#Hong Kong judiciary
“The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers" -Dick The Butcher (William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2)
Three organizers of Hong Kong’s annual Tiananmen vigil, including a barrister, have been convicted under the National Security Law for failing to give police information on members of the group and other data.
The key issue is that the police issued the demand for data on the basis that the organizers were colluding with foreign forces (which is a specific crime). The police refused to disclose the evidence they had to consider the organizers a foreign agent. The judge agreed that it wasn’t necessary and that we could assume the police were acting in good faith.
Chow Hang-tung, who has been in custody since September 2021 awaiting trial on other national security issues, gave a brilliant statement:
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shamballalin · 3 months
YOU MIGHT BE IN A CULT by Eric Swalwell
Stock picture of Rep. Eric Swalwell – WASHINGTON, DC – JUNE 24: Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) speaks during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on oversight of the Justice Department and a probe into the politicization of the department under Attorney General William Barr on Capitol Hill, June 24, 2020 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Susan Walsh-Pool/Getty Images) The following was delivered by…
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timothy-kang · 8 months
News/Chew Shou Zi—1 Feb. 2024
On January 31, Chew Shou Zi, the Singaporean CEO of TikTok, attended a hearing at the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington. The hearing was centered around two main issues. The first issue was related to the adequacy of child protection measures in th
On January 31, Chew Shou Zi, the Singaporean CEO of TikTok, attended a hearing at the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington. The hearing was centered around two main issues. The first issue was related to the adequacy of child protection measures in the platform due to the presence of child sexual abuse material. Additionally, it was noted that Hong Kong and Tibet were less mentioned on TikTok…
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saltyloafy · 1 year
the "came back wrong" idea but its how kazuma thinks of himself after he gets his memory back post dgs2-4.
even with his memories back, he can't wash away the dirt and the callouses on his hands from 9 months working at sea as a manual laborer, an experience he never would have lived had he never gone through the tragedy on the ss burya
he can't get the look in ryunosuke and judicial assistant mikotoba's eyes when they first learned of the assassination contract that he willingly participated in out of his head, the look that said that maybe the kazuma they knew, the kazuma they LOVED, did in fact die and stay dead on that boat
kazuma was never truly carefree even as a boy with the shadow of his supposedly serial-murderer father over him but now that the sheet is fully off of the gruesome scene, can he really ever go back to who he was before? will the guilt of the deaths he couldn't stop just move into the hole left in his heart left by the resolution of his life's ambition?
or how about how kazuma wanted to be the one to show ryunosuke the ropes of being a defense lawyer, but by the time he found him again, he had already grown into everything that he hoped that he could be (just without him). now that he was on the side of the prosecution, kazuma could never stand by his side in that way ever again, yet another thing that changed over that year that he was 'dead'. ryunosuke took his perception of kazuma's dream and flew to greater heights than kazuma ever could have(this is kazuma's thoughts talking), all the while while with kazuma's defense band around his arm and karuma at his hip. 'kazuma asogi' was already living on through ryunosuke, so why did kazuma still need to be here? he could no longer do what he had come to England to do, because someone else had already taken up that niche perfectly
if kazuma wasn't the son of a mass-murderer, the defense attorney who changes the judiciary, or ryunosuke's partner, than who was he?
