#Hotel Linen Products
impruve · 2 years
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abamericanboy · 2 months
We offer a selection of Linen and Spa Collection to assist with various spa, salon, and makeup services. All the products in our range of professional supplies have been meticulously chosen for their top-notch quality and outstanding performance features, leading to impressive results.
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nishadesigns · 1 year
Introducing Our Hemp Sheets, Towels and Robes Collection for Home and Hospitality- Nisha Designs
To know more about our Hemp Sheet and Towel Collection and to receive the samples and catalog please message us or call us at [email protected] or 702.622.8321. You can read about our collection here.
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The best way to improve the management process is to invest in linen technology that can help automate the process. Automating the process can help reduce costs and improve productivity while reducing the amount of time usually allocated to linen management.
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punkshort · 2 months
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Swept Away | Chapter 3: Go with the Flow
Pairing: sugardaddy!Joel Miller x f!reader
Chapter Summary: You get to know the other hotel moguls and their partners a bit more at a lavish cocktail party, and things begin to heat up between you and Joel.
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, sexual tension, flirting, sugar daddy/sugar baby dynamics, smutty thoughts, alcohol and food consumption
WC: 8.4K
Series Masterlist
He tipped me.
Yay! How much?
I don't know, I didn't open it.
You stared down at your phone, Celine's words jumping out at you from the screen. It was a good question. Why didn't you open it? You could tell yourself it didn't matter how much it was. It wasn't like you were spending your own money for the next month, anyway. But when you looked over at the nightstand where the envelope still sat untouched, you knew deep down why you didn't open it.
I don't know, guess it took me by surprise or something
You heard a light tap on your bedroom door and you looked up from your phone. "Yeah?"
"You're up. Good," Joel's muffled voice said from the other side. "Wanted to see if you were hungry."
I gotta go get ready for breakfast, I'll call you later
Be safe!
"Ten minutes!" you called back to him before flicking your comforter off and hurrying to your closet to pick out something to wear. You settled on a pair of wide leg linen pants and a light pink sleeveless top that showed just a sliver of your midsection. There were too many accessories to choose from so you did your best to keep it simple with a dainty chain necklace and pink pearl earrings, then tossed your phone and other belongings into a white purse before swinging your door open and heading down the hall. At the last second, you turned around and grabbed the envelope of cash, tucking it into the bottom of your bag for safekeeping.
You stopped in the bathroom to put on a tiny bit of makeup and a quick brush of your teeth before running your fingers through your hair with a shrug. After meeting Glenn, you felt a lot less pressure to conform and give the appearance of some wealthy socialite and instead, leaned into the relaxed beach vibe he exuded.
"Morning," you said breathlessly when you finally entered the living room. Joel was sitting in the middle of the couch, one ankle casually resting on his knee, legs spread wide and looking completely at ease as he stared down at his phone. He pocketed the device when he heard your voice and stood up, eyes drifting down once to look at your clothes and giving you an appraising nod. If it were any other man standing before you essentially giving you his unsolicited opinion on your choice of outfit, you would have had a few unladylike things to say. But when Joel did it, something inside you preened at his approval.
"Mornin'," he answered, and when he brushed past you to walk towards the door, you caught a whiff of mint and fresh soap mixed with the scent of his hair product.
Fuck, he smelled good.
"What are we doing today?" you asked as you trailed after him.
"Thought we'd settle in, get somethin' to eat, then we got pretty much all afternoon free before headin' over to Glenn's house."
"Oh, we're going to his home?" you asked, stepping on the elevator once the doors opened. He nodded and tapped the button for the second floor, where you remembered seeing some shops and restaurants advertised.
"Yeah, invited all of us over for cocktails by his pool. Supposed to have a beautiful place," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and staring up at the numbers above the door tick lower.
There were only two restaurants open that served breakfast, so Joel picked the one that had open seating on the patio. The hostess led you both to a table attached to a bright red umbrella fluttering in the wind that had an absolutely breathtaking view of the ocean.
"I don't think I'll ever get sick of this," you said dreamily while Joel flipped through the menu, his sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose. He just grunted in response and kept his eyes lowered. In fact, you were beginning to think he was avoiding looking at you most of the morning. You tilted your head to the side and reached an arm across the table, tapping a finger on the wood to get his attention.
"Hm?" he said, still looking down.
"Everything okay? Did you sleep alright?"
"Slept fine."
You pressed your lips into a thin line before giving up and opening the menu with a sigh. When the server came to get your order, all you asked for was coffee and some eggs with fruit. Handing the menu over to her before she left with a smile, you looked back across the table at Joel. Once again, his phone was hidden from view. A habit you were beginning to notice happened with meals, but you almost wished he had it out because it would have been better than the thick silence that hung between you.
"So, you said we had the afternoon. Did you want to go to the beach? Or maybe-"
"I gotta work," he said abruptly, and you felt your heart sink a little.
"Oh, right, of course. Sorry."
You thought you saw guilt flicker across his face for a brief moment before he cleared his throat and looked out towards the crashing waves on the shoreline.
"You could go to the beach. Don't lemme stop you."
"What? No, no, I'll hang back. Maybe just take a dip in the pool, unpack a little bit. I'm still a little jet lagged, anyway," you found yourself saying. It wasn't even true, but the thought of going to the beach alone sounded boring.
"There's a spa in the hotel. Massages, facials, that kinda stuff. Whatever you want just bill it to the room."
"Oh... okay. Maybe, yeah," you stammered. He was utterly confusing you. He wasn't acting like the Joel who was pinching your chin in the clothing store or gazing at you with admiration over dinner last night. It felt like you were back at square one and you had no idea what happened.
Once your food arrived, you ate in relative silence. You spent most of the meal taking in the scenery and people watching the other guests staying at the hotel. It wasn't until your plates were cleared when you noticed a familiar face.
You straightened up in your chair and, without thinking, reached a hand out to rest gently on Joel's forearm. His muscles tensed under your touch but you didn't pull away. Instead, you leaned forward, eyes still focused somewhere over his shoulder.
"Isn't that Zachary?"
Joel twisted around to look and groaned before turning back to you.
"Must be stayin' here, too."
You watched as Zoe arrived moments later wearing a long, flowing patterned dress with a deep neckline, showing a generous amount of cleavage, and sporting a large sun hat and oversized sunglasses. She slid them down and glanced around, almost immediately catching your eye and tossing you a flirty wave. You smiled and let go of Joel's arm, not noticing how he retracted it under the table after, and waved back.
"They're coming this way."
He pushed his sunglasses on and ran his fingers through his hair just as they approached your table.
"Miller," Zachary said gruffly by way of greeting, clapping Joel on the shoulder. He glanced up and forced a friendly smile for them both.
"Heard you were staying here. Got the two bedroom villa, huh? Expecting company?"
Joel frowned and shook his head. "How'd you know that?"
"Owner's a buddy of mine," he said, tapping the side of his nose with a mischievous grin.
"I tend to travel heavy. Joel wanted to get me the extra space for all my things," you told Zachary, your voice dripping with sweetness as you shot Joel what you hoped was a look of adoration.
"How thoughtful of you, Joel," Zachary said, but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't very sincere. "Looking forward to drinks later. You're both coming, right? Or do you gotta hang back and work?"
Your eyes darted back and forth between the two men, trying to get a read on the sudden tension and where it stemmed from, but you were lost.
"Nope. We'll both be there."
Joel's voice was curt, fingertips tapping on the table, quite clearly wishing he would leave. Zachary got the hint and looked Zoe's way.
"C'mon, darling. Let's get you something to eat. Kept you up way too late last night," he murmured with a wink. She smiled sweetly at him and when they both turned to head back to their table, she waved to you again.
"See you tonight!" she said brightly over her shoulder, seemingly unbothered by the awkwardness you both just witnessed.
Once they were both out of earshot, you gave Joel a look.
"That last comment was kind of gross."
Joel sighed and stood up. "Yeah, that's Zachary for you."
You scrambled to stand and joined him as you walked through the restaurant, back to the elevators, giving the pair one more friendly wave before disappearing from view.
"Do you guys not get along or something?" you asked once you were safely inside the elevator alone. Joel shrugged and kept his eyes on the numbers ticking away above the door.
"End of the day, they're all competition. It's all a game."
It felt like more than that, but you let it go.
Silently, you followed him back to the villa. Once inside, you busied yourself in the kitchen, weighing your options for the day while he set up a laptop on the dining room table. You didn't want to be in his way, but you didn't feel much like exploring on your own just yet. The exterior wall of the living room was completely made of glass, giving you both a spectacular view of your pool and the ocean beyond. He had logged into work and was getting settled at the table when you finally decided to spend the day at the gorgeous, private pool just outside. As you headed in the direction of your room, you glanced over your shoulder, about to tell him of your intentions, but he had already slipped in a pair of earbuds.
That was fine. He would be able to see you from his seat at the table if he wondered where you went.
