#Hotel Café Royal
Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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oxymorayuri · 4 months
❞𝐍𝐨 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬❝
Part seven
If you haven't read the first part yet, you can find it here or the storys masterlist. ♡♡♡
✦ Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x Reader ✦ Warnings: none ✦ Spoiler: A lot about Dressrosa, which is no surprise because we're in Dressrosa. lol. So from here on you can expect a lot of spoilers about the Dressrosa arc.
wordcount: 4653
tagging: @lazyninjatheorist - @sassyyassi - @cottoncandyloverrrr - @littleleelee
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓: aokamei
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Getting the one earphone back was easier than expected. Ace had lured a cleaning girl out of the staff room and wrapped her around his finger.
She was completely carried away while Ace leaned over to her. With one hand on his hip and the other arm leaning against the wall, he asked her about her. The girl was blushing to the tips of her ears and giggling like a schoolgirl… How cute you thought to yourself as you rolled your eyes, but you have to admit Ace is doing a pretty good job though… it reminds you of yourself.
With your sneaky fingers, you snatched the key from her, to their staff room, to get another key card for all the passenger rooms. With this key card you could then enter the gangster's room, while they were in the restaurant for breakfast.
The woman was supposed to hide the earbud between the mattresses and, to your delight, everything went as planned...
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After you stepped off the ship, you took a stroll through the bustling city.
Dressrosa is truly a charming place. It is so clean and beautiful, almost too clean… as if licked to perfection. The people seem happy, reeaally happy… as if problems do not exist. Your critical eyes look with suspicion over the people. The whole picture is just too good to be true…
"Doflamingo goes to great lengths to keep the dirty corners hidden…" Your eyes wander over the faces of the people and the strange toys that seem to live with them. They seem unconcerned and so happy that it's fake again.
"A bit strange but also kind of interesting, don't you think?" Your eyes move to the side, for a moment you look at Ace but your gaze passes him by. Strange is the perfect word. You wonder what secrets you'll uncover.
Even though you walked around the city a bit, you in particular didn't notice anything special. Except that everything seems so artificial... No dubious pubs, just fancy bars. No casinos, just the one at your hotel. A lot of cute cafés or luxurious restaurants. As if there wasn't a single place for any shady figures, but you're sure Doflamingo is just doing a pretty good job of hiding that part.
Once you arrive in your hotel room, you step out onto the large balcony, which offers a wonderful view of the city, the Coloseum and the Royal Palace.
Ace, who threw the suitcases on the kingsize bed, joined you and walked past you to the railing. He sighed a little pleased as if you had finally arrived on vacation.
"Pretty nice here, isn't it?" He remarks as he rests both hands on the balustrade. You watch him in silence. It's a bit windy up here and his loose shirt is fluttering, so his skin is showing. Luckily, he doesn't see you pining for his exposed skin, as he has his back to you.
You stepped to his side and look over the city and how the people from up here look like ants. Your room is on the top floor and not just because of the beautiful view, no, there are specific reasons for this.
"What are we going to do first?" - "Nothing special is planned until tonight…" You look up at him with a small grin on your lips.
"I thought maybe we'd go out for a nice meal first? After all, we didn't have breakfast…" - "Oh my God thank you, I thought I was going to starve."
You enter the room and open your suitcase, rummaging through your clothes. Again and again you deny the piece of clothing in your hands and throw it on the bed. As the mountain on the bed gets bigger and bigger, a little mumble keeps coming out of your mouth; too sexy, too tight, too short, too long… You can't find a suitable dress for dinner.
Ace looks at you with a stunned face as he tries to understand how the whole pile managed to fit into your suitcase. It can't fit. You pull the clothes out of the suitcase like a magician pulling cloths from his sleeve.
“Ah! That's it!” you say, beaming with joy as you hold a strapless dress in your hands.
As you walk past Ace to disappear into the bathroom to change, you tell Ace to get ready.
"Ready for what? I'm already ready." Should he change too? He looks down at himself. He has two more shirts, but that's it. With the door half closed, you look him up and down.
"Oh, well, then you'll just have to wait, I guess."
You feel a little excited inside as you put your earrings on, standing in front of the mirror. On the ferry you read a guidebook about Dressrosa and it praised a small restaurant that offered a few local delicacies. You wonder how Ace will like it?
It's not a fancy restaurant, you're sure he wouldn't like that. It's said to be a lovely family business with a casual atmosphere. You sure won't feel out of place there.
You pause for a second in front of the mirror and stare into your own eyes. You should stop worrying so much about what Ace likes and doesn't like. You shouldn't even remember what he likes and doesn't like. You should stay professional.
You hold on to the sink and clench your hands into fists.
This is going to be more difficult than you thought. These thoughts come all by themselves…
Just before you go into the room, you take a deep breath to maintain your act. It's a little tiring, but it's for your own good...
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"Mhhmhh, ohhh my god, that tastes so good!"
With his mouth already full, Ace stuffs more and more into himself. You, on the other hand don't even have the chance to open your mouth because it's so full and with a satisfied grumble you nod in agreement.
In a small corner of the restaurant, you can peacefully live out your lack of manners, after all, you are pirates and you're not even sure if Ace has ever heard of table manners.
You've ordered what looks like the entire menu and both your hands are busy reaching across the dishes.
Your stomach is already fighting back and doesn't want to let anything else in, you're stuffed up to your throat and you feel like you're going to burst, but it just tastes too good to stop. It's pure agony. The agony of deliciousness.