I think kazuma deserves to be a little fucked up by the shit he was forced to go through as a result of the professor case being dragged out into the open and also his amnesia / hong kong adventure. kazuma already has his new goal in life figured out by the end of the resolve of ryunosuke naruhodo?? I disagree. I don't think kazuma would fit as perfectly into the role of a prosecutor as quickly as he did. I don't doubt he would be a very good prosecutor but after the adrenaline of the professor case fades away, there has got to be some growing pains,,, and seeing ryunosuke having adjusted so well to his absence (221B fam :) ) could not have felt great, even if he would've been accepted into that family in milliseconds if iris got a peak at that tortured face but that's besides the point here
the way that kazuma acted all cold to ryunosuke and susato during the van zieks trial, I can't help but think that he tried to distance himself out of fear that they'd see he had changed and not want to be around him anymore. that because he wasn't the same kazuma that had left japan's shores aboard the ss burya that he wasn't worth being a part of their family anymore. obviously he couldn't be more wrong. but let the samurai boy have a bit a brooding time, he deserves it
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mariacallous · 1 year
In late July, the Hong Kong judiciary quashed the city’s attempt to ban “Glory to Hong Kong,” a pro-democracy anthem that rose to popularity during the 2019 protests in the territory. In his ruling, High Court Judge Anthony Chan dismissed concerns that the ban would violate freedom of speech or stifle dissent. Instead, Chan threw out the authorities’ injunction because it was vague, ill-defined, and unenforceable. “The evidence contains little in terms of specificities on how the Injunction would … reduce the prevalence of the Song,” he wrote. “In truth, the answer to much of [the government’s] contentions rests in effective enforcement … I am unable to see how the Injunction would assist.”
It’s not often that a legal opinion takes on an authoritarian government for not being good at authoritarianism, but that’s what Chan’s ruling amounts to. As it turns out, in the Hong Kong of 2023—a city lurching into oppression while clinging onto the remnants of the rule of law—Beijing’s enforcers often aren’t all that good at their jobs.
In the aftermath of pro-democracy protests in 2019 and 2020, the Chinese Communist Party passed a draconian national security law that all but quashed dissent in the previously autonomous city. Since then, Beijing has leaned heavily on a team of hand-picked local officials to maintain an increasingly repressive status quo.
Indeed, in Hong Kong’s bewildering new political reality, strategic missteps now pass for official policy. Take the proposal to ban “Glory to Hong Kong.” Even before the judiciary’s intervention, the government’s misguided efforts had already brought more, not less, attention to the anthem. In a classic example of the Streisand effect, as soon as plans to restrict “Glory to Hong Kong” were announced, the song soared to the top of the city’s iTunes charts.
Other attempts at censorship have gone wildly overboard. In May, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department ordered a crackdown on politically sensitive books with the potential to offend Beijing. Scrambling to comply, workers pulled titles such as George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm—both of which are widely available in mainland China—off library and school bookshelves. Even more inexplicable was the removal of works by Lu Xun, an early 20th-century writer lauded as a revolutionary hero and taught in the Chinese school system. “Lu Xun’s books were not censored even during the height of the Cultural Revolution, but they are censored in today’s Hong Kong,” a local editorial opined. “We’ve become a laughingstock.”
Then, in early July, Hong Kong sparked international outrage when officials placed bounties on the heads of overseas dissidents living in the United States, Britain, and Australia. The plan, which authorities acknowledged was a largely empty threat, quickly backfired: Instead of stifling opposition, the bounties emboldened the dissidents, who landed high-profile media appearances and brought renewed attention to Hong Kong’s authoritarian plight. The decision also upturned officials’ attempts to reassure Western businesses that the city was open for business as usual. “It’s confusing why you would do something like the bounties that create a news story about repression when it was kind of going away,” said Jeffrey Wasserstrom, a historian who studies modern China.
More of these ill-conceived measures are coming down the pipeline. The government announced in March that it plans to pass an amendment prohibiting discrimination against mainland Chinese visitors by the end of the year. How exactly authorities intend to monitor and prosecute discrimination between people of the same ethnicity and nationality remains uncertain.
To be clear, the Hong Kong government’s tendency to get in its own way is not for a lack of loyalty. Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee, whom Beijing hand-picked through a sham election, has pledged that Chinese President Xi Jinping’s directives have become Hong Kong’s “blueprint for governance” adding that authorities are “fully committed to live up to the mandate.” Over in the local legislature—which Beijing stripped of all pro-democracy parties in 2021—lawmakers frequently and enthusiastically invoke Xi by name.
Instead, the issue is that Hong Kong leaders have very little experience working closely with the mainland Chinese political system—and as a result, have very little idea how to implement Beijing’s directives.
