#from a thoughtful menu of pub favourites
Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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cameronspecial · 7 months
Let Me Date You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.9K
Summary: Rafe wants everything for their first date to be perfect, but unfortunately, it isn't.
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They were going to go for Mexican food on Friday night, but unfortunately, Y/N got sick and lost her voice. It disappointed Rafe greatly to have to postpone the date, but at least now he can make it absolutely perfect. The Mexican place he wanted to take her to is now closed for a private event, so he had to rethink his plan. He thought it would be the perfect opportunity to go to the most exclusive restaurant in town. He planned everything down to a t. It was the type of place with a pre-determined menu, so he had to make sure that the menu they had the night of their date was something Y/N would like. He made sure they shipped in the drink she liked. He made sure that he got her the perfect pre-date gift. She wasn’t the biggest fan of flowers, so he got her some of her favourite stationery she likes to use for her notes. This date was going to be perfect and he was going to make sure of that. 
The first thing that goes wrong is the restaurant reservation. “I’m sorry Mr. Cameron, but in our system, it says that your reservation is at eight,” the hostess apologizes, looking up from the screen. Rafe shakes his head, “No, no, no. That’s not right. I said seven. I confirmed with whoever I was on the call with that it was at seven. What are we supposed to do until we get a table?” Before the hostess can answer, Y/N steps in to help ease the situation. “It’s okay, Rafe. We can go back to your car and listen to some music. I have this great song that I think you would like.” She takes his hand and they head to his car to do as she suggests with him grumbling under his breath at the stupid person he was on call with. The next thing that spoils his evening is the menu being changed at the last minute. “And the entrée for tonight is a braised duck accompanied by a peanut sauce,” the waiter announces while pouring their wine. 
Rafe’s fist clenches in anger. He specifically told the restaurant he needed to know about menu changes because of her allergies. Now, it makes him look incompetent to Y/N because she told him about her allergies. “Oh, I’m allergic to peanuts. Is there any way to not get the sauce on it,” she politely asks. The waiter gives a tight-lipped smile and shakes his head, “I’m afraid not, Miss. The chef doesn’t like when the meals are altered in any way.” “That is stupid, so you are telling me that my date can’t eat anything because your chef doesn’t want to have his feelings hurt,” Rafe argues, boring his eyes into the man. Y/N smiles at the waiter, “It’s okay. Is there any way we can get the check, please?” The waiter nods and heads to get their check for the drinks printed out.
She turns to Rafe with a smile, “It’s okay, Rafe. We can just go to the campus pub. We can share the nachos.” He wants to argue with her that he can fix this and with the chef that he needs to get rid of the nut sauce for Y/N. Yet, something in him tells him to do as she suggested. “I’m sorry. I just really wanted this night to be perfect for you, Angel. And everything seems to be going wrong,” he tells her, putting his hand in hers. She shakes his head, “I know you do, but I promise, it will still be perfect if we go to the pub. Honestly, I like greasy nachos way more than braised duck.” This calms his nerves a little and he pays the bill so they can leave.
The pub is busy. Probably because of the hockey game playing on the TVs, but Y/N and Rafe get a table in the back corner. It’s more cozy and warm than the stuffy and cold exclusive restaurant. The date is going absolutely amazing. They’ve shared so much food. A burger. Nachos. Wings. Fries. They completely indulged themselves in not only food but also conversation. There is never a moment of silence and laughter fills the air. Rafe has to admit that this has been the perfect date. “I just wanted to say thank you for letting me date you, Angel,” he interrupts their conversation. He can’t help himself. He needs her to know how much this means to him because he thinks he found his soulmate. She leans in to give him a kiss and pulls away, “No need to thank me. You found me and I promised I would. But this has been an amazing date. I love it.” He has kissed a lot of people before, but he’s never kissed anyone who's built a fire in his stomach. It tells him what he needs to say next. 
“I know it’s early, but will you be my girlfriend?” he inquires, begging the universe that she won’t say no. She grins at his nervousness, letting him be on edge for a second. When it looks like he is about to cry, she saves him from his panic. Her arms wrap around his neck, “Of course, I would love to!” They pull away from the hug to turn it into a kiss. Once they pull away, Rafe takes a napkin and looks around for a pen. “Here,” she offers, handing him one from her purse. She is so curious about what he is going to write. She watches as he writes down numbers for a list and then writes Rules To Be Rafe’s Girlfriend at the top of the napkin. Boy, does she not know what she got herself into. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
You know what concept doesn’t get explored enough in Dreamling fic? Dream teaching Hob how to read. Like, I’ve seen one or two off mentions of it in canon adjacent fic, but nothing that really gives focus to that idea, y’know? And while I think it would be fun in canon, I’m gonna go au real quick.
So Hob as one of those kids unfortunately left behind. Probably a combination of living in poverty and his undiagnosed adhd. And he’s definitely way too embarrassed by this to actually ask anyone to teach him. So now he’s an adult who doesn’t know much more than his own name and his numbers. And while that probably wouldn’t be enough for most people to get by, what Hob DOES have are people skills. His ability to charm people and talk around them let’s him get through life well enough.