"Hah… okay, I can't take any more." Satisfied, you lean back and exhale exhausted. One more crumb and Ace can wheel you out of the restaurant!
"Don't worry, I can handle it." You can't help but laugh at Ace's greedy grasp for the remaining dishes.
"Enjoy yourself."
Ace looks over the various plates with a thoughtful look. Empty plates are already piled up, but you can barely see anything of the table.
"Let me pay for it, after all, I've eaten most of it." - "Don't worry, Father gave me a nice sum for this mission. We don't need to worry about money."
He pauses abruptly and looks up at you with his black eyes. Did he just hear you right?
"Pops gives you money for the missions????!" Utterly flabbergasted, he speaks with his mouth full, dropping some food that he stuffs back into his mouth with a slightly red face.
You lean on the table and rest your chin in your hand. You watch him with amusement as food hangs all over his face.
"Well, of course." Ace is still a little surprised. He wipes his mouth with the tablecloth and finishes his drink in one go.
"I've never been given money before, not even for food!" - "I'm sorry Ace, I think I'm the only one in the gang who gets 'pocket money' so don't take it to heart…" Your voice is surprisingly gentle.
Whitebeard of course makes sure that everyone in the crew gets the resources they need for a mission or fight, but no one gets money directly. Since your missions tend to develop spontaneously over time and last a long time, you get money.
"Hahhh, how does it feel to be the favorite?" he teases you, there's no trace of his sulking look now.
"Oh come on!" You moan with a little pout.
"I may be the favorite, but there are other reasons why you're not getting any money." - "Ah yes? And those would be?"
Your gaze wanders through the restaurant, watching passively people eating their food and have a nice chat.
"When you go on your missions, you all have the chance to say what you need and in the end, father equips you for your battles. Take a look at our mission… We don't even know what we're preparing for, so I just get money so that I can prepare myself on site with the necessary supplies" - "You have a good point there… I hadn't thought of that." Ace admits with a thoughtful face.
"But no, you still use the money for food! How much money do you get?" He looks you up and down with narrowed eyes. You avoid his gaze a little nervously.
"And that brings us back to be the favorite… I always get a lot of money… But I usually give money back." - "I'm honestly still confused… I can understand why you get money but it seems suspicious that you don't say how much…" He leans forward and examines your face. You are a little surprised at the sudden closeness and lean back slightly.
You've already told Whitebeard your own thoughts on the matter, that it's not necessary to give you so much money. If Ace heard the amount, his jaw would probably drop…
Most of the time you only spend a fraction of the money and give the rest back, but Whitebeard always gives you a considerable sum 'just in case' as he always says.
Ace swallows the last bite of his meal and thinks hard.
“Wait a minute, didn't Pops also gave you those cool spy buds? I mean, he also takes care of your equipment…” Thoughtfully, he holds his hand to his chin and then points his finger at you as if he's on to something.
You look at him, looking taken by surprise. Slowly you run out of arguments, but you quickly gather yourself. What is this supposed to be? An interrogation? You also don't know why Whitebeard is treating you so special. A little bored, you rest your chin in your hand and look at him with a steady gaze.
Just steer the conversation in a different direction, y/n.
Your eyes lock with his. “Ace, could it be.. that you want to know how to be father's favorite?” Your voice a little teasing and sweet.
With a single laugh, Ace shakes his head. His eyes rest on you for a moment as he considers his next words. His irises turned into a sort of dangerous shade as he looks deeply into your eyes, yet the effect on you is rather hypnotizing.
Excitement builds inside you, his mischievous laugh sounds promising and you're eager to hear what's about to come from his lips…
“If it were about that, I'd rather ask everyone what it takes to become your favorite.” A playful smile appears on his lips as he runs his tongue over his lower lip… Your silence is his victory and proudly he leans back with his arms folded behind his head.
Even if your face still looks calm, while looking up at him, you can't control your own body temperature and a blush forms on your cheeks.
Before you could answer, a waitress came by to check if everything was okay and if you needed anything else. Your face suddenly returns to a normal color and you put on a friendly smile.
“Everything is great, but we'd like to pay.”
Maybe it's a good thing that your conversation was interrupted. Who knows how far it would escalate between you. But Ace can't take off his cheeky smile, he's left you speechless and that feels really good.
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Being curious, Ace looks over your shoulder as you unpack your equipment from your other suitcase. you pull out a black full body suit and hold it in front of Ace.
“Yep this should fit!” you turn again and rummage around to find your own suit and two pairs of binoculars.
Ace looks a little skeptically at the onesie you pressed into his chest as you passed him and disappeared into the bathroom with your own suit. You slip into the jumpsuit, pull up the zipper at the front and put your hair up in a bun in front of the mirror, which you then hide under a black cap.
When you return to the room, you see Ace, who is also dressed completely in black. The suit seems to fit him well, it looks a bit tight at the top but for your taste that's pretty perfect.
His muscles are clearly visible through the fine fabric and the whole picture looks quite athletic. The lower part is rather casually fitted, not like your suit for women.
Every curve of your body is highlighted in this tight piece and you check each other out for a while until you cough into your hand to get his attention.
A little dazed, he shakes his head and his eyes travel up and down your body one last time.
“Here, take this cap and the mask, when we go up, nobody should be able to catch even one small detail from us.” He looks at you, a little confused, but grabs the things you're holding out to him.
“Going up? Where to?” You point over to the balcony door while you take a climbing kit out of your suitcase.
Before you open the balcony door, you put a mask over your mouth. You swing the rope a few times and throw it upwards, making the hook at the other end get stuck on something. With one or two strong pulls, you check whether the hook is really secure.