When reviewing your options for bathing suits, you were shocked to find six different choices. Who on earth would need more than two? But you shrugged and decided on a simple black bikini, changing quickly and applying some sunscreen before finding a sheer green coverup amongst your things and slipping it over your shoulders. Rifling through your duffel bag, you found a book, your headphones, and your own sunglasses, all of which you brought with you before opening the glass door leading from your bedroom to the patio outside.
There was a white linen pergola next to the pool with two lounge chairs and a cabinet underneath. You picked a chair and put your things down before opening the cabinet to find a towel and some bottles of water. The amenities in the hotel were outstanding and you found yourself still struggling to get used to it. Everywhere you turned, you had everything you could possibly need. Is this really how the other half lived?
You slipped your coverup off, tossing it on top of your phone, and ran the tips of your fingers underneath the band of your bikini bottoms, straightening out the fabric and making sure you had coverage before timidly stepping towards the pool. Even from this distance you could hear laughter and music filtering from the beach, the sounds of summer and joy bringing a smile to your face as you dipped a toe into the pool. It shouldn't have come as a surprise when you realized the pool was heated to the perfect temperature, so you glided right in, submerging yourself underwater and popping back up with a refreshing gasp.
If Joel wanted to work the whole time you were there, then that was his choice. You knew in all likelihood you wouldn't ever get an opportunity like this again, and you were determined to enjoy it.
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He was supposed to be working. In fact, he was supposed to be paying attention while the head of finance went over the last quarter's numbers on his laptop screen via video call, but instead he found his eyes drifting to the massive window overlooking the pool. Every time you emerged from the water, your body slick and that skimpy bikini stuck rather obscenely to your skin, he couldn't stop himself from staring. Thank Christ the windows were tinted.
His eyes dragged back to the laptop and he cleared his throat. "Sorry, WiFi's a little spotty."
"No problem. I said we made record profits last quarter and we should be in a strong financial position to expand without requiring any loans."
"Fantastic," Joel replied, his eyes darting briefly to the window, swallowing hard when you took a break to drink some water. You tipped your head back and closed your eyes, your soft lips wrapping around the plastic of the bottle. He felt his cock twitch and he forced his eyes back to the screen. This whole arrangement with you was proving to be a lot more challenging than he expected. He was doing his best to pull away from you and create some distance, but it wasn't working.
"What's the word out there? Think you got a shot at this piece of land?"
Joel shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "Too early to say, but if I had to guess, it'll come down to me or Scott."
"Well, good luck, sir."
"Thanks. We'll talk next week."
Joel exited the meeting and the room was filled with silence once again. Emails popped up in the corner of his screen and he managed to focus for a couple hours, one call from HR in particular distracting him from looking at you, but around lunchtime he found his gaze wandering again. You were laid out on your lounge chair reading, legs stretched out, looking sunkissed and relaxed.
With a sigh, he looked down at his watch then stood up. Strolling to the kitchen, he picked up the phone attached to the wall while thumbing through the room service menu. He ordered a couple items for you to share before heading to his bedroom to find his swim trunks.
He never takes a break that doesn't involve clients, so what the hell? Just this once.
By the time he emerged from his bedroom and stepped out onto the patio, you had slipped back into the pool. You were gazing out towards the ocean with your chin resting on the backs of your hands as you leaned up against the edge of the infinity pool. When you heard his door close, you turned to look at him in surprise.
"Hey," you said happily, gaze flickering down his bare chest quickly before locking eyes with him again.
"Mind if I join you?"
You grinned and shook your head. "Not at all."
He tossed his sunglasses and the shirt he had clutched in his hand onto the other lounge chair, realizing for the first time he forgot his phone back inside, but he shrugged it off. He didn't need it anyway. Work could wait an hour.
"Feels nice," he said once he walked all the way into the pool, the water stopping just underneath his collarbone.
"Sure beats the above ground pool I had growing up," you joked.
"Hell, at least you had one."
"True," you sighed, wading over to a built in seat in the deep end so you could rest. "Got me in trouble a few times, though."
Joel quirked an eyebrow and slowly walked over, joining you on the other end of the seat. It gave you both the perfect view of the ocean. "What kinda trouble?"
You giggled and shook your head. "You know. Inviting my friends over to swim when I wasn't supposed to." You paused before quietly adding, "swimming with boys in the middle of the night."
"Boys?" Joel chuckled in surprise.
"Well, not boys. One boy. A boy."
He hummed and glanced at you. "Someone special?"
You shrugged, gaze still pinned on the ocean. "I guess at the time he was. He was my next door neighbor growing up."
"What happened?"
"He went away to college, I eventually moved out to LA, we just lost touch. I think he was my first real love."
For some inexplicable reason, Joel felt his chest grow tight. He rubbed it absentmindedly, refusing to give it too much thought.
"What about you?" you asked, tilting your head towards him. "Who was your first love?"
"Who says I had one?" he countered without even thinking. Now it was your turn to be surprised.
"You've never been in love?"
His eyes dragged down your face before taking a deep breath and looking away, already regretting sharing too much. "Been busy."
You laughed softly to yourself and shook your head.
"What?" he frowned.
"Nothing. I just don't think love checks with your schedule. When it happens, there's no stopping it, whether you like it or not, whether it's convenient or not."
The corner of his mouth twitched. "Pretty profound."
You locked eyes and gave him an endearing smile. "I can be surprising."
"Oh, I'm very aware," he replied, his gaze dropping down briefly to look at the distorted image of your body through the water, then quickly met your eye again. "Nice suit, by the way."
Your cheeks instantly felt hot as you bit your lip and shyly looked away. "Thank you. You bought it."
"I have good taste."
"I think that's been established."
Shit. You were cute. And quick. But he already knew that.
"Wanna tell me what it's like?" he asked lowly, and you felt your breath hitch. "Bein' in love?"
"Oh, I don't want to spoil the surprise for you."
"I made it this far, ain't sure it's in the cards for me," he said, a smile pulling at his lips.
"I wouldn't count you out just yet," you replied softly.
He stared at you, your words hanging heavy in the air, as he struggled to formulate a response. Something about the way you were looking at him made him open his mouth before his brain had a chance to catch up. He was seconds away from telling you too much, from breaking one of his rules, from letting you in, but fortunately the door to the living room slid open, dissolving the tension in an instant.
"Mr. Miller? Room service."
You both turned your heads towards the two attendants holding silver trays with matching polished domed lids on top.
"Put them over there," he directed, pointing to the pergola. They nodded in unison and carefully placed the trays down, lifting the lids off with white gloves, and disappeared back inside.
"Thank you!" you called after them before the door closed. Your eyes drifted back to him but you could see the moment was over. When the living room door opened, Joel's door shut.
"Got us somethin' to eat," he explained, nodding in the direction of the pergola.
"That was thoughtful, thank you."
He spent another ten minutes outside with you, nibbling on assorted meats, cheeses and fruits until he stood with a groan, announcing he had work to get back to, and reminded you to be ready to leave by six that evening.
You nodded and bit the inside of your cheek as you watched him slip back inside his room to change, convinced more than ever that there was a good man hidden underneath all that armor, you just had to keep chipping away.
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"I'll need to thank your assistant one day. Whoever they are, I gotta admit, they did a good job," you told Joel in the back of the private car that was taking you to Glenn's estate. You smoothed down the fabric of your bright yellow sundress, loving the way it hugged your curves and made your skin glow.
"Did you ever have any doubt?" he asked, sliding his sunglasses down his nose so he could look at you over the top. You grinned and shrugged.
You found yourself growing excited for the evening ahead. Even though you knew it was all an act, that Joel was paying you to pretend to be someone you're not, you found yourself enjoying it more than you thought. But shamefully you especially enjoyed the way Joel acted around you when others were present. You liked his touch and his smile as opposed to the closed off version you had been stuck with the remainder of the afternoon. He was utterly confusing and his mood shifts were giving you whiplash, but at least you knew what to expect at Glenn's house that evening.
"You think you'll be alright on your own for a bit tonight?" he asked as if he somehow read your mind, dashing all your hopes at seeing that softer side of him again.
"Sure," you answered timidly.
"Good. Wanna try to get some one on one time with Glenn, make some progress with 'em."
"Of course."
You looked out the window, heart suddenly deflated. If it was apparent you were disappointed, he wouldn't have even noticed. Per usual, he was staring down intently at his phone, hardly sparing you a glance the rest of the ride.
The car dropped you off in front of a huge, sprawling manor built right on the coast. In the distance, you could see the twinkling lights from other resorts, but Glenn managed to carve out his own little private paradise smack dab in the middle of tourist country.
"This is beautiful," you said breathlessly as you gazed up at the Mediterranean-style architecture surrounded by palm trees and exotic florals. It was dusk and the outside of the house and gardens were lit up with gorgeous ambient lighting, set on the backdrop of a deep purple and pink sky.
"C'mon," was all Joel said, nodding towards the stone walkway, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his khakis. You hurried to catch up with him while your head tilted back to admire the outdoor chandeliers hanging high above the front entrance.
