#Hogwarts Legacy reactions
Can you do HLC reacting to MC falling asleep during a class? It almost happened to me last Friday, and I think it would make a good reaction.
A/N: that's me this week, just tired af
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He tries balancing and stacking things on MC. His record is three ink bottles, five books, and a rememberal. He thinks it's funny how deep MC can sleep.
OMINIS GAUNT: He's passed out next to them. Either he's just got his head down alongside theirs or they're leaning on each other. Sometimes he wakes up with MC's drool on his robes.
ANNE SALLOW: She entertains herself by tickling MC's nose with her quill. She wants to see how much she can get away with before they sneeze themself awake. Don't look at her, she didn't do it.
IMELDA REYES: She's indifferent, but if anyone other than a professor tries bothering MC, she scares them off with a glare. MC clearly needs to catch up on sleep. Back off.
NATSAI ONAI: She leans against them and uses MC as a cushion while she studies. She thinks they're really comfortable and it's a little funny that they don't stir from it. MC is out like a light.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He's not sure whether to be scared or impressed that MC fell asleep standing up in potions class. It ends up being one of the few classes he does cause chaos because he is so spellbound.
LEANDER PREWETT: MC has the right idea, this class is boring. He lays his head down next to them. His fingers gently touch theirs. He can pretend to hold their hand for a little bit.
AMIT THAKKAR: He gets nervous that MC will get in trouble and tries to gently wake them. If it doesn't work, he'll leave them be. Don't worry, he'll take notes for them.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He wants whatever they have to sleep that well, even in class. He entertains himself by blowing a piece of lint across the table to MC's nose and they blow it back as they take long steady breaths.
POPPY SWEETING: If MC has long hair, she braids it while they sleep. Otherwise, she doodles on their hand. The ink shouldn't last too long. She thinks.
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cursedonyx · 6 months
HL Cast React to you Cradling Them When They’re Upset
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Sebastian Sallow
Sebastian craves physical comfort like a starving man craves bread, but he’s very rarely had the opportunity to express it. Solomon was not the hugging sort, Ominis typically loathes physical contact unless it’s necessary, and Anne… well. The curse makes it hard for her to bear a cuddle for long. Sebastian has trained himself to give brief hugs and pats on the back, if anything at all, worrying that he’ll be seen as clingy, needy, or annoying if he holds on too tight, or too long. The last thing he wants to be is annoying, least of all to you. He has to be strong, he has to be cheerful, he has to be the one that everyone relies on. That means he’s useful, and people will stay by him. He can’t be a burden, or he’ll be abandoned.
So when you find him in the Restricted Section, surrounded by books and weeping into his hands at the sheer hopelessness of everything, he’s stunned when your immediate reaction is to pull him into your lap. He tenses, embarrassed by his display of emotion and afraid of needing you too much. But the longer you hold him, the more his defences crumble, and it’s not long before he’s sobbing into your shoulder, unable to speak, desperate to be held, to be loved, to be given the affection he’s been denied for so long. He clings to you for hours, alternately apologising and crying some more.
Once he’s calmed down enough to think straight, he realises you’ve not let him go. He begins to worry, fretting that you’re only doing this to be nice, but you still don’t let him go. He begins to relax into you, accepting that finally, finally, he can hold and be held like he needs. He’s got years of missing affection to make up for, and this is only the start. From this moment, any moment not touching you is considered a moment wasted, and Sebastian will hold your hand, link your arms together, hook your ankle over his under the table, or simply sit close enough so his arm or leg is up against yours. That is, if he’s not outright hugging you or snuggling you. For the first few months, you’ll be lucky if you get five minutes to visit the loo alone, and he gets twitchy if you’re apart from him for too long.
He's yours for life. Treat him kindly.
Ominis Gaunt
Ominis isn’t really one for physical affection, especially if you’re only friends, or in the early stages of your relationship. He’s not used to it, almost afraid of it, having never really experienced it as a child, and disliking the rough, enthusiastic, inexperienced hugs his friends give. It’s nothing like the tender affection he craves, and ever the gentleman, he’s worried about overstepping his boundaries. Ever the traumatised soul, he’s afraid of asking for what he really wants. He knows this isn’t something he can demand, as he has been taught a Gaunt would.
He doesn’t emote much, especially negative emotions. He’s always been taught to hide negative feelings or any kind of extreme emotion, and he wears that self-control like armour. But he’s not infallible, things still get to him, especially as he bottles things up. So when a particularly barbed jab from another student gets under his skin, he retreats to the Undercroft to rant at the air. This is how you find him, striding up and down and shouting at nothing, as if he’s arguing with someone.
Of course, he’s very embarrassed to be found this way, and tries to cover it by sliding back into the careful neutrality he so often wears. You know better though. You sit behind him, slide your arms around his chest, and pull him into your lap, your hand at the back of his head, letting him rest against you.
It sparks a memory he thought he’d buried. He was four, he’d tripped over and scraped his knee. His parents had scolded him for crying, growing more irate as their harsh words upset him further, and then Aunt Noctua was there, lifting him into her arms and bearing him away from the pain and the anger that was all his parents ever gave him. She’d taken him to her rooms in the Manor and settled in a chair, holding his head to her chest and humming a lullaby, soothing him with a hand on the back of his head.
It’s one of the last memories he has of her, and as it surfaces, he breaks. No matter how much he tries to pull it back, he just can’t, and your arms are iron around him, like a cage. But it’s a cage he doesn’t want to be released from, craving the warmth of your embrace, longing for the love and safety that is such a distant, fragmented memory, something that seemed like an impossible dream until now. He feels he should be embarrassed by this horrendous display of failed control, but he just can’t bring himself to care. It’s a problem for future Ominis. Right now, all he cares about is the feel of your heartbeat against his cheek, the gentle scent of your skin, the feel of your body against his as you hold him so tenderly. To his utter disbelief, you hum a gentle melody. It’s not the lullaby Noctua used to sing, but it’s soft and warm and comforting.
After this, Ominis is much more free with his affection with you, though he still keeps it to a minimum around others. If he’s ever had a bad day, or just needs comforting, he leans into you in a particular way that you come to learn means he wants to be held like that again. He knows you’ll never judge him for it, and he loves you all the more because of it. He becomes increasingly protective of you, fearing losing you, but he is ever respectful of your boundaries.
When he thinks back over all the days you spent together, he realises the time you first held him like that was the moment his subconscious mind began planning your wedding, even if he didn’t know it at the time.