You give him the thumbs up, while pulling your mask down so he can see your silly grin.
“Age before beauty.” you say, gesturing for him to go first and climb up the wall.
Ace looks down at you sideways and loosens his shoulders before reaching for the rope.
“Wish me luck.” he speaks from over his shoulder and winks at you.
Once you have safely reached the top... well, halfway safe, because when you tried to climb up the edge, your foot slipped and you lost your grip. Ace grabbed your arm at the perfect moment, just before you were about to fall backwards.
Even through his mask you could see his typical smirk and he pulled you up to him. You murmur your thanks and clear your throat, turning away from him. Ace looks after you and your fine figure. Damn, this suit flatters her ass…
At the top, you look around to get an overall image of the city.
Through your binoculars you look down on all the alleyways, paying extra attention to any dubious groups strolling through the night or the side streets you didn't see during the day.
Dressrosa is surprisingly lively, even in the early hours of the night. Bars and restaurants are still open in public squares and people are out dancing in the streets to exciting music. The scenery is quite inviting and the sight of it makes you want to mingle with the crowd down there.
You don't even notice how Ace moves next to you and looks down through his glasses at the same sight.
“Looks like fun down there.”
His whisper startles you, your heart jumps into your pants and you take your binoculars from your eyes to look over at him with a serious expression. Damn you Ace!
Ace looks over at you WITH his binoculars and just to make it clear, he's standing right next to you…
“Damn you're pretty.” You roll your eyes and push against the binoculars so they press into his eyes. Ace startles a little and whines theatrically as he rubs his eyes but you can tell by the wrinkles around his eyes that he's laughing.
You give him a stern look before looking through your binoculars again.
“The streets are pretty busy even at night, which gives us the opportunity to move around without being suspicious…” You ignore his compliment and concentrate on your work. Luckily, in the darkness and thanks to your mask, Ace doesn't recognize your red cheeks.
Your gaze lingers a little longer on the cheerful crowd and you realize why Whitebeard didn't want you to go alone. People are quite direct with each other here.
In a few corners you have already seen one or two lovely ladies being put in a tight spot. It was no different in Alabasta, just a bit more stylish and in the VIP rooms of the casinos, but Whitebeard doesn't need to know that.
Your gaze goes over to Ace, who is looking at the castle from on the other side of the roof. Still, you don't need a 'guard', you think to yourself.
“Psst hey, y/n!” He calls over to you in a quieter voice. “I think something's going on in the castle, though it's hard to say exactly what.” You jog slightly over to him and glance hurriedly through your glasses.
From your position, you can see that there are a few people bustling around on the King's Plateau, but nothing more. You're just too far away for you to see anything clearer.
“Well done Ace.” You put down your binoculars and keep your eyes on the castle.
You somehow have the feeling that Doflamingo has his villainous activities very close to him. This plateau also looks very suspicious…
You wanted to take a closer look at the plateau, but the binoculars didn't give you a proper picture, so you went back to your hotel room, stowed away the climbing gear and got changed.
Once again, you search in your suitcase and take out another case that is a little narrower. There are two different combination locks on each buckle and before you dial the right numbers, you look over at Ace, who flinches a little at your sudden movement.
You raise your eyebrows and Ace quickly turns his head and taps his knee innocently.
The click of the buckles makes Ace look over at you again and he peers over your shoulder as he sits on the bed while you sit on the floor.
You carefully remove the cloth covering the contents of the case, revealing a fancy and polished sniper rifle.
“Hohohoho, hello sweetie… Long time no see.” you mumble excitedly as you take the rifle out of the foam case and look through the aiming eye.
Yep, that should work.
You prepare a sniper rack on the balcony and position yourself with your chair and sniper in a way that the castle is in your field of vision.
You zoom in on the Kings Plateau and observe the people on the ground. They seem to be preparing something in the palace and on the plateau, but unfortunately you can't see into the containers they are carrying.
Ace joins you, places two beers on the table and sits down on the other chair.
“What the hell are they transporting in the middle of the night?” you wonder. Ace's gaze is on you, he can't tell or see what's going on in the castle anyway, so he prefers to focus his attention on what's in front of him. You.
Does the sight of you sitting in front of him with a super cool sniper rifle turn him on? Definitely. Would he like to have this sight as a poster for his cabin? Without a doubt.
You turn your eyes away from the aiming eye and furrow your brows thoughtfully.
“Ace, this plateau seems kind of suspicious…” His gaze goes to that strange hill.
“It's kind of unnecessarily big, isn't it?” - “Yeah, exactly.” You're glad he somehow always knows what you're getting at straight away. As you smile at him, you see the beer on the table and reach for it. You lean back on the chair and let your thoughts run free while you let the beer moisten your throat.
You know that something is rattling around in the back of your brain and an idea is on the tip of your tongue or as if a light bulb is about to come on. You're just missing a little spark to see the images in your head clearly.
You decide to go into the room to get your notebook while Ace's eyes follow you.
You turn to a particular page as you drop back into the chair and your eyes wander along the lines. As you read the words, you don't say a word. One might think you've forgotten that Ace is sitting in front of you, but Ace likes the fact that he can watch your pretty little head working.
He likes the way your eyebrows are drawn together as you look at your book or the way you run a finger over your lower lip, deeply in thought.
It's the little quirks about you that make him want to tell you that he wants to get to know your every little oddity.
But he holds back and waits for the right time. He doesn't know when it will be, but he will find out.