Under Xi’s rule, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has adopted an increasingly centralized, top-down governance approach in which senior officials issue directives to their subordinates, who are then expected to obey without question. Given that the directives can sometimes be notoriously vague—Xi has been known to issue one-sentence notes on major policy matters—subordinates have to scramble to correctly interpret directives from above.
In the mainland, this system (more or less) functions because Chinese officials spend years rising  through the ranks of municipal- and provincial-level governments, learning how to interpret the will of their superiors. At the upper echelons, leaders are promoted according to their personal ties to Xi, further ensuring that his directives are correctly understood. Plus, when it comes to regional leadership, Xi has a track record of choosing former scientific administrators—relatively technocratic officials with a proven ability to follow directions—to run prominent cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Chongqing.
Not so for Hong Kong. Despite his loyalty to Beijing, Lee is a consummate outsider and Hong Kong native who has never been a member of the CCP, let alone worked his way through party ranks. As a Cantonese speaker and practicing Catholic who spent 20 years working under the British colonial government, Lee is highly unlikely to share any kind of connection with Xi, nor does he have the kind of tightly built mainland networks that his CCP counterparts enjoy.
Lee is not even seen as a skilled politician or a competent technocrat. The chief executive spent four decades as a blue-collar, career police officer before being passed over for the department’s top job in 2011. The combination of these factors means that Lee and his colleagues are constantly overcompensating—although they have pushed hard-line policies aimed at building their credit with Beijing, their decisions have largely ended up backfiring.
Of course, the mainland government faces its own host of issues. Even without the involvement of faulty officials, Xi’s centralization of power has already led to a spate of unwanted consequences; the recent economic slowdown threatening China’s long-term growth is largely a product of Xi’s unwillingness to listen to his own policymakers and enact pragmatic reforms.
But it turns out that faulty officials are also pervasive throughout the mainland. Although Hong Kong’s dysfunction tends to attract more attention due to the city’s status as an international finance hub, the problem posed by loyal but incompetent officials is widespread in China. The disconnect between Beijing and regional authorities was especially prominent during China’s zero-COVID period, when local governments often imposed implausibly strict quarantine controls to demonstrate adherence to Beijing’s policies. (A small city in the western Yunnan province, for example, paid billions of yuan to set up a facial recognition camera system that tracked the precise movements of all 270,000 residents.) By mid-2022, even the central government was forced to admit some local officials had been too overzealous in setting zero-COVID policies and fired administrators involved in particularly egregious cases.
Unlike in the mainland, however, Beijing has no easy way to make large-scale course corrections in Hong Kong without attracting undue attention and looking weak. For now, the central government has little choice other than to stand behind Hong Kong and present a united front.
Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s judiciary, which has to rule on these decisions, is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. The city’s courts, which maintain a common law system inherited from the British, ostensibly operate independent of both the Hong Kong government and the mainland; Hong Kong judges are acutely aware that international businesses rely on their courts to enforce the rule of law. Yet judges are also acutely aware that they must correctly interpret Beijing’s will—or risk being overruled by the CCP’s decidedly noncommon law system. Going forward, figures such as Chan, the judge in the “Glory to Hong Kong” case, will have the unenviable task of choosing between obeying Beijing or sustaining Hong Kong’s patchwork rule of law.
Beijing’s tolerance for Hong Kong’s flailing leadership could eventually change. Carrie Lam, Lee’s predecessor as chief executive, assumed that passing a contentious extradition bill on her own initiative would prove her loyalty to Beijing. Instead, the bill kicked off the 2019 pro-democracy protests and plunged Hong Kong into chaos. As punishment, Lam was forced to retire at the expiration of her first term and was denied a position on China’s central political advisory body, an honor awarded to all but one previous Hong Kong chief executive.
Lam’s successor hasn’t sparked widespread protests, but Lee’s policies—as overzealous, haphazard, and erratic as they already are—still threaten to draw the mainland’s ire. It’s impossible to predict under what circumstances Lee will exit his office, but the issues at play here aren’t endemic to Hong Kong’s current batch of officials.
