#Homemade Rough Puff Pastry
fullcravings · 1 year
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Rough Puff Pastry
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askwhatsforlunch · 6 months
Friands au Fromage
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These delectably cheesy Friands au Fromage are a simple and delicious lunch to tuck into after installing Christmas lights in the front garden! The beautifully strong flavour of Epoisses make them appropriately festive, too! Happy Saturday!
Ingredients (makes 2 large friands):
1 cup Béchamel Sauce
300 grams/10.5 ounces Rough Puff Pastry
60 grams/2 ounces Epoisses (or another strong cheese like Muenster or Maroilles; unless you prefer something milder...)
1 egg
3/4 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
In a medium saucepan over a low flame, heat Béchamel Sauce. Grate in about 2/3 cup Parmesan. Cook, until cheese has completely melted. Remove from the heat, and let cool completely.
Preheat oven to 200°C/395°F.
Line a baking tray with baking paper. Set aside.
Roll Rough Puff Pastry out onto a lightly floured surface, into a large (30cmx25cm/12″x10″) rectangle. Divide into two equal rectangles, and place them onto prepared baking tray.
Cut Epoisses cheese into slices. Lightly beat the egg.
Spoon about 1/3 cup of the Parmesan Béchamel mixture in the centre of each Puff Pastry rectangle. Grate a little more Parmesan onto the Béchamel, and top each with slices of Epoisses.
Cut the edges of the Puff Pastry rectangles into strips, up to the filling, and fold them over each other, pressing in the middle, where strips meet, to seal.
Generously brush friands with egg wash. Sprinkle each generously with cracked black pepper.
Place in the middle of the hot oven, and bake, at 200°C/395°F, 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown.
Serve Friands au Fromage hot or warm, with dressed lettuce or a bowl of soup.
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rmoonstoner · 9 months
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Poisoned Empanadas
Moon Knight (Jake Lockley) x Spider!fem!reader
Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) x Spider!fem!reader
Violence, strong language, mentions of death, mentions of depression, sexual themes, someone gets hurt
A wild Miguel appears once again!
Chapter 5 - Pizza Rolls
Yes. I said it. Pizza rolls to me are just little pizza filled Empanadas. My favorite kind are the big Great Value bag of them. Let me tell you about the homemade pizza rolls I made recently. I got puff pastry, then filled them with cream cheese and extra old aged cheddar, diced dry aged salami, diced habaneros, diced onions, homemade garlic pizza sauce, and then close them up, cover in garlic butter, sprinkle with parmesan, and bake on parchment paper for 15-25 min on 350.
Another week had rolled on by since that very explicit dream and you hadn't run into Miguel at all. Even when you outright asked the criminals on whether or not they had seen a jacked up Spider-Man, they genuinely looked confused and terrified that there was yet another Spider-Man, and this one was bigger than any of the others. It almost made you question his existence, had the wizard not kept asking if you had seen him again?
You nearly lost hope on running into him. Maybe he found his way back to where he came from? Maybe he had to leave the city to find the thing he needed in order to do so?
Either way, you managed to get out to patrol for an entire seven days without seeing any sign of him. Perhaps he was busy, which was good. It was getting old being asked the same question every night. At least Peter had the decency to not ask about Miguel while in Stephen's presence. That would just trigger the doctor into playfully teasing you about it.
Thankfully, he hadn't asked about Miguel at all for today, come to think of it. Stephen had said Peter was there when he opened up a viewing orb to see where you were. Maybe Peter's little magic caffeine fit made him forget? Oh, who were you kidding, he aced his finals, so of course he'd remember seeing Miguel in the orb.
"Hey! Nice to see you!" Peter called out as you flipped yourself over the ledge to see only him at the meeting point. He was just packing up Gwen's bag that she had left the previous night.
"Hi! How are you?" You greeted him as he handed you a protein bar.
"Doing good. Since I did so well on my reports, I got a few recommendations from some of the professors. I showed them to Stephen, and told him I want to get my engineering and chemistry certification."
"So you plan on getting a doctorate?"
"Yes! I hope it makes Stephen proud. It's not the same kind of doctor, and it's more what Tony would have wanted-" Peter rambled a bit and you placed a hand to his shoulder.
"Stephen is proud of you. He'd be proud of you no matter what subject you pick. He would be proud even if you failed, because you tried so hard. You don't give up when it gets rough. He knows how much Tony meant to you and Tony wasn't one to stop achieving his dreams when he failed at something. You and Stephen share that drive, and it'll take you far." You said with a bright smile.
It wasn't a lie, because Strange talked about the boy a lot. He always asked how he was doing after a patrol, and he would be the one to do most of the first aid on the team. If he ever had to help Peter with an injury, the man would fuss while patching the boy up. Stephen would even be constantly mentioning how proud Tony would have been, had he been around to see Peter's achievements. The doctor almost sounded like a sweet old grandmother affectionately referring to her grandchild when he spoke of Peter.
