#Horace Mahoney imagines
Meeting and Dating Horace Mahoney
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You and Horace meet prior to him being captured by Cyrus. Ever since you’d moved to town, you’d made a habit of walking your dog past his scrapyard every evening.
- During one of these walks, your little pooch managed to wriggle free and run into the abandoned area and, like a rational pet owner, you ran after them.
- Soon enough, you were wandering down the rows of old, busted up cars and calling your pets name, growing more and more worried the longer you were inside the eerie area.
- Before you really started to panic, you luckily spotted them at the end of one of the aisles ...though they weren’t the only thing you spotted.
- It nearly gave you a heart attack when you first noticed the figure in front of them but you figured it was the owner of the lot and called out an apology and short explanation; which was backed up by the fact your dog was standing a few feet from them. They didn’t answer.
- Calling your dogs name, your skin began to crawl as the man remained stationary and silent. You called your dogs name again and they finally turned towards you, leisurely returning to your side as you nervously glanced from them to the man.
- You called out another apology, hoping that maybe he’d just hadn’t heard you or that he’d do something to ease your nerves but he remained still and silent. After quickly bending down to scoop up your dogs leash, you glanced up again and found that the figure was gone and you were all alone.
- The hairs on the back of your neck rose and your heart skipped a beat before you quickly booked it out of there.
- The next day, you’d kept a much tighter grip on your pets leash as you passed but something caused you to stop in your tracks. ...A low whistle, long and eerie, filling the pretty sunset atmosphere with a sense of dread.
- Your dog perked up and pulled towards the fence of the junkyard though you were prepared and stood your ground. As you looked through the chain link fence, you spotted a figure amongst the rubble, one you could see far more clearly now that the sun was out.
- The same silhouette as the night before, white as a sheet, bullet riddled and seven foot tall; you immediately forced your dog to move and went back home.
- When you got back home, you began to research the junkyard and stumbled across the story of The Breaker. After that, you researched angry and lost spirits and; taking it upon yourself, you chose to attempt to release him from his purgatory.
- When you returned to the scrap yard, you tried your best to go about the ritual you’d looked up but in the midst of it, a shadow blanketed over you. You freezed in your place and turned to stare up at the hulking figure as it stood over you.
- Remaining still, you watched as the entity began to walk past you, sitting down on one of the busted up cars and staring you down. The two of you sat like that for a while, you being too afraid to move at first before your fear turned into curiosity.
- He didn’t hurt you; he hardly even approached you, he just sat in front of you, occasionally glancing at you before looking around his scrapyard.
- After some time, he merely faded into nothingness and you made your way out of the abandoned lot.
- You sort of thought you were going crazy so after a few days, you decided to go back and see if he was in fact real. He appeared just as you were about to leave, or at least you spotted him right then; after he watched from afar for a while.
- So you turned back around and wandered a bit closer, gradually making your way to his side. You’d continue to return to the junkyard sporadically throughout the next few months, finding that you somewhat liked his company or maybe that you just liked how he made your life more unnatural.
- One day you wanted to test a theory: the theory of if you could touch him, so; much to his confusion, you hesitantly reached out and laid a hand on his shoulder. He did the same and thus, your sort of relationship began.
- Your relationship is going to be a slow burn for obvious reasons but after a couple months, he finally just comes up and pulls you into a strong, somewhat inexperienced kiss.
- When you pull away, you don’t know what to say ...so you don’t say anything. You just stare up at him in shock before quickly making your way out of the junkyard. You return a few days later and give him a hesitant, soft kiss, having contemplated the idea of dating a ghost and coming to the conclusion that you were willing to give it a try.
- So, for better or for worse, you begin your relationship with The Juggernaut.
- Well, he can’t leave the scrapyard and no ones going in there to bother you so the two of you can pretty much do whatever you like to each other without having to worry about anything.
- Speaking of: you probably shouldnt bring him around your friends; or anybody similar, because I don’t trust him and you probably shouldn’t either. He’s not the most in control ghoul out there.
- He always tries his best to be gentle with you, knowing that he’s got a lot of strength and could easily hurt you if he isn’t careful. He probably knows exactly how much pressure it would take to break one of your bones, he just doesn’t know exactly when things start to hurt so he treats you like you’re fragile.