Then there’s Dream, mister wet cat himself. If he’s not an Author™️ then he’s definitely a voracious reader. But he has a personality of a damp paper bag. Like, even he has to admit his lack of social skills is actively hindering his life and relationships at this point. Probably add some autism for ✨flavor✨
But Dream does have moments where he’s too observant for his own good. Which is how he clocks that Hob avoids reading like the plague. (I’m envisioning Hob as a bartender at the pub Dream goes to to try and learn human behavior. But idk if he could avoid reading with that job.)
So Dream corners Hob and proposes a trade off: Dream will teach him how to read and Hob will teach him some social skills. Once Hob realizes he’s not being threatened (seriously, Dream really sucks at this talking to people thing) he hesitantly agrees. At least it’s less embarrassing if Dream also needs to be taught something? And it would be rather helpful…
Obviously during the course of their lessons they fall in love 🥰
This means so much to me!!!! I love it. The idea of Hob hiding the fact that he can't read is so heartbreaking but actually so real and its way more common than people imagine.
I also love the idea of Hob + Dream = One Normal Functioning Adult. That's my favourite thing, when they're each other's missing puzzle piece <3
I figure that Hob might have picked up a few words from around the environment of the bar. Like, each tap has a label on and he knows exactly which is which and he can technically read "Guiness" and "Wherry" and a few others, but they're not the most useful words. Anyways, Dream gets the idea that he'll keep using things around the pub to teach Hob to read: menus, newspapers, posters for old gigs, crisp packets. It's a good way for Hob to build confidence before Dream presents him with an actual book.
And similarly Hob uses the bar as a place to teach Dream about social skills. He coaches him through identifying body language and expressions, quizzing Dream on how he thought each customer might be feeling. Then he encourages three way conversations between him, Dream and regular customers. He gives Dream topics to focus on and gives him safe ways to get out of an interaction that he's not vibing with.
By the time Hob stumbles his way through his first novel, Dream is able to talk to a stranger about the weather without any issues. And they're both mutually crushing on each other so hard!! It only seems fitting that the pub which has been such a cornerstone for their friendship and some pretty awesome personal milestones, is also the place where they have their first date.
Hob reads love sonnets to Dream in a hushed undertone. And it's like the whole building sighs happily at the sights of them together <3
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chemical-killjoy · 9 months
Can you do Coffee Shop AU x Accidental kiss
With Y/N And Gerard Way?
Of course!! Sorry it took so long! It's been a hell of a month lol
Kisses and Coffee
Gerard x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Gerard and Y/N meet in a coffee shop, become friends and more after an accidental kiss
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You had been coming to your favourite coffee shop for the last decade, and upon learning that it closed, you were on the hunt for a new one. This devastating news left you wandering around town for a while until you saw a cute little cafe you had never been too before. And there was something about it that just felt right.
You took a small two-person table by the window in the corner of the cafe and looked around. It shop was a light blue-grey with paintings of flowers and posters decorating the walls. The air smelt of coffee, toast and biscuits. There was a hum of noise as the cafe was, while small, pretty full, and it felt like a warm hug.
Once you saw the menu, you were sold. This had to be your new coffee place, I mean, they sold churros!! And ham and cheese croissants! In the same place? Insane in the best way. You ordered a mocha and muffin and were snuggled up with a book while waiting when a hand landed on your shoulder.
“Wow, you're early for a change!” The voice that greeted you was warm, but unfamiliar. You turned around to face the stranger, and the poor man's face dropped.
“I'm so sorry, you are not the person I thought you were,” he said slowly, standing awkwardly and putting his hands in his pockets.
“It's OK, happens all the time,” you lied, giving the man a small smile to put him at ease. He had kind eyes and smile, with an air about him that just made you feel comfort able. There was something about him that soothed you, despite the random introduction.
The man sat down at a table in the opposite corner, and as your food and coffee arrived, he waited for a person that never showed.
You were so engrossed in your book, that when you finished the last few pages, your coffee (what was left of it) was cold, and your muffin barely touched. You put the book down and took a minute to return to reality. You looked up to see the man from earlier checking his watch once again, sighing and looking down at the table. You knew that look well.
You walked over before you could stop yourself.
“Hi,” you started, unsure of yourself. “Mind if I join you?”
“Ah, sure! Doesn't seem like she's coming anyway.” The man replied.
“I thought I recognised that look. I'm sorry,” you said, looking away. “Hey, my name's Y/N.”
“Gerard. Nice to meet you.” Gerard held out a hand, which you took softly. There was a warmth to it that mad you smile.
You sat down, thinking of how to start A Conversation. How do people do that again? Luckily Gerard swooped in to end the awkward silence.
“What book are you reading? You seemed super engrossed in it?”
“Yeah? Sometimes I get carried away when I read, it's like I'm not really on Earth and I'm in the book, watching like a fly on the wall,” you laughed, “Sometimes I get so invested, I make faces and gasp out loud without realising I'm doing it.”
Gerard giggled. “You know you've got a good book on your hands when that happens. So what kind of stories are you into?” He asked, and you launched into a long and comfortable conversation, as though you'd both known each other for centuries.
It had been a few months since you first met, but you and Gerard would meet up every week, having your own miniature book club that eventually turned into exchanging CDs and long heart to hearts til the coffee shops closed and the pubs became quiet.