Garreth Weasley
Garreth is a naturally cheerful person, and while he can get irritable, it’s over quickly and he’s back to being happy. It’s very rare for him to get upset for any significant period of time, so it’s quite a shock when you find him in his dorm, head hanging, faded tear-tracks on his cheeks. He tries to brush it off, of course, to make a joke or try to make you laugh, but you know better. You sit beside him and ask, and he tries to change the subject. But with a little prodding, he eventually tells you, grudgingly, miserably, what's made him so down.
It doesn’t take much to convince him to curl up in your arms. Garreth has always been comfortable with affection, and would probably still climb in his mum’s lap if he didn’t worry that he’d flatten her. He’s worried that he’ll squash you and takes a good while for him to relax, but once he does, he fully flops on you, murmuring soft little sounds of contentment as you rub his back or play with his hair. If you try to pull away too soon, he pretends he’s still sad so you’ll cuddle him more, even if he’s feeling on top of the world that you’d be so kind to him.
It tells him that you’re just like him, happy to snuggle and happy to do what’s needed to make him feel good, as he would for you. He feels a deeper bond with you than before, and the rest of Hogwarts can expect to find the pair of you draped over each other in all corners of the castle after this.
Leander Prewett
It’s… a little awkward to begin with, especially because an upset Leander is often a hostile Leander, as it's the way he's learned how to protect himself. You eventually convince him to let you hold him, but it takes a while. Leander is very tall with rather long limbs, so getting him in your lap in the first place is a struggle, especially as he’s so resistant to begin with. He’s already embarrassed enough by being emotional then snappy in front of you, worried that you’re going to make fun of him or worse, pretend to be nice and tease him mercilessly later. It’s the last thing he needs. But, with a little coaxing (and a bit of tugging) you manage to settle him in your lap. Yeah, the height difference is even more noticeable now, but that doesn’t matter to you. You make sure he’s comfy and hold him tight, not saying a word, just letting your hug do the talking for you.
He doesn’t tell you what set him off this time, what made him so upset. But after a long while as he curls around you, his head on your shoulder, his legs dangling over the edge of the chair or bed on which you sit, he tells you little things about his past. Some of them are happy memories or silly stories. Some of them are not. Leander bears his soul to you in bits and pieces, every word he speaks the truth, and all you need to do is listen. This is the moment he truly falls for you, a helpless, headlong tumble, and he would fight a dragon with a wooden sword to keep you from this moment on.
Amit Thakkar
Amit has always worn his heart on his sleeve, and is free with his emotions around you once you two become firm friends, or a couple. He’s a gentleman through and through, though this is mostly down to his natural shyness. He prefers to focus on you and your problems than his own, assuring you that he’s perfectly alright if you find him feeling down. You find him one evening staring down at his telescope, on the verge of tears, as the lens has cracked. He doesn't mind telling you why it's so upsetting to him, expecting a hug or maybe a pat on the back. So it’s quite the surprise to him when you pull him into your lap and snuggle him close, and at first, he’s not sure what to do with himself. He holds himself very still and stiff, and you have to encourage him to relax more than once.
He soon finds himself sinking into your embrace, comforted by your presence and your kindness, the pair of you warming each other atop the chilly Astronomy Tower. He’ll freely admit to you what’s been preying on his mind as the lens was just the straw that broke the camel's back, and shyly admit he really enjoys this particular kind of cuddle. He’ll probably doze off in your lap if you sit like this too long, and Amit is a very heavy sleeper. If he manages to stay awake, he’ll run his hand over your back, trying to reciprocate some of the attention you’re giving him, trying to say without words just how much things like this mean to him.
He won’t indulge often, he likes to be the one holding you, but it’s comforting for him to know that it’s something he can enjoy if he truly needs a pick-me-up.
Andrew Larson
In all fairness, Andrew will be climbing into your lap the moment you give the barest hint that this is what you’re going to do when he’s upset. He’s free with his affection in a more subdued way than Garreth, perhaps, but he makes no secret of how much he loves being snuggled up in your lap. He loves the security of being held, especially if you play with his hair. It’s guaranteed to cheer him up in no time at all, no matter how low he’s feeling. He loves draping his head and arms over your shoulders, and if you’re strong enough to carry him, he’ll fall in love with you if you carry him to bed when he starts to drift off.
In fact, Andrew loves this attention and affection so much he might even make himself get all teary eyed if it means you’ll draw him into your lap and rock him back and forth, even if there’s nothing actually wrong. Once he learns you’ll cuddle him the way he wants regardless if whether he’s actually upset or not, he’ll quit with the crocodile tears and swap them for happy little giggles.
Poppy Sweeting
You’ve barely put your arms around her before Poppy has slung her arms around your neck, swinging her legs up and snuggling into your chest. It’s almost as if she’s been made to fit especially in your lap, her cheek fitting perfectly into the crook of your shoulder. She might play with your hair a little to distract herself from whatever it is that’s upset her, but she’ll be honest with you if you ask what the matter is. She’s always been a cuddly sort, and regardless of whether you’re simply friends or are dating, Poppy’s always going to be giving you hugs or asking for piggyback rides (or just climbing on you anyway). This is a natural progression for the both of you, though Poppy will most likely want to do the same for you the next time you’re upset.
She’s stronger than she looks, so don’t worry about squashing her.
Natsai Onai
Natsai has always been an affectionate soul, but she’s also tough as old iron and rarely shows when she’s upset unless it’s about to overcome her. She learned in her fifth year that she could always reach out to you when she was upset, so that’s what she does. It’s still a surprise for her when you pull her into your lap to hold her, she was only expecting a friendly pat on the back or perhaps a brief hug, but your gesture is welcome nonetheless. It reminds her of the way her father would hold her when she was little, and she takes great comfort in it. It’s not something Natsai will tolerate for long, as she’s always been good at recovering from upset quickly, and being an energetic soul, it’s not long before she’s fidgeting and wanting to move about. She prefers to be the one holding you at any rate, and can sit still for hours if she does. She’s always felt much more comfortable in giving affection than receiving it, though she really does enjoy it when you do.
Imelda Reyes
Lol are you joking? When Imelda’s upset she wants to be alone, and if you try and intrude on her when she’s having a bad day or worse, actually crying, she’ll chase you all through the Highlands just to beat you up. Sure, she’ll probably apologise afterwards when she’s calmed down, but she’s got a reputation to uphold as Hogwarts’ baddest bitch, and she won’t ever let anyone see her cry, let alone in anyone’s lap. Now, if it’s you that’s upset? You can bet your arse she won’t let you get off her lap unless you’re about to pass out or are busting for a piss.
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What the HLC boys do to get your attention (casual):
He is about as subtle as a book to the face in order to get your attention. He will literally just walk up and grab your arm and start pulling you wherever he wants to take you. Undercroft for a secret conversation? The library for studying? The Scottish Highlands for an adventure? Just a grab and go. He will explain on the way.