Beijing may have wrested control of Hong Kong, but as long as the central government relies on local leaders to oversee even the most innocuous of policies, missteps and tensions will inevitably arise—which, in a place such as Hong Kong, can still prove to be deadly.
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This day in history
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On September 22, I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy. On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine.
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#5yrsago Birtherism for everyone: Kansas woman told birth certificate can’t be used for passport renewal https://web.archive.org/web/20180911045911/https://www.kctv5.com/news/kansas-woman-told-birth-certificate-wasn-t-enough-to-prove/article_144c19aa-b50f-11e8-94f5-6b921312a97a.html
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catcatcatr1 · 3 months
If you're from a country that was colonized in the past, how do you feel about the countries who once were your rulers?
I am from Indonesia, but I have lived for several decades in the Netherlands.
This MLB Cincinnati Reds Hawaii Summer Hawaiian Shirt For Men, Cincinnati Reds Hawaiian Shirt is based on what Indonesians generally think about the country's former rulers.
Portugal. Bad colonizers, but smart and cunning people. They were the first Europeans in the Archipelago.
Spain. They had only been there for a short time and not everywhere. They didn’t leave a lasting impression.
Cincinnati Reds MLB Hawaiian Shirt Baseball Unisex Style, Cincinnati Reds Hawaiian Shirt . Mixed feelings. The Dutch have united the country and laid the foundation for the infrastructure and the judiciary. They also established schools. In this respect they were much better organizers than the Portuguese ever were. But they have also oppressed the indigenous population and humiliated them in their own Premium Cincinnati Reds MLB Mask Hawaiian Shirt 3D, Cincinnati Reds Hawaiian Shirt. After the Second World War we had a very bloody war of independence. Even now there are still some unresolved issues.
England or the United Kingdom. Why didn’t they stay longer? Otherwise, Indonesia would probably have become as developed as Malaysia, Singapore or Hong Kong!
Japan. Cruel and beastly occupiers, nevertheless the Japanese occupiers really led Cincinnati Reds Hawaiian Shirt to the first steps of independence. The Republic of Indonesia was proclaimed under the watchful eye of the Japanese occupiers. After the war they became important trading partners.
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writer59january13 · 6 months
Invisibly tortured courtesy existential nihilism
Psyche wracked with agony impossible mission to extricate lovely bones they wanna remain permanently abed. I chiefly function to amass knowledge courtesy assiduously, habitually, and judiciously reading an eclectic assortment of written material. Yours truly woke with ambition, disposition, inclination, and predilection to glean from an assortment of books esoteric learning since... birth, but particularly when experiencing emerging adulthood about two score years ago. Feeble attempt crafting poetry whereat gobbledygook doth trot - oven chilly cooked confusion eliciting faint thanks a lot unbeknownst this tasteless, senseless, rhymeless... lettered Rorschach test tease I jot interpretation, viz hitting analogously like amorphous melted ingot watch yourself...