- You’re going to be the one initiating most of the affection in your relationship because of his fear of hurting you. Over time, he’ll learn more about being soft and will be able to take the initiative.
- Rest assured, he never minds when you’re affectionate with him; he just isn’t used to it so he’ll look a tad bit uncomfortable.
- He stiffens whenever you give him a hug but he likes it. Regardless though, he’ll leave giving hugs to you since he doesn’t want to have some intrusive thought and/or accidentally hurt you.
- He’ll watch curiously as you play with his hands and fingers. He sort of finds it funny how small yours are compared to his.
- You’re usually the one to kiss him and they’re fairly soft and chaste. Sometimes, he’ll sort of linger by your side and lean down closer to you whenever he wants one.
- Later in your relationship, he’ll be the one giving the kisses and they’ll be a bit more rough and hard; at least at times.
- Sometimes, your seven foot tall boyfriend just has to pick you up so that you can give him a kiss and I think that’s beautiful.
- He’s obviously an extremely strong individual so he can easily lift you and/or whatever you’d like him to.
- Leaning your head on his shoulder and occasionally falling asleep on him while you’re sitting together. He’ll initially stiffen; like he does with all your affection, but he’ll slowly relax as you continue to slumber.
- Since he really doesn’t talk, he can’t exactly call you anything. If he did or when he does speak, he’ll usually just call you by your name since he wasn’t really exposed to pet names.
- Introducing him to a lot of new things since he lived a fairly sheltered life; and because he’s been dead for quite some time.
- He likes listening to you talk and explain things. He thinks your voice is pretty and he never went to school so anything you want to tell him is fine by him; even if it’s boring to most people.
- He doesn’t talk very much; if at all, and he certainly doesn’t like talking about his life so you’ll be the one carrying the conversation.
- I’m making it canon that he whistles more than he speaks. It’s one of the few sounds you’ll ever really hear out of him and while it’s sort of eerie when it’s the middle of the night and you’re somewhat drifting off to sleep in the junkyard, you soon learn to love it.
- Sitting in the junkyard, probably looking up at the stars/sunset or starting a small bonfire. I’m sure that the place is condemned and full of horror stories so people will rarely bother you; even if there is a fire.
- Following him around as he goes about his day. He’s sort of confused as to why you’d just want to watch him do nothing or crush random stuff, etc, but he certainly isn’t going to complain.
- While Horace has a habit of watching people, he looks at you with a far less murderous gaze.
- The main reason Horace snapped is because he lost his father; the last person in his life, and had no one to steer him so I think with your help, he could somewhat resolve the issues that have plagued him after his old mans death.
- He definitely has some attachment issues so you can’t just not visit him for a long time; especially without giving him a warning.
- He really doesn’t want you to be afraid of him so he’ll try his best to deter you from researching him any more than you already have.
- He doesn’t believe you when you compliment him but he appreciates that you’d try to lie for no reason other than to just make him relatively happier.
- He’ll occasionally just very gently and tenderly pick things off of you or out of your hair and it’s just the sweetest little thing to you whenever he does.
- Junk gifts. Want a cool hubcap or car emblem? They’re all yours honey.
- Weed bouquets. Roses don’t exactly grow in car cemeteries, alright? But he’s heard you mention receiving flowers so if you want them, then he’ll try his best to provide.
- Please let him see your dog/s. He had some of his own; that he fed his victims to, so he’s quite fond of them.
- Having a little hideout made out of crushed cars. You like to sit in it either with him or just to relax while he goes about his ghostly day.
- Having a bad day? Sometimes, he’ll just silently hand you some kind of tool and lead you to a wrecked car, urging you to take your anger out on it. He always found it cathartic to break things.
- Board games and puzzles.
- Reading to him. He’s more likely than not illiterate so he likes being able to hear stories for once in his “life”.
- You’ve basically got a big, dangerous jungle gym to play on when you’re with him. He’ll usually stay close to your side as you explore the junkyard, catching you when you trip and steering you away from certain things.
- I assume he has a truck that he can supernaturally operate so the two of you can drive through the lot together during the night.
