#Home renovation Lake Forest
houseofremodeling9 · 4 months
Luxury Bathroom Remodeling by House Of Remodeling Inc. in Lake Forest, CA
Among the most sought-after upgrades is the transformation of bathrooms into lavish, spa-like retreats. Enter House Of Remodeling Inc., the premier contractor specializing in luxury bathroom renovation services in Lake Forest and beyond.
Visit Our Blog:https://houseofremodeling9.blogspot.com/2024/05/luxury-bathroom-remodeling-by-house-of.html
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Best Home Renovation - Home Remodeling in Lake Forest, IL
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Transform your home with our expert home remodeling in Lake Forest, IL. Call or text us anytime at (847) 681-9000 for your free home renovation consultation.
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intheholler · 3 months
east tennessee native here, and we don't call them "halfbacks" but the problem is just awful. we have about 30,000 people in my town and most of them live in the older, eastern part of town, and range from poverty-level to middle class. but those "halfbacks" have been tearing up our natural ridges, buying up lake property that used to be priced reasonably for the middle class, and selling it all to other rich folks or to development companies, or using them as vacation houses for a month or two a year.
what's worse is that the local government thinks that pandering to them is the best option since they're rich. our tax dollars aren't going towards upkeep and renovation for the older part of town, which has many more people, but to developing the beautiful forested ridges and farmland on the western end into upper-middle class, cookie-cutter house subdivisions, or worse.
then the devils decided to build a community center - which would be great, if it was in a place accessible to everyone. instead, they build it way out on the west end, too far for those without transportation to walk, and the real kicker is that, even though our tax dollars fund and maintain it, they still charge you a fee to enter. it's plain out tailored to the rich folks.
i don't know what to do about it other than get sad. i'm sick and tired of rich folks and northern conservatives buying out our land and then coming down here and pretending we've ever thought like they did, or that they could ever fit in with the salt of the earth when they're the scum of the earth.
"i'm sick and tired of rich folks and northern conservatives buying out our land and then coming down here and pretending we've ever thought like they did, or that they could ever fit in with the salt of the earth when they're the scum of the earth."
tattoo. that. on. my. ass.
man. reading this ask stoked a real ancient anger in me. i don't know what to do except be sad, neither. sad n pissed.
the speed with which the general sentiment went from "fuck appalachia, let's just saw yall off into the ocean" to "i can fix her with my old money and my backwards politics, actually" liked to gave me whiplash.
atp, id rather them stay home, keep their uninformed beliefs about appalachia and let us in peace to do our thing. better than them coming up the holler and cutting down a tree just to make an expensive sign telling us we're spellin hollow wrong
solidarity, east tn <333
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austinbutlerslovers · 8 months
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Major Gale Fantasy 4
Lake House Lessons
Label Mature 18+
Gale is going to be stationed away from you indefinitely, not knowing when he’ll return as the war efforts increase. He takes you to his inherited lake house and trains you to use a firearm to ensure you can protect yourself while he is away. Seeing how powerful you look wielding his weapon …gun kink insues.
Established relationship married
1940 domestic plot heavy kinky ending
Gun fetish•stimulation with object •gunk kink•penetration with object• non complete masturbation• p in v• hips pinned •triple orgasm fem• creampie •aftercare
Inspo: ‘Depravity’ by 🫠 @lindszeppelin (Austin as Elvis hard smut gun kink)
Spelling errors grammatical mistakes repeatwords starts
~*Lake House Lessons*~
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Gale had an important military briefing and was informed he would be restationed in 2 weeks as the war efforts increased. He wasn’t informed of how long he’d be stationed or when he would return.
On his drive home as he prepared to tell you the news he decided right then to treat you on a romantic getaway to spend his last days with you.
He wanted to take you to his inherited lake house. As he arrived home he held you by your arms and told you he would be re stationed with an indefinite date of return. He hugged you close as you slumped into him.
He loved you so much his heart ached as you choked back a sob. You wanted to stay strong and proud of him for serving his country. He cupped your face in his hands wiping your tears away telling you to pack a bag for the weekend that he planned a get away for you two, it brought a weak smile back to your face he was always so thoughtful.
He packed the car with your suitcases and opened your door for you joining you sitting inside and starting the engine to begin the long drive to the lake house.
You head through town into the country side, the hills begin forming into larger mountains covered with forests. The weather changing from over cast to heavy cloud coverage with gray low fog rolling over the tree lines. Gale told you to pack warmly and you pull the collar of your coat tighter around your face as the temperature drops inside the car.
He reaches over and squeezes your thigh gently “I can’t wait to show this place.” He says eyes flashing in excitement. You place your hand on his “You’ve never taken me here before Gale what is it like?” You feel his enthusiasm.
“You’re gonna love it, everything is rustic and quiet in the woods. The lake house was a never ending hobby of renovations for my parents since I was a boy they built it from the ground up. I would visit summers and swim in the lake I remember helping my Pa saw some of the beams.”
You watch his eyes light up reminiscing bringing a smile to your face as he continues
“I kept the legacy going upgrading it, the kitchen was the last thing being constructed by the grounds keeper the last few months. It’s been uninhabited a few years now, but I planned to take you here as soon as I received the letter it was complete. When the letter arrived last week I knew…” his voice trails off losing his excitement reality filtering back in.
You take his hand and hold it tight, your eyes dart out the window holding in your tears, you know he’s leaving and just wants to spend his last days doing something special with you before he goes, so you lock up your emotions to let him enjoy his time.
You leave the main road onto a private one winding up into a darker wooded forest he clicks on the hood lights. You peer up through the windshield the sky is almost completely covered by the branches of enormous pine trees blocking out the sun.
Your eyes look back to the road ending there is a clearing and a large awning that reads “Cleven Lake House.” Gale parks the car at the entrance and exits.
He walks in font of the headlights in his fur collar leather bomber jacket and pulls the gate open that is closing the road.
He gets back in the car driving you onto the property through a grass clearing on a dirt path leading to a large wooden cabin with an enormous lake valley behind it in the distance.
“Oh wow it is lovely.” You say immediately entranced by the infinite size of the lake and the valley of mountain surrounding it. He parks the car in front of the house and steps out coming around to get your door.
As you exit and stand you close your eyes immediately inhaling the fresh crisp mountain air with the strong scent of pine needles and soft hints of forest florals.
You step to Gale reaching into his bomber jacket around his warm torso hugging him to say thank you in the colder mountain climate he reciprocates by petting your head lovingly. This is exactly where you need to be, completely alone with him in such a beautiful isolated location.
After your embrace he grabs the suitcases from the trunk slamming it closed and heading with you up the steps to the porch. He sets the suitcases down and retrieves the keys from his pocket unlocking the front door.
You enter the lake house and are greeted with the strong smell of cedar. It is an open floor plan with a kitchen and hall on your left and a large stone fireplace and living room on your right. All the furniture is covered with drop cloths there are plastic tarps covering the kitchen from the recent construction. Two large windows and a door adorn the back wall over looking the fog covered lake. You walk through the space like a moth to a flame stopping just shy of the glass to experience the view.
Gale resets the suitcases inside and locks the front door. As he walks up behind you holding you around your waist pressing soft kisses against your ear he whispers “Do you like it sweetheart?“ His deep voice so soothing . You love it when he holds you close and whispers like this . “Yes I love it” you answer reaching up to hold the nape of his neck comforting him.
You two gaze at the view for a moment longer until he squeezes your waist, you release him with a quick kiss to go unpack. He puts away the food and supplies you brought in the kitchen, removing all the tarps and covers settling in for the after noon.