"Thank you. That feels good hearing that from you." Peter replied as he cracked a grin.
"So… Does this mean I have to call you Doctor Parker? Or Doctor Spider-Man? Oooh! I know! How about Spider-Doctor?" You gently teased him. Peter burst out laughing while shaking his head.
"Absolutely not! It will be Doctor Parker, and then just the same old, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." He chuckled with a wink.
"Ah, good. Though… What about Doctor Webs?!" You gave a laugh back as you tried to picture it. He laughed and shook his head. The both of you got ready to head out, suiting up fully and slinging away into the night as you kept roasting Peter on the names he could use.
Most of the night was pretty calm. There was a fender bender pretty early on and a guy needed to be pulled from the wreckage, so Peter had helped. You didn't have much to offer in assistance, so you sat perched up on a shopping market roof to watch him while you called an ambulance. When all was said and done, you left to go seek out other problem areas that might need some help. The small police scanner Peter had built into his wrist watch sure did help a lot, and it reminded you of Miguel's watch.
Another occurrence was a man being held at knife point by a local drunk. Peter and you managed to talk the guy down and check him into a local drop-in center for outreach help. From there, everything was good. Nothing was off, which was great. It was so great that you and Peter stopped for a bite to eat on top of Stark Tower. About half way through your sandwich, Peter's watch and phone went off. He picked it up to check and his face fell.
"What's wrong, Peter?"
"There's been a breach in the Stark Tower security systems." He grumbled as he jammed the rest of his food into his mouth and chewed vigorously. You huffed and opened your sandwich and hurriedly removed the good bits, shoving them into your mouth and discarding the bread and other bits you didn't enjoy much. You both chewed in silence as you wiped your faces and hands.
"What? But we are sitting on the building..?" You asked with a confused face as you opened a soda to wash your mouth out, then handed it over to Peter so he could do the same.
"Yeah… I suppose we should go check it out, then?" He suggested. How could you say no?
Since Peter already had official security clearance, it was easy to get inside. You followed him in and down to the lower levels. He didn't bother to creep about. He acted like he owned the place, which he kind of did now that Tony was gone. Peter glanced at his watch a few times.
"Looks like the disturbance is in the vaults." Peter announced as he pointed to another stairwell. His tech was telling him the breach was in the power core reactor vault on the main floor. It was separated from the one that powered the building, and that was underground.
Peter directed you to the stairwell and down the center of the spiral stairs. He chose to use a web rope, while you descended with a disk of light. Once at the main floor, Peter quietly peeked down a hallway and motioned for you to follow. You darkened your suit and dimmed the lights in the hallway slowly, while Peter made his way towards the vault room.
There was a clatter of sorts the closer you got. Peter was a bit nervous, his spider senses no doubt going insane as he twitched at any noise. Yours, however, wasn't going off at all. You thought that was odd, considering the threatening nature of the noises that you were hearing. Scraping and clanking to be specific could be heard, followed by what sounded like drawers and doors opening and closing rapidly. The occasional crash of glass tinking against glass could be heard as well.
Peter stopped at the door, a weak light coming from inside. You could hear someone grumbling to someone. A man, talking to a woman. Peter was opening the door as you realized the voices sounded familiar, and before you could tell him to wait, Peter was zipping inside to confront the individuals.
"I'd stop that if I were you. Mr. Stark might be gone, but this building is still owned by his associates." Peter said as he clung to the roof in front of a large storage room door. The noises suddenly stopped and a growl erupted from the room.
"Spidey, uh, maybe we should be careful-" You started to say, when a large metal box was hurled at him. Thankfully, Peter managed to smack it away in time.
"Not one for talking, huh? Are you the strong silent type?" Peter said as he fired off a warning shot into the storage room. A small crash could be heard as a bunch of things fell to the ground and scattered all over the floor and out the door. You hid in the shadows and got closer to the door as Peter dropped down and darted into the room after the noise.
"Friday! Spidey needs the rest of the backup lights off!" You called out. The noises suddenly stopped as that familiar voice went 'huh?' And a second later, and the lights went out.
A scuffle occurred. You could hear Peter get hit and grunt as he came flying out of the room and hit the wall on the other side of the room. You gasped when it registered. You heard the distinct sound of bone breaking and Peter hissing in pain.
There was another crash, so you turned and stepped into the storage room, seeing a dark figure smash a window and climb up into it. The moon light hit his form just right, and you could tell immediately that it was Miguel. He turned to look back at you, tilted his head, then jumped. You looked back at Peter, seeing he was getting up and rubbing his neck.
You had a choice. Stay and help Peter, or chase Miguel.
"Get that jerk, Galaxy-Spider!" Peter shouted as he huffed while leaning against the wall. His arm looked like it was bent the wrong way, and his voice was dripping with pain.
That fucking dick broke your friend's arm!