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Ever the gentleman, will just approach you just calling your name. If he notices you are speaking to someone or in the middle of something he patiently waits by your side for you to be finished. If it's time sensitive he will do his best to place a hand on your shoulder or just say "I apologize, but this is a time sensitive matter (depending on how close you two are friendship/relationship wise).
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He starts from a distance if he is coming from in front of you. Running while waving his hand excitedly and calling your name. If he approaches from the side or behind you he will just slide up next to you and wrap his arm around you in some way, linking arms, around the shoulder, or around the hips. If he's super excited he might shake you by the shoulders explaining what his idea is or what happened to make him so excited . If you are busy with something he might try to take a peek at it he's just too curious.
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He's one to do a slight wave as he jogs up to you. Or otherwise if coming up from behind/to the side he will tap your shoulder or lightly place a hand on your arm/shoulder. More patient than Garreth but less so than Ominis. So if you're talking to someone he will stand there looking back and forth between the two of you, and if you're busy with something he won't try to peak at it but he will ask about it.
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He will also wait patiently, but in a more excited way. If he is trying to get your attention he probably has something he really wants to share with you and is so excited that he is doing that small bounce on the balls of his feet. He is also one to ask what you are working on if you're busy with something.
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elinoracia · 5 months
Something is brewing...
Maybe a potion ? Or maybe... new Hogwarts Legacy headcanons...
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noelles-legacy · 3 months
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Let’s just say this was Noelle’s breaking point into why she can’t stand Sebastian… the audacity of this bitch. I know a lot of people really like him (and I for one absolutely love him as a character💚🤍) but Sebastian gets on my nerves SO much playing the game, and to that I reflect that onto Noelle.
but also when he almost forced Ominis to cast Crucio in the scriptorium, like bro stfu cause like hell are you making my baby do that, that’s messed up😭👿
What I wish my choices were
>that was cruel
>you’re not thinking straight
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weirdraccoon · 7 months
MC: One "but" and I'll kill the first dark wizard I see.
MC *faking a high pitched voice": But MC that's Ominis' father.
MC *taking out the wand*: Say no more.
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frm9pm · 1 year
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When they love the transfer student too much
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hogwartslegacypics · 1 year
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look how worried he gets when rookwood comes in looking for the mc
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HLC react to MC bringing them to a sex shop to find new toys/lingerie???
OMG I love this! I'm gonna have so much fun with this
HLC react to MC bringing them to a sex shop to find new toys and lingerie
Warnings: 18+ topics, the gang is 20+ years old btw, everybody is thirsty, Leander slander
Sebastian Sallow - His jaw is practically on the ground as you approach the shop entrance and he realizes what all the X's above the door mean. He's giggling like a schoolgirl as you drag him to the lingerie section, his head on a swivel trying to take everything in. "MC, babygirl, are we here for something in particular or should we just buy one of everything?" He's winking at you so much you almost wonder if he's having a stroke and there is an undeniable tent in his pants the entire time. As you leave you tell him you’re shocked he didn’t try anything in the dressing room. He admits it was a missed opportunity and will definitely do it next time, part of him wanting to demand you go back so he can correct this unthinkable situation. 
Garreth Weasley - He’s shocked at the selection they have, and he follows you around as you try to look for a spicy new outfit. He plays with the thongs displayed on a table, twirling them around his fingers, accidentally sending one flying as he tugs on the straps. He’s much more behaved as you browse the toys, until he sees the jeweled butt plugs. He eagerly digs his hands into the bin looking for one with a red, heart shaped rhinestone, spinning around to face you when he finds one, his brows raised and a wicked grin on his face. “Oh you are so getting this, baby!”
Poppy Sweeting - She’s not quite sure why you brought her here. She feels very uncomfortable, but can’t help looking at the shelves as you slowly wander the aisles. When you make it to the dildo/strapon aisle you notice her falling behind as you keep moving, her shoes squeaking as she stops in her tracks in front of a mannequin wearing a strapon harness with a huge dildo, biting her lip. She eagerly grabs the packages off the shelf and you step close, peering over her shoulder. “Who exactly is that for?” you ask with a small chuckle. “You or me?” She spins around, taking you off guard, gently pushing you up against the opposite shelf. “ME.” Her lips crash onto yours, and you stand there making out as she rubs herself on your thigh. 
Imelda Reyes - She is the one insisting you visit the shop. Once she gets inside her cheeks flush at the lingerie displays, desperately biting her tongue to keep from begging you to get some. While you browse the toy selection she complains at every one you pick up, insisting she could do a better job of pleasing you than “a cheap, mass produced toy ever could, MC!” You convince her to try a clitoral suction toy and a few hours later she’s screaming too much to eat her words as she has her fourth orgasm from the toy, squirting all over your face. 
Natty Onai - She’s the most eager of everyone, running around the store picking up toys left and right, almost shouting “We’re trying this, MC, I’m not letting you say no.” She’s asking the teenage clerk for advice and info, making you want to hide your face. When she finally makes it to the lingerie section it gets worse. She’s picking out things for both of you, pouting when you say you don’t like the style or color. It takes her three armfulls to unload the cart and the final cost is outrageous. 
Leander Prewett -  He turns into a cocky bastard when you step into the store. “Oh these are great, MC, we should try them.” You roll your eyes at him, knowing full well he has NO experience with the cockring he’s holding. He gets upset when you pick up a dildo that’s larger than him, insisting “bigger isn’t always better”. When you make it to the lingerie he clams up, running his fingers over a lace teddy as if it’s an everyday object he couldn’t care less about. “Whatever you want, MC, you’ll look spectacular in any of it.” Constantly shifting around and adjusting his pants. 
Amit Thakkar - Is so overwhelmed he has to wait outside. You’re about to check out when the door to the shop flys open and he charges inside. “Okay, I’ll give you ten minutes to show me things before I leave again, MC.” He steps close, whispering in your ear. “I’m only doing this because I love you…and I can’t stop thinking about you wearing the blue lingerie set that caught my eye before I ran out earlier.” 
Ominis Gaunt - Blushes so hard you’re worried he’s going to pass out as you explain what all the toys do. When you get to the bondage gear his demeanor changes. He insists on holding the leather cuffs and whips as you describe them. He asks you to describe certain items in more detail when you awkwardly trail off, getting excited by his interest. He teasingly asks if you’d like him to use any of it on you, and calls you a naughty girl when you stutter out a soft “yes”.  When it comes time to pick out lingerie you know he likes the feel of lace and silk, and pick out a few outfits that leave you modestly covered. He hums his approval of them, wishing he could feel them on your body instead of on a hanger. Once you’ve paid he rushes you out of the store, desperate to try out your new purchases.