It appeared you arrived just after everybody else. As you walked through the foyer towards the kitchen, you could hear pleasantries and welcomes being exchanged, along with drink orders and details on what hors d'oeuvres were being served.
At the last moment you wrapped a hand around the inside of Joel's elbow, but his hand stubbornly remained in his pocket.
"Ah, welcome!" Glenn bellowed when you stepped into the massive and meticulously kept kitchen. You tried not to gawk and did your best to act like you were around homes like that every single day and not, in fact, only familiar with them through reality TV and magazines.
You waved shyly and glanced quickly around the room while Joel led you to the bar. Already, the significant others had split off from their respective hotel moguls, laughing and sipping on drinks on the other side of the room.
Joel handed you a glass of wine with a warm smile that you couldn't help but return, then subtly cleared his throat, his eyes darting to the others across the room. You got the hint but before parting ways, you planted a kiss on his cheek. His stubble felt rough against your lips yet you felt a jolt in your stomach at the sensation, anyway. Wiping your lipstick from his tanned skin with your thumb, you turned to leave, pleased to feel his eyes on your back as you walked.
Zoe noticed you first. She waved excitedly and you waved back. Even if Joel couldn't stand Zachary, it was undeniable that Zoe's energy was infectious.
"Long time, no see," you joked, and she laughed. Your eyes trailed down her outfit and you shot her an envious look. "Love that dress," you added.
"Thanks! It's Valentino," then she cupped her hand around her mouth and whispered conspiratorially, "it's not even out yet."
"Wow!" you said enthusiastically, playing along as if you had some idea how important that was.
Tammy and Lynne were huddled around Ian as he showed them photos from his phone and it was at that point you realized the three of them had been icing Zoe out completely. Your brow furrowed slightly and you looked at her, trying to figure out if you were reading the room correctly, but she didn't give anything away. She was still babbling to you about her dress and the lengths Zachary went to in order to get it for her, seemingly unbothered. Tammy glanced over her shoulder at Zoe when she heard her gushing about her boyfriend and you picked up on the unmistakable disdain written all over her face before she quickly blinked it away with a tight smile after she noticed you looking in her direction.
Tammy turned around then and greeted you by name, interrupting Zoe, and stuck her hand out. "Please let me see that ring, I was dying to get a better look at it last night."
You shot Zoe an apologetic glance but she just smiled back as she sipped her martini, watching Tammy closely over her glass. You stuck out your hand and all four of them gasped and fawned all over your ring.
"How did he propose?" Ian asked.
You repeated the fake story, hoping you remembered everything and looked sincere enough as you spoke, and when you finished up you gazed down at the ring on your finger. It really was a beautiful ring.
"The beach, huh?" Tammy repeated, and you nodded. "Doesn't sound like Joel."
A jolt of panic shot through you like lightning. "What do you mean?"
She just shrugged. "I never took Joel for a beach guy."
"Well, he knows I love the beach. He did it for me," you told her defensively. It was ridiculous to feel so protective over a fake relationship but for some reason, you didn't like her tone. Besides, what did she know about Joel? Was she implying she knew him better somehow?
"Hm. How romantic," Tammy replied sweetly, but you still picked up on the undercurrent of distaste in her words.
"Yes, I agree. He's very romantic," you couldn't help but say. You wanted to wipe that snobby look off her face. She stared at you, that fake smile still stretched across her thin lips, and you stared right back, refusing to be the first to look away.
A sharp clap of laughter came from the men across the room, breaking the tension between the two of you. You shuffled your feet and glanced back at Zoe who was giving you an amused look from behind her glass. Maybe you read her all wrong. Maybe Zoe wasn't clueless after all.
Mary, Glenn's wife, emerged from the butler's pantry with a wide smile. Her eyes drifted around the room to make sure her guests were taken care of as she headed in the direction of your group.
"So sorry! Just a little situation with the caterers," she explained, clapping her hands together gleefully. "How about we all head outside?"
You agreed and followed her dutifully towards the courtyard where a magnificent in-ground pool with built in lights that made the water look almost purple was in the center of an extraordinary backyard. There were plenty of seating and lounging areas, as well as an outdoor bar complete with bartender standing at attention. Gorgeous string lights were draped above your heads and all around the courtyard, connecting at the various palm trees and casting the area with the perfect amount of mood lighting.
"Mary, this place is absolutely stunning," Lynne gushed with a hand pressed lightly against her flushed chest. Mary smiled her thanks.
"We've been working on making this place our dream home for so many years," she replied, "it's everything we've ever wanted."
It didn't take very long for you to become a little bored with hearing the details of how their architect imported tile from Rome or how she had some prestigious artist, a name you'd never heard before, paint a mural in their master suite, but you did your best to remain polite and engaged. However, when it became clear Ian, Lynne and Tammy were legitimately interested in her interior designer's "risky" idea for her dining room, you didn't feel so bad when you let your attention wander for a bit.
Your eyes drifted around the pool in search of someone with food as you tipped your glass back, finishing your wine. Then you locked eyes with Zoe, who appeared to also be losing interest. She gave you a small smile before tilting her head toward the bar and you both politely excused yourselves in search of more drinks.
"Can you imagine living somewhere like this?" she asked when you got out of earshot.
You chuckled and shook your head. "Never. I mean, LA is nice but it's just not the same. It's so... peaceful here."
"It really is," she sighed. You both leaned up against the bar and ordered refills when you heard the door open. You twisted around excitedly, assuming it would be Joel and the others, but it turned out to be three caterers, each holding a tray at chest level. Zoe waved them down and you inwardly sighed with relief when you each took a small smattering of what they had to offer.
"Thank god," you mumbled when you popped something in your mouth that you didn't recognize but at that point, you didn't care. "I was starting to think no one eats."
She giggled and covered her mouth. "They probably don't, but I sure as hell do."
You laughed and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the others, aside from Mary, chose to decline the appetizers. "I mean, it's only polite, right?"
"Yeah, duh," Zoe answered before taking a bite of tuna tartare. "Mary'd be disappointed if no one ate. Kind of rude of the others when you think about it."
Your eyes widened and you glanced around, making sure the bartender was busy talking to another caterer and not paying attention before you spoke again. "I think that Tammy's kind of rude, regardless," you said softly, watching carefully for Zoe's reaction. She gasped dramatically as if you had committed blasphemy, then instantly dropped the act, giggling into her palm in agreement.
"Yeah, she's something alright," Zoe replied, looking once over her shoulder at the group. "You did good, though. Standing your ground, marking your territory. Still, you'd think she would be a little more subtle, considering."
You frowned and titled your head to the side. "Considering what?"
She eyed you coyly and winked. "Zach told me. Don't worry though, I won't say a word."
Your blood ran cold. Could she somehow know your relationship was all a lie? No, that wouldn't make sense. Still...
"What do you mean?"
She looked around and picked up her drink and food. "Let's go sit down."
You followed her over to a table with a semblance of privacy without looking like you were excluding yourselves. She brushed her hair off her shoulders and readjusted the straps on her dress before she continued. "He told me about Joel and Tammy. That they had an affair. You'd think after that song and dance last night about them being college sweethearts she would be a little more reserved or, god forbid, have some goddamn shame, but I guess not."
She looked down to scrape something questionable off a cracker while you tried to control your reaction to her news. How could Joel not tell you something this important? Was he crazy?
You swallowed the lump in your throat and steeled yourself, pretending you knew all along. "Does everyone know?"
She scoffed and shook her head. "Hell no. You think they'd be talking to her right now if they did?"
You breathed a sigh of relief but you still couldn't shake the tight feeling in your chest and the inexplicable anger you felt towards Tammy. Clenching your teeth, you took a deep breath in through your nose.
"That's good. Joel would freak if they knew."
She raised her eyebrows and nodded as she chewed and looked around. "Speak of the devil."
Your stunned gaze slid over to where she was looking, spotting the group of men exiting the house to join their partners, each of them carrying identical glasses of dark liquor. Joel's eyes found yours and he immediately could sense something was off. Then he looked at Zoe, his face unreadable before glancing back at you.
"C'mon, we should join them," she said.
Zoe stood up and you followed as if on autopilot.
"Maybe we can go to the spa one of these days? Get some lunch?"
"That sounds wonderful," you told her as you approached the rest of the group. She smiled and broke off to find Zachary, leaving you to face Joel alone.
"Everythin' alright?" he asked. He was smiling in case anyone looked your way but his tone was laced with concern. Worry.
"Yep," you said. You felt his hand brush against your lower back and your body stiffened. He frowned.
"You sure?"
"Mhm," you hummed, pressing your wine glass against your lips, looking anywhere but at him.
"Dad! Sorry we're late," a deep voice called from behind you. The guests turned around to find Trevor and Brooks, Glenn's oldest sons, step out into the courtyard.