You gesture with your finger as if you're on the right track and collect your guesses.
“You know, that Pica in Doflamingo's crew had some pretty interesting skills. That's definitely stuck in my mind…” - “Uh huh… Like what?” You turn the page with his info to him and point to the line where you made notes about his devil fruit power.
“He can manipulate any kind of solid stone…” Ace reads and looks at your smiling face.
“Interesting, isn't it? Especially since the castle and the king's plateau is a lot of stone, no?” Your grin widens, but somehow Ace doesn't seem to get it this time.
You sigh a little at his puzzled look and cross one leg over the other.
“I think we should get into the castle somehow. If Pica can manipulate any stone, I'd like to take a closer look at everything there… don't you think?” - “Yes, I think so… but don't you think that's a bit too difficult? How are we supposed to get into the castle?”
You're a little offended that Ace doubts your abilities and cross your arms, but he has a good point. Doflamingo's crew is strong and you're not here to fight. You have to wait and see. You take a more relaxed stance again.
“Yes, you're right. We'll probably have to dig around a bit more and see what comes up, but my gut feeling is never wrong.”
Ace's gaze sweeps over the sight below you as he drinks his beer. He exhales deeply and looks over at you. You tilt your head a little questioningly, he looks as if he wants to say something.
With a light laugh, you ask him what's wrong and finish off the last drop of your beer.
“You know, I think I know what they're up to in the palace…” His pause is a little dramatic, his eyes look like he's trying to stop himself, but you ignore his uncertainty and urge him to speak up.
He sighs again. Now that he has spoken, he has to finish explaining himself. Otherwise you'll force the words out of him, he's sure of it.
“When I went to the toilet in the restaurant, I heard the staff talking about how they got an order from the palace. They are supposed to be arranging some specialties for a party at the palace…” You raise your eyebrows in disbelief. Why is he keeping this from you?
“Ace, you idiot! Why are you hiding something like that? This could be our golden ticket!” You're a bit shocked but not exactly angry with him. After all, he didn't exactly keep the information to himself for very long.
“I don't know, maybe because pops told us to stay away from Doflamingo???” He raises his arms defensively but you wave him off.
“Oh nonsense!” You get up and go to the minibar to get yourself and Ace another beer. You toss him his and he catches it with ease and thanks you.
You open your beer on the edge of the table and Ace seems to be impressed by that stunt, you cheekily wink at him and take a big sip. With a slight grin, he also opens his beer and takes a sip without taking his eyes off you.
“Dad doesn't need to know about this and he never will. Trust me, I know how to handle this.” Ace is visibly charmed by your confidence and leans back as he rests his foot on his knee.
The night is a little chilly, but there's something warm about it, especially with Ace in front of you. It's pretty quiet up here, but you can still hear the occasional sounds of the nightlife from the streets. As the clouds continue to cover the moon, you and Ace talk about various things. In fact, you are beginning to find it really pleasant to have a partner. If you were alone, you might have just gone to bed.
“Marco told me that you've more or less taken my place?” He looks at you a little nervously. Is that a reference to the fact that he's been given the position of second division commander?
You can literally hear his thoughts and put your hand over your mouth, laughing.
“By that I meant you're playing tricks on the others too, hehe, calm down Ace…” But the panic in his eyes is too sweet to keep your mouth shut. Ace pouts a little, but how can he be angry with you even if you laugh at him?
“So you played the pranks before?” He leans a little towards you and you can't help but notice how his lips glisten in the moonlight from the beer. Damn, why do his lips have to look so inviting under the moonlight!
Time flew by as you talked about your favorite pranks and you even had a prank in common. When Ace told you how he always hid Marco's reading glasses, you spluttered out the beer in your mouth and said with a little squeak that you did that constantly too. You start laughing together and while you both reminisce for a moment, your thoughts drift off.
“A party at the royal palace? Now we just need to know how to get in there…” - “And when the party begins.” Ace adds.
Good point. A somewhat mischievous smile forms on your lips, causing Ace to shake his head with a wide grin... you're just too cute.
You love it when the plan slowly comes together.
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I hope you enjoyed it my sweeties ♡
➽ Next chapter
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asgoodeasgold · 10 days
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I had a hankering for a beardy Goodey.
There is nothing better than these two gorgeous photo shoots by Philip Sinden and Uli Webber to satisfy that need.
📷 Photographs by Uli Webber for Style Italia (Feb 2017) and Philip Sinden for Brummel (Sep 2017), edited. Some via matthew-goode.net, can't remember which.
Read the Brummel interview here:
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pinnocksource · 9 days
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@britishvogue: On the Saturday of #LondonFashionWeek, #BritishVogue co-hosted one of this season’s best parties with @Rabanne in the gilded ballroom at Hotel Café Royal. Guests including #ParisJackson, #MiaRegan and #LeighAnnePinnock descended on the venue, as DJ AAA manned the decks.
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blakelysco-pilot · 8 days
Ben Radcliffe attends the British Vogue and Rabanne party to celebrate London Fashion Week at Hotel Café Royal on September 14, 2024 in London, England.
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📸: Dave Benett/Getty Images for British Vogue
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zoopop80 · 2 years
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Café Royal Hotel / London 
photo by Bianca Schröder
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Denis Wirth-Miller (1915-2010), born Wurtmüller in Folkestone to a Bavarian father and English mother.