Over time you struggled to keep your feelings or the man at bay. He was kind and cuddly, but strong and brave, and you just admired him so much. It was hard to stay friends when you watched him talk and focused more on his lips than the words he was speaking.
And though you didn't know it, Gerard got more and more comfortable with you, and found himself falling as well. The small gestures became touches, a soft brush of the hand when passing you something, leaning his head on your shoulder in a booth when you're tired, hugs that last just a moment longer than intended, and the occasional kiss on the cheek when it had been a while. You were scared to think that maybe it was only in your mind that his lips lingered for a breath longer than a friend.
It was a cool night and you and Gerard were meeting up at a pub, as you'd been busy with work all day but you both needed some time away from it all, happily finding refuge in each other.
The pub was a warm and vibrant atmosphere, people laughing, mugs clinking, and staff weaving through the crowd, remarkably spilling nothing. You struggled to find Gerard in the crowd, but suddenly there was a hand on the small of your back. You turned around and the scowl on your face shifted to a smile.
“Gee! How are you!” You cried giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek... or what you intended to be a kiss on the cheek. Gerard had the same idea, and you both went in the same direction. Your lips collided in a short and quick peck that sent electricity through both of you, pulling away with wide eyes.
Gerard laughed. “Well, I'm good now,” he said with a flirting smirk, and you turned your head and blushed.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to-” you started, flustered.
“No no it's fine, I'm sorry, hey, how about we grab a seat?” Gerard stopped you.
You spent a few hours happily munching on hot chips and a burger, and sipping a cider while you chatted about anything and everything you could possibly think of, Gerard talking your ear off equally. By the time your food was gone and your drinks disappeared, the pub was nearly empty and a comfortable quiet came over you both.
Gerard looked at you.
“You know, you had nothing to apologise for, right?” Gerard asked, out of the blue.
“What do you mean?”
“When we kissed. I know it was an accident and all but you didn't need to apologise. I actually, um, I didn't mind it. I wouldn't mind it again.”
You looked away, cheeks heating up fast. When you didn't answer fast enough, Gerard tried to backtrack.
“'M sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, you know what, just forget I said it, it didn't happen and doesn't really matter anyway, I me-”
“Gee.” Was all you had to say to silence him.
You looked up at him with the Y/E/C eyes that he adored with all his heart. Even if your lips never touched his again, he decided he'd be content to just have your eyes stay on his for a few more moments. But you took him by surprise, putting you hand on his and then kissing his cheek. When you pulled away, you shyly bit your lip.
Gerard leant forward slowly, and kissed the skin where your cheek meets your lips, desperate to prove his point, lost for words, and terrified to scare you off. His lips stayed on your skin for a moment longer and you felt his breath on your cheek, sending a shiver down your spine. You pressed your forehead against his, eyes closed, noses rubbing for a moment, before you both leaned in and kissed. It was magic. Not the extreme, passionate, thrilling heat. No. But soft. Calm. Warm. Like the safety coming home from a storm. The contentment of a good book. The joy and comfort of your favourite coffee shop.
The kiss ended and you both barely pulled away, soft smiles on your faces, light in your eyes, and quiet laughter drifting from you.
“You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that,” Gerard said, hand still behind your neck.
“You have no idea how much I need you to do it again.”
And with that, your lips met. And would meet, again, again and again.
This is a new account, I was @immrbrightsideeee so please click here if you were and still want to be on my taglist, or if you want to be added (it'd mean a lot!)
@fandomfoodiedancer @smiling-girl @niche-bitch @charlie-rulerofhell
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castleofcuntdracula · 2 months
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Since I'm saving up for some things, and working on flexing some specific authorial muscles in advance of a big project, I thought I'd open up fic coms! £10 = 1000 words + however much I feel like continuing on a topic of your choice from this selection.
Not sure how tumblr will handle that image, so, full transcription/ID below:
A comission information sheet styled to resemble a pub menu or catalogue page. The heading reads "Gored Renfields, direct from my nightmares". The menu offers various pre-categorised scenarios, including cannibalism, guro, breeding, sickfic, and impact play.
Directly below the heading is text reading as follows:
BRUTAL SCENES of gore and agony will be wrought upon this man! Unlock your inner Dracula and watch our collective blorbo squirm as he suffers any of the options among this salacious selection. All described in this catalogue have been hand-picked directly from heart-pounding nightmares, and some even discussed in chat! Renfield may be subject to mutilation, mastication, and more as the events in this menu of the macabre unfold, and no inch of him is off- limits! Read through, consider these creations, & pick your- or rather, his- poison. Orders filled within three weeks.
The leftmost column is titled "Cannibalism", and is subdivided into the following options, each of which have an image, title, and subtitle:
Hog Roast. This text is accompanied by a black and white illustration of a roast suckling pig.
Subtitle: Trussed up and served is where Renfield starts this course...
He's the centrepeice of a spectacular meal, bound, gagged, and ready to be served. Spiced with historical dining knowledge and reveling in his inability to scream, this dish is for you if you like cannibalism, propriety rituals, and a good, gory party. Comes in human-on-human, vampire-on-human, and a milder role-play option (v).
Tapped Tree. This text has a black and white illustration of a metal spile, from which a drop of liquid hangs, hammered into a taphole in a tree.