You saw red, and then in an instant, you were across the room, handing Peter your bag for anything he would need, before running to and jumping from the window that Miguel had escaped from.
As you hit the night air, you looked around, catching a glimpse of Miguel zipping up a web to the roof of the building you just left. You scowled and hissed as you summoned a circle of light and stepped on it. You braced yourself and sent it straight upwards towards Miguel.
When he turned his head to check if he had gotten away, he recoiled in surprise when he saw that you were only meters behind him.
He reached out and shot a web to the next building over and kicked away from the tower. He used the momentum of the sudden change in trajectory to rocket himself away. He was fast, like ridiculously fast for a large hulking mass of muscle. It made sense, Jake was slightly smaller, but the cabbie was pretty fucking fast. So, of course Miguel, with the same setup, would be faster since he was a Spider.
"Get your ass back here!" You demanded as you aimed at him and shot off a web. He managed to twist himself out of the way. In doing so, he landed against the building and sprang away from it to go to another across the street.
"Fucker! I swear to the Gods, if you make me chase you, I am not going to be a happy girl!" You called out while making a series of glowing lights appear to get to him. He had gained a fair distance, now being three blocks away.
You could do this. You had chased far worse things than Miguel. This should be easy for you.
One blob at time, but surprisingly quickly as you hopped, skipped, and jumped your way to the fleeing Spider. You gave chase for over ten minutes, drawing you far away from the Stark Tower and the Sanctum. You hauled ass and pushed yourself to catch up with him, each breath coming out in a rush.
Your lungs were burning and your muscles were aching with the effort to get to him. You were angry and upset that he had hurt your friend, and had the audacity to break and enter the building that belonged to said friend. You had an idea of what he was looking for, and you even offered to help him, yet here you were, chasing a potential thief that refused any help.
When Miguel looked back, you were almost able to grab at his ankle. The panic was evident in his body language, and in that split second, he shot you in the face with his webs.
Everything went dark and you stumbled while trying to pull the web from your face. You lost your footing, slipping and falling off the light. A strangled squeak came from you as your head smacked against another gob of light. Dizziness filled you as you kept falling. The ground would soon meet you and you were sure it would hurt and do some major damage.
A whoosh of air hit your ears as you were suddenly grabbed and sent flying. It took a moment to realize you weren't falling, but now were being carried while swinging in the air. Large muscular arms held you tightly against a well sculpted torso. The heat from the man was radiating nicely and it felt safe and warm, even though a few moments ago you wanted to punch him in his stupid face. A few moments later, and Miguel was setting you down gently, but he didn't let go. He was holding on in an effort to avoid you lashing out at him as he removed the webs from your face.
Well, you didn't lash out. You stayed still while trying to control your breathing. Your mask was taken off and when you looked up, Miguel had already discarded his on roof you were on. He held a look of concern as he inspected your head, finding a bump, but otherwise everything was fine.
"You gave me a scare, there. You weren't supposed to fall."
"Well you weren't supposed to commit a felony by breaking and entering Stark Tower, then I am pretty sure you broke my friend's arm!" You snapped at him and Miguel let go of you and took a step back.
"I broke his shocking arm!?" He seemed surprised and his face melted into remorse.
"I am sorry. He was trying to stop me from getting the information I needed, and he shot a web at Lyla. She's all I have left. I didn't mean to hurt him. I'm still getting used to these powers." He stammered as he showed you the lack of pockets and anything on his person, but the watch. You sighed, but still had to ask.
"Did you steal anything?"
"No! Well, uh, just the information I needed. I swear, I didn't take any of those glowing core things." He said and turned around.
"See? And no, I didn't put anything up there." He indicated to his rear, and it drew a small laugh from you. You cleared your throat and stood up.
"Well, you need to come back with me. Tell P- Tell Spidey that you're sorry and that you didn't mean to cause any harm, though you clearly did, you big brute. If you don't, the wizard will make your life really fucking hard." You scolded him and pointed back towards the tower. Miguel frowned as he looked down and sighed.
"Fine. I'm sorry I ran."
"Good! Now I'll just shoot him a text and let him know I am on the way back with you." You muttered while going for your pack. You froze when you remembered handing it to Peter.
"Ah, shit. I can't. I forgot I left my bag with him. Well, you're gonna just have to watch your back while we go."
By the time you got back to the tower, Peter had already called Stephen in. You could tell they were there because there was a warm orange glow of the portals he was so fond of. You had to check and make sure Miguel didn't just fuck off, which, thankfully, he didn't.
As you approached, you could see Stephen bent over Peter. He was fixing up his arm with magic and making sure Peter was alright when the lad sat up and pointed at you and Miguel.
"That's the guy!" Peter said as he jostled forward a bit and winced. Stephen smacked him lightly on the shoulder.
"Stay still. The last thing we need is you distracting me while I am trying to set the bone back into place!"