"Boys! There you are!" Mary called happily. They took turns planting kisses on her cheek before shaking their father's hand and explaining some work emergency that held them up, but you couldn't stop noticing the way Brooks's fingers wiggled against his side. The longer you watched, the more you noticed. He was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, the energy rolling off him as his eyes darted around in search of alcohol or food or both.
Then they landed on you.
His gaze was dark and chilling, sending a shiver down your spine. You swallowed tightly and stepped a little closer to Joel, who was talking to Harry about some basketball team, completely oblivious to the way Brooks's eyes dragged appreciatively down your frame.
And just as quickly as it happened, he looked away.
Part of you wanted to tell Joel you weren't feeling well, that you wanted to leave, but you bit your tongue. You were there for a reason. You had to uphold your end of the deal. But everything about that evening made you feel uneasy and sick.
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"Glenn invited us all to his yacht this weekend," Joel told you the following morning. He seemed happier than the day before. More upbeat. It should have made you happy, but you couldn't shake the dread that cloaked your shoulders since Zoe told you about Joel's affair, and then the look Brooks gave you right after. You had hardly slept, tossing and turning all night, unable to fully relax.
"Hey, you all good?"
"Huh?" you asked, sitting up straight in your chair and blinking the clouds from your eyes. "Oh, yeah, I'm good. You said a yacht?"
"Yeah. Two nights- you sure?" Joel asked, cutting himself off and leaning forward. "You were real quiet last night, too."
"Yeah, I'm just tired. Sorry," you said, waving him off and focusing on the fruit bowl in front of you.
"Don't need to be sorry," he mumbled. He wasn't really buying your excuse but he chose not to push you. "Why don't we stay in today if you're tired? Relax in the room or... whatever you wanna do."
You perked up at his suggestion. "Don't you have to work?"
He nodded and shrugged before leaning back in his chair. "I'm allowed to take a break."
You grinned and he could see the bad mood instantly leave your body. "Are you sure? I heard the CEO is a handful."
He tossed his head back and laughed, startling you with its rarity. "Oh, you got no idea," he replied. You felt your cheeks heat up so you dropped your gaze back to your breakfast, hiding your smile behind your fork. "You said you wanted to go to the beach, right?" he offered, and you quickly nodded.
"But if that's not your thing..." you trailed off, remembering Tammy's words from the night before.
"Who doesn't love the beach?" he replied before finishing his eggs and standing up. "I'm gonna go get ready, meet you out here in thirty," he said over his shoulder. You watched him leave with a little smile.
So maybe Tammy doesn't know Joel as well as she thought she did.
Once back in your room, you surveyed your bathing suit options. You already wore the black one, so you decided on a white bikini with a halter tie behind the neck and matching white bottoms that had a chunky, gold-toned chain which sat on either side of your hips. You slid it on and gawked in the mirror when you realized Joel's assistant accidentally left the tag on.
"Who the hell pays almost $200 for a fucking swimsuit?" you muttered under your breath before carefully removing it and tossing it in the trash. You liked the sheer green coverup from the day before, so you put that back on and began to pack a beach tote you found amongst the endless accessories purchased for you.
Once you made sure you had all your essentials, you tucked your sunglasses on top of your head and walked towards your door. When your left hand stretched out for the handle, you frowned as you looked down at your ring. You couldn't take that to the beach. You would never be able to relax, too afraid of losing it.
Knowing Joel had a safe in his room, you lightly rapped on his door.
"Can I put my- the ring in your safe?" you said, hoping he didn't notice your slip up.
For some reason, you assumed that meant it was clear to enter, so you opened the door and stepped through. Your eyes bugged out of your head when you realized he was still changing, your heart practically leaping out of your chest with embarrassment.
"Oh, god, I'm sorry!" you said, shielding your eyes and backing out of the room quickly. You heard him say something but you couldn't hear him over the curses you were spitting to yourself, so you hurried into the living room and began to pace around nervously, desperately trying to wipe the image from your memory.
Oh, god, he was going to be so pissed. Just when you had him back in a sweet mood, you went and did something so fucking stupid and in all likelihood, ruined the entire day.
When Joel entered the living room, you were chewing on your nail nervously, still pacing around until you noticed him and skid to a stop.
"Joel, I'm so sorry-"
"Nothin' to be sorry 'bout," he said with a smirk. "Ready to go?"
He could have knocked you over with a feather as you stood there, blinking rapidly and trying to keep up.
"Y-yeah, I'm ready," you stammered, swiveling around to grab your tote, then jogged to catch up with him. "Wait! The ring, I never-"
"Oh, right," he said, turning around and holding his hand out. You twisted it off and gave it to him. While he took the ring back to his room, it afforded you a few more seconds to come to terms with what just transpired in the last ten minutes.
Before he joined you again, you had given yourself a mental pep talk: everything was fine, you didn't even see anything, and he wasn't mad.
Well, you saw something, but you weren't going to dwell on that.
The awkwardness only lingered in your system for thirty minutes or so. When you arrived at the beach and felt the warm sand underneath your feet, you immediately felt at ease.
"Lemme ask you somethin'," Joel said after setting down his frozen drink next to yours. Of course, he had bought a private cabana for the afternoon so you were each lounging on your chairs in the shade with silent fans aimed at each of you, spritzing you with a cool mist, keeping you perfectly comfortable in the tropical heat.
"That story you told Glenn - 'bout me askin' you to marry me," he said, sitting up a bit to stretch. "That what you always wanted? You want someone to propose on the beach?"
You thought about it for a moment. "I don't know," you told him honestly. "I tried to think of the most romantic thing possible and it just popped into my head. I mean, I wouldn't mind it," you chuckled, brushing your hair from your neck.
"Well, when you were growin' up, how did you imagine it?"
You cut yourself off, his question taking you off guard.
"I don't know if I ever thought about it."
He cocked his head to the side curiously. "Really? Hopeless romantic like yourself never fantasized 'bout it?"
You threw your head back and laughed, the sound instantly bringing a smile to his own face.
"I wouldn't call myself a hopeless romantic."
He tsked and picked his drink back up. "Yeah, you are."
You scoffed and shot him an agitated look. "What?"
"Whether you realize it or not, you are," he replied matter-of-factly. "No one comes up with those stories off the cuff without havin' a little soft spot for romance."
Your scowl melted into a grin. How was he so good at reading you? And why couldn't you do the same to him?
"How about you? When you-"
"Wanna go for a dip?" he asked, cutting you off as he stood to tug his shirt over his head. Your mouth went dry when you saw his bare chest and back, and then your gaze instinctively dropped. You instantly recalled walking in on him that morning and you had to tear your eyes away before he could see how flustered you were, but it was too late. Joel noticed everything.
"Yeah, sure," you mumbled, standing to shed your cover up. When you turned back to him you had to suppress your smirk at the way his eyes greedily drank you in.
It felt like the playing field leveled once again.
The moment you stepped out from under the protection of the cabana, the heat engulfed you both. Just the short walk to the shore made the back of your neck sweat and you couldn't wait to slip into the crystal blue water to cool down.
"This place doesn't seem real," you confessed to Joel as you waded slowly into the ocean with a ridiculous smile stretched across your face.
"Just imagine the kind of money one of these resorts rakes in," he replied before leaping forward into the water so the only skin that was exposed were his shoulders on up.
Joel didn't like to share much about his private life, that much you knew for certain, but one thing he always seemed open to talking about was work.
"If you win the lot, would this be your most successful hotel?"
He nodded and tilted his head back, eyes sliding closed as he basked in the sun's hot rays. "It would put The Parador on the map, open up countless possibilities."
"Oh, so no pressure or anything," you joked. Your foot grazed against something hard in the sand and you looked down, squinting through the water, then gasped.
"Look!" you said excitedly, pointing down. His eyes followed your finger and he frowned.
"I don't see nothin'."
"The seashells! They're pink!"
He chuckled and shook his head. "Pink seashells, huh?"
"Yes!" you squeaked as you tried and failed to pluck one out of the sand with your toes. Joel sighed dramatically and gently pushed you back.
"What are you-"
He took a deep breath and plunged under the water, making you giggle as you watched him dig a few seashells out before popping back up. He shook his head like a wet dog, flinging water droplets at you and making you shriek before he triumphantly brought his hand up from underneath the water and gave you your prize.
"Oh, my hero," you gushed before carefully picking up each one to examine them closer. "Thank you, Joel."
"You're welcome, sweetheart."
Sweetheart. Your smile grew wider but you hoped he just attributed it to the seashells you were so fixated on. Realizing you had nowhere to put them without going back to the beach, you turned away so you could shove them into the cups of your bikini. You heard a deep chuckle behind you and you looked at him over your shoulder.
"I don't wanna get out!"
He laughed a little louder, the sound beginning to grow on you. He looked so young and relaxed, bobbing up and down in the ocean with his hair slicked back while the sun warmed his already tanned skin.
Turned out Tammy was wrong: Joel was a beach guy.