Subtitle: Watch. Him. Bleed.
Did you know that a man of Renfield's height and weight has nearly 6 litres of blood? In this course, you can test this for yourself- watch as a variety of blood-related bad luck befalls our best boy. Is he serving the role of punch bowl at a vampiric soiree? Being drained dry as a punishment for failing to provide for his master? Offered up to the brides of Dracula, in an attempt to make peace? Or some devious scenario of your own creation? Either way, this option is a bloody good time!
Lethal Chef. This is accompanied by an illustration of alice and the cook from Alice's adventures in wonderland.
Subtitle: Most chefs try not to cut their fingers...
Renfield doesn't get the chance. Our favourite chew-toy really becomes one in this dish, wherein he is forced to prepare his own flesh. ALL of his body is available in this option; if he's not flexible enough to reach your favourite cut , someone else will retrieve it for you. Watch as he struggles through slicing, seasoning and searing parts of his own body; soothed by shallow healing or abandoned to your tastes. Options range from a brief, painful episode of autocannibalism, to a day slaving over a hot stove preparing his parts to feed a massive party. The choice is yours with this flexible, delectable form of torment.
Serve man. This is accompanied by an 1800s era illustration of various cuts of beef.
Subtitle: asking the delicate question.
In this world, it's eat or be eaten... This dish allows Renfield, at long last and probably against his will, to join his master in the consumption of human life. Be it snowed-in survival cannibalism or the privilege of sharing in a victim, this is what to order if you want to see Renfield with a mouthful of his kith and kin. There's a thousand ways to serve a cut of meat, and he's available for all of them-be it braised broiled or fresh enough to still be hot, this option sends Renfield to the ultimate culinary frontier.
The centre column is dominated by an outlined box containing the title "Butcher's Block", and a black and white photograph of the backroom of a butcher's shop. Below the photograph is the subtitle "Prime Cuts, Prime Prices!" Can you use into a description reading as follows:
In this à la carte atrocity, watch as Renfield is sectioned off and sold for consumption. You will get your pound of flesh be it back bacon, rump steak, or hawk; as well numerous others in this story! Farm-fresh and withing in agony, this dish features a Renfield being slowly and expertly deconstructed, with a variety of options resulting, including market stalls, wholesale halls, and a glimpse at how the sausage is made. Sprawl him out on the butcher's block in back or portion him out nicely and perfect packaging-this option is the best to really get into the meat of the man.
Below this are two text inserts. They read, in all caps: "amateur anatomist author, expert in pain" and "everything £10; less than a penny per word"
Below this, a section with headings for "scrap auction" and "highest bidder". There are two pictures of auction houses. These share a subtitle, which reads "sell his body, watch him suffer". The description is as follows:
Our dear Renfield is up for auction; standing in front of an audience in watching them assess his worth! Either piecemeal, is in the scrap auction option, or wholesale going to the highest bidder. What has he done to get himself sold? is it a true turning point in his life, or all some game he doesn't know he's playing? in this option, you can find out.
Below this is a section with the heading as you wish (customs). This has the subtitle "what, dear diner, is your will? Build your own, by the word." Below this are pricing options for custom one shots, all of which cost one pound per 100 words comma except the final, which is £20 for 2,500 words.
The lowermost block of the center column is split in half. On the left, is a section titled "inner world", with the subtitle "SCALPEL!" its description reads as follows:
This surgical smorgasbord is perfect for the medically-mine did among us. Rich with detail on organs, operations, and contemporary medical technology, this dish eschews surface-level suffering to explore what Renfield is like on the inside.
On the right, a section titled "Local Ails", with the subheading "Sick and twisted". Its description reads:
Drawing on a degree in immunology in a hundreds-strong Goodreads shelf dedicated to novel set in sanatoriums, this dish explores the horrors of pre-modern medicine, and of a Victorian immune system meeting modern germs. Be it consumption, cholera, or covid, choose this option to see our adored at his most afflicted.
The rightmost and final column is titled "smut". Like the left, it is divided into options. The first of these is titled "blood play", and headed by a Victorian medical illustration of the blood vessels and musculature of the neck, accompanied by the caption "Feel him from the inside". It's description is as follows:
Sex, blood, & rock and roll combine in this option, where Renfield bears his heart and soul in the bedroom. The author turns their anatomical knowledge to the sport of tormenting one R.M, revealing hidden facets, that they might be fucked. Be it woundfucking, knife play, biting or beyond, this is where to look if you like to taste sex and violence in the same bite.
The next title is spare the rod. It is accompanied by a woodcut of a man being flogged with a cat-o'-nine-tails. It has the subtitle "...Or not". Its description reads:
This dish sets this mess of a masochist up with exactly what he needs-a firm hand and a sore arse. In this option you'll find the cane, the tawse, the birch and more. If you want to see Renfield flogged, bound or suspended, ask for this at the counter, and be sure to be specific!
The next title is "Born and bred". It has the subtitle "eating, for two", and there's a company by an 1800 hand-drawn diagram of the anatomy of the uterus. It's description reads:
Knocked Up. Up the duff. In the family way. This option is all about pregnancy, breeding and mating, be that omegaverse, mpreg, or just some good old biologically-impossible kink. Spanning a broad spectrum from keep-coming-in-his-stomach-wound wishful thinking to baby-bumped Renfield bouncing on it and moaning, this option has something for everyone Oscar the counter for our full menu of pregnancy and pregnancy-adjacent kink.