"But, Stephen, the guy that broke my arm is right there!" Peter argued with a whine.
"Settle down. I know he's there. I can clearly see him." Stephen said as he twisted Peter's arm suddenly. A loud crack was heard, and Peter gasped and almost threw up.
"But you're not even facing him…" Peter protested quietly. Stephen huffed and pointed up to his forehead and Peter went quiet. He didn't bother asking how he could still see Miguel, when that eye wasn't even facing him. He knew it was magic and left it at that.
"Heya, doc. I found the guy. Brought him back. He's willing to apologize and explain himself." You said as you motioned to Miguel, then to Peter.
"Good. I look forward to hearing about why he's caused such a fuss." Stephen stood there looking at everyone with his arms crossed. He looked mad and annoyed. Of course he'd be.
Miguel was nervous. He was shifting from one foot to the other as he looked at Peter.
"I, uh… I am sorry for breaking your arm. I… I am also sorry for breaking into this building." He glanced at Peter, then at Stephen, before his eyes landed on you.
"Okay. Cool. Apology accepted. Now, please enlighten me as to why you broke into my building?" Peter asked while Stephen started using magic to speed up the healing process.
"Your building?"
"Yes. This is my building."
"So that makes you Peter Parker, then." Miguel said as he motioned to the room around him.
"The man that Tony Stark left all his technology and businesses to. Wow. That's wild. You're so young." Miguel looked at you and huffed.
"You could have told me that, you know. I wouldn't have broken in here if I knew that this place belonged to your friend." Miguel complained and rubbed his face.
"You're a dick. I offered to ask my friends for help, but nooo, you said you wanted to do it all by yourself!" You said and threw both hands over to Peter. Peter was perfectly fine by now, Stephen's spell having worked its magic and fixed what Miguel had broken.
"I said I could have asked, and yet, you declined and ended up hurting my friend. I think you owe me an apology as well Miguel!"
"You're right. I'm sorry. I should have asked for help. I should have accepted your offer."
"Okay. Enough of this garbage. Can we go back to the Sanctum? I really need to finish this book I borrowed from Wong." Stephen spoke up and started walking through the portal.
"You're not going to punish me?" Miguel had a look of surprise on his face.
"No. That's for Peter and her to decide. I have enough shit to deal with already. Besides, you're a Spider-Folk. That's their jurisdiction." Stephen announced and then he went straight to sit at his desk with his book.
"Let's get going. You know how much he hates waiting." Peter whispered to you.
You nodded and looked at Miguel, curling your finger in a silent command to follow. Miguel hung his head in frustration as he followed on through. Once inside the library, the portal closed up behind you. Peter was the first to fling his mask off and flop into one of the arm chairs by the fireplace. You took yours off as you sat in the love seat and laid across it.
Miguel awkwardly looked at the other leather chair and sat down. From this angle he could see everyone, and he noticed the wizard's third eye was staring at him through the reflection of the mirror up on the wall beside him. That was unnerving, so he turned to look at Peter. The boy gave him an obnoxious smile as he looked Miguel over.
"That's a weird choice in a suit. You look like you're wearing a child's costume. I can see some of the seams are ripping." Peter quipped and you giggled.
"Look, my outfit was poorly planned in the time that I had." Miguel huffed and rolled his eyes as he relaxed into the chair.
He was spread eagle with the way he sat, and your eyes wandered down. Just a peek, right? What could it hurt?
"Hey, doc! Can ya fix up his ugly suit?" Peter glanced at you as he called out to Stephen.
You looked away as you blushed, Miguel eyeing you carefully as he crossed one leg over the other. Stephen grumbled and flicked his hands towards Miguel, and his suit resized and darkened with textures that weren't there before. Strange went right back to reading, but he was eavesdropping, ready to spring into action should Miguel blow his top.
Miguel's reaction was an undignified squeak and a grunt as the new suit formed around him. He stared at the gloves, noting the rubber like pads on the fingertips and the slits at the tips of the fingers for his claws. He got up and went over to the mirror and gawked at himself, twisting right and left as he looked at the professional fine detailing of the fabric patterns. Miguel looked like he was wearing boot shaped socks.
He didn't know what to say as he looked at you in the reflection of the mirror. You had been staring at him, eyes looking right at his impressive looking legs, looking up to his nice tight ass, then up his back to his shoulders, and finally to his eyes. You blushed and bit your inner cheek as you smiled at him. He winked at you and then turned to thank the doctor.
Miguel explained who he was, where he was from, and when. Stephen quietly listened, while Peter kept interrupting him to make a joke or a remark about something, like if he really fell into a dumpster, or if you had pushed him. It took about an hour to explain himself in what only took ten minutes to you privately. Stephen decided Miguel wasn't a threat, and offered to let him stay, but Miguel was very adamant about having a hotel room and that he didn't wish to be a burden.