d's lines iz still smok'n HOT, now I puzzle regarding how to extricate mess elf, cuz aye got myself into try'n to strut and trumpet hightailing (courtesy Google)
searching information superhighways one can cyber surf to Hong Kong,
(a coastal city and major port in Southern China,
bordering Guangdong Province through the city of Shenzhen to the north and the South China Sea to the east, south, and west) an entrepôt, (which goods brought for import and export, and for collection and distribution) yea, that autonomous enclave the region inhabited since the Old Stone Age,
later becoming part of the Chinese Empire with loose incorporation into the Qin dynasty initially starting out as a farming fishing village and salt production site, it became an important free port governed by Chief Executive, who serves as premier of the Region
and head of government
of Hong Kong beholden to The Basic Law which designates a system of governance led by a Chief Executive and an Executive Council, under principles of separation of powers, with a two-tiered system of semi-representative government and an independent judiciary. Anyway... when zombie like,
and hyper aware about mein kampf, and lxv roaming years
exhibiting conscious state (although that might be debatable),
I try to dead reckon eyes purposefulness astride oblate spheroid nsync with other gals and guys either one, t'other or all mask cue lated in disguise
impossible mission to triangulate Euclid say logic defies to comprehend gibberish, no matter how much you scrutinize his highness, qua shape shifting imperfect square stumps any tree mend us great mind to analyze me skewering, marinating, gunning... decries abiding any logical positivism queries best addressed to Lord of the Flies since nary handy dandy blues clues,
I opted out thus... rubbish provided to synthesize random words helter skelter strewn to symbolize absent any rhyme or reason courtesy handy matted figurative trapezoid doth employ no paradigm to exercise leaving comprehension after mine demise so go ahead chastise cuz I already know, never will said poetry win apprize. Initially, an attempt sought regarding Das scribe, yours truly donning
checkerboarded rawhide collared, cuffed oversize raiment, pride and prejudice obscured courtesy hand-me-downs couture also decking out alley oop trapeze artist bride of Frankenstein grooming in attendance with her bonafide circus motley crew, a veritable monster mish mashup happenstance didst decide unlike traditional feted newlyweds swingers airborne did only abide. The law of gravity aerial pas de deux bodies airborne aloft pledging their respective troths sworn fleeting suspended animation while shorn infinitesimally of Earth's pull only expert can playfully scorn accomplishment courtesy no greenhorne neophytes in utero umbilical cord, taking root as metaphorical acorn, thus unbridled and groomed skill inborn burst out the womb like heated popcorn snapped up since birth well worn genes Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus practiced morn till night stunts became second nature encore performance no matter bodies outworn. Curtain Call now doth close unrehearsed poetic gambit, cuz yours truly tuckered out I suppose ready to take his doze zee dough into dreamland, expose zing oft times confused with dark shadows of outer limits of twilight zone,
where me lovely bones froze
where sudden night mare arose gripping courtesy rigor mortis head to toes daunting wordsmith champion manifestation of daily woes. Suddenly me clutched by melancholic despair somnambulantly where countless tomb morrows tramp scarcely undifferentiated from yesterday's care wracking psyche with wrath plus fear at accursed purposelessness near faux sing myself regarding pas
city to emulate good cheer whereat time and tide
wait for no man/woman.
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fhjdbvhj · 6 months
Unlocking Business Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Hong Kong Company Formation
Introduction: In the bustling heart of Asia, Hong Kong stands as a beacon of economic dynamism and entrepreneurial opportunity. With its strategic location, vibrant business environment, and robust legal framework, Hong Kong has emerged as a preferred destination for global investors looking to establish a foothold in the region. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of Hong Kong company formation, offering insights and guidance for those seeking to navigate the process and unlock the full potential of their business endeavors.
Understanding Hong Kong Company Formation: Establishing a company in Hong Kong is a straightforward and streamlined process, characterized by efficiency and transparency. The city's business-friendly policies and supportive regulatory environment make it an attractive choice for entrepreneurs from around the world. Whether you are a startup looking to expand into new markets or a multinational corporation seeking to establish a regional presence, Hong Kong offers ample opportunities for growth and success.
Key Steps in Company Formation:
Choose a Business Structure: Before embarking on the company formation process, it is essential to determine the most suitable business structure for your venture. Hong Kong offers several options, including limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, and partnerships. Each structure has its unique advantages and considerations, so careful evaluation is crucial.
Select a Company Name: Selecting an appropriate company name is a critical step in the formation process. The chosen name should be distinctive, memorable, and compliant with Hong Kong's regulations regarding company names. A thorough name search should be conducted to ensure that the desired name is available for registration.
Appoint Directors and Shareholders: Every Hong Kong company must have at least one director and one shareholder, who can be individuals or corporate entities. Directors must be at least 18 years old and not be disqualified under Hong Kong law. Shareholders can be of any nationality and residency status.
