#Hoo boy this got long
Looking back on the entire show after watching the finale makes me realize just the insane amount of detail and foreshadowing present.
Whenever N’s memory gets brought up, it’s usually paired with him being beheaded
Ep 1: Gets his head blasted off by Uzi and loses 2 hours of memory
Ep 3: Brings up his memory to V who slices his head off
Ep 5: The episode is all about N’s memories and we briefly see his worker drone body missing it’s head when they get to the basement
Ep 8: The Solver rips N’s head off, and after regrowing it, he recalls another memory of the Solver tearing him apart as a worker
The constant emphasis on hands in the show
The disassembly drones having swappable hands
Uzi gets stabbed in the hand in episode one
The Solver and eldritch J with the weird human hand tentacles
The fact that characters are constantly losing hands and arms
V’s weird monster arm from the flashback
The handlights indicating whether a drone is possessed
The constant close ups of whenever N and Uzi hold hands
The secret handshake
Uzi’s hand burning in ep4 and her hand burning as she destroys Cyn’s heart in ep8
The Solver using Tessa’s hand and fingerprint to get past a Captcha Test
The solver powers revolving around hand movement
The hands on Uzi’s wings
Doll’s knife going through Uzi’s hand
Alice chopping Uzi’s finger off
N chopping Uzi’s hand off to save her
There’s more here, and it happens in the other Glitch shows too. For example, Pomni’s glitched hand, the Meta Runner arms being the main catalyst for the conflict in MR, and meme guardians holding hands for power in SMG4
The constant foreshadowing for CynTessa and the little details that make so much more sense in hindsight
Episodes 6 and 7 we see N, V, and J’s yellow eyes reflected in Tessa’s helmet
The creepy apparition of CynTessa in Ep4
Cyn and Tessa having the exact same haircut
The whole entire scene with Tessa and the sentinels
Without the context of ep7, that scene plays out like Uzi’s stress at seeing N get attacked by the Sentinels causes her to be briefly possessed by Solver in order to override the controls
Looking back at it, however, the Solver only fully possessed Uzi when Tessa got bitten by the sentinel. It was trying to save itself not N.
It literally saved itself and disguised the attempt as Uzi trying to protect N. If that’s not a perfect metaphor for who and what the Absolute Solver is, idk what is.
And it did it again at the end of the episode where it yet again it possessed Uzi to get the door open right when the sentinel charged at Tessa.
The Sentinel briefly shutting down and getting confused at what it thought was human blood, and then a few scenes later it comes back and guns directly for Tessa, with her blood no longer working to distract it.
Tessa and Cyn’s matching fondness for N in particular.
Tessa outright beheading a drone in her first introduction which contradicts her character in ep5
Then there’s the Solver/Cyn’s almost stalker-like obsession with N
N being the only DD to not feel pain. J and V grunt and yell when they get stabbed or lose a limb, but N gets ripped apart and doesn’t even blink
Cyn calling N “big brother” which the Solver does as well. V and J are never once called “big sister”.
N being the only DD to have lost his memories, possibly so the Solver could control him better. N is a sweetheart by nature and by continuing to override his memories every time he tries to protect the Workers, the Solver can keep him bloodthirsty and feral.
The weird hologram of Maid V that the Solver used to taunt him
The Cyn hologram hugging him
The Solver purposely exploiting N’s feelings for Uzi to keep him from fully attacking her while she’s possessed.
The whole puppy dog eyes thing
“Your backups will forgive me” and the fact that she has backups of N even before the mansion massacre.
The Solver N, V, and J retain their personalities only because it liked N’s in particular
The fact that it sent the nicest, kindest drone in the entire show to slaughter its own kind
The low, annoyed “Hello Uzi” followed by the high pitched, upbeat “Hi N :D”
How the Solver plays around with Tessa’s corpse and her affection for N
Again with how it plays with N’s relationship with Uzi by using Tessa’s voice to tell him that he has to kill Uzi to save the universe
The Solver using a hologram of N to fuck with Uzi twice
The Solver using the hologram of N to fool V into calling out for him so it could lure the real N out
The Solver’s obsession with N technically never going away. With Cyn as the main host it was a sibling bond, but with Uzi now the main host it’ll likely latch onto her romantic love for N
The absolute insane foreshadowing to Uzi becoming the Solver itself
The occasional reflection of N and V’s yellow eyes in Uzi’s visor
Uzi overwriting Cyn’s admin control and replacing it with her own
Uzi possessing the Solver cameras while in N’s memories, and the cameras having purple eyes
The protagonist’s journey graph in presentation in the very first episode alluding to a big fight and monstrous transformation at the end.
Uzi overpowering CynTessa with her own Solver
Uzi breaking through possession via the powers of angst and teenage rebellion, without even needing the patch like Nori and Yeva
Uzi and Tessa having the same fleshy bat wings
Uzi’s core number being 1001 just like Cyn’s
Uzi’s tail chewing on N’s head for some reason in episode 6, likely foreshadowing to Cyn being in her tail
Uzi possessing Braiden just like the Solver would
Other little details
Uzi’s purple being a perfect complement to N’s yellow which also matches their personalities
The background posters having just the stupidest/funniest notes on them
Uzi’s tail looking like a sentinel head
Lizzy having seemingly infinite phones
The drones treating the school bus like it’s an animal with sentience
Braiden’s head literally always being on fire, even in death
The references to Until Dawn and Friday the Thirteenth in episode 4
The soundtracks having just the stupidest fucking titles (affectionate), with some of them even referencing each other.
N going from being J’s doormat in episode 1 to outright beheading Tessa in episode 7 when he realized she lied to him
The Solver making its biggest mistake asking N to choose “the universe over the life of one little drone” because it didn’t account for the “one little drone” being Cyn, not Uzi
The Protagonist’s Journey chart foreshadowing Nori being alive with the “help from an unexpected source” close to the end of the timeline
Khan going from leaving Uzi for dead to rebuilding her rail gun and directly attacking the Solver in the hopes of saving her
Also Khan’s behavior and bad parenting suddenly making a lot more sense once we finally see a full photo of Nori and realize that Uzi is damn near identical to her mother.
Uzi’s teeth aren’t sharp until after her transformation in ep4
In a roundabout way, the humans on Copper-9 were successful is making something that could stop the Solver, as they caused the incidents that would eventually lead to Nori meeting Khan and passing down her genetics to Uzi
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Hii i know im late but either kuron allura or lance for the ask game thingy you rbed like two days ago?
(i know i always pick these three but idk i just rlly like hearing your thoughts on them<3)
Yay!! I am so sorry this is late. Also heads up this gets long and really salty-
favorite thing about them- He's trying so much! He is not great at it and he was very much Doomed since the beginning and he lost every agency he never had to begin but my god he was Trying! He did not know he was a clone but he felt he that he isnt him and Haggar was still scouting in his head but he was still trying until he couldnt, my god i love him!!
least favorite thing about them- Other than the fact he fucking died??? Kuron babygirl please dont go behind your teams back and dont yell at people, i know you are Going Through It™ but still
favorite line- "Like i am not like myself" HAHAHAHA HAHA FUCKING KILL ME!!! orz
brOTP- Lance and Kuron relationship that lives in my head and has a special place in my heart, also Veronica and Kuron because i am too deep in That au i will make it a thing if only just for that au
OTP- Do i have to answer this one? I guess Kur.ance if you twist my arm but to be honest i still prefer it as platonic or qpr. I am not much of a shipper and he has aroace swag to me. Oh, also Kuron/getting to live as his own person aka the best ship ever
nOTP- I guess Kuron/Keith and Kuron/Lotor? Mostly because my rather uhhh negative opinions on Keith and utter disappointment with Lotor's character and annoyance with both of their stans
random headcanon- i have already talked about him being fan of reading but did you know he also writes sometimes? It is not *great* and almost all of them are wips because he is never sure how to end a story but he is trying
unpopular opinion- if i see one more "Kuron the evil mean clone" i will scream.