Stephen wasn't having any of it. He refused Miguel's excuses and he showed him to a room, claiming he owed his son at least one day and night of his time for the inconvenience of temporarily breaking his arm. Miguel relented and followed Stephen to the room, and you didn't hear from him all night.
Series Masterlist
Sorry Peter. Miguel is really sorry.
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: First image shows four small, circular pastries with x-shaped vents piled on a plate. Second image shows one of the pastries broken open to reveal ground beef, black raisins, and bits of olive and tomato. End ID.]
Bakery-style pastelitos de carne (Cuban stuffed pastries)
Pastelitos de carne are Cuban pastries stuffed with picadillo—a sweet-and-savory filling made from ground beef, olives, raisins, and sometimes potatoes. This recipe uses a sofrito of minced onion, bell pepper, garlic, tomato, and spices to provide an intensely flavorful base for the picadillo filling.
Homemade versions of pastelitos de carne often use rough pastry to encase their filling in large pasty- or turnover-style shapes. This recipe, on the other hand, is based off of a common style of pastelitos sold in Cuban bakeries—bite-sized bits of picadillo encased in flaky, tender puff pastry that is brushed in sugar syrup after baking to enhance the savoury-sweetness of the filling.
Recipe under the cut!
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For the dish:
1 batch of puff pastry
6 Tbsp (1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp) fine textured vegetable protein (TVP)
1/2 cup vegetarian ‘beef’ broth from concentrate, divided—or substitute vegetable broth + 2 tsp dark soy sauce
5 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, divided
1/2 small yellow onion, minced
1/2 small green bell pepper, minced
1 small golden potato, diced (optional)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp pimiento green olives, diced (optional)
1 Tbsp black raisins (optional)
2 roma tomatoes, chopped and puréed (1/4 cup), or 2 Tbsp tomato sauce
1/2 Tbsp tomato paste (optional)
1/2 tsp chopped fresh oregano
1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste
1 ciliment (bay rum) leaf
1/2 tsp cumin seeds, or ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 tsp sazón
pinch ground Ceylon cinnamon (or substitute cassia)
To assemble:
1 Tbsp non-dairy margarine, melted
1/4 cup (60g) vegetarian granulated sugar
2 Tbsp water
Ceylon cinnamon, or "true" cinnamon, is often used in Latin American countries; varieties of cassia cinnamon, which is harsher in flavor, are more common in the U.S. You can find Ceylon cinnamon at a speciality spice or international foods store; it should have thin, flaky, densely overlapping bark, rather than thick swirls.
Bay rum leaves are a common ingredient in cuisine throughout the Carribbean; rather than the sharp citrus-and-pine aroma of a California bay leaf, they have notes of sweet spices and vanilla. If you don't have any, substitute a pinch of allspice, nutmeg, or clove.
The link to a sazón recipe is for a Puerto Rican version, but a typical Cuban version of the spice blend consists of the same ingredients—just reduce the amount of achiote by about half.
Raisins and/or olives are typically included in bakery-style pastellitos, but they may be omitted if you dislike them.
For the filling:
1. Cut the potato into a small dice. Soak it in a bowl of cool water to prevent browning and remove excess starch while you prepare the rest of the filling.
2. Prepare the TVP. Hydrate TVP for about 10 minutes in 1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp 'beef' stock, plus a pinch of sazón.
3. Heat 3 Tbsp olive oil in a large pan on medium-high. Add TVP and spread it out in a single layer. Allow it to brown without agitating for a few minutes before stirring it, scraping the bottom of the pan. Repeat this process a few times, adding more oil as necessary, until the TVP is deeply golden brown on all sides. Remove TVP from the pan.
4. Make the sofrito. In the same pan, heat another Tbsp of olive oil on medium-high. Add the bay leaf and cumin seeds and fry until cumin is fragrant.
5. Add the minced onion and sauté for 3-5 minutes until translucent. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds until fragrant and no longer raw-smelling.
6. Reduce heat to medium. Add ground spices (sazón, cinnamon, and black pepper) and mix to combine; sauté for another 30 seconds.
7. Add bell peppers and allow to cook for several minutes until tender. Add tomatoes (I like to push everything else to the side and add the tomatoes to the center of the pan to allow them to come into direct contact with the cooking oil) and tomato paste and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture is mostly dry.
8. Finish the filling. Add browned TVP, fresh oregano, raisins, and olives. Add the remaining beef stock to deglaze the pan and continue cooking until the filling mixture is again mostly dry. Remove from heat.
9. Remove potatoes from water and pat dry. Heat 1 Tbsp olive oil in a medium skillet and fry potatoes in a single layer, agitating every few minutes, until golden brown. Mix with the rest of the filling.
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To assemble:
1. Divide puff pastry into two, leaving the half you’re not working with in the fridge. Roll out into a rectangle about 1/8” thick and cut into as many circles as you can with a 2” cookie cutter or the rim of a glass, placing each circle on a parchment-lined plate. Place the plate in the fridge and repeat with the other half of puff pastry.