You head to the master bedroom upstairs, there is a hallway landing at the top with a cupboard . As you push open the heavy oak bedroom door it is much darker inside.
Light creeps in through a sliver in the closed curtained window overlooking the lake. A stripped queen bed with a large wooden head board is flanked by two nightstands and lamps on your left.
A large empty bookshelf is against the opposite wall with are two reading chairs and a side table. There is also a second door inside the bedroom.
You push it open to see where it leads and discover a bathroom inside. There is a large two person claw foot tub under a large mountain view window. The setting is beautiful.
You return to the bedroom and pull open the curtains revealing the large lake view, it’s breathtaking seeing the water from a higher vantage point. You can down the mountain valley lake for miles.
You get to work finding the linens in the cupboard at the top of the stairs and make the bed. You prop up the last pillow to make it look inviting and comfortable.
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When you head back downstairs Gale has already started the living room fire. Both of you never removed your coats due to the house being such a cold temperature until now.
He sits on the couch staring at a mahogany wooden box on the table in front of him. The fireplace roars to life brightening the room. He’s fixated on the wooden case as you approach, finally looking up to you he begins to speak.
“You know I’m leaving…and that this time it’s different, I don’t know when I’m coming back…I need to know for certain you can protect yourself while I’m away.” He says solemnly, your eyes look from his down to the mahogany box with the realization his pistol is incased inside.
Your heart jumps a bit. You’ve seen him strapped with it before on military occasions but you’ve always had trouble bridging the gap that your sweet gentle husband was indeed trained to be a cold calculated killer and that he wants to train you to be the same if necessary. It was all going to your head, you try to remain calm and join him on the couch awaiting his instructions.
He places his hands on the lid of the box in front of you and hinges it open. You peer inside at the gun rested in its indent of satin. It’s very ornate and not what you were expecting at all. The gun metal is black with a shimmering mother of pearl inlay on the handle.
Your hands are frozen at your sides. Gale picks one up and places it to touch the handle smiling at you warmly trying to soothe your apprehension. Your heart is thumping wildly in your chest, you don’t want to make any mistakes. ”It’s unloaded but still be careful “ he says to reassure you. It drops your anxiety a bit.
You trace your fingers down the mother of pearl plate “Did you chose this?” you ask never having seen such an elegant detail on a gun. “Yes as a Major I can choose the accents on my weapons” he says staring at it fondly.
“I want to take you to practice with it out here on the shore bank.” He looks in your eyes making sure you agree and you nod. He pries the gun out of the case and stands taking you with him. You watch the weight of the gun in his hand as he carries it low by his hip. You’re not sure if it’s frightening or arousing or that you feel completely safe with him, maybe a mix of all three.
You head out the back door across the porch down the steps to the shore line. Your heart racing all the while in the chill of the air never having even touched a firearm before today and now he wants you to shoot one.
He stands at the bank and motions for you to move to his side “The hot cartridge will eject out after I fire” he says getting into position. It dawns on you that he’s going to shoot it out over the lake.
It’s almost evening and the chill in the air is getting colder. He takes a clip out of his jacket pocket and loads the bottom of the pistol with a distinct sharp
“I’m going to shoot a live round” he explains clicking off the safety. You wait as he lines up a target across the lake. You watch his secure stance the way he braces his arms tilting his head before he takes a shot the loud “ bang” cracks through the silence echoing making you jump and cover your ears.
He looks back to check on you and smirks seeing you covering your ears with your eyes closed. He forgot his caliber of gun must be very loud for you. The mood lightens after the initial shock you smile at him embarrassed for being so startled.
“C’mere” he smiles as he gestures switching his gun in hand aimed out at the lake, he opens his arms taking you in holding you close to him. His chest against your back, he brings his face close to yours resting his chin on your shoulder, he gently nudges your feet apart with his boot widening your stance with his he finally places your hand on the gun with his.
“Never put your finger on this trigger unless you have a target and plan to fire.” He speaks softly in your ear.
“Look out at the lake and choose a target” he instructs you decide to shoot a few meters away into the water to see where the bullet will hit.
“Once you’ve got your target aim the gun using the view finder to be precise.” He says pointing at the tip of the barrel. You take a deep breath looking down the ridge and see the divots of the finder and aim.
He places his hand under your elbow bracing it “Tense these arms it will recoil if you don’t brace, I want you to be safe” he says reassuringly. Your blood begins coursing through your veins as you realize how powerful firing a weapon is. He releases the gun to your hands it dips as you hold the full weight making you realign with your target. He steps back placing his large hands on your shoulders to steady you.
“It’s loaded and the safety is off you can fire now” he says. He patiently waits and watches your movements standing directly behind you.
After all of his instruction you slip your finger into the trigger and squeeze, the loud “bang” breaks the silence. The powerful gun recoils against your palm sending a shock wave through your hand into your braced arms. The bullet whizzes piercing a splash through the lake.
A smile spreads across your face that you can’t contain. You feel so powerful and confident firing your first shot. He places his hand over your forearms guiding them down making you lower your weapon.
You look back to him over your shoulder for his approval and he grasps your jaw pulling you into a kiss. He continues kissing you deeper wanting more, even with the gun still in your hands aimed at the floor. He breaks the kiss so aroused by what he witnessed and how much he wants you, his cock begins to swell.
“I want you to do it again but this time I’m not going to help you” he says releasing you and taking a few steps back to watch.
You turn and steady your stance picking a target on the lake. You raise your weapon with your arms braced in front for the recoil. You tilt your head to the side narrowing your target down with the finder. You squeeze the trigger the loud bang rips through the silence echoing across the lake as the bullet pierces a splash into the surface again.
You lower Gales weapon satisfied and look back to see his reaction. He's staring in awe at you, fixed gaze pupils dilated, his lips parting as his breaths increase. You trail your eyes from his face down his body and see the prevalent outline of his hard cock in his military pants. Your face changes to a flirtatious grin realizing he’s aroused by you with his weapon. “Mmm Major you must really like watching me play with your gun” you tease trailing your finger down the barrel giving him a show.
He palms himself biting his lower lip realizing he needs to calm down and react normally. He collects his gun from you. “Come with me” he says looking at the sun starting to lower behind the mountains. He takes your cold hand getting you both back inside where it’s warm. You smile to yourself knowing his new sexual obsession watching you use his weapon.
He places a cloth on the living room table in front of the fireplace making the loud clink sound of wood on metal sound as he places his heavy gun on top. It’s nice and cozy now in the lake house you remove your jackets and sit together.
He shows you how to release and reload the cartridge, click on and off safety. So confident and direct with his actions like the weapon is a piece of him and it’s all muscle memory. It fascinates you that he’s so resolute with such a dangerous object.
You copy his technique at a much slower pace unloading and reloading the gun clicking the safety on and off the feeling foreign, the gun heavy and rigid in your dainty hands.
He stares at you while you work imparting knowledge as he caresses your shoulder. “Never shoot unless you can see your target and always aim at center mass for the greatest chance of inflicting injury” You nod in agreement secretly hoping never to do this.
Satisfied he releases the cartridge clip and shows you how to clean the weapon through the barrel wiping it down. “Always assume a gun is loaded” he says staring at you with intent, you nod and both place the pistol back in its case.
Once the gun is sealed inside the mahogany he carts both his hand behind your neck pulling you in to a deep passionate kiss. You are getting lost in his kisses the heavier they get, it’s such an intimate moment in front of the fire as the sun sets behind the lake.
He is enamored he taught his woman how to protect herself until he returns, just incase anything should happen. He softly breaks the kiss he rubs his thumb gently across your jaw. A smile spreads across his face. “I have a gift for you”
He stands and goes to the kitchen reaching on top of the refrigerator to retrieve it. He returns and sits next to you holding a minor scale mahogany case that he hands over. “This is for you“ he says placing it in your hands. You hinge it open on your lap and see the same gun as his but smaller.