- He’s sort of envious of you; and definitely envious of the people around you. I mean, you’re alive, you’re attractive. You got to live your life properly and he got jack shit; not that he could hold any of that against you.
- I’m sorry but Horace is the type of spirit that would genuinely consider killing you so that you could be with him forever. The only real thing stopping him is the fact that he can’t be sure that you’d end up actually being stuck with him in the afterlife.
- Horace; in real life, lived a solitary life. He only really had his father so now that he has you; someone else who genuinely loves and cares for him, he’s not going to allow anyone to threaten your relationship.
- On the same note: Horace is extremely protective of you, regardless of his dark thoughts about you. He’s never going to let anything else hurt you; all you’ll have to do is lead them into the scrap yard.
- You kind of really don’t want to get into a fight with him so it’s a good thing you usually don’t. It’s best to just give him space whenever he’s angry, whether at you or something else. He doesn’t want to hurt you but he has his compulsions.
- You’ll give him a few days to cool off before returning, apologizing if you did something or asking if he’s alright if it wasn’t your fault. If he’s the cause of the problem then you’ll go back when you’re over it and will be able to accept his nonverbal apologies.
- Like I said: I don’t think Horace talks all that much in general so it certainly won’t be common for him to tell you that he loves you.
- As for most relationships with supernatural beings, the future isn’t something either of you can really anticipate so you just enjoy the time you have together while you can.
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Deathless Meet Undead by Lady_R @talesofmetalandmagic
Summary: Quynh stars in a crossover with 2001 horror movie Thir13en Ghosts, where she gets two found families for the price of one.
Rated: Mature | Words: 3574 per chapter | Pre-Movie 
Characters of focus: Quynh and the Twelve Ghosts 
Pairings: Andromaquynh; Ryan Kuhn/Horace Mahoney
CW: mention of sexual assault (concerning one lead as a perpetrator and another as a survivor), inhuman treatment, ableism, PTSD, body horror, social shunning; the character of George Markley is canonically a victim of anti-black racism, but as a white person unfit to tackle such a topic I chose to keep his arc mostly focused on grief.
What I loved: I'm not sure how much I can praise in honesty being the author, but what I did have the most fun in making were the interactions between Quynh and the Twelve Ghosts, and how through them and their life stories she adapted into the modern world; the touches of black comedy (especially with Quynh's frequent deaths) and the friendship that builds between her and Ryan Kuhn, the Jackal, who shares an imprisonment trauma not unlike hers. I hope these are the aspects that shine the most in whoever reads it. 
It rushes to her mind like the tide and fills her lungs like a silent cry. The sea had shattered when her head pierces through it, a grotesque mass of damp black hair and ragged vocal cords; the metal had shattered beforehand at one last, foul push, her waist shifting through the metal like a slug out of his shell; her skin had shattered somehow, as the surface reclaimed her like a welcoming hand, strained muscles reshaped into a form of her own. And even those last drownings, as she floated towards the growing light, felt like a caress. Soon, just a matter of moments – somewhere.
  The road is foreign: both in its direction and the material it’s made, grey and thick like molten lava. A town she’d seen, at her side as they were used once upon another life, was coated in that material to the brim, and walking on it felt as dreamlike as that day.
She recalls having worn a dress when she was locked up: now all she has to cover up her body are her chest-length hair, tangled in a mess not even her fingers can get through. It still drips of sand on her back and legs, after she rolled into it underneath the stars. The first thing she had touched, mold herself with, felt new and unique and solid and warm.
Quynh was lying in sand when she and Andy had met, and for some brief and sweet moments she can imagine her coming to her for an embrace, a welcoming hand back into the life she was stolen from. It’s so sweet – too sweet, and it would probably make her puke if there was food in her to be found.
It’s too little and too late. Quynh walks the road barefoot, giving no care to the pebbles and grime mixing up with her still salty skin. Andromache and the rest, the Frenchman and the new girl and Nicky and Joe, are somewhere that isn’t there, and they can stay for just a while more if they did so well during the time that has passed. She has to… has to…
A sign stands before her, in a flat and lucid metal she doesn’t recognize. Quynh squints to read it, almost tense in excitement: the first words, in five hundred years.
Continue on ao3
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