"I just think it's funny you're bein' so modest after you got an eyeful of me earlier," he told you, his eyes sparkling. You felt your chest and neck grow hot and you shook your head with shame.
"I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't see anything."
He cocked an eyebrow at you. "Don't lie."
You swallowed the lump in your throat, heart skipping a beat as you struggled with a response.
"Okay, I might have seen just a little bit," you confessed softly, looking anywhere but at him as you floated around, allowing the waves to push and pull your body ever so slightly.
"Ouch," he winced, and you forced yourself to meet his gaze. "Little, huh?"
"Oh, god," you groaned, burying your face in your wet hands. "That's not what I meant."
He laughed heartily, enjoying your embarrassment far too much. "I'm just messin' with you."
You splashed him angrily but couldn't stop yourself from grinning. Why couldn't he be like this all the time? This version of him was so sweet, so intoxicating that you found yourself craving it and trying to find ways to bring it out of him more. So you decided to be brave and match his energy, just a little bit. Just to see what he would do.
"You're right. Little wasn't the right word."
He raised his eyebrows in shock and the smile slipped from his face. You thought you made a mistake and already you were scrambling to apologize, but then his gaze darkened and you felt his hand brush against your hip under the water.
"That so?" he said huskily, his tone sending a shiver down your spine and your heart to beat wildly in your chest. You bit your lip and nodded, not putting much confidence in your voice as he inched even closer. You could smell his sunscreen mixing with the salt from the water and the heat of the sun, the entire combination making you feel a little lightheaded. His eyes flickered over your shoulder briefly before you felt his other hand on your waist. "Shit, Zachary 'n Zoe are watchin' us."
Using it as an excuse, you draped your arms around his neck and hummed, pulling yourself so close that your noses were practically touching.
"Suppose we should act like we're madly in love, then."
His fingers pressed harder into your skin as he stared at your mouth, his breathing becoming shallow when your lips parted.
"S'pose we should."
When he pressed his mouth against yours, it was so delicate and soft it made you wonder if he was nervous. The thought excited you and you let your body melt against his. You already felt weightless in the water but the way his lips massaged yours made you feel like you might just float away.
His tongue swiped against your lower lip and you immediately granted him access, opening your mouth a little wider to allow him to deepen the kiss. You both knew you were playing with fire but neither of you stopped to consider it. He tasted too good: like sea salt and the coconut from his drink and it was making you ache for more. Your fingers dragged through the wet curls on the back of his head as his tongue danced with yours, both of you completely forgetting where you were and getting lost in the moment.
A small wave crashed into you, splashing you both with warm sea water and causing you to pull away with a gasp. You dragged in a few deep breaths but his lips drifted to your chin, nibbling and biting along the length of your jaw. You forced your eyes to open, surprised to find you had floated around so you could now see the beach from over his shoulder.
"I don't see Zachary or Zoe."
He froze, his lips still pressed wetly against the sensitive spot below your ear and you felt him smirk. He leaned back and gave you a guilty look. "Huh."
"Huh?" you repeated, and he twisted around to scan the shore.
"Coulda sworn I saw 'em..." he said, scratching his chin and trying to hide his smile. You gasped and shoved his shoulder, pushing him away with a laugh.
"Liar," you teased.
He shrugged and kicked his legs up so he could float on his back. "Guess we'll never know."
"You're unbelievable," you told him, attempting to sound annoyed but you knew your voice held no conviction. He just grinned and closed his eyes with a sigh. You followed his lead and leaned back so you could float, your body rising and falling with each soft wave while you ignored the arousal that flared between your legs. Looking out towards the sea, you spotted various boats speckling the skyline.
"So a yacht, you said?"
"Mhmm. Two days. If you get seasick, I got pills that'll help."
"What are we going to do for two days?" you asked.
"Eat. Drink. Jet-ski. Maybe check out some small islands or somethin'," he replied, eyes still peacefully shut.
"So we're sleeping on this yacht?"
He cracked one eye opened and looked at you. "Yep," he answered. You swallowed and looked back towards the beach.
"That means we'll have to share a bed," you said, feeling ridiculous for being so nervous at the prospect when his tongue was practically down your throat moments ago.
"That a problem?"
You shook your head. "Of course not."
He smiled and closed his eyes again. "Good."
Shit. You were in trouble.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
Apple Seed 14: Almost There
13 Hours Into Labor
Charlie: (breathing heavily) Oh, sshhhhhhhhit!!! Contractions are getting worse! Where's that midwife????
Vaggie: She's on her way, babe. (under her breath) Or at least she better be. Your dad was supposed to call her hours ago.
Charlie: (groans into a cry of pain as another contraction hits and she crushes Vaggie's hand) Gah! Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!
Vaggie: Hang on, babe. Just hang on. I'm going to be right back.
Charlie: (nods as sweat beads up on her head) Please, hurry back.
Vaggie: I'll be back before you know it. (kisses Charlie's hand and rushes to the door before nearly ripping it off its hinges) Lucifer! Where the fuck is that midwife?!
Lucifer: (eyes nearly pop out of his head) I FORGOT TO CALL SLOTH!!!
Vaggie: ¡Estúpido hijo de puta! You had one fucking job!
Lucifer: (fumbles his phone) I got it! I can fix this!
Lilith: (storms up to Vaggie, trying to get into the room)
Vaggie: (blocks the door) Uh, excuse you? Who the fuck do you think you are?
Lilith: I am that girl's mother. Who are you?
Vaggie: I'm her fucking WIFE, bitch! You're not going in there after being gone for several fucking years! You can wait out here!
Lilith: (shocked Pikachu face)
Lucifer: I made a call! She'll be here in a few minutes!
Vaggie: Good! Alastor, do something productive and get a container of cold water to help cool Charlie down!
-Hotel Door Practically Explodes Open-
Vaggie: What the fuck?! (looks over the railing) CARMINE?!?!
Carmilla: (struts in and up the stairs) Stop shouting, girl. Why are you surprised? Your father-in-law called me.
Vaggie: (glares at Lucifer)
Lucifer: (checks his call history) Oh.... I did.... shit..... I thought that was Sloth.... I'm TIRED, okay?!?!
Rosie: (tip-taps in) Hello, everyone!
Vaggie: ROSIE!!!!! Lucifer! Did you call her, too?!?!
Alastor: (holding a bucket of water) No, that was me. (tries to go into the room)
Lucifer: WHOA!!!! (blocks the door) What the FUCK do you think you're doing?
Alastor: I'm bringing Charlie her cold water. I think if anyone should be going into a blood bath, the prior serial killer overlord and father figure should be the one to do it.
Lucifer: YOU aren't going ANYWHERE near MY baby girl when she's at her most vulnerable!!!
Alastor: Hmmm.... (shadow phases along the floor and into the room)
Lucifer: SON OF A BITCH!!!!
Alastor: Charlie, dear! I've brought you some co- (sees Charlie laying on top of a mound of linens and towels with her legs hiked up, knees bent, and her lower half on full, bloody display)
Charlie: (panting, looks to the door, and her demonic features spring to attention) ALASTOR?!?!?! GET THE FUCK OUT!!!
Alastor: (faints and falls backwards out the door)
Lucifer: HA!!! TAKE THAT, ASSHOLE!!!
Rosie: Oh, my stars! Alastor! (drags Alastor out of the room and sets him up to recover on the floor, fanning his face with a kerchief) Alastor, Alastor, wake up. Deep breaths, dear.
Angel: Ha! Smiles is so pussy averted that even when he spots one in labor he can't stomach it.
Carmilla: ....... (steps over Alastor's body and walks calmly to the bedroom) How far apart are the Princess's contractions?
Vaggie: They're coming about every five or six minutes and last about fifty seconds each. (follows Carmilla into the room) Do we need to worry about pushing yet?
Charlie: (gets wracked with another contraction and growls demonically into an ear splitting shriek) VAAGGGGIIIIIEEEE!!!!!
Carmilla: I believe that should answer your question.
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stardust-swan · 2 years
Lifestyle of the Refined, Cultured City Girl
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She takes advantage of living somewhere with access to many cultural activities. She attends the symphony, the theatre, the ballet, and the orchestra. She visits art galleries and museums. She attends book readings, poetry readings, lectures by experts in various subjects, and writer's talks. She watches independent films in small cinemas. She goes to fashion shows. She unwinds by reading in a beautiful, old library. Many of these activities are free or cheap, so money is rarely a concern.
She has social hobbies, like playing an instrument in a local band, attending a book club or writer's group, participating in poetry readings, and taking evening classes and workshops on subjects like painting, fashion, learning a language, culinary classes, learning an instrument, etc.
She has private hobbies too, like writing a novel, creating art, studying, reading, and taking private music lessons.
On dates, she goes to painting classes where her and her date paint each other's portrait, pottery classes where they make each other something special, fine restaurants where she and her date try new cuisine, and upscale hotels for a fine afternoon tea.