Other than- ok. You know how much i love him right? He is one of my favourites and i like him more than Shiro, you know that right? I need you to know and remember that when i say the next part.
Entire clone arc was just not needed. Like you could have had the same effect with Shiro being mind controlled and i personally feel it would have been better. Clone arc just overcomplicated an already messy plot, added even more elements and questions that went absolutely nowhere, left behind a shit load of plot holes, became the final nail in the coffin of Shiro having any possible arc or development, and added a new sympathetic character just to kill him off as a plot device.
And the entire "You are my brother Shiro, i love you" who is it for? Literally who is it for? It would have been much more heart wrenching if it was mind controlled Shiro but we clearly established that is not him. That guy is not Shiro, and Keith as i recall had like 3 on screen conversations with him, 2 of them being strained and then Keith just fucks off with the Blades for most of 3 seasons. It is not for Kuron cause narrative is insistent that he is ~evil~ tool and later on they use his body to get Shiro back. So like, who is it for? Other than to show how sad and angsty and great and amazing writers pet Keith is of course but that is the whole goddamn show.
Like i love him and he did not deserve any of That and i am going to keep making up aus where he lives but the entire pointlessness of clone arc angers me so much
song i associate with them- Being a basic bitch here but Control by Halsey
favorite picture of them-
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honestly every scene with him having long hair is just>>>
favorite thing about them- Allura is just so genuinely kind, like she goes from one traumatic event after another and loses everything she had and she is rightfully angry and hurt and upset but she still remains kind and does everything so that others dont have to go through what she did and so she sacrifices what little she still had
least favorite thing about them- why is she fucking dead 🥺🥺? Girl wake up, also as much as i love her i am not forgiving her for entire using-Kuron's-body-to-bring-Shiro-back.
favorite line- "So how would you rate your bloodlust level from 1-5?" Let her be silly please!!!!
BrOTP- Allura and Shiro!! Also Allura and Hunk!!! And a number of interactions between Allura and Lance post s3 too!!
OTP- Free my girl hasnt she suffered enough?? (I do have soft spot for early season sha.llura moments and many allurnce moments)
nOTP- i guess l0tura and k@llura? For similar reasons as above
random headcanon- pre-Altea's destruction Allura was the most daredevil person ever. You could dare her to eat a ghost pepper and she'll do it just to prove she can
unpopular opinion- No longer saying 'the situation is much more nuanced' and 'she was traumatized, it is understandable' about the galra reverse racism bs and instead going she was 100% in the right actually. If this fandom can forgive Lotor for getting thousands of alteans murdered and straight up lying to the woman he says he loves about her own people and forgive Keith for abandoning his teammates and almost getting them all killed by claiming they were sad and traumatized than they can also forgive a black coded genocide survivor not liking a race that has been colonizing and murdering the entire universe for 10000 years including her own people
song i associate with them- Queen of Nothing by Crane Wives
favorite picture of them-
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Look at her smile
favorite thing about them- my boy?? My most favourite boy??? Literally everything?? Ok but seriously i have talked about this before but he is complex to me, i love there is so much duality in him he is someone who is kind would die for a person he met like 2 days ago and did not get along but also is just an absolute obnoxious cunt. He is an emotionally mature guy who understands his own feelings but also is just sooo douchey class clown. He wants to be a cool talented hero, he has the capacity to be that but he wants to be seen as one and in his attempts he ends up screwing himself over and comes out looking as anything but that<33!! And he is loyal and goofy and lovable i love him
least favorite thing about them- i would not have liked this fucker if i met irl specifically s1-s2 him at all. Also the fact they did not even give him an arc like why would you do this to him. Also his fanbase, i cant tolerate 70% of his fanbase and the fact that i still love him is a testimony of my love for him itself given i have hated characters and left fandoms for far less
favorite line- "You ever notice how far the planets are from each other, Coran?" Why did they have the goofball say shit like this if he was meant to be just a goofball
brOTP- Everyone <3, he deserves more friends but mostly Hunk, Kuron, and Allura
OTP- i like most Lance ships actually, though there is a specific han.ce au i have in my head that i adore
nOTP- *sighs* kl4nce. It's just sooo Everywhere, i go to Lance's tag and it is all this ship, nearly every s8 fix-it thinkpiece i have seen moans about how Lance was reduced to Allura's bf only to reduce him to Keith's bf and all of them yell about how the only problem with vld was that kl didnt become canon as if all the racism in the show doesnt even matter, and i am so goddamn tired of this like i cant even joke about Lance having terrible taste in men witjout someone bringing Keith up, and i dont hate the ship (and sometimes i even enjoy it) but i am done with this
Random headcanon- he can play violin pretty well! But he also hates playing violin
unpopular opinion- this is coming from someone who only likes and cares about Lance ships but i think he shouldnt have had a romance arc with anyone. I have said this before but he is so obsessed with keeping facades and the romance loverboy is one of those facades. At most he should have had like last one out of beach city episode from steven universe, where he gets a partner by just being himself instead of the flirty loverboy persona
song i associate with them- Top of the world by Greek fire
favorite picture of them-
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He looks great when he is on the verge of death
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nefarious-nightjar · 2 months
Jack's list of Various Omega Red Media
@strongestbanner this is for you, if you are still curious about getting more into Omega Red's character! :D
Beneath all the murder, the bloodshed, the Soviet State intervention, and the medical malpractice, I really like Omega Red and I find him to be such and intriguing character; if not, in the least, quite the illusive one.
Marvel has never really given him a proper origin story, nor have they fleshed out his background like they have for other villains (like our boy Sabretooth). We don't really know all too much about him and his past apart from the few bits and pieces dropped here and there throughout his very scattered appearances. Even then, there are still some contradictions in the little we do have about him, so good luck with piecing together his past lol.
Regardless, I hope this list can at least give a glimpse into Arkady Rossovich as a character, and how he has been written and portrayed by the various writer throughout his 30 years of existence :)
— Comics —
So! We start with the comics! I'm going to try and place these in a roughly chronological order, but some of it gets a little hard to place timeline wise. This is also by no means a wholly comprehensive list, but I thought I'd highlight some of the more prominent ones I like and let you go from there!
X-Men (1991) #4-#7 Omega Red makes his first ever comic book appearance, yippee! These comics officially introduced Omega Red and his powerset, a well as his history with Wolverine, Sabretooth, and Maverick during their time as CIA operatives.
X-Men (1991) #17-19 Enter, the Soul Skinner! This little ark isn't too widely talked about (at least where I am), but I find this to be an intriguing one nevertheless, especially in it's regards to Omega Red. With a mutant that is terrorizing an isolated Siberian town, the Russian Government sends Omega Red to investigate. Turns out Omega is just as vulnerable to his psychic powers as the rest of the village, and he Soul Skinner ends up mind-controlling and manipulating Arkady into fighting the X-Men when they arrive to help.