He moves closer and puts his arm around you sensing that you like it. “It’s a 9 millimeter not as big and loud as mine which is a .45, but this one is ideal for personal protection I’ll show you how.” He repeats the same steps as before showing you how to use the smaller gun then having you demonstrate for him.
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Once the lesson is over you pick up the weapon and stand aiming it at the fire place mock firing the trigger remembering the techniques he taught you.
He palms himself as he stares up at the wood beams of the ceiling trying to distract himself. He keeps getting so hard seeing you with firearms. Unable to stand another minute he decides he needs to know what you look like naked holding his pistol. The vision burning in his mind ever since he held you as you fired your first shot.
He stands from the couch stepping behind you placing one hand around your torso hugging you close to him placing his right hand on your forearms making you lower your weapon.
He slips his hand on top of yours both of you gripping the gun handle. It’s so alluring to him he nuzzles his nose against your neck before he presses his lips on your skin. He kisses up to your ear as he whispers"I want to try something new with you tonight, but I need you to trust me completely” You turn your head slightly, already piqued. You smile already guessing what his request will be but nod for him to continue.
“Ever since I saw you wielding my weapon I can’t get it out of my mind to see you naked with it” He says caressing your naval with his left hand, cock growing harder against you that he finally said it. “Can we do that tonight?” His words are so soft in your ear as he asks honestly.
You turn to face him gun in hand, he eyes you warily as you bring your arms to place around his neck. You rest the pistol between his shoulder blades his cock twitches against your leg feeling the hard metal hit against his back. You love seeing the shock on his face and how much it’s arousing him you plant a soft kiss on his lips looking into his eyes.
He’s slightly terrified because you are such a novice handling a firearm but also sexually aroused because he feels a little powerless against you with it.
You smile coyly, gently running the gun barrel slowly between his shoulder blades making him sweat. “Honey don’t play like that with weapons ” he whispers but his cock is now solid pressing into your thigh. You giggle mischievously “Or what? You say tapping the gun hard several times against his spine. He winces as it clinks against him on each hit.
He squeezes your waist to control you showing he’s stronger. Lowering his gaze through his brows he asks you nicely “Put your gun away please” he says gently. He sees the glint of danger in your eyes he already knows you are getting power hungry, it’s exhilarating for you but he wants to get off with what he has in mind.
You form your lips in a mock pout “You’re not going let me have any fun are you” you say smiling as you release him and put the gun back in its box snapping it shut.
A grin spreads across his face never having imagined having a gun fetish and now you’ve even given him permission to explore it. He can barely contain his anticipation. He takes your mahogany case returning it back on top of the refrigerator. He retrieves his gun case from the living room table and grabs your hand almost pulling you to the bedroom with how excited he is.
He pushes open the large oak door, it is dark in the master bedroom, only the view of the lake glinting moonlight on its surface dimly lights the space. He goes to the bed side lamps and clicks them on.
“Get undressed for me” he asks and goes to sit in the chair across from the foot of the bed placing his mahogany gun case on the table as he waits.
You remove all of your clothing standing in front of him bare, the lamps behind you creating a glowing silhouette. His eyes wander your naked form his body jumping in arousal that he hasn’t full-filled his urges with you today. He crooks his finger motioning for you to stand in front of him.
As you do he pries open the box picking up the gun by its barrel and offering the handle to you. You take it feeling the cold heavy weight of it in your hand again. He sits back in his chair just in complete admiration of you, so vulnerable yet so powerful at the same time. “Touch your self with it” he says placing his hand on his cock to edge himself as you do.
You touch the side of the top of the gun against your navel it’s so cold and metallic, you trail it up your body. You make eye contact with him as you drag the side of the barrel across your nipples making them harder.
You hear him groan as he tries to contain himself, you smile watching him squeeze his cock through his pants struggling not to get off on seeing you like this.
You extend your arm aiming the gun at his left knee and he freezes. His eyes lock with yours. “Honey don…” before he starts you cut him off
“Take off your clothes Gale” you tell him with a cocky smile.
He stands up eyeing you sternly you keep the gun firmly aimed at him while he unbuttons and removes his shirt revealing his muscular chest and abs, his biceps flinching as he tosses his shirt to the floor.
He’s angry and it makes you even more excited you never see him lose him temper. You smile and bite you lip loving being in charge motioning with the gun for him to take off more. He is absolutely livid yet so aroused he can’t decide what to do with you.
Hes certain the clip empty until you make a ‘click’ removing the safety and his eyes grow wide. “Shit!…” he says cursing for the first time undressing faster his pants and boxers and socks adding to the pile on the floor.
Once he’s fully naked you can’t help but stare at his impressive cock he’s so hard for you the tip is deep red begging to be drained. You don’t know why but you want to scare him even more taking a few steps closer.
Before you can even think he’s on you with expert precision, forcefully slipping his arm around yours prying the gun from your grip, taking your back and disarming you while trapping you to his chest.
His forearm is pressing hard against your throat as you struggle against him unable to move or freely breathe, your passion igniting being pulled against his naked body so abruptly not realizing he’s so strong, his hard cock set between the backs of your thighs.
It’s the single most erotic thing you’ve ever seen him do sending a chill through your body. “What are you doing hm?” He says angrily breathing against you ear arousing you even more. “You never aim a gun at someone like that” he chastises you as you try to stay focused too excited by him overpowering you, wanting him to do more.
You reach his arm that he has held up and away from you with the firearm. He pulls his arm back farther gripping your neck tighter as you struggle to breathe, his eyes staring at you wildly in concern as you reach for the gun until he hears you weakly say. “Touch me with it please” and his eyes soften. He loosens his press on your throat checking the gun pulling it back, you hear the metal slide tap closed confirming it’s empty.
You catch your breath just as he takes hold of you again realizing it’s exciting to you. He presses his forearm into your throat in a way that gets you seeing stars,and releases it right before you pass out. He brings the gun down pressing the side of the cold metal barrel against your soft hot clitoris.
“AAHHH” You cry out struggling against him as he holds you tighter. Your legs squirm as he runs the barrel up and down through your folds covering it in your wetness making you involuntarily clench against nothing. You loose all your resolve from the hard stimulation shocking you into arousal as you begin whining for him.
“Look at you getting your slick all over my gun” he breathes in your ear. “What got in to you hm? You thought Id like that little trick you pulled back there?… I’ll show you what I like“ he says seductively. He was going to go easy on you tonight but now he’s going all the way.
He pulls your shoulder turning you out of his grasp, you look into his eyes as he places his left palm on your chest his right hand still carrying the pistol as he pushes you back until you are on the bed making your way to the middle.
When he climbs onto you and settles between your legs with his gun in hand you have a feeling he wants to put it inside of you, instead he clicks the safety on and places it up and away. He leans his face over yours diving in and kissing you.
Your lips part tongues slipping into each others mouths, he’s so passionate and soft with you after his aggression it has you trembling as your lips overlap with his. Your hands reach up to the nape of his neck fingers gripping his hair, you need him inside of you.
You are already grinding your pelvis against him trying to relieve the tension, he senses your need and stealthily brings the gun back down pressing the hard coldness of the barrel against your inner thigh making your body jump as you gasp on his lips.
He keeps kissing you as he drags the barrel to your pelvis and slips it up and down through your folds a second time he’s going to make you enjoy it depriving you of any other stimulation.