Register the Company: Once the necessary documentation is prepared and the required details are finalized, the company registration process can commence. This typically involves submitting the required forms and supporting documents to the Companies Registry and paying the applicable registration fees.
Obtain Business Licenses and Permits: Depending on the nature of the business activities, certain licenses or permits may be required before commencing operations in Hong Kong. It is essential to research and obtain the necessary approvals to ensure compliance with local regulations.
Open a Corporate Bank Account: Establishing a corporate bank account is essential for conducting business operations and managing finances effectively. Hong Kong boasts a robust banking sector with a wide range of services tailored to the needs of businesses of all sizes.
Benefits of Hong Kong Company Formation:
Strategic Location: Situated at the crossroads of Asia, Hong Kong serves as a gateway to the vast markets of China and beyond. Its proximity to major economies and well-developed infrastructure make it an ideal base for regional expansion.
Tax Efficiency: Hong Kong's simple and transparent tax system, with low corporate tax rates and no capital gains tax or VAT, offers significant advantages to businesses. This favorable tax environment promotes investment and fosters economic growth.
Legal and Regulatory Stability: Hong Kong's robust legal framework, based on the common law system, provides a high level of certainty and protection for businesses. The city's independent judiciary upholds the rule of law, ensuring a fair and transparent business environment.
Access to Talent: With its highly educated and multilingual workforce, Hong Kong offers access to a diverse pool of talent equipped with the skills and expertise needed to drive innovation and growth.
Conclusion: In conclusion, Hong Kong company formation presents a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to establish a presence in Asia's dynamic markets. With its strategic location, favorable business environment, and supportive regulatory framework, Hong Kong offers a solid foundation for success. By following the key steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the benefits of doing business in Hong Kong, entrepreneurs can unlock new avenues of growth and prosperity for their ventures.
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thxnews · 8 months
UK Advocates for Global Human Rights Improvements
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Introduction to the Universal Periodic Review
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) stands as a cornerstone of the Human Rights Council's efforts to scrutinize and enhance human rights across all 193 UN member states. The UK, a staunch supporter of this process, has actively participated in discussions about every country since the UPR's inception. The latest session brought under review the human rights situations in 13 countries, ranging from Belize to Senegal, emphasizing the global commitment to fostering human dignity.   Focus on Women’s and Girls’ Rights Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon, in his closing remarks, underscored the UK's dedication to advancing women's and girls' rights. With specific recommendations for countries like Mauritius, the Central African Republic, and Malaysia, the UK's advocacy for legal reforms and the implementation of national strategies against gender-based violence was clear. The UK’s commitment to gender equality and the eradication of discriminatory practices forms a central theme in its international human rights agenda.  
Country-Specific Concerns and Recommendations
China’s Human Rights Challenges The UK voiced serious concerns about the human rights situation in China, highlighting the suppression of cultural and religious identities, particularly among Uyghurs and Tibetans. Lord Ahmad called for an end to the persecution, arbitrary detention, and widespread surveillance, advocating for the repeal of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and the assurance of an impartial judiciary throughout China.   Mexico’s Leadership and Areas for Improvement Acknowledged Mexico’s efforts in leading on gender and LGBT+ rights. However, highlighted issues such as corruption, violence against women, and the need for demilitarizing the National Guard. The UK urged Mexico to bolster its mechanisms for protecting journalists and human rights defenders, emphasizing freedom of expression as a fundamental right.   Progress and Expectations for Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia’s advancements in women's rights since its last UPR were recognized. Nevertheless, the UK urged further reforms in counter-terrorism legislation and the Specialised Criminal Court's operations to align with international human rights standards, particularly regarding freedom of expression.   Malta’s Commitment to Human Rights The UK praised Malta for its strong human rights record, especially in LGBT+ rights, and the government's efforts to address media freedom and the rule of law in the wake of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder. Lord Ahmad encouraged Malta to persist in its reform agenda and utilize its position on the UNSC to champion women, peace, and security.  