Maverick: In the Shadow of Death (1997) This little one-shot is about as close to a 90’s followup to Omega Red’s debut as you can get. Focusing almost entirely on Maverick, Omega Red, and John Wraith, this little comic does a decent job at trying to explain his mutant death factor and his motivations for all of his killings, as well as using the words “carbonadium synthesizer” and “mutant death factor” more that was probably necessary. (also John Wraith gets to use a bazooka and i think that's fun. they need to let him do that more often lol)
*Iron Man (1968) #295-#297 Another one of his earliest appearances. Being such a new character, there is, sadly, not too much to him here. BUT it does establish the character of Olinka Barankova, Arkady's creator and someone who remains an important figure to his history.
*Cable (1993) #9-#11 This ark gives us some very good insight on how Arkady views himself, especially during the early period after which he was unfrozen in the modern day.
*Generation X (1994) #10 and #11 Arkady attacks Emma and Banshee’s little team in the present, while Banshee has flashbacks to his time as an Interpol agent, when he chased down and arrested Arkady BEFORE he went through the Carbonadium bonding process.
Wolverine (1988) #170, #173-#175 Here he shows up, working alongside Lady Deathstrike for Sabretooth.
Wolverine: Origins (2006) #6-#10, and #36-#40 I have not read all of this run yet, so I cannot speak too much on it. Only that showing up briefly in issues #6-10, Omega is mostly there as a back ground antagonist. And, come issues #36-#40, he reappears to be killed off.
X-Men Gold (2017) #9-#11 To Quote the Stone Roses, "I am the resurrection and I am the life". The ones in which Arkady gets his ass resurrected, yay! Can't say much on the run itself, but I'm mainly mentioning it to help place the status of Omega Red, so that you are not left questioning why on earth he's suddenly alive the next time he appears :/
Weapon X (2017) #17-#27 With Sabretooth newly leading Weapon X, he ends up being lured and dragged away by Omega Red during a mission. After a good amount of back and forth and a lot of bloodshed, Creed ends up offering Arkady a chance at redemption from all of the Soviet medical malpractice and lack of autonomy he's been put through at the hands of S.I.C.K.L.E. Accepting the offer, Arkady ends up joining Creed's X-Force in defeating S.I.C.K.L.E.'s Director, Vassily Rossovich.
Now I feel like I need that Gordon Ramsey meme with the "finally some good fucking food" text. These issues, especially #17-#21, are some of the best for Omega red and his characterization. Hands down. As well, this is technically the first time we every get to see him be a “good guy” of sorts, and joining Sabretooth’s version of Weapon X/X-Force for the rest of the comics' run.
Now, this brings us to the Krakoa era! There is quite a bit, so bare with me. Outside of his prominent presence in the X-Lives of Wolverine special, his appearances are very sporadic and a little hard to follow, though you'll usually find him kicking around in both Wolverine or X-Force. I will also admit that I am NOT up to date with all of the krakoa era stuff, so there may have been a good few comics in which I've missed.
His Krakoa appearances, in order (that I can remember) are:
Wolverine #1, Wolverine #4, X-Force #12, X-Force #15, Wolverine #8, Wolverine #11-#12, all five issues of X-Lives of Wolverine, X-Force #27-Present, and Wolverine #26-#27
* Lastly, there is also this website you can check out for finding all of Omega Red's comic book appearances in chronological order. I will admit, I found this a hard list to start with because it can very easily get overwhelming from the sheer amount of stuff to it. But then again, I'm not your boss, and if you want to got combing through every last little bit of Arkady's appearances, then by all means go hog wild and check it out! for yourself :)
— The Animated Series —
I thought I would add Arkady's appearances in the Animated series for the sole purpose of verity. He is in no way a major occurrence, but when he gets his spot light, I feel that he shines like like hell.
"Red Dawn" S2 Ep.4 Outside of a very brief flash of his face seen in Sabertooth's flashbacks during the S1 Ep.4 "Deadly Reunions", this episode is Omega's first real and proper appearance, as well as his introduction into the animated show. Having been resurrected by some radical Generals looking to reclaim and reform the Soviet Union, Arkady wrecks havoc on the Republic's capital and ultimately tuns on the Generals to try overthrowing the Russian Parliament and take control of the Soviet Union for himself.
"A Deal With the Devil" S4 Ep.2 Arkady gets his ass unfrozen by the American government to clean up the remains of a Soviet submarine filled with nuclear war heads off the Hawaii coast. This episode really showcases his cunning and his drive for self determination, even as he drags Wolverine and Storm kicking and screaming into his evil plot to nuke the world.
"Weapon X, Lies and Video Tapes" S4 Ep.16 Not much to mention of Arkady here, but he does shows up in flash backs to the Weapon X Mission where they were tasked with retrieving the C-Synth.
— Fanfiction —
Yes, I am recommending fanfiction, sue me. But honestly, although fanfiction is fanfiction and "rrraaagh Not Canon Material™!!! >:(", I still wanted to honourably mention the work of Soviet_Supersoldier's Living Weapon, Living Computer and a touch of Luck on ao3. It is, as they describe, "A behind-the-scenes journey through the 2019 X-Force and Wolverine series."
With passionate dedication to weaving together the gaps of the sporadic appearances of Omega Red through the Krakoa Era, and to giving characters outside of Wolverine their due, I find this work to be a lovingly crafted case study of Arkady, Sage, Neena, and other non-titular characters we see in the Krakoa Era. I will happily pour my heart out for this work, even if it one day bleeds me dry.
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papple · 1 year
*slides in and bites lip* hayy....
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so irl stuff happened but we've been cooking up some stuff here and there and we figured you guys might wanna see them :D
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so we're gonna talk about the second dreamtale concept we have which is a variant of the swap!osd au by @calcium-cat,,,, and basically! nm has a harsher personality, but at the same time holds a much softer spot for dream. He fights back against his bullies and believes that dream is too kind and tells him so often using scathing comments, but dream understands that nm is just a little tsun tsun. Nm is also proud of all the knowledge he has cultivated and makes sure to rub it in peoples faces by delivering sick burns and insulting bullies left and right
For the apple incident, the apples blacken when nm and the villagers fight over the tree and he accidentally touches one of the fruits. Dream arrives in time to see the villagers dealing the fatal blow to nm as well as the tree
Desperate, dream feeds a black apple to nm hoping that it would still be able to heal him but instead intensifies nm's negativity. This later on will be the biggest factor behind dream's guilt
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Nm is still dying so his negativity powers him to continue consuming the apples but he keeps going and the power eventually corrupts him
Now nm wants to get revenge so dream takes the last golden apple (this one fell from the tree while the tree was being cut, before the negativity got to it) to have more of a fighting chance and to better protect the people against nm, but he still gets petrified like in canon (or maybe we'll just put him in a coma induced by the intense negativity... i dont really understand the logic behind him turning to stone so we might toss out that idea) (we're open to suggestions though!)
Nm's adrenaline powered mind sees dream's petrified/knocked out self and goes mad, going on a rampage and destroying the entire village.