The angular rigid shape of the gun is pressing so hard into your soft inner flesh you cant help but grind your hips up and down against it and use it relieve the sexual tension. You whine into his mouth trying to resist the urge.
He lifts to watch your every reaction his blue eyes piercing into yours as he smiles with enjoyment seeing you endure your mental breaking point actually gaining pleasure as he rubs the gun through your wet folds. It warms to your skin as he keeps going causing a pleasurable sensation that you know is so wrong but you give in trusting him completely.
He looks down to his hand and playfully taps the pistol between your legs making you flinch and whimper on each hit until you are accustomed to the feel.
He begins planting kisses from your neck down your chest his tongue darting out licking circles on your nipples before sucking one at a time into his mouth you begin leaking arousal between your legs panting for him, he knows you need his cock.
Instead he guides his hand pointing the gun between your legs planning to insert it there making him so hard he stops himself aiming it back to the bed. “How far can I go?” He asks permission his breaths increasing rapidly from arousal. He trails hot kisses back up your neck soothing both of your rising nerves knowing what he’s asking you to do for him.
He’s barely touched you only continuously edging you with the pistol making your body ache with need working you into his desire.
His face is directly over yours as he lowers his abs and chest down on top of you his hard cock touching between your legs against your heat. The weight of his body on yours and having his cock so close to your entrance drives you sexually insane for him.
He kisses a sweet spot on your neck and sucks it making you see stars your core is throbbing needing to be filled, all your shame flies out the window with the words “Please put it inside of me right know”
He pulls his face back from kissing your neck looking at you confirming what he heard, “Please Gale the pistol first then your cock”’ you beg him and his cock twitches between your legs as you slide yourself against it panting, the tension inside becoming to much for you to bear.
You see something click in his eyes unlocking a fetish that he wanted he presses his full lips with yours kissing and sucking one then the other before parting them with his tongue tasting your mouth. Your lips are cherry red from the stimulation.
He tilts the pistol aiming it between your parted legs and circles the barrel around your entrance until your legs are writhing in pleasure and he slowly pushes the hard barrel inside of your soft entrance. You moan loudly into his mouth and he seals it in with a kiss.
Your breath catches in your throat as your hands grasp his strong chiseled biceps stunned and tensing around the cold hardness as it spreads you open.
You cry out adjusting to the foreign feeling as he plants more kisses on your face then peeks down to see. He gently guides the barrel all the way in watching your body envelop it to the trigger. “You’re doing so good for me honey” he says locking eyes with you again, his plush lips already panting against your face.
He’s loving every second and wants to see more, he sits back on his heels with your legs apart for him. He holds the pistol inside of you eyeing the mother of pearl handle in his grasp as he slips the heavy barrel in and out of you when you begin to shiver he pushes it all the way and holds it there. He takes his other hand and begins pumping his throbbing cock from the sight.
He moans loudly, his breaths quicken with his strokes he wants to cum so badly but stops himself abruptly, panting heavily above you. “I need to be inside of you“ he says full of desperation. “Please take me” he begs you wanting the feeling your tight wetness instead of his hand. You nod yes and smile, you want his warm cock too.
He carefully slides his pistol all the way back out of your body. Your core pulsing as he removes the barrel covered in your slick making you whimper as you clench inside. “Holy shit…you sexed my gun” he says above a whisper.
He stares at the barrel glistening from your silky arousal imprinted in his mind forever. A shudder runs though his body realizing he's taking it to war with him. He places it back to the top of the mattress and looks at your folds warm and wet for him.
Hes so high from his fetish being fulfilled that giving you multiple orgasms is all that’s on his mind. He wants to give you as many as he can, his eyes wandering lustfully over your perfect naked body.
He thumbs your clit in circles making your back arch from the bed and positions himself between your legs holding his body up with his arms as he touches his cock head to your entrance. He looks into your eyes slowly pushing the tip in refilling you.
“Ohhh You’re so Hard!” you moan as he sinks in and your walls grip him tightly. He pauses as he stretches you letting you adjust before he goes deeper making you wetter.
He’s looking down at you enraptured .“I can’t believe …you did that for me” he exhales gently sliding his cock all the way in, He presses his hips forward until you feel his tip pulsing against your cervix.
He pulls half way out and strongly smacks back into you repeatedly giving you everything you desire. “Please don’t stop “ you beg him hands clasping his broad shoulders feeling like your core will snap at any moment.
He holds one hand around your waist thumb caressing your navel as he sits back on his heels holding your other leg against him he leans back, riding his cock into you and using your waist for leverage to guide back and forth on his length.
He increase his speed thrusting harder, his hips begin pounding between your legs. You cup your breasts as they jolt against you from his powerful hits. He works his lower back so forcefully it makes you cry out triggering your climax.
He squeezes your thighs and thrusts into your clenching walls as you take him “I want you to cum for me” he says pivoting his hips up making you feel every pleasurable thrust of his cock hitting so deep against your cervix it overtakes all your senses. You moan out yes repeatedly feeling your body tingle from the surge of pleasure as the tightness snaps releasing the first orgasm in your core.
Your breaths are shuddering as he slips both hands on your hips holding them for leverage and gyrates his cock into you. It’s so powerful it makes your brain go void hands falling to the sheets gripping them as this new angle triggers your second climax and he has you wildly moaning “I’m going to fall apart“ you gasp feeling your self physically implode into the second orgasm. Your head tips back as your walls squeeze his cock so overwhelmed with pleasure you can feel the rush coursing through your entire body.
You are trembling in after shock as he continues his thrusts. He wraps your legs higher on his hips one at a time, a new angle to trigger your third orgasm. Your vision is going blurry almost foggy white. You feebly try to push him off the feeling so good but so intense at the same time
He leans down pressing his chest on yours working his hip hard making his cock touch the deepest part inside of you.
You cry out desperately and clutch onto his shoulders staring into each others eyes as your legs squeeze tighter around him at your breaking point “Gale please I…I..can’t orgasm again please” you beg him between his continuous hard thrusts. “ Give me one more “ he says over the wet slapping sounds of his cock pounding into you from your first two orgasms.
Your moans are so weak from sexual overstimulation and you feel the sudden peak in your core as an all consuming force takes over. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you clench on im feeling the most intense orgasm crash through your entire body making you cum warm liquid around his cock.
You try to push your hips up to get him out of you, the feeling so overwhelming as your walls flutter on his cock shocking your body with so much intensity all the energy completely drains from your core and you collapse in a heap on the bed in euphoria.
He rests his full weight on you holding you down to release his cum. He moans deeply against you feeling how drenched you are between your legs. You feel his cock pulsing triggering his orgasm.
He’s wetly pounding into you, his body tensing, his face and neck flushing red as the veins begin pulsing hard on his throat. He presses himself deep inside of you and his abs clenched as his cock releases thick silky ropes of ejaculate into your core. You both cry out in pleasure and you cling to him as he rests on top of you burying his face in your neck groaning so loudly near your ear it rattles your brain. He works his hips draining his cock completely into you on his final thrusts.
He stops all his movements exhausted breathing heavily against your neck his chest expanding against yours. You reach up and caress down his neck soothing him.
He kisses your ear and shifts his weight up once he’s relaxed. He presses your hips down using them as leverage to pull out and you both moan as his cock head slips out.
He pulls you to lay on his chest he reaching his hand to to caress your chin “Are you alright?” He asks tilting your head up to look at him.
You smile dreamily “Yes I feel fine” you say. He plants kisses on your forehead showing his appreciation of how strong your are. An idea forms in his mind as he pushes your sweaty hair back from your face.
“I’m going to run us a bath ” he says carefully slipping his arm from under you and replacing it with a pillow he knows he’s mentally and physically exhausted you. He squeezes your hip gently as he leaves the bed.