The final category is "NOT IN STOCK (hard NOs), and is headed by a picture of empty supermarket shelves. Below this, it lists "underage, furry, scat, omo, necro" and states that we have the right to refuse service at any point before payment.
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kingjamesroystonpub · 4 months
The Perfect Pub Burger - King James Royston Pub
It's where the Perfect pub burger was created: behind the swinging doors of your favourite bar kitchen, hot griddle pans, fragrant spices, and skilled cooks. In this culinary adventure, we go behind the scenes to discover how a burger that is anything but ordinary is made. Discover the secret products, cooking methods, and insider knowledge that make a simple patty the star of the pub menu with us at the Secret To Making The Perfect Pub Burger - King James Royston Pub.
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Quality Ingredients—The Basis 
How to Choose the Best Ground Beef:
What makes a great bar burger great is the choice of ground beef. While some pubs choose an 80/20 mix of lean and fat to ensure their patties are juicy and delicious, the best ones focus on cutting the best cuts possible. Others try mixing different types of meat, like adding beef, chuck, or short rib, to make the flavour more complex.
Accepting Freshness in Food:
The most important thing is that the food is fresh, from the crisp greens and ripe tomatoes to the crunchy pickles and thinly sliced onions. By getting their veggies from nearby farms, pubs that strive for excellence ensure they are at their ripest and tastiest, which goes well with the burger's spicy, rich flavour.
Handmade buns:
Adding something extra to a burger starts with the bun. Many pubs work with local bakeries or have their bakers make artisanal buns that are strong enough to hold the juicy meat inside but soft enough to give you a pleasing bite. Sometimes, brioche, pretzel, or potato buns are used, making the burger taste slightly more decadent.
Understanding how to cook: The Culinary Magic
Making the Patty Better:
There is a delicate dance involved in making the proper burger patty. In pubs, burgers are often made by hand with a light touch so that the meat doesn't get too packed in. It keeps the texture tender. There are different temperatures for cooking, but many cooks like to use a hot griddle or open-flame grill to get that sear and caramelisation on the outside while keeping the inside juicy.
Seasoning Flavours:
A pub's burgers are only as good as their secret spice blends. Kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, garlic powder, and sometimes a hint of spicy paprika are some of the ingredients used. These spices give the burger a well-rounded flavour that stays in your mouth.
How to Master Melting Cheese:
It takes skill to make the right cheese melt. In pubs, different methods are used, such as carefully placing a lid on the grill or quickly broiling the patty. Picking the right cheese is very important. American, blue, and sharp cheddar are all often used favourites.
Texture-Enhancing Toasting:
Like taste, shape is essential for the bun. There's a great contrast between the juicy patty and the golden crispiness of the buns that you often find in pubs. Some places like to add an extra layer of flavour by brushing the buns with garlic butter or mayonnaise that they make themselves.
The Secret Tips: Unlocking the Magic of Cooking -
The Enhancer for Umami:
To make burgers taste better, many pub cooks swear by umami-rich ingredients. Bring out the patty's flavour by adding Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, or even a little fish sauce.
Putting on Brilliance:
Restaurant cooks keep the art of basting a secret from their customers. Some options for marinating the patty while cooking are butter, broth, or even beer. It will add more flavour and wetness to the meat.
Balanced Layering:
Putting together a burger in the correct order takes some thought. In pubs, ingredients are often layered to ensure every bite has the right mix of flavours. Each layer adds to the overall symphony of taste, like putting crisp lettuce under the patty to keep it from getting soggy or adding a dollop of house-made sauce for an extra kick.
King James Royston Pub Burgers -
Located in the middle of Royston, the King James Royston Pub has become a royal home for burger fans looking for a royal dining experience. As you might not see, the chefs at King James are carefully making the burgers that have made them famous in the local eating scene.
Mix of Royal Blend:
Starting the trip is choosing the best beef cuts fit for a king. The chefs are very proud of their secret blend, a beautiful mix of prime cuts picked for their rich flavour and tenderness. People who are very good at cooking have kept this method private, only telling other chefs about it.
Alchemy for Seasoning:
Every patty in King James's royal cooking is a blank slate for flavour alchemy. Each burger is a symphony of taste thanks to a mix of carefully chosen spices, hints of rare herbs, and a little culinary magic. It's a way of dressing that ensures the burgers meet the high standards of Royston's burger experts.
Royally Crowned:
It's the perfect cheese melt that makes everything else look good. Not content with average, King James Royston Pub tops their burgers with various cheeses, giving each patty a royal covering of creaminess that melts into a flavour explosion.
Kingdom of Toppings
The technique of burger assembly at King James is unparalleled. Selecting fresh, locally grown food is done with the accuracy of a royal order. Fresh ingredients like crisp lettuce, ripe tomatoes, and thinly sliced onions add flavour and texture to the burger's hearty base.
The Art of Cooking:
People who work in the kitchen at King James Royston Pub are very proud of what they do. Each burger is carefully cooked to order, using tried-and-true methods to make sure the inside is juicy and the outside is caramelised enough for a feast.