A Call for Continued Progress
Lord Ahmad concluded his statement by urging the reviewed countries to consider the UK’s recommendations seriously and to strive for the full realization of human rights. The UK looks forward to the formal adoption of these recommendations at the 56th session of the Human Rights Council, reinforcing its commitment to human rights advocacy on the global stage.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon. Read the full article
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Events 11.19 (after 1950)
1950 – US General Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes Supreme Commander of NATO-Europe. 1952 – Greek Field Marshal Alexander Papagos becomes the 152nd Prime Minister of Greece. 1954 – Télé Monte Carlo, Europe's oldest private television channel, is launched by Prince Rainier III. 1955 – National Review publishes its first issue. 1967 – The establishment of TVB, the first wireless commercial television station in Hong Kong. 1969 – Apollo program: Apollo 12 astronauts Pete Conrad and Alan Bean land at Oceanus Procellarum (the "Ocean of Storms") and become the third and fourth humans to walk on the Moon. 1969 – Association football player Pelé scores his 1,000th goal. 1977 – TAP Air Portugal Flight 425 crashes in the Madeira Islands, killing 131. 1979 – Iran hostage crisis: Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini orders the release of 13 female and black American hostages being held at the US Embassy in Tehran. 1984 – San Juanico disaster: A series of explosions at the Pemex petroleum storage facility at San Juan Ixhuatepec in Mexico City starts a major fire and kills about 500 people. 1985 – Cold War: In Geneva, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Union General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev meet for the first time. 1985 – Pennzoil wins a US$10.53 billion judgment against Texaco, in the largest civil verdict in the history of the United States, stemming from Texaco executing a contract to buy Getty Oil after Pennzoil had entered into an unsigned, yet still binding, buyout contract with Getty. 1985 – Police in Baling, Malaysia, lay siege to houses occupied by an Islamic sect of about 400 people led by Ibrahim Mahmud. 1988 – Serbian communist representative and future Serbian and Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević publicly declares that Serbia is under attack from Albanian separatists in Kosovo as well as internal treachery within Yugoslavia and a foreign conspiracy to destroy Serbia and Yugoslavia. 1994 – In the United Kingdom, the first National Lottery draw is held. A £1 ticket gave a one-in-14-million chance of correctly guessing the winning six out of 49 numbers. 1996 – A Beechcraft 1900 and a Beechcraft King Air collide at Quincy Regional Airport in Quincy, Illinois, killing 14. 1998 – Clinton–Lewinsky scandal: The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee begins impeachment hearings against U.S. President Bill Clinton. 1999 – Shenzhou 1: The People's Republic of China launches its first Shenzhou spacecraft. 1999 – John Carpenter becomes the first person to win the top prize in the TV game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. 2002 – The Greek oil tanker Prestige splits in half and sinks off the coast of Galicia, releasing over 76,000 m3 (20 million US gal) of oil in the largest environmental disaster in Spanish and Portuguese history. 2004 – The worst brawl in NBA history results in several players being suspended. Several players and fans are charged with assault and battery. 2010 – The first of four explosions takes place at the Pike River Mine in New Zealand. Twenty-nine people are killed in the nation's worst mining disaster since 1914. 2013 – A double suicide bombing at the Iranian embassy in Beirut kills 23 people and injures 160 others. 2022 – A gunman kills five and injures 17 at Club Q, a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
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Just a reminder as the trial of the Hong Kong 47 begins: their criminal act was holding informal primary elections before official elections. Holding primaries allowed them to identify their strongest candidates, which would (according to prosecutors) allow them to “paralyze the government and undermine state power” by winning a majority of seats in the legislature.
So there you have it. By taking steps to increase your chances of winning an election, you are against the government and guilty of subversion.
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nikhilseo · 2 years
Chandrababu Naidu's Vision Brings Iconic Development To Amaravati: A World-Class State Capital Underway
Andhra Pradesh Former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu has finalized designs submitted by Norman Foster and Partners for the High Court and Assembly buildings in Amaravati, the state capital. The plans were presented by representatives from the British architectural firm after receiving inputs from the Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA) officials. The designs for the two iconic structures, shaped like a diamond for the High Court building and a Buddhist stupa for the Assembly building, were discussed and reviewed by the Former Chief Minister, state ministers, and other high-level officials.