You hear him filling the bear claw bath tub. Your body is weary your eyes are heavy but you force yourself to stay awake sitting up in bed.
Gale returns when the bath water is filled. He sits on the edge of the bed just watching you sit curled up hugging your knees, your head resting on top of them he reaches and caresses your exposed back the sheet only covering your knees in the front. He looks so good naked you peek at his muscular thighs giggling as you see his large cock resting between his legs.
“What is it?” He asks looking down and back up at you with a mischievous smirk. He grabs your foot under the sheet making you squeal “Tell me what you’re giggling about over there, you giggling seeing my cock you must be giddy from all that I did to you” He says and you bury your face in your knees hiding in embarrassment.
You feel the sheet sliding off of you as he tugs it down to reveal you naked. “Let me see yours” he growls playfully “Gale No!” you say laughing grabbing back as much of the sheet as you can. He completely strips the sheet off of you and scoops you up in his arms.
He carries you to the bathtub setting you down and giving you his hand guiding you in. You submerge in the water which rises all the way to your chest, he climbs in the tub behind you water slapping around as he settles you between his legs and holds your back to his chest.
You sit together and listen to the sounds of the night enjoying each other in the romantic moment . The owls are hooting and the crickets are chirping with the lapping of the small waves against the lake shore just outside.
You rest your head back against Gales chest as he pets your hair. He tilts his head back against the tub the excitement rising in his chest smiling as he think about how he sexed you with his gun, it’s a moment he’ll cherish forever.
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dollywheeler · 1 year
October 17th, 1996
Dear diary,
The day I finally got my license, I left Hawkins for the first time on my own.
Taken by the illusion of independence, of freedom, and a joy for the leather steering wheel in my hands, I’d followed the widest road out of the town and driven for miles.
I didn’t get far by any stretch of the imagination. I don’t think I really wanted to. The moments the forests started thinning, houses populating the roads, I tried to steer away, tried to curve around the town and stick to the back roads, searching the feeling of tar-covered oblivion. It never felt satisfying enough, the roads never stretching far enough, my heart fluttering with a need to drive until my head was completely blank, until it was nothing but the never-ending trees and the tape playing over the car speakers.
I never quite got there. My mind has always been too crowded, notoriously hard to shut of, and even as I yearned to disappear over the horizon, to drive and drive for hours on end until I could physically feel my independence, my eyes kept darting to the dashboard, counting and calculating, always keeping track how long it would take for me to get back home.
I’d made it forty minutes before I came to a stop at a diner a little outside of Guthrie, an establishment far enough out of town that it looked like a lighthouse nestled between the trees. It was newer than the one in Hawkins, which still held the same wooden booths with dark green cushions and lamp shades dusted gold with age as when it had been built in ’39. This one was clean and unscathed, either built or renovated in the fifties or sixties, with neon lights that had to have been recently replaced judging by their shine, and walls painted in a fresh coat of mint green.
I’d sat down in one of the boots by the window, the place quiet except for the regulars that probably spent every Tuesday night there, and tried to take in the fact that I was out in the world for the first time.
We’d gone to Indianapolis before of course, either for a shopping spree or a visit to grandma while she’d still been alive, but that had always been with one or both of my parents. The farthest we’ve gone was a few holidays at Lake Monroe. Nancy and Mike used to come along when I was really little, but once he became a teenager, Mike refused to go.
After a few years of waiting for him to change his mind, dad finally decided Mike could just stay home on his own - of course, by then Nancy was already gone, so it was just the three of us. She’d tried to come during the weekends sometimes but could never stay long enough. I always liked how peaceful it was - just me, mom, and dad - but we never went for more than a week anyway. Mom and dad don’t like traveling much, and I think I’m starting to understand why.
Even glancing out the windows at the sugar maples, for all intents and purposes the same forest as the one surrounding Hawkins, I couldn’t help but feel out of place. My skin itched with discomfort, longing for the mint cushions to deepen into the dark green of the diner in Hawkins, for the faces sitting at the bar to become familiar.
A boy with warm acorn skin and soft eyes came up to me then, stilling my fidgeting hands around the menu. Wielding a notepad in front of him, his smile was bright and genuine as he asked for my order. Caught of guard, I rattled of my usual, and shouldn’t have been surprised that they served it. Nothing more exotic than coffee with sugar.
I watched the boy as he smiled before turning back to the counter, heading behind it to grab a cup and the carafe. The ease behind his eyes as he went through the motions distracted me from my own thoughts, falling into auto-pilot myself as I observed him, trailing his path from across the diner back to my table. He was nice to watch, calming somehow; the confidence in his posture intriguing, soothing, like a buoy in an ocean. I managed to smile in thanks as finished pouring my mug and left some packets of sugar, and with a glance at the other patrons - still quiet and content - he slid into the seat across from me.
I was strangely grateful, my nerves from being in the strange environment finally settling. Being outside of Hawkins itched at my skin, more so than usual now I was alone, like I’d stepped into another world rather than just another town. It wasn’t hostile territory by a long shot - especially not if everyone here were to have eyes as brown as the boy in front of me - but it felt wrong, a longing for home nestling under my sternum.
He introduced himself, and to this day I don’t know where he got the nerve, the ease with which he’d started the conversation. Now I’m starting to think I should have guessed all along - he was on his home turf, comfortable in his kingdom, eager to offer comfort to a girl so clearly out of her element.
When he’d move to Hawkins a months later, he’d be wrong-footed, surrounded by the unknown and the unexpected, always on guard. Here he was just a boy, smiling brightly at me until my heart rate was beating a waltz instead of a tango. We got to talking, about his town and mine, congratulating me on my license, and laughing in hushed whispers about the stories he could tell about the patrons still seated around the diner, whom he had to get up to tend to periodically.
It was long dark by the time I finally had to get up, way over my self-imposed curfew, having missed dinner in favor of sharing a basket of fries with Daniel. Somehow I got brave enough to ask if I’d see him around sometime, if he worked here often, but it had been his last week he’d said, would be wrapping up the school year and moving later that month, and the magical bubble popped, depositing me back into reality.
He was just a stranger, a kind one but a stranger nonetheless, and despite my earlier regret for having left Hawkins, I’d started daydreaming of weekly treks up the road. I’d hidden my disappointment well, instead feigning interest in where he would be moving to, heart skipping a beat when he responded with a familiar name.
The second time I saw him, the cheer squad was settling down in the diner, blindly finding our way to our usual table, distracted by each other. It was only when he stood at our table to take our order that I looked up at him, stunned into silence at the shy smile on his lips, the almost unrecognizable posture that spoke of uncertainty, off-key in his movements, like everyone had moved the furniture an inch to the left. The tables had turned.
And now as I’m watching him I can’t help but smile, reminded of the Danny I first met. He’s become more comfortable, more familiar with the space he’s inhabiting, and he wears it well. Even better - now, whenever he has a chance to breathe in between orders, his eyes are back to catching mine from across the room, smile wider than ever, confident and warm. It makes it all worth it - just sitting here at the bar, wasting my time at the diner in an attempt to spend some time with him. At least it allowed me to get our first meeting written down, to immortalise it on paper even if it was months ago now. Even if it means I have to stay up late to catch up on my homework.
At least Mike’s homework is easy enough to do in the diner even with all the distractions - we’re moving onto poetry so Mike gave us a bundle of poems to read by Monday. The fireside poets were fun enough, but I’m trudging my way through “song of myself” at the moment and though I really liked the first few sections, it’s getting too long and I can’t stay focused. I might just read the Emily Dickinson ones for now and keep the rest of Whitman for tomorrow. Or not tomorrow, as I'll be at Mike and Will's all afternoon. Saturday then.