Presentation Royal:
A King James burger is more than just a meal; it's a show. The final dish is served royally, making everyone feel like a king or queen. The burger is served on handmade buns that look like thrones for the masterpiece inside. On top of the burger is a skewer that proudly displays the King James logo.
To make the perfect bar burger, you must carefully choose the ingredients, use expert cooking techniques, and know some secret tricks that turn a simple dish into an unforgettable experience. Our favourite burgers are made possible by pub cooks committed to quality, freshness, and new ideas served with some of the finest drinks. Think about the craft that goes into making a pub burger the next time you eat one. Savour the different layers of flavour and enjoy the food.
King James Royston Pub's chefs make burgers that aren't just tasty; they're royal experiences where talent in the kitchen is rewarded with bites fit for a king or queen.
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brookpub · 7 months
Winter Cocktails and Pub Bites At Brook Pub
The colder months are perfect for splurging, and there's no better way to celebrate than with a well-thought-out bar menu. We've selected a variety of Winter Cocktails and Pub Bites at Brook Pub that are sure to lift your spirits. Try them with some of our carefully created bar snacks, and you'll have a match made in gastronomic heaven.
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Raise Your Spirits: A Delicious Winter Cocktail Tour
Strawberry Daiquiri: 
Every sip is like a ray of sunshine.
Enjoy our refreshing Best Strawberry Daiquiri as a way to forget about the cold weather outside. This refreshing drink combines the fruity flavours of ripe strawberries with the tartness of fresh lime juice and the smoothness of white rum. When served cold, it's a pleasant reminder that summer's vivaciousness is just around the corner.
Espresso Martini: 
introducing Your Life with Spark and Class
The Espresso Martini is the ideal choice for individuals who need a classy pick-me-up. This cocktail is robust because it mixes the silky indulgence of vodka and coffee liqueur with the decadent richness of freshly made espresso. It's a caffeine-infused treat that will perk you up anytime.
Passion Fruit Martini: 
Unique Flavours, a Once-in-a-Lifetime Adventure
The Passion Fruit Martini will whisk you away to sandy beaches. A premium vodka and a little sugar are combined with the exotic tang of passion fruit to create this tropical jewel. It's an exotic getaway from the winter's chill, served in a chilled martini glass.
Traditional Favour with a Spicy Kick
The classic Margarita cocktail should be on every bartender's list. Our take on the classic cocktail combines tequila, fresh lime juice, and orange liqueur with a dash of salt on the rim of a salt-rimmed glass. The zesty citrus flavours balance the smokiness of the tequila.
The Perfect Minty Blissful Refreshment
Get your fill of the Mojito's refreshing flavours. This traditional Cuban cocktail is made by muddling together white rum, lime juice, and mint leaves. It's a revitalising and refreshing option when topped with soda water.
Amaretto Sour:
A Citrusy, Nuttiness of Pleasure
The Amaretto Sour is an excellent example of how well nuttiness and citrus coexist. This drink combines the sweet amaretto liqueur with the tart lemon juice for a deliciously balanced flavour. A soothing and stimulating beverage is the end product.
Hot Buttered Rum:
Traditional hot buttered rum is made with black rum, hot water, butter, and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, and is a great way to warm up on cold winter days. It's perfect for a cold night before the fire because of its velvety smoothness and warming spices.
A Cranberry Mule:
This festive take on the Moscow Mule blends vodka, ginger beer, and cranberry juice for a delicious tart beverage. Its vibrant colour and tangy flavour make it a welcome addition to any holiday get-together.
"Irish Coffee":
Irish coffee is a classic drink with hot coffee, Irish whisky, sugar and whipped cream. The combination of caffeine and alcohol delivers a fantastic pick-me-up on chilly winter mornings or a calming nightcap.
Maple Bourbon Old Fashioned:
This updated take on an old favourite uses maple syrup to add a rich, caramelised sweetness. This cocktail is cosy and refined, thanks to the bourbon, bitters, and orange twist.
A Winter Sangria:
Winter Sangria is a delicious cocktail with red wine, brandy, and seasonal fruits, including oranges, pomegranates, and cranberries. The vivid colours and fragrant aromas will perk you up on the greyest of winter days.
Martini with Pears and Spices:
Pear vodka, pear liqueur, and some aromatic spices like cinnamon and cloves combine to make this sophisticated drink. It's perfect for a classy winter party with its fruity sweetness and subtle spiciness.
Pub snacks that go well with a drink:
Brie cheese baked with a cranberry sauce:
The tart cranberry sauce complements the melty brie cheese well. The creamy, acidic, and sweet flavours complement the Cranberry Mule nicely.
Mini Meatballs on a Stick:
Tender meatballs marinated in a flavorful sauce and skewered for dipping. If you're having a Maple Bourbon Old Fashioned, these tasty snacks are a must.
Bacon-Roasted Brussels Sprouts:
Bacon chunks and balsamic glaze are combined with Brussels sprouts to make a crispy side dish. Irish coffee is a perfect complement to this savoury dish.
Chicken Wings with Pomegranate Glaze:
Enjoy the sticky, sweet, slightly sour chicken wings wrapped in a delectable pomegranate glaze. The Winter Sangria is perfect with these wings.