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seedsinmygarden · 1 year
HLC REACT: Watching MC Marry Someone Else
I think this was my very first one of Scarlet's that I did! It was a lot of fun, and I think it was meant to be sadder than it was, but I liked to think that most of them would be happy that MC found happiness.
Word Count: 1,622 words
Tags and Warnings: Some angst, mostly nice and fluffy (though platonic).
OMINIS GAUNT: He stood by Sebastian as he watched MC walk down the aisle in their gorgeous attire. He wished he was the one standing in Sebastian’s place, he wished he was the one speaking vows to MC, he wished he was the one wearing the grooms’ robes… but he had a smile on his face regardless because while he wished it was him, he was still ecstatic that his best friend had found happiness after such a tumultuous era in Hogwarts. He always knew that MC would never want to marry a Gaunt— truly, who would? It would only lead them to a future of pain. At least as a Sallow, they would have freedom.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He had less grace than Ominis did and when he watched MC walk up the aisle to Amit Thakkar. He had no clue why they had invited him, truly— MC and Sebastian’s relationship was strained after their time in Hogwarts. Perhaps they only invited him because Anne was in the wedding party? It didn’t matter— what mattered is that he wasn’t the one up there, holding MC’s hands as they spoke their vows softly to each other. As soon as the ceremony ended, Sebastian extended his wishes to the couple through Anne and left early, using the excuse of ‘work emergency’ to get out. Thank Merlin he was an Auror, because then it was actually a valid excuse…
AMIT THAKKAR: MC’s wedding with Garreth is absolutely lovely! It’s so quaint and cute and cozy and MERLIN he wished he could have taken some inspiration for his own wedding with Samantha Dale-Thakkar UGHHHHH. He laughs to himself a bit as he watches the lovely couple dance their first dance at the reception, remembering the schoolboy crush he had on MC back during their time in Hogwarts, and the one utterly disastrous date they had gone on before agreeing they were better off as friends. He was glad that he and MC were able to move on (in fact, it was MC who helped him get a date with Samantha in their seventh year!), but he would always find himself wondering what-ifs. Regardless, he was happy, MC was happy, and that’s all he could have ever asked for.
GARRETH WEASLEY: MC had asked Garreth to officiate their wedding with Imelda Reyes, and he had eagerly accepted. How he had the certification to do so? No one knows, not even Garreth himself, he knows he just woke up with it in his pocket after a night at the bar with the boys. After checking that it wasn’t just a false certification and seeing that there was a fee to reverse it, Garreth kept it and it made to be a great joke around town— if you get married by a Weasley, that means a lot of kids are to come in the future! Either way, here he stood, in front of MC and Imelda as they had linked hands and looked at him, ready to begin the ceremony. He grins and with a glance to his own husband, he takes a breath and sets off to marry his sixth-year crush to the love of their life. He didn’t mind it, really, he had moved on a long time ago and found love with a particular blond Slytherin.
NATSAI ONAI: Natty was in the wedding party as MC gets married to the lovely Adelaide Oakes. Natty and Addy had grown closer to the point that Addy had asked Natty to be one of her bridesmaids in the wedding when MC proposed. MC was excited, happy that Addy had grown to love all their friends just as much as they did to the point that she wanted to have some of them in the wedding party. Natty was excited as well, but when she went to bed that night, she had wondered if this was the right thing to do. She never wished their separation— she had lost her chance and accepted that fact a long time ago. She just could never get over MC. In time, she will. She knows that much. And so the wedding went on, with Natty smiling brightly as she watches Addy and MC share their first kiss as married partners.
POPPY SWEETING: Watching MC get married to Anne Sallow was certainly something she wasn’t expecting, especially seeing as Anne wasn’t even there during their fifth year. Yet they had met, through Sebastian, and, well… here they were, standing in front of each other at a makeshift altar in the fields near Hogsmeade. It was a beautiful summer wedding, a nice cool breeze passing through every so often. Poppy was partially working that wedding, but she had some assistance to be able to fully enjoy it— Eleazar (the Phoenix!) was going to fly their rings down the aisle, there was a little petting zoo of all the less-harmful animals in one corner, and then last but not least, Highwing would be flying the two away back to Feldcroft, where they would enjoy their first night together as a wedded couple after the dinner and reception. Poppy could almost imagine herself in Anne’s place— truthfully, she wished she was, but she had lost her chance long ago. Now, she was going to be happy that MC had found happiness.
IMELDA REYES: EVERETT. FUCKING. CLOPTON. First of all, HOW. Second of all, WHY? Third of all, MC, blink twice if you’re being held hostage and forced to marry him against your will. In all seriousness, though, Imelda could see how MC grew attracted to the guy in the first place. He may have still had his squeaky voice and not great hygiene when they first met in fifth year, but his voice had grown deeper and he finally cleaned up his routine by the time they graduated Hogwarts. Really, who WASN’T chasing Everett? He even cleaned up so well for his wedding that Imelda was almost jealous of MC! The feeling of a hand slipping into hers distracts her from the train of thought she was one and she looks over to her own wife, the former Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain and her partner-in-crime on the Hollyhead Harpies. Imelda fell in love with MC wayyy back in fifth year, but then she had also properly met the woman that would become her wife and, well, one thing led to another… Regardless, Imelda was happy for MC and her crush on them had long since diminished, long before her own wedding. EVERETT THOUGH??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN—
ANNE SALLOW: Watching MC marry Natty was much more painful than Anne had anticipated it being. She genuinely did believe that she had a chance with them, but that could have been the ‘rescue romance’ talking. Ever since MC had saved her life from the curse that had plagued her, the curse that had stolen an entire year at Hogwarts from her, she felt indebted to them in more ways than one. It wasn’t healthy to romanticize it, she knew that, but she couldn’t help herself— there were so many other things that furthered the connection she felt. And then her heart broke the day that it had gotten around school that MC was dating Natty. That they were the ‘it’ couple, that they were going to get married and have beautiful babies— why was that a topic of conversation, Anne will never know. Then, five years after that day, they got married. Anne was there in the audience, watching Sebastian as he stood by MC’s side with a proud grin and she matches his pride for MC with a smile of her own. She can mourn this loss, yes, but then she will move along. Perhaps she can see if Amit would like a dance…
EVERETT CLOPTON: Everett kind of expected it. He knows he was an ass with poor hygiene throughout school, there was no way that MC would have ever wanted to be with him. At least romantically— they were kind enough to be friends with him, which he was still so eternally grateful for. It’s how he landed an invite to their wedding, a witness to their marriage to Poppy Sweeting. Everett couldn’t deny, the wedding itself was beautiful and there was the promise of a little petting zoo at the reception, with a phoenix even! There had been times where he wished he was the one standing up there instead of Poppy, but he pushed those thoughts down. He should be happy for MC finding happiness, even if that happiness doesn’t quite lie with him.