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Remaining odds and ends of puff pastry may be baked as they are and eaten brushed with sugar syrup or topped with jam, spreadable cheese or fruit; they may also be gathered, rolled out again, and used as rough pastry.
2. Place a heaping spoonful of filling on top of a circle of pastry, and top it with another pastry circle. Press down firmly around the edges to seal. Repeat with the rest of the pastry circles.
3. Brush the top of each pastelito with melted margarine to aid in browning. With a sharp knife, make a small slit in the top of each pastelito to vent.
4. Return the shaped pastelitos to the fridge or freezer and preheat your oven to 400 °F (205 °C). While the oven preheats, prepare a 2:1 simple syrup by combining 1/4 cup sugar with 2 Tbsp water in a small saucepan and heating on medium, stirring often, until the sugar dissolves.
5. Bake pastelitos for 15-20 on the highest rack of the oven until deeply golden brown on the top and around the edges.
6. Using a pastry brush, brush pastelitos with simple syrup. Serve warm.
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rhythmgameurl · 8 months
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Guys I created a dessert pwease look
It's apple Gratin, baked apples, apple caramel sauce, vanilla ice cream and homemade rough puff pastry.
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troubleabroad · 2 years
The title will make sense, trust me. Another humid day today in Nawlens. Between jet lag, late nights, and all the shades of the carb rainbow, humidity really takes it out of you. We went out to the pharmacy museum to start the day.
The pharmacy museum isn’t just any old pharmacy by the way, its a collection of old medical artefacts (see modern day knock offs) located in americas first pharmacist! EXCITEMENT PLUS
in theory…
It promised a lot, and really under delivered. it may not have helped that there was a wedding starting there not, but the exhibits weren’t the best. The had a lot of unbelievable (see not original) bits and bobs from the first days of pharmacy, all with crappy homemade, printed info next to said items.
We left the pharmacy and made our way to the French Market, also known as the Shops Of The Colonnade. Fancy
The market is a small strip of generic gift stalls and eateries spanning about 200m in length. The gift side of it is all same same, they must all have the same bulk supplier who they then onset for, because originality was not very high on the agenda. The food on the other hand was far better. Many highly rated eateries are on the little strip of shops, including some of Nawlens signature meals! We started with beignets and a muffuletta. A beignet is basically a fried puff pastry-donut hybrid. Tasty, but sweet. The muffuletta is a delicious combination of ham, salami, provolone (mozzarella) cheese, some pickles and a mix of chopped green & black olives, pickled vegetables and olive oil. All of this is sandwiched between a great sesame toasted roll. It was probably one of, if not the, best sandwich I’ve ever had. Its certainly something that i hope makes it to Australia someday.
At the end of the child labour stands was the famous New Orleans Jazz museum! Certainly an experience that’s a must do in the home of jazz music! At least that’s what i would say if it were open. They were closed for a private event. Unbeknown to us, thursday is obviously private event day in new orleans. We promptly left the museum and went around the corner to a record store, after perusing the lanes there for a while, we needed a refreshment, Thankfully there was a brewery nearby! It’s almost as if record stores and beer go hand in hand. We stayed at the brewery for a couple of drinks, before starting the journey back into town to start our ghost tour!
One thing I’ve not done in new orleans is a ghost tour, and with such a rich history of vampires, wanted mansions and spooky stuff, its time to now do one! We got to our meeting spot at the steps of the Louisiana state court, with its vagrants nestled amongst the bushes, and awaited our guide for our walking ghost tour!! Its here the i need to make an important note. New orleans sidewalks (footpaths) and roads are in terrible condition. tonnes of potholes, broken concrete, one part we saw a hole so big the traffic cone covering it had just fallen in. VERY ROUGH WALKING TERRAIN. Remember that.
We begin our tour by meeting our weird lady guide. who has a bung leg.
She got hit by someone on a bike when she was getting out of a pedicab. So we’re off to a flyer. Our guide, the now who has to lead the WALKING TOUR can’t walk properly and is in a lot of pain. ripper. Thankfully before we take off, we are interrupted by a bit of fanfare in the street, as it turns out, for a cool $500 you can hire a full jazz band, have a police escort and walk the streets of New Orleans in your very own second line parade.