She is always studying. Whether it's in University for a degree that will help her get her dream job, or a less formal education like learning about the world of art from her trips to the galleries, or learning about the history and culture of her city by exploring it, she's always taking advantage of the opportunities she has to expand her knowledge.
She participates in cultural festivities that may be held in her city, such as wine tastings, cheese tastings, art exhibits, film festivals, and book fairs.
She visits historical landmarks and sites to learn about her city's past and culture.
She visits rooftop bars and lounges, both to socialise and admire the view of the city.
She networks with people in high positions, and socialises at events and gatherings like cocktail parties, charity functions, and dinner parties.
She visits both high end boutiques and small, locally owned shops.
She spends time in nature by going to parks and botanical gardens.
She gives back to her community by support or volunteering with a charity or non-profit
She attends a yoga or meditation class at a wellness centre.
She discovers her local patisseries and bakeries and enjoys fresh baked goods.
She takes walking or cycling tours of the city's historic districts to learn about its culture and landmarks.
She visits a local farmers market for fresh produce and unique artisanal products.
She's always dressed impeccably. You will never see her in ratty old clothes, gym gear unless she's actually in the gym, or flip-flops unless she's at the beach. Her hair is always tidy, and her makeup never looks caked on. Her nails are always clean and neat. Her skincare routine is down to a T. She never says "I'm just going to the store" as an excuse to dress frumpily, as she knows there's always the risk of running into someone important and does not want to look like a slob. She does not hold onto clothes that are worn out, damaged, or unflattering, leaving only chic outfits available to dress in. She checks herself from all angles before leaving home to make sure there's no wardrobe malfunctions happening at the back of her outfit, e.g a hole in the back of her jeans. She honours herself, those around her, and her city by looking presentable and neat everyday.
Her home is never cluttered. It is decorated with art, including some paintings or pictures of the city, and she has photographs on the mantelpiece of the friends she's made there. She has a variety of books on a range of subjects that interest her. Her kitchen is well-equipped - no living on takeout for her. She has a set of high quality china and luxurious bedding and linen. She plays classical and jazz music instead of keeping the TV on for background noise. She treats herself to a bouquet of flowers to put in a vase occasionally, and may have a houseplant. She lights candles for a beautiful smell. She may have a collection of herbal teas to help her relax in the evenings. She may even have a well-stocked mini bar, space and funds permitting. Her wardrobe is carefully selected. Her home is stylish, yet comfortable, and always feels ready for guests. She practices the art of entertaining, and does it well.
She knows about hidden treasures in her city that one can't find out about just from doing an internet search. For example, in Paris, a string quartet of musicians meet up on a random day each week and play a free concert in the courtyard of the Louvre, but you wouldn't know this from looking up places to visit in Paris. It's something you must discover on your own or hear about by word of mouth. It could be a small unassuming café that makes the best dish you've ever tasted, or a beautiful building people rarely visit (like the medieval church/graveyard in my neighbourhood that's usually locked up and difficult to see into because of the high walls surrounding it, but if you pass by at the right time, the groundskeepers may be there and let you in to see the blooming flowers and trees beyond the graveyard gates if you ask nicely), an out-of-the-way boutique that sells gorgeous garments, a hidden park tucked away from the main streets, or a secret or exclusive bar or nightclub.
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mystarmyangel · 1 year
[TRANS] 230618 YoonA – Allure Korea July 2023 Interview
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We've met many times, but it's the first time we've met at a hotel, and it's also the first time we've met in a couple pictorial. I really like it because it's Allure. I like all the work with Allure. My Instagram profile photo is still the top gown photo I took last year, but I haven't changed it for over a year. So I'm looking forward to it again today. This pictorial is very important to us.
Haha, Junho said the same thing earlier. We hardly did promotional activities like variety shows. It's a very important promotional activity.(laughs)
The drama will start airing in 10 days’ time. What is the wish of the two actors who are serious about promoting? If you watch the first episode, until the next episode... (laughs) If you watch the first episode, we've worked hard so that you can watch it, and the production team is probably working hard as well. What kind of reaction do you want to see on that important first broadcast? “It's so much fun," "I wanted to see this," and "I've been waiting for this." I guess reactions like these would make me the happiest. If I am greedier, I hope you like the characters of Gu Won and Sarang. As much as we worked hard to make it, I hope it'll be loved by everyone. In short, it's a drama that makes your heart flutter!
The last shoot for <King the Land> ended two days ago. How do you feel now?
It means so much to me. It's also the longest I've ever filmed. Before that, <Big Mouth> was the project that took the longest to shoot, but <King the Land> took almost 10 months. Since we've seen each other almost every day, at the end of the shoot, we said, "It's going to be awkward because we can't see each other anymore." I think I forgot what it's like to live without <King the Land>. I went around for 10 months to film and did overseas filming in Thailand. Hence, I am really looking forward to it.
I heard that Junho watched the edited version up to episode 4? I watched the first half a little bit too. The expression you have right now must be the look of anticipation/excited. I'm embarrassed to say that I watched what I filmed. A lot of people are saying that they're looking forward to it, but I am also very worried about meeting the anticipation. Nevertheless, I hope everyone will like it.
A Lee Junho and Lim YoonA's romantic comedy drama with hotel background as the setting. This is the theme of <King the Land>. Did you know there was a drama called "Hotelier" a long time ago? The drama where Song Yoona unnie came out as a hotelier! Gu Won is the head manager, and I'm the hotelier. We need to be loved just like <Hotelier> was loved.... Rewriting Hotel Romance!
Haha. The title of the press release comes out quickly. You are also in the hotel suite now; can you see something different when you come to the hotel now? I can see the difference. While filming, I went to the hotel to attend my friend's wedding, and I also paid attention to the food served. I think it's everything I learnt. While filming, I went to a lot of places like linen rooms and kitchens that I wouldn't have known if I were a guest, and it was new and fun.
Romantic comedy is a traditional genre. Do you usually like such genre?
I really like "About Time" for romance movies. I think it's my first time doing a trendy, authentic romantic comedy, and a bright character like this.
What does it take to be a successful romcom? If the main characters' chemistry is good and the tiki-taka is good, it's more fun to watch. The director also emphasized it. So I thought hard about the lines so that I could feel the chemistry between each line. We shared a lot of ideas, and rehearsals were really important for our shoot. The process of making it together was so much fun. We always started off with a conversation when we went to the set. I always talked with the director and Junho. "What should we do today?" "How should we do this part?" I thought like this. I said about doing this at a time like this, and Junho said the same thing. I think we had a lot of fun filming it because we all clicked.
No one is going to die this time, right? Even if it's a romance drama, someone dies all of a sudden. Hahaha! Anyone can watch our drama lightly and comfortably. In that aspect, I think it's been a long time since I've seen a romantic comedy like this, although it's a romance in this day and age.
What kind of conditions do you think are required for romance in this day and age? There should be no "sweet potato" part?  The plot pace is fast, and I think there is definitely a flow of proactive and fast development in any roles. (t/l note: sweet potato referred to a viewer’s frustration and impatience towards a situation or a person because of how they act in the show)
You have many successful works such as <EXIT>, <Confidential Assignment> and <Big Mouth>, and at this time, an actor would be extra careful in choosing their next work.. How did you feel when you chose this piece? Shouldn't we do a romantic comedy at this point? (laughs) Since <Big Mouth> was a noir, I wanted to play a bright character again. Bright, comical, and proactive in dealing with real love. While I was filming <Big Mouth>,  I had already come to a decision that I wanted to do a romance genre for my next project. I wanted to film a proper romcom one day. And this time round, I got a chance to do it.
Your role is Smile Queen. Did you laugh a lot when you were acting? To the point where my jaw hurts. Yes, I laughed at everything that I could laugh about that. I think my energy got better.
What if there's a man like Gu Won in real life? A man like Gu Won? The Gu Won that I watched while acting is a man who makes me want to hug him a lot. It's not like it’s sad, and it's not a protective instinct either, but I feel like I want to be by his side because he is so thoroughly alone. He wasn’t originally that kind of person, but it is like he is trying to cut himself off from everyone in the world and be alone. Then, Gu Won meets Sarang, laughs, mingles with people, and goes straight towards Sarang. He's cute when he does that. He has a puppy-like face. And he only displays this side to Sarang.
Whether it's a man or a woman, there's no way to resist if they look cute. That's it! Everyone says that Junho is so cute when the teaser is released. Gu Won is a really cool guy and has a puppy-like side that will charm everyone's heart.
What do you think if there is a woman named Cheon Sarang is in reality? Do you think you can be best friends with her? Haha, I think it'll be fun and pleasant even if she is not my best friend. We can play well together, and she also has her crazy side.
Does Yoona have that side, too? It feels oddly comfortable. I guess I have something like that in me too.