Prosciutto with fig crostini:
Baguette slices slathered with honey and piled high with prosciutto, figs, and creamy goat cheese. A glass of the Spiced Pear Martini and these sophisticated appetisers are a match made in heaven.
Fried Sweet Potatoes with Chipotle Mayonnaise:
Sweet potato fries are fried to a golden crisp and accompanied by a smoky, spicy chipotle aioli. The Hot Buttered Rum complements the smokiness of the fries well.
Make this winter the best one yet by hosting a cocktail party complete with tasty bar snacks. These pairings can help you create a warm and memorable ambience, whether you're hosting a Christmas party or just relaxing at home. Embrace the season with these delicious combos and savour the warmth they bring. I hope you all have a fantastic winter!
Brook Pub Christmas celebrations:
We are happy to announce that we accept pre-bookings for Christmas parties if you plan to throw a party for your friends, family and colleagues this Christmas. Our merry, magical festive menu will be available from 25th November to 24th December, and you can enjoy two courses for 26 pounds and three for 30 pounds.
We have come up with a special Canape menu along with a Merry Magical Festive menu for the party. From the Festive Canape Menu, you can choose 6 - 18 pounds or 8 to 24 pounds course. Coming to the main event, Christmas, we created a special day menu for 2 courses for 39.99 pounds and 3-course meals for 44.99 pounds. The food will served from 12 to 4 pm, so make this day a special one by bringing in your family and friends. Come enjoy some of the best Winter Cocktails and Pub Bites At Brook Pub!!
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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Our unique and lively hotel located in the heart of Russell Square, near Euston and Kings Cross, at the Royal National we offer a choice of room types to suit all occasions, from leisure breaks to business travel in Bloomsbury, central London. A neighbour to the University of London, we’re proud to be one of the largest hotels in London and we know how to run a smooth operation! With our hospitality expertise, you can feel part of the friendly atmosphere as soon as you step into our bright and spacious lobby.
If travelling on a budget, our standard rooms are extremely good value - providing clean and comfortable accommodation in the heart of London. Our Standard Plus rooms offer a touch more sophistication, with an earthy colour palette and contemporary furnishings.
Fancy a bite to eat? Blooms Café serves up great coffee and delicious stone baked pizzas, whilst our London Pub offers British traditional dishes. Dine alfresco in our cosy courtyard, from a thoughtful menu of pub favourites, alongside local craft beers.
The hip Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes is also just a 2-minute walk from our hotel, with eight vintage style lanes, karaoke booths, retro arcade games and an American diner – it provides the ultimate afternoon of family fun.
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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ROYAL NATIONAL HOTEL AWARD Our unique and lively hotel located in the heart of Russell Square, near Euston and Kings Cross, at the Royal National we offer a choice of room types to suit all occasions, from leisure breaks to business travel in Bloomsbury, central London. A neighbour to the University of London, we’re proud to be one of the largest hotels in London and we know how to run a smooth operation! With our hospitality expertise, you can feel part of the friendly atmosphere as soon as you step into our bright and spacious lobby.
If travelling on a budget, our standard rooms are extremely good value - providing clean and comfortable accommodation in the heart of London. Our Standard Plus rooms offer a touch more sophistication, with an earthy colour palette and contemporary furnishings.
Fancy a bite to eat? Blooms Café serves up great coffee and delicious stone baked pizzas, whilst our London Pub offers British traditional dishes. Dine alfresco in our cosy courtyard, from a thoughtful menu of pub favourites, alongside local craft beers.
The hip Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes is also just a 2-minute walk from our hotel, with eight vintage style lanes, karaoke booths, retro arcade games and an American diner – it provides the ultimate afternoon of family fun.
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secretnutalpaca · 1 year
Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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ROYAL NATIONAL HOTEL AWARD Our unique and lively hotel located in the heart of Russell Square, near Euston and Kings Cross, at the Royal National we offer a choice of room types to suit all occasions, from leisure breaks to business travel in Bloomsbury, central London. A neighbour to the University of London, we’re proud to be one of the largest hotels in London and we know how to run a smooth operation! With our hospitality expertise, you can feel part of the friendly atmosphere as soon as you step into our bright and spacious lobby.
If travelling on a budget, our standard rooms are extremely good value - providing clean and comfortable accommodation in the heart of London. Our Standard Plus rooms offer a touch more sophistication, with an earthy colour palette and contemporary furnishings.
Fancy a bite to eat? Blooms Café serves up great coffee and delicious stone baked pizzas, whilst our London Pub offers British traditional dishes. Dine alfresco in our cosy courtyard, from a thoughtful menu of pub favourites, alongside local craft beers.
The hip Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes is also just a 2-minute walk from our hotel, with eight vintage style lanes, karaoke booths, retro arcade games and an American diner – it provides the ultimate afternoon of family fun.
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
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ROYAL NATIONAL HOTEL AWARD Our unique and lively hotel located in the heart of Russell Square, near Euston and Kings Cross, at the Royal National we offer a choice of room types to suit all occasions, from leisure breaks to business travel in Bloomsbury, central London. A neighbour to the University of London, we’re proud to be one of the largest hotels in London and we know how to run a smooth operation! With our hospitality expertise, you can feel part of the friendly atmosphere as soon as you step into our bright and spacious lobby.