Denis Wirth-Miller: Bohemian artist who enjoyed a close association with Francis Bacon.Denis Wirth-Miller was one of a group of artists who for many years injected the spirit of bohemia into the life of Wivenhoe, a small shipbuilding and repairing town on the Essex coast. The jollifications of Wirth-Miller, his partner, the James Bond illustrator Richard "Dickie" Chopping, and the painter Francis Bacon remain the stuff of local legend.
Such stories, true or untrue – among the latter is one that after Bacon's death his former Wivenhoe house was kept as a shrine by Denis and Dickie – have tended to overshadow Wirth-Miller's achievements as a painter. One recognition of this will be a forthcoming small retrospective at the Minories Art Gallery, Colchester.
Also undermining Wirth-Miller's reputation was the fact that from the early 1970s sight problems hindered him and that latterly he suffered from dementia. All this must have been hard for a man who had shown in London's leading galleries and had work in the collections of the Queen, the Arts Council and Contemporary Art Society.
Wirth-Miller was born in Folkestone, Kent, in 1915, where his Bavarian father Johann Wirthmiller (Denis later Anglicised his name) ran a busy hotel. Wirth-Miller's mother moved him to Bamburgh in her home county of Northumberland, where he was raised by his grandmother.After school, he joined Tootal Broadhurst Lee, the textile manufacturers in Manchester, where innate talent prompted his appointment as a designer. After arriving in London early in 1937 he met Dickie Chopping, who moved into one of the painter Walter Sickert's former studios in north London, where Denis was living. Thus began a lifelong relationship; in December 2005 they became the first in Colchester to make a civil partnership.
It was not without disagreements, even how about they first met – according to Chopping at a Regent's Park charity garden party, according to Wirth-Miller at the Café Royal, a celebrated meeting point for gay men. A friend was concerned about the vulnerability of the Sickert flat to bomb damage and advised them to leave London, lending them the dilapidated Felix Hall in Kelvedon, Essex. There, they scraped a living gardening and other jobs.Then, importantly, they met the painters Cedric Morris and Arthur Lett-Haines, who had established the East Anglian School of Painting and Drawing, first at Dedham and, when that was destroyed by fire, at Benton End. The artist Mollie Russell-Smith recalled how, as a student lacking an easel, with trepidation she knocked on the door at Benton End and it was "flung open by three young men" – Chopping, Wirth-Miller and Lucian Freud. 
"They bundled me in, assuming that I had come to be a student, and Dickie showed me all over the house with great enthusiasm and charm. I was enchanted."
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realismomagico380 · 4 months
Realismo Mágico
Somos una agencia de turismo literario que te invita a sumergirte en el universo del Nobel de Literatura colombiano. Ofrecemos experiencias únicas y fascinantes que te llevarán a través de los paisajes, ciudades y escenarios que inspiraron las icónicas novelas y cuentos de Gabo. Realismo Mágico   ''Una experiencia para recordar''
Fórmate con ''Gabo''
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Un Día
Llegada de los visitantes
Registro en el hotel temático (nombre del hotel)
Comienzo de la guía del tour
Mención de las normas de conducta y consejos de seguridad que deben asumir
Desayuno en un Café Colonial
Visita al Museo del Oro
Almuerzo en un Restaurante Familiar
Mención de las normas de conducta y consejos de seguridad que deben asumir en los espacios
Visita al Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá
Cena en un Restaurante de Comida Casera
Espectáculo de Teatro Experimental
Fin De Semana
Día 01
Visita a la Casa Museo de Simón Bolívar: Explora la casa donde vivió el general Bolívar en sus últimos días en Bogotá. Actores caracterizados como personajes del libro guiarán la visita, recreando escenas de su vida.
Tour gastronómico por el Mercado de Paloquemao: Sumérgete en los colores y sabores del mercado más grande de Bogotá. Conoce ingredientes tradicionales y disfruta de degustaciones mientras aprendes sobre la influencia de la gastronomía en la obra de García Márquez.
Almuerzo temático El Duende Bogotá
: Disfruta de un almuerzo en un restaurante con platos típicos de la época de Bolívar, mientras actores representan momentos clave de su vida.
Visita al Cerro de Monserrate: Sube al Cerro de Monserrate para contemplar las vistas de Bogotá. Durante el ascenso, actores narrarán eventos históricos relevantes para Bolívar.
Cena temática con espectáculo de Teatro Centro García Márquez "el original"
Cena en un restaurante ambientado en la época de Bolívar, donde actores representarán escenas de "El general en su laberinto”. Música en vivo y narración transportarán a los comensales a la Colombia del siglo XIX.
Día 02
Paseo en tren de la Sabana: Experimenta un viaje en tren vintage que recorre los paisajes que Bolívar atravesó en su viaje hacia la costa del Caribe. Actores a bordo interpretarán pasajes de la novela.
Desayuno campestre: Disfruta de un desayuno al estilo del siglo XIX en una hacienda cercana Restaurante Bodegón del hotel NH Collection Royal Teleport
donde se recrearán escenas de la vida de Bolívar.
Visita al Museo Botero: Explora la colección de arte del reconocido pintor colombiano Fernando Botero, cuyas obras reflejan la riqueza cultural y la identidad colombiana, en conexión con la temática del realismo mágico.
Taller de escritura creativa: Participa en un taller donde se explorará la técnica literaria del realismo mágico y se invitará a los participantes a escribir sus propias historias inspiradas en la obra de García Márquez
Cena en un restaurante temático El Duende Restaurante
Disfruta de una cena en un restaurante temático que recrea la época de Bolívar, con música en vivo y ambientación de la Colombia del siglo XIX. Los comensales podrán degustar platos tradicionales mientras se sumergen en la atmósfera histórica.