Both YoonA and Junho, the main actors, have something in common: Both of you have built good careers in performing on stage and acting. Because of that, I think there will be a bond of empathy/sympathy. We've never worked together before. This is the first time, and we had similar attitudes toward this work. Love for the work, and the desire to complete it together. We were able to share our opinions comfortably on the filming set and help each other to focus on acting. Therefore, along with Junho and the director, we said words like “thank you” to one another other a lot. I want to execute this part like this, but if the other actor don't agree, it might not be possible to express it, but the director, Junho, and I, we were always in sync and get along very well.
What about Junho as your fellow actor? He's very detailed and very focused. Just like how Gu Won and Sarang have different sides, Junho has sides that I don't have, so it was supplemented well on the set. We thought over the script together and there are moments I relied on him a lot, and he also has a diversity in terms of expressions. If you look at him on the monitor, he is so charming that it dominates the screen. And he speaks very logically. It is to the point that I admire him, I wouldn't have known these sides of him if I didn’t get to work closely with him.
Aren't you both friends of the same age who were born in 1990? He is an oppa. (Laughs). Junho is an early 1990-er. In my group, Sooyoung unnie is an early 1990-er. I'm kept the order well.
The main characters' names are "Gu Won (Salvation) and Sarang (Love)". YoonA, what do you want more in your life? I chose love. Since you can do salvation with love.
Source: Allure Korea Trans: mystarmyangel
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boatrentalitaly · 1 year
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I would suggest going with the gulet charter over a crewed catamaran for several reasons. First, the Blue Cruise on a gulet is a product unique to Mediterranean whereas you can charter a catamaran worldwide. The hospitality of Italian crew on a gulet will amaze you, whereas a hired skipper and hostess on a cat will be more functional and will most likely not be professional as most cats are foreign flagged. With the cat, yes you would need to have an additional berth/cabin for both the skipper and the hostess unless they come as a couple, in which case one cabin would suffice. You would also need to pay for their meals and drinks in addition to their daily rates.
Comfort wise, again the gulet wins as there is so much room in cabins and on deck. On the cat, it would be up to you and the crew to decide what meals are on and which are off. On the gulet, you can have half board, but bear in mind that if you plan to sail, you'll need to plan an itinerary where you can actually be at a restaurant every evening, and much of this coastline is sparse and undeveloped (in a beautiful way.) Once you have a couple of meals off the gulet, you may find yourself preferring to eat on the boat for the quality and the value, because you do have your own personal chef already in the price. Not all gulets sail well so if you go with the gulet, ensure that the crew and the boat are prepared to sail whenever weather conditions comply.
A/C on standard and deluxe gulets is often part-time, designed to run in the early afternoon and evenings before midnight. It's normally then turned off as a courtesy to any nearby boats, and is usually not even needed unless there's a heat wave. Luxury gulets will offer 24/7 A/C.
The service with gulet for comfort and relaxing is unmatched with any catamaran
* 12 Sunbeds for each person one compared to smaller areas to sunbath on a Cat.
* Indoor and outdoor table for 12 to sit comfortable for your meals and private space.
* bi-weekly cleaning of towels and linen optional on Cat.
* private cabins for crew with shower and toilet not available for crew on Cat
* weekly cleaning of sunbed covers not available on Cat
* large tender for water sports and comfortable embarking and disembarking on anchor. A tiny tender on a Cat.
* 4 or more crew on Gulet whereas a catamaran has 1 or 2
* aircondition is optional on Cat and non exist-ant on smaller cats
* water toys aboard whereas on cat is optional
* on smaller cat one has toilet showers whereas on gulets large cubical showers with multiple shower heads.
* Gulet Charter Italy by Yacht Boutique is a unique hotel service for comfort and relaxing for clients. the luxury on the water.
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impruve · 2 years
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abamericanboy · 2 months
We offer top-quality Linen and Spa Collection for bedrooms, bathrooms, and dining, perfect for both comfortable living and luxurious hosting. To achieve the ideal outcome, we provide a carefully selected range of extraordinary home accents.
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bedbugcontroltechy · 1 year
Six Tips For Effective Bed Bug Treatment Kissimmee
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Coping with a mattress bug attack may be a aggravating and also daunting expertise. These little, nocturnal bugs may grow swiftly and also make your life unhappy along with their scratchy bites. To successfully eliminate bedroom insects from your residence, you require a well-thought-out strategy and some pro guidance. In this particular post, our company'll talk about six tips for effective mattress bug treatment that may help you gain back control of your space and also enjoy a peaceful night's sleep.
Pinpoint the Complication
The initial step in any sort of bed bug treatment Kissimmee planning is actually to determine the magnitude of the problem. Bed bugs are skilled at hiding in gaps, holes, as well as even electrical outlets, making all of them tough to identify. Seek signs like little reddish-brown pests, very small white eggs, and rusty-colored discolorations on your bed linen or even bed mattress. If you believe a problem, thoroughly inspect your room and any surrounding spaces.
Declutter as well as Clean
Bed bugs thrive in messy atmospheres where they have lots of concealing areas. Prior to you start any kind of treatment, declutter your space. Remove excessive products, specifically in the bedroom, where bed bugs are actually likely to be found. Vacuum all regions carefully, paying out special focus to seams, cracks, and edges. Make use of a brush attachment to remove bedroom bugs and also their eggs coming from cushions, mattress frameworks, and also household furniture.
Clean and also Heat Surprise Bed Linens
Bed linens and garments can be a prime hiding place for bed bugs. To properly remove them, wash all bedding, curtains, and also clothes in hot water. The water temperature should go to minimum 120 ° F (49 ° C) to ensure the pests and also their eggs are actually eliminated. After cleaning, dry these products over heat for at the very least half an hour. This will certainly make certain any kind of staying bedroom bugs are actually done away with.
Use Bedroom Bug Encasements
To prevent bedroom insects from coming back to your bed and also mattress, encase them in bed bug-proof covers. These coverings are actually made to catch any sort of remaining bedroom infections inside and also stop new ones coming from infesting your bedding. Make certain to leave these coverings on for at the very least a year to guarantee that all bedroom insects are removed.
Apply Insecticides
Pesticides may be a helpful tool in your bed bug treatment Kissimmee program, however they ought to be made use of with vigilance. Look at working with a qualified parasite control specialist to administer the suitable insecticides, as they are actually educated to do thus safely and securely and also effectively. Properly check out and follow the label directions if you select to utilize insecticides on your own. Pay attention to handling splits, gaps, and concealing locations where mattress pests are actually probably to be discovered.
Monitor as well as Prevent
After treating your residence for bedroom bugs, it is actually necessary to check for any sort of indicators of their return. Routinely examine your bedding, home furniture, and also other prospective hiding areas for any kind of signs of mattress pests. Take urgent action to avoid them from dispersing if you discover any new attacks.
To prevent future problems, take the complying with safety nets:
Stay clear of acquiring used furniture, cushions, or bed linen coming from unfamiliar resources.
When taking a trip, evaluate hotel areas for indications of bed infections as well as prevent putting luggage on the flooring or bed.
Make use of mattress bug-proof coverings on your beds and box springs as a safety net.
Maintain your house clutter-free and clean to reduce concealing locations for bedroom insects.
Handling bedroom bugs could be a difficult experience, however along with the best strategy, you may successfully eliminate all of them from your home. Begin through determining the level of the infestation and afterwards declutter as well as cleanse your living space. Wash and heat energy manage your bed linens, make use of bed bug coverings, and also consider the careful use pesticides if essential. Ultimately, watch in keeping an eye on for indications of bedroom pests and take preventive measures to stay clear of future infestations. By using these six tips for successful bed bug treatment Kissimmee, you may recover control of your home as well as enjoy a relaxed, mattress bug-free setting.
All American Pest Control
1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 131
Kissimmee, FL 34741
(321) 337-0919
Kissimmee Bed Bug Treatment
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@transcendentxchronicles asked: [Togami - Post Despair] “I have a reason to work for my freedom. I thought you did, too.”
Crescent City sentence starters - still accepting!
Seated at the other side of his desk, only one thing crossed through Sonia's mind. Well, perhaps more accurately, two: One, was he being facetious? And two, she was far too sober for this thrice weekly torture described, all too keenly by Makoto Naegi, as rehabilitation, therapy, for the former Class 77-B. The former Remnants of Despair. Former everything...none of them had a place in the world anymore, not really.
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Something that Byakuya Togami was keen to correct. Sonia folded her arms across her chest, her mouth fixed in its usual expression: something between unamused and irritated. She supposed, in a warped sense, the man was fortunate: he didn't really know what it was to fail, and still had a staggering number of employees and resources at his disposal. One that, to her chagrin, also included her: in a necessary measure to keep Sonia away from the Hotel Mirai kitchens and anything to do with cleaning products, housekeeping, or repairs, the Future Foundation and former Remnants alike had agreed she'd be put to best use doing secretarial duties: filing papers, managing shipments of goods to the island, and perhaps most importantly, translating any documents, calls, or recorded video from one language to another. A necessity to keep tabs on worldwide restoration efforts, and a task that she only needed a dictionary once in awhile to check the specific interpretation of a word or phrase.