LEANDER PREWETT: Like Everett, Leander expected it. He was also an ass but at least he had better hygiene than the Ravenclaw Quidditch-pro wannabe. But he was more of an ass than Everett, even if he didn’t actually mean it half the time, tormenting first-years was his primary form of entertainment. Regardless, he was still MC’s friend, and attended the wedding ceremony where they would get married to the loveliest Samantha Dale. How could he ever compete with the plant-loving beauty of Ravenclaw? Even he held a small liking for her at one point— who wouldn’t— and MC was lucky to have her hand in marriage. Leander wasn’t close enough to the couple to be standing up there with them, but he was invited to the ceremony and the dinner that would follow, and he happily went, eager to see some old friends as well. Unlike Everett, however, Leander had already come to terms with it— that MC had found happiness, and that it wasn’t with him. All too common in his lifetime, but hey, he had a great plus one partner in one of Sam’s friends from Hufflepuff, Leonora Everleigh.
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Hey, I'm pretty sure that this was asked before, but I can't find the post.
What if MC died in the repository instead of professor Fig?
(I'm sorry, but I'm in an angsty mood)
I love your posts, and thanks
A/N: I do have vague recollection of answering a similar prompt once upon a time, but nothing wrong with a reprisal!
WARNING: angst, death, grief
Dark ancient magic flew violently through the air around MC. The whirlwind of human agony consumed them as they released silver blue light from their wand. The magic thrashed and roared as MC expelled more and more effort to contain the chaos. Cracks started to form along the length of their wand.
Time slowed for them. MC could see Fig's silhouette just beyond the veil. The hundreds of young souls above them weighed heavy on their conscience. If they can't do this, everyone will die. They had to use all of it.
MC closed their eyes and whispered their goodbye. A light even brighter than the one from their wand emerged from their chest. The ancient magic within them burst forth with the fury of dragonfire. The silver light merged with the darkness, and as quickly as it had appeared, the magic vanished.
MC was gone. Their broken wand was all that remained.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He has officially lost everything. After losing his uncle, Anne, Ominis, and MC all at once, he's cracking. They can't be gone. Not them. They were too powerful to just vanish. He just has to find them. Yes. That's what he needs to do. He leaves Hogwarts. He MUST find them. Then Anne will see. Then Ominis will know. What he did was worth it.
OMINIS GAUNT: He rarely speaks anymore. The silence in his life has become so oppressive it took his own voice. The good life he thought he had was nice while it lasted, but now it's all come apart. It's only a matter of time before he loses Anne too, and when that happens...he doesn't know what he's going to do with himself.
ANNE SALLOW: She doesn't know how to feel about MC's death. On the one hand, they were trying to be a good friend to her and her brother but on the other...they also enabled Sebastian in his treachery. She's so very tired of the pain. She just wants to go to sleep.
IMELDA REYES: Well, damn. Mc was the closest thing to a friend she had in years. Someone competitive but friendly and fun to have around. They could dish out as much sass as she could, and she respected them for it. She cries a little at the end of year feast.
NATSAI ONAI: She should have been there. She could've done something! Why didn't they tell her!? She would've had their back! She....she...she breaks down into sobs so intense, even her mother can't comfort her. Her best friend was dead. Her heart was shattered and it would never be whole again without MC.
GARRETH WEASLEY: What? No. Nonono. Not them. That's impossible. They couldn't be dead. They're too strong to be.... He's in denial all the way until the MC's memorial service at the end of year feast. Then he breaks down. A bit of his fire died with MC.
LEANDER PREWETT: He wasn't super close to them, but he was still quite fond of them. They were a real friend. He hopes they're at peace and raises a goblet in their honor.
AMIT THAKKAR: He feels cold and numb all at once when he hears the news that MC died in the attack. He'd grown to care about them. He cursed himself for not spending more time with them when they were around.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He and MC didn't talk much outside of flying class but he had liked them. It was a shame he didn't get to know them more. He doesn't feel like eating when the feast is presented.
POPPY SWEETING: She hadn't cried this much since she left her parents. She finally made a friend, and just like that, they were gone. She doesn't know if she could make another friend again if she wanted to. Was she just doomed to lose every human connection she made?
ELEAZAR FIG: He wholeheartedly and inconsolably blames himself. Even if this fate couldn't be avoided, why did they have to die so young? He can't stand to hear the words "ancient" and "magic" in the same sentence at the same time anymore. It sends him into a dissociative trauma spiral.
He finds MC's wand. It's snapped in the middle with bits of wood frayed outward like the very core of the wand exploded. The two pieces are held together by the slightest sliver of wood.
He retires from teaching at Hogwarts. He doesn't trust himself with the care of students anymore. He doesn't trust his own judgment. He's tortured every night by the survivor's guilt taunting him that he should have done more. He should have protected them. He shouldn't have let them go as far as they did. They weren't ready. They couldn't handle the power they were forced to control. It takes everything in him to not attempt to destroy the map room with the portraits of the Keepers. He just leaves.
But every once in a while... On quiet moonless nights.... When he sees MC's wand displayed with Miriam's, he hears a whisper. A quiet breathy whisper that he could swear on his life sounds like MC. He chalks it up to the fact that he could be going mad from grief, but it's still strikes him as strange... If he looked at the wand hard enough... He could swear he sees a blue glow...
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cursedonyx · 20 days
I read the post about students reacting to mc dying in their arms. You should do the professors (including Black)
Thank you for the ask! 💚
Hogwarts Legacy Professors React to MC Dying in Their Arms
Link to student reactions here
⚠️Content warning for Death and Body Horror Below the Cut⚠️
Professor Hecat
Dina Hecat had rarely found herself as impressed with a student as she was with you. Your tenacity, your aptitude for magic, your ability to pick up new and complex defensive magic was unmatched, though Sebastian made a valiant effort to maintain a solid second place behind you. Such was your prowess that Dina thought you might make an excellent Auror, and determined to tutor you privately once you expressed an interest. It was a thrill to begin with, to teach you all the tips and tricks an Auror might need in their arsenal, you picking them all up as if it was as easy as breathing, to the point that Dina grew complacent.
She’d heard tales of your exploits during your fifth year, of course, and fought beside you during the Battle for the Repository. She was confident that you could handle anything thrown at you, and you impressed her over and over and over. But all it took was one tiny misstep, one foot wrong, and all her Ministry training and the reason behind it was thrown into sharp relief.