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Of course, 500 years later, dream wakes up and joins ink's group. Ink actually asked sci to make something up that could weaken nightmare's gang but forgets about it, so the formula somehow ends up in dream's hands as the unofficial second in command. Dream, ever the guilt-ridden but hope-filled person, tests it out first on nm. Maybe, this could buy him just enough time to hold a civil conversation with him... imagine everyone's surprise when the lofty scholar-type king turns into a filthy mouthed baby gremlin
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beansterpie · 5 months
rewatching LoK, i'm being reminded how much I dislike the.... the brothers, mako and bolin, yanno? they're such underwhelming characters on basically every level. it'd almost be impressive if they weren't in every episode and didn't annoy me so much ugh
#bean talking into the void#also this show in general is very flawed lol#cool things about it but the choice to structure it more like a#prestige tv show#as in each season follows One Story#is... i wouldn't say it was a bad choice but i feel like you can see the growing pains#switching over from the episodic structure of ATLA#s1 while flawed is solid#it knows what it's trying to do even if it doesn't always stick the landing#season two feels like a season-long filler episode LMFAO#which is hilarious because a lot of world-building stuff happens#but tonally it's all over the place#serious political plots interspersed with the B Plot following Tenzin and his family#on vacation???#so fucking random#but anyway back to roasting the brothers#i find bolin just annoying in general his brand of comedy totally doesn't work for me#but at least he has like#a personality that's consistent#mako is sooooooo blah#the writers have no idea what to do with him and he comes across as having a strikingly boring personality#with no defining traits other than being wishy washy (and a boot licker)#it FEELS like he was meant to remind viewers of Zuko#at least in appearance if nothing else#another broody pretty boy to latch onto#but he has literally nothing interesting to actually get invested in#sure he's got his tragic backstory and he's the 'older brother who took care of his younger brother after their parents died' boo hoo#but that's all just exposition and it's barely shown in a way that feels illustrative or emotional in any way that matters#(other than him comforting bolin in s1 after he KISSES THE GIRL HE KNEW BOLIN HAD A CRUSH ON lmfaoooooo)#(what a good big brother lmfao)
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
my biological peer reviewer (sibling) called this theory “fun” and said i should send it, so here goes
my personal theory is the feds ((”federation”)) created the eggs because they decided the best way to enforce “you can never leave” was to give the people something they couldn’t lose, like in the post by tumblr user alexaloraetheris (no relation to the smp) where their friend who might be a deity had said,
"When you die you descend to the underworld with nothing to lose. To keep you, they give you something to lose. When you want to return, they will demand it back. That's why nobody ever leaves. The only way out is to never enter."
i’m thinkin that on egg D-Day, at the end of the countdown, the feds weren’t gonna give the eggs back. they were just gonna hide them forever, or do something else, anything else, just keep them away from their surrogate parents, because then the people would just be STUCK, because people could theoretically take their eggs and leave, but if the eggs are missing, gone without a trace, then the residents CAN’T LEAVE, because presumably the eggs are STILL THERE, SOMEWHERE, IN NEED OF HELP AND RESCUE, if only the residents could find them ON THE ISLAND. if they leave the island while the eggs are missing, they are abandoning these things that have become their children.
but then in came the brazilians. and shit went south. because see, the spenglish (spanish / english) streamers were INVITED, but the brazilians CRASHED; the feds didn’t INVITE THEM, they weren’t EXPECTING THEM, but they can’t let these guys leave either, so they PANIC, and they scramble to give the brazilians the same thing--something to lose. the new egg had a brazilian jersey, homie was TAILOR MADE for them to pack bond with. the feds didn’t have time to send out multiple eggs, it was all or nothing, so they picked something they could reasonably assume all five of them would find endearing because they don’t know shit about these guys--they had a week to observe the OG batch, but all they know about these newbies is the brazilian flag on their boat--and so they sent the little egg out to become THEIR THING, the thing they couldn’t afford to lose.
it leaves open why the eggs are cracked too, bc idk what’s going on there lol, either 1: the eggs cracked because they’re hatching and the feds picked that date bc they wanted to yoink the eggs before they got Too Powerful, or 2: the feds were the ones to crack the eggs as an excuse for why they vanished--returning the eggs untouched would open too many questions the feds don’t want them asking; this way, instead of being concerned specifically with “why were the eggs missing”, the residents presume they know the answer--the cracks.
but yea i’m just gonna add as an aside that personally i think cucurucho / osito bimbo / the white fucker is way more active again because the feds are still scrambling to keep up with the brazilians (which, again, the feds weren’t expecting), and the binary fuckwad came in to put the fear of god into the newbies--maybe so they didn’t get too focused on the morse code transmissions; iirc max was theorizing that both osito and binary were part of the federation ? and if so it does make sense that the binary entity went to fuck with cellbit immediately after cellbit was introduced to the conspiracies of the island, yknow, a warning shot. i think they want them to be focused on the eggs.
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
someone praise me for my self-restraint for not yelling at my coworker today
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brackenfrond · 6 months
So. Wondering about how Carver, in my BG3 playthrough, would feel about the companions and some NPCs and I took psychic damage. Naturally I have to share this.
Warning: spoilers for both DA2 and BG3
Because Lae'zel is forthright and an excellent fighter and he trusts that she'll watch his back and suddenly he remembers Aveline, always there to plant herself like a tree, to yell and snarl. Who he met single handedly fending off a swarm of darkspawn to protect the person she loved wholeheartedly.
Because Shadowheart is so devout, so fairhful in her goddess until she is asked to do the unthinkable and she can't. And he is so proud and for a second he sees Merril, of all people, clinging to her Dalish heritage, her religion. He heard about the elven gods being fake, and could see Merril's anguish in Shadowheart's stunned silence in the aftermath.
Because sometimes when he's half asleep he sees a flash of white hair and nearly hisses out an annoyed 'Fenris', until he remembers. Astarion is dissimilar to him in personality (Isabela, his mind screams. His personality is all Isabela) but everything else is too similar. Not just the white hair - the breaking of chains, the anger at his former captor, and the feeling of sudden emptiness when the job is done.
Because Gale grates on him purely because he is so much like Anders. Clever and quick, casting spells with efficiency and rambles about his interests in a way that reminds Carver of rants about mage equality. Sometimes he closes his eyes and sees a brught explosion and is too scared to examine that closely, wondering if he'll see the Chantry or his new mage friend at the epicentre.
Because Wyll is harder to place, but his prince charming demeanour brings to mind Sebastian, for as short a time as Carver really knew him. Because even with horns curling from his skull, from whatever hellish curse Mixora put on him, Wyll is good. And kind. And full of a desire to help people. And Carver can't examine that too hard, because it makes him think of Bethy, and someone else has already stolen her face.
Because Karlach is the hardest. She's boisterous and loud, bright smiles that can turn into pure, unbridled rage at injustice. Who when she can touch again asks him for a hug, and pats his shoulder and calls him 'soldier' and she is his sister. And Hawke is dead. Hawke walked into the Fade at Adamant and never came out and Karlach does not deserve to be compared to the woman who Carver still sort of hates while grieving her. Because Hawke was his sister and he loved her, but even after she was gone he was just 'her brother'.
Because the guardian, because The Emperor, had the gall to steal his twins face and he hates hates hates it for it. But he still cries when he thinks about the early dreams, of how he had called her name. Voice trembling, shaky, feeling like a five year old again. And she didn't know the name. Or it didn't know the name. It hurts Carver to think about it, and more than just in how to refer to the early dream visitor.
Because he sees the Tiefling refugees and is immediately transported back to Kirkwall, to being rejected over and over for being a refugee, and launches himself into helping them. He sees Isabela in Mol's cunning, argues with Rolan and finds himself warming to him as time goes by, his devotion to his younger siblings admirable. He snatches Arabella away from Kagha and had to be physically held back from attacking her because she's a child. The refugees echo him, in a way, and he mourns when her reaches Last Light and find out that soem are dead, others maybe good as.