Love, Holly
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you do more headcannons? please
Sure can do! The link above is to what Eden would be like when he realises he's in a zombie apocalypse and the TL:DR is basically it's business as usual for him.
You try to get away from Eden many times. From sneaking away in the night, to screaming bloody murder and attraction the undead while on supply runs with him. Your record of getting away has been 3 days.
It's horrible to admit, but he knows a lot that could keep you safe. Lessons you should have listened to before escaping for the three days, because you would have died if he hadn't found you.
The town was in the middle of renovations when everything hit. A road was being put into the forest to get to the lake. Construction equipment was everywhere, and you'd been on the lookout for an axe or a crowbar or something you could use to stay safe when a dug-up tree hanging from a crane snapped in two and landed on you.
That almost killed you alone, the impact sending you sprawling on the tarmac, the jump you'd made to get out of the way not far enough. Your ankle was caught. And the bone was broken.
It was loud, and soon enough you heard the gargles of the undead coming for you. All you had was a hunting knife you'd stolen from Eden when you'd ran. He'd been cuddled up with his gun, making it far too risky to try and take it.
Desperately, you'd hacked at the bark, the smell of rot coming from the old tree. It gave way easily under the blade, but there was so much of it to get rid of before your leg would be free.
The first zombie came stumbling through the trees. It was slow - most of them are now. But it would get to you soon enough if you couldn't get out.
For every step it took, you stabbed at the tree three damned times. The old bark bent and splintered as you pulled despite the pain shooting up your calf. More zombies came from the trees.
You wouldn't cry. Couldn't. You were too scared to, too pumped up on adrenaline as you snarled and pulled. It wasn't enough.
Something grabbed you, hands landing on your shoulders as your heart froze in your chest. You hadn't paid attention to the other side of the road, view blocked by the bulky body of the crane.
Those hands tightened on you. Ready for the creature to dig its teeth in and end your life. Instead, they pulled. Just as you made to turn and try to stab the knife into its head. They dragged you out from the dead tree. And hauled you over a shoulder you were already familiar with.
"Should have walked around the fucking hanging tree instead of going under." Eden was as charming as ever as he marched away with you, his long legs keeping a pace that the undead could never match.
"My ankle-"
"Yeah I'll wrap it up when we're home. We'll have to take a few loop around though so they don't follow us back, so grit your teeth and shut up."
You want to retaliate. Want to. Instead you tuck his stolen knife into his belt and try to come to terms with the fact that you'd failed to get away again. Worse, you'd injured yourself bad enough that you really would need him.
Maybe he'd keep his hands to himself out of pity for a week or so?
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themadisynhuang · 15 days
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Meadowview Farm, Meadowview Lane, Forest Lake [ Task003 — Home Showcase ] 
Residents: Madisyn Huang 
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3 ( 2 with full separate shower and bath units, 1 half-bath downstairs )
Amenities: Main bedroom ensuite, large kitchen dining area with open plan features, modern wooden beams, natural lighting throughout the room, all on 441.4 square footage of land, overlooking beautiful views of the town, and access to the commercial farmland.
Cottage-core dreams come true, Meadowview Farm is nothing short of whimsical. Renovated into a modern twist of the traditional farm home, this Forest Lake property is desirable for those who want to be at one with nature, whilst creature comforts of luxury. Designed in earth-tones to compliment the vast farmland surrounding the home, there’s pops of the unique personality of the unexpected owner. 
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bracketsoffear · 17 days
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The Rats in the Walls (H. P. Lovecraft) "link
After his son dies from injuries sustained during the Great War a man named Delapore leaves New England, with his nine cats, to purchase and restore the hereditary lands of his ancestors, the De la Poer family, in England. Helped by a friend of his son's, who just happens to be the nephew of the man currently in possession of the land, he discovers generations of mistrust and suspicion aided by local traditions of horrible, nasty deeds attributed to the land and his ancestors specifically. Then the cats start acting weird, the narrator starts having troubling dreams and the newly renovated ancestral home may be overrun by an army of nocturnal rats. And things just go downhill from there…"
Green Fuse Burning (Tiffany Morris) "After the death of her estranged father, artist Rita struggles with grief and regret. There was so much she wanted to ask him-about his childhood, their family, and the Mi'kmaq language and culture from which Rita feels disconnected. But when Rita's girlfriend Molly forges an artist's residency application on her behalf, winning Rita a week to paint at an isolated cabin, Rita is both furious and intrigued. The residency is located where her father grew up. On the first night at the cabin, Rita wakes to strange sounds. Was that a body being dragged through the woods? When she questions the locals about the cabin's history, they are suspicious and unhelpful. Ignoring her unease, Rita gives in to dark visions that emanate from the forest's lake and the surrounding swamp. She feels its pull, channelling that energy into art like she's never painted before. But the uncanny visions become more insistent, more intrusive, and Rita discovers that in the swamp's decay the end of one life is sometimes the beginning of another."
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Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental
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Jonesboro, Arkansas, nestled in the heart of the Arkansas Delta, offers a variety of attractions that make it a great destination for both residents and visitors. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures, cultural experiences, or family-friendly activities, Jonesboro has something for everyone. Here are some of the top places to visit in this vibrant city.
1. Craighead Forest Park
One of Jonesboro’s most beloved outdoor spaces, Craighead Forest Park, is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Spanning over 692 acres, the park offers plenty of recreational opportunities, including hiking trails, fishing, camping, and disc golf. The serene lake at the center of the park is perfect for a leisurely day of fishing or paddle boating. Families can enjoy the playgrounds and picnic areas, making it an ideal spot for a day out.
2. Forrest L. Wood Crowley’s Ridge Nature Center
The Forrest L. Wood Crowley’s Ridge Nature Center provides an immersive experience into the natural beauty and history of the Crowley’s Ridge region. With interactive exhibits, educational programs, and wildlife observation areas, this nature center is perfect for those interested in learning about the unique ecosystem of the area. The center also features walking trails that offer stunning views of the ridge.
3. ASU Museum
Located on the Arkansas State University campus, the ASU Museum is a treasure trove of cultural and historical exhibits. It offers a glimpse into the history of Northeast Arkansas, with displays ranging from Native American artifacts to contemporary art. The museum also hosts special events and educational programs, making it a great stop for families and history buffs alike.
4. The Downtown Jonesboro Experience
Downtown Jonesboro is a hub of activity, blending historic charm with modern amenities. Stroll through the streets and explore a variety of local shops, boutiques, and restaurants. The area also features several art galleries and live music venues, providing a vibrant cultural scene. Whether you’re in the mood for a gourmet meal or a casual coffee, Downtown Jonesboro has it all.
5. The Fowler Center
The Fowler Center, also located on the Arkansas State University campus, is the cultural heart of Jonesboro. This performing arts center hosts a wide array of events, including theater productions, concerts, and dance performances. With its state-of-the-art facilities, the Fowler Center offers high-quality entertainment for all ages.
6. The Mall at Turtle Creek
For those who enjoy shopping, The Mall at Turtle Creek is the largest shopping destination in Northeast Arkansas. With a variety of national retailers, specialty stores, and dining options, the mall is a great place to spend an afternoon. Whether you’re looking for the latest fashion trends or a quick bite to eat, The Mall at Turtle Creek has something for everyone.
7. The Historic Arkansas State University District
Take a step back in time by visiting the Historic Arkansas State University District. This area is home to several historic buildings that tell the story of the university's rich history. Walking tours are available, allowing you to explore landmarks such as the Dean B. Ellis Library and the iconic ASU Arch.