Una Semana
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Llegada a Bogotá y registro en el hotel temático GHL Hotel
Almuerzo en un restaurante tradicional colombiano Cantina La 15 Bogotá
Visita guiada a la Biblioteca Nacional, donde se realizan lecturas y discusiones sobre "Cien años de soledad".
Cena de bienvenida temática en el hotel, con decoración y música inspiradas en la novela.
Recorrido literario nocturno por el centro histórico de Bogotá, narrando pasajes de la novela y su relación con la ciudad.
Desayuno temprano en el hotel GHL Hotel Bioxury.
Taller de alquimia inspirado en Aureliano Babilonia, los actores interpretan a maestros excéntricos que enseñan sobre alquimia, ciencia y misterio, donde los turistas participan en actividades prácticas y discuten los temas de la novela.
Almuerzo Sitio Casa Candelaria
Visita guiada al Museo Nacional de Colombia, destacando exposiciones relacionadas con la historia y cultura del país.
Cena en un restaurante temático El Duende Bogotá que ofrece platos tradicionales colombianos, seguida de música en vivo con influencias folclóricas.
Un recorrido por el pintoresco barrio de La Candelaria, donde los guías narran historias sobre la historia real de Bogotá y cómo esta inspiró a García Márquez para crear Macondo.
Tiempo libre para explorar la vida nocturna de Bogotá en el barrio de La Candelaria.
Desayuno en el hotel Casa Turística Realismo Mágico
Traslado en autobús o tren por medio de expreso desde Bogotá hacia Aracataca, el pueblo natal de García Márquez y la inspiración para Macondo.
Llegada a Aracataca y registro en el hotel Casa Turística Realismo Mágico .
Almuerzo Zona Franca Restaurante Café-Bar .
Los turistas son recibidos con una ceremonia de bienvenida en Aracataca, con música en vivo, danzas folclóricas y narraciones sobre la historia de la región y su relación con la novela, decorada para evocar la atmósfera mágica de Macondo.
Cena en el hotel Casa Turística Realismo Mágico con platos típicos de la región y ambientación temática.
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tooti-fruiti · 4 months
Snowdin Town
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After that...puzzle...you continued walking and found a dog in a giant piece of armor.
It was super cute. Especially because after you fought the dog and spared it, it jumped out of it's armor and licked your face.
After the dog left, you walked across a bridge and found Papyrus and Sans on the other side.
"STOP RIGHT THERE, HUMAN!" Sans said, causing you to stop on the middle of the bridge.
Sans waved his hand and a lot of machines and weapons appeared.
Flame throwers, spike balls, you name it.
You stared at the "puzzle" in absolute horror.
But when he pressed it nothing happened.
"well? what's the hold up?" Papyrus asked.
"HOLD UP? WHAT HOLD UP?! THERE IS NO HOLD UP! THE REMOTE ISN'T WORKING!" Sans as he pressed the button again.
"did you remember to put the battery in?"
Sans huffed as he opened the back of the remote controller. "OF COURSE I REMEMBERED. THE BATTERIES ARE RIGHT-"
Judging by the way he cut himself off, you assumed Sans in fact, did forget to put in batteries.
Sans coughed and put the remote in his pocket.
Sans laughed and ran away again.
Papyrus smiled at you and held up two batteries in his fingers.
He chuckled at the look on your face before teleporting away.
You walked across the bridge, extremely thankful that you didn't have to go through with the puzzle.
Maybe Papyrus spared you from the puzzle and took out the batteries because he saw how scared you were.
As you thought about what just happened, you walked into a little town called "Snowdin Town".
You took this chance to walk around and meet people.
You don't know why you thought it was a good idea but it's okay. None of them knew you were human, surprisingly.
You walked into some shops, bought some items, and even took a 10 minute nap at a hotel. (Which you got your money back from because you only took a nap there).
You also learned that Monsters have their own version of Christmas.
It has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus, but instead it's actually about giving gifts to make people feel better.
They called it "Gyftmas".
Along with some shops, you also walked into a café and talked to the people there too, and their server was a giant ass spider lady.
That was pretty cool. But terrifying at the same time.
You also found Sans and Papyrus's house.
Apparently, the brothers lived together.
But past their house, was a thick cloud of fog.
You decided to walk into it and saw Sans's silhouette.
"Hi Sans!" You called out.
He turned around. "OH, HELLO HUMAN."
He stayed quiet for a few seconds, which is out of character for him.
"Awww Sans, thank-"
Poor guy.
You felt bad for him.
He stayed quiet for another few seconds.
Sans summoned two bones in his hands and you grew afraid.
(Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day)
<-Chapter Six
Chapter Eight->
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alessandro-accebbi · 2 years
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Hotel Café Royal, Regent Street, LONDON, UK 🇬🇧 🥂🍾
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
Court Circular | 30th March 2023
Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin
The King and The Queen Consort, accompanied by His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany (Her Excellency Mrs Jill Gallard) and Ms Franziska Giffey (Governing Mayor of Berlin), this morning signed the City’s Golden Book before His Majesty called upon Mr Olaf Scholz (Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany) at the Federal Chancellery, Berlin. The King and The Queen Consort afterwards visited Wittenbergplatz Market and were received by the Managing Director of Berlin-Brandenburg Farmers’ Market (Ms Silvia Hintsche). Their Majesties subsequently attended a Plenary Session at the Bundestag and were received by the President of the Bundestag (Ms Bärbel Bas). Ms Bas welcomed The King and The Queen Consort and His Majesty addressed the Session. The King this afternoon visited the Ukraine Arrivals Centre, Tegel Refugee Centre, Berlin, and was received by The President of the Federal Republic of Germany. His Majesty afterwards visited Wasserstrassen und Schifffahrtsamt, Finowfurt, and was received by the Minister President of Brandenburg (Dr Dietmar Woidke). The King, accompanied by the Federal President of Germany, viewed a static display of a British amphibious bridge and a mechanised infantry vehicle before viewing the completion of the amphibious bridge. His Majesty walked on to the bridge and spoke to a group of British and German soldiers. The King later visited Brodowin Organic Farm, Ökodorf Brodowin, Weissensee, Chorin, and was received by Mr and Ms Ludolf von Maltzan (Owners). His Majesty toured the dairy and viewed the ripening rooms before meeting members of the farm staff and young farmers. The Queen Consort, accompanied by Ms Büdenbender (wife of The President of the Federal Republic of Germany), this afternoon visited Refugio Café, Berlin. Her Majesty and Ms Büdenbender afterwards visited Komische Oper, Berlin.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, Patron, the Injured Jockeys Fund, this morning opened their South West Hub at Taunton Rugby Club, Veritas Park, Hyde Lane, Taunton, and, having been received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset (Mr Mohammed Saddiq), this afternoon attended a Reception at Taunton Racecourse. Her Royal Highness later opened Weston College’s Health and Active Living Skills Centre, Loxton Road, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.
Kensington Palace
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester this morning attended the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch Reception at Guildhall, Gresham Street, London EC2.
St James’s Palace
The Duke of Kent, Patron, the Society for Army Historical Research, this morning received Major General Ashley Truluck (Chairman) and Members of the Society’s Council and was presented with the Fellowship of the Society.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Even More Summer Vacation Prompts
Sorry guys, it’s that time of the year again, I’m really bored and wanna do alot more writing than I’ve been doing. Please, by all means, send in requests, come chat, send in a blurb, something, anything!!!! Currently taking requests for Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Salem’s Lot, Catch 22 (Hulu) and Press Play. 
1. Traveling with the gang and or the kids
2. Where are they going? 
3. Staying with a family member while on vacation
4. “My God I don’t think I wanna leave the hotel” (leads to smut)
5. Sex on the beach (smut) 
6. “The baby has so much sunscreen on that it looks like Kabuki makeup” 
7. “I’m so sunburned right now it’s not even funny” 
8. Their s.o being pregnant and going for a swim in the ocean
9. “You should have been a sand castle building champion” 
10. “I love you, but the idea of swimming with sharks is making me a little bit squeamish” 
11. Swimming with dolphins/manatees in Florida
12. Teaching the babies how to surf for the first time
13. “Say what you want about Florida, but the Key Lime pie is to die for!” 
14. Dancing outside of a street café
15. Riding horses through the ocean
16. Margaritas at the hotel/resort pool
17. “Babe, look out, the baby’s herding the sea turtles again” 
18. Deep sea fishing
19. Catching a video of a wild shark chase during feeding hours
20. Boat/jet-ski rides
21. “Leave your sandals and your cares at the door” 
22. Enjoying the morning coffee on the porch of the beach house/cottage
23. Communal dinner at the home of the family member they’re staying with
24. Chasing and teasing their s.o with the sunscreen
25. Beach massage
26. Scuba diving on pirate wrecks
27. Cooking dinner right on the beach
28. Homemade popsicles
29. Finding seashells, sand dollars and mermaids’ purses on the beach
30. Manta rays/swimming with manta rays
31. Showing the babies how to use a conch shell as a horn
32. Canoeing/kayaking on the ocean
33. A homemade swing on a palm tree
34. “It’s our own little secret spot, nobody knows we’re here” 
35. Beach date
36. “You’ve been listening to the Moana soundtrack ever since we left the airport” 
37. “Here be mermaids” 
38. The gang wearing plastic shark fins on their heads at the hotel pool and playing the JAWS theme to scare troublemakers and or snobs 
39. Playing games on the beach
40. “Screw it, my ass is in a beach chair, I’m not moving and nobody can tell me otherwise!” 
41. Wild parties on the beach
42. The one in the group that everybody thinks is the old fart, showing off their bartending skills at the pool bar
43. What’s on the menu?? 
44. Staying at the Atlantis resort and hotel
45. Beach bonfire and playing their favorite songs on a ukulele
46. Plane ride
47. Their kid(s) naming the little hermit crabs
48. Walking on the beach under the full moon and the water seems to be glowing
49. Beach picnics
50. Bubble bath at the hotel
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scotianostra · 10 months
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November 26th 1908 saw the birth of Charles Carmine Forte in Casalattico, Italy.
Baron Forte, as he was to become, worked in his relatives Italian cafe in the High Street, on his arrival in Scotland from Italy. He expanded a tiny London milk bar (snack bar), which he opened in 1934, into Trusthouse Forte PLC, a vast international enterprise that included highway service centres, restaurants, airport caterers, breweries, wine merchants, and a string of accommodations that ranged from the moderate-priced Travelodge motel chain to such luxury hotels as London’s Waldorf and Grosvenor House.
And what is all this got to with Scotland? Forte settled in Scotland at the age of four, where his father Rocco set up a cafe, he also worked at his Uncle Alfonso’s shop in my home town of Loanhed, although some sources say it was Rocco, his father who owned the shop, the Forte website says it was Alfonso.