Aylin and Isobel hurt. Because Aylin and Isobel make him think of brave, strong, powerful Hawke and small but no less terrifying Isabela, and that fucking hurts.
He punches Lorroakan in the face when he meets him. He feels vicious vindication when Aylin breaks his spine.
He hugs Shadowheart when all she has been put through comes to light, digs his hands into moonlight silver hair and prentends he doesn't feel her tremble.
He gives a soldier's salute to Lae'zel when she leaves to free her people, pride bubbling in his chest when she grins viciously in response, returning the salute.
He's proud of Gale for turning away from absolute power, from godhood, to make a name for himself away from gods who have only ever hurt him.
He stands at Astarion's side when he faces Cazador, snarling and ready to assist. He leads him away by the hand after everything, after he turns away ascendancy, and promises to find a way to let him walk in the sun after the tadpole is dealt with.
He hugs Wyll before he leaves for the hells, manages not to cry when he hugs him back.
He only avoids hugging Karlach because she is burning hot, hut vows to give her the biggest hug ever when he sees her again, because she deserves it.
He is welcomed at Sorcerous Sundries by the new master of Ramazoth's Tower and his two younger siblings, and nearly collapses into Rolan's arms. But he's smiling.
These are his people now. He'll see Mol grow to become a terrifying crime boss, and he'll hear Alfira sing her songs, hear her talk about Lakrissa, and he'll eventually meet Morena Dekarios and the famous Tara. He'll always mourn what he's lost.
But here. Far away from lands he knows, he finds a new family, a new home, and Carver Hawke gets a happy ending.
After all, he has always deserved that.
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yes-asil · 2 years
During a trip in search of insects, Martin gets swept away by a stormy river current, leaving a guilt-ridden Chris to comb through the forest for him.
Have fun with this 8 year old plot bunny I took out of a dusty folder
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umbracirrus · 7 months
The next chapter of The Perfect Storm is up, and it is a big one! Over 8,000 words of me putting Balgruuf through the motions and tackling his past. I need to hug the poor guy. He's been through a lot...
Fic rating: E (for future content)
Fic relationships: Balgruuf the Greater/Female Dragonborn
Chapter description:
For over ten years, a blade which almost led to the downfall of the Jarl of Whiterun had been locked away in the basement of Dragonsreach. Balgruuf had hoped to leave it in the past. A conversation with Elyse digs up both the blade and more.
Chapter excerpt:
"Dragonborn… The Jarl said that you heard a voice from in here, yes? I believe that you may want to take a look at this," Farengar stated after taking a single step forward, and having given the room a quick once-over using a magelight spell to see. Elyse suddenly left his side to see what was meant by that, slipping past the wizard so that she could look, then let out a gasp. That was all of the prompting which he needed to follow the two of them, just to see what was happening. He decided, however, to remain by the door, just in case he had to do as previously suggested and allow them both to handle things in his stead. "It's empty… Why is the room empty?!" Elyse looked panicked as she glanced around the room, attempting to look for any sign of life. It was a sentiment which he shared with her, given that he trusted that she had indeed heard a voice addressing her when she had found the room herself. "I don't like this… Where is-" The sudden silence which struck the Dragonborn was enough to draw both his and Farengar's attention, no less when her head suddenly turned towards the table in the room… and the one thing which Balgruuf was doing his best not to look at.
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dutybcrne · 29 days
I like to think under the helm, Capitano may LOOK somewhat like one of R/V Alvcard’s monster forms
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purpldawne · 4 months
for an akifuyu stan i sure do struggle to draw autumn and winter troupe
#chibi wise my main challengers are juju and tasuku ( mostly bc of the hair )#but my big boy style?? hoo boy#banri is usually fine but his eyes and face shape are hard to keep consistent#juzas hair and build give me problems and so does his eye shape#taichis hair is like. controlled fluffy. i can never get it quite right#sakyos hair ( ESPECIALLY his bangs ) are dumb and stupid and i hate them ( i hate drawing short straight hair )#im getting used to omis hair its mostly his face and build that i struggle with now#azamis mostly alright but his half up hair gives me trouble#tsumugis hair is horrible i hate drawing it ( ignore all the stoatmugis ive drawn its DIFFERENT )#tasuku. where do i even start.#his hair is stupid his facial proportions are wack#i cant draw his build and i cannot for the life of me get his nose to look right#i cant decide on a definitive color pallete for him#ive only finished two pieces with him there and unless i am asked i have no plans on increasing that number#( im so sorry nocturnality )#homare is mostly face proportions. and that long fringe messes me up sometimes#plus i try to make him more lean but since i usually draw him w hiso and/or azu he just ends up getting twinkified#i THINK i understand how hisokas hair works. i think.#i do still struggle with azus ponytail. . .#its not fluffy like nagisas so you cant see it unless its over his shoulder and sometimes i just cant draw it right#plus even tho its easier than sakyos bc its longer. its still straight. and i am not good at drawing straight hair.#guy im ALSO mostly used to now its really just making sure he does in fact look older#and not just like. a twink i drew tear troughs and dark circles on yk#part of that is his face shape. i THINK i got it down now but i def need to practice more#alongside the whole 'glasses character without glasses' thing#yeah#not akifuyu but tenma is also a HUMONGOUS pain in the ass to draw#i hate his hair so much#now that i think about it the only ones i can draw satisfactorily are haru 😭😭
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
hey how has his death been foreshadowed if you don't mind me asking? haven't read jjk in a while but these leaks .....
there's been a LOT of indication that megumi will either fall victim to sukuna and lose his life or be used by sukuna in general. he's got a lot of death flags in his general character existence (ie; his willingness to kill moreso than other characters around him, the fact that he doesn't fear death, etc).
the largest one though is probably that people continuously talk to him about death. itadori tells him to live a long life, gojo mentions that in the past a limitless/six eyes user and chimera shadow garden user fought to the death and killed each other, reggie's last words quite literally foreshadow his death.
reggie tells him "let fate toy with you before you die like a fool" and that general statement is given an entire page in the manga. sure, a character was dying so they're gonna get more panels of them, but gege does a lot of things very intentionally and usually plays up a lot on irony. (here's the manga screencap)
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it's also important to know that in a lot of fiction, protagonists are punished by the narrative for behaviors (as are villains but we'll exclude them since they follow slightly different rules). in this scene, megumi has just killed a man. death is often given opposite and often disproportional retribution in fiction. when a protagonist kills someone who could be considered morally gray (like i consider reggie to be compared to everyone else), the narrative seeks to punish them. reggie basically curses him with the narrative (not in the jujutsu sense) by saying that to him and i don't think gege would include it unintentionally. it's also a hUGE death flag that reggie MENTIONS megumi being his executioner before basically predicting his death because it's setting up the narrative justification of whatever retribution is to come.
not only that, but megumi is an ironic character, similar to nanami imo. he's someone bound by circumstance to be in the position he's in and (at first) wasn't all too attached to the idea of being taught with someone who stupidly ate one of sukuna's fingers. a lot of his interactions contain an irony that only really comes with death in the narrative (ie; the irony of itadori telling him to live a long life while on death's doorstep).
i also think it's important to note that a lot of the art in the series indicates that megumi will / would fall victim to sukuna (like the popular series art going around now of sukuna's hands around megumi's neck). not only that, but the indication that megumi would also have to fight gojo (whose general character pattern tends to jeopardize the ones he loves).
gojo, in chap 117, explains to megumi that in the edo-period, two head jujutsu sorcerers killed each other in a fight. one of them was a limitless user with the six eyes and the other was a ten shadows technique user. gege didn't invent this fact in their history for nothing. it indicates a larger and more prominent tie to those two characters' current fates. there's also a lot of series art that indicates that gojo and megumi will end up fighting (most likely to the death).