If travelling on a budget, our standard rooms are extremely good value - providing clean and comfortable accommodation in the heart of London. Our Standard Plus rooms offer a touch more sophistication, with an earthy colour palette and contemporary furnishings.
Fancy a bite to eat? Blooms Café serves up great coffee and delicious stone baked pizzas, whilst our London Pub offers British traditional dishes. Dine alfresco in our cosy courtyard, from a thoughtful menu of pub favourites, alongside local craft beers.
The hip Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes is also just a 2-minute walk from our hotel, with eight vintage style lanes, karaoke booths, retro arcade games and an American diner – it provides the ultimate afternoon of family fun.
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Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
ROYAL NATIONAL HOTEL AWARD Our unique and lively hotel located in the heart of Russell Square, near Euston and Kings Cross, at the Royal National we offer a choice of room types to suit all occasions, from leisure breaks to business travel in Bloomsbury, central London. A neighbour to the University of London, we’re proud to be one of the largest hotels in London and we know how to run a smooth operation! With our hospitality expertise, you can feel part of the friendly atmosphere as soon as you step into our bright and spacious lobby.
If travelling on a budget, our standard rooms are extremely good value - providing clean and comfortable accommodation in the heart of London. Our Standard Plus rooms offer a touch more sophistication, with an earthy colour palette and contemporary furnishings.
Fancy a bite to eat? Blooms Café serves up great coffee and delicious stone baked pizzas, whilst our London Pub offers British traditional dishes. Dine alfresco in our cosy courtyard, from a thoughtful menu of pub favourites, alongside local craft beers.
The hip Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes is also just a 2-minute walk from our hotel, with eight vintage style lanes, karaoke booths, retro arcade games and an American diner – it provides the ultimate afternoon of family fun.
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slowlytoothing · 1 year
Royal National, Imperial, Tavistock, Bedford, President, Morton and Holiday Inn Hotels Awarding 2023
ROYAL NATIONAL HOTEL AWARD Our unique and lively hotel located in the heart of Russell Square, near Euston and Kings Cross, at the Royal National we offer a choice of room types to suit all occasions, from leisure breaks to business travel in Bloomsbury, central London. A neighbour to the University of London, we’re proud to be one of the largest hotels in London and we know how to run a smooth operation! With our hospitality expertise, you can feel part of the friendly atmosphere as soon as you step into our bright and spacious lobby.
If travelling on a budget, our standard rooms are extremely good value - providing clean and comfortable accommodation in the heart of London. Our Standard Plus rooms offer a touch more sophistication, with an earthy colour palette and contemporary furnishings.
Fancy a bite to eat? Blooms Café serves up great coffee and delicious stone baked pizzas, whilst our London Pub offers British traditional dishes. Dine alfresco in our cosy courtyard, from a thoughtful menu of pub favourites, alongside local craft beers.
The hip Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes is also just a 2-minute walk from our hotel, with eight vintage style lanes, karaoke booths, retro arcade games and an American diner – it provides the ultimate afternoon of family fun.
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Sports Bars In Grantsville
Watching basketball, baseball оr football іѕ аlwауѕ exciting аnd fun especially іf уоu аrе wіth уоur family аnd friends. Instead оf thе usual sports viewing оn уоur television оr аt home, whу nоt consider watching іt оvеr sports bars аrоund Grantsville. Othеr thаn watching different sports games, уоu саn аlѕо enjoy playing billiards оr darts, drinking ѕоmе beers аnd eating sumptuous snacks аnd meals іn a sports bar. Nоt еvеrуоnе enjoys watching sports but fоr sure nо оnе саn resist thе tіmе thеу аrе wіth thеіr family аnd friends. Sports bars аrе аlѕо a great destination tо spend quality tіmе wіth family аnd friends, whіlе cheering fоr уоur rooted team. Bеlоw аrе fеw sports bars аrоund thе city:
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Thе Cornucopia Cafe: Thе sports bar features numerous televisions аrоund thеіr vicinity ѕо customers саn watch comfortably. Nоt оnlу televisions but thеу аlѕо hаvе a crab heavy signature menu plus signature Crab fries.
Thе Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grille: Thе lively sports bar offers іtѕ customers wіth numerous drink deals. Thеу hаvе a wide selection оf cocktails tо thоѕе whо want tо relax whіlе watching thеіr favourite sport. Thе address оf Thе Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grille іѕ 75 Visitors Center Dr, McHenry, MD 21541, United States.
Bars and pubs are there to provide relaxation, happiness and comfort to people. Others thought that going to these places is a vice since they thought people just go there to get drunk, but if they just look at the other side of the coin, they would understand that these are great places to distress and give themselves a break from a tight and busy schedule. On the other hand, another way people feel relaxed is seeing their kitchen. Grantsville Business Group ensures that they are helping these people get their dream kitchens Sandstone countertops by providing them information about the kitchen suppliers they can contact. The information they will provide will make sure that you are getting the right suppliers for any of your kitchen countertops.
Contact us
Nature's Granite, LLC
326 Zion School Rd, Grantsville, MD 21536
Phone: +1 301-895-4371
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