There are Italian-Scots, all over Scotland, the Fortes had businesses in Stirling, Kelso, Biggar, Galashiels, Girvan, Broxburn, Jedburgh, Dunbar, Greenock, Dalkeith, Alloa and loads more places besides.
After his father bought a small hotel in Alloa young Charles attended Alloa Academy and then St. Joseph's College, Dumfries, he was then sent to Rome for two years before re-joining his family. He was 18 when he entered the family business, running a restaurant. The business progressed through a series of seaside resorts.
When he was 21, Forte was put in charge of a rundown cafe, the Venetian Lounge in Brighton. Within 12 months he had turned it into a profit-making outlet.
However, he had set his sights on London. With just £400, loans of £2000 from his family and a further £2000 bank loan, he bought a milk bar in Upper Regent Street. A concept he imported from America, it was a place where young people could socialise while lingering over non-alcoholic drinks and listening to the latest records.
The Strand Milk Bar Ltd. milk bar was the stepping stone Forte needed. In later years the café became the Four Seasons Restaurant and it was one site he would never sell.
By the time war broke out in 1939, Forte owned nine establishments in the centre of the capital and was known as Mr Piccadilly. He was interned on the Isle of Man, but after three months he was released to become an adviser to the Ministry of Food.
After the war he bought top London restaurants and hotels such as the Cafe Royal and Waldorf. In 1955 his company was awarded the first catering concession at Heathrow Airport. When the UK's first motorway opened in 1959, he began building a chain of 23 roadside catering areas.
His empire eventually had more than 800 hotels, in cities such as Paris, Geneva, Madrid and London, and a similar number of food outlets. In Britain alone he employed about 70,000 people.
When knighted in 1970 Lord Forte, who was five feet four inches in height, dubbed himself "the shortest knight of the year". He was also a Knight of the Grand Cross of the Italian Republic and was presented with a Papal Medal by Pope Pius XII. He received a medal from the French for what his firm had done at its Paris hotels, the George V, the Plaza Athenee and Tremoille, and the Spanish gave him a medal for his work at the Ritz in Madrid. In 1992, aged 83, he gave up the company to his son Rocco, who had succeeded him as chief executive in 1983.Forte ascribed his success to hard work and healthy living. He said work should be serious but fun, and satisfaction rather than profit was his main motivation.
Charles Forte passed away on February 28th, 2007 aged 98, he had already passed full control to his son Rocco in 1993, but soon the plc was faced with a hostile takeover bid from Granada. Ultimately, Granada succeeded with a £3.9 billion tender offer in January 1996, which left the family with about £350 million in cash, not bad for starting in a wee shop in a Scottish toon.
Rocco immediately went back into the hotel business and now has 14 hotels located in European cities, as well as beach resorts in Sicily and Apulia, and recent openings in Saudi Arabia and China. The most famous of his hotels in Scotland is The Balmoral at number one Princes Street Edinburgh.
Pics of of some of the Forte businesses can be found here https://www.fortefamilyhistory.com/Gallery/In_Business/index.html
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lowryinbohemia · 1 year
Hunedoara Castle & Sibiu 🏰 🇷🇴
Hey there, Fam-Bam, so here I am again with another update on my crazy adventures here in Romania!
This morning I got to say that I actually woke up in Hotel Transylvania, though, not exactly the same spelling and no there was no Adam Sandler sounding vampires or a Steve Buscemi sounding werewolf at the breakfast table this morning. But nonetheless, it was still a lovely hotel and if you’re wondering if I bought something that has the hotel title on it, well you would be right, because I bought an adorable mug that says Hotel Transylvania on it because of course I did.
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Today we went and toured another castle, one of the largest actually in Europe, Hunedoara Castle, also known as Corvinilor or Corvin Castle. Built in 1446 by Ioan de Hunedoara, ruler of Transylvania and Regent of Hungary, the castle is protected by a double wall and features both rectangular and circular towers, some of which (such as the Deserted Tower and the Drummers’ Tower) were once used as prisons. There was also rumored to be a bear pit, though that may have been an exaggeration by the Corvins to try to discourage people from trying to take the castle. The castle was never breached, and it was only at one time under siege, but the siege was very short. We had the most amazing tour guide, a wonderful woman named Delia, who was not only very well versed in the history of the castle, but she also happens to be an archaeologist, so she was able to talk about some of the scientific facets of the reconstruction of the castle , plus she had no problem dropping F bombs or talking about saucy history of the royal family. I love the fact that she gave us a bit of a feminist perspective on the history of the castle, and she told us a lot of great tales about some of the very interesting people that came in and out of the castle. But probably the biggest highlight for me seeing this castle was when I found out that it was the filming location for one of my favorite movies of all time; Dragonheart. If you haven’t seen this brilliant movie with Sean Connery voicing the magical dragon Draco, and Dennis Quaid playing the valiant knight and dragon slayer Bowen, then please go on Amazon prime now and rent it. Is it very high-quality cinema? No, but man is it fun, and you’ll get to see some of the castle.
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We then made our way over to a little café near the castle where each of us got to have a bit of a lunch of our own choosing, before we loaded up into the van again, and made our way to Sibiu. We’re staying here for two nights and we each got to get our own rooms which is awesome because though I love my mother dearly, I have kind of miss having a bit of my own space. We did a short walk around the city to do a tour of the surrounding area and then tomorrow we get to see more of the city.
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Sorry, there is too much to share today, but that was most of our day was taken up with driving, but I hope to share some more adventures after touring the city of Sibiu and Sibiel tomorrow.
Until then, my friends, I bet you all good night
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