The troll was supposed to be an easy dispatch. You’d defeated one when you were brand new to magic, after all. Dina had taught you an advanced form of confringo, or at least, she’d taught you the theory. It was a powerful spell, a short step below feindfyre, and she was eager to see it in practice. But the troll had flung its club just as you began the incantation, and everything went wrong. You were distracted as it flew towards Dina, and you lost control of the spell.
The resulting inferno was too much for mere aguamenti, and there was nothing Dina could do but wait for the flames to die down, listening to you scream as you blundered about in the middle of the fire, unable to find a way out. When the smoke cleared, all that was left of you was a charred skeleton, your clawed hand leaving sooty streaks on her skin as she took it, hoping that this was some kind of nightmare, some kind of illusion or hallucination, anything but brutal, cold reality.
There was an investigation, of course. Why was a seventh-year student out fighting trolls? Why was this student doing so under the instruction of a faculty member that should have known better? Why had this professor allowed things to get so out of control?
Dina avoided Azkaban for her neglect by a narrow margin, but she had to give up her teaching post. She passed a little over a year later, having drunk herself to death, unable to cope with the guilt.
Professor Ronen
Abraham Ronen had always had such a love of fun and games, determined to make each of his classes a joy for his students. Yes, he recycled ideas through the terms, a large timetable in his office holding large lists of games he could incorporate that was appropriate for each year of Charms classes. But even so, after several years in his position, he found these games began to grow repetitive, and he wanted to liven things up.
That’s where you came in. Your ingenuity was famous throughout Hogwarts for a reason, and so he called on you one day after class, requesting your assistance in thinking up new games to play. He gave you a list of the spells he was to teach his seventh-year students, promising to waive your homework for a month if you helped out. You took to the task like a kappa to water, assailing Abraham with a variety of ‘games’ that would help the other students learn. The problem was, most of your games involved far too much risk for his liking, including trying to steal a dragon egg. Despite your protestations that you knew where to find one, Abraham wasn’t having it. But he’d promised, and you’d promised, and a deal was a deal.
So extreme were your ideas that when you proposed the still dangerous but comparatively tame idea of delayed-action bombarda combined with glacius, Abraham thought the idea of students running through a booby-trapped field, freezing the latent explosive spells, was a positively marvellous idea.
The students were less keen. They, unexposed to your particular brand of fun, saw the folly in such a practice. But you, determined that everyone should have fun, decided to be the first across the field. Abraham realised far too late just how foolish this game was, and had barely raised his wand as you danced across the minefield before disaster struck, and you were blown apart.
He tried his best to gather the pieces of you that rained down. A severed foot here, a shattered forearm there, holding his robes like an apron and gathering you up. It was futile, of course, for once a witch or wizard’s head is detached from their body, even the very best healers only have a few seconds to make it right.
He could never get that image out of his mind. One moment you were smiling, laughing, joking, teasing the others for their hesitancy, and the next you were in bits, everything that you were tumbling from the sky in slow motion. Every student in that class was scarred for life, set to fail their Charms NEWTs, fifty promising careers suddenly thrown down the toilet. Abraham resigned in shame, and did not go home to his wife. He wandered until he became lost, and lost himself until he found a cliff. Only by shattering himself on the rocks below could he find some form of atonement for his sins.
Professor Sharp
Aesop Sharp had always preferred to be somewhat gruff and stern. It kept his pupils in line, and his firm but fair approach ensured that everyone that took his classes passed with good marks, even if they had a tendency to blow things up, a practice he’d secretly taken to calling “doing a Garreth.” You, on the other hand, slipped past his guard. Maybe it was your incredible aptitude for offensive and defensive magic, or perhaps it was your endearing wit and charm. It could have been your happy-go-lucky nature, your ability to smile no matter how dire things seemed to be, always poking fun at yourself before anyone else. He found himself growing fond of you, thinking of you as some kind of wayward nibling.
He still had to give you detentions on occasion, of course, because even you couldn’t cheek the Potions Master and get away with it, no matter how well-intentioned your words had been. He found such hours to be more of a delight than a chore, happy to talk to you about anything and everything, even laughing a little as you revealed some of the mischief you’d gotten up to, things he’d normally give more detentions for.
One evening in the dungeons, you were cheerfully scrubbing out the cauldrons, and you asked him about is days as an Auror. You told him about an Ashwinder camp you’d caught wind of, and how you wished you could eradicate them. Aesop knew he should report it to Officer Singer and keep you out of it, but hell, he’d seen you fight, and there was something in him that yearned for that spark of excitement that came with defeating his enemies. He suggested travelling with you to wipe them out, considering it worth at least three detentions. You joked that this meant you had two free passes to be cheeky in class, and he told you not to push your luck.
If only he’d known. If only he’d taken a moment to think. If only he’d listened to his Auror instincts that told him this was a bad idea.
You’d both crept up on the camp, wands at the ready. There weren’t many of them, but enough to pose a bit of a challenge. Aesop had every confidence in you, he knew your skills after all, but unfortunately, the Ashwinders did as well. The moment they saw you, they didn’t bother with their typical hexes. They knew enough about you to know they couldn’t waste a second if they wanted to live. Three Killing Curses were sent your way, and one found its mark.
Aesop thought he knew loss when his partner was killed in Scarborough, but this was something else. Watching the light go out of your eyes, the ghost of your last, confident smile on your face, broke him like nothing had broken him before. He didn’t even try to resist when the Ashwinders took him, snatching his wand and throwing him in a cage along with the kneazles they’d poached. He couldn’t get the image of you out of his mind, your still body lying amid the debris of the Forbidden Forest, already ignored and forgotten by your foes, left for whatever scavengers crept through the night to feast. He refused food and water as he was dragged from one end of the country to the other, kept prisoner by those that had killed you. It took weeks to kill him, but one morning, lying on the floor of that cold, hard cage, he just didn’t wake up.
Professor Black
Phineus Nigellus Black preferred to let the students of Hogwarts think he was a cold-hearted, pompous bastard. It was much easier to work this way, easier to make the tough decisions a Headmaster of Hogwarts needed to make. Budget cuts, cancelling quidditch, extending exam season and banning Hogsmeade visits to ensure student safety was easier to weather if his heart was already hardened to the complaints and cries of woe, the bitter mutters, the whispered insults, the playground songs made up to poke fun at him. Yes, it hurt, but he was better than that. Stronger. Prouder. He had a job to do, after all, and Merlin only knew the previous Headmaster had left a hellish mess for him to set right. He had to be hard to be kind. He preferred not to pay attention to those around him, erecting a hard wall around his heart.