One of the key suggestions made by the Chief Minister was to interchange the designs of the two buildings so that the historic Kohinoor diamond inspired the Assembly building. This was done to reflect the region's history and significance, with the High Court building symbolizing justice and happiness for the people. The Former Chief Minister also stated that the area containing the High Court and judiciary residency complexes, known as the "Justice City", would be benchmarked against the standards set by London and Hong Kong.  Nara Chandrababu Naidu has been instrumental in developing Amaravati as the new state capital, with his leadership and vision for the city. Under his leadership, the TDP government has achieved a great deal in the development of Amaravati, making it one of the most progressive and well-planned cities in India. The Chief Minister's focus on environmental friendliness, energy infrastructure, and waste disposal systems has helped create a sustainable and livable city for the people. He is considering this plan would be the Best Achievement of TDP in his history.
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In another meeting, the Andhra Pradesh government signed MOUs with the Japanese government for technology transfer in several key areas, including weather forecasting, water treatment and solid waste management, and signaling technology in Vijayawada and Amaravati. The Chief Minister and the Japanese Minister for Economic Trade and Industry participated in the program, demonstrating the strong ties between the two countries and the commitment to making Amaravati a world-class city. Nara Chandrababu Naidu's Contribution to the development of Andhra Pradesh and Amaravati has been substantial. His leadership and vision have helped the state become one of the fastest-growing and most advanced in India. His focus on technology and innovation, coupled with his commitment to the environment, has helped create a city that is sustainable, livable, and attractive to businesses and investors. The final designs for the High Court and Assembly buildings in Amaravati are a testament to the Chief Minister's vision and leadership, and they are sure to become iconic structures that symbolize the progress and development of Andhra Pradesh. The architecture firm will meet with the ministers in two days to officially commence the execution of the project, and the Chief Justice will also be consulted for further suggestions.  You can go through TDP's Latest News for more information like Top TDP Achievements which are done by TDP Leaders and TDP MLAs under the Leadership of  Nara Chandrababu Naidu, Former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.
In conclusion, the development of Amaravati as the state capital of Andhra Pradesh has been an essential project for Chandrababu Naidu and his TDP government. The Chief Minister's vision and leadership have helped create a city that is sustainable, livable, and technologically advanced, with iconic structures that symbolize the progress and development of the state. The MOUs signed with the Japanese government further demonstrate the commitment to making Amaravati a world-class city and an essential hub for business and investment.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Alibaba Cloud tech fault shuts down major websites in Macao
Alibaba Cloud tech fault shuts down major websites in Macao
A tech problem at Alibaba Cloud in Hong Kong shut down numerous websites in Macao yesterday. The Judiciary Police (PJ) announced that the websites of “critical infrastructure operators” such as the Macao Monetary Authority, gaming operator Galaxy Entertainment Group, food delivery platforms such as Aomi and mFood, local media mobile apps such as Chinese-language newspaper Macao Daily News, Lotus…
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reportwire · 2 years
Britain to withdraw judges from Hong Kong top court
Britain to withdraw judges from Hong Kong top court
Britain says it’s withdrawing its judges from Hong Kong’s top court because keeping them there would “legitimize oppression” in the former British colony By JILL LAWLESS and DANICA KIRKA Associated Press March 30, 2022, 10:50 AM • 3 min read Share to FacebookShare to TwitterEmail this article LONDON — Britain said Wednesday that it is withdrawing its judges from Hong Kong’s top court because…
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saharanewsporn · 4 years
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By BY AUSTIN RAMZY from World in the New York Times-https://ift.tt/2X9JUrG Lu Siwei and Ren Quanniu were barred from aiding a group of pro-democracy protesters who were arrested at sea, but could still lose their licenses. China Moves to Punish Lawyers Hired to Help Hong Kong Activists New York Times
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