dad who is the Head Coach for the Minnesota Sleet, it seemed like an easy decision. My friends have also convinced me that the best way to boost my fragile self-esteem is through a one-night stand.
A dating app. A hotel bar. A sexy-as-hell man who’s sweet, and funny...and did I mention sexy-as-hell?
I fortified my courage and invited myself up to his room. Assumptions. There’s a rule about them. I assumed he was passing through town. I assumed he was a businessman, or maybe an investor, or accountant, or literally anything other than a professional hockey player. I assumed I’d never see him again.
I assumed wrong.
#audiobook #audiobookstagram #audiobooks #romanceaudiobooks #audible #tillyworld #bookstagram #readersofinstagram #alphamale
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What are your weekend plans? • • I read this swoon-worthy sports romance at the beginning of the year and loved it. It’s the perfect read for winter as the small-town setting and hockey romance just makes you want to curl up on the couch with a cozy blanket! • • • #onthincce #juliecross #entangledteen #sportsromance #juniperfalls #offtheice #breakingtheice #yabooks #yabookstagram #booklove #igreads #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #yabookstagrammer #yareads #coverlove #yaromance #yacontemporary #bookobsessed #winterbooks #hockeybooks #booksbooksbooks
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 2 months
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Light 'Em Up by Kelly Jamieson is now available!
https://geni.us/LightEmUp Available on All Platforms
Annie Bang
I’m thrilled to be working in professional hockey, since my five brothers are all hockey players. My new role as skating coach to the New York Bears is the perfect fit and I can’t wait to whip all these guys into shape so we can win more games. Except one of the guys is Logan Coates—the guy who sent my brother to the hospital in a memorable game three seasons ago. I want nothing to do with him.
Logan Coates
I don’t need some tiny figure skater telling me what to do. I know how to skate. I wouldn’t be in the NHL if I didn’t. Although, I am a fourth liner. I do want more ice time. I want to make a difference on the team. But learning how to figure skate isn’t it. Especially from Annie Bang, who hates my guts. Speaking of guts…she has ’em. She’s a pint-sized badass. And that’s sexy as hell. When I’m around her, my skate blade’s not the only thing made of steel.
Start the entire standalone hockey series now! https://www.bangbrothersbooks.com/
Meet the Bang Brothers—five hot hockey-playing brothers who are allergic to commitment.
The brothers are about to face off against their newly-retired mother…who suddenly has plenty of time to play matchmaker. Add in their baby sister and some secret dating, a single dad, an accidental pregnancy, a marriage of convenience, and a wrong bed—or two—and these siblings are not going to know what hit them!
Bang Brothers Hockey Series Titles:
Book 1: 6/11/2024–Lace ’em Up by Elise Faber Book 2: 6/25/2024–Show ’em How by Jami Davenport Book 3: 7/9/2024–Hit ’em Hard by Kat Mizera Book 4: 7/23/2024–Lock ’em Down by Gina Azzi Book 5: 8/6/2024–Light ’em Up by Kelly Jamieson Book 6: 8/20/2024–Hook ’em Hard by Cathryn Fox
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bossladykei · 8 months
Blindsided (Parliament #1) by Carly Marie
2/4 of the books I’m Currently reading. But almost finished Book Review: ***spoilers little here and there*** Before I even get started on reviewing this book. All I want to say is I can’t wait to read “Overtime” the next book to the Grizzlies with Coach Cunningham, Toby, and Jean-Luc. That’s about to be soooo interesting and I didn’t know that; that book was about them… But I had to finish…
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buriedpuckthreads · 6 years
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Has anyone read this book? Man, the WHA was a wild ride! #hockeybooks #hockeyreads #hockeyhistory #forloveofthegame — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2V0h89N
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bennsam · 6 years
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How awesome is it to have two #bestsellers in one #hockey category! If your child loves #icehockey then they’ll love either of these #hockeymom #hockeylife #hockeyislife #hockeybook #childrensbooks #bookstagram https://www.amazon.com/dp/0995234027 #indieauthor #amazon #kindle #books 🏒 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq1QotLnRXp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17ge0laxkhkcp
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