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also, as an aside, reggie mentions fate and letting it toy with megumi. i think it's important to remember that "fate" in the jujutsu world isn't an abstract concept like it is in ours. gojo is bound to tengen and the star plasma vessel by fate and I don't think it's a coincidence that megumi is the son of the only person to alter that course. fate in jjk is an evident and very tangible concept, so the fact that reggie mentioned it while stating megumi as his executioner and predicting a fool's death, is very symbolically important. it sets up a fate-ordained altercation that will most likely rely on emotional irony (hence my prediction of gojo and megumi needing to fight to the death at some point).
i have a LOT of thoughts on this and i apologize if this is incoherent. it doesn't even really scratch the surface of the thoughts I've been having surrounding megumi and gojo (especially since seeing he leaks yesterday). there's a lot of stuff concerning sukuna and mahoraga (and gojo) as well that i haven't gotten into, but it essentially boils down to: a lot of the series has been hinting that sukuna is after mahoraga through megumi and that the fight will most likely come down to sukuna in megumi's body, gojo, and mahoraga in an exorcism ritual that results in either a repeat of the edo-period gojo/zen'in clan death match or some kind of ironic twist on it.
i think the series will ultimately boil down to being a complete tragedy.
sorry if this makes no sense. i have a lot of thoughts and jujutsu kaisen is REALLY hard (but fun) for me to try and make sense of. i got a little lost in the sauce in the middle but these are my current thoughts on it.
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indecisive-dizzy · 9 months
Ramble about Eddie to your heart’s content, bestie :D
I’m honestly very interested in your ideas :3
Again, don’t be scared to just ramble in my ask box, I love hearing peoples ideas
I'm wailing rn /pos
My AU! Disabled Eddie!! Ok so he wasn't born with his disability, it came about later.
My Current story is that he had stroke in late middle/early high school! I have done research and Yes it is possible for teens and younger to have strokes. From what I recall it can be significantly worse for them compared to adult strokes
Eddie was left with permanent complications and is disabled bc of it. He has coordination, balance, and general mobility complications among a list of other post stroke effects. I just found the word I was looking for a few days ago to describe his mobility issues, it's Ataxia!
Eddie has to deal with bouts of muscle weakness on his right side which can effect his vision. He also gets vertigo a Lot and at this point dizziness is expected every time he stands.
He uses forearm crutches when he needs extra help walking bc he does have good days where he may not need them! But for longer distances he brings them bc he's better safe than sorry. He also has cane but he doesn't use it As much.
He also has a wheelchair that he Hates. He hates having to use it. But his Really horrible days leave him unable to stand, much less walk. He wishes he could just hide it somewhere and never think about it but alas. it's important.
He dislikes the wheelchair so much bc it makes him feel useless. He is Not! I want to clarify that wheelchair users are perfectly Capable and Independent! Eddie just has an issue with overachieving and working himself too hard. He wants to be helpful and do So Much but there are some things he can't do while in his wheelchair. He was stuck in a chair for months after his stroke and it was devastating back then. He has No good memories with a wheelchair so he continues to dislike using it.
Ok putting a read more bc I am not shutting up for a While
Relationships with the neighbors! Generally the same. Barnaby doesn't chase him bc that would be mean (? I can't think of a better way to describe it)
Sally is still Sally but she's specific on her mailman hate (lmao) to make sure Eddie and everyone else knows she's not faulting him for his disability.
Hmm yeah everything else is pretty much the same. I guess everyone is also more open about offering Eddie help from time to time if he looks like he needs an extra hand. They're not persistent or anything, but if they see him struggling to carry a package or two they're more inclined to help.
I still don't know how Howdy gets his shit. Honestly If Eddie is having a crutch or chair day,, Howdy just won't get his stock unless he gets it himself. I can't think of a way for Eddie to deliver all those heavy ass boxes.
He does ask people to pick up their packages occasionally too. He tries to deliver them all himself but it's not always possible. He offers a trolley they can use.
I want to talk about angst. So this is very specific, I'll try to keep it short. growing up, Eddie lived in a four bedroom house. two downstairs master bedrooms and two upstairs normal bedrooms. Before his stroke he was upstairs, his older brother in the other room, and his older sister in the bedroom downstairs.
Afterwards he had to move downstairs. His sister Hated this. She loved her room and her private bathroom and she was very prissy about it.
This snowballed into her just,, taking all her frustrations out on Eddie. He took Her Bedroom. He's getting all the attention. Her little brother was ruining everything.
Eddie was devastated by this. He went as far as to attempt to convince his parents to let them switch rooms again. He couldn't physically walk up the stairs most days but he just wanted his big sister to not hate him anymore.
Their relationship never fully recovered. As an adult Eddie will still find ways to blame himself and feel guilty. But he just can't bring himself to talk to her.
They used to be so close. She let Eddie experiment with her makeup, they talked about fashion and boys and she helped him so so much when he was questioning his sexuality.
and then it just, fell apart. But not quietly like a loose thread but rather a house that wasn't built quite right and the screws came loose one by one.
Eddie's memory gets really fuzzy when thinking that far back. but some of those memories are burned into his mind and he wishes he could forget them like he does everything else.
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lustbcrne · 7 months
Sexual Traits - Kaeya
Tagged by: Stolen off le Dash​ Tagging: If you want it? TAKE IT
bold - applies always. italic - applies sometimes. Striked = personal notes, can be removed (anything in ‘extra’ can be removed, too)
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is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual | identifies as pansexual | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men | enjoys sex with women | enjoys sex with multiple people at one time  | initiates (when he’s most comfortable/more confident) | waits for a partner to initiate (at the start of a relationship) | spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night | prefers sex any time | no sex drive | low sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive | hypersexual
Extra - He usually prefers to top or at the very least hold a power bottom role during sex because he likes feeling in control of himself and the situation overall out of comfort. He'll relinquish the reins to his partner if he sees they prefer it and/or he is trying to get on their good side, but for the most part, he likes being in the more dominant role. A partner who's built enough trust with him makes it easier for him when they want to take charge.
       Initiating usually involves him playfully testing the waters with the person in question; baiting, teasing and tempting them until they themself close the distance–this way, he can play off any desires on his part with plausible deniability. In a relationship, he tends to hold himself back a lot at first bc he doesn't want to overwhelm his partner with how much he wants them, esp with the extent of his own urges overall. If his partner gives the okay that he's free to initiate whenever, he WILL run with it. Meaning more frequent touches and flirting to distract them, teasing his partner to stir them up on whims, stealing and wearing nothing but their shirts around their place, the works, until he either gets what he wants or they tell him to curb it back. It is admittedly a mix of both desire for them and lingering self-destructive habit he's built up over the years, but the more secure in a relationship he is, it would tend to lean to the former. That said...