Explore Jonesboro, AR
Jonesboro is a city with a rich history, diverse cultural offerings, and beautiful natural surroundings. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a history lover, or just looking to enjoy some local charm, Jonesboro has plenty to offer.
If you’re planning a home renovation or a large cleanout while exploring Jonesboro, consider Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental for your waste management needs. With reliable service and a range of dumpster sizes, Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental makes debris removal easy and efficient, allowing you to focus on enjoying all that Jonesboro has to offer. Book your dumpster today and keep your project on track!
Featured Business:
Choosing Sullivan's Dumpster Rental for your waste management needs in the Arkansas Delta means partnering with a company committed to reliability and efficiency. We know that managing debris removal can be overwhelming, especially during renovations or large cleanouts, which is why we offer a variety of roll-off dumpsters tailored to meet your specific requirements. Whether you're tackling a small project or a major construction job in Jonesboro, our dumpsters ensure you have the perfect fit for the task at hand.
Contact: Sullivan’s Dumpster Rental 2320 B, W Washington Ave, Jonesboro, AR 72401, United States R7Q6+H4 Jonesboro, Arkansas (870) 316-8896
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCTysMF_weM
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPcxiDgcQQc_ooFMNg-UTSzJe7C-l-v8R
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sullivans-dumpster-rental/sullivans-dumpster-rental
Soundcloud Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/sullivans-dumpster-rental/sets/sullivans-dumpster-rental
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Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/sullivans-dumpster-rental/
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panie-wanie-dean-bean · 6 months
Name: Linda
Age: Mid to late 40's
Pronouns: She/her
Sexy bits: Pussy
Species: Human
Looks: Tall, plump, resting nice face (You've never seen her frown), bob hair cut, always in formal wear (usually masculine but she has a dress or two if she needs them), rectangular reading glasses that are always falling down her nose
Job: Mayor of Little Town (20 years running!)
Hobbies: Wine tasting, along with tasting expensive liquor in general. She enjoys having a nice glass of something from her cabinet after a rough day, and enjoys sharing said glass with you even more. Though, you'll be lucky if she even offers the glass to you. She prefers to make let you drink from her mouth. She must have some tolerance too, seeing as she always drinks you under the table
Kinks: Anything that puts her in control mostly but on top of that, marking, mommy kink, knife play, bondage, intox play, having you under her desk while she works, incest (mom or big sister), collaring
No-nos: Anything that gets her out of the drivers seat, she needs to control exactly what's happening or she freaks out. And you DON'T want that. Unless you're aiming to break her, then go for it!
Friends/family: She has a dad who's still kickin in town. She doesn't care to know whether her mom's still alive
Other ocs:
Clare was very useful after se disposed of the last store owner. What? He was running against her for the upcoming election, that simply wouldn't do. This town needs her, it was fucking joke before she stepped in. Good thing her new grocer lacks the spine needed to do something so inconvenient
April is such a handy little thing! She's willing to go into The Mines time and time again, no matter what happens to her. And thank goodness for that. The Big City's meat vendors were damn near extorting Little Town a few years back. But, with April's mining skills there's no need to look for meat elsewhere! The potent aphrodisiac she gets to keep on hand ain't too shabby either
Background: Her mom ditched her and her dad when she was little for the Big City after getting scouted by a talent agency. After that Linda made a vow to never leave Little Town's borders, and she's held it perfectly. As she grew up she started noticing just how in disrepair Little Town was, so she worked through school quickly, and took some online government courses after she graduated
It didn't take much, being so young and full of new ideas made her win her first election in a landslide. Sure there's been competitors here and there but that's nothing The Forest or The Thing in The Lake can't handle
How you met: Linda met you on your first night in Little Town. It was raining when she heard a knock on her door. The last thing she expected was some poor out-of-towner shivering on her door step, pleading for somewhere dry to stay the night due to the inn being under renovation
She welcomed you in with a warm smile, waving off your worry about her fancy flooring getting muddy as she brought you to her living room. Her fireplace was already lit, and it wasn't long before she brought you a spare pair of pjs she had lying around. They were a bit...sheer, but with the fire you were plenty warm
She even made you some hot chocolate! She was just so nice, so comforting when you needed it most. When you told her you didn't have anywhere to stay nowadays she offered you an old home near by. You told her there was no way you could even afford the down payment! But, then your head started to spin. Did the fire flare up? Why were you so hot?
"Oh, don't be ridiculous sugar, I would never ask for your money. You just lie back and let me take care of you~"
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
Preview: Dancer Between worlds
Chapter zero: 1 Pine Road
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An arte original for Moon in May 2023
Fic starts now thru June.
✨Fic masterlist✨
Words: 2,199
Warnings: missing persons
Preview below | Read in full only on A03
Please consider a reblog if you’ve enjoyed my work 💕
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A single home sat at the end of 1 Pine Road. An enchanting four-story Victorian with red brick and a high tower in the center. Upon first glance, it seemed like any other home, but it wasn’t. This was the birthplace of the Alliance of Shifters, also known as the A.O.S.
An antiquated building atop a spawning property, hugged by an assortment of trees, with a lake running behind it. And to the left, the dark green lawns led to a dense patch of forest just before the mountains.
The A.O.S. started as a research center and library, a passion project by founder, Emi Graham and her lifelong best friend, Hudson Delmar. The idea was born out of Emi’s desire for community and being able to teach younger wolves about their history. Education and sharing resources have always been some of her driving forces.
It was small-scale and under the radar for many years. Emi purchased the lonely house on 1 Pine Road, renovated it, then opened it as a club house. At first, it was just Emi and Hudson, then their friends, then soon wolves of other packs, and lone wolves showed interest. It was sort of a secret club for many years. Always a book and history collector, Emi build the impressive library that stands today.
Over the years, general community support extended to educational tools and occasional workshops. Once a second branch opened with Emi’s blessing, she got the idea to expand the Alliance. Though Emi and Hudson were both very proud and involved in their wolf community, they had shifter friends of all kinds. They never limited themselves to in-species only. Though many groups were rigid about that whole thing.
With some nervousness, Emi expanded the Alliance. Though some wolves were unhappy, it was a success and the A.O.S continued to grow from there. Now, what started as a simple low-key passion project was something much larger.
The A.O.S. wasn’t military, government, or police, it didn’t play that role. The community roots never lessened in importance. Now the A.O.S, and all its locations, offered community, research, education, networking, and assistance in issues that needed outside help.
If something couldn’t be handled within a pack or community, the A.O.S. could send one of their Agents to intervene and assist. The Agent division consisted of scouts, negotiators, and emissaries. The A.O.S. could help with missing persons, territory disputes, petty crime, relocation assistance, and mediation. Since they weren't equipped for high crimes or serious offenses, they left that to the packs and communities to handle on their own. Their agents could only investigate and act to an extent before they hit a wall.
Aside from the founders and agents, the A.O.S consisted of the founders, the Elder (also known as the board) who were hands-off with the day-to-day, the hands-on council members, and guardians also known as the educators.
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✨✨ Chapter one preview ✨✨
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houseofremodeling9 · 5 months
Discover expert tips for choosing a home renovation contractor in Lake Forest, CA, without the stress. From kitchen remodeling to bathroom renovation, House Of Remodeling Inc. offers superior craftsmanship and personalized service for your renovation needs.
Explore Our Services
House renovation Lake Forest, CA | Home renovation Lake Forest, CA 
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Bathroom renovation Lake Forest, CA |Bathroom remodeling Lake Forest, CA
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Custom Residential Home Renovation Design in Lake Forest, IL
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Paradise Home Design Inc. is a family-owned, custom residential home design firm providing a wide range of specialized renovation services in Lake Forest, IL.