The most recent translation assignment had been placed neatly on one side of Togami's desk, three days ahead of her assigned due date. Now, Sonia had half a mind to turn the lot of it into confetti, alongside the folded newspapers that had been sent over from Europe detailing the latest in parliament and public opinion regarding Novoselic's disgraced queen. Overall, it was not a favorable assessment. She was tempted, in her dissatisfaction with both her current sobriety and her current predicament that afternoon, shut away in Byakuya Togami's office with only the man for company, to tear the publications into a pile of confetti as well. Sprinkle in some choice words she had for the entire plan his organization had for her, and slam the door so hard in her wake that it would nearly come off its hinges.
Instead she exhaled, already feeling the headache coming on. Therapy was supposed to be, well, therapeutic: instead, she usually left Togami's thrice weekly sessions with her feeling worse than before. Annoyed or frustrated, but mostly the feeling of emptiness, that her entire life had amounted to nothing besides pain and suffering and regret. That couldn't be fixed, there was no bringing back all the lives she'd taken with her own hands.
"Freedom," She repeated, her voice low and quiet as her hands gripped the folds of her linen skirt. The fabric would crumple and wrinkle within her fists, ruining any attempt of appearing neat and tidy. Not that it mattered: the dark circles beneath her blue eyes were proof enough of that. "What freedom is that, exactly? The Future Foundation has made it perfectly clear that, sooner rather than later, I'm to be extradited off this island to be returned to Novoselic, where I'm either to be shut away in a Castle like some fairytale character or be put to death like disgraced queens of the past."
It was true: her time was running out. She'd negotiated with Naegi upon her initial awakening and release from the Jabberwock Island Hospital that she'd refuse to budge from the island's shores until she knew all of her comatose friends were revived. And after many weeks of trial and error, of the five who had survived the Neo World Program to find a way to feed and shelter themselves while deciphering the vast array of codes and machines to safely extract their former classmates from their pods, they'd finally achieved it. The last of the group to awaken were now convalescing in hospital beds before being moved into their own cabins, to continue their therapy. To find their place in the world.
They were fortunate, Sonia thought: a lack of home and responsibility gave most of her friends a choice. She, and the likes of Fuyuhiko (and Peko by extension), were not so fortunate. They had countries, businesses, perhaps even family still alive and needing the former Remnants to answer for their crimes, to begin the rest of their lives attempting to make amends to their people. She supposed, then, that was why out of the lot of them, it had been Togami assigned to apprehend them as Remnants and to aid in their rehabilitation. As if all offspring from wealthy and influential families had reason to understand one another and bond due to giant bank accounts and an impressive family tree.
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"So I'll ask you again, Togami," Sonia exhaled, releasing her grip on her skirt. How many more minutes would she be subjected to Togami's interpretation of Naegi's tirades about hope? The leader of the whole operation was grating enough on her nerves: the last thing she wanted to contend with was someone who had never manage to fuck up as badly as she did. Who still brought honor and glory to his family name despite the state of the world. He'd never been brainwashed by the likes of Junko Enoshima, and it seemed as if he wouldn't allow her to forget it. "What freedom of mine am I fighting for? Because how I see it, Jabberwock Island is the closest I'm ever going to get to freedom. It's the only place on Earth that no one gives a shit that I'm a queen. My friends...my family, they care about me. Novoselic...well, you can see it in black and white: they want me returned either to imprison me or kill me. There's no freedom in that. There's barely any honor in that."
She paused, sighing: it was a challenge not to resent the neat stack of papers on his desk. "If you were going to spend this therapy hour giving me a lecture, I would not have completed your translation requests so efficiently. If this is what's given as a reward in return." And hand the entire bag of European coffee beans she'd received in her last shipment from home off to Teruteru to do as he liked with it, or throw it right back into the sea. She had no use for it, but it was one of the few brands left that made exquisite coffee, sent with the purpose that she share it with her friends. Considering how repulsive the usual coffee was, coming from a jar that used to be sold in convenience stores for a couple hundred yen at most, Sonia imagined Togami could barely stand the current offerings.
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straitslaundry · 2 years
Advantages of starting a laundry franchise business
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Such erratic alignments lead to many incomplete domestic tasks. One of the essential activities on the list of household chores is doing the laundry. To avoid the hassle of having to sort through dirty clothes at home. To avoid the hassle of washing at home, many people take their clothes and other items directly to the launderettes in their area. Offline laundry service providers have been widely believed to have a real impact on the Brands offering laundry franchisee industry.
Is a Laundry Franchise Necessary?
Office workers and employees with unpredictable schedules rely more on laundry services. As city life speeds up, people want clean, orderly closets. Developed regions need laundry services more than rural ones. Dry cleaning services let customers save time and focus on their personal and business lives.
Laundry services are utilised for bulk dress cleaning because huge washing machines have limited capacity. Companies and individuals hire Straits laundry Franchisee to clean their linens, clothes, and bags. Hotels, restaurants, and large and small hospitals must follow uniform laundry procedures. Laundry services are also popular.
Business Plan for a Laundromat Franchise
Effective and the best laundry or dry-cleaning franchises are built on a foundation of innovation and change. This cleaning service primarily caters to single people and college students. Laundry and dry-cleaning franchisee can benefit from narrowing its attention to these factors.
These days, commercial launderettes are increasingly focusing on developing space-saving products with extended lifespans for washing clothes.
Dry Cleaning Business Opportunity
Customers' shifting behaviours toward laundry and dry-cleaning services have increased the demand for laundry bonds, which dry cleaning franchise associations offer. One company is exploring the possibility of providing laundry franchises with a fully functional laundromat and minimal initial investment. Consider starting a laundry business if you want to create a service that delivers clean clothes to your door but has little commercial space.
Since commercial laundry's broad washers and equipment use half the water needed compared to residential washing machines, it achieves even more value from the perspective of a sustainable future. Invest in your company's future by enquiring about a franchise with Straits Laundry Pte Ltd in Singapore.
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brent-linen-hire · 2 years
Restaurant Laundry Services - Free Delivery and Collextion
We, Brent Linen Hire have been serving the London restaurant and catering industry for over 12 years. We have learnt the restaurant linen hire business ins and out with high quality chef uniform hire to hotel linen hire. We ensure that you receive high quality products at the best price with on time delivery. #brentlinenhire #hotellinenhire #linenhirelondon #linenhirenearme…
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tbcnp · 17 hours
Eco-Friendly Wool Dryer Balls: Reduce Drying Time & Wrinkles
When it comes to laundry, efficiency and sustainability go hand in hand. One effective way to enhance your laundry routine is by incorporating wool dryer balls into the mix. These little wonders not only help reduce drying time but also soften your clothes naturally and minimize static without the use of harmful chemicals.
Wool dryer balls are a game changer for anyone looking to optimize their laundry experience. Made from 100% New Zealand wool, these dryer balls work by tumbling through your dryer with your wet clothes. They create space between items, allowing hot air to circulate more effectively. This means your laundry dries faster—typically by 25-50%! For businesses that rely on bulk laundry, such as hotels or fitness centers, this significant reduction in drying time can lead to lower energy bills and increased efficiency.
In addition to cutting down on drying time, the laundry dryer balls also help soften your fabrics. Unlike traditional fabric softeners that often contain synthetic chemicals and fragrances, these natural alternatives use the properties of wool to gently soften clothes. This is especially beneficial for sensitive skin, as wool dryer balls contain no harmful additives. Plus, they are reusable for up to 1,000 loads, making them an economical and eco-conscious choice for any business looking to reduce waste.
Static cling can be a persistent issue, especially during dry winter months Dryer balls naturally help reduce static electricity in your laundry. They absorb moisture from your clothes, which decreases static buildup. This means fewer wrinkles and less ironing—a significant benefit for businesses that want their linens and uniforms looking sharp without the extra labor involved.
The environmental benefits of using wool balls for dryer are also worth noting. Traditional dryer sheets and fabric softeners can introduce harmful chemicals into the environment. By choosing eco-friendly wool dryer balls, you’re making a conscious decision to opt for a sustainable product that is biodegradable and made from renewable resources. This aligns perfectly with a growing demand for sustainable business practices among consumers.
For businesses looking to invest in quality, eco-friendly laundry solutions, Kalpana Craft offers a range of products made exclusively from New Zealand wool. Our commitment to quality ensures that you’re getting the best wool dryer balls available, crafted with care and designed to meet your business needs.
In summary, wool dryer balls are an innovative and eco-friendly solution for reducing drying time, softening fabrics, and minimizing static cling in your laundry. They not only enhance the efficiency of your drying process but also contribute to a healthier planet. By choosing products made from high-quality New Zealand wool, your business can take a significant step towards sustainability.
Explore our full range of products at Kalpana Craft and discover how our eco-friendly solutions can benefit your laundry operations. By making the switch to wool dryer balls, you’re not just improving your laundry routine; you’re also making a positive impact on the environment and promoting sustainable practices within your business.
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