A second line parade is where a very loud jazz band will walk the streets of new orleans, usually after a funeral, and celebrate all that life brings. These people, as awesome as the band were, were not celebrating a funeral. More just drunkenly walking behind a paid band to look cool. Once they passed we were off to our first stop with a not so scary story about a haunted hotel room, that i don’t really remember is was that bland, something about a suicide or murder or something nasty. Anyway, we get going to our next stop, with our fearless peggy legged sue leading the way. We’ve got a bit of a holdup though on the way to our next stop
Not only are we being led by hop-a-long, we also have a nanna being pushed in a wheelchair. Remember what i said about being rough terrain? Well nan is up the creek without a paddle. Mind you, she was pretty agile and could have walked, but instead was being pushed by a rotation of her 4 daughters. After almost putting nan A over T, they caught up to the group for our next stop. Another death of some description, and another haunted hotel room. Dunno. Not very interesting. This went on for multiple stops. Slow leader in pain, nan getting bogged on the concrete footpath. It was all a bit ridiculous really. We did reach one cool spot though, and this one i actually remembered, it was an old convent that basically started the rumours of vampires in the area. Being a town built by prisoners, prostitutes and anyone else unsavoury at the time, the french decided that in order to build the population, they need to send women over to start anew. All these girls were sent straight to the convent so they were brung up good and the like, and they were “smuggled” in to the building by night, so as not to crete too much fanfare with the men. You see, a lot of men with no out seeing a boat load of women coming in, it could create a bit of a stir… So they get the girls into the convent, but their luggage is still on the boats. conveniently, their luggage was in wooden boxes that resembled coffins.
Long story short, the men saw a boat full of coffins arrive, and then extremely pasty (french girls who didn’t see sunlight) girls in the windows of the convent, Hence, vampires. We kept hopping along, nan kept getting stuck, and we reached our second last stop. This was also an interesting one. but not in a nice way. This building was once owned by a wealthy couple, who often hosted very highbrow parties. Guests often commented on the ever changing “staff”. “Staff” being the kind word for slaves. Albeit you could own slaves, in new orleans, you still had to treat them with basic rights and keep them employed, in good health, educated etc. So with constantly changing staff, rumours swelled. Until one day, when a fire overtook the house. The guests got out, and when police went in to investigate, they found it started in the kitchen. And the slave who started it was chained to the stove and would have rather died than going “upstairs" Again, long story short, but here’s the speed run version. Lady starts fire, mentions upstairs, police investigate upstairs, find disfigured slaves chained to walls, try to arrest homeowners, they flee and die. No one wants the house (haunted), until many, many years later when an Italian couple purchase it. The sell it due to constant scratching sound in the roof. and seeing a man holding his own head walking around (ghost). Find false floor upstairs with dozens of human remains from the original owners. Sold. And it remained unsold, until a man by the name of Nicholas Cage purchased the property! And it remained his until he forgot to pay his mortgage on it and it was taken off him. Side note, nick cage has a pyramid shaped tombstone already on a plot in new orleans for when the day comes. The time came to head to our final stop of the tour. We arrived looking like we’d just walked out of the trenches in gallipoli, hobbling leader and a bunch of bored infantry behind her, but we had lost a member of the group.
Nan didn’t make it. More specifically, nans wheelchair didn’t make it.
She got a bloody flat tyre. But, much like all heart warming stories, from the rubble of new orleans, nan arrived. Walking like the champion that she is, into the meeting point whilst another group member carried the wheelchair over his shoulder. Forget eric the eel, its all about nan and her wheelchair!
Thankfully the tour finished, nan survived, and our leader was off into the night. What a ride. We left the tour and needed a feed, so buggalugs had found a little deli/caffe/dodgy spot for food. What they say is right, the dodgier the better. We walked in and placed our order with the man at the front desk, who had a gun sling over his shoulder, then waited for our subs. Think the local milker, but if the local milker is at risk of being shot up or robbed. Thats where we were. We got our subs and walked back to the hotel. The ever present Dwayne was having a dart out the front so we had a chat, he was genuinely surprised we found and got food from this place. He said its incredible, and only locals know it. So that was kinda cool, that we shopped where the locals shop! We got back to the lodging and started on our subs. No word of a lie, it was the length of my forearm, and contained the following… Ham, shrimp, turkey, mushrooms, sauce, cheese. I wish i had of weighed it, cos she was hefty.
After the heart attack sub, it was time to pack and get our stuff ready for New York tomorrow. It wasn’t a bad time in new orleans, hard to have a bad time on holiday really, but in the 10-11 years since I’ve been here, the city has not improved one bit. Its still falling apart, smells like piss and has an increasing homeless problem and overall is a bit of a dirty city. BUT its all about experiencing different things when overseas i guess. Lets hope this sub doesn’t repeat on me…..
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soupofwhatsleft · 3 years
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Mini Raspberry, Cinnamon, and Blueberry Palmiers
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parveens-kitchen · 2 years
Leftover Vegetable Curry Puff
Leftover Vegetable Curry Puff.. Veg puff is my favorite snack whenever I go for movies in theatre.. yeah in the minority among people who love popcorn, but I love the crispy  puff with loads of vegetables stuffed inside more than any other snack. These puffs here are made of loads of vegetables that are from a curry I made as meal. Yep.. from leftover homemade curry, homemade rough puff pastry,…
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made grown-up homemade Pop-Tarts this weekend! puff pastry from scratch for the first time, cherry and dark chocolate filling, frosted with an almond glaze and chocolate ganache. a little bit of leakage in places, but I’m glad to gain pastry experience - rough puff wasn’t hard to do at all and I want to keep delving into pastry in the future.