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technojizz · 2 years
I just remembered you live in Siberia, sorry for these very lame questions youve probably answered before but I'm sooo curious
what's that like? (Other than very cold.) Have you ever lived anywhere else? How do you stay warm?
also what was your old url? I don't remember following this one lol
oh you probably follow me because of my spn blog i had like 5 or 6 years ago. i really don't remember what url i used to have fhsjaksjfd
i live in a big city, so in terms of infrastructure it's not really that much different from any other city i guess. the thing that i like is that i have a nice forest 5 minute drive away from my house, which is nice. i don't know if that's like a common thing in other countries? and also my uni and place of work are surrounded by forest. and we do have a lot of beautiful lakes and beaches and other landscapes that are easily accessed by a train or a car! and we also have altai mountains and dude this is the most beautiful (and geologically frustrating) place i've ever seen.
we have a subarctic climate (dfc/dwc type) so we have 4-5 months with a temperature above 5°C. the summer is pretty hot which is nice i guess exept that that's the time that i spend field working and boy i hate walking 12 hours a day under a burning sun trying to make my brain function. we basically don't have autumn or spring which is frustrating because i have to switch from my long sleeve to my parka and leave my collection of leather jackets and trench coats crying in the closet. the winter is pretty nice actually! once you get used to wearing 5 layers of clothes. i love having my 6 months no bugs season. we do have a couple on months when it's -25°C and that's the time when you don't want to spend too much time outside but when it's like -15°C and it's snowing and there's no wind that's the best weather that i can think of!
anyway i live in the south of siberia and the climate is really nice here comparing to the north. i once spend a winter in the city called yakutsk and this is a real nightmare. they have that thing called polar night so it's dark 24/7 outside. and it's also like -40°C all the time. but that's the year i had to see polar light so i'm not complaining.
my house is pretty warm! it has thick brick walls and good central heating that is also very cheap comparing to other countries. some of the older building that are crying for renovation are a little bit harder to live in when it's really cold outside but it's not like we have to sit home in our winter jackets or something
so um i hope i answered you question. i mean living here is not much different from anywhere else. i know that some people still think that living in siberia means living in a small cabin in the middle of nowhere and fighting with bears for food but dude i only wish it was like that
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sparksconstruction · 1 year
Green Building Practices: Incorporating Sustainability in Home Construction
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As the world becomes more conscious of environmental issues, incorporating green building practices in home construction has gained significant importance. Sustainable construction not only reduces the negative impact on the environment but also promotes healthier living spaces. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways homeowners and builders can embrace green building practices to create sustainable homes.
Energy Efficiency: Energy-efficient homes minimize energy consumption and reduce carbon footprint. Incorporate energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and properly insulated windows and walls. Consider renewable energy sources like solar panels to power your home and reduce reliance on traditional energy grids.
Water Conservation: Implement water-saving techniques by installing low-flow fixtures, dual-flush toilets, and rainwater harvesting systems. Efficient irrigation systems and landscaping choices can also reduce water consumption.
Sustainable Materials: Choose eco-friendly building materials, such as recycled or reclaimed wood, bamboo flooring, and low-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints. Opt for products with recognized certifications like Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for wood or Cradle to Cradle for sustainable manufacturing practices.
Waste Management: Develop a comprehensive waste management plan to reduce construction waste. Recycle and reuse materials whenever possible, and dispose of waste responsibly. Collaborate with local recycling facilities and donate usable materials to minimize environmental impact.
Passive Design: Implement passive design strategies to maximize natural lighting, ventilation, and thermal comfort. Orienting the house to take advantage of sunlight, incorporating efficient insulation, and using strategic landscaping can significantly reduce energy needs.
Water Efficiency: Install high-efficiency plumbing fixtures, such as low-flow showerheads and faucets, and consider graywater systems for recycling water from sinks and showers for non-potable uses like irrigation.
Indoor Air Quality: Promote a healthy living environment by using low-VOC paints, sealants, and adhesives. Proper ventilation systems with heat recovery can improve air quality and reduce the presence of pollutants.
Green Roofing and Insulation: Consider green roofs, which provide insulation, reduce stormwater runoff, and improve air quality. Optimize insulation to minimize heat loss or gain, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling.
Smart Home Technology: Integrate smart home systems to optimize energy consumption, such as programmable thermostats, motion sensor lighting, and smart energy monitoring devices.
Incorporating sustainable practices in home construction benefits both homeowners and the environment. By adopting green building practices, we can reduce our carbon footprint, conserve resources, and create healthier and more energy-efficient living spaces. Whether you're building a new home or renovating an existing one, embracing sustainability in construction is a positive step toward a greener future. Let's work together to build homes that are not only beautiful but also contribute to a sustainable and eco-friendly world.
At Sparks Construction, we take great pride in being one of the leading custom home builders in Lake City, FL. With a deep understanding of the local market, we offer personalized and exceptional services as a trusted home builder in Lake City. Whether it's a new construction or a renovation project, we are committed to bringing your vision to life. As one of the premier home builders in Lake City, we prioritize quality craftsmanship, attention to detail, and exceeding your expectations. Choose Sparks Construction for your custom home building needs in Lake City and experience the difference firsthand.
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faircontractorsales · 17 days
Keeping Your Broward County Roof in Tip-Top Shape
Living in Broward County means enjoying warm weather year-round, but it also means preparing for the occasional heavy rain and strong winds. Your roof is your home’s first defense against the elements, so taking good care of it is crucial. At Fair Contractor Sales Roofing, we believe maintaining your roof should be straightforward and hassle-free. Here’s a simple guide to help you keep your roof in the best condition possible.
Straightforward Steps for Effective Roof Maintenance
Caring for your roof doesn’t need to be complicated. Here are some simple steps every homeowner can follow to ensure their roof remains strong and secure:
1. Visual Inspections: Regularly take a moment to visually inspect your roof from the ground. Look for signs of damage such as missing shingles or tiles, and check for any visible wear and tear. These quick inspections can help catch potential issues before they become major problems.
2. Gutter Cleaning: Keep your gutters clear of leaves, twigs, and other debris. Blocked gutters can lead to water buildup, which can damage both your roof and the walls of your home. Cleaning your gutters at least twice a year can help prevent these issues.
3. Trim Trees Regularly: If there are trees around your home, make sure to keep branches trimmed and away from your roof. Overhanging branches can scratch or damage shingles and other roofing materials during windy days.
4. Deal with Damage Immediately: If you notice any damage, don’t wait to fix it. Small issues like a few broken tiles or a minor leak can quickly turn into bigger, more expensive problems if left unaddressed.
5. Professional Roof Check-Ups: While keeping an eye on your roof yourself is important, having a professional roofer inspect your roof once a year can provide an additional layer of security. They can identify issues that are not visible from the ground and offer expert advice on any needed repairs.
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The Benefits of Regular Roof Maintenance
Taking these simple steps can extend the life of your roof and save you money in the long run. A well-maintained roof not only protects your home from weather-related damage but also enhances the overall energy efficiency of your house by ensuring proper insulation and ventilation. Plus, a good-looking roof adds to your home’s curb appeal and overall value.
Need Help with Your Roof?
If you’re unsure about what your roof might need, or if you’d like a professional to take a look, don’t hesitate to contact us at Fair Contractor Sales Roofing. Whether you need a minor repair, a major renovation, or just some friendly advice, we’re here to help. Our team is committed to providing top-notch roofing services to the Broward County community, ensuring that your home is protected and beautiful. Give us a call today, and let’s make sure your roof is ready for whatever the weather brings!
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