You, however… you were different. He heard about what you did in your fifth year, and though he found it hard to believe at first, he paid a bit more attention to you as time went by, and found the tales of your prowess were, if anything, undersold. Phineas made an effort in your final year to take you under his wing, seeing a potential candidate for the position of Minister for Magic in your future. He wanted to teach you the finer points of politics and bootlicking, introduce you to the right people, like the Gaunts, the Blacks, the Malfoys and more to give you the boost you needed to clamber up that slippery ladder. The only gifts he knew how to give.
You were resistant, of course. What kind of firecracker would you be if you weren’t? Phineas relished the challenge, demanding more and more of your free time until you began to understand just what kind of privileges came along with knowing the right people and scratching the right backs. Ominis knew it and used it to his advantage perhaps less than he should have done, but this seemed to tip the scales in Phineas' favour, and you finally began to listen and learn from his wise tutelage. He found himself swelling with pride as you whipped about your newfound allegiances, terrifying students and teachers alike, reining you in when you frightened Hobhouse so much he wet himself, his scolding gentle and warm. He might have had five children, but you showed promise.
Unfortunately, even the shrewd and clever Phineas couldn’t have foreseen the simple dangers of existing in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
He’d taken you to the trophy room, waxing lyrical about the famous witches and wizards that had come through Hogwarts, pointing out their accolades with relish, his hand on your shoulder, a rare and affectionate gesture of genuine pride. He told you that you could achieve just as much, perhaps more, if you applied all your skills and knowledge in the right ways. He even smiled at you, and his eyes were warm.
You asked to see a particularly bright medal on a high shelf, and Phineas, taking a leaf out of your muggleborn book, decided to give the other life a try, just for once. If a muggleborn could be as impressive as you, perhaps he didn’t have to use magic for everything. He tried to reach the medal by hand, even climbing on the shelf to do so, smiling as it made you laugh. He climbed down, medal in hands, his brow furrowing as your face grew ashen. The next moment, you had barrelled into him, throwing him out of the way of the falling shelf.
By the time he picked himself up, scolding you for your behaviour, it was too late. The falling shelves and shattered glass had crushed you, slashing your neck. By the time Phineas realised you weren’t just pratting about like you usually did, you’d bled out, your skin pale, your eyes wide and unseeing. Phineas sat on the floor beside your corpse, holding your fingers closed over the medal that read:
Most Impressive Display of Honour.
Professor Garlick
Mirabel Garlick had endured her share of enamoured students, villagers, and even fellow professors in her time. She dealt with it all with the grace and decorum that was expected of such a sunny personality, treating all and sundry with the same level of ardent attention and big, bright smiles. She had a soft spot for you though, someone who appreciated magical plants for the marvels they were. She didn’t mind when you stayed after class to quiz her on the less known properties of pufferpods or the right way to tamp down earth around a mandrake to ensure maximum comfort. She’d heard all about your little adventure to see the giant venomous tentacula, and had been curious about your knowledge ever since.
She was more than happy to help you grow your plants bigger and better than what the school board advised. She even cleared out Greenhouse Four for your personal use, encouraging you to grow things most students would only ever see if they were extremely unlucky. But she trusted you. She believed you knew what you were doing, swept up by your enthusiasm, tempted by her own curiosity to see just how far you could push your skills.
So it was that the pair of you ended up breeding a new kind of Devil’s Snare, one that was resistant to light and heat. It took time, and though you both occasionally wondered what the purpose of such a plant would be, you were too excited by the prospect of your experiments bearing fruit to worry about consequences. Mirabel should have known better. The only defence against a Devil’s Snare is light and heat, and both of you pushed away thoughts of protection against such a thing. It seemed playful, intelligent, happy.
It was early on a Saturday morning when Mirabel decided to look in on Greenhouse Four. It was only by chance that she had decided to do so, and she would spend the rest of her life wishing she had been five minutes sooner. She saw the Devil’s snare distract you with dancing tendrils as it had so many times before, only this time, you were too close. It wrapped you up faster than a spider wraps a fly, crushing the life from you. No matter how many incendios she cast, no matter how much she shouted and beat at it, even conjuring a torch to hold against the vines, all it did was hurt you more as it crushed the life from you, each snap of your ribs loud above your gasping breaths, the crunch of your spine grinding in her ears, the blood from your nose splattering on the floor as your lungs punctured, your eyes bulging out of their sockets. Even still you fought to draw breath until there was no more room in your chest.
Mirabel had never felt so helpless. She sank to her knees, waiting as the Devil’s Snare took you into its core to feed upon your corpse. She didn’t resist when the vines caressed her face, then wrapped around her throat, her wand lying forgotten on the floor of Greenhouse Four.
Professor Fig
Eleazar Fig had always had a soft spot for you. He’d watched you grow from a novice to a master in the space of a year, popular and clever, beloved by your peers and professors alike. He always made sure to make time for you in his office, sharing a cup of tea as you discussed your past adventures, gossiped about the students, or just had a jolly good chinwag. You both shared a love of adventure, and made time at least once a month to get up to mischief, whether it was investigating old ruins, clearing out mongrel dens, or just running the occasional errand for those in need. You delighted in having your mentor along for the ride, and he adored helping you where he could.
Unfortunately for you, your exploits over the years made you enemies. Though you helped a good many people and made plenty of friends, there were those that were hard done by when you stole from them or caused them trouble on behalf of someone else. Eleazar knew this, and made sure to continually warn you to watch your back, clucking like a mother hen. Perhaps he warned you too much, his words of caution becoming background noise as you continually avoided retribution for your misdeeds. Eleazar did his best to keep you safe all the same, ardently researching your enemies and eliminating plots before they came to fruition.
But after almost a year of no schemes against you, he dared to relax. He invited you out to lunch at Steepley and Sons, intending to enjoy a quiet cup of tea, some nice sandwiches, and perhaps even a slice of cake, his treat, of course. He wanted to catch up properly, to make sure you were happy, on top of your homework, getting on with your friends. You wanted to know how he was coping after Miriam’s passing, if he was back on the scene, how his work as a teacher was going, and can he please get you out of detention with Professor Sharp?
Neither of you expected after all this time there were still those that held a grudge. The young wizard helping Mrs Steepley was actually an Ashwinder, and they poisoned your cup of tea. It took a moment to take effect, but once it did, the only way to save you was locked away in Hogwarts Castle. Even accio couldn’t have got the antidote to you in time.