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savorytoothgirl · 6 years
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chicken, leek and sun dried tomato pesto pie with homemade rough puff pastry
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wildeberryprincess · 5 years
Making pot pies again.
First to put together the stew part. Curry chicken this time, with sweet potatoes.
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Browning the chicken (bone-in thighs) after sprinkling with salt, pepper, and about a tablespoon of curry powder. I left the skin on for more flavor, but I have time to de-fat it later. If I were serving right after cooking, I’d probably remove it.
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After removing the chicken, added onion, celery, and carrots to the pot, and cooked a few minutes before adding ginger, garlic, some fresh thyme from the garden, and another tablespoon of curry powder.
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Deglazed with some homemade chicken stock, added the chicken back along with some seasoning, covered it, and into the oven it went. After about an hour, I added some chunks of peeled sweet potato, and returned it to the oven for another 40 minutes.
After it was done, I removed the chicken to let it cool before removing the skin and shredding it. Then it all went into the fridge to cool completely.
While all that was going on, I prepared the rough puff pastry. I had only a little bit of curry powder left, and will have to mix up more next time I need it. So that little bit got added to the flour before mixing in the butter.
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askwhatsforlunch · 5 months
Pistachio and Cherry Kings' Cake
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I am thanking my Summer self, for thinking of pitting and freezing cherries when I brought a heap of them back from the market on a hot day --and for the self-restraint I showed for not eating them all!-- for I could bake this delicious Pistachio and Cherry Kings' Cake today! A wonderful treat on a (very slightly) snowy Sunday! Have a good one!
Ingredients (serves 8):
1 cup frozen cherries
1 cup shelled pistachios
¼ cup almonds
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 tablespoon Kirsch
620 grams/1.35 pounds Rough Puff Pastry
1 large egg yolk
1 tablespoon milk
1 porcelain fève, to hide
Allow cherries to thaw completely, and drain them thoroughly. Set aside.
Lightly toast pistachios in a small skillet over a high flame. Once fragrant, remove from the heat, and transfer the pistachios to a mortar. With the pestle, grind until mixture resembles coarse meal. Coarsely grind almonds as well, and combine ground pistachios and almonds into a small bowl until well-blended. Set aside.
In a medium bowl, energetically cream butter and caster sugar with a wooden spoon, until pale yellow and fluffy. Whisk in the egg, until well-blended. Stir in Vanilla Extract. Then, stir in ground nuts. Finally, add Kirsch, and give a good stir, to mix. Place in the refrigerator, to chill, 15 minutes.
Line a baking tray with baking paper. Set aside.
Divide Rough Puff Pastry  into two equal portions. On a lightly floured surface, roll each Rough Puff Pastry portions into two 30cm/11.80“ circles.
Place one Rough Puff Pastry circle onto prepared baking sheet.
Stir chilled pistachio frangipane energetically, and spoon into a pastry bag fitted with a plain nozzle. Pipe frangipane filling in a spiral (starting in the centre) onto the Puff Pastry circle, leaving a centimetre and a half on the edges.HIDE THE FEVE IN THE FRANGIPANE FILLING!!! Top with the cherries.
Lightly beat the egg yolk with milk, and brush the edges of the Pastry circle with egg wash. Gently place the second circle of Rough Puff Pastry onto the pistachio and cherry filling, pressing gently but firmly on the edges to seal. Place baking tray in the refrigerator and chill, 45 minutes.
Preheat oven to 190°C/375°F.
Retrieve baking tray from the refrigerator and trim the edges -not too close to the filling-  with a sharp knife. Brush generously with egg wash and using a knife, draw a pattern on the surface. Place in the hot oven and bake, at 190°C/375°F, 35 to 40 minutes.
Remove from heat and let Pistachio and Cherry Kings’ Cake cool slightly, if you can, before eating, with a coupe of chilled Champagne!
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linklinkmore22 · 2 years
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[homemade] Rough puff pastry sausage rolls.
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crazemode5743451 · 2 years
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[homemade] Rough puff pastry sausage rolls.
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oquaacom · 2 years
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[homemade] Rough puff pastry sausage rolls. via /r/food https://ift.tt/udZAOXs http://oquaa.com Ô QUÀ chia sẻ nó cho bạn. Hy vọng bạn có thể làm những món ngon cho gia đình. Quà tặng doanh nghiệp, áo thun đồng phục; các sản phẩm in ấn, khắc thêu theo yêu cầu cho các công ty kinh doanh thực phẩm.
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sweetoothgirl · 7 years
Master List: Pies for Thanksgiving (or whenever)
(links work on mobile) 
GLUTEEN FREE                                              
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