       ...even outside his genuine high sex drive, he's quite accustomed to having frequent sex to the point of being quite the regular at the Church for checkups after the fact, using it as a transaction/reward in exchange for info from choice contacts who've requested it of him/he himself offered it to, to stave off boredom & especially loneliness ( low-key takes rejection at these times rather hard ), to fight stress ( esp if he hadn't been able to drink in awhile ), to relieve pain ( chronic, emotional/dysphoric, or acquired on the job )/anxiety surges he gets, or rid himself of excess energy after a Dangerous Situation. It became one of his biggest coping mechanisms and means to an end in one shortly after becoming Cavalry Captain, when he realized just how many people had eyes on him/regarded him as quite the pretty face, and how much more favorably they acted towards him when he playfully humored advances. How much they were willing to give him in return for his time and favors he could do. He admittedly disliked it all at first because he had no idea what he was doing and kept getting roped into things he wasn't entirely comfortable with, but the more used to the arrangements he got, the more he figured out his likes/dislikes & how to manage more uncomfortable encounters, the more he grew to genuinely love sex, even like this. He also quickly took up making a habit of gathering blackmail on potential/current partners as a means to ensure these encounters remain on the down low–he has to protect his and the Knights' ( and in a way, the Ragnvindr family's ) reputations, after all. Though he would never use it to coerce partners into anything otherwise, only ever to ensure they don't try to take advantage of him like some people at the start did. If worse comes to worst, he has and still takes measures to get rid of any person trying to take advantage of him/their arrangement or otherwise going too damn far with him.
small build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build | voluptuous build | wears boxer/briefs | wears lingerie | goes ‘commando’ | shaves/waxes | doesn’t shave/wax | cup size a-c | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length | 6-9" in length | 10" or over in length
Extra - Is AFAB trans male, has considered phalloplasty, but he likes his body as is, even if dysphoria does tend to flare up more often than not. Would consider it actually going through with it if a long-term partner would want him too. He is comfortable being referred to by either male, feminine or neutral terms, though he does prefer male ones more. He has a mole just under his ass on his right leg, and various old burn scars on his right shoulder, upper arm, part of his face and on his left arm–his left arm has the worst of the lot ( barring his right eye ) and requires a brace to help with some movement. There are a couple faded scars here and there from old injuries, and a very faded few from stab and gunshot wounds he'd taken over the years that he's clumsily patched up himself to avoid heading to the Church.
       He has had top surgery sometime shortly after Crepus' death, just to reduce his chest to a more comfortable size/shape now that he was more independent and was encouraged to make more of his own decisions. He considered doing more, but he also recognized that was a feature of himself many really liked to see, and thus still flaunts it with his infamous low necklines. He's even a little vain about his chest when it's actively pointed out. ( self-harm ment ) His surgery scars are double incision that somewhat resemble claw marks because he ended up actually carving them worse in a very panicked, Visceral negative reaction after he first saw them after he'd gone home post-op. Had a moment of further panic when he finally snapped back into himself and saw the mess, then deliberately cut more to adjust them into looking a little more 'aesthetically pleasing' to himself before cleaning up the scene. He didn't go to the Church for help patching up again or let Adelinde know what actually happened bc he feared getting yelled at over it. Got yelled at anyways by Adelinde, Elzer, Jean, Varka, and the church staff because he agitated the wounds badly when he tried to get back to work earlier than recommended. ( end ) The scars aren't as faded as they should to have been because he took too long to get them properly treated and a little from lack of proper care overall in spite of Adelinde's best efforts to help, though they have still since dulled decently enough with time. He tends to deflect hard when asked about them in general.
having their hands pinned | pinning their partner’s hands | having their ears pulled | pulling their partner’s ears | being watched (by their partner) | being watched (by a third party) | watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner ‘daddy’ | being called ‘daddy’ /’mummy’ | giving praise | receiving praise | biting/marking | being bitten/marked | spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal | choking | being choked | dirty talk | being tied up | tying their partner up | being worshipped | worshipping their partner | humiliating | being humiliated | degrading | being degraded | knife play | blood play | being pegged | pegging
Extra - Guaranteed, he loves displaying himself ( though not entirely unclothed ) for his partners during foreplay and make outs, or even deliberately getting himself off in a way where they're sure to catch him in the act–because he knows just how pretty people find him, scars and all ( though tends to like wearing his own/his partner's clothes over himself on more dysphoric days ). But when it comes to actual sex, if he's the one being penetrated, he strongly prefers being taken from behind & facing away from his partners, be it being pinned under them ( if that's what they prefer ) or in reverse cowgirl ( his most preferred position ), etc. Unless he is completely comfortable with his partner, in which case, he'll let them take him from the front/facing them. If he's got the chance to peg his partner, he likes it missionary the most, eager to watch their every reaction with great delight. Or with them facedown, face pushed against the mattress/surface they're on as he fucks into them. Especially if he's able to cage them in and croon things to them as he moves.
       Has sadomasochistic tendencies. He definitely loves pain during sex, especially being on the receiving end of it–biting, scratching, spanking, knifeplay, name it, he'll allow it, so long as the marks aren't so easy to see like on his chest or neck. Is just as happy to indulge his partner if they're into it too, though always carefully measuring their limits. Is a HUGE fan of overstimulating his partners and especially using Visions during sex, but would actually LOATHE feeling any Pyro on him unless he Explicitly tells the person he trusts them & is given ample warning it will happen before they start. Any heat-based play in general is a hard no, unless he has that extreme trust in the person. Or is going through a particularly self-destructive spiral, but that is easy to spot once you know him well enough. Overall, sex that really ups his adrenaline levels in some way is the best in his eyes, especially since it help takes his mind of things and especially his usual touch aversion. Gentler sex tends to make him feel a lot more vulnerable, to the point where he's actually more likely to cry from being overwhelmed than he would if he were knocked around and hurt during sex ( esp considering he's entirely unused to it at ALL ). Has indulged in more extreme fear plays with past partners ( gun play, asphyxiation, kidnapping, interrogation-based consensual nonconsent, etc ), found certain delight in them too, but prefers anything like that to be properly negotiated some time beforehand, unless the person is okay with actually having to fight him a little before he realizes what they're doing & starts playing along. His safeword is Valberry, but also tends to follow equivalent of the stoplight colors system. He is okay indulging most any kink his partner wants at least once, esp bc he likes the idea of discovering a new one for himself.
       Loves, loves, LOVES being degraded and being called names, though ones themed after royalty, 'young master', or using his Captain title are a surefire way to anger him. Either making him stop altogether ( particularly the former two ) or making him extremely ornery and spiteful that his partner's gotta get a firm hand on him to bring him back around if they want to continue. As long as the humiliation/insults given to him don't mention his body type/appearance in a negative way, he's a-ok for damn near anything else though, even being referred to as a girl ( actually finds it funny whenever he is and might even taunt them for it ). HOWEVER if he's being called cute/loving pet names during a rougher fuck, he flusters up and falls apart much faster. He does have very particular names he likes most, but those he leaves his partners to discover on their own. And yes, he does reward them each time one is stumbled on.