Eleazar watched as your face went ashen, seemingly sinking in on itself as you clawed at your throat. He caught you as you listed sideways, his eyes locked on yours, trying to comfort you, soothe you as you struggled to draw breath, not even a pin able to pass through the tightness of your throat. Your nails left bloody furrows on your neck, your feet kicking feebly even as someone ran for J Pippin’s, hoping he’d be able to help. Eleazar knew better. He just held you as your body jerked, the last of your life sliding through his fingers as he tried oh so hard to hold on to it, begging you silently to just hold on a little longer. You were all he had, the last spark of joy in his cold, dark life. Once you were gone, there was nothing left for him. A swift unforgivable curse delivered to his temple as he lay in his chamber was enough to ensure he could see you and Miriam again.
witchdoctorpirate ~💚
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HLC reacting to you heading to kick someone's butt on behalf of someone else.
Just the boys this time, if people want me too I'll do the gals next! The characters are 18+
TW: hints of violence, swearing, a tiny bit of spice
The situation: You overhear a girl crying about her boyfriend cheating on her. After calming her down and letting her know it's not her fault you ask for his name. The war path is set. Conjuring a bat, you beeline to where he was last at. The boys are all in a corridor having a not serious argument about something. As you storm by Amit asks what you are doing.
You: On my way to kick someone's ass! Anyone wanna join?
Sebastian: Ever the ride or die, he doesn't even ask why the person is getting beat up. He only asks if he also needs "one of those long Quidditch bats".
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Ominis: Debating if he wants to stop you or not. He knows you wouldn't fight someone without a good reason, but he doesn't want you to get into trouble either. And on top of that he doesn't want to get in the way when you're this angry.
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Garreth: Scared but also...aroused? Does he help? Should he stop you? Why do you look so hot when you're angry? Should he be concerned that he finds you hot when you're angry?
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Leander: Terrified.png. He is making mental notes to never get you this angry. Don't get me wrong, he isn't hiding from you or anything. But he NEVER wants to be on the receiving side of that anger.
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Amit: The king of "not my business". He heard nothing and saw nothing, and is absolutely not going to get in your way. He has seen what you can do when you fight and wants none of it.
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waldensblog · 4 months
So my husband is doing his own playthrough now, and his MC is like, the polar opposite of mine. As a result, some of our headcanons about MC's relationships and why they do certain things are a bit different, but there's 2 parts of the larger fanon we both agree on as just true in our respective playthroughs:
Sebastian has a crush on MC. My husband could not overlook that herbology look either. Specifically, we believe in Bi Sebastian in this household.
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2. Ominis hates Duncan Hobhouse. Because that part of fanon is just too fun to dispute.
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mickeyyynotjagger · 3 months
me when poppy shows up on my screen:
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rene-hl-trashcan · 2 months
The gremlins reaction to you crying 🥺👉👈? Please? Coz they’re so cute and since Riz has a niece i just suddenly wondered what they all do when somebody (you) cries. (Reason can be up to you)
By 'you' here I assume anyone that they can see? (cuz I personally consider myself as their ethereal mother of the higher realm who is watching them over their shoulders—basically an entity that they can sense but never see or physically interact with 🤣)
The Gremlins' Reaction to A Crying Person
Unless if he really abhors you, Sylvan doesn't like seeing anyone sad or crying. His first instinct, is unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your preference), is to hug. You're going to be quite literally imprisoned in his arms 💀 Think of being squished to his chest with no means of escape. You will be squished with little to no distance from him, and he will probably try to get your face pressed to either his throat or chest. It doesn't matter if you're taller/bigger than him, he will pull you down enough to make sure that he can rest his chin on top of your head, that you can feel the rumble of his throat as he croons and purrs to soothe you (he was under the impression that the whole purring thing works on everyone since it works on Sylvia ). He would probably rub your back too and murmur assurance and comforting words until you calm down; and if he thinks you're not against it, he will kiss your tears away and rub his cheek to yours in what he thinks is a comforting gesture. Don't worry about your tears/snot dirtying his shirt. He has his priorities straight; clothes can be cleaned with a wave of a wand while whatever that is upsetting you can't be solved that easily. This pastel gremlin would keep you imprisoned in his crushing affection until you calm down, however long it would take.
Sylvia would PANIK. She isn't remotely good in socialising and showing emotions, let alone comforting anyone. Her first instinct when seeing someone cry is to nope out of there. However, most of time, her soft squishy heart will get worried so her next instinct is to find Sylvan and ditch the comforting job on him while she frets and hovers silently nearby. If he isn't around, Sylvia would resort to the last thing she knew could serve as a comfort (for her personally) which is anything cute and furry. Watch her either conjure a random plushie or grab any kneazles/puffskeins/cat that happened to be around before holding it up to you, mumbling something about how cute animals/plushies would make you feel better. Although not good at comforting, she would actually sit by your side (silently and very awkwardly because this girl is a social disaster 💀) until you finally calm down.
Riz's reaction is highly dependent on who you are and how he feels towards you. If you're someone who he doesn't feel much for, he would offer his handkerchief so that you can wipe your tears with it. He would then very tentatively ask you if you need some help, gauging your needs through how you respond before acting accordingly. If he feels you would be better off alone, he would give a curt goodbye and well-wish before walking away. If he feels you would benefit more from a company (and if he has the time for it) he would sit by your side until you're ready to talk your heart out. Riz's a good and attentive listener, and unless he's in a rush or on a schedule, he wouldn't mind accompanying you. If you're someone who he does hold any form of positive feelings for, he would wipe your tears for you before very tentatively asking if he can hold you until you're able to calm down. If permission is given, he will cuddle you until you stop crying. If you refuse to be touched, he will simply sit there and wait until you're ready to talk, or when you're ready to scoot over for a cuddle. He will abandon his plans for you. If you're a child, he will carry and rock you around like a baby, singing/crooning to get you calm, wiping your tears and snot and praising you after you stop crying, rewarding you with whatever treats he can get his hand on at the moment.
Mildred's instinct is to comfort and protect. If you're in public, she would try to get you away from the public's eyes. Mildred is also very willing to cause disturbances or distractions so that no one is watching you crying. Once she gets you to somewhere you can safely cry your heart out, Mildred will start gathering all the blankets and plushies she can get her hands on. She will drape a soft blanket over your shoulders, making sure you have a plushie that you can either squeeze or throw around (depending on how you're feeling at that moment) before asking if she could hold your hands. She will massage your hands, squeezing them if she feels you need that solid assurance, and wait until you are coherent enough to start confiding in her. If you're up to it, she will be happy for a cuddle but if you're not, she will still make sure you're warm and hydrated. She would definitely bust out her stocks of cookies and warm drinks (and if situation is dire enough, her personal collections of plushies) to offer to you until you can calm down.
Idk who you're anon but thank you for this. I always appreciate more fuel and excuses for me to ramble and word-vomit about my gremlins. ψ(˵ •̀ᴗ•́˵)ψ
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