#Hongari X Konig
leandmaddy · 1 year
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leandmaddy · 1 year
"Always be with you"
Ship~ Konig X Hongari
Type~ Angst
Cw~Swearing mentions of death, death
"Konig! How'd' it go?" The smaller man said running to his taller boyfriend who just climbed out of the truck. "Uh... It was ok..." The taller man said starting to walk back to the building with the smaller
"Konig!" Price yelled inside as soon as they opened the door and was inside the building. "Y-yes Cpt.?" Konig worriedly said taking off his hood. "Your next mission is in a couple of weeks; you need to scout with Hongari." Price explained the whole plane to the two men. "Got it?" Price put out his cigar and stood up. "Yes sir." The two men said in sync. "Good, not get out of my sight."
The two men excused themselves and went to their rooms. Konig was sitting on Hongari's bed with him. "What's on your mind big guy?" Hongari asked, climbing into Konig's lap. "I-I'm not the best at patrols, because of all the waiting and sitting." Konig said, pulling the smaller closer to his body.
The smaller took off his Glasses, and mask. "We can bring some quiet toys, for you to mess with." "O-ok..."
"Konig I can tell that something else is on your mind, what's wrong love?" The smaller asked readjusting himself to be straddling Konig's lap and facing the taller. "I hate going on missions without you, or anyone matter of fact. Price knows that I hate going alone because if something happens to me no one's going to be there to help of save me." Konig kept on going on about how he felt.
This is the most words Konig has ever said, both of the men, were people of few words, but Hongari sat on the taller's lap listening and comforting the taller. After Konig was done, it was clear to tell that he had a tear he was fighting to stay in his eye. "Ko- love, no matter how far away we are apart, I'll always be with you."
'Always be with you.' is the last thing Konig's brain thought of as he heard the smaller yelling for him. Konig wanted to yell out, but he didn't have the energy to even talk.
"KONIG! WHERE ARE YOU!" Hongari was yelling, starting to lose his voice from the yelling. The smaller was kicking around rubble looking for the German. He found Konig's hood. "Shit." It had a small whole, right where the frontal lobe of the brain is, and some blood splotches. "Shit, shit, shit!" He felt the hole, thank whatever god is up there that the bullet didn't do through.
"KONIG!" The smaller yelled out one more time before seeing Konig's hair sticking out of some rubble. "Konig!" The smaller ran over and started moving things. There Infront of him, his boyfriend who was slipping in and out of conciseness. "Shit, Konig stay with me!" Hongari demanded looking for his med kit. "Fuck where is it!?" Hongari took off his vest to look for the kit. "SHIT!" He didn't have it, and he couldn't leave his lover.
He grabbed his Radio. "WENEEDAMEDICATOURCORDINITS!FAST!" The Korean yelled into the radio. "Slowdown, what is it?" "We need a medic at our coordinates. fast. Konig is in and out, not responding. no clear bullet wounds." "Ok, one's on his way, try to stop any bleeding with your kit." "That will be a problem." "Why?" "I don't have my kit, and Konig's on his."
After he made the call, Hongari picked up Konig's head and held it close to his chest, bent over, he could feel tears, and he just let them fall. Fall onto his dyeing boyfriend, fall onto the floor of rubble, fall, and fall, and fall.
"Hongari?" "Konig! You're going to be ok, it's going to be ok. stay awake." The smaller said, trying to now hide his crying.
Konig raised a weak hand and wiped the tears that were on the smaller's scared face, he weakly spoke. "I'll always be with you... I love you..." With that he closed his eyes and didn't reopen them. "No, no nonononononononononono. KONIG! KONIG WAKE UP!" More tears fell, but this time he didn't wake.
The medics got there but it was too late, Konig was gone, and he couldn't be brought back.
Hongari now walked around in Konig's clothes and wore Konig's hood. "Hey Hongari, Price needs to see you." Soap said through the closed and locked door.
"Be out in a min." Hongari groaned as he sat up, from his late boyfriend's bed. He climbed out, not bothering to change, look presentable, or even put on shoes.
He found Price, sitting at a table, with Gaz. "You wanted to see me?" "Ah, Kim. I have something for you." "What?" Price held out his hand. The smaller man went over to the man and held out his hand under the older man's. Price opened his hand and placed something into the smaller's hands.
Hongari looked down, it was Konig's dog tags. "But sir, tags are for family..." "You were the only one marked down for family." He felt more tears ready to fall, but he didn't want to break down Infront of his cpt.
"Come here." Price said setting is cigar down and opening his arms. Kim hesitated but went into the hug. "Let it out son, we won't judge you." And that's what Hongari did, he cried until he passed out, clutching the tags in his hand close to his heart, not letting go.
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