       Usually neglects aftercare for himself outside of a relationship, sometimes during one. Will tend to his partners for theirs as much as they're willing then be right on his way. In a relationship, he goes above and beyond with aftercare for his partners, regardless of how rough the sex was on them or who topped/bottomed. Prepping baths, fetching them water or a quick bite, checking in with them, massages, administering first aid where needed, the works, no matter how sore he himself may be. He won't make any moves to ask for anything for himself from them, rather will simply partake in whatever he can share with his partner like snacks or bathing with them. Anything else, his partner would have to bring up or take initiative to treat him to.
is silent/makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | is very loud | grows in volume over time | bites hand/partner/pillow to muffle themselves | calls out partner’s name | curses | fakes/exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner | is turned on by dirty talk | is turned off by dirty talk
Extra - He doesn't tend to muffle up his voice during, especially if he wants to get caught by somebody ( most often like when he’s getting himself off while his partner’s nearby ). He's unabashed with his voice during sex, purring and crooning about how good it feels, how good they are being for him, pitching and trembling, all to look good for them. If he starts trying to stifle his voice behind a hand, chances are it's because he wants to hear his partner plead and encourage him to get louder, particularly because he knows there’s a chance he’ll get praise out of it if he does. That, and he gets off on hearing his partner beg or demand things of him. Or he's trying to rile them up so they can knock him around some, that too. Tends to babble breathlessly when he's close to his own climax, spilling near incoherent curses and pleas before a drawn out whine finally leaves him.
       He doesn't tend to beg, but will get whiny and do so if his partner keeps teasing him or they hold back their own voice, even after he tries to encourage them. Will throw all dignity out the window if it means he can hear how good they feel, no matter how pathetic he's gotta make himself to have it. Loves hearing every crack and hitch of their voices, any growls and gasps that pass through their lips. Praises will drip from his own like honey each and every time his partner's voice gets louder or a particularly delightful sound leaves them. Notably, they could easily shock the brat out of him ( in a good way ) if they snarl right in his ear for him to behave, or near any other sort of dirty talk, especially the more possessive and domineering it is.
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funny-fella-fantrolls · 11 months
You already know I have to drop a little 🗣️ Vex + Ofu. Heavily intruiged :)
((THis is a follow up to this post!))
Vextri, still clutching his injured shoulder, swings the door open.
Hey, []fu? Y[]u get the bandages and sh][t ready?
A voice comes from another room, clearly sounding a little tired.
Yeah... I did... {ome here, I {an help if you want...
The bronzeblood walks in, seeing Ofu sat there, a worried look on his face.
What... what happened? Are you okay? Sit down, and... and...
A bright green tint fills the limeblood's face.
T-take your shirt off, I need to be able to {lean it first...
Vex responds a little dismissively, not as worried as his friend.
]['m fine. S[]me an[]n dec][ded t[] b][te me pretty fuck][n' hard, but ]['ll l][ve.
He lets go of his shoulder, taking off his jacket and then struggling to pull his shirt over his horns.
See? N[]t even that deep. Deep en[]ugh that ][t needs bandag][n', sure, but []nly barely.
Ofuuno flushes even brighter as he looks over the wound, and he fetches a wipe.
Okay... I'm... I'm gonna {lean it up, sorry if this stings...
He starts wiping away at the wound, making sure it's clean as the bronzeblood winces.
I'm sorry! It's... It's going to be alright...
][t's f][ne. Just... get []n w][th ][t.
Eventually, the wound is clean, and the wipe is tossed into the bin.
Okay, so now I need to bandage it...
He picks up the bandages, and begins slowly wrapping up the other troll's shoulder.
So... why did you get bitten?
D[]n't kn[]w. Typ][cal an[]n sh][t, ][ guess. Luck][ly, ][t gave me a chance t[] pr[]perly test my pr[]ject.
Did... did it work?
Sure d][d. Pretty much perfect. []nly th][ng ][ m][ght wanna w[]rk []n ][s the energy eff][c][ency []f the p[]wer cells, but that m][ght be s[]meth][ng t[] get Therus t[] l[][]k ][nt[], see ][f he can f][nd anyth][ng []ut there.
Ofuuno looks at him with a concerned look on his face.
Does that mean you're a{tually sleeping now?
Yeah. Been catch][ng up.
There's a moment of silence before Vextri speaks up again.
[]fu... ][ sh[]uld ap[]l[]g][ze. ][ heard fr[]m s[]me an[]ns that after what happened y[]u were k][nda beat][ng y[]urself up []ver ][t...
You... you what? N-no, if anyone should be apologizing, it's me, I mean, I went way too far there, a-and I shouldn't have brought up what I did...
Well, yeah, but... ][ kn[]w y[]u meant well, and hell, ][t's not l][ke much else c[]ulda g[]tten thr[]ugh t[] me. Y[]u were try][n' t[] help, and ][ just g[]t mad. ]['m s[]rry. ][ g[]t t[][] wrapped up ][n the pr[]ject, and ][ c[]uldn't see that ][t was hurt][n' y[]u.
Vex... {an we... talk about something? I've been... thinking, a lot...
Sure. ]['ll hear y[]u []ut.
Well, uh, when we had that argument... it was really tough for me... it felt like I was gonna lose you, and... and that idea really hurt...
][... ][ c[]uld tell. S[]unds l][ke y[]u were real br[]ken up ab[]ut ][t. Aga][n, ]['m s[]rry, dude.
Vex... I think... I think there's something I need to tell you about.
G[] ahead.
So... for a long, long time now... I've been having pale feelings for you. A-and I hope that doesn't weird you out or anything...
][... ][ see. ][ mean, ][ can't say the ][dea never []ccured t[] me, ][ mean, we've b[]th heard f[]lks th][nk][n' it.
Y-yeah... b-but... gog, should I even be saying this? {an... {an you promise me you won't get mad when I say this?
][ mean, ]['ll try. K][nda hard t[] pr[]mise that s][nce ][ d[]n't kn[]w what y[]u're g[]nna say.
O-okay. W-well, while we weren't talking... I kept thinking, and...
He takes a shaky breath and looks up, making direct eye contact with the bronzeblood.
I... Vex, I'm flushed for you.
Vextri's eyes go wide, and an orange tint creeps onto his face.
[]fu... Y[]u're... Y[]u're fuck][n' w][th me, r][ght?
N-no... I've been thinking about this for a while, and... fu{k, I shouldn't have said anything...
The limeblood goes silent and just focuses on wrapping Vex's wound up.
L[][]k, dude, ][... ][ d[]n't kn[]w what t[] say... ][ mean... ]['ve never th[]ught ab[]ut that, least n[]t any m[]re than ]['ve had t[] the c[]uple t][mes f[]lks had assumed that bef[]re.
Ofu finishes up the bandaging and stands up, starting to walk off.
Well... I should go... hope you enjoy the rest of the night, Vex...
Just as he's about to leave the room, a hand grabs his wrist, stopping him.
[]fu, l[][]k at me.
He turns around, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
][ can't say ]['ve th[]ught ab[]ut ][t, but... That d[]esn't s[]und l][ke the w[]rst th][ng ever. Just... g][ve me a wh][le t[] th][nk ab[]ut ][t, []kay?
You... You don't hate me now?
N[], []fu. ][ d[]n't hate y[]u. ][... ][ c[]uld never hate y[]u. And... ][ kn[]w better than t[] let y[]u g[] s][t and wall[]w ab[]ut th][s. C[]me back ][n here, and... sh][t, ][ dunn[], we c[]uld cuddle unt][l y[]u feel better? ][ kn[]w y[]u l[]ve cuddles.
That... that sounds really ni{e. T-thank you, Vex...
The two sit down on the loungeplank, and Ofu cuddles up close to his now-aware flush crush.
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